#bunsen is a beast fanart
yellowmellow182 · 2 years
I finally finished the Six Fanarts challenge today!
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And here're all six pieces separately:
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theslimydude · 5 months
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Captain Blunder from "Bunsen Is a Beast
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Hey, Amanda, I know that you're not very pleased about Bunsen living in the human world, but you should stop trying to send him away just because you don't want his kind to be increased, and start giving him a chance. What do you think of that?
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“STINKY BEASTS BELONG TO THEIR STINKY BEAST-WORLD WHERE EVERYONE’S BEASTY ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH THE REST OF THE STINKING HAIRY BEASTS LIVING THERE!! Them staying in Muckledunk could affect all humanity! Hideous mutations will take over the town and will extend at the global level! Terrible diseases are coming to DESTROY OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!!”
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toonsforkicks22 · 4 years
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Decided to do the six fanart challenge and was given a lot of interesting suggestions.
Gave me an opportunity to draw everyone’s best friend Plank!
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elenamanetta · 4 years
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Late-night Bunsen is a Beast redesign.
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normcartoon · 5 years
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xenoteeth3 · 7 years
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Random Monsters
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ask-danny-phandom · 7 years
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You can SPONTANEOUSLY GROW AND RETRACT ARMS, POP out your EYEBALLS, and a TON OF OTHER WACKY THINGS. Your body is just as much a MYSTERY to you as it is to EVERYONE ELSE!
People think you’re BAD and ANNOYING despite never watching your show, but you’re actually really GOOD and FUNNY!
You are 8 YEARS OLD, and you FINALLY figured out how to use your sister’s computer to play the amazing game, SBURB!
Who let this kid near a computer?
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melvin2898 · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_76MzXo4gRI)
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phildoodledraws · 7 years
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you may not know it, but Bunsen is a beast
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Butch Hartman is a prick, and here are the reasons why...
alright i really am not a person who hates on other people. Or starts a hate thread. I wanted to keep this blog hate-free for as long as i can remember. But recent events made me finally decide that its time to spread this specific message. if you are not interested in this topic, feel free to scroll past this.
so buckle up, its gonna be a wild ride
you know Butch Hartman. He is the guy who had the idea for Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Tuff Puppy and Bunsen is a Beast. In his words, he created your childhood. Now I for myself had much respect for this guy and i followed his social media presence for a very long time. 
disclaimer, i dont know Butch Hartman personally, i am only listing things he did on his social media accounts and stated within his videos.
First off, his youtube channel. 
I unsubscribed for the sole reason that he is the king of clickbait. He uses his old shows to gain views and get subscribers. He also uses memes, other youtubers and extreme clickbait to advertise his own social media presence and such. 
i mean, just look at this
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but thats only the mildest part about this whole ideal
more important, is his current project, called Oaxis
Oaxis is a streaming service, for which Butch started a kickstarter for. He wanted to raise 250000 dollars for it. He offered different services for people who donated 100$, 1000$, 10000$ and so on. i am not really articulate and since i unfollowed him a long time ago, i dont know EVERYTHING about this project. tho i know just how fishy it sounded at the beginning. To understand how absolutely RIDICULOUS this service is, watch this video
Butch Hartman SUCKS: In the Fairly Oddparents style  by Scorchle
if you need to see more, go to the website
Now that you know what he is up to, lets start with the more shitty stuff
People who are in the danny phantom fandom for years now, may know this already but:
Butch Hartman is transphobic
years ago, he shut down comments and even blocked people for mentioning their headcanons and fanart about danny being trans. i sadly do not have a source for that but it many people can back this up. and most recently, he tweeted this
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notice, how the she is written like “this” . he then proceeded to advertise his own network. seriously, thats just so shitty. Also this tweet doesnt exist anymore.
now i am listing some things he actually did:
He can’t take critique and said “if you didnt do anything big, you arent allowed to criticize me” when being asked something not nice about his kickstarter
he said introverts are antisocial selfish people who make everything awkward
he said depression is not a real desease
he used suicide to advertise for his new streaming site
all in all he is a real shitty person
here are some sources that prove he is a prick
a whole twitter thread proving this fact
a video which states some facts about his kickstarter scam
a tweet where he uses suicide to promote his kickstarter and he blames the media for it
the transphobic tweet again
where he says, introverts are antisocial
if you want to know more, look at @RiseFallNick and @mayhem_chrimson on twitter, they pretty much got it all covered up, and if you still need proof, look up Butch hartman on twitter. you cant miss it
i dont know how much respect you have for this dude, or if you ever had respect. i dont know how much you care about these issues.. but if you did support him, just know he is really not worth it.
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misstoonylover · 7 years
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Here it is, folks! My first draw of Bunsen from “Bunsen is a Beast”. That show was way too awesome and fantastic looking nickelodeon character ever! <3
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jaytheluh · 7 years
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So... I did a Bunsen is a Beast fanart! I really liked this show! :3 And well, here's just Mikey and Bunsen giving a high-five! It's my first time drawing them, I think it turned out pretty good! :D (I still need to watch more episodes, I just watched two and I already love it!)
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I heard that once you're a teen you're gonna be super hawt
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“…..Does THIS confirm your suspicions?” :3
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
As a fan of Milo Murphy's Law, every mention of the Mikey/Amanda ship from Bunsen is a Beast is weirdly hilarious to me. Because Milo Murphy's Law's initial name was MIKEY Murphy's Law (meaning Milo's original name was Mikey), and the show has a character in it called Amanda Lopez, AND Milo and Amanda are getting Ship Teased a bit in the show. Imagine Milo still being called Mikey and still being ship teased with Amanda, and how much collision there'll be between the MML and BiaB fandoms.
Watching that show is definitely on my to-do list! I was a huge “Phineas and Ferb” fan growing up, and my brothers and sister and I used to RUSH to watch it all the time. I know the lyrics to all the Season 1 and 2 songs by heart, and maybe a few of the 3s, and my parents liked to watch with us too. It was a great show. Very pleasant memories.
I started losing interest when weeks to months would pass and only one ten-minute episode would air at a time (instead of pairs). Then there was the “Star Wars” parody (which rang to me as “We’re running out of ideas”). My sibs and I hadn’t seen any “Star Wars” back then, so we weren’t too interested. I think we hit a snag when we lost the channel too? Something like that?
It’s just… 100% not a show I would ever draw fanart or write ‘fics for. It was great fun to watch and I still quote some lines on a regular basis. The step-family dynamic was an interesting one that I didn’t appreciate enough at the time, but is really cool looking back on it! And of course Doofenshmirtz was always great fun.
But I never… connected with any of the characters. I think it had to do partly with Isabella’s introductory scene literally being heart eyes and romance. Even as a kid, I was too aro/ace for that, pfffffft. It SHOULDN’T, because there are other aspects to her character, but it REALLY bothered me that romance was her introduction, and it always has. 
Phineas and Ferb’s building talents were so outrageous that I guess I didn’t relate to them either (even though I’m known to be a workaholic who churns things out at a decent pace). And Candace was a [boy-crazy] teen and I just a kid, Vanessa was a goth, and I never connected to either of them either.
Between all of these things, I wasn’t encouraged to seek the show out on Kiss and finish the last two seasons (although it’s marked in my bookmarks). So that’s why it’s not a fandom on this blog even though it was a good, cute, funny show and it does hold a dear, dear place in my heart. It’s just not…….. content-creating worthy to me the way, say, “Bunsen” is with its already-ridiculously well-fleshed characters (Sensitive psychology boy
Anyway, I know very little about “Milo”, but I know the two shows are made by the same creator(s?). I vaguely understand it references “Phineas and Ferb”, and possibly even takes place in Danville? Amanda was the name Candace desperately wanted to give her future daughter, but the screenshots I’ve seen of Amanda Lopez in “Milo” don’t match the Amanda I remember from the time-travel PnF episode.
I can only ease myself into one show at a time (Back in fall it was “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”, followed by “Danny Phantom” over Christmas break, and now it’s “Bunsen” because of the FOP crossover ep). 
Kiss is down right now, but after I finish up “Phineas and Ferb” Seasons 3 and 4 (and more?), it’s the first show I wanna watch! Might even draw a little Milo because eyyy, cursed child! I guess we’ll see where inspiration takes me! And then I need to do “BeetleJuice” after that so I can read Bookworm’s DP/BJ crossover ‘fic, and I have “Randy Cunningham” marked here too because I never heard of that show growing up, and my friends recommended “Mighty Magiswords” and “Voltron”, hhhh……
Back to your original Ask, that would indeed cause quite a bit of confusion, yes. Especially because I think Butch Hartman would have desperately wanted to keep Mikey. His brother Mike said one time that Timmy was supposed to be named after him, but the two weren’t on the best of terms back then so it didn’t happen, and their younger brother won the right. I THINK I also read there that it was a running joke that everyone named Mike in FOP/DP/Tuff got horribly attacked by something, but I never noticed this myself, so I’d have to rewatch. 
So my guess is that Butch would have been really sad if he had to change Mikey’s name (and he’d probably opt for changing Amanda’s instead/first).
Okay, I went back and found the article from Detroit News:
“While anybody named Mike used to get beat up in his brother’s shows, Mike says he has a good relationship with his brother and is honored to be a main character”.
Conclusion: That does sound indeed like it would cause a collision among fans of the shows, especially to fans of both! It’s funny to imagine, heh. Thanks for sharing that bit of trivia with me! “Milo” is definitely a cartoon I want to watch!
……… I need to draw the short-sleeved sweater vest children.
I need to draw them with Gary and Betty.
I need to draw this badly.
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gojacquecreative · 7 years
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Fan art time! Saw a clip online and this is such a memorable drinking moment! I had to draw this part!Looking forward to watching more of @bunsenisabeast @nickanimation #digitalillustration #fanart #bunsenisabeast #fanofbutchhartman #fan #beast #digitalart #drawings #digital #digitaldrawing #drink #drank #beetjuice #beets #bunsen #gojacquecreative
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