#avengers x amythest!reader
avengers headcanon where the (teen) reader is like amethyst from steven universe???????? (and the skin color is not purple.... or—... ur choice 😣)
Headcanon for a Teen Avenger who’s like Amethyst from Steven Universe
I love this idea! Sorry if I didn’t do a great job, I haven’t seen Steven Universe in a really long time.
You had been one of the last gems to survive the Gems Homeworld kindergarten
Most of the other gems that grew with up you had been killed off or were no longer on Earth
After you emerged, you made it your goal to protect Earth from foreign Gem invaders, and you’d been doing a pretty good job until a new team of people with powers started to ward off foreign invaders
You decided to join them, as your expertise in the field they worked would be quite useful
At first, they thought you were an alien, as your purple skin was off putting
You explained to them the Gems that attacked Earth, and how you just wanted to help them
They were suspicious at first, but you grew on them
They all thought your whip was super cool
They thought the gem in your chest was also THE COOLEST THING EVER BECAUSE IT IS
You taught them about Gems, White Diamond and her army, and the kindergarten project
You also showed them your powers, and they thought you were pretty badass
You and Peter bonded the most, as you were pretty similar in age
You and Nat also had a special bond, you let her use your whip because she thought it was awesome, and she trained you in self defense and hand to hand combat
Not that you really needed it, seeing as you could shapeshift
Your hair was a very important asset, as it was practically impenetrable and sharp
Everyone on the team would always make fun of you for caring about your hair so much because they didn’t know what it did for you
“(Y/N), did I just see you cut that car in half with your hair? Or did I just hit my head THAT hard?” -Tony
“Yeah, and that’s why I care about it so much!” -You
“SHOW ME HOW” -Natasha
One day on the battle field fighting White Diamonds army, you lost your whip in combat
“Has anyone seen my whip?” -You
“Uh no, but if I find it can I use it?” -Natasha
“NO I ASKED FIRST!” -Natasha
“Guys! Focus!” -Steve
“NO ME!” -Peter
“NO!” -Natasha
“Y’KNOW WHAT? STEVE CAN USE IT IF HE FINDS IT. If anyone else finds it, bring it to ME! I hate you guys.” -You
“Don’t bring me into this!” -Steve
One day, fellow Gems who were trying to stop White Diamond came to visit
You fused with them, and to say the least, The Avengers were in AWE
Using your combined powers, you, the “Crystal Gems”, as they called themselves, and The Avengers successfully beat White Diamond
The Crystal Gems asked you to come with them to protect the rest of the universe from other threats, but you decided to stay with The Avengers
They said they were ok with you leaving, but you knew they’d be secretly devastated and really wanted you to stay
(Especially Nat and Peter because you hadn’t taught them the hair whip yet.)
So you stayed on Earth and officially joined The Avengers, and, needless to say, you didn’t regret it
They were your family and you wouldn’t trade them for any other gem
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