theheirofillea · 7 years
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S E L E C T I O N   A P O C A L Y P S E   W E E K   ~   D A Y  1
hey babes! so i had absolutely no idea what to do for this theme, so i decided to make a little mini edit and just have a rant session hahah because you can never go wrong with rants!  oh yeah quick psa; some of this seems really harsh but in all honesty i love the characters and i just wanted to embrace the theme in its entirety lolol! so please dont take any personal offence! i love you all! <3
1. our leading lady, america singer schreave
also known as america “im doing this for me but im gonna screw up all of your lives as well” singer schreave. like more than once, america has done actions to help herself, but have hurt other people around her. For example, she keeps her romance with Aspen as a safety net during the selection, just in case things didnt work out with Maxon. um, there are many flaws that america has done, but honestly, if i were in her position, i would have done some of the same things, so i dont really have the right to rant about it lol
2. eadlyn helena margarete schreave, aka the princess shining pearl
ok, so i love eady, but some things (whilst reading the heir and the crown) shes done have made me scream considerably. Numero uno; PICKING ERIKKKK. ok so i dont have anything against erik or eadrik shippers or the ship itself, but lemme lay this down on you all. so ive been a hardcore keadlyn shipper since like day one lol. it seemed perfect, theyve known eachother their whole lives, and its so cuuute omg like marlees kid and ames kid falls in love, like its perfect! (ok i know josie and kaden fall in love later so technically its good that keadlyn didnt happen because if it did, then kosie wouldnt have happened so im thankful in that sense). i also kind of felt that (in my personal opinion) there wasnt really enough buildup for eadrik. like im used to ships progressing in like 2 or 3 books, but i feel like eadrik was more rushed than keadlyn would have been. but anyways, moving on. i feel like its pointless for me to rant about her behaviour in the heir but honestly props to @partylikeawordstar because that character development in the crown though was A++++ 
3. aspen ‘go to the palace and forget about me but waaait i love you come back’ leger
haha ok so this is going to be funny. ive forgiven aspen over the past couple of years and with alot of coercion from @skylars-selection but when i was still reading the books i was soooo mad. like honestly, he loved ames, and he pushed her away, but when he realized that america may actually like maxon or may have a possibility of liking maxon, he runs to the palace to watch her and be there for her. he redeems himself through saving maxon and ames during the one though, so its okay aspen! also, him being there for eady was adorbs omg like ahhhh *heart eyes*. he was just sad that his lover was moving on and it was kinda sorta his fault for sending her away. but i love lucepen so im not crying lol (theyre so cuuuute)
thats it for day 1! im not sure if ill be posting tomorrow, it depends on if i have time lol. again, this is probably the first time im posting something so opinionated, but i thought it would be fun! please dont take any personal offence to anything i have said above, im just exaggerating everything (as the theme says lol). thanks again, everyone!! special shoutout to @prince-consort-erik for hosting this week!
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