#become viral
tunapuff · 2 months
AI Deep Songs: Revolutionizing Music Creation and Promotion
Check Out This Blog On The World’s First App Powered By Open AI's Latest AI Tech Sora Transforms Your Ideas, Keywords & Voice Commands Into Stunning, Trending And Viral AI Video Songs...In Less Than 60 Seconds!
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faustandfurious · 2 years
Basic rules for analysing fiction, an incomprehensive list jotted down in a hurry:
The protagonist isn’t always right
The protagonist isn’t always good
The protagonist isn’t always written to be relatable or likeable
The narrator isn’t always right
The narrator isn’t always good
The narrator isn’t always telling the truth
The narrator isn’t always the author
The protagonist’s moral compass, the narrator’s moral compass and the author’s moral compass are three entirely different things that only occasionally overlap
Pay attention to what characters do and not just what they say
Pay special attention when what the characters do is at odds with what they say
A lot of the time the curtains are blue for a reason. If they aren’t, you should read better books
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vick-shimmer · 2 months
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Binged School Bus Graveyard…… now what 🧍‍♂️
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Batman chasing phantom around gothem threatening adoption
Phantom has been hiding out in gothem after an incident with vlad, he's somehow gained the bats attention
Batman is around danny for less than 5 minutes before his adoption senses go off, phantom manages to escape but bruce has alfred prapare a room, prepared the batkids and has the adoption papers ready
The next time batman and phantom meet, phantom tries to sass his way out but batman has something else on his mind
He walks up to him and says "sighn here"
Phantom asks "what this"
Batman "adoption-"
Phantom didnt let him finish his sentence, batman is known as a serial adopter and dannys trying to get away from one crazy man trying to adop him, HE DOSENT WANT ANOTHER
Less than an hour later their are videos of the sassy new meta in gothem running away from batman screaming that he'd rather be sent to arkam than be adopted
While batman responded with 'it is inevitable you will become my new child' while chasing after him, adoption papers visible in his hands.
The batkids see it and start placing bets on when phantom will give into batman because he's right...
The adoption is inevitable
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baker-streets-violin · 9 months
re: that last post i reblogged:
"modern watson would be a blogger!" outdated. modern watson would be an accidental tiktok influencer.
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nessa007 · 5 months
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wonderlandhour · 1 month
*talking about how to deal with the magical monsters during halloweek*
Yuu: Leona, call your brother. We need to borrow Cheka. Does anyone else have any young children we can borrow?
*Everyone else, confused*
- The Next Day -
Cheka, wailing: why are you ruinin the pirate ship! I really wanted ta see it!!!
Magicam Monsters: *panicking because they're being recorded and shamed for making a kid cry*
Ruggie: this is fucking genius
Leona: *proud af of his future mate girlfriend and nephew*
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ryoalouette · 6 months
Inspired by this and this and this-
The Fentons in the Masterchef (or the likes) show.
Imagine how other chefs would be FREAKING TF OUT coz THE TURKEYS COME BACK TO LIFE??
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whoops11 · 11 days
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did someone just steal my post word for word like huhh
oh they should be glad i’m scared of twitter!
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Did you know that in the hit game shaun megoomi tennis IV, on a law route you can find THIS item in Jonathan's room underneath the cat suit and a dozen of yaoi books?
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It gives you extra points to your best stat if you have it equipped during the fight with lucifer, 100% true no scam [TRUST ME]
But in all honesty, what the fuck is this ad tumblr-
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s-lycopersicum · 2 months
After some posts get enough traction, the replies get a "public forum" sort of feel to them that I find a bit... unusual.
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mirrortouchedsea · 7 months
Okay but like... the way in Night Club when Hinata starts opening up to Rinne and Rinne sees who he used to be so so clearly in Hinata. Feeling like the world believes your entire existence is wrong, nothing is going right, you just want to give up but you can't. Hinata comments that it's easy to open up to Rinne and I think part of that is just that Rinne intimately understands what Hinata is going through, trying to find himself in a world that he feels like an alien in. And while Rinne obviously doesn't like to be so upfront about his feelings, you can tell he's watching out for Hinata and encouraging him to act up and act out, to be loud because someone is proud of him and is glad that he's there (and now Rinne is in Hinata's corner and he's less alone than he was before).
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magichats · 1 month
Splatoon 3 playable salmonid DLC: GET FISH QUICK!!!!
But it plays something like content warning / Lethal company where the whole goal is for your team of fish to get rich quick by going viral and selling scrap.
You can customize your salmonids (they are not salmonlings but true salmonids) but the salmonids aren't playable in any other mode besides get fish quick.
You encounter rogue octolings / inklings / cuttlefish-lings as enemy encounters alongside other more menacing creatures. You get funny weapons of cooking supplies and they are woefully inefficient for fending off the monster encounters unless your entire squad gangs up on one.
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I got ptjverse brainrot, I hc that if all PROTAGS were girls, they wouldn't be treated any different than they already are now, in the beginning, I feel the guys would definitely take it a step further and just straight up treat them like a dude and it would be so comedic, like imagine Zack, Vasco, Danny and the other guys are going out when Zoe asks to join them, the guys are like "no, it's guys night 😤" and Zoe's like "......then why does Danny get to go🗿" and their response would just be "cause it's Danny🤷" and Danny would probably just roll with it cause why not. They include her in all bro talk, the dumbest shit, everything, and poor Danny has sit through and witness it all like "🗿" idk why it's just so funny to me. I feel like this would happen to a few of the protags.
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batbrainrot · 4 days
being autistic is so funny bc i literally beat cancer a few months ago but doing numbers on tumblr is the highlight of my year
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woah hi. HOWDY! I didn't realize it had been so long I have so much to say
1. your comic about IK meeting god is not only hilarious but also the colors on the background and how they change with God's dialogue is insanely good and itched my brain perfectly so thanks for that, maybe save some talent for the rest of us tho 🙄 and the dot effect is also perfect your color mushing is great
2. The dragon AU requests..... ..URGH I JUST. I JUST LOVE DRAGONGS. They are written SO nicely and I love the powers and builds that you chose for the brothers I can very clearly envision them in my mind while reading and it makes me so happy. SO happy. I love how sulky Belphie gets, hiding under his fluff and loafing like a cat this is grade-A writing right here it doesn't get any better than this
3. Completely unrelated to the other two, but I had a vision that IK was acting like that homophobic dog. Likely stemming from your coming about her knowing Lucifers "secret" but not making clear what that secret is hence the She Knows What You Are thing
But I pictured her going around with that same wide-eyed passive look and that SLIGHT disgusted curl of her lip and just making everybody question whether she's being for real with how good she does the face. all that to say that dog would be IK's twin if he was some shades darker to match her hair. thank you for your time
hi sam!!!!! okay re: 1. thank you!! i was going slightly crazy over many layers and many blend modes trying to get it to look the way it was in my head, thank goodness it payed off
re: 2. i'm very glad! it's built up to include bunch more stuff but i really do love the dragon au (and writing it) to bits, the main thing stopping me from turning it into a fic atp is time
re: 3. that's so funny and wait hold on. i've just looked it up and not only does the homophobic dog have a wikipedia page, i've just learnt that her name is WHITNEY CHEWSTON which is absolutely fantastic (the inclusion of "not to be confused with whitney houston" at the top of her page is hysterical)
this is the face lucifer sees for weeks after that conversation
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