#ask me whatever you want y'all
wolfsbanesparks · 1 day
Do you think Captain Marvel would introduce Mary Marvel and Freddy (boy needs a better name than CM3, I swear) to the Justice League? Or would they meet them on their own eventually? Slow rumors that cap has sidekicks/is a dad until he stops and tells them about them?
Hi anon!
I think that in the immediate aftermath Mary and Freddy getting their powers, it kind of slipped Cap's mind to tell the Justice League about them. After all, finding your long lost twin sister and bringing your best friend back from the brink of death are both very intense events, and teaching them to use their powers takes up a lot of his attention.
I think he doesn't even realize that the JL don't know about Mary and Freddy until someone pulls up a news story/footage of the Marvels and asks him about it directly. And then Cap would be so excited to introduce them (because you know how much he loves letting everyone know how amazing they are). Though I imagine he insists they aren't his sidekicks.
An alternate version would be he mentions them casually in conversation. Like "Mary and I have been volunteer downtown" or "I've been teaching Jr how to do xyz" and whoever he's talking to is reeling. Who's Mary? And Jr? And that would certainly lead to some rumors.
Either way, Cap would be ecstatic to introduce Mary and Freddy to the JL once someone gives him the idea. Though after introductions, people are perhaps even more confused as to how they are related.
This was so fun to think about! Thank you for the ask!
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kedreeva · 3 months
as someone who is ace and entering college years, how has your dating life been as an ace? what other struggles have there been that you have advice for? i dont know any aces or similar around me older or otherwise. thank you for your time and i hope you have an easy day!
Okay this will get a little long so I'll put it behind a cut
Honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I never really...struggled? Not specifically with asexuality or with anything related to it. I can tell you my experiences, though, and you can decide if there's anything worthwhile to take away from it!
I grew up in a house run by science and math. I knew the prefix a- meant without/not and I knew there was heterosexual and bisexual and homosexual, so when young and, importantly, before really ever interacting with other queer folk, I went Ah ha, these are (prefix)(sexual) and so therefore I am asexual (without sexuality), and that was that. That was literally all the thought I gave to it. People had crushes on other people, I didn't have crushes on people, end of story. If, for some reason, I developed a crush on someone, I would deal with it then.
Maybeeeee midway through HS, a very good friend of mine asked me about it, and I said well, some people like everyone the same, and I dislike everyone the same. And she said well, then it sounds like you like everyone the same, that amount is just zero, so that seems like bisexual? (she didn't know the term asexual was an actual sexuality term either at that point, just the biological term for reproduction and, well, I could reproduce theoretically so couldn't be that) And I said well, alright then, and called myself bisexual for the next 6 or 7 years. THEN I found out asexuality is a sexuality not just a mode of reproduction and I said Ah Ha, I was Correct, and that was that again.
So I guess if I was offering advice it would be... you know you. Don't let someone else tell you about you if you think they're wrong. Make up a word if there isn't one. Use a new word if you find one that already exists and fits.
Also, that it's fine to not worry about it. Literally it's fine to just never think about it if you have better things to do. I think a lot of people get really wrapped up in finding the right label and/or "what happens if-" when like... you're not a canned good. You don't need a label. Worry about what-ifs when they come up, don't borrow anxiety if you can help it.
I dated a few people in HS, like... three people I think, and one Almost. One predatory mistake I thankfully recognized (HEY because I had older folks online I could talk to about it!) and got out of quickly, and one hot mess relationship that was a LOT of fun- my boyfriend, Sark, and then his ex-girlfriend, and then I stepped out so they could get back together, and then they said wait no, and invited me back in, and that went on for most of the end of HS, and nearly into college, when I stepped out again (and peacefully, I am still friends with both of them and I married Sark in the end). There was one guy whom I was always, perpetually, extremely fond of, and we hung out a lot, kissed once, and I think we would have had a lot of fun dating, but ultimately it was a near miss that became a fond memory, because we were never in the right place together. Sometimes life does that, and that's okay, too.
In college, I simply didn't date anyone. I had better things to do. I met my best friend, @idkfandomwhatever, online that year (and still talk to her almost daily, sometimes for hours, despite that we are on opposite sides of the world!!), and in person @mishapeep who was the best roomie I ever had (hi!!!!! i love you!!!). I had great friends, I went on a TON of adventures, worked a cool job where I had awesome coworkers, and just all around had a blast learning stuff and napping in sunbeams or on couches at the food court. A couple of guys made passes, and I turned them down because I just wasn't into it, and we remained friends. There was one coworker at my dispatch job that I got along with like a house on fire, and everyone ELSE thought we should be dating, but neither of us ever brought it up- I can't say why he didn't for sure, but I know I never brought it up because I was 85% sure he didn't swing for the right team to date me, which I ALSO never brought up until he found me on facebook years later to tell me about his husband running for local election somewhere. so. again, don't let anyone else tell you what to do lol there was ALSO another guy that I had NO interest in that spent a lot of time around me, but we mostly sat in my bunk watching Queer as Folk, which I KNOW was his first exposure to queer material. I never talked about queer stuff with him otherwise, but I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he's also happily married to his husband. Sometimes just being yourself, openly and without shame about it, does more than you think, even if it's not doing anything directly for you (but it is, it's good for you too).
SINCE college ended, I dated one guy I met through an online game and that was great in person briefly, but ultimately didn't work out because he couldn't be a nice person, another guy I met through the same online game and that didn't work out at ALL in person, and then I started hanging out with Sark and co again. I was on the phone with him driving somewhere, and I said something to the effect of someday you're gonna find a gf and she's not gonna want you to keep going on adventures with your ex, and we won't be able to talk anymore and I had a real recordscratch moment where I realized absolutely NOT on MY watch, I wanted that boy in my life forever actually, and we've been married now for... this is year 8.
I may have landed in a soft place, but I didn't seek it out. I just lived my life and didn't worry about my sexuality or about who I was or wasn't gonna date. When I DID date, I was up front about what I wanted from any of those relationships and part of the problem with the relationships that didn't work out was sometimes that I did not KNOW what I wanted, yet. But, it was IMPORTANT I think, that I gave the chances I did, because I did learn about myself and what I wanted. That's probably the hardest fucking thing to learn, that relationships sometimes happen not because they're likely to be permanent, but because it may be fun or be a way to learn what you do or don't want. Maybe alongside of that, the lesson that it's okay to go "hm, actually this is Not For Me" and exit peacefully whenever possible. But it's okay to give temporary things a shot and see how it goes, even knowing up front it may be temporary (honestly maybe that even takes some of the stress of it off? if you don't have to worry about it being forever, and you don't have to worry about "what if I never experience other things," and you don't worry so much about messing it up so it feels easier to take chances saying and doing stuff you might otherwise consider too risky to ask for etc).
I'm aware I'm lucky that things went pretty smoothly for my entire life so far, insofar as dating or sexuality is concerned. Part of that was definitely because even the worst of the people I dated weren't really all that bad of people. A lot of it was that I just didn't date if I didn't want to. I didn't care about sex, so I didn't have sex for the first time until a few years after college, and only one guy ever pushed the issue at all (the guy in HS I immediately dropped all contact with).
The thing is... I dated or nearly dated like ten people, flirted with countless others (because it's FUN), and the only one I still have regular contact with (not just occasional friendly hellos) is the one I kept at the end.
But the friends I made in college? I kept a lot of those. I still talk to several of my college friends on a regular basis. I have made other friends since, some of whom I talk to every day, some of whom have become irregular contacts I am still fond of. But those bonds are important and the ones you make with your friends from here out do have the potential to span at least huge chunks of your life, if not the entirety of it. If you only take away one thing from this little novel...take that knowledge.
also this has nothing to do with asexuality but for pete's sake find SOME kind of hobby club to be a part of, or make one if there isn't one, follow your stupidest instincts for adventure on occasion (like playing freeze tag frisbee in a lightning storm on the PAC lawn at 11pm until the campus cops show up to make you go home), and take at least one "fuck it this sounds fun" class. Mine was archery at 7am, the only early-morning class I ever took. Worth it, we were all TERRIBLE but god it was awesome.
Good luck out there!
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tangledinink · 8 months
Whats your opinion on alters (did/osdd traumagenic systems) formed from your aus? Since alters can't really control their source asking for a friend/lh
Go off, do your thing, feel free, etc etc etc. It doesn't bother me, if that's a concern. I've had a couple people tell me they have fictives from some of my AU's chilling in their heads and if anything I think it's kinda fun and funky and exciting to hear about? So far I'm aware of a Gemini!Mikey and a Swanatello out there in the world.
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starrspice · 4 months
It was in the little top posts bar under my icon on my page for a crazy long time
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rogueddie · 6 months
You know, it's heart shattering that war in Ukraine is almost 2 years and there is no single repost in your blog on that matter...
And the problem is that ordinary citizens of other countries are not aware of the horrors of the war and the real numbers of Ukrainian casualties. The overall figures are based on UN reports, which are far from reality. They do not contain horror stories about the torture of the civilian population, the rape of not only women, but newborn children, not to mention the murders that the Russians carry with them. And there are tens of thousands of such stories if not more...
You know, and now almost every family, even in regions far from the war, feels pain and are suffering, because someone's father, someone's husband or someone's son were killed, whom without being military, went to defend their country.
And for those who say that Ukraine is to blame or that the problem arose because of the EU and NATO, it is not so. Because as we can see, as of today, Ukraine still does not have the opportunity or potential to be a member of these organizations.
So why did I write all this? Because I really love your work, but I can't understand: how is it to condemn the war in one country, but not notice it in another?
The people of Gaza, and Palestinians in general, are not at war. They are being murdered in an ethnic cleansing and my country, and many others, are not only supporting that but providing them the funding they need to commit said genocide against civillians and children.
The horrors happening in Ukraine are awful. It definitely deserves more attention. But you don't need to entirely dismiss the atrocities happening in Gaza to do so.
You are also ignoring vital context; Ukraine has been reported on, spoken on, for the entire war. They've recieved military support. Monetary aid. Everyone is for them and I've never needed to tell my countries governement to support Ukraine, they already are.
But the political powers, right now, are supporting Isreal. They are supporting genocide. And the only times they aren't able to send that support? It is because we, the people, are stopping them from doing so. It is extremely vital in this case, with Gaza, to keep speaking on it and keep people informed. To keep people motivated.
More than 11,000 people have been murdered in Gaza. The UN has called it "a childrens graveyard". There are Isrealis who sit and watch the bombing of Gaza like it's a fireworks display.
I haven't seen anyone blame Ukraine, and I don't doubt that there are people saying that, but I have seen plenty of people blame Gaza. I've seen plenty of people blame Islam. I've seen plenty of people say that they feel nothing for the children being murdered.
Also, if you love my work so much then you probably should have noticed by now that I haven't really spoken about things that could be considered political that much before this. I spoke about things like the Queen dying and the missile that landed in Poliand, during the Russia - Ukraine war.
It's not because I'm ignoring any of it. It's because this is my dumb little fandom blog where I smash Stranger Things characters together like they're my Barbie dolls. It's a way to talk about my hyperfixation without annoying people irl, who I annoy enough by talking about politics, constantly.
But the horrors happening in Gaza, to Palestinians, is so horrible, so beyond unforgivable, that I feel like I have to talk about it. And I have a platform now- reblogging things about Palestine will bring more attention to it and, who knows, maybe one person will feel motivated to do something. I can only hope.
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
so idk if anyone remembers anymore but some time ago I described a fic idea in the tags of a post (and then elaborated the idea in a later ask) regarding Olli/Aleksi falling for each other while still being in relationships respectively... yeah, I kinda ended up writing something based off that thought and I just uploaded the first chapter on AO3, I hope y'all will be cool about it 👉👈
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discordiansamba · 4 months
Ur holding up the fandom how is your back I reread all of your fics thank you for your service 🫡
Well. Generally I only ever paid peripheral attention to the fandom (enough to, unfortunately absorb a lot of the bullshit back in the day but somehow there's things I only later learned from other people), so mostly I'm just sitting in a spinny chair and minding my own business. this is the ideal way to enjoy very large fandoms.
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 month
Billy Batson as a radio host is an amazing voice actor and uses this talent in the most hilarious and evil way possible
For example-
Highjacking buildings intercom system and telling villains inside in the most happy and chipper commercial announcer voice that if you're an individual that values their appendages please kept your hands and feet to yourself and may your God have mercy on your soul because the 3000 year old cures your about to experience sure as hell WILL NOT
And you know he's going to have a field day with scam calls
I love this so much!
He can say the most wild and terrifying things in that perfectly measured newscaster voice that has people doing a double take if they aren't listening carefully. His cheerful warnings would terrify people (particularly the villains unlucky enough to hear it twice).
Like he is generally responsible and usually uses his talents for good, but sometimes a situation presents itself...
And like once he's a relatively well known radio host, his voice becomes recognizable to the people in Fawcett and him using his voice acting talents takes on a whole new surreal experience for whoever he's messing with because suddenly that friendly boy reporter from the radio is threatening you with ancient curses and violence with the same cadence as when he was told the story of saving a cat from a tree.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
hi hello i just want to say that the Dazai analysis you sent lotus made me tear up bc SO. MUCH. YES. 😭👏 i don’t feel so alone in my Dazai interpretations anymore haha :’)
have you written any other Dazai analyses (or Chuuya... or anything bsd related), or would you be willing to? bc i would LOVE to read them!!!! 🥹
also, if your dms are open, i would love to pick your brain on some Dazai/skk things if you're open to it (no pressure tho!!) <333
Omg thank you!! I'm actually pretty surprised it's getting so much love. I just wrote it to help fellow writers in case somebody needed another perspective on his character for references. I could've written more but,,,,,, Character limit is my enemy. But it feels nice to know people liked it <3
I have studied their characters a lot but I've never posted anything besides what you just read ngl. It's kind of surprising to me too because it's literally my favorite manga ever and Dazai is, like, my favorite character of all time (and Nikolai. Add Nikolai there too). But my asks are always open if you wanna know my opinions on stuff and I will answer happily because I am obsessed with BSD !!!!!
I feel like this is whispering in some way it's so funny- Just matching the energy. You can DM whenever you want. I actually saw you reblogged the ask with an addition to the analysis and I don't have the time rn to read it but I definitely will. No doubt. Read the first line and instantly knew I'd agree with everything you said. So you can DM me whenever!
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
Hi! So i apologize preemptively if this seems like a silly or even nonsensical question, but im having a hard time getting into politics and more specifically finding more info regarding Anarchy.
It's been a subject I've been interested in for a while but never really branched out and looked further into bc everwhere I've looked, the info was always mushed into word vomit or it was someone giving their opinion regarding it.
Where could i learn more about it as a whole?
I haven't read anything from this site in a while, but I read a few essays from the Anarchist Library a while back. A few of those essays might be too opinionated, but that's kind of... the point of everything, if I'm honest (in addition to facts and statistics and whatnot). I'll recommend this site specifically because it is a bit more accessible for getting essays and also because you might find more specifics - I've read a few pieces years back on queer and trans anarchy, and found it helpful. Of course, some sources will be better than others, so exercise healthy questioning and interrogate whatever you do read.
Note that the hyperlink will take you to the front page of the Anarchist Library's website.
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| TMDG ANNOUNCEMENT| 💙🔪💔 | AU Ground Rules |
I'm in the process of writing TMDG. I've had several people ask me if they can use my SK! Sans in fanfic or what have you... Or expand on the very limited lore I've provided:
Please... Do not.
I have all the pieces in place for SK! Sans's backstory/motivations/characterization. There's a whole background for Frisk I have yet to reveal, etc etc — Everything is plotted out.
I just haven't put it out there because it's *spoilers* for the fic that I'll be releasing in the future.
So anything TMDG / SK! Sans / Final! Frisk related will kind of have to remain closed for now.
I'm not saying that the whole of the True Crime genre is off limits, that's ridiculous, but the story of TMDG itself is under lock and key at the moment.
NOW, that being said: You're free to make all the theories you want, you're free to draw Fanart, etc buuuut I do ask to refrain from expanding on my ideas which are... airtight and secret.
Trust me. They're all there. They're just behind a padlock rn.
I hope all of that makes sense.
Love you all!!!
And thank you so much, Dear Hearts, for getting interested in this concept. Please just bear with me.
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waokevale · 6 months
So uh
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curiouschaosstarlight · 7 months
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Way Too Much Of The Fandom: "He's just an asshole!! No one should ever write him as anything else!! He's killed people!!"
Canon: "Willing to erase his entire personality just so he can be used by others"
Canon: "First instinct to finding out he was lied to about how his first friend died is to kill himself, because that being a lie completely erases any and all meaning behind all of his meaner actions"
Scaramouche/Wanderer's Actual Chinese Voice Actor:
#chaotic vents#not important#i am genuinely pissed rn this take is so easily disproven#if you literally just look between the lines for three seconds#worst possible take done by people unwilling to ask why the curtains are blue#yes both people bashing him and people liking him claim this#wow look at this big brained take; character is just evil!! no nuance!! just evil!!#idc if that's your genuine opinion of him or if that's how you prefer him or whatevs#what i care is that y'all aint the fucking authority on writing Scaramouche/Wanderer#y'all are FACTUALLY WRONG about what his personality is actually like so#fucking sit down and shut up#if someone wants to say he's totally innocent and has done nothing wrong#that's their prerogative#both sides are completely wrong so.#deal with it.#showing this to a friend for quality control made me realize that#the people that perpetuate 'Scaramouche is just an evil asshole' like...#literally never talk about the shit he went through#they never mention Niwa or the nameless child that died#or being abandoned by Ei#it's like to them he just exists without a backstory beyond the Fatui#and thus remains an entity without any motivation or drive or reason to his actions aside from 'just to be mean'#i've seen people claim Scara's only ever softened because a thing in his character stuff#mentions him being kind to kids (and old people)#nnnno there's a huge amount more to him that y'all just apparently decided doesnt count i fucking guess#nvm the fact that his actions and behaviors point fairly heavily to the fact that he struggles to even consider#letting go of the fact that he is a puppet and 'had a bigger purpose'#nopenopnope just totes evil and everyone who ever says or thinks otherwise is a blind idiot that#doesnt get the character and shouldnt be writing him apparently
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
aro culture is loving anime like Spy x Family and The Way of the Househusband and the relationships in them, but then having an hour long cry as you will never have what they do.
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theorderofthetriad · 6 days
personally, i think creators have the right to ask for money for their work, and they're not obligated to give their work to you for free, even if they originally did.
and i think if a platform doesn't work for a creator, they shouldn't have to stay there, especially a platform as famously shitty for creators as youtube.
yeah, not everyone can afford to spare six dollars a month, but also no one is going to die because they can't watch watcher anymore. anyone who wants to watch them that bad w/o the cash to spare will inevitably find ways to access it for free anyways.
so all in all, i'm shocked and disappointed by the response i've seen to the watcher announcement. I thought this was the "don't devalue artists! their work is worth something! you should pay creators for their work!" website, but as soon as it's a popular youtuber not only is their work suddenly not worth paying for, but they're worthy of mockery and vitriol for daring to ask?
like this was literally SUCH a non issue it's sad to see people so up in arms about it AND being completely in the wrong while doing it.
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