#but dude them living together and supporting eachother and omg
dyingnerdyprude · 3 months
i am a BIG BIG fan of the spankoffski bros, their dynamic is everything to me and i am well aware that pete has a father (“my dad sells women shoes”) but i will ALWAYS be a believer of the idea that when ted was in his 20's he took peter in as if he were his dad and im getting emotional just thinking abt it. pete looking up to ted despite his sleazeball reputation and ted just being so proud of pete even if he's a “nerd”. theyre just so :(( im EMOTIONAL
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ashshmee · 1 month
olivia rodrigo is secretly regulily (aka how i think every one of her songs relates to lily evans and regulus black)
brutal - “i’m so sick of seventeen, where’s my fucking tonnage dream” you can’t tell me this isn’t regulus as a death eater. if choices was a tv show, i would play this song as his intro after the time jump and you can’t tell me it wouldn’t SLAP
traitor - i’m not a big fan of a jegulily cheating fic because i want them all to kiss eachother on the mouth in succession, but i have read some fics where lily and james are together but then he leaves to be with regulus, so i think this song could be from lily’s perspective in a situation like that. or vice versa!
drivers license - sounds like lily being betrayed by regulus joining the death eaters and the cult against people like her tbh
1 step forward, 3 steps back - i feel like this song would be what it would be like to date regulus black. i love him, but his partners would never know where he’s at in a relationship.
deja vu - again i feel like this could be about either regulus or lily being jealous or resentful of the other once they go and be in a relationship with james. i find them to be really similar characters in a lot of ways, so i think it suits it really well
enough for you - the title says it all. this is a regulus black anthem.
happier - another potential lily/regulus/james triangle angst situation
jealousy, jealousy- i see this one for lily because growing up with a sister and living with girls all the time i think it would be really easy to compare yourself to them a lot. and also when you are in such close proximity to people you tend to learn a lot about them, see what kind of lives they lead, and end up feeling like you fall short in comparison.
hope ur ok - “well i hope you know how proud i am you were created, with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred” is actually lily evans talking to regulus black actually
all american bitch - i headcanon lily as half american sooo this is too perfect! also like the criticism of the ideals of the perfect woman play into the way lily’s character is often reduced to just a mother when she can be so much more
bad idea right? - regulus would definitely pull something like this, be so for real
vampire - i’m thinking this could be about lily and snape actually but idk
lacy - lily’s lacy is petunia and regulus’s lacy is sirius i will die on this hill
ballad of a homeschool girl - regulus regulus regulus!! regulus feeling like everyone got the guidebook of life and he never did
making the bed - regulus :( he’s so tired of being the girl that he is
logical - hear me out, regulus lying to lily and james that he will leave his family for them. this song would be them in the aftermath realizing just how he never intended to fight for them to be able to stay together
get him back! - wait why did i just imagine a fic where lily and regulus both have the same ex and somehow they meet eachother and are like omg that dude sucked so then they team up together to get him back and they do all the things (key his car, kiss his face with an uppercut, etc.) but as they do they fall in love with each other and their shared devious abilities and what if the ex was james and instead of getting him back they get him back and then jegulily happens?
love is embarrassing - regulus would absolutely think live is embarrassing and that’s why he’s always in denial
the grudge - i think i’ve heard people say the grudge from lily’s perspective is about severus and the grudge from reg’s perspective is about sirius and i support this message
pretty isn’t pretty - okay so i think most people imagine regulus as being really pretty, and i almost feel like pretty people put so much identity in their beauty that it feels like all they are worth. and so when being just pretty isn’t enough, it leaves you being not enough, which again is regulus black’s inner monologue
teenage dream - this is just soooo marauders coded of a song, works for reg, lily, and everyone else
obsessed- this would also go crazy as a jegulily ah where one of them dated james first and then broke up, then he gets together with the other and they become obsessed with the ex
girl i’ve always been - lily and snake friendship song for sure
scared of my guitar - aside from the guitar part, i think this song feels very regulus coded like “if i was brave and noble like you, id have the nerve to stop stringing you along”
so american - again half american lily serenading either her french boyfriend regulus or her british boyfriend james
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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hollabackholmes · 5 years
-Jesus Christ that first scene with Clint punched me in the throat
-how aggressive nebula was playing games with tony
- The way nebula helped tony up into his seat :,)
- “only a little bit sadistic”
- the cinematography in the moment where Tony lays down and the galaxy is behind him my god
- “I lost the kid” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
- rocket?? Or Build a bear???
- did rdj lose weight for that first section of the film or am I just tripping?
-anyone else find it funny that thanos suddenly became a cook with a nice little home and garden????
- the rest of this list will definitely be all over the place because I can’t remember the order of things happening #soz
-I really liked how they included that LGBTQ+ relationship in that support group that Steve was in.
-Steve saying something really sweet (can’t remember the exact words but it was something along the lines of ‘you took the jump not knowing how far you’d fall’??? Or something??? Sorry I’m awful)
-Clint really does own my ass
-That scene where he was in Tokyo holy shit I would die for him
-“don’t give me hope” “I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you sooner”
-Natasha crying after cutting a peanut butter sandwich is a MOOD
- !!make that rat president 2020!!
-Scott is a cutie until you realise how much those past five years (hours for him) must’ve screwed with his mind.
-The way he searches the plaques 😥😥😥😥
- Time machine jokes
-Back to the future jokes
-Scott rushing to eat Nats sandwich
- Bruce the celeb
-Scott feeling embarrassed that the kids don’t know who he is
- “look he’s even shaking his head” SCOTT
-I love this so much
-ngl I’m Thor. I love beer. But shit...that belly.
-props to the prosthetics team for making that body suit look so realistic
-The way he walks into the avengers headquarters with his sunglasses on hahahaha
-Scott being the test run for the whole time travelling stuff was such a good scene
-and then when Scott’s taco gets blown away:( but then Bruce gives him another one :,)
-“is he asleep?” “No, he’s dead” HAHA
-That scene with them all walking together big oof vibe
-Oh I forgot to say how amazing both Carols and Natasha’s hair is like damn ladies
-hulk being embarrassed
-hulk trying to get angry
-nebula and Rhodes watching Quill dance
-“this is the part where blades come out with skeletons on the end”
-nebula sacrificing her hand to get the stone :,) character development
-Thanos has a small dick for hurting nebula in both versions of her
-Felt weird seeing Gamora from before she became good??
-Bruce and the ancient one talking, I just really like that whole dynamic
-Tony as the security guard omfg
-Steve And tony going back in time again
-Tony and his dad. So sweet. Him talking about Morgan with him
-Steve seeing Peggy :((
-I’m here for the whole ‘Judging-Tony’s-Beard’ thing
-Clint and Natasha.... I don’t wanna talk about this yet :(
-Thor and his mums interaction. Cute. The whole thing about being a failure and feeling like you need to be more is super super relatable idk I just felt very much like Thor in that scene
-okay I’m ready to talk about Clint and Natasha now. So basically I think Natasha died a heroes death. She was so ready to sacrifice herself for the greater good. What made it fuckin hurt though was the fact that Clint was ready to die because he didn’t want to see Natasha go through that death. He wanted to protect her. He even says later on ‘it should have been me’. So I think Natasha would be proud, but Clints gonna have to live with the memory of seeing his best friend die without being able to do anything about it.
- That whole thing about making sure her death was worth it uGH
-also Thor’s denial.... yeah. Same here bud.
-Thor begging Tony to let him do this one good thing :( I was sad :( super sad yall
-genuinely thought Bruce was about to die when he put the glove on
-Scott being the real hero out here again
-the fight
-holy shit the fight
-“I knew it!!!”
-That whole sequence of him using the shield and the hammer. My thighs were trembling bitch.
-“Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?”
-and now for the sad part my dudes
-doctor strange pointing one finger up. Tony knew. He just knew what he had to do.
-“I am iron man” YES YOU ARE.
-Peter sobbing “we won. Mr stark. We won. I’m sorry”
-Pepper coming to comfort Tony oh fuck i cried
-“proof that Tony Stark has a heart” wow okay. Hit me deep then why don’t u
-the one shot of everyone at the funeral was so beautiful I loved it
-“your dad used to love cheeseburgers.... I’m gonna buy you all the cheeseburgers in the world” oh my god
-the goodbye between Steve and Bucky was perfect. I don’t care what you say. Bucky knew what was going to happen. And he allowed it because he knew Steve would be happy for a very long time.
-HOWEVER I felt like Bucky had so little screen time and the entire history between Steve and him felt so dead throughout the movie compared to how strong it has been over the past 11 years :(
-Sams panic because he thought he wouldn’t see Steve again :(
-Sam being given the shield :D
-Damn the CGI is so good in this film. Like Steve looked old but you could still see it was him. Which sounds dumb but so often, movies make it way too unrealistic to prove someone has aged. This did it just right.
-The ending scene wow. Beautiful.
-we all waited til the end of the credits just to be hit in the heart with the sound of Tony building his iron man suit.
-well thanks for going through this list :))
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boxesblr · 3 years
tis is i, shy! I read the newest chapter and whoo boy i have thoughts!
First of all aaah????
Okay, now that that's out of the way, Tay what the fuck. I am gonna assume she is Defector, then? If you even assigned her a role, that is! Why would you just SHOOT oh my god Tay. It's valid though, if the power station got sabotaged, I'd be paranoid too. Not that paranoid that id SHOOT AT MY FRIENDS, but I kinda get where she's coming from.
RIP Ze's hard work, that sucks :// I think its sweet how the others care for Ze (special s/o to Platy at this point) and I do think it is interesting how differently both Ze and Chilled deal with the other being hurt and idk if the thought that Chilled is used to it by now makes it worse or not. Either way, it hurts :(
To reiterate: I love how much they care about each other, honestly it is very heartwarming. Get yourself friends like that, seriously. I know you've said in the tags it's interpretable as romantic zrc but i just love how unromantic it is and how it's just friends who mean a lot to each other and want the other to survive and to be okay. If Chilled turns out to be a traitor, I'm gonna be so pissed at him, like dude what the fuck. Ze worked so hard and died so much, you better be good.
It must be incredibly painful to get shot and have another person put their hand close to the wound as well, kudos to him for enduring it so well! Hope you feel better soon, bud!
Also, Ze what the fuck why would you run towards someone with a GUN? I mean i know why, but still!
I wouldn't be surprised if people are being pissed at Tay now and all this makes me wonder how the exiling will work, considering you are unable to enter certain rooms in PW and you can't really block them off or anything if you apply that concept to real life. Or as real as it's gonna get here xD
Let's hope Ze wont get mauled by wolves this time. Or freeze. Or starve. On this note, I want to thank Shubble for being a great medic and holding the group together. Its a thankless job and she is doing her best - seeing your friends in pain must do bad things to your mind, especially if it wasn't a nature accident but a "my friend shot my other friend", you're really ticking off the trauma bingo, huh? :D
Additionally, I keep wondering about how Zes lefthandedness translates, because surely some tools must be built to primarily support righties? And I know fanfic is riddled with description like "the taller one" or w/ but despite my soft spot for height differences, I am glad you didn't insert it every second sentence but basically just mention it when its relevant. I am sad GaLm isnt in it as far as I can tell, because then it'd be two Stevens, two Anthonys and two Zachs/Zacks and i think that'd be funny as heck lmao.
Also also i love the tidbits of worldbuilding we got! So they did train for this at least somewhat! Although i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume they thought they were going on vacation, instead of being stranded and waiting to be rescued.
Is the timelimit still an issue? Like, instead of 30min its 30 days? Or is it completely gone? Anyways, hope youre having a great day and i loved the drama of this chapter!
Hey Shy! Hope you’re having a good day and ty for reading and asking <3
Omg im so happy you noticed that Tay is defector! I thought it fit her well and was a nice way to ramp up some tension. Yeah I think the paranoia, the atmosphere they’re in, and the environment too all contributed to one snapping moment for her - which definitely happens in the game for certain people too :(
Thank you! I thought that in this situation a lot of care would happen, especially towards Ze given his hard work and it clearly affected him personally. I also liked showcasing the difference in how people care for eachother too, and some bonus bit of angst for Chilled always going to find Ze but in the instance where Chilled is shot, Ze runs away (understandable but still). I very much think that as Ze continues his small transformations, he finds himself defaulting to running in situations where he is stressed or needs to take action - in the games he usually favours actions and lone wolfing over discussions and talking it out. 
I love writing Chilled and Ze interactions because they have such a natural dynamic from being good friends but they also butt heads on a lot of aspects. They always know when eachother are ghosts trying to signal to eachother, and I love that Chilled goes to Ze with all his suspicions and Ze likes to go to Chilled as a ghost :D
Shubble a real MVP <3 I haven’t especially thought about left-handedness which is kind of funny because I am left-handed and know personally the struggles of living in a right-handed world :’( Sorry for no Galm!
I worry for our boy Ze but I don’t want to hurt him too much! He’ll be out in the colds alone but maybe he’ll be alright... right? And the group will be there in his absence, we’ll have to see if anything changes there.
Thank you for noticing the worldbuilding! I’m trying to inject it in there! Yeah, they very much thought this was going to be a vacation, it’s a shame it all went wrong. Time limit isn’t fixed because I don’t think that works with the kind of universe logic I’m going for, but they’re in a world of finite resources and they can’t survive there endlessly, so it’s more a matter of escaping before they run out of food/wood/other stuff. 
Thank you again! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
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imagines-mha · 5 years
So I know this is mainly for our beloved Assclass but, at any point in time because I need more content for my favorite feral copycat, could I get some hcs for Monoma falling in love with someone from class 1-a. I know it sounds impossible but like she finds his snark hilarious and she's always complimenting 1-b and sticking up for them if they need it. Man I would appreciate it so much, thanks!
Omg i LOVE this idea bro i migt actually turn it into a mini fanfic??? Idk yet but it was SO GOOD and fun to write!!! tysm for the request 💕💫 also i got carried away and totally wrote a drabble instead lmao SORRY DUDE
—Love Story- Monoma x reader—
Tumblr media
♥️ Im sure i don’t need to highlight it too much, because we all fuckin KNOW.
Monoma is the most dramatic asshole to come from the show. Fr he’s gonna act like he’s living in romeo and juliet every night when he’s in his dorm alone it’s so eccentric like jusT TALK TO HER STOP BLASTING LOVE STORY BY TAYLOR SWIFT AT 3AM YOU HAVE A TEST TOMORROW
Before he knows he’s in love completely, he treats it like a fun game. He always wins at games, doesn’t he?
He doesn’t i have no idea why he still thinks he does wtf
♥️ You’re a new transfer student at UA, and are still settling into the school, meaning you’ve yet to see one of his acts of clownery; meaning he still has a chance
His classmates tell him to quit while he’s ahead. CLEARLY class 1-A have already warned you to avoid him, clearly you’re gonna know to just ignore him when he flaunts his worth to you.
Clearly, Monoma doesn’t listen.
His charm is good though, enough to be able to sweep almost any girl who barely knows him off of their feet in mere seconds. He knows how to script his praises, and ensures he’s done his research on you beforehand to personally detail the comments to suit your style
He has one plan: go and win her over with one compliment. Sweep her off her feet and ride off into the distance where 1-a and 1-b no longer matter and it’s just the both of you alone together i told u he was dramatic dude smh
He’s all prepared for the big moment: he has his hair all neatly done, making it certain he smells nice, slapping on a smirk with just enough attitude that makes it seem as if he wasn’t up all night planning for this exact moment. He’s readier than he’ll ever be
He sees you walking into school with Mina and Uraraka, chattering away, when he suddenly leans against the doorway in front of you, his voice already carrying on with a level of confidence you didn’t even know existed
“Forgive me if i’m wrong, but you must be the brand new transfer student? My, i knew you’d be pretty but i didn’t know you’d be this gor-“
“Don’t be a creep monoma-“ mina sighed, pushing past him and leading you through the door.
“That’s the monoma we warned you about” she laughed, “just don’t pay any attention-“
He should have really been put off from then, but his positivity lived on, even tho tetsutetsu found him sulking in his room later like a 5 year old who just got shouted at by their parents
He’d plan his next strategy the very next day. So straight up flirting wouldn’t work. What now?
He sits and ponders for a while, and i mean A LONG ASS WHILE like two weeks, preferring to stay in the background and admire you from a distance rather than get all up in your face
It seems like a funny joke to his class, and they make fun of him for it constantly. He never has crushes, especially not like this. This is like a golden opportunity: they’re getting peace from his constant idiocy, you were already like their saviour
He’s never quiet, but now he’s almost nervous to speak incase you hear and think he’s dumb. He’s never so...not-annoying, but he doesn’t want to prove to you that Mina was right that day. He didn’t want to be just a warning to you. He wanted to be who you loved, who you yearned for at night, who you grasped when-
“You monologuing again?” Kendo interuppted with a humourous tone from his bedroom door while he sulked into his pillow
He let out a whine and flailed over onto his bed, covering his eyes with his hands
“I just want her to like me...” he pathetically groaned, and for a moment the boy who acted like he was miles above everyone else had succumbed to a normal teenager
Kendo figured she had to thank you for that later
After a small, late-night talk about the importance of being yourself and the unattractiveness of too much pride, Monoma decided that from here on in he’d be completely him. If you didn’t like him for that, then clearly you weren’t meant to be
But he really hoped you did.
A week later, snarky monoma was back in action- and he spent the entire day of training relishing in his insults and cocky comments towards the members of 1-A
To be honest, he was having so much fun riling them up he almost forgot he was looking out to impress you. Typical Monoma.
That was until he saw you giggle at one of his snide comments made at Bakugo, reeling him back to earth immediately from his throne of false royalty
He looked around for anything, some sort of confirmation it was he you were laughing with and noone else, and when he saw Kendo nodding in support to him from the corner, he felt like cheering out loud
It only encouraged him more though, because his cockiness became unbearable to the opposing class. Luckily though, it became even more amusing to you
He was shooting out insults and taunts left right and centre, his eyes darting in your direction each time one left his lips and his heart fluttering when he saw your eyes searching for him at the same time
It was a small haven. Suddenly the two of you were looking for eachother’s gaze whenever someone from your class screwed up in some way, because you both knew Monoma would have something to say about it
You didn’t care that it was against your class either. He was a pain in the ass to them, snd you could see why, but you just found him hilarious above anything
After all, someone needed to put them in their place every so often
Soon enough, both bakugo and todoroki had clearly had enough of his witty comments, and stormed up to to him to “give him a piece of their minds”
After a small outbreak of bakugo’s screaming and Todoroki’s sassy additions to a nonchalant Monoma, you decided to step in
Not that you didn’t value your two classmates...but Monoma did have better comebacks...plus...he was kinda cute
You rolled your eyes and spoke up,
“Leave him alone you idiots- just because he has better sass than you both do doesn’t mean you gotta go all batshit on him” you rolled your eyes at them before stepping to Monoma
“I never knew you could be so good at riling people up-“ you smirked, noting his shocked expression before quickly adding,
“take it as a compliment- your class is lucky to have you-“
He was so awestruck he couldn’t find a word to say, leaving the entire place in stunned silence for a few seconds, before the feud calmed down and training resumed back to normal.
But It didn’t take long for Mina to tug you away to the side,
“Did you just COMPLIMENT monoma?!” She suddenly asked, her tone laced with shock
“Come on Mina he’s not even that bad-“ you laughed, blushing softly and gazing back to the blonde (who was still staring completely stunned)
“I...i can’t believe someone could actually stand him-“ she laughed with you, “you guys would totally make a cute couple!!” She squealed, receiving a smack on the arm from you with copious amounts of “shut the HELL up before he hears you!!!!” spilling from your lips
“Seriously though y/n- a girl from class 1-A and a guy from class 1-B..... the SCANDAL of it all-“ she dramatically grinned, gasping in fake shock, “and it’s not even just a guy...it’s MONOMA himself” she continued teasing you, laughing when you groaned for her to shut up because you totally didn’t mean it like that...did you?
Since when did your life become a shakespeare play?
When you guys finally date, noone could really believe it. Monoma, for one, actually liked someone who wasn’t himself. And you...actually liked him back.
This was either a recipe for the sweetest couple in the world, or a recipe for a couple that could kill you and feel no remorse doing so.
But all that mattered to you both was that you were a couple. You loved him and he loved you too- and when you had that going for you, how much more did you need?
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legion1993 · 7 years
The Zoo, Animals, Clowns... OMG the supernatural is real...
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Pairing: Jensen x Reader
A/N: Welcome to week 8 of the SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge brought to us by our very own @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​, im pleased to bring you another fic inspired once more by my favorite show. Once more please ignore any grammer and spelling errors throughout this fic. And if this fic makes your fancys tickle please give it some love.
Prompt: “Where the fuck did that clown come from?”
Plot: set in our time we all have those hallucinations where we see something and we think it is real. Like I mean your walking and you see something out of the corner of your eye and you look again and its there but you ask someone else about it but they claim its fake… well your at the zoo with your loving boyfriend Jensen and your 2 best friends obviously Misha and Jared, all of you are walking along you see a clown what happens when you find out that the clown is actually an apparition….
Once upon a time, in the magical city of Vancouver, BC around 9pm you were in your apartment anxiously awaiting the arrival home of your moi caliente boyfriend. He always arrived home by this point, you were always doing the normal making him dinner that’s when you smiled and looked around.
You could feel something watching you, you could feel something creeping round. Then you felt like it was something haunting you so you took a few precautions. You salted the windows and doors, but most importantly you grabbed the iron fire place poker and brought it back to the kitchen with you. Sure your boyfriend would be a little concerned for your sanity but he would be happy to know your keeping you and the apartment safe.
About half an hour later the door clicked and you heard the familiar steps of your boyfriend, “hey babe whatever your cooking in there smells mighty fine…” Jensen came up to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and you smiled, “how was filming?”
Jensen kissed your neck as he said,
“long and frustrating cause no matter what we did they had us redo every single scene like fight scene cause our stunt guys weren’t there today so Jared and I got to do our own scenes. Damn babe I know we just saw eachother like this morning but you are even more hot and alluring right now than earlier like I say we skip dinner and go straight to bed for some us time.”
You could only smile feeling his lips brush against your neck, his hands sliding down your waist, his body flush with yours supporting your balance, your knees ready to buckle from underneath you. “well we still have 30 minutes to wait till the meat is done… what do you suggest my love…”
You felt him spin you round turning off the stove top in the process as he lifted you up against the counter. “I suggest we do it right here right now in our apartment where I see you have once more taken precautions against the supernatural… you are a wonderful woman, what did you see this time…” Jensen said with a kiss to your nose as you shivered and softly said, “jay, I’m not entirely sure I mean it knocked over and broke the vase in the living room and disappeared as soon as I saw him so I stuck salt everywhere, Jay it kinda looked like a clown… but Im not entirely sure.”
Jay knew he had to do something to make you feel safe again and this time he was gonna take your mind off it… “babe I know your freaked and you need a distraction so here is what im proposing… me you jared and misha go to the zoo tomorrow and we make a day out of it… we just fool around and have a good time… what do you say??”
All you could do was smile as you nodded and kissed him softly. Wrapping your legs round his waist as he lifted your tank top off as you did his shirt. Everything happened quickly after that minus getting interrupted by the oven timer, but that was where Jensen took over and took them out like you had taught him years ago.
Your dinner got left in the fridge, neither of you ended up eating that night you just ended up doing the deed on the couch and falling asleep on the couch as well.. thank god for those big fuzzy rectangle sectionals right…
2 of them placed side by side with a air mattress on it made the perfect place for both you and Jensen that night. For neither of you worried when the other was near. Morning soon was shining through the window and once more you woke on the chest of your beloved man, this ofcourse was nothing new to you.
Like always you traced circles on his chest and listened to his heart beat as he slept. Occasionally feeling him shift and pull you closer made your heart skip a beat. He made you smile and he made you laugh. Everyday you spent with him made everything worth living for.
About 10 minutes later you felt his lips kiss your forehead, “morning sweetheart… been awake long?” you looked up at him and smiled as you kissed him,
“not too long I was tracing your chest, thinking of what our future is gonna look like especially considering that today is our 3 year anniversary… which I got you a gift and yes I know we said we weren’t gonna do gifts but I know you have been wanting this…”
You reached behind you and grabbed the box with the gift in it and you opened it as you placed it on his chest:
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His expression turned to one of joy as you smiled letting him put the watch off to the side and pull you close again and he His expression turned to one of joy as you smiled letting him put the watch off to the side and pull you close again, he took your hands and cupped your cheek.
“Thank you babe I love it that Rolex looks customized & it also looks expensive I'll wear it today… now you will get your gift later when we are at the zoo… but right now I have another gift for you… Y/N would you ever consider trying for a baby with me???”
Your eyes lit up as you saw Jensen smiling you didn't know how to respond. You felt as though your voice may betray you. “Of course but what happened to tradition?” You felt his arms pull your face to look at him as he said, “tradition is nothing if nothing to live for… you are my world Y/N and I wouldn't be who I am today if not for you…”
This was something that you had been waiting for for a long time as the fans texts and posts started coming in as they all wished you guys a happy anniversary… you guys spent some more time in bed before Jared and Misha video called both of you and basically said that in 5 minutes they would be in the apartment to drag you the zoo…
That made you and Jensen put on robes and make breakfast to eat before they got there… the front door was opened while you guys were eating… in walked Jared and Misha they looked at both of you sitting in your robes at the counter eating breakfast as Misha said, “is there extra???” You pointed to the pan and ushered him to help himself…
Jared patted Jensen on the shoulder as he said, “dude do you even know what your wearing today?” Jay looked at you and smiled,
“ya my new watch and something babe here will think looks amazing on me… and guys we should tell you first but the plan is still happening but the other question I asked her this morning, the one that I discussed with the team yesterday morning and was a big ok… Y/N and I are gonna try for a baby…”
You smiled as Jay got patted by the guys and you glowed, all you could do was show on your face how happy you were… “Jared & Misha why don't both of you make yourselves comfortable while Jay and I get ready…” you got up and were embraced by both Jared and Misha as they went into the living room as you and Jay went to your room and you stood infront of your sink and only breathed deeply.
Jensen came up behind you and felt you breathe as he said, “babe you ok?” You nodded and smiled leaning into Jensen as he said, “you should wear your blue dress the new one and I'll wear the blue short sleeve plaid shirt and my black khaki shorts…”
you smiled knowing exactly what Jensen was talking bout you could only imagine what he was planning for the zoo… but you didn't care it was gonna be an amazing day with your boyfriend and your best friends.
Then it was time you went to the closet with your babe and he grabbed your dress and you grabbed his khakis and shirt. Heading back to get dressed Jensen kept fooling round and pulling you down on him and you kept giggling, only God knew what Jared and Misha were thinking… finally after picking your shoes and bag you and Jensen exited the bedroom only to get oogled by the guys. There was alot of giggles from you as all of you exited the apartment.
Jensen took a million photos and when you all got to the zoo, there was a very very solem chance that right then, there was gonna be an amazing event. You looked around and smiled knowing nothing would help what you saw except to try and forget about it. You took the map and started looking at where every animal was…
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There was nothing of more value and importance during your entire trip than spending time goofing off, taking photos, laughing, and lots of mushy photos done by you and Jensen. You would be scrapbooking these photos for weeks but you didn’t know that when you all stopped for a rest something else was gonna get photographed.
Jensen could feel the ring box burning in his pocket, all this time he had only imagined what this moment would feel like and he had run this through his mind a thousand times. All he had was yours, and only this morning had you agreed to try for a baby with him, and now he was gonna make things even better…
As you twirled round in your dress the guys sat on the near by bench and smiled Jensen watched you dance in the sunshine and he imagined how good it would be to propose to you right there, right then he got up and joined your dance. You let him and you could feel the love flowing off him as you leaned your head against his chest you smiled as he said,
“Y/N in all our years together never had I ever imagined that we would have made it this far but with everything we have been through together seems like a long time. On today though in front of Jared and Misha I want to say this: all this time ive dreamed of our future together and what it may look like, ive also loved how you just let me sleep in the morning and don’t get angry when we are in bed early and you never get bored of just living your life with me. Quite frankly I never want this to end, so I have a question: Y/N will you marry me???”
He pulled out the ring:
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And you could feel your facial expressions change instantly as he knelt to one knee and you could only smile as you nodded, “yes…” Jensen put the ring on your finger got up and spun you around. You had no idea that when he would put you down both you and him would see the same clown you had seen the night before.
No sooner had Jensen put you down than both of you heard a creepy laugh and turned only to fall to the ground having gotten knocked over by something. Jensen helped you up as he got up and said, “are you okay?” you started crying as you started panicking, making everything around you go fuzzy as your tears clouded your eyes.
Jensen waved the guys over and said, “boys we gotta go now whatever knocked us over wasn’t natural… and whatever it is its targeting me and Y/N we need to stop it now… and how do we hunt…” you spoke after a few moments, “by finding out first what we are up against… then we can kill some sons of bitches and raise a little hell…”
You leaned into Jensen’s embrace for a while until Jared and Misha came round on either side of you and took all of you back to the car which took all of you back to the apartment. Where you turned on the episode of supernatural (season 2.02) with the clowns and although the guys had a good laugh you were still worried.
“This has to be a Rakshasa…” you muttered but just loud enough to catch Jensen’s ear… as he said,
“excuse me a Rakshasa as in that freaky clown thing from season 2… oh that’s why we are watching this episode… cause you are trying to put the pieces together. I want you to keep working on this piece it together im gonna go get something from the closet… something that I had put aside just as a precaution incase this thing you were seeing turned out to actually be real…”
You could only feel the pressure being lifted somewhat knowing that your fiancé didn’t think you were insane but you sighed softly as you watched Jensen walk towards the bedroom… “how can you be sure its this Y/N?” Jared asked as you intently studied the episode, “all the signs are there but the question is why/how the hell is it real?”
You tried to pull this out of your head, piecing it together slowly from the sightings stated by a few people to what you and Jensen had seen… everyone had reported the same thing you saw and it scared you… it scared you cause you were just starting your life with Jensen but you had to defeat this issue first before even thinking about continuing your lives together but then Jensen came back into the room..
He dropped a duffle bag on the carpet and you jumped getting startled as Jared said, “dude is this what I think it is?” you looked at Jensen who just nodded and said,
“Y/N, I love you and I’m so sorry I kept this from you but Jared and I met long before the show and our roles, we had worked together before that… we had worked together as hunters. And yes the kind that is in the show. This just confirms our suspicions, someone in our reality has brought the Supernatural out of the show. Now who that is, has yet to be solved but we have been doing this since just before we started dating, I always thought I wouldn’t have to tell you… not this soon… I mean Jared did you tell Gen?”
You Misha and Jensen looked at Jared who shoke his head and he said, “no cause she would just worry…” at that moment you pulled out your phone and called Gen who answered right away,
Y/N: “Hey Gen hows it going?”
Gen: “Y/N I saw the photo that Jared sent congratulations girl!!!”
Y/N: “thanks though it seems our boys have been hiding things from us do you want to hear it from me or hear it from them… or just a quick version…???”
Gen: “is this the kind of thing where I should assume they have been doing it for a while…”
Y/N: “Gen lets just say that the world of the Supernatural is real and our guys are hunters in the show and in reality… and they think that someone in our reality is bringing creatures from the show into our reality… this creature that is terrorizing me and Jay is a Rakshasa… or in otherwords a clown…”
Gen: “the one from… wait, Where the fuck did that clown come from?”
You knew what she was getting at and you stopped her,
Y/N: “yes the one from 2.02 but one thing disturbs me it hasn’t killed anyone yet so why would it just be lurking… anyway we will discuss it at some point I figured tho that I would give you the heads up incase our men decide to take it on themselves…”
Gen: “hun ill be there as soon as I can… just hold them down till I get there…”
After she said that you both hung up the phone and you looked at Jared and Jensen,
Y/N: “its your fault guys you’re the ones who lied to us… bout your extra curriculars. Now if you guys want to make it up to us let us help you, let us help defeat every single stupid son of a bitch out there so we can all live happily ever after…”
Jensen: “no Y/N its too dangerous… and plus…”
Jared: “we already worry enough about you and Gen we didn’t tell you guys cause…”
Jensen: “cause we were protecting you and besides would you have let us go on that wilderness weekend if you knew we were hunting a werewolf?”
At that moment after you calmed down Gen walked in and she glared at jared and approached you with loving arms,
Gen: “you boys have some nerve hiding this from us especially you Jared you hid this from me but worse you had Jay hide it from Y/N after everything that’s happened we deserved the truth…”
Jensen: “would both of you just calm down please and listen… Jared and I yes we lied but it really was to protect you… Both of you cause we knew that if you both found out about this, that neither of you would be safe… we never meant for you guys to find out this way…”
Jared: “we always meant to tell you both at the right moment, but we didn’t want you to worry more than you already do on a daily basis… we always wanted this to be a family thing… cause that’s what we all are is family and right now this family is in danger…”
Misha: “we need to do this with skill cause any one of us could be the next target…”
Y/N: “boys we hear what you all are saying but Gen and I have a small secret of our own… those classes we have been taking the ones we claimed were yoga classes, are actually self defense classes. They include tae kwan doe and kick boxing… we just finished the tae kwan doe sessions graduated full black belts just last week… which is why jay when we spar I can whope your ass… but I still love you… and Jared is right we are a family… and back home the family that sticks together is one that has no regrets…”
Gen then came up to you and whispered in your ear and then you went to the bedroom and came out with some picture frames… you then had Gen help you hang them around the living room… it was the set of frames you had sent from home they looked as follows:
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Your eyes lit up as you put these up on the walls and felt Jensen watching you the entire time.
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You decided to let the guys stare at those ones before you put up the last 2 because they were custom ones you had done before you started dating Jensen.
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As soon as Jensen saw that one you knew he had his mind made up… he knew that you were serious… he felt you brush passed him to put up the last one the one that truly mattered…
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Jensen: “babe what are all these? Since when did you have these?”
Y/N: “since my best friend back home found them and sent them to me… and now I want to finally put them up to make this place more homie…”
Gen: “well I think this looks amazing definitely more homie… now some engagement photos need to be taken to show the fans… exactly what happiness has befallen us… cause we have been a family from the beginning and right here right now I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else… so Jensen Y/N we are gonna do panel shots… so just start one way and make it beautiful…”
Well Gen set up the camera as Jensen had you slide your ring off for a moment to recreate the moment for these shots..
Shot 1: Jensen kneeling in front of you holding the ring… you saying yes…
Shot 2: Jensen sliding the ring on your finger
Shot 3, 4, 5: Jensen standing to spin you round
Shot 6: Jensen setting you down and leaning his forehead against yours
Shot 7: a sunset kiss with a blur in it…
After that photoshoot and not really anything to eat you and Jensen sat there with everyone else as the photos were taken off the camera and placed to the television to see how they came out…You squealed and made a note to send every single one of these photos to your best friend but then when it got to the final one you stopped it and there was a brief moment of terror that made you go into shock.
Y/N: “the clown that blur is the clown that’s it this clown is toast… we need to get rid of it now or its not gonna stop..”
Jensen: “everyone is staying here till we figure this out and right now we need to check for EMF or anything like that.. and if we do this right it will have everything figured out in no time… but everyone works together… and no one leaves alone..”
Jared: “way ahead of you dude ive been keeping an eye on the EMF the current reading is this…”
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Misha: “whatever this is its still here… so what do we want to do while we all wait for this thing to attack?”
Gen: “ooo Jay, Y/N we should get the wedding planning starting with the date?”
You and Jensen nodded and you all gathered round the television and you guys decided to try and pick whether or not you wanted a spring or a winter wedding…
Jared: “well you guys met in the early winter right?”
Y/N: “ya we did but…”
Jensen: “oh I get it hun how do you feel about getting married in a winter wonderland?”
You only smiled and nodded kissing his cheek as you had smiled,
Y/N: “Saturday 9th of December 2017… if we are getting married it will be this year and nothing will stop us… but how bout instead of a winter wedding we do a masquerade theme…”
Gen: “next, what style do you want for your Save the dates cause those need to get out right away…”
You and Jensen scrolled through the sites… and found one that looked interesting and so you took a saved version of the photo with the wording and all…
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Just like that things seemed more real… now since you guys were ordering those right away you figured you would order the invites at the same time… course what could go wrong right…
While looking at invites your head snapped up and you shivered, Jensen noticed this and pulled you close,
Jensen: “Y/N baby you ok?”
Y/N: “jay its here its in the building its coming… Jay we need to salt everything we need to protect ourselves..”
Just as you all were about to start salting everything you got tossed back against the wall in the bedroom and whatever it was held you by the throat and its laughter shook the walls as Jensen said, “hey ghosty back away from my fiancé…”
Jensen swung the iron fire poker and you fell to the floor… you started coughing and trying to catch your breath… but you felt a little better in Jensen’s arms… he took you back to the couch and held you as the others surrounded the living room area in a huge salt circle…
Jensen: “for the record baby I like the masq Idea and you know what it will be fantastic…”
Sooner than not Gen had done up the invite and she turned to Jensen and you, “you guys want to see your invitation… this totally fits with what im thinking for your theme…”
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Both you and Jensen smiled and took charge of instructing her to create the rest of the templates for this look and slowly everything started falling into place.. that night you had ordered the stationary, booked the venue, booked the DJ, decided on the florist, picked a few pictures of cakes, and by the end of all that you and Jensen were exhausted, Misha had fallen asleep on the floor Jared was relaxing into the sofa waiting for Gen and you were still nestled into Jay with worry…
Yes for now you had gotten rid of the clown ghost but for how long would that last… the weeks went by and your stuff had slowly come in.. all the invites and things started coming in… you made sure that in pen you wrote on the reception cards that it was gonna be a masq… piece by piece.. you and jensen even choose your song list.. for the bride and groom dance, the father daughter and a special number that you and him would do together… one that no one else would know about…
You and Jensen would take small breaks inbetween finding your attire to practice your musical number as a couple to be performed during the reception… as part of who you both are as a couple, to show the world just who you both are…
Finally it was the night before and everything had been set in place and just as you and Jay were just about to enter your apartment you were stopped by Jared and Gen,
Jared: “ok both of you step away from eachother, you both have had your last day of freedom together now we unfortunately have to separate you both… sadly this is how it has to be..”
Gen: “come on Y/N I have a bag of yours packed and your bridal attire and gear is in the car we are going to stay at the Hotel near the venue don’t worry you will be there in plenty of time before the wedding starts.. and hun don’t be nervous…”
Y/N: “well my love I think they are hinting at us to be away from eachother but tomorrow there is no telling what will happen… im just glad im gonna be Mrs Y/N Ackles tomorrow…”
Jensen: “me too and don’t worry if anything at all tries to disrupt our day they will live to regret it…”
Soon after that and a bit of smooching from you and Jensen, Gen pulled you away and you walked in silence thinking about how wonderful it will be to not only see all your friends and family but to become the wife to a man who stole your heart from the first time you met…
Today you were Y/F/N Y/L/N but tomorrow you were gonna be the wife to a guy who made your heart soar on the clouds… you were so excited you were surprised you got sleep.. when Gen and you woke the next morning you texted Jay,
Y/N :‘morning babe I miss you.. ill be the one in white walking down the aisle…’
Jay: ‘morning I missed waking up with you this morning… it will be nice to not leave the bed for a while…’
Y/N: ‘I know but hey think about it this way if we get through the day uninterrupted then that will be a new record..’
Jay: ‘what about you is getting put together right now…’
Y/N: ‘my hair or at least she is starting it… we will be badass and we will be amazing we will have amazing lives from now to forever…’
Jay: ‘of course now jared is trying to shove me into my attire ill see you soon my love…’
Gen came over to you and she smiled,
Gen: “well your hair is gonna be fully finished after we get you in your dress… and then we can go to the gift shop and get you something blue… so what do you say walking round the hotel in bare feet or slippers if you prefer, and in your wedding dress…”
You grabbed your pj’s off of you knowing full well that this was nothing new to Gen, she knew exactly what you were going through for a few years before you and Jay had been there for them… well that was one day that you were gonna forget… but today it was your turn… Gen turned you around a thousand times as you both giggled… laughing and making this feel as fun as it is supposed to be…
Finally she pulled out your dress..
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You had done many fitting with the dress just for the fun of it you had even done a photoshoot in your dress secretly without Jensen knowing it was during their guys weekend for Jensens bachelor party…
You Gen and your best friend had gone to do this photoshoot… you then got the photos printed out and you spent the rest of the evening putting together this scrapbook for Jay… that was a while back and now you were ready to put it on… when you did your eyes lit up in wonder…
Y/N: “Gen you would think I would be completely nervous right now but im not and the strange thing is I think something bad is gonna happen during the reception… what if im wrong…”
Gen handed you your cape after she finished zipping up your dress, she then pulled out the camera and she smiled,
Gen: “ok turn slowly so I can get some good shots of the cap from the front…”
You did what she asked and you later saw the phtos… you squealed as you spun round happily today was gonna be perfect. As you slipped into your slippers and left the room with Gen to go down to the giftshop to get something blue…
You no sooner started down the hall than people started bowing cause they thought you were royalty… you had no idea what was gonna happen… you knew you wanted to be attached to Jensen forever and you knew that this was how you were gonna do it… no sooner had you and Gen entered the gift shop than you were grabbed but security caught the guy before he could get you too far… Gen took the bracelet paid for it and took you back up to the room where she then made a call putting it on speaker…
Jared: “hey Gen hows everything on your end…”
Gen: “not good Y/N just got assaulted like she almost got kidnapped and she is now nto saying anything she is freaked… maybe we should let them talk… I mean she hasn’t said anything since it happened 5 minutes ago…”
Jared: “of course I mean Jay is right here but I mean she isn’t hurt is she?”
Gen: “no she isn’t she is just a little shaken…”
Jared called for jay to come take the phone as Gen handed you hers and you put it to your ear,
Jay: “hey baby are you hurt?”
Y/N: “no but im a little scared… Jay he almost took me away from you…”
You started to cry as you heard Jensen soothe you,
Jay: “its ok baby look cliff is on his way to pick up you and Gen and bring you to the wedding… ok, we will see eachother very soon baby… ok just don’t think about it... think about how it will be to be married…”
Y/N: “it will be awesome…”
It was then that you started thinking happy thoughts as you hung up the phone… Gen came up to you and smiled fixing your hair and texting cliff which room you were in and where… it was a matter of time before cliff texted that he was outside your room to which Gen went and opened the door and he could only smile,
Cliff: “Y/N you look fantastic Jensen is one lucky fellow… now lets get both of you lovely looking ladies to the hall…”
Y/N: “thank you Cliff, for everything…”
Cliff extended his arms to you and Gen as he carried your back packs as well and you were safe… the veil was going on when you arrived at the hall… you had another half an hour to wait to relax and calm down as you sat in your room you focused on your breathing… until a knock at the door startled y0u, you went over to the door and peered through the hole as you saw that it was Jared and your Father outside you opened the door…
Jared: “sir may I present your daughter… don’t worry the groom doesn’t look nearly as good as she does…”
You hugged Jared and then hugged your dad who had taken time from the navy to come and see you get married…
Your Dad: “I brought you something my dear… remember when you were training to be a officer of the law and you moved before you could pick up your badge or your certificate… well I called in a few favors to get you set up to be apart of the international police force… as your father and commanding naval officer im honored to present you with this Badge wear it with pride and keep it on you at all times…”
You squealed and hugged him again after a stern handshake…
Jared: “I just received word for me to get my ass out there they are ready to start… Y/N keep that badge in your purse we will announce it to the house when the reception starts… we need to start lining up Jay is at the alter…”
Your Dad: “you ready baby girl…”
Y/N: “of course but wait Jared are we sure nothing is gonna go wrong?”
Jared: “we took every single precaution there is nothng can go wrong…”
You breathed in and smiled knowing that in a few moments you would be married and that everyone was here to celebrate with you… it was then that you held onto your fathers arm and Jared removed your cape and you were led down the hall… to where everyone had lined up… Y/F/N was standing there with Misha, Gen was standing with Jared and you were standing attached to your dad…
You then heard the music, the familiar sound as you watched everyone start walking but you find your feet at first… till the song picked up… you felt like you were gonna fall but your dad was holding on so tight you weren’t gonna get the chance to fall… that’s when you started walking… as soon as you entered through that door, you felt like everything was falling into place but as Gen, Y/F/N, Jared & Misha all took their places your eyes locked with Jensen’s…
You knew you were home… you reached the top of the aisle where you kissed your dad on the cheek and he placed your hand in Jensen’s. after the catholic ceremony (to be posted in a separate post…) this was said,
Priest: “it is my great privilege in the name of the Father, the son an the holy ghost to pronounce these 2 husband and wife… will you all stand and welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and Y/N Ackles…”
Everyone stood and clapped for you and Jensen… as you descended the aisle… feeling like a completely new woman you knew that there was a big price for what you and Jensen were but for this day there was no price there was no variables there was just uncomplicated love…
You all knew one day you would defeat that evil clown but nothing was gonna ruin this day… and that’s when you said, “you know what our tale is as old as time…”
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