#autistic beetlejuice
Since I really like Beetlejuice The Musical, and I’ve heard about autistic Beetlejuice in recent posts and whatnot (there’s like a good eight or so works in AO3) and just wanted to give my two cents. This is based on the musical, nothing else.
-Beetlejuice outright states he “isn’t good with people” and that he hopes everything goes well and he doesn’t mess up. You’d think if he’s been “scaring for millennia”, he would have gained some people skills.
-His whole “you are dead, I am also dead” speech seems rehearsed (not in the normal, knows-he’s-in-a-musical way) and his words are slow and deliberate. He seems like he’s either reading from a postcard or sorta making it up as he goes.
-Completely unaware of how uncomfortable he’s making the Maitlands, stating they’re going to be best (work) friends and getting attached very quickly.
-I’m not sure what about scaring, but there’s obviously some attachment to it as well, with how much eager he is about it, as opposed to his speech earlier when trying to introduce himself.
-Works better with musical numbers, not quite talking. Expresses his thoughts more during numbers and explains things better.
-In a fairly normal world with fairly normal people, who act normal, he stands out a lot. I may be getting ahead of myself, but if he knows there’s an audience who clearly love what he’s doing, wouldn’t he try to do those same things with actual people to get the same reaction? He has a certain cartoony personality, one quite possibly gained from the audience
-He and Lydia, who is stated to be “weird” and just not right in the eyes of Delia, her life coach, and probably her father, get along very well, bonding over what they do best - scaring. They do this for at least a few days straight
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the-catzm30w · 5 months
my musical hyperfixation is coming back like a motherfucker so be prepared…
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livsspecialinterests · 2 months
okay so im not a man i can't speak with an american accent im an okay singer but my vocal range is a little bit higher than required i have very little acting experience and i don't live/don't want to live anywhere near london but those minor details aside i know that if i was given the chance i'd be such a good Beetlejuice if the musical ever had a west end transfer you guuuuyyyyyys
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baalzebufo · 2 years
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hi everyone i watched the beetlejuice musical (finally) (fashionably late) (i want to kiss the sewer man)
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possum-quesadilla · 8 days
Oops! I’m writing a Beetlejuice fanfiction now. Here’s the first chapter of ‘Time is a Flat Circle’, part one of an AU where B-Man is trapped in a timeloop! Being stuck in act 2 of the musical wouldn’t be so bad in my opinion.
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sunnysam-my · 3 months
I so wish I had any control over what becomes my echolalia vocal stim and a bit more control over when I do it, because recently I had "The women's bathroom has no line here, just pee where you want, the whole being dead thing!" stuck in my head. I keep repeating it, with a barely audible whisper, in most random situations like when I'm passing by people so all they hear is just me repeating to myself like a mantra "bathroom has no line here, just pee where you want".
But it's still infinitely better than when I keep singing, not even whispering, "tatata, ra-tatata, don't pee on the floor, use the commodore, yaaa lalalala~."
Can my brain stop repeating songs about peeing on the floor in front of others? I would be very thankful.
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i-really-like-phrogs · 11 months
hiii i just saw your pinned and i would love to see your designs of the maitlands (movie musical or hypothetical cartoon).. i am their biggest fan!!! i love your bettyjuice stuff sooo much also she is amazing
Ohoho, y’all just make my Nerdy heart swell! (And thank you for the tidbit about Betty as well! She is so wonderful, and I’m glad we can all dote on her together!)
I am excited to report that I believe I’ll be filling two of these options. I adore the movie Maitlands, and my style is very cartoon reminiscent… so you’re in luck!
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My designs for them are not very explored yet, (I’ve just made my first “formal” ish drawing of Adam, just for you!), so nothing is set in stone. For Barbara I have some old drawings I relatively like, but I do not have access to them at the moment, so I’ll save those for another post.
Ooh! Before I go, I would like to point out two intentional design choices that I’m particularly proud of! (Featuring a half done movie Lydia for reference)
The first is that Barbara and movie Lydia have a similar eye shape!
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2. Second, Adam and Lydia both have a long-ish face shape
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They’re not her biological parents… but I did want to put some parallels in there!
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myst1xx · 1 year
here is my very own list of characters that are canonically autistic in my mind (i often forget they technically actually aren’t)
- g3 frankie
- g3 clawdeen
- lydia deetz
- beetlejuice
- the maitlands
(this is just becoming entirely the beetlejuice cast)
- sydney novak
- doric
- xenk
- the entirety of the mane six
- christine canigula
- actually just the majority of the bmc cast in general
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No but Toonjuice could also have some of the ‘tism
-His jokes are always literal, always.
-Lydia is his best friend, right? He does have other friends and people in his life, but Lydia is way up there. When Prince Vince takes Lydia’s time away from Beetlejuice, he grows upset, and, yeah, pretty jealous. I, as a person on the spectrum, see it as a close attachment because literally no one else connects with him the way Lydia does. Is it healthy? No. Should he get other friends? Yes. Do I do the same thing? Maybe. (TL;DR: Attached to Lydia because he doesn’t connect well with anyone else)
-When trying to be a good neighbor, he asks Lydia (prior-mentioned best friend) for advice. She does so, and it’s actually good advice, but he takes it literally, making Ginger “feel wanted” by putting up wanted posters everywhere in the Neitherworld, which leads to her getting arrested. He doesn’t seem to understand, later in the episode, that he was not doing as asked.
I have fewer explanations than for musical BJ, but I did notice some traits.
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issacharmastersdp18 · 4 months
I’m like Betelgeuse.
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I will pop up ANYWHERE.
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But it’s not in response to my name.
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You have to have said “Donald Sutherland”
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You don’t have to say it three times.
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Once is enough.
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It never hurts to say it again
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barrygeuse · 2 years
minecraft with the maitland-deetz family
tries to get out of it
“no, lydia, i do not want to play mined craft with you. i’m too busy.”
gets dragged into it anyways under delia’s guise of “family time”
has almost entirely no idea what he’s doing and does not pick it up quickly. the learning curve for him is a steep and slippery slope and he was not given any climbing gear and is also wearing shoes with flat rubber soles
lives in a house with delia that he had absolutely no part in building. 
loves the dogs. once he figures out how to tame them he has at least ten following him around at all times. he doesn’t bother to give them nametags or change their collar colors
no one can touch charles because his dogs will go crazy on you and no one on the server is ready to make him sad by killing one
after a while and once he finally learns how to use the game (which could take weeks) i think he would like to get into redstone builds
also has no idea what she’s doing at first, but in opposition to charles, picks it up within 30 minutes
builds a really sweet little two story birch wood house for her and charles. it’s nothing crazy since it’s her first build, but lydia helps her decorate the outside and make the roof and porch look nice! of course, she has full reign of the interior
really enjoys paintings and covers the walls of their house with them. has a lot of item frames of smelted ores and gems
doesn’t love mining but does it sometimes just because she likes finding lapis and emeralds. she keeps chests full of just lapis (lydia comes to her when she needs extra for enchantments)
thinks the birds are cute and goes “LYDIA! LOOK!” whenever they do their little dance
takes him a bit to warm up to the mechanics, but not as long as charles despite being unacquainted with this sort of technology
it’s a lot of repetition and he enjoys this a lot
loves to strip mine once lydia teaches him how. could do it for hours on end. he loves how methodic it is
every time he announces that he’s found something barbara gets all excited for him and if it’s something big will give him a kiss as celebration
saves all the emeralds and lapis he finds to give to delia
is just ridiculously scared of all of the hostile mobs. he can’t go into actual caves unless someone comes with him (usually barbara, sometimes lydia)
freaks out if he hears a mob’s audio cue and can’t find where it is near him. he likes strip mining because it doesn’t involve the actual cave systems (which terrify him)
will simply not go into the nether
a pretty good builder! he likes to collect materials (again, for the repetitiveness of it all) and as a tiny model/woodworking nerd finds it fun to put stuff together
takes some time to build him and barbara a really nice lakeside cottage esque house. cobblestone and dark oak wood. a bunch of windows with little planters for barb’s flowers
god tier fighter
follows adam around when he’s mining in the caves or while he’s out at night just so she can kill things for him
is very loud while she’s fighting. just likes to shout at the monsters. gets mad at them when they get the chance to hit her
thinks the spiders are cute
on the other hand though she loves to farm and keep animals
definitely has little fence pens for all the mobs that she can keep safely (and without frightening her husband..)
builds gardens around everyone’s houses. lydia helps her get a horse so she can travel farther and find as many types of flowers as she can
has two of every kind of tamable animal and even some untamable ones. her favorites are the cats but shhh don’t tell the others
an all around good minecrafter. of course she is
full diamond very quickly. it would’ve been even faster if she wasn’t trying to help four middle aged adults learn how to play
is the one to start them all off with sets of iron tools and armor
makes a base out of a mountain for everyone at first but once they all get their own places expands upon it and carves out nearly the entire thing for herself, including a few structures that pop out of the side of the mountain
the only one who knows how to enchant anything. no one else really cares to know so she doesn’t have to teach them (thank god)
could definitely beat the ender dragon all on her own and probably does after some time. 
elytras around everywhere which really confuses charles (”lydia how are you flying”)
enables cheats even though they’re turned off for the world just so he can cause mischief and mayhem
scares adam in caves frequently by spawning mobs behind him while he’s strip mining
never causes any permanent damage by grieving but sometimes he will pull pranks and blow stuff up. he always puts it back to normal
has a skeleton horse that he put a dinnerbone nametag on and brings it around everywhere with him
it’s commonplace to be on guard whenever someone sees that horse tethered to a random fencepost outside their house
one day he makes little pools of lava and spawns striders around just to super confuse charles (which is one of his favorite things to do) and barbara manages to get them all into a pen with stone fencing and keep them as pets. adam is wary of this
would fuck with charles’s redstone stuff once the latter actually learns how to set it up
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physically having to restrain myself from texting my mum to tell her that Alex Brightman has a concussion and might not be able to close out Beetlejuice and how sad it would be for him because I know she does not care that much about Beetlejuice the Musical
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ragdollrain · 2 years
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I saw Beetlejuice at Broadway last night and I have One Million Things to say about it. It was incredible. I will have to make a separate post once I'm reunited with my drawing pad, but for now, here's me striking a pose in front of the fanart wall (pointing at snaileyart's piece!). It was so cool to see so many of your guys' submissions on the wall in person.
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loverboybreakdowns · 2 years
yes i could work on one of my multiple wips or i could go to sleep but consider that i could also listen to waterparks on repeat while doing absolutely nothing of value
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banishedandkassified · 11 months
Would you wanna watch Beetlejuice with me? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
I'd love to.
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