#bamf keith
justaz · 1 year
keith has blind faith and complete trust in lance. he could be completely zoned out, not even listening, just not aware of his surroundings at all but the second lance stands up and is pissed off, keith is right on his heels ready to beat a bitches ass.
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part one
Lance keeps his word — it doesn’t take long for him to really get the hang of his telepathy thing, and then he really is in Keith’s head more often than he isn’t.
That’s not entirely fair, Keith supposes. He has a pretty good hang of the telepathy thing too, and Lance showed him early on how to put up a pretty thick mental block if he needs some privacy, or even just a break. He knows how to keep his mindscape quiet and personal, if need be.
But the thing is…he rarely bothers.
He likes having Lance in his head, or vice versa. It’s crazy, and he never would have expected it of himself, but having the constant presence of his best friend in the back of his head; talking, humming, or just being, has turned into a massive comfort.
The desperate loneliness he grew up with, although slowly disappearing over the years he’s had Voltron, has faded into almost nothingness. He likes Lance’s noise in his head. It makes communication during battle a lot easier, too.
He’s yet to feel the rest of the team as strongly in his head — he certainly can’t hold conversations with anyone else — but he feels as if the connection that has been constantly present since they formed Voltron for the first time is stronger, maybe. As if he feels a little closer to all his friends.
That’s really mushy, Lance informs him in his mind. You’re a massive softie marshmallow. I can’t believe I ever thought you were cool.
Keith sits up, abandoning his fourth set of push-ups to find Lance across the training room, doing some sort of gymnastic routine (blatantly showing off for some of the younger members of the Atlas. He’s not even trying to pretend he isn’t, smirking whenever they point at him and whisper to each other in awe when he does a quadruple in-air backflip or something that serves no actual training purpose).
Keith frowns at him. I am so cool.
Are not. You’re a squishy softie marshmallow that cries during Finding Nemo.
Everyone cries during Nemo! Keith defends huffily. It’s a heart-wrenching movie!
Lance doesn’t say anything back, but Keith can feel the impression of his laughter. It’s a hard thing to conceptualise, because he’s not really laughing, and there’s no sound of laughter even in his mindscape, but Keith feels the teasing joy bleeding from him. The best way he’s come to describe it, after weeks of trying to put words to the feeling as he falls asleep, is the feeling he gets when a joke lands, combined with the kind of raw freedom that comes with running in a dead sprint for no reason other than the pleasure of running. Something concentrated and all-encompassing and heart-turning. That’s what Lance’s laughter feels like.
And Keith won’t stand for it. It’s one thing for Lance to tease him with his words, poking fun at him with his wide, sparkling grin, but to make fun of Keith for the thoughts he’s thinking in his own head?
He will not lie down at the dishonour.
Grinning in anticipation, he scoops up his luxite blade, lining up the shot and throwing with deadly accuracy. The blade spins through the air, so fast it whistles, directly at Lance’s head. If he doesn’t dodge, it will kill him.
But Lance will dodge. He knew Keith was going to throw the blade before he even made the decision to throw it.
Gasps ripple through the training room, several people shouting in alarm as the blade comes closer and closer to killing the Red Paladin of Voltron. Milliseconds before it hits, just as someone opens their mouth to scream a warning, Lance moves, faster than the eye can track, pulling out his bayard and transforming it in the same moment, batting Keith’s blade out of the air with his broadsword like it’s a baseball.
He grins, wide and manic and jumping to the challenge, to the spar.
“That all you got, Mullet?” he calls, swinging his blade like the cocky shithead he is. Keith can hear the impression of his laughter again; he’s dizzy with it, drunk off the heady feeling.
“Not even a little bit,” he says, activating his own bayard. Without needing to say a word, they both charge forward at the same time, arms drawn back and swords heavy with potential energy, meeting in the middle of the training room with a clash of their blades, so hard it sends vibrations up their arms.
The shouts of alarm from the rest of the crew turn into whoops of excitement, as people fan out into a circle to give them space. Keith is relatively certain he sees Pidge and Matt organizing bets out of the corner of his eye.
Ready for a show? Lance’s voice echoes in his head. Distantly, he hears Red’s howling roar, the proud lion wrapping her energy with her paladin, gleefully telling Keith how much she looks forward to seeing her cub wipe the floor with him.
She is a very competitive entity, Red. It sparks something in Black, too, who gets up from her perch in a rare display of headstrong pride and wraps her energy around Keith to match.
You’re going to lose, Keith taunts.
Fat chance, Mullet.
Their strikes are less choreographed, now that a real challenge has been issued, and more than their own pride is at stake. There is no real fight here — whether or not Keith wins, he doesn’t truly care.
(But he’d fuckin’ love having something to hold over Lance’s head for a bit. Better if he could be smug in Lance’s head, where he can’t stomp away with a sulk and a claim that Keith was cheating.)
Swordplay with Lance is difficult. It’s always difficult, because Lance uses a sword in every way except how a sword is meant to be used — Keith has seen him use it as a javelin, a bat, even a vault stick — but it’s only gotten harder since Lance has had access to his mind, because Lance hears and feels his every move, anticipating his every trick. Neither of them have managed to win the upper hand for long, and it won’t be long before the other resorts to dirty tactics.
Keith eyes his forgotten luxite blade. He might be the first, actually.
Forcing himself to think of a flurry of random things, practically throwing a wad of unconnected, unsorted thoughts in Lance’s presence in his head to distract him, he dives to the side, reaching for his blade. Lance realises a split second too late to stop him, and his broadsword comes millimetres away from the skin of Keith’s ribcage as he dodges. He closes his fingers around the softened leather of the blade’s handle, and whips around to face his opponent, bayard in his right hand and luxite blade in his left. By the time he’s ready again to fight, even though he’s only taken mere seconds to grab his weapon, Lance has already flipped several meters back, bayard in his hand transformed to his blaster.
Cheater, the both think at the same time, identical smirks on their faces.
Lance fires six quick shots, aiming at vital places in his body. His shots are all true — Lance doesn’t miss — and Keith barely manages to slide out of the way, one of the laser blasts grazing the side of his neck, burning him.
Lance hasn’t bothered to set his gun to stun. Keith can’t blame him. It’s more fun with the risk.
He rushes at Lance, both swords extended, aiming a slash at the Cuban’s arm with one blade and a stab through his torso with the other — he’ll only be able to dodge one. He’ll either have to yield or take a slice, get a painful hit that will slow him down.
Somehow, though, Lance contorts himself, bending his body in a way that it honestly should not be able to bend and narrowly avoiding both blades, hitting the floor with a heavy slam and aiming a sweeping kick for Keith’s knees to take him down with him. Keith jumps to avoid his powerful legs, somersaulting over his head.
“Oh, boo!” someone, who is most definitely Shiro, calls from the crew. Keith almost forgot they were watching, he’s so caught up in the fight. “Come on, Lance! Get his ass!”
If Keith had the time — that is if Lance let up his assault for even one second, which Keith knows he won’t — he’d roll his eyes. Since he doesn’t, he settles for making a mental note to raid Shiro’s room later and steal the last of the Reese’s he packed from Earth.
Oh, that’s diabolical, Lance thinks at him.
Keith grunts, swiping at the hand holding his blaster. If you help me I’ll give you half.
The offer startles a laugh out of Lance, distracting him for just long enough that Keith gains the split-second advantage, placing the blade of his bayard under Lance’s wrist and twisting until Lance is forced to drop his gun or lose his hand.
“Fuck!” several people yell at the same time. Next comes the unmistakable sound of money changing hands.
“Sucks to suck”, Keith taunts, because he can’t help himself.
But Lance looks undeterred. “It does, doesn’t it.” He aims a heavy kick right for Keith’s sternum, and since Keith is too close to move away and not flexible enough to dodge, it lands square where Lance aims it, the heel of his foot knocking the breath from Keith’s lungs and blurring his vision. He drops his swords when the sudden lack of oxygen makes his hands to weak to grip them.
Lance takes advantage of Keith’s momentary weakness, catapulting forward for an assault. Unfortunately for him, his intentions bleed loud and clear through their bond, and Keith hits the floor with a gasp so Lance can’t wrap his legs around Keith’s neck to choke him out.
Lance curses, falling forward with a flail when his assault doesn’t hit, momentum completely overshot. He barely manages to catch himself before his head smacks into Keith’s, and for half a second he stays there, hovering above where Keith lays flat and tense, ready for the next move.
You come here often? Lance teases, and it’s genuinely such a horrible line that Keith groans out loud. They tussle on the ground for several moments, each trying to gain the upper hand, but it’s literally impossible — neither of them is particularly stronger than the other, so there’s no advantage there, and not only are they completely matched, stroke for stroke, punch for punch, but every move they try is completely anticipated by the other. There’s no way that Keith can win. He can try to spend the next who knows how long exhausting Lance, but they’ve already been training for a while — they’re both tired as all hell. And as much as Keith kind of likes Lance’s hands on him, he can’t forget that there are people watching. He has a reputation.
Truce? he offers.
Yeah, Lance concedes, sighing melodramatically. I suppose I’ll let you call a draw.
Keith rolls his eyes as hard as he can — leave it to Lance to be such a goober about it, even though Keith can literally feel that he wants to call it as much as Keith does.
At the exact same time, they spring apart, setting some space in between them to catch their breaths. Once they’ve had a minute to recover, Lance stands, stepping over to Keith and offering his hand. Keith takes it, pulling himself up.
All the gathered crew groans out loud.
“Another draw?” one of the MFE pilots mutters.
“At least they’re wicked cool to watch,” her friend says.
Keith would be able to feel how much Lance preens at that even if they werent telekinetically bonded.
In minutes most of the crew has dispersed, no longer interested now that there isn’t a fight to watch. Some of them go back to whatever equipment they were training on earlier, but many of them file out of the training room entirely, moving onto other things. Keith and Lance make their way over to the rest of the team, collapsing down to the floor next to them.
“You guys are super duper lame,” Pidge informs them, offering them both a water pouch. Keith takes his gratefully, not bothering with the straw and tearing off the top, chugging them whole thing down in one go. Allura looks at him in mild disgust, which makes Keith grin, because if he’s being entirely, one hundred percent honest, he really only did that to get a rise out of her because he knows she hates it when he does that.
“You’re a liar,” Lance responds, sipping on his juice pouch much slower than Keith does. “We just provided you with what was essentially a full-stakes WWE fight, except Keith and I are both way cooler than any of those losers and there were weapons involved.”
“Weapons, but no drama,” Hunk argues. “You guys barely even spoke to each other. Just fight, fight, fight. Where’s the fun in that? Where’s the nuance?”
“I didn’t hear you clown Keith even one time,” Shiro adds, because he’s safely out of range of Keith’s pinching fingers. “Two out of ten Keith and Lance fight. I’m disappointed.”
Keith snorts. “Oh, he clowned me plenty.”
The second the words exit his mouth, he feels Lance go rigid beside him, and a sense of panic comes through their bond.
Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up, Lance tells him desperately.
Keith looks at him strangely, but Lance doesn’t provide any more context, looking at a particular spot on the floor as if it’s endlessly fascinating.
“He did?” Coran asks. He looks at Keith with a mix of intrigue and something he can’t place, something almost knowing. “I heard nothing of the sort.”
“Well, you wouldn’t hear it, per se,” Keith says slowly.
Lance screams unintelligibly in his head. Keith gets a distinctive picture of him in his own mindscape, yelling in anguish, as the Red Lion laughs herself to tears beside him.
What is your problem? Keith tries to ask, but mind-Lance ignores him in favour of his misery.
Pidge narrows her eyes at the two of them. “Clarify yourself immediately.”
“The mind bond?” Keith says, voice turning up at the end of the sentence like it’s a question. “You know, that Lance worked on with Red. So that we could communicate with each other using our existing emotional bonds with Voltron, just a couple steps farther. I know you guys haven’t used it much, but I just figured you weren’t into it.”
Heavy, disbelieving silence. Each other member of the team looks at Keith with dropped jaws and wide eyes, like what Keith just said is something out of a science fiction novel rather than something they all should have been able to do for weeks, since that meeting with Iverson.
Keith suddenly gets the very distinct feeling that he has, perhaps, fucked up.
“Yeah, no shit,” Lance says, a little hysterically. His face is so red that he rivals his own lion. Keith can actually feel the heat pouring off of him, and the feeling from the bond is worse — Lance is dripping with mortification. “How am I in your fucking head and you still can’t follow my instructions?!”
“You didn’t tell me it was supposed to be a secret!” Keith defends, rapidly going red himself.
He can scarcely believe what is happening right now. Lance has told him that the point of the bond was to make the whole team get closer, but he’d only ever bothered to build something with Keith.
The whole time, from the very beginning, his goal was to share his deepest thoughts and feelings with Keith, no one else.
Oh, God.
“Oh, God,” Shiro repeats, but his tone is vastly different from the way Keith was thinking it. His expression can only be described as evilly and maniacally delighted, like every horrible hope of his has come true at once. “This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“Oh my God,” Lance says, the third person to say it. His face is buried in his hands, body half-curled up, like if he compresses himself small enough he can disappear into nothing.
“So that’s why it’s like you two share one half a braincell!” Hunk exclaims. “You actually do!”
Pidge and Allura crack up at Hunk’s joke, or maybe it’s Lance they’re laughing at. Either way, Keith feels his head spin.
Lance has literally manipulated the quintessence of Voltron specifically and only so he can talk to Keith in his own brain, communicate the emotions he doesn’t have the words for.
Manipulated. The quintessence of the universe’s greatest and most mysterious weapon. To find more ways to talk to Keith.
Keith is generally kind of a dense person, but he’s sure as shit not that dense.
“Hey,” he says, shifting away from the rest of his team that has rapidly lost their minds and is laughing themselves hoarse, placing a hand on Lance’s shoulder. “Look at me.”
I am going to kill you dead, Lance threatens in his mind, too embarrassed to make his mouth work.
No, you’re not, Keith replies, and pulls Lance’s hands away from his face, yanking him close and finally pressing their lips together, no longer waiting for some obscure and future proof that Lance loves him. It’s obvious, with the way he softens, melts into Keith’s hands, and the way something warm and soft and floaty flows through their bond.
Lance changed reality for him.
His love could not be more clear.
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Someone: yeah you and your boyfriend better walk away. Cowards
Keith: *stops walking*
Lance: babe, let it go he's not worth it
Keith: *starts to tie up his hair ready to kick his teeth in*
Lance: Oh here we go
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dewi205 · 11 months
Keith HC
Keith’s propensity to punch first and ask questions later can create such interesting backstories.
What if Keith used to play vigilante on days he’s kicked out of his foster homes? Like on a midnight walk he comes across a drunk attempting to sexually harass someone and his first instinct is to knock the person out. Conveniently he had his hood up and it was dark enough that no one saw his face other than the purple glare of his eyes. The only words anyone has ever heard this mysterious vigilante say is “report the situation to the police”. And Keith just strolls back into the foster home. He is seen as a delinquent because he gets into street fights to protect small or vulnerable things like children and animals, women and sometimes men.
He ended up saving so many randos that there’s a legit reddit thread on him. He even saved one of Lances siblings once (and the story then became embellished af) so the entire family essentially fanboys Keith.
Now, see, Keith definitely does not have the time nor desire to deal with social media so he never heard about the stories and conspiracy theories revolving around him. Not even Shiro knew.
It was discovered when they were doing team building activities in the castle though. They were, idk, doing mind-melds or something with the prompt “when you did something nice for others”. And Keith’s vision was of him beating the living sh*t out of a rap*st and then politely asking the victim if they wanted to get a hit in. Which yes, they did. He was majorly gentlemanly to the victim too, escorting them calmly to the prone body and then bought them like a nice drink from a cafe then escorted them home.
Everyone came out of the mind-meld dumbfounded. Lance was blue screening considering that was one of the most famous stories of Keith vigi-sona. Hunk and Pidge was also shocked bc obviously Lance would rant about how cool the mysterious man was during their Garrison days. Allura didn’t know whether to be proud of her paladins chivalry or exasperated that he went so far. Shiro sat there in his crisscross applesauce position silently looking down in a failing attempt not to cackle. Keith was looking around like a confused bb, with the slight head tilt and everything.
Then when Shiro finally broke and started to laugh, Lance began to splutter and Team Punk laughed at him. Keith still sat there confused until Pidge managed to get a coherent sentence out of her mouth.
Even post-war the fact that Lance fanboyed Keith is held over Lances head at every opportunity by all of the paladins.
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starlightposts444 · 1 year
Hey peoplez just posting a different version of this pose I did before but as keith in his blade of marmora suit cause u just can't not have some keith content 😂😜 but anyway a quick post hope everyone is well and have a good January wishing all of u guys a great day/night byeee love from starlight ❤🤍💜
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Ps.soz if the anatomy is a little off was a quick drawing 😂 also yay I can draw eyes today 👀🥳😂
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lollipop1141 · 2 years
In which Keith makes clones and Lance is totally handling the situation well cuz he's an absolute BAMF
Lance sighs and slumps against the wall with his eyes closed, and Keith takes the opportunity to finally take stock of Lance.
Though he's a far cry from the vision Keith feared as they both fell to the planet, there are a few bruises above his right eye and a bit of dried blood at his lower lip. That's all Keith can get from a visual inspection but Lance was able to run from the town square just fine so Keith sets his worry to rest. Lance is ok.
Even though their helmets are sealed, with the proximity and the sound of Lance's breathing coming through the comms, Keith can practically feel each exhale against his skin.
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coolnonsenseworld · 10 months
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I wanted to say that outside of semantics and divisions - I am simply happy to find communities that welcome with kindness - that welcome you by a good heart and not the ability to conform. I am happy for the opportunity to be surrounded by people who care. It's a funny world we live in - making the same mistakes over and over, multiplying the same suffering by billions. I don't think I hope for an utopia anymore, I don't think such a thing exists - but you can't call me hopeless either. And that's what matters.
As a side note - this piece is set in DanceAU, which might be better known to Patrons so far, but still it was the best and most fitting option for this occasion..... also there are 12 DanceAU pieces incoming, because I might be making another calendar so. get familiar with these mutts
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waugh-bao · 6 months
A new, vaguely Halloween themed fic based on this old meme:
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one-and-lonely16 · 2 years
this was hella rushed but i wanted to write some klangst so here ya go:
No one had seen it coming. Keith had gone over the memory, trying to figure out how it could’ve happened. He had been watching Lance the whole time, making sure no one got close enough to get too close to him. 
It had been a simple enough mission. Get in, plant the device Pidge could use to hack the ship's documents, get out. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone on the ship. It was supposed to be empty, not have way too many sentries and galra soldiers to count. 
They had managed to hold their own for a while. Watching each other's back, just knowing what the other was going to do without needing to say anything. 
Keith should’ve been paying more attention. 
He had his back to Lance, trying to fight off three sentries. He heard Lance grunt and stumble. Keith took one of the sentries down and glanced over his shoulder. Lance had his back to him, one hand pressed to his side and other holding onto his gun, hanging at his side. 
“You ok?” Keith yelled, turning back to his fight as another sentry lunged at him. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” Lance called back.
They continued to fight, but after a while, Keith noticed Lance kept missing. It wasn’t like Lance was always on target, there were always times when he would miss, but not like these. Bullets were flying all over the place. When one almost shot Keith, he whipped around to glare at Lance, but he felt his heart stop at the sight.
Lance was now swaying on the spot and facing Keith. The front of his suit was drenched in blood that poured from a deep gash on his stomach. His face was deathly pale, and he was losing his grip on his gun. 
Something fiery coursed through Keith’s veins and kicked him into action. He took down anyone who stood in his way as he ran towards Lance. His heart pounded, thoughts filled with a chant of “please don’t die.”
He finally got over to Lance, a trail of wreckage in his path. Turns out the rest of the soldiers and sentries that were there must’ve presumed Lance’s fate already and had tried to go after Keith as he ran, so they were alone. For now. It was just as Keith got there, that Lance’s knees gave out.
Keith caught him and lowered him to the ground. Lance’s eyes started to flutter. Keith lightly hit his cheek.
“Hey, there, stay with me. No falling asleep.”
Lance tried to grin, but it looked more like a grimace. “We’ve really got to stop meeting like this.”
Keith glared at him. “Nope. This is not the day you finally admit you remember the bonding moment.”
He tried to laugh but just ended in a coughing fit. “Damn, that hurt.”
“How are you so calm right now?”
Lance tried to shrug and it morphed into a wince. “Adrenaline probably. Why? You scared for me, Mullet?”
“Terrified,” Keith murmured loud enough for Lance to hear. His eyes went wide, but he didn’t say anything else.
Lance’s heart stopped. Twice. Not whilst they were on the ship, Keith defended them until the others managed to pick them up. But on the ride back, whilst Coran was trying to do some damage control before putting Lance into a pod when they got back to the ship, his heart stopped. Then they finally got it pumping again. But then as they were rushing him into the castle, his heart stopped. Again. 
Keith had never felt more terrified. 
Lance was now in the pod, face looking at peace. It was ironic really, given the fact he had been close to death a few hours ago. Keith paced in front of the pod, gnawing at his thumbnail. Everyone else had gone to sleep. Shiro had tried to get Keith to go too, assuring that Lance would be fine in the pod, that he wouldn’t wake up until tomorrow anyways, so Keith doesn’t have to worry about missing that. But Keith refused. Something inside him itched to keep his eyes on Lance, to be here to protect him. He was too vulnerable like this, not awake to defend himself. Anyone could come and hurt him. But not on Keith’s watch. 
He stopped his pacing and sat in front of the pod, looking up at Lance’s face. Lance would’ve been one of the ones trying to get Keith to sleep instead of being here. Lance would’ve forcibly dragged Keith to his room, making sure he rested. “Everyone needs their beauty sleep, Keith,” he would’ve chided. “Just because you can pull off the hot, tired look doesn’t mean it’s healthy,” he would’ve said. Keith clenched his jaw as tears threatened to spill. 
I have nothing to cry about, Keith thought angrily. I’m fine. He’s fine. He’s alive and breathing.
He looked back up at Lance. It was eerie, how still he looked. Just… too peaceful. He didn’t look like he was breathing. Keith’s breathing quickened and he frantically glanced at the heart monitor. He forced himself to calm down; Lance’s heart was still beating. Unhelpfully, the memory of Lance laying in the lion, blood covering his uniform and slowly trickling out of the open wound as Coran gave him compressions flashed through Keith’s mind.
He couldn’t keep in the sob he let out, cutting off by slapping a hand over his mouth, tears now streaming down his face a full force. He tried to get them to stop, but it was too late.
Please, Lance, just wake up quickly. Turns out I need you a whole lot more than I thought I did.
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roylustang · 9 months
What I really like is Evan and I both got a new pack for Bigfoot and so now we have a red/blue team dynamic based on our pack colors, but best of all—I’m the red one.
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keithsautism · 5 months
Lance is the space nerd trying to impress his crush, Allura, by finding an alien. They're like, Totally Real, btw.
Keith is the Area 51 escapee living in a shack trying to cover up his tracker and hide from the government agents sent to recapture him, Lotor's generals.
With Pidge and Hunk's help, Lance gets a doohickey that finds him the frequency of Keith's tracker, and catches him before the generals do...
Keith thinks lance is insufferable and just wants him to leave him alone. Lance thinks this alien boy is a pain in the ass and is trying to get them both killed. Why won't Keith just do him a solid and prove to his friends and crush that he's not crazy and aliens exist after all? They have no choice but to stick together for the time being.. and on the run, trying to track down the missing tech from Keith's crash landing, there's plenty of close calls evading the generals who want them dead or alive. Plenty of close encounters of a.. certain kind.
As the plan to get Keith home nears completion, lance starts to realise that Keith has captured him too. At first Lance thought he got what he wanted by finding Keith, but now he realises he got so much more. How is he supposed to say goodbye to the alien that proved him right; who was supposed to be his ticket to getting with Allura; who showed him he can do great things?
How is he supposed to say goodbye to the first time he's truly felt discovered by someone else? Keith, from a completely different world who managed to see right into his being and get him to believe in himself?
Who would've thought that here on Earth where he's been captured, interrogated and now hunted, lightyears away from his own planet, Keith finally feels at home in the arms of Lance, the human who managed to make Keith feel like he finally belonged?
//anyway there's fight scenes, huddling for warmth, only one bed, roadtrip, search and rescue, bamf!lance, lance learning to believe in himself, s1&2 klance dynamics that become brothers in arms, overcoming internalised biphobia, found family, garrison trio are the best team, autistic!Keith, first love, action adventure becomes romance, they are so gay and angsty, lance self sacrificing and then hurt/comfort, trying to teach keith cards, pidge frothing at the mouth over alien tech, hunk loving his best friend
After a heartbreaking farewell, Keith departs and lance goes back to his life at the garrison with Pidge and hunk. No longer interested in Allura, unable to let Keith go. If Hunk and Pidge weren't there to help with the spaceship recovery mission.. to back up that Keith really existed, Lance would feel totally lost.
Then Keith finds him again. He comes back, after finding out how to remove the government tracker on him at home. Under an alias, he joins the garrison for the final year, a prodigal pilot (no more crashes this time) and then they live happily ever after. (Tracking down and rescuing other alien lifeforms on earth with Hunk and Pidge's help).
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justaz · 3 months
lance as the blue paladin (former or current, doesnt matter) being a black widow. lance swallowing/killing his pride and letting himself be seen as nothing more than a flirt, an airhead, a blonde bimbo. lance being the teams secret weapon during meetings with planets to get them to join the coalition. lance sniffing out the right guard or advisor or royal that knows everything, getting them wasted and flirting for hours to get them to spill all the dirty secrets. lance being able to alert the team ahead of time if a planet is truly interested in joining the coalition or if they have an agreement with the empire and they lured voltron there as a trap.
lance swallowing/killing his pride and letting himself be seen as weak and stupid. lance playing up the airhead persona so their enemies don’t view him as a threat, them taking out the rest of the team first in their order of who would pose more of a threat to them and them always leaving lance for last bc they underestimate him. lance annihilating their enemies bc he actually is smart and strong and capable.
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
fic rec friday 56
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Shiro's Skunk Hair Steals Lance's Boyfriend by @bleusarcellewrites
Lance nods, eyes scanning Keith’s face slowly, “I gotta ask, though, do you come here often?” Keith snorts, fondness for this dumbass making his heart to beat faster. “Charming as always, I see.” “I can show you ‘charming’.” Lance says, eyebrows wiggling in a suggestive manner and while the others groan behind them at the line, Keith just smiles. “But before that, I’m a man of honor and I gotta know: are you single?” Keith blinks at the question and suddenly he's laughing. [Or the one where Lance can't hold his alchohol and Keith gives up a Cuddle Night of his boyfriend to be flirted by said boyfriend just for his boyfriend to forget he was already his boyfriend. It's a mess but Keith wouldn't want it any other way.]
yall remember bleusarcelle...remember 2018.....crazy times. anyway. this fic is fun and sweet and dorky, nice to read when you want to forget how bad vld dropped the ball and ruined everything :))
2. Your Love Keeps Me Warm by crystalklances
Keith is giving him a look, contemplating, eyebrows drawn together. Noticing his gaze, Lance looks up, raising an eyebrow. “Are you cold?” Keith asks after a moment of a silent staring contest. “No,” Lance replies. “You should’ve said something.” “I just said I’m not—” But Keith doesn’t listen. Already, he’s shrugging out of his red varsity jacket, and he leans over to drape it around Lance’s shoulders. ---- Or, 4 times Keith is determined to prevent Lance from getting sick, and the time Lance catches a cold after all.
I MISS CRYSTALKLANCES EVERY DAY, BRO. no one got ridiculously soft modern au keith like he did. fuck. but at least most of his works are still on ao3. i like this one in particularly one because its soft and im a weenie but also because its a 4+1 which is my favourite genre of fic ever actually
3. what makes you beautiful by seventies
MMA fighter Keith Kogane is admitted to the hospital and gets KO'd by blue eyes that rival the seas and a crooked grin that knocks the air out of his lungs. It hasn't even been a minute in the ring. It's a world fucking record.
rare blue eyed lance appreciation moment from me (old bookmark lmfao). but jokes aside i do love this fic. i will always always always every day of my life love whipped on sight keith idc. its so so funny to me. its funnier when lance is like oh! this is my rival. we are going to be ENEMIES FUCK YEAH and keith is like oh my god if i dont marry him right now im literally going to die. also this fic has matt just fyi
4. Lance and Keith's guide for how to cure insomnia by crystalklances
Keith has always had trouble sleeping, but never told anyone. When they fall asleep together after a mission by chance, Lance finds out and offers to share his bed to help Keith fall asleep. However, sleeping together every night has unforeseen side-effects for both of them.
from the iconic INVENTOR of the smitten keith tag. soft klance, in canon. touch starved keith. sharing a bed to stop the nightmares. i bought my ticket on the first word of the summary like
5. love you so bad by seyama [EXPLICIT]
Keith and Lance sneak off from a party to go and fuck. That's it, that's the whole story.
this was bantery and silly and fun. and the little argument over who gets to be the little spoon....shockingly tender and so so them ive read this one a fewww times lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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callmelyc · 4 months
✨My 2023 KL Fic faves ✨💞
(Aka my fic wrapped....some of it I read way too many I have 300+ pages of history ok)
This is my list from Twitter that contains:
- Fic Rereads
-New to me reads (recs etc.)
-New to the fandom in 23 reads
All fics hand-picked that I've read and loved (or thought about) alot this year! So let's do this 💫
•Disclaimer: this list contains a mix of ratings for fics so pls pay attention to ratings if you'd like to avoid NSFW•
✨. You don't have to say I love you by XRider
Rated G
-forbidden love, childhood trauma but a happy ending (also mute lance!)
-alt universe non canon/no voltron
💫. Life Sound by savemeaplate
Rated E (NSFW)
- prince Klance, enemies to friends to Lovers, non human Lance
-medieval fantasy setting, no voltron
✨. Lifeline by peachyaslans
Rated T
-soulmates, shared injuries, friends to Lovers
-pre-canon & canon divergent
💫. Due West by europa_report
Rated T
-secret relationship, angst, Krolia & Lance bonding
-post S6, canon divergent
✨. Home by erinwantstowrite
Rated T
-canon rewrite, alien lance, team as family
- a revamped canon universe that's currently ongoing
💫. How long can this love hold it's breath? by artimess_chimes
Not rated no NSFW
-love letters, mutual pinning, denial of feelings
-canon universe, BOM era Keith
(y'all knew this was coming I shouted about it as it updated on twit):
✨. My soul has your claim, my soul is in flames by TellyMauve
Rated T
-confess or be trapped, love confessions, not actually unrequited love
-canon universe, canon divergent s7
✨.status rouge by perfchan
Rated E (NSFW)
-lance skincare shenanigans, getting together, crack treated seriously
-post canon universe, cracked me up the situations are ridiculous in the best ways
💫. Insomnia by viren_writes
Rating E (NSFW)
-mating rituals, jealous Keith (I love this tag), aliens made em do it
-canon universe, post s6
💫. Challenger of the maze by erinwantstowrite
Rated T
-smart lance, team as family, lance arc
-canon like universe, lance centric with hints of kl
✨. I killed sendak for this by hiuythn
Rated T
-humor, husbands and temp amnesia
-post canon universe, very sweet
💫. Galaxy station 87 by iridania
Rated M
-mystery, illness, unreliable narrator (it got me good and normally I see thru them)
-canon like universe, missions
✨. One life for the two of us by iwriteshipsnotsailthem (a fave writer)
Rated T
-single parent Lance, tattoo artist Keith, fluff and angst
-alt universe no voltron
💫. The greatest unknowns by keithsgaycousin
Rated G
-single parent Keith, pediatrician Lance, falling in love
-alt universe no voltron
✨. One wheel short by youareinacomawakeup
Rated T
-alt universes, angst & langst, shit gets real
-somewhat canon compliance lots of alt universes
✨. Breathe into me by cyberkogane
Rated M
-jealous Keith, lance has a Galra bf, endgame Klance
-alt canon universe
💫. If it's not broken by emo_texas_toast
Rated E (NSFW)
-humor & smut, lance trying to seduce landlord Keith, happy ending
-alt universe no voltron
✨. Ten minutes on the clock, 20 years on the mind by negativefouriq
Rated T
-bamf lance, angst, hurt/comfort
-canon like universe, I think about this one alot
💫. You're a dream to me by icedpink
Rated T
-alt universe canon divergent, secret relationship, team as family
-v cute
✨. Love me twice, save me thrice by witty_name
Rated M some nsfw
-fae court, magic, intrigue
-alt universe no voltron, their love is so magnetic
💫. Wicked rather than virtuous by 2dick2down
Rated E (NSFW)
-dramatic lance (he's so funny), miscommunication, jealousy
-alt universe no voltron
✨. So, Darling (save the last dance for me) by negativefouriq
Rated T
-pov outsider, smitten Keith, soft klance
-alt universe canon divergent
💫. Dusk till Dawn by hannaadi88 & hunkydory
Rated E (NSFW)
-fae lance, angst, ambitious lance
-huge warning and spoiler: not klance endgame, Reccing it bc it was good but it hurt like a bitch at the end
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bluemantics · 9 months
Red Paladin Lance Character Analysis (it gets juicy guys)
I think he’s wonderfully tragic. I mean, here you have this total goofball on the surface, and all he’s ever wanted is to be a cool, talented, and strong leader like his hero Shiro. Then, he finally gets bumped up or “promoted,” but it’s again only when someone vanishes AGAIN and it’s second to Keith AGAIN.
For all the respect and admiration Lance has for Keith, he has to be feeling insecure too. Because not only is he second to Keith again, but he’s Keith’s literal second, and how is he supposed to measure up to the dynamic duo that was Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane?
Meanwhile, no one’s recognizing how insane this actually is. Lance being the red paladin proves that he’s obviously more than just a loudmouth goof— the red paladin has to be someone passionate and aggressive and dynamic.
I mean, him becoming the red paladin literally PROVES he was the perfect blue paladin, because here’s what Allura WOULD have said in the first episode if Lance hadn’t interrupted her out of insecurity: “the blue paladin is like water; flexible, talented in varied ways, but never statically defined.” BUT instead of seeing how incredible it is that Lance was able to flow wherever the tides led him and adapt to the MOST DIFFICULT LION incredibly quickly, they brush aside and move on. As if it’s not maybe one of the most impressive feats the whole show.
NOT ONLY THAT, but Lance also helps the most emotionally unintelligent paladin to remain in check with his feelings and balance them alongside his duties. Lance, who is repeatedly insulted, treats Keith with veneration and care. It’s extremely manipulative, but in the BEST way, and NO ONE ELSE EVEN REALIZES HOW SHARP OF A TOOL LANCE’S EMPATHY IS IN THIS MOMENT. He’s got to have the highest EQ of the whole team to pull this shit off!
And then Keith leaves, Lance is left behind again, and he NEVER gets any credit, AND EVERYONE ACTS LIKE HE DIDNT JUST BECOME A BAMF OVER THE COURSE OF MAYBE TWO SEASONS.
Curious to know y’all’s thoughts too!! If u made it this far feel free to add on commentary in the replies and reblogs 👍
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swagging-back-to · 10 months
i love bamf altean lance with my entire soul. he decimates an entite fleet of galran soldiers bc keith got a scratch. he picks up ans throws an entire control console across the room. he stomps through their skulls like pumpkins
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