#but Gordon worrying about them is always a treat
purplecatghostposts · 6 months
HLVRAI Gordon is such a good character and I love his mannerisms. There are several points in the series where he lays a hand on someone’s shoulder when talking to them and pats them or how he catches Benrey when he gets stuck on the ladder and he seems like such a physically affectionate guy. He’s also first to be concerned when someone is hurt and is in genuine distress when people die, a fact that only really changes when Gordon steadily realizes that nobody in the Science Team can really die.
He’s baffled by their antics but he laughs and plays along with a lot of them too. He says goodnight to everyone and tells a story to Coomer when he asks. He forgives pretty easily when people show remorse for what they’ve done and he’s always trying to clean off the alien goop when it gets on people. He sits them down in a circle to talk and bond with them more than once. He’s such a DAD and it’s great.
Everyone who writes Gordon being goofy and having a great time with all of them once they’re out of danger is so right because if you take Gordon out of all the danger they’re put it, eliminating his main source of stress, he’s just a guy having a good time!
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mrmustachious · 21 days
Fishtank Week 2024
I've written a lot of fishtank over the years, so for fishtank week here are a bunch of fics I've written for you to peruse and get your fill of the two best bros :D
Shaky Hands - Rescues didn’t always go as planned.
Human Shield - Virgil thinks Gordon is an idiot. Gordon just thinks he's a good brother.
Shackled - Rescues are hard when evil lies around every corner.
Unconscious - Sequel to Shackled. Virgil gets worried when there's no sign of Gordon, so he goes investigating.
Stitches - “I think you’re going to need stitches.”
Secret Injury - Gordon’s hurt, but Virgil needs him. He can set aside his own injuries if that’ll mean his brother is safe, right?
Fever - Gordon and tonsillitis.
Don’t Hold Your Breath - Gordon woke up trapped, underground, and running out of air.
Grow Up Fast - He thought that he was being helpful, that an older brother was supposed to protect a younger one from harm, but maybe doing so just made everything worse. Prompt: “I'm not a kid anymore so stop treating me like I am."
Out of Control - Something was wrong with his brother, Virgil just didn't know what.
All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go - Virgil couldn't remember what had happened, but he knew one thing for sure. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt his brother.
My Spidey-Sense is Tingling - A rescue involving a chemical spill soon leads to some unexpected consequences.
Coughing Up a Lung - Gordon woke up this morning suffering from a cold. At least, he thought it was just a cold...
That’s Where the Blood’s Supposed to Be - A sea quake leads to a concussed brother and Virgil having to pilot a ship that isn't his.
Hide & Seek - After being captured, Virgil and Gordon know that if they have any chance of surviving, they must find their own way to escape.
You Will Go Down With This Ship - Gordon decides to take a walk around the island, but he never intended to end up stuck and injured in a hole with a storm looming overhead.
Six (or more) Feet Under - The ground slipped out from under him, and then a white blanket swallowed him whole.
More Than This - Gordon had dreams and plans for the future, but then one fateful day it all came crashing down. Plans changed, for both him and his family, and now nothing was the way it was meant to be.
Crushed Metal - Hanging your brother above a giant machine that was out of control would have its consequences.
Shrapnel - How did Gordon escape unscathed whilst the Mechanic tried to crush his ship with him inside? Maybe that's because he didn't.
Get Out of My Head - Virgil hurts Gordon in the worst way imaginable.
Disappearance - liesorlife requested: How about disappearance with Gordon
Artist AU - onereyofstarlight requested: Artist AU looks fun and Virgil is the obvious pick - maybe an AU where Kip Harris is an artist instead of a firefighter and Virgil's about to meet his No. 1 Art Hero?
Comforting Hug - Gordon and a therapy dog.
Loss of Sight - It seems like whoever led them into this trap wasn't done with them yet.
Over-the-Shoulder Carry - Gordon's an idiot, but what's new?
Trying to Wake Them Up - Virgil's hurt and won't wake up, so it's up to Gordon to get help.
Hair Matted with Blood - Virgil and Gordon want to spend some quality time together.
Animal Attack - Whilst out chasing rumours of a beast that lives out in the woods, Virgil and Gordon get more than they bargained for. Supernatural AU
Going into Shock - Quite often after a rescue, they were showered with gifts. However, not all gifts were wanted.
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"It's a good joke!"
"I'm not saying it's a bad joke. I'm saying we can't use it because it insults the guest star."
"Please, he'll think it's funny."
Gordon whirls around on her. "And you know what Lenny Bruce thinks is funny."
Midge shrugs. "There were a couple of choice dick jokes he liked when he peeked at my notebook at the bar one afternoon."
"Yeah I bet he peeked something, alright."
Lenny can hear them before he catches sight of them, and Midge had mentioned how she's treated at this place over the phone.
Piece of meat indeed.
"What's the commotion?" He asks.
Gordon waves him off. "Don't worry about it, Lenny. Just my girl writer having an issue. But she always does."
Lenny smirks wryly. "The only thing I've known Midge to be fussy about is her hair. What's up?"
"I wrote a joke about you for the opening monologue," Midge interjects before Gordon can. "He thinks you'll be insulted."
Lenny shrugs. "Let's hear it."
Gordon puts up his hands, realizing too late that he's lost control of the situation. "Lenny-"
"Lenny Bruce is on the show tonight, and while we're grateful for the California weather he's brought with him, we're hoping he left the LAPD at home," Midge recites.
Lenny smirks behind his hand. "But we've got New York's finest on standby just in case," he adds.
Midge beams. "There's a trail of donuts leading to Lenny's dressing room to make sure they don't confuse him with every other white guy in a suit wandering around the studio."
Lenny gives that short, loud laugh that Midge loves so much, and Gordon pinches the bridge of his nose.
Lenny pats Gordon on the shoulder. "Use the joke. I've got thick skin, you can check with my moil."
"We can't use that, it's too Jewish," Midge teases.
"So is my nose, but you're still having me on the show," Lenny volleys back.
Midge tries hard not to laugh at that.
Gordon looks from one to the other. "Okay. Clearly I'm a third wheel here."
"If you wanted a date, all you had to do was ask," Lenny teases. "You're not my normal type, but you do have a nice tush. I'd make an exception."
Gordon closes his eyes. "Mike!"
As he stomps off, Lenny turns to Midge. "Drinks after the show?"
"You're on."
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ivanzplaid · 1 year
hiii i just read a bunch of your lawrence gordon hcs and i love them <3 could i please rq a fic with him and a gender neutral reader? something along the lines of lawrence getting jealous maybe and being overprotective over the reader? thank you so much!
im back from my.... undefined hiatus and was looking thru my inbox and OF COURSE OMG, im feeling verh cary elwes and this is just soing it for me rn so of course of course i love myself some jealous lawrence
also because if my months long hiatus my writinf feels so weird so im literally so sorry if this is shit😭
requests r open, masterlist is up :)
Jealous Lawrence Gordon x Gn! Reader | Look At Me | Short Fic
The relaxed atmosphere of the hospital's annual Christmas party was to Lawrence's liking. He couldn't stand over-the-top encounters, especially when he had to bring you along with his coworkers. He felt consumed by his work at times, and while you'd think that having the peacemaker of his life with him would soothe his nerves, his coworkers bashed this thought by being a little too comfortable.
"Oh Larry, you gotta bring this beaut around more often. We're always in need of someone new. Especially someone as gated as you are. What's your name?"
Your face contorted to a small laugh, it wasn't often that people were as interest in you than Lawrence. The feeling of blood rushing to your cheeks was inevitable as the flattery continued, and it seemed the focus of a handful of workers went to you.
"Need a drink? I'd always be happy to go and..-"
"That's enough. We're doing just fine without your services, Doctor Marsh."
Lawrence's voice was stern, matching the hand that had over time been creeping around your waist. Silently, yet clearly setting the message that he wasn't amused. Yet when you peered to his face, there was a strained smile, making an effort to keep his cool for you.
His eyes met yours, signaling to you that if you said a word to them, he'd set up repercussions he felt necessary.
You tilted your head to his ear, gently trying to calm his down as you whispered,
"Thanks baby.. Wanna go ahead to the car? We've been here for a while already, its late too y'know."
A small breathe was let out, but the rough hand on your waist only seemed to guide you out of the building, making no change to its hold. You could feel Lawrence's finger pads circling your side, grounding himself with your presence.
As you made it to the car, the stillness of the air prompted you to look up, meeting his eyes whom were already on you. There was an undetected expression on Lawrence's face, he was hiding something from you.
"If they- or anyone treats you that way again, talk to me."
An awkwardly hidden smile crept on your face. Your Lawrence was jealous.
He hates displaying a ton of affection in public, especially infront of his coworkers. He hates acting like a teenage couple. But he hates seeing others pander to whats his the most. Its only natural that he takes initiative, and shows them (and you) who you're with, and who you belong to at a moments notice.
"Of course, you'll never have to worry about that, honey."
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diffidentphantom · 6 months
The One That Got Away
(Jermone Valeska x F!Wayne Reader)
Part I
Summary: You, the reader are the older sister of Bruce Wayne. And have been best friends with Jerome Valeska, since you first met each other at Haly's Circus during your youth. Due to being a Wayne, he was the first 'real' friend you ever had. But then one day, the friendship between the both of you changed. And you were sent overseas for your safety by your father. You haven't been back in Gotham since. But once you hear of your parent's murder, you know it's time to return and face your past once and for all.
Characters: Y/N as MC, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Selena Kyle, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Jerome Valeska
Warnings: Angst, Possessiveness, Obsessive behavior, Stalking, Murder, Mentions of Child Abuse,
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The first time you had ever visited the circus, it was on your eleventh birthday. 
And unknowingly at the time, it was that specific event that ended up changing your life forever. It can be argued that it changed your life a bit for the better as well as for the worst. It was the day you met your very first TRUE friend, Jerome Valeska.
Being a member of the prestigious Wayne family, you were expected to mingle with your peers. A.K.A other children of Gotham's wealthiest; i.e, members of the 1%, celebrities, people involved in the law - along with the shadier parts of it. You had made some friendships with some of these children, but none of them were true friends. Where nothing was expected in return for the other's company and allegiance.
But Jerome...due to being born to a woman who worked in the circus, he had nothing to give other than his friendship and loyalty. And because you helped him get out of a situation that involved his angry Uncle Zach. He became your very first REAL friend.
The two of you become inseparable. One of you always running after the other.
The adults in your life found it endearing, and grateful. That after all this time, you had a friend like Jerome. So, your parents, being who they are - opened their arms and home to him. Whenever the circus was in town. After all, to those who cared to look - it was obvious, that Jerome wasn't treated very kindly by the people who took care of him.
By the two of you were fourteen, something in your friendship with Jerome had changed. Maybe it was because the two of you didn't spend as much time together anymore? Or maybe perhaps it was because you were an older sister now, with a nine-year-old brother? And he was jealous of Bruce and the close sibling relationship the two of you had? (One that infinitely much better than the one he shared with his own twin.)
Whatever the case, Jerome no longer acted the same around you. He became like an entirely different person. As if his entire personality was hanging on by a thread, and that he was just waiting for one bad day. To push him over the edge.
And then it happened.
He took things to far between the two of you. Confessed his feelings - which didn't bother you, since you realized, you had begun to have a crush on him yourself. Admitted to stalking you days before, he let you know he was back in town. Killed your pet cat and threatened to harm you or your brother. Jerome became unhinged and dangerous to be around.
It devastated not only you, but your parents as well. Who thought of Jerome as another son. (So much so, that he had his own dedicated bedroom in the manor at that point.) But because he went off the deep end, your parents were worried about the safety of both your brothers and your own wellbeing. And with a heavy heart, they had to make a tough decision.
After Haly's circus left Gotham that year to stick to their regular route, you also left. Your parents had decided to send you overseas to their family villa in Switzerland, for your own protection and safety. From one person who you thought you could trust.
It would be the last time you would see your parents, and your brother for many years to come.
Word Count: 587
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faintlyglow · 8 months
oh hello garden childhood friends AU👀 please feel free to elaborate headcanons on this if you’re up to it. you got me reallyyy interested
hehehehe, hello. it's an idea me and @hymbeauxs were talking about recently!! the basic gist is: what if lonely nerd gordon and troubled loner warren met as kids and got to make each other's lives a little better by growing up as friends? some thoughts!
It's 1993, Warren and Gordon are two lonely, nerdy kids who meet in line on opening night to see Jurassic Park. (We originally discussed them meeting at a showing of LOTR, bc you just know Gordon was vibrating with excitement when those films came out.)
They live in two different parts of town, they don't go to school together. Gordon doesn't know anything about Warren's family, Warren doesn't know anything about Gordon getting bullied at school. They just happen across each other at this movie they're both bonkers excited for, and they bond over it.
Gordon makes one of his dorky but endearing jokes, and just like that they're friends. They sit next to each other during the movie. In the dark, Warren smiles over how excitable Gordon is when anything cool happens onscreen.
They swap phone numbers and keep up their burgeoning friendship by sneakily calling each other. Gordon's parents are a little absent, and Warren's dad is...difficult, so usually Warren will call Gordon first.
And, god, it's just nice. Warren isn't used to having friends, so having Gordon to talk to makes his chest feel funny (in a good way).
Warren learns about Lord of the Rings after Gordon flips over him never having heard of it and proceeds to tell him the entire plot. ("Seriously, Warren. You have to read it. I will lend you my copy, just. Please.")
He does read it. Warren likes Arwen a lot. For some reason, she makes him think of Gordon. Warren doesn't dwell on it.
Some snapshots of their friendship as they get older:
Whereas Gordon is the LOTR nerd, Warren is lowkey a walking encyclopedia of dinosaur facts. Them hanging out is peak neurodivergent to neurodivergent communication.
When they're a little older, Warren will sometimes sneak out to go visit Gordon. Gordon's parents are gone a lot, but he feels less lonely when Warren is there. They even come up with a secret knock so Gordon can always tell it's Warren whenever he comes over.
At age 15/16, Warren gets sentenced to some time in a juvenile detention place for punching Clive. Clive absolutely deserved it, but Warren very rarely gets treated fairly, so off he goes to be punished. He worries what Gordon will think. He didn't expect that Gordon would follow through on his promise to call as often as possible. But he does. For the time Warren is in juvie, talking to Gordon on the phone is a fucking lifeline for him.
When Warren gets out, he learns that Gordon is in a band now. His heart beats very very fast the first time he sees Gordon perform.
Anddddd, that's all for now folks lol. Please feel free to ask @hymbeauxs for her thoughts as well! We are very much alike, same road different directions, so if you like this AU, you will almost definitely like anything from her. Plus, she writes incredible garden fics that make me want to scream forever lol
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ragnarssons · 4 months
Do you think Kataang will still happen in the LA? That EW cover of the four of them where Kiawentiio drapes herself over Dallas has me worried.
So. I'll be honest here, I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. It's apparent that the writers only thought about adapting Book 1 so far, and have been prepared, if needed, to have Book 1 be treated as a story of its own. So I think we might have some very small hints here and there, but nothing that will be clear. And for most of book 1 (at the exception of the Blue Spirit episode), Zuko will be an antagonist to the Gaang, and Kiawentiio has already spoken up several times about how her big moment with Zuko is "Katara kicking Zuko's ass at the North pole". Now, if the show works and does get renewed? It'd take years to develop stuff and age would basically become a non-issue at this point. I don't want to worry about that, because no matter what, we'll always have the source material, aka the cartoon, where Kataang are a thing and that is set in stone, it's never gonna disappear and it's gonna be featured in ATLA studio's future projects. I do think not writing Kataang into the LA would be missing out on a huge bunch of symbolism and heartfelt moments, and big dimensions of the characters of Katara and Aang as individuals. I do think at best we'll have Kataang, at "worst" we'll have nothing, for whatever logistical reason, them just not wanting to touch That Shipwar with a stick or whatever. But I'll never believe that "fandoms" could ever sway or force writers (or producers for that matter) to change characters' direction so drastically (unless they're petty, like Jason Rothenberg, but I don't even consider him a writer anymore anyway). I think ZTs could make a petition with 5million signatures demanding ZT in the show, it wouldn't happen if the writers don't want it and don't think it thematically matches their story and characters (and spoiler, it doesn't match ATLA, since it never happened in the cartoon). Really, I just do not want to engage in this LA adaptation thinking about ships (guess I'm getting too old for that lol... also they're children so it makes me take a step-back, like in Stranger Things where I used to - because I won't watch anymore - just not care because they're basically babies). I live in an ideal world where people would finally appreciate ATLA's central symbolic relationship, and that is Zuko and Aang (but thanks to the Shipwar(tm) they're always pitted against each other, which is the most ridiculous thing possible I'm just gonna get upset if I keep going ffs). That's why I'm so pumped about the producers having made Dallas and Gordon have chemistry reads, because it's the heart of the show, really, how these two are constantly bound together by destiny, hope and "soul" (reincarnations, previous lives etc). To me, them testing chemistry between these two actors, makes me believe they understood the assignment (that, and Albert Kim saying that APPA is Aang's best-friend and is basically just vital to Aang). I'd advise people not to read too much into photoshoots tho, they're photoshoots. Kiawentiio and Dallas Liu are friends, let's not overinterpret "marketing" stuff, because it's just marketing, not the story, yknow? 🤷‍♀️
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gmanwhore · 1 year
I was always more into the found family angle and never big on shipping in HLVRAI to begin with (with the exception of good Freelatta content, which is queerplatonic in most of my interpretations, and a bit of occasional Boomer), and I never really liked how Benrey’s crush on Gordon was treated like a joke at best and framed as creepy and uncomfortable at worst in canon, so I was never big on the ship to begin with, but its tendency to overshadow ALL OF THE OTHER INTERESTING THINGS you can do with HLVRAI eventually pushed me to actively disliking it. At this point every time I see a cool HLVRAI AU I have to double check, and 9/10 times it ends up just being another Frenrey AU that barely touches on any of the other characters. They are flawed. They can be just as, if not more, complex than Benrey.
Also I am personally yeeting all content of abusive/neglectful G-Man off the face of this universe as we speak, get that sparkles away from me, HLVRAI canon is BUILT on the fact that Tommy wanted a birthday party and friends to go to it with, and G-Man went out of his way to give him that! He explicitly told Gordon to take care of Tommy because he was getting worried about his child but couldn’t intervene himself! G-Man Coolatta CARES ABOUT HIS CHILD(REN if you count Benrey which I now do in some versions, thank you for letting me steal this HC haha)
I like Freelatta simply because it's a comfort to me due to personal thing but like...yeah Frenrey was always bad. It was never meant to be good ever at all and I hate the ship I hate it I hate it. I like thinking that the science team is each other's ride or die, people they can count on even if things get messy between them because THAT'S GOOD THAT IS HOW IT SHOULD BE
Also apologies since my aus tend to have at least on romantic Freelatta plot point because them but like...I make sure that everyone gets something because I truly love the characters they all mean so much to me
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
Okay so I know I'll be alone in this but I gotta say it. I headcanon Jim Gordon as aromantic (being aromantic myself). It's not like I can "prove it", it's just...He has the vibes. I look at him like "I know what you are". Mind two things before I start this rant: 1) aromanticism is a spectrum, it's not like the things I am going to talk about are irrefutable signs of being aromantic, this is just my interpretation 2) I'm halfway season 2, so I my opinion are only based of what I have seen until this point. I don't know if later something will happen which will make me think this post was bullshit.
I think Jim Gordon is aromantic but he doesn't know.
Let's start with saying that, it may be the writers' fault, but I never felt a lot of romantic tension between Jim and his partners up untile the point I have watched the show (so Barbara and Lee). Sexual tension, great, aesthetic attraction, cool, intellectual attraction, especially with Lee, perfect, romantic? Nah.
I think Jim really cares about both Barbara and Lee. I think he is attracted to them sexually and aesthetically, but not romantically. His mind, though, based on this information, created the false equation "I am attracted to them, I care about them, I must be in love with them". And I specifically think that Jim's mind would "trick" him like this because I believe Jim's moral compass is very strong also in his personal relationship. Jim is very old fashioned in his manners, that's something we can easily tell from the show. I think he is one of those who still see only having a sexual partnership without romantic involvement as morally repulsive. It's either something he wouldn't be willing to do, or, at least, he wouldn't do with people he cares about, like Barbara and Lee. He'd feel like he was treating them unfairly by just having sex with them and not making them "honest women". So he forces himself in romantic relationships he doesn't seem really cut for. (I also headcanon he thinks literally everybody feels like him, that books and movies and people who talk about love exaggerates stuff, there's no way people actually feel like that, so he just...copies what he sees other people say and do about love, even if it doesn't come natural to him, because he just thinks that's how you're supposed to do things in relationships, it doesn't matter if you don't really feel them. It's simply following the protocol, you know?)
Everytime something happens that put his loved one in danger, Jim is like "go out of town, see you someday" and sure, he is worried about these people, but at the same times it just looks to me like he...like he really doesn't have separation anxiety. Like, off you go. The kind of love he feels towards Lee and Barbara is not really the dramatic "Oh I can't live without you", Jim is way more pragmatic in his ways. He cares about these people and he wants to keep them safe, but he doesn't need them to be next to him all the time, there is none of that pain of lovers being separated. As long as Lee and Barbara are safe, that's what counts. His life isn't suddenly miserable and unbearable if they aren't around, which is something you often get shown in romantic products when two lovers are away from one another.
Also, I know Jim's main trait is being a very righteous man, and I am not saying it comes from being aromantic, I am just saying it helps explain why job for him is always >>>love. Like, he never meets (until the point I have watched) a woman and he is like "well, done, I am the happiest I have ever been, time to quit being dangerous and live a happy life with her". Love doesn't fulfill him, his quest for justice does.
I also want to add he is not big on PDA and he seems pretty uncomfortable with everybody knowing about his relationship with Lee. Sure, he is a reserved man, I am just saying, in my interpretation, it could be more. Lee costantly tells him to be more open with his affections, but maybe he just...doesn't have the feeling he should be more open with. He was pretty much stunned when Lee gave him the key to her apartment. He doesn't enjoy double dates. I honestly feel everytime he says I love you (which took him a while for him to say) it's like because he feels he has to say it in that moment.
A point I feel it's important to add is about that kiss with Barbara during the interrogation, Lee's mild jealousy and Jim's reaction. During the interrogation in which Jim wants to know more about Theo Galavan from Barbara (I don't remember the episode, but it's the one with Barbara dressed in the wedding gown), Jim kisses her to get more information. Lee is worried and jealous about the kiss, he confronts Jim about it, but he is chill about it. Lee thinks Jim might still have feelings/catch feelings for Barbara, but Jim reassure her, which is obvious, of course he was never going to say that he is at risk of falling for Barbara again. But then he actually doesn't catch feelings again for Barbara. He kisses his ex, but truly this doesn't change anything for Jim. Barbara makes a whole speech about still being in love with Jim, he doesn't even flinch. Look, I have never been in a relationship, but I suppose people usually aren't that indifferent to their exes. I mean, obviously Jim still cares about Barbara as a person, but his "romantic" feelings are just gone. It would have made sense for the writers to play on Jim's lingering romantic affection for Barbara- I mean, they were supposed to marry- but no, nothing, he was cool as a cucumber under her touch. Which I choose to interpret as him never having romantic feelings for Barbara at all, he just cared deeply about her and was attracted to her. I think he doesn't even know he is aromantic and he is in that phase in which he thinks he can switch his feelings towards someone on and off. He said to Lee he wasn't in love with Barbara anymore and there's nothing Barbara could do to make him come back to her, because there never was. Lee is worried while Jim is like "if I say I am not in love with Barbara anymore, I simply am not, because I can control who I fall in love with, like everybody else."
Like, no, honey, no. I used to think the same, but no.
Like I said, I don't have "proof" Jim Gordon is aromantic. It's not like aromanticism is a series of boxes you need to tick, I just choose to interpret his character this way. I am very aware he was not written as aromantic, probably Gotham writers didn't even know what the word aromantic meant, but if I were to stick to canon aromantic representation in media I'd have like 5 characters from shows I don't even watch. I don't even like Jim Gordon as a character that much, I don't like him for a lot of reasons, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Again, I see him and I just go "you have no idea of the distinction between the different kinds of attraction, do you, you slimy little freak?"
I technically also headcanon Edward Nygma as aromantic but a post on that would have literally been "He is greencoded therefore aro coded, I have made my argument".
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squiddokiddo · 11 months
Greetings! If you’d like to and I’m not bothering you- the Random Character Asks for Gordon?
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
37. What they really think about themselves
42. 3 comfort items
Hey, thanks for asking and don't worry, you're definitely not bothering me.💛💛
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Character asks: Gordon Tracy edition
32 ・Something guaranteed to make them laugh.
Literally other people laughing, I think Gordon gets most of his joy just seeing others being happy and having fun.
That and silly animal videos.
37 ・What they really think about themselves.
Over the years I've seen a few of people writing Gordon as a self centered, thinks he's funny, never takes anything serious kinda guy and I just don't see it.
I don't think he really respected himself much pre IR and his hydrofoil accident gave him a bit of wake up call which kick started him into doing more self care while recovering physically and mentally which helped boost his confidence in himself.
I think in current day, Gordon's opinion of himself is really neutral much like his brothers, he doesn't hate himself nor think he's the greatest human to have graced the earth. He sees his job with IR as something that anyone would do if they could, saving lives is just doing the right thing in his eyes.
He acknowledges that he has done amazing things and has qualities to be proud of but he never considers himself better than anyone else. He's confident in his abilities and skills while knowing that there's always more to learn every day.
He likes to talk himself up as a joke but it's pretty obvious he's just messing around, he doesn't like self deprecating humour (whether it's him making jokes about himself or someone else putting themselves down) and he dislikes others putting him on a pedestal just as much as he hates people treating him like dirt.
He just sees himself as Gordon.
42 ・3 Comfort items.
Ok so it's pretty much fanon that Gordon has a plush squid that he got as a child that the fandom dubbed Squiddy if I remember correctly (shows you how long ago I was lurking here lol)
So yeah he has his favourite plush squid that he took with him everywhere as a kiddo and has had plenty of wear and tear and stitches over the years. He sits on his bed, pride of place in amongst his pillows and other stuffed animals. You'll often find him snuggling up with him when he's feeling down or sick or hurt.
You may only hold the squid if you're close friends or family, no one else is allowed to touch him.
If I'm being honest I'm not really sure about other comfort items he'd have apart from maybe a mountain of plush sea creatures and fluffy blankets, I think a lot of his comfort comes from family and being in their presence which is pretty much that same for all of the Tracy boys.
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Again I hope I didn't ramble too much in my answers lol. (;^∇^)
Ask game
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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It became habit.
A Virgil instigated habit.
The second eldest had never been tall. Scott always had and if Scott was honest with himself, he used to forget to slow down.
It started in the playground. Scott ran off one day all excited to show Virgil something, thinking his little brother was behind him. So, it was with surprise he turned around to find Virgil nowhere to be found.
Also, it was minor heart attack inducing.
Mom was around somewhere, so Virgil was likely with her, but she was occupied with Johnny, and Dad had impressed on Scott that Mom needed help and Virgil was Scott’s responsibility.
And he was nowhere to be seen.
It was only moments and Virgil was found as soon as Scott back-tracked, but it gave him enough of a scare to remember that his little brother couldn’t always keep up.
And age didn’t change that fact.
As Gordon and Alan appeared he found himself with a whole flock of brothers who, in general, could not keep up. Scott was fast, both in thought and leg length, and he always found himself having to slow down.
It was a relief to go for a walk with Dad, just so he could hit his stride.
Not that he wouldn’t do absolutely anything for his brothers.
He just wanted the freedom to move.
John eventually caught up with him, long, lanky and as determined as Scott in his own way.
But Virgil never did.
He knew his brother tried to compensate for some of it with his strength. Virgil could dead lift the lot of them if he wanted to, far stronger than Scott would ever be. And he was proud of his brother’s achievements. All of his brothers’ achievements.
But long legs was something Virgil would never have.
So, like the Thunderbirds they flew, Virgil was always behind him somewhere.
Unless he slowed down.
It became habit to check his stride, decelerate his ‘bird, step into a calmer pace to stay with his brother.
Scott didn’t mind. In fact, he hardly thought about it anymore. It was just the way of things.
But not now.
Here he could stretch out his legs and run as fast as he wanted. His morning run was time for just him. Time to be himself without the labels, without the expectations, without the need to adapt to others.
He ran the same path every morning. On purpose. He knew every bush, every tree, every obstacle. He knew that by the time he circled the Island the sun would be peeking over the horizon and everything would be bathed in pink and gold.
It was always a beautiful moment and a treat just for himself.
Perfection before the descent of the day.
Of course, it didn’t happen every morning. Life had plenty of interruptions up its sleeve. But he did do this as often as possible.
There was rhythm to his feet hitting the pre-dawn gravel. Power in straining muscles.
And speed.
Scott Tracy freed to the mountain.
He smirked at the idea.
This morning was no different. There were wisps of cloud in the sky and a bit of a chill in the air, usual for this time of year.  Subconsciously he checked the wind direction against bare skin and calculated any differences to their usual launch protocols.
The Thunderbirds didn’t require much correction, they made their own weather, but the civilian craft they kept were a little more prone.
And besides, it was just good aeronautics.
As if in answer the breeze stiffened, tangling in his sweaty hair and wrapping warmth around his arms.
The clouds sailed on.
He put more effort into running up the next hill. Being a volcanic island, and relatively young, there were plenty of cliffs, valleys and challenges for his body. And he loved every one of them.
They proved he still had it.
Every day.
And gave him that moment to escape.
“Hey, Ostrich!”
He startled. But the voice was familiar, if unexpected.
He jogged up the last of the incline and sure enough Virgil was standing in the middle of the path.
His brother was in his uniform and for a split second, Scott worried they had a call out, But John wasn’t interrupting him, and the teasing grin on Virgil’s face had no urgency in it.
Scott jogged to a stop, panting. “What are you doing out here, Tank?”
Virgil snorted. “Just testing.”
“What? My patience.”
“Now that wouldn’t be much of a challenge, would it?”
Scott eyed his brother. It was far too early for him to be up. Left to himself, Virgil would sleep well into ten, at least, bar work or a call out. “Did you sleep last night?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. Enough to make Scott wonder if this was actually Gordon wearing a holosuit.
“I’m fine. Still staggering sleep from last Thursday.”
“Exactly. That was last Thursday. You should be sleeping better by now.”
“I’m fine.” His brother frowned at him. “Stop worrying.”
Scott bit back a retort. “You still haven’t told me why you’re out here. Or how you got here.” Let’s just say that while Virgil was known for strolling around the Island, running wasn’t usually in the equation. His tank of a brother burned all his carbs in the gym.
“As I said, testing.”
“Testing what?”
“What equipment?” All he could see was his idiot of a brother standing in the middle of the path, obstructing his morning run.
Virgil shrugged. “Are you sure you can’t see anything?”
Scott looked around. There was rock, cliff, bushes, a few trees, the sun poking through Tracy Peak. Damn, he’d missed the sunrise. He frowned. There was already heat haze forming.
“No. Any hints?”
His brother’s smirk was triumphant. He hit his comms. “Brains, the test was a success.”
Virgil’s grin split wide at the excited babble from their genius engineer.
Scott frowned. “What is going on?”
That grin softened into fondness and Virgil touched his wrist control.
Above the both of them, clinging to the cliff, an elegant aircraft phased into existence.
Scott’s eyes widened. “Thunderbird Shadow! The stealth tech, you did it?”
Dark eyes shone. “Works like a dream. Flew out here, followed you around for a while, landed her. We figured that if you didn’t notice, most wouldn’t.”
Scott stared up at the black and silver craft that had been under development for months. “She’s ready?”
“Almost. Brains is just finishing up.”
“Can I take her for a spin?” Kayo was going to be so happy. But not until Scott had done his own array of testing.
Virgil arched an eyebrow at him. “Not dressed like that, you’re not. Flight suit required.”
Scott shot him a flat stare before smirking. “Race you back then.”
A snort. “No contest, Ostrich.”
“Then keep in the slow lane, Tank.” Scott darted around him and ran full bolt down into the next valley.
“Hey, don’t do anything stupid!”
Scott yelled back to him. “Sorry, can’t talk. Busy leaving you in the dust.”
He grinned at his brother’s exasperated groan.
Yes, Scott had a habit of stepping back, slowing down, and caring for his family. But there were still times where his natural speed was just what was needed.
Dust included.
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pxmun · 2 years
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Darius and Romeo had left early that morning to talk to Lady about returning to the normal realm. Scotsman and Gordon were left with Cleo and Thomas as the two brothers thought it better to have Rusty take them to Lady and spare the gold dust.
Cleo was busy getting Thomas ready for the day. She was going to miss Thomas and everyone on Sodor, but her brothers and her already had lives back home. Despite Darius having to work two jobs that he didn't like, one with a boss that always complained over the littlest mistake, and Romeo being harassed and threatened by the local gangs, and Cleo having to deny herself opportunities for higher learning because it was too expensive for her family. Thinking on it now maybe the best thing for them would be to stay on Sodor. The Duke and Duchess of Boxford really appreciated Darius and Scotsman's help and even told the young adult that if he needed to be closer to his siblings, they would talk to the Earl and see if Darius and Scotsman could work for Ulfstead castle. Romeo wouldn’t have to worry about the gangs and could stay close to his Sodor friends both engine and human. Cleo really appreciated the Earl's help with researching on Dinah and Wendell, she also loved spending time with both Lady Hatt and Dowager Hatt, those two had been the closest Cleo ever had to having mother figures.  Despite how she felt when she first arrived on Sodor, the island and its inhabitants really grew on the girl. Even with its... “Cleo, Cleo”! Flying Scotsman shouted from a distance. Annoyances. Scotsman spotted the girl about to light Thomas’s firebox. Ever since Darius and Romeo left, Flying Scotsman had been practicing his big brother skills with Cleo and decisive to say it was really annoying. The larger engine was being overprotective, watching Cleo like a hawk. Scotsman rolled up onto the turntable and had his driver turn it to face Thomas and Cleo. “You shouldn’t be playing with fire young Cleo, let the firemen handle that.” Scotsman said. “It’s okay Scotsman, I’ve done this several times before.” Cleo tried to assure. By this point, Cleo had managed to ignite the match she had, this sent Scotsman in a panic. He had his fireman grab a bucket of water and extinguished the match; in the process he ended up drenching Thomas’s firebox and Cleo.  “Scotsman”! Cleo and Thomas shouted. “What? I’m just looking out for Darius’s little sister.” Scotsman said. “I don’t need looking after!” Cleo said as she tried to ring out the water in her hair. “I was only”. Scotsman was interrupted.
“Now because of the little shower you gave us, Thomas is going to be late running his branch line"! Cleo continued. “Cleo, I’m sorry.” Scotsman tried to apologize, but Cleo ignored him. “Thomas I’ll be back in a bit to dry you off, I need to change into something dry, then I’m going for a little walk by myself.” Cleo told Thomas before storming off. Thomas glared at Scotsman. “You really need to have more trust in Cleo, Scotsman. She’s a really responsible young lady and you treating her like she’s a helpless baby really hurt her.” Thomas told the larger engine. Scotsman wheeshed sadly. Sometime later, Cleo was walking along a nature trail through Henry’s Forest. She was still upset over the way Scotsman had treated her, not only Scotsman but Cleo also had to put up with Gordon’s teasing as well. The big blue engine would often tease Cleo that she was too small or not strong enough to properly help Thomas on his branch line.  Cleo soon came upon a unique looking tree, there were beautiful white and gold flowers blooming from its branches. The girl climbed up onto the lowest branch and sat upon it, her anger soon manifesting into tears. “Why do those two Doncaster brothers have to be so overbearing? I wish they knew what it actually feels like to be helpless”! Cleo voiced out. Henry soon arrived and Cleo wiped away her tears.  “Thomas’s firebox is all dry now and he’s ready to run his branch line, are you going to join him today”? Henry asked. “I think I will Henry, would you be able to take me back to the sheds”? Cleo asked. “Certainly! Hop aboard and I’ll get you there in no time at all”! Henry smiled. Cleo entered Henry’s cab and they were soon on their way to Tidmouth sheds. As they chuffed away, one of the flowers on the tree wilted away and was replaced by a strange looking purple striped fruit.  Once there Cleo thanked Henry for the ride and immediately ran off to find Thomas. She saw the tank engine coupled up to Annie and Clarabelle near the coaches shed. They looked worried. “Thank goodness Cleo’s back”! Annie said a bit relieved. “Maybe she knows what is going on.” Clarabelle said. “What is going on? Has something happened”? Cleo asked confused. “Oh, something has happened alright.” Annie said. “It’s Gordon and Scotsman, their, their, well how would you describe it, Thomas.”? Clarabelle asked, a loss for words. “I think it would be better if we showed her. Come on Cleo we need to go to Knapford.” Thomas instructed. Cleo boarded Thomas’s cab and the little blue tank engine rushed for the station. As they pulled in, Cleo could see a crowd of passengers confronting Sir Topham Hatt about a delay with the express coaches. Cleo looked around the station, there was no sign of the Doncaster brothers anywhere. Sir Topham Hatt saw Thomas and Cleo and ran over to them. “Cleo, Thomas, I’m so glad to see you two! We have a “situation” with Gordon and Scotsman, one I believe that can only be resolved with magic.” Sir Topham Hatt said. “What’s wrong with them”? Cleo asked. Sir Topham Hatt signaled for Cleo to follow him. The two made their way to the front of the express coaches. Once they reached the front, Cleo was shocked by what she saw. There in front of the express coaches were two little tender engines, arguing with each other. “This is your fault”! The blue engine said. “No, it’s yours”! Shouted the green engine. Cleo couldn’t believe what she was seeing, the two little engines looked and sounded young. Nevertheless, Cleo recognized them. “Gordon? Scotsman”? Cleo asked stunned. The two little engines stopped their squabble and looked over at the shocked girl. “Hi Cleo.” The two sheepishly greeted. “What on Sodor happened to you two”! Cleo asked. “We don’t know. We were big grown- up engines, then “poof” we turned into little young engines.” Scotsman tried to explain. “Cleo, do you think you can use your whistle to turn Gordon and Scotsman back to normal”? Sir Topham Hatt asked. “I’ll try.” Cleo said. Cleo blew into her whistle, with a huff and a puff, steam flew out of Thomas’s funnel and enveloped Doncaster brothers. To everyone’s horror, when the steam disappeared Gordon and Scotsman were still young engines. “It didn’t work”?! Cleo asked shocked. “Now what are we going to do”? Thomas asked. Sir Topham Hatt thought for a moment. “Thomas, Cleo, why don’t you two take Gordon and Scotsman up to Ulfstead castle and see if the Earl might know anything about what has happened.” Sir Topham Hatt instructed. “But what about the express"? Gordon asked. “Your way too small to pull the express.” Cleo told the little blue engine. “No, I’m not! I can still take it, right Sir”? Little Gordon asked. “I’m afraid Cleo is right Gordon. You and Scotsman cannot perform your task as you currently are. I’ll have to have Henry pull the express for Sodor and see if Spencer is free to take the express for the Mainland.  Now run along to Ulfstead castle and listen to Cleo and Thomas, they’ll be in charge of you two until we can get you back to normal.” Sir Topham Hatt said. Gordon pouted as Cleo and the three engines left. As they made their way to the castle, Thomas and Cleo tried to figure out what caused Gordon and Scotsman to be regressed like they did. “I don’t think it was the gold dust, Romeo and Darius won’t be back until this evening and the only time I used my whistle was back at Knapford.” Cleo said. “Then what else can it possibly be? If it wasn’t the gold dust, what kind of magic could have caused this”? Thomas asked confused. “I don’t have a single clue, Thomas. They were fine when I left for my walk- through Henry’s Forest.” Cleo responded. “Henry’s Forest”? Thomas asked. “Yes, I spent some time sitting on a funny looking tree with these beautiful white and gold flowers blooming from it.” Cleo said. Thomas was beginning to put the pieces together. “Um, Cleo you didn’t happen to wish for something while you were near this tree by any chance, did you”? Thomas asked nervously. “Yes, I was so upset with the way Gordon and Scotsman had been treating me, I wished that they would know what it was like to be actually helpless, but what does that have to do with our current situation”? Cleo asked. “Because I know what happened. Cleo, you made a wish on the Wishing Tree! It must’ve granted the wish you made”! Thomas said. “She what”! Gordon and Scotsman shouted, the two came to a screeching stop. “Cleo, you did this to us”?! Scotsman asked shocked. “Not on purpose! I didn’t know about the Wishing Tree until just now”! Cleo said. “Well, I think this is a well- deserved bit of karma after all the teasing and overbearing you two have done.” Thomas said. Scotsman and Gordon looked down in shame. “I guess I was being a bit overbearing. Cleo’s always careful when she is on the railway.” Scotsman admitted. “And I was being a big jerk when I kept telling Cleo she was too small to help Thomas.” Gordon said. The brothers looked at each other, then Cleo. “We’re sorry for treating you so poorly Cleo.” The two young engines apologized. “And I’m sorry for putting you two into this situation. So, let’s work together to get you two back to normal.” Cleo said. The two young engines cheered, and the group continued on their journey. Once at Ulfstead, they were greeted at the gate by Stephen and Glynn. “Hello, Thomas and Cleo! It’s good to see you two again. If you’re looking for the Earl, he’s in the courtyard.” Stephen said. “Are you here on history business Cleo? Did you and Thomas find out anything new about Dinah and Wendell”? Glynn asked. “Not yet Glynn. We’re actually here to see about undoing a wish I made on the Wishing Tree.” Cleo replied. “Undoing a wish? What did you wish for”? Stephen asked curiously. That was when the two old engines noticed Gordon and Scotsman, they immediately burst out laughing. “Well at least now those two are finally acting their age.” Glynn laughed. Gordon and Scotsman didn’t like Stephen and Glynn making fun of them.  After the two had their laugh, the older engines moved out of the way so Thomas and his group could get pass. The Earl was supervising some workmen who were moving a newly acquired antique into the museum. He dismissed the workmen for their break once he saw Cleo approach. “Ah, Cleo, have you come with a new discovery to document”? The Earl asked. “Not today sir. I need to look at the archives to find anything on the Wishing Tree. I need to undo a wish that is affecting Gordon and Scotsman.” Cleo replied. The Earl approached the two young engines and examined them. He had never seen anything like this. “My, my, this certainly is quite peculiar. I believe I do have a few documentations on that tree. Let’s head to archives.” The Earl said. Cleo left Thomas in charge of the young engines as she headed down to the archives. Once there, the Earl gathered up all the documents and material he had on the Wishing Tree. He laid them out on a large table for Cleo to sort through. Cleo found some old testaments from Sudrians experiences with the tree and even a note from Dinah and Ethan. From their letter Cleo discovered that the tree was given to Sodor as a symbol of peace between the inhabitants of the island and some unknown entities that had been censored out. There actually had been several things on the document that were censored which Cleo found odd, why would Dinah purposefully leave out pieces of her notes?  Unfortunately, there was nothing on undoing wishes. Cleo looked again through the testaments again and found one from a herbalist.  After visiting the Wishing Tree and making a wish for the weather to be extra rainy that week so their crops could get some much needed water. Unfortunately, the rain kept coming and was starting to flood the town. When the herbalist returned to the tree to try to see if they could wish the rain again, they discovered that some of the flowers that had previously been on the tree were replaced by fruits. They plucked one of the fruits from the tree and took it back to their office to study. After some research they discovered that the fruit was sort of an antidote for wishes that the wisher wanted to undo. All they had to do was to take a bite out of the fruit.  Cleo nearly jumped for joy when she read the document. She handed the Earl Dinah’s censored note before rushing out to the engines. “We need to head back to Henry’s Forest, there’s a cure for the wish”! Cleo told them. She hopped into Thomas’s cab, and they were soon off. They finally reached the Wishing Tree and with Thomas’s help Cleo was able to reach the closest hanging fruit. The girl took a large bite out of it. “How does it taste”? Thomas asked. Cleo’s face scrunched up in disgust, her eyes watering. “Eugh! This is the foulest thing I’ve ever tasted”! Cleo said as she resisted the urge to spit out the fruit. As soon as Cleo finished the fruit there was a flash, Gordon and Scotsman had returned to normal. “Cleo, you did it”! Gordon cheered. And with that Cleo and the three engines happily chuffed away.
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tornadoyoungiron · 2 years
A GOLDEN SOUL - Chapter 11 - A Tornado Descends
James confronts Green Arrow and Edward. The opening of Sodor's NRM branch has a dark undercurrent while Tornado discovers some dark truths.
Great Northern finds himself exiled by the A3 and A4 Pacifics of the LNER after his new rebuild.
Ao3 | Ff.net
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"I thought you'd be up at the castle today Mr Fancy Wheels," James sneered as he came upon Green Arrow sitting in a siding at Edward's station.
"Ms Tornado's taking my place," Arrow said, gazing up at the sky. "It's good for her to be in the public eye again. I don't want her to be in disgrace."
James just snorted.
"Makes a change from you stealing everyone's jobs," James muttered and Arrow glanced at him.
"I don't try to steal jobs," Arrow said earnestly. "It's not my intention to. I apologise if I give off that impression."
James just huffed at him.
"You're just a smaller, weaker version of Gordon and Scotsman. I don't see why an engine like you was preserved," he said snootily and Green Arrow glared at him.
It always rankled him when other engines compared him to the A3 Pacifics or called him a weaker version of them. James had continuously done this and he'd usually mostly ignore the obvious jabs, however, the stress from worrying over Mallard had gotten him to a breaking point.
"At least I don't crash every time I go around a corner," Arrow hissed at the red engine and James looked furious.
"Well, at least my bogey wheels don't derail every other mile!" James fumed and Arrow hissed steam at him in response.
"At least my entire personality is based around the colour of my paint!" Arrow snarled viscously. "And I've seen the way you follow Gordon around like a lost puppy trying to impress and copy him! It's honestly pathetic!"
James' eyes widened in shock and a look of hurt washed across his face immediately making Arrow regret his words.
"I- I'm sorry James that was harsh of me," He apologised. "I didn't mean to be so nasty."
James just glared at him, steam gathering around him in an angry cloud as he released it.
Arrow frowned.
"But that being said, you've been nothing but nasty to me ever since I arrived here," Arrow said. "I haven't done anything to try and antagonise you. Hell, even Gordon treats me with more respect than you do, just what is your problem with me?"
"You think you're a better version of me!" James shouted and Arrow just raised an eyebrow.
"I- no I don't, what are you talking about?" Arrow asked, confused. "I don't think that at all."
"Yes, you do! I've seen the way you looked at me! All snooty and condescending!" James snapped.
"That's was because you did nothing but bully me when I was mute so getting one up on you made it all the sweeter!" Arrow shot back angrily. "You were so horrible to me when I couldn't speak! I couldn't defend myself but you and your friends always found every chance to insult or humiliate me!"
Green Arrow had been shouting louder now, his voice rising and getting even more upset as he began to rile himself up, remembering his first months on Sodor.
"You have no idea the hell all of you put me through! I was so scared and I felt so helpless for months!" He yelled at James who had gone silent. "The only time I got peace was when Edward or Thomas helped me! Why can't you all just leave me alone!"
He was both angry and on the verge of tears as he remembered how unwelcome he had been on Sodor. Months of undealt with emotions bubbling to the surface. He panted and grit his teeth, desperately trying to stop himself from having a meltdown.
James could only sit in silence and feel awkward and be filled with regret.
"What's going on here?" Edward called sternly as he pulled up behind James. "James, you're going to be late with your trucks." He admonished.
James looked away from Arrow and pulled away with his trucks as Edward watched him go completely confused. He glanced over at Green Arrow who was in clear distress.
"Arrow what's wrong?" Edward asked, deeply concerned. "Did James upset you?"
"I- I- no I just…" Arrow stammered before screwing his eyes shut and trying to stop himself from crying. "I don't-"
"It's alright Arrow, I won't judge you for being upset," Edward assured him. "Please tell me what's wrong so I can help."
"I just, I'm so stressed, everything that's happened in the past year… I just, everything came up all at once I don't- I'm sorry-" Arrow stammered quickly. "It wasn't just James, it was… everything everyone did or said. I thought I was over it, but clearly not."
Edward gave Arrow a sympathetic glance.
"I'll give your work to BoCo and Bear and you can have a day off," Edward said kindly. "You're clearly not in any shape to run, dear friend."
Green Arrow looked ready to argue but Edward cut him off.
"No and or buts, I must insist and I won't take no for an answer," Edward said. "I'll ask Henry or Thomas to look after you if they can. You can go to Tidmouth sheds and rest for the rest of the day."
"But the Fat Controller-"
"My driver will phone him and tell him what happened," Edward said with a smile. "You've been through a lot Arrow, you deserve some rest every now and then."
Arrow sniffed as he looked at the old blue engine.
Edward had always been so kind to him since the day he had arrived on Sodor. He'd been so willing to help him, no matter the issue.
He smiled at the blue engine with deep gratitude.
"You've always been so nice to me Edward," he said, his voice quiet and laced with unshed tears. "Thank you so much."
Edward smiled at him kindly. "It is my pleasure, Green Arrow. Now off you go."
Edward watched as Green Arrow shuffled off slowly, clearly in no rush. The blue engine frowned as Arrow was out of eyesight and stared down at the track to where James had hurriedly disappeared.
He would have to have a stern chat with the red engine.
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Batman '89 (The comic)
This is allegedly an inspired sort of Tim Burton Batman 3 with Harvey Dent. There's also a Superman '78 one that I'm going to cover later on but so far this one is 6 issues.
It's pretty sound, it feels like an 80's movie with the way the comic panels look and the wonky way the suit moves, it makes it feel pretty authentic. Harvey is set up quite efficiently, immediately making him the bad guy but with good intentions. He thinks that Batman is the cause for all this crime, he's challenged people to be like him or get rid of him so Harvey takes it out on him as well as Gordon.
And for a time, Bruce starts to agree with him. It challenges whether Batman is causing more trouble than help.
Did I mention that Babs is in this draft? She's nothing to really write home about, more or less just plays Rachel's role in TDK. But you also might know that Robin was going to be introduced in this, Drake. Not Tim Drake though. This brings about a whole slew of things because he's not Dick with the tragic backstory or acrobatic experience, he's an African American kid who lives in a garage car shop. (R)oyal Auto Body. He doesn't care about Batman, in fact he even has reason to dislike him but takes up the role of Robin on his own. You see, Batman misses out on some things, particularly when it's domestic or smaller scale. Robin's out here looking after the poor people in need.
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There's this scene that's really representative of it where this guy steals from this shop down the street but he only steals essentials like diapers and formula, a common problem we have today, but Batman comes knocking wondering where the cash is because he heard the shopowner yapping about someone robbing him. Robin swoops in, fights Batman and leaves a tip, Drake, the kid with no money to his name gives this guy he doesn't know eight dollars when Bruce, a billionaire, wouldn't do the same and instead tried to chastise her for it. Robin is in the grey so to speak. And where does the name Robin come from? Well one of the white dudes tries to pin a robbery on him saying "He was robin-" and people took that as Robin Hood. (also they eventually mention he feeds birds) Very smart and very clever.
So how does Harvey get his second face? Someone sets fire to the body shop and Drake's left inside, got blazed with battery acid and fuel (auto shop), and it ended up being Bruce as Bruce and Drake as Drake who yanked him out. As normal civilians, they get along (mostly) but as vigilantes, they're adversaries. But while he's getting burned, he's having delusions of grandeur which becomes the other side of the coin and always weighing possibilities, at least better than Batman Forever's version of some guy splashing a cup of acid in Dent's face (which he just had on his person for whatever reason) and then Batman showing up too late and jumping over the gate (for whatever reason).
And guess who the arsons are?...Just some guys. But guess who catches them? Catwoman returns! And Bruce has one of her cats. I get worried when I hear there's more connection to the other movies, (including Joker's goons) because I was afraid it'd all get sidelined or just not well treated or bring down the quality of the rest but no, it's all quite good and fits.
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One of the best Two-Faces I've seen. I've seen reviews saying they're not really a fan of the way it was done but I really enjoyed it, it's definitely better than Bats Forever and may even surpass Returns.
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kudosmyhero · 22 days
Batman: The Long Halloween #13:Chapter 13: Punishment
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● poor Gordon deals with so much shit ● is that “guard” gonna end up being Batman? ● that “guard” ended up being Batman. ● oof, this one is a 50-pager ● here for it ● those are some unwieldy-looking casts… ● ok, Gordon trick-or-treating with his family is hella cute
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● let’s see, we’ve got Solomon Grundy (born on a Monday), Mad Hatter, Joker, Two-Face in the shadows I think?, Penguin, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and …Catwoman? ● oof, Two-Face’s face is… nicely hideous in this art ● Sophia/Sofia spellings used within panels of each other ● damn, that 50 pages FLEW by! ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Alberto Falcone reveals himself as Holiday and prepares to shoot James Gordon. The fallen guard rises and attacks Falcone, beats him to a pulp and when he is done, he takes off his armor and reveals himself as Batman. Gordon arrests Alberto for the murder of Salvatore Maroni.
When the word is known about the identity of Holiday, Carmine Falcone visits his son Alberto in prison and offers him help getting out with no consequences. Alberto refuses, given the fact that he has made a name for himself and that he is now bigger than any member of the Falcone Crime Family. Gordon and Batman analyze the situation and realize that it all makes sense: Alberto faked his own death to throw them off while he continued killing people. However, Batman feels guilty because he always suspected his friend, the district attorney, Harvey Dent.
On Halloween night, James and Barbara visit Gilda at her home. The woman is still worried for his husband, as there has been no signs of him.
Later, in Arkham Asylum, someone is setting some of the most dangerous inmates free. The mysterious man approaches Calendar Man's cell and flips a coin to decide wether to set him free or not. In the end, the man leaves Calendar Man in his cell.
A few moments later, at Falcone's Penthouse, Carmine is furious because Alberto has been sentenced to die and sill he refused his father's help. On the outside, someone is taking out all the Falcone guards by killing them. The power in the whole building is gone and Carmine is left with his daughter Sofia to confront whoever has entered his building. They follow the trail of dead security guards bodies until they arrive at Carmine's office, where they are confronted by a group of what Falcone would call "freaks". Solomon Grundy, The Mad Hatter, Joker, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Catwoman and the mysterious man are waiting for Carmine to get inside. Carmine points his gun towards the mysterious man, who is leading the rest of them and demands an answer. The leader of the gang rises and reveals himself as Harvey Dent, only that he is different now. The left half of his face is completely scarred and he calls himself Two-Face. Joker urges Two-Face to kill Carmine so they can split the city between them. At that moment, a smoke bomb is thrown inside through a vent in the roof. Batman comes down on top of Grundy and knocks him down as he releases more smoke bombs. Batman then takes the enemies one by one, from the most dangerous to the less threatening. First Grundy and Joker, then Ivy, Hatter and Penguin and in the end Scarecrow. Batman asks Catwoman whose side is she on and she replies that she is on the same side as always. Batman didn't noticed Two-Face and the man has taken Carmine Falcone as a hostage. Batman recognizes Harvey but Two-Face explains him that Harvey is gone. Batman tries to make Harvey think his actions but Two-Face tells him that no matter how many times they send people like Falcone to jail, they'll come out and it will be and endless vicious cycle and that justice can be decided like a flip of a coin. Two-Face tosses his coin and it lands on the scarred side and thus Two-Face shots Falcone twice in the head. Sofia is enraged to see what Two-Face has done and tries to attack him while Catwoman tries to hold her. Their struggle lead them to the window when Sofia stumbles and crushes it with her weight. Catwoman tries to save her but Sofia falls down from the building. Batman tries to make Harvey surrender, but Two-Face tricks him and knocks him down with the weapon.
Two-Face goes to the District Attorney's office and confronts Vernon Wells, his corrupt assistant. Two-Face realized that Wells was the person who gave Maroni the acid the day of the trial and with a flip of his coin, Harvey kills Vernon. After recovering, Batman arrives late at the scene and finds only Two-Face's coin at the same time that the Bat-Signal is lightened in the sky.
Batman arrives at the GCPD Headquarters and finds Two-Face waiting for him. Two-Face tells him that he did what was needed to be done. James Gordon appears in the rooftop and Two-Face explains them that he just did what the city needed to be rid of the organized crime once and for all. Gordon tells him that despite the goal, Dent betrayed everything he believed in and Two-Face tells him that it is not true. He turns himself and tells Gordon to arrest him in order to let the system decide his fate. Before Two-Face is taken away, he tells Batman and Gordon that there were two holiday killers all the time. Gordon and Batman try to make sense of what Two-Face said. Gordon explains that Alberto confessed to be the author of all the crimes and Batman tells him that Dent is obsessed with the number two and that it might be just a delusion, but that considering that Two-Face killed Falcone with a .22 gun on Halloween, in the end, Two-Face was holiday too. Gordon and Batman realize that they achieved their promise, to get rid of Falcone once and for all, but the price they had to paid seemed to be quite extreme.
Gordon goes to his family, where he decides that despite the events, he must go on his mission to make Gotham a better city by telling himself "I believe in Gotham City".
Batman is sure that what he is doing is of consequence and he won't give up on the promise made to his parents. Batman tells himself "I believe in Batman".
Two-Face is send to Arkham Asylum, where the only thing he can think of is his wife, Gilda…
On Christmas Eve, Gilda is packing up boxes for her move away from Gotham, but before she leaves, she takes a box down the basement furnace. She describes aloud to herself how she read in Harvey's case files about the removal of the serial numbers of guns and how baby bottle nipples could be used as silencers. She then removes from the box a .22 pistol and drops it into the flames of the heater, along with a familiar-looking hat and coat. And she claims that she took it upon herself to start the Holiday killings, in an attempt to end the Roman's hold on Gotham and thus lighten Harvey's caseload so that they could have a child. Her belief is that Harvey took up the killings on New Year's Eve and that Alberto is lying to the police with his confession. She also says that she knows Harvey will eventually be alright and that they will reconcile as she tells herself "I believe in Harvey Dent".
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Fan Art: Two Face, I believe in 'Harvey Dent' by PonshoGlez
Accompanying Podcast: ● Bat-Books for Beginners - episode 14
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jazzfordshire · 2 years
This bit was very much inspired by this ask, which sent me down this 70's AU rabbit hole again
Kara turns up at Lena’s door with increasing frequency in the following weeks. And with even more alarming frequency, Lena finds herself picking up the phone and inviting Kara over of her own volition.
It’s just nice to have a pal, Lena tells herself every time she dials Kara’s number, or glances over the back fence hoping to see Kara’s silhouette through the kitchen window. She has Sam and Jack, of course, but they’re both too far away to see with any regularity. Sam spends most of her time at her big, empty house upstate and Jack still lives in the city, rubbing elbows with all the people Lena never wants to see again. Out here in the suburbs, Lena had planned to not make any real connections - just fleeting things. Single nights, hookups at parties with women like Lucy who would probably shepherd her children away if she saw Lena on the street. Kara is an inconvenient wrench in the gears of that plan.
But no matter how much Lena tries to remind herself of that, it becomes more and more apparent with every afternoon spent together that Kara is slowly becoming an actual friend. A best friend, even. A friend who teaches Lena how to cook (you’ll need to know how to feed a husband eventually, won’t you?); a friend who sips a martini like she’s never tasted one before, and visits Lena almost every day against her husband’s wishes.
A friend who doesn’t know who Lena really is, and a friend who makes Lena’s heart inconveniently skip every time she laughs.
It’s the most inconvenient little crush imaginable. The only defense Lena has is to pretend it doesn’t exist, and treat Kara like any other friend.
“I just don’t get out much to buy new records. It’s not like I don’t listen to music at all,” Kara says one afternoon a few weeks after Lena’s party, perched on the sectional with a ramrod-straight back. She seems to finally have adapted to Lena’s open-door policy and now comfortably takes off her shoes at the door like Lena does, despite her initial reservations, but Kara definitely still holds herself stiffly when she’s at Lena’s house. Lena has to question if she ever relaxes – does she sit this rigidly in her own home? Lena can’t imagine not feeling at ease in her own space, but Kara has never seemed fully at ease anywhere in the short time Lena has known her.
“You just listen to bad music,” Lena drawls, her legs up on the couch and crossed at the ankle while she flips through the small record collection Kara brought over. Kara keeps glancing at them, perhaps scandalized by Lena’s bare feet and the ankle-baring capri pants she’s wearing. Lena wiggles her painted toes, and Kara blushes.
“Tommy Roe is not bad!” Kara protests, grabbing said album from Lena’s hands like she’s worried Lena will break it in protest. “And what about Elvis? I have his album. Elvis is good.”
“Elvis is fine, but he’s also everywhere,” Lena says, grinning at the way Kara pouts. “Clearly I need to broaden your horizons.”
“I have The Beatles!”
“You have Twist and Shout,” Lena corrects, pulling out the album in question. It’s a decent album, sure, and was terribly popular 5 or 6 years ago, but only a small taste of their whole catalogue. “None of their good psychedelic stuff. Where’s Sgt. Pepper? Yellow Submarine?”
“Mike doesn’t like their newer songs,” Kara says, carefully neutral as always when she speaks about her husband. Lena barely restrains herself from rolling her eyes. She hasn’t even met Mike formally, and yet every time he comes up in conversation she hates him even more.
“I’ll show you later,” Lena says instead, thumbing through a couple more records. “Come on, Kara. Peter & Gordon? Have you bought a single album since 1964?”
“Well…no, actually. That was about when Mike and I got married.”
“Herman’s Hermits?” Lena says, laughing as she pulls out the bright red album cover. She doesn’t actually hate this album as much as some of the others, but Kara is getting more and more indignant with every judgement and there’s a part of Lena that’s enjoying watching her sputter.
“Hey, Herman’s Hermits are fun!” Kara says, putting up a defensive index finger. Lena raises a brow.
“They’re a cheesy pop band.”
“No, I won’t hear this slander. Put the album on,” Kara says, more insistently than Lena is used to from her new friend. She practically rips the album from Lena’s hands, putting it into the record player herself. “Listen to it, come on.”
Lena listens. She even closes her eyes and lets the music wash over her, leaning back into a throw pillow and getting comfortable. It’s still cheesy and not really to Lena’s taste, but there is a certain truth to it that she never noticed before when she heard it on the radio. A bare sort of enthusiasm, a sense of hope and optimism that Lena’s favoured records lack.
It reminds her of Kara. Kara who is bopping her head and singing along under her breath, moving her shoulders like she wants to dance. Her voice is hushed but undeniably sweet and melodic, and Lena wonders how many other times Kara has quieted her voice instead of singing out loud like she clearly wants to.
“I’ll admit that it isn’t terrible,” Lena admits when the third song fades out and bleeds into the fourth. “But have you ever listened to a song that spoke to you?”
“Spoke to me?” Kara says, still swaying to the music. Lena nods, sitting up and crossing her legs.
“You know – that feeling like someone is reaching into your chest and opening it up and just pouring the music in,” Lena explains, gesticulating wildly with her hands. “Like the artist wrote the song just for you, and everything you’ve ever felt is in those notes.”
Kara blinks, her eyes big and confused behind her glasses.
The answer is expected, and Lena swings her legs off the couch and goes to her own cabinet full of records. It’s just about full, and Kara’s eyes widen at the sheer size of the selection.
“Where should we start?”
Lena shows her Dusty Springfield and the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and the Supremes, but as much as Kara seems to enjoy the music it isn’t until Lena puts on Joni Mitchell that she seems to get it. By the time the last notes of Both Sides Now fade away Kara is actually leaning back against the couch, her eyes misty, and she rubs hastily at them when the music trails into white noise.
“That was…oh, Lena, that was lovely,” Kara says, pressing a hand to her chest like there’s a sensation there she’s trying to smother. She sniffles, letting out a gentle sigh. “I’ve never heard anything like it.”
“She’s quite new, but she’s absolutely incredible,” Lena says, handing the cardboard record sleeve to Kara so she can look at the song list. Lena lifts the needle and starts the whole thing over again, and Kara seems suddenly to recognize it.
“This was playing when we met,” Kara says abruptly, her brow furrowing. “This first song.”
Lena blinks.
“Oh, I…yes, it was,” Lena says, thrown by Kara’s sudden remembrance of such a tiny detail. “I had it on when I was unpacking.”
Kara nods, shaking her head a little like she’s getting rid of a persistent gnat, and the strangeness of the moment passes. They spend the rest of the afternoon chatting over coffee, and it’s only when Kara leaves to start dinner for her husband that Lena sees the blonde’s small box of albums sitting beside the couch.
She grabs them, fully intending on bringing them over to Kara’s house before Mike gets home, but she pauses when she sees the first album in the stack.
Herman’s Hermits replaces Joni Michell in the record player, and as she tidies the kitchen to the sunny sound of Kara’s favourite band Lena resolves to bring the records back tomorrow.
The original fic , and the first excerpt I wrote
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