mcatmemoranda · 2 years
BCCP = Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Screening and diagnostic services are offered at many health care sites including community health centers, hospitals and physician offices throughout the state of New Hampshire.
The BCCP offers eligible participants access to the following services:
Clinical Breast Exam
Pap Test
Pelvic Exam
Diagnostic services, as applicable
If a breast or cervical pre-cancer or cancer is diagnosed through a BCCP screening site, and a participant has no other health insurance, staff will enroll those eligible into Medicaid to pay for the cost of treatment, or assist to access treatment through other resources.
The New Hampshire Healthy Lives Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) aims to reduce mortality rates through the early detection of breast and cervical cancer among NH residents.
The BCCP provides FREE breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to:
Individuals age 21-64 years old;
Who have no health insurance or insurance that does not cover 100% of the cost of screening or diagnostic tests; and
With family incomes at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level
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talesofwar · 1 year
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Capitaine Jean Graziani, born in Algeria in the same town Albert Camus was born. Joined the US Army at the age of 16 in 1942 after allied forces landed in Algeria before being kicked out because of his age. Joined the French resistance, shipping him to Scotland to be trained as an SAS demolition specialist before being parachuted in occupied France to delay the German retreat of 1944, destroying bridges, railways and sabotaging a hundred phone lines. He will serve in the 3rd BCCP paratrooper regiment in Indochina, leading a commando unit behind enemy lines before being captured by the Viet Minh during an attempt to rescue an encircle column of the 1st Foreign Parachute Battalion. He will stay 4 years in a prisoner camp despite two escapes attempts, his last enabling hime to sail 60km along the Song Gain river on a makeshift raft. He would later be assigned to a counter-insurgency unit in Algeria where he will be killed on January 6, 1959 after being hit with submachine gun fire in the guts during an operation in Kabylie. He had enough time to give his watch to a good friend of him during his helicopter transfer. The journey of this shock troop officer pictures very well the journey of many French officers during the post WW2 colonial wars and their ambiguity. Often pulled from the ranks of the resistance to fight tyranny, they ressorted to the same techniques to maintain France's grasp on its colonial empire. Many of them ended in jail or as outcasts, torn and disabused by their experience of violence mixed with politics and the slow decay of their empire and youth ideals.
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colorcodedmess · 6 years
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Black Clover: KAHONO
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summumparquets · 2 years
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Restauración de una tarima de mobila,acabado con barniz Bona Wave Mate. 685137167 #summumparquets #restauracion #mobila #pino #bona #bccp #lijado #barnizado (at La Cañada, Valenciana, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeLuJRYNb5a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fav-finalfantasy · 6 years
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yimsoksophors · 4 years
All Year Round Home Gardening Using Water From Natural Stream
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Mr. Krun Tron is, 52 years old, a cooperating farmer of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Project (BCC project) in Pu Chhab village, Dak Dam commune, Oureang district, Mondul Kiri Province. There are 7 family members in his family, including 2 grandchildren. Only he and his wife involve in the farming activities.
Before cooperating with the project, he planted only few types of vegetables…
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makesomehistory · 4 years
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Color Palette: Ben & Callum + Arctic Sea
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jpgbeta · 5 years
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Teoría del color. #BCCP @nebulosafanzine https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSWOWphS0g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rmtszgvg98e7
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juanfdarce · 6 years
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Doing my part... #selfie #selfietour #selfieking #evergladeshighschool #litproserv #broward #bccps #iamheretoserve (at Everglades High School) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnbv6MwAmUc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=25wstruwl84k
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m2004ew · 2 years
The Cyosix Incident
By Matthew Alexander
Dr. Malcolm C. Truger; report on the incident in Portal Labs 3 at the Albert Research Facility in Franklin County, Ohio, January 6, 2017. At approximately 12:30 AM today I traveled to Portal Labs 3 from my office where I met with several of my colleagues. Upon my arrival to Portal Labs 3, me and my colleagues noticed a lack of Biological Containment and Cleanup Personnel (BCCP), and I inquired to the Head of Security, Max Pemberstone, about their whereabouts. He informed me that most of the flamethrowers typically used by them to dispose of biological contaminants had been damaged, and that corporate espionage by Gigawarp Industries was suspected to be the source of the damage, hence why the BCCP was not present. However, I was also informed by Mr. Pemberstone that Dr. Alex Smith, the Facility Administrator, had ordered that we were to continue with today's experiment, regardless of if the BCCP was present. I was unhappy with this decision, as it is a violation of MashCorp company policy, but I obeyed the order anyway as I have no way of objecting towards Dr. Alex's decisions; Mr. Pemberstone also assured me that, while the BCCP would not be present, several BCCP agents were on high alert in case an incident occurred in which they may be needed.
Having now received an answer as to why the BCCP was missing, my colleagues and I, along with Mr. Pemberstone, several other heavily armed security personnel, and today's test subject proceeded to the testing chamber. Today's experiment was the first Human transfer from Earth to Cyosix, the parallel universe discovered earlier this year by Dr. Malissa Anderson. The state of Cyosix was unknown, and as such, the danger level was unknown. Normally, at the various other research facilities currently being operated by MashCorp in which dimensional rift portal technology is being tested, several unmanned missions to the target universe would be conducted to determine if the target universe is safe for manned missions. However, Dr. Alex chose to forgo unmanned missions in favour of sending death row inmates to determine how dangerous the target universe is, hence why we had a test subject for this experiment.
    Upon entering the test chamber the test subject, a domestic terrorist named James Smithson, was outfitted with a Universal Harness, so that if he didn't come back through the portal at the designated time, we could simply pull him back through ourselves. Once Mr. Smithson was outfitted with the harness, the security personnel turned off their weapons safety features and took up positions around the chamber while my colleagues and I took up our places within the control room. We began to go through the standard steps to activating the Portal Ring suspended in the center of the test chamber, and it was as we were going through the activation process that I developed an uneasy feeling towards the experiment, though I brushed it off as being the result of the absence of the BCCP; upon speaking with my surviving colleagues after the incident, I found that I wasn't the only one with an uneasy feeling. After completing the activation process, the Portal Ring activated and a pink, circular, swirling vortex appeared in the center of the Portal Ring. Mr. Smithson, obviously terrified, took several shaky steps towards the Portal Ring, walked up the metal stairs to the portal, and stepped through it into Cyosix.
    The experiment was set to last only one hour, but due to our current portal technology, the portal had to be closed immediately after Mr. Smithson passed through the portal, as keeping it open for more than ten seconds can cause portal destabilization and potentially even tear open a Dimensional Rift between Earth and the targeted universe, causing things to be randomly transported to and from our universe and the other universe. We had informed Mr. Smithson of this beforehand, and we had given him a timer set to one hour, and told him to return to the area where the portal had opened when there was fifteen minutes left on said timer. We also outfitted Mr. Smithson with a body camera to gather footage of Cyosix which could be reviewed upon his return. However, when the time came for him to return and we reopened the portal, he did not come through. We took a calculated risk and kept the portal open for an extra ten seconds, but when he still didn't return, we were forced to close the portal due to the stress it was receiving.
    We activated the Universal Harness, causing Mr. Smithson to be teleported from his location in Cyosix to the test chamber here on Earth. However, when he arrived back on the test chamber, it was apparent that something was wrong, as he just stood in the same spot with his back turned to us, all the while his head kept drooping down then suddenly going back up, as if he was suffering from sleep deprivation and struggling to stay awake. Two security personnel approached Mr. Smithson, and one of the two tapped him on the shoulder. Upon doing so, Mr. Smithson slowly turned around and faced the pair, revealing multiple large wounds on his body; both his wrists and his throat were slashed and bleeding, blood was seeping from his eyes, ears, and nose, his fingers were blackened and appeared as if they were afflicted with Gangrene, and there were multiple large cuts and scratches on his arms and face, especially around the mouth. By all accounts, he should have been dead, yet he very much was not. Everyone stood around, staring at the seemingly living corpse in front of us, shocked by the mutilated appearance of Mr. Smithson; the silence of the test chamber and the control room didn't last much longer, as Mr. Smithson suddenly began speaking, albeit unintelligibly, and he clearly struggled to talk, sounding as if he was in intense pain and missing some of his teeth; the autopsy report from after the incident made it clear that he was indeed missing teeth, though it remains unknown when those teeth were lost.
    The test chamber broke into chaos shortly after, as Mr. Smithson suddenly turned violent, lashing out at the two security personnel standing near him, killing them both with his bare hands, hitting each one only once, demonstrating that he had somehow gained inhuman strength. Another security guard standing a few feet to the left of Mr. Smithson promptly shot him three times in the chest, however, while that would normally be enough to kill a man, it proved ineffective against Mr. Smithson, who simply turned towards the guard and rushed towards him, taking another gunshot to the chest on his way towards the man. Mr. Smithson grabbed the guard by the head and smashed it against the wall, crushing his head as easily as I might crush a blueberry between my fingers. Another guard on the opposite side of the room opened fire, unloading an entire clip into Mr. Smithson, who was once again completely unaffected by the multiple bullets ripping into him. Mr. Smithson reacted immediately by grabbing the gun being held by the guard whose head he crushed, then throwing it across the room with such force that it killed the guard immediately upon impact.
    Suddenly, Mr. Smithson turned towards the control room and jumped at the bullet proof glass which separated the control room from the test chamber, smashing through it like it was paper. I immediately ran for the door into the test chamber with several of my colleagues following close behind me, however, not all of my colleagues made it out, with several being brutally killed in a violent and gory fashion. On my way out of the control room, I pushed the emergency lockdown button located near the door, causing metal shutters to come down over the test chamber exit and ventilation shafts, cutting off the room from the rest of the facility, and sending a message to the BCCP alerting them to the ongoing threat. However, shortly after me and my surviving colleagues made it out of the control room, Mr. Smithson jumped back out of the window, covered in a combination of his own blood and the blood of the people he had dismembered, where he landed next to another colleague of mine, and promptly plunged his hand into my colleagues chest, then proceeded to rip out their spine. Thankfully, the nightmare was almost over as Mr. Pemberstone, who had several grenades with him, pulled the pins off of several of them, then charged towards and slammed into Mr. Smithson. The grenades detonated before Mr. Smithson could react, and the ensuing explosion ripped apart both him and Mr. Pemberstone, killing Pemberstone and tearing Mr. Smithson in half.
However, as you likely already guessed, Mr. Smithson somehow survived the explosion, and he began crawling across the floor towards me and my colleagues. Thankfully, he didn't make it very far, as the metal shutters covering the exit suddenly opened, and several BCCP agents in hazmat suits, armed with some of the facility's few remaining operational flamethrowers, stepped through into the test chamber. They looked at Mr. Smithson's upper half, which was still crawling towards us, and immediately torched it. Upon doing so, an ear piercing inhuman shriek emanated from Mr. Smithson, and strange black tendrils suddenly emerged from his lower half, which had been lying motionless on the floor up until that point. When this happened, the BCCP agents then torched Mr. Smithson's lower half as well, and after a few seconds, both halves of Mr. Smithson ceased all movements; he was dead. The BCCP agents then went about doing standard decontamination procedure and, once the facility was determined to be free of biological contaminants, me and my surviving colleagues were free to go while facility maintenance teams were brought in to assess the damage to the test chamber and control room.
A few hours after the incident, I visited the on-site coroner to see if she had done an autopsy yet. Upon inquiring with her, she gave me a copy of the autopsy report, which revealed something startling; Mr. Smithson's entire skeleton, along with much of the muscle tissue and internal organs, had been replaced by a mysterious black biological substance of unknown composition. Evidence suggests that the black substance was spreading through Mr. Smithson's body, gradually assimilating his entire body, and that the thing which attacked us in the test chamber was not Mr. Smithson, but instead was an alien organism of some kind which had taken over his body. Sadly, due to damage sustained during the incident, most of the video and audio captured by Mr. Smithson's body camera was corrupted beyond salvaging, but what little could be salvaged revealed a lot about Cyosix and what may have happened to Mr. Smithson; the video cuts out three minutes after Mr. Smithson went to Cyosix, but the video shows a dark landscape, made of black rock with pools of an oil-like substance scattered across the landscape. The sky is also black, with occasional flashes of lightning lighting up the sky and dark landscape. The audio, on the other hand, ends thirty five minutes into the mission, and the last bit of audio which was captured seems to have captured the sound of Mr. Smithson's last moments, as it contains screams of terror as something presumably attacks Mr. Smithson, and it ends with the sounds of Mr. Smithson choking.
My final conclusion is that Cyosix should be put onto the MashCorp Universe Blacklist so as to avoid future repeats of this incident. I also recommend that Dr. Alex Smith be replaced with a new facility administrator, as his breaches of company policy and basic human decency are the causes behind this incident. Had he followed company policy and had he decided to send unmanned missions like every other facility currently conducting dimensional rift technology research rather than sending a living person, then we would have learned of the dangers of Cyosix beforehand, and Human deaths could have been completely avoided. END OF REPORT.
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for anyone who reads my fic
......and enjoys ciphers. Since I had a bad day and I’ve been obsessed with Enola Holmes for the last few days, I thought it might be fun to post an encoded snippet from my coffee shop AU (aka the stunning debut of Diablo II, Euphemia’s second Roomba). If anyone can decrypt this I will 100% email them the first chapter in advance. The key is right before your eyes!
Ygav a lmqyp gc yau, uvapohpf qwvuhoc a lmquco lqeecc ugqr hp vgc oatk qe phfgv, mqqkhpf eqt a fhtm ygq yau nhmcu vqq fqqo eqt ghn uq vgav gc lqwmo pqv auk gct qwv, bclawuc gc pcxct yqwmo gaxc napafco vq fq vgtqwfg yhvg hv, cxcp he vgc oqqt yau qrcp apo ugc'o bccp vgctc yhvg gct wuwam swhru apo unhmcu. Mhmd lqwmo gaxc gao gct rhlk qe ratvpctu; ugc lqwmo gaxc gao a btahp uwtfcqp, a nqxhc uvat, a lcmcbtavco gwnap thfgvu batthuvct ygq tcfwmatmd uaxco uhlk tcewfccu etqn czvtaohvhqp apo yau kpqyp au vgc naxcthlk qe ghu ehtn. Ugc yau rtqbabmd qpmd ethcpomd yhvg Jancu hp vgc gqrcu vgav gc'o lqpvhpwc otqrrhpf fcpctqwu oqpavhqpu hp vgc vhr jat, apo hv yqwmop'v gaxc bccp ytqpf qe gct vq oq uq. Bathuvau ocuctxco gwfc vhru eqt rwvvhpf wr yhvg vgc mhkcu qe ghn. Fqo qpmd kpcy ygav a pwhuaplc gc yau qp vgc oahmd.
Gc vwtpco ayad etqn vgc oqqt apo urco balk vgc yad gc lanc, ghu gapou hp ghu rqlkcvu apo ghu cdcu ehzco qp vgc lqpltcvc bcpcavg ghu vtahpctu mhkc a gauvhmd ocratvhpf ugqrmhevct. Gc yau vgapkewm, av mcauv, vgav hv yau oatk qwv, apo vgav pqpc qe ghu lq-yqtkctu garrcpco vq bc uvapohpf qwv hp vgc uvtccv. He ghu nqvgct eqwpo qwv vgav gc'o bccp vgctc—
Gc uvqrrco, apo vwtpco balk atqwpo.
Mhmd gao qrcpco vgc oqqt vq vgc lqeecc ugqr apo mcapco qwvuhoc.
(P.S. don’t post the answer in the notes! Should have clarified!)
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furiefrancaise · 4 years
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Nous sommes partis à la rencontre de Victor LENTA, il nous a parlé de son riche parcours et de ses engagements! Nous le remercions pour ses réponses et le temps qu’il nous a consacré.
-Quel est ton parcours ?
Mon parcours est assez atypique, j’ai mené en parallèle plusieurs vies, celle à la fois de militaire et de militant politique (ce qui m'as valu des enquêtes de la part de la DPSD durant le temps de mon service), pour finir comme “soldat politique” dans le Donbass.
-Qu’est- ce qui t’a amené au militantisme politique ?
Le militantisme politique s'est imposé à moi jeune, vers l'âge de 16 ans grâce à un camarade de classe serbe. Le martyre du Kosovo serbe, les bombardements de l'OTAN sur Belgrade, l'aveuglement occidental au sujet des formations djihadistes en Bosnie qui m’étaient contées par lui, ont éveillé une conscience politique et se sont ajoutés à mes sentiments patriotiques déjà bien présents. J'avais déjà, malgré ma jeunesse, le besoin d'agir dans le concret. Je voulais venir en aide à ce peuple serbe qui venait d’être mis au pilori de la bonne conscience universelle pour le simple fait d'avoir défendu sa terre ancestrale. Je me suis donc mis  en quête d'un moyen de les aider, je suis alors tombé sur une association jeune mais efficace qui faisait des allers retours humanitaires au Kosovo. Sans avoir fait partie de ces voyages d'entraide européenne au Kosovo, je venais d'approcher la sphère (encore récente) identitaire.
-Parles-nous de ces années de militantisme.
De ces années où j'ai milité dans les différents groupes nationalistes, je garde une certaine affection pour mon passage à Toulouse avec les identitaires locaux, c'est là-bas que la notion de communauté militante à vraiment fait sens pour moi. Mon nom a commencé à apparaître pour la première fois dans les médias dû fait des confrontations avec l'extrême-gauche ou des ACP faites avec les Jeunesses Nationalistes  dans la ville rose. Mais, si je dois garder un fait qui a changé ma trajectoire dans le milieu nationaliste, c’est ma rencontre avec Feu Rodolphe Crevelle et son Lys Noir. L'idée du coup de force, l'obsession du complot permanent contre la République, de la base arrière militante ou de la recherche de financement occulte auprès des Arabes (je parle d'Etat arabe) est un virus qui vient de lui. Grâce à ses relations, j'ai pu dès 2011, approcher les réseaux libyens dont celui d'Aicha Kadhafi qui, fin 2016, me transformera en militant des droits de l'homme - en guise de couverture - pour aller négocier à l'ambassade de Syrie du Liban, avec une délégation hétéroclite, la libération d'Hannibal Kadhafi détenu par une milice shiite libanaise . Le truc comique c'est qu'on a juste pu obtenir l'arrêt des sévices corporels qu'il subissait, rien de plus...
-Ton engagement militaire est-il pour toi la suite de tes engagements politiques ?
Mon engagement militaire s'est fait en parallèle de mes engagements politiques, l'un ne va pas sans l'autre. Je suis d'une génération privée de service militaire. Cette période de service qu'exigeait la Nation était initiatique pour les jeunes français, c'était ce qui faisait d'eux des hommes au regard de la société.  Au moment de mon engagement au " 3 ", je me sentais comme un prêtre entrant dans l'église catholique, je le vivais comme un sacerdoce.
-Pourquoi choisir les paras colos ? Qu’est-ce qui a influencé ton choix des troupes d’assaut ?
J'ai hésité entre la Légion étrangère et les Paras, ce qui a déterminé mon choix, c’est un livre du Général Bigeard : "Adieu ma France ". Les récits des combats  du 3ème BCCP en Indochine puis ceux du 3 RPC en Algérie avaient l'éclat d'un diamant à mes yeux de jeune français en quête d'absolu et d'aventure au service de la France. Pour moi, c'était le 3 Rpima ou rien. Quand j'ai poussé la porte du CIRAT, j'ai même accepté un contrat de VDAT pour partir plus tôt faire mes classes, seule la solde changeait mais je n’étais pas là pour ça.Depuis tout petit,  je suis passionné d’histoire, j'ai grandis avec les récits des batailles qui ont forgé les frontières de notre pays ainsi que son âme ; il était évident que je ne pouvais concevoir l'engagement militaire qu'au sein d'une arme de mêlée.
-Comment te retrouves-tu engagé volontaire au Donbass avec les sécessionnistes pros Russes ?
Je ne vais pas refaire la genèse du conflit ukrainien, tout et son contraire  est dit sur ce conflit, à grand renfort de propagande et ce, de la part des deux camps. Lorsque que cette guerre a éclaté, j'avais déjà créé depuis quelques mois Unité Continentale à Belgrade, afin de structurer de solides réseaux avec les nationalistes serbes. En tant qu'organisation, nous avons suivi la situation avec intérêt en Ukraine depuis le Maidan jusqu'à l'opération dite " anti-terroriste " dans l'est de ce pays. C'est lorsque la République Populaire de Donetsk a lancé un appel  aux volontaires que nous avons décidé d'y répondre en envoyant des volontaires se battre avec les " séparatistes ". Dès le début, nous avions eu comme projet de former une brigade Franco-serbe pour se battre dans le Donbass.Pour résumer,  notre quotidien dans le Donbass, il s'est partagé entre de longues périodes d'attente,  de préparation,  de mise en place de réseaux de soutien et de coordination entre les "séparatistes " et nous pour faire venir les volontaires avec des allers-retours sur les différents fronts. Je me dois de rendre hommage à la population locale qui nous fit toujours un merveilleux accueil. Je ne souhaite à personne de vivre cela à savoir, prendre les responsabilités et les décisions que j'ai eu à prendre dans des moments très difficiles. Cet engagement a été une des expériences humaines les plus riches que j'ai jamais eu à vivre.
-Aujourd’hui, quels sont tes engagements ?
Mon dernier engagement connu est au sein des Gilets Jaunes, dès la  première action au premier matin, j'ai su que nous étions devant un mouvement populaire exceptionnel. J'ai pu voir dans l'après-midi du premier acte des petites grand-mères montées une barricade avec des mecs de banlieue, des zaadistes crier ce slogan bien connu : " ON EST CHEZ NOUS ", sans parler d'une foule de nos compatriotes scander à deux pas du palais de l'Elysée " A BAS LES VOLEURS ! ". Les deux actes suivants confirmeront le caractère exceptionnel du mouvement des Gilets jaunes. Avec le temps,  je ne pense pas que nous ayons loupé une fenêtre de tir, nous n’étions tout simplement pas prêts à une telle explosion populaire.Actuellement, je suis, comme disait Rodolphe Crevelle de son temps : en congé militant. Je n'ai pas d'engagement particulier, j'observe de près les différents points chauds de la planète en espérant au plus profond de moi que commence la reconquête du Kosovo ... J'avoue avoir un regard bienveillant pour le collectif Némésis ainsi que pour les Zouaves Paris.
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summumparquets · 3 years
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Hoy nos toca trabajar para que otros no paren!! Reparación de unas rallas en sala de reuniones de EDEM,pulido y acabado con barniz Bona Mega extramate. 685137167 #restauracion #parquet #bona #bccp #valencia #lijado #barnizado #summumparquets #decoracion #interiorismo https://www.instagram.com/p/CWggw9wtyDw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sintecosorocaba · 4 years
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Um acabamento perfeito para cada jogo O acabamento do piso esportivo tem que oferecer os mais altos níveis de durabilidade face ao desgaste e impacto, bem como resistência à humidade e à água. Além disso, a resistência antiderrapante tem que estar ao nível preciso para evitar lesões. #bonabrasil #bccp #bonasportive #aplicadorasorocaba #hoteis #condominios #arenas #arquitetos #designerdeinteriores #indusparquetsorocaba #indusparquet #basquete #basquetebol #futsal #futeboldesalao #prevencaoacidentes #teatros https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEmZXilM29/?igshid=1fikzt6b11ju7
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lluviagf · 5 years
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scifigeneration · 6 years
Black holes ruled out as universe's missing dark matter
For one brief shining moment after the 2015 detection of gravitational waves from colliding black holes, astronomers held out hope that the universe's mysterious dark matter might consist of a plenitude of black holes sprinkled throughout the universe.
University of California, Berkeley, physicists have dashed those hopes.
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Based on a statistical analysis of 740 of the brightest supernovas discovered as of 2014, and the fact that none of them appear to be magnified or brightened by hidden black hole "gravitational lenses," the researchers concluded that primordial black holes can make up no more than about 40 percent of the dark matter in the universe. Primordial black holes could only have been created within the first milliseconds of the Big Bang as regions of the universe with a concentrated mass tens or hundreds of times that of the sun collapsed into objects a hundred kilometers across.
The results suggest that none of the universe's dark matter consists of heavy black holes, or any similar object, including massive compact halo objects, so-called MACHOs.
Dark matter is one of astronomy's most embarrassing conundrums: despite comprising 84.5 percent of the matter in the universe, no one can find it. Proposed dark matter candidates span nearly 90 orders of magnitude in mass, from ultralight particles like axions to MACHOs.
Several theorists have proposed scenarios in which there are multiple types of dark matter. But if dark matter consists of several unrelated components, each would require a different explanation for its origin, which makes the models very complex.
"I can imagine it being two types of black holes, very heavy and very light ones, or black holes and new particles. But in that case one of the components is orders of magnitude heavier than the other, and they need to be produced in comparable abundance. We would be going from something astrophysical to something that is truly microscopic, perhaps even the lightest thing in the universe, and that would be very difficult to explain," said lead author Miguel Zumalacárregui, a Marie Curie Global Fellow at the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics.
An as-yet unpublished reanalysis by the same team using an updated list of 1,048 supernovas cuts the limit in half, to a maximum of about 23 percent, further slamming the door on the dark matter-black hole proposal.
"We are back to the standard discussions. What is dark matter? Indeed, we are running out of good options," said Uroš Seljak, a UC Berkeley professor of physics and astronomy and BCCP co-director. "This is a challenge for future generations."
The analysis is detailed in a paper published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Dark matter lensing
Their conclusions are based on the fact that an unseen population of primordial black holes, or any massive compact object, would gravitationally bend and magnify light from distant objects on its way to Earth. Therefore, gravitational lensing should affect the light from distant Type Ia supernovas. These are the exploding stars that scientists have used as standard brightness sources to measure cosmic distances and document the expansion of the universe.
Zumalacárregui conducted a complex statistical analysis of data on the brightness and distance supernovas catalogued in two compilations -- 580 in the Union and 740 in the joint light-curve analysis (JLA) catalogs -- and concluded that eight should be brighter by a few tenths of a percent than predicted based on observations of how these supernovas brighten and fade over time. No such brightening has been detected.
Other researchers have performed similar but simpler analyses that yielded inconclusive results. But Zumalacárregui incorporated the precise probability of seeing all magnifications, from small to huge, as well as uncertainties in brightness and distance of each supernova. Even for low-mass black holes -- those 1 percent the mass of the sun -- there should be some highly magnified distant supernovas, he said, but there are none.
"You cannot see this effect on one supernova, but when you put them all together and do a full Bayesian analysis you start putting very strong constraints on the dark matter, because each supernova counts and you have so many of them," Zumalacárregui said. The more supernovas included in the analysis, and the farther away they are, the tighter the constraints. Data on 1,048 bright supernovas from the Pantheon catalog provided an even lower upper limit -- 23 percent -- than the newly published analysis.
Seljak published a paper proposing this type of analysis in the late 1990s, but when interest shifted from looking for big objects, MACHOs, to looking for fundamental particles, in particular weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, follow-up plans fell by the wayside. By then, many experiments had excluded most masses and types of MACHOs, leaving little hope of discovering such objects.
At the time, too, only a small number of distant Type Ia supernovas had been discovered and their distances measured.
Only after the LIGO observations brought up the issue again did Seljak and Zumalacárregui embark on the complicated analysis to determine the limits on dark matter.
"What was intriguing is that the masses of the black holes in the LIGO event were right where black holes had not yet been excluded as dark matter," Seljak said. "That was an interesting coincidence that got everyone excited. But it was a coincidence."
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