#but currently my job im doing is one you can get without a degree and i make enough to substain myself
myeyesblurry · 5 months
I genuinely can’t tell if this is a roleplay blog or you’re just a dick
ask off anons and ill answer you 🤬🥰
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queercatboyrights · 8 months
anyone got any tips on getting art industry jobs w/o a college degree bc holy fuck this shit is horrendous /oAo;\
#nebbles talks#s.struggling to. survive working full time and still trying to get an illustration degree..#wish i. couldve taken the semesters off for work again like i did last year#but. unfortunately. since someone decided to change lanes w/o checking for. yknow. traffic in that lane. i now have an extra $200/month#to pay in bills. :)))))#not to mention the horrendous interest rate i got fucked over with :)))))))))#not even looking at the terrible financial stress the stress of these classes themselves is INSANE#like. one prof says hes ''simulating working with real clients'' with how he formats the class#which to him just means 'im going to assign you three major projects at once'#each of which have overlapping and hard set due dates for an asinine amount of preliminary work that can take up to 6 hours EACH#plus you have to submit at least 2 pages for all your preliminary work describing WHY you chose your colors or shapes#and HOW the colors and shapes are effective visual elements#and then you also have to submit a mini essay that describes how your art might fair against other real businesses art and illustrations#like. my guy. i have to work 35 hours a week. and do homework for 4 other classes.#i cannot physically keep up. with that kind of a pace. without killing myself in the process with self-neglect#just. do not understand why i have to run myself ragged and to the brink of total collapse and failure.#just so i MIGHT get improved odds of getting a decent job that wont even help me get above the poverty line#like. i wanna be able to make art for a living and be able to live comfortably#but that just doesn't seem like its possible in the society thats currently set up rn#just. AUHG#;w;
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luthienne · 8 months
what do you do for a living? (/job?) I am currently in a crisis and need some guidance. I look up to you a lot, I love your blog, we have the same passions for poetry and writing and music, even daredevil! My crisis is that I dont know what to do. In university I take classes but I dont know what I want to be. My art and writing feel pointless sometimes. All the jobs i want to do I know im not skilled enough to achieve or itd be very hard to get by. If you dont mind giving out advice... please help! ❤
hi anon <3 i think that figuring out what we're supposed to do for a living often gets tied to the idea that we're supposed to find that one niche in the world where we fit, where we're meant to be and where we're meant to contribute; where we're meant to shine, and find deep meaning in our own lives. and maybe that does happen for some people. but in reality i think we're all capable of doing many different things, and finding purpose in many different things. and in working toward many different skillsets we acquire different skillsets that apply to many other types of work.
and i don't think anything is ever set in stone. i got my undergrad & grad degrees in music, and then i found that i didn't have it in me to be a part of that world anymore. and i felt that i had no meaning in my life without it. i was No One without music, i had no identity outside of my voice—despite the deep sense of purpose and fate, even, that i felt for my life up until that moment in music, in singing, in acting. up until that moment i knew in my bones my purpose in life. and then the ground was swept out from under me. it didn't matter that i had known with certainty what my life was supposed to be because it wasn't that any longer. and i realized that i could never again tie my identity to my art, to my music, to my writing, to my job. my voice has a purpose not because it must be enough to sustain me financially or because enough people have validated my talent but because it brings me joy. i came back to music because singing brought me joy again; i thought i would never feel that again.
something i have learned through this is 1) music, like most other art forms, is not a meritocracy; there is no such thing as "you are an excellent [artist/singer/writer] and therefore you will have the career owed to you" because so much more than merit and hard work go into careers like this. it takes not only talent and work ethic but circumstance and luck and wealth. lessons cost money, coachings costs money, auditions cost money, applications cost money, travel costs money, wardrobe costs money. 2) the process is not the career. i love to practice, i love to learn music, i love to get into character, and to engage with my colleagues in rehearsal rooms and onstage. i don't love the abuse thrown at singers from directors and teachers and coaches, i don't love auditions, i don’t love the unpredictability of gig work and contract work, i don't love the expendable lens through which singers are viewed by the industry. i've come back to music but my goals have shifted.
all that to say, i don't think we have to know what we want to be. we don't have to want to be anything. our lives have deep meaning whether we have "successful" careers or careers that just pay the bills while we continue to pursue our creative loves. i wouldn't place too much importance on needing to find what you are supposed to be because you will become who you are supposed to be regardless. it is never a waste to pursue something we love, and we will acquire and internalize new skills in any field that we can apply to other fields. and maybe your interests will dramatically shift, or maybe not. i think it's very natural to have vocational shifts throughout our lives, and it's not indicative of failure. art that is made personally or professionally doesn't have more or less value based on its financial profit. the money i make from singing isn't enough to sustain me—i have to do other self-employment gigs to make up the difference. most artists do. but i don't regret the time and the heart i have invested in music, and i am sustained through the work i put into it, and sustained by the relationships and friendships that i have developed through it.
i send you my whole heart. i know how it feels to look at the future and not know what you're supposed to do with your one, precious life. sometimes we have to live in the uncertainty and know that it won't be like that forever. on the flip side, the moments of certainty won't last forever either. and in-between there is all the living we do. i promise you're not alone in this <3
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Sorry, im kinda freaking out beacuse i read on positive news that the un published a paper saying the earth might warm up above 3° degrees if we dont take massive action :(
I thought the predictions were now between 1,5° and 2 ? Sorry for my bad english it's just upsetting
I totally get it. Of course that's upsetting.
As for the predictions, the thing is, there are a bajillion variables in these models - around human action, around different country's actions, and around all of the many, many, many things about the weather and ecosystems that we don't understand.
For scientists, part of their job is modeling and predicting the entire realm of possibility.
You're right that most people/sources don't think warming will get that high anymore. Core predictions are right now mostly between 1.5 and 2.5, with a lot of mainstream predictions saying that if we stay on the current path, we'll likely end up peaking around 2.3 degrees. Which would suck, admittedly! And 3 degrees or a bit more is still within the realm of possibility, which also sucks!
For what it's worth, though, I genuinely think we'll be able to keep warming under 2 degrees. To my research/understanding, right now 3 degrees is possible but a lot less likely - one of the less likely predictions in general, or else a lot more scientists would be saying 3 degrees, and we'd all hear that number all over the place and be scared.
Edit: I did find the UN report that the article was presumably referencing. And yeah, I hate to see it. But again: WE DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE. Iirc the last IEA report said we're on track for 2.3. The exact methodology and models can change a lot about the end result, so it's very common for reports to disagree, and at this point, I do think "over 3 degrees" is an outlier. And that's if we stay on the current track - WHICH IS EXTREMELY UNLIKELY, BECAUSE WE'RE GETTING BETTER AND FIXING MORE THINGS WITH EVERY YEAR
Anyway, here's why it's no longer likely that we'll hit or surpass 3 degrees of warming, and why you can and should still have hope.
Climate change is growing exponentially. We know for a fact now that renewable energy, electric vehicles, costs of renewable energy, etc. are all improving way, way faster than ever before. And they're going to keep doing that. Over the rest of the decade, I genuinely think we're going to make so much more progress, so much faster, than models are currently predicting. Partly because we've only in the past couple years gotten proof that these paths ARE exponential. x, x, x, x, x
It would be super irresponsible of climate scientists and energy watchdogs to be optimistic with their numbers/outcomes. They KNOW how many politicians and oil companies would swoop in the SECOND there were . claims that we'll be fine without doing more, actually. Their job is to always make sure that someone is including the worst case scenarios, and that they don't start giving more optimistic numbers unless they're really, truly, completely confident in those numbers and improved models
The peak temperature we reach is NOT the temperature that we'll be stuck at forever. As we keep putting carbon back into ecosystems and restoring nature, we WILL take more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, which WILL let the planet start to cool back down again, as less carbon dioxide is in the air to trap heat, and more of it will go back to escaping into space. This probably won't be immediate after we hit net zero emissions, but if we drawdown enough carbon, it will happen. x, x, x
This article, posted by Positive.News, November 13, 2023
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cosmicdream222 · 2 months
sorry to be morbid again but do you think we can manifest passing away early? im honestly past the point of wanting to exist and just want to get over this thing that im supposed to be a successful person but im not so idrc if i do or dont live
so many ppl on tarot related blogs ask about their fs but if we dont meet them does it matter and would they just move on with their life? like i think u have to have ur life put together but its genuinely so hard to do these days so i hope my fs wont be sad at all when i die cause i wouldnt be able to make tnem truly happy anyway cause im not happy myself with how things have been
ideally i wouldve done something in a sport or music but that ship sailed long ago and now im so stuck but id hate to be reliant on someone else and i shouldve moved out into my own place but housing is ridiculously expensive where im from and taxes dont help anyone. it takes years and years to pick up a talent so i have wasted those years and ik im just going to struggle to get past 50 if i were to have my own place bc minimum wage jobs suck arse and i dont want to be doinng something lame not that its lame for others to do it, its just not what i wanted to have done at all
you cant even get a degree without needing to fork out hundreds and thousands so yeah none of its easy and sure you can try subliminals but lets face it the systemn we are in is fucked up big time so rn i cant even bother with daydream about how it could have been or the what ifs i had done smth differently or if i had any talent but then theres still the, im too old and too foreign to do any sort of music as most successful groups nowadays are korean and even if i tried to do what they did it would probs end up killing me some way or other
its just either about having to be wealthy or having some type of talent both of which id fail at anyway as i shouldve done it years ago like a normal person who goes from being so so at something to being great at something.
i truly think i was born in wrong generation or i just shouldnt have been born at all then i wouldnt have to fret constantly abt these types of things. i think if the government genuinely sorted shit out for once and helped society ppl would be happier to work for less but im not happy at all with the current state of things. i feel guilty for existing and i hate it sm like god just let me end my life pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee there is nothing worthwhile in store, ik we could try shifting subliminals but have those genuinely worked? like u exit this reality and straight into the one you wanted originally? but then i might as well just pass away cause id have to know what i want in another reality
My dude, take a deep breath. You’ve ranted about all this same exact stuff a bunch of times now and I’m just gonna repeat the same thing I said to you last time:
All of that stuff you mentioned about your current reality is an illusion. Time is an illusion. It does not matter what you’ve done in the past. The economy does not matter. Your present circumstances do not matter.
I’ll add to that: Whatever some tarot reader or TikTok psychic says definitely does not matter. Idk what fs means but I’m guessing something like a twin flame and that is especially 1000% bullshit.
The spiritual community has created an incredible amount of false narratives to make excuses and blame outside forces for why things aren’t going their way. None of it is real. Seriously forget everything you learned about fate, karma, astrology, or anything else that’s saying something else is in control. Reality is an illusion. YOU are in control.
You don’t have to identify with any old bullshit anymore. Stop repeating the old story and think about what you do want. You can have literally ANYTHING! You say you don’t know what you want, ok, but you know what you don’t want, right?
I don’t want to work -> I want to live in a reality where I don’t have to work.
There, you just figured out something you want! It’s that simple.
I totally agree that this society is a horrific shitshow and I don’t want to be aware of it anymore either. But it’s just one version of reality available. It’s not the only reality and it’s not the original reality. You don’t have to be aware of it anymore if you don’t want to be.
You also don’t have to involve death at all. There’s a lot of misconception in the shifting world which has lead to concepts like “permashifting” and “respawning”, but those just all assume this current reality is the original one. It’s not.
Have you watched The Matrix? It’s really more like a documentary than science fiction lol. Just like in the movie, we are being tricked by a simulated virtual reality, controlled by a society that’s using us for our energy. Just think of reality as an escape room. We’re escaping the Matrix. Once you figure out how to leave, you don’t ever have to go back. There are infinite realities available to you, and none are more real or right or original than any others. Remember, death is not an ultimate, nor does it exist in all realities.
I am scripting a utopian reality with my best friend where there is no death, aging, or illness. Everyone is a master manifestor so they always get whatever they want. Nobody has to work and there isn’t even a need for money because we can manifest anything instantly. We can just relax and get massages all day. Everyone lives in peace and harmony and abundance. Animals are treated as equals to humans, we can all communicate with each other, and we can all fly and teleport. Because why the f not? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
And if you really don’t want to exist (I’m guessing that other ask from a couple weeks ago is you too lol) you don’t have to exist in this reality, or any other. Removing your awareness from all physical reality is known as entering the void. You exist there as pure consciousness, and you can stay there as long as you like. It is you as your highest self. There’s nothing negative about it.
As for the whole subliminal thing, shifting subliminals are just one method. Shifting = manifesting = deciding what you want and experiencing it. It’s something we are always doing and is available to all of us. You don’t need any methods to shift besides intention. We just use methods to convince/calm the annoying human brain that is programmed with society’s limits.
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artsyunderstudy · 1 year
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
Thanks for tagging me @aristocratic-otter!
1. Are you named after anyone? My mom was working in a daycare and met a little girl named Ashton and thought "that's a pretty name" and here I am. I agree, I like my name. It's unisex and people call me sir a lot over email, which I don't mind. People also call me Ashley over the phone which I ... do mind. Don't call me Ashley.
2. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember exactly, though I know it was recent. It was a little cry, I was just lost in a thought spiral.
3. Do you have kids? Not yet :(
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, but mostly just when I'm in a good mood. For laughs. I don't generally use it in arguments or when expressing anything negative. I'm very very straightforward in those situations.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  I really don't know. Probably just their expressions, and clothes because I like clothes and I like to see how people choose to present themselves. Not in a judgey way, just a curious way.
6. What’s your eye color? Brown. Dark, dark brown.
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Happy endings, I don't love being scared.
8. Any special talents? I have been told I'm pretty good at art and writing. I can also sing but I hate getting ANY attention for it so usually I just sing at home, about things I'm cooking or if my husband says something weird.
9. Where were you born? Fort Worth, Texas
10. What are your hobbies? Outside of fandom?? I love travel planning. Like, travel too, but I'm particularly into the planning. I have trellos. They are magnificent.
11. Do you have any pets?  Yes! 2 cats and one dog.
Pumpkin (orange tabby, grumpy, chonky, great pillow, made of trouble, loves being squished so much we call him squash, likes it rough the little weirdo, has been with me since the beginning and we are very attached to each other),
Kira (a skinny grey patchy kitty with big paws and frog eyes, very sweet and polite, will tap you on the shoulder for attention, gets right up in your face when you're eating to beg for food she's not actually interested in, will not be put off, will not give up, and likes to sleep under the covers, weirdly obsessed with my husband)
Ember (cute as fuck cattle dog mutt, probably hates us because we're low energy and she is HIGH HIGH HIGH energy, loves head and chin scratches, dangerous because she cannot contain her excitement for any humans, doesn't understand personal boundaries AT ALL and has paid the price for it a few times, she will paw and lick and jump and bork and snurf, very afraid of loud noises and locks herself in the downstairs bathroom when there are fireworks, dabs a lot, sleeps a lot, loves going to grandma's house (grandma's house!!!!), my husban and i are completely fucking obsessed with her and she's tired of hugs)
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I am very bad at sports. Very uncoordinated and asthmatic and also bored by them. I did play soccer when I was little, and danced. Terrible at both. I like putting the basketball in the hoop, could do without the running and dribbling. Ugh, running.
13. How tall are you? 5'4"
14. Favorite subject at school? English, out of the core courses. But I wasn't a good student. Way too ADD. Art was my favorite class. Art and Chorus, but those are electives so I dunno if they count.
15. Dream job? I genuinely don't want to do the stuff I love for a job. I went to school for Art, I got a DEGREE, but I work in Ed Tech as a Success Manager meaning I just make people successful and happy all day, and I love it and I'm really good at it (im a good problem solver, let me solve your problems). I guess I would have liked to be a teacher, since that's my favorite part of my job currently, but teachers get the shit end of the stick and I couldn't do it. All my love to the teachers out there.
Anyway, I don't want to get paid for art or writing, even if they are the only things I want to do with my time, because the minute I'm doing it for money and not just because I'm excited about it, I hate it.
This was the opposite of an answer to that question, wasn't it?
Tags under the cut along with pictures of my pets.
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@cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @hushed-chorus @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @captain-aralias @shrekgogurt @erzbethluna @stitchyqueer @fatalfangirl @thehoneyedhufflepuff @messofthejess @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @moodandmist @palimpsessed @larkral
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magicshopaholic · 10 months
A Guide to the OCs of the Idolverse (with faceclaims)
This guide to the OCs consists of my personal faceclaims for them. These are not accurate, in that no living person on Earth (that I know of) can replicate the exact images of them I have in mind, but these ladies are pretty close. You can also refer to this post for a more detailed description of their appearance.
If you have different images of them in mind and don't want to ruin those, you can check out the guide without faceclaims. Feel free to picture them as you like - and I'd love to hear your versions as well :)
(I'm also shit at graphic design of any kind so please excuse the super amateur-ish edits; they were just fun to do)
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Kaya Madaan is South Asian-American and grew up in the suburbs of Connecticut with her parents. An only child, she lost her father in a car accident when she was in high school and her mother has since never remarried. During her senior year at NYU, a few months before graduation, she was assaulted on campus, an experience she doesn’t talk about but has shaped many future decisions in her life. After completing her masters in London, she moved to Amsterdam to do her Ph.D. during which time she met Namjoon in Seoul while visiting her Korean aunt (her father’s adopted sister) and her family.
She lives by herself in a studio apartment, content with her independence and solitude. Her close friends largely include select people from college and university, and later Taehyung’s on/off girlfriend, Dilara, as well. She tends to be a bit of a workaholic and in the process becomes a bit scatterbrained and ends up being absent-minded about other things. Being the one of the youngest doctoral students in her program, she’s very conscious of coming across as mature and capable. She takes a lot of pride in her intelligence and is not shy about disagreeing with opinions.
(Naomi Scott as Kaya)
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Nari grew up in Anyang, Gyeonggi province, as an only child. Sometime in early middle school, she and Seokjin met in the same class and formed a life-long friendship. Her dream as a child was to always become a doctor, though her focus on surgery developed years later when she dated a classmate whose older sister was studying to be a surgeon. She currently works in Seoul as a surgical resident and lives alone in an apartment a block away from the hospital.
While Nari is secure in her skills and her career path, she finds it difficult to devote an equal amount of time to her personal life which sometimes leads to insecurities, especially when she sees her old classmates and other people her age move on with their lives. She also tends to forget to take care of herself when she’s caught up in the chaos of her job, leading to missed meals and an occasionally unhealthy diet of food and alcohol.
(Im Jinah as Nari)
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An only child of a business tycoon father and an ex-model mother, Miso grew up in the Gangnam district of Seoul, in the Cheongdam-dong neighbourhood alongside equally wealthy and affluent peers. Her family keeps appearances and status above all else and as a result, Miso attended school with children of her parents’ colleagues and neighbours, most of whom grew up to be heirs and heiresses to businesses and fortunes.
Miso left Seoul for university in Australia, where she spent four years getting her degree in business management and two additional years working various jobs, including bartending and music managing a pub, before she was forced to return to Seoul. She current works as an assistant music producer at Big Hit, where she keeps her parentage and connections quiet.
Miso does not enjoy or show interest in going down the same road as her peers, much to her parents’ disappointment. She makes an effort to distance herself from them as well as her parents’ unhappy marriage, and has since high school earned the reputation of being “unfriendly”, which has continued into adulthood as well.
(Park Sodam as Miso)
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Chaeyoung grew up alongside her older brother, Chanyeol, in Gwangju. She lost her mother at a very young age; three years later, her father married Soyeon, whose attempts at building a relationship have been resisted by Chaeyoung. As a result, she spent a lot of her time growing up with her friends and classmates, including her brother and his best friend, Hoseok. While Chaeyoung and Chanyeol were always close as children, they naturally grew apart as they became older.
Chaeyoung currently works at a publishing house as a junior researcher, a job she Ioves. She’s outgoing and charming and enjoys meeting new clients and talent, even if she sometimes feels inadequate and anxious about her performance. Due to her young age and surrounded by so many people older than her, she can tend to be a bit impressionable and prone to be taken advantage of. She lives with a senior from college, Sungmi, who has a questionable social circle but later becomes friends with Sooah, whom she meets at yoga class and looks up to as an independent, single working woman in Seoul.
(Danielle Marsh as Chaeyoung)
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Sooah grew up in Busan and later moved to Seoul, the only child of two doctors. She realised as a teenager that her parents' marriage was an unhappy one and sometime during her early teens, discovered that both were having quiet affairs with other people. As a means of escaping her home, she threw herself into extra-curricular activities and her friends circle, choosing to be around people as much as she could. Captain of the girls' volleyball team, Sooah was a popular girl in high school, had a large group of friends and a string of short flings that extended into college and her adult life, the only exception to this being Park Jimin. She currently lives in Seoul and works at an event management firm.
Sooah is confident and outgoing and still maintains an eventful social life, staying in touch with friends from school and college that are now acquaintances. She still harbours insecurities, however, aware of her lack of deep friendships and the reputation she had when it came to dating. She eventually forges a friendship with Chaeyoung, who she secretly admires for being far more put together in her early twenties than she herself ever was.
(Nam Jihyun as Sooah)
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Dilara was born in her mother's native country and spent her first few years there before leaving for the UK, due to the stigma she and her mother faced for being and having a child out of wedlock respectively. Her mother met Rudy Komyshan in London when Dilara was in her early teens, and Dilara officially took his surname when she turned fifteen. At a young age, she discovered a love for both dance and racing but eventually chose the latter as her career path. Being in a heavily male-dominated environment, Dilara at times had to prove her worth by going over and above what was expected of her and seeming outwardly tougher to blend in with her peers.
She is the first female F1 driver in the history of the sport and is currently signed with Red Bull, alongside Dutch prodigy Max Verstappen. She sometimes faces unwarranted sexism from journalists and fans of the sport that she is learning to deal with, and copes with the help and support of her friends Lexie (also her trainer), Chris and Fred. Having travelled the world and working closely with people of various nationalities, she has a deep appreciation and interest in different cultures. Dilara is competitive by nature and a bit of a perfectionist, staying for hours on the simulator to perfect every move. She's also a bit of a gym rat, finding it therapeutic to work out alone or with a friend.
(Ananya Panday as Dilara)
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Lia grew up in Incheon with her parents and a younger brother. When she was in high school, her parents went through a peaceful and amicable divorce. They were open about the process with their children and didn't hide anything from them, something Lia is forever grateful to them for and since holds communication in the highest regard. Lia was a studious teenager, involved in extra-curriculars and student council activities, as well as a part of the girls' basketball team. She did not give much thought to dating in high school, despite catching the attention of many fellow students. She attended college in Seoul and started working there after graduation, sharing an apartment with her long-time best friend, Dal.
Despite the demands of a corporate career, including the workload and the politics, Lia enjoys her job and is a fast learner. She is able to stay very focused and, like Kaya, doesn't realise her tendency to become a workaholic. She does struggle with stress, especially with the fast-paced environment she works in. This sometimes extends to her personal life as well, despite her efforts to become more laidback.
(Han Sohee as Lia)
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barrenwomb · 6 months
a bit of a personal question but. How were Ur uni days? Im currently enrolled in university and tbh i have a complete lack of motivation to even open my books and study (i also suffer from depression and i can go days without leaving my room).
i get this ask a lot and every time i struggle to give a proper answer because. i don't know. i somehow managed to graduate even though i was at my worst mentally wise. i think i had high functional depression or something like that. also i found my driving force into pursuing financial independence at all cost because this is something that's widely overlooked when you're a broken college student in your early 20s. i had no motivation beside wanting to leave my parents' house as soon as possible. these random bursts of motivation in between my depressive crisis really helped me out. a lot. and i know that sometimes getting a degree won't assure you financial stability, especially if ur a humanities student, but. to me, personally, getting a degree was the only way to get out and break my family's generational financial struggles. it may sound impossible for you rn if ur struggling with depression but maybe try to get a part time job? the moment you stop relying on your parents for your education is also the moment you stop feeling guilty for taking things at a bit slower path. even if makes a bit harder to keep up with exams and stuff, knowing it's up to you and you only will make the whole university thing a bit less like a moral duty and more like something you're pursuing because you want to. something that helped me also was finding another person to study with!! we would video call each other almost every day and study for our exams together. it really helped me to not get distracted and also gave me the motivation i lacked because i wanted to help her out as she became a dear friend of mine. we were both struggling so lol believe me when i tell you i never met a college student who doesn't want to end it all over university. it's extremely common. you're not alone. financial security + community really is THE combo that helps your mental health improve greatly. please reach out and ask for help, too. take breaks and don't feel guilty. slower doesn't mean stupider. try to change your surroundings. do it for yourself and no one else. drop out if university is making you legit suicidal. i'm serious. you can get a small job and cultivate your hobbies for a while before starting again. if you want to. it doesn't make you a failure. that's exactly what i did. wish you the best of luck.
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A little vent, ignore if you want:
So I have adhd and I’ve been on meds since I was very young. I’ve tried just about every med on the market during that time. But when I was in middle and high school, I developed an eating disorder and started using my meds as appetite suppressants, even lying to my psych about them not working well enough so she’d give me higher doses. I figured out what I was doing wasn’t healthy toward the end of high school when it sent me to the emergency room and made an effort to significantly reduce my med usage. Through college, I gradually reduced how often I took them and worked on improving my body image accepting my weight. It’s now been about 7 years since I’ve taken any adhd meds and I think I’m in a much better place, but if I’m being honest, my ed will probably never completely go away. Things can still trigger it, even if I have better tools to cope with it now. The problem is, I’m trying to get my masters degree now so I can get enough money to live on in my field, but being back in school has been an uphill battle. Without adhd meds, getting work done is a massive struggle. I’ve researched currently available meds to see if there was anything new that might not be an appetite suppressant, but I haven’t found anything. I just don’t want to risk going back on meds and relapsing. Im trying not to blame myself for the choices I made as a kid, but it’s hard not to be bitter that I’ve ruined what could have been a valuable tool for the rest of my life. One of the most annoying parts is that I’ve never met anyone else with adhd who has dealt with the same thing. I’ve been in multiple adhd groups and talked to people online and I’m always the only person who will never be able to medicate and it feels really alienating.
I'm so sorry you're in this situation stuck between a rock and a hard place, but I just want to say that I am so proud of you for working through your eating disorder and prioritizing your physical health even though it means that there are meds you can't use anymore. That is incredibly impressive and you deserve to be really proud of yourself for getting to this point of recovery. And I hope that you will continue to find more tools and strategies that will allow you to cope better with the ADHD without medication, but it is okay that this is still a work in progress and that it will take time and patience. You are doing a great job. I am proud and very impressed
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hello. i am 24 currently, i have my bachelor’s in acct (graduated in dec 21) and ive done a single acct internship with crowe in spring 22. however i did not get a job offer afterward. i think i was overwhelmed by the job, how i was doing such important work after starting from nothing. it was kinda monumentous and a little heavy. idk if that makes sense? but currently im just working at a coffee shop and a restaurant. its very different but idk im kinda flailing around not going after my dream. i do love acct. i graduated with a 3.9 gpa and enjoyed every bit of college. i should also mention that im high functioning autistic so idk if i chose the right field 😭 do u have any advice for me that could potentially help me get to where i want to be? i dont mind being a staff accountant. i dont aim very high. im not for senior manager or partner stuff. i also do wanna mention that i did apply for another internship for 23 spring but i did not receive it. i was kinda ashamed of myself and stopped trying 🥲 im sorry if im bothering u. thank u.
i have my bachelor’s in acct (graduated in dec 21)
and ive done a single acct internship with crowe in spring 22. however i did not get a job offer afterward.
Crowe is a reputable firm and arguably one of the better large PA firms from what I've heard. Did they provide any feedback as to why you were not receiving a return offer? I know you mentioned that you were overwhelmed with the job, but just curious if there were any specific gaps, issues, or deficiencies that you could potentially address in preparation of your next role.
i should also mention that im high functioning autistic so idk if i chose the right field 😭
Although I will not pretend to be an expert on autism, I can tell you from experience that I have worked with many individuals with autism throughout my career, including in consulting, which is one of the more socially challenging areas among accounting, so I wouldn't let yourself question if accounting is the right field for you. At least not due to having Autism, it may be the wrong field for other reasons.
At the very least, one of the many perks of accounting is how versatile it is, so perhaps you may just want to pursue something with less client-facing (i.e. not public accounting) or at smaller firms.
do u have any advice for me that could potentially help me get to where I want to be? i dont mind being a staff accountant. i dont aim very high. im not for senior manager or partner stuff.
Well let's start with that: where do you want to be? It'll be much easier to advice you in a direction after knowing where you want to go and don't worry if that changes in the future. Your journey isn't one that is set in stone, it can change many times in your life.
Also don't put yourself down so much, you got a strong GPA, a valuable degree, and an internship from a reputable firm. You have A LOT of options and just realize you have already accomplished a lot more than many other graduates with and without Autism.
Furthermore, just for your awareness, you can still go far in your career as an individual contributor (IC) and not ever become a people manager (PM). There's a lot of people who become long-term IC's and still go far.
i also do wanna mention that i did apply for another internship for 23 spring but i did not receive it.
No worries! Just keep applying everywhere that seems interesting and don't just limit yourself to internships, you should apply to full-time positions too. You don't have to do an internship to get a FT offer. I did a tax internship my junior year at a small cpa firm and then switched to data analytics consulting at a big 4 (w/o internship) after I graduated.
Something to remember is that, just because you don't get a response or even get rejected from a company, it doesn't necessarily mean you are underqualified. A lot of companies have permanent job postings to have constant applications that auto-reject after XYZ days, even if they have no open positions.
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brainexplosion375 · 1 year
The Gangs All Here; Living, Laughing, and feeling like I'll never amount to my full potential...
Hi! If you’re a college dropout like me, sometimes we slowly enter our 20s and watch our peers around us get their degrees and move forward in their beautiful, educated lives while we occasionally sit back and wonder “what if?” Don't get me wrong! 90% of the time I regret nothing and I’m very proud of how far I’ve made it on my own but sometimes I wonder how long I can work jobs and feel like I’m being taken seriously with no technical “degree” in anything. I know that work experience is the most valuable part of getting a job and trust me, I have a lot of that, but lately I’ve been struggling with what I want to do with the rest of my life. I mean, I’m currently working as a line cook and the idea of spending the rest of my full time career surrounded by bitter single dads doesn’t sound SUPER appealing to me. I don’t have the desire to open my own business, I guess I’m missing the girlboss gene. But, I don’t want to be working under people for the rest of my life. I’ve always been pretty good at managing stress, but I also think that comes from the privilege of yes; I would have big stressors in my life, but it was never life or death. One thing I would do when my brain starts going crazy about the future is to only accept what I can control at this exact moment in time. For example, lets say Im worried about, oh I don’t know, being stuck working in kitchens for the rest of my life and never fully amounting to my potential (Just a random example for the class) I simply just accept that working a job in a kitchen is what I’m currently doing yes but I can change that, I have the power to, even through small actions. I think something that brings people down is the immediate gratification mindset. As technology progresses, we as a society have gotten pretty damn used to being able to get whatever we want, whenever we want. Entertainment? Just go on your phone and start scrolling. Hungry? You can get anything delivered these days. Sex? Download an app. What I’m trying to say is that I think we’ve gotten so used to being able to have any need satisfied in a very short period of time. However, when it comes to long term goals in life, things do NOT work that way. My big dream as of right now is to become a bartender, it sounds simple I know but unfortunately I have no bartending experience and I’ve realized that it’s not easy to be taken seriously without anything to show for it hahahahahahahaha. So yes, I am really struggling with that and I keep wanting to just give up BUT I also know the only reason I want to give up so damn bad is because I’m not getting that immediate gratification that I’ve become so terribly conditioned to. Long story short, if you went to college, cool. If you didn’t, also cool. Everyones dreams and desires in life are all equally valid; we just need to start adapting long term mindsets to prevent us from getting too discouraged. This turned out to be way more inspirational than I meant it to be and it’s pretty ironic because I am struggling with the same exact thing I am currently preaching about. Regardless, thankyou for reading, now go chase your dreams, cowgirl, or cowboy, or cow person. 
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eirian · 1 year
before i head to bed i have one last ramble post to make here we go
so for years ive had this on and off idea of becoming a teacher, specifically an art teacher. ive always loved art Obviously but ive also really always enjoyed sharing my knowledge of art with other people. i think being a teacher fits me to some degree yeah?
the thing is im not sure if its..a good? idea? to step into a new career path at this point of my life. i mean like not bc of age, im only 26 lol, but because ive worked So Hard to be some sort of animation industry professional, for Years, that it feels like almost a waste of time if i just change career paths like that? and i know thats not a very healthy way to think about it but thats where im at
in addition you apparently have to have a bachelor's degree and let me tell you. i do Not want to go to college, especially when im not 100% sold on the idea of being a teacher. if theres some way for me to get a teaching certificate license without having to go through a wholeass four year college course then great i'll consider it but right now this is more of a fleeting dream than anything else u_u
the reason im thinking about all this is b/c like..idk. being a small, small artist online is hard. i enjoy it 90% of the time! i love drawing cartoons for people and making them happy while making money at the same time. its fun. but i make Not A Lot of money, and every single month i get stressed right around this time b/c i usually dont have enough for rent yet. it usually works out, ive only had to have help a couple times (this month will..probably be included in that unfortunately), but overall i enjoy what i do. that being said, i long for a job/career that i can rely on to get me by more smoothly than this, yknow?
i want to buy my wife a bigger space. id love a house one day. id love a car. id love to buy little luxuries from time to time. like i used to buy my favorite db figs every now and then but i havent done that for two years. i rarely buy little treats like that for myself anymore bc 1) we dont have the space and 2) i feel like rent and food are more important and i have to spend my money on important things now. we barely even have enough to go to conventions or take vacations to a beach for two days out of the year. it's rough out here [note: i do not regret moving out when i did btw. i needed to for growth and boy have i grown like its insane, i love the person i am now. im just saying i do struggle a lot still with other things]
anyway yeah. i dont like to think about Giving Up my current aspirations of becoming some popular artist and making a living doing what i do right now (just more comfortably). but im starting to feel like if i want to improve our quality of life im gonna have to do that u_u idk
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I want money and I'm jealous of when you post about having it. What did you go to school for
Computer Science! I'm a web developer. I did a lot of schooling tho, i have 2 bachelors (one is in writing because im a masochist) and a masters from a very good state school, I was in college for 6 1/2 years. I really enjoy working with computers, and even though what im doing right this second isn't totally my cup of tea I still find a lot to enjoy about it. I'm currently making $80k a year, and if i can get this damnable certification ill start getting a nice bonus on top of that. Most of my work is remote, and when it's not I work in a nice air conditioned building with good internet and nobody breathing down my throat making me pretend to be productive, and i can leave whenever i want.
If you find comfort in the suffering of those doing better than you, know that I don't have health insurance because i work for a rinky-dink startup, and according to elon musk im due to be replaced by the ai any day now, so pretty soon ill be off the gravy train and on the streets. I'm also extremely privileged, i graduated my undergrad with very little debt thanks to my parents saving up and an inheritance from my grandparents (the masters degree got me pretty deep in the hole tho ngl), and i fit every possible category of privilege you can think of, so my accomplishments are really just totally meaningless participation trophies that you can feel free to dismiss whole cloth. If you were in my position you'd totally be doing way better than me, the only reason you're not is because of, like, the system maaaaaaaaaaaan
if you find comfort in the possibility of a better tomorrow, know that even in an economic downturn tech is still a very accessible field. There's no government-mandated gatekeeping like in medicine and law, and you don't have to do nearly as much schooling as i did if any at all to get a good paying job. Everybody in tech knows a guy who just did a 3 month bootcamp and then got hired for good money almost immediately. Granted, the full story is usually much more complicated than that, but it is possible. Even without a formal salary, there's still lots of demand for freelance programming. Pretty much everyone is going to need a decent website at some point, if you sit down, do a few wordpress tutorials, and put your name out into the ether, im sure you can make some good money on the side when your friends need a hand. If you want to get into the tech world "proper" so to speak, I personally think college is the easiest and best way to do it, but even if its not an option for you there's still lots of great ways to make money in this industry. Opportunity abounds my friend! You just need the energy and skills to harness it.
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onigiriforears · 2 years
being disabled is hella expensive in america
want better healthcare? you need a job, but to get a job, you generally need to be in good health bc a lot of places dont want to take on disabled employees for "liability reasons"
the ADA only protects but so much and there are still loopholes...if the business can say that the accommodations needed aren't reasonable and are disrupting, then we dont receive the accommodations
also, most insurances dont cover service dogs. and most service dog training places dont take insurance anyways bc insurance takes forever to pay them
a lot of service dog foundations say that they donate the dogs, but if you raise the money for your dog, you get bumped up the list; so a lot of ppl end up buying their own dog and handler-training them
but even then, handler training can be difficult if you dont have the physical strength or stamina or monetary means to do it. i was able to buy my puppy, but training has pretty much been on hold bc no one wants to hire me despite me putting in endless applications
i have a gd degree (which i know isnt everything) but im not qualified to work at Barnes and Noble 🙃. i want to be able to train my dog, get his gear, be able to gain back the independence that i used to have before i got sick...but that's not currently possible.
but ppl think im lazing around, that im not doing anything and they have no idea whats actually going on. my days are monotonous and not even in the good way. i just wake up and watch the clock, waiting for it to become night time again so that i can have an excuse to go to sleep without it being reported as extreme depression to my doctors
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kaiwry · 6 months
I'm Back Soon
Where have I been and what ive been up to
So im not sure if I mentioned it here but I actually got a job over the summer working at a summer camp for 3 months and I had to live on site. I brought my laptop with me but obviously couldn't bring my pc so I couldn't really play sims and take screenshots. But I had a bunch of screenshots so I had plan to still post gameplay regularly but suddenly I got too busy when I started working and ended up stop posting without warning. But I had YouTube videos scheduled until I was supposed to finish my job. And I was supposed to record more videos as soon as I was back home but idk I just wasn't interested in playing anymore. And it was pretty hard to get myself to play any video games at all so I was pretty bored until I started my current job. At first I wasn't sure what kind of job I wanted to do until I got a job working at a daycare which usually you need a degree for in my province but I'm an assistant (which I basically do the same thing but just get paid less 😅). Anyways, the pay is pretty decent so I'm happy with it and I'm definitely more stable than I was when I was solely depending on disability support payments. Long term tho I don't think I wanna do this for the rest of my life. I don't even want kids. Not that I hate kids or my job just yeah I want something more. And these kids just get on my nerves. So yeah I'm going to university again next year and doing something in math and science.
What's next
So i still have screenshots for my werewolves gameplay series and screenshots for another series where i play with dream home decorator. But honestly i probably won't post them anymore cause the werewolves series was just a side series and the dhd one i didnt have that much fun with so I dont think its worth posting. So now I've started playing the sims 4 again. I've recorded 1 episode of my 100 baby challenge for my YouTube channel so far. It's hard cause I don't have a lot of time during the week. And I also have a small side series playing with paranormal that I had planned to post but I don't know if I will anymore. But for main series I don't know. Next on my whole plan for my save is to play with high school years but I don't own the pack yet. I might get for rent for Christmas so I don't know if I will play with my series I have planned for that pack next or wait until I can get high school years. I also want to wait for a sale for that pack cause I don't want to pay full price but I don't know when the next sale will be. So yeah not sure when or what will be my next gameplay series. But anyways, for those that are wondering when I'll be releasing my next styled look set, good news I started working on one I was making for Growing Together again. And it has a lot of looks but I'm halfway done or almost. And as for other cc. I'm itching to make some stuff but idk I kinda suck at making cc but I think I'll try it out again. I especially want to make some wedding outfits but we'll see.
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sehunniepotwrites · 8 months
HAAAAAAAI i'm so glad i could bring a smile to your face in your day through my messages heheheheh ☺️ how was your day today!!!
omg is this telepathy or what! i was just considering and thinking of whether i wanted to pursue a masters after finishing up my undergrad degree studies!! hehe what's your masters in if it's not too private to ask 🫢 i was just thinking of doing masters because of my current timeline!! it's rly rly tuff to find a job here after graduating because the mkt is currently just kinda meh :/ so i was just wondering if perhaps going for masters would put me in a better spot!! but then again masters is something i can decide at a later time so rn im just gathering opinions from ppl who have taken it! wbu!! do u have any thoughts or opinions? :")
OMGGGGGG have i mentioned im a SUCKER for childhood besties concepts cuz that's just so so so cute 🥹🥹 I LOVE IT I CANT WAIT!!!! 😍 and my goodness how r u alw so creative w your ideas??? iM so unimaginative that like stories alw amaze me 🫢 hehehehe and HELLO wdym u have a life like a fic odnfoenfoke THATS SO COOL AND SWEET N LOVELY gosh i'd WISH i had like one thing from a fic ever happen to me 🥰🥰🥰🥰
AHHHH im so glad u could meet your friends and hang out together!! wish u had as much fun as u possibly could!! hehehehe how nice would it be if we could always be hanging out w our besties and just spending time together 🥺 hope you guys r meeting again soon!!! sounds rly rly fun to karaoke together it's been so so long for me to both karaoke and meet my friends cuz literally everyone im close to or care about is on exchange this semester :/
which brings me to my never ending rant of how despresso espresso i am this semester >< it's a rly tuff time in my life rn cuz im trying to navigate and find an internship that matches both my interest and my degree cuz it is a graduation requirement for me 🤡 i guess im at least getting somewhere w the search cuz i did have a pretti good offer lately! and im currently just pending the outcome of another role i interviewed for under the same company before making a decision (if i do get offered by the other role too heh) 😊 but then im just rly rly LONELY this semester and im just sad cuz im attending classes and doing everything by myself :/ and i dont have friends arnd locally rn that i could meet and just unwind after a period of stress so its rly draining me a lot on top of my never ending assignments projects and exams 🥲🥲 and yea ldr is so so tough and its so hard to keep my emotions in check because of how big of an overthinker i am so im always just having sleepless nights, constant nightmares and sometimes even sleep paralysis 🥲 i guess im becoming more independent from this whole experience though! forces me to become a whole even without everyone by my side and to continue living and functioning, doing what i should be doing!
i love coming to talk to u and reading all your responses too!! 🩵 m alw looking forward to your replies and your kind words to me hehehehe keeps me going!!!
love, 🍑
i've spent the weekend in bed becuase i'm sick again! i binged s2 of the summer i turned pretty and i cried a whole bunch. i love how they really took the angsty route this season--really showed how diff people deal with grief! probs gonna call out tomorrow because i've been sneezing like crazy and my voice is lowkey gone ;; i think i'm gonna try to get some writing done and post a teaser for a story that may never be completed but it's too good to just stay in my drafts!!
oh sure, i have my masters in education. i went thru a one year ma program with a teacher's cred tied into it too. my program was unique in that they condensed a two year prog into one accelerated and it was the toughest year of my life tbh. working full time as a teacher and going to school full time for basically two degrees was tough.
i love all my ideas but i haven't been able to finish them!!! i really want to get them out to the world bc theyre too good to sit in my drafts but it's so incomplete!! the one i am thinking about posting can be a standalone because its such an open-ended ending but there's still WAY more planned for it.
if you have time, playing games together online is a good way to keep in contact. we played pictionary on a website and it was super fun during the pandemic a lot!
it looks like youre slowly getting your ducks in a row for the internship despite the stress! but i see how missing your so and friends can affect your mood. feeling alone is never the best feeling and i totally see where you are coming from. but look at you, you're already looking at the positives out of your stressful situation! that's so great! you can only go up from here, you know? and listen, this is something i always tell my students, each person has their own timeline--their own time to make mistakes, to figure out what they want or need, etc. you may take longer than others but you don't need to worry about others. worry about you and focus on the things you can do for yourself to make you better. and if you make a mistake, that's just a lesson you can take. it's all about your growth mindset!
love u lots!!!
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