#because I think it’s funnier if only the second trilogy ones are. like a true embodiment of the fact that the second trilogy went off the
holydramon · 8 months
honestly that “Phoenix Wright operates by looney toons physics” post i reblogged yesterday reminds me of why I personally keep Phoenix as a human in my mythical creature AU. like I get why people would want to make him a literal phoenix or dragon or something and I think that’s neat but. it is so much funnier if he’s a human and Just Like That.
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moghedien · 4 years
Could you recommend some adult sff? Love your blog btw!
Thank you! 
And ok, I could give you better personalized recs if you give me some idea of what you’re looking for or what you like, but I’m gonna give you some general recommendations. Also I only really feel comfortable recommending books that I have personally read, and there are tons more out there than what I have read. If you want to find more, looking at recent Hugo nominations over the past few years might be helpful. Also one of the reasons why I know anything at all about the SFF world is that I’ve been listening to the Sword and Laser podcast for like, a decade. I never really mention that podcast, but its literally why I started reading at all and also they have a pretty active goodreads group as well. 
So recommendations: 
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie: 
This is one of my favorite books period. This is a far future space opera about an artificial intelligence who used to be a spaceship and now is only one human body, and she is ANGRY ABOUT that. I don’t really want to say more than that, but if you like AI shenanigans and being sorta confused as to what is going on the entire time, then this is the book for you! It’s the first book in a completed trilogy.
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan: 
Obviously I’m gonna recommend the Wheel of Time. This is the first book in a 14 (actually 15) book series and if you need something to do with the next 1-5 years of your life *motions toward EoTW*. 
So the Eye of the World, I think is uniquely good as a book if you kinda want to get into adult fantasy for a few reasons. For one thing, its kinda considered to be one of those “classics” of the genre but its not too old to be offputting to some readers. It’s a 30 year old book, so its not reflective of the genre now, but you can definitely see its influence all the place, even outside of just books. The Eye of the World specifically, also goes out of its way to make readers comfortable. It leans heavy on Tolkien references and tropes at first without being a straight up copy of Lord of the Rings like some classic fantasy books are. Its done very purposefully, in my opinion, to make the reader feel like they have some idea of what’s going on, and the series quickly drops the Tolkien references as soon as its established itself enough. 
Also the Gandalf parallel for the series is a smol bi lady and there is 24 year old rage healer who wants to fight everyone with her own two fists.So many women to stan. 
Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey
This is the first book of the Expanse, which is a nearish future space opera that takes place in our solar system. Mars has long ago been colonized and is a completely separate government entity than Earth, and conflict between the two planets has been stirring. The Asteroid Belt has also been colonized and have long been little more than tools of corporations that run their colonies. A group of ice haulers working in the outer planets get in the middle of one of the biggest secrets in the solar system and find themselves in all kinds of trouble. 
I don’t really want to say more than this, but this is probably the only SF series that I actively keep up on when a new book comes out. There are 8 books our currently, and the 9th and final book will be out sometime in the near future. There are also several short stories and novellas set in the world, and there’s a TV show that I really like though I need to catch up on it. 
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Hello, this book comes with content warnings for literally everything, but it is such a good book/trilogy. This is book about a woman trying to find her daughter again in the middle of the apocalypse. Definitely a heavy read but absolutely brilliant. The world has a magic system based on geology and the people that can use that magic....saying they’re discriminated against is an understatement. I don’t want to say much more about it, but if you have any kind of content you can’t read for whatever reason, I’d check before picking this up. This is the first book in a completed trilogy
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
So this isn’t really super SF heavy and is actually sold as a literary book, but it takes place after a flu pandemic has wiped out a large portion of the population...so maybe this is a bad time to read this book, OR its the best time to read it. Depends on how you’re dealing with *motions at the world*
The book flashes back to before and during the pandemic a lot, but is largely about art’s importance and is actually quite optimistic in its messaging, and this is another of my favorite books ever. But yeah, might be a bad time for you to read it of you can’t deal with the content now. 
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon 
I just remembered that this book also has a plague, but its a subplot and not the major thing. So this is a big ol’ chonky standalone book that is high fantasy, deals with multiple cultures having to interact and work together, and has dragons. Also there’s a genunine slow burn f/f romance and *chef’s kiss*. I can’t really say much else, mostly because I struggle to explain this book, but its very good and probably my favorite book from last year. 
The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal 
In this house we stan Mary Robinette Kowal, ok? 
So this is a science fiction that is more an alternate history that poses the question, hey, what would have happened if an asteroid slammed into the east coast in 1952 and the world had to scramble to colonize Mars so that everyone didn’t die on earth when the climate got catastrophic, because that’s the inciting action of the book. The main character is a Jewish woman who was a WASP pilot in WW2 and is a computer for the space program when all this happens. The book deals with sexism, and racism, and xenophobia, and all the social issues that are gonna come up with it being set in 1952, but Mary Robinette doesn’t flinch away from addressing social issues in any of her books, even when it makes her main characters look bad. (Also if you like Pride and Prejudice, she has a series that is just Pride and Prejudice with magic and like, yeah, its good). 
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
This is a book which poses a question, what if dragons were like weird animals that were real and an eccentric woman spent her entire life traveling the world to study them and then told the stories of that in her memoirs when she was too old to care about the consequences of publishing all her scandals. That’s what the book is about. This one is probably actually the weakest in the series, just because it deals with so much set up. It’s a great series to get on audio because Kate Reading is a fantastic narrator, and the prose works so well as audio, because it’s just someone telling you her life story. There are five books in the series. 
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
So this is a novella and is the first in the murderbot series. Basically a killer robot gets addicted to television shows and accidentally became sentient. I haven’t read the others in the series, but I really need to reread this one and get to the others. 
Jade City by Fonda Lee
This is a fantasy set in world sorta inspired by the early 1900s but is in a fantasy world. It’s like a mafia movie and kung fu movie had a baby and it was this book. The sequel is out currently, but the third book is set to release next year.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon 
This is another heavy read. This is a SF story set on a generation ship that has a society very heavily inspired by the antebellum south. There’s class issues, race issues, gender issues, mental health issues. All kinds of things intersecting here. Its fantastic, but a heavy read.
Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb
This is another fantasy classic, and is the first of the Farseer Trilogy. The title is sort of also a description of the book, so like. I’m not sure what else I can say. I haven’t read further into the series, but people I trust love it, and honestly I need to reread this and read more of the books. 
Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
So if you think that Station Eleven might be a bad book to read at the time, then this is THE WORST POSSIBLE BOOK TO READ RIGHT NOW. Or, maybe the best. Depends on how you cope. This is a book about time travelers based in Oxford and the main character accidentally gets stranded in the past right as the Black Plague is about to hit. And it hits. The book is horrific. The second book in the series is much funnier. This one ain’t funny, but is good. Just, oof. 
Mistborn or Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson
So if you want to get into the Cosmere, which is a series of series that interconnect and will ruin your life, then then my personal opinion is to either start with Mistborn or Warbreaker. People might not agree with me, but that’s my personal opinion. 
Warbreaker is currently a standalone (a sequel will come out eventually but its not set up for a sequel so you can 100% read it as a standalone). The magic in this world is based on colors, and the story revolves around two sisters. One of them is betrothed to the horrific God King of their neighboring kingdom. The other sister ends up being sent in her place because their dad hates her. I adore Warbreaker so much. It has it all. Two women discovering their true places on the prep/goth spectrum. Talking swords. Vivenna. Everything you can need right there. 
Mistborn is a trilogy that is very emo and will ruin you. Its about people who swallow metal to get magic powers and live in world where the dark lord won already, so they’re all emo. And that was the worst description of Mistborn I ever could have written, but I find it too funny to change. 
So if you’re interested in the Cosmere, but are afraid to commit long term, pick up Warbreaker. If you want to get into a series right away, pick up Mistborn. 
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sebastien-le-booker · 4 years
I just finished reading six of crows, for the second time and despite the fact that i knew what was gonna happen, it still was a rollercoaster and my heart was broken and i cried and uuuuuuuuuuuurrrgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgqhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
so, i decided to make a post with my favorite quotes and parts. again, english is not my first language, the book is not in english, so some of the quotes will be translated by me and google translate.
Also, i decided to post this again bc it doesn’t show up in the tags anymore and it kinda took me a while to edit this because of how “amazing” tumblr works...
"We'll be kings and queens Inej. Kings and queens"
“I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl” 
Those 2 are probably my favorite and idk why but they are. the one with kings and queens just feels so full of hope and i loved how kaz said those words, i just absolutely love it.
and what got me at the second one, was the “I’m going to get my girl” Despite how difficult it is for him to admit his feelings for Inej, even to himself tbh, right now, nothing else matters but “his girl”. The money might matter, but i think that is more about the fact that he got screwed over and you don’t screw over Kaz, but it’s his girl that matters the most.
“Scheming face. Jesper whispered to Inej.  
She nodded. ‘Definitely”
From the same category “Kaz and his scheming face”
“Kaz looked south toward Ketterdam’s harbors. The beginnings of an idea scratched at the back of his skull, an itch, the barest inkling. It wasn’t a plan, but it might be the start of one. He could see the shape it would take—impossible, absurd, and requiring a serious chunk of cash.
‘Scheming face,’ murmured Jesper.
‘Definitely,’ agreed Wylan.”
  I love Jesper and Inej and now Wylan being familiar with Kaz scheming face, for me this is sort of like they paid enough attention to Kaz to know what some of his expressions mean and i love the part where it is described how an idea is starting to crawl inside Kaz head. I love it because it was mentioned a lot of the times how smart kaz is, and we see him talk about how he learnt all those tricks from the magicians and set up the plan for breaking into the ice court but now, it’s like we’re inside his brain and we slightly see how it works.
“Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.”
“I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.”
“My ghost won’t associate with your ghost. Matthias said primply, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain”
“’When we get our money, you can burn kruge to keep you warm.’
‘I'm going to pay someone to burn my kruge for me.’
‘Why don't you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kruge for you? That's what the big players do.’
‘Want me to tell you what real players do?’ Jesper said. ‘The pay someone to pay someone else to…’”
I love these scenes because they’re just sweet, casual moments between them and I’m wondering how many conversations like these did they have and how does a conversation like this sounds for an outsider dhsjldfjs
“’I’ll get us out. You know that.’
Tell me you know that. He needed her to say it. (...) He needed to know that she believed he could do this (...) He needed to know she believed in him.”
“He turned his head. They were sitting close together, their shoulders nearly touching. (...) he thought, What happens if i move closer?
‘I don’t want your prayers’ he said
‘What do you want, then?’
(...) a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, unwelcomed. You, Inej. You“
“Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days”
“You okay? Inej asked and Kaz felt himself drawn toward her voice like water rolling down hill.”
“Kaz took her hand.
‘Inej, he said, his finger stroking her wrist. ‘If we don’t get out alive tonight, I want you to know that…’
Inej was waiting. She felt hope opening its wings inside of her, ready to fly if Kaz would push it with the right words (…). She lifted her hand and touched Kaz cheek. (…) Inej cupped his cheek in her palm.
‘If we don’t get out of here alive, I’ll die with no regrets, Kaz. Can you say the same thing?’
She could see it took every last bit of his terrible will for him to remain still beneath her touch. And yet, he did not pull away. She knew it was the best he could offer”
"He had felt horror and compulsion, but in spite of the chaos that had taken over them, he had also felt a desire that had remained imprinted in his soul, the hope that it would touch him again."
“’You shouldn’t make friends with crows.’
‘Why not?’
He’d looked up from his desk to answer, but whatever he’d been about to say had vanished on his tongue.
The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbor wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world.
‘Why not?’ she’d repeated, eyes still closed.
He said the first thing that popped into his head. ‘They don’t have any manners.’
‘Neither do you, Kaz.’ She’d laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him.”
“Kaz seized her hand, keeping it on the railing. He didn’t look at her. ‘Stay,’ he said, his voice rough stone. ‘Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me.’
He took a breath. ‘I want you to stay. I want you to … I want you.’
‘You want me.’ She turned the words over. Gently, she squeezed his hand. ‘And how will you have me, Kaz?’
‘How will you have me?’ she repeated. ‘Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch?’
Speak, she begged silently. Give me a reason to stay. For all his selfishness and cruelty, Kaz was still the boy who had saved her. She wanted to believe he was worth saving, too.”
“But he could think only about Inej. Inej had to live. She must’ve escaped the Ice Court. And if she hadn’t, Kaz had to survive to save her”
  All of these are all the moments they could have confessed their feelings for each other and some of the moments Kaz thought that Inej is the reason for which the sun still rises and there’s still some good left in the world. Poor boy is trying really hard sometimes but considering the things he’s been through it’s understandable that he doesn’t know how to say how he feels and that he’s probably afraid. But I also understand Inej and why she said “and how will you have me kaz? Fully clothed with your gloves on?” she wants more than what kaz can offer her at the moment but at the same time she also doesn’t exactly blame him and understands that it’s what he can right now.
Honestly, Kaz is “an idiot sandwich”, unable of showing appreciation like a functional person, but I think, the fact that he lets Inej into her office to feed the crows, or takes off his gloves and shirt when she’s around, it shows how much trust there is between them and understanding. I know they’re not perfect, but I love them both as individual characters and how they are together.
I love the hints to shadow and bone trilogy like:
“I could read to you if i had anything to read. There’s a Heartrender at the Little Palace who can recite epic poetry for hours. Then you’d wish you had died.”
We all know this is about Tolya, who I love very much and I love how everyone seems to be annoyed by his poems and makes them wanna die just so they won’t have to hear them, but that doesn’t stop him.
Or, how Nina says that people in Ravka are starting to question the existence of the saints and that maybe they were just some powerful Grisha bc look at Sankta Alina… she was no saint and she had the same thought about the saints after finding out that Sankt Ilya was just a Grisha.
Her eyes slid away guilty. ‘Kaz said to pack what we needed for the journey. ‘A girl has to eat”
My girl considers toffee as being essentials and I couldn’t agree more with her. I’ll forever be grateful for having a character like Nina.
“I can tell you’ve never picked a pocket.’
‘And i can tell you’ve never given enough thought to your haircut. Kaz frowned and ran a self-conscious hand along the side of his head ‘There’s nothing wrong with my haircut that can’t be fixed by four million kruge”
Idk what I think it’s funnier, Nina picking up on Kaz hair or him being embarrassed by it. She knew how her words would affect kaz and she went for it
“Inej heard a grunt and then a loud whump as Nina hit the bottom of the shaft like a sack of laundry. Inej winced”
“ Jesper like a limber insect, Wylan in stops and starts, wiggling like a caterpillar trying to make its way out of a cocoon.”
Yeah, ok Inej, sorry not all of us are as good as you at landings and jumping from buildings and all of that… I love that both of these are from Inej pov because this is her thing and she notices
“We'll see what's in store for us tonight, Matthias thought. It's true that tricks are not my language, but I might learn them in the end. "
Uhm… is this the moment this boy started to accept that the Dregs are not That bad and being anything other than a Fjerdan and living your life slightly differently isn’t a crime? *growth*
“’And you're right. I have no right to judge you.’
‘Don't start doing this.’
‘Agree with me. It's a sure way to dying.’
‘I don't like the idea of killing people, either. I don't even like chemistry.’
‘What do you like?’
‘Music. Numbers. Equations. They're not like words. They ... they don't get mixed up.’
‘If only you could talk to girls in equations.’
There was a long silence, and then, eyes trained on the notch they'd created in the link, Wylan said, ‘Just girls?’
Jesper restrained a grin. ‘No. Not just girls.’ It really was a shame they were all probably going to die tonight.”
Two things, Jepser, honey, Wylan will start agreeing with you and it will not lead to anything bad but actually something beautiful called love and you will spend the rest of your lives together and will be happy and in love for the rest of time.
Second thing, I love the “what a shame we could die tonight cause you and I could have so much fun together, oh boy, you’ve got no idea, the things we could do”
“Had he just killed two of his kind? Jesper had only wanted to survive. He thought of tthe banner on the wall, all those strips of red, blue and purple. He felt dizzy and confused. He knew the others were counting on him. He had to move on. But he felt that he had left a part of him in the yard, something he had not even known was important to him, something impalpable like fog. "
This made me cry so hard because, yes, Jesper has problems, it’s obvious from the first moment he’s introduced, but I don’t think he’s entirely aware of his problems and if he is, he is avoiding them and I don’t think he actually tries to understand why he enjoys the things that he does. In this scene, tho he is actually affected by what’s happening, he is visibly shaken up. He is a lot of things and I think this is the moment that he actually understands what his power means, why the other Grisha are choosing to use their powers and fight against the people that want to hurt them for their powers and that simply choosing not to use his powers, deny that he’s a Grisha, maybe is not an option anymore.
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politics-notmything · 4 years
If it’s true what they say
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Tw- Anne says fuck twice
For some reason, after around five years of this, Anne has not yet learned her lesson. Once again, she had woken up and instantly shot out of bed upon reading the face of the clock, which indicated it was ten minutes until the end of breakfast. Although, while she still hasn’t figured out how to wake up early, she has mastered the art of getting ready in a flash. After rolling out of bed, she had to quickly locate wherever the fuck her uniform was (usually on the floor) and throw it on. Oftentimes, she didn’t even bother to change out of her pyjamas and was just able to cover them with her long, black robes. Today was one of those days. It’s not like anyone would notice, anyway. She could always go back up to her dorm room later, during a free period or lunch, to properly change. Next came rapidly brushing her teeth and hair all while tugging on her socks, then shoes. Once that was done, she could run (more like fall) up the steps of the Slytherin common room and dash into the Great Hall. And that’s the step she was at now.
             Out of breath and panting heavily, ANNE reached the Great Hall with five minutes to spare. She quickly located Kitty sitting at their usual spot at the Hufflepuff table, and she flopped down next to her friend. Anne grabbed some toast and eggs, making a quick breakfast sandwich, and took a bite out of it. As she chewed, she took the two hair ties from around her wrist and quickly pulled her hair into her typical messy spacebuns.
Next to her, Katherine was finishing off the last of her orange juice while listening to another Jane Seymour describe the wild dream she had last night. Anne was only able to catch a few words of the story. Something about Henry VII and his SIX wives? It made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but Kitty seemed to be dying from laughter, so she supposed it’d be funnier if she’d actually heard the whole story. Speaking of, that reminded her, she still had to force Kat to watch High School Musical with her. For some reason, Katherine has not yet watched the iconic movie trilogy featuring the one and only Zac Efron and Anne made a quick mental note to make Kitty watch it with her once they were home for the holidays.
Once Jane had finished their tale, Kat turned towards Anne, tears of laughter still in her eyes.
“G’morning, Annie,” she chuckled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “You missed the owls again. Your dad sent you a letter.” From her robes, she pulled a white envelope with “ANNE BOLEYN” written on the front in her dad’s messy scrawl. Ever since her first year, her father has sent her a letter each week, checking up on her and it almost always ended with him screaming at her. More often than not, Kat technically got the letter and then proceeded to pass it along to her.
Anne took the letter from Kat and opened it, accidentally ripping the envelope as always. Her eyes quickly scanned over the parchment paper as Kitty peered over her shoulder. Most of the letter contained the typical stuff, although her dad also asked how the Quidditch match had gone. Upon reading that, Anne let out an audible groan and jammed it back into the envelope, then into the pocket of her robes. Great. On the bright side, he was usually pretty forgiving about Anne’s antics as long as it wasn’t extremely out of line.
As the clock struck eight a.m., students began filing out of the Great Hall and heading towards their first classes. Hurriedly, Anne scooped the remnants of her sandwich in a napkin and ran to catch up with Kat who had already started walking away from the table.
Twirling a stick between her gloved hands, Anne watched the flower before her intently, only half-listening to whatever Sprout was lecturing them about. She’d only caught the introduction to the class’s activity, caring for Fanged Geraniums or something like that, before she became more interested in the magical flower and zoned out. Currently, her assigned plant was attempting to snap at the stick with its rows of sharp teeth.
“Fuck,” she quietly cursed. Katherine had just elbowed her, drawing her attention fro just a moment away from the Geranium. It seized the opportunity and used the distraction as a chance to finally nip at her fingers. Thankfully, Anne was able to swiftly draw her hand back in time before she lost any vital body parts and glared at her friend. “What the hell?”
The younger girl said nothing and just tilted her head towards Sprout who was now pacing around the greenhouse as she talked, getting increasingly closer to the pair. Immediately, Anne dropped the stick, which the Fanged Geranium gladly gobbled up, and tried her best to look as if she’d been listening the whole time.
Professor Sprout looked at her with raised eyebrows but didn’t make a move to call her out about it. “Alright now, get to work, class.”
As soon as she said that, Anne turned to Kitty. “Okay, so, what the fuck are we supposed to do?”
“Annie, why do you never pay attention?” Kat asked, already starting to tend to her plant. It was clear from her tone that it was meant to be a rhetorical question. “You know this is going to be on the O.W.L.s, right?”
“I dunno,” Anne responded, watching Kat’s actions and attempting to replicate them with her own Geranium. Somehow, she must’ve gotten it right because the plant stopped snapping at her hands whenever they got close to it. “I just can’t, y'know?”
“Sure, Anne,” Kitty said, sarcastically, and looked up from what she was doing, turning her attention to the Slytherin. Her gaze shifted downward, to the now passive plant in front of Anne. “What the heck, how? You weren’t even listening.”
The Boleyn girl stared back at her friend with a somewhat smug expression on her face and looked back down at the Fanged Geranium, grinning.
Yawning, Boleyn drummed her fingers against the round Divination table as she did her best to follow Professor Trelawney’s ramblings. Quite frankly, though, she couldn’t care less about whatever the fuck her dreams meant. Half the time, she can’t even remember what happens in them. But, older students said Divination would be an easy class so here she was. They were mostly right. All the homework was just taking some shit she saw and then making it more dramatic. Thinking about candles? Write about how Hogwarts burned down in your dream journal. Simple.
Really, the hardest part about the subject was having to endure over an hour of Trelawney’s lessons every other day. She would always talk about weird, “prophetic” shit like reading tea leaves or seeing visions. Anne didn’t understand any of that crap, and quite frankly didn’t care, either. There were two kinds of people when it came to Trelawney. Most didn’t believe any of the bullshit she spewed, but there were a handful of students that hung on each and every word no matter how ridiculous.
Anne looked at Kat for a moment before grabbing a piece of parchment out of her bag and scribbling a note, then sliding it across the table to the Hufflepuff.
Would u rather-
Sit through 100 hours of Binns or 100 hours of this bullshit w T?
Kitty glanced at Anne with a slight smile tugging at her lips, then began to write a response. Depends on the day. Sometimes Trelawney lets us drink tea.
Anne grinned, shaking her head. Of course, Kitty could find the good in Trelawney’s dumb classes.
At least the ghost dude actually teaches us shit though.
Kat rolled her eyes slightly and leaned down to respond, but they both heard an annoyed huff come from behind them. It was Catherine Parr. Anne turned around and gave her a look that clearly said, “What the hell are you looking at, smartass?”
Cathy turned to her best friend who was sitting beside her, to borrow a quill and quickly wrote something neatly on a scrap of parchment, then proceeded to hand it to Anne with a condescending look.
Stop passing notes, it's really distracting.
Anne glared quickly before scribbling a response.
She dropped the paper in front of Cathy, then, without a second glance, turned back to Kat, who was finishing up the last word of her note.
But Trelawney knows stuff about divination, remember that one time she predicted that you would fall in love with a girl who’s name started with an ‘M’, then a few weeks later you started majorly crushing on this girl named Maggie?
Anne smiled slightly, the glitterball was, of course, right. She tended to be right at that sort of thing. Every now and then, Trelawney had a moment of clarity in which her predictions turned out to be correct. They never quite ended up the way you’d expect them to though. Instead of responding to Kitty’s last comment, Anne wrote, 
Catherine is pissing me off. She just gave me the fucking stink eye.
Kitty frowned, shaking her head. 
Which one?
Anne nodded in understanding as Catherine of Aragon and Catherine Parr both sat behind them.
The smart one... who’s also kinda hot.
She scribbled out the last part.
Anne was about to continue on, but a particular voice piped up from behind them. “Excuse me, Professor? Anne and Katherine Howard have been passing notes for the past fifteen minutes and it’s been very distracting to me and others sitting near them.”
Parr. Of fucking course, it was Cathy who would call them out. Anne felt a flash of anger and annoyance but held her tongue. After the whole “losing the first Quidditch match of the year” ordeal, Anne had been careful to avoid getting in too much trouble, and she knew that if she responded to the Ravenclaw, it would only get increasingly worse for her.
Professor Trelawney turned her head to face Boleyn, with a look of distaste on her face. Anne wasn’t very well-liked by many of the professors, except maybe Madame Hooch. She was particularly good at flying and Kitty’s talent with Charms meant that when they were learning Incendio, she was among one of the first to conjure up a stream of fire. 
“Ooooooh,” a handful of the other students called out.
Another one, in particular (it sounded like Anna of Cleves) shouted “Exposed!” Anne flushed red with embarrassment.
“Ah, oh. Um, five points from the both of you,” It was clear that Trelawney wasn’t going to make it a big deal; it wasn’t often that she doled out punishments to students. But, it was more than enough to fuel the anger inside of the gremlin.
Anne spun around to give Cathy a death glare, to which Cath returned with a fake smile and a shrug of her shoulders. She then rotated in her seat towards Kat, who had pointedly turned to face Trelawney, clearly not wanting to lose any more points. Rolling her eyes, Anne followed Kitty’s lead and tried to listen to whatever the hell the nutso professor was going on about.
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tumblunni · 5 years
I cant believe ive progressed from "im gonna buy this slightly updated rerelease of a game i already own because science grandpa" to "im gonna reenter the kingdom hearts fandom and catch up on all the games i missed because science grandpa" to "im gonna get into an entirely new fandom literally just for science grandpa i mean dad"
Its probably best i start with the first game in the series tho, rite? Theyre all in continuity with the same protag and stuff unlike pokemon, apparantly. But still i worry that it wont be able to hold my interest in the first game cos apparantly THE FABLED SADDAD is only a late game boss with barely one single scene compared to his more fleshed out appearances in the sequels. I can only hope that everything else lives up to the power of he cuteness and every other yokai is equally monstery huggables! And im totally unspoiled for LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN THE GAME EXCEPT FOR MADDIMAN so lol for all i know it could be exactly my ultra fave and i just never knew it! I can at least give credit to the wiki makers for having it be easier to learn about one sad dad's plot without spoiling the rest of the game for yourself, thats better than pokemon and kh!
Oh but the one thing i do know is that everyone in the fandom is universally sad that they removed the female character option in the third game. Apparantly its cos now you have a second scenario with a new female character but it sucks that this means they canonized the male character as the "real" one for the first two games. Really sucks cos he's also the canon protagonist in the anime too and already gets 100% of the screentime in all promotional materials so i didnt even friggin know there was a girl option until years after i first heard of the game! JUSTICE FOR KATIE YO!!! Her design is infinately better than the ultra generic one for the dude. Like if their excuse for removibg her is "but theres a different female character who's nate's new friend and they both exist simultaneously" like why not have it so that if you play as katie you get a male version of that same character? Or if the excuse is to save cartridge space then literally just replace the new girl with "katie moves to america and has this separate adventure". Or even mix both and have it so that you can pick which protagonist is the one that moves and which stays? And have a prologue segmebt where the one who wasnt already the hero comes along and somehow something gets a yokai watch too and then new scenario, the end. Cos what ive heard is that both nate and katie are characters anyway, even if you dont pick them? The leftover one becomes your non yokai powered friend/love interest. Or is that just in the anime? But like if thats how katie is left canonically in the final game in the trilogy REGARDLESS OF YOUR GODDAMN CHOICES then yo it could be cool if the love interest got powers and joined you on a super double adventure! Thatd actually get me invested in your love plot! You could have loads of sweetness of them being long distance pals and maybe getting closer to confessing now theyre spending time apart. Cos a friend moving away is always super stressful and keeping in touch makes you worried theyre gonna forget you and all. Maybe have Katie finding her own yokai watch and entourage of spooky monsters while she's off in her new home and then nate is half AAAAA THIS IS SO COOL I CAN FINALLY TELL YOU MY SECRET and half OH GOD SHES GOT NEW BETTER FRIENDS SHES GONNA FORGET ABOUT ME. And katie maybe is worried that nate doesnt trust her as much as she thought he did, if he kept the yokai secret from her. And they could have awkwardness due to miscommunication and anxiety and RELATE THAT TO MADDIMAN'S FAMILY TROUBLES AND HAVE HIM BE A BIG ROLE IN THE PLOT RESOLVING IT BECAUSE MADDIMAN IS THE GODDAMN BEST! Also honestly the new girl character they replaced katie with DOES seem cool, im just mad that she replaced katie. So maybe keep her as an npc and she could be a cool new friend katie makes in america? Or yknow if they felt like ditching the "katie only exists for love interest uwu shes not the canon protagonist and never will be" crap then HEY MAYBE NEW GIRL COULD BE KATIE'S LOVE INTEREST?
ALSO maybe add a button to hug my yokai and have them follow behind you and also make custom rooms for them and decorate them and also give them snacks. Note: bunni has not played this game and does not know if any of these things have already happened and if they have then FUCK YEAH IM EVEN MORE EXCITED YO!!!!
Oh also i was checking up the version exclusives for the second game cos huh thats weird that only YW2 has two versions and both thw first and third game dont. I think i might go with bony spirits cos i had a good giggle at "herbiboy and carniboy" and i wanna throw my money at whoever made that pun. Like i kinda like how nonsensical it is in english where the pun doesnt exist? Its equally great either way! Why on earth does eating fried chicken make you a casanova! Well in japan its a pun but a dude holding a fried chicken bouquet is even funnier with absolutely no context. I honestly think his herbiboy form looks cuter tho and im sad that cos of his outfit people in the west will probably make jokes about him being an incel even tho his concept is meant to be "socially anxious dude who has no interest in dating women" rather than "those shallow fake shy dudes who whine about women not letting them smash". Since he turns into Carniboy by fusing with another male yokai i'd rather interpret it as "he was gay all along and only becomes a confident casanova when he embraces his true self". Like carniboy is the garnet of yokai? HERE AGAIN I GO GETTING ALL HYPED AND ATTATCHED TO RANDOM YOKAI BASED ENTIRELY ON THEIR CRANK-A-KAI DESCRIPTION ON THE WIKI
Also yo did u know theres a fuckin crank-a-kai?? Aka a gachapon machine of the damned?? Created by a punny gas(c)hadoro yokai whose giant towering skeletal scaryness is all wasted on being addicted to gacha games?? I love this. I especially love it cos gacha machines were the original inspiration for pokeballs so its like a fun callback to the franchise's bigger brother! But im also glad that the gacha thing is just one of many different minigames to catch yokai, cos i really dont like games thatre 100% random chance with no choices at all. THO STILL WHERE IS MY CHOICE TO HUG MADDIMAN....
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gffa · 6 years
Scattered Star Wars novels thoughts: - I have listened to an hour and a half of the Thrawn: Alliances audiobook, someone please tell me to stop torturing myself with this thing.  It’s not even that it’s a bad book imo, but that it wasted so much potential!  TELL ME TO NOT SPEND ANOTHER TWELVE HOURS ON THIS ONE. That said, re: the audiobook specifically, WHOA, Marc Thompson nailed Thrawn’s voice/Lars Mikkelsen impression, that is some spot on voice acting!  His Padme sounds pretty much like all his other female characters unfortunately and his Anakin sounds like a slightly softer version of his younger characters (I’m thinking especially of Temmin) and I really like that choice, it feels like it’s a little closer to Hayden!Anakin than Matt!Anakin (who does a fantastic job, but when that’s often times the ONLY version of Anakin we see in stuff anymore, I start getting really wistful about movie-based prequels stuff, like, no, TCW wasn’t the only good prequels stuff!) but it is still hard to put it together with the Anakin in my head.  And his Vader is surprisingly flat, like, I would have thought the barest special effects for that would have been easy?  But it’s just a deep voice impression! I feel like Thompson’s roles are often like that, it’s very hit and miss.  I love his book readings, he’s the go-to guy for a reason, but you know what I wish they’d do more often?  Get the various voice actors together for different roles.  I realize that’s probably a lot more work than they want to do, paying multiple people for the same book, but there was one I listened to recently (which I cannot remember for the life of me now) that got Thompson for his Han voice and January LaVoy for her Leia and it was FANTASTIC. I keep wishing that that’s what they’d do with this book--get LaVoy for Padme, get Thompson for Thrawn, get a different actor for Anakin, get some special effects for Vader, and it could be really great.  Though, I recognize that the audiobook versions probably aren’t as much of a priority, but still!  I want to treat them like audiodramas instead!  Cater to what I want, LucasFilm!  And while we’re at it, give me more animated TV series novelizations!  Of Rebels AND The Clone Wars!  AND A PONY!! - I finished Life Debt and I’m giving myself a little time to let it breathe before tackling Empire’s End--and maybe hoarding the last of it, because I’ve come to love these characters a lot.  ;__; That’s one of the really big downsides of the expanded universe stuff--there are all these incredible characters that I get really invested in and, so often, they’re just there for a brief time and we never know what happens beyond that.  I’m still sad that we haven’t gotten another book with Vi Moradi.  I’m still sad that we haven’t seen any sign of post-Rebels’ Ezra getting to tell us what happened.  I’m still sad that Eli Vanto was only in the one book so far.  I’m sad that Sinjir and Jas and Norra and Jom probably won’t be in any more novels after this, that I’m lucky to have gotten three of them!  I still want more of Iden Versio and we’ll probably never get much more than a cameo from her after this. I’ll keep reading and keep getting invested in these characters, the more there are, the more populated this galaxy feels, and some of them do keep showing up.  Like getting to see Sana in Last Shot was a lot of fun!  I have no doubt Rae will turn up in lots more things!  I just want more of these characters, too!  I know we already get, on average, like three or four books a month from all across Star Wars, but I WANT MORE, PLEASE. - One thing I realized about halfway through Life Debt is that, I CANNOT, for the LIFE of me, unsee Sinjir as Dorian Pavus.  The darker skin and accent definitely felt reminiscent of him, but then the second half of the book made several mentions of the very noticeable mustache and now it’s ALL I CAN SEE and I’m half wondering if that wasn’t the inspiration. - I liked the ending of the book a lot!  It reminded me of ESB in how much it felt like the middle piece of a trilogy, that it ended on such an explosive note and how much shit is going down.  I certainly didn’t expect everything to blow up the way it did in the last parts of the book! I’ve also really come around on Norra and I think a lot of that has to do with how much shit Temmin gives her that’s not really her fault, so it eases up the strain I was feeling on her in the early parts of the first book. I’m really enjoying the vague Rae - Leia counterparts-of-their-respective-organizations stuff, too!  Both are sort of the face of their side, but aren’t really the one at the head, both are feeling like outsiders in this fight that they’ve given everything to, that the organizations are going in directions that make them furious, because they both deeply believe they’re right. It makes me wonder how much this is meant to be negative images of each other or how much it’s meant to be a true parallel, that both of them are worthwhile people, but are putting forth some not-so-great ideas, Rae with the Empire and Leia with her inability to recognize that a government is different from a Rebellion. - I’m 4/5ths of the way through the Solo novelization and I think there’s a lot to be said about how I’m just not as invested in Han as a character, so the little details kind of slip by me.  But it’s also fairly light as a novelization (in comparison to my favorites, but also it’s not the lightest I’ve read, either!) and so I was dearly looking forward to some Qi’ra insight, but there’s not really that much?  The hints at what she went through are really interesting and I’m hoping that the climax of the story will give me more to work with, but this is definitely not going to be another TLJ novelization or even a Thrawn: Alliances level of I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY. I’m sad that it feels like the book never read Most Wanted, because the junior novelization had a mention of Tsuulo (so far that was the most notable thing about it, but I think I’m only like three chapters in, so that’s not much time yet) that absolutely DELIGHTED ME, but the adult one hasn’t mentioned him or much outside of what was already there in the movie, so it does feel kind of light and disconnected, but it’s still worth the read to me.  And I do think that the novelization’s version of the Imperial hearing scene was WAY funnier than the actual deleted scene, it nailed the timing of it in a way that not even the movie’s delightful acting could for me.
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thenoblepeanut-blog · 6 years
Solo: A Non-Spoiler Review
So, after a late night viewing last night, here is my non-spoiler review of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" -
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While I'm not sure it ever aimed to be, it's definitely not the greatest film in the Saga - for once, I didn't come out of the theater unable to describe the "splendor" that I had just seen on the screen - and honestly, I'm kind of glad that I feel that way, because it feels like a kind of reassurance to me that I'm not just a "Star Wars slut" - a term which here means "A fanatic who gobbles up every Star Wars film like it's positively perfect and Lucasfilm can do no wrong."
BUT, like I said, I don't think it ever set out to be that, anyway. I think the movie set out to be a departure from what we've gotten; a break from the heavily dramatic space operas/epics like TFA, TLJ, and R1 - to give us something that can really ultimately be summed up in one word: Fun. Because that's exactly what this movie is, and in that it is exceptional. It is an action/heist flick (though I wish there had been a little more "heist" in it) with a number of parts that will make you laugh and feel good, and then others that have a surprising amount of heart in them. And then one or two others that will blow your face off because you didn't see it coming (unless you had them spoiled for you; manage to remain 99% spoiler-free going into this film, and I'm very glad that I did).
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Alden Ehrenreich... I am honestly stunned by how quickly I accepted him as Han Solo. Like... It took mere MINUTES (if not seconds). He is an extremely likable person with a great deal of charm which he brings to the character, and he's funny, and I love that at several points you just never know what he's going to do next.
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Donald Glover.... IS Lando Calrissian. He performed exactly like how I expected, and how I think everyone expected. And by that I mean stellarly. I had already bought him as Lando even before the movie came out, just based on the trailers alone. The chemistry between him and Ehrenreich's Han is hilarious and left me wanting so much more - I WANT ANOTHER HAN/LANDO MOVIE.
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Emilia Clarke - while I have never watched a single episode of "Game of Thrones" - I have always liked her as an actor and a person, because she is extremely likable and charming in real life. And she brings that to her character in this film.
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Woody Harrelson - He did much better than I was expecting him to do as a more serious character - though he definitely has some of the funnier moments in the film - I loved his character and his performance.
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CHEWIE - Chewie was, honestly, one of my favorite parts about the movie. I just loved seeing him with so much more screen time, and he did a lot more and was a lot more 'animated' then we've seen in a long time. Also... THEY FINALLY GOT HIS HAIR RIGHT. He actually looked shaggy like he does in the Original Trilogy - that's one thing that's bugged me about his appearances in ROTS, TFA, and, TLJ: he has looked way too "nicely combed" and his hair has looked way too silky smooth. But in "Solo," he just finally looks right. I just adored him in this film.
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John Williams' theme for Han Solo - brilliant! And I love that now Han has his own theme in the saga, since, until now, he was the only one of the big three that didn't have one. John Powell's score - excellent and fun! I honestly prefer his score over Michael Giacchino's "Rogue One," because it felt a lot bigger and cinematic (I think Giacchino tends to use smaller/chamber orchestras that have too much of a "small room" reverb that, to me, breaks the seamless bond that a film and its score are supposed to have).
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End Summary: The movie was exactly what I hoped it would be, particularly the second half. FUN.
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This was a very "safe" movie - which, whether intentional or not - was a very good move, I think, by Lucasfilm after "The Last Jedi." And honestly, if the so-called "true fanboys" find some way to claim that this film "raped their childhood," then all I can say is... Please stop watching the new films, then; embrace that this, indeed, isn't your Star Wars, and allow those of us who approve of what Disney/Lucasfilm are doing with the New Canon to enjoy in peace.
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supermoviemaniac · 6 years
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MARVEL PHASE 4 MOVIES I WANT TO SEE! Excluding Black Panther, we still have four movies left of Phase 3, but that won't stop people like myself hoping and speculating Marvel's next moves! The obvious films we'll see are the sequels to the characters that haven't achieved their trilogies yet - Ant-Man/The Wasp and the Guardians seem to be the next ones to do so (with James Gunn currently writing GOTG Vol.3, and Ant-Man co-star, Michael Peña kiiinda confirming a third antsized outing). Stark, Cap and Thor have all had their runs it seems, hence why there doesn't seem to be any word on their future films beyond Avengers 4. The Marvel formula seems to be: Each hero gets their own trilogy, then after that, they simply feature in other people's movies as well as the ensemble Avengers flicks. We don't know their fates just yet, but if not all of them simply die, you can expect them to take more of a backseat in the MCU, to help shift focus towards the "newcomers", which, at this point, are Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Spidey and Captain Marvel. So what I'm going to talk about here is not just what sequels we'll see... because that's easy. I'm going to talk about what I want to see happen in them, using my knowledge, as well as sheer hopes and fantasies! (NOTE: I won't discuss possible Black Panther sequel storylines right now seeing as though not everyone has seen it yet! Though a sequel is more than likely). Spider-Man 2: With a 2020 release date already confirmed, this movie has surpassed the hypothetical stage! The question is, what's it all about? Well, thankfully, Amy Pascal and Kevin Feige spoke briefly about it, saying that the movie would start straight after the events of Avengers 4. Not knowing the outcome of that film makes it quite tricky to figure out, but knowing that the whole cosmic infinity crusade is Spidey's first Avengers outing, Peter Parker's sequel will most likely focus around settling back down to 'reality'. Imagine fighting numerous space battles during the summer and then having to go back to school?! What a nightmare! We see Mack Gargan (Scorpion) teased on multiple occasions during the first movie, so we'll most likely see him return more prominently, though I don't think he'll be the main villain. Tom Holland has expressd his interest in Kraven the Hunter, saying that he's one of his favourite Spidey villains... and I'd have to agree. The odd character (and his motives) may be difficult to translate onto the big screen, but if you can bring a sentient tree and a talking raccoon to life, then anything is possible. It's also said that another hero will feature in "Spidey 2", much like how Iron-Man was a supporting role for him the first time around. This is where I talk about who I'd like to see Spider-Man buddy up with: Drax! How stupid and impractical would that be? Imagine Peter hiding this brute of an alien inside of his tiny room and sneaking him around the apartment away from Aunt May. Peter is a clever kid, so having to put up with Drax's literal and blunt way of thinking/processing would make for some great, counter-productive action. Besides, in the first Guardians movie, Drax says to Quill regarding Earth, "Sounds like a place I would like to visit". The idiotic brawler will more than likely have his wish come true during Infinity War, which makes it possible that he could stay behind sneakily, or (even funnier) he gets left behind by accident as the Milano flies back into space once Avengers 4 ends. It's a long shot I guess, but if I worked for Marvel, I'd totally pitch this! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3: James Gunn has stated that the third movie will be the wrap-up for most of the current Guardians of the Galaxy, which makes me think that some will either die or retire, whilst newcomers come forth to 'replace' them. By the looks of things, the Sovereign will play a larger role, seeing as though Ayesha is responsible for creating Adam Warlock. I think Adam will actually be the villain for most of the film, simply following orders from Ayesha whilst figuring out who he is and if his destructive purpose is set in stone. I think we'll also see the classic Guardians (led by Stallone) team up with the Starlord and friends... maybe even mixing, matching and splitting one another up into different teams throughout the film. Another cool idea I thought about what bringing Iron-Man into it. His intrigue of dangers that lie beyond the stars, and his impulsive desire to keep fighting crime after trying to call it quits numerous times may play into his choice to take a vacation to deep space. Once the Guardians come into the fold during Infinity War, the Avengers' world suddenly becomes much bigger than before, as they're no longer bound to their home planet. Iron-Man has actually joined the Guardians team in the comics, whilst sporting a pretty cool space suit. I feel like this could be possible... depending on whether or not Stark dies however. There is also a fear of overusing Iron-Man too, seeing as though he's featured in the most movies in the MCU. Ant-Man/The Wasp 2 (Ant-Man 3): This is confusing - so will this be Ant-Man and The Wasp 2 or will it be Ant-Man 3? Is Ant-Man and The Wasp even considered Ant-Man 2? Eh, the main thing is, it'll be Scott's third flick. The second mini adventure is looking good, judging from the teaser trailer, and I can't wait to see the villain Ghost in action. They're definitely returning to the Quantum Realm in hopes of rescuing Janet Van Dyne. Whether or not they're fully sucessful is yet to be seen, but we can still try and figure out Scott and Hope's future. The only thing I can think of that can be the catalyst for a third 'save the world in a small-scale manner' movie is something to do with the Quantum Realm. In the comics, there are creatures that inhabit these sub-atomic worlds. If our heroes unintentionally find them and/or awaken them, it could mean disaster for our world. Another idea I have is something to do with nanobots: extremely tiny machines that can complete tasks that would be impossible for a pair of human hands. Most nanobot inventors have good intentions, but what's stopping a supervillain from forcing humans to inhale a swarm of deadly micro machines? I would absolutely LOVE a homage to the 1966 film, Fantastic Voyage, where a submarine crew shrink down and journey into a scientist's body to mend his damaged brain. How cool would a whole battle scene look inside of someone's body?! Imagine them fighting their way from one end of the body to the other, as the human's organs and bodily functions become obstacles. I'd also love a homage to the classic Japanese Godzilla movies with Giant-Man VS some huge monster, crashing into tall skyscrapers and essentially causing a big mess. Doctor Strange 2: Scott Derrickson has expressed his interest in the villain Nightmare. The name tells you everything you need to know really. Okay, hear me out on this: Think back to the first Ghostbusters movie when there's a huge rise in paranormal activity and there's just ghosts and ghouls flying around causing havoc. I think it'd be cool if a similar thing happened. Imagine a rupture between the alternate dimensions (similar to Thor the Dark World when the Convergence bled the 9 realms together momentarily). Big cities are suddenly full of unexplainable creatures and entities from vast and diverse dimensions that no one knew existed. Now, that sounds like a 'Nightmare' to me. It would be a twist on the villain's usual intentions, but it would make for some pretty rad calamities. Another villain we should expect to see is Mordo - returning to fulfil the duties he feels are right. According to him, there are "Too many sorcerers," and we saw that he had learnt to extract the magical energy from people. Has he learnt to do this himself? Or has he learnt it from someone? If so, this could be another villain; Brother Voodoo. It could unlock a new range of sorcery in the form of Voodoo, where powers are able to be taken away and redistributed. Both the Nightmare and Voodoo premises are exciting to me, but there is one thing that will unfold for certain: Strange's journey to becoming Sorcerer Supreme. Though I don't think we'll see it happen until the third movie, the second film will definitely highlight the dangers and hardwork that come with becoming such an unparallelled force of mystic might. For all I care, call the second movie 'Doctor Strange: Realm of Nightmares', or 'Doctor Strange: Voodoo Rising', then simply call the third one 'Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme'. Also... how amazing would it be if Loki teamed up with him?! It would be in no way a harmonious experience, but that's why it'd be so good! We kind of got a taste of it during Ragnarok, and I doubt I'm the only one who wants to see these two magic wielders join forces in a disfunctional way. Strange could learn from the mischief and tricks, and Loki could learn from the discipline and sense of duty. Loki was taught on Asgard, and Strange has learnt on Earth by reading countless books. Their experinces are incredibly different, so their diversity would work wonders. Plus, just the fact that Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston would be fighting side by side is enough reason for Marvel to say yes! Captain Marvel 2: Perhaps a little early to try and figure out the premise to the sequel, but hey-ho, what else am I gonna do at 3am in the morning? Sleep?! I don't think so. From what we know (and what we can tell), Captain Marvel's first movie is set in the 90's with a Nick Fury that has perfect eyesight. This indicates that she will be tied to SHIELD in some way once she aquires her powers. The thing we have to figure out is where she's been all this time if it's set in the 90's, and why she's suddenly brought into the fold for Avengers 4 after being seemingly dormant (and essentially nonexistent). Chances are, the aftermath of her first movie leaves her trapped in space, caught in the middle of the Skrull/Kree war. Both aliens races are too big to shrug off and disregard so easily, so I imagine that both aliens will continue to play a role in Captain Marvel 2. More importantly however, I think the sequel will mostly focus on Carol not only returning to Earth (after Avengers 4), but making herself properly known to the world. Will the world accept this incredibly powerful, god-like hero? Will she even feel like she still belongs on Earth, or if she's even wanted there for that matter? We could also see the whole Secret Invasion begin to take effect in the MCU, which could possibly roll over into Avengers 5 and be the plot of that film. The shapeshifting Skrulls would cause mayhem and disarray from the inside, and hinder friendships between the heroes. No one would know who to trust! A Bucky Movie (Cap 4): I know I said all that about the 'trilogy rule', but if someone other than Steve Rogers became Captain America, it would be more of a fresh start rather than a fourth Cap film. There's been a few moments (including deleted scenes) that elude to Bucky picking up the shield eventually... and if Cap happens to die during his fight with Thanos then it would be the ideal time for Bucky to become more than just the guy with the metal arm. Falcon is a possible candidate as well, but between Bucky and Sam, I feel like Sebastian's character would benefit from evolving more. Without the shield, Falcon can still fly and has reconnaissance skills. For Bucky, he is nothing more than a skilled fighter and soldier (sorry Tumblr fan girls), but give him a star spangled suit and a shield, and it gives the character a whole new dimension - the Sergeant would be promoted to Captain! So if this is the case, the dawn of a new era can begin. The movie could focus on Bucky mourning the loss of Steve, and whether he could ever live up to what he was able to achieve. Would the world accept and idolise someone who was previously a Hydra assassin? It could be a great redemption story, as he eradicates any remaining demons whilst also proving himself not only as a hero, but as a worthy and rightful replacement for Steve. A Bucky and Black Widow enspionage/team-up movie with this premise would be pretty cool too. Namor the Submariner: Now then, we finally get to a debut character for Phase 4! Though Namor was one of the first ever Marvel heroes, we've never seen him brought to the big screen. Now would be the perfect time, as there's this little thing currently going on called the MCU... perhaps you've heard of it. The ocean covers 70% of our planet, and we know more about space than we do about our deep waters - that's crazy! Forget movies for a moment, there could actually be an Atlantis for all we know because we haven't even managed to fully explore our oceans yet. This could also be a plausible reasoning for Namor and the whole of Atlantis to suddenly 'pop up' within the MCU. It is such an integral place, and much like Wakanda, it is somewhat segregated from the rest of the world, making it feel like it may as well be alone. Namor could bring something new to the MCU... after all, Marvel Studios always seem to try new/different things all the time to keep the franchise fresh and progressive. Portrayed as a stern and often arrogant sea dweller, he could maybe serve as a villain during his first appearance (before joining the Avengers). I think the only issue when it comes to water-related heroes, their presence and required contribution is potentially unnecessary. Not only would Namor be a difficult character to bring to life, but I feel like it would be challenging to make him feel relevant and integral... but if Marvel Studios are up to the challenge then I'd implore it. Right, there you have it... my fantasy Phase 4! Come back in a couple years time when I do the same for Phase 5! Do you like the sound of my ideas and theories? Or do you think they're terrible? What movies and stories do you hope for? Let me know!
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bookery · 7 years
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my big ol’, spoiler free review on wonder woman: warbringer
I had approximately 300 feelings about this book before it was even released, mostly because it’s written by Leigh Bardugo (author of the six of crows trilogy, from which I have not recovered) and also because of the hype generated from the movie, which, as we all agree, was a cinematic masterpiece. I mean, I think there was a point when I started to worry about overselling this book to myself, but then I thought about how crooked kingdom sent me into a week long session of random ugly crying, really, and my faith in this book was restored. So anyway, I pretty much devoured this book in two days, and true to form, Leigh did not disappoint, y’all. (Wish I was exaggerating when I said she’s not here to play but TRUST ME, SHE ISN’T.) So here’s a fun little pro/cons list to this series for me to attempt to brainwash y’all into reading this: 
The amazing cast, which was mostly comprised of characters of color. 
Y’ALL. Y’ALL, I’m pretty sure I can name like... the one white character in this book. The rest of the leads were characters of color, with Alia (the second lead) being Greek/African American, Nim being Indian, and Theo being Brazillian and like... oh wow look at my ugly crying in a corner again at how amazing this all and how NICE it is for white not to be the default here. Anyway. 
LGBT rep!
Say hi to Nim, the most amazing badass there is, who canonically mentions that she is in fact Gay™ and has a teeny (huge) little crush on Diana, which honestly... relatable. 
Fun, twisty dialogue
I mean, I’ve come to expect it considering the great lines in six of crows, but wonder woman was a lot funnier than I expected. Seriously. Like if you guys are big fans of the Percy Jackson series, y’all will adore this. See gems such as: 
Alia waggled her fingers. “Google knows all and sees all.” 
“Google,” Diana repeated. “Is Google one of your Gods?” 
“Maybe it’s a metaphorical spring,” said Theo. “Like the spring is inside all of us?”
“Why didn’t I run you over when I had the chance?”
Friendship!! Badass female friends saving each other always!! Trusting each other always!!
The book was centered around Diana and Alia’s friendship, and can I just say it’s so refreshing to see a book that’s focused almost entirely on a pure, platonic friendship than anything else? You have some romance here and there, sure, (though I would be 100% down with diana/alia going beyond friendship tbh) but yeah, Diana and Alia are the central relationship in this book and it’s such a warm, funny and genuine relationship that there were parts where I was literally... tearing a little reading about how much they trusted and appreciated each other. Just!!! Friendship is magic, y’all!!!!
Okay, but consider: give Diana a girlfriend 2k4ever
Formatting is a little funky at times, with the switching of the alternate POVs confusing me at times. This happens in SOC today, but at least the chapters are clearly labelled. Not for this one, unfortunately. 
The main Big Bad is just... not convincing. I mean, intriguing enough, I suppose, but... the only Real emotion he coaxed out of me was boredom.
I can’t help compare the setting/world-building to SOC (I know, I know) and it’s just not as compelling. But I also get that there are limitations, considering how she probably has to work within the confines of the actual wonder woman story (which I know nothing about) so it’s not that big a deal, really. 
It’s a solid 4.5/5 stars for me and I could probably talk about this book a lot more if I could get talking about every single one of the characters here, which I adored (!! with a notable exception) but since a lot of people haven’t read this yet, I’ll just hold off on that. 
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lupintyde · 7 years
Adrien’s Endgame
This is the final part of the Adrien’s Game trilogy.  Trilogy and a half?  Trilogy & Friends?  The previous parts are:
The Evolution of Adrien’s Game
The A-mew-sing Sequel to Adrien’s Game
Adrien’s Game 2.5: The Ball’s In Your Court, Nino
It’s been a fun project and I’m guessing you guys like it by the comments, tags I’ve caught in reblogs (damn, you guys are way funnier than me) and the 114 followers I gained in the last 3 days.  Like, holy shit guys.  I’m glad I could make y’all happy :)
Just a note before we begin, I have a blog that I post sewing tutorials and tongue-in-cheek toy reviews to.  Well, one sewing tutorial.  For ML dolls.  Just sayin’.
When we last left Adrien, he was testing out his flirting techniques through Nino to see if they really worked.  Because he’s a true friend like that.
In “The Puppeteer” (La Marionnettiste):
Adrien shakes off his bodyguard to go to a movie
With just Plagg  
Like, dude, call your friends to go with you
Oh, nevermind, there they are...
On second thought, maybe you need a break from your friends.
Especially since one of them looks like she wants to eat you 
Hey baby, do you want to get lunch or do you want to be lunch?
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Hey, it’s an akuma!  What a surprise! <-sarcasm
Lucky Chat Noir was right there
But Chat does question Marinette on her “dolls”
No really, I have a Ladybug doll and a Lady Wifi doll and a...uh...you...doll...
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Mari gives Chat her address and changes into Ladybug to meet him 
Oooooohhhhh shit, forgot your Adrien shrine, didn’t ya?
Not that it should really matter
Unless you care what Chat thinks of you...
...what are we at, now?  A love hexagon?
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Did Chat’s flirting finally pay off?  Let’s find out below the cut!
In “Reflecta” (Reflekta):
Chloe decides to climb Juleka for the class photo
Adrien kindly reminds her that she’s an idiot
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She does manage some shenanigans to get next to Adrien
SAVE HIM, Marinette
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Photo shoot in the park after the obligatory akuma
Adrien learns this day what it’s like to have fun posing for pictures
Dude, you are a GOD for agreeing to this after the day you’ve had
And still finding the energy to bring out the flirts
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Oh look guys, he’s keeping with the casual theme
The hands-off version of the arm-over-the-shoulder move
It’s like he’s cuddling with his mind
Juleka does ¬‿¬
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In “Pixelator” (Numéric):
Chloe and Adrien get dragged into the “7 minutes in heaven” game
Hell, for Adrien
He makes the best of it by messing with Chloe
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The second Adrienette date!
Shame neither of them know that
“It’s my first concert!”
Gabriel wouldn’t even let this kid hang out with Nino
How in the HELL did he swing this?!
10 bucks says he ditched Gorilla again
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In Guitar Villain (Guitar Vilain):
Adrien appears out of nowhere and says hello to Mari
She reacts appropriately
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Flirting 101: Strike When They Least Expect It
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Mari ends up designing an album cover for Jagged Stone
How many skills does this girl have?!
No wonder the fandom and everyone in the show is in love with her
Speaking of...Adrien wants Mari to sign the album she designed
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“Suave” is a skill NEITHER of these dorks has
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Awkward is, though
Look at how nervous he looks
He’s in so deep, he’s not even bothering to flirt anymore
He’s acting like Mari does around him...
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In “Princess Fragrance” (Princesse Fragrance):
“Did it hurt when you fell for me” <--not actual dialogue but should be
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He did hold onto her a little longer than necessary, though.
The situation literally fell into his lap 
and he turned it to his advantage
Nino is taking notes
This game is STRONG
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In “Volpina”
Player 2 has entered the game!
Marinette, your princess is in another castle
“DO NOT WANT” is probs looping through his mind
He’s too nice for his own good 
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Bored and seriously reevaluating what his life even is
Or possessed
It’s a toss-up tbh
Get your head back in the game, man!
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“Merry Christmas, signed Marinette.  She’s so nice.” 
Translation: I’m gonna marry that girl.
Son, this chick’s waaaaaay ahead of you
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Game. Set. Match.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is only one part of a series!  Here’s the link to the other parts of Adrien’s Game and A Lady’s Charm :)
ML Master List Of Crack Posts
(I used to add links to the newest installment at the bottom of my Adrien’s Game and Lady’s Charm posts, but the list will eventually end up being as long as the actual post.  So, yeah.  I’m taking the lazy approach.)
*DISCLAIMER*  These posts are my attempt at humor and not meant to be taken seriously.  Hateful/snide comments are the reason for this disclaimer and peeps trying to start arguments will be blocked.  I’m not out to prove anything and I don’t give attention to trolls.  If you reblog, use whatever tags float your shippy boat.  If you wanna use the screencaps, please give me credit for capturing them.  I am under no illusion that I own the series, obviously.  I read as many of the reblog tags as I have time for, and you guys are so supportive and way funnier than I think I am.  So thanks for the love and the laughs :)
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