#bee!! 🖤🥰
morvantmortuary · 1 year
12, 56, or 67 for the ask prompts - whichever of these you find most inspired by for our Maxi 🖤
12: "I'll love you til my breathing stops"
56: "I am not myself anymore, I'm yours"
67: "You're so perfect, why do you want me?"
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hi bee! :’D sorry I’m an idiot! 🖤
I’ll be honest, this one is definitely more… personal than I intended. I started writing it when I was really Going Through It w/r/t some depression stuff, a minor existential crisis where I wondered if it was worth staying in my program, dealing with the fact that my closest friends were also going through it and nothing I said seemed to help, just a whole slew of stuff that left me feeling rock bottom.
another part of it, I think, is that I have this weird thing where even though these were yandere prompts, I just… had this thing where I couldn’t just write the Reader hearing them? like, I thought for even someone like Maxi, who worships the ground his reader walks on, to out and say some of these things, I had to like - justify them somehow. Like I couldn’t hear them unless I was emotionally bleeding out, almost. maybe it’s because I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort, or something else I need to go to therapy about idk
and then once I got so far in, I was like “rae wtf this is such a fucking bummer, no one is gonna want to read this,” and so for a while I thought about starting over again just for something more fun
but, eventually, I reread this piece again, and decided that even if it’s kind of a sad start, maybe someone else could use something for the worst kind of days. I meant to post this on Yule, bc “longest night of the year” and all, but we all know how I am with doing anything remotely on time :’D
so, if anyone else is maybe having a hard time on this xmas eve, I hope maybe this is a small something to help
warnings for some really vicious self-talk on the part of the Reader, v v v brief discussion of su!cidal thoughts (like I said, I was going through it), descriptions of an anxiety attack, Maxi being a little too happy to murder anyone who hurt you, Maxi and his Reader swearing their deaths to each other, descriptions of necromancy, patricide, etc.
merry xmas, and rora and hector both have pieces coming too - this was just the one that got finished first 🖤 thanks for being kind enough to request, and I’m sorry again it took so long! I hope it’s okay 🖤
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it hurts because you’re alive
(maxi morvant x gn!reader)
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It wasn’t often you still had to contend with the voice from the darkest part of your brain. The one that had stalked you through the left-hand mirrors from the Masquerade, the one that some demonic presence - essence? Whatever - imitated in Maxi’s own mouth when it was trying to convince you to let yourself lay down and be prey. Since you’d been building yourself a pleasant life in Greymoon, one that you were more than happy to share with the man who’d stolen your heart, it had retreated back to whatever noxious neural fold it called home.
That didn’t mean there weren’t hard nights. Ones where it found you left vulnerable by an insomnia that refused to abate.
This was one of them.
You weren’t sure what had set it off, really: maybe it was the fact that Murphy’s Law had been in full effect at work, and nothing you tried had been enough to turn the day around. Maybe it was the phone call with your mom after, where more than one she’d suggested (albeit gently) that despite all the progress towards feeling like yourself again you’d made since moving here, there was still more you could be doing. Maybe it was the texts you’d swapped with Pavi that afternoon, where she rehashed the latest fight she’d had with a girlfriend she would’ve readily called awful if she’d been yours, Em’s, or Laurie’s. As carefully as you’d tried to point out that Pavi seemed to accept things for herself that she would’ve found intolerable for any of her friends, the two of you had just gone in circles, with Pavi insisting that she was probably just being biased in her recounting of the argument and you nearly pleading with her to consider how she’d feel if anyone else she loved was being treated the same way. When this proved fruitless, you’d eventually stopped and just let your friend vent until she felt better. It was the least you could do.
But long after you’d said goodnight, you were still sitting cross-legged on the end of your bed, lost in thought as you worried the skin on your lower lip with your teeth. After years of living with your specific brain curses, your usual self-soothing method was straightening up your house while listening to music as loud as you could stand it on your headphones; the idea being that bouncing between tasks with something drowning out the Voice would eventually convince it to give up and let you focus on anything else. But tonight, that had only left you more restless than usual. Your brief attempt to sleep had just ended in you plugging your string of fairy lights back in and returning to your playlist, trying to ward off your internal darkness with external stimuli.
How did you think you would be enough?
You trapped a piece of skin between your teeth, and bit down.
No, really. How did you possibly think anything you had to offer, to any of them, would be enough?
“It’s not about me,” you muttered aloud. “It was just a bad day. Shit happens. I’ll live, it’s fine.”
Your teeth, however, bit down once again on the spot. You could just taste the faintest trace of blood.
And now you’re talking to yourself. Just like old times.
Fuck off, you thought instead, but the Voice just seemed to crow in the fact that it’d made you change.
Oh, you little idiot. Just as spineless as you’ve always been. Your job knows that, you know - you weren’t smart enough or quick enough to improvise today. They all saw you fail. You let everyone down. Again.
This is unhelpful. You knew this was unhelpful. This was just wallowing. Everyone had bad days. This would pass. You would be fine.
Your progress is not enough for your mother. She knows you can do more, do better. Be more. You can dress up laziness as contentment all you like, it’s still obvious to her. She must be so disappointed in what you turned out to be.
Your teeth kept sawing at the skin, and you winced at the sting of its separation from raw flesh, even as the taste of blood spread across your tongue.
Your love is not enough for your friend. It doesn’t matter how ferociously you care for her - it isn’t ever going to outweigh the hurt she’s willing to endure for even a taste of someone else’s. Someone real.
Stop, you begged yourself. You knew what came next.
How long until that ‘soulmate’ of yours sees all this and realizes his mistake?
You didn’t hear yourself whimper at this over the bass in your ears, the volume hurting now more than helping. You made no move to turn it down.
I’m curious. You suck at math, but make me laugh with an attempt: how long, exactly, do you think it will take for him to realize you weren’t worth the pain he went through? That he’s scarred, now, for nothing that could actually matter?
Your teeth picked a new spot and bit, but the tears were already there.
How long do you think you have until he resents you for your weaknesses? For everything you couldn’t be?
How long until even a creature of the utmost darkness finds you, and your broken little brain and heart, intolerable?
No, you pushed back. He’s not that. He isn’t, even with what he did. Does. He could never be. He’s good, his heart is good, despite everything that tried to force him to be otherwise. 
Fine, the voice amended. Then how long until he gets restless because he’s stuck with a burden like you? Because you could never amount to more than everything you are that no one should ever have to deal with, much less love?
You blinked, feeling your breath begin to shake as something warm slid down your face. 
There we go, the voice purred. You aren’t completely stupid after all. Gold star for effort.
You tried to force yourself to pick up your hands and wipe your face. Try to stem the flow of tears that turned your eyeliner into so much grime under your eyes, something else that added to the pathetic ineptness of your mien.
But they sat, listless and useless, on your thighs that took up too much room.
You can still exit gracefully, you know. …Well. As gracefully as possible for you. You owe everyone that much.
This was a lie. You knew, on some level, this was a lie. But it felt like the conscious You was locked at the back of your brain, kicking uselessly as this creature that seemed to slither and circle around the rest of your skull - and squeeze.
Your boyfriend’s a mortician, for crying out loud. He’ll at least make you look decent so you’re not a total embarrassment to anyone. Your mom won’t even have to clean up the mess when they find it.
…You had to admit. This made a certain, pragmatic amount of sense. It was tidy. Convenient.
Easier, perhaps, than the mortifying alternative of staying. Of letting anyone look too close.
He might even think one of your friends at the service is cute. Two birds, one stone. Provided any show up, of course.
That’s fair, you figured, this would be fairly short notice. People might still have to work, or have other plans, and you couldn’t expect people to drop everything for—
You let out a small shriek as you felt a chilled hand settle on your shoulder, nearly falling off your bed as you pushed hard away from the direction of your door.
When you just caught yourself on the edge of your mattress, you whipped around to see Maxi standing there, flattening himself as best he could against the doorframe and showing you his palms with an equally startled expression.
He mouthed something at you, and you could only blink, still not quite firing on all cylinders. He pointed to his own ear, looking concerned, and you jumped, quickly pulling your earbuds out.
“Sorry,” you managed. “Didn’t hear you come in.” You winced as you could hear your own voice crack, and before you could clear your throat, Maxi’s face changed.
“Hey now.” In one fluid motion, he crossed the space between you and fell to a knee where you perched at the end of your bed, peering up into your face with a familiar, scalpel-sharp scrutiny. “You okay, gorgeous?”
You looked away, trying to avoid his searching gaze, but he caught your jaw gently, guiding you by his fingertips at your chin to look at him again.
He made a small noise of alarm in his throat when you faced him, and when you finally met his eyes, he looked stricken. “Darlin’, talk to me, what’s wrong?” he murmured. His fingers traced over the tracks of your tears, wiping them away. He turned his hand slightly to examine his own fingertips, looking increasingly worried, before he moved closer to your knees to look up into your eyes. “Did someone upset you?” 
For the most part, he still sounded like your partner - sweet, thoughtful, a habitual worrier - but you could hear the edge of something else creeping into his question. Something darker, lurking at the back of his own skull.
But how could you explain? If you told him what was going on - what was really happening - wouldn’t that just prove your inner darkness right? That you were a burden, demanding of care?
You kicked yourself internally, feeling guiltier now. Maxi already had to deal with a lot at his job, people grieving real losses. Why should he have to come home to even more crying from you, who was just wallowing in their own despair?
“Hey,” he urged again, softer, snapping you back to reality. He reached up, gently intertwining his fingers with yours where your hands still sat on your lap. “Angel, c’mon. You’re scarin’ me a little here. Tell me what’s goin’ on, okay? Let me help. Do I need to have words with someone?” He traced his thumbs across the back of your hands, trying to soothe you - but you fixated on the way he subconsciously rolled his shoulder, the one you had marked on that dark Halloween in the cemetery.
For some reason, it was that gesture - so innocuous, yet obvious in how you seemed to inflict yourself on him, on everyone - that finally broke the dam between your sinking heart and the world outside. The spiral had you fully in its grasp, and there was no getting out.
Your eyes blurred over as you looked resolutely down, feeling tears escaping their bounds faster than you could hold them back. A few of them made splattered constellations on the skin of your legs, just adjacent to where Maxi’s hands where intertwined with yours. You bit down on your lip, trying to muffle the sob that had been building for what felt like the entire evening, but the smallest of sounds still managed to wriggle its way out around your teeth.
Maxi let go of your hands abruptly, and you couldn’t blame him for his withdrawal - until the cold clutch of them encircled your face, guiding your head gently upwards to meet his eyes.
What you found waiting for you was the color of blood from deep in the body, seeming to burn of their own accord in the dim of your room. He was practically nose to nose with you, staring at you over the tops of his glasses with a look like a knife’s edge. “Give me a name,” he said, so soft it was barely more than a whisper. His fingers stroked your skin, but his grip was firm. “And they won’t see sunrise. I promise.” He leaned forward to close the distance between you, kissing gently at one of the tracks of your tears - but you still felt the brief, hot touch of the tip of his tongue to the spot. “Let me take care of it for you, please.”
You sniffled, trying to rescue some shred of composure. “It’s n-nobody. Really.”
“Oh, angel,” Maxi cooed, pulling just slightly back. He traced a new trail down your cheek with his thumb, hovering close to you. “You don’t have to defend anyone who doesn’t deserve it. Whatever it was, whatever they said to cause - this,” his hand flipped to stroke your skin with a knuckle. “It’s justified for me.” He kissed your forehead before meeting your eyes again. 
You shook your head as the last of your composure slipped through your grip. “It’s not even a-anybody’s fault,” you managed around the lump in your throat. “I s-swear, it’s just…” You swallowed hard, but the ache just caused you to stop. “It’s just my fucking broken-ass brain.”
“…It’s what now?” You could practically hear the record scratch in Maxi’s brain as the murder dropped out of his expression entirely, leaving him blinking as the glimmering red seemed to cool like the last embers of a campfire.
You hurriedly wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie. “It’s nothing, I told you,” you mumbled. “I’m just fucking sad again over some stupid shit that doesn’t m-matter, like always,” you tried to inhale, but your breath shook too hard for you to get any relief. “And I c-can’t change it—“
Your heart was thundering in your ears, washing out all other sound. You were drowning. 
“B-because I’m not g-good at making anything better, for anyone—“
Your skin was too hot. You felt seasick. This was really it, wasn’t it. The moment that you finally tipped your hand and showed how much of a wreck you really were inside, and he would make the only logical decision. One you could never blame him for, really, because it was inevitable.
It fell out of your mouth in a rush, insensate almost to your own ears: “And I’m just going to be like this forever, and you’re going to get sick of me and leave, and why shouldn’t you, when I can’t even keep my shit together and just be a n-normal fucking functional—“
You were aware of the words dying on your lips, the sudden movement causing the ache to leave your lungs in an exhale, but you weren’t sure of the cause.
You also weren’t quite sure why the room shifted, or why you were suddenly staring up at your ceiling rather than down at your feet, but you were conscious of being cocooned in the essence of your partner: the faintest hint of embalming fluid, something like wood polish, the cologne he put on this morning, and the touch of laundry detergent that had started to smell like home to you.
You realized he’d taken you both to your mattress in a near-tackle, cradling you before you could realize what was happening. You were caged in his arms now, laying sideways next to him with your hands pressed against his chest between the pair of you. The pressure you felt around your torso was him squeezing like he was trying to keep you from coming apart at your ribs. 
Like you were something fragile.
It took you a moment to realize further that his lips were against your hair, and the hiss you heard was him shushing the tiny, cracking sobs that were finding their way piecemeal out of your chest.
“No, baby, I’m always gonna be yours,” Maxi murmured into your hair. “It’s okay, baby. You’re my life, I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He kissed your head like he was trying to kiss your skull itself. “Mine’s broke too. It’s okay.”
You half-sobbed, half-hiccuped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t— you shouldn’t have to—“
“Nothin’ to apologize for,” Maxi insisted, somehow managing to hug you tighter without bruising your sides. “You’re mine. I won’t ever go somewhere without you.”
“But I’m a mess,” you blurted wetly against his vest, your chest kicking like a horse from the inside. “I’m such a mess, Maxi, I’m gonna wear you out. I wear everyone out, you don’t understand.”
Maxi shifted so instead of keeping you against his chest, he was eye-level with you, squeezing your shoulders in his hands as his glasses were somewhat crooked against your pillow. “Darlin’, I know everything feels wrong right now, and your brain’s not fightin’ fair,” he said softly, his eyes wide as he searched yours. “But I think your sense of scale is a little bit… skewed, here.” He smiled weakly. “I’m not tryin’ to make light of anything, but I think I have a little more reason to be worried about somethin’ like that.”
Your heart was racing in your chest like you were trying to drive with no way to steer. “I don’t wanna make you tired of me,” you managed, not entirely sure if you were making sense anymore. “I don’t want to make your mark hurt anymore, I don’t want you to come home from a long day to me being a drain, I don’t want you to realize you got a bad deal.”
“Angel,” Maxi soothed, running a hand over your hair. “You’re not thinkin’ straight. That’s not somethin’ I would think about you, ever. You’re talkin’ to the serial killer here, remember?” he added, with a laugh that sounded more nervous than anything. “You’re the one who got more than you signed up for.”
“You had to go through that whole thing with your dad, and They Who Decide,” you went on, as if he’d proved your point. “You wouldn’t have had to if I wasn’t here. You wouldn’t have had to get hurt, or get possessed, or—“
“For you, I’d do it all again tomorrow,” Maxi said, his voice soft. “In a heartbeat. I don’t care.”
You shook your head, not sure how you couldn’t make him see what was right in front of his eyes. “I’m not worth that, Maxi, that’s what I’m trying to tell you now rather than you waste more time.”
“And I’m tryin’ to tell you,” Maxi argued, his eyes plaintive. “That I don’t care what that demon in your head says, baby. I got one too,” he insisted, loosening an arm so he could gesture at his temple. “The real one and the one that comes from growin’ up thinkin’ I’m dead already, and nothin’ would ever change that. You have no idea how many times a day I wish to god,” he smiled, and it was strained. “I wish I could go back, somehow, and tell me when I was livin’ through the worst parts — every dark basement, every broken body, every night feelin’ absolutely fuckin’ inhuman — that we were gonna find you. That all this bullshit was gonna turn out to be worth it. All the years of feelin’ like I couldn’t tell anyone the truth, and we survived.”
Your shoulders bucked slightly as you fought your sobs. “I don’t want to let you down. I’m so scared of disappointing you, you don’t understand—“
Maxi took your face in his hands again, his gaze pleading. “No, you don’t understand,” he said, and you could hear him fighting to keep his voice steady. “You don’t have to be the one that’s afraid of that. You could never disappoint me in a way that matters. I’d swear it to you on our future tomb. I need you to listen to me, baby, I will love you ’til my breathin’ stops and long, long after. There’s nothin’ you could do, no part of you that you hate that would ever make me think otherwise. You could put a bullet through the dead center of my chest, and not only would I think you were in the right, I’d still love you when I hit the ground.”
The idea of causing him harm of any sort squeezed your throat harder than the lump that was already there. “I don’t know how you can say that,” you whispered, shaking your head. “I keep waiting for you to realize that I’m not enough to justify that kind of pain. I’m so scared of hurting you. Of being the reason you get hurt.” Your hands found his shoulders and your fingers curled tightly into the fabric of his shirt, desperate for something to hold on to. “You’ve already been through so much, you don’t deserve to suffer when you can avoid it. I couldn’t stand myself if I brought that on you, on top of all my shit you already have to put up with.”
The red returned to Maxi’s eyes, and oddly, you were more soothed than alarmed. You almost wanted his darker self there as a form of assurance, to know that it could protect the man you loved from the fathomless chasm that felt like it was splitting your chest.
“Listen to me,” he demanded, that shadow from his eyes creeping into his words. “I never… I never got to belong to myself, you understand? I was always my family’s next chess piece on the board, or They Who’s next prize monster, or the reaper’s host. I knew that. I spent my life knowin’ that, and I didn’t see another option.”
You recognized the way his fingers of his left hand moved against your back, his tell for weighing his options. The way his eyes went briefly distant, you realized he was making a decision.
His free hand moved to his chest, tracing the scar there through the fabric of his clothes. “…This wasn’t…” He trailed off, his lips a frustrated line as he chose his words. His eyes met yours again, the red still there, brighter now. “…This wasn’t just my dad,” he said at last. “I mean, he put the first one there. The original.” He hesitated a moment longer, the tip of his tongue briefly tracing his lip. “…When I thought my family’s legacy was all I had — all I’d ever have — I reopened it.”
You flinched in horror at the very idea, knowing just how deep that scar tissue went, how thick it was over the muscle. “Oh, Maxi… why, baby?”
A corner of his mouth twitched into a grimace “There’s all sorts of things you can do with a heart when you know how, babydoll. Unnatural things that no one can undo… that no good person would ever dream of.” His eyes moved to a point in the distance over your shoulder, something in them dimming. “And for a long time, I studied it. I read everythin’ I could find about it. It was all I could dream about anymore.” His eyes flicked back to yours. “I was ready to give up blood, skin, and bone for just the chance that it would work.”
Your tears were sticky on your face where they were drying, and you fought a shiver from somewhere deep in your gut, like it recognized something in Maxi’s words you didn’t. “…So what happened?” You couldn’t help but whisper, despite the fact that it was just the two of you in your room. 
Like you were afraid something else would hear you.
An exceptionally grim smile bloomed on Maxi’s face. “Not my proudest moment, is what.” He looked away from you again, as if he couldn’t bear to hold your gaze. “Or maybe it was, I don’t know. It was the night I buried my mother. I wasn’t sober by any means, but my father was dead drunk. He interrupted me, we got to arguin’, then screamin’, and before I quite realized what I’d done… he was just dead.”
Silence settled over the pair of you as he met your eyes again, watching you like he was waiting for you to recoil from him. To suddenly realize in that moment what kind of monster had been sharing your bed for all this time.
“…Yeah, well,” you murmured. You reached up, gently brushing a lock of his hair away from his eyes as you held his gaze. “Good riddance.”
Maxi’s smile softened into the one you knew best, his eyes relieved despite the shade lingering in them. “I didn’t realize just how lucky I was that night. Not by half.” He reached up, moving some of your hair on your pillow away from your face. “Because later, after so long of never belongin’ to myself, you let me be yours. And you gave me back what was left of me, you hear?” He swallowed hard, and you could finally see the glow that had swept in with the familiar red gleam was at least partially tears of his own. He traced the line of your cheek. “You reminded me I was still a person, somewhere under all of this. That I was allowed to want more than just grittin’ my teeth and gettin’ through what brief mortal life I was meant to have.” He shifted on his pillow again, closing the distance between the two of you. “I spent ages askin’ myself, ‘they’re the closest thing to perfect I’ve ever had, the hell do they want with me?’ And—“ He stopped, forcing himself to take a breath that wasn’t quite steady anymore. “And you took such… care of me,” he went on. “You loved me so much, I started to believe I could just… be human, after all this time. Could deserve to be loved, even.” 
He moved his hands so his arms encircled your waist again, hugging you tightly while giving him enough space to keep eye contact. “You have no idea how many times in my life I went out in the dark and didn’t care if I saw daylight,” he said softly. “But that night we walked into the Masquerade together, I knew I’d fight Hell itself just to stay alive with you for one more hour. I’d never been more certain of anything in my entire life.”
The heat that seemed to fill your own eyes, lingering at your lash line, was from something entirely different now.
“Your brain chemistry can run its miserable little mouth all it wants, darlin’.” Maxi rested his forehead gently against yours. “And I’ll be here to hold you until it quiets down, whenever you need me to. But it’s dead wrong. I know that for a fact.” One of his hands, still cool to the touch, cupped your cheek like you were something wondrous. “There is nothin’ about my life you haven’t made better just by bein’ in it. And we’re gonna live a longer one still. A happy one, despite everythin’, together,” he took one of your hands in his, bringing it gently to his lips. “I love you exactly as you are. I always will.”
Fresh rivulets formed on your face, but these felt… different. Like rain after a drought.
You wound your arms around his neck, trapping his chest — scar and all — against your own. “I love you the same,” you whispered. “Exactly as you are. All of you.” You pressed a single kiss to the corner of his mouth. “And there’s nothing that can ever change that.”
Maxi’s grin was unmistakable. “Y’know, it’s the damnedest thing,” he said quietly. “For the first time, I’m lookin’ forward to livin’ through whatever’s next.”
You smiled for what felt like the first time in days. “I’m glad I get to be here for it.”
Maxi leaned forward to kiss you properly, long and slow as though to make it last the rest of your lives.
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yellownicky · 1 year
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Modern Bees 🐝💛🖤
This is a lovely commission done for @/punningbeauty and @/eclispesiliber on twitter! 🥰 Thank you so much 💛🥺💕
1K notes · View notes
aliavian · 5 months
Happy New Years, from me and the Bees 💛🖤🥰
271 notes · View notes
rosemary-morgan · 8 months
Arthur Morgan X F.Reader - A sweet surprise (18+)
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(Pictures found on pinterest/google. That one with Arthur is mine. Collage made by me 🌺)
Warning: 18+!! smut, unprotected sex, explicit content, fingering, spanking, oral sex (f and m receiving), cum play, language
Hello, my pretty and wonderful little bees out there 🧡🐝 I have some filth for you. And… oh boy, it's just pure filth. I think this is by far the naughtiest thing I have written so far (❁´◡`❁)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🥰 The summary was her idea
Summary: You and Arthur take a little time out to enjoy your love to the fullest. And in Saint Denis, a very special gift awaits Arthur - a special something that you know he will love
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Arthur Morgan X F.Reader - A sweet surprise (18+)
You are both laughing as you arrive back at your hotel room. The night in Saint Denis had been wonderful and you hadn't had such a good time in a long time. Going to the theater tonight had been a great idea of Arthur's and you had enjoyed every minute of it. 
The door closes behind you and at that moment Arthur hugs you from behind and you sigh contentedly, closing your eyes and leaning against his strong chest.
"Thank you, for this wonderful evening, Arthur," you whisper,chuckling softly as he kisses the small spot behind your ear.
His lips move tenderly over your skin, kissing your neck sensually, for Arthur knew exactly how sensitive you were in that spot. Instantly you moan softly, biting your lower lip and enjoying how tender he is. His strong hands slowly slide over your hips, stroking the beautiful dark green dress that you're wearing.
"You look lovely tonight, Y/N..."
Playfully he bites your earlobe and you can hear him laughing softly in the next moment, deeply arousing you. His deep voice had an immediate effect on your body and you felt it instantly. You could already feel a tingle between your pretty thighs and this feeling was strengthened even more when his hands grip your breasts and squeeze them with pleasure.
"Mmm... you smell so good, Y/N..."
Gasping softly, he says this as his lips glide over your neck. His right hand slid from your chest down to your thigh and he slowly gathered up the long skirt of your dress so he could touch your tender skin that was hiding underneath. Oh, Arthur already saw himself lying between your pretty legs. 
"Arthur, my love, I have a surprise for you," you whisper as Arthur continues to kiss you unflinchingly, making you moan as he kisses just the right spot on your shoulder.
You smile, pulling away from his tender kisses for the moment. Questioning, but with a teasing smile, Arthur looks at you as he takes your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. His look was full of love and full of desire.
"A surprise?"
"Yes. But you'll have to wait a little longer."
Without objection, Arthur let you lead him to the divan, where you made him sit on it.
"You stay here for a moment and I'll be right back, darling."
A seductive glance from you was enough to make Arthur submissive. He took a deep, excited breath as he watched you disappear behind the divider. Arthur could only hear you opening the drawer and that made him very curious indeed. 
Little by little, you threw your clothes over the partition and Arthur became more and more nervous, more and more impatient, because every time a piece of clothing fell off your body, more skin was revealed. Arthur licked his lips at the thought, because he wanted to touch you, kiss you, taste your body.
"Babygirl? What are you doing?"
"I'm getting undressed," you said, giggling softly, because you could already tell by his voice that he was impatient. "Arthur, don't you dare look!"
"Alright, alright. I'm a good boy."
You couldn't resist teasing him, so you stuck your bare leg out of the partition and gave him a little taste.
Arthur grinned in amusement. He knew you were playful and he loved that. He also loved being teased by you and you loved it when he showed you where your place was... afterward.
It took you another moment to pull your last piece of clothing over your body. You were a little excited to present yourself right away in your new lingerie, because this one was really daring. And the way Arthur reacted the moment you came out from behind the partition, your surprise served its purpose.
Arthur's eyes grew wide, his lips were slightly parted as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.
"Surprise, surprise, my love."
"Sweet Jesus..."
You wore a black corset, which ended under your breasts and showed them off beautifully. In addition, you wore long, black silk stockings, which were attached to the corset with suspenders. But what finally made Arthur go crazy was the fact that you were not wearing any panties. Your most intimate part was out in the open, but you were wearing those wonderful suspenders and your gorgeous, sweet pussy was on display in all its beauty.
"Fuck... Y/N..."
What a sight! You had known he would like this and it excited you. Playfully, you bite your lower lip as you approach him slowly and smoothly, turning around once so Arthur can admire your bare ass.
"Do you like my little surprise, Arthur?" 
You laugh softly and seductively, already knowing the answer.
"If I wern't such a fucking gentleman, I'd throw you over my shoulder right now and fuck your brains out in bed!"
Oh, Arthur would certainly fuck you good and he would take you in that outfit. God, yes, he could already see you in front of him. How you would lie whimpering under him, in your stockings, while you would willingly stretch your pretty ass towards him, which he would slap a few times properly.
The thought alone heated Arthur up a lot and he began to sweat, instantly opening the collar of his shirt.
Arthur was about to get up, but you stopped him, because you weren't finished with your surprise.
"Relax, Arthur. Lay back and relax."
Arthur watched you kneel between his legs with lust in your eyes. 
Arthur grinned as he stared at your magnificent tits pressed upward by the corset. What would he give now to press his face between those magnificent pillows? To lick and suck on your nipples? 
"You're pure sin, you know that?"
"Mmm, is that so, Arthur?" you asked in a sweet tone as you slowly unzipped his pants and pulled down the zipper. Arthur drew in a sharp breath, knowing what was about to come, and he couldn't wait to feel your sweet mouth around his cock.
"Y/N... mhmm... you are such a naughty girl..."
You playfully lick your lips as you look at him, pulling his pants down a bit to free his manhood. His cock popped free, lying on his stomach and already aroused, but you knew there was more to be done. He already had a considerable size.
Tenderly, you grab his cock, slowly running your hand up and down, enjoying hearing Arthur take pleasure in it. You bend your head forward and start kissing him, tenderly and slowly. Your tongue glides along his velvety shaft, all the way up to his tip, which you then embrace with your lips and suck on.
Arthur lets his hand slide gently through your hair, watching you closely as he loved this view. As you look up at him, with your beautiful, big eyes, you finally take it into your mouth and Arthur thought he was losing his mind.
Pleasurably, he dropped his head into his neck as you sucked him and your delicate fingers stroked his testicles, knowing how wild that was making him.
"God, Y/N... ahhh..."
With a seductive giggle, you take him out of your mouth to now play with his plump, thick balls. You suck them gently into your mouth while Arthur makes it even easier for you to get  on the right spot. He rose from his spot, now towering over you as you still knelt in front of him. His hands held your head tightly as you worked his balls, sucking them greedily, but gently.
"Oh fuck... fuck..."
Arthur stroked himself, playing with the tip of his cock, while you sucked his balls greedy.
"You're such a naughty girl... mhmm..."
After a while, you took care of his hard, thick cock again. You wrapped your hand around it, massaging it, and Arthur looked down at you lustfully, grasping his cock himself. 
"Open your mouth!" he commanded, smacking his cock gently on your lips, whereupon you promptly stuck out your tongue catching the pre-cum dripping from it. Moaning with pleasure, Arthur watched you enjoy this moment very much. He rubbed the tip of his cock along your cheek, smearing his fluids over your skin.
"Ah... yes, Arthur..."
"You like that, don't you, Y/N?"
You look at his beautiful face with a smile, his shining eyes are so sexy.
With your delicate hands you embrace your plump breasts, his cock squeezed between the soft pillows and you massage it. Arthur moaned instantly, watching his cock being massaged between your tits.
"Oh, I'm going to fuck you so hard for this; you won't be able to leave this room for the next few days... fuck... ahh..."
He was about to explode right in your face, but you stopped abruptly and you could hear the heavily disappointed undertone in his voice as the warm, soft feel of your tits no longer surrounded him. When Arthur opened his eyes, you were already on your feet again and with a cheeky expression on your pretty face as you backed away from him. You wanted to play, Arthur saw that and he liked to get involved in that kind of thing.
"Oh, so you wanna play, sweetheart?"
"Mmm, maybe."
Arthur took off his pants completely, already tugging his shirt over his shoulders, and tossed everything carelessly in a corner until he was finally standing in front of you in his full glory. 
Oh, what a man. So tall, masculine and muscular. His thighs resembled solid marble columns, his chest was covered with fine hair, a few scars adorned his body and he was perfect for you. Perfect and beautiful. Just as you were for Arthur.
His hungry eyes observed your body, the gorgeous, rounded hips, the plump tits that came out of that corset very provocatively. And your sweet, wet pussy, which was so indescribably beautiful and delicious. As was your scent, which was overwhelming.
"How beautiful you are, Y/N..."
He came closer to you and just as he was about to grab you, you slipped away from him and Arthur was very excited by that. It wouldn't be long before he had you either, as the room didn't offer many opportunities for escape. 
"Come here!"
He caught up to you quickly, reached around your thighs and waist , and threw you over his shoulder. With a solid smack on your buttock, he made you moan lustily.
"Mmm..." He bit your buttock with delight, making you laugh softly. "I should spank your ass, sweetheart. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Mmm, why don't you try it, Arthur?"
Suddenly you feel his fingers sinking into your pussy and you take them deep without any problems.
"Look how wet you already are, princess!"
He finger-fucks you quickly, for a brief moment, which made you moan lustfully and whimper. When he takes his fingers out of you again, he licks your nectar off of them.
"Mmm..." He purrs softly, taking you to the bed where he tossed you in.
Instantly you spread your legs wide for him so he could see you in all your beauty. You were so dripping wet for him that it was already sliding down your labia and wetting the sheet beneath you.
"What a sight... I can't wait to lick that pretty pussy of yours, Y/N."
"Then come here, Arthur..." you said as you bit your lip and prepared to give yourself completely to him.
And Arthur wasted no time either, immediately laying down between your legs, inhaling your scent, murmuring deeply and excitedly and licking his lips as he did so. Shortly after, he sank his face between your pretty thighs and you felt his mouth taking you fully. Arthur was kissing you greedily, hungrily, enjoying the nectar that came out of you. 
You felt incredible pleasure, clawing at the sheet beneath you and moaning sweetly, while he eats you out like a pot of honey. He gently takes your labia into his mouth, sucking on it and then letting go. He did this over and over again, then ran his tongue between your labia and quickly swirls on your pearl with the tip of his tongue. And as Arthur did this, he could hear you whimpering and moaning, which excited him deeply. God, he couldn't wait to ram his hard cock deep into your wet hole and make love to you until you were completely drained in that bed. He had a single image running through his mind; you, covered in his cum, lying whimpering on the bed, with your legs spread wide, and yet you would be begging him to keep going. "Mhmm... ahh..." That filthy thought heated him up beyond belief, nearly driving him out of his mind.
His hands held your thighs tightly, holding you on the bed while his tongue pushed deep into your pussy. Soon, you started to tremble and that's when Arthur knew you were about to climax. 
Looking down at him, you stared directly into his eyes, which were full of lust and greed. They were dark with desire and you knew you were in for a long night; and hell yes, you wanted it. There was so much you could do, so much you could try. Just the two of you, wrapped in your passion, in the immense love you had for each other.
"A-Arthur... ahh..."
Your lust overtook you, your fingers clawing desperately into his hair and your lower body quivering as your climax shook you.
"God... Arthur!"
You tried to push his face away from you as this pleasure was almost unbearable and your clit was so incredibly sensitive, but Arthur wouldn't let you push him away, he held you close, fucking your hole with his tongue and you thought you were losing your mind. It gave him an incredible amount of pleasure to see you trembling so full of lust. He only let go of you slowly, looking at you very closely, seeing the lust in your mimic.
Arthur licked his lips sensually, you could see your nectar shimmering on his face and in his beard.
"Arthur... oh god..."
Your beautiful smile of joy, made his heart almost burst with joy. His warm body laid on top of you, his lips kissing yours hungrily and full of passion, while he guided his cock to your wet, wet pussy, stroking the tip over your clit, before entering deep inside you, moaning together with you full of pleasure...
Your pussy was like velvet and you were hot, so wet. Arthur thought he was losing his mind. He began to thrust into you. Slowly at first and he savored being so deep inside you. His throbbing cock filled you completely. "Ahh... you're so tight and so hot..." he moaned against your ear and he bit your earlobe. His voice had gone a notch  darker and that made your body tremble with pleasure. His lips kissed your mouth as he moved rhythmically inside you and his tart scent clouded your senses. He smelled of leather, thyme and tobacco...
The sound of his balls smacking against your wetness filled the room as he thrust hard and deep into you from behind. Your butt cheeks bounced with each thrust, as did your plump breasts. His strong hand gripped your ass, squeezing tightly, before giving it a good smack.
"Ahh! Arthur... yes..."
"You like that, don't you?" he purred, deeply aroused, while he kept fucking your brains out. His hands spread your butt cheeks apart and he enjoyed the sight of his cock slamming into you again and again, his balls slapping against your pussy.
"Oh, fuck... mhmm..."
Enveloped by your scent and your husky, lustful sounds, and after more powerful thrusts from Arthur, he felt that he would soon reach his climax and you too felt yourself tingling violently between your legs and the feeling growing in your belly. When his hand slid between your thighs to caress your clit, you were soon overcome by your climax. Your ass stretched out to Arthur and you clawed at the sheet beneath you for help, driving him crazy with the sight of your beautiful body. And finally he squirted his seed deep into your soft pussy, growling lustfully and closing his eyes as he thrust into you trembling and riding out his climax. "Ahhhh!" 
He clung to you as you both collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily. Your hearts beat quickly in time and it took a moment for you to calm down from your climax. You felt so desired, so loved; you felt like you would always find protection in his arms.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments; your foreheads resting together, not wanting to lose the feeling of the other. This was a special moment for both of you...
"I would love to stay here for a few more days. Just live like a normal couple on a vacation," you said as you put the last of your clothes in the suitcase. Arthur could understand you very well. It was something different not to have to worry all the time about what was going to happen to all of you. The two of you had not spoken once about the current situation in the camp during the time you were here. At the moment everything was going well, but for how long? You had often had this thought, but this weekend, you had completely blocked it out, and that was a good thing.
"You know, sweetheart, I'd like to take you to Strawberry. To the mountains, to nature. Enjoy the peace and quiet..." Arthur hugged you from behind and kissed your neck, smiling contentedly. Loving you was a blessing for him. You were an incredible woman that he desired so much and his heart, his soul, belonged to you alone.
"What do you think of that, Y/N?"
"I'd love that Arthur. Just you and me..."
He tenderly kissed your lips and whatever was to come was of no importance at the moment.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
Starlight *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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🦙: pairing: Hyunjin & f!reader
🦙: genre: fluff, smut. 18-, DNI
🦙: synopsis: Hyunjin showers the reader with compliments making reader love that side of him even more
🦙: warnings: pet names, riding, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, explicit language. if i missed any, lmk!
🦙: words: 3.2k
🦙: a/n: this was originally going to be a drabble but, uh, yeahhh. please listen to Starlight by lofi fruits music and chill fruits music whilst reading this well, the first part of it 🙊 i was listening to it whilst writing the first half and it’s so calm 🥰
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated as they help get my fic/blogs out there. please let me know what you think, ty for the support and love as of lately! 🖤
i hope you all enjoy & like it! 🥰🖤
🦙: master list
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Zero hundred hours. It’s a calm Saturday night with the occasional conversation from tipsy people that could be heard from a mile off. The streets are illuminated by street lamps. The crisp autumn air breezing in the air. Stars illuminate the sky with the moon.
You and Hyunjin are wrapped up in each other's arms, the sheets covering your naked skin, legs tangled with one another. Your head rested on Hyunjin's chest as his arm was loosely wrapped around your side.
His hair fanned out on his pillow. His naked skin against yours as his chest raised up and down at a steady pace. You could hear his heartbeat against your ear. The window was open to let some fresh air in after you and Hyunjin spent the night making passionate love to one another. The moonlight peeked in through the drapes, illuminating the room you both shared.
You hummed in content, closing your eyes as Hyunjin lightly feathered his fingertips up and down your arms, goosebumps appearing in his wake. It was silent, but a comfortable silence. A silence where you didn't need to say anything in order to make it less awkward.
That’s the beauty with being with someone you hold dearly to your heart. Everything feels comfortable.
You and Hyunjin met by accident. You had free time and was bored being at home so you decided to take your camera and take some photos of nature. Photo Taking is one of your favourite past times - although you didn't quite like the editing part of it.
You took photos of whatever you thought looked pretty. Trees, bushes, flowers, bees, butterflies, anything you could find, you took a photo off.
You were taking a photo of a tree. The leaves were turning into a gorgeous orange-red colour due to the change in season and you thought it would look prettier with the blue sky. You snapped a photo and looked at it before looking around.
That’s when you saw Hyunjin, dressed in jeans, trainers, a white t-shirt and a beige cardigan. You were taken away by his beauty. You have never seen anyone - especially of the opposite sex - look so beautiful. You got the confidence to approach him and asked if you could take photos of him. He was a bit sceptical at first but he agreed.
You spent the majority of the day together, taking photos of one another and of nature - with the occasional café break. The clock hit 21:00, which surprised you. Times flies when you’re having fun - the saying goes.
You both called it a night but not before you exchanged details with one another. Upon returning to your apartment, you got to work in editing your photos on your laptop. You came across Hyunjin's, flicking through them and contemplating on whether they needed editing. You decided against it and posted them on your Instagram page, tagging Hyunjin in them.
Day and night ☀️🌙
Thank you to this beautiful prince for being my model. I had a wonderful time with you. I hope to see you again soon, my love — hwanghyunjin 💖
And you did see him again, a lot in fact. You spent a lot of time going on outings and small dates. Hyunjin would take you to a café, have a picnic in the park whilst photographing each other. You knew Hyunjin was passionate about art and you loved that side of him. He took you to an art museum, explained every detail of the art and the artist.
You listened with nothing more than admiration for his passion. His passion soon became your passion. You both soon found a new hobby in attending various art classes - from painting a bowl of fruit to practicing pottery.
Hyunjin never failed to amaze you with his artistic skills and he was so humble about it. He didn’t boast about it, whenever he got compliments, he would go shy and tell you to hush.
Four months passed of you two getting to know one another before Hyunjin asked you to be his. He took you to a rooftop restaurant, dining on only the finest of foods and wine. You were ecstatic, agreeing almost immediately. You have never felt so loved before. Hyunjin showers you with love and appreciation, but he also feels warm and welcoming.
Hyunjin is your home.
You moved to live with Hyunjin permanently after only two months of officially dating. Some would say it’s fast, but to you two, it felt right. Once you gave your belongings a new home, you plopped on the sofa next to Hyunjin. It felt right. It felt warm. This is home to you and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Of course, there are bumps in the road. It took you both a while to get used to one another - from clothes being left on the floor, to trash not being taken out, to stepping on one another's toes - you soon learnt that communication is key and settled on a routine.
Who would feed Kkami and walk him in the mornings, who would take out the trash, who would collect the mail, who would go grocery shopping and once this routine was established, it made things much easier for you both.
You sighed in content, eyes looking out the window as Hyunjin was lightly feathering his fingertips across your soft skin. The smell of your shampoo hitting his nostrils - it was a sickly sweet smell, one that he was so used to at this point, that it didn't phase him.
“Mhm?” The vibrations ripped from his chest and throat, tickling your ear a little.
“What are stars to you?” Hyunjin looked down at you before following your gaze to the starlit sky.
“Well, scientifically, they’re just balls of gas. But to me, they’re the souls of the many animals and people that, unfortunately, left the world.” His fingers made their way up to your hair, raking through it and occasionally massaging your scalp.
“But, why do they only come out at night?” You questioned, brows furrowed together as you continued to look at the sky.
“Because, my love, night time is when most people start to think and feel things they don't want to. When people start to relax and wind down after a long hard day, they think. So, the stars come out and illuminate the sky as if to say, ``I'm still here and you’re not alone.``”
You thought about what Hyunjin said, your heart swelling with love but also sadness. “Isn't it sad though, Hyunjin. That at some point, we will become little balls of stars in the sky, looking down on people.”
Hyunjin hummed, nodding slowly. “It is, my love. But we have to treasure what we have now. Make the most of the time we have together. Make wonderful and precious memories together, whether they be bad or good, happy or sad. As long as I am by your side and forever in your heart, I'm one happy and content man.
"You're happy with me, Hyunjin?" you asked as you lifted yourself up from his chest. Your hands planted firmly on the mattress to support your weight as the sheet shimmed down your body, pooling by your side. Your naked breasts on full display but Hyunjin kept his eyes locked on you at all time.
He reached up, his soft hands caressing your cheek, thumb brushing under your eye. You held his wrists, nuzzling into the palm of his hand.
"I'm more than happy, my love. You're my star that lights up the dull sky. My sunshine on a rainy day. You're a piece of art, painted by the finest artist that was made only for me. I'm loved by the most beautiful girl to have ever walked this planet."
You blushed, your cheeks turning as red as a tomato. You whined, feeling yourself go shy at his words. You kissed the palm of Hyunjin's hand as Hyunjin smiled softly at you.
"You're so beautiful, (Y/N) like a goddess." Hyunjin whispered. You didn't know how to react or feel. All you know is that your stomach was full of butterflies, erupting and spreading through your entire body.
Your heart was beating so fast and hard against your ribcage, you could hear it in your ears. You whimpered, feeling Hyunjin's words not only make you feel all fuzzy and warm inside, but aroused.
you adore this side of him. It made you feel comfortable, loved and warm. You and Hyunjin are not afraid to try various things in the bedroom. You love when he is dominant, teasing you and making you cum for hours.
But you absolutely adore his passionate side. The slow, passionate sex that is filled with admiration and love, it drowns you. It turns a switch on inside you when he speaks nothing but passionate to you and about you, endless compliments spewing from his mouth.
"Hyunjin." You breathed out.
"What's up, my love?"
"I'm sorry but –" You shifted onto Hyunjin, straddling him. Your pussy hovering over his cock. Hyunjin chuckled, placing his hands on your thighs.
"You turned on? Did my words make you feel excited, gorgeous?" You mewled, nodding slowly.
"You were talking so sweetly to me." You blushed, leaning forward and planting your hands firmly on his chest 'I'm sorry, Hyunjin."
"don't be sorry. You can have all of me whenever you want, darling." Hyunjin's tone dropped an octave, his voice seductive.
Hyunjin reached up, holding the back of your head and pulling you in close. You closed your eyes, lips meeting one another in a passionate and love filled kiss.
The kiss made your body hot. His plump lips moved in perfect harmony with yours. Your lips fitted so well together – like you were made for each other.
Hyunjin slide his hand off your thigh and between your bodies. He cupped your pussy, your hips bucking into his hand as you whimpered against his lips. Hyunjin took the opportunity of your open mouth to slide his tongue in your warm mouth.
The wet muscle explored your mouth, no space left untouched. Soon, your tongues collided with one another. Pants and moans being exchanged between the two of you and saliva mixed together.
Hyunjin slowly circled your clit with his fingers, applying enough pressure to make you mewl into his mouth and hips buck in his hand.
Pleasure coursed through your body. You felt good – too good. you pulled away from his lips, cheeks coated in a pink tint. Your lips swollen as were Hyunjin's.
"Hyunjin, I don't need –"
"Sh. Just let me. i know we fucked a while ago but I still need to prepare you. Can't have you hurting yourself because you're impatient, darling." You whimpered, closing your eyes and moaning once you felt Hyunjin's finger being inserted inside you.
Your mouth hung loosely open in an O shape as he moved his fingers at a steady pace. His fingers curled and stroked your velvet walls. Your slick soon started to coat his fingers more and more with each thrust.
He soon hit your delicate spot, making you moan his name loudly.
"Good girl, (Y/N) you're such a good girl for me." His free hand moved up your stomach to your breasts, squeezing gently and playing with your sensitive bud.
"Hyunjin." You called out in a desperate moan.
As Hyunjin was providing you with so much pleasure, a sea of grey clouds covered up the many stars that illuminated the sky. Soon after, rain bounced off the concrete.
The sound of rain hitting the windows, concrete and leaves could be heard. The screeching from the unfortunate people who got caught was also heard, the sounds of their feet slapping against the wet concrete as they ran to shelter themselves from the heavy downpour
You didn't care. Your only focus was on Hyunjin and how skilful his fingers were moving inside you. Your eyes locked on Hyunjin's glossy and lustful eyes
"Hyunjin, please." You begged. Hyunjin chuckled and pulled his fingers out off you slowly, a whimper leaving your lips.
"Sh, my love. you know the saying – good things come to those who wait. so, why don't you do what you have been begging to do?" His lips turned up into a smirk.
You reached behind you, grabbing the base of his cock with your hand, giving it gentle and small strokes. You lifted your hips up, his tip brushing against your slick entrance.
You both grunted at the contact. You lined yourself up and slowly lowered yourself on him, his tip being encapsulated by your warmth. Hyunjin squeezed his eyes shut, his hands flying to your thighs, squeezing the squishy skin.
you lowered yourself further down until all of his length was inside you. The fullness was too much for you. The stretch and burn making you sweat and hiss a little. You stayed stationary, getting use to his size.
It took all of Hyunjin's willpower to not piston in you straight away. He knew you would be tight, even after fingering you. He didn't want to harm you.
Once you felt you was use to him, you slowly lifted up your hips before sliding down, setting a steady pace for yourself. You hummed as his cock stroked your walls, his tip so deep inside, you felt it in the pit of your stomach.
"Hyunjin, you're so deep inside me." You mewled. Hyunjin groaned, nails digging into the skin of your thighs. You smirked, feeling more comfortable so you picked up the pace.
Soon, you was slamming down on Hyunjin's cock. Your hands planting themselves firmly on his stomach to help you, your thighs burning from the constant action.
Groans and moans mixed in the room along with the sound of skin slapping together. Hyunjin let out the most delicious moan, making your pussy clench around him and shivers to run up and down your spine.
You stopped your movements, leaning back fully to show off your exposed breasts. You planted your hands firmly behind you on Hyunjin's thighs. Hyunjin watched you with eager eyes, watching and wondering what you were planning.
You smirked as you rolled your hips back and forth. The most delicious and sinful of movements caused the man below you to let out delicious moans.
"Fuck.. (Y/N)"
"Feel good, baby?" You cooed, picking up the pace a little. Hyunjin nodded, his mouth hanging open. Beads of sweat ran down his forehead to his temples, the ends of his hair wet with sweat.
He moved his hands onto your hips, helping you with your movements. You moaned, locking eyes with Hyunjin as his hands squeezed your hips.
You leaned forward, kissing him sloppily but also passionately. Hyunjin snaked his arms around your waist, keeping you still. Your breasts pressed against his chest.
"I'm sorry, doll, but I can't hold back. please bear with me."
Hyunjin thrusted inside you from below, setting a fast pace. Every inch of his cock stroked your wet walls, his tip hitting your sweet spot in an instant.
"H-Hyunjin." You panted, body going limp as you buried your sweaty face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm sorry, you just– felt too good around me. Your cunt is so warm and welcoming. It's so good to me, doll. I can't – fuck. I feel like I'm losing it." Hyunjin's desperate words rang through your body, straight to your core. Your walls squeezed around Hyunjin's cock.
a string of curses fell from the man's lips as he pistoned you fast. "I'm sorry, im so sorry."
Your eyes widen as you was suddenly flipped onto your back, Hyunjin towering over you. His sweaty hair fell past his face, his chest rising in time with his laboured pants.
He looked fucked out, feral. You liked that. You loved how quickly Hyunjin could get pussy drunk. Your body is so use to him that it remembers his size and techniques.
Hyunjin grabbed the back of your thighs, pushing them against your chest, lifting your hips slightly up off the mattress. He went back to thrusting inside you, this time, with a bit more power due to the position.
You gripped onto the sheets tight until your knuckles turned white. Your head turning to the side as pleasure overtook your mind. Your mouth hung open as skin slapped harshly against each other.
Your ability to form words had disappeared out off the open window. The only moans that could be heard was Hyunjin, who was feral and lost in the feeling.
Hyunjin continued to thrust deep and powerful, hitting your sweet spot. Your eyes started to pool with tears, spilling over from the corners of your eyes. Saliva fell from the corner of your lips and landed on your pillow.
"(Y/N) look at me." Hyunjin struggled to say through his moans.
You turned your head to look at him, your hair sticking to your forehead as tears fell down your cheeks. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let out silent moans and cries.
"Beautiful, so fucking beautiful. And it's all for me to see." Your walls tighten around Hyunjin again, a low grunt escaping from his throat.
you felt too good. The pleasure was so much in such a short amount of time. You felt the knot in the pit of your stomach tightening with each thrust and each hit of your sweet spot.
"H-Hyunjin." you called out, voice raspy from how dry your throat is.
"Me too, doll. Me too." His movements sloppy, fingers gripping your thighs, leaving marks behind. He squeezed his eyes shut as he helped himself and you chase your highs.
It didn't take long before your toes curled and back arched off the mattress. Your walls clamped around Hyunjin as his name fell past your lips as well as a string of "Fucks" Your orgasm washed over, making you see stars.
You gripped onto the sheets, legs trembling in Hyunjin's grip. You whined loudly as your breathing was rapid. Hyunjin's movements stopped, his head hung low as his hair covered his face.
He grunted, emptying himself inside you, coating your walls white with his cum. His hips thrusting shallowly to ride out his high. He took a few deep breaths to calm his breathing before pulling out off you and placing your limp legs on the mattress.
He leaned over you, stroking your sweaty hair softly. You looked up at him, smiling sleepily.
"How do you feel, my love?" He asked, voice laced with some concern, but mainly love.
"Tired. I want to sleep Hyunjin."
"I know, doll. But you know the rules. No sleep until you are clean and hydrated."
"Aftercare is just as important." You both said at the same time, causing you both to burst into fits of giggles.
"I know Hyunjin. You're so caring to me." you stroked his cheek gently
"that's because I'm so deeply in love with you, doll."
"Forever?" You held up your pinkie finger.
He linked his own pinkie finger with yours, kissing them both softly as he looked in your eyes.
"For eternity."
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livealittleoc-cb · 3 months
Happy Valentine’s Day!
CW: Food depicted in picture
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Welcome Aristaeus the Greek God of Bee Keeping!
🐝: Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! It’s nice to meet you all! 🥰 I hope everyone has someone to be their valentine, be it a friend or lover! I’m going to be doing Val deliveries and I made some extra Honey Buns so if anyone wants one I can stop by while I’m on my route! ^^
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Welcome Hermes the Greek God of Travel && Messanger God or the Gods!
🪽: Happy Valentine’s Day beautiful beautiful people.~ Today is holding a busy busy afternoon it seems and I’m taking my morning to relax before I have to go to work. On days like this is when I’m so happy I have a heated pool. Really helps with relaxing before having to run around and give people stuff...I also have a set at midnight-. Almost forgot about that oops~ Hopefully everyone is having a good day and have a little love to do stuff with.~ And even if you don’t enjoy it and have some fun alone~ Alone time is always nice.~
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Welcome Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of Love && Beauty!
💋: Hello and Happy Valentine's Day my little loves.~ I hope everyone has been having a pleasant and fun month of hearts! I know I sure have been.~ I'll be doing some flower deliveries along with being at the nail salon so if anyone wants any last minute flowers for yourself or a loved one or just want some last minute Valentine's Day themed nails let me know.~ I'll also be in charge of taking any requests or messages for Ace, Cupid or Eros while they're on their shifts! Even if you don't want anything or have nothing for the three loves still consider stopping by to say hey, I don't bite sweetheart.~
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⭐: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day! 🥰 All profiles are linked and if someone catches your eye don't be shy to interact with them, they don't bite!~
🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤 && 🏴‍☠️🤍] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️ && 🐉🩶] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵💍] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥] @lavienrosecabaretxo [👑🖤] @obsession-cb [🍰🖤] @byulhoundx [💃❤️‍🔥] @mirage-ocs [🎂💛]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @thesugaredalchemists @doom-bc @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @darkloversxcb @mxthxbot @raiden-oc @adminhoney @crimson-l @clubwnderland @reapermingi @dragonrider-cb [DM + / -]
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saigamiproject · 1 year
Finally got around to open a small Etsy shop 🥳 There aren't too many products up yet - mostly stickers, but I also added my Bumbleby enamel pin and a print of my latest bees artwork for anyone interested 🖤🐝💛
Making hadcrafted thingies was always something I greatly enjoyed, but I rarely had the time for. To finally be able to come back to it is a nice change of pace after the crazy hustle and toxic productivity I've been clocked in for the last years with work and publishing. Despite the trials and errors of learning how to make things and all I've been having a lot of fun with these (seriously downright therapeutic lol) and here's hoping there will be people out there who can find some joy in the things I create. 🥰
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littledemondani · 7 months
I think we could all do with extra love at the moment… so I’m sending this to all of my favourite writers! 🤍✨ your writing keeps this community alive and we all adore you for it 🥰
Tag your favourite writers/fics below and keep the love going
awww i love this idea 🖤
@prettyboyeddiemunson literally anything and everything whitney writes is amazing. i’m sat for it all.
@andvys i love the fuck out of all of everything she puts out. my favorite is rockstar!eddie tho. 😍
@succubusmunson i will eat up everything bee writes!! the queen of ghostface!eddie.
@eddiemunsons-missingnipple i loved her 90s au with eddie!! plus everything she writes is 👌🏻
@wroteclassicaly same with kristen!! literally everything she writes has me on my knees!!
there are several others but this post would be hella long and shit. just know that i love y’all and your fics have me in a goddamn chokehold.
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galladrabbles · 1 year
hello mods! hello drabblers, i’m pinch hitting this week 🤏🥊 & my prompt for us is:
can’t wait to read the many ways these boy dolls get up to no good 😈😏🖤🥰 xx
Hey Bee, thank you for your last-minute-jump-in into from the back-up list into our prompt roster!
And thank you for such a fun prompt! Sit back, rest your drabble writing fingers and enjoy all the amazing drabbles coming your way!
To anyone else: Your prompt this week is:
Happy Drabbling Everyone!
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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M8TE — a modern a/b/o au
M8TE is the premiere app for unmated alphas and omegas. Just enter your location and the dates of your rut or heat cycle, and you’ll be instantly paired with up to 3 potential matches in your area. Who you choose is up to you! Just be sure to tick the appropriate boxes on your profile to signal if you’re looking for a mate or a one-time thing.
M8TE. What are you waiting for?
a part of day 2 of gallavich week 2022, hosted by @gallavichthings . based on a prompt by @ianandmickeygallavich with brilliant beta work by @thisdivorce ☎️🖤
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chapter nine: MATE
rating: e
word count: 5.8k / 54k total [COMPLETED]
chapter summary: ian & mickey make the ultimate decision regarding the future of their relationship.
additional tags: au-modern with a/b/o dynamics, omega mickey milkovich, alpha ian gallagher, online dating, angst with a happy ending, internalized omegaphobia, panic attacks with some thoughts of self-harm, gratuitous smut, come swallowing, knotting, mild blood, bipolar disorder
[ read HERE on ao3 ]
ps! if you're interested in learning more about the possibilities of omegaverse, my process writing M8TE & recommendations for other gallavich a/b/o stories, check out episode 2 of @mayo-in-the-morning, which graciously had me on as their first-ever guest. & of course, check out M8TE's official playlist, curated by the goblin king himself, @creepkinginc 🖤
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thefitfultree · 12 days
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A little DIY project I had great fun making.
Hotel open for business, three guests already checked in (red mason bees). 🐝💛🖤💛🐝
Lately I've noticed the price of bee hotels going up and up, but the quality often questionable, one I bought last year I had to give a makeover as it turned up rough, for it to end up mouldy as it was made of the wrong materials. This is the result of my giving it a go myself.
I used 5 different size drill bits, and smoothed the insides and entrances. I could happily make more of these, just need to find some logs. 🥰
Posted to my Instagram @ thefitfultree
(Photos belonging to thefitfultree. Reblogs welcome, but please do not repost elsewhere!)
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bumblebeeweek · 10 months
Found out my birthday is during Bumblebee Week and that made my day 💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛
AWW YAY!!! That's so wonderful!!! 💛🖤💛🖤 We get to celebrate both You and Bee this upcoming week!! 🥰
Happy Early Birthday, friend!!! 🐝 we hope it's a banger!!
-mod doorwings
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yourdaddyfigure · 10 months
Hi, lovely Malakai!
Wanted to share this cute photo of Xena from this morning. Doing what she does best, being cute & weird (like her mom🤷🏻‍♀️)! 😹
Also don’t even come for me I know the fish tank needs more water😭😅
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Hey there Bee! Always a joy to see your name 🥰🫶🏼 I hope you’re well my friend!
Also look at Xena!!!!!!! She’s so darn precious 🥹literally a walking gem 💎 thank you so much for sharing her with us! Also I didn’t turn my attention towards the tank till you mentioned it 😂 Stay safe my lovely friend 🫶🏼🥰
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blurredcolour · 3 months
I finally got a chance to read and catch up on Trust last night and oh my god it’s so good! Your attention to detail is amazing, and I’m definitely going to give it a re-read once the show finishes airing. I can’t wait to read the next part (no rush of course). I love Bucky and the way you write him🖤 Thank you for an incredible series as always Bee!!
Battie 🥰
It was truly a delight reading your tags this morning as you made your way through the series - almost made working this Friday palatable hahah
You’re far too kind, I so truly look up to you as a writer so to get this sort of feedback from you is just 😳😲
Funnily enough today was always my intended posting day for part 5, just managed to get it up, but part 6 will probably take a bit longer because my ending is really going to depend on next week’s finale!
I can’t believe it’s gonna be over already?!?
Thank you so very much for reading 💙💙💙💙
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munsons-maiden · 1 year
I've been busy writing these past few weeks and I'll be finally getting to my ask box this weekend - sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience, lovelies! - and I really was a busy bee 😁🖤 I started writing three new Eddie series, and I've crossed the 30k words mark for each of them 🥰 Since I'm writing them all simultaneously, depending on my inspiration, it will take a few months to get them done, just in time for ST5 😂 But there will be a lot of Worlds Apart bonus chapters, oneshots and sequels to oneshots I already posted to pass the time until ST5 airs and we get Eddie back. Love ya! 🖤
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that-glitter-chick · 10 months
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Bee looking like his namesake 🥰💛🖤🐝🚖
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