#but I can see why he is mad at fukuzawa
bibiblocksberg1234 · 9 months
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You know, I would also be pissed if my best friend said this to me then proceeded to open a Detective Agency because of some random orphan he met on the street.
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honeydazai · 8 months
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  pregnancy headcanons𝆬 𓏸
feat.: Dazai, Chūya, Fukuzawa, Fyodor, Poe, Nikolai, Sigma, Jōno, Fukuchi
content: f!reader, pregnancy and related symptoms, soft....
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If you truly believe that DAZAI is anything but awfully flirty during your pregnancy, you're wrong. He constantly mentions just how gorgeous and breathtaking — or, in certain situations, outright hot — you look, making sure that you never have any reason at all to feel insecure about yourself, even if you gain quite a lot of weight. Like he cares; he's fond of all women, after all, but especially you, and, in his eyes, it's impossible for you to be anything but beautiful.
That also means, though, that he won't keep his hands off you, constantly fondling your now larger chest, your hips and stomach and everywhere he can reach, really. Deep down, he doubts he'll make for a good father, though he's determined to try his best for the sake of your small family. This includes shedding his usual lazy attitude and helping you with household chores, as well as laying off the alcohol, hopefully.
“You're terrible, bella. Honestly awful — how am I supposed to get any of those papers done when you're next to me, looking this irresistible? It's like you're trying to set me up for failure. Ah—, but I'm sure Kunikida will understand if I take a small break, hm? Get over here, darling.”
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CHŪYA suddenly spoils you even more than he did before the announcement of your pregnancy, though, really, he's just awfully overjoyed. The thought of actually getting a child with you, a true family, still seems surreal to him, like a situation out of a dream rather than something that can happen in reality and, for a moment, he wonders whether he's deserving of something this wonderful. Unfortunately, he's rather busy, but, naturally, he makes as much time to be with you as somehow possible, rolling his eyes at Mori whenever another oh so “urgent mission” comes up.
To make up for him occasionally not being home, you get Kōyō, as well as Higuchi, Gin, Hirotsu and Tachihara who make sure to constantly keep an eye on you. Even if you're simply going out to get some ice cream, one of them accompanies you — and, luckily, they make for surprisingly great friends. While Chūya's life style, being a dangerous ability user who works for the Port Mafia, isn't the safest, he's fairly content that he'll be able to protect you and your child from any harm whatsoever — he'd give his life for yours, after all.
“Hm? I'm not mad. I just—, not at you, at least. I wanted to take ya out on a proper nice date tomorrow, made a reservation and everything, though the Boss just assigned me some apparently important mission. Yeah, I know. Sorry, sweetheart. I'll make it up to you, yeah? Ah, it's already paid for, though. You can take Kōyō or Gin, if you like. They should be free tomorrow. Sorry. I love you.”
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FUKUZAWA never felt for anyone as strongly before as he now does for you, meaning he never imagined himself to eventually grow old surrounded by a loving family, with a partner and a child, even. It sounds too perfect to be true, not like a situation that'd fit into his current life, and yet he finds himself overjoyed after overcoming the initial disbelief, his smile dripping with love, with affection as he gently meets your lips in a kiss, arms immediately curling around your body to hug you close.
During the pregnancy, he's all the more protective of you, unwilling to ever leave your side. If things went his way, you'd accompany him to the Agency's office in the morning and would leave in the evening together with him, though he admits that he sees why that might be a tad boring. He simply aches to keep an eye on you, worried about what might happen to you when he's not around, though several Agency members assure him that they, too, will keep an eye on you.
“I'm afraid I can't accompany you today, dear. I'm sorry. An urgent meeting came up, but I'm sure Kunikida or Yosano would join you. Alright? We'll go there together next time. Just— be safe, yes? I trust you're in good hands. Still, don't hesitate to call me if anything happens.”
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You best believe that FYODOR has made sure to inform himself as much as humanly possible about pregnancies the moment you announced that the multiple tests you did are positive. While he's the slightest bit strict when it comes to topics such as what you should and shouldn't consume, as well as anything else related to the yours and baby's health, he naturally makes sure to completely indulge most of your cravings, too — when you're the one to bring new life into this world, who is he to forbid you from having another pastry or a second bowl of ice cream?
He's so very gentle in everything he does, carefully caressing your stomach before cupping your cheek and pressing a soft kiss to your lips, his smile warm, like he can't believe his hands, tainted ones, are allowed to hold something this pure, this holy. It's safe to say that you've always had multiple security guards hovering around you to ensure your safety, though, now, Ivan makes sure to tend to your every need, too, often bringing you the meal you're aching for or even trying out silly yoga techniques for relaxation with you.
“Ah, now—, careful, dear. Allow me to get that for you instead — you should call for Ivan when I am not around. You mustn't overexert yourself. I would hate for you to hurt yourself. Simply sit back and relax, will you? .. Please, for the sake of us, of our family. It won't matter in the long run whether you or someone else got a snack for you, but it will matter if you climb atop a shelf, fall and hurt yourself gravely. Yes?”
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POE honestly does not quite believe his ears when you first mention you're pregnant. When you end up showing him the positive test, however, his smile is blinding, the most sincere one he's had in what feels like ages. He, unfortunately, is the type to worry; while he's still more than delighted, he's almost tempted to create a pocket dimension in a book for you where you'd be safe and cared for, though he has to stop himself from doing just that. It'd be a little overbearing.
Given how he's more than wealthy, you don't have to worry about anything at all. Whatever you crave, it's yours immediately — as fast as premium online shipping works, that is —, whether it's new clothing to accommodate your changing body, furniture for the child's room, certain snacks only available in a foreign country; anything, really. He also makes sure to constantly check in on how you're feeling, asking multiple times every few hours and, when he's not home for whatever reason, he leaves you a surprisingly large amount of text messages, telling you to call him immediately if anything feels.. odd.
“Are you experiencing anything like cramps? Nausea, perhaps? No? That's a relief. Ah, I just—, that's merely what it said on the Internet, symptoms that could happen. I'm relieved if you truly are alright for now.”
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Usually, NIKOLAI is a force to be dealt with. He's unpredictable, mood changing quickly, his smirk wide and his eyes sharp, though, once you tell him you're pregnant, he's surprisingly gentle in the way his hands move to rest on your stomach, his revealed eye sparkling with joy as he coos at the barely visible bump as if the baby is able to hear him. He keeps carefully running for once bare hands over the stretched skin, telling the child stories and that you're both excited to meet it; anything that comes to mind, really.
If you get odd food cravings during the pregnancy, he's not afraid to supply you with whatever you want, as well as to try them out with you. Perhaps ice cream with hot sauce and pickles will be a new family dessert; he's anything but scared of new possibilities.
“Ah, what are you having, doll? Allow me to try, please? Hm? I'm not stealing from you; now, now, don't be mean—, alright, alright. I admit defeat. At least let me say hi to our sweetheart then, yes?”
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The moment SIGMA learns that you're expecting a child, his child, he's ecstatic. He'll make sure you have everything you might want or need, ranging from all kinds of different snacks you could possibly crave to a personal masseuse if you're feeling sore. The more your bump starts to show, the more often he can't help but rest his hands on your stomach, gently caressing, or even pressing soft kisses to it. There's nothing that gets to him more than the idea of having a family with you.
Despite his initial joy, he's another one who's prone to worrying and overthinking, his warm smile making way for a deep frown when he knows you're not looking. He borders on overprotective with how much he keeps an eye on you, even more so than usual, given how, now, he has two loved ones to protect, not just one anymore and, oh, he's admittedly stressed, constantly thinking that something might happen to you, to the baby.
“How are you feeling, love? Is everything alright? Promise you'll tell me if you feel anything odd, yes? I'm not worried. I just don't wish for anything to happen to you or the baby. Alright, I'm admittedly the slightest bit worried, but I really can't help it. I love you, after all.”
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JŌNO honestly never expected to ever have a child of his own in the first place, meaning that the knowledge of you being pregnant is something he needs to process for a bit first. Nonetheless, he's happy, of course. How could he not be? It's an odd thought, one he'll have to get used to first, but, in general, it's a pleasant one. Naturally, his job comes with some dangers for you and your future
He's protective by nature, having found pleasure in saving people rather than torturing them, and you're no exception. Seeing you smile, knowing that you feel safe with him is the best feeling he could ever ask for, though his desire to protect you from all harm quickly gets overwhelming. It's less harm from outsiders he fears — he deals quickly and efficiently with criminals, thank you very much —, but more you harming yourself, perhaps by tripping and falling when he's not around, resulting in him preferring to take every little task out of your hands. Oh, well.
“My, my, stay seated, dear. I'll handle this. Hm? I'm not treating you like you're fragile. I know you're not sick, merely pregnant; you mention it often enough. Still, is it so wrong for me to care for you? Yes, that's what I thought.”
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FUKUCHI is a busy man. Really, being a war hero and the Hunting Dogs Captain — as well as Kamui, but perhaps that's not something for you to know about —, you'd expect him to be busy with work even while you're pregnant with his child, though that's far from reality. Instead of prioritising work and his reputation, he makes sure to come to every doctor's appointment with you, constantly by your side, and spends as much time as possible at home with you, one hand of his ever so often resting on your stomach, even when the bump is barely visible.
He claims he's able to feel the child's heartbeat already — whether that's true does not seem to matter, not when he's busy peppering your skin in kisses, smile never leaving his face as he wonders aloud whether it'll be a girl or a boy, what their name should be and if their eventual first word will be “mum” or “dad”; his bet is on “mum”, by the way, even though he pretends to be heartbroken by the idea, all too dramatic.
“You look surprised to see that it's me picking you up rather than some chauffeur, sweet thing. Why's that, I wonder? I already told you I'll accompany you to every doctor's appointment you have. The rest of the Hunting Dogs can cover me for one evening. I wouldn't miss this for the world.”
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a part of this was a commission! thank you so much again! 💜 Also the idea of Ivan doing yoga with you had me giggling..
tags: @irethepotato @beandaifuku , @the-foreigner , @ranpobb, @arixsux, @dei-lilxc , @atsyushi @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @marina-and-the-memes @texchou @shiggysredhead @savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @nikolaiswife @okura-s @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @berywritesstuff @alice0blog @xelia25 @yuuotosaka3 @double-black-dazai @fyodorstolenushanka @ttaiyaki @itsnovariella @black-rose-29 @fyodorscumsock @ayshaashaya @qxxstuff @serenareiss @atsvsh1 @dilucshandholder @reiikonee @1-800-mocha
@xvocadooo @hexiisexii @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @Happymoon16 @yumidepain @nchuuyahq @janeinerz @Aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu @KimxKiba @Morigumy @villainouspotential @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @nikolaisgoofyahhhat @yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @hellgirlwhore @c4xcocoa @lyrstybsd @angelsrunes @wuaoqu @disa-ster @aspookyscaryghost @nikolaisboner @urgodmoon @polish-anon @arisu-chan4646 @eroscastle @somnobun @birbysaur @Senpaible @hyunlixie143 @dababyurmom @4nthonyyliving @Chxrry-doll
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4ngel-inc · 5 months
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notes: i've been so burnt out on longer fics so here's some short headcanons !!
warnings: fem reader, pet names, submissive reader in some, inexperienced akutagawa for his ᰔ
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DAZAI is all for joining in when he finds you rubbing your sensitive little clit on the couch, a few sighs escaping your lips as your head rolls back, eyes fluttering closed—"ah, thinking of me again, angel?" his voice makes you jump and he's so cocky as he slides one hand up your thigh, pressing your legs open more as he settles on the floor in front of you, "why don't i give you what you need, sound good, princess? i'll make it feel better than your hand." "huh? 'samu? didn't think you'd be home yet. . ." you don't have much time to react before he's giving your clit a few soft kisses exactly the way you like, teasing your hole before slipping a finger in. "you like it like this, yeah?" he's only being playful as he fucks you with his fingers, moving your body back and forth as your hands slide into his hair. "mmm- pretty girl, pretty pussy- y'know i can't say no to that."
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CHUUYA always knows exactly what you need, and he isn't surprised at all when he finds you playing with your pussy on your shared bed when he gets home from work, the door slightly ajar as you wait for him—you knew he'd be coming home around this time, he'd told you that same morning. he's been working a lot, not satisfying you the way he should, and it hurts his pride a little—but he's more than willing to make up for his absence lately. he slips through the door and you don't say a word as your eyes lock with his, only spreading your legs a little further to welcome him to join. "alright, you've got my attention, baby. . ." he crawls over you and places a gentle kiss on your lips, "turn around and bend over for me, let me see how wet that pussy is for me already."
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AKUTAGAWA has absolutely no idea what to do when he catches you—he blushes so hard when he goes to turn the door knob of your shared bedroom and hears your little whimpers and moans of his name. you're thinking about him? he still isn't used to the attention and affection you give him—it's the first he's ever received in his life and it still makes him nervous. should he go in? will you be mad at him if he does? the growing bulge in his slacks is almost painful, but he decides against it, a sigh escaping him as he walks away—he'll just wait until you're done, then ask what he should do next time. he's dying to fuck you, and he's hoping you'll still be in the mood when you find him on the couch later.
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FUKUZAWA is quite traditional, but that doesn't stop him from having needs and desires. you'd brought him lunch at work that day, naturally he wanted to surprise you by coming home early with flowers and your favorite drink. he wasn't expecting to find you touching yourself to the thought of him, but as soon as he hears his name on your lips, it's like something switches and he turns into a different person. he loves how enamored you are with him—though he'll never admit it to himself or you—it is a nice ego boost from time to time. he approaches you slowly so as not to scare you—"you were missing me that much, my dear? i just saw you a few hours ago." you're surprised to see him, but that doesn't stop your fingers curling deep inside you, "nghh- yukichi, help me? just missed you, is all. . ." he smiles at that, "how can i resist when you've asked so nicely?"
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jackiepackiee · 2 months
After seeing your recent post I'mSending in my request Love!!
How would the bad men take care of their wife who get amnesia due to blood loss which resulted by being shot by a pistol or gets into an accident during a mission.
You have the free dom to make it like a one shot or head canon for these men
Dazai, Kunikida, aktugawa, fyodor, Nikolai, and Chuuya
Other than that take care love!! Make sure to stay hydrated! 💞💞
𝐵𝒮𝒟 𝓍 𝒜𝓂𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒾𝒶! 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲/ 𝒟𝒶𝓏𝒶𝒾, 𝒦𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓀𝒾𝒹𝒶, 𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓊𝓎𝒶
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈
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Absolutely mortified
He has memory loss to (from the lab and Araharbaki) and knows how much it can mess with a person
He wants the best for you, and this clearly isn’t that
He fears in his heart and soul that you might question your humanity like he did so he will kill before that happens to you
Back to the mission itself
He hates for you to do solo missions, but Mori’s call is Mori’s call at the end of the day
Even if you weren’t alone, he only trusts a handful of people with your protection
Black lizard, all the executives, and the ADA if it’s during an alliance
But no, you weren’t with a safe group
So when you got hurt (which was not expected, Mori wouldn’t send you on something just to hurt you duh) he was PISSED
Wiped out the enemy in seconds
Yelled at Mori as to why he didn’t just send Chuuya instead
When you’re in the hospital, he waits outside
He would hate to scare you
I mean, he’s pissed and he knows you hate when he raises his voice to any level
But… all hell breaks loose when he finds out you have amnesia
Pushes right past the doctors and doors
If you forget him… he’s flipping tables and going to find whoever hurt you and actually kill them this time
He’s inconsolable
You’re his love, and to forget that is a pain of death
He may not visit you much at first, but he’ll come around
If you do remember him, he’ll take the biggest sigh of relief ever
Hugs you
And believe me, he will buy whatever therapy, drug, or surgery that will help you
Helps you relearn everything important
For your wedding, he had to put on your wedding dress and pretend to walk down the isle to maybe make you remember
Cried at how beautiful you looked
Labels images in the house by event, person in the photo, and date
So you can know what special moments you’ve had
A sliver lining is that he can take you on a tour of the city, showing you all the sights for what for you is the first time
And you forget all the gore and pain you’ve seen in the port mafia
Over all, he’s coping, but he’ll come around and help
He is a changed man from the port mafia past, but he almost forgets his resolve
Never has he doubted your skill, it’s the absolute terror and pain he knows other people wouldn’t hesitate to inflict on you that he fears
He’s seen it first hand
So when you’re completely alone on a mission he sorta freaks out
Less jokes, no suicide attempts till you’re back
But… you aren’t back soon?
And when you’re finally back, it’s with Kenji crying and using his super strength to carry you to Yosano
The poor boy was so scared, he had found you while looking at the local park
Safe to say, Dazai was frozen in place at the blood that has trailed from the door to Yosano’s office
He was mad. But not yelling
No, he was calculated and cold
He walked to Fukuzawa’s office, and asked for the enemy name
No one knows what happened in the 30 minutes he was gone…
Back to you, he knocks and talked with Yosano for a while
When he heard you had amnesia, it was the first time she saw him so vulnerable
“Does she remember me?” “I don’t know, Dazai.”
Walked in slowly
If you remember him, he’ll immediately give you a hug
Knowing that is enough for him
But if you forget?
I hate to say this, but he may try to distance himself
“You got your chance with in, and look at what ended up happening” is this thought process
But, he’ll visit Oda’s grave and think it over
He knows then that you need him
You need your husband, your Osamu
So the next few days is him having you help with cases he knows the criminal, but wants your mind to have a workout
Doesn’t try for any affection because he knows you may be to weak
When you finally kiss again, he has never put more passion into anything
During his time of caring for you he doesn’t make a single comment about suicide
After losing your beautiful memories and mind, he can’t imagine losing you
Your life is like a glass, held by his slim hands
And he’ll kill before anyone does this to you again
Kunikida is often “serious”, but Dazai can attest he’s never seen him so truly and utterly serious before
Not in his scolding, fatherly way
But in a cold, quiet way
He doesn’t even touch his book for at least a week
Thinks ideals make so sense now that his wife is hurt
And he didn’t stop it
When he first found out, he dropped his book
He clutched his ring to his chest
Walks into the room you’re saying in slowly
“Love? Do you… remember me?” “Sorry, love? Please don’t call me that, sir.”
Tears fall, but he wipes them before you can get concerned
Even if you don’t know him anymore, he knows with your kind heart you’ll comfort a crying stranger
And he wants to be the one comforting you
He tries his best to explain everything
Showing his ring, the photo of the two of you he keeps in his wallet, and even has Yosano confirm it
He doesn’t cope well…
“Love? Do you… remember me?” “Kuni… hi.”
Hides his face in his hands
He has never been more happy in his life
Rushes to you and kisses your hand
Now, he still has to teach you life again
And who better than an ex teacher?
He’s so patient
Uses cute little techniques
He is… okay
I mean, he wants you to be okay
You will definitely heal the fastest with him
He spares all his free time into helping you
Makes little drawings in his notebook for you to learn objects again
And, he readjusts his schedule! All for you
Only for you
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hi hi! can i request for bsd men x reader who is a doctor and have the ability like machi from hxh?
Thank you for the request!
'•.¸♡ doctor ♡¸.•'
Doctor reader
Feat. Fukuzawa, Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai, Katai, Mori, Ace, Rimbaud, Akutagawa, Hirotsu, Kajii, Oda, Ango, Fitzgerald, Nathaniel, Fyodor
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Yukichi Fukuzawa:
He finds your ability very useful and will employ you if you already aren't an employee.
He will be as careful as always, not putting himself in harm's way, but if he does get a limb chopped off by accident he will come straight to you.
Your thread is useful for combat and traps, which is something he takes into consideration when planning out his schemes.
You and Yosano often work together.
If you don't want to leave your job, he will understand and not force you out of your work.
Atsushi Nakajima:
This man's limbs grow back like nothing happened, so your ability is useless/j
If he gets hurt during a mission, he would go straight to you to take care of him.
He's way too shy to admit it, but he really likes it when you take care of him as no one ever did, and he was forced to look after himself, it's nice to have a break from worrying about yourself.
Make him a ball of thread to play with (like a cat), and he'll be very happy and entertained for some time.
Doppo Kunikida:
He also thinks your ability is quite useful, and despite how much he does not want you involved in any missions, your threads can be useful.
If you do not work in the ada, Kunikida would often visit you after work, if you aren't busy.
He doesn't really want to visit you when he's injured so as not to worry you and cause you additional work.
If you do end up taking care of him, he will be very pleased and find comfort in your soothing touch.
Osamu Dazai:
He takes your ability to his advantage.
He may become a bit more careless (as if he isn't already) and put himself in harms way more, just to see your worried face and for you to care for him. At least that's what he claims.
He does always love it when you care for him, even if it's putting a plaster on a scratch on his face, which he obtained by "falling."
Katai tayama:
Since he never leaves his house, you can tend to him whenever you need to.
Katai doesn't get injured a lot, so you don't have to worry about him.
Ogai Mori:
Mori, being a doctor himself, obviously does not need any help regarding himself, but it would be useful to have another medic in the mafia.
Your ability can also be useful in combat, so Mori wastes no time trying to convince you to join the mafia. You probably don't have a choice since he's the leader, and it would be quite difficult to be with the leader of a mafia without being a part of it.
A new torture method is now being used in the mafia, cutting somebody's limbs off :)
This little prick would put one of his collars around your neck, and you would be his personal doctor, tending to all of his wounds and stuff.
Don't worry, he won't exchange you for gems. You are just too valuable for that.
Arthur Rimbaud:
Maybe you could finally figure out why he's so cold all the time.
If you two are together, you probably work in the mafia, or the other place he's from.
He admires the work you do, human life (or any life really) is important, and you should receive the respect and loyalty it deserves.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa:
He could care less about your occupation unless it benefits him, and in this case, it does.
You would often help him with his wounds and coughing, reminding him to eat and drink, etc.
Your threads are quite useful to him, and he could strategize your ability into something.
Ryūrō Hirotsu:
What a silly old man.
You could be his personal nurse instead of sending him to a nursing home.
Motojiro Kajii:
Tbh, I'm surprised he isn't dead, ik he doesn't get hurt by his bombs but like still
He would always come home with some sort of scratches, which you will place a little lemon themed plaster on.
Also, you call him a mad scientist, and it was probably his idea.
Sakunosuke Oda:
Finally, someone norm- oh wait, he's a skeleton. Ig you'll have to help him not be dead.
You would always have plasters on you with an animal print or something on them, usually for the kids Oda takes care of, but it wouldn't hurt to help someone else out who needs one.
Oda loves what you do and wishes to help you when you come home tired from a long day at the hospital.
The kids Oda takes care of do get sick from time to time, so you will end up getting them to feel better.
Hey, maybe you could stich the kids back together after the little explosion? Pretty please????
Ango Sakaguchi:
He's too tired to realise his arms have fallen off.
He would get sick from the sleepless nights, and you'd demand him to stay home, but he would go to work anyway.
Ango respects your profession greatly and would never dream of getting in the way of your work.
He understands all too well how work can deprive you of everything, so he doesn't really ask you of anything.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald:
You are working in his team of Americans (ew)
/j I just don't think the food in America should be eaten.
You will be the doctor of the group, taking care of anyone who is ill.
He will find your ability useful and will certainly take it to his advantage, money is after all (one of) the most important things in this world and Fitzgerald will get it any means necessary, unless that means hurting you (or himself).
He cares about his family, so he doesn't wish for you to die :)
Nathaniel Hawthrone:
I'm surprised he isn't blaming the devil for everything tbh.
He can use this blood as thread so you can go away now. Your ability is not useful/j
Its great that you want to save people! (Or the children of God, I forgot how religious he is).
He can help by praying for you and your patients. that's it. God is the best doctor, after all.
He doesn't typically cut off his limbs whilst in battle, but if he does, he knows you will always be there to help him if he needs it.
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Your ability is useful to Fyodor and his gang of rats. You can stich limbs back on, and the nervous system will reattach itself like nothing happened, brilliant!
Fyodor claims he doesn't need a doctor or to be taken care of. In truth, he does, but he fails to admit it, fearing he may appear weak or dependent on other people. His feelings don't stop him from making you the doctor of a bunch of rats.
You may not be a vet, but it doesn't hurt to try!
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm sorry I couldn't include everyone. It would have taken too long, and u would just be repeating myself, even though I'm already doing so here.
Happy pride month, everyone! So many people have come so far to allow us to be ourselves. It may still be difficult, but that is why we need to celebrate everyone!
I was recently binge watching some shows, so I added some more to the fandoms I write for if anyone is interested. To find the list, go to the masterlist -> the bottom of the post -> press 'Fandoms I write for, rules & regulations♡'
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy pride month!
-love, Az
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popopretty · 1 year
BSD Chapter 105
The chapter is called "In the narrow room".
This might be the shortest chapter we ever had? At this point I guess I will end up writing every single thing here xD
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As usual, please understand that I don't speak English or Japanese as my first language so I may make some mistakes here and there.
After hearing the real purpose of the Decays of Angel, Atsushi can't decide if stopping it is the right thing to do, so he struggles inside his head because it is something he can't decide on his own.
He seems to hear words from other members of the Agency in his head, saying things like why can't he get such a simple thing (Ranpo), that failure is not acceptable (Kunikida), and that he doesn't need to do anything (Kyouka). He then sees a vision of Fitzgerald who says noone is expecting anything from him.
Lastly, Akutagawa appears and when Atsushi is thinking what kind of words he would hear from him, Akutagawa tells him to look outside. Atsushi looks at the door Teruko opened there for him, and sees Dazai pointing his way out of it, with a serious face.
Atsushi makes up his mind and leaves the room. Teruko tells him not to, but he ignores her, thinking that not knowing what to do is not the right reason not to do anything. He has to go and report it to Fukuzawa. Just like that, he leaves the room, the guards try to stop him but Teruko tells them to let him go.
Back in Mersault, Dazai and Sigma are playing rock paper scissors. Sigma is mad because he cannot win even once. Dazai tells him that its all because of his "tension" and his "timing", that the tension of his arm, his look can reveal his next move, and also one can plant the next move onto the opponent without them knowing by their own gestures. And that with enough practice, even Sigma will be able to do that.
Sigma tells Dazai he is glad Dazai is not a customer in his casino. Dazai then tells Sigma that he must have understood now, that everything is just a trick, and Dazai is not someone beyond human or anything. In this world, there exists no super, nor ordinary human.
The chapter ends here. Next one will come out on February 3rd (Japan time)
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Kyouka Izumi (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Kyouka Izumi x GN!Reader
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Warning: Platonic Yandere. OOC. Spoilers for Kyouka's past. Kyouka isn't very fond of you at the beginning. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🐰 When Kyouka become self-aware, Atsushi almost crushed her in his embrace. He thought, that he is doomed to be the only self-aware person in this wretched world.
🐰 After meeting with the rest of the ADA, Kyouka was roped by Ranpo into helping him with the investigation. By helping, Ranpo means bringing him documents and snacks.
🐰 Kyouka, as others, were confused. But she also felt anger. She could remember her parents faces. She could remember their death. Her time with Port Mafia. But she can't remember her parents' names. She remembered almost nothing about her childhood. That makes Kyouka angry. What creature could remove their memories? Why it was doing it?
🐰 But, right now, Kyouka can't allow herself to be emotional.
🐰 Kyouka could ignore her negative emotions for now.
🐰 ADA need all help they could get. There's no time to pity herself.
🐰 And then Kyouka felt the entity gaze on her.
Kyouka, after learning, that everyone feel the entity gaze, were ready to use all her knowledge, that she had from her days with Port Mafia, to track that entity down and destroy it.
Kyouka was sure, that the entity is some kind of demon. Demon, that was playing with their lives, their souls. Someone far away from their world.
Kyouka was staying near Atsushi. Her friend need her support.
Few "days" of uncertainty and madness goes by.
And then, time resets.
And Kyouka, once again, awake in ADA Infirmary bed. Right after Atsushi saved her from the bomb's explosion.
When they start feeling your presence
🐰 Kyouka was dizzy from the time reset. It gives ADA some time to explain what they have learned about the entity.
🐰 Kyouka had many things to think about. So, you are a normal kind human, who is unaware of their situation. And, technically, she has no reason to hate you. And, it seems, ADA and Port Mafia slowly working on starting working together.
🐰 Kyouka will be on her guard. Until she heard you talk.
🐰 Apparently, to hear you, they need to follow the same events, that happens before time were reversed.
🐰 So, Kyouka and Atsushi take a walk on Yokohama streets.
🐰 And Kyouka saw, that Atsushi's eyes shines from time to time.
"They are so happy that I saved you. They are happy, that you are safe"
🐰 When Kyouka wanted to go to the police station, she heard sobs.
"Poor Kyouka [|||||||||||||||]. Wish [|||||||||||] has real life. [|||||||] doesn't deserve [|||||||||]"
🐰 Kyouka felt, like she was petting a fluffy bunny. She felt a wave of strong emotions. Kyouka saw Atsushi's smile.
"You heard them? Don't worry, soon you will recognize all their words"
🐰 Kyouka still was on her guard. But, she admitted, you don't seem to be a threat.
🐰 Time flies. The Guild arrived at the Yokohama. And Kyouka was forced to remember about her parents' death.
Kyouka feels, like she was standing in the void. The scene of Demon Snow killing her parents were playing before her eyes.
And then she felt, like she was hugged by someone.
She can't see, who was hugging her. But she saw a light, surrounding her.
"poor Kyouka" "I wish I can" "unfair"
And then sobs. And clear as day.
"I wish I can hug you. I wish I can do something to make you feel better, Kyouka. It wasn't fair. So unfair."
Kyouka feels, like someone was petting her cheeks.
[*In reality, you gently pet Kyouka's face on manga panel. Like you were rubbing away her tears.*]
🐰 Kyouka is ready to protect you.
🐰 Few days after "The hug", President Fukuzawa officially proclaims that ADA and Port Mafia will work together from now on. To make sure that they will find a way to the world of Their Guiding Light.
🐰 Until then, Kyouka will help Kouyou Ozaki to let go of her last doubts about you.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🐰 Kyouka will wry her best in helping you clear stages.
🐰 Even if you choose to wait with leveling up Dining Area in Office, Kyouka will offer you high quality Evolution materials.
"Why all Kyouka's cards are that cute?"
"Chibi Demon Snow looks cool."
"Thanks for the materials, Kyouka and Atsushi."
🐰 Both Kyouka and Atsushi are can't wait to see you in reality.
🐰 While Atsushi is training with Dazai and Akutagawa, Kyouka is training with Kouyou. Kyouka is ready to protect you. With her ability and skills.
🐰 Because that's what friends do.
You opened Gift Box. You got another note from the character.
"[Y/N], I hope you are having a great day. You are strong and kind. I hope, one day, we will eat boiled tofu together. Kyouka Izumi"
You smile and open Kyouka's card. You let out a quiet laugh and pet chibi sprite.
"It sounds nice, Kyouka. I would like to have lunch with you."
Kyouka's sprite smiles. But, the smile was so tiny, you didn't notice it.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 1 month
May I Love You - RANPOE Oneshot
FT: Yosano, Dazai, Kenji & Fukuzawa
This is my first time writting anything not an AU for ranpoe, and only my second time in total writting them. Also This is my first time writting Yosano & Dazai interactions in depth, I really like their dynamic and I hope to write more of them.
This is differnet from my usual stuff, it focus less on ranpoe and more on the ADA dynamic, which I love writting.
Thanks to @autumnleaf1111 for reminding me to post this. It's been in my drafts since FOREVER.
Ranpo’s Perspective:
I deduced my boyfriend's– I mean rival’s intentions days and days ago but he’s been working on a new manuscript that I haven’t had time to confront him about it. Ordinarily, I would beat him to the punch but it’s fun watching him be all shy.
A scratching sound from behind me brings my attention back to the office. I’d know that sound anywhere. Karl. My best friend. It’s time.
I turn, and he drops the leather-bound volume in my lap. I start to reach in my pocket but he skitters away before I can give him a treat. How odd! He’s just as much a sweet tooth as I am, is Edgar mad that I haven’t mentioned his recent project? I’d assumed he’d wanted space to work on it.
I open the volume.
It’s blank.
There isn’t a trace of ink or indenting on any of the pages. This is getting more confusing by the second, which is distressing because confusion isn’t something I feel often. Then I spot it.
As soon as I see the note taped to the back, the situation becomes obvious. Ah, Edgar, you managed to stump me for a second! You really are my soulmate.
I start to get up but the amount of effort Edgar must have poured into this, given how shy he is, must have been immense. If he’s asking this of me I really should respect his work.
Already itching to see the book's author, I turn over the last page and read the carefully scrawled note. Edgar’s handwriting can appear at times somewhat messy, almost fevered when his mind is supplying him with ideas much faster than his hand can move. But this note has been written in delicate decadent script, the characters almost taking on the appearance of English cursive as they curve elegantly. He thought about this, most likely writing several drafts until it was perfect.
It reads:
“I’m sorry, I know I should be doing this in person, but I’d be far too embarrassed with all of your colleagues present. I suppose this is what I get for being too impatient to wait until your work hours end. And I’m sure by this point you’ve already deduced my intentions, however, I do wish to do this formally, so if you have any intention of accepting my offer, meet me outside.”
I’d been expecting this, I know I had but I can’t help the way my heartbeat accelerates, pounding in my chest, filling me with butterflies.
I almost knock over Kenji as I run out the door.
Yosano’s Perspective
I’ve never seen Ranpo run before.
Well, I have, but that was when we were about to be murdered. Other than dashing around when he accompanies one of us shopping, his pace is light and even, without a care in the world.
Now he sprints through the office, heading straight for the door. Last I checked there are no new murders he’s been asked to help with. Does he even know where he’s going?
I saw that Racoon, Kyle, I think its name is, drop off a manuscript from the Guild author that comes by often. Did something in the book upset Ranpo that much? And why didn’t Ranpo get sucked into the book after the first page?
I hope we don’t have to go look for him, especially since we’re down four people. Kunikida and Atsushi are out on a reconnaissance mission and it’s the Tanizakis’ day off.
I start down the stairs after him, he doesn’t even turn at my footsteps, and when I get almost out the door I see the raccoon again, and a sleek black car, an American company.
The author is here! I see. That means I should give them some privacy then. I giggle and creep as quietly as I can back up the stairs, so as not to disturb the two men.
Dazai is already standing at the window, looking out over the street below. I go to meet him, still smiling as I think of the detective and the author together.
Dazai looks over at me nodding to the boys below us. Even though they’re older than both Dazai and I, I can’t shake the feeling of watching two teenagers have their first love. Maybe it’s because they’re both so different from others of their age. Maybe it’s because both our pasts have aged Dazai and me so much beyond our physical years.
We’re silent as we watch them share an embrace and then a kiss.
I reach over to the desk and pull the manuscript from the table, a note falls out. My smile only grows as I read it. A love confession, or nearly. Ranpo has a boyfriend now.
Dazai sighs, turning away from the window, back still resting against the sill, looking back to the office. His gaze is fixed on me now, something like a smile on his lips. A smile different from the wide grins he usually flashes, it doesn’t look so painted on. A smile tainted by all he’s been through. Real but fleeting, never wide or bright enough because of a dark, twisted past. I don’t think he minds it, he should, but he doesn’t.
“That makes four of us with partners from opposing organisations” The chuckle that leaves his lips is a twisting hollow sound, not unlike his smile.
“Yeah” is all I can say, trying to ground myself in the calm moment. I force myself to think only of how happy Ranpo looks, the rosy blush dusting his cheeks. If I’m happy for him I can’t be sad for me.
Gentle footsteps echo, Kenji is at the window beside us. He stares at Ranpo and his new boyfriend.
“Wow! Ranpo-san looks so happy, good for him!’ Kenji cheers.
Dazai pats the farmer boy on the head and presses his pointer finger over his lips, shushing him. “How about we keep this between us? After all, this isn’t our secret to tell.” 
Kenji’s eyes widen in realisation and he looks around just to make sure the office is empty as he nods, “Alright, of course, I won’t mention it. You have my word.” 
“Thank you, Kenji-kun.” Dazai’s words are so quiet I almost can’t hear them and from there, silence creeps in, the comfortable kind, the happiness still like a blanket over me even after we turn away from the window.
The warmth of the feeling only dulls when something occurs to me.
“Wait, earlier you mentioned that there are four of us dating those from other organisations, who’s the fourth? Did Atsushi and Akutagawa finally get together?” 
But that would still leave one couple?
“Nope!” The grin is back on Dazai’s face again.
I try to puzzle it out. There’s me and Kaji, Dazai and Chuuya, and now Ranpo and the Guild Author. Who’s the last couple?
Finally, I give up. “Then who?” 
“Not my secret to tell either.” 
I feel the cool steady pressure of someone's gaze on me. There’s only one person who could make you feel that just by looking at you, the only person I’ve ever met who has such an unshakably calm aura—the President.
I turn to greet him, but he’s already walking out.
“Oh, President, where are you going?” I ask because I’m a little embarrassed to be caught just staring out the window and doing nothing during working hours.
He offers a small smile, “Just out. You needn't bother yourself, return to what you were doing. I’ll be gone for the remainder of the day, but should you need me for anything you know where to contact me.”
I watch him go, he’s taking his bag with him. It’s rare for him to leave early, this must be important.
Yukichi’s Perspective
I shake my head as I head out the office door.
Yosano-kun and Dazai-kun have resumed their banter. I listen for a moment.
“Dazai, pleeease!” Yosano-kun drags out the words in hopes of breaking Dazai-kun’s steel resolve.
“Nope!” I can picture that clownish smile of his, so like the look someone I know gets when he’s about to pull something mischievous, only Dazai-kun wears it all the time. As if it was plastered onto his face or he put it on so many times he forgot to take it off or forgot how.
I continue down the stairs, and the last thing I hear is Yosano-kun’s scream: “You little shit!”
I know Dazai-kun won’t reveal the name of the fifth agency member dating someone from another organisation. He’s withstood far more gruesome torture with a smile on his face. Most of the time I can only hope he’ll relax into a life in the light. I wish he would accept that he is truly safe now, but now I’m grateful. If that name were to get out it wouldn't be good for anyone involved
Speaking of couples, I owe a certain surgeon money. 
Oh, my Ranpo, my beloved son, why couldn’t you have waited another month to start dating Poe-san?
(A/N: Even Dazai doesn’t know about Tachizaki)
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flaresanimedump · 1 day
Why Fukuzawa is the Hottest BSD Character
*Cracks knuckles* ok here’s “what’s likeable about Fukuzawa/Why would Ranpo like Fukuzawa” because I saw that again recently
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Twunks are agelessly hot. Don’t pretend you didn’t think movie stars 10+ years older than you were attractive as a teen. And everyone currently thirsting over BTS - he was the same age as they are when Ranpo met him.
2) You like strong, warm hugs where it feels like you’re swallowed up in the other person’s arms? You like the safe feeling it gives you?
What if those strong warm arms belonged to a bodyguard??
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3) Ok now what if those strong arms belonged to a bodyguard who was also once a bad guy.
You know those hands can kill because they have before. But they’re gentle with you, careful. He’s on his way to being reformed but you’re seeing the good that was always there to start with, if only the world hadn’t pushed him into violence. This is Bungo Stray Dogs so just go ahead and briefly imagine this as a dog rescued from dogfighting that’s the absolute sweetest thing you’ve ever met. Now transfer that feeling to Fukuzawa, a man who was used by the government in a war Ranpo was too young to be part of, a rogue who’s learned the error of his ways and seeks to repent, a reformed bad boy with a heart of gold, you might say??? Incredible I’ll take 12.
4) Before we get into the long character analysis stuff I am going to try to impart to you the allure of an older man who isn’t a creep.
4.1) They’re wise and confident. They can offer help nobody your age can.
4.2) They stay calmer under pressure. An island of serenity.
4.3) When they get mad they usually get shit done. Way less drama. Fukuzawa may be a slight exception because of his former boyfriends but he has done his best to kill them both himself so I stand by the statement.
4.4) They’re still very human. Fukuzawa specifically gets passionate and loses himself in emotion when he’s worried or afraid, but it takes a lot to crack his exterior chill. It’s extremely hot when you get a reaction you had to work for.
5) Fukuzawa is about the most dependable husband-type we have in BSD.
He built up a whole agency to support his and Ranpo’s life together (a lifestyle they both wanted to continue, as mentioned in 4th anime opening Shirushi) despite initially being bad at 90% of the skills required.
(Rough Shirushi lyrics in question below)
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Fukuzawa's described as "afraid of strangers" and thinks to himself how everything about leading a company is something he could never do in Origins,
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and then we see him 12 years later and he's worked really hard to be able to do it. We get all these hints about how connected he is now
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and we see how good he is at leading the ADA but there are times when it's clear it's something he adopted and not what he was born for, like when Mori started asking about strategy books and he'd only read the most common one, or how he plays Go but was reading a book about the rules in one of the official arts set in present day.
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Of course, Tsun Tzu isn't exactly light reading, but I don't think Asagiri would make the character based on the most notable proponent of education in Japan be less well read than his opponent if it wasn't core to Fukuzawa's character in BSD. He's worked so hard to be what the ADA needs and wasn't/isn't a genius at it but still does well, and he basically switched careers on a whim at 33 to support Ranpo. Imagine if somebody did all that for you. If Ranpo wasn’t in love with him before I think that would be the killing blow.
6) Even if Fukuzawa’s not a genius, he’s able to understand and accept others more than any of the "normal" people in Yokohama.
He thought Ranpo was amazing when everyone else thought he was annoying (Fukuzawa also thought he was annoying of course, but the amazing part won out in the end). He experienced the full brunt of Ranpo’s observation and felt bad that he got upset over it when literally every other person who’d encountered Ranpo over the course of 2 years had been angry, shouted, and in the case of the Police Academy dorm head and presumably Ranpo's classmates, beat him for it.
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We can guess from the agency members Fukuzawa employs that he’s a freak magnet and it’s probably because of this trait of his. I’d say he has ‘clear vision’ in that he’s able to see if someone is good or bad beyond societal norms even though he is aware of them himself.
Basically, Ranpo doesn’t like “common sense,” and while Fukuzawa is familiar enough with it to function normally in society, he’s one of very few like that who aren’t governed by it.
7) Fukuzawa is a genuinely good, kind person.
He listened to Ranpo more than anybody but his parents would, took him in when nobody else would. He refused to become a soldier, to go and kill other soldiers with no power over the outcome of the war, in order to assassinate the officials actually responsible for continuing the war.
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I’d argue that Fukuchi was trying to follow in his footsteps with his grand war-stopping plan – that he felt Fukuzawa’s decision to kill the fewest possible people to end the war was correct. And Fukuzawa made personal sacrifices to do that, letting his best friend go to the front alone, not knowing if he’d live or die. Losing friends and losing the respect of those who did come back when he quit.
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But even though there’s a good chance that what Fukuzawa did saved a lot of lives, and even though the people we're aware he killed were unquestionably evil, he still felt that his feelings at the time put him in the wrong. He was still horrified at what he was capable of and quit once all the officials who could restart the war were dead.
There aren’t many characters in BSD with that kind of moral fiber. Dazai’s not trying to repent in the ADA, he’s just there to do good because a friend said he should. Ranpo’s not a bad guy but he’s not exactly caring or in possession of a strong moral compass.
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Atsushi’s obsession with doing good is so tightly wound into his own self-worth it’s almost involuntary, which takes away some of his agency in his actions. We know Tanizaki is willing to commit murder without fear, Kunikida was fine with letting Atsushi be kidnapped, and everyone in the Port Mafia is morally gray at best. Even the Special Operations Division is governed by a “needs of the many over the needs of the few” mentality.
Arguably the only other characters who even come close to this level of humanity are Oda and Chuuya, but Oda's not in this essay and even Chuuya doesn’t care as much about collateral damage. The only characters in the cannibalism arc who drew a line to stop their groups from killing each other and anybody who got too close were Fukuzawa and Mori, and Mori’s morality would require another essay. So I’d argue that in a series where many are great, Fukuzawa is a very rare good man.
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As illustrated by his scene with Fukuchi and Teruko. Fukuchi is a great man willing to work himself to the bone and die for others, but he’s also willing to “curse” Fukuzawa, as Ranpo said in the finale, with the long-term burden of his plan, and to kill innocent people to make it all happen. Teruko is a great girl willing to carry out Fukuchi’s orders out of either devotion to him or to justice, but she’s willing to kill and frame a man she knows isn't a villain to do it. The ends justify the means.
(To be clear I think this makes her a great character, but not one whose allegiance is to simple good-ness.)
Fukuzawa isn’t willing to kill someone who isn’t evil. He WAS willing to kill his evil mad friend to save his other friends. We saw that when he first struck Fukuchi down, so it wasn’t the closeness of their relationship that stayed his hand after he understood Fukuchi’s plan. It was that he felt the ends did not justify the means.
Virtually every other character in this series would have done it, thus: Fukuzawa is a good man in a series full of great people.
And that is what I ultimately think made Ranpo attach himself to Fukuzawa and listen to him without question despite Fukuzawa being an idiot in comparison. Let's face it, Fukuzawa's a bit of a himbo. But Ranpo realized he could trust Fukuzawa to know right from wrong at the same time he realized he couldn't trust himself to know: when Fukuzawa shouted at him after his rescue in Origins.
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Ranpo was in the process of doing exactly what all the other characters do: whatever it took to catch the bad guys/stop the bad thing from happening. He allowed himself to be kidnapped and accepted the risk that he might be shot in order to find the hideout of the men responsible for, so far, a murder and a kidnapping conspiracy with Very Bad implications for the peace in Japan (kidnapping Natsume is not something they would do JUST for a ransom).
Objectively, without considering the human element, this appears to be the correct choice. Ranpo being in temporary danger isn't a big deal when the grand scheme has such major red flags for national security. Many many more people were probably in danger, and we now know the group was somehow tied to Fyodor so yeah, he was on a Very Troubling Thread. But even without knowing Fyodor's connection it seems sort of brilliant and ideal.
The ends justify the means.
But Fukuzawa didn't see it that way. He didn't care about catching the bad guys, he didn't care about efficiency or Ranpo's plans or anything of the sort. He was the only guy in the city whose main focus was on the human element - on Ranpo. Fukuzawa presented a fundamentally different way of thinking that Ranpo and the majority of the cast just aren't capable of, and it's natural to him. And I think Ranpo understood that in a split second when Fukuzawa said he shouldn't put his life in danger and decided that even if Fukuzawa was essentially blind compared to him, Fukuzawa's decisions would always be better than his.
SO that's what I think Ranpo would like about Fukuzawa and what makes Fukuzawa attractive!! Also he's really sexy :D
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tvbyw0by · 5 months
P.2 w/ ftm reader !!
Armed detective agency,
Yosano, Dazai, Ranpo, Atsushi, Fukuzawa, Tanizaki siblings, Kyoka & Kenji present
Warnings: Transphobia(parents kick you out), angst w/ comfort, 13yr old reader, deadnaming(accidental.)
For the sake of this, everyone lives in the dorms & such
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If you were to tell me that 3 hours ago, I would've ended up getting kicked out of my parents home for being transgender.. I would've believed you.
Because I DID, and now I'm standing outside kenjis dorm room, with tears streaming down my face.
I hesitated before knocking on the door, making sure to keep quiet so no one besides Kenji would hear.
After a couple minutes, a tired yet smiling kenji opened the door, glancing at me before he fully awoke, his eyes wide as he pulled me inside worriedly.
I wasn't part of the agency he worked at, yet I knew everyone, and everyone knew me.
"Are you okay, [DEAD.NAME]?! What happened,?!"
I didn't even care he dead named me, I was just a sobbing mess as I hugged him tightly,
"K-Kenji.. they k--kicked me out!"
My words came out stuttered and jumbled as I cried, tightening my grip on my friend,
Kenjis eyes widened before they narrowed, he no longer had that happy aura around him as he frowned at you worriedly,
"...come on,"
He saw how much you needed sleep, and he himself needed some before he could talk to you,
He lead the two of you to his small room, laying you down on an extra futon close to his as he laid down on his,
The two of you kept your pinkies interlocked as you both faded into sleep, shallow sobs quieting down.
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You and Kenji sat on his couch, him staring at you with a gentle smile on his face, waiting for you to explain everything.
He perked up once he realized you were about to explain, at first he was glad you were opening up about why you appeared at his front door at 1am in the morning, sure he knew your parents,... kicked you out, but you never said why,.
"Kenji.. I came out to them that, I'm.. trans"
Your hands shot up and you did little unsure jazz hands as kenjis smile remained on his face, he grabbed your hands,
"Oh? You're trans??" His smile remained bright despite the dark thoughts from him being mad at the ones who were called your parents,
"mhm.. my names [NAME]"
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When you and kenji walked into the agency, everyone was happy to see you,
You had decided to tell them, and when you did you got nothing but praises and soothing reactions,
They decided to have you living with Kenji in the dorms, considering you not only would be living with someone around your age, but also safe in the dorms with all of them
When you actually told them about your parents, the room visibly became dark, they were all, greatly pissed off with your parents,
You, kyouka and kenji were like three peas in a pod, so it was only natural that she react badly to your parents,
The first thing that Kunikida did was buy you a binder, and then wrote a whole schedule to make sure you didn't wear it to long to damage yourself,
Yosano ended up cutting your hair with the help of Naomi!
And then Tanizaki styled it to look kinda like his own hairstyle, but kept it to where you can style it to look like others
Fukuzawa ended up getting legal custody over you, and with his parental rights helped you change your name legally!!
Dazai, who actually has a really good sense of style, helped you pick out clothes you found comfortable that made you feel like your true self,
You had a fashion show wearing some suits and everyone complimented you on looking handsome
Ranpo would contact Poe and force ask him to buy a whole different kind of binders simply because he thought maybe you would want some different ones, just because sometimes since you are naturally friends with the agency, you may get caught into the middle of the fights!!
Kyouka would start following you EVERYWHERE to be honest, shes your friend, and she knows how society normally reacts to LGBTQ+..
Whenever someone gives you a weird glance of disgust, kyouka, alongside Atsushi would glare at them, both doing their own intimidating acts..
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osachiyo · 5 months
Obsessing over the idea of painting the BSD men's nails
Painting Dazai's a teal to match his bolo tie (he'd want to paint yours too (they look bad and he hates having to wait for them to dry, they're already smudged before you finish his other hand
Doing an entire skincare routine with Chuuya, he gets a nice cunty red (has to be bribed a bit, but he'd love it after)
Atsushi with a yellow or purple to match his eyes
Painting Kenjis with cow spots
Fukuzawa doesn't get it but he sees everyone else with painted nails and wants to join in (he gets a forest green to match his clothes <3)
Tachihara with a red or olive green (Red for HD Tachi and olive green for PM to match his coat)
Convincing Oda with the kids' help and it's a huge mess, but he gets a pretty burgundy
Fyodor getting a dark purple almost black (He hates it and needs so much convincing, gags every time he bites his nails and makes you take it off after a few days)
Nikolai gets a different color on each finger because he can't choose just one (it looks horrendous but he loves it)
Sigma with a white base and purple iridescent flakes (He'd love it and paint your nails in return, and unlike Dazai's they'd look absolutely perfect)
Bram knows what nail polish is and that it's pretty but??? Why do you want to paint them??? He lets you and Aya do it and they look gorgeous
Jouno cringes and shivers every time you put a new layer on (the polish is cold) so he makes you do something simple and you just do some pretty red french tips (To match his hair)
Tetcho just vibing and doesn't mind it, black with nice pink accents that match the color of plum blossoms for his ability name
Brainrotting so hard rn
dazai would LOVE to let you paint his nails (only if u let him paint urs in return) !! and choosing teal to match his bolo tie is adorable ! also you're so right about him being terrible at it tho, like he'd somehow manage to get the nail polish literally everywhere BUT your nails 🤦🏽‍♀️
THE SKINCARE ROUTINE WITH CHUUYA IS SO ACCURATE — imagine putting facemasks on each other while listening to girly pop music 🤭 and the fact that he has the money for the expensive skincare stuff 🥰 oh and he'd look SO good with a cunty red shade, his hands are so pretty ugh bye.
atsushi is so cute, i wanna squeeze him to death :( i think he'd totally match yellow nails !! (with maybe little cute tiger stickers on them? :)
ALSO IMAGINE AKUTAGAWA WITH BLACK NAILS??? *plays emo boy by ayesha erotica* he’d look so good 🫣 maybe add little red streaks or some skulls on them — adorable !!
personally, i’d put nail polish on fedya just to stop him from biting his nails. i can just imagine him forgetting about the painted nails and biting them out of instinct and immediately recoiling back from disgust after tasting the chemical lmao
NIKOLAIII YOURE SO RIGHT HE’D CHOOSE THE MOST TACKIEST CLOWNISH COLOURS 😭 and u can’t even be mad bc he looks so giggly and excited to try them on :( he’s such a little shit while ur painting them for him too — like man won’t stop squirming for 5 secs and eventually u have to yell “BITCH STAY STILL” and he’s like “hehe 😜”
i’d add more but your descriptions are so accurate idk what else to add 😭😭
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yosanomwah · 7 months
"Ranpo’s a burnt out gifted kid!!" No. He’s not, not at all.
Gifted kid burnout is when a child that's endowed with above-average abilities becomes exhausted as a result of too much pressure from unrealistic expectations they set for themselves or others place on them. At first glance, i can see how people assume this is Ranpo but really, looking at his character, that’s not at all it.
Ranpo grew up sheltered with only his parents to look for with guidance, once they died he moved away on his own and from there travelled place to place but he was very distressed. Ranpo believed everyone was as smart as he was, because of him growing up sheltered with only his incredibly intelligent parents, Ranpo didn’t believe he was different or special from anyone else, so when he met people who appeared dumber than him, he thought they were acting stupider, this is why he says things like "why are you making me say obvious things?" Because he genuinely thought everyone knew the things he did.
Fukuzawa once asks him "so, you think adults also pick up on things you notice" and he literally reply’s "yeah." Ranpo thought everyone thought like him and knew the things he did. He didn’t know he was gifted
This led to extreme feelings of distress for poor Ranpo, Ranpo didn’t understand why everyone was acting stupider than they were, he didn’t understand why people got mad at him for pointing things out that were meant to be unknown because he thought everyone knew already, this caused him to feel so upset and isolated and alone
"I don’t understand anyone! Why are adults like this? Someone just tell me why!" He screamed. "I don’t understand what anyone’s thinking! Im scared! It feels like I’m surrounded by monsters! It doesn’t matter what I say, nobody understands me!"
Fukuzawa explains how Ranpo’s outburst didn’t come from nowhere and the doubt and stress had clearly been swelling in Ranpo for the longest time.
These are not the feelings of a gifted kid. Ranpo is not a gifted kid and it’s really honestly offensive to narrow his character down to that, he cannot be labelled with such labels as he’s so unique from most others.
Ranpo felt isolated and lost because he didn’t understand why anyone was acting that way. He didn’t know he was smart or special, he thought everyone was and he didn’t get why they were acting like they weren’t. A gifted kid doesn’t feel like that.
Then, we go on to when Ranpo gets told he is a skill user. Fukuzawa does this because Ranpo feels so lost and he’s so in denial about being special because he doesn’t get why he’d be any different from other people- so Fukuzawa says he has an ability
And this finally makes sense to Ranpo, he’s not different from other people by mind, he just has a power they don’t. So finally he has an explanation and he takes it, clinging on to it and finally feeling free from his previous worries.
Fukuzawa tells him that everyone else is a fool. The world is full of fools who don’t know hos to look at things. The reason he says this is because Ranpo previously thought everyone in the world hated him and that’s why they did things, because they were manipulative and rude, but really they were just stupid and didn’t know what they were doing. And Ranpo needed to hear this because he assumed otherwise
"So that’s why.
Nobody hates me."
"Nobody hates you."
This was the explanation he needed, others were fools because they didn’t have his powers, they didn’t think like he did because humans didn’t think, only those with powers could. The non-powered didn’t think how the powered did, they weren’t targeting Ranpo and purposefully acting stupid around him to isolate him. That’s just how they were
Or as Fukuzawa said: "They’re babies who can’t even hold up their own heads. Do you think babies have others? Do you think they would try to confuse someone to trick them?"
And Ranpo held onto Fukuzawa's words, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. So he held onto this idea, that the reason everyone was like that was because they were fools and the reason Ranpo was not a fool was because of his powers. And so he ran with it.
"Everyone else isn’t a monster. They’re just stupider than you."
He immediately took up the title of "worlds greatest detective" and vowed to solve everything for the fools of the world who couldn’t do it for themselves. He vowed to help them.
He realised the world wasn’t evil, it was simple and stupid. There wasn’t hidden intentions behind everyone’s actions, they were just simple and stupid.
"I’m the one who protects the foolish!!" And so he took up this job for him, the job of protecting others because he had skills they didn’t. Again, this is not the feelings of a gifted kid.
Ranpo felt disconnected, alone and confused, not because he was smarter than others but because he was different and he didn’t even know it. He thought everyone hated him and was against him and trying to deceive and hurt him. He was gifted yes but never burnt out
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Ranpo: There you are! Pauses Atsushi, are you all right?
Everyone turns to look at Atsushi.
Atsushi: staring into space
Ranpo: concerned Atsushi?
Atsushi: hmm?
Junichiro: Ranpo's asking if you're alright.
Atsushi: not looking at anyone I'm fine.
Ranpo: Hey, come on spill it? What's going on?
Kunikida: We can have this talk in private if you'd prefer. Whatever you say to us in confidence is between us glares at everyone isn't that right?
Everyone: nods.
Atsushi: I don't have anything to tell you.
Ranpo: Hey come on puts a hand on his shoulder.
Atsushi: flinches
Ranpo: suprised, frowns Atsushi?
Atsushi: I... I have to go to the bathroom runs off
Dazai: silently observing everything, frowns. Stands up So... What did you guys do my dear mentee while I was away?
Kunikida: Nothing I can recall.
Dazai: That wasn't the question Kunikida~
Naomi:... Whispers to Junichiro You don't think he found out, do you?
Junichiro: goes pale Oh... Oh no...
Dazai: Hm? Would you too mind sharing with the class?
Junichiro: Atsushi and Kyouka got kidnapped by the Port Mafia and put on a boat.
We couldn't come to an agreement on if we should save him or not until Naomi called the President who told us to.
Dazai:.... Smiles brightly thank you Junichiro. Now who were the ones disagreeing?
Junichiro: Kunikida and Ranpo, but Kunikida went and rescued them!
Dazai: still smiling I see, why don't you and Naomi go see to Atsushi, he's in the cafe.
Junichiro: nods, leaves with his sister.
Dazai: turns to Kunikida and Ranpo As for you gentlemen, we are gonna have a chat 😊.
(I love all of these guys, but I was so mad they didn't get Atsushi until Fukuzawa told em to.
They knew he was injured and kidnapped by the Port Mafia and were like oh we've got other jobs, we can't we're too busy.
Until Fukuzawa came in like excuse me, he is apart of this agency and no jobs will be done till he has found.
And they complained about it, Ranpo had to be bribed by compliments to give a shit.
Atsushi was missing for 6 hours, who knows what could've happened to him.
And just imagining if Atsushi found out.
Atsushi who's got such low self esteem finding out the first people to accept him, were gonna abandon him because it was too much of a hassle.
You know, Atsushi who already thinks his existence is a burden, and that he doesn't deserve to live if he's not useful.
It would mess him up so badly.
And I'm soft for Protective mentor Dazai who isn't happy about this when he returns.
He's just looking at Atsushi like he looks more traumatised than when I left, who did it?!)
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jamiegege · 1 year
Why is Ranpo aplogizing in this scene ?
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Okay, so your favorite Ranpo variant is here to explain a small scene in the season 4 of BSD (3rd ep & untold origins) because I saw a lot of people not understanding why Ranpo is apologizing to Fukuzawa in this scene !
As always : This is MY interpretation of what happened in the manga i'm not Asagiri so i'm just giving my opinion and i'm not here to impose it.
For me there are a few explanations of why he's apologizing but first, as someone who's learning japanese (so i'm not a professional) i'm gonna try to analyze/explain the exact way he said "sorry" :
In Japanese there are a loooot of way to say "sorry" here (animated version) Ranpo used : ごめんなさい (gomen nasai) it's a way of apologizing that is less polite than the basic すみません (sumimasen) but it's way more impacting than the contractions of it (gomen ne; gomen). So he's talking "unpolietly" (ig that it's bc of his young age) but it is still really meaningful as he could have used one of the contractions, which, for me, means that he respects Fukuzawa a lot (we can also notice this, thanks to the fact that he calls Fuku in the 1st ep of the s4 "Mr.Bodyguard" with the suffix "さん"(san) which proves respect (we translate it by Mr or Mrs most of the times))
1st part of my hypothesis : I think that he's apologizing first of all because he understood how much his behavior terrified Fuku. Not in a way like "Fuku is scared of Ranpo" no, it's not that. It's that Fuku cares ab Ranpo, a lot, more than he actually admits it at this moment; and knowing that Ranpo was in danger scared him (even if he knew that Ranpo actually did it on purpose, that's btw why he is yelling at him right after the slap, he wasn't rlly mad he was just scared). And when Ranpo understood that (after Fuku slapped & screamed at him) he decided to apologize to him for scaring him so much.
2nd part of my hypothesis : This second part goes a bit with the 1st one bc Ranpo apologized bc he understood that Fuku was scared and because at the same time he understands how important he is to Fuku. Like, if Fuku was scared it means he cares ab Ranpo right ? And as Ranpo never had (after his parents' death) someone that actually cared about him he apologized so Fukuzawa wouldn't be mad at him and would keep him (Ran) by his side.
3rd part of my hypothesis : Same, it goes with the previous one, because in addition of understanding how important he (Ran) is to Fuku, he also understood how Fukuzawa is important to him. Indeed, Fuku brought to Ranpo an healthy father figure, someone he could rely on (also especially because Fuku was one of the 1st ppl to actually believe in Ranpo abalities), which was what Ranpo actually needed. This gives to Ranpo another reason not to want to see Fukuzawa leaving him bc he (Fuku) would be mad at him.
In conclusion, we can say that Ranpo by apologizing wanted mostly to prove to Fuku that he was worthy to stay with him. Especially beceause Fukuzawa is a really important (emotionally) person for Ranpo.
I really hope you all got what i tried to explain, i really like to explain stuff especially ab BSD and Ranpo so if any of you have questions i'll be honored to answer it <3 ; Have a good day/night kiss kiss
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astro-can · 9 months
Meaning of Life | soukoku | Chapter One
"ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ?"
Nakahara Chuuya’s one wish in life is for Dazai Osamu to disappear forever. Or at least, that’s what he thinks. Dazai Osamu’s one wish in life is to find a beautiful woman to commit double suicide with. Or at last, that’s what he wants Chuuya to think.
a short soukoku fanfiction (around 3-4 chapters) tw: suicide and blood word count: 1.4k
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Nakahara Chuuya was at his limit. 
He was walking to his favourite bar one late evening after a particularly tiring day. The Boss had putten him in charge of overseeing a suspicious group of ability-users in the north side of the city. The job could’ve easily gone to someone ranked lower than him, like Akutagawa or Tachihara, but Chuuya knew best to not disobey the Boss’s orders. Long story short, he managed to find out the identity and motive of the group, interrogate the members, kill the leader, and dispose of any evidence that the group ever existed. The job was fairly effortless, but then he was sent to pick up all of Elise’s clothes at the tailor. And that was no easy job.
I don’t know why Boss keeps giving me such useless tasks. I’m one of the five executives, for christ’s sake. I should be doing more than hauling fifty pounds of dresses for some young bratty girl.
Just when he thought his day couldn’t get any worse, Dazai Osamu showed up.
A coincidence? Maybe. But for his greatest rival and ex-partner to show up at the same bar at the exact same time as him, he doubted it.
Naturally, Chuuya picked up the nearest object (which happened to be a bottle of wine) and threw it at Dazai.
“Woah, woah, Chuuya-kun! No need to be so aggressive!” Dazai caught the bottle with one hand instead of dodging it and tapped the counter. “Get me a cup, bartender.”
The bartender was a middle-aged woman with short curly hair. She nodded and obliged. Dazai took a seat a few chairs away from Chuuya and poured himself a shot of the wine he had thrown at him.
“What the hell are you doing here, shitty Dazai? Get out of my sight before I pummel you to death!” Chuuya roared, scooting away from his enemy.
“Are you already drunk? It seems like you haven’t even drank anything yet, though.” Dazai flashed his infamous smile at Chuuya. He looked no different than he usually did - shaggy brown hair, a long beige coat, a dark vest over a dress shirt, beige pants, and a bolo tie held together with a turquoise pendant. His eyes were bright under the dim lights hanging above, although Chuuya could see a hint of exhaustion behind them.
“Allow me.” Dazai scooted over and started pouring for Chuuya. However, as he drew his hand back, he hit the cup and knocked it over onto Chuuya’s clothes.
“You bitch–! You did that on purpose!” A vein popped in Chuuya’s forehead as he grabbed a few napkins to clean it up. “I had this vest cleaned yesterday!”
“Well then, you can clean it again! Not that hard, no?” Dazai hummed.
That menace! “What are you even doing here? Doesn’t the President of the Agency get mad when you casually meet up with members of the Port Mafia?” Chuuya gave up on trying to get Dazai to leave, knowing that his efforts would be futile. He did increase the distance between him and Dazai, though. He wanted nothing to do with his former partner.
“I couldn’t care less if Fukuzawa-san found out!” Dazai exclaimed loftily. “It’s Kunikida that would scold me. But I don’t care what he thinks, so all’s good!”
He really doesn't give a fuck, huh? Fucking bastard. 
Did he want to see me? Is that why he’s here?
…As if.
“What about you, Chuuya-kun? What are you doing at a bar at this time of day?”
“Why do you care?” Chuuya snapped, tilting his head back and taking a shot. “Found any new suicide methods recently?”
“Why do you care?” Dazai mocked him, making a silly face. Chuuya slammed his cup down angrily and glared at him, activating his Gravity Manipulation to show off a dark red aura. “Calm down, Chuuya-kun, I’m just kidding!”
Chuuya-kun, Chuuya-kun. Tch, he needs to shut up. “I just want you to die already, goddammit!”
“But Chuuya-kun…I need a beautiful woman to commit double suicide with! Otherwise, it won’t be fun or meaningful!” Dazai said, eyeing the bartender. “Like, for instance…”
“H-huh?” The bartender’s face turned bright red when Dazai jumped up and gently grabbed her slender hands.
“Oh, gorgeous maiden, would you have the honor of committing double suicide with me? We could elegantly jump off a tall building together, for example, the Port Mafia headquarters…” Pink roses and golden sparkles were practically emitting off of Dazai, his cunning smirk now changed to a soft smile. He batted his eyelashes and leaned in, only an inch away from the poor woman.
Chuuya stared at Dazai. Normally, he would pull the bastardous boy away and apologize to the woman, but today, a different kind of anger washed over him.
That damn woman did not deserve to hold Dazai’s hands, and she certainly did not deserve Dazai’s proposal of double suicide.
Am I drunk?
Why am I thinking like this?
He clenched his fists. Is Dazai pulling some trick on me to make me feel jealous?
Why am I jealous?
Since when did I get jealous?
“...Oi, Chuuya. Looking a bit pale there.” Dazai turned around, his left cheek red from the slap the bartender had just given him. “Already wasted?”
She…slapped him.
She slapped him?
Chuuya gritted his teeth and directed his glare towards the woman, who was now awkwardly shuffling away.
Then he realized what he was doing and stopped himself. Why do you care? You hate Dazai. You hate Dazai. You hate Dazai. You wish he would just die already.
While Chuuya struggled with his little internal conflict, Dazai side-eyed him calculatingly. Then the corners of his mouth twitched up, as if he had figured something out. “What’s wrong, Chuuya? Old age finally getting to you? Need me to crack some of those joints?”
“We’re the same age!” Chuuya hissed. He felt his face heat up from Dazai’s second statement. Stop it, dirty mind.
“Ah, but you’re so much shorter! And why do you look so sick?” Dazai showed no sign of stopping until he got an answer. “Is that just a thing that happens with short people when they’re at bars?”
Chuuya clicked his tongue in annoyance and hit Dazai as hard as he could. The latter doubled over in pain and grunted, muttering a few incoherent words under his breath. Chuuya found himself blushing, and immediately hid his face from Dazai. “...I’m the only one who’s allowed to hit you,” he whispered.
“What was that?” Dazai perked up.
“Nothing, go to hell! Why do you want to die so much anyway? If you want to commit suicide, then commit suicide, whether it be with a hot woman or whatever!” Chuuya yelled, annoyed by Dazai’s antics.
Dazai’s playful expression vanished and was replaced by a serious one. “Why do you think I always attempt suicide but I never commit it?”
“Huh…?” Chuuya looked up, startled by Dazai’s sudden change in tone. “Wha…I don’t know. Tell me.”
Dazai’s smile returned. “Wahahaha, it's a secret! You’ll have to find that out for yourself! 
The chair screeched back as Dazai stood up. He winked at Chuuya and left the bar after laying some money on the counter. Chuuya grunted, grabbed the wine bottle, and took a long swig. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a piece of paper on the chair Dazai had been sitting in.
“…” Chuuya snatched it up before anybody else could look at it.
Saturday, 11pm, south docks. Just you and me ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
He scoffed. So shitty Dazai came here for a reason. Some sort of mission? Why would we be doing it together? Twin Dark became no more after he left the Mafia.
Shouldn’t I run this by the Boss?
Just you and me.
Chuuya shoved the paper into his pocket and stood up to leave. He laid money on the counter and strode out of the bar, opening the door and inhaling the fresh air.
He took out a cigarette and pondered on whether to have a smoke before going home or not.
“Chuuya-kuuuuuun, you do know that you’ll die of lung cancer if you keep smoking, right? In that case, I’ll appreciate it if you keep going! You’ll be out of my life sooner, then!”
“Does he really want me to die of lung cancer?” Chuuya twisted the cigarette with his fingers and tossed it into the garbage nearby. The people around him moved away, scared of the scary aura surrounding him. He tugged his hat low to hide his sour expression and downturned lips, his hand trembling from an unknown feeling.
“What a jerk.”
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line without a hook - ricky montgomery
chapter two
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sirhyst · 1 year
Fukuzawa dad headcanons 1/? (Ft. Ranpo and Kyoka a little)
Reader is whatever you identify as 👍 I won’t be using specific pronouns
Warning this is really long.
Note: I’m writing these cause I want him to adopt me; these are also in no specific order, I just got to excited about writing dad headcanons about him. Also as mentioned in an older post I often call Ranpo Purin.
Let’s get into it
- Purin probably would not like you at first let’s be honest. I don’t know what would win him over but let’s just say at first you were probably seen as a threat but I think eventually he would like you.
- The fear in Fukuzawa-san’s eyes though when you an Ranpo decide to gang up on him and speed run trying to give him a stroke by acting like little gremlins
- In my culture, and I know it’s the same for a lot of cultures, you typically call someone that is a lot older than you auntie/aunt or uncle so if you ever call him uncle he’ll be like “🥹”
- That being said, even though Fukuzawa-san has a stoic personality, I think the first time you call him Dad, he’ll collapse
- That scene in BSD Wan where he switched bodies with the cat and he’s crying is definitely his reaction
You: my fucking dad is here 🥳
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- That being said if you never call him dad, he might be a little sad but understands that it’s entirely your decision if you’re comfortable enough to
- I have 3c/4a hair, so if you have those hair types or and type 3/4 hair type, he would definitely take the time to learn how to take care of your hair (likewise if you don’t have those hair types he’ll still help you look after your hair)
- If you have a very rough day or just really going through it, he’ll probably let you sit in his office and brush your hair to calm you down
- If you need to just cry he’s good at just sitting there and letting you let your feelings out
- I don’t see him as the “hey hungry I’m dad/dad jokes” type of dad but there are probably days where he’s a bit more playful
You: Can you pass me the flour?
Him: *passes an actual flower*
You, probably: 😀🔪
- If you jokingly refer to him as old man, he won’t get mad but he’s definitely gonna give you the “😠” look
- He’s not a big hugger but if you really need it he’ll give one. But, if you don’t like hugs or being touched he’ll do whatever you’re comfortable with
- If you are in school and get a bad grade, he’s not going to yell at you or be disappointed. You tried (or maybe you didn’t but there will be other tests/assignments, maybe that day just wasn’t your day)
- Will probably let you steal his hoari
- I 100% picture Purin kicking down his door and just start talking about whatever interests him so if you ever want to rant about your current obsession, go for it—he’s just glad you’re comfortable enough to make such bold moves around him
- I know everyone jokes about all of Fukuzawa-sans kids being queer but I genuinely think if you were to come out to him he’d be like “👴👍”
- It may seem like I’m just writing the safe option but considering how chill his I don’t think he’d have a problem
- Will 100% have little family lunch dates with you, purin, yosano and Kyoka
- Definitely has one on one lunch dates
- This is more about Kyoka but one day she randomly call you her brother/sister/sibling/etc and it’s like 🥹✊
Back to Fukuzawa-san
- If you need something to fidget with, he lets you fiddle with his haori or his hand
- If you’re both terrible cooks than you guys will try the food while trying to trick yourselves into thinking it tastes good
- Personally, I think Fukuzawa-san is a good cook (I have no proof but read it and weep) so again, if you’re feeling sad he will put something together for you
- If you’re dating someone from an opposing company he’s probably like “why 😀 out of all the options”
- Reaction to you saying the most out-of-pocket shit: maybe a blank stare of the slow head turn. but remember he’s been dealing with the ADA members for awhile so there is probably nothing you can say that will truly earn you the shocked look.
- same thing if you just randomly say things. I don’t know if anyone else does this but just speaking into the wind and maybe getting an answer but it’s so random that people look at you like “😃”
You: this acnh character is definitely a government spy
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- Overall, he may seem intimidating at first, but i don’t know he just naturally gives of good dad energy so 👍
I’m going to write more specific ones these are just random ones that I came up with because please adopt me sir.
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