#arthurian ocs
fioblah · 18 days
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chevaliermalfets · 3 months
Hello, I am already in love with with Morgan. I'd love to hear more about her, or know where I could read her story?
Also. In a world where men get their heads cut off and are fine, or grow to be as tall as trees, or hold their breath for nine days, I think we deserve some Mary Sue girlies. As a treat. :)
hiiii I haven't written anything for her (or arthuriana in general) but I have many thoughts that I'll put under a readmore
also you're SO right we do deserve some mary sue girlies. as a treat!!
some jumbled thoughts about morgan:
first off im the world's #1 supporter of arthur/guinevere/lancelot polyamory and also of playing with lancelot's gender, so in my version, lancelot is afab (possibly transmasc or nonbinary, I haven't fully decided) but presents as male so only a few people (arthur, guinevere, the lady of the lake (who raised him, let him dress masc and get trained as a knight, etc), maybe one or two others) know that he's not a cis man. also while arthur/guinevere/lancelot is very much a thing, they have to keep it secret, and there's still rumors that lancelot is sleeping with the queen (he is. he's also sleeping with the king. usually at the same time).
so at one point lancelot gets pregnant with arthur's child and they have problems because:
they can't exactly announce that their best knight is going on maternity leave
they want to acknowledge the baby as one of arthur's children
so the solution is to send lancelot "on a quest" where he just goes back to....the lady of the lake?? probably?? and chills with her for a while until he has baby morgan and he then secretly sends her to camelot
at the same time, guinevere fakes a pregnancy, and there's a bunch of rumors that lancelot is the father because of his conveniently timed "quest"
so when baby morgan arrives, arthur announces the baby to the court and the nobles/castle staff/etc are all clambering to see the baby to figure out if lancelot is the father. they all take one look and are like "oh. that's definitely arthur's child" (either through facial features, or im also thinking arthur and morgan have darker skin while both guinevere and lancelot have lighter skin) and some of them are a bit disappointed because they wanted to keep spreading rumors
morgan grows up in the castle and is friends with other nobles' kids, and she's jealous when the boys her age start to get knight training, so she watches the training from her window and tries to teach herself. when she's like 10, one of her friends' (still working on a name, calling her V for now) father (a knight?) dies (V's mother also died several years prior) and she's left destitute, but morgan sneaks her into the castle and hides her in her room and sneaks her food. (morgan's nanny catches on pretty quickly but doesn't say anything, she just makes sure there's always extra food left out in the room and plenty of clothes and toys)
by the time she's like 12, mordred can very clearly tell that his little sister is arthur's favorite and could pose a threat to his guaranteed succession to the throne, so he tries to kill her (poison?? maybe with the help of morgana or morgause?? or an "accident" when she's horseback riding??) and she's very sick for a few weeks. arthur strongly suspects it was mordred, but he doesn't have any evidence so he can't do anything about it.
to keep her safe, arthur decides to send her to a convent. she's upset about this and throws a fit because she doesn't realize she was poisoned, she just thinks she's being punished. she also realizes that she can't keep taking care of V if she's not living in the castle, so they hatch a Scheme™
when the knights come to escort morgan to the convent, she comes out of her room all ready to go with her hood pulled over her face and she's acting very pouty. the knights are all like "ugh why did we have to get stuck escorting the bratty princess" so they don't interact with her much, they just try to get this over with as soon as possible. they take her to the convent and introduce her to the nuns and get out of there. the nuns have never seen the princess so they don't realize that they're raising V instead of morgan
meanwhile morgan runs away, disguised as a boy, and starts training to be a knight for several years (possibly with the help of the lady of the lake)
after four years or so, arthur and guinevere send for morgan to come back to camelot to have a role in the court. when V shows up pretending to be morgan, no one knows the difference because they haven't seen her in four years and she looks close enough. V continues to live at court for several years doing princess things
eventually, lancelot and guinevere get caught, lancelot escapes, and guinevere is sentenced to be burnt at the stake. mordred knows lancelot is going to mount a rescue, so he plants a trap on the outskirts of camelot and captures him. being the dramatic Bitch™ that he is, he waits until the last minute (when they're leading guinevere to the stake) to tell arthur.
(I have this scene so clearly in my head. arthur is staring out the window at guinevere, he doesn't even turn when the big doors slam open, only looks when mordred begins speaking to him and tells him he has good news. his goons lead in a chained up knight with a bag over his head and force him onto his knees, then mordred says something like "I have captured the traitor knight" and pulls the bag off lancelot's head. lancelot and arthur lock eyes and lancelot is very clearly apologizing for failing while arthur just looks heartbroken, because not only does he have to watch guinevere burn now with no hope of her being rescued, but he'll also have to sentence the man he loves to death as well. arthur's forced to let the execution proceed and at the very last moment an army storms the square and a mysterious knight rescues guinevere and rides off with her. arthur and lancelot and relieved but also extremely confused because the knight's insignia is unfamiliar, and they have no idea what he intends to do with guinevere.)
surprise, the mysterious knight is morgan! she sends her army off to keep guinevere safe and goes to camelot under a flag of truce. she gets taken to arthur, but still wearing full armor with her visor down so no one knows who she is. she goes up to mordred and throws her glove down to challenge him to a duel to the death, claiming that he tried to kill her years ago. he doesn't deny it, saying he's tried to kill lots of people. they fight, she wins, while she has her sword to his throat she demands he withdraw the accusations against the queen and lancelot. he does, so she lets him live, but now lancelot and guinevere are free and can return to camelot.
morgan turns to arthur and pledges her loyalty and asks to be a knight of the round table, and he's so grateful that lancelot and guinevere are safe that he accepts. he asks her to stand and asks her name and to remove her helmet. she reveals that she's princess morgan, which V confirms (maybe morgan also shows a distinctive birthmark or something to further prove her identity)
yay! everyone's happy! morgan gets to be a knight and also be princess and also gets gay married to V.
I'm thinking also maybe redemption arc for mordred where he comes around to caring for morgan, maybe throws himself in front of a sword for her and tells her she'll be a good queen or smth as his last words
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lalalalupia · 20 hours
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Guys, listen Lesbian Arthurian legend //runaway
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bureauen · 15 days
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A comic i made for my art history class about Guinevere and Excalibur.
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merilles · 26 days
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Flower Festival
(For @queer-ragnelle’s May Day Parade!)
One of Guinevere’s ladies on a dawn ride with her beloved steed. She's making the most of the nice late spring weather and planning on picking many beautiful flowers to bring back to Camelot.
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thvndrlight · 2 months
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bardicious · 1 month
Crossing the Boundary - Another illustration for the Albion series.
Read more about my process here! https://www.patreon.com/bardicious
Find all my timelapse shorts here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3fgwZ4l_SIzV1aQXBYG8Q
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meowdred · 8 months
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first post on my new art account haha ( i don't remember my old blog so if you recognize me then hi)
mordred and kitties! for a rough and callous guy i think he has a really soft spot for stray cats. they're more trustworthy than people, after all.
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toadlett · 3 months
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drew my current blorbo in ths hairstyle meme thingy
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the-solar-knight · 20 days
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It's been quite some time since I've had any opportunity to draw - almost a year, I think. And because of that, my abilities have most certainly regressed.
But I've managed to come up with a little Bedwyr sketch I'm not entirely unhappy with. I'm glad to see I can still capture flow and movement in hair. I'm sure the noble and goodly Sir Knight wouldn't be too upset with me for butchering his image.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Modern Merlin Moodboards (Part 3) (Revamped);
Previous parts: Modern Merlin Playlist, Moodboard Masterlist, Modern Will Fic, Modern Gwaine Pie Story, Au, 1 , and 2.
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Character: William of Ealdor.
Modern name: William 'Will' Knightley.
Age: 37 years old.
Modern job: Professional soccer/football player.
Short rundown of their modern life: Will grew up poor in a small town in England after his father (who worked for the royal family) died for their country.
Because of this, he grew up without his father and started to resent royalty, causing him to move to the states the first chance he got after playing football for awhile after his mother died. Which America calls Soccer. Because of this he refers to the sport by both names.
Soon after moving to Nashville, Will started volunteering at Tristan and Izzy's Youth Center, where he went on to meet his wife, Elena. Who he fell for immediately.
During a vacation the two went on not long after they started dating, Will got into a tree chopping accident and was saved by a mysterious doctor, Merlin Everstone, who soon became his best friend and introduced him to most of the other people who he soon began to see as good friends.
When he and Elena got married, Merlin was his best man, and when they adopted their son, Marcel, they made him the God Father.
They are also the godparents of Merlin's own son, Dragonet.
Merlin is also the one Will seeks advice from when he decides to hire someone new because he finds that Merlin has good instincts. Which Elena agrees with.
Which is how they came to hire George and several of his family members.
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Character: Princess Elena of Gawant.
Modern name: Elena Knightley.
Age: 35 years old.
Modern job: Horse Riding Instructor.
Short rundown of their modern life: Elena grew up different and was seen as a problem child by many because of the fact that she was a clumsy tomboy.
Seen as a problem child by everyone except her father who encouraged her to follow her dreams. So she did, becoming an horse riding instructor and a volunteer at the local Youth Center where she met her husband, Will.
Who would be saved by a man named Merlin who became a good friend of theirs and the best man at their wedding after he saved Will during a tree chopping accident that occurred while on vacation.
The man also became the Godfather to their adoptive son, Marcel, after they adopted him and they became the Godparents to his son in turn.
Not long after they adopted Marcel, Elena got back in contact with her cousin, Winnie, who she convinced Will to hire as their son's musicial tutor.
And now they're very happy together.
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Character: Druid boy.
Modern name: Marcel Knightley.
Age: 11 years old.
Modern job: None. He's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Marcel Knightley grew up on the streets until he broke into the Knightley house, looking for food where he was found by Will and Elena—who took him in.
He's lived happily with them for the past 5 years ever since.
Though all is not perfect because nightly he is plagued by nightmares that he isn't quite sure are just dreams. Which has caused him to be labeled a problem child by many—which his parents disagree heavily with.
Even when he was oddly terrified of their friends for some unknown reason (which had Merlin cringing).
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Character: Sir Gwaine of Camelot.
Modern name: Gwaine Jones.
Age: 39 years old.
Modern job: Bartender and YouTuber.
Short rundown of their modern life: Gwaine Jones was found in a field in America when he was twelve with serve amenisa and wounds.
When questioned, he could only vaguely recollect that he'd come from a big family with a mother, a father, and a sister specifically. The names turned up nothing and because of that, Gwaine was placed in foster care.
He ran away and picked fights often. Eventually, the system lost track of him due to him constantly moving around.
He hopped trains, rode busses, burrowed bikes, and hitchhiked to get around. Earning money in any way he could (under the table jobs, mowing lawns, helping people move, street performing, boxing, poker playing, etc) until he was finally able to get a bartender license.
Gwaine then saved up to get an RV. Eventually becoming a father of three, marrying Percival, and saving a doctor named Merlin Everstone in a bar fight. Reopening an old scar on his thigh that he doesn't remember how he got in the process.
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Character: Sir Percival of Camelot.
Modern name: Percival 'Percy' Armstrong.
Age: 38 years old.
Modern job: Kindergarten Teacher.
Short rundown of their modern life: Percival 'Percy' Armstrong grew up in a big family with tons of cousins, siblings, aunts, and uncles for the first ten years of his life until they all died in a fire (that was later determined to be arson) that he just barely survived.
After he got out of the hospital, he was placed into foster care and stayed there for three years until he placed into a military boarding school by the state due to misbehavior on his end.
But luckily for him, some of the 'weird' staff at the military liked him so it wasn't all that bad.
There he'd meet Lancelot, who'd eventually introduce him to Leon and Merlin.
Who he then, in turn, introduced to his cute bartender friend (who he is now married to with kids and living in an apartment with) Gwaine.
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Character: Sir Le Bel Inconnu from the legends.
Modern name: Gingalain 'Everard' Jones.
Age: 11 years old.
Modern job: None. He's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Gingalain 'Everard' Jones was the product of a one night stand between bartender, Gwaine Jones, and an unknown woman he met at a music festival.
9 months later, he was abandoned at a hospital not far from where the music festival took place only to be picked up by his dad when the hospital was able to get ahold of him.
Gingalain eventually gained a little sister in Constance 6 years later and a step brother in Percival's son, Lohengrin 'Grin' Armstrong 11 years later.
He now lives happily with his siblings, dad, and stepfather, Percival.
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Character: None. This is an original character of mine.
Modern name: Constance Jones.
Age: 5 years old.
Modern job: None. She's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Constance Jones was a result of yet another one night stand between bartender, Gwaine Jones, and an unknown woman he met at a bar.
She, like her brother before her, she was abandoned at a hospital until her father was able to pick her up from the hospital.
Now she lives happily with her brothers, dad, and stepdad, Percival.
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Character: Sir Lohengrin from the legends.
Modern name: Lohengrin 'Grin' Armstrong.
Age: 9 months old.
Modern job: None. He's a baby.
Short rundown of their modern life: Lohengrin 'Grin" Armstrong was recently adopted by Percival, who he now lives with alongside Gingalain, Constance, and Gwaine.
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Character: Sir Leon of Camelot.
Modern name: Leonard 'Leon' Grant.
Age: 43 years old.
Modern job: Detective.
Short rundown of their modern life: After watching Percival, Giaus, and Gwen grow older and older while he stayed the same, sir Leon of Camelot realized he was immortal.
Because of this, he's been traveling and has kept running into Merlin.
Eventually, the two realized that the others have been reincarnated (FINALLY) when Lancelot was assigned as Leon's partner at work (who has become his roommate). They've also realized that it isn't just their friends because of Lady Vivian (who is now Leon's wife) and Princess Elena's presence in this time.
Needless to say, they're both scrambling. Trying to find everyone who has reincarnated before Arthur rises because they're sure he's coming soon (they're also trying to figure out WHY he's going to rise and WHY Leon is aging all of a sudden).
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Character: Lady Vivian.
Modern name: Vivian Grant.
Age: 38 years old.
Modern job: Butterfly Habitat Curator.
Short rundown of their modern life: Vivian Grant grew up the daughter of a violently protective socialite and looked down on others—including her future husband, Leon, who eventually showed her that she was wrong for doing so and helped her grow as a person.
They became friends and eventually married after he saved her from a kidnapper and would be murderer.
Afterwards they moved into an apartment building with one of Leon's close friends and detective partner, Lance, where they met and befriended a friendly couple Tristan and Isolde.
Leon also introduced her to a friend of his named Merlin and she never suspected that the two were immortal until her memories started to trinkle back.
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fioblah · 11 days
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gawain, gwyar’s boy
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Currently in my Arthurian era guys, god this is so much fun
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purble-gaymer · 8 months
more gsa family (+refs)
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everlastingdreams · 8 months
Weeping Monk x Reader Masterlist part 1
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The City Of Fey:
Summary:   As a fey queen you are by now used to it that fey come into your woods seeking refugee or a place to hide. Things get complicated however when your knights have not just brought a fey boy but also the red paladins’ fiercest warrior into your city.  
Word count:  43K
Warnings: Mentioned on the chapters themselves.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
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Playing With Fire:
Story Summary: The Huntsman, that is what they called your brother. A name he had earned by hunting down the fey for coin. Coin that is given by Father Carden for his services. You refuse to stand aside and watch how your brother hunts down those who are fey. When you start to warn the fey camps your brother wishes to attack, you find yourself behind enemy lines. But when the Weeping Monk becomes suspicious of you, you realise you are playing with fire.
Story notes: Enemies to lovers (kinda?), pining, mutual pining, fluff and humor, lots of sarcasm. Slow burn.
Important: For the people who don’t like smut, 39 is the last chapter ! 
Warnings: Violence, physical abuse, rape threat, slut-shaming, trauma, death, childhood trauma, death threats, torture threats, lots of angst,  !!!! SMUT in chapters 40, 42 & 43!!!! 
Word count: +116K
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 12   Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22  Chapter 23   Chapter 24  Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Smut chapters (40-42-43): Chapter 40  Chapter 41  Chapter 42  Chapter 43 
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Reign Of The Heart:
Story Summary:  As the first in line to the throne of Riviel, your Father King Cador requests that you go to Uther’s Castle to convince Uther to support the church’s mission to extinguish the fey. You do not share the same views as your father when it comes to the fey, but still you do what he asks of you.On your journey to Uther’s castle you were asked to go and visit Father Carden to see for yourself how the mission is going. As you and your company prepare to continue your journey to the castle, Father Carden insists on sending some of his men along to ensure you arrive at the castle safely.What you did not expect was that he not only send some of his Red Paladins, but also his Weeping Monk along.
Extra notes: Enemies to lovers-ish, Slow burn?, angst, voilence, deaths, Percival being a smartass, pining, the whole batch okay.
Warnings: Mentioned on the chapters themselves.
Word count: 290K
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13   Chapter 14   Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 23  Chapter 24  Chapter 25  Chapter 26  Chapter 27  Chapter 28  Chapter 29  Chapter 30  Chapter 31  Chapter 32 Chapter 33  Chapter 34  Chapter 35  Chapter 36
More to come...
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mnolith · 2 months
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When I was a kid... when I was just a little girl... I used to dream about this old, dusty road. And this road would go on as far as the eye could see. There were all these little white flowers growing around the edges. And it was such a peaceful place. But then you realize... when life settles in around you... places like this... don't exist.
EU, CANON & SEQUELS COMPLIANT / ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSES Highly Selective & Private Original Character Blog for Star Wars & more. Canon, EU, and Sequel Friendly. (high to low activity) ⤷ Remembered by Emrys, 30+ They / Them
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