#best strength training for young kids and teens
crazyrunning001 · 2 years
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Crazy Running in Maryland provides the Best Strength Training For Young Kids and Teens.  These workouts are perfect for 13-17 year olds. The benefits of strength training extend beyond just physical fitness. In addition to helping build strong muscles, strength training provides many mental and emotional benefits too. These benefits range from improved self-esteem to improved focus and memory to increased confidence.
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hi Hi Mange!!! I hope ya arent in a bad mood and ur having a good day cuz I got a request for u!
Ight so..
Can you please do platonic Monster Trio x teen! Reader?
The reader is cute and really bubbly and positive, always smiling and always laughing their problems away, so what happens if they see that innocent reader….fight for the first time and go into serious mode in a battle. The reader is all serious and cold when in battle,once they come back from it all bloodied and bruised but smiling and laughing as they walk away from the bodies behind them-
They were expecting the young one to be weak but they were wrong, so so wrong-
Anyways I hope you have a good life and thanks baiiiiii!!!!
⟡    ֺ   𓂂  headcanons  ,  with a bubbly crewmate who gets serious in battle.
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✸     characters! . . .  luffy, zoro & sanji.
✸     cw(s)! . . .  platonic. brief mentions of blood. violence. no pronouns used. not proofread.
✸     notes! . . .  back on my best bro trio type shit. requests like this have my heart i swear. thank you so much for requesting !!
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luffy is definitely the least surprised. he kind of always figured you had a strong side. he has a radar for things like this
yes he has a ‘you are probably a little scary when provoked’ radar
when a fight breaks out, luffy is already jumping into action, thinking about the consequences later
he just has a hunch that you are able to take care of yourself, but he doesn’t know just how strong you actually are
so when you emerge from the cloud of smoke with a few bruises, busted knuckles, and a smile alongside the small pile of bodies from the assholes you just beat up, he can’t help but be amazed by your strength
he thinks you’re even cooler than before
he wants you to teach him some of your moves so he can incorporate them into his own move set
that really cool dodge move up into a spinning roundhouse kick ?? you HAVE to teach him that or he’s going to bother you until you do
you’re unsure why the future pirate king would even want to learn some of your moves when he’s already really strong. but it makes you feel good that he does want to learn from you
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zoro has a habit of basically adopting cute people, i.e. you and chopper
he doesn’t particularly think that you are ‘weak’ because he hasn’t seen you fight yet. 
but from your personality, he just can’t picture you being much of a fighter
oh boy, was he wrong
watching you literally tackle a guy twice your size and beat his face in was differently not on his bingo card
shocked is not even the word that comes to mind. it’s like you’re an entirely different person
after you wipe the blood from your nose with the back of your hand, you turn back into the sweet kid who is always smiling and laughing
seeing you practically skipped away from your victims over to him
when he’s over his shock, he asks you when you became so strong and where did you learn all of that
you probably don’t notice but a proud smile appears on his face as you recount your training, talking about all the guys you’ve beaten up even before you joined the crew
he’d love to fight alongside you next time
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sanji has the biggest soft spot for you and wants to protect you from everything because you’re too pure for this world
despite you being a pirate just like him, in his eyes you do no wrong
but this one time, he couldn’t protect you, getting caught up in a fight of his own. when he finished his own battle, he looked around for you with all kinds of alarms sounding off his head
he finally spots you bruised and bleeding from your nose and a gash on the side of your head. but you stood tall, with your usual healing smile.
but at the sight of your condition, he’s panicked. he rushes to your side, trying to stop the bleeding
he’s so busy repeatedly asking if you’re okay, he hardly even notices the five or so enemies you took out by yourself
finally you point it out, pointing to the bodies that surrounded you. he doesn’t even want to believe it at first
the sweet ( y/n ), who he babied, fought all of these people ?? the sweet ( y/n ) who wouldn’t even hurt a fly ?? there was no way
he’d have to see it to believe it. and was he in for the shock of his life to see you with ease become serious and take down yet another group of enemies. all before turning back to him with a smile and a giggle
seeing you switch so easily between the two...it was...scary to him at first
he is proud of you for being able to protect yourself, but he still wants to be the one to protect you. he has a hard time letting it go
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© MANGEKYUOU  —  do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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the-monkey-ruler · 11 months
why is meihouwang 6 ears ur bias?
Bias? Like why he's a favorite?
Well I really enjoy him! I do love Xiao Shihou a bit more in the series cause he has a special place in my heart for me but I really love how they did Liu’Er in the series as well! Not only is his design super interesting and iconic but something about the changing of his looks when how his mental state is just always making me love a character more!
The thing I think Mei Hou Wang made Liu’Er such a well-defined character, giving so much time to build Liu’Er's personality and even his own relations to other characters! Liu’Er clearly was more of a daredevil himself at the start of the series, willing to do outrageous stunts for fun and it's clear that he is close to the Monkey Elders of the troop, already taking missions with them. But most important is how he regards Monkey King Yeye and how has nothing but respect for him. He never wants to question Monkey Yeye and is always seen at his side as a loyal helper (COUGH son COUGH). He has a strong sense of justice, wanting to help others that have helped him, being the first and ONLY person (besides Monkey Yeye) to be on Shihou's side at the start when he was being considered an outsider because he was saved by him, even unintentionally! He is quick with a plan and cautious but he can be too quick to run or too quick to jump in but he his heart is in a good place. They gave him a lot of time to set up his character in the start and it just creates the foundation of what he goes through afterwards!
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Kinda spoilers.
What matters is that the series gave him his own agency early at the start when he starts to feel slighted by the attention that Xiao Shihou is getting. He got his first taste of recognition when he brought back the Rishi plant even though he tried to explain that it was Xiao Shihou, he found that he didn't really want to lose that admiration. He loved it! And as time goes on as he sees Xiao Shihou being the one to save people from his increased strength and quick thinking he starts to let those feelings of envy fester. And the audience sees that kinda fall of him feeling both insecure about his place in the troop and starting to take risks himself. He is the one to try to take on Havoc alone and the only one that stood up for HIM was Xiao Shihou! Shihou agrees that it is risky but he fundamentally supports Liu’Er the entire time! He is more than ready to go out and fight Havoc alongside Liu’Er even if the risks are high. And he doesn't hesitate for a second when he hears that Ginseng Fruit and Yutu are in trouble!
And in the end, while it was Liu’Er's idea to go in it was Xiao Shihou that took down Havoc and set fire to the cave. And Liu’Er, while he did want to take down Haovc, still wanted that recognition for being the one to set up the plan. He wanted fame and glory as well. And he wanted to be king. Because to him, being king means that he could finally be the person that everyone looks up to, just like how he looks up to Monkey Yeye. Despite going on mission at such a young age (he is like the only teen there with only little kids and adults) he isn't given the respect he deserves or at least wants.
But he wasn't chosen by his Yeye. Instead, he was passed over to his best friend. The guy that has saved him time and time again and always stood up for him and never doubted him for a second. And yes Monkey Yeye never SAID it was going to be Liu’Er and even SAID that if there was anyone that could save their troop he would make THEM king. There was never a lineage or promise or anything to be had beforehand but like... IT WAS IMPLIED with how much Liu’Er spent at Monkey Yeye's side and always trying to help. He did come off a bit as too much as a yes man, which is why I'm sure that Monkey Yeye thought it was best to go with someone more strong-willed and not afraid to speak his mind for the troop, but he still bit in a lot of work nonetheless. He even was trained with Monkey Yeye's weapon! He trained with him!
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More spoilers
At this point the audience understands where Liu’Er is coming from as no one likes being passed over, even if Xiao Shihou was the one to do more work, Liu’Er's feelings of being looked over are still very real. But him starting to show how Xiao Shihou wouldn't be a good king and pointing out his flaws to bring him down is where it hits harder. He is angry and lashes out at the one causing his anger, his best friend. Calls him hot-headed and temperamental when Shihou was the one following HIS plans. The BETRAYAL on Shihou's face and he doesn't UNDERSTAND why his best friend is saying these things. He doesn't know what he did wrong when he was trying to help and he WAS helping, he was the one that made Liu’Er's plan work and they saved their troop. But Liu’Er wanted to be the one to get the credit while Shihou would have to look up to him for once. Despite Shihou also being the one to risk his life again and again like Liu’Er, Liu’Er thinks that he was the one who should be rewarded. And maybe Liu’Er could have had a point about Shihou not being fit to be king as he is more impulsive but at that point he would have to point the finger at himself as well because he also jumps the gun.
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Xiao Shihou leaves the island with them still at odds and THEY CUT OUT SCENES of them having a final goodbye because YOU CAN SEE IT IN THE CREDITS! And what I wouldn't have given to know what they said to each other.
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And from there the audience SEES his fall when being manipulated by White Deer. He lost his best friend the one to always save him and now it reads as more tragic as more time goes on. He is filled with promises by this stranger that takes advantage of his insecurities and he isolates himself from any support group he could have had. He starts to throw himself into his training for the sake of defeating Shihou in battle and he pushes himself to his limits. He doesn't even know at this point that White Deer wants Wukong dead, just that he is training for when Wukong comes back. At this point, he just wants to get strong to prove himself worthy of admiration like Wukong and prove that he can be more than just dead weight. I think he got a lot of that insecurity from being kidnapped so much and it is always Wukong saving him. he is always being saved by Wukong but he is never the one to be strong enough to save himself.
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It gets only worse when he starts to hear the Nine Spirit Lion in his mind, poisoning him even further with promises of power. He denies it at first, trying to block out the whispers of a great demon trying to use him. But in his greatest moment of weakness, when he dares to sit on the throne and imagine what it was like to be king is when he is caught and ridiculed. The Marshalls and Generals that once praised him and his efforts were looking down on him for his dreams and ambitions, pointing out how arrogant he is to think he would be king when he is already doubting his self-worth. I don't think Liu’Er was in the right trying to take the throne but I don't think that the Elders were right to try to reprimand Liu’Er not for his attitude but rather for his boasting. He falls into a state of depression after being laughed at, losing more and more of himself as he doesn't want to feel this pain. How he would rather feel nothing than feel more of this pain and rejection. And he gives in to those promises of taking away the pain. He starts to lose more and more of himself, literally having his emotions cut off by a demon because he couldn't bear to burden the feelings of isolation by himself.
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He only gets worse when Wukong comes back, he sees him for the first time and puts on the mask that things are back to normal and everything is okay. Liu’Er tries to attack him but EVEN IN HIS SLEEP, Wukong can just brush off his attacks! Liu’Er is desperate to do something...
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But Wukong just OFFERS to teach Liu’Er everything he knows. Just wants to help his friend in what he thought was a bonding moment between the two because he has missed his best friend so much and wants to reconnect with him. But the more he learned the wider he sees the gap is between them. The more his resentment builds.
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And then Grandpa Yeye dies.
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Wukong tried to go to HELL to get him back and Liu’Er closed off his emotions (Not really healthy on either side) but while Wukong got closure by talking to Monkey Yeye before he was reborn, Liu’Er gave into the demon's promise to cut off ALL his emotions. The demon promise to make the pain go away and Liu’Er gave in. He couldn't handle the grief of losing his ONLY family he considers he has left. How he lost the last person he wanted validation from and comfort and the only person that was on his side.
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Liu’Er starts to be monstrous, attacking Wukong and trying to kill him at this point. He says how he knows that in his mind they grew up together and how they were best friends but how Wukong has becomes the source of his suffering and that if Wukong was gone maybe he could bear to feel again. He accepts the Nine Spirits Lion to consume him completely.
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It becomes clear that he never wanted to be king for the sake of being the island's protector, but rather so he can finally that validation he was searching for his whole life. Yes, he is the antagonist of the story be we see his rise and fall and how he became those villains from giving in to his negative thoughts to blaming others, to even being taken advantage of by far stronger demons.
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It ends with a climactic battle and Wukong is HORRIFIED that his best friend, the one person he thought that was also supporting him, like how Wukong supported him was actually his enemy. The heartbreak he sees when Liu’Er has completely lost himself in vengeance and anger and has lost who he is just for the sake of seeing Wukong fall with him. How Wukong never say it coming because he never doubted Liu’Er for a second. However, then Wukong wished he could have seen the signs, that maybe he could have done something different but Liu’Er was already lost in himself. Feeling like he isn't even himself anymore but just a shadow of who he used to be in order to gain power. Even the demon that consumed him admits he was his second choice, and that he much rather would have Wukong as his prey. Like... dude.
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But never does Wukong gives up on him!
Every minute the Nine Spirits Lion says that he has already killed Liu’Er, Wukong is too determined and too stubborn to believe it! Even when Liu’Er pushes him away Wukong knows that his friend is still in there and he isn't going to let some JACKASS take advantage of his friend like that. Wukong never gave up on saving Liu’Er, not then and not now.
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And in the end, Liu’Er was able to be freed from the demon's control. He regained his emotions, his thoughts, and his own body and he was ashamed of how he acted, taking the blame that this mess was all his fault. But Wukong was just happy that his friend was alive and freed.
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I WISH there was a longer ending scene of the two talking about what happened. About their grief over Monkey Yeye. About what happened after Wukong left and how Liu’Er started to lose himself more and more. While Wukong gained more friends Liu’Er only had people that wanted to use him.
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Anyone what I'm trying to say is that not only do I love Wukong and Liu’Er in this series but I love the plot behind it as well! I love the characters and the whole idea and while it isn't perfect, it always has a special place in my heart.
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
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Cobra Kai Dad!Silver
So when Terry Silver realizes he will have a legacy by blood the excitement in the Silver household will be immeasurable  
The mother of the child will be checked up daily and given the best foods and things available to keep the pregnancy running as smooth as possible and both health of mother and baby equally well
The fixation Terry has with his legacy will most definitely be a contributing factor for an intense child - parent relationship
There are upsides to it
Such as Terry spoiling his child mercilessly
It deserves only the best of the best available as a true silver
Will invest a lot of time in his child unlike other business people who often struggle coping with family and work Terry will always insure to have enough time for his kid
That also means that the child would be brought up with karate and probably will be trained as early as it can walk on its own and make a proper fist
The young Terry might have been more agressive with childcare but I feel that Terry in Cobra Kai has mellowed out in that sense as he genuinely craves for something to see himself reflected in something alive and growing and he does in some point genuinely believe in bettering his students by giving them strength (so that they can transit from Twig to Terry)
Therefore I believe that with his own child Terry would be way more patient
He enjoys them partake in other activities as well
This is one of the downsides though
Terry demandes respect and absolute focus
That not only entails his person but putting effort into everything, perfecting where possible and if not at least striving for it
There always has to be a goal beyond the goal
Ambition, as I said in a post before Terry is the perfect Slytherin
That means if his child would tend to just look into the pathway of Anthony for a second there will be punishment
Other interests aside it is never ok to miss out on training or classes. Thats why Terry let's his assistant Margaret make timetables and orders of tasks to be completed
If child behaves there will be rewards to keep up the good work
The most important thing for Terry is probably to bond with his child deeply. In that sense they have to be somewhat like him. If they aren't, he will simply mold them into himself. After all a life can be shaped on multiple occasions as he knows just to well
If they for some unknown reason turn out not to be blessed with his cunning witt or interlect oh god
He will try to make them into a better, loyal and submissive version of John then ?!
I honestly don't want to entertain the thought
Might be conscious about his age, will also look after himself even more if that is possible to ensure he will not die before his child is a "fully trained" and self existent Silver.
But let's say his child is exactly like him in this scenario
He is someone that would take their child (as a teen) to wine tastings yum
Talking. Deeply. Hours at a time
Going out for dinner or culture trips to do so
Terry wants to know everything that is on his childs mind and life, what they are interested in, what moves them,what company they keep
He will possibly even make charts of behaviour and (dis-)likes
His child will have the privilege of being multi cultured as Terry will hire teachers and language tutors from all over the world to ensure that his child will receive the best prospects of education available and will be able to walk through any door they wish
Teaching to appreciate the luxury but to work for it too
Sure Terry has a lot of money and will spoil his child in the ways he deems fit but that does not mean that his child may take it for granted. After all only a strong leader can take over his companies and Cobra Kai after him. A strong leader is only made through pain and work. After all he was too.
Will tell other parents indirectly how stuiped/ugly/annoying/misbehaved their children are in comparison to his angel
In Terrys eyes his child is his world. It's a part of him so obviously its the most beautiful thing there is
If Terry is with a partner he will be intrigued of seeing them reflected in this mini me of theirs
Eventhough Terry can be steelen his heart will always melt when his little/big one comes for company, hugging him, wanting to spend time with him exchanging ideas
Quite literally if they are on the same interlectual level Terrys child is the most important and precious thing that he owns
I can absolutely see him and his child sitting in the opera with spectacles and making some remarks about other people
Deep interlectual exchanges No 2222222 Terry will teach them everything he knows. They might even philosophy about things, even if the conclusions are kinda dubious
Cheating ? Pah So what. The kid learns that one fast
See it as a saving of resources. Only something worthy of full investment and soul is left out of that equation
Oh yeah speaking of which
Terry will absolutely flaunt his kid around especially in front of Johnny who is about to become a dad
If Terry would receive the news of the pregnancy during the same time you can bet your ass this is going t escalate into a competitive sport.
Ofc Terry wins Terry always wins in the end.
Terry will be the one watching his kid enter a karaoke standoff, play in a theatre piece, or make their own first Sand castle with the same pride as he will watch them beat their opponent on the mat - every good competition they take part in no matter how small is important and they are ofc winning because that's what Silvers do
Please don't ask me how Terry would react to his kid in their teens asking about the "Daddy" kink
He will probably have that smirk face of s5 ep.2 (when keeps on looking at chozen bro Silzen it's reaaalll)
Quote on quote "Let's just say it worked out with your mum/dad"
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desertleviathan · 7 months
I've been working quite a bit this week on a Final Fantasy 8 inspired TTRPG and wanted to post about some of the core concepts.
First of all, obviously the core story is about kids at elite military academies where they become mercenaries who learn to use magic to summon godlike beings for combat support. That's the main FF8 thing and you can't really do a game about it without carrying that over.
In this case, the entities are called Aeons, and they are Manufactured Spirits, cultivated deliberately by their original summoner, with a handful growing stable enough to persist beyond that summoner's lifespan. Individuals who can be trained to manifest a Personal Aeon are known as Espers, and for the most part it's an ability that only manifests among the relatively young. Teens to early 20s. Beyond that point, trying to manifest your Aeon starts to incur severe risks, including that the Aeon might go feral and steal the summoner's body. So because people bonded to Aeons have capabilities that others lack, there's a steady demand to train kids to use this magic.
In addition to personal Aeons there are Institutional Aeons, spirits who have become bound to and sustained by larger organizations, with whom an individual can form a pact for power. The Personal Aeon will always have the most potent influence over a given Esper's magic, but most kids will wind up forging pacts with a Regimental Aeon (whose pacts form the basis of character classes) and an Academy Aeon (the guardian spirits of the individual schools). And then in an Esper's brief time having access to this magic they may form relationships with various other Aeons, although too many pacts will burden them with quite a list of obligations and taboos to keep them all happy. Only the Personal Aeon asks nothing extra of its summoner, since its very creation is enough of boon to earn its power.
The Regiments are less like D&D classes and more like World of Darkness character groups. All these characters share core mechanics that are pretty similar, but choice of Regiment determines some specialties, gives EXP discounts to purchase specific traits, and comes with at least some drawback.
When a student is early on in their training as an Esper, the academy instructors will keep an eye on their development and eventually encourage them to form a pact with one of the eight Regimental Aeons based on which one fits that student's aptitudes the best. Not every kid tracks perfectly to one of the eight, but they govern fairly broad and flexible concepts.
ADEPT - Your creativity and artistic skill seem to have opened your mind to an intuitive understanding of sophisticated magic in a way that other Espers find enviable.
CHAMPION - You are a dedicated athlete, always pushing yourself to improve physically, and can thus channel your Aeon to supplement your strength, agility, and resilience with greater ease.
EMISSARY - You have a gift for making friends and getting along with a diverse group of people. A natural organizer, your magic lends itself well to support and coordination.
ERRANT - You're a hothead and scrapper, maybe even a bit of a bully, but the Academies know that you're just in need of a cause to devote yourself to in order to reach your full potential.
MAVERICK - You may have been a rebel, iconoclast, or just a class clown. An ordinary school would have despaired of reigning you in, but the Academies saw your potential as a saboteur.
PHANTOM - You're spooky and weird, even among kids who learn to manifest artificial Gods. Your outsider perspective has made you highly observant, and few details escape your keen scrutiny.
PRODIGY - You're at the top of the class academically, both briliant and disciplined, with the study habits that ensure you're well prepared for whatever challenges await you.
STALWART - You may not see it in yourself but your teachers have identified you as a natural leader, a pillar of reliability and composure that other kids will rally around in difficult times.
TRUANT - You have not formed a pact with one of the Regimental Aeons for whatever reason, and your magic is developing in its own unique way. This will be a difficult road, but not an impossible one.
In case it wasn't obvious, the eight Regiments draw some inspiration from the main cast of Final Fantasy 8, the six core party members and two guest party members in particular. The Regimental Aeons are more clearly based on those characters, but filtered through ascension to mythical, godlike beings. The three flashback party members and other major FF8 characters contribute inspiration elsewhere.
They're also a sort of rough alignment grid of the classic teen archetypes of Nerd vs. Jock and Preppy vs. Punk, but that draws less inspiration directly from the source characters and is more about how the individual Regiments find their places within the Academies.
An awakened Aeon can be channeled through its summoner's body to produce a wide range of effects. Every personal Aeon grants some common abilities - the power to draw magical energy out of places or individuals who have an excess, the power to substitute their vitality for their summoner's, and the power to manifest a brief burst of power that may take the form of a potent attack, a beneficial effect, or something else that manifests and is done in an instant.
An Esper can learn to channel their Aeon in other ways for longer-term effects though, and each Regiment specializes in a number of these techniques. Specifically, each Regiment has two Fundamental Arts that are part of a pool shared with all other Regiments, and one Regimental Art that outsiders must form a positive relationship with the Regimental Aeon or find a sufficiently advanced tutor to learn themselves. Or in the case of a Truant, they may select any three Fundamental Arts to develop an instinctive affinity for. And finally there are Institutional Arts taught by the patron spirits of the Academies, which which no one is inherently conversant. Learning an Institutional Art requires a certain level of trust from the Academy Aeon, and is normally not available at character creation.
There are eight Fundamental Arts (with two different Regiments specializing in each one), eight Regimental Arts, and currently eight planned Institutional Arts. Eight is an important number for this setting.
At some point in developing these I realized that a bunch of them had names that started with R, and changed them all to match that pattern, but there's no real reason for that idea and I may back off from it if it proves confusing.
RAMPAGE, the Art of Fury - You channel your Aeon directly into your body to enhance your physical strength and close-combat capabilities. (Favored: Champions & Errants)
RAMPART, the Art of Protection - You start by wrapping your Aeon around your flesh like a shield, and progress to warding your mind and spirit or protecting others. (Favored: Champions & Stalwarts)
RECLUSE, the Art of Concealment - You can shape your Aeon into a cloak of illusions that helps you evade detection and misdirect your foes. (Favored: Mavericks & Phantoms)
RECONNOITER, the Art of Observation - You have learned to enhance your senses beyond the normal human range, including awakening supernatural senses. (Favored: Phantoms & Prodigies)
REIGN, the Art of Command - You can make yourself appear more persuasive or intimidating, bolstering your allies and confounding your enemies. (Favored: Emmisaries & Stalwarts)
RESTORATION, the Art of Healing - You can channel your Aeon to mend flesh, ease weariness, and purge hostile magics, although it is costly to do so. (Favored: Adepts & Emissaries)
RITUALS, the Art of Sorcery - You have studied the formal magic that existed before the rise of Aeons, and can use your Aeon to sculpt traditional Spells. (Favored: Adepts & Prodigies)
RUSH, the Art of Movement - You start by running faster and jumping higher, but eventually may learn to teleport past barriers or redirect gravity! (Favored: Errants & Mavericks)
RAID, the Art of Consumption: Your Aeon can siphon energy from other sources with far greater potency and precision than the baseline, even replicating monster magic. (Favored: Prodigies)
RALLY, the Art of Coordination: You become the hub of a voluntary psychic network that facilitates instantaneous silent teamwork and the sharing of some normally self-only arts. (Favored: Emissaries)
REBUKE, the Art of Punishment: You prepare a potent counter that will take effect when the enemy triggers it, punishing them for daring to engage in battle with you. (Favored: Stalwarts)
RELIC, the Art of Haunting: You can further blur the line between mortal and spirit, manifesting the ghostly traits that your soul might develop after death. (Favored: Phantoms)
RENCOUNTER, the Art of Dueling: You learn a selection of potent close-combat techniques that you can chain together into rapid combination strikes. (Favored: Champions)
RHAPSODY, the Art of Inspiration: You can plant emotions, ideas, skills, or even magic abilities in the minds of others, enhancing allies and influencing enemies. (Favored: Adepts)
RIOT, the Art of Rebellion: You can not be contained by rules or obstacles, especially those imposed by the supernatural abilities of your enemies. (Favored: Errants)
RUIN, the Art of Disruption: You can sabotage complex systems with the infusion of chaos magic, whether those systems are machines, social customs, or other spells. (Favored: Mavericks)
Inspirations for these are fairly loose, since many of these characters had no magical abilities to speak of, but I wanted them to still have a place in this homage. For some of them, I had an idea for an Art and simply assigned the closest character I could. For others, the reference is much more front and center. The Institutional Aeons who grant these arts are more obvious references to each character.
RECOLLECTION, the Art of Memories: You learn to observe memories, walk directly among them, or even cause others to relive them. (Inspired by Ellone)
REDOUBT, the Art of Fortification: You can channel your Aeon into the environment to adjust its physical parameters to suit your tactical needs. (Inspired by Ward)
RAPPORT, the Art of Oaths: You can create pacts between individuals not unlike those Aeons forge, where fulfillment of a bargain generates a specific boon. (Inspired by Laguna)
RENEWAL, the Art of Cultivation: You can establish a connection with the natural world, adapting yourself to the environment and channeling your magic through it. (Inspired by Raine)
REPOSE, the Art of Dreams: You can influence the minds of sleepers, and may even learn to manifest your spirit as part of their dream, or pass physically through it. (Inspired by Kiros)
REVELATION, the Art of Fate: You can catch a glimpse of a likely future and the road leading to it, and either prepare to secure it, or prepare to counter it. (Inspired by Cid)
REVERANCE, the Art of Prayer: You can perform meta-magic feats transferring energy between Aeons and establishing diplomatic relationships with spirits. (Inspired by Julia)
RIGGING, the Art of Technology: You can refine your Aeonic magic into energy forms compatible with devices, taking control of them or temporarily repairing damaged ones. (Inspired by Dr. Odine)
I also have vague ideas for Institutional Aeons associated with organizations other than the Academies based on Fujin, Raijin, Dr. Kadowaki, Martine, Mayor Dobe & Flo, NORG, Nida, Xu, Biggs & Wedge, Zone & Watts, General Caraway, President Deling, Sorceress Adele, the Master Fisherman, and of course Ultimecia, but I don't think any of those would would have full Arts other than the Ultimecia-inspired character. She'll have an array of special techniques that she teaches to the plague of Witches who are a major problem for the setting, and player characters will probably not have much of a chance to learn them safely. The rest of these characters would grant simplified pacts that allowed for a single simple boon and a minor drawback, and maybe a summonable form for an instant effect.
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thebookwormfairy · 1 year
What if Marinette and Adrien had an Adult (Part 2)
So been thinking about this for awhile. This is going to be a Maribat fic (Mostly found family, Daminette (eventually) Adrien x Jon Kent (they would be awesome together) Jason Todd x OFC (mentioned)). What if Selina took a note out of Bruce's book and adopted a little orphan of her own. What if she was close to Jason, what if she followed Dick and started the Teen Titans after losing Jason, and what if she eventually ended up in Paris saw Hawkmoth and these two kids doing their best and just went "mine now!". Well I guess we'll find out.
Dusk welcomed the 2 young heros to her hideout
Kitty had bought this building when she first moved to Paris as a place to train in peace and a place for the Titans to hang out when they visited
Dusk: Welcome to Grande Falls or the unofficial name Titans' Falls!
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked in wonder at all the training equipment in the huge room that took up what looked to be two floors from the outside
Half the room was exercise equipment and the other half was filled with parkour equipment while the rafters had what look to be trapeze equipment
Chat Noir: Titans' Falls?
Dusk: Yep! I own this whole building and the Titans use it as a base for operations in France.
Ladybug *pointing up*: Is that trapeze stuff?
Dusk: Again yes, one of my friends is a trapeze artist and he taught me and I'm going to teach you. It'll help you in the field. I'll also going to be teaching you parkour and have y'all doing strength training. For now we're going to focus on your skills in the suits but as time goes on I want us to focus on your skills out of the suits too. But for now let's see what y'all can do in the suits, 10 laps around the gym right now!
The 2 younger heros have Dusk a solute before following orders
Dusk took her mother's approach to training
Be encouraging but tuff
After 2 hours of assessing their skills Dusk called for an end to training
Dusk: You did great tonight guys! Now head home and get to bed! We'll be doing out of suit practice Friday night at midnight. Wear exercise clothes and comfortable shoes.
Ladybug: shouldn't we do a patrol around the city to make sure everything is okay?
Dusk: I already patrolled for tonight and after that exercise you need rest not more work, but before I forget, these are for you
Dusk hand them 2 bright yellow Titans Communicators
Dusk: If you need me or each other you can call on this I already have all of our numbers programed into it, but I also have the number for the main Titans tower in it, just in case the worst is to happen you can still call for help.
Chat: Wow so cool!
Ladybug: Thank you Dusk for everything
Dusk rubbed the heads of the two teens affectionately
Dusk: Don't mention it kid, now off to bed the both of ya!
Once the 2 teens left Kitty tried to call Raven again to talk about the miraculous
Whenever she would try to talk about it, the feed would go static until she stop and it was like Raven completely forgot about their previous conversation until Kitty brought it up directly
It seemed that the miraculous or whoever was handing them out didn't want the information to leave Paris
So instead of getting information Kitty set up a safe word with the Titans that if they hear it they need to come to Paris ASAP and track the communicators and help the kids holding it
The safe words had to be something that people couldn't guess
Something that only she would use
The safe word was Pride and Prejudice
Kitty looked over to a well loved book that sat on her bedside table
She still remember the day she got that very book from...Jason
Jason: Happy 16th Birthday KitKat!
Jason hugged Kitty from behind giving her a big kiss on the cheek
Kitty: Thank you, dork.
Jason: Aw and I thought we were past that darling. Enough of that! Time to open the present I got you.
The older boy handed over a small present
Kitty: Thank you Jason, but you know you didn't have to get me anything, you being here is enough, I feel like you're always on patrol or some case right now
Jason: I'll always make time for you. Now stop stalling and open your gift
Kitty did and inside was a copy of the book "Pride and Prejudice"
Kitty: I love this story, but I haven't read the book yet
Jason: Which is a crime! But I got you this book for another reason. This is our story. We started out with you hating me, while poor me fell in love at first sight and didn't know how to show it.
Kitty gave Jason a light shove at his dramatics
Jason: but we over came first impressions and became friends, then we became more than friends, and now I couldn't imagine my life without you Kitty. I know we're still young but I know you're it for me. I love you Kitty
Kitty: I love you too Jason
*Flashback End*
But it was more than just a book
Jason had made little notes in the margins for her
What he thought when he first saw her, his perspective on their interactions, and his thoughts on their future
Kitty couldn't bear to open the book now but she couldn't let it go either
It was the last thing she had of Jason and she wasn't willing to give it up
The next day Kitty was at her day job in the bakery when Marinette came storming in for lunch
Kitty: Whoa there firefly what's up? What's got you stomping around?
Marinette: Not only am I in class with Chloe again, but her friend Adrien is also in the class and he seems to be just as bad as her! He put gum on my chair today!
Kitty glanced towards the school and see a blond boy race out of the school and towards the bakery
Kitty: Did you see him put the gum on your chair or was he just standing over the gum
Marinette: Well I didn't exactly see him do it, but knowing Chloe I doubt people who call her a friend are much better
Kitty: I don't know mean people don't usually go out of their way to explain themselves
Marinette: But he hasn't!
Kitty: But it looks like he's about you
Adrien did come to apologize and explain that he was just trying to get the gum off her chair not put it on
That lunch period Marinette and Adrien struck up a strong friendship
The laughed and talked about the fashion world with Kitty interjecting every now and then but mostly just enjoying the conversation between the two teens
Outside the bakery an old man and the Turtle kwami stood and watch the trio laugh and joke
Wayzz: It seems like the holders have found a mentor mastor
Fu: Maybe that's a good thing. The holders are still very young and they could use some guidance. I cannot reveal myself until our enemy does, so until then Ms. Kyle seems to be doing a fine job for now.
Permit Tag List
@immafangirl @alysrose-starchild @myazael @labschaos @meme991001
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local-flower-girl · 2 years
Hello there, darling! I was wondering, seeing as your requests were open, if i could get some head canons! I’m on a young!SoldierTrio (Ange, Gen, Seph) rampage and was wondering if ya had some head canons for what they were like as kids :D? Gen and Ange being childhood best friends and Seph growing up in Shinra just has so many opportunities for interesting lil tid-bits of fluff/angst! Hope this is a a-ok ask and that you’re doing well! ✨
Hey lovely, such an amazing request! ✨ I think about this so often actually… I really wish we had more background information on these guys as kids. But I guess for now our imaginations will have to suffice!
The Childhood of our Soldier Trio
Angeal and Genesis would play out in the gardens. Banora village had an abundance of wild fields and mossy thickets. They would occasionally revel in an adventurous game of hide and seek. Usually this would be followed by a competitive game of king of the hill before they had to be back home for supper.
Genesis would cry or pout if he ever lost a game. Even though Angeal was far stronger, he would always guarantee Genesis would win since he would hate seeing him upset.
In Genesis’ garden he had a makeshift swing on a Banora white apple tree that they would both play on.
During autumn the young boys would rake the grounds, creating one massive pile of crisp orange leaves. They would then jump as high as they could into the air from off the swing. The mound of leaves breaking their fall.
They would laugh and giggle cheerfully; so happy and carefree.
However Genesis was a clumsy child. Whenever he would fall or injure himself, Angeal would always be there to comfort him. Thoughtfully he would carry plasters around within the pockets of his ripped trousers; always prepared and willing to step in as an honourable hero. He looked out for Genesis as if he were a younger brother.
Whenever Genesis lost his temper, Angeal would pat his hand against his head, ruffling his fiery red mop of hair.
During months where apples would grow and ripen upon the trees, the young boys would climb the branches in search for the largest dumbapple they could find.
Angeal’s mother Gillian was very fond of poetry and reading. She would teach her son how to read, and showed him many books. He loved her passion for the arts. He then passed on his knowledge to Genesis who in turn developed an adoration for fine literature.
Meanwhile at Shinra…
Unfortunately Sephiroth had a very reclusive childhood. He grew accustomed to the cold, clinical environment.
As a child Sephiroth would tug upon the bottom of Hojo’s lab coat wanting to show his father something. Even though he knew full well he would not receive a response.
Professor Gast would often notice his neglect, taking Sephiroth’s hand and showing him the attention that he very much needed and deserved.
Growing up in the labs he would be isolated from others. He was a quiet, thoughtful, anxious child and spent most of his time drawing, learning or simply observing.
The highlight of his days were when Gast spent time with him. Most evenings the kind professor would sneak in goodies and chocolates for Sephiroth since he was not allowed any treats.
Hojo would run numerous harsh tests on him. Monitoring his abilities and strength. It was an arduous task that Sephiroth hated, especially when it involved shaving his hair.
This being the reason why Sephiroth is opposed to cutting his hair as an adult.
Many times the tests were too stressful for Sephiroth, leaving the poor young boy in tears. Hojo would chastise him, obnoxiously telling him to have more control over his emotions.
As he got older, his freedom became more lenient. He began his combat training as a teen, during this time he was introduced to Angeal and Genesis. Having the comradery of the two boys made Sephiroth feel like he finally belonged. Their bonds grew strong and their friendship made Shinra feel like home.
They were the brothers he had never had but had always desperately wanted.
On a side note, I’d like to think that Angeal has just developed a habit of carrying plasters around in his pocket. Presumably he’s gone through numerous boxes while training Zack!
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eleanordevar · 11 months
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you’ll never guess who i saw in stanley park. that’s right, it was ELEANOR DEVAR. [ she/her ] is a [publishing coordinator] and they’re apparently a/an [slayer ]. did you hear they are [talented and adept ] but also [ reluctant and repellent ]? no wonder, anyone who reminds me of [ any extremely small apartment, someone content in the back of the crowd, the surprise when one last firework goes off] is sure to give that impression.
Basic Information
Full Name: Eleanor Devar
Nickname(s): El, EL D
Age: 25
Date of Birth: June 22
Hometown: Monmouth County, New Jersey
Current Location: Vancouver
Occupation: Publishing Coordinator
Living Arrangements: A small, very last minute apartment
Eleanor’s one claim to fame was taking out a vampire nest that ran a casino hotel in Atlantic City when she was eighteen. The situation did quickly turn unsightly, especially for the shot-gun wedding taking place in the lobby where it was revealed shortly after that the groom was indeed a Torto demon who had gotten a discount on the location after the vampire in charge owed him in a kitten bet. 
And it raised Eleanor’s profile a little more than the Watcher’s Council had cared for. It seemed that with the sheer number of slayers popping up, that standing out was becoming a problem. 
That in itself was shocking for Eleanor, who often made herself small and did as she was told. Her watcher did advocate on her behalf and frankly, she was happy to go back to nightly patrols on the shore and boardwalk until it was time to start college.
From Monmouth County to Monmouth University, Eleanor seemed like a sheltered kid who never strayed far from home. She balanced what she could between being a teen in a sea of high schoolers, a slayer in a sea of those recently activated, and then a young adult in a sea of commuters into the city.
As word spread about Vancouver, Eleanor’s senses elevated - where was her duty and what did she actually owe back to anyone? Was this about being an individual slayer or about what she'd be able to do if she joined that growing group?
Her early career as a publishing and editorial coordinator was suffering as her grades had suffered because of the late nights training, and her ‘destiny’ suffered because her missions never played to her strengths. 
Little El D from Jersey begged HR to transfer her to the west coast Vancouver office. 
Little El D from Jersey hugged her mom tight wondering if she’d be safer without her around (let’s face it hell mouths draw in evil, but slayers attract it like bees to pollen). 
Little EL D shipped herself out there without any word to her old watcher still somewhere in Monmouth County with a new batch of tween potential slayers. 
In Vancouver, El got herself a small apartment. She’s still trying to decorate the best she can. Her new office was smaller, less gray than the old one and the flow of work seemed different. She was never one to say something was better or worse, just different. As for the balance of slaying and ‘destiny’ as it was often put before her - she was cynical, skeptical. As usual El did what was asked and got the job done… but that little spark that went off in her that one time - that one time that she made it out against every odd in the world - hadn’t seemed to re-ignite. 
El never went far from home, never traveled for slaying or training
Word spread fast when she was 18 after the hotel incident. It seemed either she was going to either be the next great or the next rogue agent. When neither happened, El shrunk into herself more
She was always shy and is absolutely the cutest and sweetest person in the word. But that "spark" oh yeah there's some rage in there
Yes, El’s reputation is something she’s struggling to live up to - but that’s much more internalized than it is how the external world sees her
Plot and Connection Ideas
A Slayer who was meant to potentially be her replacement back home when the Council was skeptical of El’s ability to control situations and was afraid she’d become a rogue slayer
A watcher in Vancouver who she has a very complicated relationship with - maybe they are trying to get her to experiment more with her skillset because they’ve seen that side of her come out - even when she doesn’t herself
The Kingpin Vampire of Atlantic City (working title) - so like yes Eleanor took out that nest running a casino hotel, but what if there was a bigger picture...someone else who's business venture was ruined that night
More ideas to come!
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crazyrunning001 · 2 years
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s-creations · 2 years
The Lost Child - Chapter 7
Once, when the land was young and new, the Gods, the  demons, and the mortals lived together. The world shaped by the battles between the Gods and the demons. Mortals attempting to thrive with what  they could, living on the lands created by beings stronger than them. Eventually creating a connection with the Gods through shrines and  offerings, in turn the Gods granted their protection.
When the  number of demons grew, the amount of power diminished. Those deemed too  weak were cast away. A tentative agreement was reached between those outcasted and the mortals. Demons allowed to live in the structures  mortals had built. It was a slow process, but a calm living was  eventually reached.
All seemed well. Until the Gods and powerful demon suddenly disappeared one morning. No reason, no explanation. Those  left behind having to wonder what could have happened. It was  all…strange. Worrisome. It was a clear sign something was wrong. Now it was just a question of when it was all going to fall apart.
Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid       Rating: Teen and Up Audiences       Relationships: Shadowpeach, Freenoodles, MK&SunWukong&Macaque, MK&Pigsy&Tang, Mei&MK&Redson     Warnings/Additional Tags: Lots of Characters, Everyone’s here, A lot is going to be changed, Rated Teen for just in case, Found family, Returning to Parents, There’s gonna be fluff and fighting, There’s plot - trust me.
How very painfully ironic it was that on the day that was supposed to be his final victory, it was raining. A reminder of when he’d first arrived to this horrible realm. A mockery to his second failure to capture the prince. 
 Huntsman hissed as he cleaned out his wound. The exoskin on his arm now raw and red from where the dragon teen’s attack landed. Deeming he’d done the best he could, he wrapped up the damaged area before staring out at the opening to the swerve. Glaring up at the darkened sky. He’d lost his last chance to return to the Celestial Realm. Last chance for redemption, to return to his queen with his head held high. Everything fell apart so quickly…and it was supposed to be an easy job!
The prince had no training, either in combat or magic use. To carefree, to unaware of dangers, the perfect prey to pick off. Then those kids came along-
 The burn on his arm flared up as his anger grew. Eventually he grabbed the nearest item, the medical supplies, and threw them against the wall out of anger. A cry of absolute fury leaving his mouth. “I had the prince right where I wanted him! Those brats ruined everything! Now I’m left with absolutely nothing… How am I supposed to-”
 For the second time that day, Huntsman was bathed in a bright light. Letting out a hiss as he covers his eyes. Only looking out when darkness fell once more, the sight before him did not make him feel any better.
 The strongest, largest spider demon was now standing in the small hovel of a home. Green eyes traveling around the area with a raised brow. “Interesting living situation.”
 “We do what we can to survive,” Huntsman growled out, “Why did she give you the right to come here, Stront.”
 “She was hoping brute strength could be used to bring the prince to her.”
 “Well, we’re both out of luck on that front. The bull and demon teens stuck their noses into our business.”
 Stront tensed upon hearing this. “They were here?”
 “...Yeah, why? You seem a little worried.”
 “They got the drop on me and took my first portal spell. Had to go back to tell her. She was not happy…”
 “Well, now she’s going to be furious. We have no prince and no back up plan.”
 “Back up?”
 Huntsman crossed his arms. “I was going to get the parents for leverage. But the Demon Bull King’s beat me to them.” 
 “The adoptive ones, you idiot. Not the actual Gods. Good to know your brain hasn’t grown over the years.”
 “Okay, rude.”
 Huntsman let out a growl, rubbing his temples. “I’m assuming you have a way for us to get back.” 
 “Uh, yeah, you ready?”
 “To finally leave this disgusting realm? Please, I wanted to leave the moment I arrived.”
 Stront only nodded before creating a portal one last time. Huntsman gathering supplies he wanted to keep before walking through the glowing doorway. It was mixed feelings upon seeing the large spider den after so many years. Happy and filled with relief wot finally be home. But also terrified knowing the rage that he would have to face soon enough. 
 “Let’s just get this over with,” Huntsman huffed, “I’m assuming her throne room is still in the same place?”
 Stront only nodded, that’s all the other needed before taking off. As he passed the numerous shallow holes lining the walls, the whispering started. Huntsman knew they were about him. Being gone for so many years with nothing in hand, this evening wasn’t going to end well. Free entertainment, he supposed. Living spaces turned into large domed rooms, still lined with webs, the crowd behind the two demons growing steadily larger. 
 Huntsman’s heart was hammering furiously as they finally entered the grand throne room. No doubt having the entire clan followed him in as best they could. A throne of web, stones, and metal stood tall before the large crowd. Grand and rather over the top, perfect for their queen. Who currently could not be seen, but Huntsman knew she was close by. 
 Pointedly ignoring the loud whispers from behind him, Huntsman bowed low. “My queen, I have returned.”
 He didn’t look up hearing heavy metal limbs drew closer. Missing how his queen emerged from the shadows. A deep scowl on her face. “After so many years, you’ve returned…empty handed. What happened.”
 “Whatever powers the prince had manifested when I first attempted to take him transported the both of us to the Mortal Realm.”
 “So, I was right… Why don’t you have him now.”
 “I was too slow upon entering the other realm, another couple found the young prince first. The protection spell became stronger and I was unable to break through. I waited years for this spell to disappear, keeping a close eye on the young prince as time passed. I made my strike today, his 16th birthday, only to be stopped by the brats of the demon bull and dragon families.”
 “...So, where is the prince now?” The queen’s voice dripped with venom. 
 Huntsman shivered weakly at the underlying fury that was under his queen’s question. “Going by what I overheard from the brats before they returned to the Celestial Realm, I can only assume the prince is back with his true parents.”
 A shriek of absolute rage echoed through the room. Huntsman only moved when a shadow fell over him. Barely dodged the throne that had been thrown at him. Stront having to take the full brunt of the attack. Easily catching said item and settling it down on the floor, as if it was nothing more than a stuffed toy. 
 “Idiots!” Spider Queen screamed in anger, “I’m surrounded by absolute idiots! We are right back to square one! We have no way to enter their temple, that transfer was our best best, and it amounted to nothing… How am I supposed to tear my enemies apart if-”
 Huntsman watched with a brow raised in confusion when Spider Queen quickly fell quiet. The twisted face of rage falling to one of quiet confusion. Her head tilted to the side, as if she was listening out for something. Huntsman turned to Stront, who quickly shook his head. A clear indication they would talk later. But now was not a safe time. So, Huntsman let it slide for now.
 Spider Queen’s confusion shifted to one of absolute joy. An unnerving chuckle leaving her. “Oh, of course…that’s perfect. We can still use this to our advantage. Those foolish immortals, they aren’t going to teach their poor child the dangers of this world. We can use this to our advantage. Huntsman.”
 “Yes, my queen?”
 “I’m assuming you kept a close eye on the prince while you were there? Picked up on a few things?”
 “Of course.”
 The queen tilted her head once more, eventually saying, “Write out all important information you observed. Fears, interests, everything. Leave nothing out. Once done, you will go to the prince’s mortal home to collect the physical items that we can use. After this, we will plan to plant the seeds that will bring the prince to me. Understand?”
 “...Of course, my queen.”
 “Then get going. Prepare to return to the Mortal Realm to gather what’s needed, report to me before going. Now, everyone, get out!”
 It was a frantic scramble to flee. Huntsman and Stront being the last few to leave. The former quickly being pulled away from the main crowd. Both going towards the furthest dark corner the large den had to offer. Neither sitting down until they knew they wouldn't be found or overheard. 
 “So, what was that all about?” Huntsman broke the silence. 
 “I won’t sugar coat this. It all became very weird when you… Do we just say ‘left’?”
 “Sure, why not.”
 Strong shook his head but continued, “Anyway, our queen went ballistic knowing how much she’d lost so quickly, believing both you and the prince dead. She locked herself away in her room. We could hear her tear everything in there apart. It went on for weeks!”
 “When she finally calmed down, we were worried…it was deathly quiet.We thought that her body had just finally given out. When she emerged again, she looked very different. After all we heard, we were expecting the worst, but she looked fine. Better even. We asked what happened and all she gave back was she found a new advantage.” 
 Huntsman raised a brow. “That’s all she said?”
 “Yeah, we’re just as confused.”
 “Did she at least give a new plan?”
 “Nope, it was all just the same. It’s like she knew you and the prince were still alive. Because she was ready for you to come back victorious today.” 
 “The prince and I have been gone for 15 years. How could she have known we were alive?”
 “The queen merely said that whatever she’d found rivaled the Gods, something they couldn’t possibly predict. One that gave her information that no one else knew. She ordered Syntax to start building further onto the original creation.”
“What changed about it?”
“Larger…energy container? I think that’s what he said it was. The rest of us were told to start finding these weird looking rocks.Today was supposed the day of her victory…”
 “Only for the brats to ruin everything,” Huntsman growled out, “What about that weird head tilt thing.”
 Stront gave a weak shrug. “No one’s sure. Everyone just thinks it's a new tick she got when she was alone. Something she does when in deep thought. But…”
 The larger spider shifted nervously. Looking around one more to verify that they were alone before leaning closer. “I keep hearing things. Especially if I’m around the queen for too long.”
 “What does it sound like?”
 Huntsman frowned deeply. “Voices? What are they saying?”
 “No idea. It’s honestly nothing more than whispers. Saying random, one worded things, but it never amounts to anything. At least, nothing that seems important.” 
 “Hmm…has anyone else remarked on hearing the same thing?” 
 “If they have, they haven’t said anything to me or anyone else about it.”
 “Then there’s not much to go off of. Our best bet will be to keep our heads down and do what our queen asks. But keep your attention strong on our queen. There have been many changes since I left, and it all seems…wrong.”
 It was a little tense when MK and Wukong returned to the hall. The teen instantly caught up in the arms of Tang and Pigsy. MK letting out a content sigh, leaning his head on the human’s shoulder. Wukong going to Macaque, placing a kiss on the other’s cheek before calling a servant to prepare something to eat for the guests. 
 Demon Bull King made his departure at this point. Bringing his son and Mei along, promising to deliver the dragon teen back to her parents safely. The rest filed further into the grand temple. The two deities lead the way to a small kitchen, where a spread of breads, cheeses, and fruits were provided. MK letting out a noise of absolute joy seeing the large bowl of sliced peaches, eating directly from it. Only to be stopped with a raised brow from Pigsy. 
 They ate in relative silence and only called a time to turn in when MK let out a wide yawn. Exhaustion finally hitting for all of them. Macaque made his departure with a short bow to Pigsy, Tang, and MK. A soft, but tense smile given to Wukong before the Shadow Warrior departed from the room. If there was an issue, the God didn’t mention anything about it. Instead lead the way towards a long hallway, numerous doors lining them.
 “These are our guest rooms,” Wukong commented, “We have a number, but we’ll put you all in rooms closer to us. Just…in case you need something from us. The rooms are equipped with what you need, including sleepwear. We will find clothing for you all tomorrow.” 
 Pigsy and Tang were given the first room they entered. Just as the God said, it was filled with the necessities. A bed, dresser, closet and a small desk. A large double door window was opposite from where they all entered, which led out to a small balcony. The mortals placed a kiss on MK’s forehead before they turned into the room, closing the door behind them. 
 “This is going to be your temporary room. Until we can update your proper room. We, um, haven’t touched that room in a while,” Wukong laughed before opening the door, “It’s not much.”
 “This place is amazing!” MK beamed, running a hand over the solid gold bed frame. 
 “Good to hear. Like I said, you’ll find clothing in the dresser. Mine and Macaque’s room is right around the corner, just take a left. Come find us if you need anything.” 
 “Okay…thank you.” 
 Wukong gave a small smile. “Get some sleep. We have a lot to worry about tomorrow, but now it's just time to rest.” 
 MK gave a small nod before walking forward, wrapping his arms around the stunned God. Who quickly recovered to hold the teen closer. “Thank you…for talking to me.”
 “Of course bud, anything for you… Now, get some sleep.”
 With that, Wukong left. The bedroom door closed with a snap. But the God didn’t move right away, hand resting on the wooden door. 
 While he had attempted to look well in front of MK, Wukong felt his heart weighing heavily. His son, one that had been out of his reach for so long, still seemed a distance away. Even with the calming moments in the tree and just now. His stomach turned as he felt some bitterness towards the mortals. Knowing they had nothing wrong, they’d even opened their homes up to a lost child. But they had the moments Wukong had so desperately wanted and it hurt, no matter how he thought about it. He missed out, his child was not the child he remembered, and it hurt.
 Releasing a slow steady breath, Wukong pulled away and walked the path towards his room. 
 He opened the grand doors, taking a deep breath to announce his arrival in an over the top way. Only to snap his mouth shut. Finding Macaque, already changed into his sleepwear, sitting on the edge of the bed. His back facing the door. The slumped shoulders telling all Wukong needed to know. He was quiet as he made his way around their bed, making sure to grab his own garments to change into. Eventually sitting next to his partner. Carefully racing up to gently rub behind the nearest set of ears, the Shadow Warrior instantly melting into the touch.
 “What’s on your mind, My Shadow?” Wukong asked, voice gentle.
 “Today could not have gone worse.” Was the weak reply.
 “I haven’t even met our son properly and he doesn’t trust me. I put the people he cared about in danger, because I was scrambling to find him. I’ve run everything through my mind again and again. Thinking about what I could have done differently. How much I’ve ruined-”
 “Please don’t think this way.”
 “But you were right.”
 “I was angry and scared. I had just dealt with disobedient teenagers who had put themselves in danger, seeing our son, realizing that…that Xiaotian was now MK. That our son has this life we have no idea about. That’s our child and…and he’s such a stranger.” Pressing their forehead together, they allowed another moment of sorrow to pass. “I’m…so tired of crying.”
 Macaque laughed softly, reaching up to cradle Wukong’s face in his hands. “Me too…but we have a lot to be upset over.”
 “Maybe I was hopeful that everything would just be magically solved. That our child would be back and he’d just slide into our lives easily I was being stupid-”
 “You were being hopeful, Peaches,” Macaque said quickly, “As was I. Maybe this is why I let DBK lead. I was fearful of the illusion being shattered. That, instead of a teenager, I would find our baby…”
 “Are we foolish for thinking this way?”
 “No, we’ve been hurt so severely. We just wanted something to cling to.”
 “...I just want to stop hurting.”
 “Me too, Peaches.”
 Both paused hearing a faint knocking on their door. Wukong got up, quickly rubbing his eyes before answering. Surprised to find MK, dressed in a little too large sleepwear, on the other side, looking nervous. “MK? You okay bud?”
“Um, sorry, am I bothering you?” The teen asked weakly. 
 “No, No you’re fine. But you didn’t really answer my question.”
 “...I really don’t want to be alone right now… But, um, my parents are asleep, I think. I-I didn’t hear anything inside and I don’t want to wake them. So I came here and…”
 Wukong’s heart hurt, instantly pulling the teen closer. Who relaxed into the touch. “No one can hurt you here.”
 “I-I know…”
 “But it doesn’t make you feel any better.” Both twitched hearing Macaque. Who looked sheepish for startling them. MK recovered and silently nodded to the comment. “How about we make a nest?”
 Wukong beamed. “That’s a wonderful idea! We haven’t built one in such a long time. You two can get started. I’ll head out and get more supplies, we’ll definitely need them. I’ll be back.”
 Macaque’s protest fell away when a kiss was pressed against his cheek and Wukong left the room. MK and himself shifted nervously. “Ah, would you like to come in?”
 The teen merely nodded before shuffling in. Macaque left the door open, wanting to make sure MK didn’t feel trapped in said room. The black furred monkey had returned to the head of the bed. Gathering a few pillows before going to where MK stood. “Have you made a nest before?”
 MK shook his head. “What do I need to do?”
 It was difficult to explain. As children were supposed to merely watch and learn from their parents. Another stab of pain hit Macaque’s heart, but pushed the feeling away quickly. Putting on a soft smile and started to explain as best he could. MK was good with taking instructions. Even with the black furred monkey stumbling over his own words on more than one occasion. 
 He could command large armies with a powerful voice and strong words. But his own kid? Macaque felt his tongue swell in self consciousness. How awkward. 
 Thankfully, Wukong returned soon enough. MK stumbled back slightly when numerous copies followed the original in. All carrying pillows and blankets, disappearing in a cloud of golden smoke and hair after depositing their items. At the end of the line were Pigsy and Tang. Looking confused and a little tired, but were also carrying supplies in. MK followed in Macaque and Wukong’s steps and started to pull from the newly created pile to finish up their creation. 
 Eventually a nest of numerous pillows and blankets took up a large portion of the floor. More of a rectangle than a normal circle, but still comfortable looking. MK let out a small chirp of surprise as he was easily picked up by Wukong, the golden monkey entering the nest. Laying the teen down gently in the middle of the cushioned creation. The teen didn’t argue, clearly just happy to be laying down once more. Falling asleep before the blanket covered him as his parents claimed their own spots. Wukong and Macaque on one side, Pigsy and Tang on the other. 
 All getting comfortable, they fell into an easy sleep…
Macaque woke only a few hours later. Curled around Wukong, who was pressed into MK’s side. The teen kept a grip on the golden monkey’s arm that had been draped around his middle. Pigsy, asleep on the teen’s other side, was also as close to MK as he could get. Hand clasped around MK’s free one. As sleep fell away, Macaque realized that Tang appeared to be missing. 
 Scanning the room quickly showed the balcony doors were open. Finding the human sitting against the marble banister, eyes on the large moon hanging in the sky.
 Deciding sleep wasn’t going to return to him any time soon, Macaque got up and made his way to where the human was. 
 Tang twitched when the doors opened further, eyes widening slightly as Macaque stepped out. Shifting to bring his legs closer to himself, Tang crosses his arms as the Shadow Warrior sat across from him. 
 “Are you alright?” Macaque asked softly. 
 “Uh, um, yes, it’s just all a lot to take in,” Tang replied with a weak laugh, “Kind of hard to sleep. I’ll suffer tomorrow but…”
 “But for now, your mind is racing and you can’t quiet it down. Too many thoughts going off at once.” Macaque finished, smiling at Tang’s shocked face. “I can’t begin to tell you how many nights were spent like this.”
 The human nodded, staring down at his hands. “I’m-”
 “Please don’t apologize as there’s nothing to be forgiven for. I should be thanking you. You gave my son a home, food, and love. What more could a father ask for in such a situation? …If anyone needs to apologize, it is me. My actions towards you and your partner were uncalled for.”
 “If our positions were swapped, I probably would have done the same.”
 “Parental knee-jerk reaction?”
 “Oh, absolutely.” They shared a laugh before falling quiet. Tang worried his lower lip before saying, “I never thought this would be happening in my life… From all the stories I read-”
 “Stories?” Macaque raised a brow. 
 “Uh, legends I guess? The impact you, Sun Wukong, and the rest of the Gods and demons had on shaping the Mortal Realm. I’ve read, what I thought was, every aspect of your lives. Completely fascinated with what you two went through and accomplished together.”
 The Shadow Warrior laughed a little, feeling embarrassed hearing the adoration in the human’s voice. But covered it up quickly by saying, “Oh, a fan are we?”
 “Ah, more than a little. You’re looking at the number one scholar involved with the deities of the Sun and the Moon.” 
 “I’m feeling more than a little flattered over here.” 
 “Don’t suppose I could get an exclusive interview with you two?”
 “Hmm, tempting. I am one for the spotlight, quite the storyteller too. How about we talk more after everything settles down a little more.”
 “I’ll hold you to it. But, the point I was trying to make was that I’ve never heard of the Spider Queen. At least, nothing readily comes to mind.”
 “She’s a basic tyrant that honestly was a small footnote in what we accomplished,” said Macaque, “Took control over a rather large kingdom in the Mortal Realm. The citizens there became her test subjects. Mortals becoming spider demons…it wasn’t pretty. But it’s where she got her numbers from.”
 Tang shivered weakly. “Yeah, I don’t want to think about that.”
 “Fiar. She was already an issue because of this. But then she tried to expand her rule and we really weren’t into that idea. We weren’t able to save the mortals. All we were able to do was drive her and her followers below ground. Then to the furthest reaches of the Celestial Realm.”
 “Why was she after MK?”
 “We never found out. Perhaps it was just enticing to have a powerful child under her rule. We were more worried about getting MK to safety and then getting him back. Now we can focus on taking the queen down, never having to worry about her reasoning again.”
 “...Which brings me to another point I wanted to talk about. There was a mention of training MK.”
 “I’m not against it, if that’s what you’re worried about. If MK’s going to have magic and…and enemies… Then he needs to know how to defend himself. But…I was asking more for myself. Maybe Pigsy if I can convince him. To be trained, that is. I’m not sure if I wasn’t clear on that.”
 Macaque was surprised by the request and determination in the human’s voice. “I wouldn’t be opposed to this. But-”
“I know I’m a mortal and have a higher chance of being hurt or…or dying. But if I can help in any way…”
 “I was actually going to ask, have you been trained before? Ever held a weapon?”
 “Oh…no, I haven’t. Words have been my weapons.”
 “Duly noted, but that works in my favor. Starting with the basics with all of you.” Tang slowly nodded. Looking up once more when Macaque’s tail gently poked his leg. “We’ll be okay.”
 “...We’ll be okay.”
 They shared another smile. Allowing silence to fall once more, only moving when the sun started to peek over the horizon. Going back inside to lay back down with their partners. Attempting to get some sleep in before the day officially started. 
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vaughnsportsacademy · 4 months
Is 15 Too Old to Start Training to Be a Baseball Player?
Star athletes often start playing and training in their sport at a young age. In fact, many players in the MLB picked up a bat or glove before they turned 10. With their years of training, they can hone their bodies and skills to compete at the highest level. 
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But what if you start playing baseball at, say, 15 years old? Is it too late to pursue a dream of becoming a professional baseball player?
The short answer is no. It is possible for players who pick up their sport much later than their peers to catch up and be able to compete at the top. One example proving this is Jackie Robinson, who played several sports in high school and college before joining the MLB. It's said he started playing baseball during his teens.
However, it's also important to be realistic and set the right expectations. Players who start late typically struggle to compete with peers who have been in the sport for much longer. It often takes dedication, a ton of hard work, and the guidance of an excellent coach to level the playing field.
The advantage of starting young
Many players start so early that you'll likely find a baseball coach for young kids wherever you may live. Their early foray into the sport gives these kids a headstart in mastering the foundations of baseball. Especially if they receive baseball training, youths are better able to develop muscle memory, speed, agility, and the other physical qualities required to excel as athletes.
Additionally, starting young gives players more time to improve and refine technical skills like batting or pitching. Thanks to years of consistent practice, they can fine-tune their techniques, giving them an edge and making them more likely to perform well in their respective roles inside the field.
Catching up is possible
Despite the steep learning curve they're likely to face, players who start late can still excel and surpass their peers if they have the right attitude and support system. One way to catch up is by enrolling in a baseball youth academy. Such schools have professional coaches who can teach the fundamentals of the sport, help players bolster their strengths, and address any weaknesses in their performance.
As an older first-time player, time is of the essence if you want to catch up with your peers, and a coach's guidance cannot be understated in this regard. A coach can provide a clear path so you don't waste precious time second-guessing your next steps. Instead, you focus only on improving your game.
Additionally, having a mentor minimizes the risk of committing mistakes that can quickly become counterproductive habits. For instance, a dedicated youth batting coach can assess your swing and provide feedback on improving it. They can also help you develop a training plan that addresses relevant areas for improvement.
The best baseball training for youths
If you're searching for the best youth baseball camps, Florida has undoubtedly some of the best in the country. Vaughn Sports Academy (VSA) stands out because of its coaching staff, all with professional baseball experience. Led by MLB star Mo Vaughn, VSA's coaches are among the most qualified in the country to help players become bona fide baseball athletes.
And because consistency is especially critical for any baseball player, VSA offers online training programs developed by Mo Vaughn himself to help athletes improve even if they cannot attend in-person training. If you want to learn more about VSA's programs and how they can help players unlock their potential, visit their website today!
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reyesmarconi · 11 months
Charles’ fighting skill is top notch, and it does only get better with time. He’s always been drawn to it, just as he’s been drawn to free running/parkour, and handywork, and stuff he can do with his hands and his entire body. It’s what he’s, doubtlessly, best at. It’s his strongest suit, and he’s kind of addicted to it. It’s something that will always be part of him.
From a young age, he found himself both constantly getting into trouble (since he was seven, and only getting badder from then on) and having to endure his father’s volatile temper (this one solidifying since he was four), and he found a coping mechanism through fighting. Initially, there was no skill what so ever, but he’s a damn scrappy kid, and not one to play by any rules except those that ensured his own survival. Stuff like going for the eyes, groin, ribs, neck, throat, knees, feet, fingers – is stuff he has always done. Using his environment and melee weaponry is stuff he has always done. Sure enough, he still lost fights, got his ass handed to him on more than one occasion, got bruised and battered, but it was nothing he could not handle. He had to learn how to take care of himself after such encounters, and he did. His body could take abuse it had taken before and to this day, he can take some really heavy hits to his face, and even attacks to the groin – stuff that would curb or completely knock out lesser fighters.
He found out about Krav Maga through a training center around his early teens, just around the same ages violence was becoming more and more frequent an element in his life. With whichever savings he had, and some luck, he managed to get in the class – one of the few secrets he managed to keep from his father, albeit not without cost (that he was willing to afford). He was drawn to this system above other because Krav Magá, more than a martial arts or a sport, is for real, life or death combat, and much of their principles are stuff he already accepted into his mindset (threat neutralization, maximum effectiveness in the least amount of time, usage of your surroundings.) and taught him valuable elements of situational awareness (identifying threats before they occur and the psychology of combat, stopping armed attacks.) Over time, he showed himself a very capable student, and he advanced through the P levels with ease. He became a G1 green belt in his twenties, and at 32 he holds a G4 brown belt, with all the legitimate certification for it.
In synthesis, his personal style is defined as the principles of Krav Maga (in itself inspired by aikido, judo, boxing and wrestling, as well as one of the inspirations for MMA) melded with his real life experiences and bare knuckle boxing. Given that underground rings became recurrent since he hit 20, his style has been developing and adapting over the years to fit his needs, his particular height, weight, and capabilities. It is a blend of hard (kicks and punches strategically made to break bones) and soft techniques (those that are more graceful, and use the person’s strength against them), with a direct, distinctive focus on soft, which make for a very seamless style that can sometimes get hard to fight against – especially if he’s in the mood to wear you out or play you with footwork. He dodges, dances, takes your hit, your kick, curbs it, and immediately proceeds with an attack in return, and won’t stop until he has neutralized the threat. In real settings, this might as well be death, when knockouts are not enough or one goes too far.
Overall, Charles strengths are experience, melee, flexibility, speed and stamina/pain endurance. He does not lack, by any means, in strength, but it is not his focus. He’s a tough contender, but can be beaten or otherwise he can’t win in some circumstances. Charles fights for survival, and if it’s made clear that you fight to kill, and escape is easier than killing you, he will escape – he will always go for the option that ensures he gets to keep his life. Otherwise, if you’re a skilled, experienced fighter yourself, well, then it’s a matter of what’s going on at that given day, provided you’re on his exact same level or above.
In his spare time, he also likes to practice Bōjutsu, with a bo staff, and is very skilled at it for show and combat, but prefers it for fun.
Since the E black belt levels in Krav Maga are invitation only, time tells if he gets that rank. He remains a G throughout his forties. It’s by the time he’s early fifties, that he becomes an E1, after a little over 30 years of accumulated work. He took the test in Israel – he was already a certified instructor by then. Knowledge includes but is not limited to:
More complexity and control of all cumulative training
High degree of fighting ability and efficiency
Close range techniques
Fighting a trained adversary
Advanced edged and impact weapon defenses
Multiple attackers armed and on the ground
High impact mental preparation
Firearm defenses
For 1st dan, the IKMA’s current curriculum is seven (single spaced) pages of techniques including 49 specific topics along with the entire curriculum (yellow through brown belts) at the examiners’ respective discretions. All techniques must be performed from both the left an right outlet stances. A candidate must be able defend against all manners of attack from both the right and left sides (i.e. left handed weapon threats and attacks.) Within these topics, there are more than 150 techniques and variations.
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year
You won't wanna do this, but it truly makes bodyweight wizards.
From the light-body legends of Wu-tang, to the powerbatics proteges of the polar regions -- there is one single element of training that's absolutely hated by kids, teens, men, women, for thousands of years, and I can almost guarantee you that you too will hate this training method, though it yields the strength of smelted iron sculptures.
Failing to understand it, skipping through it, or bouncing from video to ideo will lead to continued failure in fitness and in health. So stay focused, fellow pacrimian, this is not Tik-Tok.
And I'll show you exactly what it is, how it relates your mental and physical training, and at the end of the video, several examples you can take away with you and implement today.
Lee Weiland, Pacific Rim Athletics, creator of powerbatics and welcome to training. Grounded, unwavering strength and sustainability should be the goal of each human with a body not yet in the ground, starting as young as possible and continuing into your golden years.
Maybe that's you. Awesome. Continue on your quest.
But many say they can't. They're too old, too fat, their arms are too short, like a t. rex.
But many say they can, and then do it.
Like surfer Bethany Hamilton who overcame a shark attack. Or Vennie Nemecek, the Real Wolverine. If you don't know his story, you should watch some of his videos on our channels and website.
(by the way, subscribe, but also use the link to opt-in, because if Google or social media every goes away -- which may in fact be for the betterment of mankind -- it'll be nearly impossible to stay connected with our community and videos, hidden in the mountains of Alaska.
so be sure to dive into our universe.)
And what I'm gonna show you has been used for millennia, so powerful in fact, that warriors from Shaolin to Mongolia used this methodology.
But it requires something brutal. A mentality that goes hand-in-hand with the training method I'll show you in a minute, and it will solidify your personal avatar of strength, flexibility, stamina and special skills.
But here's where most go wrong.
At best, they want sets and reps and exact workout plans, and timelines and freebies -- at worst, well... maybe not the worst, but this is pretty bad... they'll jump from video to video, comment to comment, celebrity to celebrity, making demands or complaining. Parents and adults, 40, 50, 60 plus, you know what I'm talking about.
YouTube is filled like fidget spinners on eBay with how to get abs, arms, and an 'apple-bottom'.
Anyone can do it. Here's exactly how. In 15 seconds or less.
Nutrition. Whole, real, and if real, organic food. Water. Supplement for defeciencies.
Muscle. 3-5 sets, 5-10 reps, 3-5 days per week, 2-3 bodyparts per day. Lower the reps for maximal strength and increase the reps for bull-body and endurance. Compound movements for mass and/or power, depending on the number of reps.
Flexibility. Static, passive stretching for one to five minute holds, then add dynamics when ur advanced.
For skills do sets of ten, up to a hundred, drills building the skills, always ending on a high note.
I know that's probably more than 15 seconds, but sadly that won't change the 90+% failure rate for online education, as Seth Godin has shown in his research. Because it all boils down to this one training method, but these failures stem from Unitarian Philosophy --
and yes everyone has a philosophy/theology and the better you get it, the better off you'll be in all areas, including your physical training; and I'm coining this term here first, an athletosophy that's stronger than iron.
You see, Unitarianism denies the eternal coexistence of unity and plurality. In other words, it disregards human individuality and coalesces everything into singular forms, like mass-institution, certain forms of government and cookie-cutter video courses. It's like putting bacon, eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice all in the blender and calling it breakfast. Like many political regimes do, and like the four institutions that Unitarianism is famous for, the public poorhouse, the mental institution, prisons and the public school. And like social media is now emulating, which in turn shapes people's personalities into lowest common denominator cookie-cutter forms of mainstream mediocrity, even down to how they speak, think and yes, even workout.
This leads to wanting what others have. The desire for immediate results without years of practice. And other shortcuts without coaching or community. Use this training method instead.
Here's half of it. The mental half.
Do the boring stuff. The hard stuff. Without the pre-workout, blaring death metal, stimulants, demands, complaints or instant gratification.
And don't worry, we'll get to the moves. Let's part the waves like the Red Sea, knowing the chaos all around, but standing immovable in the middle, between the walls of raging water in the calmness.
And don't think I'm over-exaggerating here.
This is what training actually feels like. If you've ever grappled, fought, competed in a race, recovered from injury or sickness, you'll know what I mean. Let your body and mind become firmly grounded like the granite strength of a gargoyle perched atop its gothic spire.
You see anyone can be distracted. I mean, study a bunch of videos, do a wad, throw around some iron. Or you can become the iron. Physically, yes. But more important, mentally. Then you will, as Jackie Chan said, not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
From the hand-balancer's routine to the break-dancers freeze. From the powerlifters squat to the monk's unshaken balance on poles. From the mountaintop to solitude in the wilderness, exercising patience, the strength moves will come. Patience for eight week cycles of muscular development. Patience for twenty week cycles of flexibility development. Otherwise you hit roadblock after roadblock. So slow down. Stop hitting the Unitarian with your training and use this unmoving concentrated static training instead. Which is the med I'm gonna show you --
powerbatics static training.
[the final two minutes, the trap has sprung, we've grabbed the bait]
Some have called this brutal.
Handstand positions from basic to intermediate, then to advanced.
For 10, 30, 60 second holds.
Stances. Horse. Snake. Crane. Lunge. Stick.
For 60, 120, even 360 seconds.
You know, when we train like this at our facility, every time a person drops or touches the floor, they actually amass another something special for everybody at the end.
Take the wall handstand, for example.
Ankles together, arms on your ears, nose on the wall. Five minutes, no comedowns. Every time they come down, it adds another bridge pushup for everybody. And you dare try this on your own at home, where you find where your true breaking point is, and push beyond it.
You can do it on your own, no doubt in my mind.
There might be in yours though, once you hit 29, 39, 49 seconds, but you can push through, and not only this, but all challenges in life.
Do you see why I save the moves for the last? You absolutely need to listen to the first part of these messages to even get into the headspace to do this. It's what we teach our coaches and even most advanced studence, and then this builds, level by level, into mastery.
Dyna-combos, full katas of strength, flexibility and skill. We only provide fee content to inspire you. We don't even turn adds on.
But if you'd like to take your training to higher levels, you can talk with me and my team in the next day or so. And you really will go much further than watching videos and using DIY courses by working with a sensei, teacher or coach. It'll save ten years of trial, error and frustration, since you're getting the combined decades of experience and thousands of data points from an entire team.
Or do self-study for 10-20 years, that's okay, too.
Either way, we have more videos coming up on the screen that'll help you, and I'll see you in the next video or hopefully in training soon.
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genyukandojo · 1 year
NYC Self Defense Classes
Self-defense is a tactic that entails protecting one's health and well being from danger. It is predominantly used in Commonwealth English. Many jurisdictions permit the use of the right to self-defense as a justification for the use of force when necessary. Rape Aggression Defense and other self-defense courses are specifically created for women and men (Resistance against Aggression). R.A.D. classes are provided by the Department of Public Safety both in the regular academic year and during the summer session. Self-defense classes in NYC instruct students in risk detection, risk reduction techniques, and sexual assault awareness and prevention. Students also practice thorough verbalization and practical abilities to fend off aggressors or violent acts. Participants will undoubtedly leave the workshop with a better understanding of the variety of self-defense techniques accessible!
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Self-defense classes methodically instruct students on self-defense tactics and advised conduct in the event of violence. In a broader sense, the martial arts industry includes commercial self-defense instruction, and many martial arts instructors also provide self-defense lessons. While it is possible to argue that any martial arts instruction has some implications for self-defense, self-defense programs are specifically marketed as being effective and tailored to circumstances that arise in everyday life. Commercial education uses a variety of systems, many of which are adapted for particular target groups (e.g. defense against attempted rape for women, self-defense for children and teens).
Reasons You Should Take a Self-Defense Class
There are many different types of self-defense training, from the many martial arts techniques to a fundamental self-defense course meant to assist you escape an assault. There are many other possibilities besides karate and taekwondo when people think of self-defense programs. Although there are certain classes that teach both children and adults, the classes are frequently tailored toward a particular age and skill level. There are numerous choices, ranging from public classes to ones at exclusive studios. When considering taking a self-defense course, it's crucial to be clear about your learning objectives so you can choose the courses that are best for you. A person might want to enroll in such a course for a variety of valid reasons. Spend some time investigating your possibilities in the area and speaking with several instructors before settling on one who will be a good fit for your circumstances and overarching objectives.
Improves Physical Strength:
This is a clear result of learning self-defense. One must be physically fit to be able to protect oneself from any and all types of attacks. With such exercise, physical strength develops organically. Through appropriate training, one can also increase their muscle tone and overall body tone.
Improves Awareness:
Students who take self-defense training gain a better understanding of themselves and their surroundings. Depending on the particular course type, the class may devote a significant amount of time to instructing students on how to avoid riskier environments and circumstances. A typical self-defense course also teaches students to become more self-aware so they are better equipped to deal with any risky scenarios they might find themselves in at any time.
One of those traits, discipline, occasionally reverberates through a school's hallways. Most teachers believe it to be very impossible to help kids develop self-discipline, but by putting a strong emphasis on self-defense skills, this whole situation can be turned around. Chances are good that pupils who are taught these techniques—especially at such a young and impressionable age—will use them consistently afterward.
Improve mental and physical Health:
Numerous self-defense courses encourage participants to attend at least once or twice a week. This is a fantastic exercise method. The physical demands of the challenges increase as pupil’s advance, necessitating more conditioning workouts and improving general physical health. Exercise can also make you feel better, which benefits those who are dealing with depression and other problems. Self-defense classes offer a welcoming environment that is a fantastic choice for those who require motivation to start a fitness regimen. Taking a self-defense class might aid in the healing process for someone who has been the victim of a crime. It gives the individual a sense of increased control over their lives and can significantly impact how quickly they heal from the psychological effects of the trauma.
Protect yourself and your family:
People learn how to defend themselves against attackers in self-defense classes. Additionally, they discuss how and when to put the abilities that students are gaining to use. Knowing that you can defend yourself from an attacker and safeguard your kids when necessary might be comforting. Numerous experts advise against carrying a weapon since numerous assailants can overwhelm you and turn the weapon against you. Self-defense classes teach you how to utilize your own body as a weapon that cannot be taken from you. It improves your ability to react appropriately in challenging and frightening circumstances.
Creates a Strong Mind Body Connection:
All types of martial art forms place a strong emphasis on the relationship between the mind and body, and this is true of the self-defense component as well. In times of emergency, a person can only protect himself if they are 100 percent focused. The tight connection between the mind and body is a byproduct of this intense seamless focus.
Boosts social skills:
Respect for oneself and others is a major theme in many martial arts courses and self-defense training sessions. This may also include accepting more responsibility, watching out for others, and lending a hand. By teaching you to communicate with people in a more respectful and courteous manner, learning respect and civility can improve your social skills. Numerous martial arts students go on to hold leadership positions at their schools or in their communities.
Only with an experienced, qualified teacher can you learn all the advantages we have listed above. At Genyukan Dojo in New York, we work with the top instructors since self-defense is not about a sport but about real life.
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zpresrun2024 · 2 years
Every time I start teaching, I learn something new!
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by Martin Ginsburg
These notes are from a presentation given in late 2021. These include the full original presentation and are, most decidedly NOT the final presentation notes. I was instructed to edit out a portion lest it give offense and did so in order to attempt to address a topic of great importance to my family and myself. I freely admit that I am an interactive speaker and the lack of faces upon which I might rely for even unspoken feedback this became, essentially, a one hour "lecture" on a topic I had hoped would spark a lively discussion.
 Inclusion Within the Multicultural and Multigenerational Workplace and Ways to Succeed
An introduction to a guided discussion:
The best teacher I've ever had is history. By learning how people around the world did things in the past and the reasons they had for the actions they took I have almost always come away with a better understanding of those people. While I couldn't prove it, I suspect that folks forget that every individual is different so hating someone for being different leaves no one to love.
I was fortunate to grow up in a neighborhood where I could visit homes and meet people from four different continents - listen to the music, eat the food, hear the stories of "the old country". That place was so very cool. The neighborhood languages were English, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Greek, and Chinese. Except for three years I spent in a religious day school, everyone my age attended the same elementary, junior high, and high school together.
My father's father lived with us for a couple years when I was very young. Our neighborhood was made up of young families with kids like me in elementary school, families with college age children, retirees, and even a married couple who had survived the holocaust and passed away naturally when I was a teen. In nursing, while my intended patient focus has always been adult critical care; education and training requires learning about and working with every age population I might encounter in a nursing setting.
I confess to this topic being more than a bit daunting; while my wife, our children, and I have experienced both positive and negative biases and we have learned how biases can become something that may help or destroy people and cultures, I am always afraid that guiding these conversations will lead to someone feeling minimized in some way.
At least one of the reasons I was asked to present this topic is that I am a male who has spent the last quarter century working in female dominated fields, as both a nurse and legal assistant/paralegal. I can say that my being male has generally not been much of a factor, though I know other men who feel it is a hardship. My wife points out that she feels men are disproportionately represented in nursing leadership at the clinical level. I haven't experienced that but she has shown me how, at least anecdotally this may be the case.
It's true that my patients see me differently and that some object to having a male provide nursing care. Respecting that preference is as important to me as having my cultural preferences given due respect and deference. It's also true that I would be the first asked to help with bathing an obese patient or help with mechanical lifting of heavy patients and such but to me that was always just asking the person who seemed most likely to have the physical strength to help. Was it because I am male and no one assessed physical capacity; I don't know, and as far as patient outcome it wouldn't have made any difference.
Early in her nursing career my wife once had a patient who had immigrated from Vietnam. Unfortunately, he spoke no English and his family wasn’t able to stay overnight in the hospital. Being a night shift oncology nurse my wife and her shift partner helped the man bathe in bed and used the draw sheet to help him turn for bathing. They stopped when he looked as though he was about to jump out of his skin. When the family arrived in the morning and learned what had happened and asked the patient they explained that in Vietnamese culture it is not acceptable to permit a person to die in the home. For this reason, when death is imminent, the person is wrapped in blankets and taken to a hut built for the purpose where s\he is bathed and prepared for the end of life. This poor man thought he was being prepared for death.
I once had a lady, in the mid-1990's, as a patient who spoke less English than I have ever done Spanish so communication beyond hello or questions regarding pain or positioning were extremely difficult. She was undergoing a series of cardiac catheterizations that required the access devices to remain in place in her groin artery and vein for several days. This required her nurses to inspect the area hourly, including feeling for rigidity around the insertion site as critical to her safety. She was obviously distressed when I was assigned as her nurse even while she and I strove to communicate the need for inspection. The nurses with whom I worked were good enough to take on that task to help preserve my patient’s dignity.
People are often isolated from others because of a language barrier. Tourists are often encountered in the hospitals of South Florida where I began my nursing career. By the nature of tourism people visit areas where they rely on hospitality workers to help communicate in the local language. Other barriers may come back to illness, while others still are a combination of language or illness and cultural differences between someone in need and those trying to help. Dementia in the elderly is difficult on patients and caregivers alike. Imagine an elderly dementia patient whose first language is Yiddish in a hospital where the language wasn’t recognized as a Germanic language by the majority of the staff. While I never learned to speak the language I recognized it and noticed the poorly tattooed number on her forearm and so started with short Hebrew prayers and a few Yiddish phrases I had heard as a child. 
I was working as a phlebotomist when a young German lady in South Florida as a tourist was hospitalized and unable to communicate the reason for her apparent distress one morning. I learned in my Practical Nursing program that mittleschmerz is the medical term for pain between menstrual periods. My Yiddish taught me that mittle is middle (or between) leaving schmerz to mean pain (or painful). A few pidgin German phrases later, and we were able to identify her as having 5-6/10 abdominal pain that was aching and worsening.
In a recent article Vernā Myers of Netflix is quoted as having provided an example of how the terms diversity and inclusion must act together to yield a more just society: “diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance” .
While I don't completely agree with the way it's put, I can see a great deal of value in using this as a starting point for conversation. In a corporate context, being invited to the party is important because that's how we get in the door. In a personal context, however, this doesn't address neighborhoods, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, sporting events, or any other public place. Additionally, being asked to dance in a corporate setting may be seen as being asked to work on a project, though offering is also important, as is even knowing what projects may need one's own skill set. Putting oneself forward often overcomes an intrinsic bias of "preferential selection of self".
Just walk in the door and dance! We must also own the reality that our feelings are ours to have, or not, to control, or not, and no one has the power to "make" you feel something without your consent. People learn that if they engage in a particular activity; the common human response is "Y". So when someone does "X" activity in your presence; react with "R" instead of "Y" and they'll get lost. It's not as easy as it sounds, but that's what Gandhi, Meier, Mandela, and King did. And while most of those struggles continue through the present day, the advances have generally been enormous.
Preferential selection of self is the tendency for all animals - us included - to gather in groups of those most like ourselves. By way of example, watch a watering hole in Africa and take a look at the animal groupings. There are no giraffes mixed in with a herd of elephants or impala or gazelles or rhinos. Of course, there wouldn't be two herds of elephants at a watering hole at the same time, or rhinos, or giraffes. They are generally grouped as families - just like New York, Chicago, or any other large metropolitan area. In humans we tend to see these family groups as tribes or races, but the concept is very similar. Now let's look at New York as an example; Chinatown, Little Italy, Harlem, Spanish Harlem. The odd part about New York is these are all just variations of the same species. That's like the families of lions, elephants, or giraffes that won't intermingle at the watering hole - they generally don't even go at the same3 time but wait for the earlier arrivals to leave before approaching.
For me, I don't care what family someone is from, only whether we can benefit each other. I haven't considered it until just this moment but I still don't think my having been adopted has anything to do with the way I feel. I think it's more my parents and the way they taught my sister, my brother, and me.
As humans, we even use language to identify those most like us so we can associate with them rather than "outsiders". Jargon is a wonderful tool to allow what I call intellectual or linguistic "shorthand" when speaking with a colleague. We all use it every day. Think of it: DV, SJ, DVPO, CP, VD, MSC, SO, or any of several hundred more.
The trouble with jargon is that it, by default, EXcludes everyone not a member of the group. For example; BUN, NIBP, TS, EFTO, ECMO, PIP, PEEP, PAP or PAWP, mike-mike, click, ELT, BDU, BLC malfunction, or ACU, bingo, winchester. While even using the full name of any of these abbreviations will leave others out of the conversation, at least saying extracorporeal membrane oxygenation allows someone with a science (especially biology) background to figure out what ECMO is and does.
Think about VD in litigation and then consider what I, as a nurse, think first EVERY time I hear it.
Respect for others requires that in group settings we remember that not everyone is familiar with how we speak as a professional group. Nurses even have a list of dangerous abbreviations that are not to be used. Paralegals are familiar with the concept that when writing for a court we all write out the full term and only parenthetically identify the "shorthand" we will use going forward to ensure accurate and adequate communication.
"Buzz" words are everywhere:
           Diversity; Justice; Implicit Bias; Equity; Cisgender; Inclusion; Neurodiversity; Intersectionality; Emotional Tax
Useless adjectives are, too:
           "Male" Nurse; "Black" Attorney; "Indian" (pick one) Accountant; "Muslim" Doctor; "Jewish" Carpenter; "Female" Ironworker
There are so many opportunities to show the biases and prejudices in US society that crop up in our daily lives I don't really know where to begin. I guess a good place to start is television, as its almost universal outreach gives us examples of culturally and generationally insulting, dismissive, and degrading language and behavior. I'd like to share two that have always been a little personal to me.
There was a commercial many years ago showing a family with, based on common stereotypes, an Italian background where the adult male was explaining that new appliances had "fallen of a truck" or were bought at a ridiculous discount with the implication that all the goods were stolen. A subtitle note said something like many years later. Then we see law enforcement personnel were watching the daughter's home in hope of finding illegal behavior. The advertisement was promoting a discount seller by implying that people could get prices so low that they'd feel they had stolen the merchandise.
And since there was no outcry at the time I guess the company could have used a Latino, African-American, Asian, or First Nations family and the skit would have been just as influential with no outcry, right?
You may remember the Snickers Super Bowl commercial about two men standing over a car engine when one opens Snickers bar and begins eating it. The second man, in a Lady and the Tramp moment started eating the Snickers from the other end until their lips met in the middle. The men appeared startled and the blond shouted "quick; do something manly" to which the other man reacted by simulating ripping off chest hair. Blond man did the same and both screamed.
A couple points about that commercial; I thought it was hilarious, the blond man is my wife's cousin - a very nice young man with a ready smile, gentle wit, and a beautiful family. There were three commercials in the series with those two men and the remaining two were pulled after an outcry for showing two men kissing on national television.
Firstly, I thought the commercial was hilarious because it seems ridiculous to me to have to "do something manly" to prove anything to anyone. I am who I am and encourage everyone else to be the same and not worry about what others think. Fortunately the actors and crews got paid for all three commercials because they had already been made but the company lost that money by having to re-style their new advertising campaign.
What concerns me personally regarding our current reactions to these events are a few things:
1.     We seem, as a society, to have forgotten the definition of the simple word: equal;
2.     We seem, as a society, to believe that everyone else, but never we ourselves, in this society is responsible for how we feel at any given time;
3.     We seem, as a society, unwilling to accept that all of our words have consequences; and while none of us are responsible for the feelings of others, we can create through word or deed an environment that fails to permit others to participate equally;
4.     We seem, as a society, to decline to accept all of history as the foundation of the present day and regularly argue our points of view by intentionally omitting parts of history because it's more important to make our point or win than to be intellectually honest.
There are, of course, other things troubling me about where we are these days. My approach has always been that the old argument of "you only have the rights you can defend" is the argument of a thief. I have always believed that I have only those rights I am prepared to surrender my life to defend for others.
I can take rights from someone else and claim them but they are then not rights; they are the spoils of conflict. On the other hand, if someone reaches out to harm someone else I and stand in the way of that harm I have earned the right to have others do so for me. I believe it was in Evelyn Beatrice Hall's biography of Voltaire where she described Voltaire's fundamental free speech and civil rights philosophy as  “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
What's all this nonsense from an old man got to do with Inclusion Within the Multicultural and Multigenerational Workplace and Ways to Succeed?
My personal belief is that justice, first and foremost, is the most efficient and potentially successful pathway to success. Perfect that within ourselves and lead others by example.
With that said; what perspectives of yours have I not considered? What can I do to help you be heard, seen, recognized, understood, and appreciated?  
Short Bio
Martin Ginsburg dropped out of High School to enter the United States Air force at the age of 17, graduated from the Sheridan Vocational-Technical school Practical Nursing Program in 1995, graduated from Barry University in Miami Shores, FL with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2001 and attained licensure as a Registered Nurse in July 2001. His clinical experience includes Long Term Acute Care (LTAC), Medical/Cardiac critical (intensive) care, emergency department, home health, and nursing education. Ginsburg has worked in a major county hospital in South Florida as the facility began its intensivist program providing primary care in a critical care setting. In Raleigh, he worked in a community hospital, leaving behind the high-tech focus of South Florida for a setting that allowed much more patient interaction. Ginsburg has also worked as an adjunct clinical instructor and a nursing preceptor. Changing focus, Ginsburg later graduated from Meredith College’s ABA-approved Paralegal Studies Program and currently works as a paralegal nurse consultant. To read more about Martin Ginsburg, visit here. You may contact Martin Ginsburg at [email protected].
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mysterypiner · 2 years
Imdb hades hercules disney
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The lead character, Hercules, comes across as just another variation on Aladdin (a young, confused and often overzealous teen), but is enjoyable enough to keep the movie flowing along. Mixing comedic rage, sarcasm and the delivery of an old-style Vegas standup comic, Woods creates a memorable character that's a hoot to watch. Still, there are some joys present in the production, most notably James Woods' over-the-top take on the Hades character. The best songs, however, come from a group of Muses that jump from their Grecian vases and deliver their narrative in a Motown style. While the included songs are competent enough, very few are outstanding and you'll be hard pressed to find yourself humming one of them after you've left the theater. Conspicuously absent are the heavily detailed computer backgrounds that made "Lion King" and "Hunchback" visually stunning. Looking more like the animation style used in "The Little Mermaid" or other recent non-Disney films, "Hercules" looks flat and lacks the pizzaz found in their later films. This is not to say, however, that the film is anywhere up to the standards set by "Beauty & the Beast" or "The Lion King," as both the animation and song selections are sub-par compared to recent efforts. OUR TAKE: 6 out of 10 Returning to a more light-hearted approach than last year's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," Disney's latest animated feature is a moderately enjoyable time at the movies. Hades is the god of the underworld, the keeper of lost souls, and wants to overthrow the reigning gods.Hercules is a young, and often over zealous teen who wants to find out who he is and where he belongs and then tries very hard to prove that he's a hero.Of course all of the characters are cartoons, so their status as role models probably isn't that strong.WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: G For not containing material to warrant a higher rating. WILL KIDS WANT TO SEE IT? More than likely the answer is yes. As Hercules tries to prove his hero status, he must deal with Meg and with Hades' attempts at overthrowing the reigning powers on Mt. Olympus, Hercules sets off to find the great hero trainer, Phil (voice of DANNY DEVITO), a satyr who must not only train Hercules, but must keep him in check when he falls in love with Meg (voice of SUSAN EGAN), a woman who's trying to reclaim her soul she sold to Hades. Learning that he must perform heroic deeds if he wishes to rejoin his family on Mt. Thinking that Hercules is out of the picture, Hades plans his takeover, unaware that the boy has grown up and has gone to the temple of Zeus looking for answers and finds that he's the son of a god. Nonetheless, Zeus must still send his boy to Earth and years later Hercules (voice of TATE DONOVAN) is an outcast as a teen, and wants to find who he is and where he belongs. They force feed him a formula that will make him mortal, but since he doesn't drink the very last drop, he retains his superhuman strength. Thus, Hades sets out to make sure that doesn't happen and sends his henchmen, Pain (voice of BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT ) and Panic (voice of MATT FREWER), to "take care of" Hercules. For he's been told by the three Fates that in eighteen years his bid to overthrow the other gods will be spoiled by Hercules. Hades (voice of JAMES WOODS), the god of the underworld, however, has other plans for the infant. PLOT: In Disney's version of the Greek myth, Zeus (voice of RIP TORN) has a son, Hercules, who is set to assume his place among the other gods of Mt. QUICK TAKE: Children's Animated: The son of Zeus must prove he's a hero to regain his place among the other gods on Mt. (1997) (Voices of Tate Donovan, James Woods) (G)
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