ancerokj · 3 years
How Social Media has helped Families, Front liners and the government in discerning information during this time of Pandemic
What is Social Media?
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Social media are computer-based technologies that promote the development and transmission of data, concepts, career interests and other forms of expression across virtual communities and networks.
Social media are great for society, encouraging improved contact and interaction amongst hundreds of millions of people around the world. Online social networking can be generally defined as any website or other form of online technique that allows people to connect with each other.
Online communication has invaded the globe through thousands of blogs, smartphone apps, and other types of technology that improve the way people interact with each other. There are social media platforms with millions of users enabling them to post images, videos, text messages and more on a daily basis.
Despite concerns, COVID-19 highlights how Social Media has been a central weapon in the democratization of Information
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In the midst of COVID-19, social media is a perfect way for individuals and groups to remain linked even when physically separated. With the rise of social media in the 21st century, not only are we learning the latest daily news, but we’re still using sites like Facebook and Twitter to provide personal and business updates.
The ability of social media networks to provide granular personalized and collaborative information sources has also changed the relationship between people as users and news participants, resulting in increased participatory news consumption. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unfortunate demonstration of this, as legitimate news has regularly circulated in social media for a long time before news has become evident in conventional media streams.
I. Family
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Apparently, there are many families in which father and mother work and children remain in separate locations. It is difficult for such families to connect quickly or efficiently without seeking social media services. It should be noted that regular communication is necessary in order to strengthen the love, intimacy and relationship between family members. Social media platforms like Facebook, Skype and Twitter help families participate in simultaneous audio and video chats to enhance the bond and affection of family members.
II. Front liners
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Social media platforms enable healthcare professionals all around the world to communicate, share knowledge and understanding. The simplest and most cost outcomes for health and social care professionals are achieved when professionals work and learn together, develop a common language and understanding and share knowledge and wisdom. The use of mobile media and social networking enables people to work together, create relationships and exchange knowledge and resources. Apart from that, social workers use social media as their voice to inform people in a certain way.
III. Government
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Social media is particularly important in the event of emergencies and calamities. Critical information can be disseminated. It is also used to establish a resource for mutual support and motivation for victims of disasters over the longer term.
"Social media will increasingly play a pivotal role in disaster response and recovery," Paton said. It helps and improves relief and rescue operations. In reality, social media is becoming a life-saving tool for all.
Difference of Social Media from the past where information is only provided by the media (TV, radio, and print)
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Technology in the past was actually intended to assist society with issues, such as television and radio, since it is the most available and compact medium capable of responding more easily to the evolving listening habits of listeners. Today, technology has consumed our lives, and people have become heavily dependent on their smartphones to make their lives simple and convenient.
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