#are they builders or something? they’re moving around a lot
realising i have no sense of urgency
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mawofthemagnetar · 4 months
Father's Day
“So, hold on a minute,” Iskall held his hands up, “back up, because I must have missed that. You’re a FATHER?”
“Well, yeah?” Jevin shrugged, scrolling through his comm, “What’s so hard about that to believe?”
Iskall, by way of a reply, simply gestured at Jevin’s person from his head to his slimy feet.
“So? Okay, yeah, I guess it- is a little hard to fathom. I do, uh, have a certain- aura of coolness around me. But yeah, no, I’m a dad. And a damn good one, too. I mean, a slime-dad, which is a little different than a regular dad. But for a slime-dad, I’m top-shelf. Of course.”
“Uh-huh. And how does a slime-dad differ from a regular dad?” Iskall folded his arms.
“I don’t gotta, uh, chase after my kids as much as you guys do. They’re pretty much ready to go once they hit full-size. I do my bit by checking up on them periodically. Anyway, point is, I gotta go. My kids are throwing a father’s day bash, and I can’t be late.”
Iskall rubbed his temples.
“Okay, couple questions. One, father’s day was three months ago. Two, is there a Missus Jevin you’ve got stashed away somewhere? Or a Mister Jevin? Or-“
“…Why would another person be involved?” Jevin asked, tilting his head with a squish of slime, “Like, literally, why? Who needs help to become a parent?”
“…Uh…you know what? No. You want to learn about the parrots and the bats, go talk to Keralis.”
“Sure, whatever. Anyway, to answer your second question, it’s ‘cause if you try to do father’s day on the actual, like, day, renting a big enough hall is stupid expensive and it’s all just kind of dumb. And a hassle. So we host it whenever.”
Jevin glanced up from his comm.
“Wanna come? Meet my kids, I mean.”
Iskall rubbed his forehead.
“Sure, why not. Hit me with it.”
They tapped their comms together, and Jevin clacked his jaw together- the slime equivalent of a smile.
“Okay, so uh…All my kids know you guys as their aunts and uncles. So if they start calling you “auntie Iskall-“
“-Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m used to it.” Iskall nodded, “Should I wear something special?” 
Jevin waved a hand. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You’re fine as you are. Anyway, let’s go. Not good to keep my kids waiting!” 
And Jevin tapped a few options on his comm and vanished. 
<iJevin has left the game.> 
Iskall shrugged, tapped over to his server list, and selected the option for the Hub, with the teleport coordinates visible in the centre. 
He tapped it, and vanished. 
<Iskall85 has left the game.>
When Iskall opened his eyes again, he was standing outside a colossal building, looking like some kind of conference centre. It was made of smooth quartz, with a fake parking lot full of fake vehicles that had clearly taken some builder a long time to put together. 
Jevin was standing there, tapping his sneaker impatiently, the blue slime slosh-slosh-sloshing against the ground. 
“Alright, c’mon, let’s get moving.” Jevin huffed, “We’re already a couple minutes late, and my kids worked really hard to put this on.” 
“I’m coming, I’m coming…” Iskall muttered, brushing off his pants and following Jevin towards the doors.
Iskall was assuming that Jevin’s family would have set up a few tables in a corner. He was a slime; and the way Jevin was talking, Iskall had assumed a big family. Maybe ten kids? That would be a pretty big family. 
Then Jevin and Iskall stepped into the conference hall. 
Several thousand slimes bellowed all at once, a wall of sound so deafening that Iskall could feel his bionic eye nearly shake out of its housing. 
He blinked his one eye, darting it around the room in shock. There were hundreds of small tables around which sat an unfathomable number of slimes in all colours of the rainbow. The room was a riot of wild fashion choices, and a deafening rumble of clattering bones and squelching bodies.
“I- I-” Iskall stammered, as he reached up and tightened the nut holding his robotic eye onto his skull’s mounting post.  
“HEY EVERYONE!” Jevin shouted back, “THANK YOU!” 
“Is that Uncle Iskall?” a deep voice said eagerly, “It’s so nice to meet you!” 
“You have…THOUSANDS…of children. Not ten. Not twenty. Not even a hundred. THOUSANDS.” Iskall stammered. 
“Yeah. I’m, uh, the father of all slime hybrids. It’s not a big deal, to be honest. Some other slime would’ve absorbed a skeleton and decided to think about itself if I hadn’t.” Jevin shrugged. 
“All. Of them. ALL OF THEM.” Iskall clutched his head in his hands.
“Yeah? It’s not that difficult. You just, like, shed some slime on a large enough pile of biomass, it’ll grow into a kid. How is this so confusing for you? That’s probably where humans come from.” Jevin shrugged. 
He rubbed his slimy hands together with a hideous squelch, and started traveling through the room, eagerly greeting each and every one of his kids. 
Iskall staggered over to the snack table, piled high with compost, cinderblocks, and beer. He popped a bottle, and started chugging it.
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the-irken-pony · 1 year
Okay but. A THSC/Inscryption crossover is So Cool and has a LOT of potential. Like Henry could 100% fill Luke's role with ease, he's the kinda idiot to go do that shit but SURVIVE actually. Alternatively, THSC characters filling the Scrybe roles? *chefs kiss*
Ooooh, YES
I just have this idea of a post-T4L thing like
Reginald goes missing without any sign of what happened, and Henry and RHM spend months trying to find him. Then someone makes a comment about how “last time I saw him he was heading to the computer room to play that weird game”, and Henry and RHM start to wonder if the game is at all connected to Reginald’s disappearance considering they found it through dubious methods (same way Luke did).
As it turns out the floppy disk is still in the computer after all this time. Since the Right Hand Man is a cyborg, the two of them decide to upload his consciousness into the game to try and look for Reginald (listen their designated brain cell went missing).
So, RHM takes the role of the player character and has in-game control, Henry takes the role of Luke and has outside control through menus, and because RHM’s body is still outside they’re still able to communicate. No one takes the role of Amanda because the Toppat Clan isn’t dumb enough to tell anyone that they stole something.
Because of the nature of Inscryption being a deck builder game, the two had some difficulty. By which I means multitude of deaths. RHM’s cybernetics have some pretty hefty antivirus and firewall software, so he’s protected from in-game death (being how he remembers everything and still has the camera roll. He can still make death cards though (even if they all look the same) and he and Henry have fun making the most busted cards they can.
After the first death, when Leshy introduces bones, he gives them the opossum card. In the following battle, they discover this to be another talking card. Yes, this card is Reginald. Same stats as the death card, but in the Opossum card rather than a death card (two bones rather than three + no sigil). The stoat gives him shit for being cocky and Reginald finds its nagging and nitpicking annoying. It’s through this exchange that Henry and RHM find out what exactly happened to Reginald in the first place (finding himself trapped in the game and losing a game to Leshy).
Things progress mostly as normal from this point on for act 1: they try to figure out how to beat Leshy, hoping that doing so will solve their problems. Meanwhile all Reginald can do is talk to the other talking cards & RHM.
But then Act 2 hits and they realize there's more to deal with.
Reginald is briefly missing but he's found easily enough (and is actually himself this time), and tags along. He can't play the game himself like RHM and Henry can but he can give commentary here and there. He wanted them to collect as many Mox cards as possible in the hopes that they could take their gems back to the real world, to which he got a "look" from RHM.
Act 3 comes around and Reginald becomes a talking card again, this time called Copperbot, with the Cowardly sigil (whenever an enemy would attack he moves into an empty space, if the option is available). RHM is strapped to the table for the first bit and is unable to leave the game until he's released.
No one dies at the end but they're eventually able to get Reginald out and the three of them all have a long nap afterwards skjfhskjf
Uhhhh fuck I don't have more ideas from this point on but here's what all I have, I'm a little bit insane about it
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jones-friend · 8 months
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Im beginning to rouse from my month of COVID fatigue and got 4 new games in today! 3/4 are from Pandasaurus games, which I’ll have some thoughts on later. They’re varying degrees of good!
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One trend I’ve noticed is modern games like to saw two proven games in half and glue them together. Clank! is a dungeon crawler/deck builder. Arnak is a worker placement/deckbuilder. Eschaton is a deckbuilder/risklike. Emerge is if you played Yahtzee to play Carcassone.
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In Emerge we are scientists exploring islands for wildlife for points. The goal is to make multi-tiered islands with lots of wildlife meeples on them. You do so by rolling dice and assigning them to actions on your player mat. There are also 4 goals to keep up with and research tokens you can find by making islands or spending unused dice. After 8 rounds the game is scored and the most VP’s wins. One aspect I enjoyed was the modifier tiles. Once per round you can remove/add/swap tiles around your board, this causes numbers to collect for different resources. Numbers are placed on your mat and can be spent together for different meeples or island tiles. So I could put a crab tile on 4 (as pictured) and spend dice from 2 and 4 to place crab meeples on my island. Islands score for the number of tiers times number of meeples.
Emerge is a bit tougher to recommend than most of my games here. I like it, it has some things I like, but it has some I don’t. I don’t think the tile abilities do enough to negate the variation and luck in rolls. You only get one roll, and granted I probably should have taken on at least one or two more tiles, but I didn’t feel they did enough compared to something like One Deck Dungeon. I feel for an optimization game, optimization enjoyers might get annoyed with bad rolls they get stuck with. There’s also a lack of meaningful player to player interaction. There’s racing for objectives first, obtaining research tokens first, and the four bird tokens that can be moved and stolen. I liked the idea of it, but I wanted more. I also felt the objectives asked a lot of you without offering enough reward for chasing them, I focused objectives while my bud islands, and while I scored all four objectives he still won by some 10+ points.
If you want a laid back dice game and you enjoy the presentation of Emerge I would say pick it up. It looks great and at times feels great to make decisions on your player mat for what goes where. If there’s an invite to a game its worth a play. Im not sure if I’d recommend picking it up unless its something you click with.
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Apes together strong. After Us takes place in the post apocalypse where Apes rule the world and are racing to reach evolved intelligence. After Us is a puzzle-y deck builder. Players drsw four cards from their deck and organize them in any way they wish. You must combine costs with benefits, collects with collects, and solve the “puzzle” of what works best with what to gather resources and score victory points. The game ends when a player reaches 80 points.
Similar to Emerge theres a lot of bits I like and a few I don’t. There is a lot of simultaneous play that keeps turns from being bogged down and I appreciate that. We all assemble our monkeys together and resolve them at once. Its a brisk game that doesn’t overstay its welcome and the presentation/art is fabulous.
Where I have a bone to pick with After Us is in its RNG and player interaction. When you recruit new apes you draw from a facedown deck. You know vaguely what that ape is good at. The four types focus victory points, batteries, exile/trash, and repeat actions. You’re blind drawing from cards that don’t have specific abilities, just costs and benefits that are slightly randomized across the deck. But I ended up drawing lots of battery costs while my opponent did not, the apes I drew had a harder time with resources than my opponent’s draws, who provided and consumed similar resources. And there wasn’t an easy way out since all cards were blind draws.
The game also lacks any meaningful player interaction, its just a race. Theres a mechanic where when buying an ape you get a benefit of that clan and can pay 2 to copy a neighbor’s benefit, but it feels very stapled on last minute. Because its the only non simultaneous moment the only player interaction slows the game down.
After Us is another harder recommend. If you enjoyed Earth you will enjoy After Us. Earth similarly had low player interaction, youre all tuning engines till one pops. If you’re comfortable with that more solitaire play the puzzle of four apes in a line is enjoyable.
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In Aurum players take the role of alchemists making formulas for gold. Aurum is a trick taking game with some higher level mechanics to it that will be hit or miss. There’s 5 “base metal” suits and a gold “trump” suit. Players start with a hand of base metals and one 0 gold. The leading player plays a card. The other players must follow, playing DIFFERENT suits than each other. The highest card wins the trick BUT the lowest card gains a gold card in their “collection” worth victory points. This card may also be used in tricks. At the beginning of the game players choose a number and put down a card from their hand of that number. That is their bid, they want to win exactly that many tricks. Go under and you get nothing. Go over and you score the bid in points. Match the bid and gain double the number in points.
So sometimes you wanna win the trick. Sometimes you want to force someone else to win. Sometimes you want to spend a 6-7 to lose the trick but gain a gold card of that value for points.
For a trick taking game there’s a number of things to consider. Do you want to waste a card that could take a trick on getting gold? Do you want to spend that 1-2 VP gold to ensure you reach your bid?
We played the 3 player variant and I found it to be this interesting standoff. Otherwise it plays 1v1 and 2v2.
If you’re into trick taking games and want something new. In the world of $30 medium pizzas and $10 1lb ground beef Aurum is $15. I recommend picking it up and giving it a try. It won’t work for everyone, but having a 3 player variant was fascinating. Like the other two games fantastic art direction and great quality, great presentation.
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Four Humours is a prisoner’s dilemma game. Players place potions in scenes and once two scenes are full all are resolved in this order of operations how the four humors can “win” in priority order. Winning potions are placed on the board to satisfy objective cards. Whoever satisfies the most wins.
To explain the prisoner’s dilemma if you’re unfamiliar, there’s one scene in Four Humours with only two potion slots. Each can hold Choleric or Sanguine. Choleric wins if there is only one in the scene. 2+ choleric means nobody wins. Sanguine is next in priority. If Choleric doesn’t win, Sanguines all win if there are 2+ in a scene, regardless if they are owned by different players. Your opponent claims they played a Sanguine. Do you trust them? If you play your Sanguine and they played Choleric you lose. If you both played Choleric you both lose. If you both played Sanguine you both win. If you decide to screw your friend over and play Choleric to their Sanguine only you win.
And decisions like that are the core of the game. The 4-5 scene cards and 6 party tiles are all logic puzzles and bluffing/diplomacy minigames. With the mechanics behind the four humours you can goad people into making bad moves or win without actually winning the scene. You can be sneaky and crafty, treacherous or trustworthy.
Truly its mechanics are light, the game is placed between you and your buds rather than on your own playmats. With the nature of this game I wouldn’t recommend playing with less than four people, and it can hold up to six at a time. Its a great game that works off a great dilemma, trying to work around possibilities and promises of different players claiming to place different humours where feels great. Great replay value too, our game went thru about 1/2 the scenes and theres an alt game mode to explore.
I heartily recommend this one, easy pick.
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One last bit before I snooze. Pandasaurus is a game company I own many games for: Brew, Dinosaur World, Wild Space, now Emerge and Aurum. Every game I’ve played from them is 80% of a really fantastic game. Its just missing a little something. The presentation is stellar, the effort is there, the creativity is apparent. I’m not trying to slam their games by any means.
Most end up relying on their theme harder than their mechanics. Games are carried at the thought of what you’re doing than the nuts and bolts behind it. Emerge, without set dressing, is a game of assembling tokens on tiles and adding base tiles to their tiles, rolling dice to do so. Wild Space is a game of playing cards to play more cards. What makes them tick is their stellar theming and A+ presentation with materials and art.
If you see this logo understand this might not be the most mechanically sound game. It also might not have the most player interaction, if any. But its going to look great at the table and each game has something that will make your brain go brrrr like the board game equivalent of a fidget spinner.
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mrs-mquve-cc · 11 months
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Sims Tag  
I was tagged by @esotheria-sims!
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever let a sim die 😆 Not only do I not actually play the game very often, I’m just too attached to my sims. But if I had to choose it’d be death by cowplant.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Alpha/semi-realistic till the day I die!
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
Nah, that’s unnecessary.
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
@lamare-sims‘ Shiftable Everything! I love to decorate, and this was a TOTAL game-changer for me.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I bought The Sims 2 Deluxe in 2007. I still get confused with what came with the base game and what came with Nightlife because I’ve always had NL 😅
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Like LIVing. I seem to be in the minority on this but whatever.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Laegrinna, of course! I’m sure everyone who follows me knows already but she’s the sim pictured in this post and in my avatar. She’s the protagonist of a game called Deception IV: Blood Ties.
9. Have you made a simself?
Yep, I do have one, you can see her in my 40th birthday post from last year. I gave her graying hair then to be more accurate. I did play as her a few times but it felt kind of weird so she just roams around my hood.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
I don’t use the traits mod but if I did, it’d probably be Absent-Minded, Perfectionist, Cat Person, Eccentric, and Socially Awkward.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I don’t use EA colors or textures, obviously, but I hate them all, especially the pee yellow blonde 😂
12. Favorite EA hair?
I don’t use EA hairs, but the only one I even remotely like is the Mansion & Garden dreads band hair. I might try to do something texture-wise with it at some point.
(Editing to say HOW THE SHIT DID I FORGET LAEGRINNA’S HAIR *facepalm* yeah it’s the Modern Bob from the EA store. As for hairs shipped with the game see above)
13. Favorite life stage?
I only play adults because I’m boring lol
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I dunno, I spend way more time creating and taking pics than I do playing. I’m awful at building but I do enjoy it and like I said I love decorating.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Yep, have been for almost 8 years now! I’ve made a ridiculous amount of CC, mostly hairs but I think I enjoy retexturing clothing and objects a bit more. I’ve just started learning meshing and it’s opened up so many new possibilities for me. I have an endless list of future projects!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I have a few. I’m not popular in the community or anything and my social skills are lacking but I do like interacting with other simmers.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2 forever!
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
No and I don’t think I’d be good at making videos in general.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It’s gotten much more eccentric and I’ve leaned harder into semi-realism despite most people playing Maxis Match the past 10+ years. I love goth/alternative CC and incorporated a lot more into my game when I created the Deception IV sims. It’s funny because it seems like people’s tastes get more mainstream as they age, but it’s exactly the opposite for me. I look at my old CC and the way I used to dress and make up my sims and think “wow was I boring back then.” The current aesthetic of my game more accurately reflects my personality.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
Bold of you to assume I use Origin 😂
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Too many to list here! I’m a CC hoarder.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
7 years, almost as long as I’ve been creating.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I do minimal editing, partially because I’m not very good at it and also because with CC previews I want people to see exactly what they’re getting. I use Pooklet’s game lighting actions, I’m careful with how much light I use when taking the pics in-game because it’s easier to brighten a screenshot than fix an overexposed one (Laegrinna’s white hair is particularly prone to overexposure). I brighten the subjects of the picture a bit more and darken the background a little so they stand out. But that’s really it.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Well, we’re not getting anything else for TS2 anyway, and I don’t even know what else I’d want because there’s so many fun mods out there that add to the game.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
That’s a tough one - I love playing witches (Laegrinna and her sister Velguirie are both evil witches) so Apartment Life is up there, but I also love playing businesses and having my sims go out on the town so I couldn’t imagine playing without OFB or Nightlife.
I’m going to tag @furbyq, @focalor-sims, @equinoxts2, @pooklet, @skulldilocks, @letomills, and @phoebe-twiddle!
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mvggedoff · 2 years
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MCKENZIE “KENNY” HANNIGAN ( cis woman, she/her, sabrina carpenter ) is 23 and a SINGER-SONGWRITER from KERRY. they are known as THE HOYDEN because they are BRAZEN, but if things kick off, they can be a bit MESSY. they’re BISEXUAL and describe their type as SPORTY AND ADVENTUROUS, DEFINITELY SOMEONE WILLING TO GET THEIR HANDS DIRTY. from their time in the villa, they’re hoping to find LOVE. ( day old eyeliner, a head of messy golden hair, crop tops with no bra, flying down the road in an old truck with no doors, yelling at the tv screen with the lads on football night, and drunkenly calling a stranger pretty in the party bathroom )
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𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒. pinterest ; maybe more to come, we’ll see.
born and raised on a sheep farm in dingle, county kerry, ireland.
only girl amidst a half dozen batch of boys. this is something that influenced her personality and interests a ton.
moved out to cork to study marine biology in university, flunked out. has bounced around locations ever since, staying with friends, family, and other distant relatives.
currently an aspiring singer - songwriter ( by which i mean she takes solo gigs at a few of her favorite pubs and has a couple singles out on spotify. very, very niche ), but just a few weeks ago she was sneaking into private art studios swearing up and down that she was going to be the next picasso. in a few months she’ll probably move up to belfast to build tiny homes and call herself bob the builder or some shit.
how does she fund all this ? she has some decent connections for starters, but she actually won the lottery a couple years ago and has been coasting ever since. that’s her REAL claim to fame.
was flicking through channels with her mates waiting for the football game they were watching to come back from break when they stumbled across an episode of love island. kenny, drunk off her ass, boldly claimed that she could get on the show. this was an entertaining enough idea that the group spent the rest of the night filling out kenny’s online application. she honestly forgot about the whole thing until she was contacted by the showrunners for the next step in her evaluation. the rest is history !
first thing people tend to notice about her, looks wise, is that she’s short as all get out. 5′ even and not much of a heels - wearer. the very definition of dynamite coming in a small package.
then there’s the accent. she’s spent enough time in the city that her deeply rural kerry - isms have mellowed out some, but you can expect them to come back in full force if she’s feeling particularly heated or when talking to a fellow kerryman. she also speaks rather quick and energetically. basically i can’t promise that she’ll be understandable half or even most of the time.
almost always has a snack on her.
a Lot. loud and has absolutely no filter, but she’s clearly good fun if you’re looking for it.
pretty fucking shameless. what you see ( and hear ) is kind of what you get.
a real bro. could talk your ear off about sports and booze and vintage cars and just how cute bubble butts are. the only stereotypically dudebro thing she doesn’t know squat about are video games ( rip me cuz that’s the only thing i DO know ).
also very artsy, hence the music and painting. the messier a hobby is, the better for her.
slagging is a love language. she grew up with a million brothers and guy friends. it’s how she shows affection.
looooves a drink and is a fun drunk to boot, albeit very messy. she’s dancing on tables and glowing under neon lights, but she’s also stumbling into pools and starting brawls. you gotta take the good with the bad. thankfully alcohol intake in the villa is heavily moderated.
that said, she is THE drunk girl in the bathroom. she’s holding your hair back. she’s calling you gorgeous. she’s threatening your ex. she’s putting in the WORK.
incredibly fickle and flighty. it is impossible for one thing, person, or place to hold her attention for very long. that said, she is 100% all in on every idea and decision she's ever made. basically, she owns and truly believes in her convictions, they just don’t tend to last.
tends to approach life with a “here for a good time, not a long time” attitude.
does not know how to stop. stop moving, stop talking, stop anything. the word simply does not register. everything about her is loud and kinetic. she is in constant motion.
truly does not give a damn what people think of her. her skin is made of iron and she’d rather be disliked for saying what she thinks / acting on how she feels than be liked for stifling herself.
in that vein : won’t play nice for the sake of it. if she doesn’t like you, you’ll know it. if you piss her off, she’ll throw hands. she’s gotten kicked out of many a pub for instigating bar fights. she’s far from being all talk.
impulse control ? nonexistent.
a sense of responsibility for her actions ? nonexistent.
street smart, not book smart.
will do anything on a dare.
hoe rights.
ya’ll know that one girl from too hot to handle that made out with someone immediately because she wanted to cause a little chaos and thought it’d be funny to spite the other contestants ? that energy.
the type to fall in a pile of shit and come out with a diamond stuck between her teeth.
for you zodiac girlies out there, she’s a sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, aries rising, so make of that what you will.
while she tends to get along more with guys generally, she’s far more attracted in girls and feminine presenting folk. she said bi, but like, in a gay way, you know ? from the second she stepped into the villa, she’s been blasting girls in bikinis by poppy in her head on LOOP.
this isn’t to say she wouldn’t couple up or hook up with a guy ( deep breaths joshy ). it’s just hard for her to picture a serious relationship with one. granted it’s hard for her to picture a serious relationship with anyone.
lowkey, she just thinks 99.9% of men are bad in bed, so, like, why waste the time ?
needless to say, she’s always been a fling haver, not a serious relationship haver. like i said : here for a good time, not a long time. maybe this is because she’s very fickle and easily bored, or maybe there is something deeper to it. maybe if she doesn’t let things be more than a passing fancy, it means she can’t get hurt when she inevitably gets reduced to being an “experiment” or “distraction” for someone. who knows. she certainly doesn’t. i mean, does it LOOK like she has a therapist ? ( she does not )
has wrecked a home for a one night stand. will do it again. at the end of the day, it’s not her problem if someone else had poor impulse control.
this post. just. this post.
is open to finding love in the villa, but doesn’t actually expect to. she only said she was there for it because there was no “fun” option.
literally just said fuck all in her interview tbqh. she doesn’t know what type she’d want in a serious relationship, and her standards for flings are kind of in the gutter. idk, she’s figuring it out ! at the very least, they have to have good craic.
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andro-dino · 2 years
Okay I know I already asked for one but I saw your post about takanosuke and oh mY gOD mY heart is melted and I humbly request for some Takanosuke and Sakyo Headcanons if you would be so graciouS
Ok so like, obviously Takanosuke really likes seeing Sakyo battle because he’s super strong and Takanosuke admires him a lot and knows he could learn a lot from him but also because Sakyo really lights up during battles. Usually he keeps a pretty neutral face most of the time but he gets super expressive and dramatic when he’s battling or challenging someone and Takanosuke really likes to see it.
I’ve heard that apparently in the manga, Sakyo canonically has an interest in ballet and I don’t know how true that is but I really like that. I think he’s probably built up a lot of strength and flexibility from it. Takanosuke has tried to join him in his stretches sometimes and is quickly floored by how much further Sakyo is able to go. I think it would be funny if Sakyo asked him to help with some partner stretches and Takanosuke is so scared of hurting him but Sakyo keeps insisting to push him farther.
I think Sakyo probably does that dancer thing where he listens to any song and is like “I could make a dance to this” and so he does. Takanosuke’s walked in on him more than once with his headphones in marking potential choreography.
I think he could do like 10 turns in an a la seconde and it is an intimidation tactic
Neither of them can cook very well but they try their hardest. Sakyo is an absolute heathen who likes his tortillas burnt and Takanosuke is horrified by it.
They are pretty good at baking though. They can make a banger mostachón.
Takanosuke talks a lot, very quickly, and very excitedly and Sakyo cannot understand it a lot but he always listens very intently.
Takanosuke has a habit of dragging Sakyo places a lot. Sakyo won’t hesitate to go off on his own if he’d rather do something else but he usually sticks around for a little while just to see what Takanosuke’s up to.
I read a fic once where Sakyo really liked butterscotch candy and I have since accepted that as canon. I think he would also really like spicy candy. Big fan of tamarindo too. I think Takanosuke really likes sour candy. He’s very bad at handling spice but sour food doesn’t really affect him. Sakyo once watched him squeeze a lime directly into his mouth because “he likes the taste” and Sakyo has been slightly afraid of him ever since.
Sakyo isn’t very affected by the heat while Takanosuke is incredibly sensitive to it. Sakyo will wear his jacket all throughout summer and Takanosuke is completely floored by how he’s not dying.
Sakyo is a god at guitar hero. It’s very impressive.
Sakyo doesn’t move his hair out of his eyes very much but when he does, Takanosuke notes how pretty his eyes are.
Sakyo is very bad at receiving compliments. Takanosuke compliments him a lot and he kinda just goes “uh. thanks. i guess.”
Sakyo does selfless things for selfish reasons. If they’re out and Takanosuke is taking too long to gather his things, Sakyo will take some of it for him. Takanosuke says he doesn’t have to do that but Sakyo is quick to clarify that he is not doing it because he wants to help but because he wants Takanosuke to hurry up.
If they played minecraft together, Sakyo would be a really good builder and Takanosuke would be the one to get materials for him.
If they’re walking together and Takanosuke goes in the wrong direction, Sakyo will put his hand on his head and steer him the right way.
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fairmontfirst · 1 year
Why Cheap House And Land Packages Are Becoming Increasingly Popular?
We all know that house and land packages are a great investment. They’re a great way to get the house you want for less than the price of building it yourself, plus there’s no waiting around for your dream home to be built! 
But what if we told you that cheap house and land packages Adelaide were becoming increasingly popular? Would you be interested in knowing more about it?
For more information about us, view this page - https://fairmontfirst.com.au/house-and-land-packages-adelaide/
More Affordable than Buying a House Separately 
If you're looking to buy land, a house and build your dream home, then it's important to consider all of the options available. While buying a house separately is an option, there are many benefits that come with buying Cheap House And Land Packages Adelaide deal instead.
First off, it's cheaper than buying both separately because you get more land for your money. You can use this extra space as garden or storage area if need be--or even as another room in your new home! 
This could save you thousands of dollars down the road when compared with purchasing one item at a time over time while still paying rent somewhere else until construction has been completed on both parts of the transaction (which would likely take years).
Easier to Plan and Manage Your Budget 
When you buy a house and land package, it's easier to plan your budget. You don't have to worry about getting the right loan or finding a builder who will provide quality work at a fair price. 
In addition, there are no land developers involved in the process of purchasing these homes--you're dealing directly with the builder. This means you can save money by negotiating directly with them rather than paying someone else's commission!
It also means that if something goes wrong during construction (which does happen sometimes), it's easier for you as an owner/buyer to get things resolved because there aren't any middlemen involved in making repairs or providing customer service after purchase
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Opportunity to Customise Your Home Design 
If you're looking to build a new home, there are several important factors to consider. One of the most important is your budget. If you're on a tight one, then it may be best to opt for a cheap house and land package instead of going with an expensive custom-built home.
In addition to saving money on the construction process itself, these types of homes also allow you more flexibility when it comes to choosing what type of house design works best for your needs:
You can choose an existing model that has already been designed by professionals--this allows them all the time they need (and have) needed while ensuring high quality results every time!
Or maybe you'd prefer something more personalized? In this case we would advise starting from scratch so that everything fits perfectly into place before moving forward any further than necessary.
Convenient All-in-One Solution for Homebuyers
When you buy a home and land package, you can get the convenience of an all-in-one solution for your home purchase. It's cheaper than buying a house and land separately. Plus, it gives you more freedom to customise your home design to suit your needs and preferences.
Finally, by purchasing one package instead of two separate purchases (the house and its lot), it will be easier for you to manage your budget as well as plan out how much money goes towards each component of the project: building costs or land acquisition costs?
We hope you've found this article helpful and interesting. If you're looking for a new home and want something affordable, we recommend checking out list of Cheap House And Land Packages Adelaide. 
We understand that finding affordable housing can be challenging, but professionals are here to help!
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cranegross81 · 1 year
Top 6 Quotes On Minecraft Server
The various classes of options there are automation, building, shopper, administration tools, tweaks, vanity, and the entire world. The group of volunteers constructing up the following-generation open source multiplayer RPG named Veloren have released an another massive release, which includes some huge new options. As a caveman would be whittling their first spear or lighting their first hearth, creating simple tools and torches in Minecraft makes me feel secure that I am the ruler of my destiny as a result of having the ability to create the items that could save me. The ability to design cookery items, harvest crops, and cook more food is a huge benefit. I started out crafting tools and torches, but later I expanded my collection to include more useful tools. Other instances I travel into dark caves, armed with made armor and enchanted weapons in order to take on the enemies I encounter. My character could be a basic builder or one who conquers dungeons and kills creatures at night. To finish my first stone keep, I required ladders and stairs; jumping up a simple collection of platforms was not appropriate for the King of the Land in the end.
There are more than one hundred construction elements available You could create anything from reworking automobiles to moving houses. Some Minecraft seeds are more craft than random, however all of them will give you something new to try in Minecraft. Version(s) is the Minecraft version numbers that the Minecraft ID and Title are valid for. In fact, you can find free Minecraft server hosting that offers around 2GB of RAM. Next, you'll build Spigot. Minecraft: Schooling Edition continues to grow from strength to strength and is now set to launch its first international design competition, the world-wide Build Championship, an ambitious endeavor that involves teams of just one to three college students work collectively to create sustainable environments for humans and animals to co-exist in. A lot of blocks require a lot of effort to build (some even force you to go into monster stuffed labyrinths), so once i build them in my Survival Mode it's more impressive. The Minecraft universe is so much larger than it was last time we were able to enjoy major Minecraft event, with the existence of Minecraft Dungeons not only expanding the Minecraft franchise to new genres, but also attracting a completely different form of participant with its addictive, co-op-focused and dungeon-crawling action.
In this article, we'll demonstrate ways to utilize seeds, and also providing a list of the perfect Minecraft seeds on the market, so you can immediately get into the action. just another wordpress site VeltPvP is a Minecraft participant-versus-player server, of the type that businesses use to sell products to gamers. If you want to play Minecraft with your mates, you possibly connect to an external server, make use of Minecraft Realms or create a server on your home network using Minecraft Server. On the surface, it could appear that every space you visit is generated randomly, but underneath all of it there's really a particular seed that was used to generate it, so after you've got the right number of Minecraft seeds, Minecraft seed you should make use of it to replicate the exact same world each time. It's not as scary as it might sound. It is the only way to open the game and access all mods available.
For the first time, builders are making the two most recent betas (1.13 and 1.14) and at the same time, they're declaring the next update, which relates to the whole dimension. Although it is possible to build the massive Wampa from Star Wars, it would not give me the same sense of satisfaction or satisfaction as Survival. I don't have to earn the blocks or risk my life in the process. It is true that adventure is always more enjoyable when you're with friends, and Minecraft's multiplayer is nice enjoyable if you will be able to get it working. However, tinny and annoying aside, if you are able to play with others , you surely should. Exploring and constructing massive structures is a lot more enjoyable with friends. Bbs Mail Players who only need to join a game must know the server's I.P. Minecraft Dungeons is a version of Minecraft that is set in Dungeons where players must eliminate monsters and cross barriers to get through the maze of Dungeons. At first, players built structures to guard against creatures that were night-time, but as the game progressed, players came together to create incredible, imaginative objects. Then, the game crashed for a whole day, as soon as the NDA dropped and some issues cannot be helped.
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tastydregs · 2 years
AI That Generates Music from Prompts Should Probably Scare Musicians
Musicians, we have some bad news. AI-powered music generators are here — and it looks like they're gunning for a strong position in the content-creation industry.
"From streamers to filmmakers to app builders," claims music generating app Mubert AI, which can transform limited text inputs into a believable-sounding composition, "we've made it easier than ever for content creators of all kinds to license custom, high-quality, royalty-free music."
Of course, computer-generated music has been around for quite some time, making use of various forms of artificial intelligence to come up with results that can sound equally manmade and alien.
But this new generation of music-generators, led by Mubert AI as well as Google's Audio LM, feel like a different beast. They're less like creative integrations for the music-making process, and more like creative replacements for musicians themselves — eliminating the need to pay for human labor or pesky royalties altogether.
Mubert vs. Google
While both of these platforms are impressively good at generating music that sounds like it was created by a human, they work in surprisingly different ways.
Mubert AI, on one hand, generates music that sounds like something you'd hear in an elevator. According to their site, their AI is trained on "over one million [music] samples" made by "over 4,000 creators." To make a track, a user selects a combination of genre and mood signifiers, and boom — a forgettable, lyric-less background tune for your Reel or TikTok is born.
Google's Audio LM, which has been around since TK, is a bit more involved, particularly because Google's working on perfecting lyrics and vocal patterns. The user feeds Audio LM one or more audio clips – such as a few notes from a piano score — and the machine picks up where the user left off.
Content Industrial Complex
If there's any consolation, Mubert AI's argument for its existence hinges on the fact that actual musicians and producers are part of its process, who stand to earn some cash from whatever samples they create for the platform. Google, however, makes no such claims.
Look, we get it. It's a content-driven world, and synthetic content creation makes it easier for a lot of creators to keep up.
But as we move into a new, AI-driven world, it's always worth wondering what, if anything, gets lost in the process.
More on AI: Rent Too Damn High? Blame YieldStar, a Secret Algorithm from Housing Hell
The post AI That Generates Music from Prompts Should Probably Scare Musicians appeared first on Futurism.
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patiolivings · 2 years
Why Investing In High-End Patio Furniture Is Worth It?
You have a choice when it comes to outdoor furniture and choosing right Patio Builders Perth. You can go with the cheaper variety, which will eventually need replacing and may not look great in the process. Or, you can invest in high-end patio furniture that's made to last for decades and looks beautiful for years.
Aesthetically Pleasing
When you invest in high-end patio furniture, you are investing in a piece that will last. The materials used to make these pieces are of superior quality, and they're designed with more detail and care than their cheaper counterparts.
These pieces also tend to be more durable—not only do they hold up well under the elements, but they have fewer moving parts that could break or wear down over time. The expert Patio Builders Perth can help you with choosing high-quality patio furniture.
The best part about all this is that there's no reason for it not to be beautiful! While some cheap patio sets might look acceptable at first glance (or even good), it only takes one quick glance for you to realise that the design is lacking any real aesthetic appeal.
High-end furniture gives you access to beautifully crafted pieces made from materials like teak wood or aluminium alloy frames so that their appearance matches their durability and longevity.
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Much Longer-lasting
If you want your patio furniture to last a long time, there are several things to consider. First, does the piece contain any low-quality materials?
If so, it probably won't last for very long. For example: if your outdoor lounger is made from cheap polyethylene instead of wood or metal and has a fabric that can tear easily in harsh weather conditions (e.g., high winds or intense sunlight), then it's definitely not going to be one of those pieces that lasts for decades on end.
Second, consider how much care the manufacturer took in crafting this product—the better the quality of their workmanship and design decisions (like using unique exotic woods instead of cheap plywood), the longer your investment will likely last.
Finally, remember that an expensive item isn't always better than a less expensive one; if you want something that'll last forever without breaking down over time due to wear & tear then consider investing more money upfront because these products will likely cost much more initially but save money over time!
More Inviting
Patio furniture can be used to create a relaxing space. It can also enclose your patio, which is especially good if you have children who play in the yard.
Patio furniture offers a lot of protection from the sun, whether it's that bright summer day or a chilly winter evening. The more inviting and comfortable your patio is, the more likely you are to spend time there—which means more time enjoying yourself and less time working around the house!
If you're worried about spending money on something that isn't going to last long enough for it to be worth the investment, don't fret— Patio Builders Perth can help you with the right choice of furniture according to your outdoor space.
For most people, investing in high-end patio furniture is worth it. It may seem like a lot of money to spend on something that isn't essential for survival, but when you consider all the benefits you'll get from the investment—including increased comfort, longer-lasting items and an inviting atmosphere—it's hard to argue against spending more on these pieces.
Source by - https://bit.ly/3eJpH7V
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findleg34 · 2 years
A Review Of Translation website
They are frequently located near sag centers with obvious substantial faults along with other transport pathways channeling deep hydrocarbon in these sag facilities. four. We promise the security of apk documents downloaded from our internet site as well as supply the Formal down load connection at Google Perform Store. As soon as this translation Device is installed, you could highlight and correct-click on section of text and click on “Translate” icon to translate. Using this method it is possible to translate don't just from English to Korean, but in addition involving any 36 languages supported by the application. Also, you could translate Web content from English into Korean by clicking over the “Translate” icon on the browser toolbar. The language professionals at KERN are able to assist with complex experience and good field information. Make your own personal website which has a website builder for example Squarespace or Wix. translation Korean don’t Price tag that A lot and so they’re generally surprisingly easy to manage. It’s better to acquire something rather than be blind to the alternatives of the online world. The bright spots are commonly concentrated on The 2 sides or over the fault, indicating the oil and gas escape to the fault on the upper strata and they are inside the rock with higher porosity, forming a vibrant spot reflection. Over may be the overlap map with the planar distribution of this kind of dazzling place and the main fault. Word amount: -- words. They may be normally Situated in the vicinity of sag facilities with noticeable translation in English massive faults and also other transport pathways channeling deep hydrocarbon in these sag facilities. BRD11 Hello there, Thank You for examining our proposal. In the event you are looking for human translation accomplished by professional indigenous professional in your textual content then; you ought to definitely think about using the services of our suggested translatio A lot more €30 EUR in 2 times Regardless, their excellent was fine. We can't say it had been ideal, as there have been quite a few mistakes, but it absolutely was Total Excellent. Our order didn’t occur very fast nevertheless it arrived ahead of the deadline, so the business retains its promises. Looking at poor customer evaluations and high-priced documents, we couldn’t identify TransPerfect the most beneficial service, nevertheless it’s nonetheless value your focus. Professionals: ·Overall top quality ·Shipping and delivery by the due date ·Numerous companies to provide Downsides: ·Incredibly high-priced ·No upfront pricing ·Detrimental customer reviews The Translated team has constantly been Qualified and handy. They can be rapid to respond to requests for help plus they respect the agreed deadlines. If you already know some other platforms Which may assist translators throughout the world raise their base line, let me know from the opinions. I’m continuously examining these websites To find out more about the planet of freelance translation, and I’d love to hear your impression. Be at liberty to leave a remark down underneath and make sure to share this text with fellow translators! You may search for around 1 billion translations for free of charge. Also, you could download the Linguee dictionary app and entry the companies even if you don’t have an internet connection. Confidentiality. Determined by certified translation providers testimonials furthermore insurance policies outlined on an organization's website, we could make conclusions about how well it guards its shoppers' information. Only transparent guidelines get a move.
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grapesauce63 · 2 years
6 Deadly Pool Getting Mistakes and Precisely how to Avoid Them
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The six deadly swimming pool purchasing mistakes happen to be frequently made due to simply not getting informed and understanding what questions to inquire. Avoiding these faults could save a person lots of money and hrs of heartache and even frustration. So a person want to get a pool although don't know how to start? Perhaps knowing typically the common mistakes people make when getting a pool will help you begin off for the appropriate foot. Everyday, people get "duped" into buying the wrong pool, the inappropriate way, without having alternative or protection. These kinds of same people breeze up being disappointed and even irritated because their expectations weren't met. Through my long career in the pool industry, I include met a lot of people who else have made severe mistakes when they will purchased their pool. Annually it looks as though We hear the exact same stories over and even over. As the result of discussing with scores involving pool owners plus through my very own years of experience in the sector, I have figured there are six common mistakes of which people make any time purchasing a pool. The Solution in order to Avoiding the 6 Deadly Pool Acquiring Mistakes is... Request the best questions! Really simple. If a person ask the best concerns, you'll uncover 80 percent in the potential problems that most pool purchasers typically face. There's constantly that 10 per cent chance that something will happen that you simply couldn't have foreseen; but, for the particular most part, you can actually avoid almost any kind of surprise. However, if you're like the majority of some other pool purchasers, an individual know so small about pools or perhaps pool construction of which you don't actually know what inquiries to ask. Of which is why My partner and i wrote this unique report just with regard to you. After studying this report, you may be one of these few pool consumers who "know precisely what they're discussing. " The first queries you need in order to ask yourself when thinking about getting a pool will be: 1. Why carry out I want the pool? 2. Exactly what will my family plus I use typically the pool for? a few. That is going to be able to maintain the pool? Why are these questions so important? Before you can decide "what" variety of pool a person want, you want to understand "why" you want some sort of pool. Would it be with regard to family recreation, engaging guests, physical treatment, exercise, personal entertainment or just to "keep program the Jones'? inches Knowing the answer to these questions will aid you avoid the first deadly pool buying mistake, which is... Mistake #1: Not Building Your Pool for its Intended Objective You might have got heard the term, "Form follows function. " To find out just what type of pool area you desire, you will need to know exactly what you'll be using this for. The kind of swimming pool you'll select need to depend on what you'll be using it for. More often than not, individuals considering the acquiring a pool have a very specific purpose in mind. It is crucial to write this specific down and possess it ready whenever you start approach pool builders. For instance, if you usually are going to employ your pool mainly for family leisure, then you might want to incorporate safety features this kind of as gating or perhaps fencing that will handle access to the particular pool. If your current primary use will be for entertainment, then you may think about mood lighting characteristics with special landscape designs features, such since waterfall features inside of and around typically the pool. If a person want to construct a pool for physical therapy or perhaps exercise, you might add a longer low area for diving or possibly built in spa jets throughout the seat, move up bars, or perhaps even a more compact pool with swimming jets. The Fantasy of the Good sized Pool An interesting phenomenon frequently happens when nearly all first-time pool buyers need a large pool with a strong end and the diving board. Following about a yr of pool employ, new owners find that the deep end rarely gets utilized and the scuba diving board becomes even more of a protection hazard. Most of the games that are pla yed by the kids are executed in the particular shallow end plus that's where typically the adults spend 95 percent of their time. Because these people decided to build the large pool using a deep end, only 35 percent of the swimming pool gets utilized, resulting in unnecessary expense and low usage. It's also significant to talk to your insurance policy agent regarding improved premiums with snorkeling boards. Fencing is always an important factor of your swimming pool, not only intended for child safety but to provide a specific level of privacy. You may consider some sort of retaining wall if the yard is on a slope so that will you can phase down to the particular pool, providing a person more privacy. A lot of pool builders can try to speak you into boosting the amount of your pool if your yard has a slope. Just because there's fewer dirt to remove, builders can reduce trucking expenses. This can leave you by having an inground pool area that has an over ground look. An individual should also understand or vision involving what you want your entire yard to look just like, not just your swimming pool. Your pool ought to compliment your present backyard and combine together with your intended landscape designs goals, both now as well as in the long term. Here are many other points in order to consider when designing your pool: 1. Access - Guarantee there exists easy accessibility to your swimming pool from your house, restroom or leisure area. You may possibly want to consider how patios, decks or walkways usually are positioned to get a safe and simple entrance and exit relating to the home and your pool. 2. Traces and Cables - Before settling upon a location, you need to ensure that generally there are no electrical or telephone wiring, sewer or solid waste lines or buried pipes. 3. Draining - Water requirements to drain away from pool to avoid standing water or even dirt and soil getting into the particular pool. This will be especially important in the event that you're in the location that has a history of flooding. 4. Features - If an individual plan to set up a diving panel, spa, slide or waterfall, make sure that you strategy for adequate porch space for each and every addition. 5. Sheds : A common method of protecting equipment is usually to build an tools shed close to be able to the pool. 6. Sun vs Shade - The direct sun light will help you to keep your current pool water warm; however, placing the pool under trees can result in a lot of extra maintenance. 8. Covenants - Find out if you can find any subdivision covenants regarding the structure of pools. To be able to obtain a constructing permit, it is generally required to be able to get a survey or plot program of your total property. In fact, you should curently have one from whenever you bought your residence. The survey can help you to be able to decide where in order to locate your pool area and any add-ons. Make sure a person schedule an primary on-site consultation so that your trust primary functions and activities are shown in the design. Moreover, an on-site assessment should urge an individual to think about the total vision of exactly what you want your backyard. Mistake #2 Seeking the Wrong Pool "Container" There are three basic forms of in-ground pools: concrete/gunite, fiberglass, in addition to vinyl liner. Regardless of what type of pool you select, you will certainly be required to be able to execute a certain volume of maintenance. Nevertheless, each type involving pool provides its maintenance challenges. It is critical to understand these troubles by pool type before you produce your selection. Concrete/Gunite Pools Concrete plus gunite ( a kind of reinforced concrete) are definitely the most common in-ground pool types mainly because they are already in the market much longer compared to new, a lot more efficient varieties of pools. Concrete and gunite are sprayed above a framework involving steel rods plus wire mesh, then coated with plastsorter to give typically the pool an easy, printable surface. Today, concrete floor and gunite pools are most commonly used for commercial and general public swimming pools. The nice thing about concrete and gunite swimming pools is that you can virtually create them in just about any shape or form that will you wish. Sadly, it is the most expensive from the three types associated with pools and it takes a long time to be able to build. Furthermore, cement and gunite is definitely porous, therefore delivering small areas intended for algae and bacteria to grow. Throughout addition, it might effortlessly crack and nick with the alter of the heat and weather situations, providing even more regions for algae in addition to bacteria growing. This particular is why cement and gunite private pools require the the majority of maintenance of three types of trust, costing $100 or more per month to be able to maintain. It is usually also rough about the kids feet, and because kids will remain in the particular pool for longer length's of time causes this extremely damaging to the skin. Concrete and even gunite pools require periodic annual or even semi annual pool draining for clean-up purposes. When typically the pool is drained, the cracks inside the concrete in addition to gunite should be restored and the pool siding acid-washed and maybe re plastered, if possible. Acid washing is necessary every one to three years, relying on water problem. Acid washing does indeed remove a coating of plaster or mar cite. Generally, after the further acid wash a person can expect to re plaster typically the pool. Vinyl Liner Private pools Vinyl ship pools use a new high-density vinyl liner, offering an aesthetic textured pool surface. The lining will be "seamed" together through the sides of the pool. Polymer or perhaps steel walls are bolted and fixed together on concrete floor flooring. The vinyl fabric liner is spread over the ground in addition to paneled walls in addition to connected to typically the the top of walls by a vinyl rib at the outside edge of the particular liner. The upfront price of vinyl lined pools can be inexpensive in comparison to concrete and gunite pools and take a lot less time to install. However, the maintenance on vinyl fabric lined pools is definitely high as the ship can be effortlessly scratched or cut, especially if right now there will be playthings or hard things in the swimming pool (even mechanical pool cleaners! ). To repair a vinyl lined pool, you are going to need to exchange the entire coating, which can cost from $1, five-hundred to $3, nine hundred or more based on the time of the season for replacement. Also, wrack and bacteria have a tendency to nest in the porous consistency of the material and seams of the vinyl, requiring high amounts of chlorine to keep the pool clean. It's kind of such as a shower window curtain that is encountered with moisture and warmth on a constant basis. Severe problems can arise if algae starts to be able to grow under a vinyl liner since it may start to take in the liner coming from the underside and even is very tough to treat. You can easily expect to pay up to $100 or perhaps more per month to be able to maintain a convertible top liner pool. In addition , heating costs may generally be better, especially on metallic wall construction. The one thing between the floor temperature of 57 degrees and the pool water is steel and vinyl fabric. A polymer or perhaps plastic wall does reduce the expense of heating somewhat; but , it also provides considerable cost to be able to the construction involving the pool ($1, 500 to $2, 500 in a few cases). Fiberglass Pools Fiberglass pools are made out associated with a seamless one-piece, pre-formed fiberglass textbox that is certainly set in the ground and can be installed in fewer than days. The fiberglass itself provides a smooth, non-porous gel coat surface. Although fiberglass private pools have an extensive range of sizes and shapes, and can turn out to be moved if you occur to decide on, a person are restricted to be able to those sizes plus shapes that are offered, unlike a new concrete or gunite pool. You'll almost never find a fiberglass pool over 16 feet in thickness since the come through the factory prepared to install in one particular piece. Fiberglass pools are appealing since they require a lot less maintenance than possibly of the some other pool types. Fiber glass will not rip, tear, crack, computer chip or leak, providing a longer-lasting surface. Consequently , monthly maintenance fees are minimal. The particular durability of fiber-glass is especially important when you are now living in the cold weather climate, or unstable garden soil, in which area materials contract in addition to expand. This is why concrete in addition to gunite pools fracture and chip. As a fiberglass is non-porous, algae and bacterias cannot stick to be able to the surface. This particular reduces the amount of chlorine necessary to keep the pool clean to about one-fourth of the amount that additional pools use, that may add up to large cost benefits over time. Fiberglass pools never require draining for cleaning, the huge chore. Additionally , to clean the particular fiberglass surface, all you need in order to do is vacuum cleaner the bottom of the pool, which often takes only 10-15 minutes a full week. Initially you may think that concrete/gunite pools are the particular most stable; on the other hand, fiberglass pools can flex about two feet without preserving any damage and even can safely endure more external stress than concrete/gunite pools. However, you will discover large distinctions between various fiberglass pools. (They are not almost all created equal. ) Vinyl Ester botanical is a must! This substance is a developing agent that assists hold the pool together. Vinyl Ester also prevents cobalting, which is a dark or purple discoloration that forms externally in. It is usually a reaction within the fiberglass itself. The particular stain can usually become removed but actually will proceed to resurface. Be sure you see it throughout writing how the pool area has Vinyl Ester. If it's not necessarily advertised in produce, it’s likely that it does not have it. You'll want to have some kind of vapor barrier in the fiber glass. Even though the gel coat or finish is simple and non-porous, typically the back of typically the pool is without a vapor buffer. Fiberglass is actually a cloth that will soak up moisture from the particular ground. Moisture or even even ground water will leach from the fiberglass causing extreme on the skin gels coat that will be not usually have warranty. You also make certain the particular pool is created with hand set fiberglass in contrast to cut glass. Hand laid fiberglass is significantly stronger and is built with full sheets of fiberglass cloth. Cut glass fiberglass is actually a pudding-like substance with shreds of fiber-glass usually sprayed or rolled on. Fortunately, because fiberglass swimming pools are pre-built, you will see the pool prior to installation. Check outside the finish ahead of time. If it doesn't look good out and about of the ground it won't appearance good in the ground. Remember, water magnifies any flaws. Typically the technology in this specific industry is modifying and evolving nearly monthly, with recent introductions like the particular infusion of Carbon dioxide Fiber which provides extreme strength, in addition to some pretty great looking colors, this makes this worth a better look than inside the past. Error #3 Choosing the particular Wrong Developer Typically the worst mistake of which a person buying a pool can do is choose the completely wrong developer to build the pool. Right now there are many "fly-by-night" pool developers that use temporary workers to set up pools,. Other builders employ installers (or subcontractors) that include virtually no experience along with pool installation. Pool area developers consistently feel a high return with their staff members so it's a constant struggle to retain good, experienced those who installed a number of pools. Generally there are also the lot of programmers who will promote a pool with no regard with regard to how it will be incorporated with your scenery and lifestyle. Make sure the developer has the firm brick plus mortar location and is not working out there of his garage. Also, never buy a pool on the internet. Take time in order to visit the area. After narrowing it into the top rated two or about three builders, invest in the time to be able to visit their spot to consider their items and services. Notice how their staff members treats you. (Remember, people who really feel good about by themselves produce good results). This is the biggest investment regarding your life alongside your home. Commit your time. Take the particular family on the fun day out to look at pools and contractors. Stop for lunch break. Slow down, acquire your time. Feel comfortable and investigate. Listed here are several questions ask potential pool programmers when you ask for a proposal or perhaps bid to develop your pool. one Do you give the form of pool area container that we want (fiberglass, concrete/gunite, vinyl liner) and how a lot experience do you possess together with installing that variety of pool? Most pool builders specialize in one of typically the three forms of pools. A builder of which is an professional in installing tangible pools may not really necessarily be a great expert in setting up fiberglass pools. Discover how many of typically the same type of private pools the builder features installed. Should you be having accessories for instance a porch, spa or landscaping done with the same builder, make positive that they have got carried out that sort of job in the past with other clients. a couple of. Very best average knowledge of your unit installation staff or do you subcontract out the building? Do you seek the services of only licensed and even bonded sub-contractors? It isn't uncommon to find a pool area builder that utilizes subcontractors for the particular entire installation process. In this case, you need in order to think about the experience degree of the subcontractors. A pool contractor is only as well as the people undertaking the installation work. Preferably the constructor will have his own staff, resulting on more expensive control. However, if the subcontractor is used, make sure that that they are licensed plus bonded to shield you if items go wrong. 3. Are really you certified by simply the National Day spa and Pool Start? What other trade organizations do a person belong to? The particular National Spa and even Pool Institute (NSPI) is the association that supports the spa and swimming pool industry. The NSPI provides a "Certified Builder"course that teaches building contractors how to construct high-quality swimming pools making use of the latest techniques that meet technical specs. Obtaining the certification signifies that the builder has no less than met some standard education and learning requirements to accomplish the particular job right and it shows the builder's commitment to high quality. This one problem can weed out a fly-by-night designer from a reputable builder. If the builder belongs to be able to the Better Business Bureau, a Holding chamber of Commerce, or even a Rotary Club, it illustrates how the builder intends to get around regarding a long while. 4. Do a person provide financing regarding the pool building project? Even if you have the money seated in the bank or you plan to get it from your commercial lender, asking this question can result in some disclosing information. If some sort of builder provides financing, it means that they have been around long enough to create credit rating and a good reputation with the banks. It is advantageous to have options for loans the construction of your own pool. Another regarding financing your swimming pool is that in-ground pool construction is known as a home enhancement along with the interest transaction in your loan will be tax deductible. five. Can one speak using several of your own past customers? This is the killer question. Proof that it works and if you can't talk with some sort of previous customer, it probably means that will indicate have one particular or likely dissatisfied. Run from a designer that can't give you with customer feedback from prior satisfied customers. The true test is speaking to those buyers yourself. Ask the builder if an individual can pick one particular or two from a list of ten previous customers. This will ensure that likely to be selecting a non-biased customer. Ask the customer, "I realize that the builder really does great work yet all jobs have got a minumum of one or two things that didn't go as prepared. Can you show me what have been some things that didn't meet your own expectations? " This question will acquire the client off the fence. 6. To be able to what extent could be the owner involved inside the daily businesses of the organization? If the user with the business isn't 100 percent involved in the business, keep in mind that mean that a person write them away from but you need to find out how the business has been managed. Quality normally has an immediate correlation to typically the level of engagement by the owner in the business. seven. Can your builder provide a certificate associated with insurance to prove that these are fully insured? Ask the particular builder about virtually any liability and payment insurance he may carry to protect you in the occasion of an accident in the construction regarding the pool. There's read more as compared to getting into a situation by which issues didn't go while planned but not possessing recourse for getting compensation as a result of injuries. Every reputable builder should be totally insured. Period. In the event you ask and avoid obtain a copy regarding worker's compensation in addition to liability insurance, avoid use the contractor. You may still go as far as to contact the agent detailed to verify that will their insurance is in force. Finally, bear in mind worker's compensation shields people. Liability shields property. You want to have equally. Other things an individual might consider are really the builder's credit score and you might want to verify county records for lawsuits. 8. Does the builder offer in home design services? A lot of good builders will offer you in-home design solutions that will not necessarily only save funds but also demonstrate the builder's encounter and expertise. being unfaithful. If there will be damage to the yard or landscape designs, will you fix it? Its essential that you arranged your expectations in advance during the meeting process with the particular builder, in particular when this comes to harm. Many pool customers are surprised whenever they start to see the sum of damage to be able to their yard of which occurs during some sort of pool installation. Even so, there is such a thing as surplus damage due to be able to negligence on the part of typically the builder. Make positive you address this particular right up entrance and this it makes into your agreement. Some pool builders aren't willing to get on the danger of purchasing backyard damage. 10. What are the electrical and plumbing needs and who can perform them? Your own pool builder need to know about present electrical, plumbing, housing code, building and grading requirements. It's significant to test typically the knowledge of your own builder. Even if you don't know the answers yourself, you will have an thought whether they have got a good grasp in the needs. By the particular way, never enable a pool contractor to force you a permit in your name. This should always be in the builder's... 11. What type of maintenance training may I receive on completion of typically the pool? Upon completion of pool assembly, your pool contractor should provide you with education, including: equipment maintenance training; chemical in addition to cleaning training; winterizing training; and safety training. These subjects will be crucial to the longevity of your pool. 12. Just how long will the building take and when can you start? Even if some sort of pool builder will be good and you really feel comfortable with their skills and ability, their schedule demands to sync using your schedule. A fantastic pool builder will likely be booked, so that you may want to be able to start the lookup process early in the season or reset your expectations as to any time the pool can easily be installed. In no way choose a pool or possibly a builder based strictly on schedule. Make your option on the top quality of both typically the product along with the constructor. A high-quality designer will never forfeit quality for rate. Remember, if you are a new pool area buyer, another pair of months is not going to hurt you. Stay focused on quality. 13. Are usually expense and how much do you demand as a deposit? In the end, your pool needs to fit the budget. You ought to request an offer only from builders that you feel comfortable with and meet your lowest requirements. Even though it varies from builder to builder, 2 per cent to 5 pct down is a great acceptable figure to inquire as a first deposit. If a designer asks for an amount greater than 10 % down, it's time and energy to end the job interview. Also, make confident you examine the particular down payment schedule and make sure the builder describes it to you. Excellent References are essential Overall, asking this course of questions can help you acquire a feel regarding who may end up being the best option to be able to build your pool area. Remember, good references are essential because these people are based upon past experience quite than a proper answer to an interview question. Call up local building sections, call the state of hawaii, in addition to call the Much better Business Bureau. Some sort of good builder's status will precede all of them. Mistake #4 Certainly not Getting a Total Understanding of Your Pool Contract and Warranty That is definitely a deadly mistake not finding a full comprehension of your pool deal and warranty. While Ross Perot as soon as said, "The devil is in the particular details. " Swimming pool contracts and warranties can be misleading if they are not read cautiously and if you don't need to ask enough concerns. Parts of a pool usually incorporated in the guarantee are: 1. Strength - Structural integrity of walls, reinforcements and concrete. installment payments on your Equipment - Products such as filtration, skimmers, pumps in addition to heaters. 3. Plumbing related - Materials in addition to workmanship on power, gas, piping in addition to pool plumbing. Generally speaking, most pool buyers get shocked when something moves wrong because they will didn't take typically the time to realize the details of what is included in the warranty and more importantly, what is NOT included throughout the warranty. Try out to make sure your pump, filter and heater usually are from the equivalent manufacturer. That way you may have one warranty that covers your own main equipment. Plus, most pool service providers will not inventory repair parts coming from multiple manufacturers. Things like discoloration in fiber glass and vinyl boat pools are usually not covered mainly because the color regarding them have some sort of lot to do with precisely how you've maintained the pool as well as the chemical balance of the swimming pool water. Chipped concrete floor or gunite happen to be not usually justified because that's the particular nature of asphalt when exposed in order to the elements. If purchasing a vinyl liner pool, you need to become cautious with what's integrated in the warranty for the lining. Could it be just the particular seams or is it the whole liner? Most convertible top liner pool building contractors stress the guarantee around the seam, nevertheless the seam never ever goes bad. What frequently goes negative is the vinyl fabric lining, not the structural walls or the seam. Who's Warranting What? Understand which warranties what. For example, who warranties the particular pump and filter? The manufacturer or the dealer? Who do you speak to to report troubles? Do they need a toll-free amount? Who comes out in order to fix the issue? In some instances, each individual manufacturer will warrantee each separate piece of equipment plus will have different services providers fixing the issue. There's rarely a good one-stop solution regarding pool warranties and even service. Read the warranty carefully together with the builder and even ask questions. Ask what is not warranted and why. After you've seen a couple of warranties side by aspect, the questions will become much less difficult. Mistake #5 Centering on Upfront Cost Rather than Expense of Ownership Because in-ground pools can cost around $40, 500 and more, most pool area buyers are concerned about the upfront price and shell out little attention to be able to daily operational costs. Purchasing a pool area that requires small maintenance will typically be the cheapest deal in typically the long run. Pools that don't need lots of chemicals, cleansing, resurfacing or replacement parts will definitely cost much less over the living of the swimming pool. Additional Costs Added costs of essential basic equipment can easily surprise some pool buyers. Equipment such as filter systems, ways or ladders, in addition to skimmers for area cleaning are believed vital. Many pool users install heating gear and pool-side decking of concrete or wood. Pool covers are often applied to keep drinking water clean and keep heat when typically the pool is not in use. If used properly, these covers can be some sort of wise energy-saving investment decision. Mistake #6 Falling for Slimy Product sales Gimmicks Once you have made a decision to build a children's pool, there is a natural excitement and eagerness to possess it installed as soon as possible. This specific is often the point at which usually unwary buyers could get into very hot water because deceitful salespeople and building contractors will be quick to take advantage of the circumstance. Keep in thoughts that the late spring and earlier summer months brings these unscrupulous people into communities wherever home swimming warm are popular. Interesting advertisements can convert up, offering discounts that seem too good to choose along. Here are a few indicators that signal "Buyer Beware! inches 1 ) Salespeople who else tell you an publicized pool they offer "on sale" is not worth having and then attempt to switch you to definitely a more high-priced model. This is called "Bait in addition to Switch" which is a tactic that is generally used in the particular retail world. a couple of. Salespeople who use the ploy involving offering a lower value on the base your pool to be used as a magic size. 3. Salespeople who else pressure you in to signing a deal. Remember: no trustworthy builder and no certified representative of a reputable builder will run you into affixing your signature to any agreement or contract at any time. 4. By no means get persuaded taking out the "Building Permit" yourself or in your own personal name. The contractor should do this. Always make confident that the contract clearly states that this pool builder is necessary to hire only qualified and bonded "subcontractors. " 5. In case the pool builder will not do an on-site initial visit, become alerted to the particular chance of a hard sale. It’s likely that, typically the builder would not recognize or care in order to understand your requirements. Bottom line Purchasing a new pool can be quite a scary experience, specifically for all those first timers that haven't been by way of the task. There are a myriad regarding items to consider... pool type, maintenance, warranty specifics, contracts, liability, domestic plumbing, landscaping, electricity, drainage, restrictions, accessories, in addition to so on. Really no wonder several pool buyers help to make mistakes that end up costing these people hundreds, even countless numbers, of dollars. Using the information in this kind of special report, an individual will be capable to stop many associated with the most typical mistakes people create when purchasing a pool. It can provide you with the ability and know-how to ask smart concerns that will end result in assisting you discover the right swimming pool for yourself and your current family.
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bowden27yates · 2 years
Ideas On Easy Vegetables To Grow
It's no secret that people of which are easy going a whole lot more fun to be around than serious types. These types guys do tend to be a double-edged sword though; the only reason that they're so easy going is because just enjoy the good stuff in life but run away if there is anything that threatens to take away or ruin their fun environment. If you would like a man who may support you for life, it seem hard finding one who is easy going and knows the right way to be serious when he has to be. At any rate, here are things that easy going men like. How will i know? Because I'm an easy going guy myself! Try start off with planning your meals just for starters day. Put down a choices. Use well tried recipe. halo combat evolved flt crack may throw in a mere one or two issues into it to make use of them out, whilst. Try to plan meals around whole foods. They are much healthier, than refined info. How help to make negligee crack , that's the topic of this article, exactly how is it done? I will sum all this up within a single word actually which is word is work. Yep, good old-fashioned work ethos. saints row the remastered crack , on the other hand assure you that it still stands head and shoulders above the latest guru marketing madness technique or software. Never pay for "secrets" about how you can earn easy money. Truly, there are no secrets which worth paying for, whatever you reason to succeed is offered free on the Internet, within the to spend to find one is a little time. Giving -up. There's a fine line between something being challenging and something being the tough. You can learn to identify the huge. When you're feeling challenged, the results may not necessarily easy, though they are energizing, exciting, and moving in a forward or positive training course. When something is hard, the opposite is absolute. Nothing is performance. You feel like you're beating your head against the wall. Your intuition instructs you you're going the wrong way. And can be easy is not about abandoning. It's about recognizing ideal path when you've found getting this done. Getting out and exercising is an integral part of living a happy and healthy life. Not only does it an individual look better, but can feel better both mentally and physically as definitely. Of course, we all exactly what comes with exercise, happening . body stink. Review your site before you publish it to world-wide-web. Once mega man crack are finished building your easy website, consuming edit and proofread every page. Use the view web page feature of the site builder to see what the page will look like to your visitors, guarantee that everything is ideal and accurate. Walk-through your shopping cart creation and make sure that all information is roofed and accurate. This is actually the most important thing to remember when building an easy website.
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Julian to Mark
Mark Blackthorn
℅ Helen Blackthorn
Los Angeles Institute
Malibu, CA
Dear Mark,
Don’t worry about the parchment scroll yet, I’ll get to it at the end of the letter.
Hello from Chiswick! It’s pronounced like chizzick, it’s just outside central London, and it is a collapsing ruin. The house, I mean, not the neighborhood, which is cozy, a little suburban, lots of green space, quiet. You’d like it.
I should have been in touch before, I know that – and I’m sorry. We had to move fast to save this place and I knew a fire-message wouldn’t reach you. Blackthorn Hall may be a ruin, but it’s our family’s legacy, one of the very few things that we’ve inherited from Blackthorns past. I feel this sense of responsibility, a need to preserve the place for Tavvy and Dru, for Ty and Liv — well. You know.
It was us or the Clave, and they would have knocked it down and put something else in its place. It’s easily in bad enough shape that knocking it down would be the practical move. But it’s ours, and I kind of love it. I mean, if we don’t love it, who will? It can be truly beautiful again, I believe that. You should visit when you get a chance—all of you there are invited, of course—but be warned that if you come in the next couple of months you will be put to work.
This brings me to the parchment, which is the estimate and contract from the faerie builders for the renovation work on the house. I was hoping you and Kieran could look it over for faerie trickery, both in terms of whether their rates seem reasonable, and also to make sure they don’t get Tavvy if we’re late with payment, that kind of thing. They came highly recommended—they’re brownies? I think? They look like big garden gnomes. I mean, it’s probably the pointy hats. They could take them off, of course, but I guess they like them. They must know they look like garden gnomes. Anyway, they seem trustworthy and industrious and all that. But faeries do love tricking humans. Let me know what you think.
Oh, I should explain that there is one part of the house that is in all right shape and has all the “mod cons,” as they say here. It was redone in the Sixties and, well… it is groovy. The cons are Mod as well as mod. I am not sure you will get that joke but don’t worry about it, it was pretty stupid. The thing is, I’d never thought about it, but I realized this must have been fixed up by our grandparents. The timing works out. So this must be where Dad lived, once. And Uncle Arthur. It was where they grew up. And I realized: they, too, must have been groovy.
Arthur. Must have at one point. Been really groovy.
I just want you to sit with that for a moment, the way I did. It creates a feeling I believe to have never been felt before by any human being in the world.
You should see the clothes. I mean, really. You should see them. There’s a consignment shop’s worth of vintage stuff here and none of it suits me at all. You’re welcome to it but it is almost all synthetic fabrics and would not go over in Faerie itself.
Aaand I know I’m rambling. I was trying to avoid saying this, but there’s something about this house. It reminds me of some of the nights you and I used to ramble around the Institute back home. Which I know is weird, London couldn’t be more different than the Santa Monica Mountains — I miss the wildfire tang in the air, the smell of the chaparral and sage, the coarse dirt under our feet. (Do you miss it too? I feel like it has to be very different where you are in Faerie.) But there were plenty of times, especially when we were younger, when we’d tell ghost stories out there and scare ourselves that something was watching us. Maybe something was, though I’m inclined to think now that it was something friendly. Here in this house I get the same watched feeling, like there are eyes on me, shadows I see out of the corners of my own eyes that disappear when I turn around.
Anyway, I really wish you were here. I’d bring it up with Emma, but I don’t want to freak her out. She’s started the massive job of sorting through decades of papers and journals that used to belong to the people who lived here, and I’ve started painting the ballroom. I know Emma has been in touch with Cristina, please send my love to her and to K as well!
Your loving bro,
PS: I realize now I don’t know where this letter will find you, so let me clarify that “all of you are invited” from the LA Institute, not “all of you are invited” from the Unseelie Court.
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heliads · 3 years
Patch Me Up
Thomas can’t help but set his heart on the prettiest Med-Jack in the Glade, Y/N L/N. The only problem is that Thomas is fairly sure that she’s way out of his league.
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The first time Thomas winds up in the med-jack clinic, he’s kind of embarrassed about it.
It wasn’t like he really meant to injure himself, anyway. It just so happened that he was really behind on clearing the weeds from whatever woebegotten section of the gardens the track hoes had allowed him to use, and Newt and Zart had stepped away for the time being, so Thomas got the bright idea to grab a longer blade from their casual resting place in the grass and try to lop all of the vines down before his friends saw. It was a great idea, of course, until his shins happened to be in the way.
Now Thomas is standing in the middle of his garden plot, blood leaking down into the soil, and all he can think about is the fact that he has no idea where to go from here. The vines have all been savagely cut away, which is perfect for him, but it’s too late to hide the bloodstain on the blade or the smear of red on his leg. He doesn’t really know what he expects Newt to say when he finds out, but he definitely doesn’t expect the blond boy to start laughing.
“Jeez, Greenie, you really are a klutz. First you trip while running to the Maze when you’re not even five minutes out of the Box, then you manage to stab yourself while gardening. How do you do it?” Thomas glares at his friend, who’s almost doubled over laughing now. “It’s not like it happened on purpose. Besides, I didn’t stab myself, it’s just a scratch.” Newt attempts to control himself. “Right, I’m sure about that. Not sure why you would go around slicing yourself, but I’m not about to question you. Come on, then, you’ll have to get the med-jacks to see to that.”
Thomas frowns, but follows Newt as the blond second in command starts to lead him away from the gardens and back towards the buildings of the Homestead and the center of the Glade. “The med-jacks?” Newt nods. “They’re what passes for doctors around here. They’ll fix you up with some bandages and antibiotics and you’ll be good to go, so long as you don’t stab yourself when trying to pick the tomatoes.” Newt was expecting Thomas’ attempt to hit him and dodges easily, which is unfortunate.
Eventually, Newt and Thomas enter a door into a structure that’s less a building and more just a hut. A roof is propped up on logs and twigs and whatever else the Builders could find, and Thomas can see rows of beds and tins of medical supplies lying around. It’s a mess, that’s for sure, but what isn’t in the Glade? Thomas has to hurry over to Newt, who’s already disappearing around a corner. 
When Thomas catches up with Newt again, he’s surprised to see the blond boy talking to someone, a bright smile on his face. Newt, upon seeing Thomas approach, beckons for him to come over. “This is Thomas, by the way. Thomas, this is Y/N. She’s the one who patches most of us up around here.” 
All of a sudden, Thomas feels like he’s been caught in the middle of a sunspot. There’s a girl in front of him now, a beautiful girl that makes Thomas wonder how on Earth he hasn’t seen her around before. He’s sure that he would remember her- even now, he’s doing his best to carefully memorize every detail of her face and hands and smile so he can cherish the memory for the days to come. She’s gorgeous, that much is certain, and she’s looking at him with so much happiness over just him that Thomas wants to grin stupidly.
However, he can’t just stand here gaping like an idiot, so he closes his mouth and manages a nod in greeting. Newt, watching with a raised eyebrow, seems to be enjoying this. “Don’t get too infatuated, Greenie. Y/N’s used to all of us and so she won’t ever go out with any of us. That’s just how it is.” Y/N laughs. “Maybe I’m just sick of the rest of you coming in here all the time to bother me.” Newt shrugs. “That too.”
They talk for a few moments, then Y/N claps her hands together, almost startling Thomas. “Right, Greenie, what’s your problem? I mean, what happened that would bring you to the med-jack hut?” Newt grins first at Thomas, then at Y/N. “I’m going to let you explain that one, greenbean. I’ll meet you back in the gardens.” With that, and a parting wave, Thomas is left alone with the closest thing to an angel he’s ever found in his life.
He doesn’t have time to sit and think about this, though. Y/N’s still regarding him expectantly, and Thomas can feel his cheeks start to heat up at the ridiculousness of his injury. Of course, the first time he meets a girl like Y/N he has to do it by the stupidest of means. Thomas gestures roughly towards his leg. “I, uh, accidentally cut myself.” Y/N raises an eyebrow. “While in the gardens?” Thomas nods. “While in the gardens.” 
He half expects her to laugh at him like Newt had, but instead she shrugs and reaches for a roll of bandages and some ointment. “Not the worst injury I’ve seen, or the worst story. You should have seen the things Newt used to come in here for. I think he once twisted an ankle when he was walking too close to a tree and forgot to move out of the way.” Thomas almost snorts. “He what?” Y/N looks up at him, halfway through treating his cut. There’s a laugh dancing behind her eyes that makes Thomas’ smile widen in spite of itself.
“Yeah, he tripped over a tree. We all thought it was hilarious and wouldn’t stop teasing him about it for weeks. Ask him and he’ll deny it, of course, but it happened nonetheless.” Thomas’ cheeks almost hurt from smiling this much. “Is that why he limps all the time? He hurt himself doing something like that?” All of a sudden, Y/N’s smile slips away from her. There’s a look in her eyes that tells Thomas that something happens, something bad that she can’t seem to shake. “No, not that.”
She stands up now, pressing a roll of bandages into his hands. “Here, that should hold for a while. Change your bandages before you go to bed, you don’t need me for that. It’s a shallow cut, so you’ll be fine.” Thomas wants to curse himself. Why’d he have to bring that up and make her feel so bad? “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up.” Y/N forces a smile, which is almost as bad to see as if she’d just started glaring at him. “No, it’s fine. You should probably go back to the gardens, though. I think Newt is waiting.”
Before he knows it, Thomas is standing outside the med-jack hut, staring at the door closed right in front of him. For a moment, all he can do is just stay there and think about what just happened. Thomas thought that whatever had happened to Newt was old, an injury that happened a while ago. Judging by Y/N’s reaction, though, it’s still fresh in her mind, and now he’s gone and reminded her of it. What does he do about that?
The second time Thomas finds himself in the med-jack hut, he does his best to avoid it.
It wasn’t like this injury was all that bad. Still embarrassing, still ended up with blood on his hands, but he didn’t need to go to the med-jacks, he’d be fine. That’s what Thomas tried to tell Minho, anyway, but his friend wouldn’t listen. “If you end up getting that cut infected, it’ll be a lot worse and Y/N will kill us all. Just go, you’ll be in and out in ten seconds and it’ll be fine.” Thomas tries his best to protest and come up with excuses to stay away from the flimsy hospital room, but in the end, Minho won’t take no for an answer, practically dragging him towards the hut anyway.
It’s not like Thomas has a particular aversion to getting medical treatment, it’s just that he’s afraid to see the girl there waiting for him. Ever since that day, when he’d mistakenly brought up Newt’s injury, Thomas can’t help but feel guilty. He can’t figure out quite what it was that would make Y/N’s seemingly ever-bright eyes darken like an approaching storm, but it was definitely something he’d said. He’s not sure that Y/N will really want to talk to him, as she’d more than given that impression by shooing him out of her workplace, so he’s done his best to avoid the med-jack hut.
However, he can’t exactly tell all this to Minho, so all Thomas can do is try his best to argue his friend out of a trip to the hut. Minho refuses, of course, and Thomas finds himself waiting in the med-jack hut a few minutes later, arms crossed over his chest in annoyance. He sends up a silent prayer to whoever is listening that he’ll get Clint or Jeff, but when he hears someone say his name in a surprised voice, he recognizes it as Y/N and Y/N alone.
She walks over to them, holding a thermometer from where she’d been organizing a box of supplies recently arrived from the Box. “What’s up, you guys?” Minho jerks his thumb towards Thomas with a grimace. “This shank went and cut himself on the walls of the Maze while we were out running. He tripped and caught himself, but his shoulder bit it. It was kind of funny, actually.” Y/N playfully swats Minho while she walks by. “No making fun of injuries, Minho. We’ve talked about this. I’m the only one who gets to do that.”
Now she’s standing in front of Thomas, grimacing in sympathy at the small bloodstain over his shoulder blade. “You’ll need to clean that up pretty soon. Minho, you go ahead to the Map Room. I’ll take care of Thomas.” Minho flashes her a thumbs up, already starting to jog out of the room. “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Y/N grins as she watches him go, then turns back to Thomas, who’s still standing there with apprehension rising in his chest. What is he supposed to say now? Sorry I brought up what might have been a traumatic incident in your past, I didn’t know and kind of felt loopy whenever you smiled at me? Yeah, that wouldn’t really work out too well.
As it turns out, he doesn’t have to think at all. She’s already conjuring up a fresh grin for him, an inquisitive expression on her face. “You know, usually whenever Greenies show up, they go through the same routine of showing up here with fake injuries just to see the one girl in the Glade, but seeing as Minho had to physically drag you here, I don’t think that’s the case. Bandages again?” Thomas manages to nod. “Sure, that sounds great.”
Y/N’s already spinning back across the room to grab the roll of bandages, but she holds up a finger in the air just in case. “That’s good, because I wasn’t asking. That’s a little check, just to make sure you aren’t out of your shucking mind.” Thomas snorts. “Who isn’t?” Y/N laughs as she starts to dress the wound. “Well, I was kind of wondering if you were. You’ve practically been avoiding me ever since we met.”
Thomas has to admit that this is true- in all of his fear to misspeak again, he’s been constantly passing up opportunities to talk to Y/N again. He doesn’t sit next to her at meals, he doesn’t cross the bonfire to say hello. Looking back at it now, it does look as if he’s been trying to distance himself, even if that couldn’t be further from how he felt. Thomas scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “Maybe I’m still a dumb Greenie who doesn’t know how to talk to the one girl in the Glade.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “That’s a lie and you know it. Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to guess?” There’s a hesitancy in her question, like she’s second-guessing herself. Thomas almost rushes over himself in his haste to convince her that this isn’t her fault. “No, it’s not like that. It’s just- I know I upset you the last time we talked, and I felt bad about that. I guess I just kind of figured that you wouldn’t want to see me for a while.”
Y/N looks up at him in surprise, bandages forgotten. “What are you talking about? Thomas, that was a one time thing, I swear. It was just a hard day and a hard memory, nothing more. Shuck, you’ve been guilting yourself over this the entire time?” Thomas shrugs, a slight smile on his lips. “Well, not the whole time.” When Y/N raises an eyebrow at him, he clarifies. “Maybe a little bit more than most of the time. Okay, a lot.”
Y/N giggles, and Thomas almost wants to make a fool of himself a few more times just to hear it. “Consider this whole thing over and done. I officially forgive you for something that I forgot about an hour after the conversation.” She grins, and Thomas grins with her. “That sounds good to me.” Y/N nods, taking a step backward to consider her work. “You know what would sound good to me? If you stopped injuring yourself all the time. I mean, I go through a roll of bandages like every hour.”
Thomas scoffs. “That’s because there are more shanks in the Glade than just me, Y/N. I’m not the only one getting hurt.” Y/N points at him to further her point. “Yeah, you’d better not. In fact, simply stop being injured. Easy as that.” He can’t help but laugh, and Y/N’s eyes sparkle triumphantly at this. “You’ve got a nice laugh, Thomas.” As with anyone else, Thomas’ laugh dries up slightly when he hears this truth, like the second he’s complimented he has to hide that very thing.
He doesn’t know what to do now, where to go from here. All he can really do is stand here and watch her smiling at him. To be honest, Thomas is fairly sure that’s all he would ever want to do. He knows it’s time for him to leave and stop bothering her, but Y/N’s looking at him like she just might give him a chance, so he decides to offer her one. “I hear they’re having a bonfire later tonight. Want to go with me?” Y/N’s grin broadens. “Absolutely.”
Just like that, Thomas’ day is made.
maze runner tag list: the a-maze-ing (haha) @underc0vercryptid​, @ellobruv
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