machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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Nuclear winter
A redux of an artwork I made eleven years ago with the same title, which you can see under the cut. It predates my worldbuilding which is why Amzarah's design is so different. They only vaguely had a species assigned to them back then.
I am thinking of opening my store again soon, which is one of the reasons I chose to remake this one. It was my most popular artwork when I maintained a store all those years ago.
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machinesbleedtoo · 1 year
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if raieill didnt cut his hair he'd look like, this. a swamp beast disaster
(i've been filling out worldbuilding stuff at toyhouse, characters are my present focus https://toyhou.se/~world/128518.hyaline)
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machinesbleedtoo · 1 year
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i think the rainforest tile texture is done,, now to continue to murder my eyes but with a water texture tile instead
(this is for a map of my world)
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machinesbleedtoo · 1 year
today im going to be messing with universe sandbox for the thousandth time but this time it's to fuck with hyaline's moons to see what happens
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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this funky lil dude is a rainforest creature called a riekeu. they feed on fruit - their fangs are hollow, so they act kind of like straws to slurp the juice up with. they spend a lot of time hanging out in trees
the creature model itself took 2 months of my life, the first character model i've done; it started with a sculpt which was baked to a retopologized model. i've only ever done sculpts of character busts. i learned a lot! i also Suffered a lot in the process. that's art for you lol
the rest of the assets in the scene are from around 2016, when i first started working on hyaline's game (which has since been on hiatus)
made predominantly with blender 3.1.2 - sculpting, modelling, turntable animation renders. krita 5.0.5 was used to paint the textures, with some adjustments made using blender's in-house painting tool. the final scene was composed in unreal engine 5.0.3
turntable construction animations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZwgA0b-0Ew
more worldbuilding content/WIPs etc: https://ko-fi.com/machinesbleedtoo
(reposted because for some reason the original got converted to a text post when i edited it at some point?? the beta uploader is scuffed)
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machinesbleedtoo · 1 year
i couldn't visualize what the moons would look like on the surface so i made this to assist me in that endeavour. I'll eventually texture it all, because I need a better idea of hyaline's geography as well.
anyway, the moons take 400, 800 and 1600 hours to orbit respectively. hyaline takes 40 hours to complete one rotation. this video was sped up a lot.
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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finally finding the time to work on this again. all 5 pages have been sketched up, its just lines n colours left to do. the other WIPs will go to my ko-fi members - https://ko-fi.com/machinesbleedtoo
you can read about my worldbuilding project/s here: https://toyhou.se/~world/128518.hyaline (one day I’ll add more info, but good lord do i have years of catching up with life and Everything to do now that uni is FINALLY over, forever)
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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painting of my 'sona covered in blood. which is, like, always you can see the process video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijWM-8YQGVQ this OC is also a part of my worldbuilding, in particular, the graphic novel canon ☕ Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/machinesbleedtoo
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machinesbleedtoo · 1 year
Character profiles
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I'm working on my toyhouse page/s again, and I've more or less finished the profiles of the main four Nails & Teeth characters. You can see them here.
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
new worldbuilding page WIP
started a toyhouse for my worldbuilding project stuff. i need to add pictures and more like...pages and fill out characters and stuff....but the text is all there, and i think i can call that part finished
it was just too hard trying to get a portfolio-style website to also produce this kind of functionality inside of it. i don’t like that my stuff is scattered everywhere, i would rather a unified website, but i have. too many fuckign hobbies. that would be a Frankenstein website cos i’d need to design it for idk 5 entirely diff genres
anyway yeah more later i gotta prepare for my last exam (ever (!!!)) tomorrow
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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everything is in the shape of you each summer
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
thoughts on my OCs, worldbuilding & perfectionism
I really want to learn to like my digital sketches. i miss being able to draw my OCs frequently and like...share the artworks. I used to draw them a lot, like, 11 years ago. professional skill ruined me. i started chasing it in 2014 and i improved rapidly, which then made art less about expression, and more about consumption
i'm really envious of artists who do a lot of oc sketches and post them all the time
i like my pen sketches but only when it's improvised since my characters require Planning first, and i hate pencil lol
i think a lot of my problem too is my sketches are always really stiff & proportions are wrong. sketches never look like the finished artwork for me. here is an example of that. i'm always shocked with other process videos because the sketch looks the same as the end product, and both look awesome. i struggle to imagine depth without colour, and when i colour things the sketch looks wrong to me. it might be my stereoblindness - i can't see depth irl, so it's hard to do with art. & 3d modelling is too much effort for a sketch. the goal is efficient expression of ideas
i think maybe doing gesture sketches will help. and more life drawing. i haven't done it in so long. also taking my own ref photos which i don't do enough of- the poses i need refs for are always too esoteric. and my medical anatomy knowledge will only take me so far
anyway. i want to share more worldbuilding. so much of it is just trapped in my head. i'm trying to find ways to....stop that. a lot of it is also just, me. i'm sure my sketches are fine to other people. i just can't seem to see them that way
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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this took 2 months of my life q__q i even made a conlang for it. it's a part of my worldbuilding canon. every single texture in this is hand painted by me
its the lounge belonging to this OC of mine; an ethically dubious military surgeon who started a cult because he was bored. based on one of the biomechanical entities that roam their planet. the one that got locked away for nearly destroying the world that one time. yeah
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machinesbleedtoo · 3 years
Capstone project over! Here is what I have planned for Hyaline
My major university assessment - a group software project that was developed over 8 months - is over and done with! Woo! It was a game, I chose to jump in with the gamedev students so I could learn more about the technical side of development to aid me in making Hyaline. We were a group of 8 and had supervisors and everything, so it was an incredibly insightful ordeal when it comes to project management and completion. So, Hyaline’s game - here are 2 things from the start of the year, and 2 things from the distant past.
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And a bad quality 2018 photo of a draft print of Hyaline’s world guide book just as a reminder that progress had actually been made on it before life kicked my ass (this photo is my tether when I feel like I’ve achieved nothing in my projects, really.)
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I’d like to continue on with my now ancient plans for opening a Hyaline themed shop but finances and time are not on my side for that right now.
Read below for information regarding my plans / my degree and how it all fits together.
The largest change is my focus shift from the world guide to the videogame.
The world guide writing is more or less in a second draft state and has been for eons. All that is left is some worldbuilding details about climate and then I need to work on the illustrations. I burn myself out every time when I try to paint complex scenes because I cannot visualize depth (stereoblindness.) I can’t imagine where to place things inside of a perspective grid.
The world guide primarily focuses on the section of rainforest Hyaline’s game is set in. So I’ve decided to build that first because I’ll need to do it anyway, and it means I have references for the illustrations I need to do - that are canon down to every detail!
The game relies on the environment for mechanics - the wildlife and placement of edible plants, of water, etc, is the driving force behind the survival gameplay. I also plan to include story-driven exploration elements which requires the map be finalized too.
I’ll be making the prototype for the mechanics as well to ensure my design decisions aren’t a total disaster so it’s going to be a big undertaking so I’m equal parts nervous and hype. The graphic novel remains the last on the list to complete, which pains me, because it’s my favourite story arc! But it requires the most worldbuilding work and chronologically makes the most sense to release last. Though I do want to make some standalone comics of the characters since discovering sketching scenes with 3D art first. I have been slowly working on redesigning the characters and species to make them fit the world more, too.
I don’t have any deadlines or estimates on when things will be done, life circumstances remain fucky and will probably remain that way until I get any semblance of life and financial stability, after I graduate. Hyaline is a living world, anyway - I’m trying to just enjoy the worldbulding process.
As for my degree -
I’m scheduled to graduate at the end of 2022. Due to a prerequisite and unit availability, I have to do 2 semesters part time. I should still be able to access financial support because this is for a reason outside of my control. If so, thank fuck, because the lower end of the full time study load was really harsh on my disabilities and university has been torture for that.
2 of my 4 units left are 3D modelling electives, because I am so antsy to have time to dedicate to projects again after almost five years of utter hell, and I’d rather have a chill time in my final year. Also I’m not very good at 3D art for games and it’s yet another sneaky way to use my unrelated degree to help me make progress with my projects. Thank you so much to my patrons for the support - the extra money has been a godsend - and to the people who have been patiently following me all these years. I have learned so much, and changed so much, and I can finally see a future that isn’t full of misery and art burnout!
I’ll have a cybersecurity and neuroscience degree by the end of next year, in absence of any more setbacks, and can maybe finally afford to exist as a Sick Person. Here’s hoping.
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machinesbleedtoo · 2 years
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Hello! I started a Ko-fi for all my science-fantasy worldbuilding. I post a lot of free stuff so feel free to just follow me there! https://ko-fi.com/machinesbleedtoo
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machinesbleedtoo · 5 years
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I finally made a public post about what the fuck I’ve been doing with my worldbuilding project for the last two years. You can read about it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26529267 
I’m really bad at remembering to talk about it because I spend all my time working on it in my head, so it just kinda. Exists, at all times, and it’s been a constant in my life for so long I barely even notice it’s there. 
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