#breathing exercises for asthma
nhrepon · 5 months
Breathing Exercises for Asthma: Natural Ways to Breathe Easier
If you suffer from asthma, you know how challenging it can be to catch your breath during an attack. The good news is that there are natural ways to alleviate your symptoms and breathe easier. Breathing exercises have been shown to provide significant relief for people with asthma, reducing the frequency and severity of attacks. This post will discuss the advantages of breathing exercises for…
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luminarai · 1 year
Just found this app called breasy that I highly recommend to people with breathing issues related to anxiety, stress, asthma, vcd, chronic hyperventilation, and the like. Or if you just want to work on some breathing exercises for mindfulness or meditation.
It’s totally free and comes with 5 different breathing exercises with super short descriptions of what they can be used for.
It looks like this, but you can remove the stars if you want to
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You can also add/remove vibrations and sounds for the exercises so that you get a soft chime or vibration when you need to exhale/hold/inhale (the chimes are pitched slightly different depending on the action so you can use it without looking as well, which I really like!). You can also set a timer for a session.
I’ve really struggled with asthma related breathing issues lately and this is pretty helpful for me when it comes to not over-inhaling or panicking when I’m waiting for my medication to kick in when I’m having an asthma attack, so I just wanted to pass a recommendation along in case it could help someone else too.
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motherhenna · 9 months
So today was my first day teaching an after school elective theater class (10+ 2nd 3rd 4th grade girls) and holy shit y'all I have even more respect for teachers now than ever before because that was BRUTAL lmao it was like they could smell my fear and knew they could trample all over me. Maybe my viewpoint is skewed, seeing as I was a really meek, easygoing kid at that age, but I can't fathom just...blatantly ignoring the teacher when they tell you not to do something. I get theater is a bit more loosey goosey but damn I can't imagine treating any of my past theater teachers (or any adult for that matter) with such disregard. Hoping that they were just crazy because it was their first day back at school after summer break and they'll mellow out a tiny bit by next week.
There were two super sweet and responsible 4th graders that I'm probably going to have to lean on to get through to some of their classmates. Like appoint them "team leaders" or whatever.
Either way, no more Ms. Pushover next Wednesday--Miss Helen is gonna lay down the fucking LAW lol I'm going to print out a set of class rules and expectations and have the kids repeat them back to me, and I may invest in a fucking whistle to cut through how loud they can get. If any of y'all have a background in teaching or otherwise dealing with large groups of children, feel free to drop any tips or suggestions you might have to get a handle on a rowdy crowd of munchkins and gremlins without yelling or being overly strict.
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verdanturfwind · 8 months
Saying that using disability language to describe your experiences is "dehumanizing yourself" and "making you look angry" is so fucking telling of your character.
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tropes that need to die a horrible death preferably now please: the only characters with asthma are fat and/or nerdy and the implication is that their asthma is caused by lack of excercise/disinterest in athleticism and that it's not in fact... the other way round
oh, and the asthma's only there for comic relief 🙃
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sailor-cerise · 5 months
Breaking news: insufficient breathing does not make you feel great
More news: breathing medication makes you breath better
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aintmyjewelry · 4 months
man i forgot how bad my asthma can get. i worked out this morning, had an issue with my lungs, it's now 4:30pm and i am still wheezing and my chest still feels weird
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roseband · 2 years
every time i see “ohhh see this is how dems should govern... when repubs try to block popular policy....... ppl then protest and vote”
i want to start killing these brats
yes.... no one listened to disabled people having die-in protests at the capitol and senators offices every time our health care was threatened over the last twelve years, that’s what the main thing in obamacare is.........filling the insurance gap for people who aren’t disabled enough to qualify for ssdi/medicare, and are too gross and ill and expensive for insurance to cover (cause 12 pt sessions a month for three months straight isn’t profitable, why would anyone want to cover my injury prone ass without policy to make them)
young brats only have like a 12% population with preexisting conditions... when u get into older ages it gets to 50-60%......... it literally affected u the whole time u will eventually get sick, im sick of this fucking hubris from the “young and healthy” you will get sick, everyone gets sick, it doesn’t matter how much exercise you do, how healthy you eat, you will eventually have something happen
since the roe decision and now the student loan thing, i keep seeing more and more people waking up to how bad actual legislated oppression is vs. social oppression, and my guys, my dudes,,, i want to kill some of you....... the lack of empathy while people were trying to take my health care away, to take my equal rights away legally, the bOtH sIdEs crap, you fuckers were going to just let me die?????? 
people love to talk about ted cruz’s “green eggs and ham” but don’t seem to care (or even know) that that was to prevent me from getting health care when i became an adult and aged off my mom’s union plan. 
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when i go to the gym i just set the incline up high on the treadmill and walk at like 3.5 mph for an hour because i Cant run/jog because my lungs are made of tissue paper. anyway i only go once a week and i still got tendonitis in my foot from too much uphill walking. wish i had health insurance so i could finally figure out why my entire body is so weak and apparently allergic to all forms of mild exercise 😑
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kenobion · 1 year
I just tried this HIIT workout in the Apple Fitness+ app cause they gave me a free trial, and it just about ended me
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bordonfreeman · 1 year
Wow guys that run was pretty good! Yea i think my jogging speed has gotten better! Welp, see yall next time!
[Starts limping away]
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vanillabat99 · 1 year
I love (sarcasm) how my lungs feel like they're full of cotton after I go up stairs, or walk too much, or just exist. I love (still sarcasm) that the only functional inhaler available to me isn't compatible with my airchamber.
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tbh i’ve stopped being mad about the fact that my body developed psychosomatic asthma as an anxiety response because honestly???? who the fuck else is doing it like me
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lovecolibri · 2 years
Me, having done zero strenuous exercise for months because executive functioning is hard: I can totally just hop right in on this workout video series I used to do, no problem!
My lungs, heart, muscles: whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck *alarms blaring*
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mental-mona · 5 days
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seanprouvaire · 12 days
talked to my psychiatrist about my stress induced tics and she was like well we can't always control our anxieties but we can control how we react to them. kinda ignoring the definition of tics there but okay
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