#bc that caused some issues for me lmfao
aemiron-main · 2 years
if the weird anon who keeps sending me my full name AGAIN would please knock it off that would be very cool
#obviously can’t post the ask LMFAO but this is happening again??#and it’s freaking me out bc last night and over the past few months I’ve had a bunch of my accts log me out randomly??#including tumblr logging me out and some weirdness w my email address??#I’ve had a similar problem before bc surprisingly I’m not the only person using the name ‘Aemiron’ and actually fought w someone on insta#over the handle/name so usually I just attribute any weirdness to that and people making accts w my name bc they use the same one and just#shit like that it’s happened on a few sites now and I just sit here like. i hope it’s just think wanting the irl and not being malicious#yknow?? again I’m probably overthinking this but this weird anon plus some of the ppl I’ve argued with on various platforms and actually in#a writing discord abt this shit has me paranoid esp since I used my legal firstname in the writing discord at the time in addition to#Aemiron bc I wasn’t out online as trans yet. and the person I was arguing with like lost their shit and went into a rage in my dms over#an argument abt religion and bigotry and abt how to approach it in writing and just criticism that they had ASKED for#and it was even weirder bc me and them had ALMOST been friends chatting in dms but they got super weirdly like possessively attached despite#us not knowing eachother well and just used to be super weird abt it and I’m just like. i hope this isn’t related to That#bc that caused some issues for me lmfao#like god I just ignore the asks and end up panic deleting them bc I don’t want to have to see my deadname in my inbox
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marsixm · 3 months
i schwear to god ur not gonna find someone who enjoys working in the grocery store against their better judgement more than me, i am so fucking autistic about this job and everyone knows how good i am at it all, but nothing kills it like the dumb corporate overlord bs. the work can be grueling, the customers can be horrific, but i have got to serve- even the irritating mystery shopper score can be coped with- but when you start picking on me about the stupidest dress code shit that’s when you lose me. like now a new manager is saying they may force us all to wear those chunky nonslip shoes within the year. i have a pair but man they hurt my fucking feet. i cant do that shit every day thats why i wear converse. i said these are nonslip man they used to play basketball in these. he said “lets spill oil on the floor and see how you do” ok girl yes! try me!
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snarltoothed · 1 year
if i was rich there IS a “cosmetic” procedure i’d get done for my own comfort. i’d botox my fucking sweat glands. granted because my sweat response is broken and im always uncomfortable and would easily succumb to hypothetmia because i dont stop sweating in the cold
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galactichelium · 1 year
Sometimes I feel a little silly bc it feels like I have every problem ever
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distraughtlesbian · 2 months
sorry for speaking my truth it will happen again. i think my main issue with valax’s redemption arc is literally just that there’s never a moment where the mc gets to actually talk to her about what she did—there’s not really a cathartic conversation, so valax and mc moving past what she did to them feels less like forgiveness and redemption and more like an agreement to ignore the elephant in the room
like sure we got to talk about our trauma (in chapter 17 of 20. lol. lmao, even) to the party, but valax wasn’t present for that?? and like, sure, she says once that she is sorry “for the pain she caused [them]”, but there’s a difference Tew Me between “sorry for hurting you ig ✌️😗” and actually being like “yeah, i abducted you and forced you into a magically induced coma and stole your blood and robbed you of a full year of your life and repeatedly tried to murder you, to say nothing of the grief i caused your loved ones. i did all that shit and i’m sorry for it and deeply regret it, and i acknowledge that you don’t owe me forgiveness, but i will spend the rest of my life working to build a better world for my people instead of being my mother’s pawn”, and a difference between “my mother is unhappy with me for saving you :(” and actually like, giving the mc space to talk about the impact of her actions towards them. like girl you are not getting out of this shit with one sentence’s worth of apology and a sex scene lmfao!!!
during the first half or so of the book the focus for mc is not falling the fuck apart bc they have a friend group to tentatively piece together and they’re averse to showing fear in front of valax, so they’re repressing all their trauma—and by the time valax joins the party, the narrative has gone full Valax Cool And Good mode, and fully allows you to flirt with her and tease her and generally stops taking her seriously as an antagonist. which would be all fine and good if we had actually at any point gotten to be like, “hey, you abducting me and keeping me in a magically induced coma and stealing my blood and trying to kill me has actually caused me a lot of lasting fear and pain,” followed by some set of choices wrt forgiving or not forgiving her for all that in light of the revelation that she did all that shit bc her mom tortured and brainwashed her
like why are my friends more pissed off about the time this bitch abducted me and did evil little experiments on me than i am. free valax she did all that shit bc of her mommy issues but i should’ve gotten to call her a cunt just once. pb stop making all your mcs generals in the idgaf war challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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cheemken · 5 months
Oh that mental image of him breaking down and his Dragonite gently holding him until he's ready to hug back--crying in the club fr I wanna write this scene so much
Another personal hc that I have is definitely one that has a lot of self-projecting onto it. Mostly from the throw away line of 'my knees are creaking' and how the other E4s run to the end of the arena while he takes his sweet time. Couple that with lines on how he fell asleep and is always just resting at the club, a part of me likes to think that he's got some health issues. Maybe joint pain or something that causes chronic exhaustion.
Drayton isn't all too bad with his classes schoolwork wise but he fails primarily on his lack of attendance. Maybe it's partially from days where getting out of bed is hard, or when he can't pretend that everything's all fine and dandy. Sitting down often because standing or walking too long causes his knees to act up. Napping when he can cause he's just low-key tired all the time.
Perhaps he wouldn't have gotten the reputation of being lazy and a slacker if he just spoke up about it but no. He gives me the vibes of someone who dislikes pity, having a level of pride where he prefers to handle stuff on his own. He's got a system with his Pokemon where they help him on bad days. Shame that's how people saw him but it's not like he's making an effort to dispel it anyway. He'd hate it if those displeased looks turned to pity instead
But I'm also a sucker for days where he just can't summon up the energy to pretend around people, and while most just chalk it up to him being lazy again, maybe his friends can tell and help make things a little easier.
(Again, that's just my personal hc with a healthy dose of self projection. I just love putting him through situations haha)
Omf cndmcndm yeah yeah I get that I understand that that hit me right at home lmfaooo
No but, imagine if the reason behind that too is bc how grueling the training of Drayden was. Cause I also have this small hc that Iris really tried to keep up w Drayden's 10k push ups, sit ups, and squats during their training too (so she's a bit built thanks to that lmfao), but Drayton couldn't keep up w that, he tries but he couldn't, his body wasn't frail to say the least, but he wasn't built like Drayden or Iris, his body was a bit weaker compared to theirs, so when he tries, even when he did warm ups beforehand, it'd still leave his body quite sore
That plus the lil hc I have that he always waits for Iris to come back home most nights, so he stays up late most of the time too, making him tired the next day
But yeah, with his pride, he always refuse to get help, to the point he conditioned himself that there really is nothing wrong w him, but there is y'know, and sometimes he can't handle it anymore. There was once his body just needed rest that he didn't go to school at all, it resulted in his fam telling him if he's that lazy then he should just stop going to school and just help around the house, after all, he isn't trusted enough for the gym, wasn't motivated enough to do any kind of work, not even w school, so what's he gonna do
Anyways yeah, this I canon in my heart anon, just let the boy sleep in he deserves it
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Opinion on Kankri (or Cronus)
Oof ill be honest it's been a while since a did a good examination of their canon characters
Let me preface this with the fact that each of them are supposed to be obviously recognizable as exaggerated stereotypes of different kinds of real people.
They're both problematic in their own ways, Kankri in his performative advocacy that only goes as far as correcting others and going on long rants about the implications of an issue and Cronus is his idolizing of the Greaser life and "nice guy" bs. But the thing is, they're literally eternally stuck as 19 year old ghosts, just arguing with their friends and alt versions of them and themselves. They don't grow or mature and they don't have any better perspectives to teach them better even if they were open to accepting that the way they act isn't okay. They each think the way they are is who they have to be in order to be an activist for Kankri or be cool for Cronus.
Are they great people trolls? No but again they're 19, dead, and stuck in a video game with an infinite number of other 19 year old versions of themselves and their friends.
But they do each play their own part in the story and when examining both the way that society was on Beforus and their narratives amongst their ancestors/dancestors they make sense.
For Kankri, Karkat, and Signless (who is literally Kankri but on Alternia), their major recurring thing is being treated differently by society because of their blood mutation. While Kankri doesn't have to fear being killed due to his blood color he does still face hella ableism because the society on Beforus believes lowbloods should be coddled due to their lack of power in comparison to highbloods. The trolls of the cancer sign always have to fight for themselves somehow as a reoccurring theme and Kankri's activism is his. Had he been able to continue growing and learning he could've become a better activist as he got older but because of the game he didn't and now spends eternity frozen as the same person.
For Cronus, Eridan, and Dualscar, their characters think of themselves as cool and better than others because of their status as violet bloods but in reality is regularly disregarded personally and not as worshipped as they think they should be. With the peaceful society of Beforus his "nice guy" bs was given more room to flourish bc he wasn't spending his time causing as much bloodshed and instead was focusing on how to make himself "cool" in a misguided attempt to get the attention he wants. Hussie himself has been quoted calling Cronus the worst character in homestuck and that's what he was created to be for the story. Had their session not started, could Conus have become a better troll some day? Maybe but we'll never know.
At the end of the day, they were both created to play a specific part and have a specific influence on the story.
Did I used to have fun back in high school shipping them? Yeah a bit but I grew out of that a long time ago. There's actually a Cronkri fic on AO3 that low-key still haunts me to this day. It can be a cute and fun ship if you wanna have fun with it. Are they good for each other? No but depiction does not equal glorification and it was through the exploration of characters like that going through some (tbh uncomfortable) stories that taught me some perspective on certain things and the only way to learn and grow as a person is to explore stuff like that. Plus it's okay to just have fun with silly bad characters I mean look at Vriska lmfao
Sorry that this turned into a whole thing but they're both characters that were intentionally written to be kinda shitty teenagers and too many ppl turn into real life Kankris trying to villify fictional characters.
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wheeler-fan · 5 months
A monologue cannot fix Mileven's issues just like an ily cannot fix the fact that your partner lies to you all the time and cannot be themselves around you. If you asked Mike why he dated El at the first place , he wouldn't even be able to answer you cause all he does is praising El just because of her powers. Just look back at the scene where Dustin and Mike are "arguing" about who has the best girfriend. He was only talking about her powers and how she saved the world. Not to mention how right before Mike kissed El for the first time, he wanted her to be his sister lmfao. So weird, admit it. El is not the person she was, she chanegd and has her own personality. Her tastes can defo change and you wouldn't blame her if she wasn't as much in love with Mike as before just like some stuffs in season 4 show it. You gotta admit that some stuffs about mileven are confusing and need explanations.
see that's the point between mileven and byler shippers, when there's an argument, mileven shippers uses mileven proofs and bylers can only talk about how bad mileven is like calm down and tell me why do u think that byler will be a healthier ship then💀 also people are so mad at mileven and for what? they're not perfect bc they are teenagers in their first relationship + eleven was in the lab for 12 years.
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bigmack2go · 1 month
List your favorite character and then some headcanons about that character! Then repost into the ask box of your favorite moots! <333
Love, anon
So i was convinced i already answered this but i just looked and i cant find it so i guess imma do it again
Imma go with my fav character of my current hyperfixation which would be:
Albert DaSilva. Ofc
His username in modern era would either smt along the lines of „einsteinTheSalvia“ or like „redwaterdrops“
In superhero au he would have themperature change/recistancy because gingers are more sensitive to themperature @ykthefancyclamwiththepearlinside
Childhood Besties™️ ITH TOMMY!!!!!
Has HPOTS. (Let me project my smaler problems on my blorbo without traumatising him to much>:()
Can get super kinky
THIS KID LOVES RED PADAS and monkeys and lemurs and all those funny little creatures.
Fav color: Hot. Pink. do not attempt to change my mind.
Al is the Delancys Cousin and stepbrother
His nickname is Twitch. The other Newsies started calling him that because he gets super jumpy and flichy really quick with sudden movements. Little do they know the reason for that. (Lmfao remember when i said i wouldn’t project on them to much)
For the next one I‘ll just out a picture for context bc it doesn’t make much sense without the ither ones
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Albert has anger issues (but thats nothing new)
Tried to dye hair before bc kept getting teased for being ginger (it did not go well)
Allie is genderfluid and gets super super dysphoric on she-days (which is what she calls it in her head) but that’s not only cause of her body; she also doesn’t understand how there are transpeople who DONT get dysphoric/ wishes she could be one of them
Usually uses he/him or he/they and honestly has „she-days“ fairly rarely. But when she does it’s she/her/they/them
Blue eyes!!!!
When he gets confused, or irritated etc he starts to draf out words. Not talk slow, only drag out the words. He also starts blinking rly fucking fast and sometimes his head tilts without meaning to. (Spot ADORES it)
Needs hearing aids but hayes wearing them so he zses a lot of sign language
If this guy doesn’t have ADHD, my name is Angela Merkel. But al is one of those cases that puperty did Not mix well with ADHD and just gets tired all the time
Obviously prankmaster ™️
he wears his hat backwards cause it covers his hair better cause he’s embarrassed of it
This is from @homosexual-newsboy
HOWEVER IN MODERNERA this man is the proudest mother fucker alive and his hair is practically the only thing he cares about
Lots and lots of sensory issues
CANNOT control his volume. Always either too loud or too silent
Everyone love Al‘s family‘s chillie recepie. - that’s the only time when he’s alowed in the kitchen: when they’re having chilli. Not unsupervised tho
Chronic migraines
That‘s all i can think of is rn and i‘m in a hurry so.. yeah
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scoutpologist · 4 months
You are NOT sensitive. Obviously most people in Florida would agree with you, but more importantly the only reason ppl hate Florida is the racist old people and if Florida drowns where do they think they’re gonna go? 🤨
Florida has a important beautiful diverse ecosystem and provides so much for the country.
Maybe this part is ME being too sensitive but just joking about the water rising from climate change/glaciers melting is just never smth i found funny
sorry to get to this so late anon i've been busy </3
and yeah, for clarity i am people from florida. i've lived here my whole life. and people saying they hate florida because we're all crazy (ie florida man), or the wildlife is scary, or it's too hot, or the bugs... i don't care lmao and sometimes it's even funny, cause no one actually hates florida for those reasons.
a lot of people hate florida because we have a supremely shitty government and assume that like... everyone thinks this way. but not everyone thinks this way. there's a huge community of progressive people in florida.
and sidenote, it's kind of strange to see a bunch of people talking about how you should NEVER visit florida as a trans person because. like, your concerns are 100% valid, and if you feel like you're in danger, do whatever you have to to keep yourself safe. but also we still live here LOL like i can be semi-open about being nb with 0 issues and i know a lot of trans people who are medically transitioning. i brought hrt up with an endo who doesn't specialize in that and she didn't bat an eye, she even recommended me a place that could get me hormones.
i promise we're still here and thriving!! we have some of the biggest pride centers in the country!! i attend a HUGE pride event yearly where everyone is happy and loud and openly queer. i'm lucky to live in a beautiful and vibrant city like this and many of us don't fare as well, but we ARE here.
and you're not too sensitive, bc that's what i worry about all the time when it comes to ocean levels rising. i'm worried about the beautiful ecosystem i've grown up in being drowned by the salty ocean. our ecosystem is one of the most diverse and beautiful in the entire country and people have the audacity to say this state is ugly and provides nothing lmfao.
idk it's just a lot like it's not like it's as if floridians are oppressed but sometimes there's just this disconnect between people who live here and people who don't. it's mostly fine i'm just bitter that some people will stereotype a whole state and ignore the vibrant communities and beautiful ecosystem and go "i'm not worried because it's florida".
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mlmxreader · 2 months
What is your most controversial unpopular opinion?
oh, I have so many lmfao but I'll say the ones that won't get me anon hate 💀
1. outdoor cats
the animal welfare act in the UK dictates that EVERYONE has a legal obligation and responsibility from protecting animals within their care against "pain, injury, suffering and disease". you cannot do that if you're letting your cat out for hours on end; you're also responsible for causing the massive ecological damage that the invasive species does by killing birds and small mammals and reptiles. keep your fucking cats indoors.
2. if you're white, you DON'T get to "make jokes" about racism, even if it's to "subvert" them
it's not your place AT ALL. stop it. be normal. and in the same breadth, you do NOT get to "accept" an apology from someone who has been racist. shut the fuck up & listen to the people who are effected by it.
3. fandom isn't a "safe space" unless you're a white cishet woman
from saneism/ableism, through to racism and homophobia, fandom has lost its ability to call itself a "safe space"; given the amount of fanfic produced by white cishet women, predominantly, that relies on harmful tropes or something like 50 Shades, it's clear that if you're Black, you're not welcome. if you're queer, you're not welcome. if you're not a woman, you're not welcome. if you're Muslim, Sikh, or Jewish, you aren't welcome. fandom isn't a "safe space".
4. if you want to own reptiles, you should have a licence
I've seen it EVERYWHERE, and although the reasons range from live feeding (which is a cruel & unneeded thing!) all through to not giving animals the proper enrichment, people shouldn't be allowed to own a reptile w/o a licence as PROOF of being competent first. an animal isn't a "right", and ik from my experience w Ace in particular, that some people just want these animals for the aesthetic or for the bragging rights - NOT because they genuinely care.
5. if you haven't done any form of activism OFFLINE, then you're a cunt tbh
if your only form of activism is retweeting or reblogging stuff, then im sorry, but you NEED to do better; you should be protesting one way or another. if you're unable to attend proper protests, you should be campaigning for your local politicians to stand w you - whether that's for Hawaii, Congo, Palestine, or Armenia. whether that's for trans rights, homeless rights, or better mental health services. you should be raising awareness to the people around you in real life, you should be campaigning OUTSIDE of online. there's ALWAYS something that you can do. there's no excuse to do NOTHING but online activism. no excuse.
6. if you won't speak up abt bigotry bc of "fandom drama", you're not an actual ally.
more or less self explanatory, but like, if someone says "hey X fandom has a really big issue with saneism" and your automatic response is to NEVER speak about it, then you're not an ally! bc how is anyone from a marginalised community supposed to feel safe around you when you WON'T speak up when you can; online, you have the anonymity and the ability to walk away. you SHOULD be speaking up abt bigotry, bc if you WON'T do it online, then how can we expect you to do it OFFLINE when you WONT be able to walk away? when you WONT have anonymity?
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cxtoonzzz · 26 days
GEN question, I just found ur acc and I ADORE ur art ur so talented omg.. but why are AOT fans hating on you? I love AOT and I never knew the fandom could be this rude tbh 😭😭😭🙏 love ur Yelena art btw and ur self insert art n stuff is SO CUTE. Also fellow Hange lover 🫣 (I'm all over the place srry I'm like so socially awkward)
Before I rant tho THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I REALLY APPRECIATE IT🩷🩷🩷 No worries I'm also incredibly socially awkward :3
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Started in like 2020 when this guy lowkey tried to groom me (I was 12) nd then we fell out so he ranted ab me in a Discord server (they were like 17)😭 Then I got harassed by a bunch of artists that caused me to fall off nd I was rlly annoying nd insecure when I turned 13 nd copied art to feel better (I DON'T ANYMORE ND I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT!!) That guy lied ab me drawing nsfw of MYSELF (a 13yo) with Hange nd Yelena (30+yo, 25) so ppl then thought I supported pedophilia!! Yay!!! Nd ppl still do !! Then I got doxxed and stuff by Pikulena/Pikuhan shippers and people found where I lived nd I got daily messages/asks telling me to kill myself over a ship and stuff which was NOT FUN so I finally deleted my Tumblr in ab December of 2022 bc the hate was partially justified but also not bc half of it thrived off of lies a guy who let his 18+yo friends sexualize me🧍‍♀️I didn't have issues with those ships before getting doxxed btw but now I'm genuinely scared of it LMFAO- ppl think I'm homophobic for some reason
Rumors lead to me getting very sad nd paranoid to the point I'd go in public TREMBLING bc random people knew where I lived ! I went to therapy in 2021 due to all the combined issues online and irl (another story) nd it didn't help and was merely a cashgrab- But now I just draw whatever tf I want nd feel secure in my style^^
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lmfao thinking on the mbti stuff it's really fuckin funny cause like,, ppl wanna insist intp and infp are practically functional opposites, because one consults a logical framework however personal to make decisions, weighing options and their possible consequences, while infp consults personal thoughts feelings and emotions to form a moral and emotionally gratifying decision. and sure!! on paper these sound very functionally different. in practice for me tho?? less so!! bc ofc I try to make the most logical decision, but are possible thoughts, feelings, and moral interpretations completely unworthy of consideration when making a logical decision?? no. very much the opposite.
(full rant and reasoning under the cut here :3)
because neurochemistry begs to reason that feelings stem from biological necessities of some sort, and can therefore inform more personal decisions equally or even more reliably than some frameworks of "logic". to try to completely sterilize logic of all emotion is to deny the merit of biochemistry, and in deeply personal situations in which the consequences are less material and external than they are emotional and therefore physical, this is an exercise in futility at its finest. after all, in cases of toxic relationships, perhaps "logically" it would make sense to stay with a toxic partner, because on paper they seem to bring more good than bad.
perhaps they're talented with finances, have a well paying stable job, give frequent gifts and praise, and are loyal and don't keep secrets. but, perhaps by that same token, they're uncommunicative or cold in their mannerisms, they don't seem to adequately communicate care or tenderness, they have irksome habits that make it hard to live together, and perhaps they have a temper that makes them argumentative and unsympathetic.
by some frameworks of logic, perhaps you should stick it out to see if these troublesome feelings based issues can be resolved. however, with interpersonal relationships, these things are highly subjective to how this person makes you feel on a day to day basis. if you generally feel these issues are small and fixable, then by all means, sure. a toxic relationship has the potential to improve, sure. however, if you feel fundamentally as though your communication styles are incompatible and you don't feel loved the way you know you ought to feel loved in a relationship, feel respected the way you should be, and you don't feel as though communications can improve, then despite ample reason to stay, that's plenty adequate reason to leave.
even if it seems "crazy" or "illogical" to leave such a "good" partner, if you feel it isn't working, then it isn't working. you can't force it to. that, I feel, is the well roundedly logical answer. to consider feelings as a logical variable. not of course THE logical variable to decide all others, but one in many with its merits not unlike any other.
moral questions are the same. these are much more complex, as humans are only that, and feelings inform logic and legality (ESPECIALLY LEGALITY) much more than "cold, hard facts" types are often willing to admit, but that makes it much more important to consider all sides to a moral dilemma before decisive action is taken. harm reduction (punishment) and positive impact (rehabilitation/community care) are sometimes pitted against each other as opposite consequences of moral decisions, but a well roundedly logical solution (if one Can be reasonably found and enacted) should keep both solidly at the forefront of its decisive reasoning.
compromises should be made where necessary, and as many variables should be considered as possible, as humans are complex and societies are built on relationships, systems, and inherently personal goals and agendas, even and especially in groups and teams. to imply otherwise is naivety. to simplistically imply inherent selfishness and lack of morality on all ends is laziness. humans are complex creatures, and the only sort of logic that exists to us is also something invented, something felt as much as it can be observed (for there is no truly unbiased observation; everyone can only see from their own individual perspective).
for these reasons, I feel to be a true "thinking" type, one absolutely must be wary of emotion, yes, as it is subject to subconscious, environmental, and chemical sway, but one must absolutely never disregard emotion entirely. One cannot cleanly compartmentalize all of human experience into "emotional" and "logical", because they will always, always feed into one another. there is logical merit in tenderness, in kindness, in working towards a world in which man thrives, logic and emotion intertwined in symbiotic harmony. there is logical merit in art, expression, and feeling. to imply otherwise is baselessly cruel, and cruelty, as one may observe interpersonally and historically, is a cheap and self destructive means to survival that ultimately hurts the whole and therefore hurts the individual.
there is no human damage that can be isolated in its entirety. there is no war that is waged purely by the few and felt only by the few. there is no suffering of the many that will not threaten the few. there is no society built on violence and fear that does not eventually fall. nothing is built to last forever, but terror least of all.
thx for coming to my ted talk this has been your local intp who's incREDIBLY HORRENDOUSLY sick both of "feelings are always logical and right" and "logic is always unfeeling and therefore 'good' " pathways of thinking. please for the love of FUCK get it together. literally. get your fragmented theoretic boondoggling and put it all together. please stop trying to completely separate out and reject parts of the human experience PLEASE INTEGRATE IT ALL INTO ONE COMPREHENSIVE WORLD VIEW PLS
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derangedthots · 1 year
No cause you’re so real dear author. we are in dire need of more omega Jacaerys fics
If only for the duality that it means for Jace: the heir to the Iron Throne being an omega. He is both a leader figure and a mother figure. And screw it Jacaerys of House Targaryen, the First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector Mother of the Realm, Shield of His People …like tell me it does not give cvnt.
Plus in the context of your own CFT universe, having Jace retaining his position as a leader and futur king yet leaning into his omegahood (unlike Aegon the Conqueror who will being an omega decided not to bear children which is not a bad thing at all btw), having children and all … it’s just so juicy.
And lastly I think Jace having to be the perfect eldest daughter brother and perfect heir has to take a tool on him so I quite imagined his omega being kind of like a safe place (you write beautifully btw in your latest chapter of CTF with his inner omega prowling around and opening his eyes when he thinks he can draw blood and/or smells an interesting potential husband).
We need more omega!Jacaerys
i will always have a special fondness in my heart for omega jace🥹 jace having all those titles you mentioned ABSOLUTELY serves cunt it's amazing😌🤭
i know i'm under anonymous for FMF+CTF but i actually don't typically write a/b/o (there's no hard feelings, i simply do other stuff), it's just that i happen to love omegaverse for asoiaf/hotd bc it makes the political intrigue all the more convoluted while also evening out some of the m/f gender dynamics and homophobia. the idea of princess rhaenyra's heir having to deal with being an omega on top of being widely regarded as a bastard is so *screams in gibberish* i could go into a whole spiel abt how it blurs gender roles and heteronormativity while complicating jace's position in westerosi society bc there's so many ways to take it and FMF/CTF is just one way. from what i understand, it also just goes so hand-in-hand with valyrian views on men and women vs. westerosi/andal/first men ones (at least bc rhaenys and visenya were able to exercise so much power despite being women and then all the targ women after them, barring dany, having only a fraction of the same autonomy). omegaverse has a way of complicating the traditional roles/expectations and in a medieval fantasy universe that's so steeped in that kind of limiting ideology, placing a/b/o dynamics into the setting throws a wrench into the system and allows for all kinds of exploration as to the effects. like don't get me wrong, the kinks are so much fun😏😂 but also everything else as well!!
that being said, i'm particularly partial to the idea of jace being an omega in an a/b/o universe bc of multiple reasons but to name a few it's
the fact that he can bear children, and the issues that follow from that, is another similarity btwn him and his mother (#jace as nyra's mini-me 5ever)
allows for ample exploration of how jace would handle 'motherhood' and what it would mean for him (while also getting the perks of being so, so spoiled and taken care of as he deserves)
solves the issue of aemond still gaining immediate proximity to the throne by becoming king consort (while exploring what being a father and patriarch looks like for him after his childhood/relationship to viserys)
also satisfies the fandom's agreed upon consensus that aemond has a breeding kink LMFAO (he's so comedic for me bc i truly believe he doesn't like children much but also would break the record for most kids if jace was amenable)
even if everyone else is against me, i will always be a proponent of omega jace! omega jace rights always!! (pls imagine me with a matching headband, t-shirt, and sign)
also i'm glad you like my writing and thank you for dropping by, dear anon♥️
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cheemken · 4 months
Ya know I haven’t really talked about Drayton n Kieran yet so here’s some canon hc stuff!
Okay so I believe in the French translation it’s stated that Kieran is 14….which I don’t believe lol with how shy he is in the teal mask and then crying over not getting ogerpon in the teal mask as well it just doesn’t fit right w/ him being 14 it seems in line of someone who’s 10 or 9 really + Drayton says he misses the old shy Kieran who likes to battle for fun so we can assume that Kieran was in the league club even before his desire to get stronger and tbh if a 14 yr old was around ppl like the E4 I doubt they’d be as shy as Kieran was in the teal mask, being around those 4 would give anyone a confidence, boost, so yeah Kieran is probably like 10 or maybe even 9 but def no older then that, anyways enough of my rambling n to the actual hcs lmao
Once Kieran is back in the club after mochi mayhem, he’s often seen curled up against Drayton snoozing on the clubs couch together as all of his intense training messed up Kieran’s sleep the boy is often really tired
Drayton is actually really good at comforting/calming down a crying Kieran weather it be from a legitimate reason like the trauma from terapagos, when he’s tired that he can’t help but cry or just him crying from not getting his way with something, Drayton is the second best at calming Kieran down (the first being carmine of course)
On the topic of terapagos, Kieran often goes to Drayton about his issues with the legendary bc Drayton knows what it’s like to be impacted by a legendary and Kieran doesn’t wanna bother his sister more with his trauma cause like yeah terapagos was gonna kill him, that energy beam was going straight for Kieran, he’d be dead if protagonist didn’t step in, so he talks to drayton about his trauma n drayton helps the best he can
Drayton eventually drops the “Ex-champion” nickname teasing as he sees it really upsets Kieran n they just started being friends again! He doesn’t wanna lose Kieran again!
They fly together across the terrarium on their dragonite’s :) often having fun lil races 
Drayton joked about carrying Kieran when we beat him during the champion fight but he actually does give Kieran piggyback rides when he wants! He enjoys carrying Kieran a lot!
Just like with the E3, Drayton can be protective of him, that’s his lil brother your honour……stole him from carmine….~Drayton angst anon💛
Huh but y'know I can picture Kieran being 14, there are teenagers that are still kinda shy around that age, and given his upbringing, it's understandable why he'd act like that too
But anyways hahaha
That's dope tho, them bonding over their trauma regarding a legendary. Drayton never got to really face off Kyurem like Iris, only ever saw him after Iris finally got him from Ghetsis' control, a much tamer Kyurem than the one still being controlled by Plasma. He can't imagine how it must've been for Kieran too, being face to face w Terapagos, almost dying bc of it. Nearly died bros tho real lmfao
That's cute them flying around w their Dragonite🥹 reminds me of this one concept I have of Iris and Lance too hahah and aughgh the piggyback ride thing cndmdn like how Iris would do it for Drayton too your honour they are so soft cnmdnd
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jennilah · 10 months
fun first day in the office!!!
first of all they gave the best swag out of any studio ive worked for so far. nice notebook, one of those real nice pens, nice water bottle, a keychain, and two free items of my choosing from their studio shop :0 (i want the hoodie!! and maybe a hat!! idk yet!!)
its really so beautiful in the studio w their interior decorating and plants... even tho i got lost when looking for the bathroom and got lost tryin to leave the building for lunch bc its kind of like a maze and i know im gonna get lost again tomorrow :)
(my amazing birthday lunch btw was a happy meal)
anyway today i had fun even tho i was immediately given a fire to put out, due tomorrow. i warned them that i dont know what im doing yet bc im in the middle of training and i have all those fun first week tech issues slowing me down, but they dont seem to mind. i have a reputation now as "the fast animator." (bc my boss was my old boss lmfao he knows me very well) welp, we will see how fast i am tomorrow LOL ill certainly try my darndest
at some point i had a small legion of other animators behind my desk trying to figure out what was causing my next weird niche issue. everyone is SO friendly
AND random anecdote but ill have you know two people in public today complemented my slasher nerd bag and one person wanted a picture to show their horror fan friend. hell yeah
and now, i considered goin to the movies for my birthday evening bc u kno i practically live in the theater, but i actually kinda want to just chill tonight and smoke my last osheaga joint and eat yummies, so that is what i shall do
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