goishinju · 1 year
so i made a gofundme for help with our current situation, please reblog if you can't help any other way<3
Hi, my name is Calamity and I need help affording to move myself, my partner Locust, and Locust's emotional support dog Nebula into a stable, safe home. Both of us are disabled, queer, & trans. About a month and a half ago I lost my job & finding employment has been exponentially difficult in the rural Iowa town we live in - I've exhausted nearly all of my options & my partner is too disabled to work enough hours to sustain us. I've potentially landed a position with the local newspaper but they pay a mere $15 per article I write & I'll only be writing 3-5 articles a week. As things are, and they don't appear to be changing despite our best efforts, we can't afford to continue staying in this town. Neither of us know how to drive or have a car so our options are very limited on work. Locust's family has graciously offered to allow us to move in with them all the way in Oregon as well as teach us to drive but they can't afford to help us get there. We're likely not going to be able to keep our things and will lose almost everything we own - if we can't fit it in our airport luggage, we're going to have to leave it behind. Reaching the $1000 goal would be enough to send a few boxes of our things alongside getting the both of us + Nebula to Locust's parents house. Any little bit helps, in the meantime I'll be continuing to pursue any options I can to get us safely there. Disclaimer about the banner ; Nebula is an ESA, not a service dog, & the wording will be fixed soon<3
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goishinju · 3 years
if its not clear, ive moved accounts. ❤ a single stalker is one thing but when its two pathetic losers from my past its just a little depressing to have all that desperation around all the time, you know?
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goishinju · 3 years
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goishinju · 4 years
biting is a love language. no i will not elaborate.
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goishinju · 4 years
cant use tumblr bc of my internet sitch but i keep laughing abt desperate little bitches who stalk me
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goishinju · 4 years
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out of body experience
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goishinju · 4 years
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rue: regret, sorrow // iris: faith, hope
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goishinju · 4 years
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decided to remake the sesshomaru is a gay dad comic for the given circumstances 
they can rip this from my cold dead hands 
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goishinju · 4 years
“Grown-ups are lonely people. Even if we love each other, we must be careful not to show it publicly. And why all this caution? The answer is simple: because people are too often betrayed and put to public shame. The discovery that you cannot trust people is the first lesson young people learn as they grow up into adults. Adults are adolescents who have been betrayed.”
Dazai Osamu, Tsugaru
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goishinju · 4 years
Feeling guilty is not a form of activism.
To be completely clear about my position: Racism is bad and the police are being incredibly terrible right now.
I could make many more strident statements, but in the interest of my own mental health and that of others:
Feeling guilty is not a form of activism.
Spending all your time checking your privilege is not itself virtuous. Guilting other people by saying that “if you aren’t spending all your time thinking about this, you are a bad person” is not effective praxis. In my experience, it leads to people getting stuck in guilt spirals. Triggering someone else’s OCD episode is not helping the world.
I think guilt-as-an-end-in-itself is a remnant of Puritan culture, a form of self-punishment that you were supposed to engage in because you were afraid of God. I can’t be sure of this, and even if I was, I don’t know how I’d back it up with citations. But my parents were Asian immigrants, so I inherited a rather different set of neuroses, and this is what I see.
Human brains were not built to watch helplessly as people suffer far away. Bystander PTSD is a thing that exists. It is OK to pull back and focus on what you can control in your life. It is OK for you to take care of yourself and the people around you. We need to support each other emotionally, too.
It’s a lot of work - real work - to be trans, to deal with PTSD, to have chronic health issues. If you, like me, are severely depressed, if you have OCD, if you have CFS/ME, if all you can manage to accomplish on a good day is rolling out of bed and you’re lucky if you manage to cook an actual dinner: Existing while disabled, continuing to live and find occasional moments of joy despite being “objectively unproductive”, is already a protest. You are defying capitalism and ableism by continuing to exist.
As the information leaflet in an airplane says, you need to put on your own oxygen mask first before you help others. Otherwise you will pass out and be useless for both yourself and anyone else.
Please take care of yourself. Please take care of each other.
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goishinju · 4 years
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“When I was a little girl, I have always turned my eyes up to the sky.”
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goishinju · 4 years
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A flower that has bloomed in the darkness can only be at ease in the darkness. Why do I know that? Because there was a woman who also craved the same light, but was burned by it and fell into the darkness.
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goishinju · 4 years
Villain: “You and I are very much alike, you know.”
Hero: “I realize that.”
Villain: “Doesn’t that trouble you?”
Hero: “Why would it? I share most of my genome with sewer rats.”
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goishinju · 4 years
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a little shelter.
[process on patreon]
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goishinju · 4 years
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249 icons of Lorekeeper Zinnia from Pokémon Adventures: PAORAS02 - PAORAS20. These are the bases, so there is no border on them. Credit is not necessary; however likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated!
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goishinju · 4 years
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When the last tree has fallen and rivers are poison You cannot eat money
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goishinju · 4 years
i got that carpal tunnel like miroku from inuyasha
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