#blsck women
auntymurda · 1 year
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Aryana Starr
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invisiblevoyager · 10 months
Patriarchy Ken is to Barbie as white women are to black women sorry not sorry
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marycarm3n · 2 years
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sumire-bride · 11 months
IN KATAKANA- スミレ - かなしい
IN KANJI- 純麗 - 非心
Sumire can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: 菫, "violet" as a name 紫花, "purple, flower"純麗, "purity, lovely"澄玲, "lucidity, sound of jewels"澄麗, lucidity, lovely". Her last name is split into two "非" meaning "un" "non" or "lacking" and "心" means "heaer. So it literally means "lacking a heart" Her father Kyuufu uses spells her first name name in Kanji this way 澄玲 however Karl spells in kanji like 菫 非心. Her name is meant to symbolize a violet flower so pure she has no choice but to break.
Ran-chan (Laito) Ko-suika, Midori gakatta (Ayato) Rapunzal (Shuu) Livestock, ghost/Sadako (Ruki) Stray cat (Ruki, Yuma) Sow (Yuma), M-neko-chan (Kou) My orian (Shin) Eve (Karl n Azusa)
AGE- 18(Beginning), 19 (End)
BIRTHDAY- September 25th.
SIGN- Libra.
ETHNICITY- Japanese, Chinese.
RACE- Human (beginning) Immortal human (End)
GENDER/PRONOUNS- Female, she/her/hers
HEIGHT- 5'6 (168)
HOBBIES- Sewing, reading, Piano.
OCCUPATION- Third year high school student.
A flower pot (in VC)
Kyuufu Kanashi (FATHER)
Xaing Kanashi (MOTHER)
Chousoka Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Oroshi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Sing Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Takashi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Tadashi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Shoji Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Keiji Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Anzu Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Koukai Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
-VOICE ACTOR (headcannon)-
𖧷ɤ— Sumire is a tall young women, with long raven black hair reaching the back of her knees. Her hair starts off straight but ends with curls. She has ghostly like skin with emerald eyes. She also wears makeup. Consisting of red lipstick, red eye liner and pink blush.
𖧷ɤ—In HAUNTED DARK BRIDAL and MORE BLOOD she wears a light blue dress that reaches only just above her knees, with a tight at the top turtle neck dress underneath. And a black ribbon that holds her green brooch around her neck, white tights and brown dress shoes with a corset. She also wears jade earrings.
𖧷ɤ—In VANDEAD CARNIVAL she wears neck silky flowy blue dress that fades out into white at the bottom it reveals her whole collar bone. She wears a bit of a darker blue lace shrug that covers her neck that also has long flowy sleeves, as well as a black ribbon around her waist that holds her emerald brooch. With black flats that has a little white bow on the tips of them.
𖧷ɤ—In DARK FATE she wears a shoulder white dress with long tight sleeves. With a black choker, a dress that reaches her knees she wears black flats. She abandons her emerald brooch.
𖧷ɤ— Her FORMAL WEAR is a red and white hanfu that drags on the floor. The cloak falling off her shoulders half way, it also consists of three violet flowers. One on her white belt and two in her hair, she also wears a red see through veil that covers her face.
𖧷ɤ—Her SCHOOL UNIFORM consists of a white button up, a black vest with a red bow. She also wears a really big black coat with white ends and a long skirt that sits just above her knees, blsck tights and black boots.
AS A CHILD she wears a white dress with a black collar, a black ribbon/belt around her waist that holds her see through part of her dress that's on the bottom.
𖧷ɤ— Sumire is a soft spoken and humble women. She has a tendency to put others before herself no matter the situation, though this is said because of her 'instincts' she is plenty more then just obidient. She's incredibly tense and anxious which is very well displayed on her face.
Sumire can be seen as a bit expressionless and lacks the ability to show empathy to others when they are upset, fearful, angry. As her home environment raised her to think unnecessary emotions are bad and 'useless' and so she assumes most people think the same. While she does have emotions herself she won't show the 'bad' ones making her seem cold and stand offish. She tends to never act out without being given an order from someone, and no matter what the order is she will do it without much remorse even if it causes harm to the other person or herself. 'I am willing to kill myself or others for you.'
Sumire is told she has the look/presence/attitude of a doll, she's elegant and is very well mannered.
Despite these however, Sumire is a very determined, loyal, dedicated and gentle person. She can even be seen as quite stubborn or very sassy and can be a bit of tease sometimes unhinged. Though later on she begins to learn how to be more considerate of peoples emotions despite herself being driven to the edge of insanity.
𖧷ɤ—Sumire is the youngest and only daughter of her family. Making her the youngest as well as the last living Kanashi member of the Kanashi (also known as personage clan).
THE KANASHI family in the beginning of time were made to be slaves to the demon clans [food source, sexual desire, assassins, etc.) All of them taken out of the human world and put into the demon world and were auctioned/sold to rich and royal families some sold as young as 10 years old. When they are put into the homes of demons they we're meant to be there to satisfy their needs and literally ANY needs. They were known for their pale skin, jet black hair, beauty and especially their emerald eyes. Over time with spending time with demon clans, while somehow stayed human they developed some characteristics (quick movement, enhanced eyesight, enhanced sense of smell.) Given the name Kanashi was meant to insult them as humans and also because they acted on orders with a 'lack of heart'. Years of inspecting Makai people the clan come up with a plan to take leadership to end the loop of curse using the tactics demons use to kill almost half of wolf, vibora, bat, alder clans sticking a war for both Kanashi's and all of Makai. To show dominance after killing a demon they'd take their teeth, eyes or bones and turn them into jewelry or yoyo's sometimes putting them into glass boxes keeping them as 'treasures'. However the war would come to a end when Karl was more popular as the Vampire king he places a peace between all clans but only because of his admiration/interest of the Kanashi's, making it where the can not be owned at all letting them live 'freely'. Despite him owning Sumire's father Kyuufu after the ban. However they are forced to attend a annual ceremony when they turn 18 named 'awakening of a Kanashi' where they choose to be bitten by different demon clans or kill them. Most have been killed off or died, and Sumire's family are the only remaining ones they plan to kill all demons across the world.
𖧷ɤ—After years pass however, Karlheinze went to Sumire's father Kyuufu, asking him to be apart of the 'Adam and Eve plan' so she can marry one of his 6 sons. Sending him out to quickly find a wife and give him a beautiful Eve so he can create a new race. So Kyuufu went to buy Sumire's mother a Nobel 14yr old girl from China Xaing when he was 50. He would then abuse her and make her his wife and do his best to get a girl, however for 13 tries he only got sons. Until the 14th try finally led to Sumire being born the day the Violets died on a full moon. When Sumire was born, Kyuufu sent Xaing's sons and her to a different house allowing them to see Sumire only a few times a year.
𖧷ɤ—Karlheinz's younger brother Richter would learn her existence believing she'd be the perfect substitute as Cordelia's new vessel, he would go to Kyuufu begging him to let her take Cordelia's heart lying to him 'it's apart of the plan'. He eagerly agrees but only if he waited till she was 18 to take on the adult heart. Both Richter and Kyuufu keeping it in a glass box to prevent it from decomposing.
𖧷ɤ— To keep Sumire from falling in love with another person growing up, or to get plans of running away she was kept inside in a very big mansion told the world was a very 'dirty place'. If it wasn't for Richter, he wouldn't have forced her to be 'clean' and keep her from expressing herself, as she needed to be clean n pure before the heart could be placed in her.
𖧷ɤ— In her childhood, Kyuufu would begin to manipulate her into believing she has no one else but him, he was her 'god' she didn't need anything else but him. Only scaring her into keeping inside the house. Making her brothers do the same, however most of them showing displeasure and hate for the young girl some smothering her, neglecting her existence, insulting her.
𖧷ɤ— Her mother was in fact no help, while she did show to be loving at times the sexual, mental and physical abuse Kyuufu showed her caused her to despise Sumire's existence, she had a hard time dealing with Sumire deciding she was going to break the child within in Sumire as it wasn't fair that she could be child when Xaing couldn't. Whenever she'd see Sumire act out, crying and such she'd call her a disgusting child and lock her in a small dark cubby. But another half of it was so she could protect her from Kyuufu as she was that scared of him.
𖧷ɤ— So throughout her childhood she became a very anxious child insecure completely isolated from the outside. However despite the terrible treatment and such from her family, she explains to people that she had a wonderful childhood and a even more loving family.
𖧷ɤ— At age 17, Sumire decided to escape but before she could Kyuufu found her and brought her to a old church, and there Richter would rip her heart out placing Cordelia's in it and hers being placed in the same glass box Cordelia's originally was in.
𖧷ɤ— Sumire at age 18 was then sent to live with the Sakamaki's, learning to live with the outside world and learn to deal with her awakening instincts and haunted by Cordelia.
𖧷ɤ— KYUUFU is Sumire's god. She loves her father so much and feels nothing will come between the two ever. Talking about her father she always seems in pure glee. She will talk about the experiences that seem horrible to others but to her it was just her fault for acting as such, she'll talk about them like they were the best things to happen to her and was just proof of there love.
She will grow incredibly defensive when others call her father out, or insult him in front of her. This is the only time she is seen to be incredibly angry. She feels her father is always with her, and whenever she is crying or is seeing someone else crying or afraid she'd say "Shh we must not cry, father might see us."
Sumire says she wants to be like XAING. Her mother is her idol and she just yearns to be as beautiful like her, everything her mother has done to her is seen as more then a blessing and that she's so very glad she taught her 'hard lessons' on how to be a true women. She would always jump up and down when she saw her as younger girl, having to hold her containment for her when she saw her in her teens.
Sumire disliked seeing Xaing cry or have her breakdowns that she'd have. Doing her best to settle her down even though she'd fail horribly making the situation worse blaming her birth for her suffering. However, the two had their moments of genuine mother daughter love but that was when she was much younger, as Sumire aged she especially into her teen years Xaing did not want anything to do with her.
CHOUSOKA adores Sumire, stating she is his reason for living and has told her since she was a child that she is his reason for living and that if Sumire ever left he'd die. Koukai mentions that Chousoka gets even more mean and rough when he is forced to leave Sumire. Due to what Kyuufu told him and the admiration he had for him, he always feels a desperate need to keep Sumire with him all the time, constantly smothering her. He once rocked Sumire in his arms so hard he almost broke her back when she was young when he couldn't find her.
Sumire loves her brother dearly, as he was the one she would spend the most time with, though she does not enjoy playing favourite brothers Chousoka is her favourite however she fears him the most. When she is sent to live with the Sakamaki's and Chousoka found out he ran to look for her.
OROSHI and Sumire have a very complicated relationship. But not in the way you'd think, growing up Oroshi was always nothing but gentle and sweet with he certainly wasn't as obsessive of her as Chousoka was, however he was incredibly controlling. He could go sweet and nice to mean and cruel, despite having plenty of patience. Sumire views Oroshi as a angle she trusts him the most.
ENA was nothing but mean to Sumire, insulting her any chance he had even now sometimes resulting into throwing things at the young girl she was when she'd go for hugs. But Sumire on the other hand favourites him as a brother next to Chousoka, she thinks she's being complimented by him hence why it bothers Ena so much. She believes just like the rest he can simply do no wrong to her.
ANZU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Updated information in need.
KOUKAI . . . . . . . . . .. Updated information in need.
-Chousoka, Oroshi, Ena, Anzu, Koukai are the for the most part the only ones she you see here with in the route. Sumire's relationships with all her BROTHERS is different depending on how they view her as a person. Some are mean to her, ignore her, smother her. But they all share keeping her inside the house/keep her from running away in common.. For the most part. But nonetheless she loves each and every one of her brothers.-
SHUU is very princely to Sumire she finds herself trying to take care of him and keep him out of danger even though he tells her to go away all the time. And when time goes on she's ruining his naps to show him stupid things or to get him to kill a rat for her. He refers to her as 'dense' 'stupid' 'average looking women.' Sumire's very infatuated by Shuu, as he looks like her 'dream boy' and like the men in all the books she read as a kid. He does his best to push her away but Sumire will not budge.
REIJI makes Sumire do many tasks for him. He's so interested in her abilities and how far she'll go for him and his brothers because of her "instincts". She went as far as pouring hot tea on herself for him. He uses her for research purposes because he's that interested in them. Sumire seems to adore his praise, following his orders with glee just to be told she did a good job that she's a 'good girl'. She is enchanted by him because he's tall with black hair and it makes her think of 'home.' Later on in the route, he is shown getting annoyed when she's with or helping Shuu even trying to push her away from doing his brothers bittings.
Sumire is seen teasing AYATO. Calling him out on his lies, or stupidity. When she's with Ayato you can see more of her sassy, cocky, even at points annoyance side of her. Ayato becomes obsessed with her blood. At first Ayato thought of her as a 'annoying piece of food, but my prey regardless." Loving her taste. But later in Sumire's route in ecstasy he grows fond even a little attached to her. In his own route with her however, he vows to protect her from her brothers even his own mothers possession of her. He states "As your owners, I'll make it my end goal to make sure you are completely owned by me." At the end of HDB the good ending (true ending).
KANATO is often mentally abusing Sumire like he would with others. Often showing annoyance to her, however Sumire on the other hand is scared of him and worried about his well being since he's smaller then her. Even though she doesn't avoid most of the brothers most of the time she does her best to avoid him the most after he makes her wear a dress similar to Cordelia's. Later on he shows genuine jealousy even annoyance when she uses "sama" at the end of his name.
LAITO will always be a wonder to Sumire. She struggles to view his ideas on 'love' and 'lust'. As she was raised with nothing involving sex preventing her from becoming dirty so when he's acting perverted around her she doesn't understand him. When he finds this out it only gives him more of a reason to tease and get different reactions out of her that she normally wouldn't express even using uncanny ways to get them out of her.
He showed no genuine 'interest' until he had a conversation with her on a balcony. Sumire grows confused by his ability to switch personalities to easily, noticing he's a different person when he's in public with her rather then when it's just the two of them.
Sumire adores SUBARU'S white hair. The white colour reminding her of snow, but during DF she grows to mistake him for her father when she grows to understand life more. However in the beginning she is shown to be giddy, follow him, talk to him with much happiness when he's around causing Subaru to get flustered when she's around and before any of the brothers, he develops feelings for her.
Disliking her love for her father even the rest of her family. Some of her mood swings remind him of his mother causing him to get uncomfortable with her at points. But the two feel empathy for each other due to their 'similar experiences.'
Like Reiji Sumire is seen following RUKI'S word, she seems to submit to him more easily then she does with the other Mukami brothers. Although Ruki deems her as "fussy" "like a stray cat" when he tries to get her to do things, or even when he's trying to help her. Showing that she doesn't trust him at all. Ruki is even slightly startled by her when she's popping up out of the blue, as her appearances is close to a ghost he said.
It takes her a while to warm up to him, and the two constantly bicker about the Sakamaki's being her 'owners'. But later on, she begins to ease up to him even beginning to like his company. And like Ruki, he becomes more adamant on making himself her 'owner' but not for the same reason as he originally wanted to.
Sumire thinks KOU'S loud, not exactly understanding him when she first met him at all. When he's talking to her or someone else she covers her ears, as she thinks he's overwhelming even a little draining. Like Laito, Sumire notices how easy it is for him to switch his personality to personality. Sumire is normally trying to give him 'life lessons' even seen mothering him a lot.
She can not stand YUMA. Sumire is known for adressing everyone as "Sama" at the end of there name or "mr, mrs" to show plenty of respect, to let them know she is less then them. However Sumire will not even say his name as she believes she'll curse herself. She becomes sassy and very aggravated when he's around her, hissing or trying to make herself appear "bigger". She once put a lamp to cover her head when he walked into the room.
His size and loud deep voice, scare her to her core. She's never met someone of his size, height sure but no one buff. Even if Yuma tries to help her at moments, she refuses him harshly wanting him to go away, hence he started calling her "the stray cat". But when she goes outside in daylight for the first time with him, she views him in a kind light and then doesn't treat him so harshly.
AZUSA unlike the others, treats Sumire more decently. Not calling her anything other then Eve. Sumire while not trusting the other Mukami's seems to open up to Azusa more often. Letting him cut her however stating she does not like doing it to him which confuses him. Even if not in a relationship or dating during this time, the two like holding hands even Azusa defending Sumire from most threats she faces. Even raising his voice at Ruki for her.
CARLA seems to cause Sumire's break downs and outbursts. As in DF she seems to lose form of sense after the good ending in MB (information will not be stated as it is big spoilers). And Carla's long white hair, old deep voice trigger her quite a bit. Making her follow his every word in fear.
He's shown no remorse for her. Even during his brother Shin's actions to her only caring that she holds the heart of a first blood. Stating he has no issue harming her.
Sumire and SHIN end up having a romantic relationship through out most of DF. Though the 'love' is one sided. Sumire does not love Shin, nor have any romantic attraction to him. It was more out of instinct and impulse she agreed to date him. And because he threated her.
She shows to be awkward around him and simply only doing things to please him. Like saying "I love you." While not meaning it. She more pities him if anything. She said "I've been tricked" tiredly and jokingly whenever Shin pranks her.
She feels sorry that she can not remember him, and believes if she helps him with his plan to over throw his brother it'll make it up to him.
𖧷ɤ—While being human, she still was able to inherit Kanashi abilities but through her route they slowly come in before becoming unbearable. One of them was unbeatable instincts to submit.
𖧷ɤ—Increased hearing.
𖧷ɤ—Increased sense of smell
𖧷ɤ—increased sight
𖧷ɤ—Increased strength (only when she is ordered to do something. Besides that Sumire is fairly physically weak and her 'strength' is very limited.)
-Sumire is very claustrophobic, any tight spaces even when it comes with human contact makes her upset.
-Sumire has musophobia (fear of rats)
-Sumire is left handed.
-Sumire plays the koto.
-One time Sumire chased Laito around the manner with a bug she found.
-She does not have a sweet tooth. In fact they make her gag.
-Sumire knows Chinese fluently.
-When Sumire is angry but not angry in a aggressive way. She'll puff and stomp her foot.
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palettesofrenaissance · 4 months
Other random ask?
The reason I like villain characters so much, is because if a big scary monster/alien/guy, has a soft spot for me then I always get to be safe🥺 My favorite dynamics are those that the guy has most control because I like the idea of being spoiled, not having to think so much
I see you. I see what you're meaning 👁
No but really. I don't know if it's solely something with the societal upbringing of Blsck women but I've heard this before both in real life and online. I've also heard the opposite. Insay this because on a real level I understand what you're saying and why
But also you like the dark-looking type too, do you not? Not necessarily a villain, but perhaps the who are trustworthy protectors and morals won't leave you wondering if he's going to let the terrorist run off and leave others (and you) as potential next victims, because he's going to take the fucking shot piglet
But also. Monster? Alien?? Would you care to explain please maam??? I think this needs an explanation???
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strawberry38 · 9 months
"I wish their butts weren't having a main character, focus trope.🌸🌸"
§1 Dignity and violation (moral codes) - we can conclude that how you treat a person is how you evaluate them. It's your problem if you see them as just a fleshy figure for servitude or pleasure. Not on a woman to make you treat them with dignity or keep a dignity approach or not.
§2 insult - it's interestinf how somewhere in Great Britain the butt is used to insult the people you don't like. It mught be a synonym to diagust or showinf a tounge but in adult manner maybe.
§3 Shame (fake, bear's assistance (disservice), female empowerment followed to antishame, a cake with smb else fetish fantazy fanservice)
women in history were told how they'd be wearing, percieving, a barbie antiutopia to just how male rule, view while abusing God world and religion against women. Now since those developers or producers are self-proclamed emancipators we immediately find out that skimpy clothing is empowering and women should not be ashamed. While not correcting or critisising the hanful error ways their system abused and bossed around women's apperance and wardrobe. Also yup adding more to lusting offence and unadressed predatory acting.
§4 trigger femnazis (in order to)- they are always dissatisfyed, complayining, sensituve and ruining ev3rything for us. We would especially do that to make they upset, scilent and ashamed of themselves even more.
§5 Reverse - The way I imagine also like. Giggly animated blsck.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
But the thing is that people do talk about these films of black directors and black women and african women. At film festivals, criterion, mubi, musuems etc. There are spaces in which black film is celebrated and where directors can actually talk in depth about what its like to make their films but also the complicated process of navigating the industry. The question is why do need them to be validated by awards and box office metrics as opposed to allowing them stand on their own for what they are. Alot of this films are celebrated by pocs and black people like why do need that validation from white people or film twitter.
The glaring problem is not necessarily black film not being talked about or they dont thrive b/c they do especially in indie spaces but the lack of funding for black creators do do bigger things that appeal to mainstream audiences or the studio black rom com etc. Thats what were missing black films with large budgets to tell black stories where blsck creators are allowed to explore different genres and take risks ( jordan peele and ava durvernay or the only two and we need more) , we are also missing the the mid tier black films and we need to bring them back ( films not geared towards awards or billion dollar box office numbers but films purely for entertainment silly lighthearted comedies like the eddie murphy, queen latifa, bernie mac, martin lawrence esque films that were so prominent in the 90s early 2000s)
Now that's an interesting point Anon. I agree with some of what you're saying.
Idk if people are looking for "validation" per se from white people, as it's more so just wanting to see black creatives who are obviously VERY talented, getting the same shine and opportunities as their white counterparts.
Who doesn't want good work to be recognized and appreciated by the masses. Yes, awards don't mean EVERYTHING, but it would be nice to be recognized for good work. And the white equivalent of these works would be recognized.
I think that's the point.
But you're right though, we don't NEED validation from anyone really.... But yea, I would like to see more black creatives getting funding for bigger works... and one way that happens is by being nominated or winning in these mainstream awards. It's sad, but it's true. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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cyarskaren52 · 2 months
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They are the weakest links!
Hades is the desert for them!
And that’s why Steve Bannon chose to go after Black men, and not Black women! He knew who the weak links are!!! Cotdamn them weak links let them go!
These Blsck male rappers selling us out, left and right. FQ all of them!!! FQ THEM!
I will never stan a black rapper again … with a few exceptions of course the rest of them are nigpenes and abuser loving hoochies so rude awakenings gonna strike them down!
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juicyhammburger · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Storm tech Alfa Romeo women’s black Racing quilted jacket size s/p.
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cliffburton · 1 year
i want to have some nerve on the angle of my hat and the blsck cigarette (ideally joint) in my hand i want to sleep ik leather trousers on the back of my bike rigjt through the day and come out at night i want to be dancing with dead and swigging whsiky swallowing fire while the laws of nature run n hide i want my manhood to be a magnum i wanna shoot to kill women beg to be sacrificed n men to run to the hills i want to not need doors w my charm i wanna say do what thou wilt. i want to be a wanted man
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kakashixgod · 3 years
A plug is a plug is a plug, if you want to hear from black people talking about black issues and being unapologetically honest. Than check out RKKs MIND we talk Black issues, white issues we just talk about everything and anything games anime movies pop culture and how we’d like to see the world changed. For your consideration 🙏🏽.
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martadelsol · 3 years
Oh, I’m living my best life too 🤞🏾
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the-demure-abstract · 4 years
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allthislove · 4 years
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Happy Halloween! 7 looks in 7 days
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femology · 3 years
Black is winning!!!
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reportwire · 3 years
Researchers: AI can play a role in eliminating bias in lending, but only with human help
Researchers: AI can play a role in eliminating bias in lending, but only with human help
Researchers: AI can engage in a position in getting rid of bias in lending, but only with human help | Fortune You need to empower JavaScript to watch this site. Resource website link
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