#bernard warnes
dc-newbie · 1 year
“Tim sitting back and watching the chaos while Bernard comes up with the wildest conspiracy theories” is a great troupe, but consider;
Bernard’s making up wild theories, 20% because he believes them and 362946% for fun, and Tim listens passively until he just so happens to drop in the most randomly wild pieces of information completely out of left field. Like, Bernard will mention that some people in Metropolis don’t even know about the secret parts of the military, when Tim will just say, “Yeah, I was offered a place in a highly specialised squad once. Nearly died. It was wild.”
And at first, Bernard thinks Tim’s just doing it to poke fun at him, but as time goes on, he starts to realise that it’s not sarcasm, which is even worse, because what the everloving fuck does Tim mean by “Secret Villain Internet that sucks you in and drives you insane”? And why does Tim know about it??
Tim casually hints at the existence of the Court of Owls by telling Bernard to not trust the owls in Gotham and Bernard. Does not sleep.
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vsirsa · 2 months
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sluttiest man alive
[ID 1: a colourful blue and white GIF of brett anderson from suede holding a pig doll's face and cradling its cheek.]
[ID 2: a colourful blue GIF that features brett anderson from suede holding a pig doll to his chest. there is also an overlay at the beginning of brett singing with his mouth open.]
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enniewritesathing · 24 days
memory management (💉2-1)
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Daniel: "Jordy, how is he?"
Jordan: "He's just about ready. Breathing's nice and deep. No reaction to external stimuli."
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Daniel: "Alright. Here goes nothing."
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(The Werewolf searches for something. Anything. He calls out. Again... and again.)
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(The darkness steals all of his calls for help. He has no idea if he's even moving. The Werewolf presses on, his calls more desperate...)
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(Daniel raises the syringe, eyeing the contents before palpitating John's firm chest, hunting for his apical pulse. That's right, it's not exactly where it should be due to his slightly enlarged heart... there. He marks the spot with his finger and uses it as a guide to line the needle up.)
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(Daniel hesitates after taking away his finger. He's not sure--)
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Bernard: "Dan? What's wrong?"
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Daniel: (tersely) "What?"
Bernard: "C'mon, man; we don't have all night! You got the yips? Need me to take over?"
Daniel: "No."
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"No, I can do it." (His hand is shaking. He hopes to god Charles doesn't see it.)
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Charles: "My dear Bernard, he is right. This is a delicate procedure; he needs to time this right. I have the utmost confidence he can perform it."
(Daniel doesn't say anything. He doesn't need to really, not after the conversation he had with Charles a few hours ago. He's staring at him with the intensity of expectation, compelling him to go on. He knows.)
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(...but nothing happens. The Werewolf is alone. No one to come to his rescue.)
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(Daniel concentrates on the slow rise and fall of John's chest, then the soft vibration of his heartbeat just under the needle. One-two. One-two.)
"Starting injection."
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(This can't be it.)
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(The monitor chimes three times in rapid succession and Jordan watches the increasing numbers flash.)
Bernard: "How long do you think--"
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(The monitor chimes again with three sharp chimes. That's too much too fast--)
Jordan: "Oh shit--"
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(No sooner than Daniel removed the syringe, John's body seizes up, his mouth opening in a soundless scream.)
Jordan: "He's spiking!"
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(All three take a step back away as John unleashes a terrible noise. His eyes slowly open.)
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"He's gaining consciousness--"
"No, it's a pain response--"
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(As hard as he tried, he cannot move in a way that resembles control. His back arches as he fights for air; try as he might, the hunger for it grows and grows. There are thorns in his veins, cutting him up with each heartbeat.)
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"Oh my god--"
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(A voice commands -- "Hold him down!" -- What's happening--"... stop standing th--"
John doesn't hear the rest of it. Why can't I move-- why can't I breathe?)
// Next ⏭️
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omegajasontoddweek · 1 month
Bernard is coming over for dinner to meet the family. Barnard... has some interesting ideas. Jason's desire for chaos in regard to Tim doesn't help ------------ Bernard continues full speed ahead, “The only question is when you fell in love with him.” The table comes to a full and complete halt. Bernard notices this time and shrinks a little, “Or maybe he fell in love with you? One-sided?” he gasps, “Did you not know? I’m so sorry. I thought it was obvious.” Tim looks like he’d very much like to melt into the floor and just… become one with the rug.
--------- Omega Jason Todd Week 2024 - 'Jason and Red Hood are assumed to be an alpha/omega couple'
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dazaiconfused · 5 months
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Feel Every Beat, 1991 - directed by Peter Scammell
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the-arch-elf · 6 months
Good morning, Elves.
We are behind production which means it is very possible I will bite someone by the end of the day
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rhysnolastname · 9 months
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dark urge gets their first hug ever and its not even meant for him. throws up immediately afterwards and lies in their bedroll awake all night
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glittergroovy · 2 months
Testing Fonts on OIE - 6 / ?
150x20px blinkie template - picgifs
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Bernard MT Condensed 15px | Beware 17px | Bijou JL 14px
BikerBones 14px | Binner Gothic 17px | Black Castle MF 16px
Black Chancery 14px | Black Knight Regular 14px | Blackadder ITC 15px
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cloth0 · 2 months
I'm writing an AndyxOscar fanfiction.
The adorable dorks have monopolized my mental abilities like it hasn't happen with any ship in YEARS, and I had to find an outlet of some kind. I didn't really want to promote it, first because it's all really messy at this stage, and secondly because sadly I have a track record of abandoning creative projects left and right, and it would be really depressing if this is yet another one.
But lately I had one big-brain* moment, and I had to share.
It's about the moment when Andy's surgery scar comes up for the first time - because in an AndyxOscar fanfic you need a poignant moment about that - I mean, c'mon, a scar from an actual heart surgery? How can you not use that? (sry Ed)
At this time, they're just chatting in a cafè, and Andy mentions he had a surgery at some point when he was little, so he had to stay in the hospital, ofc in a private room, which was lonely and sad as heck, etctec. But Oscar he's a curious old lady.
Oscar tapped gently on his cup for a moment. “Can I ask you something?” he inquired tentatively. “It’s personal, you really don’t have to answer if you don’t want to...”
The other took a sip of his tea, smacking his lips. “Sure, what’s up?”
“What was the surgery for?”
“Ah, that.” The dry interjection immediately made Oscar regret his improper curiosity (yes, it’s Andy, the definition of oversharing, but how belittling is it to think that the man wouldn’t want some privacy on such a delicate matter? Especially from a coworker. Shame on you, Oscar Martinez, you old snoop). Andy put his cup down, slightly shaking his head. “Dick too big,” he declared gravely.
Oscar risked choking on his coffee.
“Tragic, really,” he continued, fighting a mischievous smile, clearly very pleased with the reaction in front of him. “They couldn’t do anything.” 
“Aaaand, just like that, the moment was gone,” Oscar managed to sentence between the last coughs.
“I still struggle with that condition to this day.”
Oscar raised an amused eyebrow. “How old are you again?”
“You’re laughing, so, probably, same age as you.”
Yup, I felt really clever about this. Really proud.
I just really love this kind of scenes, where they're not really flirting, just building up this nice and warm friendship, but also there is a tiny little bit of flirting , y'know? Like, "Kevin would giggle" kind of flirting (which is def in my top 3 flirting kinds).
*my brain is not very smart tho
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domino-waki · 11 months
Timber Week Day 2: NSFW Prompt: Praise Kink
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Do not fucking look at me, just click the link below for a very short fic and the full art of Tim and Bernard "hugging"
Good Boy by Domino After Dark (Domino_Waki)
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slayhamkennedy · 2 years
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He's a villain to YOU. To me he's perfect and has never done anything wrong in his life.
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mbirnsings-71 · 11 months
To the seven (7) people liking my Bernard Dowd vibes playlist I must ask why? I get it I do, but also it was a jumpscare to see it had 7 likes-
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enniewritesathing · 26 days
memory management (💉1)
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(While Jordan mutters about losing Rock, Paper, Scissors and thus, has to be in the lab while he can sit and observe the whole trial, Mark looks down at John.)
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(He's had an uneasy feeling all of this week. Truth be told, he's had it ever since John stared at him while he was completely unconscious. Mark felt what he was going to do to him. The time that Jordan was attacked really didn't help things at all and that was some time ago.
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(Still. There was something else about John that he couldn't quite put his finger on...)
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(The Werewolf awakens in darkness.)
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(He's been here before. He always has. Nothing surrounds him. Or was it the other away around?)
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(With a grunt, he sits up with ease. There are no chains binding him, no ropes tightening and squeezing like a snake coiling around its prey.)
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(Just like that. Honestly, he should be glad.)
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(But he isn't. He can't remember the last time he's been free like this. No. Something's wrong. This doesn't feel right.)
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(The Werewolf can hear soft, muffled voices. Metal being shifted around. The hiss of gas... but this sounds different. It doesn't sound closed off or the fact that it feels warmer. He's somewhere else.)
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Charles: "Jordan, is he ready yet?"
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Jordan: "It'll be between ten and fifteen minutes."
Charles: "I see."
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"Alright. We'll take this time to go over everything."
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(That voice... it's him!)
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(Charles clears his throat.)
"Tonight we are doing the reversal trial. The purpose of this is two fold. First, we are going to force John to transform by accelerating his heart to the PT. Second, once it's been established that he is in his werewolf phase, we'll force the werewolf into revert back into the human state."
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Daniel: "May I ask how do we do that? We don't know what the other threshold is."
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Jordan: (low hiss) "Dan!"
Bernard: (slight exasperation) "Dan, why are asking that?"
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Charles: "No; this is a good time to ask questions. We will find this threshold by de-acceleration; this means that we'll have to induce cardiac arrest. The arrest is considered 'resetting' and it will be brief. We'll have to capture and sustain a lower heart rate below his PT."
(He pauses, making a pointed look at Daniel.) "The primary method will be via intracardiac injection so we don't have to worry about absorption."
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"As for time, we'll aim for five minutes. If after five minutes Johnathan shows no signs of reverting back, we will try again; as many cycles as it takes."
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"Of course, this brings the terrible risk of death... but that will only occur when and if we exhaust all options."
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(He looks down at John, studying him. Even in this state, he's more princely than ever.) "I have faith in Johnathan. He has yearned this for years. He will emerge victorious. Any questions?"
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(How the hell am I going to get out of this?)
// Next ⏭️
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Titanic (1997)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Titanic has two scenes with flickering lights, the second of which causes an extreme strobe effect, lasting about 4 minutes. Both take place in hallways that are flooded almost to the ceiling. The more severe second one begins after a rush of water knocks people off of their feet in a hallway, and ends when the action moves outside. One late scene showing failure of electrical equipment creates brief but severe strobe effects.
All of the camera work is very smooth. Several scenes take place in rooms or areas that are tilting. There are multiple moments of peril at extreme heights.
Flashing Lights: 9/10. Motion Sickness: 4/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: One early scene depicts suicidal ideation, and a death by suicide is briefly mentioned at the end. A historical character takes his own life in disgrace on-screen, which did not happen to the real person depicted. There are brief moments of domestic abuse.
ADMIN NOTE: We have evaluated this film in the past, but we have determined that it merits this new evaluation, given that our methods of evaluating films for health hazards have expanded since the original post. This is also posted in celebration of films directed by James Cameron. Our evaluation of Avatar: The Way of Water is now available on our Patreon page at Patreon.com/MovieHealth
Image ID: A promotional poster for Titanic
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staff · 10 months
tumblr tuesday: "hi"
Good day to everyone whose heads and hearts haven't left the Truham-Higgs vicinity since Thursday. Season 2 has us all in a tizzy, and luckily, the fandom's artists are right there with us.
(This is another one that goes out to everyone who has seen the second season. SPOILERS AHEAD. MILD BUT STILL SPOILERY. PLEASE BE WARNED.)
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Tim gives Bernard an old puzzle box with a morbid history and ties to a few conspiracy theories as a birthday present.
Naturally he calls in a favor or two to make sure that it isn't cursed or anything before he gives it to his boyfriend.
Bernard is in love with the thing, and when he's not working or spending time with Tim he's trying to crack open the box.
That's fine, all well and good; until Bernard actually manages to open the thing.
Inside is a glowing, crystalline sphere that radiates cold.
Bernard loves it.
Tim's freaked out by it.
Bernard starts to...get weirdly obsessed with it. Treating it like it's a baby or something.
Buying a crib for it and onesies and toys and stuff.
Tim's convinced he accidentally cursed his boyfriend with some horrible demon or something that'll kill Bernard the second Tim lets his guard down or leaves him alone with it.
Then he has to leave Bernard alone with the sphere to deal with an Arkham breakout
When he come back...
The sphere is gone.
That's a baby in Bernard's arms, wearing one of the pun-onsies he'd bought for the sphere.
Or: Danny, ages ago and many dimensions away, got seriously hurt and reverted to his Core form. The damage was so severe that Clockwork warned Jazz and his friends that even once he came out of his Core form, he would most likely be a child. So Sam, Tucker, and Jazz designed a box with the help of Clockwork that would protect him until he was with people who would keep him safe. Time passed, and the box exchanged many hands, until it came into the possession of one Bernard Dowd. The One Who Proved Himself Worthy.
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