#because like. they're plenty hurtful on their own! they're plenty shitty!
direquail · 1 month
One of the many things I find funny and irritating is the slant of a lot of interpretations of Alecto's name (that it's about feminine rage)--on this here wlw internet in the year of our lord 2024, it's easily made to figure as rage against God, or rage against patriarchy, or religious oppression, and therefore an allusion to the idea that she's going to get her vengeance on John for betraying and oppressing her somehow, but like
John is the one who named her Alecto. He's the one who named her that. So, naming her "Alecto" is alluding to the embodiment of John's rage--their rage, since they are joined inseparably (John even explicitly says that when he first perceives her: "You wouldn't stop screaming. You were so scared. You were so goddamn mad").
He says of Alecto to Harrow, "In a very real way, you are [Alecto's] children". At a very surface level, Alecto is (depending on the text or tradition), one of the Furies--famously, in several surviving Greek tragedies, who punish Orestes for the crime of killing his mother. In fact, in Aeschylus' Oresteia, they declare that they are specifically bound to avenge matricide.
So the name "Alecto" alludes to the nature of John's mission and how he sees it.
It also implies that his divine rage, the rage that gives him power, the power that makes him divine, that he either represents or wants to represent, is feminine rage. He was chosen by Earth (which, Furies are sometimes the daughters of Gaia); he is her champion, however he's managed to fuck that up. Once the truth of that comes out, it becomes clear that all of his power comes from her.
And that's why you get statements from Tamsyn Muir like:
“[T]he God of the Locked Tomb IS a man; he IS the Father and the Teacher; it’s an inherently masc role played by someone who has an uneasy relationship himself to playing a Biblical patriarch. John falls back on hierarchies and roles because they’re familiar even when he’s struggling not to. Even he identifies himself as the God who became man and the man who became God. But the divine in the Locked Tomb is essentially feminine on multiple axes – I think Nona will illuminate that a little bit more."
So yes, he plays the role of Emperor and God and Teacher, with all of the things that implies. And I don't think it should be discounted. But he also is (and partly sees himself as) the chosen champion of a goddess, or what is for all intents & purposes for a human like him a goddess. He is her avenger, and while she sleeps, her avatar.
And I don't think we're meant to read him purely as a parasite who's taking advantage of her to gain power for himself, either. Or an oppressive, Kronos-like figure. Especially if you consider Palamedes' theory of the Grand Lysis, even if he was purely motivated by desire for power before (which I really doubt), there are parts of each in the other, now. What was clear and separate before is uncertain and interpenetrated. Is his rage his own, or hers? Is his mission of revenge his, or hers? If he wants power, is that his own selfishness, or her desire to survive?
And does it matter?
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ifishouldvanish · 3 months
"A god should know, where all her dragons are."
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I've seen plenty of discussion about how it's shitty of Erzsebet and Drolta to refer to Olrox as a dragon, because Quetzalcoatl isn't really a dragon, but it's like... Extra shitty on other levels?
I mean, this quote is already somethin' because dragon or not, she's referring to him as hers and just making it clear that she does not intend to afford him any agency in this """partnership""".
But I keep Having Thoughts ™ about the role and symbolism of dragons in European folklore.
In the most general sense, they represent power. In a lot of these stories, the dragon is an obstacle between the heroic protagonist and some kind of secret treasure or knowledge (Wealth! Land!). Or the dragon is terrorizing a nearby village (Never mind if the 'dragon' was there first!!). Or the dragon is unfairly hoarding riches it has no use for (don't worry, the colonizers will show the 'primitive savages' how to make the most of their land!! Isn't that nice of them??)
In these stories, it's up to the hero to eliminate this obstacle that's separating them from some resource they feel entitled to, or to 'tame' it and exploit its power for their own purposes. As such, they're pretty on-the-nose colonialist propaganda when viewed under the right lens.
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So I wanna talk about The Golden Legend of Saint George and The Dragon, which is one of the most famous of these stories.
Story goes: There's a dragon who's been terrorizing a nearby village. The people start offering the dragon livestock to appease it, and when they run out of livestock, they start holding a regular lotteries to sacrifice one unlucky person to the dragon.
St George shows up before the next person (king's daughter) is about to be eaten, and he doesn't kill the dragon, no. He dominates it:
S. George was upon his horse, and drew out his sword and garnished him with the sign of the cross, and rode hardily against the dragon which came towards him, and smote him with his spear and hurt him sore and threw him to the ground. And after said to the maid: Deliver to me your girdle, and bind it about the neck of the dragon and be not afeard. When she had done so the dragon followed her as it had been a meek beast and debonair.
*(debonair in the archaic sense = gentle)
Erzsebet makes it clear that if she can't be worshipped, being feared is the next best thing. She can't get Olrox to ally with her willingly, so she resorts to force. In the end, she's getting what she really wants: obedience and subservience. For him to follow her like a meek beast.
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The Golden Legend doesn't stop there though:
Then she led [the dragon] into the city, and the people fled by mountains and valleys, and said: Alas! alas! we shall be all dead. Then S. George said to them: Ne doubt ye no thing, without more, believe ye in God, Jesu Christ, and do ye to be baptized and I shall slay the dragon. Then the king was baptized and all his people, and S. George slew the dragon and smote off his head, and commanded that he should be thrown in the fields, and they took four carts with oxen that drew him out of the city.
A couple things here that slot right into the themes of colonialism in the show:
The dragon is used used as a way to coerce people into converting to Christianity. Just as Olrox would have watched the Spanish settlers do to his people: under threat of force.
The dragon is feared by the villagers despite no longer being an actual threat, but St George does nothing to dispel those fears—he exploits them. Just as prejudices of all kinds are used to justify settler colonialism as necessary or inevitable.
The dragon is slain and discarded once St George is done with it. Just as Olrox would have watched the Americans betray and displace the Mohican people who allied with them during the revolution.
Erzsebet and Drolta calling Olrox a "Dragon" isn't just ignorant or disrespectful because he's not a dragon. It's downright degrading. They're not just refusing to address him properly—they're telling a man who has survived settler colonization twice over that they intend to use him as a tool with which to do it again.
Olrox spends the season carefully stepping around every appeal Drolta makes for him to pledge loyalty to Erzsebet. And he's damned good at it: never giving up his true intentions by saying no outright, but wiggling out of ever having to say yes by instead asking pointed questions and making cutting observations that always land the ball back in their side of the court.
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But then this scene happens, and he can't wiggle out of it this time. They've got their dragon where they want him. He's pinned and 'meek'—and I can think of nothing more infuriating and degrading for a character like Olrox than to be paraded about in his own land to help Erzsebet build her empire across it.
Olrox isn't a dragon, but she's going to make him one.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
forgive me if i don’t make sense bc i don’t really know how to articulate this, but taliesin talked a lot about “trying to figure out what punk means in exandria” and wondering what’s there to be angry about. and after the last string of episodes i feel like that it’s a question that he baked into ashton’s character. like yes ashton is punk and they have justified anger but the Rest of their anger is deflective to stop them from interrogating themselves and their decisions further. idk it’s really interesting to me
It is! It's something I really love about Ashton and it's something I think Taliesin was very thoughtful about in his character creation. I think Taliesin is extremely strong in character creation in general, and it's a rare person who can make a character based on a philosophical premise who also feels very real.
That really is the core of Ashton, and I think it's a great commentary. I do still intend to watch The Decline of Western Civilization Part III (winter break perhaps?) but I am broadly familiar with the gutter-punks on which Ashton was based, and again, the punk movement as a whole. There have always been politically-minded punks; but I advise you look up the backgrounds of, say, the average Fugazi/Minor Threat, Bad Religion, Dead Kennedys, or Propagandhi musician because they are, by and large, middle-class white guys with relatively stable and happy childhoods, and the idea of Ashton as someone dedicated to the Tumblr uwu kindness is punk "look at this perfect baby who doesn't steal pennies how kind and generous to only take literally everything else" archetype was always a massive projection. They've always been far more in the model of the Break Shit, Get Wasted punk than, well, the straight edge and veganism of the above.
(I also think that while it's true that a lot of punk houses did take in anyone and were something of a refuge for many a la Color In Your Cheeks, there was also a lot of Missing Stair Fallacy shit going on in the punk community even then. Ashton is in fact an example of the flaws in that sort of subculture: the Nobodies were there until they really, really weren't, and that's not unusual for that kind of punk friendship. It's found family until you're too inconvenient and dangerous to make it worth it. Taliesin explores this a lot, incidentally; that was very much what he was doing with Molly, and I would love to hear him talk about that kind of surface-level closeness that isn't strong enough to stick because as someone who both participates in fandom and loves to observe and analyze fandom as a phenomenon itself, it's a very real dynamic.)
Ashton has had an awful life. That's the premise. Nothing good has happened to them. There are plenty of valid reasons for them to be angry. Some are people who deserve it (their parents for the fucked up ritual; the Nobodies for abandoning them; Jiana Hexum for exploiting them), some are people who don't deserve their anger but to be fair haven't done anything to deserve their respect either (Percy, the gods), but many have been perfectly kind and reasonable and Ashton has rejected them because they're in a position of authority or seemed too nice. And there's plenty of stuff he's mad about that isn't easily pinned on anyone; the chronic pain is a shitty side effect of one or both of his traumas but no one person is responsible.
Ashton is an incredibly cynical person, and this extends to himself. As I've said before, I think they absolutely mean it when they say that they would have done the exact same thing the Nobodies would do, and this has been used to both cover up the intense hurt that came from their abandonment, but also, I think part of Ashton's own self-loathing comes from the fact that yeah, they are the kind of person who'd have done the same, and that isn't a very good person, and being angry at the Nobodies and Jiana and the world at large has allowed him to avoid looking that truth in the face. Ashton has always bounced between "I'll be the best broken thing I can be" and "what if I could be more? what if I could be what I could have been if things went well?" and also "who the fuck cares" and the reveal, that when the chips are down, he will make an ill-advised and self-destructive choice from that place of pain and anger has really rattled them. He can't keep just being angry and using that to shield himself from difficult questions. It won't just kill them, but it will hurt everyone around them too.
A really ugly truth of life is that even when something is completely not your fault and even when you have been dealt a rotten, unfair hand, often, you do have some degree of responsibility to deal with it ("And if it isn't my fault, I certainly didn't do anything to deal with it," as Ashton says.) The mere act of being angry is cathartic but doesn't actually solve anything. I think that's Keyleth's message to Orym, actually; it's not fair, and you're angry that it's not fair, but you need to use that anger to do things yourself instead of letting it consume you or passing the buck because it sure as hell isn't your turn. Ashton has, since the solstice, been playing tug of war with the idea that this anger has perhaps not been serving him, and he finally lost. Initially they realized a lot of this anger had been self-pity, but then, as they said, one week of thinking their parents actually were something led them to do the exact same dumb cult shit. Instead of stopping and listening to Evontra'vir and Allura, he said "no, I'm special, actually." And to be clear I think their motives were incredibly complicated and well-thought-out on Taliesin's part. It's not just because of his parents, it's not entirely selfish or out of heroics but those certainly did play a part, he did genuinely think it would help but he also ignored a number of warnings that it wouldn't. Again, I think the parallels between Ashton and FCG are glaringly obvious this episode, except Ashton hid their feelings with anger and FCG with a focus on everyone else's needs.
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mxrtified777 · 28 days
holy shit seeing everyone go batshit crazy over Chris in the new chapter is HYSTERICAL
I can already see people jumping on the Chris Sucks train because (before the edit was made) Chris doing a favor for felix definitely feels like a slap in the face for Isaac (and for Isaac it probably will be! Even if he doesn't remember mentioning Felix by name, he's probably gonna be pissed (or at least roll his eyes really hard) but people I am begging you to remember that 1) Isaac was not a great friend either. Hell, he's not even doing a great job at being a good friend to Drew right now. There's plenty of reasons for why he acts like this, his past friends, for example; he does seem to have a classic case of attachment issues, and those are sympathizable reasons! But he's still acting kind of like a dick, and he was also kind of a dick while hanging out with Chris. 2) Yes, Chris is flighty and also was not a great friend to Isaac, he's got his own list of problems for sure; BUT if he was not happy in the relationship he had with Isaac, he has every right to leave that relationship! It doesn't matter if it'll hurt Isaacs feelings because of his past. He's not obligated to be friends with anyone he doesn't want to be friends with. Was slowly ignoring him more and more as time went on a shitty way of going about breaking off their friendship? Definitely, 100%. Is Isaac also allowed to be hurt by this? Absolutely, I don't see why he wouldn't be; but they're BOTH in the wrong to some degree.
TL;DR - Both Chris and Isaac fucked up their friendship, Chris is not wholly a shitty person for it and Isaac is not wholly a victim just because this isn't the first time this has happened to him. Teenagers are Assholes, shocking!
extra note: this is not a drama post, nor am i targeting anyone specifically! i obviously can't change how you view or portray a character, do whatever you want forever, etc etc.
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sonik-kun · 10 months
In case anyone needed reminding that Jiang Cheng did in fact mourn WWX for 13 years:
- He kept a hold of his flute for him during all that time he was dead. WWX notes that it had been well looked after, which he didn't even have to do.. if he you know.. Hated him
- The rumours about him torturing DCs are exactly that. Rumours. We don't know the details or why they had been "tortured." The author doesn't delve into it too much, nor does WWX seem that strung up on it for that matter lmao. To say he did it because he resented WWX is kinda baseless and was an assumption WWX made. Every other DC we've seen aside from WWX and MXY were kinda shitty people anyway, so the chances are they probably deserved it (though I do love my little gremlin Xue Yang, don't get me wrong 💜).
Also, hunting DCs is kinda his job.. He can't exactly let them run rampant if they're hurting people. I'd also like to point out how quick he was to let MXY!WWX go the first time with LWJ. He clearly didn't think he was a great threat. And OG MXY was never on his radar, despite dabbling in the dark arts. Makes me think that he only went after notorious DCs who were hurting people and/or were a potential threat. 🤷‍♀️
- If JC truly resented WWX, he would have killed him when he could have. He had so many opportunities to do so, and yet he never did. He also had plenty of opportunities to rat him out to JGY and expose him multiple times, but again, he didn't.
- He even stepped in front of WWX to protect him during the Guanyin Temple conflict which again, he certainly didn't have to do. If he hated him, he wouldn't have defended him, come on now.
- Whenever the rumours about him killing WWX are brought up, he always looks extremely upset and hurt (perhaps believes himself that he had a part in his death anyway).
- He never revealed his own sacrifice or held it over WWX in any way when he could have.
- He apologised and let him go in the end. His hatred clearly didn't run that deep if he was willing to let it all go.
- There has also been concept art in the past of him reminiscing on his times with WWX in Lotus Pier. The creators wouldn't make such blatant art if that wasn't true.
The whole point of Jiang Cheng's character is that he struggles to show "positive" feelings, but shows his love in other ways, like through acts of service, and y'all failed to realise that.
In short, Jiang Cheng mourned, albeit in an unhealthy way, but he mourned and clearly missed Wei Wuxian nonetheless.
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nametakensff · 1 month
Lovely Mess (D/isco E/lysium, M/M)
I wrote this really quickly but then had a week full of interruptions before being able to edit it - but anyway, here's 2.3k of H/arry and J/ean being gross 🥰
Pre-Martinaise, Pre-amnesia H/arry gets J/ean to indulge him in the archive rooms of the station. Things gets messy (literally)
M/M, H/arry has a sneezing fetish, J/ean gets off on indulging him, manually induced sneezes, mentions of hay fever, rapid sneezes, dry humping, prelude to anal sex, anal fingering, spray, sneezing on someone, LOTS of mess, graphic descriptions of mess, verbal teasing, dirty talk, praise kink, embarrassment/humiliation, nose blowing, handkerchiefs
CW: Mess (I mean it), complicated/toxic relationship, abusive language, mentions of alcohol abuse, H/arry is extremely pushy, J/ean should love himself a little bit more, rough sex, degrading language directed towards the fetish, H/arry spits on J/ean's asshole, they're both idiots who enable each other's worst behaviour even if they do care deeply for each other
NSFW - Minors DNI!
“Hhd’Tishh!! ‘TTtsch’uu! Kt’tssch’iew!! Ttsschh’uu!!”
Jean rocked forward helplessly, shivering as each sneeze seemed only to aggravate the tickle rather than alleviate it. Of course, said tickle could only truly be assuaged if the source of its insistence was removed. Given that the reason he was sneezing himself stupid was because of Harry’s greedy and merciless inducing, he didn’t have much faith that he’d find relief any time soon.
“Fuck, Jean! Bless you!”
And there it was. Jean’s face heated at the blessing Harry all but moaned, already pinkened by the supreme effort of releasing an endless stream of tickly little sneezes. Every time he pondered these affairs with a clear head not clouded by impending or recently completed orgasm – when he analysed the situation objectively, the way in which Harry would pester him and he would indulge - he often wondered why he gave in at all. But without fail, the second Harry would approach him, all heated eyes and wandering hands, Jean would cave. Harry might be the deviant with the obscure fetish, but then what did that make him? What was his excuse for all the many times he would get so worked up over the attention he’d end up cumming harder and faster than Harry?
Harry smiled at him, drunk with arousal and power (and yes, okay, the Irish coffee Jean had watched him fix himself this morning). Jean shouldn’t let him treat him like a plaything, not really, but at the very least with Harry, he cared – which was more than could be said about some of the other men (and women) he had permitted to fuck him. He may have a shitty way of showing it half the time, the selfish maniac, but he at least had the decency to express remorse when he did happen to hurt Jean. And it wasn’t as if Jean was an angel. He dished out plenty of hurt himself. It was the nature of their partnership, and of their friendship. Go hard or go home, no in-betweens. Which was probably another reason why Jean was pressed up against the uncomfortable shelves of the archive room, his superior officer’s muscular thigh wedged securely between his own whilst he clutched at him for support, spraying Harry with each and every sneeze that was tortured out of him.
Harry jiggled the little wire he used for such occasions against the wall of Jean’s irritated nostril, and Jean heard the shuddering sigh of anticipation the older man couldn’t hold back as he watched his nostrils twitch and flare. It barely took any motion at all now to push him over the edge. He inhaled, a short, desperate little exclamation of breath before he was sneezing again, all over Harry’s hand, his wrist, and catching his face and shirt.
“Hupt’Tschu! Hhk’TsschUu! Hpt’tshh!-Tschh-Tschtt!! Hht-! Hh’AHtt’Tschhieww!! Putain…”
Harry groaned appreciatively, rocking his hips with each ticklish release. His cock was rock solid as he pressed against the younger man, and just the sensation of that huge erection prodding into him made Jean whine. He wanted Harry to bend him over and fuck him five minutes ago, already. He snuffled reflexively, and that was enough to send him over the edge for another violent triple.
“IhKk’TschHh!! Hh’itshiew!! Hgk’TISHh’ieww!!”
To his utter embarrassment, that final sneeze had been an incredibly messy affair alongside the regular dousing of spray. There now hung two small trails of clear mess, dripping down over his moustache.
“Fuck,” He murmured, blushing violently and reaching up to hide the display, even though Harry would have seen it, could not have missed it, watching him sneeze as he was through unblinking, starstruck eyes.
Jean bristled with indignation as Harry suddenly gripped his wrist and pinned it to his side, halting his attempt to clean himself up. He tried with his other hand, the one that had been gripping Harry’s bicep, but it was no use. That he worked out obsessively and had the body to show for it meant nothing in the face of the older man’s years of hardwired athleticism, even now that he used his arms to lift bottles of beer to his lips more than anything else. He could only stare daggers back at Harry, hoping to cow him into submission. Perhaps this would have worked at a time when Harry’s entire being wasn’t concentrated in the girthy length of his cock. But it was, and so it didn’t.
“Let go of me, you fucking maniac!” Jean spat, angry at Harry for merely smirking back at him and angrier at himself for finding that it made him even hotter.
“Nope. Nuh-uh. Not until you promise you’ll leave yourself alone.”
Jean blinked at him.
“I’ve got fucking snot running down my face, you moron, and it’s your fault. I’ll still fucking sneeze for you, just let me wipe it away.”
Harry didn’t budge. Jean felt his heart race when he realised that Harry’s eyes, pupils blown wide with arousal, were lingering over the sight of mess that was ever so gradually creeping down his face and threatening to slip over his closed lips. He sniffled thickly, nostrils flaring with effort, hoping to pull some of it away, but it barely made a difference. Harry exhaled, and Jean felt his cock twitching against his hip.
“You can clean up in a minute. Just. Keep going like that? I swear I’ll make it up to you.”
Jean knew he would, knew that Harry genuinely enjoyed making him cum, for all his flaws. He didn’t even care if it was a matter of machismo for the older man – he just wanted to have a fucking orgasm, and indulging Harry without resistance was the fastest way of getting one. He sniffled again, wincing just a little at the dense sound of it, before shaking Harry’s hands away and resting his own on the older man’s shoulders.
“Fine.” He grumbled, ignoring Harry’s toothy grin and tilting his head back slightly, nostrils already fluttering in anticipation. “Just don’t come crying to me when I make a mess of your fucking uniform.”
“I never do!” Harry eagerly replied, wasting no time in reinserting that devilish inducing tool.
Every little prod urged the tickle onwards with the most delicious building of pressure. Jean had never disliked the sensation of sneezing, but the sheer quantity of sneezes he was prone to, particularly with his hay fever, had somewhat desensitised him to how pleasurable of a reflex it truly was. He both hated and thrilled in the way Harry was brushing off on him, transforming a banal bodily function into something undeniably hedonistic.
One final prod of the tool, so devious and teasing that it brought fresh tears to his eyes, and Jean was buckling forward with the subsequent release.
“Hut’Tschuu!-Tish’iew!-Hh’tsSCHhuu!! Tishh’ieww-Tschtt!! Huh-! Kishh’uu! Dzsh’ieww!! Hhk’Tisshhiew!!”
There was no way he could open his eyes as the sneezes overwhelmed him, barely giving him a chance to breathe. He could feel himself approaching a desperate state of light-headedness, but damn it all, it felt so fucking good to purge the tickle, and the shameless moans Harry was making just elevated the eroticism to euphoric heights. He gave in to each sneeze, letting them do with him as they would. His cock throbbed and twitched in the painfully tight constraints of his trousers.
“IhGKk’Tschu!! Hgk’Tscch!!-Tshh-‘Tschieww!! Hupt’Tschh! Igk’Tshieww!! Tschh! Tsh! Hh-!”
Harry had at least removed that cruel little wire, and Jean could feel the sneezes winding down, perhaps due to lack of oxygen more than anything else. His breath scissored in and out of him, chest jumping with effort as he built up to one final, cleansing explosion.
“hhHAGk’TshHhieww!! Ah…”
Fuck. He was trembling, at last able to blink his bleary eyes open. His face felt hot with effort, tears streaming down his face as his breathing gradually evened out again.
“Ohh, Vic. Jean. Good boy.”
Harry murmured, leaning forward to press a kiss to his burning cheek. Those words, predictably, went straight to his solid cock and he blushed right up to the tips of his ears. He was so, so embarrassingly easy.
When Harry pulled back, Jean took the time to assess the damage. His fit had dislodged no small amount of clear mess, built up over hours of aggravating hay fever and Harry’s ruthless tickling. It had spattered over Harry’s chest, some glittering in the chest hair that peaked out through the unbuttoned upper section of his shirt, the rest leaving specks of damp discolouration as his sneezes saturated the fabric. He looked down to where their legs locked, and even as he did so another drop spilled from the pinkened rim of one nostril to join the damage there. As with Harry’s shirt, the material stretched across his thigh was darkened with slippery moisture. Jean noticed he had even managed to sneeze, or drip, onto the straining material across Harry’s crotch, which throbbed happily as he regarded it.
He didn’t need a mirror to visualise the mess he had made of himself; he could feel the result of his body-shaking fit dripping past his moustache and over his lips, down to his bearded chin. Judging by the damp sensation of his shirt clinging to his pectorals, he’d definitely drenched parts of his own chest as well.
The droplet that had recently escaped now gathered anew, hanging precariously in place. Harry had noticed, because how could he not, and he took the opportunity to tease Jean’s sensitive nostril, ever so delicately, tracing the flaring rim with one outstretched finger.
Jean gasped immediately, cringing at the intensity of the tickle, and sneezed all over Harry’s hand.
“AEgkK’TschIeww!! HHd’TtSChHhht!! Oh m’by god…”
He blinked and shivered, relishing in the trembling aftermath and unable to help the soft little whimper of pleasure that slipped through his lips, only partially open to allow himself to breathe. He snuffled, the sound of it crackling and obscenely congested.
Harry pulled his hand back, connected to Jean’s nostrils by one delicate, glistening strand before it stretched to its limit and fell away.
“Wow.” He smiled, sounding completely fucking enraptured, and held the hand up for Jean to see as he himself admired the prodigious results of that violent double. Jean blushed to see the skin glistening in the poorly lit room, slick and sticky. He was frightened for a second that Harry might actually lick himself clean, and even more frightened at the way his cock didn’t seem to wilt in the slightest, but thankfully Harry just wiped it off on the ruined material of his own shirt.
“Poor baby. So stuffy. You made such a lovely mess for me, Jean-Jean.”
He was saying the most ridiculous, unbelievable things in that gruff, rumbling voice of his, speaking more because he liked the sound of what he was saying over whether he thought Jean might actually enjoy it. Jean did enjoy it, though, and that fucking enraged him. He would always come back for more, no matter how strange or obscure the sex became, because he was a fucking fool and Harry could play him – just about anyone, really, but especially him – like a fucking fiddle.
“You’re a fucking pervert, Harry. A disgusting creep!”
He meant it, too, yet they both knew that this vitriol towards the particulars of Harry’s proclivities was a facade. In reality, Jean was angry because once again, Harry had pushed his boundaries and his buttons and he’d loved it anyway. His outburst only spurred Harry on, rubbing himself shamelessly on Jean’s hip.
“Yeahh, baby. I’m a downright tramp. But you fucking love it, Vic. I’m making you hard.”
Jean gasped as Harry’s baritone voice rumbled against him; he could feel it in his chest, the rasp of it echoing in his skull as Harry licked a line down the shell of his ear. The feeling of his facial hair rubbing against his cheek made him shudder. And he was right – he was so, so right. Jean was giddy with arousal, intoxicated with the utter filthiness of it all.
“Let me – let me clean myself up.” He managed, and Harry obeyed, giving Jean enough room to retrieve his handkerchief and indulge in a long, crackling blow. It was several such blows, in fact, and Jean squirmed as Harry refused to look away. He wondered if his body would soon become unable to distinguish between the twin burning flames of humiliation and intense arousal. He used the unsullied part of his handkerchief to clean his beard and moustache, hoping if he missed a spot Harry would let him know before the unavoidable walk of shame back to the bullpen.
“You okay?” Harry asked, voice far too fucking tender as he stroked at Jean’s cheek. He knew if he looked Harry in the eye his gaze would be equally as saccharine, and it made Jean want to scream, or melt. Maybe both.
“I’m fine. Fuck me, god dammit. Fuck me right now,” He snarled, bucking his hips against Harry and groaning as the older man immediately humped him back, pawing him all over.
“You gonna beg me for it?” Harry murmured against Jean’s lips, breathy with arousal.
“Fuck you.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“Neither the fuck are you, shitkid.”
“It’s okay,” Harry drawled, grinning at him before flipping Jean around and bending him over the small, nearby reading table. Jean moaned as Harry pulled his trousers and underwear down his thighs, shivering in anticipation. “I forgive you. I’ll fuck you anyway.”
Jean rested his forehead on his folded forearms and moaned again, heating at the sensation of Harry spreading his cheeks with his huge hands before spitting on his hole, happy in the knowledge that he had worked Harry up just enough to be railed as hard and as fast as he liked.  
“Feel free to sneeze again, if you need to.” He could hear the smirk in Harry’s voice, the popping cap of his portable lube bottle, and then the sensation of his coated fingers probing inside of him, stretching him open.
“Fuck you,” Jean gasped out, reaching between his legs as Harry lined up their hips, getting ready to enjoy the ride.
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homochadensistm · 2 months
We've seen photos of Palestinians waving Third Reich flags it's not like we desperately need to prove that one singular solitary Hamas soldier has a temporary swastika tattoos that his besties gave him at the 7th grade sleepover. And the fact that it looks so shitty and obviously hand-drawn too is sending me 😭
Like it's corny and it's tired and it's played out. Planting evidence on a terrorist is going to have so much more capital among the insane Houthi fangirls (who also think that Israel trains American police to execute people of color) than it is among pro Israel people who already know that a lot of Hamas members and supporters like Nazis!
There's no way the tattoo is real, there's no logical reason why this guy would have it, we don't need it to be real to prove that Nazi ideology is popular in Gaza. Everyone arguing with you is so hypersensitive to any assertion that Israel is wrong or making something up and they need to take a chill pill, maybe smoke a blunt. Like this wasn't even ISRAEL the state, it was a single IDF soldier probably trying to get clout (guys look I took out the Nazi soldier with his halal swastika tattoo). You can support Israel and still acknowledge that plenty of Israeli soldiers are dumbasses and a lot of them are very young and impulsive.
Forever obsessed with all these people praying on your downfall every time you even slightly disagree with them. I guess they're intimidated 👄💄
I understand your bottom line but dude some of the things u wrote are entirely missing a very important point.
the palis could hold nazi marches and wave these flags on their way to work, it doesnt matter at all. creating and spreading mis/disinformation to Own The Other Side is vile behavior. and yes, you absolutely need to prove the claims you as a country officially make (fortunately, as u stated, this was not claimed officially....YET) because your credibility is what makes or breaks ur public relations. soldiers drawing swastikas on palis with sharpies shouldnt be excused as a teehee oopsie doopsie its just a prank bro!! it should be taken extremely seriously and it doesnt remotely matter whether the palis wave the nazi flags or not, its not the point.
some retarded 18yo with an M16 in the middle of khan younis isnt thinking abt Israeli public relations when he does something fucking stupid and the myriad of absolutely disgusting vids posted by these freaks on tiktok should serve as a lesson to us all on that. ppl who r capable of ransacking some random persons house or store are also capable of planting evidence like this, and we know for a fact that both soldiers and spokespeople lied multiple times abt "evidence". ppl dont seem to understand that both parties here have a vested interest in maintaining the others bad image and both parties are going to release bs propaganda.
and ur absolutely right, we dont need a tattoo to prove the prevelence of nazi ideology in gaza, but if we dont need that then simply dont lie about it! dont make shit up! and yet someone still made it up and its going to be added to the pile of bs Israel spread (because lets face it, even if the country didnt officially post this, a soldier did, and a soldier is a representative to the country whether we like it or not), that is going to hurt us down the line. again ppl dont seem to understand that the palis can lie until their tongues fall off and noone will care because the west expects absolutely nothing from them, but we cannot play by these rules because we are a democratic country that is held to western standards of conduct. we as ordinary ppl must point out the crap thats spread around by members of Our SideTM just as much as we do on the crap spread around by the terrorist cum garglers, and if were not willing to do that then were just as brainwashed as they are.
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raayllum · 6 months
I keep seeing people calling Callum Snake boi what does that MEAN
Little slice of fandom history and also because it's my fault (TLDR at the bottom in bold):
Years ago, a few days after S1 came out and when JK Rowling wasn't an outspoken bloody TERF there were discussions of what Harry Potter houses the characters would fit into. The general consensus for Callum seemed to be that he'd be a Ravenclaw because he's clever and artistic, but I argued for Slytherin (whose symbol is a snake) because I saw him more so as ambitious than just curious and more selectively loyal when it comes to his motivations, etc etc.
If you've been following me for any period of time you might know that I tag Very Meticulously, so as a trans person and a trans ally I was like I don't wanna use the TERF's terminology anymore, but having a tag to talk about a specific aspect of Callum's characterization (his wonderfully harsh temper, his intense selective loyalty, his obsessive ambition, etc etc) was still a useful prospect to me. Thus Snake Boi Callum as a tag was born, mostly as a joke? And so I could find metas that talked about his characterization (specifically) as I don't think I had a characterization tag almost at all for a while?
It started to pick up steam in my tags specifically when there was starting to be a little bit of - pushback isn't the right word cause everyone's entitled to their own interpretation and characterization of a character, nor does everyone have to engage with every part of a character's canon personality or actions in their fandom stuff if they don't want to.
But there'd be stuff of people forgetting that he can be pretty mean when he gets angry or not seeing him as selectively loyal to Ezran and Rayla? People would also be surprised but accepting, or resistant, to his growing and consistent parallels in characterization with Viren and Claudia (even if they are all still, ultimately, different from one another).
I saw a fair bit of sentiment during the hiatus of "oh he'd Never ever do dark magic again" (which I never believed even immediately post-s2) or in discussions of how he'd respond to Rayla after she left in Through the Moon graphic novel (set shortly after S3). Some people thought understandably that he'd care a lot about the lie (that he'd get to go with her) and the abandonment, understandably so - they're both shitty things to do, but I also sympathize/cry over why Rayla thought she had to do them, but I never thought he'd think the lie was that important, and focus more on the abandonment aspect as a source of hurt.
Snake Boi Callum as a concept also got some mileage in the development of my Cube Hostage Exchange Theory as well, an ongoing theory since November 2020-ish that Callum will help Aaravos / give him the Key of Aaravos in order to save Rayla's life if she was injured / taken hostage. I don't know if they'll do that scenario now because S5 basically delivered the exact thing, just with Finnegrin instead of Aaravos, but there was some more legitimate pushback to said theory/scenario during the hiatus because people thought Callum would never help a villain like that or take such a big risk for someone he loves. I'm not gonna say that I was wholly right (because I wasn't) and again people can interpret his actions in S5 in whatever way they want, but I will say that all of S5 was one of the most validating experiences of vindication I've ever had in my whole life, so that probably speaks for itself
But yeah, it's a term that's kinda caught on (I would say 60-80% of the fandom sees Callum as someone who would risk the world for Ezran and/or Rayla, with 20-30% - maybe less? - seeing otherwise, hence why I think it's caught on; but again, having an 'unpopular' opinion in fandom doesn't necessarily make it wrong, god knows I've had plenty) and then in the discords I'm in, a few people thought a week based around those traits would be fun and boom. Snake Boi Callum Week was born.
TLDR; Snake Boi Callum is a fanon catch-all / shorthand for the 'darker' / more emotional and torn side of Callum's personality (his ambition, his temper, particularly his fierce protectiveness and selective loyalty) that is being explored by whoever wants to in a fun fandom week. His bio in official series material does read that he values "those close to [him] more than anyone or anything" after all (which again, was very validating after years and seasons of seeing and writing him with that exact sentiment)
The tagging also means that for people who don't agree with this characterization for whatever reason, or whom dislike the emphasis on it, can blacklist it easily (as is the intended purpose with all tags on my blog)
He's a goofy nurturing guy who will Cut You and verbally eviscerate you without question if you hurt his loved ones or piss him off enough, and I love that for him. He's a little snake boi and we think he should have lots of angst (or sometimes not enough when it comes to killing/threatening people) over how far he'll go to protect the people he loves, as a Treat
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Chapter 4 sneak peek
Oh, the hurt. But also the comfort ❤️‍🩹
Master list
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You continued tracing a path at the edge of the grass. Jimin wondered if you were aware you were marking their property or if it was subconscious. Maybe you were claiming the space as your own. Maybe you were trying to draw in other alphas with your scent. Maybe you just had no idea what you were doing.
"Is that what you do then? You help people get jobs?" You asked as you turned around and went back the other way.
"I'm a social worker. I help people get the things they need. Whether that's a job or school or a pack." Jimin saw your back stiffen at the word, a minor hiccup in your pacing before you resumed. "Would that be something I could help you with?"
You turned the corner to walk across the back perimeter again, hiding your face in shadow. "I don't need a pack," you said quietly but firmly.
"Living on your own in the city can be really hard. Making ends meet, taking care of yourself. There are all kinds of packs. Not all are held together for mating. Sometimes a pack can just be friends who care about you. When Taehyung came to us, he wasn't looking for partners, but family."
You sighed heavily at his words. "Your pack seems nice enough, but not all packs are like that. Everyone acts like packs are something you have to have, but not all packs mean safety. Shitty people don't stop being shitty just because they're pack."
Jimin's breath caught in his chest. Of course, he knew most packs weren't as good as his. And he knew that there were plenty of bad people out there, even Lykos. But he didn't like to imagine what could have happened to you to bring out such bitterness in your voice.
"But I'm sure someone like you wouldn't understand that," he heard you mutter under your breath.
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May 10th 6am CDT/8pm KST
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opinated-user · 3 months
I find LO posting things that say "well, there are people I'd apologize to, but it'd be used as ammo by my stalkers so I can't" a really lame excuse.
I mean, first of idk why she'd even bother posting that stuff since if ur not going to apologize, these posts are essentially just looking for sympathy. They're pretty much a 'poor me' response.
Second if she genuinely feels like she owes an apology enough to feel the need to explain why she is not doing so then just apologize. Will some people take it in bad faith--yeah, that happens when ur a public figure and it sucks, but that's not a valid reason not to apologize if u truly did something shitty.
I'm pretty sure her latest post saying this is probably about Sunny and her poor response to Astrid, calling it a 'spat'. And although what she did was super shitty, it's not as if an apology exposes any more wrong doing on her part or admits a crime (like apologizing to Courtney would). All she has to say something along the lines of "I'm really sorry for how I responded to those asks about Sunny. I was wrong to belittle what happened to them. We may no longer be on friendly terms but regardless I shouldn’t have said what I did."
Like idk, that doesn't seem like to much to ask, but lily seems to only apologize if it's something small and someone who is overly polite about pointing out her mistakes (take the criticism she responded to about Aliana as opposed to those she brushed off/denied as an example).
i feel like i'm saying something that should be plenty obvious here but... an apology should be for your own accountability. if you truly feel like you did something wrong and want to tell other people that you know you did wrong, that should be it. our reaction should matter none in that equation because it's not about us, it's about what you feel that is the right thing to do, even if the apology is not accepted in the end. by do making it about our reactions and we might say about it, LO made herself the most important thing in the entire conversation. it doesn't matter what she did wrong, to whom she hurt or who it could affected her wrong actions, because what matters is that LO doesn't get inconvenienced in any way. because let's imagine an scenario in which LO says sorry for absolutely whatever is that she did wrong. some of us say "too little too late" or something along those lines... so what? how is that such a huge detriment that warrants avoiding apologizing at all in the first place? is LO really that fragile? (the answer is yes, she is)
it's selfish and cowardly. just say that you don't want to apologize instead of trying to shift the blame into "the stalker". just say that you don't care about whatever person is that you hurt. just say that. you already do by putting such weak excuses as to why you can't apologize anyway, but at least it would be way more honest.
it's especially gross to do this "i'd apologize but i don't want to" when the subject is minimizing child rape. why it has to be such a quest to get LO to admit that child rape is wrong? if that post was even about Sunny at all.
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legacydevice · 10 months
Do you know what old pc I should get for retro gaming?
Thanks for the question! Keep in mind that this is written from the assumption that you have no/very basic knowledge of older computers, so I apologize if this comes off a bit patronizing! Even if you know quite a bit, other people reading may not and I want to make sure people are knowledgeable before making a purchase!
If you dont care about hardware, and your current pc can handle it, I'd recommend setting up a VM with the operating system of your choice (windows xp would probably have the most flexibility). Look up a tutorial on how to set up a VM with VirtualBox, and you can easily find .iso files of your operating system of choice online. (Obviously be careful of what you download). This is also convenient because if you dont own physical copies of your games it's pretty easy to get the files from the internet archive and transfer them to the VM! If you need any more help with this, feel free to send me an ask and I can help you out!
If you're a hardware lover like me though, I definitely understand wanting to have the experience of the real thing! Please keep in mind im not totally educated about specs and technical stuff, so take my opinion with a grain of salt and look for others input as well (followers please add on / correct me)!
A lot of it depends on the kind of games you want to run, if you're fine with only 2d games you should be fine with most computers that have an appropriate cpu/ram for the year it was made! However, running 3d games will definitely need a good gpu. There are plenty of people on ebay who sell custom built computers geared towards retro gaming, I'd recommend looking into listings of those even if you do not want to buy on eBay just to get an idea of what you would like!
I personally use Facebook marketplace to look for old computers that I want to buy. A lot of times you can get pretty good deals on there! While not a gaming oriented computer, I got my micron millennia, including the crt monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers all for $80! It also runs pretty much any games I want to play on there, but I haven't tried any beefier 3d games yet so I'm not sure how it will do with those. You can also check local thrift stores around you as well, I've been able to find a Dell optiplex for $40 once before. I would recommend local shops rather than goodwills since most goodwills usually sell their good stuff online for auction, but it doesn't hurt to check if you're feeling lucky!
Keep in mind that buying locally very much depends on if you can drive/have access to a car, so I totally understand if this isn't an option for you. I also have only ever lived in the US so your buying options will probably be different if you are in another country. If you know of any local retro tech enthusiast groups, they could probably help you out specific to your location! Again, Facebook is a good resource to find local groups.
The other option is buying from eBay. It will be more expensive because of shipping but you can at least get something more geared to your specifics and it's more convenient if you do not have access to transportation. Searching up something like "custom retro gaming pc" or "vintage gaming pc" should help you out!
Also, if this is your first time buying an old computer, or you do not have any experience with technology repair, you may want to buy from someone who has that experience and has already refurbished the computer for you. Blown capacitors and shitty power supplies are no joke, they can be very dangerous! If you absolutely need a computer that is advertised as not working/not tested, take it to someone who knows what they're doing before plugging it in. Again, I apologize if this comes off as patronizing but I want to make sure everyone is safe and no one has any bad experiences that may turn away people from this hobby!
Another recommendation I'd give is to get something you like! I know this might be a bit obvious, but I really like windows 98 because of nostalgia reasons, and my roommate would often ask me why I didn't get a pc with windows XP. Personally all the games I want to play run fine on 98, and i'm willing to use a VM for games that need XP. Get something that makes you happy if it is within your budget and convenient for you!
I apologize if this is a bit rambly! I'm waiting for an oil change and im bored lol. Other people feel free to add on and im willing to answer more questions if needed :)
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fiendishwinx · 10 months
why do you like rivusa? (i love rivusa i just want to hear your reasons why)
Now, I did say that if I ever got the chance, I'd write a whole essay about them. Like 10 pages, minimum. But knowing me, it's gonna be shitty bullet points again! Yay! Who doesn't love those?
-I know this season's a tossup for them. Rough times, rough times. Musa's feelings are unrequited (or at least appear to be unrequited) throughout most of it, right up until s1e25. Sucks (for me) that it takes him until the finale to reciprocate, but I like to interpret that as S1 Riven, or "girls!...who needs them" Riven, being understandably wary of anyone's sudden, unfounded affection towards him.
-But the thing about Musa here? She's stubborn with it--her affection. He's not ready for it yet, but she's layin' it on him, and she's layin' it on him thick. With reckless abandon, where her whole damn heart's on the line. That's a dangerous and naïve thing for someone to do, and any cagey person (Riven) would keep their distance. Ignore them, even.
And yet:
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-And homegirl gives NO fucks about it, either--no reciprocation necessary! Well, maybe a little, because she stops pursuing him at the end of s1e9. He's dating someone else now, and he's being an ass about it, kinda, but she gets over him. To protect herself, as any humbled girl should. In turn, she's a lot more closed off (especially towards him) than before.
-Deep, deep down though?....it's still there. Can't get rid of those feelings, for shit.
-Would've loved some more buildup scenes post s1e9, or between s1e23 and s1e25, showing their gradual apologies, Trix-ocalypse bonding, and then Riven's "oh fuck, she's serious" moment that he starts pacing outside over. Let it rock his world for a bit.
-There's a lot of will-they-won't-they this season, but I don't mind that. Always been a "it's the journey, not the destination" kind of shipper, anyway. But something they will do this season, and a whole lot of it, is touch:
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-So many touches, grasps, hugs...shared hiding spots.
-Everyone's roughed up from last year, and Musa can't quite verbalize what's hurting her, much less explain it, but she can sure as hell grunt, unravel, and burst into tears in his arms. Because while yes, her friends are amazing, and give her plenty of advice and support, when it comes to Riven, he doesn't tell her how or what to feel. He just lets her do it. Hics, snot, and all.
-On the flip side, Riven's been humbled, or humble squared. Wouldn't say matured just yet, but he's tamed down his ass-ness, compared to S1. He's quieter, more distant. That's what imprisonment and nearly dying does to you (and it won't be the last time, either). Instead of yelling or mocking someone, he might choose to say nothing at all. It's both a blessing and a curse, though, concerning the both of them.
-Remember the formula, people. You put an avoidant guy in front of an emotional girl, then throw in some death dice. What do you get out of that, exactly? A relationship.
-Less focus on them this season, and I never really vibed with the majority of their scenes being...inflammatory. Small moments like s3e9 (yeah, he could've spared Bloom's feelings more, but we've got two seasons of character development showing why he'd err towards bluntness, Musa...) and fuck-ing s3e19 (like, where? where does this come from, guys?!), that make my eye twitch. Rainbow's type-casted them at this point--they're the tropey, drama-prone "bickering couple" now, and indefinitely.
-If they weren't so serious about it, and had more of a snarky/teasing banter kind of situation? I would've ate that shit up. That's a trope I could get behind, and tbh, it'd make a lot more sense, given the narrative. Like, let them be a fun background couple now, it's fine.
-Shout out to "bACk aWay frOM mY WiFe" Riven in s3e21:
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-Say what you want about it, but at the end of the day, Musa sees that he still cares, has always cared in his own way, and will drop everything at any hint of her being in danger.
-From this season's crumbs, I gathered that these two are lines--not parallel or perpendicular ones, but they do cross, and it's at this rare point where their love languages sync, their communication's on point, and they both genuinely see things eye-to-eye. It's somewhere outside of the graphing window, but they'll find it.
-That interaction in s4e2? That's what I was talking about. Some quippy back-and-forth, where nobody's butthurt. Could've been the blueprint for them this season. And last season.
(Keep in mind, S4 makes me tired and delusional. Another jealousy plot? Failed simping attempts? Nope, doesn't ring a bell. W-Who's Jason Queen, again? No clue who that is, babe...must've hit my head on something...)
-But I do like seeing them switch here, where Riven's confronted with his own insecurities, and starts showing emotional vulnerability towards Musa, in different ways:
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-Is it unpopular to say that, though S4 Rivusa irks me to bits, I prefer them to their characterization in S3? Because at least here, their arguments seem justified; Riven's threatened by Jason, and in turn, Musa's promising career on Earth, because it sparks the realization that he's stagnating, and might get left behind? And if it weren't for that realization, that fear, I'd think he'd be very supportive of her endeavors (going back to s2e15, and what he did at the concert for her: "everyone sing, goddammit!").
-This could've been their final relationship "bump", so to speak. They'd have all their deeper, more personal issues bubble to the surface ("Support me, Riven!", "I'm not good enough for you", "Please don't abandon me", etc.), which they'd address and come to terms with, then end S4 being that much closer.
Wait! Let's not forget SOTLK:
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-This scene, in its entirety, had me levitating off the ground. Straight into the stratosphere, and you couldn't have paid me to come back down. Riven knows what he's fighting for, and Musa loves him, crunchables hair and all. That's the finale, for me. The end! Close the curtains, I beg of you!
Fuck, there's more?!
Anyways, I've always liked the underdogs--the easy-outs, and the least picked poll options. While it's a lonely experience to favor those types of ships (until I joined the fandom here, and found people who either like Muri/Rivusa, or are at least willing to discuss them, critically), it's never discouraged me from making ship content, you know? Some sites will just...never get to see it, though lol. Not that they'd want to, judging from what I've encountered.
I think they're neat, and if no one agreed with me on that, I'd be fine. You'd just see me in that empty section, way up in the stadium's bleachers, waving around some half-powered light stick by myself.
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alltimefail-sims · 7 months
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Wren Opara For @mangosimoothie's The Familiar
The Basics: -> Human; They/Them (Nonbinary) -> Traits: Perfectionist, Peaceful, Snob, Neat, Party Animal -> Blood Type: B Negative -> Gay AF -> Young Adult (irl probably like 23 y.o.)
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Many details below the cut! ↓
Wren grew up in a painfully high profile family. Their mother is a beloved career politician in San Myshuno who dethroned her conservative competitor at the height of his career. She's been fighting for whatever it is Democrats want people to think they care about while shaking hands with elitist bureaucrats and not getting their own child's pronouns right for years now. Wren's father, on the other hand, is a retired engineer and respectable investor currently focused on funneling money into "forward thinking, clean energy advancements." He's an effortless public speaker who is known for wiring up crowds of eager college graduates, TED talk truthers, and other alpha male types all while speaking a maximum 10 words at home on a weekly basis - but it's fine, really!
Even if Wren's parents have never so much as held hands in their presence, they do seem to agree on a couple things like: (1) Wren could be doing more with their life, (2) Wren is "hellbent on hurting the family image," and (3) Wren should try to be more like their older brother and sister who are, in Wren's opinion, not-so-secretly competing to see who can be more fucking insufferable. So yeah, everything has always been fine. Wren is the black sheep, the youngest child with a fucking communications degree (the horror!), the queer child who is constantly held to a higher standard of what their relationships need to look like, who has a penchant for lavish, expensive parties and enough fair weather friends to fill a fucking yacht. They're fine, it's all very fine...
Except when it's not. Which is often, actually, now that they're really thinking about it. Ever heard of those child geniuses who get burnout before they're 40? Wren is going through their third (maybe fourth) midlife crisis before 25, so although that's not ideal, at least people can't call Wren an underachiever. After years of doing all the right things, keeping their head down, shaking all the right hands, and being under the heavy scrutiny of the public at large and still not being good enough, they've pretty much just hit a wall. Like, what's the point? So yeah, they party and they've been in a bit of a funk. The parties are fun, and Wren loves a good time (and a good distraction), but it's all so fucking fake and lonely. Wren's exhausted.
So here they are, trying something truly wild because why the fuck not. Anything is better than living in proximity to people who view you solely as a burden or a benefit, depending on the context. Does Wren live to serve and perform well under immense pressure? Wren would argue that everyone's ass has to spend their whole life serving someone or something anyway, so you might as well try and make it worthwhile. Wren is neat, organized, has refined tastes, an eye for luxury, and they are certainly not squeamish. They wouldn't describe themselves as responsible by any means, but they do get shit done when they set their mind to it, and they're loyal.
They've worked plenty of shitty jobs in the past. They've been a Starbucks barista in a fucking yuppie ass Target on Black Friday; they cleaned bathrooms and slung drinks while working at the sluttiest, dirtiest, raunchiest club in SanMy; they've worked on their own mother's godforsaken campaign with the most miserable Midwesterners known to man; they're pretty sure they can handle just about anything. After all, Wren knows enough about Atticus and Ryan to feel, with absolute certainty, that working for them would likely be worlds better than being a second class citizen in their own life. Some risks are just worth taking, and some lives are worth leaving behind.
Wren's read that one book - Twilight or some shit? It wasn't for them. They're doubtful it was like, super accurate anyway. So they might, admittedly, have a limited knowledge on what actual vampires are like, but they're extremely open minded after doing a quick web search: "What is a vampire familiar?" and reading some guy named Vlad's wiki page. Maybe the fire under their ass comes from a renewed sense of intrigue, maybe it's sparked by the potential to change their life into something truly and uniquely their own, maybe it's just their competitive nature, but Wren is eager to prove that they're a perfect fit even for the most picky, high-profile vampires.
Some fun facts: ❤ Wren's birthday is October 28th: they don't believe in astrology, but loves to jokingly call themselves a Scorpi-ho. ❤ Has 1.7 million followers on Social Bunny. ❤ Says they are 5'10 - is actually 5'8. Will look you in the eyes and deny this with their whole chest. All their shoes give a little lift for this reason lol. ❤ Not a crier or a super "expressive"/"vulnerable" person, but deals with emotional people really well and actually finds them refreshing. ❤ People have always underestimated Wren's intelligence, but they're dangerous as fuck to have in your corner. They will tank your public image or build it back up with the skill of someone twice their age. They are a numbers whiz and a spreadsheet master in disguise. They are booked and unbothered with quiet efficiency. They work in silence and make major moves in the shadows (unlike the rest of their family but I digress). ❤ Will literally vomit if anything "Pumpkin Spice" is brought within an inch of their mouth. Deadass. ❤ Changes their hair color on such a regular basis that it has become a trending topic on multiple occasions. Loves to play around with fashion in general. ❤ Their typical "type" would be someone big, beefy, and hairy. Thems the rules and Wren is not budging. (I'm not sure if Wren is applying for this position with romance on their mind, you can do with that what you will 👀) ❤ Loves the company of artist types and musicians the most, even though Wren wouldn't consider themselves to be the conventional "creative type." ❤ Will do the worst rendition of WAP you've ever heard at karaoke after a few rounds of shots. Also loves waxing poetic at art museums and pining for beautiful men from afar. ❤ All of their tattoos and piercings were impulse decisions. ❤ Lowkey a philanthropist?! Does not make a big deal about it, but gives copious amounts of their money to charity regularly and actually volunteers often. ❤ Denies watching trash reality tv but definitely does. Has two separate Spotify accounts - one for leisure and the other perfectly and meticulously curated to share when "Spotify Wrapped" season comes along. ❤ Once royally pissed off a certain celeb's stans by (jokingly) stating on a livestream that they've "Got as many clothes in their closet as [redacted] has exes." People demanded "Accountability." They posted a link to a SimsTube video response with the title "Let's Talk (Apology)." It was not an apology, but rather a clip of them going "Wooooow, you bitches really thought. Anyway, steam Traumazine."
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yukidragon · 1 year
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8C9URuw/ omg i just found this audio and dude the bad ending ideas you can come up with this for Jack and Mc. Or Jack and alice if you please.
Goodness. That certainly sounds like a bad end AU for Jack. MC is convinced his love for them is a lie and executes him themselves... It's a very tragic thing to imagine.
I think it is possible that's going to be an actual bad end route for the game. If Jack is rejected, he's going to be the antagonist, guaranteed. He needs MC to not be damned back to hell. No matter how much he loves them and wants to see them happy, he's going to cross lines in order to keep them for his own self-preservation and because of how much he loves them.
I can easily see in the routes of any of the other love interests, or even just in a route where MC doesn't choose any love interests that they'll have to be the one to reject Jack for good. In a lot of ways, MC is dependent on Jack. They feel lonely and he makes them feel good. It's why they get so scared of losing him if they push him away and suddenly they can't touch him.
It makes me think of how one of the inspirations for the game is comfort characters. Jack, in a real sense, is a comfort character to MC. He's not real enough to affect reality (as far as MC knows), but he's real to them. The fact that even months on they still don't really think he's real shows that they're struggling to see him as a person and not as the character he portrays.
Alice, in Sunshine in Hell, has a slightly different mindset than this. She isn't convinced right away that he's real and that she isn't crazy, but she chooses to treat him like a person, rather than a character she's imagining. She's erring on the side that if Jack is real, then it would be pretty shitty to not treat him like a person.
That voice clip makes makes me think of an MC who just simply doesn't believe in Jack - not his love or friendship. He's a monster threatening people in their life. They see his love as a lie. There are plenty of MCs that feel this way and reject Jack and his love as manipulative/scary/fake/etc.
Even with the ability to feel Jack's feelings to some degree, as I've theorized about in past posts, there are plenty of people who still won't really empathize with him. Heck, there are MCs who I'm sure would be creeped out by it, especially since he is being manipulative.
So I can see a moment where MC no longer believes in Jack and is so scared of him that they just take him out in desperation, especially if it's to save someone else they care about.
Even when I wrote that sort of situation, where Jack was a threat to Shaun and Ian due to wrong choices that were made, Alice still believes Jack loves her.
Alice is a pretty empathetic person. She struggles to want to see anyone hurt or suffer. That's why she has such a hard time with the idea of hurting Ian. Even though she has a gun and would be able to bring herself to use it on a person in a dangerous situation, if she has any sort of emotional connection to the person, then she won't be able to bring herself to do it. Even shooting an attacker in self-defense is done, well, defensively. She goes for non-vital points.
Jack would have to really wreck Alice's trust and faith in him, do everything possible wrong to make himself into a lying, manipulative monster in her eyes for her to be able to bring herself to shoot him dead, especially while he's still saying he loves her.
Jack being Jack isn't going to do that much damage to their relationship, especially not when he's so desperate to keep her love. The reason why the Bad End AU resulted in Alice sacrificing herself for his sake is because his love for her is sincere. He's not going to make choices that'll convince her it's all fake. Hell, even Ian couldn't do that, and he slept with someone else.
It would take solid evidence to convince Alice that Jack's love is a lie. She's going to be reluctant to believe that he loves and is attracted to her at the start of the relationship, but even on day one, she can already tell that he cares about her. That's why she agrees to be his friend and why she is doing so much to treat him kindly and cheer him up.
I think Alice's biggest flaw might be that she's too kind and empathetic. She doesn't give up on people unless pushed to the brink. That's why the situation with her and Ian is so broken. Jack is too careful about making sure that won't happen, which is why the Bad End AU is the way it is rather than like the voice clip.
Still, the alternative is a pretty interesting bad end route for another MC. I think I've seen a few pictures of MCs destroying the tape in the past. It would certainly make for a tense and frightening climax in the game.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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angelamontoo · 7 months
Wait I wanna hear about ur Mortimer Brewster hate.
I never cared for him personally but I wanna hear ur reason, if you don't mind.
Oh I probably shouldnt have called myself a hater, that's a bit too strong and negative a word for how I feel about Mortimer. Tbh with how unsympathetic and just plain boring a lot of leading men(aswell as other characters who we, the audience, are expected to have some automatic, unearned liking for)are in a lot of these old films, I can't truly hate Mortimer just cause hes at least consistently genuinely funny and interesting to watch.
Still, Mortimer has a lot of pretty unlikeable characteristics that it took multiple rewatches of the film for me to really notice, or at least think about fully. It's definitely partially my opinion being influenced by other AAOL fans who's post about why they hate Mort got me thinking more about just what a massive douche he is in the film, but plenty of it is stuff I kinda noticed myself and then focused on more with every rewatch while I was waiting for Einstein to appear.
The most obvious shitty trait about Mortimer is ofc the way he treats Elaine, ignoring her, berating her, stringing her along and being a condescending dickweed, all because of his own internal conflicts and as a Lorre fan, I'm obligated to be somewhat offended by how needlessly mean he is to Herman, but what really bothers me personally is the way he treats his aunts and especially Teddy. He talks down to his aunts like they're little kids instead of the people who raised him, essentially his mothers and has 0 gratitude for everything they've done for him despite Abby and Martha treating him like their golden child, being thrilled to cart them off to happydale with Teddy. Speaking of, the utter lack of empathy Mortimer has for his own brother, who has never done anything more harmful to anyone else than blow a bugle too loud, is vile. He has no moral qualms letting Teddy potentially take the fall for murder when he's never shown signs of violence before just because "everyone already knows he's crazy" and Mortimer was always planning to shove Teddy into a nuthouse when his aunts croaked anyway so it's no skin off his nose.
Also, while I'm happy that Herman makes it out of the film unscathed, the fact that Mortimer let's someone who he knows was at least an accomplice to multiple murders walk free just because he helps Mort unload his inconvenient relatives into somebody else's care, is proof that Mortimers eagerness to be rid of his family has nothing to do with him being worried that they'll hurt more innocent people. For all Mortimer knows, Herman's every bit as dangerous as Jonathan.
So yeah if I was gonna make a tiere list for leading men in Lorre films(not including the few where Pete fills that role ofc) Mort would probably rank relatively high for being fun to watch and having some sympathetic moments, but that is not saying much
Also thanks for this ask. My blogs mainly about pete characters ofc, but I like having an excuse to talk about some other characters I'm interested in from his films
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thiccowlladylife · 7 months
Eyy, the Asmodeus/Fizzarolli episode is here!
Time to review Oops!
The Good:
-Ozzie and Fizz are wholesome, horny couple goals; Moxxie and Millie have been usurped after the disaster of last episode... (and holy shit, Asmodeus is CAKED)
-Some of the background designs of the incubi, succubi, and fish demons are really cool (I think I saw what looked like a triceratops demon Lady during Blitzø and Fizz's fight, and I love her)
-Fizz and Blitzø's interactions throughout the whole episode are fantastic; Fizz is such a mood, and I stan his pettiness towards Blitzø
-I... don't mind Blitzø's apology to Fizz? It's far from perfect and still full of 'pity me' bullshit, but Brandon Rogers' voice acting was phenomenal during the scene, and the whole self-pity even in an apology does seem in character for Blitzø. But he recognizes and owns that, accident or not, he still hurt Fizz and ruined countless lives, and that Fizz has every right to not forgive him. But that Fizz does, also doesn't bother me? It feels less like total forgiveness and more like the path to forgiveness, which seems realistic (and has plenty of chances for Blitzø to fuck up along the way)
-Fizz is phenomenal disability rep. It impacts him, but like he says, he's not broken because of it
-Some of the comedic stuff in this episode actually got a laugh from me; the whole busting out of the cage sequence was hilarious to me
The Bad:
-Stolas felt completely unnecessary in this episode. His appearance is clearly just to push the 'Asmodean crystal' plot point between him and Blitzø further along, but he doesn't really do anything. He says nothing during the ransom message (even though he clearly sees Striker, the guy that nearly killed him a week ago, as working with the guy who kidnapped Fizz; also, it's only been a week since then? And he's already better? And Asmodeus says nothing about that, but still mentions the club?), he doesn't contribute anything to the negotiation that Asmodeus couldn't have done on his own, and just... Leaves at the end. Completely useless this episode
-Oh Striker... Honey, they're butchering your character so much. Once you were a legitimate threat, now you've been reduced to a "we should somewhat improve society -- yet you participate in it, strange, I am very smart!" skit... And you're portrayed as the bad guy for wanting the change
-Asmodeus... you let yourself get insulted by some random Imp from Greed (one of the supposedly lowest races in Hell)... And go along with his ransom? You're the Ruler of Lust; who gives a shit if Fizz is also an Imp? You said the word and every demon in Hell would've been up Crimson's ass to rescue the partner of a Sin; what would Crimson do? Kill him? That would only assure he'd suffer tortures unimaginable before he was killed. You held all the cards, and you still folded so easily, it's unrealistic and pathetic.
-Also, why pair up Striker and Crimson? It's two totally clashing villain styles that don't mesh well and are totally random (also, does Crimson die at the end? That would be a shitty, anticlimactic way to go, but we only see that Striker survived)
-The song was shit. And it's such a shame, because Alex Brightman is just as great an actor as Brandon Rogers, and a fantastic singer
-Asmodeus' protective possessiveness at the end was... Too much, just on the bad side of toxic. But hey, I guess even the healthiest relationships in Hell are always a little toxic
Despite the bad, I was still entertained by this episode? It felt like a season 1 quality episode, where I could enjoy the good in spite of the bad... But this is 6 episodes into the second season, and I don't think we'll be lucky to have another of decent quality.
But at least Asmodeus/Fizzarolli did not disappoint! Keeping my fingers crossed that the Mammon episode will be even half as good as this, so I can finally abandon this series on a high note. Cuz guys, I don't think I can do it anymore...
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