#black cat audition
whitedogblog · 7 months
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Black cat audition for a horror movie, Los Angeles, 1961
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goryhorroor · 11 months
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favorite 31-60 horror movies + quotes
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sadexecutivelove · 7 months
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Black cats waiting to be auditioned for a horror movie, 1961
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deadnburied13 · 8 months
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Black cats waiting to be auditioned for a horror movie, 1961.
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septembergold · 9 months
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Nina the Cat by Lisa Audit
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zonetrente-trois · 10 months
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They Help You Practice
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Task Force 141 asks you to be the bait for a secret assignment. So, they make you audition for the role. You end up getting gangbanged by the whole team and loving it!
TW: gangbang, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, gay sex, degradation, explicitly consensual, spit? please check AO3 link at bottom for full tag list
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You let yourself into his office, shutting the door behind you, and stood before him at a sharp parade rest, waiting to be informed about your fate. 
“Sergeant, thank you for coming. There is no need for formalities. This is just a chat.”
You moved to a more relaxed rest and nodded. 
Price continued,
“This is going to be quite the ask. Would you be willing to perform duties which are…outside of your current scope?”
“Yes, sir,” you responded just as you should have, as you were trained to, but Price was hoping you would understand exactly what you would be getting yourself into. 
“I need you to go undercover to a Konni restaurant cover in Minsk…as bait. Am I making myself clear?”
A pause. But, to your credit, you didn’t flinch. You did raise an eyebrow and ask a clarifying query,
“What kind of bait, sir?”
“Our next target, Dimitri Sokolov, will be at the Black Pearl bar in Minsk tomorrow, and we won’t get a better chance to lure him away from his bodyguards. He almost never makes public appearances, so he must be making an exception. Sokolov has,” he paused for a moment, trying to find the words, making general, suggestive motions over his own chest, “particular tastes in his women. You just so happen to have the right profile for the job. Again, this is not an order, Sergeant. I need to know if you’re willing to accept.”
“Yes, sir,” you tried to appear fully in control. You knew your breasts were large, but you had never been asked to use them as a weapon. There was a first time for everything, you supposed. You would do anything to help the team.
The captain loved your composure. He knew you would be perfect for the job. 
“Good. Let's brief the team.”
Price walked with you down to the meeting room at the end of the hall and found Soap, Ghost, and Gaz sitting in the desk chairs every way except the way they were designed, lounging over the furniture like big cats, melting into the various surfaces they encountered. They fixed themselves when the captain walked in. 
“Gentlemen,” Price opened, “this is our bait. Her code name is Rabbit. Rabbit, this is Soap, Ghost, and Gaz.”
You nodded politely and resumed a semi-formal rest position. 
The men had noticed you around the base but hadn’t been formally introduced. You were a desk rider, but still, you were hard to miss. The baggy military clothing had almost managed to conceal a bounty of soft curves, but your lush body persisted beneath it, and the outlines of your feminine form made heinous suggestions in the fabric. Unfortunately for them, you didn’t hang around the gym or the common area enough for them to have generated a fully accurate image of your enticing body, but they were certain it was delicious. They watched you like peckish wolves. Waiting hungrily, shifting in their seats in anticipation. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Rabbit is going undercover for us to take down Sokolov, Vladimir Makarov’s new shipping controller. He has a particular penchant for,” Price paused just long enough for anyone to understand his true meaning, “certain types of women. Rabbit fits the mold, so all she needs is the gear and the training.”
Price cut open three large cardboard boxes to reveal slinky dresses and a number of questionable garments. 
“I’ll need to try them on,” you offered, “Do you want me to get changed, Captain?”
“Sounds good. Come back in when you’re all set,” he smiled, enjoying the view as you left the room. 
Ghost crossed his arms, clearly with quite a mouthful to share and but refusing to. Gaz stared down at the knife he was playing with, bashful. But Soap would not be cowed, and as soon as you left, he said,
“Feeding her to the sharks like bait, Captain? I dinnae ken any of us was so expendable.”
“Soap,” Price warned, “the sergeant is more than capable of handling -”
“I wasnae askin’ about the lassie’s capabilities. Send her in to slit his throat with a knife in her hand, for all I care. But to send her in unguarded, unarmed? No. It’s not right,” Soap crossed his arms. 
“He’s got a point, Captain. Why take the risk of losing an operative?” Ghost spoke coldly. 
Price furrowed his brow at their short-sightedness,
“And do what, exactly? Have the Russians scurry back underground at the first hint of an assassination attempt? We’ve failed that mission three times, boys. I’ll not have this go south again.”
“I’m sure she is capable, Captain. But, is Rabbit committed to this plan?” Gaz asked. 
“Sure,” Price tried to sound reassuring, “we spoke in my office. She agreed to come down here. Besides, she’ll have you three as backup. You won’t let anything happen to her.”
Gaz did not seem convinced. All three soldiers wore a scowl on their faces, and even though Ghost’s was obscured by his mask, his body language communicated his displeasure. Price carefully ashed his cigar to renew the glowing tip, taking a long drag while they waited for you to return. 
You were back without too much of a delay, but when you walked in, your colleagues were visibly stunned. They didn’t recognize you at first. A short black dress had replaced your camouflage fatigues, showing off miles and miles of smooth, shining skin. Your thick thighs stretched the silky fabric, and your ass threatened to escape from the edge of the dress with every step you took. Your new heels clacked sharply against the cold concrete, making your legs flex and tense, showing off your well-formed musculature. You did not miss squat day very often, apparently.
But, the assets you were trying to use for this particular mission were the real stars of the show. Your heavy breasts battled against the low dip of the dress, providing a deep display of cleavage, hinting at pink perky nipples hidden just below the line of the black silk. Your tits jiggled as you struck the floor with each careful step, making the room full of men breathe a little heavier at the sight. 
Soap’s big mouth betrayed them all,
“Christ in Heaven. There you are, bonnie.”
Ghost backhanded him hard on the shoulder. Price glowered.
You had put on a little more makeup than might be socially acceptable in an office setting, making the suggestive outfit complete. Finally, as you stood at the head of the meeting table, you took out your task force regulation braid and pulled your fingers through your hair, breaking up your long waves as they spilled down your neck and back. 
You smiled,
“Well, do I look the part?”
Price coughed, inhaling too much smoke on accident. Gaz hadn’t moved since you walked in the room. He just stood there, dumbfounded, arms held at an odd angle as if frozen in time. Ghost cleared his throat to save them,
“Yes, Rabbit. You clean up very nicely, don’t you?”
“Well,” you sighed, “this is sort of the raunchiest outfit I found in the box. I was going to go with something a bit more casual, but I thought I’d better be noticeable if we’re going to nail this asshole.”
Gaz finally came out of his locked state, aghast,
“Noticeable? Sweetheart, this is more than noticeable. Goddamn.”
“You think it’s too much? I don’t really know what would get his attention,” you shrugged, looking shy as you confessed, “I don’t get asked out very often.”
“You could go out with me, lassie,” Soap edged his way closer to her, slinking around the table, “We’d have a hell of a time, so we would.”
“Don’t listen to Johnny,” Ghost stood in front of him a bit, snaking an arm around your cinched waist, “He thinks takin’ his birds to the dog races is a good date idea.”
“Well, isn’t it?” Soap protested.
Gaz grabbed your hand tenderly, examining your fingers like they were a precious work of art,
“Maybe you could come with me to Berlin next weekend, babes. There’s a killer music festival going on, and we could have a really good time. How does that sound?”
“Boys,” Price interrupted, “I’m sure she has plenty of work to finish here; can’t just be galavanting off with you muppets. In fact, why don’t you stop by my office after this mission, bunny rabbit, and we can work on your projected shipment dates together? You know, I used to be a logistics man, myself.”
Ghost rolled his eyes at the Captain,
“Please, logistics? You drove a truck back and forth on base delivering food to the canteen twenty years ago. I’ve read your file.”
The men all started talking over each other, forgetting your presence in favor of coming out on top of the dog pile. You smiled to yourself, eager to push more of their buttons. 
Slipping one skinny strap down your shoulder, you spoke through the din,
“You know, this dress can be strapless. Do you think Sokolov wants it up…” you locked eyes with Captain Price, seeing his throat swallow hard as he watched you in the silence you had created, “or down?”
The other soldiers were stunned, unable to look away as you slipped both straps off of your shoulders and tucked them into your dress. One strap was still partially visible, and Ghost slowly moved one gloved finger up your arm, tracing your skin lightly, and finished tucking it in for you. He lingered, caressing the side of your breast as he removed it. 
“You gonna be able to seduce this Russian bastard, Sergeant? Or, do you need some practice?” Price asked with a low, threatening tone. 
The whole room held its breath waiting for your answer. The four men towered over your short frame, casting shadows over you like black spells, hoping you would relinquish your control over them. All of their eyes watched as you slowly, achingly lifted a hand and traced it up Gaz’s canvas pant leg, stopping when you discovered the heavy head of his cock, hardening down toward his knee. With the back of your hand, you pet it like a skittish animal, reveling in its smoothness and warmth. Your eyes found his as they fluttered, blood rushing through his body in a panic,
“I think I could use some practice, Captain.”
You felt Gaz’s rod leap at your answer. He bent down to kiss your mouth, slanting his lips fiercely against you. 
Soap came up behind you, gripping your ass through the silk of your dress roughly,
“We’ll help you, lass. We’ll help you practice, won’t we, boys? Jesus, you smell so good,” he buried his face in your neck and sucked against your skin. 
Ghost found your other hand and held it tightly, using it to steady you from Soap and Gaz’s assault. Price moved Gaz out of the way, earning himself a glare, and peeled the dress off of you in one fell swoop, revealing the expanse of uncovered skin underneath. 
“Holy shite,” the captain breathed, whispering his lament, “Sergeant, where are your knickers?”
“I guess I forgot them, Captain,” you blushed, batting your eyes up at him, doing actual damage to his psyche.  
He didn’t have much time to savor the moment though because Ghost was shoving him out of the way to pick you up by the thighs to lay you on the table. The giant knelt between your legs, pulling you by the knees until your ass was hanging off of the low wooden planks. He lifted his mask just enough for you to see him lick his lips over sharp, white teeth before feasting on your wet folds, letting the cloth of the balaclava hide most of his efforts. 
Ghost created a soothing, yet electrically wet warmth in your core which made you keen loudly, only to be muffled by Price’s smoky kiss. You could taste the burned tobacco on his tongue and your skin was scraped by his thick mustache. 
Gaz’s voice got your attention. He had freed his cock from his pants and started to stroke it, standing by your side and playing with your breasts with his free hand as Price savaged your mouth. He tugged on your nipple and told you,
“You know, Rabbit, you’re going to have to really put yourself out there tomorrow. Show him these gorgeous tits of yours. Make him think you’re hungry for his cock,” Gaz rubbed his head, hard and hungry for you, “Can you do that? Let us see how good you can be, princess. We need you to ace this mission”
You felt Ghost dip his hard cock between your pussy lips, distracting you from Price’s tongue in your mouth. You broke the kiss and looked up at Ghost, dazed, into his masked face,
“I promise, sir. I’ll be good,” you looked around at all four of the men, reaching out to grab Soap’s cock that he was stroking for you, “Will you show me how?”
You didn’t give Soap time to answer. The Scot gasped as you devoured him, sucking him down into your throat, making yourself gag as he fucked your throat in and out in long thrusts. He tangled his fingers in your hair. Ghost matched his rhythm below you, pounding his cock into your wet hole. You thought you could feel something on his dick. Was he pierced? You could see your slick gleam on his lips and chin where his mask was still askew. 
“Yeah,” Ghost smiled haughtily, “you like those piercings, don’tcha baby?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond. Price pulled your head away from Soap’s dick, kissing your mouth lewdly again before giving you an order,
“Open your mouth wide for me, love.”
You obeyed. Then, he spit onto your tongue, warm and bubbling, before shoving your face down onto his own fat rod. It made your lips burn with its cruel girth, even though it felt relatively soft, and you thought fleetingly that there was no way your poor little cunt was going to be able to take him, Ghost was big enough to be filling, but the captain was carrying around a true weapon. 
He pulled your head off of him roughly, watching as the strings of drool connected your tongue to his cockhead, growling in short, lustful breaths. 
“Alright, boys. Make sure she’s good and ready for me. You know the drill,” Price barked, and then he was gone. 
The drill? You looked for him, confused, and only found Gaz, who was now slapping his long dick on your cheek, knocking for entrance. He let you take his head into your mouth, having a much easier time than you did with your captain. You bobbed your head up and down dutifully, not realizing just how long his cock was until he tried to force it into your throat. He held you down for a moment, moaning shamelessly, before releasing you to let you breathe. 
“You alright, babes?” He laughed.
You nodded, moaning. Ghost took himself out of your wetness and pulled you off of the table. Soap hopped up to lay where you were, and you moved to ride him, making sure to get right to the edge with him to let Ghost back in. You’d never taken two men at once, much less four, but there was a first time for anything, and you were a quick learner. 
Spearing yourself onto Soap felt like someone had created a warm, custom, living dildo just for you. He was a perfect fit, and you both cried out in pleasure from the sensation. Ghost slapped your ass, hard, and you screamed, clenching around Soap’s cock. Soap moaned darkly. 
“Keep suckin’ that big cock, baby. Need to teach you how to multitask,” Ghost threatened as he bent to eat your asshole, wiggling his tongue into the tight rim to gain entrance.
He started to fuck you with it, his long wet muscle moving in and out as Soap thrust himself up into you, hitting your g-spot every single time like magic. You took Gaz back into your mouth and tried your best to take him deeper into your throat. Every time you did, you would gag, and your muscles would involuntarily clench, and the whole room would moan. You started to come, feeling yourself flood around Soap, whose mouth had latched onto one of your nipples, suckling like he was trying to feed from you. 
You could see Price out of the corner of your eye. He had lit another cigar and was smoking it, stroking himself, still not at his full capacity. You were scared of him. He looked like some sort of demon, breathing fire, as big around as your forearm. He wasn’t as long as Gaz, nor as delightfully curved as Soap, but he made your legs shake without even touching you. When he did touch you, rising from his chair when he wanted to fondle you, pinching a nipple, pulling your hair, forcing your head down on Gaz, it lit you up like you were kerosene and he was the match. 
Suddenly, Ghost’s tongue was gone, only to be replaced by his heavy head. He was going to fuck your ass, and there was nothing you could say to stop him. You’d only done anal once or twice before, and you knew it might hurt. He went so slowly that you could feel each and every piercing as he popped them into you, one by one. Then, as he pulled back out, you felt them pop as each one went through you again, raking himself in and out gently, as careful with you as he could be. When you were more pliant, he began to throw his weight into each thrust, and Soap started to groan below you from the sensation. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, Johnny boy,” Price threatened, his voice full of stern warning. 
You weren’t sure what he was warning him about until Soap pulled his cock out of you and came all over your stomach, Ghost’s thrusts making the fluid smear between you two, rubbing your bodies together. Ghost pulled out next, and you felt his hot, thick ropes spray onto your ass cheeks, melting down your thighs. 
Gaz abandoned your mouth and took over for Soap, feeding himself inch by inch until he found your end, leaving some of his cock out in the cold. He fucked you faster than the others, not caring to move out of the way as Soap rolled off of the table, whining like a whore the whole time. 
Captain Price came around to your face, holding your chin in his hand, looking down at you without pity,
“Garrick’s got a long cock, don’t he, love? You’re being so good for my men, such a good girl. Sweet little slut, hm? You’re going to do so well on this mission. Those areholes won’t know what hit ‘em.”
He grabbed your hair fiercely, hurting your scalp, forcing you to turn and look back at Gaz. Price took a long puff from his cigar, blowing it past your face, 
“Baby, he could fuck you for a hundred years. He’s not gonna come until you scream his name.”
You heard Gaz moan louder at Price’s suggestion, so you did. You screamed for him over and over, not caring who might have heard you, begging for him to come in you. 
“He’s not allowed to come in you, love,” Price kissed your open panting mouth, “But, don’t worry. It’s about to be my turn, and you’ll be feeling my fuckin’ come drip out of your cunt all night long.”
Price’s voice made your blood run cold with fear. He wasn’t making threats. Those were clearly promises. Predictions of the future. His cock was tucked back into the band of his pants, but it lay in wait there like a serpent, eager to strike.
Your heart pounded in your chest as Gaz pulled his long shaft all the way out of you, his come shooting onto your lips and ass, feeling him use his hand to rub it into your skin, making you sticky. Your captain gave him a warning look, and you realized they had done this sort of thing before. Perhaps many times before. As you watched Soap and Ghost comfort each other, breathing close together, touching themselves, you wondered if they ever fucked each other as well. Picturing the four of them rutting into each other made you hungry, deep in your belly, starving to witness such an act. 
Finally, it was your captain’s turn. The look in his eyes made you tremble. You knew he wouldn’t be cruel, not on purpose anyway. He wasn’t a heartless man, but he wasn’t one to hold himself back from what he wanted either. You knew that he would fuck you the way he wanted to, as hard as he wanted to, no matter how much complaining you might do about how his cock would stretch you out - even to the point of pain. 
“On your back, love. Legs up. Spread that pussy open for me,” he commanded. 
You did as he told you, opening yourself up shamelessly, letting your folds spread wide. 
He walked around the table to gaze upon your form, staring at your pink flesh like it was a hot meal, and he was starving. He moaned, rubbing his hand across your sticky mons, 
“Mm, that’s my pretty little Rabbit. Now…” he paused for effect, sinking three fingers into your hole roughly but ever so slowly, twisting his arm as he did, corkscrewing his knuckles into you, “...I want you to understand that there’s a reason I’m last in line, love.”
You cried out from the pressure of his huge hand. It felt like you were going to tear. Then, after a few hard thrusts, he released you. The emptiness you felt was heartbreaking. You looked for him, pleading with your eyes for him to return to you. He pulled his cock free from his waistband, unable to connect his finger to his thumb as he wrapped around it. You whined involuntarily, something animal in you recognizing its fate. 
“Shh, baby, I know,” he drug out his voice, “I know…”
He positioned the heavy shaft on top of your body, measuring himself from base to tip, reaching your navel. As he slapped it against you, it made a loud thudding noise, slamming into your muscles like a fist. Price was so heavy. You’d never even imagined a man could feel like he was pure, warm, thick marble. Your pussy seemed to understand the panic you were feeling, flooding itself, preparing for the upcoming invasion. 
“I’m so fuckin’ eager for you, love,” he slapped you again, quick taps right to your swollen clit.
Then, he put his head inside of you, squeezing himself in. He left it inside of you and started to pump himself with his hand. Between the vibration from his fist and the fact that it felt like you were sitting on the end of a steel bat, you couldn’t hold back your keening, loud and high-pitched. 
Price began the steady, slow march forward, swelling harder and harder by the moment, making your walls feel like they might break. It seemed as if all the blood in your body was rushing down your belly and up your legs, hurrying to your core. 
Your eye were wild, full of your fear, tears forming at the corners of your eyes,
“I can’t, please! I can’t. It’s too big, fuck…”
Price didn’t stop. He just kept feeding himself in and pulling himself back out, wetting his cock’s skin with your soaking hole. 
“You can, and you will, love,” the captain growled, “Now, shut that pretty mouth and take it.”
Your cheeks were wet and your eyes burned, he was so deep within you that it felt like he was thrusting into your throat. You couldn’t breathe.
Suddenly, Soap grabbed your hand, kissing your palm, using his tongue to lick your skin,
“It’s alright, bonnie. I’m here, lass. Breathe with me, lass.”
He bent down to kiss you, but he didn’t quite connect, letting his lips graze yours featherlight. Soap breathed in and breathed out in steady, measured beats. You felt yourself begin to relax. It had such an immediate effect that you heard Price groan, able to slip himself a bit deeper than he had done. 
It was like a chain reaction, the more relaxed you became, breathing with Soap, feeling him suck and lick your nipples softly, the more Price was able to squeeze himself in. 
Finally, you felt his hair at the base of his cock, thick and curled, and as he sighed, he settled inside of you, impossibly pressing against your whole body, making a clear outline of himself in your lower belly. He rubbed it, almost fondly, and you felt every inch of him throb against your walls, his head bullying your womb.
You cried out again from the strain. Ghost and Gaz joined Soap. Gaz began to suckle from your breast on your left side, fondling himself as he did so, getting hard again. Ghost was at your head on the end of the table, and he bent to kiss you, upside down, his tongue running all the way down your throat, long and slippery against your own. 
He pulled away, petting your cheek as Price began to grind himself into you,
“You alright, Rabbit? You enjoying your captain’s cock, hm?”
“Mm hm,” you whispered, whimpering through your tears.
Ghost smiled, and his straight, white teeth looked menacing as he did, sharp, wolf-like,
“I know you are, babe. You’re doing so well. Look at him. You can see him inside of your cunt.”
He lifted your head by your hair, showing you the grotesque shadow of Price’s heavy rod as it shoved itself into you. You reached your hands down to it, feeling it through your skin. It was so unique. His size wasn’t like anything you’d ever experienced, and your body was sending confused signals of passion, your orgasms coming in shattered, broken waves. Feeling incomplete. Too powerful, and yet drawn out like the last note of a symphony. 
As you touched him from the outside, Price moaned aloud for the first time. It shocked you. You looked up at him, managing to meet his eyes.
“Fuck,” you moaned, “You feel so good inside of me, Captain.”
“Mm, yeah?” He replied, using his hands to press yours down onto his cock, making you gasp, “You like it, baby? I’m gonna make sure you never want anybody else.” 
Price reached down and grabbed you by the throat, scaring away Soap and Gaz. He lifted you up, making his dick fit inside of you that much tighter with the change of angle. Then, he began the true performance. He thrust himself in with fast, punishing strokes, slamming himself into you. You were sure you would bruise, and you felt dizzy, almost like you’d pass out. 
Soap was at your side again, holding your hair away from your face,
“Look at you, lassie. Such a good girl for your captain. Takin’ that cock so damn well. Can’t wait to be back inside you, girl.”
He kissed your cheek, palm massaging his dick which was back to full mast, eager again. 
“Alright, Johnny,” Price grinned, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Without any strain whatsoever, Price lifted you up by your hips and held you in the air as he fucked you, bringing you around the table so that Soap could position himself at your asshole. Ghost’s earlier efforts had made it ready for him, and you could very acutely feel how much he was throbbing to be inside of you, pulsing as he fit against Price. 
“Ungh, fuck, lass,” Soap groaned as he began to thrust into you, pistoning with the captain, “He’s got you so tight for me.”
“Yeah? It feels so good. Mmm…” you whimpered, feeling more full than you’d ever been. 
Johnny was holding your breasts as Price lifted you up, brutalizing your pussy. Every thrust felt like an electric pulse, making you cock-drunk and mindlessly pliant. 
They worked in tandem for what felt like eons, pistoning in and out with each other. Eventually, after he had felt you come, Soap addressed his captain directly,
“Sir, I’m…please, sir, can I?”
“Can you what, soldier?” Price grunted through gritted teeth, testing his sergeant.
“Can I come, sir? Please, Cap…”
“Yeah, Johnny. C’mon, mate. Let her feel it.”
“F-fuck! Fuck…” Soap groaned, pushing himself flush against your asshole, pumping his come into you. 
He caught his breath while he was still in you, kissing the nape of your neck, and then he pulled away slowly. He helped Gaz replace him, holding your ass wide apart so his comrade could position himself inside. And just when you thought your poor pussy would have room to breathe, Gaz’s incredibly long shaft was piercing your hole again. 
You felt him sigh, his breath against your neck. He took over holding you up, and Price praised him,
“That’s it, Garrick. She’s all yours. Take it.”
Gaz reacted to his words in a way that made you rethink their entire dynamic. Then, you remembered how he had come when you said his name. He seemed to get harder and harder the more Price praised him, and you wanted to give him that same validation. 
“Gaz,” you whispered, leaning your head back to rest on his shoulder, “It’s so big, baby. It’s like I can feel you in my throat. Oh, Gaz. Gaz!”
“Mm,” Price put his mouth to your neck, groaning, “That’s it, love. Tell him how much you like that long cock.”
“So much, Gaz. It’s so good,” you added. 
Then, Price took his left hand and wrapped it around the back of Gaz’s neck in a moment of surprising intimacy. As Price kissed the front of your throat, Gaz kissed your shoulder and nape. You felt like a peeled fruit being shared between them, a ripped rind, your juicy flesh being split in two; two halves of a ripe orange. 
Gaz lasted longer than Soap had when he fucked your ass, but Price’s attention seemed to spur him on. His movements were slippery, and you could feel the remnants of Soap’s come frothing around your entrance, easing his efforts.
“Captain,” Gaz whined, desperate for more of that approval. 
“C’mon, Kyle. She’s ready for you. Good lad.”
The use of his first name made Gaz thrust up into you with a feverish pace. He cried out as he came, hard, into you. Feeling him fall back out of you made you imagine the tendrils of a giant kraken, seeming to travel forever just to remove himself from your body, slithering out of you with a terrible squelching noise. 
Gaz let Price hold you again, and you turned, expecting Ghost. Price laughed at you, chuckling softly,
“Missing your masked man already?”
You looked at Price, feeling raw and used, waiting for an explanation,
“He’s a little…preoccupied.”
Price laid you back on the table, letting you turn your head to see Ghost, buried in Soap’s asshole up to the hilt, furiously jacking him off, slamming into him a little too roughly for your liking. It was violent, but Soap seemed to be enjoying himself beyond measure. 
Your pussy, though, disagreed with your assessment, clenching around Price’s cock while you watched Simon abuse his friend’s hole. 
“Mm,” the captain moaned, feeling your muscles react, “You like that, love? You wanna be fucked rough like that?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer. Price wrapped your legs beneath his chest in a full mating press and wrecked you, pounding into your body like a giant fist. You felt your bones shudder beneath his behemoth form. Just when you thought you might puke from how overstimulated you were, you felt him pause. Then, your pussy felt like it was leaking, and it was. Price’s come just kept milking its way out of you, his cock pulsing inside, making your walls throb. 
When he finished, he kissed you on the mouth, almost lovingly, reverently. He started to slide out of you, being extremely careful, and you’d never felt so empty in your entire life. It was as if you’d never be full again. You found yourself whining, whimpering for Price to return. 
“That’s right, pretty girl,” Price smiled, “Never gonna want anybody else, are ya?”
You smiled, shocked and in considerable discomfort. Gaz scooped you up off of the table, cradling you, sitting down with you in his lap in a large chair. He reached down for some water and handed it to you, helping you recover. 
Price was standing with his hands on his hips, panting from his exertion. Ghost and Soap were connected like two hounds, locked together, the Scot cock warming his tall lover, groaning on every exhale. 
“Well, what do you think, lads? Do we have a winner?” Price asked.
“Yeah, we fucking do, Cap,” Gaz pet your head, moving your sweaty hair out of your eyes. 
“Fuck yeah, mate,” Ghost growled, pawing at Johnny again, rabid for him. 
“Hear that, bonnie?” Soap managed to ask, still moaning in little breaths as he was being speared by Ghost, “Got  yourself a new permanent assignment.”
Price walked over to you, grabbing you by the face and kissing you once more,
“You belong to us now, love. Perfect little slut.”
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catchymemes · 1 year
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Black cats waiting to be auditioned for a horror film, 1961.
Photograph by Ralph Crane.
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dmwasi · 2 years
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👍How SEO works step by step?
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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my favorite 109 horror movies  • (49-19)
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catsofyore · 10 months
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Black cat auditions for the film Tales of Terror! Photo by Ralph Crane for LIFE Magazine. 1961. Source.
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wonik1ss · 3 months
౨ৎ the enemie to lover ! — winter kim
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pairing — non idol!winter x reader song rec : dreamer - lauvey + happy ending - kep1er ( 1.5k ) warnings ! none ᯤ ^ ㅇ ^ happy reading ! ⸝⸝・ᘏᘏ
synopsis : on a fateful Wednesday afternoon 2 people cut ties with you. but with cupid on your side you have 2 different paths to take to hopefully get back together with these 42 people by Valentine’s Day end! val event !
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Not believing you traveled back in time you didn’t use your time.. wisely. The first week you spent actually studying for the test that nipped you in the but. Now it was the day you auditioned
“Maybe I should have taken Chaewon’s advice”. As your scratched your head and turned around from your mirror you jumped.
“Oh well.. to your mom I’m some young cleaning lady.. for you I’m giving you a make over”. Pink shirt, pink apron and pink gloves and duster were gone in a snap of a finger. Wonyoung changed into a magician’s assistant outfit and spun you around.
“Time to work my magic..”. Wonyoungs smile dropped as she smelled your head. Thirty minutes later, and thirty time begging Wonyoung to throw out your whole closest plus reminding her you have a uniform later.
You stood infront of your mirror actually smiling. Wonyoung and adorned you with a few bracelets, a black thin bow and a pink id?
“Are y-“
“Ya.. stopped by earlier to brighten up Mr. Lee’s day with his girlfriend actually calling him first”. You pushed down your laughter and grabbed your bag.
“Remember! Eye on the prize! You don’t have a lot of time”. Wonyoung rolled her eyes.
“Thank you master Wonyoung! Let’s hope this id doesn’t get lost~”. As you bowed and winked at the pink girl she yelped.
“DONT YOU DARE!”. You could still hear Wonyoung yelling as you got onto the bus.
You scanned it while biting your lip. Do you sit next to Yeseo.. Eunchae or Danielle. Just as you were about to pick you felt a shove. As you were about to scold the person Winter walked by and glared at you. You went pale, and with the bus driver on your as you sat down next to her. How did she audition for the play.. turned film?
“Could you like not stare at me.. creep”
“You didn’t whisper that last part..”. You sighed.
“Wasn’t trying to”. You were about to bite Winters head off when she plugged in her cord and the bus started to move. How were you going to ‘fall in love’ with her? You bit your nails as the bus came to a stop. You didn’t get a word into Winter and now your pretty pink nails Wonyoung painted were flakes in your mouth.
As you got up and walked out you were to worried to notice you weren’t stepping onto the the sidewalk.
“Fu-!”. You felt.. a.. tie in your face as you looked up. You had plunged into Winters chest. Winter looked bewildered as you stared at her. You fell into Winters chest.. YOU FELL INTO WINTERS CHEST. You got out of the girls arms and ninety degree bowed. The girl made a small laugh..? She didn’t look Irritated at all..
“I’m so sorry I-“
“It’s fine Y/n”
“No like I’m really sorry”
“It’s fine”. Winter grabbed your arms to iterate her words.
“Oh well.. bye then”. You uttered your words and tried to fast walk away from the girl when she grabbed your arm.
“You owe me though”
“But I though-“
“You fell face first into my boobs”. Winter.. the girl looked menacing.. the fuck?
“See you in three days.. that’s when the cat cafe’s opens”. Winter proclaimed it would be on you and whispered into your ear.
“I don’t like late people”. She then looked you up and down, and gave you the scariest smile.
“So don’t.. be late..”. Winter picked you cheek and walked into the school. Was it weird that turned you on.. like the finest bit?
You stopped again. You had fallen asleep in your language class and need to run fast to the auditorium for auditions. You tried your best to slide into a seat and go unnoticed. But judge by the teachers scuff she was mad.. and noticed.
“Kim Minjeong.. or Winter”. You gulped as Winter got on stage. She walked straight the the mike and grabbed it of its stand.
“Auditing for..”
“Kei”. The teacher nodded as Winter looked around the room. Your teacher from middle school said it was a good idea to focus on someone or thing when auditioning. Guess she was doing it now. You fiddled with your hands as you finally looked at Winter.
She was looking at you
Your lips slowly parted and you started to play with your hands more. Then Winter started to read her lines. Ya her lines. She was the epitome of beauty up there. She turned from a stoned face killer into a sad teenage girl who just wanted her friend to stop pining after a shit guy. You played with your flimsy skirt to try to distract your self but that didn’t work.
Finally the girl bowed and walked off the stage. You were barely paying attention when your name was called
“Y/n..”. You bowed and ran to the stage.
“Auditioning for..”. The teacher rolled her eyes. Fuck.
“Mei”. You bowed again, and then grabbed the mike. You balled up your hands and stared at the teacher. As you read your lines your fist bald up more. So much that when you ended you could feel something wet in it. The teacher smiled and then as you got off the stage called another name. As you went back to your seat you felt someone’s breath hit your neck.
“Good job.. I hope I.. I get to work with you..”. Winter stopped looming over you and you accidentally gave her a somewhat volatile glared. You then bowed and snapped your head back around to who ever was on stage. Why was she teetering from being nice to mean? Too bad you couldn’t as she practically dashed out the auditorium, and you couldn’t catch up to her. A few days later the announcement that the play was turning into a film was made. It was now Saturday and you were at the towns tracks to practice.
Expect the teacher who had to sub in for the other seeing as she was sick didn’t get that. Every other second she was yelling at Winter. ‘Stop looking dead!’, ‘Is this a joke to you?’, ‘Can’t believe she casted you..’. The sassy man finally gave you a fifteen minute break and you ran to Danielle, Wonhak and Hanni.
“I hope Winters ok..”. Danielle pouted as she bit her lip.
“Why is this man so rude..”. Hanni glared at the teacher as he yelled at poor old Hyein for getting the lighting wrong.
“Heard he’s Mrs. Yu’s husband..”. You gasped.
“The teacher who sad sorry for rolling her eyes the second I left for the audition Mrs. Yu?”. Wonhak sighed and Hanni laughed. You didn’t stay with the long noticing that Winter was gone. So you bid your friends goodbye and walked around the station to find said girl. Was that.. someone wailing?
As you turned the corner you saw Winter sat down legs to her stomach crying. You ran to sit down in-front of her. Oh Wonyoung would be so pissed the white skirt she gave you is in dirt.
“What’s wrong”. As Winter looked up you could tell she started to breathe faster.
“I just want to know why your having this meltdown.. I won’t tell anyone I swear!”. You put your pinky up and immediately regretted it. As you were about to put it down Winter linked her with yours.
“Can.. can you just sit next to me for now..”. You nodded and moved to sit next to the girl. Dusting off your skirt in the process.
“Oh I’m—“
“It’s fine”. You patted your shoulder and Winter tried to crack a smile. She put her head on your and started to sniffle. Looking down at your hands you saw hers inching to yours. You grabbed her hand and sat in silence.
“I think he’s right”. Remember her head was on your shoulder you just tilted your onto hers.
“Mr.. Pang was it.. I think I shouldn’t have gotten the role..”
“What”. You took your head off the girls and jerked it back. You heard a yelp.
“Sorry but your audition was way better than anyone else’s!”. As you looked at the girls face you couldn’t help but pout. She looked like a scared puppy.
“Sorry.. it’s just you did really well there is no reason you shouldn’t have it.. Mr… Yang? Is just jealous you actually have real hair”. Winter laughed.
“So we could all see that he is obviously wearing a toupee?”. You nodded and then she smiled.
“I’m sorry..”
“For what?”
“Being so rude to you..”
“I just-“
“You said your sorry that’s all I need”
Boy were you going to regret that later..
Winter smiled and got closer to you. Like way close.. like you could feel her every breath. As you panicked, she pecked your cheek.
“You so sweet you know-“
“WHERE ARE THE ACTORS ITS BEEN FIFTEEN MINUTES”. You sighed as you both got up. Winter giggled.
“It’s been ten minutes”. You cry out laughing as you both walked back to set. Still holding hands.
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prythianpages · 7 months
ACOSM | The Night she played the violin for her Father
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azriel x rhysand's sister (oc)
warnings: angst
summary: Valeria has a violin solo that doesn't end as she had hoped. ft possessive Az
A/N: this is an imagine among my collection that follow Rhysand's sister, Valeria. while I'm still working on them, you can find the masterlist for it here. I was able to update this so quickly because I had already written this awhile back. I probably won't be able to update again until next weekend.
Valeria had never been nervous to perform. Music was second nature to her, it flowed through her veins. She loved it. She lived for it.
The announcement of her solo for the Night Court’s annual concert was exciting and thrilling. She had poured her heart into her audition, dedicating countless hours to perfecting her performance. When she set her goal on something, she achieved them swiftly. The piece she performed was one composed by her grandmother. It had brought those who were in the audience during the auditions to tears and the orchestra’s conductor had recognized the tune immediately. He was the one who told her the song was an ode her grandmother composed for her beloved son, Valeria’s father. One that many struggled to interpret and perform with the same emotion her grandmother would. Doubts of favoritism nagged at her, fearing she only secured the solo due to her family name. Yet, the orchestra’s genuine love and praise for her silenced those concerns. They were overjoyed to have her join them.
As the performance date drew near, the initial thrill morphed into a relentless anxiety, all due to the daunting prospect of her father’s attendance. She had subtly reminded him a couple days prior and he had responded with a thoughtful hum–an interaction her heart clung to desperately.
 Valeria had rehearsed her grandmother’s composition countless times after the audition. Every chord was etched in her heart. She was confident in her abilities yet, she could do nothing to ease her nerves. What if she was not good enough for the only person’s opinion she cared for?
She hated how much power her father had over her, the weight of his approval was heavy.
Her fingers trembled slightly as she reached to clasp her beloved necklace.
“Allow me.” A voice chimed in, startling her but her body relaxed under the familiar and warm touch.
“You’ve got to stop doing that.” Valeria exhaled as her gaze met Azriel’s through the reflection of her vanity’s mirror, referring to the way the dear shadowsinger had gotten into the habit of sneaking up on her.
Azriel shrugged with a smirk, his shadows swirling around him. “You left the balcony doors open.”
Valeria hummed in acknowledgement, realizing she had indeed left the doors to her balcony open. It had become an unspoken invitation between them–an open balcony meant Azriel was welcome, making his nightly visits easier with the assistance of his shadows. 
As Valeria remained uncharacteristically quiet, Azriel sensed her nerves. With a frown, he turned her around to face him. He grasped her smaller hands in his, noticing the blisters on her fingers as he gently held them. A rush of relief washed over her, prompting her gaze to meet Azriel’s.
His hazel eyes radiated warmth and reassurance. “You’re going to do great today.” 
“What if he doesn’t show up?” Her bottom lip quivered, threatening to curve down into a frown.
“He’d be a fool not to.”
Valeria sighed, releasing her hands from his. “I should get dressed.”
“Why?” Azriel teased, his eyes raking over her form, barely covered by the thin and rather short night gown she wore. “I much prefer you like this…or with nothing at all.”
Valeria shot him a look. Her playful glare was overshadowed by the frantic flutter of her heart against her chest. Judging by the smug look on Azriel’s face, she wondered if he could hear it.
Azriel’s shadows rose, the black tendrils undulating like a cat’s arching back, sensing someone’s approach.  Lady Yvaine. His eyes locked with Valeria’s curious one. His head inclined toward her door, a silent goodbye shared between them.
Before vanishing into the shadows, he tenderly peppered her face with reassuring kisses, saving her lips for last.
Valeria was left blushing and flustered as her mother entered the room.
Valeria stood on the grand stage, her violin poised delicately in her grasp. The spotlight enveloped her like the moon, casting an ethereal glow as she drew the bow across the strings. The first notes emerged, pure and resonant, flowing seamlessly into the room. The melody echoed a hauntingly beautiful tale, painting emotions and stories of a mother’s love in the air.
Valeria’s eyes were closed, fearing to look at the audience and choosing to let the music absorb her completely instead. Her every movement was graceful, her passion intertwining with the melody she coaxed from her violin.
As the music surged, a tide of emotions rising and falling, she carried the audience on a journey through joy and sorrow. The song whispered secrets and dreams, unveiling a world of emotions that transcended words.
When the last note faded into a hushed silence, Valeria slowly opened her eyes, her chest rising and falling in rhythm with the lingering emotions. A thunderous applause erupted, reasoning throughout the room as her eyes searched the audience. She found her mother, brother, Azriel and Cassian. They, along with a couple of others, had risen to their feet.
Her eyes scanned the crowd in vain, searching for the familiar figure of her father. A wave of crushing disappointment washed over her, shattering something deep within so violently that she feared the entire audience could hear it. Her steps faltered, retreating as tears welled in her eyes.
The one person she had wanted to come was not there.
With a quick bow to the audience, she winnowed away, one singular thought echoing in her mind.
Worry washed over Rhysand as he witnessed the profound hurt etched across his sister’s face before she abruptly vanished from the stage. The audience around them were unaware of the shift in her face, attributing it to the emotion from her performance but Rhysand knew better.  He knew how much this performance meant to her and with each passing moment, he held onto hope that their father would eventually arrive. He turned to his mother, noting the shared look of concern.
“I need to go to her.” 
The words had slipped out of Azriel in a surge of concern that had been sparked by seeing Valeria hurt. 
Rhysand turned to Azriel, his gaze sharpening. There was something in the Shadowsinger’s tone that didn’t settle well with him. Something possessive, almost. Rhysand didn’t know what came over him next but he was stopping the Shadowsinger before he could disappear into his shadows.
“She’s my sister. My responsibility.” Rhysand firmly reiterated. “I’m going to find her.”
Azriel felt a burning sensation in his chest, causing his jaw to tense as he clutched the purple peonies he had picked for Valeria, the pressure making his knuckles turn white. Cassian, sensing the tense energy between the two, moved himself into both of their views. 
“We’re just worried too, Rhys.” Cassian said gently. “She’s like a sister to us…Right, Az?”
Azriel remained silent, though he made a conscious effort to ease his tension. He could feel Valeria’s pain and wanted nothing more than to rush and soothe her. Rhysand noted the silence but his priority was finding his sister so without another word, he winnowed away.
Azriel stilled when he felt Lady Yvaine’s hand at his shoulder. Her gaze was warm and loving as always, despite her concern over her daughter.  “Rhys will find her,” she reassured him with an ease that only a loving mother could provide.  “Do you and Cassian mind accompanying me back to the Moonstone palace?”
Valeria stood at the doors of her father’s office in the grand Moonstone palace. Her violin and bow were still clutched tightly in her trembling hands. She didn’t bother to knock, forcefully throwing the doors open with her powers. 
She had hoped to find him busy, drowning in his work and duties as High Lord. Her hope shattered into an overwhelming torrent of anger when she discovered him engaged in a casual round of chess with Keir. 
The words were bursting from her, charged with the weight of her dashed hopes. “Where were you?”
The High Lord remained fixated on the chessboard, seemingly uninterested in her presence, drawing a chuckle from Keir. Their indifference only fueled her simmering rage. “Can’t you see? We’re in the middle of something,” her father replied, dismissing her without a glance.
“You said you’d be there–”
“I promised nothing.” His tone cut through her like a blade.
“I practiced so much.”
Tears blurred Valeria’s vision as her hands, singed with pain from the blisters, clutched the violin and bow fiercely. Her voice shook with emotion, the words she wanted to add–”for you”--hovering on the edge of her lips. Fear and anguish held them back.
It was Keir who looked up from their chess game, casting a mocking glance her way. “As expected.”
She glared at Keir but her attention quickly turned back to her father. Though she knew she should leave before things escalated, she was too overwhelmed by her hurt to turn away.
“I spent these past six months trying to meet your high expectations. I listened. I obeyed. I kept my mouth shut. I–I did everything I could to be the perfect daughter. I thought you’d be proud…”
It was then that the High Lord, her father, lifted his gaze, finally acknowledging her presence. His cold violet eyes met hers and with his next words, he shattered the remaining pieces of her heart completely.
“Proud?” His voice was laced with an incredulous tone that mocked her. “Over you doing what is expected of you? Over you learning how to play a mere instrument?”
Both the High Lord and Keir shared a look, chuckling darkly.
“That is no reason to be proud, you child.”
 His voice was venomous as he reduced to her nothing and she recoiled back at the sting.
“Daughters,” Keir said, rolling his eyes. “Always so entitled. It’s why sons are preferred.”
“If that is all,” her father said as he returned his attention back to their game of chess. “Then you may leave before you cost me this game.”
Valeria ran to her place of solace within the Moonstone palace–the moon gardens. It was only once she confirmed that she was alone that she released the tears in her eyes. They ran down her heated cheeks.
Her violin and bow were still in her hands and at that moment, she hated them. All the blood, sweat and tears she had poured into her performance… She had been praised and applauded by her audience–including the ones she loved most–but she hated how the absence of her father’s presence reduced her hard work into nothing.
However, this hurt went beyond music. Valeria had exhausted herself over the past couple of six months to gain her father’s approval. When he had suggested she return to her etiquette classes, she did so with no hesitation. When she noticed he had a keen appetite for strawberries, she had baked the most delicious strawberry tarts for breakfast the following morning. When marriage had been brought up, she even humored the idea, despite her heart already having been claimed by another.
Everything she did was delicately crafted to ensure that she was worthy of being his daughter. Although her father was still not aware of her secret training sessions with the Valkyries, her practice became lacking as she shifted to activities that might please her father instead. The only sliver of happiness she allowed herself was her secret relationship with Azriel. She was not happy with all these changes, but she did so for the High Lord, her father. She had desperately clung to their shared love for music–hoping that it would be the last piece of the puzzle to appeal to her father.
Valeria threw her bow to the floor and stomped on it with her foot until it was nothing but broken pieces of wood and string. She felt as if she wasted her time with the instrument. Her violin went next. She raised it with both hands before slamming it down against the floor. It broke into jagged halves at the impact. She directed her hands toward the pieces, using her powers to destroy it further. She didn’t stop until her violin was completely just as shattered as her heart was.
She didn’t even register the presence of another until she felt hands on her face.
Valeria blinked the tears away, finding a worried Rhysand right in front of her. Her breaths were heavy and jagged as the pieces of wood beneath her feet. Rhysand kept his hands on her face, his eyes searching her face and body in search of any injury. 
“Nothing I do is ever good for him.” She sniffled. “It is literally impossible to please him.”
“Val, I’m so sorry.” Rhysand’s voice was soft and full of compassion and when he confirmed that there were no physical injuries, he let out a small exhale and pulled Valeria into his arms.
“I don’t know why I care so much anymore.” She admitted, burying her head into her brother’s chest. “But it hurts, Rhys. I hate and fear him at the same time.”
And then the tears were falling again as she began to sob uncontrollably. Her tears drenched his shirt as his hold on her tightened. He rested his chin on top of her head. “I’m sorry,” he whispered once more, uncertain of the words to console her.
Rhysand held her until her cries and sobs gradually came to a stop. He pulled away, leading her to sit at the edge of a grand fountain in the heart of the gardens. After a deep exhale, Valeria spoke.
“You can light a candle and he’d be proud of you.” 
 There was envy in her tone but no trace of anger or resentment directed toward him
 “I can light a candle and he’d scold me for my candle being too dim.” She let out a humorless chuckle. “Even though it would be just as bright as yours.”
Rhysand frowned and said nothing, acknowledging her words. He hated the truth of the situation as much as she did. She turned her body to face forward. Her violet eyes were distant as she continued.
“I excel in everything I set my mind to but somehow, it’s never enough. I have to reach out and find my place as the High Lord’s daughter but never forget my place as an Illyrian woman. I have to always be grateful for keeping my wings unclipped but never forget how quickly they can be taken away. I have to be strong but I cannot train. I can never be rude, never be selfish, never show fear.”
Valeria let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and Rhysand’s heart broke. He knew his sister had been hurting for a while but he failed to realize the depth of her suffering all these years.
“I am always doing something wrong and somehow, it’s always my fault. I’ve been a failure since birth for something I had no control over. I should’ve just not been bor–”
“Oh, my sweet child.” Her mother’s voice interrupted, refusing to let her finish that sentence. She approached her children, kneeling before Valeria and coaxing her gaze to meet hers. “You’ve been nothing but a treasure and joy since birth.”
“I almost killed you.” Valeria spoke in a soft, subdued tone, her eyes reflecting a flicker of guilt. She had caused her mother so much pain at birth–something her father never failed to remind her of. “And the reason you can’t bear him another son.”
Lady Yvaine was shaking her head in protest, frowning slightly. She wiped the tears from Valeria’s face. “I give thanks to the Mother and Cauldron for your existence every day.”
She grasped both Rhysand’s and Valeria’s hands into her own, rubbing soothing circles onto the back of them. Warmth emanated from her brown eyes, filled with deep admiration for the children she had brought into this world. Her wings unfurled behind her, enveloping them in a motherly embrace as a radiant smile graced her face. 
“You two are enough for me. You mean everything to me and I love you both so much. Don’t you ever forget that.”
“We never will.” Rhysand finally spoke. “We love you so much.”
Valeria felt a flooding warmth in her heart. Her father may not love her as she yearned for but she was not alone. She had her doting mother and brother. They were enough.
She would no longer live beholden to her father’s expectations. She decided she was going to follow her own path to happiness, where she would live life for herself.
tag list:  @justrepostandlove , @kemillyfreitas, @thelov3lybookworm
A/N: sorry this one didn't have much of Az and Val but this is a pivotal point in Val's life. The last couple of imagines are building up to the storyline I have planned. But you got to see a glimpse of possessive Az and a suspicious Rhys lol.
idk if y'all are DPR Ian fans but he just released a song called "violet crazy" and I feel like it's a song that matches Val and Az so well. I added it to the playlist I made here. I listened to Billie Eilish's "what was I made for?" a lot while writing this as this imagine was inspired by the monologue in the Barbie movie.
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mutant-what-not · 2 years
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Black cat auditions for the film TALES OF TERROR in 1961.
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Poly/OT7: I
Updated 01/14/24
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Burn the Stage - @adonis-koo
When your girl group breaks up you’re desperate to prove you can make it as an idol. When you stumble across a no name company called BigHit auditioning for a new member of a boy band what do you do? The only logical solution: Cross dress and attend it anyways
A Place Called Home - @agustdakasuga
Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Between the Bloodshed - ^^
Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of them through recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
Everything Between Us - ^^ Sequel to Between the Bloodshed
They left you without a goodbye, they broke your heart. You didn’t get your happily ever after. But now they’re back and they’re searching for you to make things right. Could you take them back into your life and let them back into your heart?
How to Sell Sunshine - @alpacaparkaseok
Mafia AU, Mob Boss MC and Bangtan Crew with a twist!
The Tales of Sisters (Queendom series) - @borathae
FemDom! Royal MC in a fantasy kingdom, each member has their own story.
Damn the Charcuterie Board - @bratkook
Yoongi x Reader x Jimin in a smutty cracky fic for the best of both worlds.
Love is Blind - @cinnaminsvga
social media au where y/n posts a fake boyfriend application on twitter as a dare but ends up seeking something real in the long run (aka how to fall in love the zillennial way)
Dorm Duels - ^^
social media au where y/n posts an advertisement looking for a new place to stay that is closer to campus, causing seven upperclassmen to make it their mission to recruit her into their dormitories.
Betrayal - @daydream-hobii
Three words circled in your brain, betrayal being the most apparent. You were packing your bags, planning to leave you seven boyfriends before they got home, but when they get there early, you’re forced to witness their heartbreak, as well as prolong yours.
Sanctuary - ^^
It only had to happen once for you to gain seven new members of your family. Only once, that’s all it needed. You saved them from some predator hybrids and, since then, they were attached to your hip. You didn’t mind, you liked the company.
Peculiar Pack - @daydreamindollie
you’re a successful hybrid writer and psychologist, who takes in seven hybrids one stormy night after finding one of their pack stealing from your garden.
From Eden - @ddaenggtan
you’ve been in the dark a long time, overworked and exhausted. the only bright point is your gatekeeper, Hoseok, your closest friend and the man you love but can’t have. you’ve accepted that loneliness is inevitable for you. when a voice calls to you, though, and moves you so deeply that you rip open the earth to help them, you meet a mint-haired boy that changes everything you thought you knew about your prison.
Under the Same Sun - @floralseokjin
A stranger flips you and your boyfriend’s world upside down for one night…
No Doubt About it - @hoebii
Jerk Bangtan CEO AU for any angst lovers out there that need to feel the pain like me lmao.
Black Mamba - ^^
Snake Hybrid Reader trained as a government assassin gets adopted by CEO(?) Bangtan.
Dance to This/Call Me Yours - @hollyhomburg
Seokjin didn’t expect his new potential owner to be blind, but with the threat of being sent to a breeding clinic looming over his head, he’ll do anything. 
Hybrid House - ^^
To Seokjin, Home consists of his human partners Namjoon and Hoseok as well as their Hybrids; the pups- named Taehyung and Jimin, their black cat- called Yoongi, and their foxboy- called Jungkook. Together they have the happiest family possible, everyone loves everyone equally. So what happens when Namjoon finds you? a cat hybrid, beaten close to death left alone in an alleyway on the coldest night of the year? He takes you home, shows you his family, and together they teach you what love can be like.
Reasons Wretched and Divine - ^^ (One of my absolute favs!)
You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon.
Sugary Sweet - ^^
When you get drunk with your boyfriends- 3 things always happen: Jimin gets bratty. You get needy. And Yoongi gets impossibly irrevocably mushy gushy sugar cookie soft. 
Champagne & Sunshine - @jamaisjoons
a honeymoon in the Maldives, champagne, and your two newlywed husbands and mates - what more could you ask for?
Complaint - @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue
you work for seven CEOs who have called you into their office due to a complaint.
I Want You to Stay - ^^
your bodyguards became your best friends and you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
Our Little Love - ^^
Mafia/Soft Yandere au - you were sent to do your job you didn’t expect to fall in love
Bleeding Butterflies - ^^
Vampire au - a drop of your blood was worth that of a thousand people, but they would never allow another being to have a taste
A Bed of Roses - @jimlingss
Superpowers are supposed to make you invincible, someone who could save the world, a hero. It's not supposed to be like this...
The Seven Kinds of Love - ^^
Love, an intense feeling of deep affection.
Tomorrow - @jungk0oksthighs
when Y/N gets a job at the Jeon law firm downtown, her life gets turned upside down, but is it for better, or worse? ceo!au, lawyer!au
Voracious - @jungkookiebus
 idol!Taehyung x idol!Jungkook x reader
Date Night - @justcallmenikki7
Poly Mafia AU
Regretful Choices - ^^
You get into an argument with your boyfriends, and you decide to take matters into your own hands.
Wild, Wild, Wilderness - @kimnjss
seven days in the forest spent with your seven boyfriends while they film their upcoming reality tv show. there’s no telling what the eight of you will get into when the cameras are off.
Thought you were Different - @kookiesbuckethat
Being the owner of BTS’ favourite cafe, you find yourself growing closer to the seven members without even realizing who you were talking to. What happens when you seemingly start to treat them differently after discovering their true identities?
Broken Communication - @kpopisthereasonihavenolife
Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook for some good angst with a happy ending.
Kings of Campus - @luxekook
a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity.
You Belong to Us - @minniepetals
Just do it, read all of Minnie's stories, they are fantastic and a perfect balance of angst and fluff.
Feelings of Doubt - ^^
Yours Alone - ^^
Strawberries & Cigarettes - ^^
When the rain gets Rough - ^^
Until the Last Star Falls - ^^
Caramel Macchiato - ^^
Honey Love - ^^
Nightlight - ^^
Heartbeat - ^^
Love Poem - ^^
As Long as You're Here - ^^
A Cup of Love - ^^
A Thousand Springs - ^^
When a Demon Loves - ^^
Guardians - ^^
Milk Honey - ^^
The Butterseries - ^^
Cry Me a River - ^^
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eyebagshawty · 7 months
Heads Will Roll (Haunted House AU)
Pairing: Actor!Astarion x Actor!F!Reader
Summary: It's a typical night working at Death Clutch Manor during the busiest time of the month; the week of Halloween. While our dear Tav is finishing up her makeup to scare some patrons, her "vampire" coworker has another thing in mind.
Warnings: Fake gore, biting, blood kink, pocket knives, SMUT (mdni!!!), oral, fingering, p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it), sort of public sex but not really (please message me if more warnings should be put in and I will update accordingly)
Other Tags: situationship to lovers, fem!reader, basically crack but make it sexy, alternate universe, Gale is a sassy and upset manager, Shadowheart is tired
Word Count: ~3.2k
A/N: This is my first fic in a while, and probably the first nsfw fic I've ever done. Please be gracious, please enjoy, and happy (early) Halloween!
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"Quit hogging the palette Tav, I need my eyes to look like a void and quickly or this helmet isn't going to work," Shadowheart exhaled, looking over at you with an exasperated expression. You looked in the mirror at your face, painted stark white with green ooze dripping out of your mouth. You took one more dab of black face paint and stroked it in messy lines around your eyes, handing the palette over to her.
"I don't even know why Withers insisted on me being a possessed woman. It's kind of an exorcist knockoff? I don't know it just feels silly on me, and a bit corny at that."
"He's basically ancient, of course his taste for the costumes we wear would be as well. I mean look at me, what even is a dark justiciar?" She popped in her green sclera contacts, put on her helmet, and scowled at her reflection; a weird version of a knight with dark blood dripping out of the helmet eyesockets, along with stiff dark grey armor and medieval weaponry. You shrugged and looked to the provided straightjacket for your costume. How did they even put these things on in the 1900s? I should commit myself to a mental institution for even trying to figure out this stupid mess.
Shadowheart's head perked up at a knock on the door. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, looking over at you with her finger pointing in her mouth in a gagging motion. You stifled a giggle. "If it's Gale don't even think about coming in we're naked -- or I'll make sure Withers schedules you on Friday," she half-yelled in a monotone voice.
"All the better darling, maybe I can help my dear sweet Tav into her straightjacket while you weep about your dreadful costume in the break room."
A furious blush crossed your cheeks. You were dreading coming into work today, hoping to curl up at home with a hot chocolate to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre while you cuddled with your cat. Now you were truly dreading coming into work because Astarion was here. You met him at the beginning of the month during auditions for the haunted house, and you had also been fucking him ever since. You weren't quite sure if there was something more between you, any proverbial strings attached, but you were racked with anxiety every time you were around him. Your feelings for him had only grown over the month you worked together, and now that Halloween was upon you, you didn't want what you guys had to end.
You sighed and opened the door to his smug grin and wiggling eyebrows. He looked good tonight, dressed in aristocratic victorian clothing, with a velvet cape cascading down his back. His red contacts made him look paler, the grey contouring stick giving him gaunt cheeks and dark circles under his eyes. His platinum blond hair was slicked back, and his fangs were just peeking through his smile and poking into his bottom lip. You stared at the latex-made holes in his neck, wishing it were real. You wanted him to bite into you, to drink from you; to be marked as his in an eternal bond.
You were staring. You snapped out of the haze, cheeks blazing and looking back up to his face. "What do you want Astarion? The tour starts in 10 minutes and I really can't figure this thing out." You tried to look nonchalant, you really did. Astarion let out a hearty laugh and grabbed one of the straightjacket belts, lacing it between his fingers.
"Well my treasure, I have come to offer my services. Perhaps we could go to the mens dressing room and I could help? In more ways than one of course." He makes a show of looking to your cleavage, pushed up inside the skintight leotard you'd pulled on for comfort. He looks back up to you, and his eyes soften a bit. "Only if you'd like, of course. I'm sure Jenevelle here would be more than happy to lay down her morningstar and help you into this torturous monstrosity as well," he finished with a light giggle.
Shadowheart, leering at you both during this decidedly strange interaction, scoffed and got up from her vanity chair. "First of all, don't call me that. And second, whatever it is that's going on right now? Leave me out of it. I'm gonna go see if Karlach has a monster for me to down before these customers suck the life out of me. And for godssakes, please lock the door." She swiftly shimmied away from you and Astarion and down the hallway. He closed the door and locked it with a soft click.
As soon as the click had reverberated through the room, his lips were hard pressed into yours, teeth and plastic fangs clashing together. He rubbed your sides and walked you over to the vanity counter before breaking away, breathing heavily and close to you. His breath smelled like cinnamon. "You know I always enjoy our little trysts my dear, but I think it shall be exceptionally fun in this crazy get up Withers picked out for you." You looked up into his eyes with a soft smile, your entire body feeling warm at the prospect of getting laid where you could so easily be found out. As he moved the black tresses of your wig to expose your neck, the thought of him marking you made a thought pop into your head -- and not a particularly comfortable one. As he leaned in, you pressed your hands to his chest with a sense of apprehension.
"Astarion, I need to ask you about something," you said, voice unusually quiet.
"Whatever about? Did I do something wrong?" His eyes widened and he moved to back away from you, but you held him in place with your legs which had unconsciously wrapped around his waist.
"No, no you could never do something wrong in that way to me and you know that," you stroked his cheek with your forefinger, "I just wanted to talk about us. Where we stand I guess." His brows furrowed, and you went to smooth out the creases with your thumb, nervously biting your lip. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've... how do I put it... fallen for you? You always know how to make me laugh, you're unreasonably out of my league, and well, we've grown really close lately. I can never stop thinking about you, and I care about you. Deeply. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but the month is almost over, which means work is almost over and I just wanted to-"
He silenced you by pressing his lips to yours. It wasn't fueled by passion and lust this time, but something softer and pure. He cupped your cheeks with warm hands and pulled away, looking at you with a vulnerable expression on his face. "I don't think anybody has wanted more with me in a while. Because of my devilishly good looks," he let out a nervous chuckle, "I've only really had one night stands without a promise for something real. But with you it's different. I find myself thinking about you, wondering what you're up to when we aren't scheduled together, hoping you're thinking about me." He interlocked his fingers with yours, stroking the pad of his thumb over your shiny press-on claw which you had just put on not 15 minutes ago. He looked at your joined hands and smiled to himself. 'I like you a lot, Tav. I love, well, this," He gestured with his other hand between you two, "And I want it all. I have fallen from great heights for you as well."
Your body felt like it had reached 1,000 degrees after his confession, eyes wide and lips parted. You couldn't believe somebody as beautiful (and sassy) as him could want something more with you. Holy shit holy shit holy shit I am telling Karlach about this immediately, you thought to yourself. You looked up at him with heavy lashes, a short puff of relieved air pushing past your lips. You looked at the clock next to the door and rolled your eyes, your lips pulling into a dopey smile. "This is good. Great, even. I wish we could keep talking, I really do, but you know Gale is gonna yell at us if we aren't there before the tour introduction. Can you please help me into this thing?"
Astarion scowled at the door then looked back into your eyes. He delicately grabbed one strap of your leotard, pulling it down your shoulder. He brought his mouth right next to your ear and whispered, "You know my sweet... I don't really care what boot-muncher Gale thinks. I'm hungry for you, absolutely starving." He nipped the shell of your ear lightly and you let out a shuddered breath. He stayed still, awaiting your response.
You brought your finger up to twirl a strand of his hair at the nape of his neck and whispered back, "You know, you can feed on me tonight if you'd like." He groaned softly and pressed his body deeper into you, getting impossibly close as your legs tightened around his waist.
"Oh darling, I thought you'd never ask."
He leant down to your neck and softly bit into it, suckling and soothing the pain with his tongue. You gasped grabbing onto his shoulders with your claws lightly digging into the velvet fabric draped over them. As he licked and sucked at that sweet spot in the crook of your neck, his fingers deftly stroked, pinched, and twisted your nipple. You brought up a hand to your mouth and let out a muffled cry of his name.
He pulled away and grabbed your hand back down to your side. "No no no, my sweet, there will be no secretive noises tonight. Now that we can truly be together I want everybody to hear everything that passes through those luscious lips of yours. Understand?" You gulped and nodded eagerly at him, your pupils blown wide in wanting for Astarion. Your Astarion.
Instead of returning to your neck, he gave the nipple that wasn't being touched attention with his mouth. He licked and sucked as if you held the nectar of the gods inside each breast and he was praying for a taste. You let out a loud, breathy moan, and he smiled smugly against your nipple. "Good girl, always listening to what I ask of her."
During this moment, booming echoes of the haunted house's tour introduction rang through the room. You could hear Gale announce every word. "Hello esteemed guests! It is my honor to welcome you to the Death Clutch Manor; the house of rot, where pure souls and joy come to decay, and the haunted fiends rise from the ashes to induce your terror," Gale let out a nervous but wicked laugh the next room over. These walls were a lot thinner than you thought.
Astarion moved with open-mouthed kisses down your body, traveling lower and lower until he reached your clothed pussy. He looked up at you, eyes half-lidded with a lazy smile, and tugged down the rest of your leotard.
"Star, are you sure we should be doing this? We could so get fired," You said as you nervously eyed the door, then looking back down to him. He kissed the insides of your thighs, coaxing another soft moan from you.
"Since when did you start calling me Star? I'm quite fond of it," He mumbled as his thumb started to rub slow circles into your clit. You whimpered, holding back more searing moans as they sizzled in your throat.
"I just, mmh, I-," You started. but you could barely even think. Two of his fingers had entered your folds, pumping deep in and out of your pulsating cunt.
"Use your words darling, talk to me," he cooed, leaning his head down to nip and suck at your thighs as his fingers continued.
"I always thought you reminded me of a starry sky, and it, fuck, it fits with your name-," You cut yourself off with a loud cry as his lips latched around your engorged clit, fingers reaching places they never had before as you opened yourself up to him.
You could hear the tour slowly moving away from you, Gale saying something about Jergal possessing some woman, and then gasping offendedly. "Well well well, it looks like our resident poltergeist is hiding from us. Perhaps in the rafters? Beneath the floorboards? Be sure to keep your eye out, for she could strike at any moment."
"Well, my moonlight, I don't think I could come up with a better nickname. It's like we're meant to be. This cunt is made for me, that's for sure," Astarion asserted. His fingers kept speeding up, his tongue working artfully around and on your clit. You were getting close, your whimpers and cries bouncing off the walls. Surely the patrons couldn't hear you…right?
With his free hand, Astarion slipped out a small pocket knife. Throughout the times you two had been intimate, he knew blood was what got you going. A bit odd, but to each their own, he thought, a mischievous smile spreading across his face as he continued to eat you out like a man starved for a year.
"Moonlight, you're mine, yes?" He asked as the blade flipped open. He looked up to you and his fingers paused their movements.
"Yes, fuck my star I want to be forever yours. Please keep going," You urged, desperate for the release you knew only he could give you.
"Lovely," He whispered to himself against your clit. His fingers resumed their motions, his free hand with the knife cutting the smallest letter A into your upper thigh. It wouldn't scar, and he of course would never truly cause you pain.
You screamed his name like a prayer as your orgasm crashed into you with the weight of a freight train, your pussy tightening around Astarion's fingers as he coaxed you through it. The sweet sting of the cuts coupled with the fact that his literal first initial was on your thigh for anyone to see had pushed you far over the edge. He moved over to the small cuts and licked them clean, getting another soft whimper from you.
You body relaxed against the vanity mirror, your head left in a daze. Astarion stood up from his position between your thighs and licked each digit clean of your slick. He kissed you again, and you tasted the sweet tang of your arousal from his lips, whimpering softly into his mouth. You pulled away and moved to stand up, yet his hands braced your thighs down against the countertop. "And where do you think you're going?" He said, his voice gruff and filled with lust. Now that he was standing, you could clearly see his own arousal pressed hard against his slacks.
"Well I figured you might want something too before we, you know..." You looked down at his clothed cock hungrily. Astarion lifted up your chin and kissed your nose.
"Now my moonlight, we can't let all that prep work go to waste. Besides, I need to feel you around me as soon as possible." His pupils were blown wide with lust and hunger. His hand came to rub your side again, stroking circles into the soft flesh. "Besides, all these screams from the patrons are nothing compared to the sound of my name, cried from your lips." He gave you a hard, passionate kiss, biting down lightly on your lower lip. You opened your mouth, moaning when his tongue slipped in and fought yours for dominance. He won of course, and let out a sultry groan as his tongue lovingly explored the expanse of your mouth and throat. You pulled away fast.
"Gods, please just fuck me." You helped him out of his shirt, kissing every inch of skin you could find. You could hear Gale off in the distance mumbling angrily into the mic. Something about 'where that damned vampire' was. At this point, you could care less if Gale found you two out. At least he would know that you were wholly Astarion's, and he was not going to share.
His cock sprang free from his underwear as he pulled it down and off his legs, standing bare before you. You licked your lips as you saw a fat drop of precum leak out of the flushed red tip. He came closer, the tip of his cock pressed right to the entrance of your folds. Your hips softly jolted forward, eager to be filled up. He kissed both of your cheeks and gazed down at you, red eyes filled with affection. "You're the first person I've ever truly cared for," He whispered, then gently pushed his length into you, filling you up inch by inch.
You both moaned together as he bottomed out inside of you. He kissed you gently as he waited for you to adjust to his size. When you were ready for him to move, he began gingerly thrusting into you, your walls pressing around him in a warm embrace. Out of all the times you two had sex, this was the most vulnerable he had ever been with you. You moaned at the thought, basking in his affections.
He began to thrust harder, gradually getting faster as he pulled out completely and then slammed all the way back in. He placed a hand on your neck as he moved, his thumb swiping in up and down motions. "Say my name moonlight." He began hitting that sweet spot, the one he knew so well, earning a breathy scream from your lips.
"Astarion, please Astarion, I'm so close I-" You released another loud cry as his cock began hitting your cervix. The coil in your stomach was wrung tight, ready to snap at any moment. His movements were growing erratic, his cock twitching as he kissed you wherever he could. Devouring you.
"Come for me, my love."
And with that you let out a loud string of curses, the band snapping as your vision went white. The fluttering of your walls around him was too much. "Paint me 'Star, please." He quickly unsheathed himself from you and released his seed all over your torso. He moaned, his cheeks flushed red as he covered you in every last drop.
You both breathed heavily together, barely getting over the high you'd just experienced. Nothing would ever compare to this moment and many more to come. He leaned down and kissed your forehead, your face paint smeared almost completely off. His mouth was covered in the white greasy paint, the green ooze mixing with it to create a light green color. "Let's get you all cleaned up before necklace-chewer finds us. The tour's over I think."
He gingerly wiped you clean with the fabric of his cape, giving your stomach a kiss when it finally looked spotless. You smiled at the show of affection, he was always good with aftercare but now it felt better. Special. Loving. He helped you down from the vanity countertop, your legs trembling as you got your bearings.
There was banging on the other side of the dressing room door, along with a very furious Gale. "Come out you two, right now. You've embarrassed our credibility as a haunted house completely for the years to come!" Jumping, you fumbled into your leotard, Astarion groaning at the sound of Gale's voice. He swiftly pulled on his slacks and shirt, the collar unbuttoned and rumpled.
"Come off it bone boy, Tav here was feeling sick. I was helping her," Astarion yelled. You both heard a string of curses and grumbles of your names. You giggled, pulling on a pair of jeans as well before collecting yourself and opening the door. You coughed and sniffled, hoping you could pull off Astarion's lie.
"I'm sorry Gale, I think a kid sneezed on me yesterday. Astarion was just getting me water and some Advil, I promise I'll rest up tonight and be ready for tomorrow." You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. Astarion smirked as he leaned against the recently warmed countertop, shrugging at Gale's miffed expression.
Gale looked down at you, your hair messed up and bruises littering your neck. He huffed, face flushing red as he looked anywhere else. He was grateful you couldn't see through the skull paint, quickly adjusting the bow tie on his tux and running a hand over his slicked down hair. "Fine. But if you get sick again I'm gonna have Withers cut your pay until the end of the week." You squealed and gave him a platonic hug, Astarion's expression instantly souring.
"Thank you thank you thank you you're the best manager ever!" You bounded past him and out of the employee exit, waiting for Astarion by your car so he could continue 'tending to the sick' as he had put it.
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