#but cleaning out the inbox
lewdestconcubine · 2 years
👁️👄👁️ (the-actual-last-quincy/Ryuken) - may as well do this one as well. I'm nosy
@the-actual-last-quincy lmao...finally getting to this one.
send 👁️👄👁️ to know why my muse wouldn’t fuck yours!
[ ] i don’t want to ruin our friendship
[ ] i literally don’t know you
[X] we have conflicting moralities
[X] you tried to kill and/or harm me and/or my loved ones
[?] our kinks don’t match
[ ] yeah i’m kinkshaming you have weird kink
[ ] you’re just not my type
[ ] we did and it was awful
[ ] we did and i think that’s enough
[XXXX ] you’re an asshole
[ ] you’re not enough of an asshole
[X ] you’re annoying
[ ] you’re too stupid
[ ] you’re ugly lol
[ ] i think you deserve better
[ ] i think i deserve better
BONUS: how little my muse wants to do the devil tango with yours:
actually… | been there, done that | we just don’t mash | i never thought about it | no thanks | meh | gross | fuck you fuck you fuck you
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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My inbox is just blowing up!
I’ve been in many fandoms over the years, but you guys are such hyper little goblins and I love it!😂❤️❤️❤️
And as an extra treat, here’s a sneak peek of the next comic!
It’s gonna be 9 pages!
God has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never finished!
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tunamayuuu · 6 months
ranpo edogawa go
i know this is about asking for my thoughts and hcs but i wanted to draw ranpo from memory so here u go c:
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ok so this is coming from a fan who stopped catching up with bsd for like months. so forgive me if i miss details about ranpo, i'm still getting back into bsd
thoughts below the cut
he's a first fav! i got into bsd because i genuinely thought it was a detective solving mystery anime... nevertheless, i found ranpo cute and clever!! i'm usually drawn to the detective types and his straightforward way of going things is so entertaining and admirable for me, who relates more to poe who's more complicated in going about things...
ranpo's interesting to me because while he is confident in his skills and lets it be known to anyone and everyone who comes across him, that confidence is also fragile to me?
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we're introduced to this image he's built over the years, but overtime, these pages were the most memorable to me whenever i think of ranpo
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his confidence feels so solid until you take a closer look and realize that confidence can't survive without other people to validate this image he built up. it reflects such a common human experience for me and to me, is what humanizes him?
he's so good at what he does! he's skilled and that skill saves his found family plenty of times! as well as many civilians! and he clings on to that accomplishment as his sole identity most of the time
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this is not just a fear of what he doesn't know, that second "i don't know" is so personal, as if his identity is shattered because for once, the very thing he's good at can't solve the situation in front of him.
if you ask me, the most intriguing thing about him is how he carries himself, how he carries his identity.
onto hcs!
insane sweet tooth but has times where he's picky on the sweetness level of the dessert he gets
doesn't have textural issues with food, but may struggle with combined flavors in his food ("if it's sweet, it should stay sweet! if it's salty, it should stay salty!" those flavors cannot mix into one food item unless it's savory food)
keeps a comb in his pocket to style his bangs as spiked out looking as possible! probably gets gifted said comb by mushitaro so he can take care of the knots in his hair
does not care about personal space but may feel one way or another about someone suddenly invading his personal space
loves to give oddly specific nicknames to his co-workers at the agency to remember them better
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ghostr0tz · 14 days
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Imagine Vox had died in the 2000s, and his screen looked like this
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get hello kitty'd idiot
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intotheelliwoods · 2 months
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head in my hands.....
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infamous-if · 8 months
Hi!!!! I know Orion never, NEVER, would have allowed it, but can you tell us how he would have reacted if MC said that they would share the bed with Orion on the bus when the groups were arguing?
Bc on the one hand, I know he'd shut that down in an instant. But on the otherhand, they're in front of another band. AND AND, on the other other hand, potentially, ex-Seven might be there.
Can we find out how ex-Seven would react too?
I was tempted to put that but I think it would've put Orion in an awkward position. I also think MC has more sense to not to imply sleeping with their manager in front of a band that doesn't like them and could start rumors to get up ahead (not that soft violence would do it. UWB def would). Messy MCs sure, but I feel like it would be an empty choice if I didn't use that as a plot point in the future lmao but also, they do/say other stuff that could be used against them so maybe I should've added it?
Either way, Orion probably would've shut it down nicely. "MC is just joking." or "That's unprofessional." Orion doesn't strive to embarrass MC--especially if he's aware MC likes him--so he wouldn't be harsh about it. An MC with an obvious crush, at least from chapter 3 forward, gets the pleasure of a nicer Orion mostly because he doesn't want MC to be.................idk if discouraged is the word I'd use but I can't describe it any other way haha.
ex!Seven would get a little peeved, but they wouldn’t say anything. They know they have no right to.
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hb-writes · 2 months
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Summary: When the Cullen family goes on a hike, Mia's fear of heights presents a bit of a problem, but Carlisle is there to help her through.
Prompt: Please number 65 (“I volunteer myself to go last.”) with Mia and Carlisle?
Characters: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Jasper Hale, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen (mention), Mia Cullen (OC)
Content Warning: Fear of heights, excessive fluff.
Twilight (Mia Cullen) Masterlist
Each breath in and out seared as it passed through Mia’s lungs and throat, the sound of her labored breathing matched only by the pounding of her heart. She knew her parents—and her brothers and sisters, too—could likely hear her struggling up the hill. They were too far ahead on the trail—or what had likely at one point resembled a trail, so much of it washed out by heavy rains and melting snow—by now for Mia to hear the steady conversation of her siblings as they walked ahead, but she knew they would still be able to hear her, able to easily pick out the sounds of her strife from the sounds of the forest around them. 
It hadn’t taken long to realize why the trail had technically been closed for the season, categorized as too dangerous for human visitors. Mia was proud of herself for getting this far without succumbing to offers of assistance, even with the difficult trail that went back and forth between a mostly drained out river bed and the forest, causing Mia to be constantly scaling the suddenly steep inclines only to be bracing herself with exposed roots and rocks as she slid back down a few moments later.
None of it gave the others any trouble, even with the muddy conditions caused by the spring thaw, but Mia was already exhausted, some part of her screaming to turn back, or simply give in. To let someone carry her on their back for a bit, allowing her feet and legs and lungs the rest they clearly needed. But Mia knew if she did accede, even if only for a moment, that would be the end of her hike. Once her body had a moment of rest, it would only protest her walking again. 
And despite the growing part of her wishing for reprieve, Mia didn’t want to give in, not really. She had known what to expect coming into it. Emmett had gone through the logistics with her and Carlisle beforehand, ensuring the hike was doable, ensuring there wasn’t anything she’d have too much trouble with, and even though Mia was nursing a stitch in her side and barely able to control her breathing or will her feet to pull her forward, she knew the worst was still yet to come. 
Her heartbeat spiked at the thought of what still lay ahead, another thing she was sure everyone picked up on, especially Esme and Carlisle, whose gentle footfall was still sounding just behind her, intermingled with their occasional quiet conversation, all of it a deliberate effort made to remind Mia that they were still there, just a step behind if she needed anything. 
Mia had tried her best not to need anything though, and she had accepted little more than her father’s hand extended down to help her up one particularly steep incline. He hadn’t even pulled her up, allowing her to use her own muscles to close the distance between them, his hand in hers little more than a bit of leverage. Mia was near certain she would be so sore she could barely walk in the morning—she could already feel the pain settling in—but that was a problem for tomorrow.
One thing at a time, Mia thought to herself as her muscles burned anew, the sudden thinning of the forest’s canopy above her and the faint sound of quiet conversation between Edward and Jasper reminding her that there were more important things to focus on, more imminent concerns. 
“Doing okay?” 
It was only the third time Carlisle had offered the question throughout their hike, and she knew it was an effort on his part to avoid the temptation to ask after her wellbeing, just as he’d been repeatedly stifling the urge to offer his hand to pull her up steep inclines and to offer his back to give her tired legs a rest. She knew it was an effort for Carlisle to allow her to struggle, to allow her to do things on her own, especially when it so clearly caused her pain. 
Mia turned towards her parents, nodding as she briefly met Carlisle’s eye. Her chest was tight enough with each breath that Mia knew if she were to try speaking, any words would only come out as a strangled gasp without the air necessary to support them. 
Carlisle nodded in return, and Mia turned around, trudging up the path toward the clearing. Jasper and Edward glanced at her as she arrived, subtle smirks on both of their faces as she dragged her feet to close the final few steps between them. 
Mia let out a ragged breath, leaning over with her hands on her knees as her body caught up with the fact that she was no longer walking, no longer plodding up a hill, no longer pushing her limits. 
Carlisle held out a bottle of water, which Mia took as she straightened back to her full height. She felt a sharp pain in her side with each big inhale, and she focused on breathing just enough that she avoided the pain. 
“The others already went ahead?” she asked, hoping the words sounded at least a little normal and not as though it was a great effort just to speak. 
Edward nodded, watching as Mia took gulp after gulp from the water bottle. 
“Alice is just crossing,” Jasper said, and Mia pulled the bottle from her lips before following his gaze to the far side of the suspension bridge where Alice was twisting and twirling as if she were on a stage and not a glorified bundle of wood slats held together by cables, all of it a staggering 156 feet above the surging waters below. 
Alice, as per usual, seemed entirely unbothered by the risk. 
Mia's gaze traveled to the waters below. Even though she had looked at the pictures online…even though she had known all she could know about the trail and the bridge and the river before agreeing to come along, seeing it in-person was something different entirely. Her mouth dried out despite allowing another gulp of water to slip past her lips.
“You want to go next?” Jasper rocked on his feet, leaning over to nudge Mia’s side with his arm. She took a step back, away from the edge that she was nowhere near to begin with, her body responding to some subliminal call to retreat. 
“Can I go in the middle?” she asked. 
Edward leaned back, revealing a small brown sign with white lettering affixed to a post near the bridge's entry. 
“Great,” Mia muttered under her breath. “I volunteer myself to go last, then,” she added as she took a few steps before lowering herself to sit on a large rock she imagined had been brought there just for this purpose. For the people who were too scared to cross to have a place to sit and watch the braver members in their party go forge ahead. 
“Are you sure?” Jasper asked. “I could—”
Mia cut off the suggestion with a glare and a shake of her head. Anxious as she was about the crossing, she didn’t want Jasper’s brand of help. She didn’t want him to soothe her nerves or sway her mood, tempting as that all was. Jasper didn’t fight her on it, offering a shrug before he turned to begin his journey across.
"See you on the other side." 
Mia propped her elbow on a knee and let her head slump into her hand as she watched Jasper disappear over the bridge. 
“You sure you don’t want to go next?” Edward asked. “Get it over with?” 
Mia shook her head once before turning her attention to pushing her hiking boot through the mud, making a gouge in the ground with the force of it. 
“I’ll go next,” Esme said, pressing a gentle hand to Mia’s shoulder as she passed. 
Mia watched her mother go, not pulling her eyes away even as she felt Edward’s gaze on her.
“I’m sure you’re making it worse in your head than it’s actually going to be.”
“And how would you know what I’m thinking?” 
The words snapped with more force than Mia intended as she turned to look at her brother. Mia knew that she had her mind locked up well enough that Edward couldn’t get in, couldn’t really tell what she was thinking though she was sure he had attempted. Mia had made sure her guards were up and secure today, almost as much of her focus settled there as it was on making sure she didn’t trip and fall. 
“My thoughts are none of your business.” 
Edward snorted, and Mia waited for either the pseudo lecture or sarcastic comment she could tell was on the tip of her brother’s tongue, but when she looked up, it was clear he was already mid-conversation with someone else. 
Carlisle—she presumed—knowing that the two of them frequently engaged that way, especially where she was concerned. 
“Fine,” Edward said in response to whatever Carlisle had expressed through his thoughts. “I’ll wait for you on the other side," he added, glancing down at Mia, but Carlisle shook his head.
“I believe your mother would like to walk with you for a while,” Carlisle answered. He nodded toward the other side of the gorge, where Esme indeed still stood, waiting, and whether Esme truly had any particular reason for wanting her son’s company, Mia was grateful to her mother for occupying him, and grateful to her father for suggesting it. Grateful that Edward wouldn’t be permitted the opportunity to follow up on any of their conversation just now.
“You two go on ahead.” 
Edward didn't bother responding before he headed out onto the bridge, his feet making swift work of the crossing.
“Your brother means well,” Carlisle said as he slipped down onto the rock beside his daughter. 
Mia rolled her eyes, her gaze shifting from her father to watch the brother in question. Edward had by now joined Esme on the other side of the bridge, the time it took seeming impossibly quick, but Mia knew Edward could still hear them. 
“I know,” she answered. And she did know. As much as Edward and Mia sometimes grated on each other's nerves, Mia knew her brother meant well. She knew he wanted what was best for her. 
Mia pushed her foot through the mud, focusing her gaze there as she spoke. “It’s just amazing how they’re all so overprotective until it’s something I have reservations about, and then they’re all ready to push me off the side of a cliff.” 
Carlisle chuckled, knowing that it was partly true. 
“They do realize I’m a human being, right?” she said. “Unlike the rest of you, if I fall off that bridge and break my neck, I’m dead.” 
Carlisle sighed, and Mia felt the weight of her words. She’d meant it as a joke, or a sort of joke, but the mention of her ever present mortality was a heavy subject. Somewhere along the line, she’d realized that it was heavy for all of them in different ways, but it seemed to be heavier for her father more than any of the rest of them. Mia understood why. She knew that if anything like that were to happen…if her existence hung in the balance somehow…it would be her father’s decision on how they would proceed. It would be her father who changed her or let her go. 
Mia released a sigh as she leaned her head against his shoulder, an apology of sorts.
“You’ve done well today.” Carlisle snaked an arm over her shoulder. 
Mia snorted, glancing up to him, eyebrow raised. “So have you.” 
Carlisle reached for the water bottle she’d discarded beside the rock, holding it out for her as if the compliment she’d spared him just now was akin to giving him permission to dote on her a bit. Mia didn’t fight him on it, accepting the bottle and taking a swig. 
“It’s nice here,” Mia mused as she stretched out her legs in front of her. “Maybe we should just sit here and relax and…”
“Is that really what you want?” 
Carlisle would’ve been happy to sit there with his daughter for hours, enjoying nature and the peace and quiet. And he was certain that the longer they lingered on this side of the bridge, the better chance they had of letting the others hunt at a more leisurely pace without concern for Mia’s presence, but he could feel the tug of war within his daughter. Could feel that there was some part of her that wanted to face her fear of heights. 
Mia shrugged and stood up, taking a step toward the bridge. There was supposedly a small, easy hike to a beautiful view on the other side of the bridge, but…
“It’s a big fall,” she said. "Quite a ways down..."
“It is,” Carlisle agreed, “but the bridge is safe,” he added, as if he knew she was questioning it. 
Mia nodded. She knew her father wouldn’t allow her to traverse it if it wasn’t safe, but intellectually knowing that fact did nothing to quell the anxious hormones rushing through her blood stream. 
“But it wobbles,” Mia said. She had seen the bridge swaying while the others had crossed. “And it’s very…open.” It was far more open than she had expected, the cables and wood slats offering far less protection and safety than she had expected.
Mia glanced back at her father, waiting for him to contest her observations, but Carlisle only nodded. He wouldn’t lie to her. He wouldn’t deny the truth of her observations. The validity of her concerns about the structure. 
But more than Mia was concerned about the structure, she was concerned about her role in crossing. She was afraid that her clumsy nature would somehow result in her falling between the wooden slats. Or that she would somehow succeed at propelling herself over the cable rails. 
She knew both were unlikely scenarios, but she couldn’t stop the fear from settling in her stomach. 
And she couldn’t stop herself from imagining the most likely of scenarios—that she would simply freeze, stranded somewhere in the middle of the bridge and paralyzed by fear.
She knew she didn't have to do it. No one would force her to cross, and with her siblings gone, no one would taunt or tease or try to convince her either. And Mia knew that deciding that crossing the bridge didn’t serve her and not crossing because of that decision…that could be a form of courage. Standing up for herself in that way would be just as courageous as forging ahead.
She could almost hear her father saying as much though he remained quiet and waiting, not wanting his words to influence her choice. The quiet between them seemed to last an impossibly long time while what seemed like a million thoughts raced through her head each one louder than the last until Mia took a hasty step forward and her mind quieted. She her breath as she moved out onto the bridge. She didn’t want to think about it any longer, or allow herself to claim the courage of saying no to something she didn’t want to do, because though it was easier to stay on this side, deep down she wanted to cross the bridge. She wanted to see the view on the other side. She wanted…
Mia looked down at her feet as she placed the third and fourth and fifth steps down, and with each step it became more difficult to focus on her hiking boot and the wood slat beneath it, her eyes drawn to the rushing waters of river below. 
She closed her eyes, hands settled on the cables to her sides, willing her body to still the shaking that had started, willing her foot to take another step, but she was frozen, every part of her resistant to any idea of movement. 
Even to get back, she would have to walk. She would have to open her eyes and turn around and…she gulped, her body ramping up at the thought of those things, the doubting thoughts once again growing louder and more insistent.
The word was barely a whisper. Barely a plea, but Carlisle was there beside Mia in just a fraction of a second, guiding her to breathe, his voice and hands on her shoulders steadying her as her eyes remained squeezed tight. 
“I can’t do it. I…”
“You don't want to?” 
Mia took a deep breath, her eyes still shut as she considered her father’s question, the way he had effectively sidestepped her assertion, letting it fall away without comment, both of them knowing it wasn’t true. 
Both of them knew that there was little truth to Mia’s ‘I can’t do it.’ Crossing the bridge wasn’t a matter of ability, but a matter of desire, and Mia knew her father wouldn’t push her one way or the other. Carlisle would let her decide.
“I don’t know,” Mia answered, taking another slow breath to help loosen the tightness in her chest.
“I’m with you either way,” Carlisle answered. “We can go back or cross together. It's up to—”
“I thought only one person was allowed at a time,” Mia interrupted, remembering the glaring warning sign, as she glanced over her shoulder to look at her father. 
Carlisle’s face held an easy smile, a hint of mischief gleaming in his eye as he shrugged.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” 
Mia let out an uneasy chuckle, pulling her eyes from her father to look across to the far side of the bridge. 
“Together,” she said, more to herself than anything, as if the word would convince her bones and nerves and muscles to cooperate, but it was Carlisle’s echoing of the word that had Mia taking a hesitant step forward and then another.
“I’m right here,” Carlisle said, his hand finding Mia’s shoulder when she paused a few steps later.
She looked over her shoulder briefly, offering him a nod before she continued on across the bridge, Carlisle's father’s comforting presence just a step behind. 
Twilight (Mia Cullen) Masterlist
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ceilingfan5 · 9 months
🔒 blupjeans? :) 
🔒I broke into your car to impress you when you locked your keys in and now I have to construct an elaborate lie to explain myself 
“Huh,” Barry says, after Lup breaks into his fucking car. “Thank you, so much, honestly, I mean, I was going to be fucked, the locksmith quoted me like $300-”
“Yeah, no prob,” Lup says, so forcedly casual that she thinks she hears something important pop in her jaw. 
“But uh,” Barry looks at his car, a very, very sad blue Honda Civic belovedly named Crunch, and then at Lup, who is struggling with the knowledge that she is blushing hard enough to burn herself at the stake here. “That’s a pretty impressive skill you’ve got there?”
The how the fuck do you know that, and for why, specifically, is implied. 
“Thanks,” Lup says, opening her gumball machine mouth and letting a tasty, shiny lie ricochet through the spirals and tubes of her fucking idiot central and right out into the air, where she will now be responsible for it. “I learned it in the circus.”
“The circus?” Barry is wearing his stupid sexy strap on sunglasses, which are tentatively attached to his regular glasses, and thus make his eyes a little harder to see. He is, however, obviously having some kind of reaction to this information. Lup grimaces. 
“Yeeep. The circus. You know, the uh, the giraffes loved to steal keys.” 
“Giraffes?” Barry is incredulous. “That’s amazing. What for?”
“Oh, they’re mischievous fuckers,” Lup is just fully in it now. “Never trust a giraffe, I’m telling you. Elephants either, they’ll throw your keys right down a storm drain just to get your attention.”
“Golly,” Barry says. With his human fucking mouth. Lup wants to kill him and keep his soul in a jar. She promises she’ll poke holes in the lid. “I have to imagine you’d hide your keys after that happened once or twice, though?”
“The problem is, you see,” Lup is ascending, to live with the angels. Shame they’ll evict her as soon as possible, for all the lust and gluttony and wrath and so on. She can have another thing lined up. It’s fine. “Circus outfits never have pockets.”
“Really? Never?”
“Total design flaw,” Lup says, nodding, and also sweating so hard she’s afraid it might be audible. “Pockets would pull them down. And when you’re just wearing a leotard, you don’t want it gettin’ pulled down, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Barry agrees, looking dreadfully impressed at all this. “But then what about the keys, did you just hold them?” Him and his goddamn followup questions. Lup could grind him into a paste and study him under a microscope. 
“Yeah, or put them on a chain around our necks. But mostly we had a key boy.”
“A keyboy?” Barry’s eyes go way up. “One keyboy, to hold all the keys in the circus?”
“It was an illustrious job,” Lup says, with her lying, lying ass. “Everyone wanted to fuck the key boy.” 
“Wow,” Barry says. “Because of his access?”
“Because of the jingles, Barr, keep up!” Lup folds her arms. “Also, he was a pretty good juggler. Not as good as me, though.”
“You can juggle?” Barry grins at her. “I’d love to see that.” 
“I’ve been banned from juggling forever,” Lup says solemnly. “Because of the incident.” 
“The incident?” Jesus, can he just do this all day? Doesn’t he get tired?
“Yeah,” Lup says, and winks, and smacks him congenially on the back. “It’s a curse. Shame, cause I love juggling.” And before Barry can ask her another fucking question, she heads back in to work. 
God. It’s been years since she juggled. She cannot fucking believe she’s backed herself into a corner again about this shit. She should have just admitted to being obsessed with lockpicking youtube. 
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hajihiko · 6 months
I've seen in some of your arts that Fuyuhiko has gotten a tattoo for, Hajime Peko and his sister but. Do you think he'd get a tattoo for Souda??
someone had a super sweet idea for that and I'm interested in drawing it
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The whumper wanted to take away the very thing that made the whumpee who they were. they wanted to make sure that in the case the whumpee escaped, they would always remember what the whumper had done to them. The injuries would all be permanent, whether they’d be mental or physical.
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nell0-0 · 2 months
Read your Emmet at the beach dabble and just imagined if that was a silly way Emmet reunited with Ingo.
Emmets just chilling on the beach with all his Pokémon when he sees something drop out of the sky. He panicked because it obviously the lifeguard hadn't seen anything and it looked like someone got knocked off of their flying Pokémon and plummeted into the ocean.
Emmet either orders Eelektross to save them or rides on Eelektross to go save them. He's either going to be surprised when he reaches them or when he brings them back to shore.
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I'll be honest, I don't feel like writing these, but I thought that hey, maybe someone else that's still hyperfixating on submas would be interested. I've been leaving these asks to gather dust in my inbox for what feels like ages now.
So, really, take them. Or don't. But out they go.
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blindmagdalena · 4 months
How do you think Homelander would react to a softie lover? Like she’s so emotional cries over animated movies and everything. And it only gets worse when she gets drunk
he'd tell her to not to drink anymore 😂
i feel like crying (especially crying women) makes Homelander uncomfortable. it's so funny to imagine watching a movie with him and he can sense when she's getting riled up emotionally. he grimaces and preemptively gets her a tissue like, "Alright, c'mon, it's just... It's just a cartoon rabbit, babe."
he's so emotionally stunted and repressed though, i think someone who's more in touch with their emotions would be good for him. he thinks crying is for kids but hey bud!!! i really think you could use a good solid ugly cry more often!!!!
plus he's pretty when he cries.
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deafarcher · 10 months
“The only reason anyone thinks I’m worth anything is because of you!”
"So? Is that a bad thing that I made other people see your worth?"
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tunamayuuu · 6 months
Your thoughts about Margaret? I honestly don’t talk much about her but I’m actually really interested in her
had so much fun drawing ranpo so i decided why not doodle margaret for this ask, andd i had too much fun
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thoughts and hcs below the cut
before i caught up with the manga last year, the guild was actually my favorite organization! poe and margaret were my favorites at the time (and now lucy!) especially in the design aspect because both poe and margaret Scream bougie, which was the exact vibe i wish every guild character emanated from their outfits, even if they come from different backgrounds
i don't have a lot of definitive thoughts on her because realisitcally, we don't know much about her
she does appear arrogant and dramatic yes, we've seen her dedication in salvaging the reputation of her family and how that affects how she treats her co-workers (like when she continuously protected hawthorne during his fight with akutagawa) but other than that? i don't have much i can say
i know the guild characters are stuck in the shelf, but if ever we get to explore them again even just as a side story, i'd love to see how she became a guild member, especially her partnership with hawthorne because clearly they've been partnered enough times that she's willing to take the role of defense for hawthorne to the extent that she was sent to a comatose from an extremely fatal attack
like?? even if you don't see her as much during the fight, the times we did see her, she was defending for his sake, not attacking alongside him or even battling without his cooperation like you'd expect from the arrogant woman, i'd love to learn more about how they've come to this type of battle dynamic as a duo
CAN WE TALK ABT HOW HER LIKE IS "ANOTHER DAY" AND DISLIKES ARE "WAR, BETRAYAL"? like i know these info pages are just trivial but i need to know if this is closely related to why she operates the way she does
enjoys window shopping or going into boutiques just to admire the clothes she can find! she definitely has an eye for fashion but i don't think she'd put money on herself more than her own family, so she resorts to admiring and dreaming instead
has trouble being alone for long periods of time
has a noticeable accent (sorry her EN dub voice captivated me)
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Hey love bug! Guess who's backkkkk😍can you do farah and Kate laswell comforting reader with a headache bc I have one right now probably because I eat a shit ton of sugar and haven't drank water since the last ice age
Hey there! Please drink some water! I know you sent that request in a few days ago, but I hope you're feeling better now!
Farah and Laswell with a Reader with a Headache
Farah: She’d get fussy over you and demand you drink some water immediately. Won’t say too much while handing you a big glass of water, though. You better drink half of it in one go and gradually drink the rest of it sooner rather than later. She makes sure that you will drink the water and refills the glass as well, doesn’t matter how much you complain. She can be stern when she needs to be and this is one of those times. She doesn’t immediately grab some headache meds, though, opting for literally everything else first. Drink some water, go to bed at a reasonable time, take a long nap, just rest up, that sort of stuff. Only when the headache doesn’t seem to be going away will she resort to giving you some meds. Or when it worsens, whichever comes first. However, if it’s just a headache because you haven’t slept well in a while, then she’ll usher you to sleep while she does most of the housework. Will be quiet while she does so, however. She’s a very competent sniper, she knows how to be quiet while doing something.
Laswell: Like Farah, she would not be very pleased with you not drinking much, or any, water. Will give you the nearest bottle of water she can grab, even one with a flavor you like to give you more of an incentive to drink it. Will also make sure that you actually drink it, she’ll stand beside you and watch you down the water bottle, leave and emerge with a new one in hand. Will also use meds as a last resort sort of thing and tries everything else before that. It’s not that she’s against using medication, but using too much of it can lessen its effectiveness, so she’d prefer you take a nap or go to bed to make it go away. If the headache won’t go away or gets worse then, like Farah, she’ll grab the meds and give you some. Will also usher you to bed if you’re not feeling well, she’ll leave you alone for the time being. Cooks dinner for you and her and only calls you when it’s time to eat. Afterwards it’s time for you to go to bed again and sleep the headache off. Laswell can handle herself and the housework in the meantime, but she will be a little more stern with you if you decide to wake up for no good reason. You will be sleeping it off, whether you like it or not.
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