#ash dragonblade
little-demy · 11 months
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Hero needs to stop consuming whatever kind of thing they found in the middle of a quest
Also hi i'm back (for a while)
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tomixslefttoe · 1 year
The Hero: The healer said I’m perfectly fine. Except for this burn scar. And this broken rib...which is right next to two other broken ribs.
Ash: Did she clear you or not?
The Hero: She did not! [claps hands] Let’s get to work!
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eclissy · 2 years
HHD Prompt Collection - Tomix
A couple of months ago, I asked followers on twitter to send me AE NPCs they’d like to see me write drabbles about - the theme being those NPCs giving the Hero/Player character chocolate.
Forgot to post them here too, but better late than never!
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If Tomix still had his hands, they’d be wrapped tight in bandages. It was the one upside to his predicament.
Heroes’ Heart Day was upon Falconreach, and Ash Dragonblade was kind enough to explain the festivities to Tomix. They were supposed to give chocolates to someone they appreciated or even loved.
Ash had given up on home-made chocolates, and writing a thoughtful letter. He kept wasting food trying to make pretty shapes and he just couldn’t find the right words to express his affection.
Instead, the generous young man handed the remainder of his chocolates to Tomix and decided to buy something nice for the Hero.
The Soulweaver felt bad about turning his attention away from his mission. He should be focusing on the Voidship and tracking down Envy.
But when was the next time Tomix would ever experience Heroes’ Heart Day?
Making up his mind, Tomix borrowed a book on wood carving from the Falconreach Libraseum, and hunkered down on a stump near the portal to Ravenloss.
He thought being skilled at weaving would naturally meld with the techniques used for carving chocolate. The many cuts and tears in his leather gloves said otherwise.
Birds were pecking at all of the chocolate shavings on the grass. Tomix was so focused on his project that he didn’t notice them hopping around his boots.
A card had to come with the chocolates. He had an idea of what he wanted to say, but there wasn’t going to be any room for a book inside a candy box.
By the time he finished carving the third gardenia, the Soulweaver pieces some of his feelings together.
Tomix wanted to continue his adventures with the Hero and discover new mysteries together. The greatest mystery of all was the future. He knew what they are and who they were to each other today, but the Soulweaver yearned to know what they could be.
He managed eleven intricate gardenias in total, arranged them in a box, and tucked his letter under one of the petals.
The Hero was at the Inn and Tomix managed to catch Ash on his way there too. He held the exact same type of box as the young knight. All according to plan.
Ash was the trusting sort, not noticing that Tomix switched their boxes when he pretended to bump into him.
Apologizing, Tomix sent Ash on his way, turning down an invitation to see the Hero together.
The Soulweaver just muttered that he was busy, wondering if the Hero would throw their arms around Ash and agree to head into the future together.
Silently, he wished them a safe journey towards the sunrise as he slipped back to the forest, returning to the shade of Ravenloss.
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tmae3114 · 9 months
thought too much about exploring the dynamics of 'high schoolers who were friends in primary school' vs 'high schoolers who went to the same primary school but only know each other vaguely' vs 'mixed-primary-school high school friend groups' vs 'kids who only moved to the area at the start of high school' in fiction and now, to my dismay, I am reluctantly and tentatively interested in writing a high school au???
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seiya-starsniper · 1 month
Last Line Tag Game
Having been tagged by everyone under the sun (@five-and-dimes, @amielot @tj-dragonblade @lenreli @im-not-corrupted are the ones I can see, I'm sorry if I missed anyone else!), I present to you all, more of the same WIP, my omegaverse forced marriage fic which is now over 8k words and only halfway done lmao.
“Look I’d rather we not fight before I leave,” Robert says. “I’m sorry we haven’t spoken much lately, I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”  “Leave?” Dream asks, ignoring the only apology he’s ever received from the alpha. “Where are you going?” he demands, grip tightening on his silverware. His meal suddenly tastes like ash in his mouth. “Ah, damn,” Robert curses. “I meant to—it doesn't matter. I've been called away to manage an overseas contract. I'll be gone for a while,” he answers, resigned, as if this is something he cannot help. But Dream knows better. Ever since their marriage, Robert has been the golden child of his parents’ business again, which means the alpha was offered this job. Had willingly accepted it. All to get away from Dream.  “How long is a while?” Dream nearly shrieks, his voice pitching higher and higher as Robert’s words sink in. “Were you planning to even say goodbye, or was I supposed to learn of your departure from the staff?” Robert snorts, and Dream wants to throw his knife and fork at him.  “Does it matter?” the alpha asks with a hint of a sneer in his tone. “You hardly notice I'm here, and you spend all your time in your wing of the house.” “Because you never bother to seek me out in the first place!” Dream growls. He’s angry now. Livid even. He doesn’t know why. Robert leaving should be a blessing. Dream would have the house to himself, could decorate as he pleases, would not have to walk on eggshells to hide his pregnancy. But somehow, the thought of the house being truly empty, devoid even of its owner, rankles something in Dream and makes him feel as though he is being abandoned.
Enjoy the angst! :3
Tagging @softest-punk @moorishflower @teejaystumbles @pumpkinkingsalem @arialerendeair and anyone else who wants to play!
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landwriter · 1 year
first lines/last fics x10
thank you for the tags, @serenailith and @virgo-dream! never gotten this one before!
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
As a child, Duncan had been frightened of the dark. -from the upcoming Oaths chapter
Hob Gadling loves the way living language changes. -The Death of Translation
It’s just like love, but it's not. In the winter, falling ash can be mistaken for snow. -Just Like Love
Once upon a time, there was a boy born in the summer, whose destiny was winter. -Flower King
It was not, actually, love at first sight. -Emissary of the Night
The sound of waves lapping against the shore makes it seem like they’re saying hush hush hush, but you are hearing it wrong. -Black Shore
There are two things that Dream does only once a century. -Border Country
Hob stood alone inside a lovely limestone cathedral. -Saint Morpheus
It may surprise you to hear that many in my life think me unfeeling after my outburst, but I am certain you will wish they were right by the end of this letter. -Unsent Letter from Dream of the Endless to one Hob Gadling, circa June 1889 (not quite a fic but we're only at nine haha)
Hob tipped his face up to the sun and shut his eyes. He breathed in deep, and let the smoke from the burning heather sting the back of his throat. He was going to get piss drunk tonight. He’d earned it. -Oaths (the actual first lines lol, just to hit ten)
Tagging @mandolinearts @delta-pavonis @teejaystumbles @tj-dragonblade @hardly-an-escape @that-banhus @slythernim @dsudis @pellaaearien @wordsinhaled if you're down!
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scarlet-moonlight · 5 months
HEARTSTEEL members (+Alune) and the Overwatch characters I think they would main/What type of player they are (I need to cope with the shitty games Ive been getting recently and I’m doing it by combining my two biggest hyperfixiations at the moment), semi serious and not serious at the same time lol, a lot of these are based on my own personal experiences playing this game (Especially Kayn)
(Also I’m using the black/bold for Ksante because tumblr doesn’t have yellow and purple for Alune because while I think pink suits her, Kayn already has it and no member uses purple)
-Kiriko and Moira main. Only picks the female characters because they have the cutest skins. Never actually healing you, and if he is, its only so that he can get ult and then solo DPS the entire team even though it never works out. Still 1v5’ing the enemy team even without his ult because he thinks it can look good on his tiktok montages (Yes he’s one of THOSE TikTok Moira’s) Went absolutely ballistic over the LE SSERAFIM skins and only spams their emote all game
-Junkrat main, loves doing that cool thing that Junk players do where they jump into a group of enemies and ults RIGHT in the middle of them. Loves playing payload maps on defense cause he can spam the attackers spawn gate with mines and traps as soon as the game starts (That little shit) Very toxic in voice chat, will take his time to tbag every player he kills so it can look good on the kill cams, spams the “its snowing” voiceline everywhere (Overwatch players, you know what I’m talking about) will absolutely flame his supports for not healing them when HES THE ONE JUMPING INTO THE ENEMY TEAM IN THE FIRST PLACE (And yet only plays quick play/arcade modes because competitive players scare him lol)
-Ana main because she reminds him of his mama Unlike Ezreal, he actually knows how to heal his team. Occasionally finds himself tossing a nade at nothing accidentally or even worse, pressing Q out of panic and nano boosting the Lucio or smth. Got flamed by his teammates (*ahem* Kayn) and still feels really bad about it. Almost always caught in a 1v1 against the Widow or Ashe he thinks he can win (He does not) Never actually uses his scope and just shoots at people randomly to heal them, cause he’s too lazy to practice his aim.
-Zarya main, fits his vibe for some reason. He actually knows how to defend his team. Started off as a casual player, (isn’t that much of a video game person in general,) but liked how everyone else had fun on this game and wanted to do better for their sake. Got surprisingly good at it too. Very smart with his bubble and grav placements. The only one who actually plays the game normally, I swear.
-An old man who does not have time for video games, only plays because Ezreal and Kayn roped him into it and he couldn’t say no. Super basic, only playing Soldier 76 because that was the first character given to him by the tutorial and he’s too lazy to practice anyone else. Pretty good with his aim and left click but just…does not do anything else besides that. Does not sprint to try and chase people, does not use his Helix Rockets, does not use his biotic field, just..stands there spamming left click cause thats all he knows how to do.
-Casual support enjoyer by day, tryhard Genji and Hanzo main by night. Does the most INSANE Dragonblades with Genji, nano boost or not. Flanking entire back lanes with just his dash alone, deflecting ults like no tomorrow. Knows every map, every shortcut, every health pack location, its TERRIFYING. Even more so when he’s playing Hanzo, WILL one shot you from the most bullshit corners you didn’t even know existed WILL two tap you with storm arrow (Sometimes just one) and WILL somehow get at least a 3k from an extremely well placed Dragonstorm. Its insane. (Also he plays Kiriko as a support but with the way he kills people with her, you think he was playing a sniper. Ezreal could only dream to be like him)
-Mei main. Also just out of vibe. Almost always spending money on her favorite skins and emotes for her (Sprinkles is her personal favorite) Also a casual player. Really good at sniping with her secondary fire though, so watch out. Ults are also super satisfying. Knows the best places to throw them to at least freeze the entire team for its duration. Ice Walls are always perfectly timed to protect you from ults, including several RIP-Tires from Kayn (Much to his rage and anger) Has some scary combos with her ult and Genji blade from Phel.
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flavos-df · 2 years
Ash Dragonblade passes you a letter: One for you, Kairos! Kairos, Can you come to the tower? I have a favor to ask, plus my daughter is staying over, right now, and I don't think you've met her? Talk soon. Warlic
"Ah- thanks Ash!"
They quickly opened the letter, neutral stare slowly turning into one of curiosity as they finished reading it.
"Warlic has a daughter...?"
They set off to Warlic's tower immediately.
When they arrived, he was already waiting for them in front alongside someone that they presumed to be his daughter.
"Hello Warlic! Hope you haven't been waiting long. Is this your daughter?"
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
How about 🤡, ✨, 🎶, and 💖 for the writer asks?
Thanks for the questions @tj-dragonblade!!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
OK, I am going to give two, one recent, one older:
Hob also learned that Dream’s form in the Waking, human though it may appear and human though it might respond to Hob’s touch, was not human at all in its hunger for pleasure. He had seen hints before, in the months since Dream had revealed his true nature to Hob, that the vastness of his being was not always well-contained in human form. This was no different, Dream bleeding away from his humanness the further entangled they became.
The short of it was that, in the shockingly brief time it took his dick to rally an interest in the proceedings again, Hob had been so filled with semen you could have mistaken him for a navy ship. -- from Chapter 3 of high enough (you got me good)
(Context for the next one is that it is an OC of mine, Mett, who is nonbinary and uses primarily he/him pronouns in the Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds universes. This is part of how he and Ash Tyler shack up. They end up in a committed triad with Chris Pike in a 48k+ fic I haven't finished yet. Whee!)
They collapsed on the couch, Ash’s full weight on Mett, who wriggled in delight, a wholly dopey smile on both their faces. Ash sighed, his nose buried in the back of Mett’s neck. “I think that went well.”
Mett giggled and then whimpered as Ash shifted out of him the last bit. He reached back to pat Ash on the hip. “Baby, if you think I am even halfway done with you after that performance…” Mett rolled his hips back and Ash gasped. “I’ve got some of my own tricks. Which I will gladly show you. Once I gather a few more brain cells back together.”
Ash laughed and rubbed his still-hard cock along the crack of Mett’s ass. “I am ready when you are.”
“Jesus. You…” Mett rolled his hips again to confirm. “Fuck, you’re still hard.”
“You’re welcome.” 
Mett snorted. After a beat, “Sorry about your shirt.”
“No you’re not.” Ash’s voice was amused and light. “I’m certainly not.”
“Good.” Mett rolled his shoulders back and started to push up. “Gotta pee. Shove off or you’re gonna get wet.”
Ash stood and stretched, hands brushing the ceiling of the room. “Eh, not my kink.” 
He felt a hand patting his hip. “We are gonna get along just fine.”
“Because we weren’t already?” Ash quipped... -- from Chapter 2 of Sagitta
(this last one from Sagitta isn't that funny, but it tickles me pink, so there.)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
JFC, I am ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE AT THIS. <Stitch eye-pulling GIF> OK, I am really really fucking happy with how a wrote first-person POV for Hob in i had a dream (i got everything i wanted). That is the first time I have ever felt really PROUD of my own fiction writing.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Usually not, although I have a few songs that specifically have inspired (very vaguely) fics. The one I am working on right now has its home in Veruca Salt's Seether, one of my favorite songs of all time.
💖 What made you start writing?
*shakes cane* Back in my day...
No, really, somewhere in the depths of some external hard drive are the fics that I wrote 100% for myself in middle and high school. Never published, ever ever, and will never see the light of day. These were places I explored my identity as bisexual and how I preferred power dynamics in relationships.
I have put fic up on AO3 when I have been truly inspired by some source. Episode 6 of The Sandman absolutely hit that button HARD for me. And then I got into the fandom, my first venture back into fandom since the early MCU, and YOU PEOPLE ARE SO FUCKING SUPPORTIVE AND AMAZING AND IT IS WONDERFUL. There was a HUGE response to my first less than 400 word Dreamling ficlet on AO3 and the Sandfam support just pushed me from there.
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cathygeha · 1 year
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One Perfect Dance by Jude Knight
A Twisted Upon a Regency Tale #2
 Cinderella with a male dealing with evil stepbrothers and stepfather, working hard, and dealing with soot and askes is what this story is about.
 What I liked:
* The idea of switching the genders of the main characters
* The way the shoe was incorporated into the story
* The letter writing between Ash and Regina
* Ash: survivor, resilient, intelligent, self-made man, good friend, protective, caring, kind, only had one true love – Regina
* Regina: intelligent, made the best of her situation, kind, married to a good man though not a love-match, always had a fondness for Ash
* The friendships both main characters forged: Ash with Rex and then Rex’s story plus Regina’s friendship with Ariel from book one and some of the other women she became friends with
* That the evil people were, for the most part, thwarted
* The idea of the travel journals written by Ash and Rex and they way they came about – though I would have liked to have experienced a few of the events that made it into the book…as part of the story
 What I didn’t like: * Who and what I was meant not to like
* At times I found my mind wandering and realized that I wanted more action and less telling of what was happening – especially in regard to what was happening during the sixteen years Ash and Regina were apart
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
 Thank you to NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4-5 Stars
 Elijah was the man Regina could never forget. Now he is back in England, but someone wants to kill him. Regina Paddimore puts her dreams of love away with other girlish things when she weds her father’s friend to escape a vile suitor who tries to force a marriage. Sixteen years later, and two years a widow, she seeks a husband who might help her fulfil another dream—to have her own child. Elijah Ashby escapes his abusive step-family as soon as he comes of age, off to see the world. Letters from his childhood friend Regina are all that connects him to England. Sixteen years later, now a famous travel writer, the news she is a widow brings him home. Sparks fly between them when they meet again. Regina begins to hope for love as well as babies. Elijah will be happy just to have her at his side. However, Elijah’s stepbrothers are determined to do everything they can—lie, cheat, kidnap, even murder—so that one of them can marry Regina and take her wealth for themselves. Love and friendship must conquer hatred and spite before Elijah and Regina can be together. A Twist Upon a Regency Tale Lady Beast's Bridegroom One Perfect Dance Snowy and the Seven Doves Perchance to Dream
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sherryewing · 1 year
First Kiss Friday with Lisa Williams Kline
Welcome to another First Kiss Friday. Today’s guest is Dragonblade Publishing author Lisa Williams Kline who has an excerpt from her novel Between The Sky and The Sea. We hope you enjoy this first kiss scene. Happy reading, my lovelies! Excerpt: Long stretches of time drifted by. The sun rose higher in the sky and seemed determined to burn them to ash. The horizon was empty in all directions.…
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little-demy · 2 years
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Some chibi heads of df charas✨✨✨
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tomixslefttoe · 1 year
The Hero: I never understood angry ghosts. They’re already dead, what’s there to be angry about?
Ash: That they’re dead.
The Hero: Yeah, I guess it depends on how you look at things.
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artilitart · 1 year
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trustrenta · 2 years
Soldier 76 overwatch 2
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#Soldier 76 overwatch 2 full
Configuration: Recon damage increased from 20 to 25.
Configuration: Sentry and Configuration: Tank removed.
Bastion's Ironclad passive ability has been removed.
Bastionīastion is one of the heroes that has gotten a complete rework in Overwatch 2. This is because the Amplification Matrix Ultimate boosts their damage significantly, and Immortality Field prevents them from being picked off by snipers like Widowmaker or Hanzo. Though Ana will likely be the better pick in most situations because of the power of Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade, Baptiste can be a strong alternative if you have ranged damage characters like Soldier: 76, Sojourn, Ashe, or Cassidy. Like in the original Overwatch, Baptiste is strongest when you take a defensive position on high ground with his Exo Boots jumps. You can heal groups of teammates much more with Regenerative Burst now, and the extra healing ammo in the Biotic Launcher makes it easier to effectively heal as Baptiste whenever your team isn't grouped up.
Biotic Launcher Alternate Fire healing ammo increased from 10 to 13 rounds.īaptiste's damage falloff range has been reduced to make his ability to hit enemies from afar less potent in Overwatch 2, but his Regenerative Burst healing and Biotic Launcher healing uptime have been buffed to compensate for this.
Regenerative Burst healing to allies increased from 75 to 100 HP.
Damage falloff range reduced from 25 to 20 meters.
Asheīaptiste got the following changes in Overwatch 2: The additional rounds in her Biotic Rifle also give Ana more uptime in general, which is always a good thing. Biotic Grenade's anti-heal properties are also as valuable as they ever were. Her Sleep Dart can stop deadly Ultimates like Genji's Dragonblade in their tracks, and it also gives her a defensive option against damage heroes who attempt to dive on her. Overall, Ana is one of the strongest support heroes in Overwatch 2 despite the nerfs to her abilities. Finally, Ana's primary Biotic Rifle weapon has been buffed with three more rounds in its magazine, allowing Ana to heal her teammates or damage enemies more before having to reload.
#Soldier 76 overwatch 2 full
Ana's ability to prevent the enemy team from healing with her Biotic Grenade is also incredibly powerful since there aren't two tanks that can try to block it anymore, so the duration of its effects has been reduced by a full second. This makes it incredibly powerful, so Blizzard gave it a three-second cooldown nerf to lower its uptime. Since Overwatch 2 has significantly reduced the presence of stun and boop abilities in the game, Ana's Sleep Dart is one of the last few forms of hard crowd control. Ana's Biotic Grenade duration has been reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.Ana's Sleep Dart cooldown has been increased from 12 to 15 seconds.Ana's Biotic Rifle ammo has been increased from 12 to 15 rounds.The following changes have been made to Ana in Overwatch 2: Source: Blizzard Entertainment (Image credit: Source: Blizzard Entertainment) Support heroes being able to rapidly heal after not taking damage gives them a significant self-sustaining boost, ensuring that enemies can't easily whittle them down with chip damage over time. The ability to retain a 30% Ultimate charge when swapping between damage heroes encourages DPS players to be more flexible, while the 30% knockback resistance and 50% reduction in Ultimate charge given to tanks make them harder to forcibly move around and "farm" for Ultimates. The introduction of role passives in Overwatch 2 gives each type of hero in the game distinct advantages. The last attack that fully depletes a hero's armor will have its damage reduced by that armor dynamically, with higher damage attacks being reduced less.Armor health now reduces all damage by 30% instead of flatly reducing it by 5 points.All forms of extra health from abilities (e.g., Brigitte's Inspire or Lucio's Sound Barrier) are considered Overhealth (green health bar) instead of a secondary type of armor or shield health.All supports now heal 15 HP/second after not being damaged for 1.5 seconds.All tanks now have 30% knockback resistance and provide 50% less Ultimate charge when damaged.Players retain up to 30% of their Ultimate charge when switching from a damage hero to another damage hero.
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hdawg1995 · 2 years
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AU headcanon where, while the hero is frozen, Big Daddy makes some other NPCs do his dirty work via a item called The Love Amulet. Granting the users powers based on the 8 forms of love, instead of wearing the snuggle bear armor you just turn pink.
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