#bruh it is just a drawing calm down
macbethz · 1 year
i have wanted to draw frank and colt or just anything from deathloop since i first played it but they r so special to me i don't want to do them wrong
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
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catgirl yrui
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crowborn666-writes · 1 year
hi anon here! i was wondering if u could do a platonic aizawa x student reader? basically reader gets really overwhelmed (sensory wise) at the feeling of clothes on their skin sometimes and it happens one day when they’re in their dorm and they just dunno how to cope with it so they end up accidentally sh relapsing cuz they just need to get their frustration out. aizawa ends up finding out about it and confronts them about it one day after class. gender neutral reader btw. this is oddly specific LMFAOO sorry bruh it’s totally cool if u cant do it! <3 (bonus points if reader is autistic)
(Sensory overload? Autistic? Sounds like me already lol. I’m more familiar with noise and lighting sensory overload than fabric, so hope it’s ok I stuck those in here as well!)
Aizawa x Student!Reader
Genre: Comfort, Fluff, Platonic
Summary: Too much leads you to a relapse, your teacher finds out and wishes to help.
TW/CW: mentions of accidental self harm, mentions of blood/bleeding, sensory overload caused by touch, light, and sound,
(If I missed any, pls lmk!)
Breakfast was slightly rowdy as usual, Bakugo griping about how Denki and Shoto shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen as he fixes the mess they made. Iida running around handing everyone plates, Kirishima giving everyone a warm good morning with Mina.
You’d no less than sat down in your usual spot when Iida came whizzing by with your usual breakfast, you toss a quick thanks over your shoulder, beginning to eat.
Minutes went by, you quietly eating when the noise seemed to get louder. A glance up made you wince, the lights seeming brighter. Your clothes then began to itch.
You bit your lip, glancing around at everyone’s smiling faces, perhaps if you found something to distract yourself with, you could ignore it.
You focused on your food, trying to focus on the nice taste when someone’s voice went a level higher. Your hand reached for your sleeve, beginning to scratch at the skin just underneath.
The voices only got louder, the light brighter, your clothes scratchier. Louder, brighter, scratchier. Louder, brighter, scratchier. Louderbrighterscratchie–
Breakfast was over, Iida coming by to scoop up your empty plate, most everyone heading to the common room to watch TV together. You changed your usual course, instead of going to the common room with everyone you moved past it, off towards your dorm room. Panicked breaths left you, feet a near blur across the carpet.
The dark quiet of your room was welcomed, but you found yourself clawing off the offending, itchy fabric on your skin.
You lose yourself for a moment, coming back to find your teeth sunken into your flesh and your nails digging angry red lines across your forearm. Small dots of blood bubbled to the surface from the injuries. A small, quiet cry leaves you as the pain registers, both from the injury and from your mind. You’d been doing well…
You shake away those thoughts, taking a shaky breath before moving to your bathroom to clean up.
Faint teeth marks, scratches, nails dug into your palms. You cleaned them all and bandaged the ones needed. You were thankful for the long sleeves on your uniforms, as well as the usually comfortable baggy clothing you wore.
You picked your safest outfit to wear, drawing the curtains slightly to limit the amount of light in your room.
Deep breath. In and out.
You’d be okay. A bit of time here to calm is what you need.
School was a wreck, people were being loud and seemingly more annoying with their antics than usual.
And worst of all, your uniform was starting to itch.
A shaky breath, the urge to scratch and bite and pick and—
You shook your head a little, shaking away those thoughts.
You didn’t bother staying in the lunch room, not wanting to throw yourself into another sensory overload.
A gentle hand brushed your arm as you moved through the hallway, and you turn to see Aizawa-sensei there.
“You don’t look so good, (L/n). Do you want to eat lunch in the classroom?”
You almost wanted to cry tears of relief. You nodded, following behind him to the classroom with your lunch.
“Sensory overload getting to you?” Aizawa piped up, glancing your way. “Iida said you didn’t look so well yesterday morning.”
“Yeah..” you murmured, your wrists trying to urge you to scratch them. “It got bad yesterday.”
“You’re free to talk about it if you want.” He replied, flipping all but one set of lights off as you both entered the classroom.
“…I relapsed…” you breathed, avoiding his gaze.
“May I see the damage?” He asked, setting his paperwork down and taking the seat next to you as you sat down.
You nodded, sure your teacher didn’t miss the way you tried to avoid your sleeve touching your skin as you tugged it back, showing the scabbed over scratches.
“The fabric of my clothes gets itchy, and it’s hard not to scratch sometimes.”
Aizawa nodded quietly, taking your hand gently to assess the damage. “I’ll see if Nezu can get in a change of fabrics for your uniform. The damage here isn’t too bad.”
“I know… but I hadn’t in a long time and—“
“It’s not about how long it’s been, in the end, it’s about if you choose to keep fighting.”
Aizawa let go of your hand, sitting back. “Eat some food, you’ve got hero class next, and you’ll need the nutrition.”
“Thank you, Aizawa-sensei.” You replied as he stood, scooping up his paperwork as he moved to his desk.
“If it gets bad again, you’re free to come in here to relax.”
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cupids-flyer · 1 year
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Vira note: pls spare me. This my first work on here ♡︎ ill get better as i keep writing🧚🏾‍♀️
Armin falling for you the pretty and smart architecture princess | fluff |
you knew walking into a architecture class in all pink with you’re dark brown complexion would cause a lot of staring but you didn’t care. as you put your bamboo earrings in, your playlist changed the song to The Key by Tems but you paused it till you got into your car and drove to school.
architecturestudent!armin who sat in the back struggling to keep his eyes open in class couldn’t help but notice you the girl in all pink walking into architecture class.
“Princess! I think you’re in the wrong class!” someone yells out to you. “This room 208. Architecture. Is it not?” You say looking at the teacher for confirmation. “Yes you are correct. Y/n right? The only open seat we have is in the back.” “Thanks.” you say smiling walking to your seat.
architecturestudent!armin who is entranced at the way your hips sway as you walk to the only open seat beside him in the back and take out your books
“Hi!” you say smiling “i’m y/n and you’re..” “I’m Armin but call me Min everyone does.” He says responding frantically “thats cutee, well Min i hope we become good friends this semester!” You say cheesin
architecturestudent!armin who was in shock at how forward you were. from you saying “stop being a stranger, move your chair closer” to Give me your number.” which had him shocked “if i didn’t ask i had a feeling i would’ve never got it!” you say chuckling
architecturestudent!armin who couldn’t get you out of his head the way you always where attentive in class, always knew the topics, and always writing notes and sharing them with him. he knew you were a dime and he couldn’t let you slide from up under him. he couldn’t let you go.
architecturestudent!armin who loves drawing so he draws you little doodles in the middle of class. but one day he scribbles fast on the paper and taps your hand urging you to read it. you glance and the paper and do a double take as your eyes get wide. he’s asking to take you out soon. you look over to smile at him while writing a fast “yes” he was so happy he could’ve jumped out of his chair
architecturestudent!armin who calls you because he didn’t understand some of the lesson and as he looks at the picture you sent of your notes. while his face is in the camera you see that he wrinkles his forehead and sticks his tongue out when he focuses. you think it’s a adorable habit but he has no idea at all.
architecturestudent!armin who takes you to a little cafe just to talk and get closer to eachother. you learn that he was the shy type when he was younger and still slightly is but learned how to stand up for himself with his friends help. you also learn that he loves minecraft and use to have one of those creeper jackets and a diamond sword.
“It’s not that funny.” He says with a straight face as you laugh your ass off “I-“ You say trying to catch your breath “im trynna to imagine you with the jacket on zipped up with the diamond sword IN HAND!” you say busting out in laughter. he can’t help but notice how pretty you look to him when your laughing.
architecturestudent!armin who loves seeing and making you laugh. some people may call your laugh obnoxious, loud, ugly, weird. but he found it weirdly adorable.
architecturestudent!armin who calls you almost everyday just to hear your voice. he keeps a note on his phone of all your favorite things and facts about you so he never forgets.
architecturestudent!armin has the patience of a saint. like when you and him where challenged with making and building a modern miniature house structure with 2 tiers and the blueprint just didn’t work together it kept falling and while you got frustrated armin calmed you down.
“BRUH this just isn’t working. Why is the structure not structuring!” you say slamming your hand’s against the desk “y/n its okay.” he says rubbing your leg and his hand on your back “maybe we need more stability on the pillars.” he says getting more stabilizers and the building began to stand up. “armin! you were right! “ you say hugging him. you didn’t know it but armin was feeling more accomplished and comfortable than he ever did before.
architecturestudent!armin who’s parents got him a luxury apartment to stay in invites you over to his apartment to see a project he had been assigned.
“Welcome to my place y/n!” he says while ushering you in with his hand on the small of your back before closing the door. “Min…” you say looking at his beautiful apartment. “this place is amazing” you say with your jaw dropping “it’s nothing really!” he says anxiously with his hand up and scratching his neck “my parents didn’t want me to stay in a dorm. so they got me this place.” he says walking around “you want something to drink?” he says leaning in the fridge and putting out 2 of your fav drinks. “definitely!” you say sitting at the island “so what’s with this project?” you say taking a sip “it’s nothing really i’m just making a victorian style-“ you couldn’t barely comprehend the words coming out of his mouth and you kept looking at his lips. slowly but surely armin started to notice and he felt the same whenever you answered.
architecturestudent!armin who’s so soft for you so when you start dozing off during the project he lets you stay over and sleep in his house saying “it’s to late for you to be driving.” all you can get out is a “mhm” while your heavy lidded eyes couldn’t take the weight and finally closed. what you didn’t know was armin kissed your forehead while you were sleeping wishin you good dreams.
architecturestudent!armin who wakes up earlier than you and makes you a breakfast for a queen.
“Min?” you call out into the house from the room you were in. you smell the aroma of french toast and pancakes. like a spell you let your feet take you to the smell. as you walk into the kitchen you see armin over the stove putting his all into making breakfast. “morning y/n.” he says with a smile looking over his shoulder “minn you shouldn’t have!” you say walking over and hugging him from behind hands around his waist. all he can think is anything for my angel.
architecturestudent!armin who’s been planning how to ask you to be his girlfriend for a while now. asking your favorite flowers getting you a necklace with your name and renting out a restaurant.
“Okay. Open your eyes in…
the gasp that left your mouth was indescribable. there armin stood infront of you with the necklace on display and flowers in hand. the restaurant was empty aside from the musicians playing romantic music. “i want you to feel loved and respected always so…. will you go out with me.” he asks nervously “you made this seem like a proposal min!” you say taking the items out of his hands and setting them on a nearby table then going back to give him a bear hug. “but yes i will go out with you Armin Arlet!”
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pebbles-rock0hawk · 1 month
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One more day and I'll run out of water to drink due to the sun eating the whole world and it's inhabitants. Like won't the sun just calm down. Like the 1+1 theory. 1 = 1 and 1 = 1 so if you combine them it's 2. Like bruh. Anyways I tried to draw itsuzumi...
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tg-pilled · 2 months
touka for the character thing?
favourite thing about them: I love that she was allowed to be girly while also kicking ass. I feel like in anime and a lot of modern media, people don't allow strong female leads to be girly AND strong, it's always one or the other. I love that she likes pink and fuzzy things and that her mask is still cutesy. Like imagine being killed and the last thing you see is a cute rabbit mask. THAT is badass to me
least favourite thing: Through no fault of her own, it was just the writing Sui Ishida put her through, but I don't like how she became so reliant on Kaneki in :re if that makes sense? I understand that she became pregnant (which is a whole other arc I fucking hate but anyways) and that she really did have a hard time with trust growing up and through Anteiku she learned trust again BUT in the same breath I feel like she was robbed of kicking ass in :re? Idk if that makes ANY sense 🗿
favourite line: "You pretend you care about other people but in the end it's all about you. You're just afraid to be left alone." GET HIS ASS TOUKA ‼️‼️
brOTP: Touka and Hide! I think they would be really good friends after everything goes down and that they's have gossip sessions IDKKKK. Hide would absolutely hype Touka up to ask out Yoriko. I also really love Nishiki and Touka too like they are clearly besties.
OTP: Touka and Yoriko :) They are the lesbians of all time ever. I made a whole little drabble and headcanon post for them and everything. They are SO sun and moon. I don't hate TouKen but I feel like their relationship should have been better developed.
nOTP: Anyone that isn't Kaneki or Yoriko I guess? Nishiki and Touka make me physically recoil so DEFINITELY not them. Plus Nishiki and Kimi are the heterosexuals ever.
random headcanon: She used to draw on herself when she was younger because it helped her calm down. She also drew on Ayato whenever he allowed it and it became a sort of way to bond and take care of each other before everything went to shit. I like to think that the last design Ayato drew on her arm was her first tattoo :)
unpopular opinion: She never needed to marry Kaneki to prove that she had value in his life. I know that it was to wrap the series up in a neat little bow and because she was pregnant BUT I feel like it was forced. She had value to Kaneki outside of just their romantic relations.
song I associate with them: Found Heaven - Conan Gray and Primary - The Cure
favourite picture of them: I have two and both are from the anime (I'm sorry) but her expression when she's called beautiful :( Breaks my heart every damn time bruh. And the second one is her being just,,,normal? She's just studying and calm and her bedroom is SO cute
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rainbow-pop-arts · 10 months
Huuuuggggghhhh, last part of my Trigun Maximum vol 8 thoughts for @trigunbookclub….
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Some thoughts on TriMax chap 50-50.5 under the cut!
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Eeeeeeew, Wolfwood’s cross has a spine!! (´д`)
(Edit: somebody pointed out that those were just bullets, my bad bruh (ง ื▿ ื)ว but can you imagine-)
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So this is where Wolfwood dies-
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YOOOOOO, IT’S THE- IT’S THE- IT’S THE JUICE THAT WOLFWOOD DRINKS TO HEAL!! ( ◉ ◯ ◉ ) Looks like the juices he drank I saw in Stampede are in the manga! 
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Oh my, looks like Wolfwood’s experimentation in Stampede also happened in the manga  
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Silly scene (  ◕‿◕ ) after the hell they experienced (they’re gonna experience hell again anyways)
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Yeeeee, Vashy and Wolfy finally got found! ( ⁀ᗢ⁀ )
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OH MY GOD, Y’ALL……he’s wrapped in a blanket, something I always wanted to do to him 🥺 (he deserves it)
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Vash and the others: *Discussing about Knives*
Me: Haha, Knives looks like a chicken :D
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MERYL!!! She knew Vash isn’t dead, that’s so sweet 🥺
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( ◉ᗝ◉ )!!!??? Did he just……exploded that dead plant?
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Nooooo, Woowoo don’t gooooo  (ノ ˃̣̣̥ Д ˂̣̣̥)ノ
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Woowoo spin-off
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G i r l
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So plants can get sick and there are doctors to treat them! But seems expensive tho, like really expensive. If only there are people knowledgeable enough to know how to create plants (Ó3Ò)
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Big bro Woowoo 🥺
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Anyways, this dude shows up
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Got Wolfwood all beaten up
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Dramatic ass
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Yaaaaay, Wolfwood attacks and protects! ╰(▔∀▔)╯
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Wolfwood says farewell to that girl who’s actually the baby that he took care off back in the orphanage
That’s all for TriMax vol 8! ★>d(,,・ε´-,,)⌒☆
Bonus thoughts: So uh…Knives’s plan is doing great…which is not good. Vash was imprisoned for months, luckily Wolfwood came to rescue him! But then Livio and the old guy attacked him. But hey, cool to know that Wolfwood’s past in Stampede is similar (or the same?) as in the manga! I hope in the next volume Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl and Milly have a reunion, I hope they got a plan to stop Knives, and I hope Knives calm down a bit. 
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Anyways, for finishing this chaotic volume, check out this Wolfwood sketch I did when I had to draw poses in art cram school
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villainsblog97 · 1 year
Xdinary Heroes reaction:
Their S/O dealing with Stress and Anxiety
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I wrote one of these for Ateez but now I'd like to write one for the group that has been making me feel better these passed few months. There will be discussions on both Stress and Anxiety, if either of those will send triggers, please read cautiously or do not read
Summary: how does our 6 heroes help their S/O (you) deal with Stress and Anxiety
Warnings: triggers for stress and anxiety may occur.
Scenario: boyfriend, angst, emotions, don't worry there's fluff too!
GIFS are not mine! Credit to all original owners!
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Gun-il is constantly looking out for those around him
But you are his #1 priority
So when he sees you stressed out about something
He's gonna forget everything else
His main focus is you
Whatever it is
He's gonna make sure you step away from it
He will do something totally sweet
Maybe make you some food
Get you some hot tea
Or even set you up a nice warm bath
If it's really bad he'll take you somewhere quiet
And hold you
If he can't be there
Then he'll talk to you on the phone
Until he can get there
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Jungsu knows all about your anxiety
And he knows you usually call him if there's a problem
But if he's at practice or something he'll let it ring or decline
If you call a second time
He will drop everything
Step away from a fansign
Stop practicing
He'll be answering that phone before the 3rd ring
He knows exactly how to calm you down
"Jagiya.... deep breaths, just listen to my voice"
He would slowly begin to sing to you
He would make sure your breaths were slow
His soft vocals would relax your body
He would stay on the line with you until you've calmed down
Only then would he be okay to hang up the phone
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Jiseok is a kpop idol
So he knows plenty what stress is
His life can be very stressful
But when it comes to you
All the stress is behind him
Because he's gotta help you feel better
You're his world
He hates seeing you like this
Jiseok is so full of energy
But when he sees your state
He tries so hard to hide his pained eyes
But he often uses his energy to his advantage
He'll probably send you some funny memes
And some cute selfies
With encouraging words
"Whatever it is baby, I'm here always"
"This isn't your fault, please don't blame yourself"
If he's with you he'll hold you in his arms until you calm down
Or he'll lay on his bed with you
Or the couch
He's just gonna make sure you know how loved you are
And that usually helps take the stress away
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If there is one evil thing that Seungmin hates in this whole world
It's when your anxiety attacks you
You mean everything to him
He loves you so much
So it absolutely kills him when he finds you in the midst of a panic attack
His face grows sad
He's trying to hold back tears
He'll sit in front of you
And take your shaking hands
He'll hold them in his and kiss them
Before he pulls your trembling body into his arms
"It's okay baby... its gonna pass" he whispered
He'd make sure to whisper so you'd have to calm down to listen to what he's saying
"I'm right here my love"
He would kiss your head as he holds you close
He's holding his entire world in his arms right now
Drawing small shapes all over your arm and back
His touch is soothing
Soon he can feel your body slowly relax into him
A sigh of relief leaving his lips as he hugs you more
"There you go" he smiles
(Bruh I was listening to their cover of Drown while writing that and I'm Sobbing! 😭)
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I feel like the first time he saw you stressed
He wouldn't know what to do
But now that he's known you more
He knows how easily you get stressed out
So with that he'd open himself up more
He'd be the kind to take you for ice cream
Or maybe some Ramen
"This will help get your mind off stuff" He'd say with the purest smile
He'd also give you lots of hugs
Because he wants to take all the stress, weighing you down, away from you
He will definitely ask a million times if you're feeling better
But honestly the moment you were with Hyeongjun
You forgot why you were stressed
He has such a blissful personality
You feel at peace when you're with him
He's your comfort
He's your rock
And he'll do whatever it takes to make you forget what was stressing you out
"It's okay Jagiya.... whatever is bothering you, let's figure it out together"
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Jooyeon loves you very much
And he knows you come with a few things
One of those things being major anxiety
It's the one thing he hates
Not about you!
Just what it does to you
He puts the world on hold when you're having an anxiety attack
He's going to sit with you
No matter where you are
Even if it's in the corner of a closet
He'll sit beside you
Pull you against his chest
His heartbeat beating gently against your ear
He'd wipe your eyes if you were crying
And he'd kiss your forehead
He'd also run his fingers gently in your hair
And hum a little song to you
Whatever he needed to do to relax your body and mind
"It's okay baby, I'm right here, it's gonna be okay"
He'd speak so gently to you
And hold you close
Until you've relaxed against him
I promise the next one will be sweet!! 😅
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livingunderlies · 9 days
Part three of the incorrect quotes post😊😆😆
Mc: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Mc: I got an idea! Bill: Does it involve breaking the law? Mc: By now don’t you think that’s a given? Bill: I was just trying to be optimistic. Mc: Don’t bother.
*The Squad is on a hike* Penny : It’s beautiful out here. Andre: And quiet. Badeea: Too quiet. Mc: Did we lose someone? *cut to Barnaby with a bear in a headlock*
Mc : *bites lip* Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Cop: That isn’t gonna work, hands behind your back.
Tonks: Chiara? I mixed redbull with coffee and now I can see sounds, should I worry? Chiara: Tonks, I swear to god—
Andre: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
Victor: Is Mc always like this when they lose? Penny: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Mc : You bumped that table and you know it!
Talbott , looking over Badeea shoulder: You can draw? Badeea, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Jae : ‘Technically legal’, the two best words in the the English language, right before ‘cowboy spectacular.'
Andre: Where’s Mc? Talbott : Around. Andre: Around? Andre: You don’t have any idea, do you? Mc , dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Talbott : I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Mc: What have you done with Chiara? Jae: Nothing. Why, do you think I should?
Mc : My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Barnaby: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Mc : That one. I want that one.
*out grocery shopping* Barnaby: *takes a free sample twice* Barnaby: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Orion: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Mc . They're mad at you. Mc: No, it's Murphy. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Murphy: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Skye: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Murphy: I stand by my choice.
Orion: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk? Murphy: *sighing* Mc. Mc : Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die. Skye: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
Murphy: We call that a traumatic experience. Murphy, turning to Mc : Not a "bruh moment". Murphy, turning to Orion: Not "sadge". Murphy, turning to Skye: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
The Squad: *walking at the mall* Mc : Hey, have any of you guys seen Talbott ? They’ve been gone for a while.. Penny: Eh, nope. Jae : No, I haven’t... Badeea: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something. Talbott : Hey. Mc: Ooh, there you are- Chiara: What the fu- Penny: I- where were you?! Talbott : Walking right behind you guys.
Tulip: Hello friends! The Squad: Tulip: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling.
Mc : ARE YOU- Skye: Fucking. Mc : KIDDING ME?! YOU- Skye: Fucking. Mc : IDIOT! Orion: …What was that? Skye: Murphy banned Mc from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
*Corey is fighting a monster* Mc : Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it! Corey: The power to believe in myself!? Mc : No, a knife! Stab it!
Talbott: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Mc : Erika, my old friend! Erika: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Mc : That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Talbott : Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Badeea: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Penny. Talbott , pointing their hot glue gun towards Badeea: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Diego : That shirt looks great, Jae . Jae : Thanks. Diego : But I bet it would look even better on Chiara's floor. Chiara: Are you hitting on Jae ... for me?
Jae : I have very high standards, you know. Chiara: I can make spaghetti... Jae : Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Mc: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason.
Mc: Sorry I can’t be emotionally vulnerable with you it’d ruin the mystery.
Mc: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself. Mc: *Picks up Barnaby* Mc : I’ve only befriended Barnaby for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then my self.
Tulip: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator. Andre: Yup. Mc : Maybe the generator is watching us. Tulip: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added? Tulip: ... Tulip: Wait—
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blissfali · 1 year
heres a little comic of a scene i drew from my AU thinga that i cant seem to write but i can draw for some reason
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transcript because my handwriting is god awful:
Image 1: Post Dre Death. Tommy: You were s’posed to tell me your plan, Ghostbur.
Ghostbur: To be fair, I wasn’t anticipating it. But he hurt you.
Tommy: He does it all the time anyway, why’s it matter this time?
Ghostbur: I dunno, but who cares? We don’t to go back to him anymore!
Tommy: He still has more LIVES, Ghostbur! He’s gonna come back and look for me, then what do you want me to do?!
-Uhh theres a skip here. basically before this scene ghostbur impulsively takes one of dreams lives after dream hits tommy really hard. tommy goes into shock and while hes kind of catatonic ghostbur drags him in the direction of technos house. tommy calms down for a bit and then this scene happens, and then the next page is from when theyve made it to technos-
Techno: So wat brings you Ghostbur?
Ghostbur: What about Tommy?
Techno: Oh, he’s actually here? I thought that was just another gapple-induced hallucination.
Tommy: What the fok??
Techno: Welcome back to the land of the living, Tommy.
Tommy: I wasn’t dead.
Techno: Wait, really? ‘Cuz Dream told us you were a goner.
Tommy. Yeah, well, Dream’s a fuckin’ liar, isn’ he?
Techno: So where’ve you been all these years, then?
Tommy: First off, it’s been a year. And second, i’s none of yawr god damn business, INNIT?
Techno: Woah, chill. Was just curious.
Techno (to Ghostbur): *loud whispering* Why do you hang out with this guy, Ghostbur?
Tommy: Bruh, what the fuck. Wateva. Dos’n matter.
Tommy (leaving): N e way thx 4 tha tea, Te’no, but we’ll be going now!
Ghostbur: Wait, Tommy! We can’t leave yet!
Tommy: Ok, I’ll just leave you here then. Cya, Wil.
Ghostbur: Wait, thas not wot i ment!
Tommy: You’re either with me or you’re nat, Ghostbur. Make u’ yoor mind.
Techno: Just leave ‘em, Ghostbur. We got catching up to do anyway, don’t we?
Ghostbur: Wait, but Tommy—… I’m sorry Techno, I’ll come back later, but I have to stay with him.
Techno (shrugs): Suit yourself.
Techno: *whisper* Glad to have you back, Tommy.
Tommy, holding a pack of cigs: Ah. shit. i’m almost out. *puts them back in his pocket after lighting one*
Ghostbur: Hi, Tommy! Where are we going?
Tommy: We gotta sneak into the mainlands again. Im outta cigs.
Ghostbur: but they’re bad for you, remember? and what about Dream!
Tommy: It’s fine, man. Dream’s at Logst—
Tommy: Dream is dead.
Tommy: D-Dream is… dead. Oh fuck, oh FUCK.
Tommy: I cawn’t believe I fucken fergot! Shit, shit, shit!
Ghostbur: Wait, Tom, no, I’m sorry!
Tommy: Its ok, um. We’ll figure this out. We can’t go to the mainland… he’ll see us.
Tommy: I can live off 3 cigarettes. I’ll ration ‘em.
Ghostbur: Are u sure you can go that long?
Tommy: absolutely fucking not, Ghostbur. but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
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cero-sleep · 2 years
I MUST know everything you got on Polar bruh EVERYTHING. Anything you’ve got written down for them I WILL READ. Anything else you have brainstormed for them I WILL ALSO READ. You have fr hooked me with just the design alone. No pressure thoooo
Finally sat down and compiled what I have!
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Ok!! So Polaris
Adding this right here as well
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As I mentioned before, they ocuppied what would have been the role of the Y/N (fun fact, they were going to be the Y/N of the au, but became an OC instead heh), working with Sun and Moon and getting close to them, until one day after their shift, they're running late and, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, happen to catch Vanny doing smth, who in turn kills them, but isn't able to get rid of the body in time
Bc their death was really traumatic and they weren't ready to move on, they accidentally and unknowingly possessed a new animatronic body that was in development and basically got stuck that way, bc, when they woke up, they couldn't recall much of anything, memories a mess, so they no longer knew who they were and just kinda went along with stuff
Not very long after Polaris' death, a new animatronic, Star, is introduced as an assistant and extra pair of hands for the daycare
Sun and Moon aren't thrilled, as they're still mourning and it feels like they are replacing their friend
So they act distant, their relationship being purely professional
I imagine Star would struggle with some stuff that is second nature to humans, but not even close to that to animatronics, getting restless at night, especially at first, bc of being unable to/or just not sleeping (and also anxious bc, for some reason, they never feel entirely safe in the Pizzaplex) and at some point even panicking bc they feel like they can't breathe
I imagine that, probs the first night, Sun and Moon would suggest drawing as a way for them to distract themselves and leave it at that
So, they end up drawing those weird... memories??? maybe to try to figure out what they mean, or a pattern or, unconsciously, just to try to find some sort of closure
Sun and Moon would mostly keep to themselves, but maybe one day they'll notice that some of the stuff they're drawing... looks familiar... but how could they...?
They'd pay more attention to them after that
Still feeling iffy abt them and now having some new found questions, and they'd start to notice more things that they didn't really pay much attention to before, but that don't make much sense, like stuff they might say or be familiar with
I imagine that, eventually, they'd start talking abt it and Sun and Moon would probably figure it out first (still doubtful however)
Eventually, all three would realize what happened (partly) and Polar would remember who they are, at least more so than before, memories still kinda fussy
After they have had time to come to terms with all this and become closer again, being on more stable ground so to say, a Y/N would actually be introduced bc of complaints from the parents of the lack of an actual human person watching over their kids
Polar's relationship with them would be kinda complicated
They would be nice to them and mean it, Y/N is a good person afterall and they like them, but sometimes they'd also need to step away for a min or two bc of it all becoming too much of a reminder of themselves and all that happened
They couldn't help but worry abt Y/N either bc, what if they also end up getting murdered? They aren't safe here
At first, Sun, Moon and Polar would agree not to tell Y/N anything, keeping it to themselves, but eventually, after they get closer and enough trust is built, they'd actually talk to them abt it
This is mostly it! Security Breach like events would most likely take place, leading to the Plex burning down and the group getting out
Also, I imagine that their more calm and chill energy contrasts with the DCA's more energetic and/or chaotic one (still unsure if Sun and Moon would be together or separate for this)
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sprite-periodt · 1 year
Ok so originally the plan was to post this right on the first of the month but I got all shy and scared and second guessing y'know the whole works bUT powering though it because I just wanna shout from the rooftops about these wonderful people! So without further a do🤙🏾:
My favorite peeps in the community that I really would like to meet in real life a thread:
@squeaky-n-blushy Firstly because she's such a sweetheart and we clicked really fast(I promise I didn't forget about you girl) and I feel bad for not talking to her in a long ass while because after we were talking regularly there was a very long period of time when I was not active on Tumblr at all. When I did come back I was literally SO scared to talk to her again because it's been so long. ✨Anxiety tings~✨ but this is my way of asking can we please talk regularly again 👉🏾👈🏾. I genuially liked talking to you and you're so sweet and wholesome and I feel really bad because I literally suck at communication😭
@lull-falesia . Bro they're so nice(and mean😝) but I love it so it's ok. AND they're funny as hell like bro calm down. We have similar interests and I would love to take them up on that sleep over of just binging all Marvel movies that they haven't seen. Not to mention I'd get hugs and we'd probably find out just how t-wordish I am but it's great because I can give them head pats and give them the t-words they've been lacking as well to return the favor.😼 I genuially love talking to them and talking with them makes my day better!
@ficsandgiggles We haven't talked too much until she sent me a Christmas card(which was so sweet bruh😭) but I do want to talk more! She's very sweet and talented and I love her fics very much. They've gotten me through some tough and lonley times and I very much appreciate it. I will support her all the way and keep giving her prompts if she so wishes!
@fauxxyboi Another sweetheart! Such a sweet boy!! And adorable too ofc. Always checking up on me and such and I really appreciate it! He is an artist just like me and that's a plus! We could have like a drawing sesh together and just talk and vibe :3. And I'm always happy and excited to receive a message from him.
And last but certainly not least @pegasusflight77 . We haven't talked for too long just yet but I already enjoy our convos so much!! She literally feels like my big sis. (If it's ok to say so hehe) And I know if we did meet I'd get the best hugs and maybe some t-words?🙊She is so sweet and talented just like her bestie @ficsandgiggles and I'm really glad they have each other!! Y'all so cute uwu. And I'm thrilled that you guys have a blog together writing the most amazing fics that have also gotten me through some tough times and will keep giving you guys prompts if they so wish as well!
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quinngefail · 11 months
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I don't have any colored photos of Mr. Charles Pace yet so THIS'LL HAVE TO DO but basically he's inexplicably in a similar situation as Jamie, having constant encounters with The Horrors. However, where Jamie has been dealing with this for nearly a decade and is absolutely over it, these things have just recently started happening to Charles- and it's like NEW DAY NEW HYPERVENTILATION !!
So the top image is the first drawings I did of him, second is a bunch of facial expressions that were for an assignment, and the last two are from another assignment. I planned on making a comic with these two but then it ended up being too ambitious (what with also having to make and finish my animated short, Errands) and I instead did that comic with Dread that I posted the other day :)
Then some misc things about . I don't have too much yet since y’know, school took over my life and I haven't really gotten back into developing this series yet but!!
-He's obviously a very skittery, suffering man as of late, but I imagine he always had that sorta nervous air about him. And now he has even more of a reason to be a nervous wreck 😩
-The marks on his cheek and nose are pretty fresh :')
-He will willingly throw himself in the face of danger to save people since y’know THESE MONSTERS ARE AFTER ME, SAVE YOURSELF!! And that's where this little drawing came from LMAO
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Jamie is just like. Bruh
This is unnecessary
-He genuinely doesn't understand how Jamie can be so nonchalant about this all. For a while he assumed this man must have some power or something I don't and Jamie was just ????? What are you on
-Another interaction I've imagined between him and Jamie is Charles being like When does all this ever end.....??? :^( And Jamie is just hA-
-All in all their relationship is generally sympathetic and no one's holding any animosity or anything. But there are definitely times where Jamie is just like Jesus Christ calm down it's gonna be okay
I'm eager to do more with him and get more development in >:P and maybe a fully colored drawing too THAT'D BE NICE-
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estcsy · 1 year
OKAY SOOO for anyone that doesn’t know on the weekends in my encanto dr it is full blown party mode I’m talking nobody is going home till 3am
so it’s like 7pm and people are starting to gather on casitas front lawn and I’m out there minding my own business devouring some strawberries and then leo and noah came up to me out of nowhere, and they didn’t do anything like crazy they acted like they normally did
until like a few minutes I noticed that they would like follow me around?? they don’t do that normally unless we’re like having a conversation but I would get up to do something and they would automatically stop talking and get up with me
so then I’m like “why are y’all being weird 🤨” and they were just like “what do you mean?” and then in sync they said “we’re always like this 😁😁”
that kinda freaked me out I’m not gonna lie I walked away because I thought they were gonna pull a knife out and kill me
but anyways
so yeah I’m walking away and they ran to catch up to me and grabbed onto one of my arms to I turned around and asked them what’s wrong with them again because they don’t normally like do that?? much less both of them at the same time
so they sigh and let go of me and then they look around and then noah whispers “we’re scared and we need protection…” so now I’m obviously confused from who do you need protection from and wtf do you expect me to do about it dawg
so then he keeps going and he says “xavier wants to fight us…”
I nearly fainted from how hard I was laughing
like I was in tears
no way them at their 5’8 height are scared of the 5’0 ankle biting xavier
but going on
so once I got myself together I asked why because like… WHY??? WHAT DID THEY DO??? 💀
they didn’t end up telling me because they said I was bullying them so they ended up walking off and then angel was their body guard for the rest of the night
so I like went to go sit down and I’m still minding my own business yk just watching the people dance and then miss valentina spawned next to me and asked if she could sit in the chair next to mine
nobody was sitting there so I’m like “yeah go ahead” and she puts her bag on the floor and sits down and it’s the most awkward tension I had ever felt I wanted to evaporate
so then out of the blue she goes “can I get to know you better?”
it’s so weird having her go from being a big meanie to her being shy and complimenting me when I do things like it doesn’t feel real
so I look like this “😳 actually? 😳” and she goes “yeah :D” and all of a sudden I know nothing about myself like WHAT DO I TELL HERRRR
so I’m being the amazing conversationalist I am and I go “do you like cake?” and she says “yes I do :D” and then I said “I don’t really like cake” and then she said “eh I don’t really like it that much either”
so I’m 🤨 so then I asked her if she just said that because I said I didn’t like cake that much and she didn’t say anything she just like looked down
so then I’m ngl I felt bad for the girl because she felt like she had to do that so I told her to answer how she feels and not like this person that she’s being for other people and she starts CRYING
I didn’t know what I did wrong I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there like this 😧
she calms down and then she says “I really like cake 😢, it’s fluffy and sweet 😢, like you 😢”
I was at a loss for words
I couldn’t come up with anything else to say but “I’m a cake?… woah” and she seemed to like it bc she laughed and wiped her tears
once she calmed down I asked her what else she likes and she like grabbed her bag and pulled a book out and she said “I like to draw” so I’m thinking ‘oh that’s cool’ and she hands me the book and I’m looking through it and she’s not bad AT ALL
so I’m like “wow that looks cool” :D and it’s like animals and landscapes
but then I reach this one page and I’m like looking at it and its a girl sitting by a river like just staring looking at everything
and then it clicks
that’s literally me
so I gasp and she like closes the book really fast and hides it under her bag and I’m in SHOCK LIKE MOUTH OPEN EYE WIDE
and she goes “SORRY IF THATS WEIRD” she was gonna say more but I cut her off because I wanted to see 💀 and then we asked me “is it not weird?” like nono it’s a little bit weird but it also looks pretty and it’s me I wanna see
so she gives it back to me and I look at it again and the outfit I had on tells me that she drew this on the day her mom yelled at me for being momless HASHAAH
so then I asked her like how did she do this because like I didn’t see her it anything?? but I was out there for a long time in my own world
she said she didn’t really get close she only saw me from a far but it took her like two hours to do and for around two hours I was sitting there doing nothing so it adds up
I also asked her how she saw me and he said “my eyesight is pretty good ☺️” idk I thought it was funny
it was two pages one was of my back looking at the river and the other was of my side profile like looking down
and she did me justice I didn’t look bad at all
then I told her that she’s really good and if I could keep them and she was like “yeah sure :D” so she ripped them out and gave them to me
but yeah that’s it
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naraya-uwuart · 1 year
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I wanted to do what the moments were like when Cross was pregnant with Crix 🐢
I have not been able to draw almost because I have been a little busy with school aaa- 😔
Well here I leave them 💕💜✨
✨Moments in Cross pregnancy :DD✨
Month 1
Epic: Calm down, it will pass bruh
Cross: Ugh...
Month 2
Epic: Uuuh I don't think that's healthy...
Cross: And? It's not my fault dude, it gave me a craving ok?
*He put chocolate on the potatoes XD*
Month 3
*He sees that his belly was already forming*
Month 4
Epic: O-oh my... Bruh! the baby moved!
Month 5
Cross: Mmm! Just come in!
*He gets angry because his clothes don't fit on his belly anymore*
Month 6
They're just snuggling (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) 💗✨
Month 7
Cross: I-I'm fat...
Epic: Bruh calm down, you are not
Cross: Of course yes!
Epic: Don't cry love, you're just a little overweight, I love you as you are
Month 8
Cross: Dude take off! I need my space
Epic: But bruh... I just want to give you love...
Month 9
sleeping together 💕
And at the end Cross starts having contractions-
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mbrainspaz · 2 months
Wildest shit I’ve ever experienced in over a decade of staying in hostels around the world but I guess of course if it ever would happen it’d happen at NOLA during a festival
I’ve seen plenty of obnoxious loud drunk people come in at 3am over the years but 5:30am?? Crazy. Then they climb into a bunk together and start loudly making out?!??? At 5:30???? Bruh I was about to get up and make coffee. Now I feel trapped in my bunk in a room with 9 other mortified random strangers.
I’m just lying there unable to go back to sleep now because—What in the Below Decks everloving frickafrack is even going on here?! I consider saying something but like… what the hell do you say?? Was this even real life?
The making out continues for a horrific 5 minutes when suddenly—a hero. Big Australian guy on a bunk across the room goes ‘you know this a full bunk room guys. Just sayin.’
A startled pause.
But alas, the face sucking noises soon resume.
Our outback knight in shining armor persisted, calmly pointing out that there was an empty study room down the hall.
The make-out girl tried to get sassy with him but he never wavered, ever the calm voice of reason. He never told them what to do, just kept suggesting options and drawing their attention back to the unwilling audience.
It wasn’t long before they gave it up and traipsed back out in shame to the sound of muffled giggles from every bunk.
This definitely did not need saying but FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD DO NOT TRY TO HOOK UP IN A FULLY BOOKED HOSTEL AT 5:30AM!!!!
3am would have been just as scandalous but a little less deranged.
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