#but also brushing stuff like this off with a joke got me called racist in the past so
tobyghost · 2 years
Can I ask why you hate DSMP? /genuine, no pressure, just curious.
Yes !! I'm always open to answering this question but it's a sort of long response and I'm sure a lot of people fixated on DSMP won't listen to me or will brush it off, thats why I've given up trying to reason with the fans and just sort of tell them to leave me alone at least.
The DSMP while harmless as an idea (just a group of guys on a minecraft server) has left an insanely harmful impact on the internet, on younger people, and on my own personal friendgroups. Thats due to the amounts of Racism, Ableism, Transphobia, Queerbaiting, Sexism, and Probably any other ism you can think of. Theres screenshotted proof of many many many of the members saying slurs or making racist or transphobic comments. Dr3am has started twitter arguments saying the R slur isn't really a slur deapite many people trying to tell him it is but insisting its stupid to call it a slur. W1lbur has said the T slur and made many transphobic comments and a few racist ones. T0mmy has done- a lot of shit and I'm not going to come for the kid because I know people get mad about anyone calling him out because 'hes a child' (which he is / was but you can tell kids when they're doing something wrong I'm not going to like doxx him or something.) Speaking of which Dr3@m said it was 'funny' that a 17 yrold girl got doxxed and he said 'nothing ever happens' when someone gets doxxed. Qu@ ck1ty has made many racist comments one being jokes about Asian people eating cats and another being pulling his eyes back to mock asian people. Theres a lot more information on them and documents all over the internet with screenshot proof of all this stuff. Also Jshl@ tt is the worst one imo hes said the MOST slurs out of any of them I think and joked about slavery and shit like that.
Overall fans will defend this behaviour or accept apologies they put out but I firmly believe its within anyones right to not accept them, and I really don't. They apolgize for stuff all the time and then do something similar right after and they all just keep hanging out with eachother and festering a toxic environment and teaching younger more impressionable people that stuff is okay.
I'm tired of fighting with people about it though so I'm just going to try my best to stay away from them as a whole, and obviously the subject would make me uncomfortable as a trans autistic person and my boyfriend is literally a POC (not that I couldn't be against racism if he wasn't but it makes it feel more personal knowing if I was in a community like that my boyfriend would probably be uncomfortable as hell.)
Thank you for asking and I'm sorry if the response is long and if you can't accept it or if anyone else can't. Overall I just appreciate the respect of my boundaries thank you. /gen /nm
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tua-hottakes · 3 years
I’m sorry but I feel like vanya has the most white favoritism💀 five is a murderer, yeah, but he only kills when he feels like he has to, although I’m not saying it’s justified. Vanya was literally killing because she pissed😭 someone HONKED in front of her and and she killed them😭 and pogo😭(no hate to vanya tho, I like her)
Ok first things first: "only kills when he feels like he has to" ?? I feel like I have to kill about 10 times a day lmaoo, doesnt mean its ok to do it. Five murders intentionally, Vanya kills when she loses control. I think this is a significant difference to make, if entirely irrelevant to the issue of white favoritism.
//im sorry i kinda went off the answer to your ask is bolded under the line//
The way I understand the term white favoritism here (correct me if I’m wrong English is my second language) is the writers/producers or fans treating a white character better than they would a character of colour. We see it in white characters receiving more screentime, more complex and thought out storylines as well as better development both in canon and in fan works. We also see it, as others have pointed out, fan reactions such as Lila getting dragged for being a brown girl version of Five.
However, where fans are concerned, I think it gets a little more complex than “Person A doesnt like this poc character, but likes that white character, this is racism”. See, fandom likes to think they are gods that take canon and play with it as if it’s a piece of clay, but tua is an extremely well-crafted visual media, these characters have a lot to them, their presentation, the way they are written, and their development dictate the audience’s response. Most of the responsibility with avoiding something as subtle as white favoritism, imo, falls on the show’s creators; you cannot expect/rely on people having good enough analytical skills to recognise both the creators bias and /possibly/ their own.
Do you think that Robert Sheehan’s wardrobe choices are accidental? Or the fact that teenagers are in love with Aidan Gallagher? Both characters are designed to be attractive to certain demographics (LGBTQ+ community/ horny kids that dont have a one direction(those two do overlap)). The issue here isnt so much about which character does the worse thing and is forgiven by fandom. The issue comes down to the fact that fans are more willing to empathize with characters that are better written (to be likable) and better presented. Not nicer or more moral.
The whole Point of the show is that there aren’t objectively good or bad people, but if there were, all of the sibling would fall into the bad category. That’s why it’s a good show, it makes you empathize with people who do awful things. That being said, Vanya is a well-written character, but she’s literally the Big Bad of season 1 and a red herring big bad in s2. Shes way too central to the plot to not be given the required attention. But in terms of fan-reception ( and this is a very difficult to say for certain, as it’s impossible to measure) I have noticed that people tend to not care for her as much? When i say she’s a “smoll bean”, ya gotta notice the irony, I am fully aware she murdered people (although how much of that was her fault is up for a Very Long Discussion), she was by no means a likable character until s2 where she got to date Sissy (and i think this was also very intentional of the writers).
So, to get back to the point of your ask: Although there is always some racial bias behind every creative decision, I don't think shes that big of an example of favoritism on the side of the creators here, she needs to be a compelling character to perform her function, but at no point do i think, “man, Vanya is just so perfect, what a wonderful person, truly a model human being i want more of her and only her.” And this might just be my experience, but i haven't noticed her being much of a fan-favourite. In fact, I think she’s the second least liked character after Luther. People argue a lot about if she shoud be forgiven, she’s definitely not viewed in entirely positive light. The people who love her, mostly find the positives in her relationship with Sissy and the wlw representation. Which is a neat trick that Steve pulled, ngl, he got us there, he really knows his demographic(oh boy but thats another long topic right there). I don’t see much fan content about her on her own? Idk I could be wrong or too desensitized.
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whitetrashjj · 3 years
most people that don’t like kie don’t like her because she
1. gets mad at JJ when he calls her out for being rich
2. prioritizes john b constantly because whatever feelings she has towards him gave her tunnel vision
3. tried to guilt-trip pope into missing his scholarship interview despite the fact that, like he said, she wasn’t there for any of them when big john went missing
4. talks about the gold, pope’s scholarship, and things that happen to the boys because of them living in the cut as if it’s okay to just toss them aside when it’s only okay to do that for her- seeing as she doesn’t need the money, and she doesn’t need a scholarship. the only thing that makes her a pogue is that she decided to hang out with them, which is fine but she can’t act like she goes through what people on the cut do seeing as she doesn’t actually live there or go to their school. these things are only expendable for her.
5. she tried to fight pope on the boat because he rightfully called her out on her “moral high ground bullshit”
6. she gives off performative activist. she’ll talk about saving the turtles but when jj is clearly hysterical or something with his buying a hot tub using his share, she says he could have “literally given it to any charity” as if he isn’t quite literally the charity… even without seeing the bruises it’s clear that jj is in an unstable environment with someone who doesn’t care about him and can’t support him financially.
7.she doesn’t sympathize with jj until after the jj/pope/kie hot tub group hug when she sees his bruises. she just ignores whatever he says when he mentions her financial privilege and insults him in a non-friendly way. (he insults her too obviously, but since the show never goes in depth to discuss kie’s struggles as a biracial girl or pope’s struggles as a black boy, it’s not something that jj can randomly sympathize with, seeing as it’s never brought to light. if it was brought up and jj were to react like she’s being annoying for pointing it out or pointing it out to spite him, i would have major problems with jj because acknowledging whatever privilege you have is important, especially when you’re with people that don’t have that privilege/when you’re someone whose character is supposed to be the activist type. and i’m not equating racial privilege to financial privilege, i’m just mentioning it because classism is pretty much the basis of the entire show and its plot.)
anyway… this is the reason i’ve seen most jjpopes dislike kie. mentioning the “kiara sucks” anon as if that is a blanket statement of all jjpopes is strange. we aren’t some raging misogynists out to get her, but you saying that pope is a very flawed character with no examples to back it up but also getting irritated when someone says kiara sucks with no examples to back it up is ridiculous. these are examples. since this is in response to your response to that ask, i’ll also add that while your experiences as a queer person are valid, they aren’t universal (“Any queer person knows that you can’t be as forthcoming and open about our affections as straight people are.”)
i get where you’re coming from with saying a regular character might not be outward about his feelings, but jj is not a regular character. jj is a nothing-to-lose kind of character, so your reasoning for why those many displays of affection throughout the show weren’t intended to be romantic just doesn’t really add up? of course he values pope’s friendship and wouldn’t want to risk it, but it’s also evident that he’s a very good liar and could easily say he was joking or wasn’t trying to seem like any of his actions were romantic, something you can also probably understand/have experienced as a queer person. your very statement that jj is someone who flirts with anyone is counterproductive to the statement that that means he doesn’t have feelings for pope. he flirts with every girl, but he can only form a lasting bond while also doing things you’d normally do with a crush, with pope. a lot of jjpopes including myself think he’s gay, and comphet/trying to prove to yourself that you’re straight by engaging in meaningless hookups (like jj) is reason for that headcanon. i get what you’re saying for other characters, but there’s no indication of jj not having that same nothing-to-lose attitude when it comes to people he has romantic feelings for, so there would be no reason for the pull-back or hesitation that you mentioned. and since he knows pope and his connection (whether it be platonic or romantic to both of them) is so strong, he probably assumes nothing could break that bond/dynamic either way.
also no one called you anti-black or implied that you were for saying pope is a flawed character, but it would be surprising to see one that isn’t rooted in that because all of them in the past have been- this fandom is wildly colorist and homophobic (another reason representation like jjpope is so important) and it’s extremely hard to find someone that doesn’t like pope without an explanation for their dislike that isn’t rooted in racism. that’s just common sense, though.
You know, I've been looking at this ask for a long time just wondering if it's worth my time to address all of this - like I didn't realise one could send asks this big. But I'm bored and got a beer in me so fuck it let's go.
So first let's talk about the reasons you hate Kie. I'm gonna admit that I to think she is flawed, like every other obx character, she is also a victim to bad writing and under developed. But also I just do not understand how people can hate her or insists that she is a bad person, don't get me wrong sometimes you just don't vibe with a character and there is nothing wrong with that but hating them and tearing them down is a very different thing.
Now I've said this before but let me reiterate. Not liking a character or ship or preferring one over the other does not automatically make you racist, misogynistic or homophobic. But I do think it is important to take a step back and assess our motivation and perhaps internalised biases. Sometimes you will find that you reasoning is without much substance and realise that you have some things to work on, sometimes even though mentally you don't have the conscious block there is something internalised about that - I know I have been subject to that. This doesn't make you a bad person, and you don't have to force yourself to like it or anything, but just be aware and sometimes it's okay to just remove yourself for the conversation because the people who do like it aren't supporting something that is morally corrupt and it doesn't have to be the subject of discourse. People can like different stuff.
1. Did you mean pulls faces when JJ calls her rich? Cause that's what she does, gets a little annoyed, pulls a face but doesn't say anything because she know he's got a point. I'm very confused about you definition of angry and perhaps be careful about perpetuating the 'angry black woman' stereotype.
Also, I think it's important to note that clearly the kooks vs pogues divide has pretty much abolished the middle class, and you are either lower class or 'rich'. The Carrera's very clearly still struggle with money and are not on the same level of kooks as the Cameron's. So yeah, I think she's justified to roll her eyes at JJ saying she's rich as fuck and doesn't need money.
2. Prioritizes John B because his dad's gone missing, he's been abandoned by his guardian, is being threatened with being taken away from his home and everything he knows and is in general spiralling? Yeah. What a fucking monster. Also, I find it hard to find a justification for Kie having canon romantic feelings from John B that isn't just born from heteronormativity - her caring about him and then getting kissed by him does not equal a love match.
3. It wasn't about missing the interview - which wasn't until the next fucking day - it was about not giving up looking for their friend who was in a really bad way. Like - you cannot say that getting a scholarship when you are 16 is more important that John B's actual life being at stake ?
The fact that she wasn't there when John B went missing wasn't relevant? Like I've talked about why I hate Pope in this scene. But like, Pope is saying 'um you can't call me out on being a bad friend now cause you were a bad friend then'. That's the point, Kie caring so much about John B is rooted in guilt cause she wasn't there, and now she's trying to be there and support him, to prove that she's a better friend now. That's she's different, because she is.
4. I would love some specific examples of her brushing this stuff off like it means nothing. Other than the boat scene which once again, justified. And once again, Kie isn't destitute at all and no she doesn't fully understand the struggles of the boys or the cut but her family is not rolling in it and spending weekends on Yachts. Like this point is such a bloody reach.
5. I don't love that she got physical with him either. But she didn't do that because she got called out. She got upset because Pope was the one person she confided in about that happened during her kook year, about how bad it was, about the fact that she was suicidal and Sarah saved her and that's why she was so drawn to that, not because she wanted to be a kook, and Pope just throws that back in her face because he's jealous that Kie cares more about John B's problems than his.
6. Well this is just a misrepresentation of what happened. She said give it to any charity because in that moment it seemed like without a reason JJ just blew that money on stupid shit. Pope thought the same thing that's why he yells at him for not using it for restitution. In that moment he just seems like he is being drunk and irresponsible, because they didn't think he would go back to Luke, Pope literally says that he wouldn't. And then note how when they see the bruises they know what happened and the tone instantly changes cause they realise what happened. And that he did try to do the right thing and got flogged because of it. And she is right in there to comfort him and reassure him. So like... yeah.
7. Please give me example for this. I don't see Kie insulting him that isn't a justified call out or playful banter that is returned and part of their push and shove dynamic. You know... just being friends.
The only times we see Kie react to JJ's home life she is concerned and sympathetic. She's the only one who's worried about JJ going home when he storms off and is instantly there to comfort him when she knows he's had interaction with Luke. I really don't know where you are getting this from.
I don't use it as a blanket statement, I know not to group shippers in as one, I know there are jiara shippers that I do not see eye to eye with for a second. The reason I bring up the 'kiara sucks' thing is because of the context it was used. We weren't talking about Kie, it wasn't relevant, it had no reason to be there or anything to back it up. It was random bitching and as you say fandom is a very racist place so yeah, it seemed like racism to me. Like you realise you are calling me ridiculous for being annoyed that someone just came to me and said Kie sucks without reason, and then this ask goes onto be annoyed that I have some issues with Pope and that more than likely racist for thinking it because you've elected to ignore my massive post outlining my stance on this.
My experiences as a queer person are not universal, no. But I do know they are very common. I'm so thankful that there are people out there who don't experience this and I hope that in the future it will be the norm. But realistically, with what we know about JJ, I think it is more than likely that would be his experience.
Look if you headcanon him as gay say the things with girls is comphet, then that's your view and I won't fight you on it. But remember that that is a headcanon. And what I have been talking about is were they intentionally setting up jjpope and are those actions indicative of romantic attraction, which if they we're they would have made a point to frame it as comp het, which they didn't, they might in the future but for now - they aren't. In terms of being a good liar, I just- like gay panic is a very strong thing. There young girls who tell everyone they don't like hugs because they actually really liked the hugs and feel like people will know that they are gay if they hug their friend, a hug. I can't see 'I'm a good liar' being enough to overcome those sorts of feelings.
The thing is while JJ has a nothing to lose attitude when it comes to his life and future the same doesn't apply to his relationships, because the Pogues are his thing to lose, his only family, the one good thing. I can't see him just saying fuck it I could risk losing Pope. So I can't agree with you there.
First of all, I was called anti-black for not liking Pope, despite the fact that I don't hate him, and just had valid reasons for thinking he is flawed, not the devil incarnate. Two, I am well aware that this fandom is racist, like all fucking fandoms, and have talked about it. And I think that fact that I don't hate Pope and laid out very clearly the reasons I don't think he's some perfect angel that does no wrong kinda shows that I'm not just random bitching because he's black. Also - I'm a fucking Kie stan. I have to deal with people hating on Kie for the same reasons they love Sarah - it's very obvious to see people motivations there.
And you are right. An interracial mlm ship would be great representation. So would an interracial ship between the hot guy that everyone loves with the black girl - because doesn't he always end up with the white self insert? But reminder that ships don't automatically have superiority because they have 'better' representation and certainly does not represent a shipper 'wokeness'. Personally I think a platonic relationship between two men that are as close and physically affectionate as JJ and Pope - especially when one is so traditionally masculine as JJ, especially if one or both of them could be queer - would be great representation for young boys struggling with toxic masculinity.
So yeah, I think your reasons for hating Kie don't have much basis in canon. I do not give if you like her or not but.. hating her and trying to prove that people shouldn't like her, that she's not good enough for JJ and coming into my ask and putting her down for no reason, still does not sit right with me.
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crazygaysex · 3 years
incomprehensible conjecture and rambling about sunny/rcg under the cut! idk man I got 1 hour of sleep in the past 24 or wataver and my brain is an abandoned swamp Good Nigte
i certainly am not arguing that mac Absolutely Isnt a stereotype of a predatory gay man/self-hating homophobe or whatevr. i wont argue the homophobe one at all really,not great even if they rectified it and further tried to make up for it or whatever w mac finds his pride (which i love, regardless). but honestly i dont think the predatory complaint really makes a whole lot of legitimate sense considering every charatcer on the show is Extremely predatory in their own right. if he wasnt i’d be irritated to be honest. i do agree w wat mcelhenney said something like that its cool that they decided to acknowledge he was gay without changing him fundamentally as a person; he still needs to fit into the show or watever. like idk he’s not Ideal Gay Rep ofc but he’s awesome still. To Me. I like when character’s sexuality can be an improtant acknowledged facet of them but doesnt overtake the rest of te narrative! It never occurred to me that his behavior toward dennis would be seen as predatory ina stereotypical way seeing as how their relationship dynamic is so fckign bizarre. charlie has the same level of dogged cluelessness about the obj of his affection’s true feelings, so it didnt occur to me to see mac touching dennis’ knee or stuff of that variety as being any different ig or as making fun of queers or watevr. if i am wrong/misunderstanding i apologize. i have never considered mac from that perspective before.
honestly i kinda get the complaints. i’ve never rly thought rcg all have 10000% pure intentions with the insensitive kind of humor they are into, no matter their loophole justifications for shit. sometimes i almost believe their reasoning and do basically understand but it still seems flimsy when you considers stuff like the blackface stuff which is indeed kind of funny at times mainly bc the joke is the absurdity of it all, like mac in the shower with the brown dripping off him like he’s melting; it’s not funny at the expense of black ppl but more so at the expense of how goddam stupid and unaware mac is. i havent seen the blackface/brownface ones in years sos i dont have a whole lot to say excepe they seemed to be clearly against using blackface as the moral while still using it to get laughs. so. really honestly i don’t know that it’s Liderally Ever edgy white people’s call to use something like blackface regardless of context, regardless of their obvious intent? i dunno i have tried to find Black ppls opinions online a couple times but struggled to find any tangible results. the only other thing i have to say with ym white person words is that i think it’s stupid that the streamig companies take down all insensitive episodes like theyre trying to brush them under the rug and pretend it never happened in wake of a changing political climate. i get it, but kinda just seems like corporate scrambling ie disney getting ridof all of song of the south but still profiting from splash mountain eprhaps. something seems dodgy to me about pretending it doesnt exist anymore just to cover their asses. i understand the sentiment i guess but i dont think that’s really the main goal of the BLM movement, to purge streaming services of any questionable/racially insensitive/Fully Racist material; there’s surely more important things at the top of the lists besids Good Branding . im not sure if that makes sense
also a lot of episodes the joke is the blatant but somehow woefully oblivious homoerotic overtones present between the guys, like a Lot of the time. it is very funny though is the thing and a lot of thm are my favorites. i dunno. i also thought hte pooping transgender bit was pretty funny mainly cause it was absurd. i think maybe because i have my own what i think are reaosnable and empathetic views about certain stuff like queer shit it doesnt necessarily occur to me that they are trying to make fun of queer people.. like people make fun of conservative fans for having completely missed the point of it all being satire, and wat if i am being tricked to into assuming rcg has kind intentions and isnt trying to make fun of queer people just cause the thought didnt occur to me? instead of taking all the gay subtext serious- WHICh i Do, i should probably be more aware that to rcg it is just a bit and not really that deep. but mac and dennis were totally fucjing in s5 canonically. anwyays like aside from the carmen shit which is handled So Fuckign Bad and it makes me so upset cause i actually love carmen they were just very clearly not bothered with actually representing trans people accurately. so in the bathroom one if even fuckin dee reynolds is like, saying a trans woman in a woman’s bathroom is obviously normal.. it seems like they’d rectified some of their previous Very flawed rhetoric surrounding trans women (ie the whole “u slept with me when i was still a man” line. makes me cringe a bit ebery time)u get wat i mean?? not that it atones for it obviously. i love carmen she desreved better
butreallt i dont have any like. Pure Faith in rcg to be super accountable or honest about their intentions or to have the most accurate or agreeable beliefs or whataver. theyre just fucking about really because they can without any lashback. and people i think like being able to laugh at offensive shit thru scenarios which supposedly distance you from bigots/evil people and make u feel better about yourself watching these dumbass evil people talk slime. when like. glenn yelling supposedly arabic-sounding gibberish for example: it is funny in this context not just cause it’s wildly inappropriate and absurd but also because there’s prob significant amt of people who actually dont have an issue with it who could watch it and not have that takeaway whatsoever. i dont kno wt im talking about anymore btu honestly if youre trying to watch a show that isnt rife throughout with controversial/offensive/insensitive language and story beats, i dont know why you would try to stomach it with sunny. like for gods sake they used blackface more than once! i dunno man
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Controlling My Friend’s Phone-A.E
“ can u write either Alex or Will's gf going on Callux's channel to take part with the "controlling my best friend's phone for an hour" series, and he totally messes with her, but at the end it turns out he finds cute messages between them or smthing?“
Tumblr media
Pairing: ImAllexx x Reader
Word Count: 1.7K+
"Y/n, Welcome to the channel," Callum had smiled into the camera. "What's up?" Y/n grinned, giving a wave to the camera. "Not much, besides the fact I'll be controlling your phone for the next hour," Callum looked over to his friend, outreaching a hand, motioning for her to hand over her belonging. "I'm scared," Y/n shook her head, hesitantly pulling out her phone. "Oh, you should be," He smirked, snatching the phone from her. "Alright, time to unlock your phone." "Oh god..." Y/n trailed off, beginning to press in her password. The screen unlocked, revealing all of Y/n's apps. "Twitter time first!" Callum pressed open the blue bird app. "Don't post anything that could put me in a scandal, please," Y/n began to bite at her nails. "Like?" "Nothing, homophobic, trans-phobic, racist, or offensive," Y/n shook her head. "Wow, the bar is so low," Callum let out a laugh. He began to type up a tweet. "Boys, come slide in my DMS. I'm bored." "No! Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/n practically howled, "I'm dating someone!" "Oh, so I shouldn't put the kissy-face?" Callum laughed, being to open the emoji keyboard. "Why did I agree to this?" Y/n shook her head. "I'm putting a kissy face," Callum had pressed the 'post' button, sending the tweet out into the world. "Goddamnit, Callum," Y/n shook her head. "Alright, Instagram time," Callum smirked. "I promise I won't leak your nudes." "Wow," Y/n shook her head, looking at the camera. "Guys, I promise I don't have nudes, I'm not a whore." "Let's put something on your story," Callum smirked, swiping to the left to open the camera. "I'm thinking along the lines of... 'Guess what's coming in nine months?' With maybe a few baby emojis." "Oh god," Y/n shook her head. "I am gonna get into some type of scandal, aren't I?" "Probably," Callum laughed with a nod as he hit the 'post' button again. "What else should we do?" "Up to you, I guess," Y/n bit her lip, watching Callum scroll through her apps. "I'm positive you have George Memeulous's phone number," Callum grinned. "What are you planning?" Y/n raised a brow. "Let's start thirst texting him, why don't we?"  Callum had opened up Y/n's text messages. "Oh, no!" Y/n practically shouted. She got up, walking out of the camera frame. "You're really trying to get me canceled, aren't you?" "Alright, I'm gonna text him," Callum laughed, opening her texts between her and George. "Holy shit, your guys' conversations have been so dry." Callum scrolled through their texts, "Seriously? 'Hey, do you want some food, I'm gonna order some dinner.' You guys are so boring." "You're really going to ruin my friendships, aren't you?" Y/n shook her head as she walked back into the camera frame. "Anyways, time to text him. 'Hey Papi, whatcha up to?' Omgod, this is gonna be fun," Callum let out another laugh. "He's gonna know something's up," Y/n shook her head. "While we wait for him to reply, let's text up the other boys," Callum had pulled up Y/n's texts with Will next. "Lemme think... 'You're so fuckin hot, ditch Mia for me, baby.' I love this so much," Callum smiled, beginning to text Will. "Oh, no! Mia and I are so close! I'm not gonna have any friends after this," Y/n brushed a hand through her hair as she let out a long sigh. "James's turn next!" Callum smirked, "I'm gonna say... 'Can you do me a favor and lemme peg you?' You're gonna have to apologize to everyone after this, Y/n," Callum shook his head. "This hurts me. You've hurt me. How could you do this to me?" Y/n cringed. "You had a week to tell your friends something weird was gonna happen on your texts and social medias," Callum looked over to Y/n. "I'm gonna need bleach after this," Y/n sighed. Y/n's phone buzzed. "Oh, George texted us back!" Callum grinned, reopening Y/n's texts with George. " 'Y/n, are you alright?' Oh, he already knows something's up," Callum shook his head. "I told you he was gonna know something was going on," Y/n bit her lip. "I can fix this. 'I'm okay, but I'd be better if we were together at the moment." Callum smiled, continuing to text the commentary YouTuber. "Let's see, James left you on read!" "I'm not surprised. I'm friends with his girlfriend, I feel horrible," Y/n hid her face in her hands. "We're not gonna poke the bear with James because you're already getting into enough trouble," Callum smiled. "Will still hasn't opened your text yet." "I'm scared," Y/n returned to biting at her nails. "You should be," Callum looked over to her again. "Let's open Twitter again." There had been plenty of DMs sent to Y/n on Twitter with a lot of confused replies to her tweet. "This is absolutely amazing," Callum scrolled through the replies. "I'm gonna tweet something new." "I'm gonna get so fucking canceled," Y/n sighed. "Alright, I'm gonna say... '5 likes and I'll burn ImAllexx's Internet Sensation merch," Callum was already typing. "No, not Alex! You've already done so much, why Alex?" Y/n was freaking out at this point. She was surprised Alex hadn't tried reaching out to her yet over what she was posting and texting to his friends. James should've told him what Y/n texted him by now. As expected, Y/n's phone began to buzz again. Only this time she was being called by her boyfriend, Alex Elmslie.  "No!" Y/n yelled, grabbing onto the roots of her hair, "he knows something's wrong!" "Y/n, I'm gonna pick up. You can't talk though," Callum smirked. "Are you crazy?!" "Hey, I'm controlling your phone for the next thirty minutes," Callum grinned, hitting the green pickup button. "Y/n, are you alright? I'm so confused over your tweets, is this some kind of joke? James also told me you sent a sext to him? What the fuck? Do you have something to tell me? Do you wanna break up?" The more Alex spoke, the more Y/n's heart broke. Alex suffered from anxiety, so she could only imagine how he was feeling right now. Y/n bit her lip, making eye contact with Callum, he only put a finger to his lips, motioning for her to stay quiet. "Y/n, are you there-" Alex had been cut off by Callum hitting the 'end call' button. "That was so mean! He probably thinks I'm cheating on him or something!" Y/n brushed a hand through her hair. Within seconds, Y/n's phone buzzed again. This time she had received a text. It was from Alex. 'Y/n, please talk to me, I know you're there.' "I'm going to end up getting dumped by Alex by the time this is over," Y/n shook her head. "I'm texting back. 'What are you talking about? I am completely normal.' But in all caps," Callum laughed, already typing. "You're so mean!" Y/n's eyes widened. "As Alex texts back, let's look back through your texts with him," Callum smiled, beginning to scroll up. "Oh god, you two really are an adorable pair." Thank you, I guess? I mean, I don't know if we're gonna last after this video," Y/n gave a shrug as she watched Callum. "You two were literally planning a Star Wars movie marathon tonight, now I'm starting to feel shitty," Callum let out a sigh. "Honestly you two seem like such a power couple with these texts." "Thank you, can I have my phone now?" Y/n put out her hand, motioned she wanted her phone back. "I have 15 more minutes left. Now let's look at your photos!" Callum hadn't found anything special. Most photos where just screenshots of random stuff, but finally he found a photo album he really liked. "You have a photo album titled, 'Alex' with a  heart emoji?" Callum grinned, already opening the album. "Oh yeah," Y/n gave a nod, smiling at the tens of photos she had of Alex. There were a decent amount of photos Y/n had taken of Alex. Some of them were funny, most of them were pretty cute. There was a photo of Alex downtown. They had been walking downtown after seeing a movie. As they were waiting to cross the street, Y/n had stolen photo of Alex smiling at her, cars were driving past in the background as the sun was halfway down. There was another photo of Alex, Y/n's hand was placed underneath his chin, squeezing his cheeks together, causing his lips to squish together. Photo after photo, each one had a special memory, it didn't matter if the memory was big or small, they were all important to Y/n. Even though she and Alex had just started dating only a few months back, there were plenty of good memories they shared. Finally, Callum finished gushing over photos, talking about how he thought Y/n and Alex were 'couple goals'. "I guess I can give you your phone back now," Callum gave a shrug as he handed Y/n's phone back to her. "I've got to go and do damage control now," Y/n sighed, already opening Twitter to delete the tweets Callum posted. "Good luck with that," Callum smiled. Callum began the outro as Y/n was texted her friends her apologies. She felt bad that Cal had texted weird shit to her friend's. 'Hey, Alex. I'm sorry about everything. I was filming a video on Callux's channel where he stole my phone for the past hour, none of that was me, I promise. I love you too much to be like that.' Within seconds, Alex had begun to type back. 'It's alright, Y/n. I'm just happy none of that was you. I love you too. Are we still on for a movie marathon tonight?' Y/n smiled at the text she received. Thank god Alex wasn't gonna hold this against her. 'Of course, I'll call you when I get in my car.' 'Okay.' Y/n placed her phone in her back pocket as Callum finished up his outro for the video. "And if you're curious where you can find Y/n, I'll be leaving a link in the description to her YouTube channel," he smiled to the camera. Y/n gave a wave, a smile appeared on her face. "This video made me anxious for an hour," Y/n spoke up. "Anyways, I'll see you guys next time!" With that, the camera was turned off.
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wekeepcoming · 3 years
I use this blog to enjoy Death Stranding, but I want to come on and speak about the PS5 Sean thing. I normally don’t comment on the JSE community, as it’s very biased towards Sean. And I kinda stopped watching him after 2017 b/c I felt like he was drifting from his moral compass. Especially after I learned he and Signe broke up. That caught me off guard, actually. But what really caught me off guard is when I learned he had a new girlfriend rather quickly. I had heard of Evelien “Gab” Smolders before... But not for a good reason. See I learned about her when she made the terrible “Herro” comment she made about Ada Wong back in like 2019 I think... And I didn’t know her well enough to think anything but “Damn that’s fucked up” and “that’s racists as all Hell”. I never thought about her again until I learned her and Sean got together... And then, if you watch a clip of him talking about when him and Evelien got together, the math adds up to the fact... That it’s pretty obvious Sean was cheating on Signe. He pretty much maps it out. If you watch this video and go to timestamp 0:50, he tells the story - dramatically- about how he and Eveline met. And he even talks about being on his tour... Which Signe was on with him at the time. And then I think back to when poor Signe was getting blamed for their breakup and people saying she was abusive to Sean (oh yeah, people were saying it)... And I just feel bad for her. Cheating is a BIG no no for me. I have no respect for it, no matter the reason. You don’t do that. It’s messed up... it also explains why Sean was adamant about people not bugging Signe about the break up... B/c I would snap out too if people bugged me about my ex who cheated on me with a married woman!
I’m the same age as Sean. Im actually a month older than him. I know when someone is trying to gaslight or manipulate me. And Sean has shown signs of that over the past two years as well. His constant excuses for things are usually him not taking responsibility when he needs to. Which is something else I have a no tolerance for. You’re a thirty year old grown man, Sean. You’re acting like a dumbass child when you puff up and go “well it’s not MY fault, obviously, it was so-and-so’s fault”... Which is exactly what he’s done. The last incident of this that I remember seeing is when he was making excuses for Nopeify and calling him a dumb teenager. They’re nineteen years old. Granted, at nineteen I did stupid shit... But I wasn’t being homophobic and I didn’t make very obvious school shooting “jokes”. That is just being downright disgusting and very much not okay.
After 2017, I didn’t really care too much about Sean’s channel. His content was getting boring and he was changing a lot. I noticed it when he’d collaborated with Mark or Wade or Bob and the others. And yeah I still popped into his stuff from time to time (that’s how I learned about him and Gab). It was clear to see he was changing. And not in good lights. His confident boost he has gained... It has not made him a better person. Back in the past, it was very obvious he was willing to take responsibility for his errors. Which he’s admitted he did b/c he was afraid of being canceled.. Not because they were genuine mistakes or anything... But at least he took responsibility.
I wasn’t mad about the PS5 comment until he brushed off everyone’s complaints for “it was a joke”... Listen, I know everyone has a different sense of humor... But if people aren’t laughing, then you might wanna rethink your “jokes”. Also! When you made that Corona virus joke about Mark back in like February or March or whenever that stream for GTFO was... You realize, sir, that the man you just made that comment to is half-Korean and of the Asian community. Which is receiving deadly hate crimes and being accused of the outbreak because it was sourced from Wuhan, China (and because the goddamn cheese puff that used to be in office kept calling it “Chinese virus” and making it exclusively like it was an Asian centered virus... ) Yeah, didn’t fucking think did you, boy?
Listen. If Sean was some sixteen year old blabbering about, I wouldn’t give a shit. But he’s my goddamn age and it’s pretty clear his stardom is starting to click and warp him. He’s become materialistic and money driven. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make money. That’s fine... But waving that money over people and pushing products out while people are financially struggling and pretty much guilting people about donating or buying his stuff... That’s disgusting. Honestly, it gives me Jeffree Star vibes and that’s NOT a complement. And honestly I think he got worse when Gab came around. Toxic, racist, and money digging as she’s shown to be... If someone is willing to cheat on their husband then hook up not even a month after they divorce them... Then that’s just you being gross.
Alsooo, Sean (I love that this turned into me writing it like I’m in his face yelling at him Hah), last I checked you’re supposed to be Irish. And the Irish used to be heavily persecuted and had xenophobic hell thrown at them for centuries... You out there being discriminatory or classist is very much against what your ancestors fought against. You’re a shit stain on Irish history when you act like a fucking rich bitch twat. Very childish, kid. And dating someone who says openly racists things? Thatttt makes you come off just as racists as well... Although the fact you were comfortable with making Asian racist jokes with JadenAnimation back stage on tour is enough for me to look at you sideways and with disgust.
Also, I love how your sudden LGBTQA+ support streams happened around the same time businesses were profiting off the LGBTQA+ community with pride related objects and billboards... yeah I noticed that. Real cute 😑
Look, I don’t hate the guy. But his actions aren’t favorable and he needs a real world vibe check, because Sean, you could easily find yourself under the cancel culture stomping boot and I wouldnt even bat an eye in surprise. It happened to Dawson, it can happen to any of the “speak more positive” YouTubers out there (granted, Dawson’s stunts go back to more really tasteless jokes and racist shit but heyyy, you’re starting to not be too far off from where he was soooo...).
And for all you big Stans out there. I don’t care if this annoys or upsets you. Everyone preaches about holding celebrities and higher up people accountable for their actions... Sean shouldn’t be exempt from this just because you’re simping or a mega fan who thinks he’ll praise you if you stand up to people calling him out... If he would address his issues with sencerity and show he understands what he’s done wrong, I might even be forgiving. But this recent PS5 shit really makes me think he’s heading down a bit of a Paul brother hole... Actually, no, because the Paul brothers even know they’re being assholes and own up to it. You, Sean, do not.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
The Jeffersons: Sorry, Wrong Meeting (Comission by WeirdKev27) (Black History Month)
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Welcome on up! HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH!  Yup i’m going to spend a good chunk of the month celebrating the best and brightest in black characters in animation, amid valentine’s coverage in the first half and a few bits of the usual stuff throughout. But i’m still throughly dedicated to showing off some of the finest media about black struggles and starring black characters, and going through it the best I can as a white dumbass. If I slip up or misinterpret something, never be afraid to call me on it, but I feel I can still try my best to honor these amazing characters who’ve brought such joy to my life and these wonderful stories.  So starting us off is a commission from Kev that’s been sitting in the queue for far too long. And it’s not due to lack of intrest: While before today I’d never seen an episode of the Jeffersons, I had seen the live performance of an episode done for that live with norman lear thing nbc did in 2019, and it was excellent and piqued my intrest. But with me never thinking to get the dvd’s, and not having Starz nor really wanting starz, there was no real easy way to stream it. But a few episodes were on DailyMotion, so I was fine with reviewing it for Kev and giving this series an honest try and the fact the episode dealt with white supremacy, at a time where we’d JUST gotten rid of a bigoted, white nationalist backing, piece of shit president, I was naturally all for it, I just never thought to clear space on my schedule and by the time I was scheduling things better, I purposfully saved it for this month as while the Klan isn’t as prominent, assholes like them sure are. And given the Captial Riots last month with sedionsits shitheads proudly waving the confederate flag around, I’d say this episode is even MORE relevant than ever. 
But before we can dive into why this one is so good, yeah i’m not going to hide it this is a really fantastic episode of television, we have to talk about the series itself. The Jeffersons was created by Norman Lear, a progressive and prolific television writer and producer who is a legend in the business for damn good reason. He created All in the Family, which shattered norms and standards for the time, and would go on to create Sanford and Son, Maude and Good Times, all to massive sucess. However this show came about because the Black Panthers showed up one day at his office to raise a valid point: While he did have black characters in his tv shows they were mostly poor and barely scraping by, with his two black lead sitcoms dealing with characters in object poverty. And while this was still a worthy subject to tackle.. they were absolutely right there should be a counterbalance to that, to show the obvious truth black people CAN be successful. Norman agreed and set to work. Norman already had the perfect lead for that: George Jefferson, an opinnated dry-cleaner with several sucessful stores. George was, and still is, a fascenating character with lairs: being cranky and curmodgenly as you’d expect with some fairly average sitcom quirks: He loves money, often overspends on flashy stuff to revel in his sucess, snarks at his maid and likes to scheme as a sitcom character can. He’s also in the early seasons a bigot himself, not really fond of white people or interacial marraige, which naturally makes living next to an interacial couple and their daughter marrying his son thorns in his side. But as far as I can tell from looking on wikipedia he does soften with time and grow as a person and by this episode he’s fine putting up with both his neighbor Tom, said guy married to a black woman and his goofy british neighbor, if snarky as hell because hey, that’s who he is. I bring this up for reasons related to the climax, trust me. 
So eventually the Jefferson's moved on up to that deluxe apartment in the sky, hell of a theme song, and got into their own adventures with the aforementioned supporting characters.. and so here we are. And after the cut we’ll take a look at just why this sitcom is awesome, why I desperately want to get some dvds for it at some point now or a starz trial, and how much the klan sucks. 
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We open at the Jefferson’s Deluxe Apartment in the Sky. where his wife Wheezy and aforementioned maid Florence are preparing to take a CPR class.. which were that possible I certainly would after this episode, as I feel Florence is right in stating it’s a skill everyone should have. She also remarks that George had every employee at his drycleaners take it, even if it was because he got an insurance writeoff. But hey, doing something that can help your workers and customers in an emergency even if i’ts just to save money is sitll better than MOST businesses these days so props to him. There’s also naturally some banter and it’s really damn funny. As with my Darkwing Duck reviews,, I won’t be going into it bit by bit, but it’s good stuff and holds up REALLY well. To me that’s the mark of a good sitcom, one that can show it’s age.. but still make you laugh, think or cry all the same. So yeah in less than a scene the show had won me over.  So as the ladies depart for CPR class, George’s peace is soon interupted by Harry Bently, british person and wacky neighbor. Aka me if I were british and lived in the 70′s. He returns a tv guide, last weeks hence why he’s done with it, and ther’es some schtick and what not before Tom Willis runs in, upset because he’s been robbed. They took all his stuff, and while he’s thankfull his wife’s gone for the week so she didn’t have to be there for this, he’s obviously worried and suggests forming a building watch to prevent this, with Harry on board. George.. has no time for this nonsense, and after making a joke about Florence in curlers scaring them of, bredguringly agrees to attend if someone else starts it then slams the door on them once their out the door.  At CPR, our heroines volunteer enthusastically and meet the cpr dummy. resuscannie.. I don’t know how to spell that and frankly I don’t wanna because she is FUCKING terrifying. 
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She looks like she’s going to come to life and strangle me. She looks like a hollowed out corpse doll a serial killer makes. She looks like something Charles lee ray would rnasfer into. She looks like Micheal Meyers grandmother. She looks like the corpse of Jason’s mom come back for revenge. She looks like sue sylvester transferred herself into an auton. Look I could go on, but the series does make jabs at the thing and most cpr dummies are objectively terrifying, so fair play to them. After some more gags, things.. take a turn. Part of what makes this episode so effective to me is this turn. It starts with, and even goes back to after this for a bit, some sitcom gags and cliches.. but it lulls you into thinking this will be an average episode... so when the instuctor asks two men to go next, an older man and his college age looking son refuse to participate.. and their reason is he refuses to touch anything tha’ts been touched by a ... well he uses a certain word and let’s just say you know what it is, I know what it it is and if I could’ve reached inside my computer and choked the life out of hte man, I fucking would’ve. 
Yeah turns out these two are KKK, with the older asshole leading the local chapter and their about as reasonable or likeable as you’d expect with Wheezy BARELY holding Florence back from giving them a well deserved thrashing, and only doing so because it’d both sink to their level and because they’d just use it as more fuel for their racist bullshit. And that’s WHY this works so well: It seems excactly like a normal episode.. until it suddenly isn’t. Until suddenly things are a lot darker, a lot more tense, but the easing into it means it still feels like the same unvierse. To me the good “very special episodes”, are the ones that use this: that ease into the heavy topic before punching you in the face with it and tackle it with nuance and skill. A Diffrent World has a TON of episodes like this, and it’s why it’s one of my faviorite sitcoms: it tackles a lot of really heavy topics with  a steady brush and while it can be heavy handed, sometimes heavy hands are necesary to carry a heavy topic.  The racists showing up suddenly also fits because Racists hide in plain sight. You don’t know someone you know is prejudice or some stranger is till they reveal themselves. They could show up any time anywhere and you can’t be ready. And I cant possibly claim to know what that’s like, but I’m sad that in this nation of ours this shit has never, and probably will never go away. So it fits that our antagonist shows up out of nowhere, having until now perfectly blended in with the other suited white guys in the class. Naturally, the instructor orders them to fucking leave and naturally klan monster makes some big white suprimacist speil. And being a sitcom he runs into Tom, with Tom mistaking him for talking abotu the crime and White Supremacist mistaking Tom for a fellow racist. Tom decides to invite george.. and while it’s clumsily framed as a wacky sitcom misunderstanding.. it’s very clear things just got VERY dangerous. 
Speaking of George he’s awoken from his nap by the ladies who are both still worried and while he goes into his usual digs on florence, and questions why she needs her bat... he instnatly sides with her and prepares to go kick some racist ass once he finds out what happened. It’s a nice shift, as it once again breaks the tranquil normalcy of this sitcom with the violence of racisim. And while there was no phsyical violence form the asshole.. to me racisim itself is still a form of violence. Thinking you are suprerior to another race just because your skin’s a diffrent color and wanting them gone or not to be near you is in itself violent to me. And while Wheezy again has good reason for holding George back, tihs is just what the fuckers want, Geroge is also right: right NOW it’s talk.. but how long before they start burning stuff on thier balcony or come for htem in the night? there’s.. no easy answer her, no easy solution.. just a man fearing for his life justifably whose probably been through this time, and time, and time again, dealt with his buisnesses being vandalized and his life being threatend and probably been beaten some too JUST for being a black business owner. So it’s understandable he’s fucking fed up and just wants them gone. Tom naturally invites him to the meeting., and harry agrees, botht hinking i’ts just a floor meeting and not a disguised KKK Rally. 
So at the meeting, the KKK Fuck does his spiela nd tries to assure them that “what you’ve heard about us is wrong”. And again this si part of what makes the episode resonate: guys like this try to make themselves seem resonable. THat “Their not racist” their the right ones and your wrong for wanting equality. It’s why these movements gain traction, they tap into people’s inner ugliness and disastifaction with life and give them an easy target for it. It’s what the president did for four years, i’ts what his sycophants at fox news CONTINUE to do: try and present being a racist, homophobic, xenophobic peace of shit as a viable and stable option when all it makes you is a racist , a coward and a dinosaur who can’t accept change or things difffrent than you.  When this guy eventually goes into a rant, as George showing up triggers it and Tom and Harry dont’ take his shit for as econd, with tom proudly mentioning his black wife, and both holding George back for the same reasons Wheezy did with Florence, he talks abotu them “taking our property and destroying our homes”.. and it all sounds EERILY like when Tucker Carlson went on about property damage during the black lives matter protests last year... and as a wise tucan in a suit once said, fuck you tucker. And as John didn’t say but I certainly will, I Hope you choke on your own spray tan you racist seditionist prick. My point is this sort of rhetoric, trying to frame black people as the enemy.. never fucking went away and is on cable news every night. It was in our white house for four long years. It won’t go away and probably never will and everyone of every race has to be on guard to find these pricks and make sure their message is drowned out with love. And that’s what makes this whole thing relevant: that these pricks hide in plain sight and mask their arugments with civlities.. but at the end of day are just hateful monsters who just want a scapegoat for their problems or even may just hate because it’s easy, or because they just wnat to and don’t need an excuse to be the worst human garbage imaginable. 
It makes what happens next all the better: Asshole has a heart attack, HORAY, and no one knows CPR since the kid walked out on the class with his dad before they actually learned it. George relucntantly sighs.. and knows what he has to do. He goes and saves the fuckers life. And that, friends, is why I brought up George’s racist past and i’m glad I knew about it giong in: because it shows how far he’s come. From hating white people.. to saving the WORST of the WORST of white people.  He regrets it of course, saying the guy should’ve died, and that he won’t be greatful and he’ll just keep on hating.. but his friends point out the truth: George was the bigger man. He saved the life of a man who hated him just for existing and who’d gladly have him lynched if he could and was trying to run him out of his rightful place in the building, because it was the right thing to do. Because that fucker sure as hell wouldn’t. Because despite being a monster.. it’s still a life.. and he can waste it however he pleases.. but he’ll now ALWAYS know a black man saved it. George may regret his decison.. in the dark, where no body would blame him for letting the fucker die or even know he could’ve saved him until he got home, and his wife would’ve barely blamed him, he still choose to save the worst of humanity proving depsite his curmodgnley nature, he’s some of the best of it.  It dosen’t change the asshole, he leaves on a gurney telling his son “You should’ve let me die”. George is unsuprised and leaves with his friends. And I do like this: the racist dosen’t MAGICALLY change because he’s saved by a black man, he’s still a fucking monster. And that is what sets him apart from George: Whiel George was a bigot, he not only never went as far as this monster, but he changed. He learned to let go of his hate as it was eating him alive, and while he certailnly and rightfully won’t let go of his resintment for white people, he’s accepted he can’t hate ALL of them for what some did to him. This asshole has no such excuse and no such growth, he probably died being the same miserable piece of shit he was , resenting forever a black man saved him. And that’s hwo it should end.. youc an’t save everyone and you can’t change a person that dosen’t want to. George changed only because he wanted to and he realized he was wrong evne if he’s loath to admit it. This guy wont’ and never will becuse some racist pieces of shit just will never accept the truth that all people were created equal.
His son though clearly has, thanking George before he leaves, and later as the rest of the meeting, realizing what these people are and what they plan on, leave as the assholes right hand man tries to continue said son refuses to acknowlegde him rips up the poster and leaves. See the old man not changing worked.. but so too does this.. showing some simply dont’ know better and some CAN change.. but like George.. they have to WANT to change. Only you can change you. And hopefully it’s for hte better. 
This episode was excellent as i’ve made clear, and I don’t have honestly much to add to it. It was a pleasure and black lives matter. 
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kob131 · 4 years
I was watching MangaKamen’s video deconstructing Cvit’s Persona 5: Style Over Substance video and I...I just couldn’t watch it. Basically, Kamen’s own videos on RWBY and Cvit’s Persona 5 video are way too similar (in that both make logical fallacies just to avoid their assumptions.) So, despite covering this briefly, I’ll do it in full here.
And if MangaKamen himself sees this: You can’t keep responding to people, criticizing them for stuff that you do yourself. I literally couldn’t listen to your video on Cvit because of the hypocrisy. Stick to your own standards: people respect you more for it.
P.S. Don’t create a circlejerk in the reblogs and replies. I do not have the patience for it today.
Before I begin, I should point out a small bit of hypocrisy. In his “Cvit Doesn’t Understand Video”, he complains about an influx of videos all about going into unnecessary details about how X things suck, calling it the ‘Joseph Anderson effect.’ I bring this up because one of the videos he brings up is The Cosmonaut Variety Hour’s video on Kingdom Hearts (which is, being generous, 22 minutes.) MangaKamen’s video is, again generously, 38 minutes. And I do mean generaously because I automatically rounded up Cosmonaut’s and rounded down Kamen’s videos. I don’t think he should be complaining about that. 
While you could argue he was also complaining about the title as well: A. Kamen’s first RWBY video was literally titled “Whats Wrong With RWBY?!” with a title saying “Here’s why RWBY Sucks” in big bold letters. B. His video makes fun of people who are there to disagree with his title and nothing else and C. I watched Cosmonaut’s video on Kingdom Hearts: He’s actually more positive towards Kingdom hearts 3 than Kamen is to RWBY.
This is a small microcosism of he issue with his hypocrisy: it ends up affecting the quality of other videos too.
His first section is on ‘contrivances’ or ‘things that happen in a story that don’t make sense’. Before he even gives a true example, we run into yet another problem with Kamen. In his explanation, Kamen mocks the scene were Jaune gets hit on by the mothers of the kids he’s helping with an image of Miles Luna saying ‘Remember, NOT a self-insert!’.
Issue? The episode wasn’t written by Miles Luna, it was written by Eddy Rivas. How do I know?
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The episode says so. This is especially egregious because he chews Cvit out for just typing in “Persona 5 sucks” into google and saying a certain source popped up...and yet typing in “Miles Luna Jaune Arc Self Insert” would actually bring up something that outright shows Miles is self conscious about Jaune to the point of avoiding his scenes (https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/7x3w4s/crwby_ama_w_miles_luna_kerry_shawcross_and_paula/du5dnc6/?context=3). So while Cvit may have been looking for evidence instead of thinking critically: he at least took the effort of doing a search result whereas Kamen probably made an on the spot decision with no sources whatsoever. Combine this with the fact this is not the first time he’s taken potshots at Miles and you have an effectively WORSE version of what he says Cvit did.
“But this is just a joke!” Yeah, and Sham-Amon was a joke about M. Night Shamalyan by Doug Walker. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t an insult and was correct (Shamalyan was actually a reason why the Airbender movie even RESEMBLED the cartoon.) That doesn’t make this okay, especially since I know a similar ‘joke’ towards someone he’s a fan of would get you a video made on you.
Now onto one of his examples: He says it makes no sense for Robyn to be allowed to run for Atlas’ council because ‘she is stealing supplies from the government.’ Issue is: judging by the footage he’s using, he’s talking about Volume 7 Episode 5 “Sparks” where Robyn created a blockade and stopped a supply truck Qrow, Clover, Penny and Ruby were on. She never actually makes a move to steal the supplies in the episode though. While you could argue it wwas implied because she had people behind them hiding behind camoflague-
In his Cvit video, he criticized the guy for saying that we don’t know how long Futaba’s friend was abused by her parents when Cvit makes the argument that the friend was abused for over a decade, never entertaining other possibilities. You know, what he does. (P.S. Sparks is the same episode with the Jaune-Mothers ‘joke’.)
He uses this faulty and hypocritical point to jump off into how it would be a bad look for her to steal from the government even if it was for a good cause and that most government prevent people from running because of this. See, not only is this still based on a point even Kamen would argue is not enough- The context in the scene (that Mantle hates Atlas government and Robyn’s platform is based off that discontent...Huh) would show that even if she was stealing, it would HELP her image. As for the ‘governments prevent people convicted of theft for running for office’- She hasn’t stolen anything yet STILL. Also, in his Cvit video, he complains about a point where Cvit’s source edited out preceding text to make the phrasing of a certain textbox look extremely awkward. So again, hypocrisy.
Then we have...another shitty joke. A really bad one too. It’s the scene with Weiss and Winter talking the training room with the audio taken out and speech bubbles that say ‘Why are we just staring at each other?’ ‘I dunno...just to look cool?’. Not only is this blatantly not what is happening (you can tell their heads are bobbing from talking), I literally cannot take this ‘joke’ any other way than a malicious potshot at the show. It doesn’t function any other way. I’m trying to be calm and concise but this stuff really harms any benefit of doubt I can give.
His next point is-Oh god damnit, the fucking Penny frame up AGAIN. You know what is more frustrating than a shitty point? A shitty point repeated ad nauseum. Before Kamen even made this video, I had already argued every single perspective of this. There’s literally nothing new he can give?
Security? We never see how Tyrian got in and considering his immense agility and stealth: he could snuck in or hid in the warehouse.
Fanaus night vision? Not all Fanaus have night vision and most of the crowd was seen trying to rush out of the warehouse (during a scene Kamen shows no less). He also says the show alludes to Atlas being a racially biased system...even though Jacques Schnee says he pays all his workers equally (AKA he treats all his workers like shit.)
Scrolls? Again, most of the people are shown trying to run away and no one who remains is said to have brought their scrolls.
Break in the argument for a smug laugh even though all he’s done is repeat other people’s failed arguments. (Issue with either being bitch basic with your arguments or copying others? I’ll have fought the issue long before you make it.)
Ends with saying “When the lights come back on, there’s no blood on Penny’s blades!” (Cognitive bias against Atlas. Like say, calling a character a self insert over a scene that wasn’t written by the person.)
He goes onto say that this is just the latest example of contrived writing but because his points are all faulty, it doesn’t come across as contrived: it comes across as normal but Kamen is too focused on making everything look as bad as possible.
“But what about Robyn’s Semblance?!”
I dunno, why do people say that the Covington Catholic kids are still racist when we have proof otherwise? Cognitive bias is a thing. Robyn wouldn’t try testing this (even assuming she COULD since it would be logical Penny just ran off after this in fear) because it al ready confirms her own biases.
His whole temper tantrum here is all based on around pure logic...something he himself has argued against in media. This thing goes on and on and it just test my paitence and gives me more and more reason to assume Kamen isn’t just missing info, he’s indulging in willful ignorance.
Then we have him bitching about Yang and Blake telling Robyn what is going on and how it’s contrived that they would think that Robyn was on their side since she hasn’t done anything good. Issue? This is all based on KAMEN’S perspective. A perspective that, at best, is heavily biased against Robyn.
Thing is, Robyn’s thefts (which began AFTER he said they did) were to help repair the break in Mantle’s wall protecting them from the Grimm, something Team RWBY agrees with. Of course they’d assume Robyn is a good guy since she’s acting in the interests of the people, something they do as well. Robyn’s only bad when you completely ignore how James brushes over the current struggles of the people is elected to protect and serve in order for his bigger picture, a method they don’t agree with. Something the show is showing isn’t a good idea as people see him as uncaring and unfeeling to their struggles. 
“But Ironwood has been helping them!”
Cool. That has nothing to do with him alienating his own allies through his paranoia, causing Yang and Blake try and make peace with Robyn themselves. There’s also the fact that the team should be opposing this. After all, it’s the same thing Ozpin did to them and they chewed him out over it. And unlike with the lying to Ironwood, there would be no hints that this hypocrisy would be intended by the showrunners. So Kamen is literally advocating for bad writing here.
This was added in post edit by the way so the man literally shoved in a point that does nothing but push the theory he is biased without ever considering what is necessary in the show. Even though he demands it from others. It’s really inconsistent. Dare I say...the standards are contrived?
Next is the ‘design work’ part. He’s says this is gonna be positive for a moment and it does lack his usual malice. Doesn’t mean it’s good.
He criticizes the designs of the main cast besides Ruby. He says that Blake’s design now emphasizes the color white despite supposedly being black before. Issue is that her alternate Vol.2 and Vol.4 designs also emphasized the color white and her original design has equal part black and white. Weiss’s is supposedly that her dark blue dominates her design and is too busy to be elegant. Issue is that it’s only on the jacket and it’s mostly the same color as her previous design (even having more white.) As for being elegant: I could definitely argue it goes for a military-esque elegance. And Yang is...too brown? Uh...her original outfit was dominated by being brown.
He praises Ruby’s for still having it’s red coloring but...it’s too red. Her original design was actually closer to being goth than Blake’s and was mostly black with bright red frills and her signature cloak. And her hair has drastically changed, like he complained about with Blake.  He really shouldn’t be giving Ruby a pass here.
I have nothing to say about his point ‘they’re all too busy.’ I feel like any side I take will be too heavily influenced by my own feelings at this point.
He complains about the logic behind the long fabrics being easy to grab onto and says that because they justified the new outfits with ‘it’s cold’ they should listen here. Issue- Not only are these two different trains of logic but by his own arguments, he should be arguing for all of them to wear white and wear bulky armor since that’s logical as well, following his logic. He doesn’t set what the limit should be.
Honestly this whole part is just kind of fluff. A lot of nothing was said and kind of feels like it was put in just to make the argument ‘Well I said something nice about RWBY!’
Next up is ‘consistency’. ... Oh god.
“Aura was rewritten!’ He never cites what happened here but I know this dance so well I could get paid for it. Aura has always been a thing you needed to activate, back in Volume 1 where Jaune was cut by a branch and Pyrrha said ‘why don’t you use your aura?’. The supposed inconsistency comes from WOR: Aura saying it was passive even though certain definitions and uses of passive work under these examples. He also says that people cant use their Semblances when they run out of Aura but they still do, citing that old example of Yang’s Aura flickering in her character short. Flickering, not breaking. Meaning she still has Aura.
He also adds in that point about the WOR Atlas saying that the cold of Solitas killed the Grimm. While they are depicted as freezing here, it should be noted that the Grimm have been known to evolve and adapt. Meaning they could have easily evolved to withstand the cold. Again, editing out context which he says is bad.
“Hey, Miles. Kerry. You ever gonna acknowledge what you showed in the World of Remnant again these days?”
Dunno, are you ever gonna acknowledge what you say in your own videos? Glass houses Kamen.
I also find it funny that he calls out the ‘it’s just a cartoon!’ thing out of nowhere on a tangent even as he previously blocked me over this. Apparently contrivance is okay if it can be used as a shield. And if he has a problem with this, look over your videos not even just the RWBY ones You have said harsher- deal with it.
He goes onto criticize the argument of not all Fanaus have night vision because of specific moments...with Blake and Sun, only two Fanaus. In fact, the first example has him say that Blake and Sun used their night vision to escape a White Fang meeting. ... White Fang. Fanaus. He’s trying to argue that this is a case of Blake and Sun having night vision to contrast when she apparently ‘doesn’t’ but never notices that his own argument kind of confirms what the show said.
Then we have his other example of Blake against Illa were she couldn’t see Illa. A chameleon Fanaus. With camoflague. Where lighting up the room would alter how the colors look to see her more easily. ....
This whole point was about how the show doesn’t give strict rules to the Fanaus night vision, even though other shows with more fundamental powers (as in, the thing their premise is based on) bend these rules (like MHA with so many Quirks not being related to their physiology or Jojo bending every single Stand rule) for their plot. This isn’t directly bad as he says it is and he never emphasizes why anyone should care other than the strawman of ‘STRICT RULES!’ even as his own favorites don’t follow that.
He also says there’s no repercussions for the Penny cover up since he says it was to cause a riot to attract the Grimm but the Grimm disappear and people are being arrested for their rioting in  the next episode. ... The Grimm don’t invade until Episode 9. He’s talking about Episode 7. The arrest was for breaking curfew that Ironwood imposed afterwards to due the discontent from Jacques winning. Then we have the fact that Penny’s frame up leads to Robyn actually stealing supplies, which leads to Yang and Blake telling her about Amity, which leads to Ironwood’s paranoia taking over. So you know...kind of some of the biggest repercussions in the show.
I also remember he said it was to frame Penny in his contriavances section...which makes no sense if it was meant to cause a riot directly afterward. In trying to callout inconsistencies that don’t exist, he became inconsistent himself.
Next part is “Don’t Show, Never Show”. .... How professional.
He begins by bitching at other people for misrepresenting his arguments about the Fanaus and how their oppression isn’t well shown. ... After he’s personally attacked the creators over a subject one of them is innocent and self conscious of and will mock that person for mocking his critics. Classy.
“Jacques is Orange Man bad stand-in-”
A. He never mentions anything about securing Atlas’ borders and in fact wants to OPEN them.
B. He’s never talked about making Atlas great or appealing to any sort of false patriotism.
C. He opposes the military whereas Trump supports them.
D. He has no slogans for his campaign, especially none like Trump’s/
E. He isn’t colluding with foreign powers aside from a generic bad guy orgnazation with no connections to the countries Trump is accused of.
F. Jacques being a slimy business man was made before Trump came into the presidency.
And G. Robyn Hill only connections to Hilarily Clinton is a gender and half a name (a name that is actually rather common in real life). In fact, considering her position is all about distrust in the government and appealing to the common man- She’s a closer stand in for TRUMP than Hilarlily. 
Again, argument’s been made a thousand times, beaten it a thousand times. 
His overall point is that Jacques is said to be a terrible parent but not shown, using the line from “This Life is Mine” ( Amazing how you conquered me, Chained me in servility) before going on to say that he ‘let her go to a different school’ (he was forced to), ‘Do whatever she wants so long as it doesn’t affect his business and reputation’ (contradicted by cutting her off, trying to limit her actions because of her ignoring his calls even though that does not affect his business or reputation), ‘spending his money at Beacon until she ignores his calls’ (finical abuse 101) and ‘she embarrassed him at a party by assaulting one of the guests.’
... The woman was outright mocking the people she knew, the ‘assault’ was an accidental summon, Jacques was trying to prevent her from just getting away from him, Jacques pressured her into singing for him despite her discomfort and never once tries to talk to his daughter like a person or calm her down, instead trying to silence her. All of THIS without getting his physical intimidation of grabbing her and slapping her, which is what Kamen strawmans the response being. Also ignoring what he did AFTER the slap, effectively trapping her in her room and spreading the idea she was unstable to save his image.
No amount of money matters here, ignoring once again that he tried withholding it once she acted outside what he wanted. That is the ‘chains of servility’ and I know you wouldn’t argue this outside RWBY. You’d be calling this ignorant beyond acception, Kamen.
“The worst examples of Jacques’ abuse happen outside the-”
Jacques’ worst abuse was being trapped in her own room for calling out the callousness of people smack talking a tragedy she went through. This is effectively mocking a war in front of a veteran then locking them in the basement while telling everyone they’re coocoo. That is in the show, stop trying to blame other materials THAT DO NOT EXIST just to appeal to a common compliant (about supplemental materials in RWBY).
“Well Winter abuses Weiss!”
So let me get this straight. A small smack on the back of the head before asking about her personal life to show she cares about Weiss (another example of cutting context) is at all comparable to abuse of parental power, controlling Weiss like a puppet and locking her up? What was your definition of contrivance and consistency again?
“Can I go off on a tangent?”
No. You have not earned that right. You have far exceeded any patience I should have given you. The fact I am STILL HERE is too much and I should just throw the rest of the video in that garbage dumb your delusion of the writing is. But I will STILL give you chance.
P.S. You use HBomberguy as an example? Even though one of the videos you chewed out in your Persona video (’Steven Universe is Garbage and Here’s Why’) is BASED OFF his work? So what? His hours long shit talking is okay? And no, this is not
His next segment is titled ... “Okay What Is This Shit I’m Actually Cratching My Head I’m So Dumbfounded And Confused AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
... You misspelled “Scratching”.
He says the Grimm Attack after Robyn’s failed election was handled off screen. That never existed and the Grimm attacked THREE EPISODE LATER and is handled on screen.
He says that Jacques being arrested makes no sense because Watts can control technology and should have used it disable the security cameras in the Schnee Manor. As he outright says, Willow hid those cameras and Watts HACKS technology and cannot hack what he DOES NOT KNOW EXISTS. It’s outright said BY THE SHOW and SHOWN that he cannot just magically control technology.
He also questions how Willow got those cameras in there, ignoring that Jacques DOES NOT HAVE OMNISCENCE.  Why she did when she SAID it was to make sure he didn’t abuse her kids. When doesn’t fucking matter. It’s all pendantic bullcrap. You can apply this to any situation in media and I know Kamen would bitch about the show’s pacing if they did this because it would be boring as fuck.
He says that there was no foreshadowing that Willow set these cameras up which I would like to give...if not for the rest of his video which illustrates to me he would have made this point with or without foreshadowing.
“How come Robyn isn’t being arrested because she stole supplies?!”
A. Because you keep inferring she stole supplies BEFORE the election, I’ll have to assume it’s the same here and say SHE DIDN’T.
B. If you aren’t and have changed to saying AFTER the election: The show SHOWS YOU that they’ve been trying to arrest her. She’s been EVADING them.
C. If it’s at Jacques’ house: Remember what you said about image? Wanna guess how damaged Ol Jimmy’s image will be if he arrests his biggest critic while under suspicion of rigging the election against her AND being questioned for supposed abuse of power?
D. Gee, not like the heating system in an artic climate shut down, Jacques just got exposed for helping a KNOWN CRIMINAL TOO, The Grimm actually invade, they have to save all the people, things collapse between RWBY and Ironwood and a fuckton of other things of higher priority than one woman stealing supplies to fix something IRONWOOD HIMSELF SHOULD BE FIXING.
“Hur dur, Salem generic’
Says the Jojo and Yugioh fan. Say, how did your precious VRAINS turn out again hm?
Maybe because there’s a bunch of soulless abominations currently running amok in a city full of innocents so she should take responsibility as an official Huntress and do her damn job while the comparatively combat inept Oscar handle the non combat situation. Or did you want contrivance to work in your favor even though you’ve been proven to be a biased liar who will betray everything he stands in order to make a shit point about a flawed show he couldn’t criticize with a fucking guide on it?
“Why not have Ruby stand behind and say ‘I’ll catch up with you later’?-”
Because you’ll cut context and make her look irresponsible. Your suggestions mean NOTHING when you have proven that you have no honesty on the subject and will flip flop to suit yourself.
Also I love how you mock Mediaocrity4 for ‘treating his opposition as idiots’ as your fucking video STARTED and is littered with you doing JUST THAT. Fuck, I bet you’ll do JUST THAT with this post. 
“Oh look at this character who has been shown as overly emotional, rash and prone to not thinking when mad act in line with her character how dumb!”
Gee, like say...., A shut in otaku making constant video game and anime references in, let’s say, a JRPG filled with these references? 
Huh, guess you agree more with Cvit than you say.
“Dur, fistcuffs mean Jojo!”
Oh wait, Fist of the North Star did it first. And it’s a stable in most fighting anime. But hey, who cares in Kamen shanks Jojo in the back if it means lashing out against RWBY amirite?
“It’s like the context of the fights-”
Where the Ace Ops against RWBY are highly emotional, having felt betrayed by people they though as comrades and acting individually instead as duos or even as a team while all being people with shown emotional issues failing to defeat a far calmer and more developed team that have been working with them and are aware of their flaws?
Or that Clover tried to blindly follow Ironwood’s orders just as Qrow did in the past with Ozpin as the two characters heavily mirror each other, Qrow tried to fight Tyrian at first even as Clover attacked him and never actually helped Tyrian (in facting ATTACKING HIM at one point) after Clover tried arresting him in front of Robyn, someone known to do rash things when it comes to Ironwood?
I’m so glad you decided to FOR ONCE IN THIS ENTIRE, NEARLY FOURTY MINUTE VIDEO actually pay attention to the show and not the memes of the people who agree with you.
‘Like I said in the Steven Universe Movie, I don’t let the fanabse dictate my opinion on something-’
Which is why there wasn’t a single original viewpoint, perspective, criticism, wording or even ‘jokes’, all shit ripped straight from the mouths of others. It’s all shit I’ve seen before by other people. If I absorbed even more of this bullshit, I’d probably be able to see exact wordings in here too, I am THAT certain you didn’t think about this for yourself.
If you did, you would have noticed that you were repeating the exact same mistakes you constantly criticize in others. You would have seen that you were making assumptions based on your preconceived notion of ‘RWBY bad’ and not what the show itself was doing. You would have seen the vidnictive smugness you decried MatPat over. You would have seen the immense hypocrisy you called out before. You would have stuck to what you called your principles.
You have the failures of your biggest targets in this very video. The bias and brain rot of Quinton Reviews, the hack job of MatPat, the manipulativeness of Verlsify, the sheer level of bullshit of Cvit. You burned every single standard you set for others here, you did every wrong thing you screamed about, you failed in the same ways as those you profited from criticizing. Again, because I said all this THE LAST TIME and yet you got WORSE. 
You mock and belittle the creators even as you give them every reason to treat you like shit because even the worst they’ve done looks justified compared to what you pulled. ‘Oh they said that people being mean is so bad!’ says the man preying on his weakness. ‘Oh he’s shit talking his critics!’ says the open liar. ‘Oh the writing was done by platypuses!’ says the man who wants to be taken seriously. ‘Oh it’s just a joke!’ Says the man who bitched out MatPat over jokes. 
And I guarantee you’ll cry foul at me if you ever find this, decrying me as just a salty RWBY fanboy. And this time, I’m not accepting any excuses. You HAD your chances. 
4chan trolls are more respectable than you. They have principles and stick to them. Fanboys are more respectable than you. They don’t claim to be anything else. And yes, your targets are more respectable than you. Their channels aren’t based on hypocrisy THIS deeply rooted.
I regret ever watching you because you were clearly speaking out of your ass.
So i edited a couple of my less explained points to get my issue across. Just saying this here so that no one accuses me of editing the source for malicious purposes.
As for why I didn’t rewrite the last two sections to remove my anger: that stays to prove a point. I had tried to stay neutral or at least calm throughout the video. But my frustrations just kept on building as you became increasingly smug and condescending, even though you called out such shit against others. I can’t even respect your arguments as arguments because considering the erratic nature of this video as well as how out of place some of them are (”Orange Man Bad”): it sounds like you just took every single compliant ever said about Volume 7 and threw it in. 
You end all your videos saying ‘Examine Your Fandom’. Did you ever do that yourself?
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mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Happens Like That-Jim Halpert-Chapter 2
Summary: Jim Halpert and Melissa Ford have been best friends since he started at Dunder Mifflin in 1999. Now that a camera crew is following the employees around so they can film a documentary, do they finally tell each other their feelings? Or do they just let them go? Either way, what will become of these two best friends? 
Warnings: Cussing and Smut in later chapters.
Words: 4890
Tag List: @you-a-southpaw-doll @elskinner45 @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl
A/N: I love that you guys are liking this. Please leave comments on what you think. If you guys don’t want me to finish this, I won’t continue. If you would like to be tagged please message or submit an ask.
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Melissa’s POV - Same Day, Just Later in the Evening
By the time I get home, half an hour has already passed since I clocked out and left work.  I’m still going to Jim’s house but I wanted to change into something more comfortable. I walk upstairs to my room and change into a tank top and a pair of jeans before I look in the mirror. I brush my hair quickly before putting on a pair of sneakers.
I smile when I see how good I look, and feel proud of myself. I make sure everything is in place and that I look comfortable and ready to hang out, but also making sure I don’t look like I tried too hard. This isn’t the first time I’m going to Jim’s  house. About a year after he started at DM, we started hanging out almost every day of the week. 
We have our routine, doing things we both enjoy. And, most of the time, as long as we’re hanging out, we’re doing something we enjoy. He’s just about the only person I hang out with. Mondays, we sit together and watch basketball, nine times outta ten, it’s at his place since he has the DVR and the bigger TV. 
I’m not a huge basketball fan, but I watch the Philly 76ers with him so we have a chance to hang out. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve come to understand certain things about the sport and appreciate it ‘cause it means I get to spend time with Jim. Since I’ve started getting more into basketball, Jim has offered and has been teaching me how to play for going on three and a half months now. 
It’s been fun, and I might’ve not been the best at the beginning, but I’m getting better! Tuesdays...well, those are our taco nights. We get together at my house and make tacos, usually watching a movie afterwards. Sometimes, we try new types of tacos, or we stick to the good old fashioned ones, like beef tacos, which just so happen to be my favorite, with some guacamole on the side. 
One time, Jim suggested that we try shrimp tacos...let’s just say that didn’t turn out too well and we ended up going to taco bell that night. It was a learning experience, to say the least. Fridays are our movie and dinner nights, with us switching houses every other week. One week it’ll be my place and I pick the movie while he picks what we’re having for dinner. 
The next week, it’ll be at his place and he picks the movie, leaving dinner up to me. This week just so happens to be a little different. I couldn’t make up my mind on what I wanted for dinner, so we agreed I’d pick the movie and he’d get dinner, but we’d still have it at his place. After our movie ends and dinner has been cleaned up, we usually spend the night at the other’s house, just sleeping, nothing more...yet... hopefully one day. 
If I stay at his place, he offers me his bed while he sleeps on the couch. I felt bad the first few times, but he assured me it’s ok. At my place, he insisted I keep my bed and he sleeps on the couch. We do this every Friday night  because on Saturdays we go to the local bar and have a few drinks. And it’s better to go to one destination and be safe than go to two and possibly get hurt in one way or another. 
So, I guess technically, we spend two nights a week together, but we don’t ever cross that line. Yet. The other days of the week are random. Usually, it just depends on how tired or busy we are after work. Sometimes, we’ll hang out, and other times, we’ll just part ways at our cars and go home or run errands or whatever it is we need to do. 
To be honest, if I’m not with him, I usually just stop by McDonald’s or something, grab a bite to eat and go home to take a nap. I have no idea what he does when we’re not hanging out, but it’s ok. I stop at BlockBuster and grab the last copy of the movie he talked about wanting to see today. As I drive toward his house, I see a flower stand on the side of the road. 
I smirk to myself and pull over. Last week, Jim came over for Taco Tuesday and brought me some flowers. It was a really sweet gesture and made me smile. Now it’s my turn to return the favor. I turn off my car and step out, making sure I grab my keys and wallet. Walking right up to the stand, I take a look at the different types of arrangements, colors, and floral designs. 
After a few minutes, I pick up a little thing of cute flowers and walk over to the sweet looking, little old woman running the stand. 
“Oh what’s the occasion?” She asks as she rings up my flowers.
“Just getting a friend some flowers.” 
I smile, and hand her a slightly faded, and worn, ten dollar bill that’s more than enough to cover the cost. She nods, takes the money and hands me my change. I put it in my wallet before grabbing the flowers. Getting inside my car, I make sure the flowers are safe in my passenger’s seat, not before starting my car. 
I drive for ten more minutes to get to Jim’s house, before I carefully pull into his driveway since there’s a big dip at the end of it. The city says it’s to help with water runoff when it rains so it lessens the chance for the roads to flood. His car is usually parked on the left and my car will be parked on the right, just like it is today. 
He joked the other day that this was my parking spot and no one is allowed to park here. And I mean, no one. It doesn’t matter who they are. If they’re not me, then they can’t park here. Jim’s rules, not mine. Last year, Jim had a small BBQ and invited everyone from work. Michael showed up a little earlier than I did and Jim made him move his car before I got there. 
No one understood why it was such a big deal. The big deal was 1) it was my spot, and 2) because I was more than likely sleeping over that night. I did sleep over, but I made sure to help him clean everything up since I helped him cook the night before. That was what kind of, officially, started us staying at each other’s house on a somewhat regular basis.
I turn off my car and grab the flowers from the seat next to me. I step out and  grab my ‘Sleepover at Jim’s’ duffle bag that I keep in my back seat. I hold the flowers behind my back and walk toward his front door. I have no idea why I am so nervous. 
I’ve been here a million times in the last 5 years! I put my duffle bag down and knock on the door. A few seconds later, Jim answers.
“Mel!” He smiles, seeming to be almost shocked it’s me and not someone else.
“Who else?” I giggle and all the nervousness washed away, just like that. I lean against the doorway and ask, “Who else could it have been?”
“The delivery guy. I was hoping the food would get here before you.” He says. He notices my hand behind my back and looks a little confused. “Umm, what is that?” He points.
I smile widely and pull them out. “Daisies.”
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He chuckles. “Is this because I brought you sunflowers?”
I shrug and giggle as he lets me in. He grabs my duffle bag for me and I walk straight into his kitchen. Reaching  into one of his cabinets, I grab one of the small vases that I know his mom has probably given him over the years. She has a habit of giving him flowers at least twice a year - Valentine’s Day, ‘cause she feels everyone deserves flowers and she knows he’s been single for a while,  and his birthday. 
The flowers on his birthday have been a tradition since Jim’s grandma died when he was little. She’d always give him a couple flowers on his birthday and his mom kept the tradition up. I fill it up with water and put the daisies inside. He walks in right as I set the  vase on the counter and turn around to face him. 
Diversity Day
Monday morning, I’m the first one in the office. This isn’t necessarily rare but being here before Dwight got in was. Dwight is usually always the first person in the office. Yesterday, though, Michael called me and asked for me to be in the office at eight instead of nine. At first, I had no idea why he’d have me come in an hour earlier, but I didn’t question it.
I now know it is because a gentleman, from corporate,  by the man of ‘Mr. Brown’, is going to be coaching us through what Diversity really is. He’s also gonna tell us what we can and can’t say about races and such while we are in the office. We all know the reason is because Michael can say some things that are counted as racist, sexist, and even homophobic at times, and not even realize it. 
I sigh to myself and hang up my jacket. I go into the conference room and start putting the chairs out for everyone.  Should I put one out for Jim or is he going to stand today? I decide to put one out for him just so he has a chance to sit this time. I hear the door to the office open so I glance out the door. 
When I see Jim, I grin from ear to ear and wave him over to where I’m at. He drapes his jacket over the back of his chair and walks to me.
“Hi.” He says, his voice still laced with sleep, as he flashes me a smile.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Late night?” I tease, knowing we both stayed up late last night, texting about random stuff. Mainly about me having to get up early in the morning and that’s why I couldn’t go watch the new Star Wars movie. 
He chuckles slightly and nods. “I thought you could use some help.” 
He puts his hands in his pockets and leans against the doorway.
“Well...I could use the help moving the table.” I point over my shoulder at the table in the middle of the room.
“You got it!” He says, walking over and grabbing one side of said table.
I grab the other side and we lift the table. We walk it over to the side of the room toward the windows and set it down slowly. 
“Thanks. I didn’t wanna have to drag it over.” I giggle slightly. 
He smiles. “It’s no problem, Mel. What else do you have to do?” 
After another half hour of moving things around the room, and getting everything set up, he helps me put up a banner that Mr. Brown sent over. The banner says ‘Diversity Day’. Hopefully the room is the way he wants. Just as Jim helps me down from a chair, the front door opens. Jim and I walk out into office around to see who it is. 
A middle-aged, nice looking, in the sense he seems nice, African American gentleman walks in.
“Hello.” I say, sweetly. “How can I help you?”
“I’m Mr. Brown. I’m doing a lesson today?”
“Yes! Hi, I’m Melissa. I’m Michael’s Assistant!” I put my hand out and he shakes it, smiling.
He looks at Jim. “And you are..?”
“I’m Jim Halpert. I’m one of the Salesmen here.” Jim says, putting his hand out for Mr. Brown to shake. 
“Nice to meet you,” He says, and looks in the conference room where Jim and I just finished everything.
“Wow. You guys did that?”
“Yeah. We came in early to make sure you had room and-” I start saying.
“It’s wonderful. Thank you.”
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No One’s P.O.V.
He walks into the conference room and starts setting up the items he brought. About an hour later, everyone arrives at the office, and Michael walks up to Mr. Brown.
“Hey, uh, can I help you in here?” He asks, clearly not really interested in helping.
Mr. Brown looks up, “I’m all set, thanks.”
Michael nods, “Gotcha, good. I’d go with the rows. Good idea.”
“Oh, Melissa and Jim set that up. I’m setting up the papers and the rest of the stuff I brought.” Mr. Brown says, before turning back to the table.
Michael nods and walks out. He pats Jim on the back and gives Melissa a thumbs up. They both smile and Jim continues his sales call.
“That's the thing. It's very sturdy paper and on the back it says, ‘100% post-consumer content.’ What?” The sound of a shredder is heard throughout the office, making Mel look up. “Hello? Uh-huh. Wait. What? I'm sorry, Mr. Decker. I think I'm losing you.” Dwight is shredding all his old paperwork he doesn’t need, at a most inconvenient time nonetheless. “Hello? Hello? Yeah. Hold on one second. I don't know. Hold on one second.” Jim puts the gentleman on the other end of the phone on hold and looks at Dwight. “Do you really have to do that now?”
“Yes I do! I should have done this weeks ago.” Dwight says, putting another piece of paper into the shredder.
Jim takes the gentleman off hold. “Mr. Decker, I'm sorry about that. What were you…” Dwight puts another paper in the shredder. “Can you hold on one second? Yeah, just one second. Thanks.”  Jim reaches over and flips the switch on the power supply, making the shredder shut down. “Hello? That's it. Perfect. So what I was saying…” 
Dwight reaches over and pushes a button to end the phone call. Mel’s eyes widen, not actually believing that Dwight just did that to a customer, or to Jim for that matter. 
“Hello? Thanks, Dwight.” Jim sighs as he puts the phone down.
“Retaliation. Tit for tit.” Dwight says, smirking a little.
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“That’s not the expression.” Jim says, sighs. 
The roaring of the shredder starts once more as Dwight pushes the button on the power supply again.
“Well... it should be.” Dwight comments, as he continues to shred his papers.
Jim sighs and looks up when the camera guy pats his shoulder. 
“Hey, come do an interview.” He says.
Jim nods and stands up, pushing in his chair. He glances up at Mel and rolls his eyes. She giggles and looks at Pam.
Melissa’s POV
“I’m going to go talk with Michael about what is gonna happen with my wedding and stuff, okay?” She asks.
“That’s fine. I’ll be here. Checking emails.” I smirk, pulling up Solitaire on the computer.
She giggles, walking around me, toward Michaels office. I start playing Solitaire and when I’m halfway done, Jim walks out of the conference room and straight over to my desk. He leans down, resting his cheek against his hand. 
“Solitaire?” He asks.
I nod. “Freecell.”
He watches for a second and then points. “Six on seven.
“I know. I saw that.” I tease but don’t move the cards.
“So...then...why didn’t you do it?”
“I’m saving that ‘cause I like it when the cards go ‘t-ts-ts-tch-tch-tch’.” I giggle as I move another card on the computer.
“Who doesn’t love that?” Jim chuckles slightly. 
I blush and continues to play my game when Pam walks back. Jim hears his phone rings, he runs over and answers the phone call.
“Mr. Decker! Hello!”
Michael walks out of his office, a few minutes later, with Mr. Brown walking out of the conference room. Michael walks right over to Oscar and starts to talk. Mr. Brown tells Michael he’s ready for us.
“Oh hey, well, diversity, everybody. Let’s do it. Oscar works in...umm  Jim? Could you wrap it up please?”
I look confused as I grab my usual notebook. Doesn’t he want Jim to get this sale? This is one of Jim’s biggest sales. He should be able to finish it. I stand up and walk over to Jim’s desk as Michael goes walks toward the conference room but stops and turns back.
“Yeah, uh, Mr. Decker, please.” Jim says, glancing up.
Michael glances at the camera as he speaks to Jim. “It’s diversity day, Jim. I wish every day was diversity day.” He flashes a smile at the camera.
Jim sighs. “You know what? I’m actually going to have to call you back. Thank you. Sorry about that.” He hangs up and stands.
I whisper. “I’m sorry, Jim.” 
He just puts his hand on my lower back and ushers me toward the conference room. I smile a little at the feeling of his hand on my back. When we get to the conference room, we head to where we normally sit, closer to the back corner and by the windows that look into the main office area. I sit down and Jim sits to my left. 
A few minutes later, Mr. Brown collects the cards he had us fill out. 
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Great.” He murmurs, politely, as he collects the cards from each of us.
“Come on, people! Let’s get ‘em in! Get in the cards! Get in the cards!” Michael says, clapping his hands together in an attempt to hurry us along. 
Mr. Brown on the other hand is soft spoken, and very patiently with us. Once he has all the cards collected, he puts them together and then tucks them in with his stuff. He turns to face us, addressing us in a still much softer tone than Michael’s.
“Thanks for filling these out and I promise this’ll be quick. At Diversity Today, our philosophy is about honesty and positive expectations. We believe that 99% of the problems in the workplace arise simply out of ignorance.” Mr. Brown starts. 
Michael cuts him off from the rest of his speech.
“You know what? This is a color-free-zone here. Stanley, I don’t look at you as another race.” He points to the only other African American in the room.
“Uh, see this is what I’m talking about. We don’t have to pretend we’re color-blind.” Mr. Brown says, looking over at Michael.
They start arguing over ignorance of the situation and I glance over at Jim. He leans back in his chair and puts his arm around me, resting it on the top of my chair. I open my notebook to a blank page. I reach and grab a pen I have attached to the notebook when a hang reaches out. I look and see Jim grabbing the pen before I could. 
Because he is right handed his lines are messy, but he draws a tic-tac-toe board. He puts a messy X in the middle of the board. I giggle quietly and takes the pen from him. I put an O in the top right corner. He stares at the board before taking the pen and putting an X in the middle left box. I smirk to myself and takes the pen. 
I put an O under my last one, cutting off Jim from winning. He breathes hard from his nose and stares at the board. He grabs the pen and puts an X in the top middle box. His eyes widen after realizing what he has done. I giggle again quietly and takes the pen before putting an O in the bottom left corner, marking me as the winner.
I glance up and sighs when I hear Kevin citing something. I realize he’s horribly butchering the Chris Rock skit that Michael tried to impersonate the other day. I shake my head and sigh. This is going to get bad quick!  Michael cuts off Kevin from the Chris Rock skit, and tried to recite it himself. Mr. Brown tries to stop him. 
He does so by trying to cut him off.  Jim’s desk phone starts ringing and he quickly looks over. I look over at him.
“That better not be Mr. Decker,” I whisper.
He glances at me and nods.
He whispers, “It is more than likely.”
“Now, this is a simple acronym. HERO. Uh, at Diversity Today, we believe it is very easy to be a HERO. All you need is honesty, empathy, respect and open-mindedness.” Mr. Brown continues. 
“Excuse me.” Dwight cuts in. “I’m sorry, but that’s not all it takes to be a hero.”
Mr. Brown raises an eyebrow. “Oh great. Well, what is a hero to you?”
“A hero kills people, people that wish him harm.” Dwight says, as if it is obvious.
“Ok.” Mr. Brown stares at him for a minute.
“A hero is part-human and part-supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma or out of a disaster that must be avenged.” Dwight continues.
“Oh, you’re thinking of a superhero.” Mr. Brown says. 
“We all have a hero in our heart.”
Mr. Brown doesn’t acknowledge Dwight’s comment, but instead picks up a stack of papers from the podium and starts handing them out, while explaining, “Now, I need you to take these forms. This kind of expresses the joint experience we had today. And I need you to look 'em over and sign them as kind of a group pledge.”
I stand up, reaching forward to take a few so Jim and I can get out of here. Michael walks over to Mr. Brown and starts whispering. I grab two pieces of paper and hands Jim one. I sit back down and uses the pen from my notebook to sign my name. I hand the pen over to Jim and he quickly signs his name. 
Standing up, he takes the paper from my hand and walks over to Mr. Brown. I stand and walk out of the room. Jim runs out of the room and quickly over to his desk phone. He picks it up and listens to his voicemail. He sighs and nods at me. It was Mr. Decker. He quickly calls him back.
“Yeah, hi. Is Mr. Decker around? Oh. Well, could you just have him call me after lunch? Thank you.” He hangs up and sighs, leaning back into his chair. 
I reach over and moves his hair from his eyes.
“It’s okay Jim. You’ll talk to him after lunch and you’ll get the sale.” I smile slightly.
“You think so?” He looks up at me.
I nod and sighs when I hear the receptionist phone start ringing. Pam walks quickly out of the conference room and to our desk.
About an hour later I’m talking with Pam about her wedding plans when Michael walks out of the conference room. He calls us over so everyone in the room stands up and walks into the office. Jim waits for me. I walk up behind Toby and Jim steps into line behind me.
“All right? Everyone pretty? Come on. Here we go. It’s time. Let’s do some good.” Michael says, ushering us into the conference room.
“Hey, we’re not all going to sit in a circle Indian Style are we?” Toby says, laughing.
Michael says, with a straight face, “Get out.” 
Toby’s eyes widen, “I’m sorry.”
“No this is not a joke, okay? That was offensive and lame. So double offensive. This is an environment of welcoming and you should just get the hell out of here.” Michael says, pointing out the door. 
Toby sighs and turns, gently pushing past me and Jim. He walks out of the room and back over to his desk.
“Let’s go! Let’s do it. Come on. Let’s have some fun, everybody. Here we go. Take a seat. Cop a squat.” Michael says energetically.
Jim and I sit next to each other once again, but I didn’t bring my notebook this time. I am instantly regretting this. I lean back in my chair and cross my arms.
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“Uh, thanks for coming in. Um Diversity...is the cornerstone of progress as I’ve always said. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s take a look at the tape.” Michael says leaning against a tv that was rolled in the room. 
He starts the tape and he comes onto the screen, standing in front of our Dunder Mifflin sign. I roll my eyes discreetly and watch tv. I tone out some of video because I know it was going to be boring but I look up when I hear something about Abe Lincoln.
“Abraham Lincoln once said that, ‘If you’re a racist, I will attack you with the North.’ And those are the principles that I carry with me in the workplace.” the video says.
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Michael turns off the tv and looks at us. 
“Ok. Questions? Comments? Anybody?” Jim raises his hand. “Jim?”
“Uh, is that it?” He asks.
Michael nods, “Yes. I only had an hour to put it together but I’m going to add on to it later on.”
As time goes on, Kelly leaves, and Michael tries to get us to explain what race and nationality we are. I look over at Jim and sighs. He nods and uncrosses his arms.  He puts an arm behind me resting on my chair as we watch everything that is going on in the office. After Oscar and Michael fight over nationalities, we hear Jim’s phone go off. 
He quickly stands up and runs out of the room.
“Jim! Jim!” Michael sighs and holds up a board with note cards on it. “I have something here. I want you to take a card and put it on your fore-” He notices someone going to look at the card. “Don’t look at the card! I want you to take the card and put it on your forehead. Take a card, any card.” 
I stand up from my seat when Michael walks over to me.
“Take your card.” 
I stare at him for a second. “No.” 
I walk out of the room to Jim’s desk. I hear Michael say something like, ‘Okay..I knew that was coming’. I lean against his desk as he puts down the phone.
“Was it him?” 
He shakes his head no. “Nope. Someone trying to get prices on paper.” He sighs and leans back in his seat again. 
“It’s okay Jim. He’ll call.” I smile. “Come on. Lets listen to how stupid Michaels Diveristy Day is going.” He smiles a little and stands up. 
We walk the few steps to the door and listens in. I notice that Stanley has the card ‘Black’. Dwight has ‘Asian’. Pam has ‘Jewish’. I overhear Michael talking to Pam, who just tried to explain Dwight’s to him. She didn’t do a very good job.
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I look at Jim confused. He just shrugs and we continue to watch. After a few minutes, Jim’s phone starts to ring again. He turns and quickly sits down, picking up the phone. 
He talks for a few minutes.
“Mr. Decker, we didn’t lose your sale today, did we? Excellent. Ok Let me just get your..what’s that?” He pauses. I bite my lip in anticipation. “No, we didn’t close last time. I just need your...Oh...W-what code were you given? Oh, ok. That’s actually another salesman here. I can redo it if you want that. Oh, he gave you a discount? No I don’t blame you.” He says goodbye and hangs up. 
I sigh and rub his back. “I’m sorry, Jim.” 
He looks up at me. He opens his mouth to speak but looks down. He stands up, opening his drawer where he kept the champagne bottle and puts it on Dwight’s desk.
“No...” I say, sadly. He just nods and pulls me in for a hug, laying his head on mine.
I rub his back and whisper. “Today’s Monday so I’ll grab dinner and swing by your house so we can watch basketball, okay?” 
He just nods against me. After a few minutes, he pulls away and smiles slightly. He then puts his hand on my lower back and ushers me into the conference room. We sit in the chairs against the window to the office and just listen to the discussion Michael is having. I lay my head against his shoulder. 
Next thing I know Jim is gently moving his shoulder. I look up.
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“Hey.” He whispers, smiling.
“Oh, sorry. Hey.” I giggle slightly, moving off his shoulder.
“We can go.” He says. 
“Great.” I smile as I stand up, “I’ll grab dinner and go to your house?” 
“Great.” He stands up.
I smile and walk out, going straight for my desk. I grab my bag and my jacket, walking with Jim to our cars. He waves to me as I get into my car. I close my car door and grab my cell phone. I call the closest Seafood restaurant.
“Hello? Hi, I would like to make an order for Soft Shelled Crab?”
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mattskeebah · 5 years
I know how much y’all hate “your fave is problematic” posts...but it’s necessary.
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Summary: Matt Skiba, singer of the band Alkaline Trio and member of Blink-182, has nazi tattoos, is a fan of nazi bands, made tasteless nazi related paintings, is best friends with Boyd Rice, and in fact, owns nazi insignia. Matt claims to be a feminist but likes countless scantily clad pics of young models and sex workers and follows actual porn actresses on IG. Also, he never distanced himself from Asia Argento and still sells t-shirts with her face on them in his webstore. Matt supports the police and the military and he has a weird gun fetish. He attacked fans who criticized his behavior and his problematic associations.
He supports the police as an instutition, specifically Chicago PD. He made a post on Instagram in favor of CPD which ofc received backlash from fans but he ignored the negative comments and brushed it off as “there are bad people in every profession” and then he deleted the post. Thanks to a Tumblr user who screencapped it: [x] please notice the tiny blue (lives matters) heart. Also, here are some “cute” pics of him wearing police-related stuff [x] [x] and check out this post of him “repping” new CPD merch on his car [x] (he disabled the comments).
He supports the military, which might be because his parents served in the Vietnam war, but that doesn’t make it less shitty. Examples for his military-support can be found all over his Instagram. [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] and so on... and in this post he’s delighted that a soldier in Afghanistan is wearing an Alkaline Trio patch. [x]
He’s close friends with Asia Argento / or had possible romantic relationship with her and he still sells t-shirts with her face on them in his merch shop. For those of you who don’t know her, she was one of the leaders of the #metoo movement but then it was revealed that she herself had sex with an intoxicated 17-year-old (!) and her bf Anthony Bourdain gave the boy money so he would keep his mouth shut about the incident, ((later Bourdain committed suicide))
Story of a fan who gave Matt a letter criticizing him for being friends with Argento, and the same night he posted a picture of her on IG (I think it was this post)… which seems like a subtle F*CK YOU at the person who gave him the letter. (he can’t take criticism, can he?)
His IG activity is .. something else. Matt’s major interests are motorbikes, cars, and young, attractive, half-naked models and strippers. One of his recent likes (nudity and bruises cw) [x] [x] [x] [x]….that one is an actual porn actress he follows and thirsts over: (more nudity cw) [x] he commented ‘cool butt momma. miss you xoxo’ [x] [x] (liked)…and my “personal fave” a picture with a sex worker [x] he deleted the picture ofc
HE LOVES GUNS (+said that he would use them) he has quite a big gun collection: SIG SAUERs, a Morning Star, many knifes, a shotgun, a Desert Eagle gun, a samurai sword, a faux snakeskin baton, and more stuff I can’t remember, he posted his collection on November 5th 2018 on IG, but unfortunately I didn’t take a screenshot!! but he posted them individually on IG. [x] [x] [x] [x] etc. and a recently deleted pic at the shooting range [x] ……also this pic exists.. edgelord (tw gun to the head).
In the comments of the same post (I swear on my life it’s real, you have to trust me) a user commented that he’s a Trump supporter but he would still defend Matt, even if he’s “politically left”. Matt’s answer: “I would defend you too, my man!”. o k a y. then Matt said he identifies as “quite a bit left” o K AY. MATT. Just so btw. the user also had a name including “88″ ( is a code phrase commonly used in fascist circles for “Heil Hitler”) or he just meant the year 88. but I saw some racist “memes” on his IG too.
Matt has a weird obsession with WW2. He literally watched a holocaust docu on HIS FUCKING BDAY (or at least he posted about it) and he said he collects WW2 books. Theoretically, nothing wrong with being interested in history, but in the context of everything… bad vibes……….
He really loves Nordic/Scandinavian-related stuff, like jewelry of the Hammer of Thor etc and he even uses MS runes for his merch. Runes are popular among occultists but they also have a really problematic history concerning WW2 and the nazis. Considering one of his most favorite bands Death in June mentions runes in their lyrics and they are a REALLY REALLY questionable band flirting with nazi imagery and being openly affiliated with fascist and far-right satanists, I have every right to question Matt’s intentions.
He literally has a crutch cross tattoo on his chest (which was used as the symbol of Austro-Fascism, and is also the logo of the neo folk - nazi band Blood Axis) PHOTO 1, PHOTO 2 and an EDELWEISS tattoo [x], which is the national flower of Austria and is considered a magical flower in occult circles. Nothing wrong with having a flower tattoo but it was used a lot in the context of nationalsocialism and “traditional values”. To add, it was also used as a symbol of the 1st Mountain division “Gebirgsjäger” in WW2 (Hitler’s elite formation of the Wehrmacht who were involved in large scale war crimes). 
Matt OWNS NAZI INSIGNIA. He is wearing a WW2 Edelweiss patch in this pic [x] and here [x] combined with a crutch cross patch (Alk3 used an iron cross backdrop at their concerts 2014ish and a crutch cross symbol on their guitar picks btw.)
He owns several Death In June patches, their merch [x] [x] [x] [x] etc. and other patches and buttons featuring nazi-related symbols. [DIJ WIKI]. He is also friends with their singer. Matt’s a huge DIJ fan, attended their concerts [x] and Douglas P. reads the intro of the Alkaline Trio song “I Found Away”. DIJ uses fascist symbols and “aesthetics” for the band, including an SS Totenkopf logo.
Matt painted the same logo and exhibited it at an art show [x]
HE LITERALLY DID PAINTINGS REFERENCING DOLLFUSS AND MUSSOLINI and another piece of “art” called “surf nazis” [x] what the actual f   u    c  k .. and here he is with his painting of Mickey Mouse as Hitler [x]
HE IS BEST FRIENDS with Boyd Rice, (here’s a picture of them holding Wolfsangels, a nazi symbol) they are REALLY CLOSE. According to Rice’s IG they meet every week and hang out and Rice considers Matt “family”… the entire Boyd Rice shit can be read in this post (important please read). Matt even attacked fans that were calling him out and called them stupid.
The first liked video on his Youtube channel is a video about neo-nazi biker gangs in Germany....... [x]
He is friends with Kat von D, she did a few of his tattoos and she appeared in the Alk3 video “Help Me”.
He collabed with Jeffree Star on a violent song [x]
He was at an art show of a friend who used nazi symbols (!)
posts like these [x] [x]
In this interview [x] he’s pretty much romanticizing that people got stabbed back then at concerts and that there was a big skinhead scene (he wasn’t “stoked” about the violence happening BUT “the energy surrounding” was “very ATTRACTIVE” to him. Make of that what you will.)
When he was a sophomore in HS (and on acid) he beat up a classmate who threw a U.S. flag on the floor. [x]
Matt made a racist remark a few years ago about Chinese people [x] and according to him //or he’s joking// he has a tattoo on his dick that says “welcome to Jamaica” which can be interpreted as racist.
Many of the movies he praises blatantly depict violence against women, like Blue Velvet, Funny Games, A Clockwork Orange (it has almost 3 rape scenes in the first 15 minutes), lyrics like “Radio” can be seen as misogynist, he literally wishes that his ex-GF (/or someone’s ex-gf) should take a bath with a radio and get electrocuted.
A person on IG commented that his ex-girlfriend accused him of domestic violence, I have no proof for that but he deleted the comments ofc and then a few days later he donated money to a women’s shelter in LA… which seems like he’s trying to avoid a shitstorm…
He compared L.A. women to zoo animals in this interview [x].
He cheated on his ex-gf(s) which I think should go on this list too.
Matt used to be a member of the Church of Satan, just leaving this here. you can argue if it’s good or bad but there seems to be a connection between satanists and neo-nazis .. sadly.
He listed the song* “Los Angeles” by X among his faves in this interview [x] (*edit: Someone has reached out to me and explained that the song was not racist, antisemitic or anything but from the *perspective* of a racist. However, we don't know Matt's reason for liking the song and considering his WW2 fetish, it's sketchy that he would consider the song as one of his favorites. Maybe he likes it because the song openly says things out loud under the veil of "sarcasm" that would be criticized under different circumstances. See also: [Oscar Wild was right.] Matt still listened to the band in 2014 and was at a concert of them [x], even months after their singer spew right-wing conspiracy theories concerning (school) shootings.
THIS FUCKING PICTURE OF HIM WITH A CHARLES MANSON DOLL AND A SW*STIKA. He still had the doll in other pictures [x] [x].
This picture I found on a fansite. It’s supposed to be Matt as a child.. where does that even come from and why is he wearing a military hat with something that vaguely looks like an eagle (?)
I can’t be the only one who noticed that but Matt had a vaguely ~nazi haircut thoughout the years and even some sort of nazi / white power aesthetic~ going on, even fans recognized it as such [x] [x] [x] and in the context of him hanging out with Boyd Rice like this in this picture [x] it’s safe to say he was EXACTLY GOING FOR THAT LOOK.
When he was in Germany during the Blink-182 tour 2017 he proudly posed at a famous Third Reich location in the Alps. Yk. nothing wrong with visiting historical locations but in the context of everything mentioned in this post. IT LOOKS REALLY BAD.
…probably more.. this man is a walking disaster
- - -
In this post I listed a lot, there are probably some things you would consider “minor” because they happened years ago but I thought I’d mention them anyway. Also, I’m not saying he has those beliefs but he definitely doesn’t distance himself from nazi(-sympathizing) scum like Boyd Rice and keeps being BFFs with him. And what’s up with the problematic tattoos and WWII insignia? I can’t be the only one who thinks this is not okay!!!
Thanks for reading.
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father-lost · 5 years
Father Lost; Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Everything was a mess. He was sitting freely now, nothing attached to him but the I.V. that gave him fluids. He had a mess of papers sprawled across the bed; newspapers, printed articles, and a tablet open to the internet, browsing through Sean’s Facebook to see if he couldn’t make heads or tails of where the boys have gone off to. It wasn’t until he saw a post about the police finding them in Beaver Creek that he began to put the pieces together. So the boys fled the police, walked until they ended up at a little truckstop, the police were called because of theft. When the police arrived, the place was ransacked, the owner saying that he was attacked and robbed. Things went dark after that for about two months before they were spotted in Beaver Creek, police ending up at Claire’s and Stephen’s. They must not have stayed long before being chased out again. Then the news goes dark until there’s an update in the papers that Sean was hospitalized in Sacred Hope Hospital, Daniel missing. He was being contained until he was healthy enough to go on trial. He chewed the skin rough on the side of his thumbnail, the phone to his ear as he listened to it ring. Sean was in the hospital, that meant he was hurt, and Daniel was missing. “Hi Curtis, this is Esteban Diaz, we went to school together back in Seattle.” He spoke once the phone kicked to life, handing him over to the hands of an answering machine. “I’m really sorry to be calling randomly out of the blue, but I have no idea what to do. I need an attorney, and I need a good one, please. I’m currently in the hospital, please call me on my cellphone, 541-323-7738. Please.” He hung up the phone, stomach killing him. On the tablet, he dove further into the news that his oldest was in the hospital, uncovering he wasn’t the only one. A boy named Finn McNamara was also admitted after attempted robbery of a man named Merrill's estate. The man owned a pot farm that the two were working at. He put the tablet down, hands brushing over his face as he tried to imagine it. He wasn’t mad at his boy, he found work that keep him off the radar and he was taking care of Daniel. He wasn’t sure if he had Daniel working the fields or not, -and if so he hoped Sean had enough sense to keep his little brother away from people who would influence him negatively. He would rather Daniel stay away from the stuff all together, but Sean couldn’t do it all on his own. He sat back, knees pulled up, keeping the hospital gown over them. It’s been nearly three days since he woke up, and he was feeling fine enough to leave, but the hospital seemed hell bent on keeping him. If they were going to detain him, then they better do it. Suddenly his phone started ringing. He jumped, had lashing out at the mobile phone. He didn’t look at the number, praying to god the message he sent to Sean earlier made it through finally and this was his baby boy calling him, begging for him to come get him like he used to do in elementary school when he missed them. “Hijo?” He asked, heart pounding in his throat. “Hi daddy.” An adult voice answered back in a chuckle. Esteban let off a labored sigh, crossing his legs. He rested his head in his hand, hands shaking like he was face to face with a gun again. “Curtis,” he breathed, wanting to let the man know he was still there, just trying like hell to cope with the disappointment that his fantasy hadn’t come true. “Hey, I got your message, obviously. What’s up?” He asked. The man on the other end of the phone was a lot more casual than a lawyer normally would be, and if it wasn’t for the past of the two, that would be different. “October 29th, my son Daniel was outside playing, he accidentally got fake blood on the neighbor kid. White boy, real fresa, his father is no better. The kid started some shit, my oldest ended up in a fight, of course the cops got involved.” He explained wanting to go over as much as he could. “Uh oh.” The voice grunted on the other side. “So we looking at hate crime? I can win that no problem.” He added, a light boasting tone to his voice. “No, hijo pushed the kid, knocked the wind out of him, cop pulls a gun on them. I went out to break it up, got shot. I just woke up four days ago.” He explained. “Oh shit,” the man sounded concerned but didn’t push to make any guesses. “What happened to your boys?” “Sean ran. Comes to find out, the boy lived but the cop died. They went to their Grandparents in Beaver Creek but were apprehended and fled again. Last seen, they were working a pot farm in California where they were assaulted, Sean ended up in Sacred Hope Hospital guarded until he gets better then he’s going to juvie, Daniel is missing.” He finished. He was back to chewing the now raw skin on the inside of his thumb, thumbnail short and rigid. He waited for any sort of response, any at all until the man whistled almost sounding defeated. “Well shit, Esteban.” He grunted. “A cop died,” the father groaned, falling back against the pillows. “They fled the law making them look guilty. They were working a pot farm.” “They did nothing wrong!” He boomed. “Of course the hispanic boy is the bad guy! That’s what’s wrong with this fucking country since the fraggle took office!” He defended. “Ssh, sh,” the man laughed. “Sh, honey, baby cakes, I got you.” He teased, trying to calm him down. “I’ve already got a couple ideas. Step one, we find your sons, step two, we stop anything from progressing in court. Step three, find out a way you can repay me because we are definitely going to have to pull out a lot of stops with this one.” Esteban sighed, eyes closed, smile coming to his lips as the relief flooded him. “Got any idea where they might be headed?” “Mexico, I think.” Esteban didn’t open his eyes, feeling a little bit of comfort for the first time in 4 days. “What is with people trying to flee to Mexico?” The man on the other side muttered. “Because I used to live there.” Esteban shot back, reminding him that he wasn’t a born American citizen. “I forgot my princess was a terrible, awful, scary, Mexican thug.” The man on the other side of the phone, Esteban rolling his eyes but he couldn’t help the smile at his lips. Curtis always played jokes like that, calling him princess, or honey or baby cakes. It was just...sort of natural for them. “I own land, it used to belong to my Grandmother.” He replied. “They probably think that that’s going to be the easiest way out.” “He wouldn’t be wrong, if he can get across the border without dying.” The other man was serious now. “Have you tried contacting him? Or his grandparents?” “No,” he admitted. “Well, no to contacting Claire and Stephen, yes to Sean, but he must have ditched the phone, my message bounced back as unavailable.” He hated this, he hated the whole thing. “Ok, where is the best place for you to meet me?” The sound of rustling paper could be heard on the other phone, the faint clicking of a pen preparing to write. “At this hospital.” Esteban replied, looking at the only information he had about the whereabouts of his kids. “Geez baby, you aren’t even gonna meet me halfway?” Curtis scoffed playfully. He hadn’t been called this many pet names since he was with Karen, and it felt odd, but kind of nice? “They won’t let me check out even though I’m fit enough to leave. I think it’s a tactic; keep me here so I won’t interfere with the trial. Bet the racist bastards wished I’d have stayed dead.” He gathered up the papers, putting them in a pile. “Gotcha, I’ll come and break you loose. Send me the address and I’ll leave right away; should be there in a few hours.” The sound of shuffling and setting things away could be heard, and finally that feeling of relief began to outweigh the feeling of worry. “Will do, Curtis. Thank you.” He smiled, voice dropping to something warm and sweet. “Anything for you, babe.” With that, he was gone. The man punched in the address of the hospital, sending it to number who called him, and one to the email incase the number was a landline. Taking a breath, he laid back down against, eyes closed. He could take a small nap while he waited, he was almost positive he’d be there in the morning. Esteban wasn’t a holy man, but as he let the silence of the room fall over him, he prayed; prayed his boys would be found amd praysd they could overcome this nightmare. His boys deserved better, and was willing to devote his entire life to making sure nothing bad ever happened again.
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[Re-Upload since the other was marked explicit. Let me know if paragraphs are out of order or you see mistakes because it always happens when I copy and paste from wattpad 🙄] Check out Pandora’s Box by @amethyst1993  if you’re interested in the club Erik went to. The context is different, but I referenced it.
Part 12: Communication
“How do you feel,” Erik asked in the parked car, a loaded question, but he wasn’t leaving until they had the discussion. It wasn’t something to gloss over or sit on. She’d witnessed and participated in some shit that was far beyond her comfort zone and it looked as though she was beginning to withdraw into herself. That wasn’t what she needed to do. “Overwhelmed? Confused? Was it a lot? Regrets? What. Talk to me.”
“It was a lot,” she said with a breath. He reached out slowly for her hand and for a long while they sat in silence, summer night air filling the car. A memory came to mind and he went back and forth between whether or not to share it. As the silence stretched, he decided that he could.
“First time I was introduced to BDSM… before I became a dominant.. I went to this club..,” he paused recalling the details of that fateful night. “I was messing with this girl.. Ashleigh. We had a class together then and she asked me out, so I went. I was still in college then..” he nodded. “I was expecting the typical, you know, crowded bar and dance floor, women in tight dresses. They throwin ass. You get a dance, drink some Henny and get out type shit. Yeah, it was nothing like that..”
She looked over at him then, interested in where his story was going and he hesitated. He’d never told anyone the story and didn’t think he ever would.
“Uhh,” he groaned, “Aight so.. I get there and you need a password to enter. She gives them the password. A curtain opens and we end up in a club only it’s naked people everywhere. I’m talking ass, tiddies, dingalings.. orgies in the open. I ain’t know where to look. I was confused like what the fuck this bitch brought me to? Had men and women staring at my ass. I felt threatened. She bought me a drink and told me to follow so I did. We went down a hall and I followed her into this red room… It was red lights… So, I’m looking around and it’s a lot of random shit..” He paused, the memories flooding his senses.
He could feel the leather whip in his hand, see her tremble, and hear her piercing scream. It terrified him the way she screamed, an ear shattering declaration of orgasmic pain. She had to explain it to him because he’d dropped the whip so fast, afraid that he was really hurting her. “Don’t stop,” she’d begged, “It hurts but it feels so good. I want this.” She coached him into another swing and then another. Then she showed him how she liked to be slapped, slapping herself. “Why you doing this shit to yourself,” he’d asked. Surely this need to abuse herself must have stemmed from a previous experience of abuse. He didn’t feel comfortable perpetuating the cycle. She needed therapy, not punishment. “It’s a kink,” she replied, “Why do people like to box or wrestle? I just like it. I can’t help it. I like this and I like you. I haven’t been abused or anything and I still respect myself just like I expect you to respect me. But this shit gets me wet when it’s done right.. and since you’re inexperienced, you have no bad habits to break. I see you, Erik.. and you’re a dom. It’s in the way you respect women. It’s in the way you carry yourself, you’re no nonsense. And you wanna slap me right now because I’m giving you permission. I trust you not to abuse my trust.”
When he smacked her, it had been a tap. She instructed him to hold her face if he was afraid, that way she wouldn’t get whiplash. Also, avoid hitting near her ear. It was solid advice and with her urging him on, he slapped her harder and harder, his heart dropping when she dropped her head, sobbing into her hands. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he panicked only for her to lift her face, laughing. From there, he listened when she told him to be rough. It became therapeutic and even freeing to be able to fuck as hard and rough as he wanted with no ‘stop’ or 'it’s too big’ or 'wait’. And then she graduated, moving away. He had to find a replacement. Going backwards to women afraid of dick wasn’t an option. No more breaking bitches in.. if she didn’t have a few bodies under her belt, she was off of his radar. His experience hadn’t been a peak into BDSM, he’d been thrust into it and once he understood it, it’d been exhilarating.
“I’m not trying to scare you or make you feel less of yourself with anything that I expose you to. I just want you to feel that same freedom I felt. Freedom to express yourself the way you want to. Freedom to express your sexuality. I want to take on all responsibility and consequences so that you don’t have to feel weird or guilty about anything you do or try. As your dom, I just want you to experience life the way you should without fear. I’m not holding anything over you. I might joke like that sometimes, but you know me. I’m not like that.. and if you’re ever really uncomfortable I want you to be honest enough to tell me.”
The car was silent, her hand in his on her lap. She had a look like she was taking it all in. So he just had to be patient. He closed his eyes, resting his head against the headrest and she spoke.
“Between what I heard, saw, and what I did in there.. I have a lot to digest. I’ve never been in a situation like that. This is all new. I knew this type of stuff could get real because of the nature of it, but the extent truly caught me off guard. And I didn’t expect to do what I did..”
You mean eat pussy, he thought. In the moment, he figured he was moving too fast with her, but the look in her eye said she wanted to try it, she was just caught up in the minutia of what’s socially and morally acceptable. Fear of judgement from others and from her herself. They were all excuses keeping her from experimenting with something new. He nodded, understanding her trepidation. He’d been there and could relate.
“I was surprised when you did jump in,” he says looking ahead through the windshield. “..But I didn’t mind it this time because you knew what you were getting into. No one was getting over on you.. And I had a say in how it happened. Guess that’s the difference between dealing with a sub and someone confused.” Shots fired at Shay. Y/N shook her head, a small smile showing against her will.
“You taste sweeter,” he offered, watching her reaction from the corner of his eye. Her lip twitched before she turned to face her window. With that, he put the key in the ignition and pulled off. She’d be okay. The drive would do her some good.
At his house, she went straight to sleep peacefully in the bedroom he’d given to her. Her face was expressionless, buried into the pillow, and her hair was pushed upward in a pineapple bush atop her head. He needed some good sleep like that...
When he left her room, he checked his second phone. He’d ignored a call almost an hour ago and he knew it was business. He went downstairs and out to the back where the hot tub was to return the call.
“Vidor, Texas,” Rell said and he knew that meant to meet him there. Another missing target had been located. White. Early 40s. Of course, he’d hide out in racist ass Texas, knowing someone was coming for him. Erik was convinced that none of the niggas he was paid to off could hide or lay low for shit. “Two days.. you gotta make it happen,” Rell continued.
“Bet,” Erik said hanging up. This time, he got to hunt and kill himself a white man. Apparently, there had been a military grade weapons trade gone awry with multiple deaths involved. Some other stuff he didn’t really care about as well. He’d make bank off the corpse, he just had to figure something to tell Y/N.. A reason to leave. If only he could take her with him.
Erik has to take you to work since you don’t have access to your car. His bedroom door is already wide open when you creep in to sit on the edge of his California king bed. The room is drafty and he’s shirtless, orderly keloids on display. He’s knocked out, asleep on his side, his large arms stretched out ahead of him as though he’s yearning for something and you briefly wonder what he could be dreaming about. His expression is peaceful, serene, with the exception of the occasional brow furrow. His lips though. Those beautiful full lips are pouted. His deep cupid’s bow is prominent, alluring even. It feels like a great shame to wake him and lose this moment, but you have to if you wanna get to work. Like a creep, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture, putting it away. You place your hand on the blanket covering his side and move to his exposed shoulder, rubbing down his arm.
“Erik,” you whisper. He jumps, his arm jetting to grip your throat at breakneck speed. It takes a moment of struggling to try and pry his fat fingers from your larynx, before his eyes open and adjust, settling on your face. His arm drops as quickly as it raised and you rub your throat to soothe it, hoping there are no marks.
“FUCK. Y/N. Don’t scare me like that,” he croaks, letting his eyes fall back shut. His morning voice is sinful and you feel moisture forming down below. He drops his head back to his pillow, mumbling. “What’s up, you good? You hungry?”
“Huh? ..No, wake up!” You shake his arm when he won’t move. “I need a ride to work.” You’re already dressed and ready to walk out and he refuses to budge. “Erik! You have to take me… Come on. Please? Get up…” Still nothing.
You sit waiting for him to respond and after a few beats, he slowly drags himself upright, his eyes squinted. He’s still exhausted, poor baby. He looks so cranky now that he’s awake. It is super early afterall.. you have to be to work at 8:30 and the drive is longer from his house.
“Aight,” he croaks again wiping his face with his hand. “Gimme five minutes to brush my teeth and shit, I’ll take you.” His voice is super deep and velvety, filled with sleep and it’s really taking you over into wet panty land.
“You can shower though, it’s early enough,” you say eyeballing him with a raised brow and when he glances at the time on his phone, he nods.. a little more at ease. You wait downstairs. Breakfast seems like a great idea so you pull out his bullet blender and make a mixed berry yogurt smoothie that you split into two cups. He appears twenty minutes later in a bright red sweatsuit with Burberry London written on the white stripe going up each leg which matches his white Nikes. He looks like a whole dessert and there's that familiar smell. The mild and delicious scent of spiced musk. You could wrap yourself in it and call right back asleep if you had the time. There are no words from either of you, just a hard smack on your ass that makes you jump when he takes his smoothie, throwing back a third of it on the spot before heading to the coffee table for his keys. You follow him out silently as he swirls them on his thick finger, cup in his other hand. Down the walkway, and to his car, climbing into the passenger seat. The cup finds a new home in the cupholder. As soon as the car turns on, the noise does too. Gucci Mane is BLARING on the stereo, so you switch over to an alternative rock station with mellow 90s grunge rock since it's early. His eyes narrow so briefly that you almost miss it.
“I’ll humor you,” is all he says. Obviously he’s still exhausted because you know for a fact he’d typically fight you or just change the station.. but uncharacteristically, he leaves it there and he’s quiet, his eyes trained on the road. It’s concerning.
“You keep staring at me I’m a pull this car over,” he says blankly, voice still full of that deep bass and the threat is so like him, it must be his little way of assuring you that he’s okay without looking at you.
From this angle, his eyelashes are so long and you wonder why men always have the better eyelashes... You also wonder if he’d ever tell you if he weren’t oka– The car swerves suddenly making your heart drop and a horn beeps from the car behind you. You can your heart beating faster. Erik’s making his way to the side of the road and you realize he's 100% serious. What does he plan to do to you on the side of the road in morning traffic? You don't even want to know. Not today.
“Don’t pull over,” you slap his thigh, looking away from him quickly, “I wanna be on time.” With hesitation, he hops back in the right lane avoiding an exit that would’ve taken you out of the way.
“You gonna come back and eat lunch with me? You’ve never been to my job,” you remind him, one foot in the car and one on the pavement. You’ve never been to his either. You call him Tommy because he seems to be doing so well and you hang out with him a lot but you don’t know what his job is. You have no clue what he does for a living or how he can afford everything he has. He yawns, stretching.
“Mm.. I’ll swing by.. I gotta run some errands, but I’ll be here.”
“You need a nap!” You scold him and with an accusatory glare that says it’s your fault that he’s awake to begin with, he’s off. No goodbye or anything as you watch him zoom away. Yeah he's a little cranky.
The day moves slowly as you sit at your desk staring at your computer screen. The network seems to be running smoothly with no reported issues or disruptions, thankfully.. but Tanner is an idiot, you’re convinced. He’s somehow managed to jam the printer and delete an important file of documents. You clear the jam as he stands there gawking. No problem. As for his file.. He could’ve just dragged it from the trash. You told him this over the phone, but no, you had to come in person and fix it. He’s not even new! When you’re on his computer, you feel his gaze heavy on you and you look up to see that he’s staring at the side of your face like he’s analyzing it. Your face, your hair. Ignoring him, you stand ready to leave. It took all of ten seconds to retrieve the folder from the digital trash bin.
“Uh, Y/N... I was wondering if you’d… like to go for coffee later?”
“There’s coffee in the office kitchen, Tanner. I have a cup back at my desk.”
“Doesn’t have to be coffee, we could take a drive somewhere for lunch… Ernesto’s.”
“Sorry, I already made lunch plans with a friend.” His deep blue eyes widen at the last word and you don’t like the implication. Why does no one believe you have friends?! Rolling your eyes, you almost stomp back to your office but bump into Sherita, an older black woman.
“Y/N, it’s good I bumped into you,” she speaks slowly, “I have my nephew with me and I was hoping you could log him into a computer so he could play some little games or go to YouTube.”
“As long as he knows how to be responsible with his browsing,” you say leading them to the computer lab on a lower floor. You knew it’d be empty and there were cameras all around to keep an eye out for him. The boy was nine, he’d be okay on his own for a bit. “I’ll check on him from time to time,” you offer and she thanks you. Time ticks by so slowly. You sip at your coffee missing your Red Refresh tea. Maybe that’s why you’re so restless today... When your phone lights up around lunch, you all but run to the elevator to leave. You don’t want to run into anyone who will stop you. Outside, you expect to see Erik’s car pulled up and running, but it’s not there. A grip on your waist makes you jump and for a split second you fear it’s Flu before you hear Erik’s voice.
“You so antsy,” he teases poking you in various places to see if you’ll jump again. You do once but it’s because you don’t expect him to poke you in your stomach.
“I’m hungry! Stooop.” You block your stomach before he can poke at your chub again and he snatches his hand back before turning to walk away toward the end of the block.
“Shid, let me get on before you try to eat my ass.”
You answer with your middle finger, jogging lightly to catch up to his side. “I don’t eat assholes.” It works on two levels and he smirks.
“You’ll do whatever I tell you to do, angelcakes. I’m the boss.”
“And the moment you try to make me do that, I’ll quit.”
“It’s a good thing I wouldn’t ask you to do that. But either way, you ain’t going nowhere,” he smiles and you wonder if he's right.
“I’ll leave if I damn well please! What you think you can do about it?”
“Don’t matter... 'cause you ain’t going nowhere…,” he laughs.
"You so irritating.. Where are we walking to?"
He leads you down another block and across the street before turning right and you’re getting winded. He walks fast. “You the one work here, I’m just walking.”
“So you don’t have a place in mind and we just walking around for no reason,” you huff, breathless, trying to keep up with his strides while keeping the aggravation out of your voice. You fail on the latter.
“Yup, walking is good for you.”
Before you can cuss him out, he smiles and opens the door of a business. When you look it’s a small restaurant. It looks very new inside and you figure it’s some hipster spot with white college kids from the nearby university. You’re thrown when you see only black people behind the counter and mostly black customers. You follow him to a table and a young black guy with a fade comes immediately to take your drink orders. Erik asks for water and you get lemonade. The menu itself is decent, full of classic faves and desserts. He orders the house burger and you follow suit because it looks delicious.
“How you feeling,” he asks randomly, his eyes fixed on yours and you shrug.
“Good... You seem more awake, like you got some rest. I hope you did at least.”
“Gotta ask you something. I need a yes or no.”
Well damn, forget my topic then. Anxiety rises but you push it away. Any time someone says they need to ask you something instead of just asking, it’s typically something you don’t want them to ask.
“Shoot,” you say firmly as if you aren’t going through five potentially awkward conversations in your head right now.
“Relax," he murmurs raising his hand. "Wednesday I’m leaving town for a few days on business.. you wanna take off and come with or you can’t?”
Your first instinct is to say you can’t. It’s too short notice and you have to work. He seems indifferent so you wonder if you should just go ahead and decline.. but the fact that he even asked must mean he wants you to go. Did his other subs ever go with him on his business trips? You wonder.. Either way…
“Where are you going?”
“Does it matter? Free vacation. Yes or no, you know if you wanna go or not.”
“Nigga, don’t get smart with me,” you return his stare with equal attitude and his brow raises. Neither of you speak for about ten entire seconds until you decide you're ready to give your answer. “…Yes.”
“I bought the plane tickets already. Pack for three days when we get back to my place.”
“You can’t tell me where we’re going?”
“You’ll see.”
The Marriott Marquis Houston in Houston, Texas.. over an hour away from Vidor. Erik entered the room first dropping their bags and Y/N followed, throwing Erik a pointed look.. but what did she expect?
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“Nigga… You could’ve gotten two beds..”
“I could’ve,” he said simply. But why would he do that? She rolled her eyes, toeing off her Adidas before diving onto the bed like a starfish. He fell backwards beside her, his body sinking into the comforter. When he opened his eyes, Y/N was gone. He looked around before grabbing his phone to call her. He’d been out cold for a good hour and a half.
“You would wake up as soon as I leave,” Y/N’s voice came in. There were noises in the background that sounded like voices. She was downstairs. “Stay put, I’m buying us food at Biggios. Do you feel more like an herbivore or a carnivore? I know you buff types can go either way.”
“I don’t work out to eat grass everyday. Carnivore,” he said heading to the toilet.
“Right, you work out to lift bitches. I totally get it- Wait, are you.. Ugh, are you peeing right now?!” The call ended and he chuckled to himself. When Y/N came back with the food and plastic utensils, he rooted through the bag for the receipt.
“Threw it away. I got you,” Y/N said peeping what he was on. It was a gesture he respected. His other subs wouldn’t have done it. Still though, in good conscience he couldn’t take her money. He waited until she was occupied with checking the orders to slip fifty into her Michelle Obama wallet.
“Game analytics,” was Erik’s response when you asked what his job was. It was such a straightforward answer that your jaw dropped. He rolled his eyes when you gasped. He was Tommy off of Martin no more! You finally had your answer and it made a lot of sense because you did see various game systems hooked up in his living room.
“Can I ride with you wherever you’re going,” you asked with your sweetest smile, the apples of your cheeks entering your line of vision.
“No,” he said lifting your chin, “I got something else I need you to do. Here’s my card… Go to the Galleria and ball out one good time.” Halfway out the door, he added, “New panties, new shoes, new clothes, new panties… I’m serious… Don’t get ugly shit,” he points toward your crotch and you’re offended. Since when has your style been ugly? Comfortable was a better term.
“Nah, matter fact, ask someone your own age in the store what to get or take a picture and send it to me before you buy it.. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I’ll call.” He almost left before turning again to say, “I’m trusting you with my shit, don’t lose it.”
With that, he left you standing in a 4-star Texan hotel room alone with his credit card.
“You made it,” Rell greeted. They were in the parking lot of a redneck grocery. Erik grabbed Rell’s hand wrapping his other forearm around his back returning the greeting before dropping into the passenger seat of the car.
“Where did this car come from,” Erik asked as Rell sat parked. Mobb Deep hummed lowly on the system.
“It’s my job, I got my sources,” Rell sniffed with pride. Erik didn’t pursue it since Rell had never fumbled before. Rell was always dependable but if that were ever to change, Erik would be ready to handle the situation, whatever that meant. He looked through the window at the white people getting in and out of cars. They hadn’t really been noticed yet.
“You get anything from Sawyer?” Sawyer was the white boy they sent in as a mole to locate the target before they got there. Vidor was a small sundown town trying to change their rep, but moving very slowly.
“Pine Haven RV park.”
“Oh word, let’s bust him right now,” Erik sat up in his seat, but Rell hesitated.
“He’s not alone. He embedded himself into the community, they’d shoot for him. You got the whole trailer park to fight through.
"Shid, you got the bombs?”
Rell sucked his teeth. Of course he had the bombs, this was cracker country. Home of the clan.
“If you got the bombs and the guns, loaded and ready. You just get me close to that park and stay down."
"We need another white boy to drive us closer. What if they spot us coming?"
"We don't need shit else. What's my name?"
"I ain't get these marks for selling cookies... You just get me there and let me handle the rest."
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specialmindz · 6 years
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“well would ya’ look at that? there’s someone in the water bro!”
“Yep, I sees em’.”
“do you know who that is? who is that pappy, hm? who is that?”
“A baby.”
“heh heh heh...”
He’s so cute...
“i KNOW it’s a baby papyrus-”
“A very DEAD baby.”
okay maybe not THAT cute...
“what uh, what makes you think they’re dead pap? dead people turn to dust.”
“Is a HUMAN baby. Probably Chinese.”
Sans sighed. “i’m not sure what a chinese is, but i’m preeetty positive you’re being racist again.”
He kicked a nearby stone into a different puddle, annoyed. It had only been ten minutes in Waterfall and he was already wanting to go home.
“why do you say these things bro? we hear enough racism from dad, i don’t want you to turn out like him...”
“But is true dough!” insisted Papyrus. “They throw their babies away all da’ time! They only like widdle boy babies such as myselves cause’ they be the only ones to pass on the family name and stuff. I bet there be a lot of skelly babies in the water over there too. China be a good pace to find hunnies.”
“Hello hunnie baby! Does you like what you see?”
“pfft! pap-”
“LOOK SNAS, SHE SMILING AT ME! Nyeh heh heh...what’s happening baby girl? I likes your rain coat! Why don’t you come out the water and share my umbrella?”
Sans howled with laughter as his brother continued smiling into the puddle, waiting patiently for the “baby girl” to come out. Suddenly the day had gotten a lot better. The infant twirled his umbrella nervously, hoping she wouldn’t say anything about already having one of her own; he didn’t want to look stupid in front of Sans...
“Why don’t you come out widdle baby? Is you stuck in da’ mud down there? Is da’ water too deep?”
“i think she’s shy bro! why don’t you go help her?”
“Nyeh? But dat’s deep water big Buther! I can’t swims in da’ deep water without mah floaties...”
“here, lemme help ya’.”
Papyrus hit Sans with his umbrella, luckily not doing any harm thanks to the comedian’s hoodie.
“woah woah, pap! take it easy!”
“alright i’ll back off! just stop hitting me before you kill me, ha ha!”
“Hey Snas, you think the reason she don’t come out is cause’ she don’t like merican’ babies?”
“i doubt it pap.”
“Could you tells her I doesn’t have a gun? She not gonna beweave me if she know my font...”
Sans put his hands over his face. “*siiiiigh* he doesn’t...he doesn’t have a gun.”
Where is he GETTING this stuff?
“Also tells her I won’t blow her up either. She might know I be from Egypt-”
“what are these words you’re using?”
“Is okay girl baby, I’s too widdle to make bombs. My buther do dough-”
“no i don’t!”
“He call them ‘jokes!’ NYEH HEE HEE HEE!“
“....well aren’t you hilarious?”
You little brat.
“Yep, I’s funny as hell! Look Snas! Da’ baby girl be laughing too!” said Papyrus, pointing at the puddle excitedly. “I’s gonna get da’ smooches for sure!”
“yeeep, she digs ya’ alright. *yawn*”
“No Snas! You gots to stay awake and be mah wing-man!”
“your what?”
“You gots to be my wing-man and tell the girl baby all bout’ mah many many ah-com-plishments!”
What accomplishments?
“uh...yesterday, pappy stuck his foot in his mouth...”
“Yep, is too! I did it easy without falling over! I’s very talented.”
“...and today he tore the eye out of his teddy bear and ate it.”
“One day it’ll be a REAL bear.”
“Yogi gonna get his. Those MY pici-nic baskets...”
Sans shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the next. He didn’t know WHY he was so nervous, it’s not like the baby in the puddle was real or anything, but he still somehow felt embarrassed.
“hey bro, maybe don’t say those things in public kay’?”
It’s one of the reasons we don’t have any friends except Undyne.
“But if I doesn’t then she won’t know how strong and brave I be! She gots to know I can protect her from bears or she won’t marry me Snas!”
“i’m sure the result will be the same regardless of how much you brag.”
“You think she’ll like me anyways? Why? Dis a Dragon baby? You’s a gold-digger?”
“*pfft!* so what if she is? what are you worried about? you don’t got any money, heh heh ha ha ha!”
“Yes I does. Jerry too widdle to go to jail, so we’s back in business!” cheered the baby, pumping his fist in the air.
“NO,” replied Sans firmly. “you stop dealing drugs papyrus; it’s wrong. you know it’s wrong. you shouldn’t take advantage of the addicts in the underground like that.”
“Why not?! Monies should go to people who take care of themselves,” said the infant matter-of-factly. “Druggies are weak Snas. They bring down society and eventually turn into murderers when they gets des-per-ate for da’ drugs and can’t afford them.”
“that’s...that’s not true,” said Sans, but in truth he wasn’t so sure. A lot of killers populated the Underground, ESPECIALLY in the alleys of the Resort Area where the richer monsters ate. Why would the monsters there steal their money instead of food if the G wasn’t for drugs?
“How do YOU know? You doing da’ drugs Snas?!”
“what? no!”
“You’s doing the kistal meth? The angel dust? IS YOU DOING DA’ COCA COLA?!”
“that’s a drink.”
“i don’t even drink coke. YOU’RE the one who eats and drinks stuff from the dump, not me!”
You gross little freak. HOW have you not gotten sick yet?
The comedian had tried, like his father, to keep his brother from eating out of the Dump, but when the baby bones started keeping secret “snacks” in his onesie, he quit, for fear of stinking up the whole nursery.
Maybe I should get Flowey to talk to him.  
Papyrus and Flowey got along great together, to the point where Sans often became jealous of their little fights and arguments. Despite the insults they threw at one another, they had a lot in common when it came to how they viewed the world and the people within it. Maybe the tiny plant COULD talk some sense into him.
I bet he could. I bet if FLOWEY said something, he’d quit. Maybe I should be more like him...?
Sans thought about going around on a daily basis insulting people, including his brother, but quickly brushed it away. There was no way he could do that. Besides, he doubted insult comics would be too popular in the Underground; despite all the killings, people down there still treated one another with respect during the daytime, or at least that was Sans’ perspective. Maybe they were just nice to children...?
But I’m not wearing a striped shirt...
“Is dat why you gots so much junk in yo’ trunk big Buther? Cause’ you’s a junkie?”
Sans snapped back to reality. “what?”
What did he say?
“I’m telling Daddy you gots coke in yo’ butt!”
“we’re in waterfall and he doesn’t care.”
“I’m telling EVERYONE.”
“do NOT embarrass me papyrus!”
What the hell is his PROBLEM?!
The baby bones looked down into the puddle worriedly.
“Don’t worry widdle girl baby, I doesn’t do da’ drugs, I just sells em’. I doesn’t keep them in mah butt either.”
“i don’t do drugs and she’s not real, that’s just your reflection!”
“You doesn’t do drugs...? Then why you keeps em’ in your butt if not for safe-keeping? Are you trying to prank the doody dogs? You want to get the doggies high when they sniffs your butt?”
“this conversation is over.”
“Nyeh hee hee hee! You’s funny big Buther!”
“I’m leaving.”
Sans teleported away.
“Awww...dat’s a shame. NYEH HEE HEE HEE!”
Papyrus splashed playfully in the puddle.
This one’s a bit quicker as an apology for last month. I’ve been working on Fonttale 3 for awhile now and I juuust finished chapter thirteen.
I might add more to it, it looks a little short on AO3. I wrote sixteen pages but apparently that isn’t enough for it to look worthy of reading on the site. At least to ME anyway...
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hairringtonsteve · 6 years
two ships passing in the night, part iii.
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(billy hargrove x reader)
summary: all in all, it’s not the awkwardest christmas eve ever, but it’s up there. really up there. complete with a threatening billy and annoyed steve!
request: a ton of people. like, a ton of people.
word count: 5, 824
a/n: Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and Merry Sunday if you don’t! Or Monday, depending on your timezone. This is it, the final installment of the series that I didn’t mean to become a series. brief mentions of abuse.
part i. part ii. 
Before you’d gotten close with the Party, Christmas Eve had meant some family time at your aunt’s house, watching as your cousins made racist remarks and drank too much.
Now, though, things were different. Christmas Eve meant everyone heading to your house to have a holiday themed DnD session, starting early in the afternoon and lasting until it was finished (or until everyone had to go home).
This year, though, things were different. Very, very different.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Dustin spat out, staring at you. It was Christmas Eve Eve, and the entire lot of them were gathered in your living room, save for Steve, who’d gotten stuck with the night shift at the station since he’d lost his badge yet again.
“Language,” you murmured, your focus more on picking at the stray strings coming up from the pillow than the group of teens staring at you.
“Lan- Come on, Y/N! What are you thinking? He’s a criminal, he went to jail!” Mike said. Most of the group agreed, save for Max and El.
“They let him out.” Max waved her hands in the air as she spoke, giving Mike the glare that was reserved solely for him. “He’s trying, guys. He’s still a dick, but he’s trying,” she continued. Lucas offered her a faint smile, but it faded as Dustin spoke up once more.
“Are we forgetting that he attacked a member of our party, and beat the ever-living shit out of Steve?” Flashes of Steve’s face, battered and bloody, drifted through your mind. Your stomach clenched at the thought. It had happened, and you weren’t going to make excuses for that. But he was different, you knew that.
“Does Steve even know that you invited him?” Will asked, settling beside you on the couch. You let out a sigh, allowing yourself to look at everyone before ducking your head.
“I’m going to tell him. He’s just… He’s Steve. He’s upset enough with me for even talking to him.” You could feel Max’s gaze boring into you, and you wondered if Billy had said anything to her about that night. It had been a week since then, and the only time you’d seen him was in the grocery store two days ago. He’d followed you around the store, smiling faintly the entire time. The only thing that he’d even brought up about that night had been making sure that you were serious about him being there for Christmas.
“At least you didn’t do anything really stupid, like make out with the guy,” Mike muttered, shaking his head as he headed off into the kitchen. You could feel yourself heating up, starting with your neck, the redness creeping up to your cheeks and then your ears.
“You’ve got to be shitting me!” Dustin yelled. He threw his hands in the air, staring wide-eyed at you. “Did you really make out with him?” There was a hysterical note to his voice and it made your stomach sink.
“Dustin, that’s none of your-”
“You’re - you’re whoring yourself out to the enemy!”
“I am not whoring myself out to the enemy! I’m not whoring myself out to anyone! I’m an adult! I can choose who I consensually make out with, dumbass. And how many girls have you made out with, Henderson? You don’t hear me bitching to you about them.”
“That’s because none of them beat the shit out of my dad!”
“I hurt Lucas and you forgave me.” El’s voice chimed in, her softness contrasting the frustration that was emanating from Dustin. The young Henderson grew quiet as he glanced over to her, his shoulders deflating.
“That was different, El. Mike and Lucas had been fighting and you -”
“And Neil was beating the shit outta Billy at the time. That doesn’t make it right, but it makes sense of some stuff. Neil beat Billy that night because I snuck out. If I hadn’t snuck out, he wouldn’t have gotten hit and he wouldn’t have gone after Lucas or Steve,” Max said. Her words were coming out slow and sure. “But if you hadn’t kept Dart and let him grow bigger, then I wouldn’t have had to sneak out and on and on and on.” She tilted her head, fixing Dustin with a frown. “Do you get what I’m saying?”
Mike was leaning against the doorway, a mug of hot chocolate held in his hands as he watched everyone else. El glanced over to him, watching as he gave her a small nod of his head.
“I mean, I-” Dustin started, only to be interrupted by El.
“He’s coming to Christmas, then.”
You’d been avoiding your phone all morning. It was easier to work at getting your family out of the house than it was to answer the phone and listen to Steve screech at you for just thrusting Billy Hargrove upon him.
Apparently, one of the little shits had blabbed and ruined your perfectly good plan of having Billy show up at the door and deal with the two of them then.
Around eleven, the house was quiet. Your parents had vacated to head to your aunt’s, while your older siblings had gone to hang out with some old high school friends. There wasn’t really much to do since your mom had gone on a full cleaning spree the day before, claiming that the house needed to be in pristine condition for Santa.
By noon the party had arrived and settled in, clearing your dining room table off so they could set up everything. Steve had taken to pacing in the kitchen, alternating between glaring at you and shoving cookies into his mouth.
“You better watch it, Harrington. One more cookie and you’re really going to nail that stereotypical cop look,” you said, smirking at him.
“Why don’t you worry about your boyfriend’s body, hm? He probably needs to work his ass off to keep in shape,” he muttered through a mouth full of sugar cookie.
“He’s not my boyfriend and you know that.”
“That’s not what Dustin says.”
“Dustin also said that I was whoring myself out to him. Are you really going to trust him?”
“He what? Jesus - Dustin! What’d we talk about, huh? Stop using the word whoring. You sound like an asshole.” Your heart warmed at the sight of Steve’s scowl. It was nice to know that despite his annoyance with you, he was still sticking up for you. His expression softened a little as he glanced over to you, only to harden at the knocking on the door.
You gave a cursory glance over the kitchen and dining room. Max and Lucas were leaning against each other, watching as Mike and Dustin bickered over the tabletop setup. El was reheating some pizza as Will told her some cheesy joke, and Steve was… Not there.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, darting towards the front door. You were too late, though. Steve was opening the door, shoulders squared off like he was about to hit someone. Billy chuckled, a low sound that traveled straight down your spine. It took you back to the other night, the two of you cuddled up on the couch, him chuckling against your skin.
“Well, if it isn’t King Steve. You mind stepping aside?” The venom that had once permeated a younger Billy’s voice was gone, but the annoyance was still there, loud and clear. Steve didn’t move an inch. “Look, man, Y/N invited me over and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want either of us being dicks, yeah? So just move.”
“Make me, dipshit.” You couldn’t tell exactly what Billy’s reaction to that was, but he stepped forward, filling the doorframe, and that’s when you butted in.
“Hey, Billy!” You said, your voice bright as you stepped forward, laying a hand on Steve’s chest and giving him a gentle push. “Thanks for coming over.” You didn’t miss the way that Billy’s gaze lingered on your hand.
“Oh, uh, no problem. Thanks, for uh, inviting me,” he said, his voice softening considerably as he finally looked down at you.
“You ready for some DnD?”
“I actually have no idea how to play.”
“Don’t worry about it. If Steve could figure it out, so can you.” Steve let out a snort behind you, mumbling something under his breath that you didn’t catch. You heard his footsteps retreat, and suddenly it was just you and Billy. “You gonna close the front door?”
“Oh, shit, yeah,” he said, stepping inside so he could close the door. It was quiet as it clicked into place. He looked down at you, his lips pressed together into a small smile. “So, I got you something for Christmas. It’s nothing big, but I just… Yeah.”
“Billy, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know, but I wanted to.” The words hung in the air, eventually settling deep in your stomach. He reached into the pocket of his leather jacket, pulling out a small box with a bow on it. “You said in the grocery store the other day that coffee kept you up at night. I, uh, I thought that this might help out if I ever come over for coffee again.” He held out your favorite kind of tea, a nervous sort of grin on your face.
“When you come over for coffee again,” you corrected, fingers brushing against his as you took it from him. “How’d you know that this was my favorite?”
“That night at the diner, you were complaining about all the crap kinds of tea. You said this kind, though, was the good kind.” His cheeks were a little red at the admission, and you were determined to burn that image into your memory.
“Thanks, Billy.” You glanced behind you, making sure that no one was in view before rolling up to the tips of your toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek. When you pulled away, the redness had increased. “Come on, man. We’ve got some…” You faltered, trying to remember just what Mike had said the campaign was about. “Some weird monsters to kill.”
You led him into the kitchen, trying to ignore the way that everyone fell silent as Billy stepped into the room.
“Hey, loser,” Max called, offering him a faint smile. Billy returned it for a moment, looking away within seconds. Max made sure to glare at every single member of the party when Billy looked away, giving them a sort of silent warning.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“I’ve told you like, twelve times, Y/N. There’s a cult in the forest near town that are kidnapping people, and it’s up to you guys to stop them.”
“A cult? I thought that Dungeons and Dragons was all monster fighting. Like, those, uh, what were they?” Billy thought for a moment, wracking his brain as he tried to come up with the answer. “Some guys back in California played, and they fought - they fought demogorgons! That’s what it was.”
Everyone in the room froze. Billy looked around, furrowing his brow at everyone. His gaze rested on you, leaning forward a little in question.
“We, uh, we don’t fight demogorgons anymore. Dustin got so freaked out during a campaign once because of them that he cried a little,” Lucas said, his words practically tumbling over themselves.
“I did not!” Dustin yelled, and just like that, they were back to bickering and sniping at each other. You caught Billy’s eye and nodded towards the table. It was a little crowded. The dining room table was big enough, but still, everyone was just about shoulder to shoulder. Somehow, Billy ended up between you and Will.
“Do you know how to play?” Will asked. His voice was quiet as he looked to Billy. There wasn’t any animosity in the teen’s face, not like how Dustin was looking at him. Instead, Will was looking at Billy like he was just another friend sitting at the table.
“Uh, no, I don’t.”
“Okay, cool. It’s pretty easy, you’ll get the hang of it.”
Unsurprisingly, Billy didn’t get the hang of it. Not that you blamed him in the slightest. It had taken you ages to figure out what was going, and they’d dumbed it down for you a lot. For Billy, though, not so much. It had started out easy enough, everyone creating their characters and Mike writing down all of the details in his notebook. Getting into the semantics of the campaign, however, turned into another beast entirely.
“This goblin is shooting at your rogue with his bow. The range is 70 feet which is further than short range for a short bow so he makes the shot with disadvantage so I will roll 2 dice and take the worst.” Mike rolled the dice as Billy stared on, his eyes glazed over. “A 7 and a 16 so we take the 7. The goblin's attack bonus is +4 so the 7 becomes an 11. Your armour class here is 14 so that is a miss,” he continued. Billy looked to you, almost desperate. You bit back a laugh. “The arrow falls short hitting the ground at your feet. If you had been closer, it would have hit you in the chest because 16+4 is 20 which is more than your AC. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Billy jerked his gaze away from you and to Mike, who was watching him expectantly.
“I have no idea what you’re saying. At all,” he said, frowning as he settled back into his seat. Everyone let out a groan of frustration. This had been the fifth time Mike was explaining it to Billy.
“How’d you even graduate high school?” Dustin questioned through a chewed up chocolate chip cookie.
“I didn’t, remember? Bailed before graduation,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. There was a little tension there, coming from the way his back had stiffened. You kept your hand under the table, reaching over to his and giving it a faint squeeze. He glanced over to you out of the corner of his eye.
Everyone else was looking at each other, scrambling for something to say.
“You didn’t miss much, man. Steve wouldn’t even streak across the football field during the ceremony,” Lucas eventually said. You caught the soft look he offered Max, and the grateful smile that she gave in return.
“No, you don't get to complain about that. I never agreed to that hairbrained idea, Sinclair.” Steve was jabbing his finger in Lucas’s direction to make a point.
“You should've, though! It would have been awesome,” Dustin grinned.
“Yeah, and if I would've done that, Hopper never would've let me on the force.”
“You're a cop?” There was a hint of incredulity in Billy's voice as he cocked a brow at Steve. The two of them stared at each other, silent and a hint of a glare on Steve's part.
“Yeah. I've got a badge and everything.”
“Huh,” was all Billy said, more of a hum than anything else.
“You surprised?” Steve was sitting back in his seat, arms crossed against his chest as he watched Billy carefully. You couldn't help but think back to that night a few years ago, Steve with his hands on his hips, the last defense against a pissed off Billy.
“Honestly? Not at all. You seem like you'd be the only competent cop on the force aside from Hopper. Everyone else is shit, if I remember right.”
Steve blinked at Billy, his eyes flickering between the two of you. Sure, Billy's words had come out as easy as pulling teeth, and he'd muttered the word competent, but a compliment was still a compliment.
Dustin was watching the two closely, as though he was trying to figure out just what was going on. While all of the teens were protective of Steve, Dustin would probably kill for him.
“Oh, they're shit. They couldn't even arrest your speeding ass,” Steve said, allowing himself the smallest of smirks. It was tight and awkward and looked a little painful to you, but it was there. He was trying.
“Can those old cruisers even get up to that speed, or do you guys just hope for the best?”
“I don't know. We did get a new vehicle, though, if you want to try it out. You go break a law, and we'll see how long it takes to arrest you.”
“No thanks, man. I've done enough jail time in my life.”
Steve blanched at his words. He grimaced, opening and closing his mouth as he looked to you, helpless.
“Hey, man, I didn't mean to-”
“Don't worry about it, Harrington. That's not the worst thing anyone's ever said to me.”
It grew quiet, everyone looking at each other. It’s not like there was an easy way to transition from jail to a lighter topic. You’d forgotten that your hand was still on Billy’s and your knee bumped the table as he twisted his hand around to intertwine his fingers with yours. He gave your hand a tight, brief squeeze before letting go.
“Y/N, these cookies are really good. Who baked them?” Dustin asked, giving you a wide grin. The boy wasn’t always the best at switching the conversation subtly, but it worked, mainly because Mike rolled his eyes and let out a groan.
“You did, Dustin. You baked them. Like you keep reminding us every single time you eat one,” the dark haired boy complained, scowling.
“That’s because they’re delicious, Mike. They’re perfect.”
The game went on for awhile after that, everyone slowly getting in on what was happening. Billy still wasn’t up to speed on what to do, but what he lacked in understanding, he made up for in enthusiasm. You had a feeling that Dungeons and Dragons was never going to be his thing, but he kept looking over to Max, as though he were searching for some sort of approval from her. Most of the time she’d just grin at him before turning back to Lucas or whoever had been talking, but sometimes she’d give him this small smile, something that was warm and welcoming and made your heart soar a little.
Max had always wanted someone that was there for her. You could remember it clearly, the summer after your graduation when Max had popped over and what had started out as a simple girls’ night ended up in her pouring her heart out to you. She’d just wanted a brother, someone to stick up for her and take care of her and be there for her.
It had taken them both some time, but you could see it; the little spark of a chance that this could actually work, that Max might actually get a brother, and not someone who was just a flaming dick.
Before you knew it, the entire afternoon had passed and everyone was starting to get a little restless. Steve had been the first to suggest starting on dinner, and everyone else had jumped at the chance to not sit at the table for a moment longer. You headed into the kitchen, stopping only when you realized that Billy wasn’t behind you.
“You coming, or what?”
He was lingering at the table, fiddling with one of the unused figurines that Mike had had laying out. He glanced over to you, a faint smile on his face.
“I think I’m gonna head out, actually.”
You ignored the way your heart dropped at his words.
“You sure? We’re going to keep playing after we eat.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I just - you guys should have your Christmas time. I don’t wanna intrude, or anything.”
“Billy, you’re not intruding, trust me. You’re doing anything but that. You made Dustin spit out his soda all over Mike with that Star Wars comment. You’re practically one of us now.” It was endearing, the way Billy ducked his head as you spoke.
“Thanks, but I do think I’m going to head out. I’m kinda tired.” You watched him for a moment longer, searching your brain for anything that would get him to stay. You really didn’t want him to be alone for Christmas Eve, not when he could stay and hang out. There was still a tinge of awkwardness between him and the Party, but they’d laughed together.
Then again, there could only be so much progress made in a day.
“Okay,” is what you settled on, your shoulders lifting up and down in a small shrug. You headed towards your hall closet and started to search through it for a hat and gloves.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice coming a little closer than you’d expected. You grabbed a black hat and matching gloves before turning around, and holding them out victoriously.
“Getting my stuff on so I can walk you home.”
“Y/N, c’mon, you’re not walking me home. I’m perfectly capable of walking home myself. You’ve got guests here.”
“They practically live here, they’re not guests. And I can’t let you walk home alone. You could get hurt, princess.” Your heart dipped in your chest as he stepped closer, his head leaning down just so that way you were nose to nose.
“Princess?” His voice was lower than what should have been legal. You glanced to your left, and then to your right, wanting to be absolutely positive that no one was around to see the two of you. When you were sure that it was clear, you leaned forward just a little and pressed your lips against his. It was chaste and close-mouthed, but your heart was still pounding in your ears. You pulled away after just a second, but it was enough to have him staring at you, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Yeah, princess. Someone’s gotta look out for you.” The smirk transformed right in front of your eyes, turning into a look of almost… awe? You didn’t want to think about that, or why he was so surprised by your simple words. You really didn’t want to think about how the number of people that had actually looked out for him during his life could be counted on one hand. You headed into the kitchen to grab your coat, locking eyes with Steve, who was stirring something in a pot.
“Where are you headed off to?” Your best friend gave you a knowing look as he nodded pointedly towards the hallway.
“I’m walking him back to his place. He’s heading out.” Steve’s expression wavered.
“He’s - Did I say something wrong? I know that I don’t like the guy, but you like him and Max is wanting to - Should I apologize? Was my comment about his mullet too far?” He fretted, his teeth worrying at his lower lip. You let out a soft laugh and shook your head as you looped your arm through your coat sleeve.
“Steve, it’s fine. I think it’s just a little overwhelming, everyone here,” you said, taking care to keep your voice soft. “I’ll be back in a bit, okay? Don’t burn my house down.”
“When have I ever almost burned your house down?”
“Last week, making cookies. I saw flames.”
“Little flames, Y/N! Little flames!” You let out a loud laugh, rolling your eyes as you slid your other arm into the sleeve. You glanced behind you. Billy was leaning against the doorway, his back to you as he watched the Party laughing about something in the living room. “You ready to head out?” He jumped and turned around to meet your gaze, sheepish.
“Ready when you are.”
The two of you made it halfway to the front door when the Party noticed just what was going on.
“Where are you two going?” Will asked, a sly grin on his face.
“I’m walking Billy home, and then coming back here. Relax.”
“Y/N, before you leave, can you come over here and fix your VCR? I think Mike broke it,” Lucas said, causing you to groan.
“Are you kidding me? You little - Mike! What the fuck, man?” You cried out as you got closer to the pile of cords and tapes. Lucas and Mike looked over to Dustin, who gave them a curt nod. The young Henderson got up and sidled over to Billy, who was looking down at him, confusion written all over his face.
“Can I help you?”
“Look, I get that you’re on this road of self discovery and bettering yourself, and that’s great, man,” Dustin said, keeping his voice down. He glanced over to you, making sure that Mike and Lucas were keeping you plenty busy before turning back to Billy. “I respect that, I do. But just a heads up, if you hurt Y/N or Max, you’re going to worry about a hell of a lot more than just a nail bat to your dick, got it?”
“I’m not planning on hurting either of them, Henderson.”
“I know you’re not. Because if you were, we’d be having an entirely different conversation.” He took in a deep breath, waiting a couple of seconds to exhale as he gathered his thoughts. “I get that you want to build those bridges back up again, but if you’re going to, you gotta commit. Don’t just have this be a three week thing and then you fuck off to California and leave them in the dust. I love Max and I love Y/N and they’re happiness is important. So don’t be stupid, Harrington.” He muttered the final sentence, his voice dark as he spoke. His entire countenance lightened up the second you turned back to them.
“What are you two talking about?”
“Billy here wanted to know what makes my chocolate chip cookies so perfect, so I was giving him the recipe. Remember, cream cheese is the key, man.” Billy just nodded his head, eyes wide and head moving slow at his words. Dustin clapped him on the shoulder, shooting you a cheesy grin as he headed back to Mike and Lucas.
“How much did he threaten you?”
“Alot. He cares about you and Max, though, so I don’t mind it.”
All you could do was smile and shake your head as you headed to the front door. The cold air bit at your skin, causing you to wince as you stepped down your porch steps. You shoved the hat on your head, gloves following fast as Billy shut the door behind him.
The walk started out quiet, the two of you walking beside one another on the sidewalk. Snow flurries drifted through the air, little white dots against the darkness that surrounded you. The streetlights gave everything a hazy, orange glow. Occasionally, a house would have their lights up, and Christmas trees shone through most windows.
“I get why you did it,” Billy mused, startling you out of your thoughts.
“Did what?”
“Went for a walk that night we grabbed coffee at the diner. It’s pretty, at night. And it’s quiet.” You let out a hum of agreement, your shoulder brushing against his. You didn’t sway away, though, and it took Billy only a second to get the hint. He took your hand easily, interlocking your fingers. Your hands swayed back and forth as you walked.
“Is it going to kill the mood if I say that this was the nicest Christmas Eve I’ve had in years?”  He asked, glancing down at you. You looked up at him, noting the anxiety that was darkening his eyes. They were narrowed a little, like he was nervous to admit it.
“No. It’s the nicest that I’ve had in awhile too.”
“Yeah. Max looked happier than I’ve seen her in a long time.” The grin that came onto Billy’s face happened so fast that you could tell it was unexpected. You mirrored it, squeezing his hand nice and tight.
You hadn’t realized how close his little apartment was to your house, but it felt like it had been no time before you got there. At some point, you’d shuffled closer to Billy, and had ended up with his arm around your shoulders, effectively tucking you into his side. It was nice like this. You appreciated his warmth, and how it felt right.
You also appreciated how firm he was, but that was a given.
He stalled as you approached the building, coming to a full stop on the sidewalk out front. You went to pull away, but he held you tight, so you opted for looking up at him instead.
“You’re not inviting me up?”
“I’m pretty sure that the kids would have my head if I kept you away from them any longer than necessary,” he said, huffing out a laugh. The air went white for a moment, steam showing up for a moment then disappearing into the night air.
“They can wait a couple more minutes,” you murmured, your gaze dropping to his lips. It had been hard to think of other things when the ghost of kiss had been running through your mind for a week. “You know, it’s kind of rude to just kiss a girl and then not call her.”
“I don’t have your number.”
“You know where I live, though.” He grew a little more serious, his fingers tightening around your shoulder.
“I know, I just…” He looked at you as though he was waiting for you to butt in, to say that it was alright. But you didn’t. “I don’t know what’s going to happen after this, after my lease is up and I leave. I don’t want to - I’m still a dick, Y/N. I don’t want to get your hopes up that I’ve changed a whole lot and then crush them. I’m shit at staying in touch. I'm shit - at everything. But I like you, and I don’t wanna hurt you.”
The words were quiet in the cold air. It was quiet all around you, the snow on the ground muting the little sounds that were usually there. Instead, everything was white and quiet. It felt like it was just the two of you on the whole planet.
“Billy, it’s fine. I get it. We’re friends, okay? Let’s just go from there, and see what happens.” He got that same expression on his face from earlier, when she’d said that someone had to look out for him. This time, it was difficult to push those thoughts away.
“Why are you so understanding?”
“It’s because I’m a great person,” you said, grinning up at him. Your words succeeded in their job, and he laughed. After a couple of seconds, he grew somber.
“You are a great person.”
“So are you, Hargrove.”
The two of you stared at one another, the snow whirling around you in a silent dance. You leaned up, resting a hand on his chest as you kissed his cheek. A hand fell to your waist, holding you in place as he turned his head just enough, lips replacing his cheek. You kissed each other, soft and slow. Your hand rested against his shoulder, thumb brushing against his jacket as he pulled you in closer.
It could only go on for so long, though. He pulled away after letting it go on awhile longer.
“Friends?” You were embarrassed by how much your voice shook on that single word, and how your hand was gripping his shoulder tighter than you should have. But his hands were still on your waist, holding you against him while neither of you moved.
“Friends.” There was some satisfaction to be gained in the fact that his voice shook too.
“So, uh, come over tomorrow night? We could watch a movie or something after the whole Christmas thing dies down?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I can get your number then, too.”
The flowers were starting to poke their way out of the thawing ground. There wasn’t green on the trees just yet, but it was a start. Considering the fact that it was Spring Break, you’d take just about any signs of warmth and summer that you could get.
The phone rang, a shrill sound coming from the hallway. You glanced at the clock on your dresser and grinned.
“I’ve got it!” You yelled, running out of your room and skidding to a stop when you reached the phone hanging on the wall. You picked it up and put it to your ear, fighting off the grin despite the fact that he wouldn’t see it.
“Roadkill Cafe, you kill’em, we grill’em. How may I help you?”
“You have the dumbest sense of humor on earth, you know that?”
“You don’t get a say, you have terrible judgement. You once thought a mullet was hot.”
“It was hot. Everyone in Hawkins thought so.” He paused. “Even Mrs. Wheeler.” You grimaced at the thought.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that Steve didn’t think it was hot. Or me.” You waited for a moment, listening to make sure that your mother wasn’t within hearing distance. “Your ass wasn’t too bad, though.” Billy snorted into the receiver, and you could hear a dull thunk in the background. His head had probably hit the wall.
“Y/N!” Your mother snapped, her head poking out from the kitchen. “Don’t be crude.” That launched an actual laugh from Billy. You had to bite down on your lip hard to keep from laughing until she stepped into the living room.
This had been going on ever since he’d left Hawkins. He’d even called you at school, a set time each night where you’d linger out near the phone bank that was in your dorms common room, leaning against the wall amongst the other girls who were most likely talking to their significant others.
The two of you weren’t there yet. But you felt like you were inching close to it every day.
“So you’re coming to Hawkins for summer, then?”
“Yeah. I should be there by the first week of June, I’m thinking? Max is wanting me to get there earlier, but my therapist hasn’t found somebody out there for me yet, and recommended that I wait ‘til I can be sure.” You smiled as he spoke. He and Max didn’t talk as much as the two of you did, but it was at least a couple of times a week. Billy would go on and on about what they’d talk about, and all the cool stuff she was learning, like you and Max didn’t have weekly phone conversations. You didn’t mind, though. Billy gushing about anything was a treat.
“I can’t wait.”
“Same here.”
If you closed your eyes, you could imagine his small smile, the way the corners of his eyes would crinkle a little as he grinned down at you. You could practically feel the warmth that just radiated off of him whenever you were around.The way he’d laugh and get a little annoyed by the nickname you’d given him.
“So, princess, tell me about your week.”
taglist: @jems8241 @fearwill @getfit-havefun @whatslifereallyabout @harringtonhuddle @nicospaten @selenedarkbloom @samuel-maurice455 @lilo-1398 @thevortexclubposse @laurennicole1313 @ambeazyyy @myblackwings5 @morgandakotaq @rivedale @laterg8r @buckybass @airforcecollins @superanonymousreader @alwaysmebeforeyou @istanuriss @smittyjaws
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randomwoohoo · 6 years
The last chapter before I move to study in UK~ Thank you for reading this series! Have a magical time! And for a heads up, this chapter is... weird...
Clawhauser: Previously on Zoomorphia, Judy and Nick made a huge discovery! Bolt the silver chrome wolf is in fact a robot!... Doing a recap sequence alone is kinda awkward-
Bolt: I’ll gladly lend you a paw~
Clawhauser: Jeepers! Who are you?
Bolt: It’s me, Bolt the silver wolf~
Clawhauser: But you’re white!... It came out wrong.
Bolt: Oh, this white fur? It’s a part of my disguise. Anyway, I tricked a Savage dealer to fall into my trap. I’m so close to capturing her but Hybrid butted in; thus, I ended up killing her instead. And since those two insisted on arresting me..., we got into a fight. Frankly, I wasn’t hurt when they teleport-attacked around but boy, it sure made me dizzy.
Clawhauser: Wow!
Bolt: Hey Cheeto Puff! It was very rude of you calling me like that. I find that racist!
Clawhauser: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to call you wh-
Bolt: No! Not that! I meant when you refered to me as a ‘robot’.
Clawhauser: Eh? What you really are then?
Bolt: Well, technically, I am an android, I guess.
Clawhauser: Isn’t android a robot looking like a huma-
Bolt: Cut! Cut! We’re not supposed to say the species that never existed.
Clawhauser: Oops, my bad, err, chapter 14!
.-.. . - .----. ... / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- .
In the morning at the Zootopia Police Department,
“So, Hopps takes sick leave today?” Chief Bogo the Cape Buffalo was talking in front of the briefing room, laying eyes on his fox officer, who was wearing light green Hawaiian shirt, dark indigo necktie with red-and-blue stripes and khaki pants instead of his police uniform.
“That’s correct~ In fact, she must be sleeping like a log on her bed as we’re speaking.” Nick Wilde the red fox replied his superior in a joking tone.
Clawhauser the cheetah and several other officers were standing around. He could not help but notice a slightly swollen stomach of his normally slender fox friend.
“What’s with the...?” He pointed at Nick’s belly, trying not to offend him since the chubby cheetah like himself might have no right to criticize someone else’s weight.
“This?” Nick pulled the front of his Hawaiian shirt forward a bit. “Honestly, I’m feeling a little under weather today, so I’d like to also take sick leave~” He relinquished his grip.
Clawhauser supposed that Nick misunderstood him referring to his casual shirt.
“More like taking leave to look after Hopps~” Officer Higgins the hippopotamus poked fun at Nick while others laughed. The smirking fox then gave him a shrug.
“Noted, but just so you know, we’re handling lots of work right now. Make sure you come back soon, okay?” Bogo accepted their requests.
“Yes, sir! Thank you, sir~” Nick gave a mock salute.
“The rest of you get in there already. Roll call gonna start soon.” Bogo pointed his thumb to the briefing room’s door.
Other officers entered the room as they were told, except for Clawhauser. He stared at Nick leaving the station, having an inkling of his action.
As soon as the fox stepped out the door, his smirk turning to a frown, he clutched his growling stomach and covered his drooling mouth.
Ever since the most recent battle with Bolt the silver wolf, Nick had been feeling starving.
His hunger was driving him insane although he had eaten everything in sight. He even cleared out the fridge in his apartment by himself on previous night, which should make him full, but still starvation was haunting him.
His stomach was rumbling as his mouth was watering.
The more he thought of his dear bunny friend, Judy, the hungrier he got. That scared him a lot.
Nick then decided to head out to downtown.
.--. .-. .. -. -.-. .. .--. .- .-.. / .- .--. .--. . - .. - . …
“Open up wide” Mittens, sitting on a table inside a motorhome, asked Bolt.
“Aaa” The shirtless alaskan tundra wolf, seated on an oversized couch, opened his mouth wide.
“Pink tongue, salmon pink gums, you look pretty healthy, Not!” The thin black wildcat slapped him with a giant paper fan.
On the surface, inside his mouth looked pretty normal. However, what appearing to be his tongue, his teeth and his gums were in fact engineered devices to imitate real organs.
“Stop fooling around!” She poked Bolt’s chin with the fan to shut his mouth. “Open up! For real this time” She subsequently drew it back.
Bolt, pleased to tease Mittens, brushed the white fur on his chest, revealing a zipper in center of chest, and unfastened the zipper.
As he was pulling open the fake skin across his chest cavity, she checked his insides which were mechanisms and an running engine.
“Cooling fans seem working fine.” She said while looking at two spinning small fans in left and right side chest. She then focused at the engine in the middle by paying attention to its noise, multiple small cylinders running like a heart beating fast. “Engine runs properly. Nothing to worry about~”
When Bolt zipped up his chest, “On second thought, I’d better check the switch lever in your right arm.” Mittens jumped to the right of him.
“That’s enough.” Bored of body check-up, he hopped off the couch, leaving the wildcat sighing.
“I’ve been wondering. Whose guitar is that?” He headed for a guitar leaning against a built in chest of drawers.
“It belongs to professor.” Rhino the tan lemming in a T-shirt tucked into jeans said. He was lying lazily in a pillow on the other couch opposite to the one Mittens was standing on. This pillow clearly was way bigger than him.
“Has he ever played it?” Bolt questioned.
“No idea. It has always been placed there. It’s more like a furniture by now.” Rhino rolled over to lie on his belly.
“Where is he anyway?” Bolt picked the guitar up. Its size was slightly small for a 6-feet wolf but he could go with it.
“Going out to run errands as al-...” While Rhino was answering, he along with Mittens was astonished by Bolt, who had never laid his paws on any instruments before ever since both the lemming and the wildcat first met the wolf, tuning guitar strings skillfully.
“...-ways...” Rhino eventually finished his sentence before Bolt started play guitar.
Played melodies called lyrics to his friends’ minds.
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
“Guys, did you install music software or something into me?”
“No” Mittens and Rhino answered Bolt in unison.
Even Bolt seemed surprised by his skill. He recalled no playing-an-instrument stuff within his one-year memory, unable to remember anything prior. However, all the musical knowledge came into his head.
.. ... / .... . / .--- ..- ... - / -- .- -.-. .... .. -. .
Clawhauser, not having an afternoon shift on that day, strolled around downtown in a jungle green polo shirt and a pair of cello trousers. He intended to visit Judy after he found a right gift for her.
Afterwards, he stopped in front of an all-you-can-eat restaurant where he used to eat. Just thinking about seafood, fried chickens, roasted crickets and pizzas which they served made his mouth water.
“No! Benjamin Clawhauser! Focus on looking for a gift for Judy.” Suppressing his own increased appetite, Clawhauser walked away from the restaurant.
While passing the mouth of the close by alley, he heard a noise of someone throwing up inside the alley. He turned to see the red fox with the dark auburn tip of the tail wearing the familiar light green Hawaiian shirt.
“Nick!?” Clawhauser rushed to his friend who apparently threw up into a trash can.
Nick wiped his mouth with the back of the right paw before turning to meet Clawhauser’s eye. “Oh hi bud, sorry for unpleasant sight” He did not look so good.
“What happens? Food poisoning?” The cheetah fidgeted.
“Just overeating” The quite bloated fox stepped back from the trash can staggeringly.
Clawhauser moved hastily to hold Nick’s shoulder, scared of him tripping over. “Let me take you to your apartment.” The cheetah gave the fox assistance to stand steadily.
“My place is too far away.” Nick was suffering from nausea. His stomach was really uncomfortable.
“I gonna call Judy.” Clawhauser brought out his phone, intending to call her for help since she was Nick’s partner and they two were really close.
“Don’t!... Not her… Please” Nick clung to Clawhauser’s shirt.
The cheetah felt at a loss. “What should we do?”
“I got an idea.” Pulling his phone out, Nick made a phone call.
A little longer than a few minutes later,
After hearing knocks on the door, “Coming! Man, you should give me a heads up earlier than that. It’s not like I would prepare my room-” The small fennec fox with bold voice went to open his apartment door.
“-but I need to prepare my mind to handle a guest-... Who’s this guy?” He was surprised to see a plump spotted big cat helping the familiar red fox stay upright at his front door, “And have you gained some weight?” even more surprised to see his former partner-in-crime looking rounder than usual.
“Sorry to bother you, pal.” Nick came into the room while Clawhauser had to bow his head to avoid his head hitting the room’s ceiling.
The apartment where Finnick the fennec fox, Nick Wilde’s former partner-in-crime, lived was supposed to be for medium-to-large mammal customers.
However, the particular room which the large-eared sandy fennec fox stayed is in an attic and it has a low ceiling, too low for apartment’s regular customers.
“Benjamin Clawhauser, nice to meet you.” The cheetah bent down and offered his right paw to the way smaller mammal.
“Call me Finnick. Bet you are Wilde’s co-worker, huh?” He shook paws with Clawhauser, who then made an shocked expression, which “Why the… face?” confused the fennec fox.
“O-oh sorry. My bad.” Clawhauser apologized, “I didn’t expect you’d have such a… distinctive voice.” drawing his paw back.
“You're not the first person to tell me that.”
“Your place is...” Clawhauser could not help but think that the room was too cramped.
“Small?” Finnick placed his paw on the top of his head and then raised his paw up, implying that the room had plenty of space for a small guy such as him.
“I didn’t mean to offend you! I just thought this apartment is for large mammals since I found some wandering around on the first floor.”
“You’re not wrong. This place is actually for big guys but this room ceiling is too low, so I haggled my way to cheap rent.” Finnick said proudly.
Clawhauser only nodded with a puzzled face in response.
“But still, cuz the doorknob was a little too high, I moved it down.”
The cheetah recalled when he along with Nick arrived at the door, he noted that the doorknob was strangely low.
“At least you don’t have to worry about upstairs neighbors.” Clawhauser mentioned a positive aspect in a hesitating voice.
“Heck yeah~ Make yourself at home. That fox already did.” Finnick pointed at Nick heading to a fridge.
“Have something to eat?” Nick asked, opening the fridge.
“Chilled pizza. Want me to... heat it up?” Finnick goggled at the red fox’s sticking out belly.
“I don’t think he can eat anymore. He’s just-” Clawhauser was going to tell Finnick about what happened with Nick but he was then interrupted by the sound of ripping cardboard.
Evidently, Nick got his paws on the chilled silkworm pupa pizza, claws tearing the packaging box apart. “Don’t bother” He began to guzzle the cold yeasted flatbread with dry tasteless tomato sauce and cheese. In addition to that, its crust looked so tough it must to chew, yet Nick munched it vigorously.
The way he acted indeed scared his friends.
Despite feeling stuffed, Nick was… “I’m little hungry.”... suffering from a ravenous appetite.
Soon after he finished the pizza, he, wobbling drowsily, was slipping into a food coma.
Both Clawhauser and Finnick hurried to help Nick, checking on him.
“Go ahead and take him to my sofa.” Finnick said.
Since the roomer gave the permission, the cheetah took the bellied-out red fox to a sectional sofa, laying him on the long seating part. During the time, the fennec fox distanced himself from others before sending a text message.
Nick spent quite some time lying on the sofa with his arm across his forehead. No matter how uncomfortable he felt or how taut his stomach was, his hunger did not lessen in the slightest. On the contrary, it rose whenever he thought of Judy, her face, her voice, her soft fur, her warm personality, et cetera, including her scent.
He missed her fragrant lavender scent. The more he thought about it, the stronger it became as if it was really there.
He could smell her scent growing clearer.
His ears perked up when there were loud and continuous knocks on the room door. Finnick went to open the door quickly.
Nick heard a sharp bawl from a doe rabbit; hence, he raised his head, propping himself up on one elbow, to look past his bloated stomach. He saw his friend and partner, Judy Hopps the gray doe in her casual outfit holding a paper bag, at the doorway.
“Judy?” Stunned, he could not believe his eyes. She was really in his sight. Clawhauser was also surprised what brought her here. In truth, Finnick reached out to her secretly.
“Oh Nick, are you hurt?” Judy, looking so worried, approached Nick hastily.
Nick had not recovered from the abnormal hungriness. He did not know what he should do. He felt scared as she was just a few inches away.
Don’t come near me Judy. Please! Nick was screaming internally. If you get any closer, I’m gonna…
Suddenly, Nick stretched his arms out and caught Judy. Seeing that, Clawhauser, remembering that Nick told him not to call her, interpreted that Nick might lose control of himself and harm her; therefore, he was about to help Judy.
However, Finnick stopped him, wondering why the fennec fox was holding him back but that allowed the cheetah to look what was actually happening.
Nick pulled Judy close, hugging her firmly and fondly on the sofa. Next, he shoved his snout into the fur on her head between her ears.
“Are you feeling okay now?” Nick asked tenderly.
“M-mhm” Despite being puzzled, Judy accepted his hug, dropping the bag in her paw to the floor, and hugged him in return.
“What a relief” He breathed in the bunny’s lavender scent. After many hours of fear and anxiety, he finally calmed down, feeling peace of mind.
Judy stayed in Nick’s embrace for a while before breaking apart from the hug. “My parents sent me a pie made with blueberries from our farm.” She bent downwards from the sofa to pick a pie box in the paper bag up.
“It may be messed up a little bit. That’s the postal service for you~” She laughed off, shifting her eyes around.
“Want some?” Opening the box, she presented a blueberry pie to the fox in front of her. Its top crust had cracks here and there but overall, the pie still looked delicious.
“I’d love to, Carrots, but one more bite, I’ll probably burst.” Nick poked his own distended belly.
“I’ll make sure I will save you slices. Benjamin! Finnick! Have some!” Judy called others two.
Everybody gathered at the sofa. The bunny, the cheetah and the fennec fox were sharing some slices of the pie. When the fox saw that the blueberry pie stained on the cheek of his rabbit friend, he “On second thought, one bite won’t hurt.” spoke to her.
She giggled, “Glutton fox, I knew you can’t pass on blueberry.” about to feed him a small dessert bite with a fork.
All of a sudden, Judy was licked on her cheek by Nick. His wet tongue touched her stained cheek fur. The startled doe could feel tingling sensation from her face running through all over her body.
Startled as well, the tod budged away “I’m sorry! I have no idea what came over me.” and apologized.
Meanwhile, Clawhauser did not appear less astounded than the duo. On the other hand, Finnick just seemed amused.
“It’s...” The blushing bunny raised one paw to her face, “It’s not a problem.” not wiping her cheek, just touching the spot Nick licked.
Both stared each other as if they were frozen to the spot. As for Clawhauser, he merely sat still, gazing Nick and Judy back and forth.
Out of the blue, a phone dinging sound broke the silence, frightening the police officers in civilian clothing.
Finnick brought his smartphone out of the trouser side pocket to check a recent notification. “Savages are in the nearby area.”
Due to existence of Savages the monsters, an application was launched by a government agency to install for free. The app served a purpose of warning about the appearance of Savages in neighboring areas.
“Got it.” Judy jumped down the sofa and charged to the door.
“I don’t think I can go. My tummy’s heavy.” Nick said, staying on the sofa as before.
“Good luck, Judy!” Clawhauser wished her well.
She waved her paw goodbye while leaving the room.
.-.. ..- ... - / .- -. -.. / .... ..- -. --. . .-.
“Those are normal Savages, aren’t they?” Rhino quizzed.
In the motorhome, he and Mittens were viewing live CCTV camera footage which she hacked, while Bolt was observing the Savages from a rooftop of one building in Zootopia’s downtown.
A large long purplish-pink horned sturdy purple bovine monster, covering in exoskeleton with the same color as the horns, and a pair of winged small purple mice were running wild on the street as the fully geared SCU agents tried to taking control of the situation, escorting mammals in the area to a safe place.
These monsters were clearly far from looking normal but what Rhino meant by ‘normal’ was they likely were not among those peculiar monsters following commands or being for sale.
Bolt turned to look down on the ground. “There she comes~” He spotted Judy Hopps from the distance.
“Bolt, stand by.” Mittens communicated with him through their private wireless communication system.
After that, the wolf rolled up his right jacket sleeve and brush fur on underside of his forearm, going to transform in order to be ready to assist Hybrid. A few seconds later, he still remained in his alaskan tundra wolf disguise.
“What’s wrong?” Mittens asked, questioning why he had not transformed yet.
“My zipper got stuck.” Bolt struggled to pull his zipper as it was stuck like he said. Since the zipper would not open, he was unable to pull the lever switch to on. In the other word, he could not transform at that time.
“I don’t wanna say i told you so but i told you so.” Mittens caused Bolt to remember when he refused her to check his arm.
“Let Hybrid go it alone today.” Bolt decided to take a back seat, being only an observer.
At the same time, some of the SCU agents on the ground were dealing with the bull Savage. A burst of bullets peppered it but many bullets deflected off its exoskeleton.
“The cover of this one is too tough!” Wolford the timber wolf agent, ex-police officer, yelled while firing an automatic rifle at the monster.
Meanwhile, several agents, sticking together, swung their long-barrelled firearms like baseball bats to ward off the two swooping winged mice. They would not dare shoot bullets up, afraid of accidentally injuring mammals on the buildings.
“Keep them busy!” Maximus the white stallion gave a command to his subordinates as he and some other agents were occupied with a task of guarding citizens.
At that point in time, hiding behind a corner of a building, “Ready?” Judy talked to her phone, wearing her transformation belt, MidniDriver.
“Hang on” Nick on the other end of the phone line put his transformation device on. Its belt automatically wrapped around his expanded waistline so tight that he “Oof” felt a sharp pain in his stomach faintly. He then proceeded to the next step, pulling the silver syringe on the left of his device. “DRAW BLOOD”
When blood of the fox was teleported to Judy’s syringe, she pushed it “INJECT” before announcing “Transform”. Not hesitantly, she twisted back the handle sticking out on the right of her device. “IGNITE”
With Nick’s mind transferred into Judy’s body, the duo united as one armored rabbit with fox’s features, Hybrid Hustler form.
“Oh my tod! Feeling so much better!” Nick rejoiced when he no longer felt uncomfortable in his stomach.
“Let’s roll.” Judy, together with Nick as the flamingo red hero, rushed to the scene.
The left paw pressing the syringe “ACTIVATE”, Hybrid sprinted with a great speed towards agents who were having a rodent problem. The armored mammal jumped up and clawed the flying Savages in the air.
One dodged Hybrid’s sharp claw in time, whereas the other one’s tail was cut off. Purple steam gushed out from its wound before the wound was closed by its rapid healing.
Right afterwards, the armored mammal landed on the ground amid the astonished agents.
Bull Savage’s instinct alerted it of Hybrid the armored mammal, then screamed at it to attack the recently arrived threat. The Bull Savage, ignoring SCU agents who were shooting at it, sped towards the doe rabbit with fluffy fox tail.
“Hybrid!?” Maximus seemed surprised although he was supposed to expect the armored mammal to show up in the fight.
The mammals, standing around Hybrid, saw the intimidating bovine monster coming their way, thereby scattering.
Hybrid side rolled to avoid being butted. When the bull Savage almost ran past the small bunny figure, the armored mammal “ACTIVATE” activated an enhanced strength, twisted the body while jumping to create spinning motion and then kicked the monster in its flank.
The kick sent the bovine monster reeling sideways. However, its exoskeleton remained intact.
“That bull’s sure tougher than I thought.” Nick commented when he caught sight of neither crack nor scratch on external skeleton of the Savage.
“We gotta try again.” Judy dashed to get the bull monster from its behind.
“Carrots, it’s not a good idea to-” Nick was about to stop her along with Hybrid ’s body from advancing towards the sturdy Savage’s rear but it was too late.
Hybrid under Judy’s control had already leapt to it. At once, the bovine monster bucked aggressively. Its back hoof hit Hybrid in midair, sending the united duo flying backward.
“-approach a bull from behind...” Nick said as Hybrid fell on the ground.
Like always, it did not hurt, still it was a bummer that a simple fight strategy backfired in public.
“Noted” Judy responded unimpressedly.
Shortly afterwards, the flying mouse Savage s dived towards Hybrid. Promptly, a few agents hastily opened fire on the rodent monsters. The purple mouse which still had its tail was shot down on the spot, while the tailless one merely got grazed by the bullets.
The surviving winged mouse, flapping its wings furiously, attacked the armored mammal lying on the back. Accordingly, Hybrid blocked its biting and scratching with both arms.
And suddenly, the bull Savage bellowed, its purple skin turning purplish pink, its exoskeleton bursting apart because of the expanded muscles. It subsequently leapt, plunged and spun around madly.
“This is bad! Bolt! Do something!” Rhino, watching the hacked cctv, shouted into a mic.
“Quick! Switch to another form!” Mittens ordered loudly.
“I can’t! I told you my zipper is stuck!” He tried hard to unzip his right arm, yet failed to do so.
The going berserk purplish-pink Savage abruptly hurtled to a nanny goat and her kid whom a wild boar SCU agent was escorting to somewhere safe.
Seeing that, the united duo concentrated, looking for an opportunity to finish the mouse right in Hybrid’s face, and then seized the winged rodent monster, crushing it in the paws.
Throwing aside the vaporizing lifeless body of the purple mouse with a pair of wings, Hybrid stood up hurriedly. Nick and Judy, sharing the vision, got a glimpse of the boar hugging the goat mom and her kid in order to use himself as a meat-shield protecting them from the raging bull.
Consequently, Hybrid hit the syringe “ACTIVATE”, rashly teleporting to block the way of the Savage that was lowering its head, preparing to ram any mammals in its way. The armored mammal emerged out of thin air to confront the bovine monster face to face.
..-. . .- ... - / --- -. / ..-. . .- .-.
At Finnick’s apartment, he and Clawhauser were getting to know each other more.
The cheetah was amazed by the fennec fox’s real age and the fact that he had known the truth about Hybrid for quite a period of time longer than the cheetah had. For the small canine, he found that the big cat was such good company, especially when it comes to gossiping about the bunny fox duo.
Out of the blue, Nick’s unconscious body, supposed to stay still on the sofa, started to writhe. Clawhauser and Finnick dropped their conversation and hurried to check their friend.
“Wh-What’s happening here!?” Clawhauser panicked.
“Never seen him acting like this before.” Finnick only remembered that whenever the two unite as Hybrid, Nick’s mindless body would appear in a deep sleep.
“Is Nick gonna be alright!?”
“Dude! I’m as clueless as you are!”
..-. . .- .-. / ... - .-. .. -.- .
The boar agent shut his eyes tight, preparing himself to get severely hurt, opened his eyes when the expected pain did not arrive. He saw the raging bull monster was stopped by Hybrid who turned back on him together with the nanny goat and her kid.
Directly after activating the instant transmission ability, physical power of Hybrid Hustler form considerably drops momentarily. To put it simply, in a brief moment, Hybrid becomes much more vulnerable than usual.
At that moment, Hybrid was gored by the bull Savage, the tip of one horn stabbing the armored mammal’s stomach.
The bovine monster, head being forced to be low to the ground, could neither pull its horns back nor move forth because Hybrid was grabbing the stabbing horn and a head of the monster firmly, Hybrid’s foot claws digging deep in the ground.
SCU agents in the area including Maximus became completely speechless.
Hybrid then slowly raised one leg. The leg was stretched up straight, tip of the foot pointing at the sky. The duo as one twisted the handle back “CRITICAL BREAK” before Hybrid brought the leg downward forcefully.
The flamingo red heel struck the purplish pink head of the bull monster. Tip of its horn got pulled out of the armored mammal stomach in the process.
The earth shook when the axe kicking foot hit the Savage so hard that its head sank into the ground.
Shocked, the SCU agents gazed at Hybrid whose paw was covering a fresh stomach wound that was releasing purple steam. They did not know what to do in that situation. Some of them even thought that this was a great chance to catch the armored combination of rabbit and fox. On the other hand, it would be too cruel to do such a thing.
“Come on, guys! Hurry!” Maximus took a step, heading towards Hybrid.
“Is it right to arrest them now…?” Wolford questioned, believing his boss must be thinking about capturing the armored hero.
“Do I look like a idiot to you!? First and foremost, we have to save wounded mammals no matter who they are.” He continued getting closer to Hybrid, “Call an ambulance.” commanding his subordinates.
“Hybrid, please come with us. You need serious medical treatment.” He spoke to the armored mammal.
“Sorry” The voice that came out was female, not a playful male voice SCU agents normally heard, which confused Maximus greatly.
“Gotta dash” Nick quickly took charge of the body, then “ACTIVATE” escaped the scene by instant transmission.
The united duo popped up behind the corner of one building, peeking at Maximus ordering the agents to confirm the civilians’ safety in the area and search for Hybrid. The armored walk a few step unsteadily prior to falling to knees, covering the hole in stomach with both paws.
Judy was fully aware that if she and Nick stayed together as Hybrid any longer in this stage, Nick’s real body would be affected as well and receive a vital injury. She therefore moved Hybrid’s left paw to the silver syringe with intention to detransform.
“Stop thinking it, Judy.” Nick swiftly moved Hybrid’s right paw to hold the left paw back.
“If we detransform now, you will definitely suffer too much damage to endure!” He said, worried about his dear bunny partner.
“You’re right, Nick...”
The left arm which Judy was controlling became less tense.
“Let’s figure a solution together, partner.” She sounded genuine.
Nick, glad that she understood him, loosened the hold on the left arm.
Seizing the moment, Judy pulled the silver syringe.
The very next thing Nick perceived was that he, waking up, returned to his body.
“Nick!” Both Clawhauser and Finnick grew relieved after watching their fox friend writhing for a short period of time.
However, their relief switched back to worry again when they saw that Nick’s expression was full of fear and anxiety.
“Judy! Judy!” The unnerving fox got up in a hurry. The one and only thought in his mind was to save his friend, his partner, his bunny.
But he forgot the important thing...
After detransformation, Nick normally experienced fatigue and this time was no exception. He collapsed on Finnick’s apartment floor, “Judy… Judy...” roughly crawling on the floor as he was calling to her.
Meanwhile, Judy the doe rabbit, kneeling on the ground, successfully detransformed. She clutched her stomach, her face expressing extreme exhaustion mixed with agony.
“It’s called a hustle, sweetheart.” Judy said weakly before she flopped down while drifting out of consciousness.
- --- / -... . / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- . -..
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Kadena prompt where Kat is reacting on some death threats she saw in Adena’s inbox .. if you got any ideas
She’s always proud of her girlfriend.  She’s especially proud of her art work.  In fact, Kat finds Adena’s artwork to be the most inspiring stuff she has ever seen.  Kat was no art snob or anything, in fact half the time she struggled to get what she was really looking at.  But there was something about Adena’s pieces that made it all click.  They weren’t just photographs to her, they were stories, they were movements, they were reflections of life.
Adena’s latest photo series was one of Kat’s favorites.  It showed the various protests throughout the country over the past few months, and it highlighted distress: politically and socially.  It wasn’t political leaning in one direction or another, it was just an honest depiction of what was going on and Kat loved it.
Kat was so obsessed with it that she was spending most of her work day scrolling through Adena’s instagram page looking at some of the photos she had posted.  For the most part she was too busy beaming with pride that she didn’t think to look at the comments.  The first few she saw were a bunch of heart emojis, which obviously.  She then happened to see Jane and Sutton had each commented on a few, which she immediately liked and responded.  Then Kat had made the mistake of continuing to scroll through the comments and found a large patch of pretty horrific ones.
Comments telling her beautiful, thoughtful, peaceful girlfriend that she was a “dumb bitch”.  Comments mocking her girlfriends religion.  Comments telling her generous girlfriend that she should “go back to where she came from”.
The more she read the more her blood boiled.  The more enraged she became. “Are you kidding me?” She mumbled out loud. She jumped up from her desk and went to the closet to go and find Jane or Sutton.  Luckily, they were both in there already eating their lunches and gossiping about Sutton’s latest boy drama.  “Look at this!” She yelled throwing them both her phone.  
“I saw this already and I already liked it, and commented with the heart eyes emoji.  I’m basically a more supportive girlfriend than you,” Sutton remarked, dismissing Kat’s phone.
“No! The other comments!” Kat rolled her eyes as Jane continued to scroll, looking just as outraged.  
“This is awful, and so ignorant,” Jane groaned, finally putting the phone down.
“Right?” Kat grabbed her phone and began furiously replying to the offensive commenters.
“Wait, Kat.  Don’t feed the trolls, especially on Adena’s page,” Jane snatched the phone from Kat who looked even more annoyed now.
“I’m not just going to let them say this horrible crap about her,” Kat responded indignantly.  “Especially when half of it is just uninformed and completely wrong.” Kat reached to get her phone from Jane, but Sutton slapped her hand away.
“All true points, but that’s Adena’s page and maybe let her deal with her own harassers?” Sutton suggested.
Kat glared at her friends, but knew they were right.  She knew that Adena would not appreciate her intervening and causing a flame war on her Instagram page. So instead she just resolved to pout for the rest of the day until she would see Adena later.
Despite her better judgment, Kat continued to angrily scroll through Adena’s comments, resisting every urge in her to not reply to every single one or go to their Trump-loving pages and comment on their personal pictures herself.   She was so wrapped up in her rage that she didn’t hear her apartment door unlock. “Hello!” Adena called from the door and Kat immediately put her phone down.
“Hey babe,” Kat jumped up from the couch and helped Adena put her grocery bag down on the floor, and immediately pulled Adena into a kiss.  
“Mmm what a welcome,” Adena laughed and put her arms around Kat’s waist, giving her another kiss, before going to put the groceries away.
“So…how was your day?” Kat asked, helping Adena put some veggies in the fridge.
“Pretty good, just met with a gallery for the new photo series,” Adena was reaching up to put a can on a shelf, but couldn’t reach, and Kat gladly turned around and grabbed it for her. “Thank you.  How was your day?”
“Well…I was stalking your instagram all day showing all my friends my hot girlfriend’s new project,” Kat winked, but also fishing in her head to bring up the rude comments.
“How sweet.  You can tell Sutton she doesn’t need to comment on every single picture,” Adena joked.  “Not that I mind, of course.”
Kat laughed a bit but also used Adena’s reference to comments as her opportunity.  “So you read comments on your pictures?”
Adena shrugged a little bit and leaned against the counter.  “I skim them.”
Kat nodded and looked down at her feet, flashing back to all of the comments she had read before.  “Oh, okay.” She wanted Adena to mention them so she didn’t have to.  She wanted Adena to be just as mad as she was.  She wanted for her temper to not be so quick to rise, but unfortunately it was way too late for that.
“Something you want to share, Kat?”
When she met Adena’s eyes she couldn’t hide anything, because like always Adena could just see right through her.  
“Look, I know it’s not my business.  But what the hell with all of these ignorant, racist, white, Trump-loving, assholes commenting on your page?” Kat blurted it out, her blood boiling again as she started to pace around her kitchen while Adena just stood there watching her.  “I mean these people don’t even know you! Or your art! How dare they just go to your amazingly beautiful pictures and say such horrible things? And how are not more mad about this?!” Kat finally exclaimed directing her anger towards Adena unintentionally.  
“Kat, love,” Adena sighed and stepped forward, putting her hands on Kat’s shoulders to steady her and look in her eyes.  “I adore you for getting so riled up for me, and wanting to defend me.  But this is what it means to be an artist.  People from all walks of life will comment and interpret it differently. It’s not pleasant, but also part of the job.”
Adena’s calm caused Kat to calm herself, and she took a deep breath.  
“I just don’t like people saying hurtful things about you,” Kat pouted a little bit and put her hand on the small of Adena’s back, pulling her a little closer.  
“I know, it’s hard to read for me too…that’s why I skim the comments and not fully read them,” Adena stated, and brushed Kat’s cheek with her hand.
Kat took another deep breath in.
“Okay, but if anyone ever says anything like that to your face I can’t promise I won’t go off,” Kat looked at Adena fairly sternly.  “I mean I went to jail for you once before, and I hadn’t even seen you naked yet.”
Kat joked and the pair both laughed.
“Oh my, imagine what kind of damage you would do to that white supremacist now?” Adena joked back.  
Kat smiled happily, feeling her rage from earlier melt away and replaced with nothing but love and pride for her amazing talented girlfriend, and pulled Adena back into her tightly, whispering, “I’ll always keep you safe.”
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