#beautiful haunted miss olivia
augustatheghost · 3 months
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Law & Order: SVU 24x11 / “Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU” by Carmen Maria Machado / Law & Order: Organized Crime 3x21
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happytroopers · 5 months
Bad Idea, Right? // Fives x Reader // song fic
Insp: Bad Idea, Right? by Olivia Rodrigo // listen here on Spotify After a messy breakup, Five's reaches out again, much to all of their friends chagrins. You both know you should show some restraint... fuck it it's fine. Tw: alcohol consumption, broken up, steamy make out, friends don't approve, implication of hooking up, implications of previous toxic relationship, open to interpretation at the end more of pg13 but just to be safe: 18+ only, minors dni you can't tell me Fives didn't have a frat boy era. starts with him fairly fresh into being an Arc trooper.
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I want to make it clear that this is not supposed to read as being too drunk to consent. Things that happen in this fictional work are meant to be taken as consensual acts.
79's was loud and crowded, which was exactly why you weren't there.
Ever since you had pointedly transferred out of the 501st after your break up, hookup, make up, breakup, hookup, give or take five more ons and offs, and a final very public break up with Fives, you had wound up back on Coruscant working odd jobs, bouncing around the GAR shipyard, Jedi Temple, and barracks.
It had been a pointed resignation from the 501st, a spiteful statement, the final taunt to your ex to let him know that you were done- for real- this time. No one had been able to talk you out of it, and with dead eyes and a smug smirk you had signed the holopad. It had been a little over two months, and 79's had become your usual after work haunt.
Until, one of your friends had heard through the grapevine that the 501st was planet side after a sweeping victory in the outer rim. Which meant that the entirety of the blue painted legion would be celebrating at the clone bar- including the one soldier that all your friends were telling you to avoid. Fives.
You hadn't spoken since you'd signed your resignation. Which was odd, because Fives was never known for his silence. In the months without him, you'd started missing his loud laughs, terrible jokes that never failed to make you laugh as well, his cheesy grins, soft eyes, wandering hands, and... okay, well maybe you just missed him all together. But really, this time it was really over. Truly.
The bar your friends had chosen, on the other side of Coruscant and completely different level than 79's, wasn't bad. It was full of cool people who were probably interesting, decent looking, and most importantly very not Fives. So, your private comms unit buzzing on your wrist shouldn't have stolen your attention so quickly. The holo projector flashed the contact name, and you instinctively turned so none of your friends would see, you already knew it was a bad idea and they would disapprove.
You stared at the contact flashing, debating, teeth toying at your glossed lip. You'd played this game before, you knew where this path would lead, but... your eyes flashed up to your friends. Most of them seemingly very interested in respective conversations or sabacc games, or some of them already lodged down someone's throats. Your drink had gone warm in your hand, so you downed the rest of the cocktail to block out your more logical thoughts. blah blah blah... yeah you probably should not... but this night wasn't going anywhere and you deserved some fun too.
So, you slipped into the muggy Coruscant night air and clicked the comm on, steeling your voice to sound cold even if your interest was piqued, "What do you want, Fives?"
"Hello to you, too, Beautiful." The trooper was seemingly unaffected by your cool greeting, and even without a hologram to confirm, you could imagine the shit eating grin growing on his face and you wanted to say the thought didn't make you smile as well, "Torrent Company is on planet for a couple days."
"I heard. What exactly does that have to do with me?" You scoffed, you weren't going to cave. And even if you did, you weren't going to make it easy. You heard that familiar laugh through the tiny speakers, and to keep from laughing with him, you rolled your eyes, "I'm out right now, so get to the point."
"Didn't see you at 79's." He didn't answer your question. Stars, he knew how to press your buttons. You huffed, considering hanging up on him, finger hovering over the button but instead you snarked back.
"There's other bars, Fives, and I'll have you know there's other men here, too, that are buying me drinks and talking me up." That last drink was catching up to you, and the words were tumbling out of you, partly true and partly a taunt, "Seeing you tonight, would be a bad idea right?"
"And yet you're still talking to me? Besides, I remember you always loving my terrible ideas." His voice was irritatingly smooth, ending in a gravely chuckle, and you could envision the exact smirk he wore, the glint to his eyes. The undertones that he had you right where he wanted you, he wanted you and knew you wanted him. His taunt worked better and it was infuriating.
"Ugh!" Your little outburst, complete with a stamp of your heeled foot, was somewhere between a growl and a whine, "I knew this was a bad idea."
Fives only laughed some more, the last thing you heard before you ended the transmission and stomped back into the bar. You tried, really tried, to get back into the headspace. You flirted and took drinks that were bought for you, let someone run hands down your back and dance with you, but Fives's laughter and words played through your head like an annoyingly catchy song.
It was as the burn of another shot slid down your throat, that your wrist buzzed again. This time you were grateful that you were sitting at the bar as a picture popped up- a piled of familiar blue painted armor in a corner by a GAR bunk, an open bottle of Pantoran wine in the background of the shot. Under the photo, with no other words but new room assignments. Curious... new bunk. The photo was obscured by the countertop so your friends couldn't see, and you weren't proud about how long you stared at the holo-pic trying to pick apart any details you could. When you looked up, the man you'd been flirting with for the last hour was gone, flirting with a tall trandoshan woman who was way more into the attention than you had been. Sighing, you flagged the bartender for another shot as typed and erased a coupled different responses. Flirty remarks, harsh refusals, prying questions... Nothing sounded quite right, so you closed the holochat in favor of downing the liquor placed in front of you.
Fact: He was your ex. But, things had obviously changed, it'd been months and during war time, so much can change so fast. Can't two people reconnect? Even before you were together, you'd been friends first, right? Surely, a friend could visit another friend... late at night, in a pretty little outfit... after a few drinks. You could be just friends, right? Even after the shots multiple kinds of liquor, you could hear the lie you were telling yourself. But you peeked at the picture again, remembering all the other times you'd seen his armor discarded like that and all the contradictory voices went silent.
Fuck it, it's fine.
It was embarrassing how fast you flagged a cab, not even bothering to tell your friends lest they figure out where you were heading. You knew you'd get scolded in the group chat for wrecking plans, and that you should probably turn around and stop, but the you'd made up your mind. It was also embarrassing traipsing through the GAR barracks (your workplace come morning) in the sparkly ensemble you'd picked for the night on the town, fortunately any troopers that would have had the off time to be in the barracks were out and about. As you crossed through a courtyard, you looked up to the area you were heading. And there, second floor where the semi private rooms were, leaning against the window with smug grin looking down at you approaching was Fives.
You consider turning around, walking back out and flipping him a rude hand gesture, but your legs kept pushing you forward, into the barracks and into the lift, but instead of letting your friends well timed reminders warn you offAnd when it opened, Fives was waiting there for you. From the waist down, he was still wearing his armor. New Armor, you noted, swallowing thickly. The painted leather of a new Kama swayed around his thighs, accentuated by the holster straps of duo dc-17 pistols. From the waist up, he was in his blacks. Basically a second layer of skin, the material left little to the imagination as it stretched over his chest and across his broad shoulders. He'd taken off the gloves and pushed the sleeves half way up his muscled forearms. Fives, since you had last seen him, had updated the stick and poke tattoo on his temple to an actual temple and cut his hair accordingly, even his beard had been trimmed up nicer than before.
You were sure, positive, that at some point you'd seen someone better looking, a hotter man. Surely, you had...But for the life of you, you really couldn't recall when. Your jaw clenched, nostrils flaring slightly as you tried to come up with something to say other than, "Ahhh" or a slew of curses (Because, of course, he got hotter over the past two months because the force hated you).
"Was starting to think you weren't coming, beautiful." Fives smirked at you, and you wished you could take the credit he was facetiously giving. The little shit knew you weren't going to ignore his blatant unspoken invitation. The soldier whistled lowly, "Glad I waited though, kriff, I'd fight another five campaigns for that dress."
Heat flared to your cheeks, and to elsewhere, as you shifted self consciously on your heels. Your brain was still short circuiting, part of it reveling in his praise and the other reminding you every reason you broke up and even more reasons as to why this was a bad idea. So, even you were surprised when your voice was surprisingly cheeky, "Yeah, I heard a lot of similar sentiments tonight, this dress made me very popular."
The soldier seemed shocked at your snark, eyes first flashing in jealousy before his smirk turned to a grin, "Is that so?"
His bare hand reached up experimentally, and you knew you should pull back, prevent the contact, that it was a bad idea to let this go on, but you stayed still. Eyes fluttering shut as a warm thumb crossed across your flushed cheek, his gaze noting how you swayed a bit, the slight smudge of your makeup, and how your outfit was just slightly disheveled. With his other hand, featherish finger tips started at the peak of your shoulder trailing in a teasingly light graze down your arm before making their way down to play with your fingers, noting how they trembled slightly with anticipation. His smirk grew when your breath caught in your throat. Fives pressed a slow kiss to point of your jaw, smelling the remnants of your perfume, the slight smell of sweat from dancing, and the lingering smell of bar smoke and liquor, "I can tell."
Your eyes shot back open to glare at him, "Did you call me all the way down here just to comment on my outfit?"
"Of course not, but it'd be rude not to tell a gorgeous woman just how good she looks." He flirted shamelessly, a reminder of how you got here in the first place, leading you further into the barracks with the fingers he'd tangled into yours. He easily walked backwards, quietening the angel on your shoulder with kisses starting at your jaw and working his way down your neck. You were so engrossed in watching him, how easily he slipped back into this routine, that you barely noticed when he pulled the two of you into his quarters. The door sliding open and swallowing the two of you before swishing shut again, leaving the room in the dim orangey light of the streetlights outside the window, the light made his skin glow like coper.
Just as in the picture, the top half of his armor was piled in the corner by one of the two beds, open bottle of wine sitting on a foot locker. What the picture hadn't shown, was the ID printed on the foot locker. Not CT-5555, but ARC-5555. At the foot of the other bed was ARC-1409. ARC troopers Fives and Echo, things really had changed.
"That's new." You breathed, free hand tracing over the letters. Fives chuckled into your neck, coming up for air and to joke.
"Try not to sound so surprised, gorgeous." He breathed, nose resting against your cheek as his hands fell to your waist. You knew all clones were the same height, and he was done growing, but the way his half lidded eyes were staring down at you... seriously, had he gotten taller? His boot subtly shifted between your feet, placing one of his thighs between your own, "Without you around to distract me, had to find something to occupy myself with."
"So you became an Advanced Recon Commando trooper?" You almost laughed, of course he'd brag in such a blasé (flirty) way. And if his thumbs hadn't started rubbing devilish little circles at your hips, you would have admitted to being proud of him. He laughed again, leaning back in, his voice a teasing whisper before his kissed right at the base of your ear where you dabbed on perfume earlier.
"Impressed yet?" He teased, finally catching your lips. It was then, his lips against yours, your hips canting up against the plastoid of his armor, that it was like you'd never stopped kissing him. All those reasons you'd broken up, all the red flags, all the arguments, faded into a buzz in the back of your mind as your arms wrapped around his neck. Your reaction made him smile against your lips, pulling you even closer, once again kissing down your neck as his hands started to gently swipe the straps of your dress down your shoulders, exposing more of your décolletage. His hands went down your arms, leaving goosebumps despite his perpetual warmth, pausing at your comm unit which you suddenly noticed was vibrating erratically on your wrist, flashing through your friends' content names at an insane speed. With a mischievous look, he smoothly unclipped it before placing it in your palm. While you contemplated answering the messages, his beard scratched and blazed a trail ahead of his mouth, moving down your jaw and neck, no doubt leaving marks that would serve as a reminder of your bad ideas for days to come. The slight nip of his teeth cemented your decision. You sent the comms unit sailing onto Echo's bunk before leaning back into Fives's embrace, and as he went, he subtly guided you towards the door until your half bare back pressed against the cool durasteel of the wall. You hadn't realized how heated your skin was until you gasped at the sudden difference, nails digging into his shoulders in shock, "God, I've missed those little noises you make."
"Stars, this is a bad idea, right?" You groaned, tangling your fingers into the ends of his hair that were just long enough to start curling, his knee pressed between your legs so even the slightest movement made your breath catch. To your utter dismay, Fives stilled completely, hands freezing where they had settled at the hem line of your dress ridden up on your thighs, his lips halting their trail down to your cleavage to look up at you with sincere eyes.
"Do you want me to stop?" His voice was genuine, teasing and taunts gone, reminding you that as bad as your relationship might have been at times that he was, above all, a good guy. Such a little thing, a thing that should be basic decency, shouldn't make your lip quirk up in a smile just as genuine. You should have thought about it, really, but all your could think about was the growing heat in your very core, the way you slotted together perfectly, and the way that even after all the drama no one knew exactly how to press your buttons quite like Fives did. Still, his ego didn't need to hear those sentiments so you let your head drop to his shoulder, nose prodding at the neckline of his blacks as you shook your head against him, rocking your hips against his armored thigh. One of his hands held your hips in place, his voice now half serious and half teasing, "Need to hear that pretty voice, mesh'la."
I should... probably... probably not, I should... probably... probably not. Your mind was flipping rapidly between ideas. Was it better to recognize this was a bad idea and still go through with it? Should you pretend you didn't know this wasn't your best decision? You were already here though... fuck it, it's fine. Which was becoming an increasingly common sentiment lately.
"Ah-" You started, cutting off the embarrassing whine his actions brought out of you, "-I don't want you to stop."
Fives just laughed quietly, catching your lips again and pressing himself further into you as his hands wandered from your thighs, up your hips, over your ribs, and across your chest. One of his skilled hands explored the fabric of your dress until he found the zipper, deftly unzipping it without unzipping the dress without even pausing the way his other hand squeezed the softest part of your thigh. Force, what were they teaching him in ARC training? You moaned into his mouth and he breathed it in like oxygen. The shimmering fabric fell into a pool around your waist, the hemline hiked above you waist, leaving the dress like a belt and your undergarments exposed. Fives pulled back for a moment, eyes roaming the skin he'd exposed like an artist looking at their favorite piece. Eyes dark and adoring as they roved your body, fingers occasionally grazing across the marks and curves that made you so you. His eyes were so intense that you had to look away, lest your bad ideas turn into the wrong ideas. You were done and through, this was a one time thing... right?
With his stare just long enough to make you squirm, you hardened your resolve, hooking your fingers under his belt and using the grip to pull him back into you once again. Not as deftly as his zipper skills, but you managed to fairly smoothly unlatch his belt as the same time you deepened the kiss. You were rewarded with a deep groan vibrating through his chest, making your own smile turn greedy.
Fives, never one to be outdone, put both hands on your waist, easily lifting you slightly as he lifted a knee and pressed it into the wall. Your legs had no where to go other than wrapping around his unfairly slim hips. He supported most of your weight, but let a delicious amount of pressure fall onto the plastoid encasing his muscular thighs. You didn't mean to grind down like you did, nipping at his lip as you went and letting one hand wander to his hair again to tug slightly, earning another low moan at the same time you pleaded his name.
You reward was short lived though, a curt knock at the door halted the way his hands slid down your thighs. Fives groaned, slowly retracting his thigh and holding you until your legs were steady enough to lean you against the wall. The sudden change pulled a keening mewl from you, and if you weren't so lust drunk (and regular drunk) you'd be offended when Fives's hand covered your mouth. His warm palm centered over your mouth gently pressing you against the wall just out of view for when the door opened. Fives, tall and broad, used his body to take up most of the doorway, his hand over your mouth making it look like he was just leaning against the door frame. His form was the picture of relaxed, while you stood with jelly legs and clenched thighs, heaving chest and shaky breaths through your nose as your own hands flew up to cover his, gripping at his fingers like a lifeline.
"Can I help you, vod?" Fives's voice was cool, though you knew him well enough to hear the impatience there. You didn't dare turn your head, afraid that even the slightest turn of your head would alert the new comer to your presence. So, out of the corner of your eye, you stared at Fives the best you could. His side profile gave you no clue as to the visitor, but unfortunately the voice was familiar. Your already hot cheek felt like the went aflame, but the lewdness of the situation didn't escape you as you squirmed slightly.
"You Fives?" The voice- Jek... Rys maybe? Since working so much on Coruscant and so closely with the Coruscant guard, the shock troopers had become good friends of yours. Good enough that they'd heard the saga of your relationship with Fives, and were firmly on the 'keep you away from him' train. Had they not been on patrol that night, they would have been out with you making sure you didn't end up exactly where you had.
"Yeah..." Fives's voice wasn't quite hesitant as he drew out the word, "You are?"
Of course it was, he was the more confrontational of the two. You wondered if your friends had gotten ahold of him, sent him on the hunt for you. Fives didn't seem bothered.
"What can I do for you, Jek?"
Jek said your name like one might mention a weapon, with an underlying threat, "You know her, right?"
"We go way back." You could see Fives's grin from the corner of your vision, making you roll your eyes. Boys. The grin elicited a similar reaction from Jek if his scoff was any indication.
"You seen her around?"
Fives made an exaggerated show of leaning into the hallway and looking both directions, the action pressing you harder against the wall.
"Nope, don-" He started smugly. You smirked against his palm before turning your face, slipping two of his fingers in your mouth and running the tip of your tongue over the line where the fingers pressed together. Fives's voice cracked slightly before he smoothed it back out, "She doesn't really run with torrent company anymore."
Jek was silent for a long moment, most likely staring at Fives like the Arc trooper had grown another head before forcing an edge to his already gruff demeanor, "Good, you should keep it that way. Stay away from her."
Fives's fingers pulled from your mouth, now wet fingers gripping your chin just hard enough to make you gasp. Your eyes widened and stomach dropped as you went perfectly still. Had Jek heard you? Would he be able to tell it was you? Embarrassment flooded your nerves along with the exhilarating thrill of being almost caught.
"I'll keep it mind, have a good night, brother." Fives didn't skip a beat, though his lackadaisical confidence had gone cold. Jek scoffed once more before his footsteps turned and retreated. The door once again swished shut, and Fives had you wrists pinned so fast you barely registered until his eyes were only inches from yours.
"Didn't realize you'd get me in so much trouble. Maybe you are a bad idea..." He trailed off, taking your wrists in one hand and hooking them around his neck. His hands went back to their favorite resting spot at your waist, pushing the ridden up fabric finally the rest of the way down your legs so it pooled around your ankles and heels. He had followed the material, briefly kneeling at your feet and looking up at you with dark, ever mischievous eyes as he pressed a kiss to the inside of both knees, fingers kneading into the plush backside of your thighs, "I love bad ideas."
He rose quickly, meeting you lips with a ferocity that hadn't been there before. Fives, as always, was a dizzying spiral that drew you in and you stood very little chance of escaping. Especially in the heels you were wearing still. So, really was it your fault when you just tripped and fell into his bed?
Later, sweaty and exhausted and sated, you stretched to reach your forgotten comms link. You settled into the bunk, barely big enough for the soldier it was meant for which meant you were on your side, puzzle pieced into Five's chest with a heavy warm arm against your bare midsection keeping you in place.
You scrolled through the messages, trying to be offended that most of them guessed where you ended up. You never thought you were a liar until you texted back, "Sorry, I was asleep <3!"
You pointedly didn't mention where you'd fallen asleep or more accurately whose sheets you were tangled in. And with the aftershocks of everything Fives had done to and with you, you couldn't even hear the thoughts of what tomorrow would be like.
"Really? Your ex? Again?" Was the only response. You ran a hand through your mussed hair. You wouldn't outright lie to your friends, besides you weren't the only person to ever fall into old habits.
"Is it a crime for two people to reconnect?" You typed back, feeling Fives stretch slightly behind you, his chin nuzzling further into your neck and his thumb rubbing comforting arcs at your hip, "I only see him as a friend."
"Just a friend?" Fives's voice was gravely as he pressed a kiss against your neck, where the column of your neck met your spine before he chuckled, "Didn't know you were such a liar, beautiful."
Your stomach fluttered at the same time your brain tried to remind you just how final your last breakup had been. Still, you scooted further against him as his hand drifted lower again. Force this was a bad idea...
bad and about a song thats not even popular anymore. Unedited obvi First clone fic ive actually written in years lol. Originally, this was going to end with reader sneaking out and bumping into Echo and possibly other coworkers, but that was going to take another two hours to write and im lazy.
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harritudur · 1 year
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2008, THE MUNSON SISTERS: Olivia, 20, and Margaret, 18
Liv & Mags are the perfect mix of Eddie’s & Chrissy’s beauty :) oh, they are about to break many hearts hehehe so, i imagine this picture around spring break maybe? like, Liv is staying with her family a little before joining some college friends for the holidays, and Mags just missed her sister sfm, she wants to go with her but... no... she is still in highschool for a few more months lol  💙 their dad took this picture 📸
(of course the talented and kind @a-strange-inkling takes all the credits with her wonderful universe & fanfic Old Haunts)
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
I’m doing this on my own but I thought it would be fun to see what you do with this, a Twilight fic based on “Vampire” by Olivia Rodrigo
❝bleeding me dry like a got damn vampire❞
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✭ pairing : aro volturi x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) takes responsibility for a failed relationship she knew wouldn’t last from the beginning
✭ authors note : actually listening to this song now, looked up the meaning for this song too because after reading an article where she says that this song could mean something for everyone else I decided to take her meaning behind her song; “It’s more about my regret and kind of beating myself up for doing something that I knew wasn’t gonna turn out great and kind of just taking ownership of that and dealing with those feelings," she said.
✭ twilight masterlist
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The dimly lit streets of Volterra were shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the distant echoes of footsteps. (Y/N) walked alone through the ancient Italian city, her heart heavy with a sense of impending doom.
She knew from the very beginning that her relationship with Aro Volturi would be a failed one.
As she strolled past centuries-old buildings and the haunting shadows cast by the towering clock tower, (Y/N) couldn't help but recall the night she first met Aro.
It had been a lavish masquerade ball held in the depths of the Volturi castle, a place where secrets and desires intertwined with the darkest of intentions.
(Y/N) had been drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Aro, with his piercing crimson eyes and charismatic charm, had been a vision of otherworldly beauty.
He had offered her his hand, and she had willingly stepped into his world, unaware of the danger that lurked beneath his beguiling facade.
But even in the midst of their passionate courtship, a nagging doubt had always lingered in (Y/N)'s mind. She had sensed that their love was built on fragile foundations, teetering on the edge of something far more sinister.
It was as though she had been bitten by a vampire herself, a love that both thrilled and terrified her.
(Y/N) had seen the signs, the darkness that dwelled within Aro and the Volturi coven. She had witnessed their cruelty, their disregard for human life, and their lust for power.
Aro's affections had been genuine, but they were entangled in a web of deceit and treachery that could only lead to destruction.
As she walked through the deserted streets of Volterra, (Y/N) couldn't ignore the truth any longer. Her heart ached with the knowledge that she must break free from the allure of Aro Volturi.
Their love was a forbidden dance, a dangerous game, and she had to protect herself from the darkness that threatened to consume her.
With every step she took away from the Volturi castle, (Y/N) knew that her life was irrevocably changed. She had been entangled with a vampire, and now she had to find a way to escape the shadows of their ill-fated love.
The days turned into weeks as (Y/N) tried to distance herself from the haunting memories of her time with Aro Volturi.
She had left Volterra behind and found refuge in a quaint village nestled in the heart of Tuscany, hoping that the peaceful surroundings would help heal the wounds of her past.
Yet, no matter how far she traveled, she couldn't escape the memories of Aro's touch or the feeling of his crimson eyes locked on hers. They haunted her dreams and followed her like a shadow during her waking hours.
She had known their love was doomed, but the lingering ache in her heart was proof that it had been real.
One evening, as she sat in a rustic cafe sipping her espresso, (Y/N) overheard a conversation at a nearby table. A group of locals was huddled together, speaking in hushed tones about a mysterious series of disappearances in the area.
It seemed that people had gone missing without a trace, and fear had settled over the village like a thick fog.
Intrigued, (Y/N) couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. The descriptions of the missing individuals were chillingly familiar – they all bore a striking resemblance to her lost love, Aro Volturi.
Her heart raced as she considered the possibility that Aro and his coven had come to this peaceful village in search of her.
As the locals shared their stories and fears, (Y/N) realized that she couldn't hide any longer. She needed answers, closure, and a way to protect herself from the darkness that followed her.
(Y/N) couldn't ignore the growing unease in her heart any longer. As much as she had tried to convince herself that her relationship with Aro Volturi could work, the doubts had become too overpowering.
She needed answers, closure, and most importantly, the truth.
She found herself standing outside the grand doors of the Volturi fortress, her heart pounding in her chest. The darkness that had once intrigued her now felt suffocating, and she couldn't bear the weight of it any longer.
With a determined breath, she entered the fortress, her steps echoing through the grand halls.
Aro was waiting for her in his opulent study, surrounded by ancient books and artifacts that spoke of a long and storied history.
His regal presence was undeniable, but it no longer held the same charm it once did. (Y/N) had seen beyond the surface, and she was ready to confront the truth.
"You wanted to see me?" Aro's voice was smooth, his crimson eyes searching her face.
(Y/N) squared her shoulders, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Aro, we need to talk. I can't ignore the darkness that surrounds you anymore. Every girl I ever talked to warned me about you, told me you were bad news. And you know what? I called them crazy, just like you did. But now I see it. I see the way you manipulate and charm, the way you lie without flinching."
Aro's expression remained composed, but a flicker of something unreadable passed through his eyes. "My dear, you must understand that this life is not for the faint-hearted. When we first met, you willingly entered into this world, fully aware of the consequences."
"Yes, I made that choice," (Y/N) replied, her voice laced with determination. "But I didn't fully comprehend the extent of the darkness that would consume us. I didn't understand the toll it would take on my soul, on our relationship."
Aro leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "Love, I am who I am. My nature is ancient, and my desires run deep. I am not a man who can change his essence."
"And that is precisely the problem," (Y/N) said, her voice tinged with frustration. "You take no responsibility for your actions, for the pain you inflict on others. You dismiss it as the price of power, the cost of immortality. But at what cost? How many hearts have you shattered, leaving a trail of broken souls in your wake?"
Aro's eyes hardened, a glimmer of anger breaking through his polished facade. "You knew what you were getting into, (Y/N). You cannot blame me for your own choices."
"Perhaps I can't blame you entirely," she conceded. "But I can blame myself for ignoring the warning signs, for falling for your charm and lies. I hate the way I called those girls crazy, when they were just trying to protect me. I hate that I allowed myself to be convinced by your words, your promises."
Silence hung heavy in the room as both (Y/N) and Aro absorbed the weight of their words. The truth had been laid bare, and there was no turning back.
In that moment, (Y/N) realized that she had to make a choice. She could continue down this treacherous path, risking her own sanity and heart, or she could find the strength to walk away from the darkness that threatened to fully consume her.
With a newfound resolve, (Y/N) stood tall, her voice unwavering. "This ends here, Aro. I refuse to be another casualty of your darkness. I will find my own light, my own path."
Aro's expression remained inscrutable, but a flicker of regret passed through his eyes. "If that is your choice, my dear, then I wish you well. But remember, once you venture into the shadows, they have a way of following you wherever you go."
With those parting words, (Y/N) turned on her heel and walked away, leaving the fortress and the darkness behind. It was a difficult decision, but one she knew was necessary for her own survival.
As she stepped out into the sunlight, a sense of freedom washed over her. She had confronted the shadows, faced her fears, and now it was time to rebuild and rediscover herself. The road ahead might be challenging, but she was ready to embrace the light and leave the darkness of Aro Volturi behind.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 3 months
Haunted Houses And Haunted People – Hugh Crain/Olivia Crain/Leigh Crain/Poppy Hill
A/N: Day 4 of @polyamships Multiamory March.
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^ GIF made for me by @whoreofthecottage
“Sometimes I wonder if the house is finished with us…” Olivia’s voice is a murmur and Leigh glances up with a look close to panic. Hugh and Olivia, her sweet sweet loves, had taken her in after she lost Steve to the house, the thought of either or both going back spiked fear in her heart. “You can’t possibly mean to go back!” “No… no she doesn’t… she doesn’t mean that. It’s only… it’s only that we may have brought one of the ghosts home with us.” Hugh speaks quickly, smoothing a hand against Leigh’s back even as he watches Poppy coo something to Olivia, kissing her hairline tenderly before cupping the woman’s face in her hands where Olivia had been close to fleeing the room. “The… redhead?” Hugh sounds unsure of the woman’s name. “Poppy.” Olivia speaks the name softly. “Is that her name then, Poppy?” Leigh asks, inspecting the photo Hugh points out, her smile soft, voice softer. “She looks… lovely.” “She is.” Olivia’s smile is soft, her touch resting so gently on Poppy’s back that the woman flickers into view, Hugh frowning even as he watches Leigh move to cup a soft cheek in her hand, finally seeing Poppy himself, watching with interest as Leigh smooths a thumb over a cheekbone. “Hello Poppy.” “So… just to be clear… I have my wife…. My younger lover and now… a ghost?” “A beauty.” Leigh speaks softly, firmly. “You have two beautiful women… and… me, I guess.” “Aw sugar, you are a beauty too.” Poppy coos and Leigh smiles, leaning to kiss her gently. “Thank you.” Later, much later, Hugh will come back from checking on his family, Shirley and Theo, the last of their children who live. Nell had, as they all expected, moved away, far away, with Arthur. Finally finding peace. Shirley and Theo stuck close. They felt their missing pieces keenly but Hugh smiles as he watches Olivia rest, Poppy curled around her on one side, Leigh on the other. This, he thinks, he could learn to love the sight of, even if he’s unsure how best to hug a ghost. He will learn, he thinks, he will learn as he had learnt to love Leigh’s brightly sweet nature, as he had learnt to love Olivia and her wilder side. He will learn, he will love and he will live.
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teddywrites0 · 6 months
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Can’t Catch Me Now (c.b)
Now playing: Can’t Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo.
summary: he sees your face in every place, haunted by the memories of your separation. what happens when you cross paths again? ex!beomgyu fem!reader, exes to lovers?
warnings: cursing, mentions of therapy, angst with happy ending, mentions of nightmares.
word count: 4.0k
a/n: i fear i will never stop writing stuff based on songs.
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“beomgyu? beomgyu?” he jumped awake, scooting backward until his back hit the headboard, eyes wide, he looked bewildered. “you were shouting in your sleep again.” yeonjun said, voice laced with concern. he moved to sit on the edge of beomgyu’s bed, “was it about her?” beomgyu’s pounding heart began to settle, he nodded. “are you sorry?” it sounded like her voice. beomgyu looked at him, tears welling in his eyes, “w-what?” — “i said are you okay?” his knuckles were turning white from the force he was gripping his sheets, “yeah, yeah i’ll be alright.” it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself, rather than his concerned roommate. “you should go to your classes today.. it’s been months.” yeonjun said, looking about the room. it was a mess, clothes everywhere, empty wrappers on the nightstand, old photographs spread all over his desk. “the guys miss you, and i don’t want you to lose your degree over some girl.” beomgyu furrowed his brows, “some girl?” he questioned. “n-no i didn’t mean it like that listen.. just come today and if you can’t handle it you don’t have to go monday.” beomgyu nodded. “it’s not like she’ll be there.” he muttered.
beomgyu pulled his hood over his head, hanging it low as he put his headphones in. yeonjun had offered to drive him, but he decided he’d walk. he passed by buildings, avoiding the sight of them, avoiding the memories. he reached the part of the route where it was all rural, nothing but grass and trees and the autumn leaves that crunched below his feet. only then did he pick his head up, trying to take in the beauty of the fall morning. then he saw you standing by a tree, looking right at him. his heart quickened, panic setting in, until you disappeared in thin air, reminding him that it’s just apart of the grieving process. but isn’t it unfair to grieve someone who’s still alive? he still found courage to walk into class, resting his head on the desk. whispers and stares came from everyone in the lecture hall. he payed no attention drowning it out with the music that was blasting way too loud in his ears. there was a light tap to his shoulder, it was yeonjun. he took out the ear buds, stuffing them into his pocket. “everyone’s staring.” he said flatly. “they’re gonna stare, the most notorious couple broke up, and you haven’t been here in three months.” beomgyu rolled his eyes, leaning over to fish his notebook out of his bag. “i saw her again.” he whispered, yeonjun sighed, “your therapist said it’s normal to have visions when you’re grieving.” beomgyu balled his fists, “don’t say grieving she’s not dead.” — “she might as well be.” a girl interrupted, giggling with her friends. “yunjin don’t you have better things do to? like i don’t know.. sleep with half of the soccer team?” beomgyu snapped. her friends went silent, most covering their mouths with their hands. “excuse me?” she shouted, standing up. “yunjin sit down, okay everyone! let’s continue our lesson on..” the professor interrupted, and that was when beomgyu tuned out every voice, zoning out until everyone was already packing their bags and heading out of the class. “c’mon let’s go you have econ, im walking you.” yeonjun said.
you stepped out onto the terminal, searching for a familiar face. you gripped your luggage in one hand, guitar case in the other. then you spotted her, your best friend, the one person you weren’t afraid of seeing in your return. she ran to you, opening her arms as she pushed herself into you, wrapping them around you. “chae.” you said in relief. “y/n.” she pulled away cupping your cheeks in her hands. “you haven’t changed.” she said tears pooling into her eyes. “it’s been three months not three years.” you said chuckling, holding back your own tears. “well it felt like three years.” she said wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. “besides, my hair is a bit a longer.” you joked. she scoffed, “you really haven’t changed.” she led you to the airport cafe, carrying your suitcase for you. “just an iced chai please.” you ordered, chaewon side-eyeing you in confusion. the two of you settled into a booth, “no flat white?” you shook your head laughing slightly. “no i don’t drink coffee anymore.” she furrowed her eyebrows, “is that like an american thing?” she asked. you giggled, “no it’s just.. apparently it stunts your growth.” she smiled, “i’m glad america didn’t change you.” you pursed your lips into an awkward smile. you took a sip of your drink, suddenly feeling the urge to ask, “how is he?” she looked down, “i don’t know, he hasn’t been to school since.. since you left.” — “oh.”
you gazed out the window, passing by the familiar buildings. “your room is still the same, i didn’t let anyone touch anything.” chaewon said, bringing you back from your thoughts. “that’s good. how’s miso?” the girl behind the wheel giggled, “your child is fine, she slept outside your door every night.” you smiled, “poor girl.” she laughed, and before you knew it you were turning into your apartment complex. you trudged up the steps, the two of you struggling to carry everything. once you finally made it into the apartment, the familiar scent of your favorite fall candle hit your nose. “miso!” you said excitedly, setting down your guitar case to greet the cat that was pawing at your leg. she mewled, leaning into every pet. “i missed you.” you cooed. you stood back up, helping chaewon carry your things into your bedroom. your finger tips glided across the spines of the books on your shelf, everything was still the same. “so you’re going back monday right?” she asked leaning against the door frame. “yeah, this weekend i want to let loose a bit you know? do something fun.” her eyes brightened, “well that’s good news because..” she said, pulling a folded piece of paper out of her tote bag. “what’s this?” you asked as she handed it to you. “i spoke to that guy, kai i think his name was? anyways, he wants you to perform at his dads bar. he said your sound is perfect for the aesthetic or whatever that means.” you unfolded the paper, a hand written invitation signed ‘huening kai’. “so like a hipster bar?” she giggled, “that’s what i said, but he looked offended..” the both of you burst into laughter. “yeah i guess i’ll do it, do you have his number or does he communicate strictly through carrier pigeon?” more laughter followed.
“guys wait up!” kai called after beomgyu and yeonjun. “hey what’s up?” yeonjun asked. “saturday- well i guess technically tomorrow, my dad has some local performers playing. you should come!” beomgyu immediately shook his head, “i just barely got through my first day back. i seriously can’t handle getting wasted right now.” they reached yeonjun’s car, “then don’t drink! listen.. i want you to have fun. if you haven’t been at school these past few months, i can imagine you haven’t been anywhere else either.” beomgyu’s shoulders dropped in defeat. “i think he’s right. if you feel overwhelmed we’ll just do what your therapist said..” — “okay fine i’ll go,” he said raising his voice, he then leaned over to whisper to yeonjun, “and don’t talk about that shit in front of other people.” kai stood there awkwardly, “i should go, see you guys tomorrow!” beomgyu opened the passenger door, slamming it after he got in. yeonjun shook his head, opening the drivers side and settling in. “therapy isn’t something to be ashamed of beomgyu.” he turned the key into the ignition. “maybe i should be ashamed of it, it’s my fault i’m there in the first place.” he mumbled. “yeah well you’re not gonna get better if you don’t apply yourself.” the drive home felt slow, like time was paused. they were reaching a green light when he saw you again, “stop the car. yeonjun stop the fucking car!” yeonjun hit the breaks, annoyed drivers honking behind them. just like that.. you were gone. “beomgyu what the fuck? someone could’ve hit us!” yeonjun continued to drive, many people cutting in front of them honking their horns. beomgyu sat there, eyes wide, mouth agape.
when they got to their shared apartment beomgyu rushed to the couch, curling up into the corner, and he began to cry; he began to sob. “hey.. hey what is it?” yeonjun knelt in front of him. “i’m sorry. i’m sorry you have to deal with this, with me.” yeonjun shook his head “beomgyu..” — “no yeonjun! i’m burdening you! i don’t want to take you down with me!” yeonjun pulled himself up, sitting beside beomgyu, pulling him to his chest. “you’re not a burden. you’re my best friend, and you’re hurting and it’s okay to be hurt.” beomgyu sobbed into his chest, “i shouldn’t have said those things to her.. i can’t- i can’t escape her, but at the same time i want to chase after her. she’s everywhere, but she’s not really there.” yeonjun rubbed his hand over beomgyu’s back, “it’s gonna be alright. go lay down okay? you probably need rest, im sure it was stressful to go back today.” beomgyu rubbed his eyes, heading to his bedroom. he laid down, hugging his pillow to his chest. “i’m not the selfish one beomgyu, you are! this is important to me! this is a big opportunity!” he scoffed, “you’ve had offers here! you really think moving to another continent will be any different?” you shook your head, “this just proves it to me..” —“proves what to you y/n? proves what?” you balled your fists, holding back tears. “that if you loved me you’d support me!” the sound of glass shattering echoed in the room, “shit- y/n i’m sorry.” you bent down, picking up the pieces of your bedside lamp. you stood up slowly. “get the fuck out!” — “no no i’m not leaving! i’m not leaving.” yeonjun shook him awake, “it’s just a bad dream.” beomgyu held his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes. “what time is it?” he asked. yeonjun checked his phone, “five thirty, let’s order some take out yeah?” beomgyu nodded, feeling lightheaded from his short nap.
“i texted kai, im playing at seven tomorrow.” you said as you set chaewon’s takeout box in front of her. “that’s awesome, you have a song picked yet?” you nodded, pulling your own takeout out. “that program really helped me, i learned a lot.” she smiled, “as if you could get any better.” you shook your head chuckling, “there’s always room to get better, to learn more.” you ate mostly in silence, you liked that about your friendship, you were always comfortable in each others silence. “y/n?” you looked up, “yeah?” she cleared her throat, “you don’t have to pretend you’re okay, i know you miss him.” you sighed, “it’s just- he scared me that day you know? i worried that if i stayed even after that, it could’ve gotten worse.” chaewon nodded, reaching to hold your hand across the table. “i get that, i spoke to yeonjun before you landed this morning, he’s um.. he’s not doing very well.” you looked down, “he doesn’t know i’m back?” she shook her head. “if he wouldn’t have gotten so angry, if he would’ve listened, he would’ve known.” she rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb, “i know, but guys are stupid. i know you loved each other.” you sighed, picking up your takeout box to throw it away. “i still do.” when chaewon said she didn’t touch your room, she really meant it. your bedside lamp remained shattered on the floor. you groaned, flopping down onto your bed face first. ‘i’ll clean it in the morning’ you thought. before you knew it you were asleep, twitching occasionally. “how is she?” yeonjun asked. chaewon held the phone between her shoulder and her cheek as she wiped down the counters. “she’s good.. physically. i just called to let you know she’s here, im sure she wouldn’t mind seeing you.” she heard him sigh on the other side of the phone, “i would love to, but beomgyu’s still super messed up about it. i don’t want him to find out i saw her without telling him. i mean if he would’ve let her explain we wouldn’t be here right now.” chaewon grabbed the phone moving it to her other ear as she disposed of the paper towel. “would you like to talk to her at least?” she asked. “that’d be nice.” she knocked on your door gently, “y/n?” you woke up slowly, “come in.” she entered, phone still up to her ear. “i’m sorry to wake you, yeonjun’s on the phone.” you felt your heart beat quicken as you took the phone from her. “hello?” — “hey y/n.” you smiled softly, “does he know you called?” you asked voice slightly trembling. “no he’s uh, he’s asleep right now. that’s all he’s really been doing lately.” you took in a shaky breath, trying to hold the flow of tears you’ve held back for three months, “i don’t want him to be hurt.” the truth is in the beginning, you did want him to be hurt. you thought he deserved it, but hearing how he’s been after asking everyone strictly not to update you while you were away, you really didn’t want him to be hurt. “i know y/n, he’d hate for me to tell you this but he’s been seeing a therapist. i thought it would help him considering his history with nightmares when his parents split.” hearing he was in therapy made you feel slightly better, maybe he can get better without you.
“i’ll see you monday, bye.” yeonjun hung up the phone, he didn’t want to keep the fact that you were back from beomgyu; but he’ll know when you return to school monday. unless he sees you sooner than that. beomgyu didn’t have a nightmare that night, he woke up feeling decent. which was saying something because everyday since you left he woke up with chest pain, curtesy of his broken heart. it was saturday, and he was dreading going to kai’s fathers bar later that night. he didn’t want to socialize, he wanted to do what he did every night, look at old pictures and stare at the ceiling until he fell asleep. he barely touched his phone, never talked to anyone but yeonjun. he didn’t even play video games. “hey i’m gonna run to the grocery store wanna come with?” yeonjun asked, peaking his head into beomgyu’s room. “sure.” he pulled the same hoodie he always wore over his head, it was yours, one that you had left at his apartment. he thought it might be good to go with yeonjun, he didn’t have that bad of a day at school so maybe this was a step forward. that was until they arrived, and he saw a familiar silhouette. “chaewon?” she turned around after placing a box of cereal into her cart. “b-beomgyu? hi!” she greeted. she looked him up and down, noticing his weak state. “i was at school yesterday.. must’ve missed you.” she smiled awkwardly, “oh i uh didn’t go, i had to help a friend.” his eyes scanned the items in her cart, all of your favorite snacks and drinks. “how is she? is america treating her well?” he asked, trying to keep calm. “she’s good.” she said seemingly uncomfortable. yeonjun put his hand on beomgyu’s shoulder reassuringly. “well i have to checkout now, it was nice seeing you!” she said before rushing toward the checkout. “that was weird.” beomgyu muttered.
beomgyu looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting the belt on his jeans. “apologize.” he heard your voice, looking in the reflection he saw you sitting on the foot of his bed. he turned around quickly, but you weren’t there. he shook his head, grabbing his phone before heading into the living room. “you ready?” yeonjun asked, getting up from the couch. he nodded, heading to the front door. kai greeted them at the entrance, leading them inside. it was nice, dim lighting, main bar near the entrance, tables and booths in front of the bar, and a small stage. it was packed, filled with locals, and people in suits. beomgyu assumed they were scouters, there to see who they could scoop from that stage and give a big name. he scoffed. the last time someone he knew was scouted his life went downhill, he lost you. “you guys can take a seat at the bar, im going to greet everyone, thank them for coming, and then i’ll sit with you for the performances.” kai said before heading into the seating area. “this place is nice.” yeonjun said, trying to brighten beomgyu’s spirits. “i guess.” yeonjun shook his head, then called over the bartender, “two waters please..” beomgyu interrupted, “one water and a jack and coke.” the bartender nodded. “dude if you drink it’ll make you feel worse.” beomgyu chuckled, “well at least you’re my designated driver.” the drinks arrived shortly along with kai. “so what do you think of the place?” he asked sitting on the other side of yeonjun. “it’s not as under ground as i thought it would be, i mean there’s scouters everywhere.” beomgyu scowled. “if it makes you feel any better they weren’t invited, they just kind of show up.” kai reasoned.
you were a bit jittery back stage, avoiding looking at the crowd. “you’ll be fine y/n, you’re so talented im sure you’ll get a standing ovation.” chaewon joked, trying to calm your nerves. kai had greeted you at your early arrival, you saw how many seats there were, making you all the more nervous. you were set to be the third to perform. “everyone! get ready, im going to do a little intro and then you’ll perform in the given order!” kai’s dad spoke to you and the other performers. he walked through the curtain, “good evening everyone! i’m sure you’re all excited, we have a bunch of talented performers ahead of us!” you heard him greet the audience, reality setting in. the first performer went up, then the second, and before you knew it, it was your turn. the audience clapped upon your arrival, you sat in the stool in front of the microphone, guitar in your lap. the spotlights were so bright you could barely see past the tables in front of the stage, the bar was out of your sight. beomgyu and yeonjun were lost in kai’s rambling, they hadn’t even payed attention to the last two performers. you began to strum at your guitar as the audience’s claps silenced. you closed your eyes and began to sing.
there’s blood on the side of the mountain.
there’s writing all over the wall.
shadows of us are still dancing.
in every room and every hall.
beomgyu heard your voice, thinking it was in his head until yeonjun muttered, “oh shit.” he turned around and sure enough, there you were. the same black guitar, with the same blue strap.
there’s snow fallin over the city.
you thought that it would wash away.
the bitter taste of my fury.
and all of the messes you made.
beomgyu couldn’t move, all he could do was watch. he couldn’t react.
yeah you think that you got away.
but i’m in the trees, i’m in the breeze.
my footsteps on the ground.
you’ll see my face in every place, but you can’t catch me now.
“you set this up didnt you?” yeonjun asked kai bitterly, “n-no i mean yes but maybe they could talk?” kai said nervously. “are you serious kai?” yeonjun scoffed. beomgyu didn’t hear their bickering. he was too engrossed in your voice, in the lyrics. why were you here? you finished the song, the audience was silent for a few seconds before people began to stand up, clapping, and whistling. you smiled, scanning the audience until you thought you saw him. you squinted, and sure enough when you could see past the spotlight, he was sitting at the bar. shock painted over his face. your heart dropped to your stomach and you rushed behind the curtain. “y/n what’s wrong?” chaewon said as you dropped your guitar. “beomgyu.. he’s here i saw him at the bar.” you said picking up your guitar and putting it in its case. “we have to get out of here i don’t want to see him.” she nodded helping you through the backstage door that led to a hallway. she linked her arm with yours before you got to another door. you opened it and surely enough it led to the front of the bar, where beomgyu was. “shit.” you whispered rushing past the bar and out of the building, it was pouring rain. “we shouldn’t have walked here.” you said before you and chaewon began to run in the direction of your apartment. beomgyu got up, he didn’t know what came over him, but he needed to talk to you. “beomgyu don’t..” yeonjun started, holding onto his arm, beomgyu shook him off, “i need to see her.” he ran out of the bar, you and chaewon were barely visible ahead of him. yeonjun and kai weren’t short off, “beomgyu come back inside!” kai yelled, “no i’m going to talk to her!” the rain had soaked them, clothes sticking to their bodies. beomgyu lost sight of you, but he knew where your apartment was. he began to run, yeonjun and kai trailing behind him.
you reached your complex, drenched. before you could enter the lobby, “y/n!” you turned around to see a soaked beomgyu. the rain seemingly began to pour harder. yeonjun and kai rounded the corner, stopping to catch their breath. you stared at each other, mascara running down your face from a mixture of rain and tears. “why- how are you here?” yeonjun stepped toward him, “get the fuck back!” beomgyu yelled. yeonjun walked backward. “why do you care?” you shouted, gripping the handle of your guitar case. “i thought you moved to america to be some big shot!” you scoffed, “go home beomgyu.” — “no.” you stepped farther away, “go fucking home!” he stepped closer, “no not until you let me apologize!” your tears fell harder, “you called me selfish, you threw my lamp,” you stepped closer, pointer finger digging into his chest, “and i did feel selfish for a while but you know what? you’re the selfish one!” you shouted, pushing him by his chest. “i know okay? i didn’t want you to fucking leave me! i didnt want to do long distance!” chaewon came up behind you grabbing ahold of your hand, attempting to pull you toward the building. “y/n let’s go.” you went to leave, “fuck.. i love you!” you turned back around, “if you loved me you would’ve listened to me!” you stepped closer to him again, dropping your guitar case on the pavement. “i did listen to you!” you chuckled sourly, “if you listened, like really listened beomgyu, you would’ve let me explain..” — “explain what?” you grew angrier, “if you wouldn’t have snapped i would’ve been able to explain that it was a three month program! i wasn’t moving to america for fucking forever!” his eyes twitched slightly, tears finally escaping after the adrenaline held them back. “i- i’m sorry.” he said quietly. “i’m really, truly sorry.” you don’t know what you were thinking, you reached your arms behind his neck, pulling him down into a harsh kiss. you pulled away, shocked expressions shared between the two of you. “if i forgive you-“ you started, he interrupted, “it’s gonna be hard, it’s gonna be really, really hard, but i’m willing to go through it because i want to be with you.” your arms loosened, hands now resting on the back of his neck. “do you want to come inside?”
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abfa-fics · 4 months
It’s been a long day. Hell, a long week…a long month. A long few months, when he reflects upon his time being undercover.
He switches on the television mindlessly, dropping the remote down as he wanders through to the kitchen, his growling stomach leading him over to the fridge. The shelves are insultingly bare.
‘Of course there are no leftovers,’ he mutters under his breath.
‘Tanya Garcia went missing from Paramus, New Jersey over a year ago,’ a man’s voice announces loudly from the television. Elliot pauses, recognition flashing up. A man odious in personality and temperament - someone Elliot would love to punch, if given half a chance.
‘But now thanks to the tireless work and dedication of the NYPD and Bergen County SVU, she is home and reunited with her mother,’ McGrath continues. Elliot abandons his search for food, striding back into the living room, where his gaze sweeps right past McGrath’s face on the screen in order to find someone else.
Olivia, standing underneath an umbrella, her expression tired and serious. McGrath is spouting all sorts of PR-style bullshit about the NYPD, but Elliot can sense immediately that there’s more to this case, more than a young girl’s homecoming.
Olivia wouldn’t look so haunted if this was a simple happy ending.
‘There are other-’ McGrath says, but his next words are cut off by a soul-crushing shriek of pain.
The cameras swing around, focusing in on a woman, her hair plastered to her head as she staggers through the rain.
‘What about my daughter?,’ she screams. ‘You promised me you’d find my daughter.’
The news crew are clearly loving this unexpected drama playing out in front of them, zooming out to capture the full scene. Elliot takes a step forward instinctively at the same time as Olivia on his screen does the same, desperate to shield her from the impact of the pain and anger being channeled her way.
Olivia’s saying something to the mother now, her body language calm and measured, but her words are carried away by the wind and the rain. McGrath stands uselessly by the microphone in the background, and Elliot feels his hatred for the man rise.
His phone is gripped in his hand, but it’s useless, the words ‘LIVE’ glaring out at him as a cruel reminder that right now, in another part of the city, Olivia is dealing with this while he simply watches.
The pain had always been one of the worst parts of working in SVU. The pain, the anger, the tragedy…the guilt. It washes over you, again and again, case after case. Until for him, the pain and guilt had become too much, and he had walked away.
Left Olivia to deal with it alone.
‘Where is Maddie?’ the mother screams, loud enough to be heard by everyone as her husband drags her away.
Except Oliva doesn’t have to be alone any more. Elliot doesn’t even bother to turn off the television before he’s racing out the door, not even second-guessing where she’d go after such a trying event. Home? Not Olivia Benson, not after that guilt-trip from a victim’s mother.
He arrives at the precinct before she’s back herself, barrelling past the desks and Fin’s questioning gaze, and settling himself within her office to wait. Surprisingly, no-one disturbs him.
It doesn’t take long.
‘El?’ Olivia says, pausing in the doorway. She’s beautiful as always, but her expression is even more worn out than he’d seen on the television.
‘Hey,’ he says, wishing he had thought of something eloquent to say.
He watches as Olivia hangs up her coat, her body language hesitant, as if she doesn’t know whether to step towards him or around to her desk.
‘I got your voice message,’ she says to break the silence. ‘Sorry I didn’t call back yet. Work has been…’
She waves her hand vaguely, and he nods. He knows.
‘Was there something you were wanting to discuss?’
She’s looking at him carefully, and a sinking realization sweeps over him - that she’s expecting there to be a problem with him, that maybe he’s come back from being undercover, and bringing her his trauma to solve.
He closes the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She tenses briefly, and then he feels her body shift as she sighs deeply, relaxing against his frame. Her arms tighten around his waist, face tucked into chest.
The world continues around them, but for a few minutes of peace, they hold each other upright.
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gellavonhamster · 8 months
monthly media recap: september 2023
Angélique, the Road of Hope and The Victory of Angélique by Anne Golon - can't believe I finished this, lol. It's a pity book 14 wasn't published, but book 13 provides a conclusion to many main plotlines, so it's still a decent ending. I will always wonder if another one of my brotps was supposed to reunite in the last book, though :D For all its faults, enjoyed this series tremendously; it's the people helping and supporting each other even in the bleakest circumstances for me
Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater - Regency Faerie Tales part two, even cuter than part one. Seriously, these books are such a delight, I need to read part three ASAP
Spēlēju, dancoju / I Played, I Sang by Rainis - girl help, my Latvian vocabulary does not include that much archaic and/or poetic language, but I did understand enough to see how beautiful it is
Gaywick by Vincent Virga - I read that one liveblogging thread/channel, so I was familiar with the plot, but it was still so interesting to see it all happen. Incredible how a book can cover so many disturbing, truly Gothic themes and still be hopeful and sweet, loved it
Vadriel Vail by Vincent Virga - Gaywick Trilogy book 2, not nearly as good as the first one. Constant timeskips, important events only told in passing, one of the MCs is a boring Gary Stu and the other disgusting. Bearable thanks to the first one's wife and characters from book 1
The Price Guide to the Occult by Leslye Walton - it's not terrible and had some interesting stuff, but still felt sort of... superficial? Most of the characters felt underdeveloped, the story often felt like an outline. I bought it mostly because it was cheap and I'm glad it was.
+ currently reading Children of Paradise (Gaywick Trilogy #3)
Apteeker Melchior / Melchior the Apothecary (2023) - a murder mystery set in medieval Tallinn. Something bugged me about the dialogue, but I mostly enjoyed the plot and the familiar setting
The Skeleton Key (2005) - Southern Gothic, a grim old house, and Hoodoo magic. Enjoyed the final plot twists and how they recontextualize a lot of stuff earlier in the movie. Was rooting for the heroine but also had to hand it to the antagonists in the end, good for them
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) - so, so charming. Impossible not to hum and move along to the songs. Marilyn Monroe, of course, is a goddess, but Jane Russell tho... gentlemen might prefer blondes but I'm no gentleman
How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) - also charming and funny, though I found it a bit less interesting than the previous one; still good though
Constantine (2005) - I frequently felt like I was missing some context. Either I'm stupid or it's just because I haven't read the comics, but shouldn't a movie adaptation be understandable even for those unfamiliar with the source? Otherwise it was ok and had Rachel Weisz in it
Rebecca (1940) - not nearly as haunting as the novel, but a good film nevertheless. Mostly I just wanted to protect the narrator :( she's so cute
also, a bit unrelated, probably, but I saw two theatre performances last month - one was a live screening of Good by the National Theatre (powerful, amazingly done, probably wouldn't have decided to see it by myself, so thanks to the friend who suggested it) and the other The Three Musketeers neo-classical ballet at the Latvian National Opera and Ballet (really nice, cool stage design, I posted a trailer here)
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angstintensifer · 1 year
Songs that Remind me of Remadora <3
Technically the prequel to the Tedoire one, and this one should have been made years ago lmao.
Chasing cars - Snow Patrol
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Forest Fire - Brighton
Hold On - Chord Overstreet
Somewhere only we know - Keane
My Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson
Jet Black Heart - 5SOS
How to be dead - Snow Patrol
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
Haunted - Taylor Swift
The Last Time - Taylor Swift
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
Sad Beautiful Tragic - Taylor Swift
Come back be here - Taylor Swift
I know places - Taylor Swift
All you had to do was stay - Taylor Swift
New Year's Day - Taylor Swift
Death by a thousand cuts - Taylor Swift
Afterglow - Taylor Swift
the 1 - Taylor Swift
august - Taylor Swift
illicit affairs - Taylor Swift
invisible string - Taylor Swift
peace - Taylor Swift
evermore - Taylor Swift
coney Island - Taylor Swift, the national
right where you left me - Taylor Swift
happiness - Taylor Swift
tis the damn season - Taylor Swift
Midnight Rain - Taylor Swift
Labyrinth - Taylor Swift (only joyful song on this im sorry)
Bigger than the whole sky - Taylor Swift
The great war - Taylor Swift (that they didn't survive)
Renegade - Big red Machine, Taylor Swift
The Alcott - The national, Taylor Swift
Favourite Crime - Olivia Rodrigo
Enough for you - Olivia Rodrigo
Astronomy - Conan Gray
The Exit - Conan Gray
I know it won't work - Gracie Abrams
I miss you, I'm sorry - Gracie Abrams
Will you cry - Gracie Abrams
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 1/5
Book Blurb: An ocean-drenched, atmospheric horror debut! Liv's best friend disappears on their first night aboard their dream semester-at-sea program—but is he really sick, like everyone says, or is something darker lurking beneath the water? It should have been the trip of a lifetime. When Liv lands an all-expenses-paid opportunity to study aboard luxury cruise ship The Eos for a semester, she can’t believe her luck. Especially since it will offer her the chance to spend time with Will, her ex–best friend, who’s barely spoken to her since the night their friendship changed forever.   But as soon as she steps on board, Liv realizes just how far in over her head she is. With Will, with the rest of the Seamester students—including the brittle and beautiful Constantine, who may be hiding his own ties to The Eos—and most of all, with the Sirens, three glamorous and mysterious influencers who seem to have the run of the ship. Liv quickly discovers that the only reason she was invited to join the trip is because another girl disappeared shortly after enrolling—and no one seems to know what happened to her. When further disappearances rock the ship and strange creatures begin haunting Liv's dreams, she wonders: Is The Eos hiding a dark secret in its watery depths? The truth will come at a price . . . only, how much is Liv willing to pay?
What if you got the opportunity to study abroad on an all expense paid luxury cruise ship you should take it right? Wrong. Olivia “Liv” has won a scholarship to an all expenses paid opportunity to study abroad luxury cruise ship The Eos for a semester. She is absolutely excited and can’t wait, she’s also going to be reunited with her ex best friend Will who hasn’t spoken to her since the night their friendship changed. Yet the moment she steps onto the ship she realizes just how out of place she is, all the other students are wealthy and attractive individuals, and Will is distant, it also doesn’t help that there are a group of three mysterious and gorgeous influencers knowns as the Sirens on board too. Liv also begins hearing and seeing creepy things... and then Will gets sick and disappears and no one will let her see him. Other students begin disappearing too and despite the fact that Liv can hear and see things and people that shouldn’t be on the ship no one else seems to believe her. Can she escape or will she have to pay the price? The story is meant to be a greek mythology inspired one with sirens and horror and a bit of romance but honestly, it was all over the place. The romance was not great, in fact I could do without it altogether because Con was just so bland and irritating. Liv on the other hand spends the majority of her time just trying to save her friend who doesn’t even want to be her friend. Then the book kind of abruptly ends after the reveal of what is on the ship and what is going on. I was kind of just left with a “wheres the rest of it” kind of feeling. Overall, this was a miss for me, which is unfortunate because I went in with such high hopes for a cool horror story with sirens on it.
*Thanks Netgalley and Random House Children's, Delacorte Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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bybyefromurgirlodam · 11 months
speak now thoughts in one post on first (5,000th) listen
mine - agh nostalgia 💜💜💜
sparks fly - not the og tour video I cry. also the all caps???
back to december - there is no lyric video??? but I still cry
speak now - love this song so much💜💜💜
dear john - “im shining like fireworks OVER YOUR SAD EMPTY TOWN” nuff said
mean - the banjo💜 the country accent💜“ole”💜
the story of us - 💜love the drawings 💜 the animation is beautiful 💜
never grow up - I cryyyyy💜💜💜
enchanted - speak now world tour →eras tour pic pipeline 💜💜💜
better than revenge - I love the new lyric.💜 fight me.💜 her spoken voice echo💜
innocent - the string of lights💜💜💜
haunted - haunts me💜 love the forest picture💜still missing my acoustic baby tho💜
last kiss - I love love love you so much you are my favourite I swear💜💜💜
long live - bby Tay iloveyou💜 the little hand in air before she said long live I cryy💜 “all the kingdom lights ✨shine✨” 💜 “THIS IS ABSURD!!”
ours - love you so much💜 can't believe I don't have good excuses to watch the mv anymore (the behind the scenes is superior)💜 you are a shiny thing💜
superman - no words. must emoji🦸🏻‍♂️💐🃏🤳 💜💜💜
electric touch - did not know FOB was that FOB haha. I don't love it but I think it'll grow on me
when Emma falls in love - I am Emma in the first half and not the second(: I can see why it didn't make the album it's not really fairytaleesque yk? still 💜💜💜
I can see you - “I can be your secret mission” makes me uncomfortable bc rn I'm really into the whole I don't wanna be your secret vibe (strangers again - Olivia Rodrigo). possibly the music video unless the lasers are too obvious
castles crumbling - very nothing new. I 💜💜💜
foolish one - possibly my fave ftv track that made this album💜💜💜 love the dash of drama queen
timeless - how did she actually tell a story and have it fit music??? teach me your ways. 💜💜💜
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markredfield · 7 months
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“Season 13” starring Rik Deskin, Andi Shrem, Brinke Stevens, and Mark Redfield.
A spirited comedy about a very haunted theater! Theatrical Stage Manager Nick Papadakis (Rik Deskin) - call him “Pop”, everybody does - takes a new job at the infamously haunted Majestic Theatre in Seattle one week before they open their annual holiday cash-cow A Seattle Christmas Carol.
Legend has it that The Majestic is haunted by dead film and stage star Jack Fairbanks (Mark Redfield), his beautiful wife, Victoria (Brinke Stevens) and company (Joshua Kennedy and Brian Chetelat).
It’s the Majestic Theatre’s 13th season, and Nick walks into a maelstrom of chaos. Are Managing Director Jerry Jerome (Matthew Bowerman) and Artistic Director Stan Flanagan (B. Thomas Rinaldi) actively sabotaging the show? Will Nick and Co-Stage Manager Jane Bigelow (Andi Shrem) fall in love? Which living actors will get pink eye or go to jail - uncured ham Chip Bateman (Steve Treacy), sarcastic Rosemary-Margaret (Stephanie Graham) or mumble-mouthed Herb (Mike Moran)? And what secrets does the cranky receptionist Miss Aggie (Lois Bailey DeVeas) keep?
Also featuring Kim Deskin and Olivia McMahon. A comedy for theatre lovers everywhere!
Jack Fairbanks and Company will return.
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flimsy-roost · 9 months
Run On Review
marathonned three new albums from three solo artists tonight and popping all thoughts here:
The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We by Mitski: beautiful and haunting and goosebump causing, she's great because she shows there's still a lot of creativity in more "traditional" song structures/instrumentation, never disappoints not ever hell yeah
GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo: finally checked her out because Chappell Roan is opening for her US tour dates, the first 1/3-1/2ish is good, kind of dips into the vibe of early avril lavigne, and then it kind of devolves into something that's not exactly bad, but kind of generic and too young for me, I'm not the target demographic for this artist and I'm chill with that, as far as mainstream teen/YA pop goes I think she's solid and the first bit of this album is a bop
MONO by K. Flay: slaps hard, so fucking hard, only real miss for me is "In America" but everything else is hell yeah
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nefakhoe · 11 months
𝒟𝑒𝒸𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓈 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒 ♦ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 : 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒾𝒶𝑔𝑒
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George, please you have to get Joseph's son to marry Brianna, it's the only way out of this economic crisis.
It's done dear, I invited the Bennets to the girls' presentation party.
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George: Now all that remains is for Brianna to accept, she is always against this family
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Emily: They are saying that if my sister marries that guy, I can go to France next season
Olivia: Yes, Emily but she shuts her mouth and don't say anything until we talk to Brianna…
George: We can't allow her to get out of control, she has to accept our orders.
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Emily: omg , that would definitely be the best thing that could happen to me…I mean to the family of course
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Emily: The problem, though, is that Brianna wouldn't accept it that easily. George: He'll have to, if she wants to keep her luxuries. Olivia: I'm tired of her insolence, she just keeps playing that disgusting piano.
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Bri played the piano and heard her parents and sister talk, she couldn't understand much but she immediately knew that she was the topic of conversation
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Bri: Marriage and Brianna is not something that should go together, because my parents talk about it and with Emily? , I don't understand anything, it would be better if I go feed the animals and then start cooking.
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Bri: hello lola beautiful how did you get up today
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Olivia: Brianna dear, after lunch we want to talk to you Bri: ok mother
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Olivia :hurry girl you are slower than a snail
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Bri: ok ,why so rush mother.
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Emily thought: haha you don't know what awaits you sister
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George: ladies, I'll wait for you in the living room, I've already finished eating
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George: The thing is, tomorrow at the party that we will give, you will meet your possible future husband, and the solution to our ills. Bri: what are you talking about father
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Emily: bri, it's simple mom and dad are arranging a marriage for you and you better accept Bri: I do not accept
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Bri: I do not accept pa George: we are not asking you, it is an order and you will have to abide by it
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George: you don't have to cry, many young spinsters would give anything for their parents to have contacts and to ensure a good future for them
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Bri: You are not fixing anything for me, you are ruining my life, for years I have only been your slave, I am more of a servant than your daughter... I'll go to my room, good night!!
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Brianna tried to sleep without success, she was thinking about a plan all night, until she decided to run away from home, she knew that they would find her quickly, but at least it would give her time to think about something else to do, it is clear that she will not get married for nothing… or so I thought until that moment.
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without further delay, the time has come for bri to escape from home
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bri: I can't believe that my own family treats me so badly, I have no other choice or I run away or continue under this horrible family dynamic…
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Mysterious man: Excuse me, miss, could you tell me where the Von Haunt Hotel is?
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This story will continue in the next post Thank you for reading ⋄ ℓιηα ⋄
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bookishdiary · 2 years
Underrated Period Romances
1. A Royal Affair (2012)
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A young queen falls in love with her physician, and they start a revolution that changes their nation forever.
2. Portrait of a Lady on fire (2019)
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In 1770 the young daughter of a French countess develops a mutual attraction to the female artist commissioned to paint her wedding portrait.
3. Brooklyn (2015)
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Young Irish immigrant Eilis Lace navigates her way through 1950s Brooklyn. Lured by the promise of America, Eilis departs Ireland and the comfort of her mother's home for the shores of New York City. The initial shackles of homesickness quickly diminish as a fresh romance sweeps Eilis into the intoxicating charm of love. But soon, her past disrupts her new vivacity, and Eilis must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within.
4. Birdsong (2012)
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As an English soldier fights in the horrific trenches of northern France, he is haunted by the memories of his forbidden love affair with a French woman.
5. Carol (2015)
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Therese Belivet spots the beautiful, elegant Carol perusing the doll displays in a 1950s Manhattan department store. The two women develop a fast bond that becomes a love with complicated consequences.
6. The new World (2005)
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Arriving with a British expedition in Virginia in 1607, Capt. John Smith is captured by Native Americans. His life is spared thanks to Pocahontas, daughter of the tribe's chief. Smith and Pocahontas fall in love, to the mutual dismay of the Native Americans and the British.
7. The world to come (2020)
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In this powerful 19th century romance set in the American Northeast, Abigail, a farmer's wife, and her new neighbor Tallie find themselves irrevocably drawn to each other. A grieving Abigail tends to her withdrawn husband Dyer as free-spirit Tallie bristles at the jealous control of her husband Finney , when together their intimacy begins to fill a void in each other's lives they never knew existed.
8. Miss Austen Regrets (2007)
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This is a lovely Film starring the young Tom Hiddleston: Novelist Jane Austen (Olivia Williams) nears her 40th birthday, unmarried and reflecting on her past suitors
9. Belle (2013)
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The illegitimate, mixed-race daughter of a British admiral plays an important role in the campaign to abolish slavery in England.
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LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels Released Jan - May 2021
A list of possible novels you might have missed...
The Homecoming Prince (The Castaway Prince Installment 3) by Isabelle Adler - m/m fantasy kingdom
Winter Duet (Echoes Rising Book 2) by Anne Barwell - WWII Germany
The First Snow of Winter (Winterbourne Book 3) AND The Labours of Lord Perry Cavendish (Winterbourne Book 4) by Joanna Chambers - Regency England
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by K.J. Charles - m/m Regency England
Saving Crofton Hall by Rebecca Cohen - contemporary, but part of the Crofton universe, which begins in Tudor/Stuart London
Her Lady's Melody (Great War Book 2) by Renee Dahlia - sapphic post WWI Amsterdam
Saffron Alley (Sword Dance Trilogy Book 2) by A.J. Demas - m/ non-binary Mediterranean fantasy
The Bureau by Kim Fielding - m/m Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs (NHS non-human sentients) series begins in 1950′s LA
Sow the Wind by ML Gray - 1715 m/f/m pirates in Nassau
The Soldier and the Spy (Society of Beasts Book 2) by Annabelle Greene -- m/m Regency
Campion Square series by Adella J. Harris - m/m Regency trilogy
The Orc Prince Trilogy by Lionel Hart - m/m orc and elf fantasy series
Blind Tiger (The Pride Book 1) by Jordan L Hawk m/m 1920′s Chicago
Manchester Lake (Darkly Enchanted Book 3) by Joshua Ian - m/m England 1910 shifters
Sea Change (Octopian Shifters Book 2) by Anna Kensing - mm/, bisexual, 19th century British Columbia and Washington state
Bump in the Night by Laura Kinsey - bisexual/lesbian sapphic Victorian short
Eight Acts (Taking Stock novella) by A.E. Lester - 1960′s London
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo - YA, lesbian 1950′s Chinatown- San Francisco,  East Asian author
Negative Exposure (Clearwater Series Book 9) by Jackson Marsh - m/m Victorian London
Dig Two Graves Series by K.A. Merikan - m/m 19th century cowboys in Colorado
Spread Your Wings by Edie Montreaux - 90′s Sarajevo - Bosnian war
The  Renegade and the Runaway: Box Set  by Erin O’Quinn - series begins in 18th century Scotland, then goes to US
The Companion by EE Ottoman - m/f/f/ trans post WWII
We Cry the Sea (Moth and Moon Book 3) by Glenn Quigley - m/m and f/f 1780′s England
Hidden Things (Swords of Charlemagne Book 1)  by Elizabeth Schechter - poly m/f and m/m 18th century Germany
The Cabots by Cat Sebastian - m/m 1950′s and 1960′s series
Masquerade by Anne Shade - lesbian 1920′s Harlem by black author; technically it’s historical drama, but this one was too good to not include
Jobs Like This (Jack & Ollie Book 2) by Hollis Shiloh - m/m 1950′s detectives
Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way (Kilty Pleasures Book 2)  by Ella Stainton - 1930′s Sweden
Agnes of Haywood Hall (Ghosts and Tea Book 2) by Haden Thorne - queer romance in a haunted abbey
Sidebars Book 1 by Tinnean - novellas from Spy vs. Spook/Mann of My Dreams universe, with different POV - mid 20th century US
The Hellion's Waltz (Feminine Pursuits Book 3) by Olivia Waite - sapphic Regency coming June 2021!
Malice (Malice Duology Book One) of by Heather Walter - sapphic retelling of Sleeping Beauty
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