#big riding bird
lost-technology · 1 year
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Noman’s Beast of Burden  [IMAGE ID: A hand-made sculpture of a Thomas / Toma from the anime series, Trigun. It is a brown bird-like creature - somewhat resembling a kiwi with a dinosaur-type spiked tail, a saddle and saddle-blanket complete with stirrups, a bone-like mask over its head done in abstract eye-designs and reigns. / END IMAGE ID]  A sculpture I did with Sculpey and various items many, many years ago. ‘98 anime style.  It is actually the second sculpture I did one of one these creatures. It is... I don’t know... about 3 inches tall at the whithers, not huge, but not a miniature, either. The sculpture contains cloth - I actually think I used medical gauze that I’d dyed black for the padding on the saddle.  The saddle blanket is cut from a destroyed old aqua-blue pair of shorts I’d had that I brushed some blue and purple ink on for extra color.  There’s some broken mussel shell in there, little wire bits and leather lace, also some beadwork on the saddle. Yeah, I went all out for this thing.  It sits on my bookshelf. 
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leafytaffy · 7 months
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Lobotomy Corp Abnormality fandragon scries
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kagender · 1 year
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some keron stuff and sand runners, who are often used for transport on its deserts
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bikerjongho · 2 months
per your recent post 👀 giving me a thought to write a little yunho horror bit 🤔🤔 (not an april fools dndjdj)
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gordesian · 7 months
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Here is one of my art pieces I've made.
Photo was taken on: 10/27/2022
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[Main Tournament Post]
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bird-likes-to-fandom · 7 months
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@ride-the-cyclober prompt 26: ricky's cats in costumes!
this was fun to draw, especially considering i dont draw animals very much!
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beast-feast · 1 year
I forgot how to draw the tall German man and I am very upset about it </33333
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Now, the book in question wasn’t long (less than 300 pages) but still, I started and finished it in one day and I’m proud of myself for it. I have had a lot of trouble reading in the past 3 or so years and an even harder time FINISHING a story. But I got through this one!!
The book in question is the first book in the Skyborn series, “Sparrow Rising” which I got on my last bookstore haul trip. And yes I did literally get it because it was about kids with wings and I was quietly hoping that my obsession with Artham in the Wingfeather Saga, my favorite winged human, would carry over into this. Apparently it worked!
Quick little review/synopsis if you’re interested: So at first this appears to be a typical coming-of-age story with the protagonist, Ellie, trying to win a flying race to prove herself worthy of being a defender of the kingdom, a “Goldwing”. She forfeits the race when she finds an injured boy in the field they’re flying over and ends up traveling with him and his thieving misfit friends to the capital to try and enter the kingdom-wide race to join the Goldwings. Amidst the typical coming of age storyline, however, you have magical evil gargoyles that descend out of clouds to straight up murder anyone they encounter outside of a shelter. There is no known explanation for them except myths and legends. There’s also a magical stone that has HEALING POWERS, a floating castle, all the kids have tragic backstories/special powers/abilities/secrets, corrupt rulers, and a surprisingly good lesson about idealism and black-and-white thinking. It’s got some pretty good worldbuilding and plenty of mystery going on that kept me intrigued. Also, unimportant detail but one of the kiddos has a horned marten and I’m cracking up because I’ve never heard of them being used in a story besides the Inkheart books so I’m over here like, “did the author read those and just really like gwin?” because that’s the vibe I get and I love it.
All in all I’d give it probably 4 stars, it was a good little read and helped me stave off a migraine and distracted me from the power being out today.
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my favorite thing about making self insert ocs is that 90% of the time i dont even want them to interact with canon characters. i just want them to be chillin in the world somewhere
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misterparadigm · 1 month
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What? WHAT?! There's actually a NEW episode of Mallory on Tapas and Webtoon?!
I've literally had this thing on the shelf, nipping away at it for almost four years. I've been working on Mallory all this time, too--every week! Just not on the comic. Featured at the top of this episode is a friend of mine who has been a great supporter of all things Mallory; thanks, AyKay! Unfortunately, this is not a sign of more episodes to come in the near future, because I'm working on more pitch materials, film and television scripts, and a number of other things for the future of Mallory. But as always, I'll be giving you at least a little Mallory content with holiday postcards, so hang in there, and thank you SO MUCH for all your patience and support.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years
TR!Thor: Where’s your chair? 
TR!Loki: idk. where’s your character arc? 
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fanghur · 4 months
thinking about the maximum ride series by James Patterson again and, like, I still love the concept and story, just really, really hate the writer and how he treated it. Almost nothing is consistent save for character's races (but hair and eye colour are free game!), there's plot points that go nowhere that I'm still mad about, and can't because the last book I read ended (Spoilers for uhh, Nevermore I think?) with fucking Meteors Coming the Fuck outta Nowhere and hitting the Earth and fucking killing basically everyone outside the people we care about, so never mind the ominous tunnel under the normal school from book two, it never came up again and everything destroyed! Which leads to my third major issue, 'plot twists' that come from nowhere and/or a different plot twist feels like it's coming but Nope! See, previously mentioned Meteor of Fuck Y'All
Like, you want another example of the series lost potential? Okay, cool, buckle up because it's gonna be a doozy, not even getting into all the rest of my ranting after.
So in case you aren't familiar with the series and wanna know wtf am I talking about, here's the first book. Max Ride is a mutant bird kid that leads a Flock of other bird kids and makes sure they aren't found by the scientists, White Coats, that created, abused by, experimented on, abused by, and did I mention abuse? They got out 4 years prior because Jeb, a white coat, got them out, so he's Good! but he disappeared, so boo. Anyways, one day they're all chillaxin at their home that Jeb was able to acquire for them years ago without The School that the White Coats work at knowing about, and Boom, evil wolf-human hybrids called Erasers show up, and kidnap Angel, the youngest at 6, and also a telepath, and the others chase after them. Got it? Good.
They get Angel back, awesome, now they're on the run, less awesome. Then Max get's a grenade-grade migraine that almost makes her a Splat because it was at cruising altitude, and Ta-Da, Max! You're now the proud owner of a Voice in your head, but don't worry, you're not developing a mental illness, because it can interact with computers and stuff! A couple books later, Jeb, who's alive! But, ~gasp~ EVIL??! reveals that HE is the Voice! Aaannnd that's all the reveals I remember regarding that plot point.
Sooo, with the background knowledge, you probably noticed something, if only because of the details I chose. That's right, no one suspects Angel the telepath of being the source or carrier/relay point of the telepathic Voice, because she's Baby, nevermind that she telepathically forced someone to ram into a wall repeatedly, she's Baby. Like, as cool as I thought Max was, I wanted to shake her even back then because Angel was Literally in the Hands of the White Coats Maximum use your fucking brain-
And that could have been a cool plot twist that Angel was evil and subtly guiding everyone along. Hell, she askes/demands to be made leader of the Flock and Max just, says no and waves it to the side? Like, girl she could make you! Ask yourself Why? But nope, Jeb's gotta be able to talk in the Voice's, well, voice, meanwhile the company that owns The School is run by someone with turtle DNA that's over, like, 100? How? Or the Head of the FBI is a director of The School, or just wtf was up with the Uber-Director from uhh, the Final Warning I think? The one where it just leans HARD into climate crises and Global Warming, and cool, good message, but what happened to the whole Bird Kids Hiding so they don't get Experimented on Again angle? When they're literally putting on aerial shows to raise awareness?
But you wanna know the one thing I HATED on a more personal level? What a surprise from someone who's ace, because it's the motherfuckin Love Story that got shoved in here! Oh no my friends, not just a love Story, it's a Love Triangle
Basically, Book 2 Fang kisses rando and Max gets jealous but is confused because romance? In my survival? Get that shit outta here. Then, a few books later but especially in MAX the Novel (cause that ain't confusing at allll for book 5) Fang peruses Max romantically. Which, uh, a) ace like I said, I was a fan of Max's prioritizing survival because romance did not make sense to prioritize more, and b) Max constantly tells the reader she sees it as a sibling relationship, not romantic. Sure, he's her "right-wing man" but still a brother, so, not a fan of incest either, icked me out that it became a focus, to the point he wears her down and they try dating and just fuck that.
Don't get me wrong, I can like romance, but it's a put-off if it doesn't make sense for the characters, and guess what? It made no sense for Max.
Then, I guess Patterson realised the incest angle was bad so enter Dylan, a new bird kid that was cloned from some dead rando kid that was created, literally, to be Max's Perfect Match, a mad scientist SoulMate if you will, and then they date after Fang fucks off into the sunset.
Realise that, outside Fang 'romancing' Max until she caved, Max is definitely the type to, and had continuously, rebel against the machinations of evil scientists, so, wtf?
Meanwhile, if Max had realised that, that scene in book 2 still canon, that she was jealous of Fang kissing red-headed rando girl, well, then we could have gotten a) no incest ick b) rebelliousness in a non-conventional relationship (attempt) c) a major Fuck You to the Evil Scientists and their 'owo perfect bird kids kids' eugenics program (btw Max was still 15 when Dylan's introduced) and d) representation of LGBT+. Boom, mic drop. Plus, from inter-fandom shipping perspective, that's a lot of potential for fanart and even I like fluffy shipping art once in a while. (btw if this inspires people to ship Max and redhead girls from other fandoms I would appreciate links because it is a hill I will die on)
There's more, but that's my biggest gripes
TL;DR Fuck James Patterson for all the wasted potential of this series, and also I headcanon Max Ride to be a lesbian who doesn't realise and has a thing for red-heads.
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natescoloringbook · 5 months
🦁Hanging With A Pal
Hung out with my friend Leo in Glasgow the other day! Didn’t get up to much, just looked around the shops ( so pics will mainly be of that ) but this hangout was a particularly big deal for me because it was my first time going into Glasgow by myself. I normally struggle even leaving the house on my own to go to the corner shop so it was very scary but I survived!
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Pal in the train station
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I’m so happy that they’re making big versions of the Beanie Bellies! I gotta get this guy one day
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Our friends hanging out while we had lunch
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All my friends keeping me safe!
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Lobotomy corporation abnormalities headcanons
Melting love: at least one or two employees of lobotomy corporation wishes that they are immune to the effect of melting love so they can hug it without the risk of getting infected...also there's bound to be atleast to one or two employees who fantasies fucking the the slime monster
Knight of despair: used to be the team mom of the magical girls before everything goes to shit
King of greed: despite her apperance king of greed is actually a tomboy and is actually pretty jacked
Laetitia: laetitia is actually is a regular doll who is possesed by the actual wee witch from a faraway place. The reason why her "friends" didn't attack her before is because they sense her presence within the doll
You are bald: hates getting it's head slapped
Clouded monk: he actively tries to do good, but is in a constant internal struggle with his petra form due to actually the monk's dark desires made manifest. The clouded monk views his immortality as a trial from buddah to see if he can truely redeem himself
Big and will be bad wolf: after constant faliures of him trying to break free from the villian role he is destined to be, he just gave up and accept his fate, this leads him to be jaded view on his life, because why just even bother trying not to be the bad guy "when you keep on doing bad thing" also he sees any wolf character or wolf abnormality that is actually loved and have possitive traits. He would definately will go and fight and try to kill that abnormality out of anger and envy due that the wolf is playing the role of the hero
Funeral of dead butterflies: his favirote drink is sugar water
Punishing bird: small bird used to have a beautiful singing singing voice, but before he tear open his mouth, he realized that this would cost him his singing voice, so he decided to perch on his favriote branch and sang his final song, before becoming the punishing bird. People who listened to the bird's song cried, to this day punishing bird when in it's containment unit would sometimes tries to sing but is unable to
Judgement bird: judgement bird and servant of wrath don't like each other due to servant of wrath is the representation of fair justice while judgement bird is unfair justice
Little red riding hooded mercinary: she's a tsundere
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bad-lobcorp-aus · 2 years
AU where Little Red has a rivalry with Punishing Bird instead of the wolf.
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