tourettesdog · 7 months
Hello hello I am very new in the Danny Phantom fandom (phantom?) And I keep seeing posts about "little baby man" and you being tagged in it
I haven't finished the series yet, just started season three, so I have to ask - where did little baby man come from? Is that a fandom created thing or a show thing? Much confusion
Hi there!! Welcome to the Phandom, I hope you're having a fun time with all of the shenanigans! :3 <3
So the Little Baby Man thing is just a fun fan thing. It comes from a little joke DPxDC doodle I did awhile back, this one--
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It just sort of gained traction from there after some friends and I started drawing him like that some more while in a voice call xD
The idea stems from a DPxDC joke, but it's def not limited to the crossover. I encourage shrinking the blorbo in all situations lmao
People also don't have tag or credit me when drawing LBM, but I do love to see when people draw him! :D
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crippled-peeper · 25 days
I am so sorry that you've got everything going on, especially with your hardware. That is so so scary and I hate that it happened to you
If you need anything that I can do from where I am, please let me know, even if it's just mailing you some cat toys that I make.
Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes 🥹 you’re kind to me
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leatafandom · 11 months
On Repeat Tag Game
Rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people
I was tagged by the glorious @senorablack! I always need new music, and I freakin' love your mix. Mine is a bit of a joyful mess since I have been scrapping my muse dry editing and writing.
Start Again by Marmozets
Cat by C418
Lost in Translation by Marmozets
Mack the Knife by Bobby Darin
Doin' Time by Sublime
Retreat / “Haldir’s Lament” by Howard Shore
Same in The End by Sublime
Mutation by C418
Play by Marmozets
Cold by Emilie Autumn
Thank you so much for the tag!
No Pressure Tags: @idabbleincrazy, @synesindri, @racheld93, @crywolfboy22, @lorileopard, @acaademicqueer, @disintegrate625, @local-fan-turned-poster, @bage-the-gabe and anyone else who'd like to <3
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inkher0 · 1 year
The last chapter was beta'd by a follower, @bage-the-gabe! They're a really talented writer, and they gave me some amazing feedback for Entry 17! Thank you so much, I can't wait to show you the next one!
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A little bit of leet.
1 = i
2 = z
3 = e
4 = a
5 = s
6 = g
7 = t
8 = b
9 = d
0 = o
Thus making it:
V = a e i o
C = b d g s t z
Thus giving us something to work with.
I made another onomasticon :D
A'ab A'ad A'ag A'as A'at A'az A'eb A'ed A'eg A'es A'et A'ez A'ib A'id A'ig A'is A'it A'iz A'ob A'od A'og A'os A'ot A'oz Ab Abab Abad Abag Abas Abat Abaz Abeb Abed Abeg Abes Abet Abez Abib Abid Abig Abis Abit Abiz Abob Abod Abog Abos Abot Aboz Ad Adab Adad Adag Adas Adat Adaz Adeb Aded Adeg Ades Adet Adez Adib Adid Adig Adis Adit Adiz Adob Adod Adog Ados Adot Adoz Ag Agab Agad Agag Agas Agat Agaz Ageb Aged Ageg Ages Aget Agez Agib Agid Agig Agis Agit Agiz Agob Agod Agog Agos Agot Agoz As Asab Asad Asag Asas Asat Asaz Aseb Ased Aseg Ases Aset Asez Asib Asid Asig Asis Asit Asiz Asob Asod Asog Asos Asot Asoz At Atab Atad Atag Atas Atat Ataz Ateb Ated Ateg Ates Atet Atez Atib Atid Atig Atis Atit Atiz Atob Atod Atog Atos Atot Atoz Az Azab Azad Azag Azas Azat Azaz Azeb Azed Azeg Azes Azet Azez Azib Azid Azig Azis Azit Aziz Azob Azod Azog Azos Azot Azoz Ba Ba'a Ba'e Ba'i Ba'o Bab Baba Babe Babi Babo Bad Bada Bade Badi Bado Bag Baga Bage Bagi Bago Bas Basa Base Basi Baso Bat Bata Bate Bati Bato Baz Baza Baze Bazi Bazo Be Be'a Be'e Be'i Be'o Beb Beba Bebe Bebi Bebo Bed Beda Bede Bedi Bedo Beg Bega Bege Begi Bego Bes Besa Bese Besi Beso Bet Beta Bete Beti Beto Bez Beza Beze Bezi Bezo Bi Bi'a Bi'e Bi'i Bi'o Bib Biba Bibe Bibi Bibo Bid Bida Bide Bidi Bido Big Biga Bige Bigi Bigo Bis Bisa Bise Bisi Biso Bit Bita Bite Biti Bito Biz Biza Bize Bizi Bizo Bo Bo'a Bo'e Bo'i Bo'o Bob Boba Bobe Bobi Bobo Bod Boda Bode Bodi Bodo Bog Boga Boge Bogi Bogo Bos Bosa Bose Bosi Boso Bot Bota Bote Boti Boto Boz Boza Boze Bozi Bozo Da Da'a Da'e Da'i Da'o Dab Daba Dabe Dabi Dabo Dad Dada Dade Dadi Dado Dag Daga Dage Dagi Dago Das Dasa Dase Dasi Daso Dat Data Date Dati Dato Daz Daza Daze Dazi Dazo De De'a De'e De'i De'o Deb Deba Debe Debi Debo Ded Deda Dede Dedi Dedo Deg Dega Dege Degi Dego Des Desa Dese Desi Deso Det Deta Dete Deti Deto Dez Deza Deze Dezi Dezo Di Di'a Di'e Di'i Di'o Dib Diba Dibe Dibi Dibo Did Dida Dide Didi Dido Dig Diga Dige Digi Digo Dis Disa Dise Disi Diso Dit Dita Dite Diti Dito Diz Diza Dize Dizi Dizo Do Do'a Do'e Do'i Do'o Dob Doba Dobe Dobi Dobo Dod Doda Dode Dodi Dodo Dog Doga Doge Dogi Dogo Dos Dosa Dose Dosi Doso Dot Dota Dote Doti Doto Doz Doza Doze Dozi Dozo E'ab E'ad E'ag E'as E'at E'az E'eb E'ed E'eg E'es E'et E'ez E'ib E'id E'ig E'is E'it E'iz E'ob E'od E'og E'os E'ot E'oz Eb Ebab Ebad Ebag Ebas Ebat Ebaz Ebeb Ebed Ebeg Ebes Ebet Ebez Ebib Ebid Ebig Ebis Ebit Ebiz Ebob Ebod Ebog Ebos Ebot Eboz Ed Edab Edad Edag Edas Edat Edaz Edeb Eded Edeg Edes Edet Edez Edib Edid Edig Edis Edit Ediz Edob Edod Edog Edos Edot Edoz Eg Egab Egad Egag Egas Egat Egaz Egeb Eged Egeg Eges Eget Egez Egib Egid Egig Egis Egit Egiz Egob Egod Egog Egos Egot Egoz Es Esab Esad Esag Esas Esat Esaz Eseb Esed Eseg Eses Eset Esez Esib Esid Esig Esis Esit Esiz Esob Esod Esog Esos Esot Esoz Et Etab Etad Etag Etas Etat Etaz Eteb Eted Eteg Etes Etet Etez Etib Etid Etig Etis Etit Etiz Etob Etod Etog Etos Etot Etoz Ez Ezab Ezad Ezag Ezas Ezat Ezaz Ezeb Ezed Ezeg Ezes Ezet Ezez Ezib Ezid Ezig Ezis Ezit Eziz Ezob Ezod Ezog Ezos Ezot EzozGa Ga'a Ga'e Ga'i Ga'o Gab Gaba Gabe Gabi Gabo Gad Gada Gade Gadi Gado Gag Gaga Gage Gagi Gago Gas Gasa Gase Gasi Gaso Gat Gata Gate Gati Gato Gaz Gaza Gaze Gazi Gazo Ge Ge'a Ge'e Ge'i Ge'o Geb Geba Gebe Gebi Gebo Ged Geda Gede Gedi Gedo Geg Gega Gege Gegi Gego Ges Gesa Gese Gesi Geso Get Geta Gete Geti Geto Gez Geza Geze Gezi Gezo Gi Gi'a Gi'e Gi'i Gi'o Gib Giba Gibe Gibi Gibo Gid Gida Gide Gidi Gido Gig Giga Gige Gigi Gigo Gis Gisa Gise Gisi Giso Git Gita Gite Giti Gito Giz Giza Gize Gizi Gizo Go Go'a Go'e Go'i Go'o Gob Goba Gobe Gobi Gobo God Goda Gode Godi Godo Gog Goga Goge Gogi Gogo Gos Gosa Gose Gosi Goso Got Gota Gote Goti Goto Goz Goza Goze Gozi Gozo
I'ab I'ad I'ag I'as I'at I'az I'eb I'ed I'eg I'es I'et I'ez I'ib I'id I'ig I'is I'it I'iz I'ob I'od I'og I'os I'ot I'oz Ib Ibab Ibad Ibag Ibas Ibat Ibaz Ibeb Ibed Ibeg Ibes Ibet Ibez Ibib Ibid Ibig Ibis Ibit Ibiz Ibob Ibod Ibog Ibos Ibot Iboz Id Idab Idad Idag Idas Idat Idaz Ideb Ided Ideg Ides Idet Idez Idib Idid Idig Idis Idit Idiz Idob Idod Idog Idos Idot Idoz Ig Igab Igad Igag Igas Igat Igaz Igeb Iged Igeg Iges Iget Igez Igib Igid Igig Igis Igit Igiz Igob Igod Igog Igos Igot Igoz Is Isab Isad Isag Isas Isat Isaz Iseb Ised Iseg Ises Iset Isez Isib Isid Isig Isis Isit Isiz Isob Isod Isog Isos Isot Isoz It Itab Itad Itag Itas Itat Itaz Iteb Ited Iteg Ites Itet Itez Itib Itid Itig Itis Itit Itiz Itob Itod Itog Itos Itot Itoz Iz Izab Izad Izag Izas Izat Izaz Izeb Ized Izeg Izes Izet Izez Izib Izid Izig Izis Izit Iziz Izob Izod Izog Izos Izot Izoz O'ab O'ad O'ag O'as O'at O'az O'eb O'ed O'eg O'es O'et O'ez O'ib O'id O'ig O'is O'it O'iz O'ob O'od O'og O'os O'ot O'oz Ob Obab Obad Obag Obas Obat Obaz Obeb Obed Obeg Obes Obet Obez Obib Obid Obig Obis Obit Obiz Obob Obod Obog Obos Obot Oboz Od Odab Odad Odag Odas Odat Odaz Odeb Oded Odeg Odes Odet Odez Odib Odid Odig Odis Odit Odiz Odob Odod Odog Odos Odot Odoz Og Ogab Ogad Ogag Ogas Ogat Ogaz Ogeb Oged Ogeg Oges Oget Ogez Ogib Ogid Ogig Ogis Ogit Ogiz Ogob Ogod Ogog Ogos Ogot Ogoz Os Osab Osad Osag Osas Osat Osaz Oseb Osed Oseg Oses Oset Osez Osib Osid Osig Osis Osit Osiz Osob Osod Osog Osos Osot Osoz Ot Otab Otad Otag Otas Otat Otaz Oteb Oted Oteg Otes Otet Otez Otib Otid Otig Otis Otit Otiz Otob Otod Otog Otos Otot Otoz Oz Ozab Ozad Ozag Ozas Ozat Ozaz Ozeb Ozed Ozeg Ozes Ozet Ozez Ozib Ozid Ozig Ozis Ozit Oziz Ozob Ozod Ozog Ozos Ozot Ozoz Sa Sa'a Sa'e Sa'i Sa'o Sab Saba Sabe Sabi Sabo Sad Sada Sade Sadi Sado Sag Saga Sage Sagi Sago Sas Sasa Sase Sasi Saso Sat Sata Sate Sati Sato Saz Saza Saze Sazi Sazo Se Se'a Se'e Se'i Se'o Seb Seba Sebe Sebi Sebo Sed Seda Sede Sedi Sedo Seg Sega Sege Segi Sego Ses Sesa Sese Sesi Seso Set Seta Sete Seti Seto Sez Seza Seze Sezi Sezo Si Si'a Si'e Si'i Si'o Sib Siba Sibe Sibi Sibo Sid Sida Side Sidi Sido Sig Siga Sige Sigi Sigo Sis Sisa Sise Sisi Siso Sit Sita Site Siti Sito Siz Siza Size Sizi Sizo So So'a So'e So'i So'o Sob Soba Sobe Sobi Sobo Sod Soda Sode Sodi Sodo Sog Soga Soge Sogi Sogo Sos Sosa Sose Sosi Soso Sot Sota Sote Soti Soto Soz Soza Soze Sozi Sozo Ta Ta'a Ta'e Ta'i Ta'o Tab Taba Tabe Tabi Tabo Tad Tada Tade Tadi Tado Tag Taga Tage Tagi Tago Tas Tasa Tase Tasi Taso Tat Tata Tate Tati Tato Taz Taza Taze Tazi Tazo Te Te'a Te'e Te'i Te'o Teb Teba Tebe Tebi Tebo Ted Teda Tede Tedi Tedo Teg Tega Tege Tegi Tego Tes Tesa Tese Tesi Teso Tet Teta Tete Teti Teto Tez Teza Teze Tezi Tezo Ti Ti'a Ti'e Ti'i Ti'o Tib Tiba Tibe Tibi Tibo Tid Tida Tide Tidi Tido Tig Tiga Tige Tigi Tigo Tis Tisa Tise Tisi Tiso Tit Tita Tite Titi Tito Tiz Tiza Tize Tizi Tizo To To'a To'e To'i To'o Tob Toba Tobe Tobi Tobo Tod Toda Tode Todi Todo Tog Toga Toge Togi Togo Tos Tosa Tose Tosi Toso Tot Tota Tote Toti Toto Toz Toza Toze Tozi Tozo Za Za'a Za'e Za'i Za'o Zab Zaba Zabe Zabi Zabo Zad Zada Zade Zadi Zado Zag Zaga Zage Zagi Zago Zas Zasa Zase Zasi Zaso Zat Zata Zate Zati Zato Zaz Zaza Zaze Zazi Zazo Ze Ze'a Ze'e Ze'i Ze'o Zeb Zeba Zebe Zebi Zebo Zed Zeda Zede Zedi Zedo Zeg Zega Zege Zegi Zego Zes Zesa Zese Zesi Zeso Zet Zeta Zete Zeti Zeto Zez Zeza Zeze Zezi Zezo Zi Zi'a Zi'e Zi'i Zi'o Zib Ziba Zibe Zibi Zibo Zid Zida Zide Zidi Zido Zig Ziga Zige Zigi Zigo Zis Zisa Zise Zisi Ziso Zit Zita Zite Ziti Zito Ziz Ziza Zize Zizi Zizo Zo Zo'a Zo'e Zo'i Zo'o Zob Zoba Zobe Zobi Zobo Zod Zoda Zode Zodi Zodo Zog Zoga Zoge Zogi Zogo Zos Zosa Zose Zosi Zoso Zot Zota Zote Zoti Zoto Zoz Zoza Zoze Zozi Zozo
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pansexualanddead · 3 years
its me. I'm back. bage u bitch
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queer-lemons · 3 years
Hi! I saw your reply to another ask about self diagnosing and if they may have a dissociative disorder and I kind of wanted to see what you thought of my situation, if that's okay?
So me and a few friends, two of which are DID systems, think I may have OSDD. Looking through symptoms lists, it's been narrowed down to possibly OSDD-1b. I can't get anywhere for a diagnosis for at least six months, probably longer, so it's all speculation.
The thing is, I have a list of, including me, seven alters. With backstory, names, appearance, etc. The question is, are they OCs (it doesn't feel the same) or alters? We say OSDD because I don't have the memory gaps, but a lot of the research I've done, I've related to. Recently especially, after we started exploring this, I've been having a lot of out of body experiences, or times where I don't feel like I'm the one controlling my movements. I've been able to identify some behaviors as "Oh, that's Host behavior" (he's not the host, just named Host. We like chaos here?) Or "This is Mouse" and I was thinking back to before this and could identify a few behaviors as Mouse or Morgan behaviors.
I don't want to risk just deciding I have OSDD and risking offending someone, but what are your thoughts?
Hi!! Thank you so much for sending this ask!! First of all, let's look at the "worst" case scenario. You self dx, and then find out that you don't have OSDD. What harm has been done? You fit in with a certain type of neurodivergence. You identified as such, and then found out that you're not in that group after all. True, you could possibly offend some systems. But out of all of the systems I know, I don't think any of us would mind. Everyone has to go through the journey of figuring out their mind and who they are. It's okay to make mistakes along the way, that's how we grow. Hell, you might even discover you have a different neurodivergent streak. So, to begin with: it's okay to mess up, to make a mistake, or realize you don't have what you thought you did.
Now, let's focus on what you DO have: almost certainly OSDD-1b. I'm not a doctor, but honey, that sounds a LOT like OSDD. It can be weird. I often wondered whether I was just making up my alters, because I do love writing and stuff. But you're right-- it feels different. They have control, you are them and they are you. To singlets, it sounds like we're constantly high. But you know what I mean. Who "you" are changes, and you're seeing different people control or use the body.
So, let me get this straight. You've done research. You've talked to other systems you know. You have carefully figured out what symptoms you have. You're thinking about other people with this condition. If you offend someone, that's their problem. You're not "just deciding", you're coming to the most reasonable conclusion. And honestly, that's exactly what doctors do, they just have some more experience. It's good to be aware of your body and mind. It's important to do your own research. And I would say you have every right to self diagnose. I hope you find confidence in who you are, and take care of yourself-- and everyone else in there with you :)!! Feel free to send more asks, I hope this helped!
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secret pain
guys this is my first real fic ive ever written. im really proud of it. making new chapters all the time.
Chapter 1
: chapter 1Chapter Text
Lainey had been hunting on her own for 6 years. Bobby had begged her not to go. It wasn't safe alone. Well now Bobby was dead. The news had reached her when she had gone to a hunter's roadhouse. She regretted how she had stormed out on Bobby, the man who had helped her when no one could. She had traveled to Sioux Falls as soon as possible. By the time she had gotten there the funeral had already ended but there was a familiar '67 chevy impala still in the driveway. She walked inside Bobby's rickety old house remembering younger days when she would walk the halls and laugh along with the old man. Her attention was diverted in another direction as she heard someone's heavy footsteps coming from the living room. Lain turned to meet the footsteps, reaching for her gun in the process. But who she was met with was..."Dean Winchester?" "ya, and who the hell are you?" Lain had just realized he had his gun trained right on her heart. How long had it been since she'd seen him? Maybe 8 years? God he had become so beautiful. Uh what? No she was not thinking these thoughts right now. she shook her head and pulled her gun out to rest it at her side. "My name is Lainey McKane. I- I was close to Bobby" "How do you know him?" Dean asked almost testing her. "um...we've hunted together for years. I haven't seen him in 6 years but we were really close." Lain decided not to tell him her backstory just then. Dean seemed to be contemplating letting me pass or shooting me, when Sam came in. "uh hey. Dean who is? And you don't need to point your gun at her!" Sam took the gun right out of Dean's hands. "that's better. Now how are you?" "I'm Lainey. Lain. I was close to Bobby but i haven't seen him in 6 years" "well then welcome. You missed the funeral but you can still pay respects to his memory. And you might even be willing to help us clean up. Hunters make a big mess." Sam had started walking back into the kitchen. "um thanks. Sure I'll help." she tucked her gun back into the waistband of her jeans. Then she walked behind Sam into the kitchen. As she was walking past Dean she felt his eyes following her. As she entered the kitchen she saw that there was indeed a big mess. Why did hunters always so messy? "Can I just wander around a bit? Its been been so long since I've been here." "Sure. And why were you here before? I didn't quite get that part of the story." "Me and Bobby did some hunts together. He saved me on one of them a while back. He let me crash here sometimes." She hadn't been lying about most of that. She just didn't give him any context. Nothing more than necessary. "oh. Well then you know what an amazing man he was." "Ya. Also how drunk he can get on bad days." "That too. But anyways I'll let you get back to your roaming." "thanks." Lain started by going up the old molding stairs. She walked down the hallway to where Bobby's room was. When she looked in there she saw nothing but memories of when she was younger. She walked next to the bed and lifted the mattress to find something she knew had been there for a long time.
Chapter 2
: chapter 2 Summary:
lainey will be going through memories with bobby. so heartwarming.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
What Lain had gotten from under Bobby's bed, was a simple frame holding a photograph. The photo was aged and beautiful. It was of her and Bobby outside the sign to the junkyard. She had been 15 at the time. She had finally started to think of this place as home. It had been a year since he had taken her in, and that was closest to the roughest year of her life. She was still grieving and couldn't accept reality. She had stayed in the room three doors down the hall on the left. She didn't leave her room much. But one day, that day, Bobby came in and told her to get her sorry ass out of bed because we all lose people and we all go through pain. And he promised to get her through it. And he promised to help her have control over who she was and what she could do. So she had gotten up, gotten dressed, and helped Bobby with the cars. That's when he decided to take a picture. They had agreed it was too dangerous for her to be unnecessarily public, so Bobby had hidden this picture under his bed. In the years that passed after that they only grew closer, and one day she had finally been ready to start hunting again. But that all went downhill when she nearly didn't make it home. Bobby had gotten furious and had tried to make her quit hunting, but she couldn't. Hunting was a big part of her life and she wouldn't give it up. And so one day she had packed her black duffel bag with all of her stuff, and left. Might have been one of the worst decisions of her life. She hadn't even looked back at the man who had taken her in, the man who had helped her and saved her. She walked out on a normal life forever. And she drove off and never came back. Until now that is. Being in this house, remembering all those good times was making her emotional. Ugh she hated being emotional. Emotion was a weakness. She learned that a long time ago. She put the picture back under the bed mattress. She took one last look around Bobby's room and went down the hall to her old room. When she opened the door she saw that nothing had changed. Everything was how she remembered it. Plain walls, plain floors, plain bed. The red curtains were still there if not a bit more dusty. He had wiped all remnants of her from this place except for the picture under his bed. Lain decided that she had had enough time to reminisce, and so she went back downstairs. As she was nearing the bottom she could hear Sam and Dean whispering angrily at each other about something. She was willing to bet her life it was her they were whispering about. She stepped off the stairs, folded her arms, and leaned against the wall. "whatcha boys talking 'bout?" They both jumped at her voice, not knowing she was there. "um, we were just talking about uh. Sam, what were we talking about?" Dean said then asked Sam. "Well Lain we were talking about you." Dean looked at Sam like he was out of his mind for saying that. "And what exactly have you been saying about me?" "We were just saying how its strange that you come back now, saying that you knew Bobby for years, but he never mentioned you." Well this was going to be difficult. "Well he wouldn't have. I was younger. A teenager. I stopped being in contact with him around six years ago. I asked him not to talk about me. He probably didn't even remember me anyways though. Its been so long." "Ah, well, if you knew him from so long ago, why did you still come to his funeral? Or tried to anyways." Dean asked her. He was having trouble speaking today for some reason. He kept saying 'uh'. "because I've never forgotten how he helped me. After I left I regretted it, but I chose to keep hunting and he wanted to take that away. So I had to go. Would you forget some of the best years of your life?" "I- I guess not. Sorry. Didn't mean to pry." Lainey took a deep breath and told Dean, "It's fine, you just struck a soft spot." she chuckled a little. Then she pushed off from the wall and stood in front of Dean with her hand outstretched. "What do you say we start over. You know without the gun pointed at my face." "Sounds good." he grabbed her hand and shook it. "Do you boys want help cleaning up the mess now?" "Yes," both boys said energetically A few hours later when they had cleaned everything up and had a few beers, Lainey was headed back outside to her car to find a motel for the night. She didn't feel like driving or leaving any time soon, but she needed to. She was getting her keys out to unlock the door when a piercing pain struck her. She doubled over on the ground. She started coughing and when she pulled her hand away there was blood, lots of blood. And with that the world went dark.
0 notes
bage-the-gabe · 2 years
what if i gabe the bage instead?
I... Don't know
Why don't you try it and find out
0 notes
peppermint-joys · 2 years
Being Bruno’s Child Would Include… Pt. V
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Went back to school getting busy again, but here’s part four. I swear I have a problem all of my headcanons turnout way longer than planned. The reader’s age is 10. Stay tuned for part six.
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Tag list: @jayleneblack @zzzzzzzzzzoom @bozowrites @meyocoko @dog-nature-fandoms @thebadasssass @crazykira @lost-lonnie @kenzi-woycehoski @venomsvl @mobuaddiction @raysreads @azzabynes @justagurlintheworld99999999 @queenotaku23 @alexwatchesandreads @silvereyedfreak-2654 @nonvocal-reverie @100b-cats @miyakana @bage-the-gabe (I guess if you want to be tagged ask in the comments?)
I couldn’t tag two users @breadglasses and @4rin4 here’s a link that should explain why.
You sat at the end of the table opposite Abuela. Mira’s side of the family, along with the Guzmáns, sat to your right. Antonio’s side, along with Julieta, to your left. You had the perfect seat to watch the chaos unfold. You always had been more of an observer.
You watched as Dolores began a train of gossip on her side of the table, curious as to what they were whispering about; watched as Luisa left to retrieve the piano, and Mirabel attempted to rush Mariano to propose.
That’s when the pain returned, flaring up in your head. In an instant, you were sent back.
You had been blessed with the gift of retrocognitive empathy. The ability to not only see into the past but gauge the true sentiments and emotions of the moments. You felt the joy of Antonio’s first moment in the sun, the frustration at Pepa’s wedding, the love in Javier's final moments with their partner.
You extended those feelings to the people who would travel with you. Mirabel laughed. Of course she did. She was basking in the witticism radiating off of the moment you had pulled her to. Valdovinos wept. You couldn’t blame her, her memory was ripe with sorrow.
You stood in the open arch entrance of the kitchen. Tía Julieta sat at the table, a small child you recognized as Mirabel, wrapped in her warm embrace. Mira had a look of complete and utter heartbreak. Tears raced down her cheeks and gut wrenching sobs tore at her chest. The rivers on her face flowed freely, spilling off her cheeks on to the white and gold dress she wore.
Beside you a little Luisa materialized, silently watching the scene unfold in the dining room. “Luisa, where’s mom? I need her.” Isabela said, appearing behind her.
“No! We have to be strong for mom, for Mira.” Luisa instructed, puffing up her chest to make herself big. Isa eyed her, then looked past her to Mira and Julieta. She pouted with a huff, then stalked off. Luisa looked over her shoulder at her little sister sobbing in her mother’s arms. “I have to be strong,” she whispered.
This moment had both no feeling and too many. This moment didn’t know how to feel. It was lost.
As Luisa left, you noticed, below her feet, cracks appeared on the tile. You knelt, extending a hand to touch one.
Your headache returned and in an instant, you were back. Luisa, crying, struggling to pull the piano through to the kitchen; Tía Pepa thundering, and Mirabella wrestling to retrieve a glowing green slab from some of Antonio’s coatimundi friends.
The night had not gone perfectly. The revelation that Mirabel was the focus of one of your Pa’s visions, one that warned of family’s destruction, had understandably distressed multiple members of the family.
While Abuela was concerned with hunting down Mirabel, Augustín was focusing on Luisa, and Camilo was calming down his mama. You directed your attention elsewhere.
It was really easy to consider the feelings of those showing visible signs of distress, (especially on days like this one). Those evading the conflict by holing up in their room, their feelings are more likely to be overlooked.
That’s why you found yourself in Isa's room. She has always been one of your favorite cousins. Top three, for sure.
You were the only one who regularly caught Isa’s "imperfections": you know she likes to play in mud, and that she has on point impersonations of almost all the family members, she wants to try cutting her hair short, and doesn’t love Mariano.
"Issy, impresionante prima grande! How are you feeling!?" (awesome big cousin). You called slowly, moving through the grand floral room. You always felt bad stepping on the flowers; Isa spent so much energy perfecting their arrangements.
Isabela, who sat on her bed, lowered from the ceiling. Even from where you stood, you could already tell she had been crying. She sat silently, hunched over with a sense of dejection. Seeing you, she stretched out her arms, “Come here, mi rayito de sol.” (My little sunshine)
Isa hugs are the best. “Please don’t be sad, Issy. Your sadness is worse than Tía Pepa's.” You snuggled against her chest, listening to her concerns and fears. You already knew how she felt about the high standards the family held her to.
“How are you feeling, rayito de sol?” She asked, running her fingers through your hair. Now it was your turn. You sat in her lap, letting her braid and decorate your hair, as you shared your own fears.
You felt bad for the things you were considering. The way you were feeling. “Issy, would losing our magic really be that bad?” You asked. You hid your face in your hands, feeling heat rise in your cheeks.
At that moment, her face fell. It didn’t read as disappointment, instead you read her reaction as one of understanding and sympathy. Her arms squeezed around you a fraction tighter, and you relaxed into her embrace so fully. "I'm sorry you have to marry Mariano…” you whispered. A smile sneaks out of the corner of your mouth. “And have his five babies."
With that tease Isabela kicked you out of her room, in the playful way older sisters do when they get mildly annoyed (you and Isa have a relationship comparable only to Nani and Lilo’s).
You turned to head to your own room, but found Antonio’s twin coatimundi standing in your path. “Oh, um, hello,” you waved. They had a glint in their eyes that made you… uneasy.
All the animals had only been invited to stay the previous night. Still, you knew the coatimundis could be trouble. They pickpocketed your tío Augustín, stole from Julieta’s treats and created trouble at dinner.
One jumped, perching itself on your arm, pulling at your sleeve. The other scurried behind you and attempted to nudge you forward.
“Tonito,” you called, walking across the planks to his tree house. “Tonito, your gift is amazing, truly, but I think you need to talk to the coatimundis about boundaries.” You continued, approaching your young cousin. You gently took one of the mundis, now perched on your shoulder, off and handed them to your cousin.
“They like you,” Antonio informed. You chuckle, smiling with your mouth closed, reaching up and scratching the chin of the mundi settled on your head. “There’s somebody they want you to meet.”
The coatimundis scurried from your head and Antonio’s arms off and up to the second level of the treehouse. Antonio gestured with his lips for you to follow. You tried to suppress your giggling, as you followed them up the tree, but ended up bursting into loud laughter.
As you reached the top of the stairs, sand, like a downpour of rain, piled on to the top of your head. “Why is there sand in a treehouse?” you squealed. Like a dog, you shook the sand, as much as you could, from your body. One of the coatimundis bounded back over to you, and with their little paws, attempted to help you wipe the sand from your eyes.
As your vision, fuzzy from sand, settled back into focus, you were able to make out the bright teal and vibrant embroideries of Miabel’s skirt.
“I’m sorry, Bruno’s vision suggests you’re gonna break the house.” Still wiping grains from your eyes, you moved to your cousin oblivious to what had taken place moments ago. “The future isn’t set in stone. Well, my Pa’s visions are glass soooo. Doesn’t matter. Glass or stone can be broken.” The coatimundis jumped and roosted on your shoulders. “Make your own future,” you smiled up at her, wrapping your arms around her waist. “Broken house or not, I’ll still love you. Tu mi familia, Mira.”
“Y/n.” The foreign voice startled you. You turned. There stood a man you expected never to see. Bruno, your pa. “You’re so big.”
You stared at the man across from you. You couldn’t help but try to hide behind Mirabel. At that moment, you felt like you were that small five-year-old again; standing at the front of the aisle, all eyes on you. Everything you wanted and feared out in front of you.
You had never moved so fast in your life. After saying a quick awkward goodbye to the two, you rushed past Bruno and out of Antonio’s room. You rushed to the kitchen and began rummaging through the cabinets.
Unbeknownst to you, the doors flickered upstairs.
At that same moment, stress once again flared up in your head. In an instant, you were pushed back again, only this time you remained in your place in the kitchen.
A screaming group of children ran into the kitchen from the patio. Mud coated their little bodies like icing on a cake. Flowers and grass tufts were the toppings on their earthy coating. The peace you had known mere seconds ago had been shattered by their running and childish screams of delight. All the Madrigal kids of the time Dolores, Luisa, Camilo, Mirabel, and even Isa paraded around the room tracking mud across the floor without a care.
“What is going on!?” Abuela’s voice sounded through the room, bringing the children to a stand still. You felt yourself go rigid at her stern tone. You noticed Isa across the room straightening her posture, placing her hands neatly behind her back.
“Abuela! Lores and Isa taught us ta make mud pies,” Camilo explained. Both he and Mira missed the clear look of displeasure on the adults' faces. Seeing her grandson’s wide toothy smile as he held up a mud pie in one hand and held onto Mira’s hand with the other, Abuela's face softened.
“That’s nice Camilo. Why don’t you, and Mira, and Luisa, and Dolores go get cleaned up for lunch?” She gently instructed. The four kids allowed their parents to lead them away, just as Isabela moved to join them Abuela stopped her.
To the best of her ability, Abuela knelt, placing her hands on her young granddaughter’s shoulders. “Isabela, you are the oldest child. It is up to you to set a good example for others and for the community.”
Now standing behind Abuela, you could see the slight widening of Isa’s eyes. She blinked back a frown, instead flashing a half-smile. One you recognized as false. “I understand Abuela, for the family. For Encanto.”
Abuela extended a hand, cupping it around Isa’s cheek. “Isabela Madrigal, an angel. Our perfect angel,” she stated.
The initial energy and excitement you’d absorbed at the beginning of the moment had vanished, leaving the occasion to feel hollow, empty, lost.
As Abuela spoke, cracks formed on the floor, beneath Isabela’s feet. The same as Luisa, they didn’t even notice. You don’t have time to investigate the fractures further, as the headache returns and you're brought back to the present.
The house shook. Hopefully not a reaction to what you’d just been through. Looking at what you held in your hand, you remembered what had led you to the kitchen in the first place.
You hurried back upstairs to Antonio’s room. “Tonito, where’s Mira and my… where'd they go?” You asked.
“They left.”
“Oh.” Your shoulders sunk. Your eyes fell to the plate in your hands, stacked as high as possible with food. The coatimundi came to your aid, hugging and nuzzling at your legs. “I thought he looked hungry,” you mumbled.
You left the plate with Antonio’s animals and went to sulk at the hall railing. Suddenly, vibrant plants of various colors burst forth from the ground, decorating practically every inch of the halls, ceiling, and walls included.
Isa and Mira fell past you onto a pile of flowers that erupted on the floor of level below. Their peels of laughter echo in the open room. It was nice to see them getting along.
Abuela walks in, not sparing a moment to make her displeasure and anger known. Unfavourably, at the same time, a sharp pain pierced your head. You let out a cry of pain, keeling over, and pressing your hands to the side of your head. Moments flooded, flickering in and out of your vision. It was as if your brain couldn’t decide which moment it wanted to occupy, and thus was trying to occupy multiple moments at once.
Camilo lamenting the fact that they’d been asked to be someone else for a friend’s party instead of themselves and being told, “it’s a Madrigal’s responsibility to meet the requests of the community; Crack. Pepa being told not to cry because she’d ruin the celebration, even though she’d just had her heart broken for the first time; Crack. Julieta attempting a new skill, and somebody remarking, “you should stay in the kitchen, you’re actually needed there”; Crack. Dolores over hearing that her gift is a curse, if only it was as helpful as Isabela’s; Crack. You crying in the nursery, in Mira’s arms. “Bruno is dead to us,” Abuela stated coldly. “We don’t talk about Bruno.”; Crack. “I wish I was dead.”; Crack.
The pain, the visions, it was too much. You felt the past fracturing as it tried to catch up. Then total numbness, your body went limp, as your head went silent.
You were too busy falling in on yourself to notice the casa collapsing around you. You were paralyzed by the onslaught of emotions that had all too suddenly been silenced. You couldn’t acknowledge Camilo rushing to move you from the path of falling rubble. You were helpless as he took in his arms and slid with you in his lap down a slide created by Casita.
For once, in the present, you felt like a ghost. Much like the past, you were powerless to change the moment you were now living in. You could feel the burning sensation as you gulped down a sharp lump of air. You felt hollow, lost; and it broke you.
You bit at your lower lip as your eyes welled up with tears. Your face turned red, and you felt wet, hot tears start to stream down your face. Body trembling in response to your onslaught of tears and choked up sob, you fell into the fetal position. You pulled your knees to your chest and buried your face down.
You didn’t care who saw you, your walls had been smashed, ground to a fine powder. You were a child, ten-years-old, vulnerable against the tidal wave that is trauma and grief.
Like the most perfect flower, like the rock of the family, and so many others you cracked under the pain.
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queer-adhd · 2 years
Tumblr media
@bage-the-gabe well. Thank you for acknowledging at least. I'm still not exactly thrilled that 'i hadn't seen anything saying otherwise' automatically led you to assuming that we were dating, because... That's kind of the point of it being frustrating.
However, I can appreciate the openness to new information.
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lil-bitz · 3 years
Hi! We're new to the agere community!
This blog will be run by Glitch and Bage, two alters in a system. Glitch is an age slider, and Bage may be an age regressor. We don't have ages, because we can't tell.
DNI for all the basic sfw agere DNI - please, no kink, NSFW, and all that. You know who you are, so I'm not gonna spell it out for you, you've seen it plenty of times.
This is an SFW agere blog! For child regressors!
This is a side account. Our main account, where likes, comments, and follows will come from, is @bage-the-gabe . This blog consists of just general stuff, a lot of it being supernatural. Our system account is @the-crewcible . This one consists of (obviously) system content.
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crippled-peeper · 10 months
Gentle reminder that you're a wonderful person. I hope the hospital is giving you what you need from them.
You got this. I believe in you. 💜
thank you my friend 🖤🖤🖤 I am feeling better
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leatafandom · 9 months
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better - Tag Game
Yay, I love a good tag game and getting to know y'all better. Thank you so much from tag @synesindri! Oh my god, I need to watch yellow jackets it's been on my list for a while now.
Last Song: (before looking up martyr and loving it) Kings by Tribe Society
Currently Watching: I just went through a big binge fest and finished a lot of shows so I'm kinda in a show hole right now and cruising through Mythical Kitchen's stuff on the YouTube. But! I just finished watching all the Scream movies (I enjoyed the new ones so much more than I thought I would) and still working my way through old episodes of Whose's Line.
Currently Reading: Still haven't been reading too much lately. Though I did just finish reading all of the Sabriel Bang Stories, so good. I recommend them all cause they are fantastic.
Current Obsession: Heh, Scream. Honestly how did I forget how much I love Ghostface?! Freaking Sidney and Gale and oh my god Billy and Stu. Stu!!! "My mom's gonna be so mad at me." Freaking Stu! I love him, my Matthew Lillard love runs so deep. But okay, just let me cause I love the whole series especially with how meta, how funny, how gorey, how simple the set up is, the who done it of it all, it is glorious plus watching it back and seeing the tech changes that have occured and affected the franchise. *Chefs kiss* I have very rarely teared up from a horror movie but goddamn he lasted so long! I was a mess. Ugh so sad but done with such respect on the Ghostface's part, I dug it. I was shouting at the screen. I very much enjoyed how they re-centered it, cause Billy and Stu man... But um. *Cough cough* yeeah totally normal amount obsessed with Scream again.
No Pressure Tags: @idabbleincrazy @acaademicqueer @senorablack @racheld93 @bage-the-gabe @huntressandlioness1 @sugaraddictedarchangel @lorileopard @fantasticstoryteller and else who would like to join!
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end of the year review tag
Tagged by @sinaesthete thank u :3
What fandoms did you create for?
My Hero Academia and Supernatural, with some brief dips into Minecraft and Hades! Also technically ddlc I guess haha
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
Oh boy. Ohhh boy. I have no idea I gotta count this uhhh somewhere under 10 fics, mostly fragmented. 46 drawings, which was a lot more than I expected actually, and god even knows how many metas. They’re in my ‘the soup’ tag if you want to count them. Oh, and two playlists
Any stats you wanna tell us about?
Bnha & spn were split pretty evenly art-wise but the quality improves a Lot right around the time I made this blog — and started drawing for spn. The power of inspiration I guess!!
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
THE BESTIESSSS you have no fucking idea how many of the art ideas I have recorded in my notes are inspired by you guysss literally thank you so much 4 giving me the confidence to be Weird™
What are you most proud of?
Most proud this blog in general, especially given that I originally only made it to organize my mains spn tag! Specifically though I gotta go with my yandere luci, because it’s the first art I’ve had exactly line up with how I imagined it in my head. Meat cleavers my beloved.
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Most of them actually lol, but the most out of left field was prolly the ddlc archangels cuz I mean, how tf was anyone supposed to predict that
Uhhh god who tf do I tag that hasn’t been tagged already @serpentsam @ckneal @bage-the-gabe @carrotfricker
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the-crewcible · 3 years
Meet the alters! This list will be updated!
This is a side account. Our main account, where likes, comments, and follows will come from, is @bage-the-gabe . This blog consists of just general crap, a lot of it being supernatural. Our age regression account is @lil-bitz . This one consists of (obviously) age regression content, whether it is for age regressors, dreamers, or caregivers, etc.
Role Host, Protector
Pronouns Any
Personality Outgoing, confident, kind, caring
Appearance Red hair in a bun, blue eyes, pale skin
Extra info Is twins with Gabe. Doesn't often care about themself, but if other alters are threatened or hurt/upset by someone outside the system, they will get very protective. Is often front stuck
Color Orange
Role Caretaker
Pronouns He/him
Personality Prankster, cheerful
Appearance Dirty blond hair, gold/hazel eyes
Extra info Bage's twin. A fictive of Gabriel from Supernatural. Mostly takes care of Mouse
Color Gold
Role Protector
Pronouns He/him
Personality Stern, calm, cool
Appearance Light brown/honey hair, purple/pink eyes. Angular face, tannish skin
Extra info Dormant.
Color Dark green
Role Anger holder
Pronouns He/him
Personality Fiercely protective of headmates and friends. If a headmate is insulted, he will take over to shut it down.
Appearance Short blonde hair, blue eyes, clear pale skin. Dresses well
Extra info Trans guy. Opposite of Mouse - will antagonize fighting where Mouse shuts down
Color Blue
Role Core
Pronouns She/her
Appearance Brown hair, blue, freckles, pale.
Extra info Has been dormant for years.
Colors Red
Role Little
Pronouns She/her
Personality Shy, quiet, bubbly, sweet
Appearance Mousy brown hair in two buns, light blue/teal eyes. Always wears pink
Extra info Adores pink. Fears arguing, will shut down. Stims and has nonverbal spells
Color Pink
Role Caretaker
Pronouns she/they
Personality Shy, quiet, sweet, caring, nurturing
Appearance Purple hair, green eyes, tannish skin
Extra info The first alter to form/make themself known after discovering we were a system
Color Purple
Role Depression holder
Pronouns He/they
Personality Quiet, reclusive, down/depressed
Appearance Curly black hair, black eyes, tan skin. Black horns and black tattered wings
Extra info Prefers not to speak verbally while fronting - it is uncomfortable. Often uses exaggerated facial expressions and hand gestures to make up for the barrier. Nonhuman extranth, alterhuman. Shapeshifts into a dragon and crow - his human form has dragon wings.
Color Black
Role Inhuman
Pronouns Ze/zem/mint/mintself
Personality Reclusive, rarely fronts
Appearance Olive/green skin, shortish maroon hair, black sclera with green irises. Wears black sleeveless shirt and spikey collar
Extra info Mute, dormant
Color Olive green
Pronouns He/byte/bytes/byteself
Personality Very routine oriented. Tries to be laid back but can be uptight and gets fussy and upset when something goes "wrong" or a schedule is not followed correctly. Also can happen when plans change unexpectedly.
Appearance Blue hair, red left eye, green right eye. Pale ish skin
Extra info Tics and stims. He glitches periodically, possibly as a stim, and likes Starbucks bottled frappucinnos. He is an age slider, prefers to stay little
Color Beige
Pronouns Lone/loneself
Personality Kind, productive, cheerful
Appearance Lime green hair, tan skin
Extra info Name comes from the lost American colony of Roanoke
Color Lime green
Pronouns He/him
Personality Mischievous, snarky
Appearance Long brown hair, darkish/tan skin, dark brown eyes
Extra info Name comes from the Sioux word for "buffalo", appearance is Native American
Color Brown
Pronouns She/her/ship/shipself
Appearance Sandy blande/pale hair in a short ponytail, amber eyes
Extra info Name comes from the song Santiana. Dormant.
Color Light brown/tan
Role Grief holder, trauma holder
Pronouns She/her/doll/dollself
Personality Cold, scary
Appearance Blonde hair in a bob, white eyes (no iris). Bloody, bruised, running eyeliner/mascara. Pale/porcelain skin.
Extra info Looks like a porcelain broken doll. She exists to front during emotional times when we can't afford to show emotion. She does not feel emotion as we do, however, she is beginning to feel more thanks to an irl friend. Extranth, alterhuman
Color Gray
Pronouns She/her/sin/sinself
Personality Somewhat shy
Appearance Short pink hair, blue eyes, missing right eye, pale skin
Extra info In a relationship with Veyr. Dormant.
Color Calm pink
Pronouns Ze/zem
Personality Somewhat outgoing
Appearance Black, somewhat current hair, black eyes. Pierced ears
Extra info In a relationship with Hathaway. Dormant.
Color Teal
Pronouns He/him
Personality Cold, chaotic, somewhat mean
Appearance Blond hair, blue eyes
Extra info Fictive of Lucifer from Supernatural. He hides a lot about himself, but has some trouble existing "normally" thanks to pseudomemories
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