cloverssong · 10 months
list five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. spread the positivity!!!
Wow I haven’t had an ask in Y E A R S. But thank you!!!
1. Sunny days in the woods/under trees
2. My bunny
3. The kind of conversation that just keeps going and going where both/all of you excitedly have something to say and it’s hard to drag away from because you just want to share even more
4. My bed and weighted blanket
5. Watching someone learn something new
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lemonsorbae · 4 years
Fea As a sign of solidarity, I must tell you that I also wrote a NSYNC fic back in the day. It was a self-insert where Justin dumped Britney for me. Thank god that predated fanfic websites!!! Honestly its a relief to know I wasn't the only one haha
honestly, Moni, this is great news. because it’s a relief for me, too. and OBVIOUSLY Justin would dump Britney for you. i mean, come ON. that’s what true fanfiction magic is made of.
(i always knew i liked you!)
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herowords · 6 years
Prompt 4 when u have time, if u feel like it: Cas has a garrison of cats(in my head they're all named after angels, xcept Crowley who pisses on all the plants, so he's clearly the devil) & Dean moves in under him(he wondered y that guy was so eager 2 lower the price!). Knocking on the door w/ an offer to pay an exorcist 4 the demonic noises to stop, he's met w/ the bluest pair of eyes which immediately turned apologetic, & a gravelly voice that said Michael&Lucifer were at it again. Dean sneezes
I saw it on those AU lists as person A of OTP has too many cats & person B is his neighbour who's allergic, & thought it was perfect, hope u don't mind! Dean would totally feel bad about telling Cas to get rid of them after he finds out he rescued most of them from shelters bc no one wanted them & seeing how hard he tries to keep them happy(even making them ramps+shelves to climb on), so he asks him out on a date+maybe says smth about knowing some1 who wants a cat (serves Sammy right anyway)
P.S. Sorry to spam your askbox (she said, spamming your askbox), apparently I really needed to talk about catlover!Cas and I couldn't seem to stop, feel free to ignore any and all the details that you want, I'll be happy with anything! :D Sending all my love, and sweet kitty kisses your way!
Hey, Nonnie! Thanks for the lovely message! As for your prompt, here you go!
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I just got a trilogy I wrote published, but I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want my family/friends reading it lol, so I'm telling you? Haha, I guess that's happy. I hope happy things are happening in your life too :) :)
THAT IS AMAZING, OKAY!!!!Congratulations on getting published, friend. That is so exciting. I hope you continue to have success in your writing, and whatever else it is you set out to do in your life.I'm so excited for you!!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats!
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destielreclists · 9 years
I don't know if you're going to see this, and I don't know how long your page has existed, but now that I know, I don't know how I ever lived in a world without it...
Well thank you, my darling. It exists mostly for selfish reasons, I’ll be honest! 
I always thought it’d be nice to have a place to keep ALL THE REC LISTS. So here we are. 
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lemonsorbae · 4 years
There was a flutter of wings and then three tall men were standing in his room. One of them was very tall and had shoulder length brown hair, one was a little taller than average and had eyes (they were bright blue) and the last man was of a height in between the very tall one and the shortest of the three. This is my favourite line from a crack fic I wrote years ago while sleep deprived, posted it at like 3am, and then orphaned it the second I woke up in the morning. Good times.
this is beautiful. good times indeed.
here, i’ll share another of my favorite lines with you. not from a crack fic, mind you and - for authenticity purposes - also not edited:
Alexia stared at the TV, boardaly. 
like, apparently i didn’t have spell check back in the day. or maybe i did and spell check was just like, “what the hell is even this?”
i’d also like to note that we used to exchange fanfic a few different ways. first, there was the good ole floppy disc exchange. yeah, that’s right, a FLOPPY DISC. we’d write up our doc, save it on a disc, and distribute it to our friends the next day. that was like, the number one easiest and most cost efficient way. 
we also printed them. in fact, here’s what one of my printed fics looked like:
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the q-tip is for size reference. and the first few chapters are bound with a shoelace. and i don’t even think that’s the whole fic... (can you tell i’m cleaning out my garage?!) - anyway, this way was obviously the easiest for everyone involved aside from the fact that my parents were never too excited when i used a ream of paper and a cartridge of ink to print an *NSYNC fanfiction. (which i don’t blame them for. that shits costly.)
we also did shared notebooks, which was much like the floppy disc arrangement. write a chapter in the notebook, give the notebook to your friends. the hard part about this was, you either didn’t write anything until you got your notebook back, or you hand wrote it at least twice; once on your own time, and again when your notebook was returned. 
anyway, needless to say i’m hella grateful for AO3 and the likes! 
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lemonsorbae · 5 years
we can and SHOULD talk about how the (tua spoilers) Hargreeves had like 5 days to save the world and Klaus still found time to paint hims little toe nails :D
OKAY, YES WE SHOULD. i’m just very proud of my Gay Lil Trash Baby TM finding time in his Very Busy Schedule to practice just a little bit of self care.
The baby bird took a bath and he painted him’s little toe nails and I’m so proud of him for that. What a good boy he is.
I can just see the whole thing going down, too:
Diego *pounding on Klaus’s bedroom door because*: GODDAMMIT THE FUCKING WORLD IS ABOUT THE END, KLAUS GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!
Klaus: But my piggies aren’t dry yet.
Diego *barges in*: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?????????
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lemonsorbae · 5 years
hey, I'm a Mormon, (or a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). in case you actually wanted to know what there was to "get" about the Mormon joke Cas made in that gif set you reblogged, Cas was mis-associating Mormons with people like the Amish, who do not use modern technology. however, this is a misrepresentation and comes from people not actually knowing anything about us, and it gets pretty tiresome. so it's actually kinda good that you didn't get the joke lol!
Hi, doll! Thank you for this message. 😃
I was raised Mormon as well! I laughed because yes, it made no sense (being viewed by someone who actually knows about Mormonism and the culture.) I mean, I got what they were attempting - kind of, I didn’t realize about the Amish thing until you explained it -but wahwah the attempt fell super flat. I agree, it is tiresome.
Thanks for reaching out! ❤️
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lemonsorbae · 5 years
otp: love at first stab made me laugh out loud XD
;D I thought it was kind of witty, I’m glad you did, too!
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lemonsorbae · 5 years
Hello :) I just finished scars and I really really loved it. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it with us ❤️ I fell in love with the characters and the story is so wonderful!
Wow, what a lovely thing for you to say! Thank you so much. I’m glad the fic worked for you. I put my heart and soul into it, it’s great that’s showing in some form or another to those who read it.
Thank you for stopping in! And for taking the time to read my fic.
Scars for interested parties.
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lemonsorbae · 5 years
Hii! I'm Sheya, and I just finished Scars, on Ao3! I loved it so much (all of it, but especially the ending) and I absolutely had to tell you! I'd usually drop a comment on the story, but this feels more personal, and I swear, your story is so beautiful written it's honestly such a good portrayal of them and so realistic - they develop a lot of character by the end and all of it is so relatable and perfect. I absolutely adore your writing style. Thank you for making it, I look forward to more 💜
Thank you so much for this message! I probably say this about all my fic, but that fic is quite literally my baby and I’ve been so humbled and pleased with how it’s been received. I am so glad you enjoyed it and that it worked for you. Thank you for taking the time to let me know as much.
x’s and o’s
For interested parties: Scars
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lemonsorbae · 5 years
Hi! I just read Scars and I love it so much!! I feel like I’m almost in mourning because it over 😭 but I’m so thankful to have been able to read it 😁 it is amazing!
Wow, thank you so much for such kind words! I’m really glad it worked for you. I’m kind of mourning that it’s over, too!
For interested parties: Scars
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herowords · 6 years
You're a really great writer!!! I'm actually sleepy right now (nighttime where I am) but I'm genuinely gonna sit down and scroll through your stuff properly!!! I read two today, and Chuck, am I a fan!!! If you have a taglist, I'd like to be on it! I love your stuff, and I hope this comment makes you smile, just as your works made me (reading clears up the mess, that is my mind, at this moment) and have a good day!!! ~ Sheya 👋👋
Okay, I’m going to be honest with you. I had no idea what a ‘tag list’ was until I actually saw one the other night. I’d heard them talked about, but I was otherwise in the dark. (I’m a senior citizen here on tumblr, fancy new things take me awhile to figure out. - Watch ‘tag lists’ have been around for like, five years. Ha!)
However! Now that I know what it is, I suppose I could try it out! I’ve been writing in this fandom for almost seven years now, and I’m still surprised people want to read my work, so. It’s so sweet that you want to be tagged! I’ll post a post specifically asking for those who want to join my tag list. Keep your eyes open for it! And thank you for such a kind message.
ETA: The post is here.
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lemonsorbae · 7 years
Hello hopefully you maybe able to help me. I'm looking for a fic where Castiel is a preacher and Dean has been assigned to escort him to a new town. It takes a few days for them to reach town and on the way they end up sleeping together. Cas also helps deliver a baby. When they get to town Cas finds out that Dean is married to Lisa ect. It's also set in the past. I didn't end up finishing this fic so idk what happened.
Okay, so I’ve never read or heard of this fic, but I found one that matches your description pretty well, so it might be:
Church of the Country Wild by Amazonia_8Summary: Sheriff Dean Winchester has been sent to Boston to collect the new preacher for his town of Lawrence. What he finds is a man nothing like what he expected and suddenly the long journey back to Kansas seems a lot more dangerous than he'd previously thought.
Let me know if this is it or not? Also, those were really great things to remember about the fic; specific stuff like that makes finding the fic so much easier.
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lemonsorbae · 7 years
I need you to know that seeing all of these old destiel posts you're reblogging is making my day so much better.
oh, i’m so glad! i needed inspo for a thing i’m working on so i’ve been scouring my old blogs for some “vintage Destiel” ;D
(if you haven’t already, you should also check out: dahliasheng’s swear2dad tag lordwhat’s words on pictures tagand i have a crack tag on an old blog of mine.)
happy day!
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lemonsorbae · 7 years
I haven't been following for long, but I really love your blog! Anyway I haven't written very much but I kind of like this one, it's Destiel and very short (less than 3k) archiveofourown(.)org/works/10231568 I hope you don't think it's too awful and that you have a really good spring break!
Okay, for starters, I’m sorry I never ended up reading the fics you guys sent me! That week got a little wild for me. Anyway, I’m on another break and just now catching up on your recommendations! - Sorry for the million month delay. :/
Next up! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!! I love high school au’s so much. I used to read/write so many of them, this was so nostalgic for me. And what a great fic! I love how protective Dean was, and how much Cas trusted him. It started out sad, but the way you ended it was great! This was really awesome, thank you!
It Was Just A Joke by givebackmylifecas
WC: ~2300Rating: T
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