#benn beckham
becksangel · 1 year
゚+* ꔫ— his peculiar secret…
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— . 。˚ ♡ We all have our niche little kinks, but have you wondered what peculiar thing hits your lover's strike zone...? — . 。˚ ♡ Fem!Reader w/ Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Trafalgar D. Law, Eustass Kid, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Shanks, Benn Beckham, Silver Rayleigh.
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.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Monkey D. Luffy
When he sees you sweating and out of breath, something yanks at him from the inside. Whether it be a hot, summer afternoon or right after a tenacious battle against the enemy, seeing your clothes cling to your skin from the perspiration and the way your chest rises with each heavy breath has his gaze lingering on you a little longer than it usually would be.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Roronoa Zoro
It hits him hard when he sees you covered in bruises and blood after a successful battle. There's something about the way your eyes dart around, hyper-aware of your surroundings, adrenaline still running through your veins that gets Zoro going. Seeing you at your strongest, wildest you've ever been is most likely the hottest thing he's ever seen in his life.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Vinsmoke Sanji
It's the way you look so harmless, so easy to steal away, when you're asleep. From the way your chest rises slowly to the way your face looks so pretty when unconscious... Sanji has to hold back the very urge to take you then and there, to disturb your peaceful slumber with something much more sinful.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Trafalgar D. Law
He loves when you ask him to pierce your ears or tattoo you. Law enjoys the control he has over you a little too much when he sits you on the seat, telling you, "Sit still," and the way you listen to his commands without even a second of hesitation. There's just something about how submissive you can end up with just the power of his voice.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Eustass Kid
A huge sadist at heart; he loves seeing you cry and beg from the pain of everything he deals out to you in bed. He enjoys wondering how far you'll let him go before you finally reach your limit—would it be when he carves his name into your body with a blade, or would it be when he severs one of your limbs to keep as his?
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Portgas D. Ace
Honestly? Ace is a simple man. Seeing your cleavage or thighs exposed would probably have him raring to go on the spot, especially if you were wearing tight, skimpy clothes. His favorite thing to do is dig his face into your tits or soft thighs, enjoying the way you stammer and blush at his actions.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Sabo
He'll freeze in place, unable to comprehend the situation if you ever call him 'onii-chan' or anything similar. He's an unapologetic brocon and everyone but him seems to know it. If you ever look up at him with doe-like, innocent eyes, calling out, "Onii-chan," he'll throw you under his arm and run towards the bedroom in a dash fast enough to rival the speed of light.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Shanks
It's when you're drunk and flushed that gets him going. If you come stumbling towards of him, reeking of whiskey and the scent of the ocean, he'll catch you with an arm and revel in how absolutely shit-faced you were. Your glossy eyes, your goofy little smile, your barely incomprehensible speech ... it makes Shanks want to bend you over right then and there to take you.
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Benn Beckham
He loves when you wear nothing but his cape after a good fuck. It's the way the fabric curls and twists around your more petite frame when he looks at you from behind, and the way he can barely make out your soft, supple flesh through the gap of his cape from the front view. It gets him going no matter how often he sees it, so get ready for round two!
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Silver Rayleigh
Loves your innocence. The way you tilt your head when confused without realizing it, the way you hide your face in your hands whenever Rayleigh whispers something immoral in your ear. He loves the way it feels like he's the big-bad tainting a pretty, pure princess without her even knowing.
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Day 8: Shanks (ft. Uta (platonic)) - You Need To Sleep or Santa Won’t Come
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When Uta came up to you 2 years ago and asked you to be her mom, you couldn’t say no.  That’s when you started traveling with the Red haired pirates.  You loved being her mom.  She was the sweetest little girl!  Christmas was Uta’s favorite time of year.  She loved all the glitter, singing Christmas carols for the crew, and especially the presents!
“Mama!!!!  Papa!!!!,” she whined, “I want to stay up and see Santa!”
“Sorry Uta,” Shanks replied, ruffling her multicolored hair, “you have to go to sleep or Santa won’t come.”
“Why not?”
You sighed and crouched down in front of her, “Santa has a lot of toys to deliver and if kids like you stay up, he won’t have time to deliver them all.  And you don’t want another kid to not get their presents, do you?”
She pouted and crossed her arms, “no. But why would he skip the Red Force if I stay up?”
You really didn’t have an answer for that.  Thankfully, It was Uncle Benn to the rescue, “because that’s your punishment for being naughty and not going to bed. No presents for naughty kids.”
Uta nodded and went straight to bed.  “Thanks Benn,” you said, relieved.  You walked over to fill your cup up with more eggnog (to be honest, it was more rum than eggnog).  “Why is this so stressful?  I feel like we crushed her little hopes and dreams,” you sighed before taking a sip of “eggnog”.  
Shanks comes over and kisses your temple, “it’s fine.  She gets it.  Now come on.  I have a plan.”
The next morning Uta woke up and went straight to the tree to see what Santa left.  Santa left all sorts of presents from dolls to dresses to musical equipment for her concerts.  Uta went over to see if Santa ate his cookies she left for him.  Of course the milk and cookies were gone, but in their place was a picture.  It was Santa.  It was signed by Santa and said, “I’m your number one fan.  Sorry I can’t chat.  I can’t let your future fans not get presents!”  She was so happy that she showed everyone on the crew.  You hugged Shanks, “good idea Captain.  I think this will go down in the books.”
He kissed you, “I know.  But can I borrow some money?  I owe Lucky, 100,000,000 berries for this.”
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
A day in the life of Benn
Part of a trade with @softcenteregg I hope you like and it cheers you up a little <3
Benn Headcanons Sfw WC: 420
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Benn’s daily routine starts with getting up, taking a moment to asses his life and his life choices before laying back against the headrest and having his first cigarette of the day while he processes his mental to-do list.
Breakfast consists of whatever the cook has prepared, a coffee, extra strong and black, and a breakfast cigarette.
After downing his body weight in coffee he’s mentally prepared for going to see his captain and ask what the brand-new day holds.
An hour meeting turns into two as Shanks starts to veer off topic, already starting his own day with a cup of coffee that Benn is sure is 85% booze or at least coffee-flavoured rum.
Lunchtime, more coffee, another cigarette, watching as everyone throws things around and yells conversation across the table as he sits next to Shanks and listens to his animated chatter.
The afternoon includes cleaning his guns, inside and out. A cigarette between his lips which Hongo snatches and tosses overboard, trying to convince him that he needs to cut down, Benn agrees. 
Gets out another as soon as the doctor is gone and carries on cleaning his guns, talking to them and telling them how pretty they are.
The only intelligent conversation he’s had today he muses as he heard his name shouted.
Shanks is very capable until it comes to map reading which Benn has to help, they chart their passage and Shanks once again talks his ear off while attached to a bottle of wine, saying something about how Benn should knock off early from his duties and have a drink.
He does not.
Dinner time, small meal, another cigarette as he goes to his happy place as madness happens around the table and he briefly wonders if the red force even has an adult table as drinks get spilled and grown men sob over spilled booze.
Benn debates if it’s time to make Shanks take a nap as he feels his captain leaning on him, slurring and mumbling about something fantastical.
Nightwatch comes around, his favorite duty. He loves to stand in the high-up crows nest, him and a book, the stars above and a feeling of peace has settled over the ship watching the ocean and its gentle waves.
Benn reads page after page, a book a night at the rate he goes. 
But after a day of being busy, of the loud crew, and the joyous ruckus he feels it’s sometimes too quiet.
He enjoys it when a random crewmate with a bought of insomnia decides to keep him company.
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melonteee · 9 months
Top 5 first mates =)
okay look I WOULD put Zoro first but because his official role is not the first mate, and because no one on the strawhats ever calls him the first mate, he will be excluded because I honestly don't think the strawhats work like that lmao. BUT!
Rayleigh (moans)
Benn Beckham
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count-alucard-tepes · 7 months
I was talking to one of my friends about soccer and he mentioned Beckham as in David Beckham…
…I knew who he was talking about but I said Benn Beckman instead of David Beckham! And I was like omg Benn is corrupting my mind😂😂😂
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xamaxenta · 1 year
A brief interlude to think about Benn Beckham and that he is very sexy but if i had to compare him to Silvers Rayleigh
Rayleigh wins
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onepiecematchmaker · 7 years
Opps! I meant No. 09! Thank you for the last request, though. =)
No problem :)Who would win in a pillow fight, Benn Beckham v Sabo.Well, first off this is less a pillow fight and more a pillow war. But I'd probably give the win to Sabo, while both are incredibly strong and skilled fighters I think Sabo has a bit more of an edge in hand to hand combat. If Benn had a pillow gun then it'd be a different story.
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sercphim · 6 years
im gonna kms
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viv-heart · 7 years
“Will you just shut up for a moment so I can say something nice to you!” ShanksBenn
“Will you just shut up for a moment so I can say something nice to you!”Shanks stopped his drunken retelling of a story he had told about 200 times before immediately at Benn’s words.
“Seriously, captain. You sometimes need to let people finish their sentences, even if you are drunk,” Benn scolded him playfully, an affectionate smile on his lips. “But back to the point. You did great today. I know that you are angry at yourself for how things ended with that moron who attacked you, but you did what you had to. You protected both the village and yourself. It was the right thing to do.”
Shanks wasn’t looking at him, his eyes planted firmly on the wooden ground. “I know. It’s just that he reminded me of Buggy a bit too much.”
Benn sighed and sat down beside Shanks, wrapping an arm around him in comfort.
Shanks leaned into him. “Let’s get to bed. I think I’ve had enough.”
Benn smiled and pressed a soft kiss into his captain’s hair. “As you wish.”
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hey hey congratulations first of all🥳🥳🥳 you’re absolutely amazing I love your writing, deserve the world I’m so happy 🥺🥰
I’ve never sent a request to you so why not do one for the matchup 🤣
Not too sure how to describe myself so I hope this is okay.
My personality type is ENTP-A, I’m a Libra, I like talking to and meeting new people but I also don’t mind being alone sometimes. In my free time l, if I’m by myself I like to watch shows, movies too, I like action/adventure or sci fi the most. I also like to read,listen to music or sleep. If I’m with friends I’m up for anything I think the company matters more than the activity itself😅 my pronouns are she/her and I’m straight. Thanks in advance ❤️
My heart-!! Your kind words mean the world to me!! But remember, you are more amazing than I can ever be!! ❤️❤️
Our types, also get along well! That explains why we get along so well!
Benn Beckham
Okay! So, you two are a good match based on your personality types, but you two also get along well based on your zodiac signs. I know that doesn’t make a couple, but thought it was cool-
Due to his more laid-back personality, he doesn’t mind you doing your own thing when you have alone time. He also agrees with your opinion on valuing company over the actions, he values friendship and loyalty, so he’s happy you feel the same too!
Would be into your movies! He’s not much of a romance fan, so he likes shows that have a fast plot and lots of fighting, so he’d be right with you on whatever movie your watching that day!
I think he would also share similar hobbies as you! He’s an introvert, so he rather spend his time reading or doing hobbies he finds interesting, rather than going out and about. He’s also glad you are able to take care of yourself and don’t really need him to be around that much (not that he wouldn’t, but the man sometimes needs his own alone time).
He likes that you are more open and communitive with strangers, due to his harsh looks, he tends to scare people off, so it’s nice having someone to talk for him if needed! 
Monkey D. Dragon
So, man is your ideal match if we are basing this off of MBTI, he’s an INFJ, so he values communication, loyalty, and expressing your emotions. He might not be fully expressive, but he will tell you in his own way how he is feeling and hopes you do the same.
He’s another one who is happy you can manage on your own and don’t need him 24/7, it’s not that he doesn’t mind it, but he rather be able to have sometime away to think things through. 
I think he might be interested in the sci-fi movies, also likes movies that make you question the narrative, is the main character really good? Loves the idea that he has to guess who is truly in the right.
He seems like a type to listen to classical or some jazz. He’s not the type to listen to anything lyrical unless it holds some significant value. He will give your music a chance though, so teach this man what music is all about! 
Yet another man who appreciates you being an extrovert! He doesn’t like to overly explain himself if he doesn’t have to, so having you there to help explain things takes years off this man! However, tease this man and ditch his ass, make him struggle while he stares at you for help-
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becksangel · 1 year
゚+* ꔫ — pretty little jailbait…
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— . 。˚ ♡ During an island visit, a pretty little girl right in town catches his eye. Deciding to take what he wants, he approaches her with an offer she's bound to be unable to decline. This is his reaction when she looks up at him with doe-like eyes, murmuring, "Sorry sir, I'd love to, but... I'm only sixteen, and I've never done this type of thing before, so I don't think I'd be able to satisfy you..." — . 。˚ ♡ Fem!Underage!Reader w/ Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Trafalgar D. Law, Eustass Kid, Killer, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Aokiji, Kizaru, Smoker, Monkey D. Garp, Dracule Mihawk, Buggy, Crocodile, Marco, Shanks, Benn Beckham, Hongo, Silver Rayleigh.
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.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Mission abort. Nope. No way. Won't bother anymore. Walks off with a curt apology. Too much of a hassle to deal with, no matter how pretty she is.
Roronoa Zoro, Trafalgar D. Law, Smoker, Dracule Mihawk
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Lectures her and tells her to enjoy her childhood a little more before stepping into the adult world. Even if she wasn't trying to. Wait, when did it end up her fault when he was the one who approached her...?
Monkey D. Garp, Kizaru, Marco
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Takes back his proposal, but still offers to spend the day with her without the night activities. Takes her around town and enjoys her presence, letting her guide him around the shops in case anything caught his eye.
Killer, Hongo
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Gets unreasonably nervous around her, wanting to impress her even more. Still goes for it, but a little more awkwardly in an attempt to be a 'cool' older man for her.
Vinsmoke Sanji, Buggy
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Doesn't get nervous around her, but the urge to be the best first experience she's going to have is strong. Super charming and prince-like; definitely the best choice!
Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Benn Beckham
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. Doesn't care, still goes for it. She looks old enough and age is just a number, anyway. Poor little girl, she doesn't know what mess she's gotten herself into.
Eustass Kid, Aokiji, Crocodile
.✦ ⵢ₊˚. The younger the better! Definitely gets off on the fact she's still so pure and untouched and that he's the one that's going to get to taint her pretty body. (Somebody please stop these two.)
Shanks, Silver Rayleigh
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
Wait, We Have a Talking Cat?!? (Shanks x Fem Reader)
@kazenomegaminowanpisu ask for shanks x fem reader and that fem reader adopts a magical cat. I got my inspiration for my sassy magical cat from Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I wanted a really sassy cat and Salem was the sassiest! Well, I hope you like it and thanks for the request my friend!
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Being the only girl on the Red Force could be lonely.  Yes, you were with Shanks.  He was the best boyfriend ever, but you know what they say.  Boys will be boys.  And boy, did those boys live by that phrase.  “Hey Shanks,” you asked one night while laying with him in bed, “can I get a cat?”
He looked over at you puzzled.  “I mean sure Y/N but why?”
You sighed, “I used to have a cat as a kid named Bingo and I loved that cat.  I think it would be fun, plus I’m the only girl so I’d be nice to have a companion that isn’t a grown man.”
Shanks looked at you.  His gray eyes looked into your (e/c) ones.  He caressed his lovely girlfriend’s right cheek with his hand. “Then on the next island you can go adopt a cat.  I’ll tell the boys now.  It’ll be like we have Uta back!”
“Are you comparing your own daughter to a cat?  Why?”
“Both can be adorable but will rip your head off when angry.”
“Oh god,” you laughed while rolling your eyes.
When you reached the next island, you headed straight for the shops, while Shanks and the rest of the crew headed to the bars.  You saw one little pet shop called “Ms. Crystal’s Pets and Magical Goods”.  You walked inside and it was not like any shop you had ever seen.  The walls were a dark maroon shade while all the lighting was fairy lights or pendants that looked like stars or moons.  The shelves were lined with not only pet toys and pet food, but also small little trinkets.  You approached the old orniet oak counter where a sweet looking old woman stood.  “Hello dear,” she said with a smile, “what can I help you with?”
You smiled back, “I’m looking for a cat.  Do you have any?”
“Of course.  And I know just the right one for you.”
She disappeared into the back, while you awaited your new little furry friend.
“So he lost his arm saving my namesake,” your cat Luffy asked you.  The sweet old lady at the pet store told you that this cat was special, it had magical powers.  Besides talking, he could also create objects out of thin air, which came in handy when you ram out of important materials and supplies on the ship.  Everyone knew about Luffy’s powers on the ship, everyone except Shanks.  All the other boys found out when Luffy accidentally started talking to them about giving him a pet.  Benn Beckham’s came when he asked him what Benn was short for: Benjamin, Bennet, Benedict, Bennifer.  Luffy talked in front of Shanks, but he was drunk and thought he was seeing things.
“He did lose it saving Luffy,” you replied, “Luffy is a devil fruit user and was drowning so Shanks went in and saved him, but a Sea King ate Shanks’ arm.”
“So my name sake is an idiot?”
“No, he was seven and was thrown into the water.”
Luffy laughed.  He was definitely a sassy cat, but you were just as sassy.  “Well, I’m hungry, so I’m getting a snack.  Do you want anything?  Tuna? Maybe a devil fruit like the other Luffy?  Then you can go for a swim.”
“I’d love one…wait, are you trying to kill me?  Never mind you can’t live without me,” the black cat said, putting emphasis on me.
“Tuna it is then.” you laughed walking out of the room to the kitchen.
A few moments later someone walked into yours and Shanks�� room.  Luffy spoke up, “I hope you brought me the nice tuna from the blue can, and not that garbage kind in the red one.”
There was no answer.  Luffy looked up and noticed a surprised Shanks, grey eyes wide open. 
“Oh crap,” the black cat said with his emerald green eyes wide in shock.
When you return from the kitchen you notice your main man and your magical cat staring at each other.
“When were you going to tell me our cat talked? Does the rest of the crew know?” Shanks asked, grabbing your shoulders, staring at you in complete disbelief.
“All the boys know. Luffy’s talked to you a lot, but you’ve been really drunk,” you laughed.
“I was also the one who created that necklace you bought Y/N for her birthday,” Luffy interrupted.  Shanks stared at the cat and then at you.
“He creates objects too!  Oh my god I love this cat. What else can you do Luffy?”
“That’s about it but don’t ask me to make you a new arm.  I like you, but I tried that once with my old owner.  Now she has an extra leg.”
“You’re not mad about the cat?” you asked.  You were scared that he would want you to get rid of the cat since you never told him.
He smashes his lips into yours.  “Of course not.  Even if Luffy wasn’t a cool magical cat and instead hated me, I’d let you keep him.”
You kissed him on the cheek and said, “I love you Shanks!  If you excuse me, I’m going to go get water.”
“Love you too,” he answered back.
He sat with Luffy for a few seconds in silence until his new favorite feline asked, “So Beckham, does Benn stand for Benjamin or Bennifer?”
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hi, how are you? First of all: I love your writing :‑), if you are not overwhelmed, may a ask some comfort with Benn? I fully trust you. Thank you so much
Thank you! I am alive, got a pulse can't complain right? hope you are doing well!
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- He's a man of few words but this just means he takes in everything, he knows when you are feeling down. - Ben isn't the type to tell you 'there, there it's okay' his love language if acts of service. - He'll place a hand on your back, rubbing slow circles as you vent, tell him everything that's on your mind. - The man won't judge, he'll hum in response as you carry on, if you cry he pulls you close, letting you lean against his shoulder, be held. - Will go get you something to eat or drink, make sure you are taking care of yourself. - Pull you out of your room to go and have a good time with the crew. - He wont sit in total silence though, no, once he's taken in everything, when you've explained all the things that are getting you down he'll offer advice, offer you a beer or a smoke. - Gives you advice that's helped him in the past. - He's a good listener, impartial and wise with his advice. - After all, he's Shanks first mate for a reason right?
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YO! I'd love a One Piece matchup if you have time (life is tough rn so i get it if you cant!) I'm 5'8 with long brown wavy hair, hazel eyes, long eyelashes, dimples, and scars on my forehead from picking at pimples (bad habit) My personality type is ESFP-T! I have ADHD, but sometimes I get hyper-focused and work for 6 hours straight hehe! I'm a little chubby but honestly I love it. I love showing affection and hugging ppl! I always have to be holding onto an item or person to feel safe! Thanks!!
You didn’t specify a gender, but I’ll put in other matches too.
Franky is also a bit of an entertainer and extroverted himself. He also loves that your so affectionate, and absolutely LOVES giving you hugs and such. Finds you holding onto something/someone when scared endearing, but would see what scared you and do what he can to help, even though there would be times he’s scared too (Think of Thriller Bark). I also think he can relate to the hyper focus. AKA, you two would have a LOT in common.
Sorry it’s so short
OTHER MATCHES: Robin, Shanks, Benn Beckham, Marco, Vivi, Reiju, Jimbei
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trufflerabbit13 · 4 years
Searching for Brothers: CHAPTER VII: The Red Haired Man and His Crew
CHAPTER 7 Word count: 1.9 k
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The blonde female tiredly sighed as she pushed her bloody umbrella into the sea water, washing off the crimson liquid that seemed to stain it.
She silently thanked that all umbrellas were waterproof. She was well aware that if it weren't, the cloth of the umbrella would absorb all the blood, and it'll be impossible to wash off.
As she opened the umbrella and placed it on the deck to be dried by the sun, she joined her partner that quietly sunbathed on deck.
The white-furred beast was stretched out under the sun, his muscles relaxed. Looking at him, you wouldn't think he was in a battle with a group of pirates mere minutes ago.
Using the beast stomach as a pillow, Clementine stared into the cloudless blue sky.
It's been already six months since she left her small island that she called home. Her first bounty of 40,000,000 berî has risen to 60,000,000 berî after she accidentally beat a marine Rear Admiral and a Commodore. Truthfully she wasn't sure how she did it.
As she recalled the memory, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
Clementine was quietly eating a small meal when her ship suddenly rocked, barely missing the cannon that was aimed at her boat.
She slammed her fork down with annoyance as she walked right out, eyeing the large Marine ship that floated in the distance. Anger by her meal's disruption, she furiously glared at the rowdy group of marines who had their weapons prepared.
Seconds later all of them including the Commodore and the Captain dropped to the ground like flies, their eyes rolled back into their head as they foamed from their mouth.
Clementine freaked by the action quickly escaped the 'battleground' leaving the boat full of unconscious marines to be later found, making the news.
The blonde female ran her fingers through the soft fur of Roki's while her mind was wandering off.
A gentle breeze made her hair fly around slightly, she closed her eyes in pleasure, a small smile gracing her features. But a sudden attack on her face made her blue eyes snap open in shock. She spluttered as a paper stuck to her face because of the wind. She quickly pulled the paper away and looked at it in confusion.
Her eyebrows creased as she realized what it was.
"60,000,000 berî, The Blue Angel," she quietly read as she looked at the picture of herself petting Roki.
She still was confused how someone was able to take her photo. She had been positive that she had finished off everyone on the boat, but somehow her picture still got leaked, and she didn't even notice it. And she couldn't help but be slightly disappointed.
She had always imagined her first Wanted poster to be fierce and badass so people wouldn't mess with her. But, the photo in her hand made her look frail and weak.
Clementine sighed once again and looked at the wanted poster closer. Because of this wanted poster, people underestimated her. Just because of a damn picture...
She slowly stood up and looked at her compass that was connected to a chain around her neck.
A few days ago she finally arrived in west blue. The last ocean she hadn't searched yet.
The blonde was getting slightly frustrated how she never was able to get wind of her brother's crew. At every island she stopped she would question people about the Whitebeard Pirates.
And every time she got an idea where they were, they had already departed. It was literally impossible to catch up to them with her tiny boat.
She pondered about her plans, her bottom lip getting tugged between her teeth as she used Roki as her pillow. The peacefulness made her eyes drift close, sleepiness beginning to overtake her. However, her eyes snapped open when she thought she heard voices from a distance.
I sat up and looked around in confusion. The only people on my boat was Roki and me. So that means...
Somebody was either on the boat, or somebody was near our boat....
I quickly stood up, making Roki lazily open his blue eyes. Though he quickly became awake as he noticed my tense limbs, his ear twitching as he too picked up voices.
I quickly grabbed my umbrella that was already dried and scaled up to the crow's nest, leaving Roki on the deck. As I scanned the ocean, my icy eyes widened when I saw the largest ship I've ever seen near my boat.
My eyes narrowed when I noticed someone was also in their crow's nest, waving at me.
My eyes searched for the Marine's distinct flag. When I didn't see the familiar white and blue cloth, I relaxed slightly. I could see the black flag, however, it was too far to clearly see the Jolly Roger to distinguish what Pirate group they were.
Maybe this group of pirates won't be like those other bastards that I fought. Using my umbrella, I zipped lined down the rope that was connected to the crow's nest before landing on the deck where Roki quietly waited.
I patiently waited at the very front of my ship, my guard up, preparing to fight just in case.
As the ship neared, the Jolly Roger became more clear. When I was finally able to see it, my eyes widened as I nervously gulped. A skull with two red lines going through the left eye...
Which meant....
"AHOOOYYY!!! WE COME IN PEEEAAACE!!!!" A handsome middle-aged man yelled as he waved his arm wildly over his head.
I immediately knew who he was from his bright red hair.
As the ship neared, Roki growled threatening, but I patted his head in warning. I can't... I can never lay hands on his man.... And even if I tried, I would end up dead in a matter of seconds.
As I got a closer look at the man, the three scars going down his left eye became clearer.
There's no mistake this man is him....
"HEY~ DO HAVE ANY BEER ON YOU???" He screamed as he leaned against the rail of his ship. He had a goofy grin plastered on his face as he held a large keg of alcohol up.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his question. Crouching lowly, I jumped, aiming at the rail of their ship.
"Whoa!!!" The red-haired man yelled in surprise, staggering back as I stood right in front of him with a smile.
However, I quickly stiffened as I felt a gun pointed at me.
"Captain, don't you recognize her?!" A male with dark dreadlocks yelled as he pointed his gun at me, his eyes narrowed as he finger played with the trigger.
I glared at him but stayed still, not wanting to start a fight.
The red-haired man looked confused as he scratched his, "huh? What are you talking about Yasopp? Why would I recognize her?"
I sweat dropped at his reaction but didn't say anything.
But just as I was looking at the red-haired captain, I felt a presence behind me.
My eyes widened when I noticed one male sneaking onto my ship, a sword ready to attack Roki who wasn't paying attention because I had given him the okay earlier.
As he swung his sword down, I screamed.
My eyes widen as everything around me seemed to stop. Then suddenly it changed. Everything around me started to move in slow motion.
The male who was swinging his sword dropped his weapon as his eyes rolled back into his head. Some of the pirates on the ship fell to the ground, their mouths bubbling as well.
The red-haired man was gaping in surprise, but he quickly recovered and grinned wildly. However, I could tell there was a certain glint in his eyes.
The others Red haired Pirates, on the other hand, were still standing behind their captain, sending me threatening glares with their bodies tense.
"Shanks," a tall man sighed as he smoked on his cigarette. As I looked at him for a second, analyzing his appearance, I quickly remembered his name, because of his hair color changed, I almost didn't recognize him. Benn Beckman, first mate of one of the men I considered one of the most powerful in the world.....
"She's the one we were talking about when she got her first bounty a few months ago. The lass from East Blue." The man states as he let out a puff of smoke.
A look of recognition appeared on the captains face as he slammed his fist into his hand, "I remember! The one with 40,000,000 berî!!!"
"Captain, actually it's now 60,000,000 berî. The Blue Angel, also known as the pirate and marine crusher," a portly man mumbled out as he ate meat off a bone, laughing loudly as his shades glinted under the sun.
My icy blue eyes moved over all the Pirates who looked at me in curiosity. I jumped off the rail, landing on the balls of feet as I stood on the deck of their ship.
My hand reached for my hat making all the Pirates except the red-haired man tense and reach for their weapons.
Ignoring all of them, I took my hat off and placed it on my chest before bowing lowly in front of the man.
"Akagami no Shanks, it's an honor to meet you after all these years," I cooly greet, my head still down, "twelve years ago, you saved my little brother from getting eaten by a sea king. Thank you."
I lifted my head and placed my hat back on my head, stoically staring at the Red Haired Pirates who were gapping at me.
"T-Twelve years ago...?"
"She's from East Blue right?"
"Younger brother... That means..."
"EHHHHH?! LUFFY HAS A SISTER?!" All of them screamed, excluding the one man who was smoking his cigarette with amusement.
Red-haired Shank's eyes were popped out his sockets as his mouth dropped to the ground.
"No way, you're Luffy's sister! Wait that means you're Ace's sister as well!!!" Shanks yelled in shock and awe.
I slightly smiled at him, giving him a small nod, "I'm Clementine, Ace's younger sister, and Luffy's older sister." I stepped back up a little and jumped onto the rail, sitting on it.
The man with gray hair who was smoking earlier threw his cigarette bud into the ocean. Benn Beckham, the Red Haired Pirate's first mate, Shank Le Roux's right-hand man....
Such an interesting man....
"You aren't biologically related to Ace or Luffy are you?" Benn questioned as he placed a new cigarette in his mouth, taking a long puff from it.
I nodded my head as I dusted my skirt off slightly, "none of us are related, we shared sake together, declaring the four of us as siblings..." I froze for a second when I realized what I said.
My lips tugged up into a fond smile. Four, huh...?
"Luffy has one more sibling?" Shanks questioned, looking even more surprised.
My eyes sadden before I placed a neutral look back on. "I used to have a biological older brother by a year, but he got killed by a Tenryuubito."
All the pirates that were still conscious and listening to our conversation narrowed their eyes, some of them even sending me a look of pity.
However, I was surprised when Shanks didn't look at me with pity and just smiled at me, his teeth getting flashed.
"You're pretty strong! You have Haoshoku Haki, it's impressive. Dahaha!!!!!" He harshly slapped me on my shoulder.
I wasn't expecting the hit, my mouth dropped open in shock at the force as I tipped back.
Oh no...
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theglamorouslist · 3 years
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Please send in your account in the next 24 hours and don’t hesitate to message us if you’d like to be a part of the ooc blog!
NAME/AGE: Sarah/24
FIRST CHOICE: Selena Gomez
AGE AND BIRTHDAY: July 22, 1992 (28)
CAREER: Actress/Musician 
Bringing in some prior history; she is married to Joe Jonas and they have twins - Beckham Luciano (son) and Isabella Jade (daughter)
She will be a sideblog! I also play Sofia Carson, Jamie Benn, Jamie Oleksiak and Jason Dickinson.
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