theheirofillea · 7 years
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whoops my hand slipped ;)
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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hey guys!! so in honour of a couple of things (hitting a follower milestone, it being autumn, and winter break being suuuuper close), i thought id honour my promise to yalls and do some blogrates!! 
- they will run from today (october 19th) to december 13th (because i am currently swamped with work, hence my recent inactivity)
- you must be following me!! this is to give back to all my wonderful followers and friends!
- if you want a blograte, send me an ask with your favourite song/book/something you recommend for me to do/try!
- bonus; if you want a name aesthetic, i’ll do those as well along with a blograte, but tell me in the ask you are sending in whether you want a blograte or a name aesthetic + your name! 
- reblog this post! likes are only for bookmarking or showing love <3
- maybe follow me on instagram? pm me for my user haha :) youd get brownie points ;)
and thats it! i hope you all enter because ive been itching to make some new edits! i love you all so much! ps; format for blogrates is under the cut <3
url 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l AMERICA SINGER pc theme 1l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l NIKOLAI LANTSOV mobile theme 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l WILLIAM HERONDALE icon 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l JACK REACHER posts 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD overall 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l FEYRE ARCHERON
*yes this is the same template as last time, dont come for me!*
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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all time favourites; 2/? ~ six of crows
“no mourners... 
                                                                                                no funerals”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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all time favourites; 1/? ~ the grisha trilogy
“i will strip away all that you know, all that you love... 
                                                                      until you have no shelter but me”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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S E L E C T I O N   A P O C A L Y P S E   W E E K   ~   D A Y  1
hey babes! so i had absolutely no idea what to do for this theme, so i decided to make a little mini edit and just have a rant session hahah because you can never go wrong with rants!  oh yeah quick psa; some of this seems really harsh but in all honesty i love the characters and i just wanted to embrace the theme in its entirety lolol! so please dont take any personal offence! i love you all! <3
1. our leading lady, america singer schreave
also known as america “im doing this for me but im gonna screw up all of your lives as well” singer schreave. like more than once, america has done actions to help herself, but have hurt other people around her. For example, she keeps her romance with Aspen as a safety net during the selection, just in case things didnt work out with Maxon. um, there are many flaws that america has done, but honestly, if i were in her position, i would have done some of the same things, so i dont really have the right to rant about it lol
2. eadlyn helena margarete schreave, aka the princess shining pearl
ok, so i love eady, but some things (whilst reading the heir and the crown) shes done have made me scream considerably. Numero uno; PICKING ERIKKKK. ok so i dont have anything against erik or eadrik shippers or the ship itself, but lemme lay this down on you all. so ive been a hardcore keadlyn shipper since like day one lol. it seemed perfect, theyve known eachother their whole lives, and its so cuuute omg like marlees kid and ames kid falls in love, like its perfect! (ok i know josie and kaden fall in love later so technically its good that keadlyn didnt happen because if it did, then kosie wouldnt have happened so im thankful in that sense). i also kind of felt that (in my personal opinion) there wasnt really enough buildup for eadrik. like im used to ships progressing in like 2 or 3 books, but i feel like eadrik was more rushed than keadlyn would have been. but anyways, moving on. i feel like its pointless for me to rant about her behaviour in the heir but honestly props to @partylikeawordstar because that character development in the crown though was A++++ 
3. aspen ‘go to the palace and forget about me but waaait i love you come back’ leger
haha ok so this is going to be funny. ive forgiven aspen over the past couple of years and with alot of coercion from @skylars-selection but when i was still reading the books i was soooo mad. like honestly, he loved ames, and he pushed her away, but when he realized that america may actually like maxon or may have a possibility of liking maxon, he runs to the palace to watch her and be there for her. he redeems himself through saving maxon and ames during the one though, so its okay aspen! also, him being there for eady was adorbs omg like ahhhh *heart eyes*. he was just sad that his lover was moving on and it was kinda sorta his fault for sending her away. but i love lucepen so im not crying lol (theyre so cuuuute)
thats it for day 1! im not sure if ill be posting tomorrow, it depends on if i have time lol. again, this is probably the first time im posting something so opinionated, but i thought it would be fun! please dont take any personal offence to anything i have said above, im just exaggerating everything (as the theme says lol). thanks again, everyone!! special shoutout to @prince-consort-erik for hosting this week!
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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March 27th, 2007: Happy 10th Anniversary to the Mortal                             Instruments by @cassandraclare​!
First Dialogues:
City of Bones:  "You've got to be kidding me,"
City of Ashes:  "Are you still mad?"
City of Glass:  “Score, I’m kicking butt at Mario Kart”
City of Fallen Angels:  "Just coffee, please."
City of Lost Souls: “Mom, its me!”
City of Heavenly Fire:  “Picture something calming. The beach in Los Angeles—white sand, crashing blue water, you’re strolling along the tide line . . .” Jace cracked an eye open. “This sounds very romantic.”
City of Heavenly Fire (last line): “Freely we serve, because we freely love, as in our will, to love or not; in this we stand or fall”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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T H E  T W I N S  W E E K: D A Y 1: Eadlyn Schreave
“You are Eadlyn Schreave. You are the next person in line to run this country, and you will be the first girl to do it on your own. No one is as powerful as you.”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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T H E  T W I N S  W E E K: D A Y 2: Ahren Schreave
“There are some things you don’t learn about yourself until you let someone else into the most intimate places of your heart”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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T H E  T W I N S  W E E K: D A Y 4: Eadrik / Keadlyn / Headlyn / Eadlyn + ___
“You have to do whatever it takes to be with the person you love”
“This will be the first time in my life I haven’t been able to have something I truly wanted. It’s so cruel that it happens to be you”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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T H E T W I N S W E E K. ~ D A Y 7 ~ the birthday
“Please find a way to forgive me and know that I love you”
“You can be brave and still be feminine, you can lead and still love flowers, and most importantly, you can be queen and still be a bride”
And thats a wrap! I just wanted to thank everyone for participating, loving and enjoying the twins week! I hope you all had fun! It was an honour to host it and I really liked seeing all this new and amazing content you all made! If you have any feedback, please let me know or drop me an ask or something!
Thank you so much for making this week an enjoyable and successful one! I love you all so much!
~theheirofillea 💕
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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T H E T W I N S W E E K ~ D A Y 5 ahren+camille "I tell myself that absence makes the heart fonder, but honestly Im not sure my fondness for you has much room to grow"
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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       Hello Everyone! So I know that America Singer Week 2017 was about a month ago (thanks to @eadlynschreaveofillea for hosting! it was great, T!) and it really brought alot of new content into the fandom, and I thought “why not keep it going!”. So I decided to host a Twins Week in honour of Eadlyn and Ahren, our favourite twins, whose birthdays are on April 16th!
        So the week will start on Monday April 10th, 2017 and will run until the twins birthday, Sunday April 16th, 2017. This is a time for you all to make edits, drabbles, songs, drawings, videos, and anything your brilliant minds can come up with, for the following themes (that will be under the cut). 
Reblog this post! We want the whole fandom to get involved!
Use the tag #thetwinsweek2017 so that everyone can track and see your posts! 
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! 
*special mention to @skylars-selection for helping me out!
Monday April 10th, 2017 = Eadlyn Inspired content
Tuesday April 11th, 2017 = Ahren inspired content
Wednesday April 12th, 2017= Eadlyn and Ahren and Family
Thursday April 13th, 2017 = Eadlyn + Eikko (or Kile, Henri or anyone else you ship her with *like this post if youre still in denial about keadlyn, headlyn or any of your ships not happening just like me xD) 
Friday April 14th, 2017 = Ahren + Camille (or whoever else you ship him with) 
Saturday April 15th, 2017 = The Future: Eadlyn and Ahren after the Crown)
Sunday April 16th, 2017 = The birthday of our favourite twins! 
*thanks to @eadlynschreaveofillea because I based some of my themes off of yours, thanks! 
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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A M E R I C A  W E E K: D A Y 6: The Lost Years 
I watched as Maxon pulled the car to a stop and the kids got out one by one, running towards the summit.
“Kids! Slow down!” I yelled
“Dont worry about it, Ames”, Maxon chided, “They’ll be fine”
“Mommy! Daddy! Come and see this!” little Osten screamed
“We’re coming!” Maxon screamed in reply
“Yeah, Osten, you have to wait for the oldies to get here” Eady teased
“Who are you calling old!” I yelled, and started running towards the kids. 
I saw Maxon shake his head behind me and, with a smirk on his face, chased after me to join the kids. Once we got to the summit, I ran to stand beside Ahren and Maxon went and stood beside Kaden. Slowly, the sun rose, and Maxon turned to look at me with a smile on his face, and I realized that there wasn’t anywhere I’d rather be than here, with my family. 
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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A M E R I C A  W E E K: D A Y 1; favourite quotes/scenes
“I’m not choosing him or you; I’m choosing me”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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A M E R I C A  W E E K: D A Y 7: The Birthday
“Maxon, can I look now?” I whined, having been sitting here for the past 10 minutes while Maxon prepared my “surprise”
“Alright,” Maxon said, taking off my blindfold, “Happy Birthday, my dear”
I turned to say that I wasn’t his dear, but then I saw what he got for me.
“Oh, Maxon, this is too much!”
Sitting infront of me was a collage of pictures of me and my father from all of my past birthdays, and in the center, written in my father’s wispy handwriting, were the words Happy Birthday, America Singer Schreave. 
“Nothing is too much for you, Ames” he whispered, seeing the tears pooling in my eyes. He crouched down and wiped them away, kissing the spots where they once were. 
“I love you so much, Maxon” I breathed, not being able to say anything else.
“I love you too, darling”
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theheirofillea · 7 years
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A M E R I C A  W E E K: D A Y 5: America and Kids
“What if I’m like him, America? What if I’m a terrible father?”
“Maxon Schreave, that isn’t possible; if anything, you will be too generous!”
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