myclassisfuckedup · 2 years
Student: Hey sir student b’s date went really well
Tutor: What does she have marks on her neck or something?
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myclassisfuckedup · 2 years
Student: Wait. Is Africa near the Atlantic?
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myclassisfuckedup · 2 years
Student A: You have no eyebrows
Student B: Yeah but you have no tooth so you can’t talk. Anyway student c what were you gonna say
Student C: Im so shocked I genuinely can’t remember
Student A: yeah you took that way to far!
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Student: Hey guess what? When a child’s born it temporarily wears its mother as a hat or a pair of shoes. Or if things go really wrong a backpack!
Pregnant teacher: *horrified*
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Student: So your telling me homophobic isn’t in the French dictionary but PROSTITUTE is?!
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Teacher: How do we say ‘he is’ in French?
Student: Il est. wait no, Il a. No wait. J’MAPPELLE
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Teacher: How tall are you?
Student: I dunno, taller than you?
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Teacher: What do Olympic athletes need to pack?
Student A: Bikinis!
Student B: Charger
Student A: Speedos!
Student C: Steriods
(If you couldn’t guess student a and c are best mates)
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Student A: You have a crush on her
Student B: No I don’t
Student A: Prove it then. Punch her.
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myclassisfuckedup · 3 years
Teacher: What’s your favorite room in your house?
Student: Bathroom
Teacher: Why?
Student: Because. Lots of things happen there
Teacher: Like?
Student: Um. Bathing. Washing.
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