#big thanks for telling me again
sagephilosophie · 1 month
I have been sent a dm by @wisteria-chan that informed me about a telegram channel that translated my Shio smut without my permission nor did it credit me anywhere, and apparently they have also been banning users that linked my work.
You can see right here by the dates that they clearly stole it today, when i posted it on April 19th ->
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I have also changed it back to english to double check and it's the same as my fic, translated word by word ->
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I don't have telegram so i can't speak to them nor am i alowed to report them, i could contact telegram team but i would rather we talked so they can take it down or at the very least add my authorisation rights, but if i couldn't be in touch with this user within 24 hours i will take the proper measurements to have telegram team take it down and ban them, if this person is reading this right now, it's your choice how it's gonna be, either you delete it on your own, send me a dm to settle things, or i will take matters into my own hands.
This is the link to the channel please contact them or send them the link to this post
This deeply upsets me and is really insulting to any writer's hard work including myself, and things could have gone differently had they asked, i have had poeple from former websites accounts of mine previously asking if they could translate old works and promised to credit me and i found it pretty sweet and flattering, but the act of deleting any indications to the original post and author, lacks any signs of respect or admiration to their work and is straight up stealing, you can show your support in many ways weither it'll be by leaving a comment or a like or reblogging, i can assure that all writers appreciate any and everyone of those stuff, but always and ALWAYS ask before you translate their work, needless to say they might respond with no which means no and nothing else but no. And that is final. So kindly, this can be dealed with maturely and quickly, it doesn't have to get any more extreme.
If you got in touch with them, more informations are greatly appreciated ♡
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kingofthering · 3 months
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With the help of my followers, I have gathered a list of the major ways to watch MotoGP, paying for a service or for free (tv channels, streaming services with subscriptions, streaming websites).
The streaming and TV industry has become so complicated that the "type" column was sometimes hard to fill in. It may not be 100% exact.
I've filled the geographic zone with the information I was given but some services might be available in more countries than advertised in the table.
I made this a google sheet so that it can be amended whenever. Please me if you have additional information or any correction you think needed.
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oatberrytea · 8 months
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Ofelia Robles is the only child of Diego and Luna Robles. Luna, always a little fragile of health, passed shortly after Ofelia's birth leaving behind an immense unfillable void in the hearts of her family; because of this, Ofelia has always felt as though she's walking around with only one shoe on.
Diego never fully recovered from Luna's death which created a feeling of longing and sorrow that hung like a cloud over Ofelia's childhood. Ofelia was a serious child, quiet and watchful, unknowing how to make her father smile but wanting to more than anything. Eventually, Diego's mother, Lucia, came to live with them and it was the first time Ofelia felt that things would be okay.
Ofelia likes stories, having heard countless from her grandmother growing up, she escapes through them as an adult through reading, but only for a short time, at night before bed, because during the day she's a hard and dedicated worker on the ranch. She loves horses but none more than her own horse, Bebita, a rescue that she's training to show at the local rodeo.
Ofelia may not have any experience with romance but not for lack of wanting it, it just took her a while to figure out what she liked. Now she wonders if she might have missed the opportunity for love and thinks perhaps she wasn't meant for it, not that kind at least.
As a grown, mature woman, Ofelia is intense, enigmatic, introverted, a self-proclaimed recluse and hard-working. She has a small circle of people she cares for and is disinterested in growing it. Despite attempts from her best friend to put herself out there Ofelia has been an immovable object…if only there were some unstoppable force that could budge her from her stagnation.
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mokadevs · 3 months
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final bday board!! thank you everyone !! i really liked checking in throughout the day and smiling at all the doodles, thank you thank you <3
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thebirdandhersong · 6 months
Okay y'all it is over it is done the conversation has been had he knows I love him we are still friends I have cried my eyes out properly I have laughed again my heart will keep on hurting for a while but it is FINISHED
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This post made me realize that with the Walking Alone episode, I can recreate what Aya probably looked like during the new chapter...
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...and maybe the next chapter...
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But most importantly, what she'll hopefully look like many chapters down the road from now :)
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oscaronpole · 9 months
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as promised, here are the pics I took with oscar in Monza! (they are 4 different pictures I swear)
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twinnedpeaks · 11 months
i will not start crushing on the photographer i met today.
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cgetbrmj · 6 months
anyway do u have hcs on cg!Sejanus and little!coryo? I’ll probably be back stalking ur inbox to shove my hc for them in your face but I’m curious of yours and if we have any mutual ones??
peace n love and I’m sorry again for harrassing you-
hahaha never harassing me, I promise!! I adore getting messages in my inbox!! I'm also very hyped by having a mutual who is just as excited about tbosas agere as I am lol please feel free to send your hcs my way I love hearing them
ugh cg!Sejanus 😍😭 I have so much love for him - and Little Coryo is a massive guilty pleasure at this stage. I do have some hcs on them - mostly assuming this is in a littles are known verse (though I do have a couple vague fic ideas on an age regressing Coryo in a non-littles are known verse if anyone cares to hear about that)
Probably gonna put a break here because I'm probably gonna ramble about them for ages lol - this ask has been a great excuse to post hcs on them so - you're getting more than you signed up for lol!!!!!!! Sage feel free to message me that I'm doing too much haha, hoping that you won't mind the rambling but idk just lemme know if it's too much - and also if you like any of the hcs/agree with any!
Despite Coryo being the person defending Sejanus more often than not, Sejanus is so loyal to Coryo and Very protective of him, no matter the circumstances.
Early on (pre tbosas/early academy days) Sejanus is more concerned with protecting big Coryo's representation than he is with considering caregiving for Little Coryo, and totally helps to hide that Coryo is a Little from everyone.
Absolutely found out that Coryo did not have anything for Little him and absolutely immediately started sneaking him gear.
Probably tries to do it in a way that Coryo won't notice and argue against it - gives him a paci when he's practically asleep, hands him a stuffie to keep when he's already started slipping.
sneaks him bite size snacks periodically across a long time until he's confident Coryo's eaten enough to get through the rest of the day without realising Sejanus has caught on to his food problem.
(If in a verse with any kind of headspace suppressants) Sejanus refuses to let Coryo ignore/supress his headspace - will do anything for him but let him hurt himself.
Is really big on hand holding. They're going anywhere? Sejanus is interlocking their fingers immediately. Is Little Coryo much of a runner? Not at all. Is Sejanus giving him the opportunity? Nope. That boy is constantly at LEAST in eyesight of Sejanus.
LOVES playing with Coryo's blonde curls. Mostly only gets the chance when they're both half asleep already but it's such a soothing and comforting thing for Sejanus to do.
I feel like Sejanus would be the type of caregiver to give daily affirmations. Especially with how obvious it is that Coryo overthinks every moment of his life. I can see him trying to get Little Coryo to repeat positive affirmations in the morning and before bed.
I see Little Coryo as an easy crier. He's just so overwhelmed about everything and has barely processed any of it. When things don't go his way, he tends to break down easier because of that.
Not much of a tantrum thrower - but Little Coryo is Very petulant. He's pouty and fussy and whiney, and thinks he deserves anything and everything he could possibly want, and he Will be devastated if that doesn't work out (for like 5 minutes and then will absolutely have moved onto the next thing)
Little Coryo adores Tigris and definitely thinks she's the boss of everyone and that anything she says is always 100% true and never doubts it. Tigris is far too kind a soul to take advantage of this.
Little Coryo is definitely touch starved but also definitely does not realise it or believe it.
Sejanus tries to comfort him by hugging him and totally thinks he's made things worse for a second with how emotional of a response he gets from Coryo from doing it.
Coryo is extremely adamant that he's an independent big kid who doesn't really need Sejanus help with anything - right up until he's a little bit tired and sleepy and has decided that he's done with whatever he's doing, and then he's just about the clingiest thing ever and wants to steal every drop of Sejanus's attention.
Sejanus loves reading to Little Coryo - picture books, children's novels, poetry, (if Coryo is tired/little enough to allow it - touch and feel books/ anything interactive).
Coryo is either very talkative or barely verbal - Sejanus narrates his every movement though and fills in the silence most of the time
As I said - kind of used this ask as an excuse to dump some very random hcs on these two - I definitely have a lot more but that's heading into plot for some fics I'm currently working on territory sooo...
Sorry if this has been unintelligible or a nightmare to read - I am incredibly tired and basically writing this asleep haha but I loved rambling for a bit <3
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altoskh · 25 days
Imso tired man. I'm so tired. Why do I work this hard I am so FUCKING over this shit
#this other bitch out here like haha woopsie i forgot to clock out for lunch even though ive been out for two hours :)#guess ill leave early today! heehee#YOU DONT DO ANYTHING. YOU FUCKED ME OVER YET AGAIN#i am SO FUCKING SICK of this shit. why do I have to be the one to suffer#why do i have to be the person who doesnt get a say in fuck all even though im doing THE MOST WORK#and then i have to sit here and act like she fucking knows what shes talking about wrt animals#IM THE ANIMAL KEEPER. I KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THIS DEPARTMENT BETTER THAN YOU#Im going crazy fucking insane right now#my coworker is out sick so ive had to do shit scheduled for three people. me. One person#and then im told shit like its just one class! ITS NOT#i have to break them up into two because its too big of a group#then i say ok we are doing reptiles over here#and shes like oh ummmm someone has it reserved for this time so can you do it in [place that is extremely loud]#and im like yeah ok fucking sure FINE#and then we get there and someone else is like ummmm we were told to est here for lunch by [her name]#and i radio her like UMMMM??????????#and shes like Oh woopsie i did tell them! you can do it at ummmm [3rd place]#im like yeah thanks for fucking wltting me know#Sorry im sorry thus is so extreme and petty but im like DROP DEAD#youve made my work life hell when it doesnt have to be because YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOB#FUCK!!!!!#YOU get to have a social life becaus you do whatever the FUCK YOU WANT#YOU get paid way more than me to do FUCK ALL#YOU dont have 30+ living beings depending on you every day#shut the fuck UP#I am so mad that i work so fucking hard and it doesnt fucking matter#so yeah sorry for starry spam but i think hes nice and right now the only thing keeping me from fucking losing it at work#along with a 1 min video of kookaburras im plahing over and over
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spicyraeman · 9 months
sad boy hours officially canceled, I am once again refusing to let it take hold and taking my happiness by force
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
May I ask who designed Ichiban because that dude needs his dick sucked… or eaten out if they’re a woman… anyway genuine who came up with the current Ichiban design?
ouuuggggggghhhhhh if i ffffffUCKIN knew bro...... i wish i could answer that with confidence i really wish i could......
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kavehater · 2 months
I need to do a full analysis of the effects of pasilyo on the neurology of the brain cause why is it so good
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 2 months
the eternal question: is scheduling w friends as an adult That Hard or am I just bad at it
#4 different people have left me on read today; 1 cancelled our plans 4 hours before we were due to meet#I've been sitting home alone for 2 days going insane. looking forward to One (1) coffee date & that fell through#idk why I'm taking it so hard this time I'm usually fine!! but I find myself wishing I didn't have the day off I wish I did have work :(#like it's tiring yeah but it beats sitting here not knowing what to do w myself#& I'm working all weekend & only leaving the house to see the doctor. oh joy#I've been productive ironing writing fixing the car. that's not the problem#I had 4 social plans this month. that's it#that's like seeing each friend once a month!! I can't keep this up!!#is this the norm for adulthood? :(#& on one level I don't want to bother people or be clingy#but on another level I'm baffled that they don't get lonely too#the news has not shut up abt the Loneliness Epidemic since 2021#but if it's true why do so many people take so long to reply when I reach out? if they reply at all#I'm not going anywhere w this. idk#just one of those days#everything so fuck everybody suck :(#boomers got it right w the whole showing up unannounced at people's houses for a social call with a pound cake#now I have to go through 5 layers of bureaucratic bullshit to see a friend#assuming they don't cancel the day of ofc (((((:#I just wanna be like hello knock knock I am here. tell me abt yr life today & listen to mine & eat this cake#& the worst is when people are like 'I'm cancelling bc I'm tired xx'#OK A) u knew we had these plans for two weeks#but B) I'm tired too! I still love u ur still my friend! let us be tired together!#'I won't be social today I'm tired' my love we could watch movies in silence we could knit we could ball yr socks. idc#'I have to do the big shop today sorry' so do I!!! let us do the groceries together!!!#every time I've pushed someone to come out when they felt depressed or to let me accompany them when they were doing chores#they were like u know what I'm so glad u did this. thank u. this is way better than how I had planned this night to go#& I'm like any time!! I love u!!#& then it just happens all over again next time oh sorry I'm cancelling I'm busy I'm tired#like did u forget what a nice time we had last time? what changed? :(
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
📁 !!!
You, my beloved friend, get "Complex Inquiries"
This fic. . . this fic is the one that's been haunting my every waking hour. This fic is the one only barely masked by the grace of the tumblr draft system- my followers are spared from an endless torrent of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and "AUGH I LOVE THIS POOR ROBOT" every time I open my word doc for this fic.
This, to put it simply, is my Metal Sonic Redemption AU. This is the working summary:
Unit MS-1, colloquially known as “Metal Sonic”, has three truths that govern its existence-
Core directive: destroy Sonic the Hedgehog using superior speed and power. 
Core directive: Obey Dr. Ivo Robotnik above any and all else.
Core directive: maintain superiority over Sonic the Hedgehog.
 -Until one day, a catastrophic malfunction shatters them one by one, and it is forced to confront questions it was never designed to answer.
The world beyond awaits.
This fic is. . . incredibly niche and personal, shall we say. Canon is SUCH a suggestion here- I pretty much ignore the events of Sonic Heroes, for one, despite having Team Dark show up -so I'm not expecting it to ever get much attention. One of the tags I plan on adding for AO3 is "LOTS of moody robot introspection you have been warned", and that's a pretty apt descriptor for the whole project. Other highlights include one of the chapters ending with Metal in a dumpster, Metal submitting itself as a college student's final art project, and Metal getting its ass roasted in (verbally) by Omega.
This fic is massive. I have no idea when I'm going to finish it, and I'm only going to post it on AO3 once it's mostly done. I could be tempted to post snippets before then, however. . .
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gibbearish · 3 months
anybody else like. dislike the concept of putting the ways youre privileged in your bio in general
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