#brainrot is real y'all
flavored-soda · 29 days
One of the reasons I love BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley is the new dynamic that we get to see in Buck's life. Sure, we've seen him have a-many relationships, but not one like this.
Everyone around him as someone or something else to care for that usually takes, for lack of a better word, priority over Buck in some way. Think about it: Maddie has Chimney and Jee-yun, Bobby has Athena, Hen has Karen and Denny (and now Mara), and Eddie has Christopher. His own parents even treated him as a second to Daniel. He's been told that he doesn't really have anyone outside the 118 and besides from Maddie that rings true. And the relationships outside the 118 (at least the romantic ones) never seem to end well. But then again, the partners that we did see a lot of had other priorities as well. Abby had her mother and Taylor had her career.
If go off of the little backstory that Lou has created for Tommy, it seems that Tommy doesn't have anyone or anything outside of his job that would take priority over a romantic partner. Buck has never been someone's priority, but he's already becoming Tommy's. Which is evident through Tommy showing up to that bachelor party despite being on call and showing up at the hospital directly after his shift. Buck has the chance to be treated right and I think that is so so so important.
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dirchristophernolan · 6 months
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Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out
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paramores · 4 days
i'm sorry but i don't believe polin were rushed or whatever. these two have known each other since they were CHILDREN. the love and respect they've had for each has always been there. and yes, it took one kiss for colin to realize his feelings weren't just platonic and why wouldn't it? i don't believe his feelings just came out of nowhere. penelope is his best friend. the one that would always made him feel appreciated, the one he would seek out to lift his spirits up, the one he always wrote to even when the responses stopped coming. other bridgerton couples felt passion for each other for less (don't misunderstand tho i love them too) but the difference with friends to lovers is that the love has always been there and it only grows as the years go by and i'm sorry to everyone that doesn't get it.
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localravenclaw · 6 months
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safert0fu · 4 days
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it's thancred thursday but i don't have anything "finished" so have this wip.
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itsokbbygrl · 3 months
Proper Education Masterlist A Dark!Joel x reader/OC Saltburn Inspired AU
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Our tale begins in a far off land, under the burning heat of a Texan sun. Two lives irrevocably changed—one by love, the other, obsession.  The dangerous naivete of youth combusting when exposed to the fire of envy,  A flame fueled by privilege, ineffable wealth, beauty, and lust so consumes  Our star-crossed pair, until all that remains is this— Is there such a thing as fate? Or merely the calculated hunt of a greater predator?
Inspired by this song and written to this soundtrack.
Chapter 1: Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair Chapter 2: coming 3/22 at 7pm CT Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: EPILOGUE:
follow and click "get notifications" at @itsokbbygrl-notifs for updates sent via push notification. new chapters to be published every other friday around 7pm CT as real life allows. this story will be 18+ and consist of mature content and dark themes. reader beware. additional warnings will be added as published.
tagging some mutuals who may be interested in reading: @swiftispunk @5oh5 @merci-killing @javierpena-inatacvest @mermaidgirl30 @sawymredfox @joelsgreenflannel @tightjeansjavi @netherfeildren @survivingandenduring
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internetbanality · 9 months
Just gotta point out the difference between THIS:
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and THIS:
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Because before where we were seeing Nick make an effort to sit next to Seiji on the bus, this time it's SEIJI willingly sitting next to Nick. Another example of him getting to know Nick/getting closer to him/not pushing or pulling away.
Seiji chose to sit next to him and I love seeing it.
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ghostdoodlen · 6 months
I need a fic or drabble over this
Rodrick x afab or fem reader who's the close cousin of Patty Farwell
She's a handful at times, Patty's well behaved and you get along great.
You're attending Patty's talent show and enjoying her number with your camera. Suddenly the guy right next to them is crying and so emotional over her performance.
Imagine silently handing him a tissue and patting his man on the shoulder and he doesn't even question it.
Rodrick will probably will realize what happened after the show and gets acquainted with you.
Is he embarrassed that he cried in front of you? Maybe but it landed him a date with you and that's all that matters.
Much to the shock and horror of Greg and Patty that they'll have to see each other more often.
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amostfoolishgold · 14 days
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A little guy and his bee <3
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dancingwiththoughts · 2 months
Alastor Sickfic
Writing yet another Alastor sickfic in the dead of night because my mental state is questionable.
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Should hopefully be up on AO3 soon <3
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its-jaytothemee · 3 months
Tonight...And Every Night - Chapter 7
Pairing: Astarion x Tav, Halsin x Tav; Astarion and Tav POVs
Word count: 2,000; Chapter 7, Tav POV
Rating: Mature
Read on AO3
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Summary: Tav fails to convince Astarion to reject the Rite of Profane Ascension and refuses to help him complete it. He leaves her and the party, but regrets his choices later. Angsty and fluffy, POVs from both Astarion and Tav.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Spawn!Astarion, Angst w/ Happy Ending
Author's Note: This was inspired by my playthrough where I somehow failed all of the persuasion checks for Astarion after the Cazador fight, leaving me obviously devastated. Much longer chapter incoming!
Tav stood completely still, barely breathing. She blinked a few times, worried that this may be an illusion.
“How long have you been there?” She asked, releasing her held breath.
“Long enough.” Astarion paused. “Did you mean what you said?” He asked quietly.
She continued staring at him, saying nothing.
“When you said you could forgive me.” His voice was soft and hopeful.
“That depends on what you say next.”  Her pain seeped into every syllable of her words. She was barely able to get them out before the tears came back into her eyes. Her fingers dug deeper into Halsin’s hand.
“Fair enough.” He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Tav…I’m…” He paused for a moment and let out a large sigh, “I am so sorry. Words alone will never heal the suffering I caused you today. What I said was unforgiveable, even more so because it was you. You didn’t betray me, I betrayed you. I was blinded with my desire for revenge, I don’t know what came over me…I…” He started to stammer, his eyes darting between her and the ground in front of him.
“You were the first person in two hundred years to show me a shred of compassion, and I was grateful. But I never dared to dream that you could love someone like me. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t even believe that love was real. To me, it was just a fairy tale to help everyone sleep better at night, to keep them hopeful. Then…there was you.” He paused, looking down at his hands, still stained with Cazador’s blood. Tav watched him carefully, watching his expressions and listening closely to the tone of his voice.
“I understand if you never want to see me again,” he continued, lifting his head back up to look into her eyes, “but if you’ll give me one last chance, I promise you I will work to be the person you see in me. I…I want to be someone you can be proud of; I want to be someone who deserves you, Tav. I want to learn to live again – with you if you’ll have me. And if I can’t have that, I would happily start over with you from the beginning, as friends, as travelling companions. I cannot fathom the idea of no longer having you in my life. I’d rather live a thousand years having you as an acquaintance than live another day knowing I could never see your face again.”
Her bottom lip was quivering as the tears kept flowing down her cheeks.  She still couldn’t bring herself to move.
“But know this Tav,” he continued, “if you ask it of me, I will leave. I will find my way back into the shadows, and I will not trouble you again. It would be nothing less than what I deserve. I simply could not have lived with myself if I did not tell you how I feel.” The next breath he took was much shakier, and Tav could see that he was crying now.
“I…I love you, Tav. You didn’t take everything from me, you are everything to me.” When he looked back up to her, his soft, red eyes were a silent plea. The tear streaks on his face tinted with dried blood. She desperately searched his face for any signs of deception, but as far as she could tell he just looked terrified.
Suddenly, a memory came creeping back to her, the dark air around her transforming into swirling shadows.
The camp was silent, Tav couldn’t sleep and had decided to check the fires around the perimeter of camp. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the eerie darkness of these shadow cursed lands. A small whimper from somewhere behind her caused her to jump as she adjusted a torch. Grabbing the dagger at her belt, she slowly worked her way toward the sound. To her surprise, the sound was coming from Astarion’s tent. She stowed her dagger, and quietly pushed her way inside.
“Astarion?” She asked gently, reaching her hand out to rest on his back. Her fingers lightly ran across the slightly raised skin that made up the infernal scars on his back. He startled awake at her touch, breathing heavily.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s just me.” She tried to keep her voice as soothing as possible.
Even so, the look on his face was one of pure agony. She gave him a moment to process his surroundings. As his breathing slowed and he seemed to recognize that he wasn’t in any danger, he was finally able to speak.
“Oh, hello darling.” He said, still slightly out of breath. “Is something the matter?”
She looked at him, confused.
“No, everything’s okay, I just heard sounds coming from your tent and came to check on you.” She said, trying to avoid upsetting him further.
“Ah…I see…well…” he leaned back, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts, “as you can see I’m perfectly…fine.” He paused for a long moment before the word ‘fine.’ She watched as his face fell again, and she realized that he was afraid.
Tav tentatively reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. He ever so slightly leaned into her touch. She still wasn’t sure how much intimacy he was comfortable with. She didn’t want to push him, but she was aching to hold him, to let him know he was safe. While lost in her thoughts, Astarion suddenly lunged at her, throwing his arms around her waist and squeezing her tight. She returned the gesture, happily. He cried into her shoulders, taking ragged, gasping breaths. His arms were shaking, he desperately clung to her as if she was the only thing anchoring him to this plane. She softly stroked his back and his hair, doing whatever she could think of to try and calm him.
“You’re…you’re alright.” He sobbed into her shoulder.
“Of course I am, I’ve just been in my tent trying to rest.” She continued to hold him tight against her, still slightly confused.
“It…it was Cazador. He had you…” He took a deep gasping breath. “He made me watch as he carved…you were screaming.”
“I’m alright, my love. It was only a dream...” She held his trembling body close to her until his breathing returned to normal.
 Astarion hardly talked about Cazador. From what little she knew, it was easy to tell that he was a masochistic lunatic. What she didn't realize was that even without being able to control him, he was still able to torture Astarion from afar. He haunted his dreams even while miles away, unable to touch him. She knew he had suffered greatly at his master's hands, but just now realized how truly tormented Astarion's soul was as he held her tightly. He didn’t only fear for his own life, but that of anyone he dared to care about.
It was now that she realized that this was going to take a significant amount of time to heal, and that the healing couldn't truly start until Cazador was dead and gone. He would carry the scars of his torment for the rest of his life, constantly reminding him of that time. A pain stabbed at her chest, suddenly anxious that she couldn’t truly help him, that maybe he was too far gone. What could she possibly offer to offset two hundred years of pure malice? She laid him down next to her on the bedroll and held his head to her chest, still stroking his hair.
“Will you stay?” He managed to croak out between his shallow breaths.
“I’m right here with you. I’ll always be right here with you.” She whispered the promise into his ear. She also made another promise, silently. I’ll help you get through this, my love. You’ll live freely again, I promise.
Tav was suddenly back at their camp, the cool evening air was causing small bumps to rise on her arms. She found herself looking back into Astarion’s pleading eyes and faced with another choice.
Her mind was spinning. She never expected that he would actually come back, but was it enough? She kept her gaze locked on him as she thought through their time together. He had come so far, but still had so much further to go. He had used her and manipulated her for his own gain. But he had also dove in front of arrows for her, he stood up for her when others sought to cross her boundaries even though he couldn’t set any of his own. Despite everything, he still followed her, helped her, and believed in her. She knew that he had never known an ounce of leniency or forgiveness in his long life, yet here he was. Trusting and hoping that she would be the first person to give it to him. He knew all too well that she could crush him right here and now. He knew there was a possibility that she would be the proof he needed that he wasn’t worthy of redemption. He had to know that there was a very good chance she would send him away forever. And he still came back.
Yes, she was angry, she was still hurt, but in that moment, she was also so godsdamned proud of him. She thought back to her silent promise, her worry that she had nothing to offer him. Now what she could see as easily as the familiar lines on his face, was that he needed to feel forgiveness. He needed to know that he wasn’t alone, and if he would allow it, he would never have to be again. Halsin’s words rang in her ears, she didn’t want to think of her kindness as a weakness anymore.
She let go of Halsin’s hand and took small steps forward, slowly closing the gap between her and Astarion. Only a couple of steps away now, she was still not fully convinced that this wasn’t all some elaborate illusion. She hesitantly reached out her hand to touch his cheek, just to prove that it was really Astarion standing in front of her. The familiar feel of his cool, smooth skin greeted her fingers. He turned his face into her hand, closing his eyes. With that, she couldn’t hold back any longer.
Tav grabbed Astarion by his cloak and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. It took him a moment for him to hug her back, almost as if he didn’t believe it was happening. She cried into his neck, digging her hands into his back and his hair, trying to pull him closer. He cradled the back of her head, his other hand wrapped around her waist as far as he could reach, holding her as tightly against him as she could be. He lifted her up off the ground slightly as she clung to him.
“You came back.” She choked out between her sobs.
He pulled away slightly so he could grab her face in his hands.
“Of course I came back, my dear. And I’m here to stay.” He crashed his lips into hers, kissing her deeply. She broke away after a moment and pressed her forehead to his.
“Never scare me like that again.” She whispered.
“Never again.” He promised, as Tav wiped away the tears running down his cheeks. She kissed him again, holding his head in place against hers.
She nestled her face back into his neck and stood there in his arms for a few more moments, drinking in his scent. Tav knew there would be difficult conversations to come. They would have to face their spurned companions and even after all his help, she still wasn’t sure about Halsin’s feelings towards Astarion now. For a moment though, she purged the thoughts from her mind and relaxed into him. She allowed herself to be grateful that he found his way back into her arms, hopefully never to leave again.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
good morning i still can't believe we got that waantul scene. how win says "you have very little happiness but still pushed him away from your life" and god knows waan tries to be logical and stern and unrelenting but everything just crumbles away as soon as he's with tul because tul really just makes him so damn happy. and when tul attacks him with sniff kisses waan is laughing and smiling and saying it's too much when it's actually not nearly enough: his life was always full of responsibilities and sacrifices and escapism but tul is here, solid and warm under his hands, and for the first time waan let himself have
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addicted-to-the-knife · 4 months
thinking about how when Jeremy was being a little shit, Corey sat there, processing and deciding on how to respond appropriately, before eventually settling on the stern, "Okay, five minutes, and then you're going to bed", which is most definitely word for word what his mother has been telling him since childhood whenever he was 'acting up'.
and thinking about how he probably always hoped to never be like his mother, and how he was thinking about another way to discipline Jeremy and have some authority over him without being like her, only to end up doing what he's known to be on the receiving end of so intimately his entire life.
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astryaz · 4 days
Chat would y'all still love me if I made more kny content
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mistressemmedi · 10 months
Sidenote I have a new coworker who is into motorsports - told me it's been a family thing since her dad used to race with Keke Rosberg etc. and... Well. I tried really hard to Be Very Normal™ about it, but internally I was vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass.
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loserbigsis · 14 days
It can honestly feel really isolating to be a transfem on here (and in queer spaces in general i feel) who's not okay with casual/non-committal flirting/sex/etc. I don't know when we all decided that polyamory and relationship anarchy were synonymous, but sometimes it feels like some of you subconsciously feel like "being unavailable (outside of an actual defined relationship)" is the greatest crime you can commit as a transfem. Like i know we talk a lot on here about how people do this subconsciously with people they consider "unattractive" (being trans, non-passing, fat, non-white, etc.), and about how people treat transfems as "pleasure dispensers" from a fetishistic perspective. But honestly nothing has made me feel both of those things more than being upfront about having a severe attachment disorder and the boundaries i have because of that. Sure, people stopped interacting with me as much when i gained a lot of weight and stopped posting pictures of myself, but it fucking nosedived into non-existence as soon as i started being upfront about this stuff
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