#bill board
ot-coffotto · 1 year
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jonreytrevino · 9 months
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Need a Hint?
pixel_dailies : hint : 7/21/23
His name is Bill Board.
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huruftimbulcirebon · 2 years
Huruf Timbul di Kecapi 0878 7801 7706
PT. Amkor Harazaki Adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang periklanan. Advertising  dan konstruksi, yang tidak lepas dari ide - ide menarik, dipadu dan diwujudkan menjadi sebuah karya seni bernilai.  Advertising menyediakan jasa pembuatan konsep, percetakan serta penempatan iklan,  tergantung pada jenis usaha advertising.
Perkembangan dunia teknologi serta pesatnya dunia bisnis dan usaha,  advertising dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif usaha, karena efektifitas dan efesiensi yang maksimal telah menjelma dan menjadikan advertising sebagai usaha menarik, yang mampu berkontribusi mebangun perekonomian bekerjasama dengan perusahaan lain, bahkan instansi dan sejumlah pelaku usaha lainnya.
Seperti diketahui ada umumnya dalam suatu perusahaan, marketing adalah hal yang sangat utama untuk memperkenalkan sebuat produk. Sehingga pangsa pasar untuk usaha advertising sangat luas. Dalam hal keuangan, usaha advertising tidak  membutuhkan banyak modal, karena fungsinya sebagai promotor sebuah produk, perusahaan, tempat dan lain sebagainya, dengan kreatifitas yang unik dan menarik.
Perkembangan dunia usaha yang semakin pesat memberi peluang untuk membuka usaha  di bidang periklanan. Dengan berbagai produk yang biasa dibuat, maka adverstising mampu  memberikan pilihan bagi marketing untuk masuk ke dalam pasar. Contoh produk advertising  adalah billboard, neonbox, poster, flyer, spanduk, x-banner, roll banner, dan lain-lain. Siapapun dapat menawarkan setiap produk melalui teman ke teman, saudara, atau bahkan masuk ke  instansi instansi besar.
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fr1day-incredible · 9 months
Weasley memes part 1
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queenpupperz · 1 month
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🎩⚜️Bill Cipher Stimboard⚜️🎩
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alphahobo123 · 22 days
Morning routine
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finniscrying · 27 days
what is up with seacaster manor and the cloud rider engine ?
i just remembered how serious hallariel got when one of the bad kids (i honestly don't remember who rn) made a comment about having a party at seacaster manor in a previous episode, and then this episode bill got super serious when gorgug started implying there was a party.... is this anything ?? is it just a bit about parents saying "no parties" and being super aggro about it ?? is there something more to it ?????? my brain hurts
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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Mike Hixenbaugh at NBC News:
METROPOLIS, Ill. — The pastor began his sermon with a warning. Satan was winning territory across America, and now he was coming for their small town on the banks of the Ohio River in southern Illinois. “Evil is moving and motivated,” Brian Anderson told his congregation at Eastland Life Church on the evening of Jan. 13. “And the church is asleep.” But there was still time to fight back, Anderson said. He called on the God-fearing people of Metropolis to meet the enemy where Satan was planning his assault: at their town’s library. A public meeting was scheduled there that Tuesday, and Christians needed to make their voices heard. Otherwise, Anderson said, the library would soon resemble a scene “straight out of Sodom and Gomorrah.” The pastor’s call to action three months ago helped ignite a bitter fight that some locals have described as “a battle for the soul” of Metropolis.
The dispute has pitted the city’s mayor, a member of Eastland Life Church, against his own library board of trustees. It led to the abrupt dismissal of the library director, who accused the board of punishing her for her faith. And last month, it drew scrutiny from the state’s Democratic secretary of state, who said the events in Metropolis “should frighten and insult all Americans who believe in the freedom of speech and in our democracy.” Similar conflicts have rocked towns and suburbs across the country, as some conservatives — convinced that Democrats want to "sexualize" and indoctrinate children — have sought to purge libraries of books featuring LGBTQ characters and storylines. Republican state legislatures have taken up a wave of bills making it easier to remove books and threatening librarians with criminal charges if they allow minors to access titles that include depictions of sex.
To counter this movement, Illinois Democrats last year adopted the first state law in the nation aimed at preventing book bans— which ended up feeding the unrest in Metropolis. Under the law, public libraries can receive state grant funding only if they adhere to the Library Bill of Rights, a set of policies long promoted by the American Library Association to prevent censorship.
Many longtime residents were stunned when these national fissures erupted in Metropolis, a quirky, conservative city of about 6,000 people that has a reputation for welcoming outsiders. Because of its shared name with the fictional city from DC Comics, Metropolis has for the past half century marketed itself as “Superman's hometown.” Tens of thousands of tourists stop off Interstate 24 each year to pose beneath a 15-foot Superman statue at the center of town, to attend the summertime Superman Celebration, or to browse one of the world’s largest collections of Superman paraphernalia at the Super Museum.
“Where heroes and history meet on the shores of the majestic Ohio River,” the visitor’s bureau beckons, “Metropolis offers the best small-town America has to offer.” But lately, the pages of the Metropolis Planet — yes, even the masthead of the local newspaper pays homage to Clark Kent — have been filled with strife. Unlike in comic books and the Bible, the fight in Metropolis doesn’t break along simple ideological lines. Virtually everyone on either side of the conflict identifies as a Christian, and most folks here vote Republican. The real divide is between residents who believe the public library should adhere to their personal religious convictions, and those who argue that it should instead reflect a wide range of ideas and identities.
During his sermon in January and in the months since, Anderson has cast his congregation and their God as righteous defenders of Metropolis — and the Library Bill of Rights and its supporters as forces of evil. If Christians didn’t take a stand, Anderson warned, there would soon be an entire children’s section at the library “dedicated to sexual immorality and perversion.” And before long, he said, the town would be hosting “story hour with some guy that thinks he’s a girl.”
[...] A week later, the board went into a closed session and presented Baxter with an ultimatum: If she wanted to keep her job, she needed to sign a performance improvement plan. It stipulated that she would abide by the Library Bill of Rights, seek state grant funding and discontinue praying aloud with children and other religious activities at the library. Baxter refused to sign and began to criticize the board. Voices were raised, according to three members. After a few minutes, James, the board president, slammed her fist on the table. “This is not up for debate, Rosemary,” she said. “Either sign it, or don’t.” Baxter stood up and left. Minutes later, the board came out of closed session. By a vote of 5-3, they terminated Baxter’s employment. Baxter’s departure left the library in turmoil. Four employees resigned soon after, and the board got to work picking up the pieces.  They brought on a former library employee to serve as interim director and embarked on top-to-bottom reviews of the library’s catalog and finances. “Our focus,” James said, “is making sure our library is strong and healthy and there to serve everyone.” Then, on March 19, the story of Baxter’s firing was picked up by Blaze Media, a national conservative outlet. In a column titled, “A librarian’s faithful service is silenced by a secularist takeover,” conservative talk radio host Steve Deace interviewed Baxter and Anderson and reported that both had come under fire for their Christian beliefs.
Deace presented the local saga as a warning that evil forces were now coming for small-town America and blamed the problems in Metropolis, in part, on “a California transplant who is living with another man,” referring to Loverin, the library board member. Three days later, Metropolis Mayor Don Canada — who in 2021 had appointed Anderson, his pastor, to an open seat on the City Council — took a stand of his own. In letters addressed to James and two other board members, Canada announced that he’d “lost faith in the Board in its current state.” As a result, he was removing James and two others who’d voted to terminate Baxter. 
In Superman's alleged hometown of Metropolis, Illinois, the town has been engulfed with strife over conflicts on the direction of the town's public library, with Eastland Life Church Pastor Brian Anderson leading a war against the library as part of the faux moral panic about LGBTQ+ books that right-wingers falsely claim such books "sexualize" children.
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stimsandcrims · 5 months
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[terfs, anti-endo, anti-mspec monospecs, trans-id, etc don't interact please! explanation of my dni on my pinned post]
💛👁️💛 // 💛👁️💛 // 💛👁️💛
bill cipher stimboard because. omg. omg.
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tswwwit · 8 months
I don't think we talk enough about how Dipper being infinitely reincarnated, and therefore dying an infinite amount of times, impacts Bill too. We're talking about someone who loved a human so much he held off on taking over the world, and later decided that he wanted to spend every single lifetime this person has by his side, pretty much meaning he'll NEVER take over Earth. Bill loves him so much, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he never has to go through life again without Dipper by his side.
But that also means witnessing an infinite number of deaths. It has me thinking, you said before that Dipper remembers dying and sometimes it impacts him in his next life. So how does watching your soulmate constantly get ripped to shreds or drowned or stabbed affect someone as cold and malicious as Bill? I had kind of a funny idea where seeing Dipper's insides one too-many times results in some short-term unease that Bill didn't originally feel when blasting someone to bits. Usually, letting some guy's guts splatter across the walls is a fun time! But all the inside stuff is the same for most humans, and Bill's seen Dipper die at least 60 times at this point. Seeing all that human blood and those bones and organs just draws back to the bad memories, to the point where he annoys himself trying to find other ways to torture people *without* getting elbow deep in their liver. And he's coming up frustratingly empty handed.
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evren-sadwrn · 3 months
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based on recent events i feel diabolical for making this
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rabbitindemun · 2 months
he follow me to the college.. he is whispering me to burn everything
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mh.. i'm considering it-
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the-angry-pixie · 2 months
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the losers love each other moodboards (23/23) - The Losers/Lovers Club 💘
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shelbgrey · 8 months
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- Peter Venkman Aesthetic
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murkystarlight · 5 days
Bill with the Illuminati eye!!
(Drew this in class)
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Ignore the other stuff^^ (My friend drew them for me♡)
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