#beliv works
breakbeatbun · 2 years
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nibbelraz · 3 months
I am endlessly entertained by the prospect of MBJ just having literally no clue how human physiology works, and thus believing everything he hears (which, paired with SQH's propensity for saying dumb shit without thinking, is a recipe for disaster)
SQH: ugh if I read any more expense reports my eyeballs will fall out of my head
MBJ: *frantically gathering as many expense reports as he can carry before shoving them into the fire*
SQH: *literally watching all his work burn up in flames* i-
MBJ: please hold in your eyeballs
SQH, offhandedly: lmao wei qingwei ate so many bao buns at the festival that I honestly think he's going to turn into one
MBJ, absolutely horrified, actually gives his condolences to the (very confused) human man because this affliction which will soon take his humanity is a fate worse than death. Also he starts hiding SQH's melon seeds
SQH: ugh I'm so stressed out i'm gonna EXPLODE
Yes YES OH man Shang Qinghua definitely has no filter when complaining about stuff, Poor Mobei he's learning so many awful things about humans and how MUCH DANGER THEYRE IN (how much danger his favorite human is in)
He tries to learn more about what can happen to his poor human so he's spying on Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghuas meetings only to hear them BOTH dramatically explain how tired they are, Shen Qingqiu with some peak lord duties juggled with Binghe and Shang Qinghua with just the amount of paper work and how they both won't make it if things don't slow down soon which prompts Mobei to immediately tell Luo Binghe that his consort is going to DIE if he doesn't get rest immediately this second
I can see this getting SO out of hand so fast, He'd bury Shang Qinghua in blankets and hold him tight so absolutely nothing can bother him and he'd be safe
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lunacias · 2 years
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statement of jonathon sims, regarding a childhood encounter with a book formerly possessed by jurgen leitner
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ricky-mortis · 5 days
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S1 Pulp Musicals Gang my beloved
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pequenaotaku · 1 month
Now that my shock, my embarrassment, my indignation, my sadness and my anger have passed, and I'm calmer… Yeah, there were a lot of feelings per second when that bomb was dropped on Roy's route.
Anyway, I ended up thinking of some theories, and I just wanted to put it on record.
Spoilers after the cut
01. Fake relationship I really want to believe that this relationship between Roy and Brune is something like a fake relationship. Something they're faking to deal with a personal situation because they're good friends, and everyone at the company got in on the game, in this case. It was actually very shocking when it was mentioned in the episode that the two of them are a couple, but precisely, it was very out of the blue! We never see the two of them interacting during the episodes, and suddenly they're a couple? Brune herself is only seen next to Elenda, practically. I had even gone so far as to wonder if they didn't have something. And within the episode, if you choose to have Happy Hour at home, she sends a message to Elenda, her friend, letting her know that she couldn't go to the party because of water infiltration at her mother's house, but she doesn't tell the own boyfriend? Plus, he's going to the party anyway. Roy is cool, I imagine he would offer to help his girlfriend and mother-in-law with this problem. Something seems so strange to me… It could be my paronoia, still driven by the frustration from before despite everything. Another thing that I just remembered, but that I don't have all the facts gathered to support the argument, is that, in episode 1, when we go to the rest area for the second time, we find Brune and Elenda arguing about something mysterious. Elenda thinks Brune should impose herself on something, but she doesn't want to. I only chose the option of not interfering, so I don't know if it has any relation, and I also don't know if they explain a little without going into details if you choose the other options. But precisely because it doesn't have any context, it sounds suspicious to me. I mean, why would New Gen's screenwriters go to the trouble of creating a mysterious dialogue about an unresolved issue, which the protagonist even needs to witness before moving on with the story, so as not to use it later as a scheduling tool? Of course, we've only had two episodes so far to have context about this couple. Still, it's so strange. I love Brune, but she's really the last person I would imagine would be in a relationship with Roy. They just don't seem… on the same vibe? Of course I could be very wrong and end up breaking my face too. Premium Highlight for the moment in the scene when the protagonist goes all out to kiss Roy thanks to Truth or Dare, everyone thinks it's better not to, and even so Roy insists on at least giving her a little kiss on the cheek. I still don't know how to feel about this… 02. Relationship in ruins One thing I ended up thinking too, and this completely taking into account the description and title of episode 4:
"Hearts Looking For Love"
The entire Devenementiel team is meeting for coffee at Cozy Bear and, by force of circumstances, talking about relationships. The time has come to take stock of each person’s love situation…
It is also quite likely that, if Roy and Brune are indeed in a relationship, they may cut ties due to incompatibility. Like I said, they look very different from each other. That old law of physics about opposites attracting is beautiful in fiction, but realistically speaking, it doesn't usually work very well. Two people in a relationship who just disagree or don't have at least some tastes that they share and enjoy together can work like giving someone a rope to hang themselves. Speaking from experience. At the same time, I understand that for every rule, there is an exception. I just never saw it happen, but who knows? Anyway, that's not the point. This second theory of mine starts from: They are incompatible, or, somehow, the relationship had been cooling down for some time before the protagonist arrived at the company. In this next episode, they end up breaking up, and this generates the conversation at Cozy Bear. Perhaps the company group decided to get together to console one of the broken hearts and the conversation about the main theme of the episode ended up arising from this point. 03. Beemoov wrote another route about betrayal… Realmente não quero acreditar nessa, mas considerando que já fizeram uma vez, envolvendo o Eric, eles não precisam ter medo de fazer de novo, imagino… There's not much to say here other than what the title suggests. New Candy is officially a "Comedora de casados." "Affectionate" term that we give here in Brazil to people who go after people who are already committed to try to date them. Easy to sum it up as a lack of character. It's okay that, in her case, it was really unintentional, after all, she really didn't know. Still, it's comical and tragic that it happened twice in a row! One with Ioan and, for those following the route, another with Roy. And I thought that lightning couldn't strike twice in the same place. I laughed so nervously when this bomb was dropped, you have no idea…
In any case, what do you think? Do you agree with me, disagree with me, or have your own theories?
Ps: I think this all ended up coming out as a big rant…
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iwanttobepersephone · 4 months
My dad bought me a "beginners guide to witchcraft" or something book years and years and years ago, but recently, I've been reading through it more often, and it's literally so fun. Mostly because the more I read it, the more I realize witchcraft is literally just self care with a different font.
"Use this ritual to connect with Mother Earth!" And it's just sitting outside for like 5 minutes. But you bet your a++ I'm gonna do that ritual anyways, it's fun
"If you're having trouble sleeping, here's some teas you can drink! Make sure you know what's keeping you awake, though!" Yeah, that's just. Self-awareness and tea. But y'know what I like tea so yeah I'll do that
This isn't even a "gotcha!" Moment btw this is literally just the point of witchcraft
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saudrag · 12 days
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‪“you speak about the objective hardness of a vulcan heart but how little room there seems to be… in yours”‬
‪if spock were to say these words to me i would’ve been absolutely ashamed and devastated ‬
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jasper-juice98 · 1 month
Roger WAS the one who vandalized the laugh floor and doing the sketchy shit BUT he's either being manipulated into doing it or forced by some other outside force, let it be Randal, Waternoose in jail, or Johnny (johnny seems rather unlikely compared to the others tho, but still a suspect)
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trashmakerarticle · 7 months
Okay but before the justice league met the rest of the batfam I have a scenario
At one point one of the justice league, prolly Superman catches a ride with Batman for whatever reason and Superman being the goofy man he is, is getting awkward at the quiet notices a cd saying “the bat jams” and so he puts in the disc making a joke about Batman listening to heavy metal before B could even stop.
Superman isn’t sure what he expected but the blaring lyrics or barbie world is certainly not it, he looks over to B with shock written all over his face but Batman will not tell about the fact that the kids had contributed to make that cd for him as a joke, he will not risk the knowledge of his family getting out there, will not risk more potential danger to come there way, and honestly didn’t want to deal with the questions.
And so all he simply says is “mm good song”
Superman is FROZEN, he feels like he discovered a new layer of Batman but he still can’t believe that he owns a disc that’s called ‘the bat jams’ and has barbie world on it, he simply can’t process the information that has just been given to him.
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risu442 · 8 months
Jeff about Wuju Bakery (again)
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stardustcleaningguy · 2 months
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ride-thedragon · 10 days
This is going to seem a bit targeted, which I am fine with because it is, but if you want to see platonic relationship dynamics between Daemon and Nettles, write it.
Write it, make the posts, and make the moodboards, etc.
Some people do make the art, but I keep seeing this moral outrage and not wanting her to get groomed when all you need to do is write the fics, create the community.
Such big fans of her outside of Daemon and that narrative, yet the only posts are the ones complaining about people who like it.
I'm going to write platonic Dettles because I do think it's interesting as a concept, but to me it's an AU.
In the wise words of Latto:
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just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months
HC that Chester and Norris also don't kow who Augustus is. Both or one of them might think is Jonah, but they don't really know. They never actually heard Jonah, Is a new voice and even if Jon knew everything once is hard to think inside a computer even less to remember all that information. They are just trapped in barely existence in a Windows NT with someone who might or not be their biggest enemy and if someone were to check the secret notes encrypted in the accient notes app they would find a weird conspiracy board over "who is here with us".
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Since I have seen a few people try and frame Tolya being aroace as just a headcanon, or point out the (valid) fact that being aroace doesn't completely negate that someone can be in a relationship as a reason why having him be interested in Inej in the show isn't erasure, I feel like it's important to point out that he very specifically states in the text of one of the books that he has no interest in forming a romantic relationship or attachment with anyone and never has:
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So yes. Shipping him with Inej, or anyone else, is erasing his canon sexuality. That's it.
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secretlyofthefeywild · 3 months
rly fucking hate being chronically ill !! why am i abt to pass out this time ? who knows !
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polynux · 7 months
I can't belive this is what is getting me into mlp
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