#backdraft gifs
itsmyfriendisaac · 6 months
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♒ February 7th: The Heavenly Kid, Jason Gedrick.
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smallestgalaxylemon · 2 years
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MILGRAM • Backdraft
ID by @genderqueer-miharu under the cut, thank you!
[Plain text: MILGRAM • Backdraft]
[Image description: Multiple gifs of Fuuta Kajiyama's second trial MV from Milgram. /End description]
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lagomoz · 1 year
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Milgram blinkies trial two
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ryutoasamiya · 8 months
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MILGRAM / Futa - Backdraft [The Second Trial Music Video] - MILGRAM -ミルグラム-
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mangavsanime · 10 months
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Chapter 1 Panel 258 vs Season 1 Episode 2
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nancylou444 · 2 years
Time for something good today🥲😭
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(Sorry if I send this twice. My wifi has been on the fritz the whole damn day)
LMAO, indeed you did:
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No worries, darling.
I'm sure Sam and Dean know this feeling.
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Not anything physical, that's for sure.
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blitz0hno · 8 months
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can't find the OG post for the life of me sorry wolfsskull but HELLLO????
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mirururuguramu · 2 years
Personally, I think Fuuta does acknowledge in his 2nd MV that what he did is wrong.
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Since he doesn't see himself as a hero delivering justice anymore.
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But as someone who engages in grafitti instead, which isn't exactly a legal activity either
As grafitti is described as
a form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorized marking of public space
So yeah, Fuuta doesn't see himself to be all that righteous anymore.
While grafitti is about wanting to send a message, it's commonly understood imo that this is usually done via underhanded means.
In a way, this points to Fuuta acknowledging that his means of 'delivering justice' (a.k.a. making callout posts & possibly online harassment) is underhanded & not entirely legal too.
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The beginning of his 2nd MV suggests this too, where he asks "Is it all ok if I offer penance?" while showing that there's light behind him, as if he considered repenting and backing out on what he's been doing to behave and be a good citizen again.
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He ultimately decides against it, thinking that it'd be futile anyway.
(And after Es told him in the 2nd voice drama that they won't grant him mercy either way, this line of thinking is understandable.)
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So he willingly walks into the darkness, willingly dabbles in not-so-legal activities and proceeds from there.
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Another thing that suggests Fuuta acknowledging his past actions to be wrong:
He sees their grafitti to be an act of defacing someone.
They override someone's image with the colors, views, that they project onto them.
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Which ultimately leads to the erasure and demise of the original image.
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This contrasts how Fuuta perceived the situation back in the first MV
Where most of the time, it's a fantasy RPG consisting of a hero and his party that go on quests to defeat monsters.
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Not to mention, when everyone turned against him in the end, the scene abruptly shifted & became more grounded in reality.
Fuuta's party wasn’t shown to have turned against him and targeted Fuuta as the next monster to eliminate.
Hinting at Fuuta having a hierarchy in mind in the 1st MV.
He saw himself and his team as human, while he saw their targets as monsters.
And since the monsters were always defeated in that MV, it almost seemed like Fuuta saw himself and his team to be above them.
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But this isn't quite the case with his 2nd MV anymore. There’s no more hierarchy between the monsters (the targets) and humans (Fuuta and his team). 
By then, the playing ground’s been leveled in Fuuta’s mind, and sees himself to be at the same level as his targets & those who targeted them with him.
At the very least, we see in the latter half of his 2nd MV that all the 'players' are human— both the wielders of spray cans and the one being sprayed on.
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And Fuuta brings down Es, with the entirety of MILGRAM, to their level.
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As he believes that Es is committing the same crime as them. That they’ve only been projecting their own views— their own color— onto the prisoners, and that as a result, the unforgiven are slowly defaced because of their actions
(In a literal sense, this might mean that they’ve been slowly losing their sense of self as a result of the constant invalidation through our verdict)
And will be permanently erased over time if they kept that up, either from the mental strain caused by their (”our”) verdict, or from the physical damage that Kotoko’s been inflicting, especially since she’s made it clear that she’s out to eliminate those who Es chose not to forgive— those who didn’t align with their views basically.
So TLDR, I suspect that Fuuta’s already learned his lesson, he knows at this point that what he did is straight-up wrong.  Because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have painted himself to be doing illegal things in his MV— chose to do them even, despite knowing that they aren’t right.
He wouldn’t have shown himself, along with his group, doing something that ultimately led to the death of someone— shown not as a monster, but as a person.
Which means that him being like this in the 2nd Trial isn’t simply because he was caught for his crimes, although I acknowledge that he may have only backtracked in the first place because that happened.
Fuuta: Right…! It wasn’t just me alone who was ganging up on the person who died! There’s no way to know whose comments lead to their death!
Because of that, I have hopes that he won’t simply... bounce back to being a jerk if ever he’s forgiven this round, what with his MV already showing his acknowledgment of being involved in someone’s death.  
By this point, the only thing that he can’t accept is that he’s the only one receiving punishment for these sins, if these lines from the Trial 2 voice drama are anything to go by:
Es: That might be true. You might not be the only one who needs to be judged for this. But…
Fuuta: Then – isn’t it weird that I’m the only one who has to go through all of this? Being locked up in a weird nonsensical prison, having to let some brat lecture me, being faced with eyes constantly judging me…
Fuuta: (laughs) There’s nothing that sets you and me apart. You’re also getting entertainment out of my– out of our sins!
Es: I… just do this because I want to get to know more about y—
Fuuta: (laughs) You and I are exactly the same breed! The only difference between us is the clothes we’re wearing. Like I’d let someone like this judge whether I should be forgiven or not!
The reason for this is because he believes his group, as well as MILGRAM, are equally as guilty as him, and thus shouldn’t be getting away scot-free. Not when they’ve committed the same crimes as him.
Either way, this doesn’t change the fact that imo, Fuuta’s already acknowledged that he’s in the wrong.
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
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— when it’s raining outside
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I know it’s been a while, but I’m falling back in love with this Bakugou specifically.
Warnings: none.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.1k.
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Regardless of Pro-Hero Dynamight being one of the most successful fire quirk users in Japan, his agency isn’t exempt from Health and Safety. Some may argue that his team are far more strict compared to the likes of Shouto’s building which is only a few blocks away, and it’s definitely not because the Number Two Hero almost set fire to an entire floor when testing out new grenade designs.
But since that incident, there have been consistent fire drills weekly to ensure that the building and its staff are protected. Along with new fire safety robots that have been deployed to ensure that each individual makes it out safely.
“Another dumb fuckin’ tick box exercise.” Bakugou would always say, and he was probably right. The Pro-Hero alone could probably rescue each person trapped inside the building if something did happen, but it’s always good to be precautious right?
Or so you would say, until the fire alarms were blaring on a particularly bleary Monday while you were trying to unjam the photocopier. Groaning at the abrasive noise as you debated running back to your desk for your coat (and coffee) before being forced out of the warmth of the agency into the torrential downpour outside.
“Do not panic! We are here for your safety.” You scrunched your nose at the voice that was arguably worse than the alarm as you turned to face the fire Marshall robots which were now skimming the floor. The red flashing lights swirling angrily as the computerised smile on the machine that was surely there to calm you did the exact opposite.
“Stop. In case of emergency do not take the elevator.” The robot continued to blare. The designated fire drills always happened on a Friday afternoon (conveniently when Dynamight left for his evening patrol), so you wondered whether this may be a real incident as you made your way towards the stairs.
You had further to go compared to anyone else, working on the top floor alone with Dynamight so the lower you descended you began to see other employees— some lucky enough to be carrying coats and umbrellas as you followed them further. The noise from the alarm echoed in the hall as it mixed with the chatter, wondering what had happened and if they were safe. But at that moment you were more irritated that you’d be going outside in nothing but a thin cotton shirt and trousers.
The cold was bitter as you finally made it to the bottom floor of the sky scraper, thankful you wouldn’t have to ascend them after as you stepped into the heavy rain. Wrapping your arms around yourself to try and provide some comfort as you tried to look for any space under the shelter surrounding the building. The majority which was already taken by the employees that worked on the lower floors, huddled together and squeezed under umbrellas to shield themselves from the wet. Although, there were plenty like you who had not been fortunate enough to grab something on their way down and were just as exposed to the elements.
Resigning to defeat you huddled as close to a neighbouring building as you could, thankful it at least shielded you enough from the wild tunnel Dynamight’s Agency created to prevent being pelted with rain.
But it was still freezing.
Shimmying from toe to toe as you tried to keep yourself warm, watching as Backdraft turned up with the local fire service to scout the building.
“What’s goin’ on?” You heard a voice behind you as you turned to face your boss standing there, gym bag slung over his shoulder and a black hoodie pulled over his messy blond spikes.
“Shouldn’t you be saving us from the fire?” You laughed.
“Shut up, dumbass.” He scoffed, before his voice softened, “Where’s your coat?”
“In there.” You nodded towards his agency as he shook his head.
“Why didn’t you grab it?”
“Those stupid robots wouldn’t let me,” You pouted, now so wet you could no longer feel the rain dampening your skin.
Bakugou’s lip curled into the faintest hint of a smile at this, unbothered about the rain as he dumped his gym bag to the ground in favour of reaching back to tug his hoodie up and over his head. The movement pulled his black shirt up along with it, and you shamelessly ogled the exposed skin as you followed the wispy hairs of his happy trail disappear beneath black sweatpants. The hem of his boxers peeking out from under them as you felt a heat rise to your cheeks and flurry through you all the way down between your thighs.
Turning your head just in time as he pulled his shirt back down over his stomach before holding the hoodie out to you, pushing it into your side.
“What are you doing?” You looked down at the hoodie before glancing up at him.
“Put it on.” He replied bluntly.
“But you’ll get wet—”
“Put it on.” He ignored your objection, reaching up to ruffle his messy hair as the rain now began to dampen it.
“Thank you.” You murmured, instantly feeling the relief as you tugged it over your head.
The heat that radiated from Bakugou’s body now encapsulating you as you pulled your arms through the sleeves, burying your nose in the fabric as you inhaled the scent of him. A mixture of sweat and cologne as you almost forgot that you were standing outside in the pouring rain. No longer in a rush to get back inside the warm building as you let yourself be surrounded by him.
“Is it a drill?” You asked as he pulled his phone out of his pocket to begin calling a number.
“No idea.” He rasped while holding it up to his ear.
You tried to listen in on the conversation but the mixture of wind, chatter and the alarms in the distance made it difficult to decipher what was being said on the other line.
“It’s a false alarm.” Bakugou scoffed as he hung up, “Someone triggered the alarm in the canteen.”
“See what happens when you’re not around,” You smiled to yourself as Bakugou pushed his wet spikes back, exposing his forehead as he smirked back, “All hell breaks loose.”
“Yeah, can’t leave you alone for five fuckin’ minutes, can I?” He scoffed.
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When you were finally let back inside the building, you offered to take Bakugou’s hoodie home to wash it before giving it back to him but he wouldn’t allow it. Telling you it was just an old hoodie and it didn’t matter— but the real reason he wanted to take it back like it was because after wearing it outside the scent of your perfume still lingered on the fabric.
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snakes-and-fluff · 4 months
Yet another Milgram observation I've had: Most of the prisoners have seen an alternate version of themself at some point in one of their MVs - the only exceptions are Kotoko and Mahiru (I was really hoping it would happen with Kotoko in Deep Cover but I guess not. Perhaps T3?)
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Haruka - He sees a younger version of himself in Weakness.
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Yuno - She's frolicking with a bunch of Yunos in Tear Drop.
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Fuuta - He sees himself walk by to vandalise the graffito in Backdraft.
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Muu - Okay so this one is a stretch but bear with me. It's not made explicitly clear, but there's a scene in It's Not My Fault where Muu is laughing with a bunch of her friends when one taps her shoulder to bring her attention to something (something serious, judging by her expression). Muu turns around and then the camera changes to a panning shot of Muu's crime scene. They don't share the same screenspace but I choose to interpret this as Muu seeing her crime from another point of view.
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Shidou - He reaches out a hand to another him collapsed onto a bed in Triage.
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Kazui - For a large portion of half he's watching himself on stage.
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Amane - A lot of Amanes march together during Purge March.
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Mikoto - Technically it's Mikoto and John (not just Mikoto seeing himself), but visually is fits in this list. It happens more often in MeMe, but it does happen in Double as well.
Just something I found interesting!
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tawaifeddiediaz · 10 months
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mann chaaha modh de to mere yaar baat ban jaani if you turn your heart towards me then, my love, it would be great
[Image ID: four black-and-white gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from various episodes of 9-1-1. They are overlaid with lyrics from Main Rang Sharbaton Ka, and a translation is also there.
GIF 1: 2015 Buck in Peru, looking at the TV playing Backdraft, deep in thought. The text reads, "tum ek musafir ho" and the translation reads, "you are a wanderer"
GIF 2: Eddie hugging Chris tightly after the earthquake, relieved to have his son back in his arms. The text reads, "main koi raah anjaani" and the translation reads, "I am a road unknown."
GIF 3: Eddie slowly asking Chris if he wants to come with him on a new adventure to LA, smiling slightly. The text reads, "tum ek musafir ho" and the translation reads, "you are a wanderer"
GIF 4: Buck sauntering towards Eddie with a cheeky smile, his hand on his belt. Eddie watches him approach with a furrowed brow. The text reads, "main koi raah anjaani" and the translation reads, "I am a road unknown."
/end ID]
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opalspring · 9 months
Fuuta not being the one to give the final blow to Killcheroy theory
This is a pretty well-known theory in the fandom, but I wanted to make a post with all the evidence I could think of that could hint at Fuuta not being the one to doxx Killcheroy at the end of Bring It On. We’ll mostly discuss content from the music videos for that.
Hint from Undercover 
Unlike other prisoners’ victims implied to have commited suicide, namely Hinako and Mahiru’s boyfriend, Es has both of their boots on during Fuuta’s murder scene in Undercover.
This is strange, because it was basically confirmed both by Fuuta and in Backdraft (with the suffocating/burning to death metaphor) that Killcheroy ended her life.
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In my opinion, Es still has their boots on in the Fuuta frame simply because Fuuta wasn’t directly responsible for Killcheroy’s death (though he is undeniably linked to it).
There is more substantial evidence for this in both Bring It On and Backdraft. There are also the parts in Fuuta’s voice dramas that have him declare he didn’t kill anyone, but let’s just look at the mvs, where the prisoners can’t lie.
Hints from Bring It On
Through the rpg sequences in Fuuta’s first mv, there’s always a map in the bottom-left of the screen where we see Fuuta’s icon in blue that shows where he’s facing, the enemy icons in red, as well as the green icons, Fuuta’s allies.
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The first battle, with eleven green dots, the enemy and Fuuta’s icon facing it. 
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The second battle, with six green dots, the enemy, and Fuuta facing it up close.
After that is when things start to get weird. Unlike the first two battles (at the game arcade and the university), we don’t know where this one takes place. 
Also, for some reason Fuuta is in his everyday clothes inside of the dark triad rpg interface, with Neuschwanstein castle in the back. I talked about my interpretation of this part in another theory, but what we want to look at here is the map on the bottom-left.
At first glance, there’s nothing out of the ordinary with Fuuta’s icon and six green dots being present. However, even if it’s hard to see with the distortion of the screen in the mv, something very interesting happens during this part.
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(let's zoom in for convenience)
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Yeah, the left-most green dot split into two at some point and left the group.
This is probably a representation of one of Fuuta’s allies betraying him and leaving. Or in the context of Twitter, making another account to impersonate Fuuta.
@ otums on Twitter pointed out the writing styles of each Dark Triad member in Bring It On, and how Fuuta’s didn’t match the last messages Storm Pazuzu sends to Killcheroy. 
I completely agree with these points, and in my opinion we can also link the different icon colors Storm Pazuzu has throughout the mv.
For the entirety of it save for the very end, the account has a blue icon.
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(Taking the professor case as an example as we’re 100% sure Fuuta was the one to write this tweet, as he witnessed the scene live and took a photo.)
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And here’s the red icon. In my opinion this could be a hint of the impersonation going on.
Also note the phone’s model we see here. At first it looks like Fuuta’s phone in the beginning of the mv but some parts are different.
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Both phones’ shapes are different: the one at the end is thinner and longer. The camera’s position also differs, on Fuuta’s phone at the beginning it’s in the top-left part, whereas on the phone at the end it’s in the middle of the phone and on top.
Another thing is how Fuuta uses dark mode Twitter unlike on the phone at the end.
So that’s probably another sign that Fuuta was set up by someone at the mv’s end.
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One last thing about the rpg scenes, we can see on the map in the last one that Fuuta’s icon is facing away from the enemy, unlike the two previous battles. This could be another hint that Fuuta was left in the dark for most of it, even if he did participate in some way (as seen with the photo he takes in Undercover, and the line “I won’t forgive you just because you’re a kid” in the distorted voice lines).
So, a question arises from all this. Just who betrayed Fuuta and made the fake account? There are some clues in both mvs to guide us.
Out of all the characters in the Dark Triad, there’s one that Fuuta seems particularly close to. It’s pretty well-known in the fandom but after each battle, Fuuta always looks in the direction of the soldier type party member:
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Turning in his direction at the end too.
So despite seemingly being a background character, the spear guy apparently has some sort of connection to Fuuta. 
@ otums on Twitter also pointed out that we can actually link him to one of the characters at the arcade:
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Thanks to the color-coding, we can identify the green guy as Rumerie (the account with the tweet on top). There are multiple accounts with a green icon, but we’ll see in the Backdraft section that there’s more content about him specifically.
In my opinion, it’s extremely likely Rumerie was the one to impersonate Fuuta and doxx Killcheroy. 
The first hint is the difference in writing style between Fuuta’s tweets and the ones we see at the end of the mv. 
Here’s a tweet we’re 100% sure Fuuta wrote:
“Please spread this around. A sexual harassment scene involving one of the university’s teachers. He probably didn’t see someone was watching lmao
Thanks in advance for reporting him”
Here’s a tweet Rumerie wrote:
“What a pig, that’s so damn gross lmaooo”
And here are two of the callout tweets at the end of the mv:
“Should we crush her? ^ ^ Just because you’re in middle school it doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want lmaoooo 
Don’t go easy on her because she’s cute y’all”
“I managed to dig up some of her details. Thanks to her previous publications I could find out which school she goes to. It’s hilarious she lives so close by lmao”
From these, the last tweet fits Rumerie’s style more than Fuuta’s, mostly because Rumerie’s laugh tends to be a lot more expressive than Fuuta’s more simple “w” (though the red account does use it at one point in the second tweet). The use of emoticons doesn’t fit Fuuta’s rather negative/sarcastic tweets either.
While we have the tweets under our eyes, it’s interesting to note Storm Pazuzu’s blue icon account has the @ pazuzu_soccer_0419 while we can’t see past @ pazuzu_soccer_ for the red icon account.
Some people have searched for it on Twitter and behold:
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So the red icon account is a totally different account from @ pazuzu_soccer_0419 indeed. Technically, this isn’t a part of milgram itself, but the fact the account was created in 2016 makes it seem pretty clear it was made by the creators, anticipating people would look up the accounts.
Also note the number of followers the account has, it looks more like a burner account made for callout posts than the main account Fuuta would supposedly use, where we know he follows at least a few people, not just one.
Hints from Backdraft
While Backdraft mostly focuses on Fuuta’s mental state in Milgram, it also gives us additional hints regarding his crime. 
In the last part we discussed Rumerie’s potential importance in Fuuta’s case. And, luckily for us, in Backdraft he actually gets referenced by name in one of the graffitis.
@ otums on Twitter made a nice breakdown of the graffiti but I’d rather not post their image without permission so here’s a tentative reconstruction:
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and Pazuzu, Fuuta’s account name, is mixed in too:
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This information seems to cement Rumerie as an important character in Fuuta’s story. In the previous section, we talked about the possibility of Rumerie being the one to doxx Killcheroy while impersonating Fuuta, and Backdraft gives some hints relating to it.
The first interesting part for this is when we see a second Fuuta appear on screen at this point of the song:
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In the following shot we get this interesting line overlapping with the second Fuuta:
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The English line works too but in the Japanese version the literal translation is more like “You can clearly see it’s not my fault, right?”
This gives some Muu vibes, which makes sense since the two of them work as each other’s parallel, but in the context of the Rumerie/impersonation theory, the line gets a new context.
Another thing to note is the way the second Fuuta sprays the paint. In the first two “encounters”, or here the graffiti viewing, Fuuta sprays paint like this:
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For Killcheroy’s turn, however, the paint looks like this:
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While Fuuta’s style is sharp, vertical  and condensed, in the third pic the paint is horizontal and it looks evaporated since it was sprayed slowly (compare the animations between him and the “first” Fuuta too).
From this, it feels like the staff is trying to bring something to our attention regarding how the three encounters occurred… and potential unusual things happening in them.
There are more hints to the impersonation theory in Backdraft, this time regarding Fuuta’s party/followers.
Here, they appear as additional people spraying the graffitis following Fuuta’s lead. Let’s look at the instances where they show up:
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In the first pic, after the second battle, there are five spray cans on the floor, so five people, making six in total with Fuuta.
The second pic seems to follow suit with five people following Fuuta’s lead in slashing Killcheroy’s graffiti.
But then, after Killcheroy appears on screen and Fuuta’s followers start attacking her directly, we get these two shots:
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Multiple things to note here. First, why did the storyboarders decide to split these two shots in two? If the intent was to show Fuuta’s followers attacking the victim at the same time, why is the person spraying blue paint left out of the first pic almost completely?
In the following pic, we see both Fuuta and the victim, which isn’t too strange, but why is the blue person shown there as well? And why do they have a watch when all the other characters don’t have distinct features?
To answer the first question, we have to remember composition is a very important part in visual storytelling. So I’m convinced there’s special meaning in splitting the two above images into distinct shots in the mv. The staff probably wanted to show us the blue spray person was important both with the composition, as well as them wearing a watch.
Another important detail is shown with the number of hands on screen during this scene. Remember how we established before that, including Fuuta, there were six main “attackers” during the Twitter altercations? Then why is it that in the final Killcheroy scene, there are six hands spraying paint… but Fuuta isn’t participating and staring at them from the background?
As for the watch part, there’s actually a character in Fuuta’s story that’s shown to wear one, the guy theorized to be Rumerie (wanted to add a pic but already reached the limit per post... oops). The reason why one of Fuuta’s allies could have chosen to turn against him is a mystery but it’s interesting to think about.
When adding up all these details, I feel like it’s reasonable to consider Rumerie being the one to doxx Killcheroy as a viable theory. That’s pretty much all I wanted to point out, hope you found this interesting.
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btr-rewatch · 2 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 12: “Big Time Terror”
I've been looking forward to this one since I decided to start doing this rewatch. SHOT IN THE DARK!! Let's gooooo!!!! *tosses confetti into the air*
Highlights: Ghost hunting, ginormous bowls of oatmeal, and the best song ever written in the history of ever.
It's a beautiful night at the Palm Woods, and BTR and many of the Palm Woods residents are gathered around the fire, hanging out and having a grand ol' time. The guys are singing "Stuck," which is a song I'd probably rank among my favorites.
Their fun time is interrupted suddenly by a strange sound. As everyone turns to look, they see that a small table is moving along the patio all by itself. The boys look on in confusion and fear, with Carlos and Logan immediately gravitating toward Kendall for protection, which certainly gives me feelings. I love them. I love that the reaction is instinctual and says so much about who Kendall is and how the other guys see him. The Protector. The one who will shield them from harm. Kendall is a source of safety.
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After returning to their apartment, Logan, ever the logical one, explains to Carlos that it wasn't a ghost but the air conditioner causing a backdraft that shut the doors. He doesn't have an explanation for the moving table, though. Carlos insists it was a ghost.
There's a knock on the door, which startles everyone but Kendall, and he explains to his scaredy-cat friends, "there is nothing terrifying behind this door." And who's behind the door? Gustavo! He tells the guys that his mansion is flooded, and he has to stay with them tonight.
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They're not particularly thrilled about a sleepover with Gustavo, but Mama Knight tells the guys that they should let him stay the night because "Doing nice things for people who aren't so nice is nice."
We go to the lobby oh-so-briefly then to see Bitters and the Palm Woods residents all running frantically from something. We don't see a ghost, but there is mysterious wind and spooky green lights.
Up in 2J, everyone is seated around the table for dinner. It's Fish Stick Friday (with tots)! After some initial skepticism, Gustavo discovers the fish sticks aren't so bad, and he asks what else the guys do on Fridays, which leads into a montage of their evening. Gustavo has a blast. The guys...do not.
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But the award for Not Having a Good Time goes to Logan, who gets SAT ON by Gustavo for HALF AN HOUR.
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Cannot even begin to put together a theory on how this managed to happen.
The boys are all relieved when it's finally time for bed, but they quickly realize they aren't going to get much sleep with Gustavo's snoring practically shaking the whole apartment. Carlos has an idea for how to fix the problem, though.
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Carlos's expression kills me. Look at him. Jaw set and that look of firm determination in his eyes. Carlos has a roll of duct tape, and he isn't afraid to use it. He will silence the big, snoring man. I don't know if we've ever seen him look so serious and angry before??
Also, I just have to point out that First Episode Kendall absolutely would've been on board with this plan. He probably would've grabbed the tape and done it himself. Maybe even gone a little further and taped Gustavo to the couch just for extra fun.
They trudge down to the lobby to sleep there but are scared off by the Palm Woods Ghost, who shuts off the lights, breaks a vase, stacks the furniture, and slams the doors. They run back to the apartment and are greeted by the image of Gustavo scratching his butt.
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The following morning, everyone wastes no time in handing Gustavo his stuff and all but kicking him out the door. They're all like:
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But Gustavo isn't so eager to leave. Instead, he decides to join Kendall and James for a fun afternoon by the pool.
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Listen. I love Gustavo, ok? Especially in these scenes, where he's just a loveable teddy bear of a guy wanting to hang out with his buddies. He is having SO MUCH FUN with them and is SO OBLIVIOUS that they're not having fun. No awareness at all.
Meanwhile, Logan and Carlos are having their own little adventure conducting paranormal research in the lobby. Carlos is convinced they're going to catch evidence of a ghost. Logan is convinced Carlos is just an idiot.
So far in the series, any time Logan and Carlos are paired together, all they do is bicker. But it makes sense, given that Logan is the smartest of the group and Carlos is...probably last in that particular ranking. Which is NOT to say that Carlos isn't intelligent in his own way, because he certainly is, but he doesn't have the same type of intelligence as Logan. Carlos is just innocent. Child-like. And we love him for it, but it sure does put him in a good position to clash with Logan over everything, doesn't it?
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After setting up the camera and taking some time to smack each other around, Carlos, Logan, (and Bitters) catch sight of a ghostly green figure going through the lobby. They all take off running.
We skip ahead to the next day, where Gustavo's reign of terror over apartment 2J continues. He's not even trying to return to his mansion. In fact, he moves a lot of his things, including his bed, into 2J.
Also, everyone is eating the most ridiculously big bowls of oatmeal I've ever seen.
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Look at James's bowl. That's like oatmeal for three or four people. And I know, I know, they needed to have a big bowl in order for Gustavo to be able to push James's face into it but come on. That's the most oatmeal I've ever seen in a single bowl.
After hearing that Gustavo will likely be staying several more days, Kendall pulls James out into the hallway to tell him that they need to handle this like men. Immediate cut to them begging and pleading to Kelly for help.
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Kelly is confused because she had told Gustavo the previous night that he could return to his mansion. She reveals to the guys that Gustavo didn't really have a chance to live a typical childhood and play with other kids. Which is, um, really sad and something that should've been explored more!! She tells Kendall and James to figure everything out and flees the Palm Woods. Kelly wants no part in dealing with this lol.
The "Get Gustavo out of the Palm Woods" plot takes a backseat then as BTR focuses their energy on defeating the ghost. Armed with vacuum cleaners and goggles, they engage in a Scooby-Doo-style chase around the lobby.
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Finally, they catch the ghost and reveal that it's not a real ghost at all. It's the new girl, Stephanie King!
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She's making a horror movie and has been using the Palm Woods residents as her cast. She asks them not to tell on her, which Kendall agrees to under one condition.
We cut to 2J, where a peacefully sleeping Gustavo is woken up by Stephanie's ghost "floating" by his bed. Armed with a fan, projector light, fog machine, and a microphone, the guys manage to send Gustavo running from the apartment in terror.
The following scene is. The scene is—it's...
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"Shot in the Dark" is by far my favorite BTR song, and I loved it so so much when I first heard it in this episode. You can imagine my yearning all these years to get an official version of it. Apparently, a full-ish demo version was released on youtube like...10 years ago?? I had no clue there was ANY full version until the guys released it in November. So, all this time, the only version of it I've known has been the one from this episode. Just about fainted when I checked Spotify and saw "Shot in the Dark" on there.
And I do have ✨thoughts✨about the song, but I might put them into a separate post. It's such a good song.
We end the episode at the pool, where everyone is once again sent running in fear from another moving table. This time, it's the work of Katie, who has discovered Fun With Fishing Line. The end.
Fantastic episode. This one would rank pretty high on my list of favorites. Both plots are great, and I like the way they merge at the end to wrap everything up. +46287593 bonus points for having "Shot in the Dark" in it. However, I do think there was a missed opportunity to include a heart-to-heart type scene between the boys and Gustavo. The guy had a lonely, isolated childhood and just wants a sense of connection with his dogs! He wants friends and to run around with reckless abandon playing "tag and seek" and an altered version of Marco Polo using dodgeballs! I wish the boys could have taken more time to acknowledge the whole situation and reached out in some way to Gustavo instead of scaring him away with a ghost. That would have been some nice relationship development.
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mangavsanime · 10 months
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Chapter 1 Panel 251 vs Season 1 Episode 2
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greenbetula · 5 months
1 2 6 and 15 for Futa
1. favorite song lyrics?
bye bye idiots and devils with a faces of angels we will expose you all by whipping you with words until you are bruised
it hits hard really
and this one line from backdraft has been looping in my mind for days now, so i might as well add it
a slick rhymed hooligan holler-holler from safety, so worthless the fight’s up here! come up to the ring and face me!
although it's more for the line delivery than the actual lyric itself
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
the entirety of bring it on
but if i had to choose, it's this one!
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i remember the spine-chilling feeling when i first saw this scene. it really stuck to my brain
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
hmm, i'm really interested in his relationship with haruka. but i couldn't really find that much interactions on the timeline convos tho (ily minigram 💕)
also i find his interactions with kotoko quite amusing (specifically the T1 ones because they're funny, but i like their T2 relationship as well)
this convo is one of my personal faves
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15. what do you think of their voice?
i really like listening to it! i can't describe it, it's like rough but also smooth? you know that feeling when you're on a boat and there's really strong waves? it's like that. backdraft is one of my top fives in terms of vocals, it's so powerful but desperate. it's just so beautiful! aaaaa
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