#beating up the newsies? sure
cowboy-caboodles · 6 months
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happy sunday, have some race doodles 🧡
btw i know i switched his and spot’s color palettes for their costumes but i’m basing it off of what my school did bcs honestly?? Race kinda kills in red
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winterrrnight · 5 months
“and so we meet” — new beginnings chapter I
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PAIRING: stepdad!soft!rafe x mom!reader
EDITH SPEAKS: this is just the first chapter, so please please bare with me as it’s certainly not the best, and it’s also very short. the plot will pick up speed as we move along, and there’s so much planned for the three of them!! if you enjoyed reading it, please reblog, and share your thoughts with me 🍂
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“Sage! Don’t run off like that!” You yell out, watching the little figure giggling as she rushes in one of the aisles of the grocery stores you're in. No matter how hard you try, you can never try to control your daughter, she’s like a little energy packet.
But you also trust her, knowing she won’t pick something unknown off the shelves and open it up, or bother someone in the store. Letting her have her fun, you direct your attention to the vegetables you initially came to shop for.
As you’re filling up your basket with everything you may need, you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
“Excuse me?”
You hear a masculine voice along with the throat clearing, and you turn around to see a strange man with your daughter next to him, her holding onto his hand.
“Sage what did you do?” You say sternly, picking her up in your arms. “I’m so sorry about that, she’s one little restless child,” you chuckle.
“That’s okay,” the stranger says, and you look up to see the most alluring pair of blue eyes you’ve ever seen. “She was just running around and crashed into me without realizing,”
“Oh- oh Sage you’ve got to control yourself!” You tell her, but your daughter only giggles at your words. “Again, I’m so sorry about her,”
The stranger chuckles. “It really is okay, she’s really cute,”
A moment of silence drapes around you both, as you’re looking at your shoes and the stranger is looking around. There is something so odd about this person, something so oddly attractive that isn’t letting you go of this situation you’re in quicker.
“Well, it was really nice meeting you…” you trail off, not knowing what name to put on this face.
“Oh- Rafe,” he smiles at you.
“Rafe. It was nice meeting you Rafe, I hope we’ll see you again someday,” you smile, as you start to push your cart with one hand, and your daughter on your hip.
“Byeeee!” She says excitedly with a fit of giggles, waving at the man vigorously. You hear him chuckle at her actions, and you can’t help but let a smile grace your face.
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As you’re strapping Sage into her car seat, you feel someone tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Rafe.
“Rafe?” You ask quizzically, not sure why your next meeting should be this soon.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, but you left these,” he puts out his hand and you see your keys on his palm, “keys while you were packing everything up,”
“Oh my god,” you gasp, realizing those are your house keys. “Thank you so much Rafe, we’ve been bothering you so much today,” you laugh nervously.
“Nonsense, I’ve loved meeting you two,” he smiles at you and looks at Sage through the window, but she’s already asleep.
“Well, thank you again,” You smile as you start to make your way to the driver’s seat.
“I didn’t catch your name!” He says out loud, just as you’re about to close your car door.
“It’s y/n, don’t forget us,” you tease, and you drive away. Rafe watches your car drive away with a smile on his face and a beat in his heart.
“Oh I definitely won’t.”
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TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @rafeinterlude @rylie-m @zulema222 @karmasloverrr @leixwhite02 @congratsloserr @rubixgsworld
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rhysdoesstuff · 10 days
My thoughts on TUTS Newsies!!!
It’s a long post folks, so here you go:
First of all, holy shit was that show good
Second of all, here are my thoughts about the show, in a mildly unordered manner-
During Carrying the Banner, the top part of Crutchies crutch broke off, so he spent the rest of the song, and a bit into the next scene hobbling around with the broken crutch until he could leave stage and get it fixed (they all did such a great job ignoring it) (I also feel it’s worth mentioning it got broken when Jack used it to beat up the Delaney Brothers)
When the Newsies found out the price of papes was raised, and were trying to figure that out, Wisel kept having to deal with Newsies moving towards the paper station, then backing away, and it was funny to watch him grow more and more frustrated with them all.
During one of the songs, Davey carried Les around on his shoulders for a bit and I loved it!
MEDDA. She is an absolute powerhouse of a singer and I love her. A very Very powerful voice, that I adore and love. Plus her outfits are phenomenal. I love them.
During That’s Rich, there was a man onstage watching it, and every time the name Frank was said, it was said to him, and he had such funny reactions to it all!! 
I don’t know if it was intentional, but when Kathrine went on her tangent about “Like someone said, "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power" she did a little voice, and it sounded a bit like Pulitzer, and now I headcannon Pulitzer saying that to her, and her using those words against him.
During the last few seconds of Santa Fe, as Jack is hitting that final amazing high note, the projection behind him turns from the dreary city streets to a bright and vibrant painting of Santa Fe and a sunset, and it was beautiful, but it was only there a few seconds before blackout and intermission. I loved it though.
Right before King of New York when Davey announced that they “launched the strike in a most auspicious manner” and no one cheers, there was one person who gave a little Hurrah, and that was Mr. Jacobi, who was walking offstage after dropping off the water. It had the audience laughing and I loved it.
Before the Watch What Happens reprise, when Davey asked Jack if what he is painting is Santa Fe, he says Santa Fe in a sing song voice, and he removes his hat as Jack does at the end of Santa Fe, and that was amazing to watch.
Jack, when he is painting during Watch What Happens Reprise, he puts on a red shirt over top of his undershirt. Then he leaves stage and that shirt is never seen again and I’m so confused at why it was there. I loved it, but then he was right back into the amazing blue shirt- so. Yeah.
THE FEMALE BRONX NEWSIE. We love her! I was able to track her through the show, she was in the other group Newsies numbers as well, and was doing an amazing job!
Also, Race. Let’s talk about Race. I absolutely loved him. He was so tall. Taller then everyone else (except maybe Davey, cause he was tall too, though I’m not sure as tall as Race)
In addition, I’m not sure if it was bad shadows, or intentional, but it kinda looked like Race had a black eye? Which would be in character. It’s probably my bad eyesight making it uncertain though. Also! Race’s elbows were all red after the fight. No other Newsies had as noticeable injuries. 
SPOT!!! SPOT AND ROMEO WERE PLAYED BY THE SAME PERSON. They did amazing with both characters, but I spent so long staring at Spot going, wasn’t that Romeo? Until I checked the program and went, Wait, that was actually Romeo! I’m not going insane!!
THE DANCING!!!! They had different choreo from Broadway which I loved. It was wonderful, I loved it so much, and everyone did such a good job. They were doing flips all over the place, and I’m not even sure what I saw half the time, but I know it was good.
The lighting was amazing, and I loved how it was used to set the energy level for each scene!! Also, the projections were beautiful, and paired wonderfully with the amazing set, which was rearrangeable!!!
Pulitzer had a really thick accent, which wasn’t fully New York. I can’t quite place what it was, but whatever it was, it was noticeable, and that made it funnier when Jack mimicked him at one point.
At the very end of the musical, when Jack buys papes and decides to stay, Kathrine buys papes too, and goes to celebrate with the Newsies, and someone puts a newsies hat on her head, which was adorable and which I loved.
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quinloki · 5 months
Penguin - Kisses
Reader style - Afab she/her Time slot - Business Hours (technically, whew!) Client Name - (⌐■_■) Anonymous! CW: Kissing. I mean, KISSING, kissing.
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You’d asked on a whim, the words coming out of your mouth before your brain was able to stop them. The embarrassment that filled the air between the two of you was heavy quickly.
Shachi had choked on his drink, Penguin’s face had gone an incredible shade of red. He pulled his newsies cap lower for a moment, before clearing his throat.
“I’m not against it, Miss.” He says, confidence finding its way back into his voice and actions slowly. He raises his head a little as he moves closer to you. “It was just such an abrupt request.”
You swallow, the weight of your words sinking into the rest of you as Penguin’s fingers slipped between yours. You could feel the pace of your heart beat quicken, and you were positive he could too, as astute as he was.
“It… was, wasn’t it?” You agree nervously, letting your fingers slip between his, shifting just a little closer. Embarrassment or not you weren’t going to let the opportunity pass. “But since… you’re okay with it, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Well, there’s a few kinds,” Penguin points out, leaning in close enough that you can see the bright color of his eyes even shaded by the cap. “Am I working my way up to it, or just-.” His free hand comes up, finger under your chin, tilting it up a little. “Diving right in?”
“Wuh-work-working up to it.” You stammer, suddenly feeling a little out of your league.
Penguin was always so sweet, and sure he could be a goofball - especially when Shachi was around - but you had expected his response to be different. To be flustered, and unsure. That he’d laugh it off or say it was one of the addons of the club that he didn’t do. Or, no offense of course, didn’t want to do with you.
He uses the single finger under your chin to guide you, tilting his head a little as his lips brush against yours. The gentle action is warm and soft, fleeting for what you want, your own hunger pulling a quiet gasp from your lips as he leans back a little and smiles.
“More?” He hums and leans before you can answer kissing you softly. It’s more than the light brush of lips he started with, a little heat and weight behind it, a moment’s pause before he leans back again.
“More.” You murmur, lips barely moving, eyes shifting from his down to his lips.
He leans in again, finger under your chin shifting until his hand is caressing your face. His tongue slips along his lips before meeting yours. Warm, wet, pressed heavy against your own lips, soft hum in his chest vibrating against your lips.
When he leans back again you can feel your heart racing, you breathe in deep, the heat between you both leaving you dizzy. It wasn’t that you couldn’t breathe, but rather you forgot to even do so. Despite the rush, and the pleasure of it, your greed gets the better of you.
“More.” You say, clearly this time. Heatedly. Demanding.
Penguin grabs your head in his hands, leaning forward swiftly, and kissing you deeply. His lips press against yours so hotly that it’s almost crushing. He shifts your face, giving you the smallest chance for a breath, before his tongue licks across your lips and pushes into your mouth. In some way you feel like you gave him permission, but at the same time you feel like you’re being herded.
Controlled like a shoal of fish at the mercy of a creature far more in control than you.
Penguin’s tongue dances in your mouth, teasing and testing, stealing sense from you and leaving pleasure in its wake. Your desire for more is fully sated before he leans back again, leaving you to pant slightly, hazy eyes trying to find the beautiful bright color of his eyes that you’d seen before.
A toothy grin crosses his face, pleased with the job he’s done.
“I need you to kiss me like that.” Shachi says, and your daze shatters into near mortified clarity.
You’d forgotten he was there.
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loiteringandlurking · 6 months
ok so. jack was denied physical touch for all of his life, and the newsies aren't really big on it. jack sought out physical touch through playful slaps and shadow boxing, and flopping his arm over someone's shoulder as inconspicuously as possible.
Davey sees straight through it ... and he lets jack do his thing. lets jack shadow box him and rub his shoulders and offer to give him back massages and beat him up out of love ... because he knows jack needs that kind of validation ... (meanwhile jacks thinking he's the most inconspicuous guy ever)
so when jack starts gravitating towards davey, davey takes that as a success . jack feels safe around him ... and davey knows, especially regarding jacks past, that this is a feat. to be this close with jack, who only ever let his walls all the way down around crutchie ...
and when jack confesses thag he has feelings for davey, Davey can't help but celebrate on the inside. sure, he's had feelings for jack for ages too, but davey takes the greatest joy in the fact that he is one of jacks few safe people ....
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to-be-a-dreamer · 1 year
Spot Conlon and the rest of Brooklyn all being girls actually means so much to me and not in a "See women can be strong too!!!" kinda way because like. It just makes so much sense???
Like, okay so if you stop thinking about it as "the strongest and most fearsome group of newsies is also all girls" and instead think of it as "the group of newsies that are all girls is also the strongest and most fearsome" it all starts clicking into place.
Because if you were Spot Conlon, if you had a group of young girls who all live and work on the streets to take care of, of course you would want to have this big, intimidating reputation of being the best fighter and strongest leader. If every other borough, most of which are made up of dozens of teenage boys, believes you can and will soak them for so much a stepping foot in Brooklyn, they won't dare think about so much as touching one of your girls.
Of course you would make sure all of your girls know how to beat an opponent much bigger and stronger than them. If someone does mess with them, they have to be able to fight back. Not just to protect themselves, but to make sure that whichever idiot thought it was a good idea to mess with Brooklyn never dares try it again. They have to be able to win that fight and all future fights.
Of course you would be super territorial and make sure you don't give a single inch of leniency towards the other boroughs. You can't show any kind of vulnerability, no matter how capable you are. Being "just as strong" as the other boroughs isn't enough because they will never see you as an equal. So you choose to be seen as a threat.
Brooklyn has to be strong. They have to be scary. They're not any more violent or mean than the other boroughs, but they need the others to think they are because the alternative is being seen as an easy target. That can't happen.
I also feel like Brooklyn wouldn't have this reputation unless they were forced to. Like, if it were up to them they would be kind and welcoming and friendly. But whenever they gave an inch the other neighborhoods took a mile. Whenever they showed even an ounce of kindness there was always someone who took that as a sign of weakness.
It's not fun being isolated. It's not fun being feared. But it keeps them safe and that's the most important thing. I think Brooklyn only has a reputation of being strong fighters because they keep being forced to fight.
I have no idea if this is even remotely comprehensible but do you see my vision? I just. The idea of Brooklyn being the strongest borough out of necessity instead of desire. Spot Conlon being a girl has so many implications about this character's backstory and motivations that we've never had before and it's so much more than just "Hey did you guys know women can be competent leaders too? I know, WILD"
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
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more-or-less finished my sonic ocs, carrion the cat and squabble the pigeon! they’re part of a trio of freelance postmen/hitmen
+ alt reference, doodles, and more under the cut
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jacketless when off-duty + their bases. their colourations are based on karpati cats and lahore pigeons, respectively, though ability-wise squabble is actually a homing pigeon. side note; do you know how many pigeon breeds there are? there are a truly insane amount and some of them are so fucking wild to look at. highly recommend looking up fancy pigeons
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concept sketches + two carrion sillies. i had a pretty solid idea of what i wanted for carrion, but the only thing i knew about squabble was her name and species for the squab pun, until i doodled a design and was instantly captivated. i just had to stick with the newsie-amelia aerheart cosplay-ema skye-razputin thing she had going on
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i think the squabble in the very upper lefthand corner is the cutest thing i’ve ever drawn in my life
various things about them i should mention:
i’ve yet to design these, but they all have mailbags as part of their uniform, and squabble has a pair of heavily modified skate type extreme gear that have wing accessories like the ones on her head as a reference to hermes, messenger of the gods. also they have a plane. a mail plane? still working on that
not set in stone yet but carrion is abt 16-17 and squabble is 11-13
carrion is a trained assassin, born into it, skilled in close quarters combat, they’re proficient in all kinds of weapons including firearms, they also really like knives and keep a collection of all sorts. she’s probably a cat. they don’t speak all that much. incredibly skilled at many things, especially combat related. skilled tactician but doesn’t care to tell anyone anything anytime so they suck as a leader. just generally doesn’t care to say anything. carefree and more-or-less easygoing; they’re just kinda vibing 90% of the time. perma-blep. poker-faced, will do everything with the same blep expression. very protective of the ones he loves, cares about squabble more than everything else in the world, would and has killed for her. will play along with any bit. ultimately: he stays silly
squabble is an untrained pilot, scout, and mechanic, as well as an enthusiast of mail delivery and explosives. she really really likes explosives. has killed before and will kill again, carrion and rig aren’t completely sure she knows that they’re assassins—she does, she just has such a completely out of whack sense of morality and common sense that it’s hard to tell. she has an infectious joy for life that creeps into everyone around her. she’s the beating heart of the trio, and the one who came up with the idea of the matching jackets. is a homing pigeon, has magnetoreception, and therefore makes an excellent navigator and scout. she always knows the way back home, and her home is with the other two. has a completely out of whack sense of danger, is something of a thrill-seeker, but real serious danger she is very acute to. is a mechanic, but not quite an engineer; she repairs, maintains, and makes heavily illegal modifications to machinery, but she doesn’t build her own completely original designs and tends to stay away from electronics. comes off as a little klutzy bust she’s rather proficient in various things.
the third of their trio who is now designed and named rig is a sniper. she’s a fair amount older than the other two, somewhere around 22-24 i’m thinking? the delivery service was just euphemistic for their assassination services before the other two walked into her life. doesn’t pay taxes
chaotix-like in many ways
they’re a weird non-traditional colleague-family. they’re family-ish :] they love and care about each other, despite it all :] THEYRE FAMBLY!!!!!
they fully do kill people, but also a good portion of their hit missions tend to be for robots or to cause non-lethal commotions instead of straight up assassinations
they have a reputation for this and often take on odd jobs that very loosely fit their job descriptions
they get super suspicious job requests like ‘please “retrieve” “my” ““parcel”” from this heavily secured gun base and deliver it to this super secret off-grid address xoxo~’ and fully deliver on them
thank you for reading about my sillies! i’m bad at talking about ocs cause i never can tell what’s interesting or what i’ve shared, but i like thinking about them a lot :]
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heliads · 2 months
LISA !! your requests being open again is a glorious occasion, i’m so happy !! 
now, could i pretty please request spot conlon with a gender-neutral reader who’s a brooklyn newsie ? the reader’s newsie nickname is sunshine because they’re known for being super cheerful and sweet and pretty much always having a smile on their face, but thing is that spot’s kind of closed-off and gruff with them, even more than he is normally, because he finds it kind of grating how relentlessly happy they are when as newsies they live the way they do. but the reader just keeps on being the way they are, being kind to spot and smiling whenever they see him no matter how he always responds with a scowl, until finally he snaps at them and tells them to quit being so weird and happy all the time, but then they actually do and it makes him realize that he’s relied on seeing their smile every day and that he actually likes seeing it, so he goes to find sunshine and apologize, telling them that he actually admires how strong they are to keep being kind and happy despite everything and how much he appreciates it. it doesn’t have to end with a confession or anything, but hopefully at least some romantic undertones ? now, as always, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but thanks in advance if you do, and i hope you’re doing well !! <3
'cloudy days' - spot conlon
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For once, it’s not a gray and blustery day in New York. Spot Conlon doesn’t know what the hell he was thinking, settling in a place like this, although he supposes he never really had a choice about it at all. It’s a cold and shady city, and that mood translates to its people. No one here would give him the time of day unless they absolutely had to, and he wouldn’t give them a damn thing either. That’s the tune of the city, and Spot drums it daily. Eat or be eaten. Kill or get killed.
That’s the way it’s always been, the way it always will be. Spot doesn’t want anyone’s sympathy. He’s grown past the point of needing it. Spot will do what Spot does best:  look out for himself, never take handouts, never be dependent on anything save his feet to carry him places and that weird thing beating between his ribs to keep him alive.
The other newsies respect that, and look up to it. Brooklyn may have a reputation for being the meanest borough around, but the newsies protect each other like no one else. Even when the sun don’t shine for months on end. Even on rare days, like today, when it does.
The bright streets have Spot thinking a little funny, just like always. When the sun is out and the skies are blue, he starts feeling a strange thing some might describe as happiness. For once, everything isn’t totally terrible. It’s like the high he gets after soaking his enemies, ‘cept his knuckles aren’t bloody and his eyes aren’t blackened.
Maybe it’s got him in a good mood. Maybe that’s why, when a new fella comes looking for a spot in Spot’s growing army of newsies, he’s inclined to say yes. This new ally of his is nothing like Spot has ever seen before. They’re smiling at him before they so much as tip their hat or say hello. At first, it makes him wonder if they’ve got some sort of problem, then he realizes that the newcomer isn’t grinning like that to be threatening, just because they’re legitimately, well, happy.
Strange. Confusing, even. Still, the abundance of sunshine is rattling Spot’s brain, so instead of laughing in their face, he actually offers them a place amongst the ranks. Were it any other day, he’s sure he would have made them go somewhere a little more sickly-sweet, where friendship is magic and everyone can stand around, fuckin’, square dancing or something, whatever it is they do over in ‘Hattan or the other less serious boroughs, but he doesn’t. He welcomes them into his home. He pretends he isn’t completely baffled by their happy-go-lucky act. 
And, since it’s clearly on the brain anyway, he gives them a nickname then and there, a real Spot Conlon first edition:  Sunshine. He reckoned it seemed pretty true at the moment. As it turns out, he had no idea. Sunshine gets on his damn nerves every moment of every day. They’re so sweet it makes him want to throw up. If he ever saw them without a smile on their face for longer than thirty seconds, he’d suspect an imposter. They toss out compliments like they mean it or something, and they actually pick flowers to give to their friends.
Spot would think it was an act, except it actually isn’t. No way a human being could keep up a pretense that long and not go totally crazy. Spot, for one, does feel like he’s going crazy, but that’s neither here nor there.
Every day is the same. He wakes up too early, drags himself out of bed and gets ready, then pokes his head out of his space just to find Sunshine already up and at it, beaming at him and wishing him a very good morning, Spot, before turning to the next half-asleep newsie and repeating them message, and man, he wants to throttle someone already. In the line for papes, they’re excitedly talking to him about how they hope for a good headline, and whenever Spot runs into them while selling, they’ve always got something funny to say. If Spot wanted to laugh, he’d go to the circus. Although even he has to admit that New York feels like that half the damn time anyway.
It’s actually starting to make him angry. Who is this newcomer to burst in and disrupt everyone like this? Spot’s no fool. Even though he’s proud of his newsies and glad to be among the best company there is, this isn’t the life any of them would choose if they had other options. The newsies are here because they have no money and no prospects. They are the terrible youth, set out on the streets because there is no one else to watch out for them but each other.
Yet here’s this stranger, bounding down the halls of their lodging house, beaming and laughing as if everything were sugar and sweet. It feels as if they’re making a mockery of the whole thing, and Spot doesn’t like being taken for a fool.
It twists his judgment. Spot isn’t exactly known for his warm and caring personality, but he cracks down even harder around Sunshine. Maybe then they’ll figure out that the whole super happy thing doesn’t fly around here. Dreams don’t get you anywhere, and pretending otherwise only costs a lot of effort that could instead be directed towards selling some papes.
He should be better, Spot knows that. Already, his closest friends have started to scold him (very carefully) about how he’s treating sunshine. “Y/N’s no problem,” they’ve said. “It’s just you, Spot.” But he doesn’t listen.
One day, he gets to the breaking point. After another restless night, Spot drags himself out of bed despite not getting nearly enough sleep. He’s hardly stepped out of his room before Sunshine’s smiling cheerily at him, asking, “How was your sleep, Spot?”
As if they can’t tell by the look on his face. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Spot positively growls at them, “Terrible, obviously. God, can you just quit it with that stupid attitude? It’s makin’ me crazy.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, just pushes right past them and heads downstairs. He’s a grouch all morning, purposely making sure no one is near him while he’s selling and not talking to a soul all throughout the day. He manages to pull himself together enough to sell the papes he needs, but other than that, Spot is barely functioning at all.
Even the Brooklyn newsie home base seems quiet and uneasy when he gets back. Spot sits by himself in his office, temper growing worse with every passing hour. He can’t put his finger on the issue until nightfall, when he hears a chorus of cheerful voices out in the hall and realizes that Sunshine hasn’t spoken to him all day. Not since he snapped at them.
Cursing faintly, Spot drags a tired hand across his face. He’s fucked up, hasn’t he? Thinking back on it now, he remembers the startled look in Sunshine’s eyes when he told them to stop being so fake all the time. It’s fine, he tells himself. Everyone gets their feelings stepped on in Brooklyn. Things will be back to normal this time tomorrow.
Only, it isn’t. When Spot wakes up, Sunshine isn’t there to wish him a good morning. They avoid him in the line to pick up papes, and they steer clear of him throughout the entire day. Even when he makes a point of emerging from his office to sit with the rest of the newsies, Sunshine talks to every damn person there but him. It’s enough to make anyone feel a little guilty. Even Spot Conlon.
As the days go by without a single word from Sunshine, Spot feels worse and worse. He hadn’t realized how much he needed to see their smiles and hear their laughter until he didn’t get a drop of it. It’s like he’s trapped in permanent storm clouds. Only gray clouds and cold nights for him.
God, he’s getting poetic. This is horrific. Spot knows what he has to do, and even though he dreads the idea of having to admit he was wrong, he gathers his strength and goes to find Sunshine. At first, they try to duck out of the way when they see him coming, but Spot tracks them down, pulling them into an empty room so they can talk.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Spot says by way of introduction.
Sunshine doesn’t meet his eyes. “Thought that’s what you wanted.”
A sharp prick of guilt stabs through his chest. “I thought that, too. Turns out I was wrong.”
Sunshine’s head snaps up, and their eyes meet his. “Really?”
“Really,” Spot confirms. “I– I like being around you, Y/N. I like hearing you talk. I’m sorry for making you feel bad about being you.”
A slow, careful smile spreads across Sunshine’s face. “You really mean that, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” Spot says indignantly. “What, you’d think I’d go around saying things that ain’t true? What a waste of time.”
When Sunshine starts laughing, Spot feels his cheeks start to rush with warmth. “It’s not– you know what I mean, don’t you?”
“I do,” they grin. “I’m just glad to hear you want me back.”
“I do want you,” Spot breathes. “Back, I mean. I want you back. Yes.”
When Sunshine smiles knowingly at him again, Spot gets the odd feeling that he’s revealed more of himself than he really ought to, like he’s been caught showing his cards halfway through a bet. He gets the feeling he can trust Sunshine to not call him out, though. For some reason, he believes in them more than anyone. Maybe even more than himself.
The threadbare curtains on a nearby window shift slightly, allowing a thin, tenuous ray of sunlight to slip through the cracks. It slices neatly through the room, illuminating Y/N’s face in thin tendrils of gold. The sun’s back again. They’re back again, and Spot might be okay after all.
requested by @faerieroyal, i hope you enjoy!
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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hexmari · 3 months
Hi Ari! Since you're already asking for asks on headcannons how could I refuse? So, how about the favourite boy ever, Spot.
Yeah he's getting along with Race of course but what about some of the other Manhattan Newsies (particularly the lesser known ones and the littles)? For example I think he'd at least find Swifty funny as he's one of the only ones who can consistently beat Race, though it isn't sure if that's due to his skill at cards or his particularly good and swift with cheating. Do you have any thoughts about the others?
Spot Conlon the most newsie of all time‼️
First of all, I think Spot is just good with kids in general. But in a stand offish way if that makes any sense, to keep up his persona. Like he won’t baby any of the younger kids but he’ll buy them candy and slip them extra money.
I think this would apply to the Manhattan littles too. He’d walk into the Manhattan lodging house and all the littles would be so scared because oh-my-god-Spot-Conlon and he’d just give one of them a peppermint and go find Race or Jack.
With the older newsies it depends, he doesn’t feel the need to be nice to them. There are some he would respect like David, and some he would despise. I can’t imagine he’d get along with some of the older older newsies (Blink, Skittery, etc.) And I think the preteens would just get on his nerves sometimes. But he would quickly change sides to mess with Jack or Race. If he was approached and asked if he wanted to dump ants in Jack’s bed how could he refuse?
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chaosfairy18 · 3 months
Ok so since a few of my friends have been very passionate about Katherine lately I thought I'd also talk about her (and Denton) a bit, not specifically judging or calling out but just some thoughts I had on them personally. So who knows me knows I love 92sies and yeah I was mad at first for Disney shoving a Disney Plot twist (oh no the reporter is related to the villain, we can't trust her now) as well as a love plot for an independent working woman in and then even cut my man Denton when my ideal world would have both of them. (Additional info since seeing UKsies I am much more in favour of Jatherine but before that they had no chemistry for me almost which only made me more annoyed at the love interest thing)
Hear me out. So Denton is interested in the strike but at first definitely only a bit until Kony (or more rather the fight before where police is not stepping in but instead keeping children locked in so they can get hit and beat). In the world we have both of them working for the Sun I am imagining him seeing her drive and want to work, her aspiration and her feeling for a good story and telling her about it, saying she should maybe go to where the newsies hang out and ask about the strike as he knows she wants to get out of the social pages and probably doesn't yet know how big the strike would get. The very latest they'd both be there for the Brooklyn showing up fight (or just taking the picture before Kony, but I do like my world more with Brooklyn here early) and then both for different reasons get really involved in the strike, personally.
So not to talk more about the timeline but more about how different Denton and Katherine get into the strike and connected to the newsies. Denton has seen some things as an ace war reporter, I'm sure, especially terrible things and has most likely seen young boys fight, even if not in a strike. He's feeling for them as an older man who knows he isn't in their shoes, far from it, but he has empathy for them and sees how dependent on child labour the city is after a short while and also how unfair they are treated, admires their fight, but he doesn't get it all, which is where Katherine comes in. Katherine also has to fight, so so much, just to get acknowledged, just to work at all, and even then the newsies first and foremost react to her with misogyny, but she still knows their fight in ways Denton doesn't, knows how it is to earn almost nothing (because even if her father is rich her own money she makes is abysmally small, probably around what a newsie makes that doesn't sell 100papes per edition as as far as I read that is a Huge amount) and knows she will treat them as, in a way, people with an equal fight (at least after Kony).
Which is also fitting on the topic of "oh Denton paid their fees and food" Denton has most likely a lot of money as an older white man who was an 'ace war reporter' and is 'friends' with the governour (Denty *cough*) Katherine has almost no money she makes herself, it is unlikely that at this time she just has money from her father she can use, and she sees the newsies as people that she is sure wouldn't want charity and people just paying for their things (like food) and is therefore not only not able to pay their fees or for food but also at least wouldn't do much for food as they are both rude to her at first and she wants to treat them without thinking of them as "poor orphans where a rich socialite has to pay their food"
One last thing I do think she could see him as a father figure who actually supports her as Pulitzer doesn't seem to be fond of her working until he is bragging in front of Jack and Denton could be so supporting in the Sun, helping her with everything and even trying to get her stories. Just let them co-exist in peace
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1nm806 · 9 months
jack talks about That Scene again and no one is shocked
I feel like Spot is quick to anger (obviously) but he's not irrational with his anger. He's snappy and brash but he's not going to ACTUALLY beat you up for no reason. He has a plan and it's normally to intimidate until the other person backs down. If his goal is to pick a fight then he goes into the interaction differently, but he very rarely gets into actual fights in an uncontrolled rage. And sure, this leads people to think that maybe he's all talk, but there are definitely stories of him fighting and winning, so that sort of talk tends to get squashed.
I think he only gets into controlled fights, things like fights over the leadership of Brooklyn, or the strike, that sort of thing. He talks about throwing his friends off the bridge, and offhandedly threatens people with a soaking, but he tends to not follow through unless it escalates to that point.
All this is to say. No one's really seen him lose his cool. He's even joking around a little during the strike, he's so confident that he seems to just have it under control. So when he's desperately trying to calm people down when Jack's standing in front of the union dressed in the clothes picked out by Pulitzer, no one's really expecting much. A loud threat or two, as he keeps Race and Hotshot calm, sure, but not for him to get everyone silent and to then turn heel to face Jack and just scream himself hoarse. He just lunges straight for him and half the newsies immediately grapple him and frantically try to simultaneously calm him down and keep him AWAY from the guy he seems to be trying to actually kill. Spot's screaming and yelling about Jack being a traitor and it's set all the newsies off again, the littles are crying in anger and fear, the older Manhattan newsies have seemingly been given the go ahead to start yelling as well, and all the Brooklyn lot are (obviously) ALSO absolutely livid.
And, yeah, they quiet down soon enough, with Spot being held tightly at the back of the group like some sort of hostage, and Davey's speaking to Jack and telling him that even he's feeling betrayed. But even after they disperse, everyone starts treating Spot like glass, because Jesus Christ NO ONE knows what to do in that situation. And he HATES it for sure, so off he goes, back to Brooklyn, furious at both Jack for scabbing, the Manhattan newsies for changing their treatment of him and himself for getting that emotional.
This ALSO works well with my post about Spot getting REALLY overstimulated in that scene because that has him on the floor sobbing, unable to speak or feel any sensations at all. Yeah. All in all the only people that don't treat him differently afterwards are Davey (because Davey gets it, he understands what it's like to deal with that - autistic Davey for REAL) and Race (because they're best (boy)friends, nothing would change that, no matter what).
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jack-kellys · 1 year
hi guys i saw newsies again
i think what we collectively didn’t realize about the context of which santa fe is sung is that jack is beat to hell, like on his way to a concussion while he’s singing that. he is barely pulling himself up that ladder, he’s leaning against literally every piece of rail or penthouse beam that he can. like. santa fe is, really, a dream. he sings it when waking early in the morning with charlie and then when he’s fucking concussed. it’s actually a delusion in this version. god…
david jacobs will get his way or die trying and i have to admire his gay little snooty faces LMAO… “tell me how quitting does crutchie any good?” is said while he’s looking over the paper with his back to jacks with an eyebrow raised. and when jacks doesn’t respond (which davey doesn’t even see he just fuckin knows) his “exactly” is this sing-song told-you-so of-course-i’m-right and i’m obsessed with it
tommy boy’s like plot thru this is really strong???? he’s reluctant to strike and then shows up as a scab and is the last one to agree to join the strike, and then at the rally when jack betrays them he. he is literally screaming “we hate you! we hate you!” at the top of his lungs at jack oh my god. jack bromage i owe you everything holy shit
charlie is genuinely like my favorite character in this production. i think this is the best take i’ve ever seen, the best acting, the most genuine acting, like. matthew is that good, and so is crutchie as a character. he’s so fun to watch react
^going off that through the whole precursor scene to TWWK for him is like. visceral. charlie has an understanding of the streets and the police that is sort of… almost deeper than jack’s. jack is ready to fight, but charlie is like horribly aware of their position, and almost argues jack’s for-the-strike fervor against the strike. he’s looking at other guys with this older sibling “don’t be stupid don’t do this” look, he’s very in favor of finch’s “the cops’ll bust our heads”, and his “like we got a choice?” to henry’s “[can we sell] at those prices?” is definitive. it’s a fucking command, until jack says to hold on obviously. idk… i just really crutchie’s very obvious position as a leader in this show, and he’s not just strong for “getting through it”, he’s jaded from living with it. ugh. best character.
jack’s face through the “my daughter, katherine” scene is such a journey LMAO… michael is soooo. good. he gets so mad at pulitzer’s “and beautiful, isn’t she?”, he has this withering look when he says “i’ll tell her you said so.” god. and then the WAY that goes to a different kind of anger—
one thing about jack is that anger is not one emotion for him, and he shows it every time. disgust looks different, shock/betrayal looks different, rage looks different. he is so, so, genuinely angry as a character and that’s terribly romantic and sad. to feel the fight for every scenario in your veins, to only feel forced to run at every opportunity. god god god, jack kelly, the character you are.
also i asked michael to sign my sketchbook’s inside cover like everyone else has so far and he was SO excited and went “you sketch???” with the most enthralled inflection. and then we also talked about interracial relations on stage and jack kelly being black. and i’m really not sure how many people have actually asked him or told him how much it meant, because he was very ready to talk about it, which is quite bittersweet.
that’s all i have rn it’s late :( see y’all soon
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fangbangerghoul · 4 months
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As usual we got your snippets here come and get them! (insert some newsies reference or something)
Tagging: @staticpallour, @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @atonalginger, @eridanidreams, @lisa-and-shadow, @aislingdmdt, @a-cosmic-elf, @toxiclizardwrites, @aro-pancake, @spookyspecterino, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @booburry, @5oh5, @therealgchu, @order-of-the-eye
(if i missed you feel free to yell at me maybe I'll enjoy it) (also tag me so I can see your work and share it)
As usual it's under the cut! This will be a snippet from the future chapter in Ghoul Files! (cause I am dragging my feet on writing chapter 10 lately even though I have all the parts of my Frankenstein waiting to be sewn together and edited with lightning)
(ok maybe not I have been swamped with work, but I like to be hard on myself, okay?)
The Astral Lounge was dimly lit aside from the center of the dance floor that held a level specifically for their hired dancers of the night. Ghoul was already three drinks in and two vials of aurora as she melded herself in with the crowd of bodies to continue dancing throughout the night. Her outfit of choice left very little to the imagination as the deep red dress hugged her body and the mesh that was fused with the straps that laced across her hips and her chest teased the audience around her. Her vibrant green hair was down allowing her curls to bounce as she moved with the base and drums that echoed throughout the molecules of her physical form.
Her golden eyes were dilated and the whites of her eyes faintly red from the level of intoxication she was at within this point of time. Ghoul’s thoughts barely formed coherent sentences but her body was able to maintain clear communication with the others that danced vigorously around her. It had been long months of traveling, doing mercenary work, and getting half cut on a few missions due to her inability to keep the target alive once or twice. She was pent up with aggression and frustration and without having to run further by going on a rampage Ghoul thought dancing and getting extremely intoxicated was the next best thing.
There were a few hands that graced her skin but with her dexterity she was able to always slip away before someone became grabby enough to ensure their arm or hand got broken. Time faded way song after song and her feet and hips never stopped to take a break. She wasn’t sure how long it had been since she joined the cycling crowd of people but she didn’t plan to stop just yet. The aurora was still strong in her veins intensifying the vibrations from the music around and letting her feel every beat of her heart. The rhythm she was dancing to soon switched as the beat became heavier and more industrial she felt large hands come into contact with her hips. Their body pressed upon hers and as if by instinct she felt herself fall back into them without a second thought. Their hot breath was caressing her left ear and a soothing enduring voice spoke to her.
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craaaaphole · 11 months
small things from my third time at uksies that i never noticed or hadn't happened before, and i want to remember;
mike getting annoyed when a person in the front row didn't have two cents for a pape
someone(?not sure which newsie?) pickpocketing darcy and slipping what he stile into crutchie's hat
tommy boy's crucifix necklace
jack squeezing crutchie's ankle when they were drinking from the cups the nuns gave them
the bowery beauties interacting with the patrons of medda's theatre
albert attempting to pickpocket a patron of medda's theatre and getting annoyed when he was caught and got nothing
davey covering les' eyes when the bowery beauties were on their backs during that's rich
morris sitting on the struts above bronx just before the world will know
'where do you get off' from crutchie at the guard who throws Jack, davey, and les out of the world
not just some, all of the boys cover their faces in some way when they get asked who wants to go to brooklyn
finch and ike(?) not quite believing in the strike and standing over to the side on their own just before the start of seize the day
the third scabber clutching what i think was a crucifix on a necklace(?) when davey and the boys were trying to convince them to their side during seize that day
everyone driving the tables making general car sounds, with mike yelling 'get outta the way' in king of new york
specs handing Jack the note from crutchie in the transition between the refuge and medda's
daveys little kick when he says 'we are inevitable'
the delancys beating jack up behind the posts as the set is transitioning between pulitzer's office and the basement
because of cast absences and a mid show cast change, we ended up only having three brooklyn newsies (spot, ritz, and mack), so there were two male brooklyn newsies who joined them at the end and after brooklyn's here
jojo calling jack pathetic after he scabs
spot and race interacting so much just before once and for all
hannah laughing in pulitzer's office in the confrontation meeting and attempting to cover it with a cough
roosevelt pointing at race when he says 'you' in his speech and race going 'me????'
crutchie still being scared of snyder and staring at him when snyders brought in to be arrested
crutchie wolf whistling when les points out jack and katherine are kissing
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raggedy-albert · 11 months
i feel like people know how traumatized the newsies are, but they don’t really understand how much it would affect them.
especially with all things fanon omg
crutchie had to deal with the loss of his parents, as well as the loss of the functionality of his leg. he’s the bright and sunny “cheer others up and put on a smile” type of person, and that can be so hard.
jack’s parents were out of the picture, and he had to work to survive. he goes to the newsies and then is thrown into being leader, and the strike. he gets beaten and has to watch his best friend and brother be taken away, not knowing he would survive it.
race’s parents died. his dad was abusive and he loved his mom so much it was so painful to lose her. he was living on the street. he had to be a newsie to get any type of money. he had to work his way up from the very bottom. he’s the “joke about my problems” type, and, like crutchie, would be bottling everything up and he just would not let it out.
albert had so much going on. his mom died, his brother died, his dad and his two older brothers are abusive, he was sent to the refuge, his childhood best friends caused him to lose his hearing from beating him so hard, he was on the streets before being a newsie, he had to switch from brooklyn to manhattan because someone who was emotionally abusing him betrayed him (my hc), he had awful anger issues and gets in fights nearly every day.
sure, the newsies are characters. but they’re kids. they’re so young and they’ve gone through such awful things that they just had to deal with. and this was just the “core four”.
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pigeonwit · 4 months
for the fic title ask thing: “no one knows about the words that we whispered (no one knows how much i miss you)”
this took so long to get to and i'm so sorry anon
okay, when i first saw this i thought 'oh this reminds me of that post i saw' - now i can't find the actual link itself but i did reach out to who i thought the op was and i'm certain this was a @we-are-inevitable post, but unfortunately tumblr's a stupid website and i cannot find that post ANYWHERE. i've searched every keyword and tag on both our accounts and i just cannot find it. so i'm just gonna explain it. the post jac made was them theorizing about whether davey and jack knew each other before the strike - davey knowing jack through the stories spread about him and through perhaps buying a newspaper from him once or twice, and jack knowing davey as a boy who he sees walking past his regular selling spot. they don't really 'know' each other but they do know OF each other.
the idea i had for this ask, building off of that premise, was that jack and davey meet and befriend each other before the strike. it starts when davey hears a fake headline jack's hawking and, being curious, asks him about it. jack sees what he thinks is an easy target - davey is very 'trembling baby deer' energy before the strike - and starts embellishing this lie, making up a whole story for it, and he thinks it's working until davey says 'but that's not true-' and starts picking apart all the holes and loose threads in jack's story. loudly. so jack's furious, and that's precisely what he'll say to any newsie who asks - until crutchie asks if he's not also a little bit impressed.
"i mean - if ya been carryin' him around in your head for the whole day, he must've rattled you a little."
so yeah. jack's kind of fascinated. so he goes back to that selling spot at exactly the same time, finds davey walking to and from school and for the next few days does nothing but make up ridiculously false headlines to yell at him, just to see how confused and frustrated they make him. eventually, davey breaks and finally starts asking jack what his problem is. jack appears totally innocent, asking if there was something wrong with his story, and davey, in a fit of frustration, goes on a rant about every false detail in every story jack's been peddling to him all week. which, if crutchie is to be believed - and jack believes crutchie - means that maybe jack impressed him a little, too. he's not sure why that makes him so happy.
"what's your name?"
"and another thing- wait. sorry?"
"forgiven. what's your name?"
"what? no - i wasn't - i..."
sheepishly, he says "it's david." and without missing a beat, jack says, "davey. nice to meet'cha." there's a look in davey's eyes for just a second that says he wants to correct him - but he doesn't. and jack considers that a win.
they start a shaky friendship. they don't really trust each other, but they enjoy each other. davey volunteers for more errands on the weekends on the offchance he'll walk past the newsie who's been irritating him. jack will find more selling spots that fit along davey's routes. eventually their friendship moves past running into each other on the street - they'll arrange to meet in parks, in secluded locations, never near the lodging house or davey's tenement, but still private enough. they talk - davey about being a lawyer, jack about his new life in santa fe. never about real life. about their families. about their fears. and one day, he sees davey around town with someone, an older man - a father. and when jack calls out a ridiculous headline, davey just keeps his head down, refuses to look at him. when his father frowns and asks him something, davey just shrugs dismissively, and they leave without ever looking jack's way. and jack doesn't know why, but that really pisses him off. aren't he and davey friends? where does davey get off acting like they don't know each other after all they talked about?
and then he thinks. and - wow. yeah. he and davey don't know each other. he doesn't even know davey's last name. all he knows is he wants to be a lawyer. he knows davey's funny and smart and can talk circles around him if he wanted, but he knows nothing about his life. his favourite colour. his favourite book. he didn't even know davey had a father. it just never occurred to him.
the next day on the way to school, davey tries to speak to him. tries to explain. and maybe jack would've heard him out if racetrack hadn't followed him today, telling him all about his night at sheepshead. but instead, there's something - something beyond the anger, something that makes his neck prickle like he's being watched - that makes him say 'sorry, sir, ya talkin' to me?'. and davey flinches like he's been struck and leaves without a word.
fast forward a year or so. jack's at the circulation centre. it's an okay day - he made an ass out of the delanceys, that's always fun, and weasel's in a sour mood, which always makes him happier - and then he hears, 'have a look at this - a new kid!'. and realizes davey is there. has been there the second they arrived at the gates, only a few boys behind jack in line, and didn't say a word. he watches as davey squirms under jack's gaze, trying to stammer out a few words - and there's something pulling at jack's skin so fiercely, some magnetic pull inside his bones, that drags him forward the second davey says 'excuse me?'.
davey shoves him off. they bicker. davey clearly wants to be rid of him, but there's something that finally feels whole, something that's been cut off at the root for so long that's finally beginning to grow back, and jack doesn't want it to go yet - so he clings on. and when davey finally shrugs at les and lets him shake jack's hand and say 'this is my brother, david', jack already knows to say, 'nice to meet ya, davey.'
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