#arata the turtle
kwamiwayzz · 10 months
i havent read citrus in such a long time and i decided to read citrus+ on a whim and...yeah its not a citrus story without that good old third party conflict
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skyrimgamer17 · 5 years
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These are some of Marc the Ninja Turtle artwork of old returning characters with new redesigns and teams ups. Along with them are some new characters who will be joining the franchises fighting against any enemy who gets in their way. 
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finoalcielo · 3 years
Late Christmas
Alright everyone, be prepared (rolls up sleeves). There’s a mass translations release today.  To be honest, I love these so much. I never thought that the concept of Christmas wouldn't be there in these AUs.
Belated Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!!
☆On The Holy Night ~ Rabbit Kingdom ver~ ☆
Shun: It’s Christmasー!
Kai: Woah!
Rui: Woah
Yoru: Shun-san, what exactly is ‘Christmas’...?
Shun: So, you see! In another world, there’s this day where an old man with a white beard invades houses and leaves gifts by the bedside!
You: Ah, so a new kind of thief?
Iku: I don’t think.. that’s the case…;
#Late Christmas
Shun: And also! My color! It’s white, right? That’s why it’s fine for me to invade the Black Rabbit Kingdom to leave a present by Hajime’s bedside!
Iku: Even if I don’t understand Christmas that well, I can tell that’s a wild presumption. Don’t do it.
Aoi: H-ahaha.. ; Don’t you know you’ll be pushed back by the Gravi barrier (Koi & Kakeru)?
#Late Christmas
☆On The Holy Night ~ Tsukino Empire ver~ ☆
Hajime: …
Haru: Hajime? …You have a troubled face.
Hajime: Haru… it’s nothing.
Haru: Saying ‘it’s nothing’ is now prohibited. Did you get a difficult task once more? Just because you’re the First Host doesn’t mean thatー
Hajime: …I don’t know what to give Kuro (Genbu).
Haru: Turtle
Kuro: (anger)
#He got bitten #Late Christmas
☆On The Holy Night ~ Taikyoku Denki ver~ ☆
Koi: Kakeru-san~! Merry Christmas!!
Kakeru: …Merry Christmas? What’s that? A type of human greeting?
Koi: Uhm… Shun-san told me to say this on December 25th… isn’t a Higher Demon thing?
Kakeru: Arata-san, do you know this?
Arata: No. But it sounds like fun.
#Late Christmas
Aoi: Arata~
Arata: Aoi?
Aoi: Now, Kiki, Shin-Shin (※pandas are the proof of the contract)...
Kiki & Shin-Shin: Que~! (Merry Christmas!)
Aoi: Merry Christmas!
Arata: Ohh~ Amazing. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Kakeru: Shun-san’s been teaching everywhere (ww)
Koi: I wonder what it is~
#Somehow enjoyed it #Late Christmas
☆On The Holy Night ~ Machine Elements ver~ ☆
*click click*
Iku: …
Rui: Ikkun, what’s that?
Iku: Woah!
Rui: You don’t have to hide it… sorry, was it something I shouldn’t have seen?
Iku: Uh.. uhm… I was going to surprise you with it (bitter smile). Here you go.
Rui: …A metal cat figurine
#Late Christmas
Rui: Amazing. There are parts from the Ruins too… It’s cute and cool..! Thank you, Ikkun! I’ll treasure it, okay?
Iku: Yup!
Kai: On the other hand, I made a mechanical kotatsu!
Shun: My shoulders are so warm♪
You: I don’t get it. I don’t get why we need a mechanical kotatsu.
#Late Christmas
☆On The Holy Night ~ Tsukihana Kagura ver~ ☆
Koi: Woah, the lights are beautiful~! The fir tree is shining too~!
Kakeru: Apparently, it’s a part of the holy night festival in this entire area.
Koi: Heh~!
Hajime: …
Kakeru: Hajime-san..?
*gentle whoosh*
Hajime: …The mood is nice. I should dance sometime.
Kakeru & Koi: Woah..!! ✨
#The Kunitokotachi Dance #Late Christmas
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if your fave hq characters had pets, what sort of animals would they have?
Ah! This sounds like so much fun! I’ll just do karasuno, tell me if you want my take on the others teams too or background characters! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or weird sentences- I am over stimulated from work and it hurts to think! But I wanted to get this out before bed :D 
Daichi: He’s a big doggo person. He likes big dogs becuse he can rough house with them and take long road runs with them. He is gets a Alaskan Malamute named Wakana, since she is so vocal.  And even when the dog grown up, she still thinks she is a lap dog, Daichi literally have to push her off if he wants to get things done. Wakana always puts up a light fight. Such a drama queen. 
Sugawara: He doesn’t have time for much and doesn't want a high energy animal since he deals with 30+ monkey since he is a elementary school teacher, so he gets two bunnies. Both boys, a white one and a grey one. The grey one is named Mitsou and the white one is named Masa. Mitsou has a temper and will often stump his feet if he is disatisfied (when Suga doesn't give him cuddles) while Masa is just happy to be there :D
Asahi: He get’s a St. Bernard's dog and just looks scarier than he already does. But that big doggo is the cutest dog. He liked cuddle and get attention and will often just sit by Asahi or visitors sides until he get’s the attention he wants. He also is quick to snatch up food that has fallen on the ground and often begs for left overs. He rarely gets some. His name is Sora
Nishinoya: He doesn't get a pet until late into adulthood. He traveled around the world and wouldn't have had the time to care for a pet. But when he eventually does settle down, he gets a greyhound. He needed a partner that was just as playful as him and also a challenge. His name is Tsuyoshi, which means strong. 
Tanaka: Get’s a dog like a light brown bull terrier. His name is Arata, and he is just as rowdy as his owner. But also really cuddly and attention seeking. He chews up his toys in minutes, so Tanaka has to by really strong toys so they actually last. He also liked to by clothes to the dig since Arata doesn't mind.
Ennoshita: This chill dude gets a chill catto. they like laughing together and just take a nap. The cat goes out and comes back after a few hours. That is how they both like it. He names the cat Rina. She got kind of too lazy at one point and gained a little bit of weight. So Rina had to learn to walk on a leash with Ennoshita and it works well. 
Narita: Is allergic to cats and dogs. (if you guys didn’t know, its the enzymes in the spit that people react too, not the fur itself) Taking shots and medications for it is too much of a hazzle for him, so he gets a big fish thank and fills it with fishes and a few eels and snails too. They don’t do much but it’s exciting to see them swim around minding their own business. He also likes to by new items and sea weed for them so their tank gets decorations and a little personality. Some of them follow his fingers when he is close. 
Kinoshita: Got a sphynx from a family friend that just had a littler. His was surprised to see how cuddly and playful they were. His cat is also curious and talkative. The cat, named Sushi, becuse Kinoshita tried to make sushi one time and the cat jumped up and tried the almost done roll, often greets him when he comes home. he also like to sleep with Hishashi in the same bed. Kinoshita also buys him winter and summer clothes so the cat doesn’t freeze to death or get sun burned when he is out. Kinoshita has fallen greatly in love with that wrinkly monster.
Kageyama: That video I reblogged of that volleyball playing doggo, that is Kags doggo. (lol jk) He gets a dog, a little, fluffy pomeranian, to everyone surprise. The old lady next door died and when she didn’t have any family members that could take in the dog, Kageyama offered to take the two year old dog into his care. Her name is Yoko. She is playful and often nibble on his sock when he is relaxing. She has a blanket she likes to sleep in and is really cute when she does so. Kageyama has tried to take the small dog on road runs, but the little Yoko gets too tired and needs to be carried the rest of the way; (small dogs doesn’t need as much exercise as bog doggos)
Hinata: I saw this pintrest post about Hinata owning a mimi turtle (or baby turtle) and yes! He get’s a lil turtle that he names Hikari (light). He likes to feed her berries and often talks to her when he rambles on about his days and need some company. She is often walking by herself in the living room and it took Hinata a few times before he was smart enough to tie a long red yarn around her for him to know where she was. He once lost her and didn’t find her until two days later. He though he had killed her. Hinata likes to think that Hikari likes to be on his head (but to the turtle, it’s the same)
Tsukishima: He and Akiteru tried to convince their mother to let them have a tiger or a bearded dragon. But Mrs Tsukishima said no and that was it. When he gets older, he gets two birds. Named Rex and Strawberry (named after a dinosaur and his fave dessert). Birds are actually very cuddly and often likes to be with their human and play or just relax. So they wouldn't be in their cage when Tsukishima is just home. If he has visitor they need to be in the cage for a few hours. He also learns them words and always whistle when its feeding time. Birds pick up on that too. They have leaned Tsukki, since Yamaguchi calls him that, and now Tsukishima can hear his nickname 24/7.
Yamaguchi: It’s canon that Yama is a dog person, so he would defiantly have a doggo (or two when he grows up) His family currently have a Shiba Inu that they got then he was in middle school. Yama wanted to name it french fry, but Tsukki didn’t let him. So he named it Yukiko since the dog likes winter so much! Like him! He gets his how dogs when he is well into adulthood. 
Yachi: When she lived with her mom, before she moved out, they didn't have any pets since the complex didn’t allow pets and her mom were too busy taking care of a pet. She get’s a hamster names Sho.  (It means to fly) she named it that because his fur his black and it reminded her of karasuno. He doesn't do much except for run in his wheel-thing and relax in his tunnel. She likes re-decorate his thank and by new stuff for him. It’s a little spoiled hamster. 
Shimizu: Get’s an isle cat that like to sun bathe and cuddle with her on the sofa. the cat has a running wheel and uses it sometimes when Kiyoko is in the room with there. She is brown, black and white. The cat also likes to sit on the counter when Shimizu makes food, just to observe. He name is Aki, and Kiyoko named her that becuse her fur remained her of autumn. 
Ukai: Gets a mop that becomes the next store pet. He got the dog when it had trend three years and was put out for adoptions. His name is Hibiki he is often seen relaxing on his bed by the counter in the store. He doesn’t bark much, but when a few rowdy school kids passes through the store, he can get a little worked up. Most of the time, everyone is fine with the little helper Sakanoshita has gotten. 
Takeda: Gets a dog after a few years. He gets a cocker spaniel that is playful and rowdy and stick his nose into everything. The garbage, his closet or cabinets; you name it. His name is Dai. He once got so excited of seeing a bird outside, that he ran straight into a glass door. He was fine and so was the glass. Takeda was surprised when he saw how energetic the dog was becoming. 
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[Translation] Machine Elements - Cast Presentation: Six Gravity
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Here’s Six Gravity’s cast presentation for Machine Elements!! We’re sorry this one took so long because we thought someone had done them before orz 
Translation credits go to @ryuukia~! Thanks for helping me out so much with KisoSekai~! wwww 
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate this interview under any circumstances. If you want to translate it to your native language, I can provide the kanji I transcribed from the scans ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
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“Come, it’s time for the awakening.” PROFILE:
NAME: Mutsuki Hajime
GUILD: Six Gravity (※Guild master)
BASE: The Large Floating Ruins [Genbu]
☐ Master of the Six Gravity guild, he’s an enigmatic young man that appeared all of a sudden. He doesn’t talk much, but he certainly knows more than anyone else.
☐ He seldomly chooses to appear in public, and even though his attendance as a guild master is very requested, most of the times fellow guild members Haru or Aoi are sent as representatives instead. His usual activities are shrouded in mystery. He also provides eyewitness information for certain Ruins.
☐ He shows affection for his pet, ‘Kuro’, a bizarre creature that resembles both turtles and reptiles.
☐ It seems that the monocle covering his left eye is used for governing things that become too visible to the eye.
Hello, everyone. I’m Mutsuki Hajime. Once again, we have reached that time of the year renown for its joint stage-plays.
I’ve been given omnipotent roles and roles that were shrouded in mystery quite a lot of times, but this role has even stronger nuances in that sense.
He’s full of secrets. (laughs)
In particular, I’d like to see your surprised when the secret behind the beginning of this world is exposed.
The hint is that our base, ‘Genbu’ is different from any other ruins used for moving. …...Well, then?
“Yes, your majesty.” PROFILE:
NAME: Yayoi Haru
GUILD: Six Gravity
BASE: The Large Floating Ruins [Genbu]
☐ A talented staff officer who took over the business operations in place of the guild master, Hajime, who usually doesn’t show up.
☐ It seems that all the Six Gravity members have been entrusted with parts of the SPIRIT of The Large Floating Ruins 「Genbu」by their master Hajime for emergency cases, and Haru in particular received a really important part. With that, they can apparently use one of ‘Genbu’’s functions even without having the guild master, Hajime, with them.
☐ He’s a strong young man, who gives off a gentle impression and who loves having tea in one corner of the garden above the floating ruins that serve as Six Gravity’s base. He treasures the floating ruins a lot, and he’s often seen calling out to ‘Aosa’. 
I am Six Gravity’s Yayoi Haru.
It’s been a few years since Tsukino Empire. Now the after story is making its entrance on the stage! This is a complete change from the previous space-themed one. This time, the civilization is at a level where flying in the sky is only but a dream to them…...  what on earth happened? We~ll, the investigations are advancing! Personally, I love this ♪ All the members of the other units are less likely to meet with the Gravi members on stage until the last part of the story, but we plan to get along with everyone with all we’ve got while at the rehearsal studios! I hope everyone will enjoy ‘Kisosekai’!
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“I also want to try saying a meaningful line.” PROFILE:
NAME: Uduki Arata
GUILD: Six Gravity
BASE: The Large Floating Ruins [Genbu]
☐ He’s an easygoing young man. Whether he’s really a main member of Six Gravity’s or is actually involved in their activities is unsure. He seems to relatively appear out of nowhere, helps someone who’s in a tough spot or punishes a scoundrel, all while wearing his carefree expression. 
☐ His large bag seems to be filled with rewards or gifts from various places, as a result for the previously-mentioned activities. When this bag happens to be full, it’s time for him to return to the floating ruins. Once in a while, contacting him becomes impossible, but watching Aoi growing worried instead is his guilty pleasure.
Hello, Uduki Arata-kun here, the hero that made a gallant entrance in ‘Kisosekai’. This is really out of context, but even though you might retort with things like, “When is he gonna appear? Is he gonna come out soon? … Really?! Just now?!” while watching,  I hope that you will enjoy this stage-play. I actually don’t really…... hate this phantom-like hero role. My favourite partner in this story is this bag that plays a very important part. Since I unconsciously hold on to it during the rehearsals while walking all around, I’ve been called a delivery person. This bag is filled with dreams, wishes and courage……
Come on, this is an adventure!
“You’re impossible, Arata-kun.” PROFILE:
NAME: Satsuki Aoi
GUILD: Six Gravity
BASE: The Large Floating Ruins [Genbu]
☐ He’s a serious young man in charge of Six Gravity’s public relations. He has a very gentle character by nature, but when it comes to negotiating with the executives of each nation, he seems to give his best in order not to be made light of.
☐ On the other hand, he’s bitter…… or rather jealous of Arata, who flies about to every single place carefreely, so once in a while he joins him for a change of pace. During his first time on the ground, he got abnormally excited upon meeting a strange, fluffy (animal).
☐ The tea parties that he and Haru host on the floating ruins are one healing part of Six Gravity's daily lives.
Hello, I’m Six Gravity’s Satsuki Aoi. 
First of all, welcome, to ‘Kisosekai’!
By the time you read this, you might be seeing the stage setting, I suppose? To match with the steampunk-like world view, there are a lot of gears, tubes and mysterious machines that blow steam. You will feel the excitement when you come to play at the theme park! Moreover, in this exciting world, we, Six Gravity, are a guild who knows the mysteries of the ‘world’ and who operates behind the scenes. Personally, I’ve played many roles that were twisted behind those people’s little fingers, but this time I’m excited as an actor to be playing a different position. I will do my best to show you this side of Satsuki Aoi for the first time!
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“Alright! Let’s go, Koi!” PROFILE:
NAME: Shiwasu Kakeru
GUILD: Six Gravity
BASE: The Large Floating Ruins [Genbu]
☐ He’s a capable person that would say “Leave Six Gravity’s vanguard to me!” at any given time.
☐ Contrary to his young appearance, he holds a mysterious weapon (gun) and dives boldly all around during the fighting scenes. He’s quite strong, but due to his astonishing bad luck, the results are often oblically right upward.
☐ He was helping a boy in trouble in a certain town when he lost his precious, precious ring. Knowing that it would be put up for auction in the Art City ‘Rikugo’, he and his partner Koi headed together to the town…... 
Hello~! Gravi’s Shiwasu Kakeru here! 
This time there are a lot of action scenes that include me fighting with a gun, so I’ve been practicing hard every day! Fighting on the stage is something normal, and so is stopping in time in order to avoid getting hurt, but giving off the intensity of a real fighting scene requires very minutious movements, which I’m trying to carry out successfully.  If my position is off by one step or my timing is off, we’re in danger of colliding with each other!
That’s why I have a teacher that instructs me intensely about action scenes every day. It’s something serious, but at the same time moving my body is fun! Please expect a cool performance from me!
“Sure thing~!” PROFILE:
NAME: Kisaragi Koi
GUILD: Six Gravity
BASE: The Large Floating Ruins [Genbu]
☐ Six Gravity’s mood maker and also the one in charge of collecting information. His ability to fully use all innate communication skills and gather the needed information is a prowess that even the guild master, Hajime, has acknowledged. 
☐ Together with his terribly unlucky partner, Kakeru, he entered the Art City ‘Rikugo’, where he met Procellarum’s Rui and Yoru, and together with them he awakened his interest for the metal ornamentation process. With his skillful fingers, he gets better at it quickly.
☐ He got to know VAZZY’s Naosuke through a certain game that’s extremely popular in this world. They only knew each other by their game handles and by face, so when they suddenly met each other in a certain place, they were both surprised.
Everyone, are you enjoying ‘Kisosekai’?
Six Gravity’s Kisaragi Koi here!
The steampunk world-view, and the costumes! The metal, the skin, the clothing! There are also a lot of belts and mysterious decorations! Of course, things will be a bit serious, but still I’m super excited! If we were to pass nearby, those fine details would be properly. For example, each and every button attached to my clothes are made of metal. They’re super cute! (b*・∀・)」
The story comes first of course, but enjoying the costumes these cool guys are wearing too! …...Just kidding ☆ 
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work if you want. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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newtypezaku · 4 years
P-P-P-Power Rankings!!
Chihayafuru S3 (Last: 1): With Arata providing helpful play-by-play explanations for the Nico Nico audience, Shinobu and Harada won their first matches in a luck-of-the-draw.
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (Last: 2): Having secured funding, the Eizouken was hired by the Robot Club to produce a promotional anime. But first, they had to resolve some creative differences.
Ahiru no Sora (Last: 5): Kitasumi tightened their defense with Sora off the court and seized the momentum, but Sora's early return sparked a rally to tie the game at the end of the third.
Radiant (Last: 6): Seth, Melie, and Doc all contributed to the counterattack against the Inquisition, with Seth tapping into abilities from Myr's training to create an opening against Santori.
Haikyuu!! To The Top (Last: 3): By watching training cap for five days, Hinata developed better eyes and game sense. However, upon seeing Kageyama again, any newfound maturity was gone.
Ace of Diamond act II (Last: 4): Kataoka's hellish training continued as the second- and third-years demanded it. The brackets were drawn... and Kataoka's mentor is their first opponent.
BOFURI (Last: 8): Maple figured out how to flash-step with a defensive ability and obtained a turtle Pokemon after helping Sally defeat a boss the programmers had made to troll the players.
Blade of the Immortal (Last: 7): Having lost his experimental immortality dungeon and his family, now Habaki and his squad are hunting the Itto-ryu with their final restraints removed.
Aiming for eight each week cuz eighters gonna eight. Full watch lists: [Animu][Dramu]
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valantinetime · 5 years
Persona OC’s/story idea?
for awhile I’ve been coming up with ideas for phantom thieves. Let it be what their rebelling against, who’s shadow do they fight, persona designs etc.
Even how they’d react to the phantom thieves. Who’d they get along with, who’d they hate.
So I’m gonna rant about them-
(the story idea I will be talking about in a reblog, so you don’t have to scroll through all this OC info every time)
(but the story idea is set the next year and Ren/Akira returns (for reasons I’ve thought about) and the metaverse is back, with some new persona users to)
(this story would involve my OC’s)
(my characters persona's are not named after real life people cause I’m NOT going thought the effort of doing that-)
Name: Yuuma (優真) Yukimura (雪村) Gender: female Age/Year: 16 during the events of the game | 17 (If I do the story/fanfic) Traits: calm, patient, understanding. +info: a lonely girl that spends most her time by herself at home. She avoids talking to people, but will go out of her way to be spiteful towards anyone who thinks their better than others. Would gladly spend the rest of her days withering away in her room if she could. Arcana: Judgement
Role: Leader What their rebelling against: being a puppet to society
Codename: Puppeteer  Mask: hafe the mask is white hafe the mask is black. It fully covers the top hafe of the users face (covers the eyes) and covers the sides of their face. Outfit: a white open long sleeved shirt (with the last few buttons buttoned up),  black trousers and white boots Weapon: voodoo and knife
Persona: Jueza (justice) | Sombra (death) Persona special move: Guilty (small chance to one hit kill, if doesn’t kill them, knocks them down) (Jueza)  | Consume (small chance to one hit kill) (Sombra)
Name: Hinata (日向) Mizushima (水島) Gender: male Age/Year: 17 during the events of the game | 18 Traits: Calm, Confused, cold, concerned +Info: a quite young man who spends his spare time playing instruments (violin, piano and flute). He tends to wear things that are comfortable, including clothing that is tailored towards females. He believes there is no gender for a piece of fabric. Infact, there isn’t really that much for one gender only. Arcana: Empress
Role: Healer/Fighter What their rebelling against: gender roles Who’s shadow do they fight: sibling
Codename: King Mask: A golden mask with blue patterns and blue gems stuck onto it. The mask covers the top hafe of the users face (but not the eyes) and curves over their ears pointing up (end of the curves have black pearls on). Outfit: a long golden skirt-like cloak wrapped around the wearers waist, a sleeveless blue tank top, blue sleeves, golden gloves, black leggings and thigh high black boots. Weapon: Crossbow (long-range) | Sword (close-range)
Persona: Regina (Empress) Persona special move: Bow To Me (chance to knock the shadow down)
Name: Yasu (康) Takahashi (高橋) Gender: female Age/Year: 15 during the events of the game | 16 Traits: creative, scared, friendly, out going +Info: A social butterfly who will gladly talk to anyone she can. She’s somewhat wealthy, inheriting a lot of her mothers money when she died. She lives with her farther and younger brothers, though she’s never seen around her dad. Arcana: Fortune
Role: Fighter/support (but tends to focus on the teams buffs more) What their rebelling against: sexism Who’s shadow do they fight: Farther
Codename: Reader Mask: A purple mask that covers the users forehead and bottom hafe (which can be moved to cover the top hafe) of their face. On their forehead there's a white eye. Outfit: an oversized purple dress that drags a lot the floor, white heals and white gloves Weapon: Cards (tarot + paying cards)
Persona: Destino (Fortune) Persona special move: Predict It (tells the team the most likely moves the shadow can have) | Fate (tells the team what the shadows most likely weakness is) | Destiny (tells the team the probability of winning)
Name: Sakura (咲良) Himura (緋村) Gender: female Age/Year: 15 during the events of the game | 16 Traits: kind, soft, caring, cheerful. +Info: She’s always been slightly popular, once she started dating her boyfriend she got a lot more popular. She lives alone with her mother and baby brother. Arcana: Lover
Role: Healer What their rebelling against: Standards Who’s shadow do they fight: boyfriend
Codename: Sweetheart Mask: A pink mask that covers the bottom hafe and the nose of the users face. A red heart covers the mouth Outfit: black body suit, pink cape, pink boots and pink gloves with some pink belts. Weapon: Shotgun (long-rang) | Flail (short-range)
Persona: Cuore (lover) Persona special move: Fall For Me (the shadow is unable to attack the user for a certain amount of time and small chance they will get knocked down.)
Name: Rin (凛) Hisakawa (久川) Gender: Male Age/Year: 12 during the events of the game | 13 Traits: cold, rude, depressed, lonely +Info: Use to be an outgoing young boy before an incident most people pushed aside after awhile, ever since said incident he’s looked himself away. He couldn’t care less for criminals. Arcana: Death
Role: Fighter What their rebelling against: being silenced Who’s shadow do they fight: a killer
Codename: Grim Mask: A pure black mask the covers the top hafe of the users face. Outfit: An oversized black sleeveless hooded shirt, a long torn black skirt that drags along the floor, no shoes. Weapon: Kusarigama (Long-ranged) | Scythe (close-ranged)
Persona: Dúlagar (death) Persona special move: Drop Dead (really small chance to one shot all enemies)
Name: Masami (成美) Hamasaki (浜崎) Gender: Female Age/Year: 28 during the events of the game | 29 Traits: protective, motherly, strict, intelligent  +Info: A strict teacher who usually doesn’t take crap from students, is the homeroom teacher for a third year class and teaches third year math. Arcana: Hierophant
Role: Support What their rebelling against: (I don't really know how to explain this? kinda limitations she have for being a teacher? like, don't hang out with your students outside of school, thats weird, don't get to personal with your students etc.) Who’s shadow do they fight: Their boss
Codename: Madre Mask: black mask the covers the top hafe of the users face, there's a white screen where red eyes show up Outfit: Black buttoned up long sleeved shirt, white trousers, red heels, a bright red tie and red gloves. Carries a red handbag filled with notes. Weapons: Throwing knives (long-rang) | Ruler (close-range)
Persona: Mama (Hierophant) Persona special effect: if a child (younger than 18) yells for help Mama will instinctively protect them from the next hit (makes it so the user can’t use Mama for a round). If the person is a first year or younger Mama will take a deadly hit for them (this will make it so the user can’t use mama for 4-6 rounds)
Name: Masahiko (正彦) Akiyama (秋山) Gender: Male Age/Year: 14 during the events of the game | 15 Traits: jumpy, shy, introverted, secretive. +Info: being the oldest out of his siblings his parents don’t pay him as much attention as they us to (he has 3 younger siblings, 1 younger half sibling and an adopted younger sibling) which has left him to become anit-social. Arcana: Strength
Role: Fighter What their rebelling against: Himself Who’s shadow do they fight: Bully
Codename: Lutadora Mask: A metal mask that covers the users face apart from their eyes. Outfit: Chainmail, different pieces of armour Weapon: Long bow (long-range) | Sword (short-range)
Persona: Guerriero (Strength) Persona special move: Charge (Guerriero charges full speed into the enemy. Lots of damage and chance of knocking them down, user wont be able to use Guerriero for one turn)
Name: Chihiro (千尋) Katou (加藤) Gender: Male Age/Year: 19 during the events of the game | 20 Traits: quite, loner, soft, determined +Info: A quite boy who did well in school who’s now helping out at a clinic (him being interested in science but mostly medication). He may be hesitant to talk and have a stutter, but he’s hell bent on helping people. Arcana: Moon
Role: Support (maps) What their rebelling against: others opinions
Codename: Seeker Mask: a silver mask that covers the outside of the users face, the rest of said mask is glass Outfit: a long white coat on top of a light grey buttoned up shirt, dark grey shorts and heeled black boots.
Persona: Ogen (Moon) Persona abilities: X-Ray (the users sees through walls to see if shadows are on the other side or not) | Examine (when reaching a new floor in mementoes, the users can examine the floor and inform the most likely levels and types of shadows you will find there.)
Name: Arata (新) Kurosawa (黒澤) Gender: male Age/Year: 17 during the events of the game | 18 Traits: keeps to himself, quite, polite, angry? +Info: he’s never seen without his best friend,  Arcana: Hanged man
Role: Fighter What their rebelling against: reality Who’s shadow do they fight: best friend
Codename: Seul Mask: A plain white mask that covers the users entire face Outfit: A black sleeveless turtle neck jumper, black trousers, black boots and black gloves. Weapon: darts (long-range) | knives (short-range)
Persona: Sospeso (hanged man) Persona special move: Sacrifice (the user takes decent damage to heal their teammates +ups their defence and attack) | Hang On A String (a small chance to almost one shot an enemy (leaving them on 1-10 health) the less overall health the enemy has, the higher chance of it working)
Name: Hayato (隼翔) Fujioka (藤岡) Gender: Male Age/Year: 16 during the events of the game | 17 Traits: Polite, friendly, kind, lonely +Info: A young boy that goes about his every day life with a smile on his face, just a kid that still has that childhood innocence. He does well in school and not many people hate him. Can’t really insult someone when all they do is ask if your alright and offer help. Arcana: Magician
and that took a day to type out. Holy crud. Now time to do the fanfic idea and then draw them-
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fukaina · 6 years
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The Clans actually go way back in history, when emperors and samurai ruled over the country. The most known and most powerful families back then were Minamoto, Fujiwara, Taira and Tachibana. The Minamoto and Fujiwara used to be allies but due to an treacherous act that lead to mistrust and hate, a war broke out between the two. Taira, a very powerful and dangerous clan, took this opportunity to attack both sides.
Years passed but the bloodline of the families still exists. However, society changed a lot over time and so did the goverment. Claiming to be descendants of powerful families without any sort of prove didn't really do much. Well, except being laughed at while being called crazy. So it came that the descentdants disappeared into the shadows- into the underground of society. They knew the truth. Afterall, the stories had been told to generation to generation.
However, the current leaders of Minamoto and Fujiwara want to forget about the past. They want to stop the hate and want to form peace. And the only way to do so in their eyes, would be a marriage between their children.
There are four Yakuza Clans, each ruling a territory in the north, east, south and west of Tokyo. 
The Genbu Clan, belonging to the Tachibana Clan. They rule the north and their symbol is a turtle. The Tachibana family also seems to be close friends with the Nishimoto family, one of the wealthiest families in Tokyo. The Clan is lead by a woman, who took over the lead after her father passed away. Out of all the other Clans, they seem rather peaceful and try to avoid conflicts. They also help civilians and seem to hate the goverment.
Known Members: Shima Ueno
The Seiryuu Clan, belonging to the Minamoto Clan. They rule the east and their symbol is a dragon. The lower ranks don't like the idea of forming peace with the Fujiwara, since most of them cling onto the past. The Clan seems rather clever and always finds a way around the law without breaking any rules. They basically take illegal actions without getting into trouble. The Clan is lead by a literal power couple.
Known Members: Hibiki Minamoto
The Suzaku Clan, belonging to the Taira Clan. They rule the south and their symbol is a vermillion bird which resembles a phoenix. They are rather dangerous and brutal, most of their members seem rather shady and heartless. They also have a known hitman department and tend to attack the other clans on purpose, believing that only one Yakuza Clan should rule over Toyko. This is probably because of their gruesome leader.
Known Members: Kazuya, Daichirou Hatanaka (hitman), Natsuki Usui (loan shark)
The Byakko Clan, belonging to the Fujiwara Clan. They rule the west and their symbol is a tiger. Most members, including Kazuha, don't trust the Minamoto. They also want to fight the Suzaku Clan to put an end to their tyranny. The Clan seems rather chaotic and acts on impulse. They have their own sense of moral and rarely stick to rules if it means doing the right thing. The clan is lead by a rather dorky man who takes his responsibility as boss serious... sometimes.
Known Members: Goro Fujiwara (oyabun / boss), Kazuha Fujiwara (second in command), Arata Saito (advisor / right hand)
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dippedoreos · 7 years
✈ - hobbies? ツ - any pets? ☂ - favorite season? ✐ - fave types of movies? ♪ - music you like? ♒ - fave animes? ❦-.fave characters?
Warning; a long post coming trough 
✈ - I love drawing, I listen to music 24/7, watching anime/tv shows/movies and reading manga/manhwa/books, photography, doing anything that has to do with electrical engineering, table tennis/football/handball (well kinda, didn’t play it as much, but I find it great), watching youtubers and playing video games
ツ - Right now I have a cat named Koko and five turtles, but I had a couple cats and golden fishes in the past (which makes me want to have them again ‘cause they’re just so cute and so smol)
☂ - I like summer because I usually have a great time during summer breaks (well, I had, this summer was kinda boring, but still), but I like winter as well ‘cause I love rain
✐ - I just love sci-fi movies cause I’m a geek and there’s nothing I can do about it, but apart from that I love action movies, dark comedies, romance movies are good too, but they’re too mainstream for me tbh
♪ - I LOVE metal, post-hardcore, punk, rock, hard rock, grunge, nu-metal, space rock (muse style tho), alternative rock, progressive rock, emo (is that even a genre anymore xD), alternative metal, progressive metal, J-rock & K-pop (kinda getting hooked thanks to my cousin), pop-punk, rock punk, art rock, electronica (yeah a lot of genres, but what did you expect) etc.
♒ - (not in order though) Fullmetal Alchemist; Brotherhood, Parasyte, Mirai Nikki, Erased, One Punch Man, Attack On Titan, Relife, Re: Zero, Yuri!!! on ICE, Tokyo Ghoul, Steins; Gate, Death Parade, Death Note, Ao No Exorcist, Mob Psycho 100 
❦ - (again, not in order)
    - From books; Draco, Snape, Fred and George, Neville, Luna, Little Prince, Percy, Grover, Augustus Waters, Hazel Grace
    - From anime; Aru Akise, Decim, Roy Mustang, Edward and Alphonse Elric, L, Yagami Light, Levi Ackerman, Okabe Rintarou, Shirou Fujimoto, Rin and Yukio Okumura, Kuro, Ryuuji Suguro, almost all of the seven deathly sins from FMA:B, Jean Kirstein, Maes Huges, Alex Louis Armstrong and Olivier Mira Armstrong, Scar, Arata Kaizaki, Ryou Yoake, Kazuomi Ooga, Subaru Natsuki, Puck, Viktor Nikifirov, Yuri Katsuki etc.
    - From movies/tv shows; 9th, 10th and 11th doctor, John Watson, Sherlock, Sam and Dean Winchester, Crowley, Castiel, Sheldon Cooper, all of  the avengers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Wolverine, Amelia Pond, Rory Williams, Daleks, Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, almost any Gravity Falls character, Loki, Spock, James. T. Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Pavel Chekov (Anton Yelchin) etc.
0 notes
Fantasy Verse Census: Redux
Below is a list of the characters who survived and are now in the time skip. They will be split into species rather than clans as all gods, demons, and dragons are counted as different clans. For dragons I will list what kind they are for reference.
Myrrdin McGrath - Rowena (Snowy Owl)
Rhiannon McGrath
Casey McGrath - Erskine (Ocelot) cirquedeyokai
Brian McGrath - Frederick (European Rabbit)
Sif McGrath - Gunilla (Wolverine), Eira (Bonded Horse)
Guinevere McGrath - Cedric (Southwest African Lion)
Khione McGrath - Altair (Snow Leopard)
Chulainn McGrath - Kelvin (Rock Sparrow)
Brianna McGrath - Druce (Golden Eagle)
Albion McGrath - Llyr (European Hedgehog)
Cairbre McGrath - Jennifer (Red Fox)
Ullr McGrath - Malvyn (Scottish Wild Cat), Cid (Carbuncle)
Eumolpus McGrath - Cecil (Arctic Fox), Lugh (Carbuncle)
Liam McGrath - Sheamus (Mountain Hare), Emil (Carbuncle)
Isolda McGrath - Aislyn (Red Squirrel), Claire (Carbuncle)
Tyr McGrath - Calahan (Pine Marten), Desmond (Carbuncle)
Elpida Vassos
Gaia Vassos - Ismene (White Common Ground Dove)
Nemesis Vassos - Myra (Panther), Cassiopeia (Bonded Wyvern)
Poseidon Vassos - Delphinus (White Common Bottlenose Dolphin)
Amphitrite Vassos - Leviticus (Great White Shark), Aegis (Bonded Wyvern)
Hades Vassos - Atlas (Western Jackdaw), Cerberus (Hell Hound)
Semele Vassos - Ula (Spotted Seal)
Arsen Vassos - Cleon (Transvaal Lion) hanaeemi
Susanna Vassos - Amara (Masai Lion) hanaeemi
Hermes Vassos - Aquila (Red-tailed Hawk)
Melinoe Vassos - Nicodemus (Barn Owl)
Triton Vassos - Lazarus (Angel Shark)
Voluptas Vassos - Nemea (Pampas Fox)
Aesop Vassos - Lici (Masai Lion) hanaeemi
Julia Vassos - Zoro (Snow Leopard) hanaeemi
Alec Vassos - Jase (Carpet Python) hanaeemi
Macaria Vassos - Group of Fireflies, Arete (Carbuncle)
Tyche Vassos - Ophelia (Hooded Sisikin), Lycus (Carbuncle)
Pallas Vassos - Alexios (Gray Seal), Perseus (Carbuncle)
Ra Sabah - Ahkanaten (Saker Falcon)
Mut Sabah - Senusret (Arabian Oryx)
Sobek Sabah - Thesh (Nile Crocodile)
Aerith Sabah - Kalwyn (Southern River Otter)
Tefnut Sabah - Nefertiti (Masai Lion)
Khonsu Sabah - Qa’a (Horned Viper), Mutenhotep (”Bonded Horse”)
Osiris Sabah - Raneb (Apis Bull)
Hera Sabah - Lucina (Green Peacock)
Anhur Sabah - Djoser (Masai Lion)
Mehit Sabah - Semerkhet (African Lion)
Horus Sabah - Khafre (Peregrine Falcon)
Hathor Sabah - Sahura (Egyptian Long-horned Cow)
Imsety Sabah - Sneferka (White Rhinoceros), Muntu (Carbuncle)
Duamutef Sabah - Tiu (Side-striped Jackal), Anpu (Carbuncle)
Qebehsenuef Sabah - Baeufre (Gyrfalcon), Urshu (Carbuncle)
Aten Sabah - Khaba (Egyptian Mongoose), Nekht (Carbuncle)
Ptah Sabah - Amhose (Crested Gecko), Thutmose (Carbuncle)
Qetesh Sabah
Thor Bystrom - Okilinir (Himalayan Brown Bear), Bjorn (Bonded Horse)
Himechi Bystrom - Hertha (Eastern Cougar), Sassa (Bonded Horse) hanaeemi
Balder Bystrom - Brimir (White Mule Deer), Asmund (Bonded Horse)
Ananke Bystrom - Augustine (White Crested Eagle), Asta (Bonded Horse)
Loki Bystrom - Fensalir (Dire Wolf*), Viggo (Bonded Horse)
Yui Bystrom - Kibou (Peregrine Falcon), Senso (Bonded Horse)
Freyr Bystrom - Gullinbrusti (Central European Boar), Brynjar (Bonded Horse)
Hachiman-Jin Bystrom - Yuki (White Turtle Dove), Sarumaru (Bonded Horse) hanaeemi
Freya Bystrom - Sindri (Norwegian Forest Cat), Brynhildr (Bonded Horse)
Tove Bystrom - Ove (Prarie Falcon), Unn (Bonded Horse), Bunbun (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Agape Bystrom - Bifrost (White Siberian Tiger), Brenna (Bonded Horse), Lars (Carbuncle)
Eirik Bystrom - Gustav (European Goldfinch), Hemming (Bonded Horse), Olav (Carbuncle)
Fenrir Bystrom - Embla (Dire Wolf*), Finn (Bonded Horse), Sven (Carbuncle)
Jormungandr Bystrom - Skjalduf (Titanoboa*), Agnar (Bonded Horse), Vathlauss (Carbuncle)
Hnoss Bystrom - Sigrid (Iberian Lynx), Gunnar (Bonded Horse), Otto (Carbuncle)
Gersemi Bystrom - Shy (Japanese Crane), Brunn (Bonded Horse), Lala (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Hel Bystrom - Ingrid (Carrion Crow), Hilda (Bonded Horse), Aslaug (Carbuncle)
Ryujin Totsuka - Arata (Striped Dolphin)
Umi-hime Totsuka - Ami (Hourglass Dolphin)
Hotei Totsuka - Hitomi (Japanese Badger)
Toyotama-hime Totsuka - Mitsuki (Showa Sanshoku Koi Fish)
Fukurojuku Totsuka - Hayate (Japanese Weasel)
Tamayori-hime Totsuka - Miki (Hi Utsuri Koi Fish)
Amaterasu Totsuka - Hikari (White Japanese Sparrow)
Ame-no-Uzume Totsuka - Izumi (Black Pipe Fox) hanaeemi
Tsukuyomi Totsuka - Usamaro (White Japanese Hare)
Susano’o Totsuka - Hiraku (Manta Ray)
Kushinada-hime/Samarah Totsuka - Mayumi (Yellow-lipped Sea Krait) huntersxandxangels
Sakuya-hime Totsuka - Koharu (Japanese Sparrow)
Ninigi Totsuka - Ryunosuke (Shiba Inu), Atsushi (White Pipe Fox), Furusawa (Carbuncle)
Hoori Totsuka - Isamu (Sika Deer), Akuma (Hell Hound*), Koetsu (Carbuncle)
Suseri-hime/Leila Totsuka - Kenji (Spotted Eagle Ray), Asha (Bengal Tiger*), Touya (Carbuncle) huntersxandxangels
Haru Totsuka
Hitoshi Totsuka
Bolin Ruan cirquedeyokai
Lilu Ruan cirquedeyokai
Nu-Wa Ruan - Chang-Pu (Clouded Leopard)
Beiji Ruan - Fai-Li (Chinese Ferret Badger)
Lung-Mo Ruan
Yao-Jin Ruan
Azure Ruan cirquedeyokai
Zhilan Ruan cirquedeyokai
Guan-Yu Ruan - Wu-Tao (South China Tiger)
Xi-Fe Ruan
Po-Shang Ruan cirquedeyokai
Liling Ruan cirquedeyokai
Cho Ruan cirquedeyokai
Ao-Qin Ruan
Li-Fen Ruan - Duan-Xia (Golden Pheasant)
Ao-Shun Ruan
Zhu-Li Ruan - Fu-Zhong (Chow Chow)
Dionysus Ruan - Cyrus (Amur Leopard), Callista (Amur Leopard)
Jin-Hai Ruan
Ao-Bing Ruan
Vonungein Ruan cirquedeyokai
Jade Ruan cirquedeyokai
Hanba Ruan
Meng-Po Ruan - Biming (House Mouse)
Xing Ruan - Liang-Shui (Black Giant Squirrel)
Feng Ruan cirquedeyokai
Zong-Ying Ruan - Tao-Ping (Giant Panda)
Bao Ruan cirquedeyokai
Ren-Shu Ruan - Liao-Ming (Carbuncle)
Kundo-Star Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Aoi Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Yin-Lin Ruan - Yi-Huo (Carbuncle)
Mei-Lin Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Mao-Yu Ruan - Su-Jian (Carbuncle)
Shai-Ming Ruan - Min-Wu (Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat), Wang-Guo (Carbuncle)
Chung-Tao Ruan - Mei-Wu (Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat), Zhen-Xun (Carbuncle)
Bo-Xiu Ruan - Cheng-Gong (Yangzte Chinese Softshell Turtle), Hoo-Gwo (Carbuncle)
Many unnamed members.
Marduk Nidnantum - Autu (Gray Wolf), Rigiljo (Bonded Griffin)
Benthesikyme Nidnantum - Helene (Commerson’s Dolphin), Sophie (Bonded Griffin)
Dumuzi Nidnantum - Lugalngu (Arabian Oryx), Uras (Bonded Griffin)
Ishtar Nidnantum - Kuwari (Eurasian Otter), Urnina (Bonded Griffin)
Atar Nidnantum - Omarosa (Sumar Leopard), Enusat (Bonded Griffin), Balum (Carbuncle)
Lulal Nidnantum - Humbaba (Striped Skunk), Samuqan (Bonded Griffin), Bau (Carbuncle)
Shara Nidnantum - Sabit (Spotted Hyena), Inanna (Bonded Griffin), Anbu (Carbuncle)
More unnamed members.
Acheron Iblis - Mandala (Canadian Lynx), Bael (Nekomata), Cairo (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Bael Iblis - Merida (Dire Wolf*) cirquedeyokai
Amunet Iblis cirquedeyokai
Eve Iblis
Calypso Iblis - Eerie (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Seti Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ariel Iblis - Houdini (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Alister Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Felisha Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Kufu Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Mei-Li Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Arthur Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Suzaki Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ayato Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Lucas Iblis - Pete (Carbuncle)
Maksis Durand
Maria Durand
Roen (Durand)
Aiko Durand - Roen (Hell Hound)
Lilith Fuza
Urie Fuza - Charon (Hell Hound)
Rem Arlond - Jasper (Hell Hound)
Akemi Durand - Hazel (Carbuncle)
More unnamed members.
Amoxtli/Tatsuya Coaxoch
Ihuicatl/Rei Coaxoch
Anna Coaxoch
Lyra Coaxoch - Cindy (Carbuncle)
Tezcacoatl/Sho Coaxoch 
Mage Himura - Harper (Hell Hound)
Alice Himura hanaeemi
Shuu Himura hanaeemi
Rachel Himura hanaeemi
Ichijo Himura hanaeemi
Hima Himura hanaeemi
Sosuke Durand - Rin (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
More unnamed members.
Regime Abernathy werekxnglives
Dexter Abernathy werekxnglives
Erebus Abernathy - Life (Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox) werekxnglives
Nyx Abernathy - Echo (Golden-capped Fruit Bat)
Tai Abernathy/Wepwawet Sabah - ? (? Jackal) werekxnglives
Kenta Abernathy werekxnglives
Alexandria Abernathy werekxnglives
Mordred Abernathy werekxnglives
Reed Abernathy werekxnglives
Aisha Abernathy werekxnglives
Isaac Abernathy werekxnglives
Yuki Abernathy - Shiro (White Pipe Fox)
Maddie Abernathy - ? (? Pipe Fox) werekxnglives
Hajime Abernathy
Sakura Abernathy
Neville Abernathy werekxnglives
Helios Abernathy werekxnglives
Hypnos Abernathy - Nike (American Black Bear), Chronos (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Demona Abernathy - Raichu (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Cain Abernathy - Deadpool (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Ozalie Abernathy - Thunder (Snow Leopard*), Starlight (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Madoka Abernathy - Etsuko (Carbuncle)
Arsene Lupin
Reah Argyris - Baron (Persian*), Opal (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Impey Barbicane - Sisi (Corgi*)
Menta Barbicane - Tippy (Corgi*), Cupcake (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Abraham Van Helsing
Kaori Kasegawa - Hak (Peregrine Falcon*), Shirayuki (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Victor Frankenstein
Cardia Frankenstein - Garnet (Carbuncle)
Saint Germain - Nicholas (Javan Leopard)
Neith Germain - Itet (Lesser Bird of Paradise)
Markos Thanos - Mirage (Sumar Leopard), Karnak (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Serqet Thanos - Unas (Yellow Palestine Scorpion), Moswen (Giant Cobra*)
Grimm Thanos cirquedeyokai
Syrina Thanos - Sarabi (Jaguar), Nightmare (Bonded Unicorn), Luxor (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Destroyer Thanos - Sherlock (Great Horned Owl) cirquedeyokai 
Hecate Thanos - Arcadia (Least Weasel)
Thoth Thanos - Djaty (Egyptian Ibis)
Seshat Thanos - Dalila (Southern African Cheetah) hanaeemi
Kuk/Riaghan Thanos - Imhotep (Caracal) cirquedeyokai
Sekhmet Thanos - Bijou (White Masai Lion) cirquedeyokai
Makoto Thanos - Chiasa (Ocelot) cirquedeyokai
Bast Thanos - Kakhent (Panther)
Sinbad Thanos
Seth Thanos
Dante Thanos - Mim (Timber Wolf), Archimedes (Timber Wolf), Cali (Ammit Child), Ruby (Hell Hound*), Milo (Phoenix*), Aodh (Dire Wolf*), Vesper (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Wenet Thanos - Kashta (Desert Cottontail Rabbit), Omen (Dire Wolf*)
Viper Thanos - Nagi (White Indian Cobra), Nox (Dire Wolf*) cirquedeyokai
Apollon Thanos - Leon (Forest Raven), Iiakada (Phoenix*), Fos (Pegasus*)
Ming-Chi Thanos - Shiva (White Siberian Tiger), Lin (Bonded Wyvern) cirquedeyokai
Anubis Thanos - Ahmes (Golden Jackal), Kemet (Hell Hound*)
Yue Thanos - Amun (Clouded Leopard), Khan (Bengal Tiger*), Willow (Dire Wolf*) themoondragoness
Zephyrus Thanos - Rhode (Blue Jay)
Iris Thanos - Group of Monarch Butterflies
Eris Thanos - Menwi (Serval), Laika (Dire Wolf*)
Kaito Thanos
Dupree Thanos werekxnglives
Zarah Sabah - Nenet (House Sparrow), Hawkeye (Dire Wolf*)
Asteria Thanos - Balthazar (Dire Wolf/Hoshi-no-Tama*), Areiseus (Carbuncle)
Maahes Thanos - Akudo (Ragdoll Cat), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Kebechet Thanos - Pepi (Golden Jackal), Seka (Carbuncle)
Sah Thanos - Rino (Screech Owl), Evermore (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Citlali Thanos - Chipahua (Margay), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ajit Thanos - Samar (Lion-tailed Macaque), Starsong (Bonded Griffin), Imaran (Carbuncle)
Sati Thanos - Himmat (White-bellied Sea Eagle), Ishvara (Carbuncle)
Esi Thanos - Cleopatra (Eurasian Wolf), Neema (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Dakar Thanos - Ramses (Eurasian Wolf), Khem (Carbuncle)
Orpheus Thanos - Icarus (Harz Roller Canary), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Melete Thanos - Jocasta (Red Salamander), Aurora (Carbuncle)
Pothos Thanos - Aenea (Cardinal), Cygnus (Carbuncle)
Eurydice Thanos - Roxanne (Papillon), Dione (Carbuncle) 
More unnamed members.
Sherlock Holmes - Annabelle (Corgi*)
Xanthe Vermillion - Chamomile (Carbuncle)
Nanase Sabah
Shirah Zaliyah huntersxandxangels
0 notes
adesiggn-blog · 7 years
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid, born October 31, 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq, died on March 31, 2016 in Miami, United States. She is an Iraqi-British town planner and a figure of the deconstructivist movement. She received the Pritzker Prize in 2004 The most prestigious in architecture.
Zaha Hadid was born on 31 October 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq, of a Sunni family of the upper class. His father, Muhammad al-Hajj Husayn Hadid, was a wealthy industrialist from Mosul.
He was one of the founders of the political group of the liberal left al-Ahali, which was an important political organization between the years of 1930 and 1940. He was co-founder of the National Democratic Party in Iraq. His mother, Wajiha al-Sabunji, was an artist from Mosul. In the 1960s, her father sent her with her two brothers to Europe, where she was boarding school in England and Switzerland.
Subsequently, Zaha Hadid settled in Lebanon, where she studied mathematics at the American University of Beirut before moving to London to study architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.
On the spot, she meets Rem Koolhaas, Elia Zenghelis, and Bernard Tschumi. She works with her former professors, Koolhaas and Zenghelis at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in Rotterdam, becoming a partner in 1977, the year of her graduation. Through her association with Koolhaas, she meets Peter Rice, the engineer who helped her and encouraged her at a time when her works seem hard to build.
In 1980 she founded her own agency in London. During the 1980s, she also taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, and then in the most prestigious international institutions. She earned the Kenzō Tange Chair at the Graduate School of Design, HarvardUniversity, and the Sullivan Chair at the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
She has also been an associate professor at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg, at the Knowlton School of Architecture at Ohio State University, at the Masters Studio at ColumbiaUniversity in New York, and as a visiting professor "Eero Saarinen of Architectural Design" at Yale University in Connecticut.
 And in 2000 she is an honorary member of the Department of Architecture of the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Universität für angewandte Kunst, Austria). The American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Institute of Architects.
His style is characterized by a predilection for the intertwining of stretched lines and curves, sharp angles, superimposed planes, which give his creations complexity and lightness. In 2004, Zaha Hadid received the Pritzker Prize. She is the first woman to get this award. In 2006, a retrospective of his work was held at the Guggenheim in New York.
She is the second architect to have benefited from this honor after Frank Gehry. In the same year, she received an honorary title from the American University of Beirut. In 2008, she was ranked by Forbes magazine as the 69th most powerful woman in the world.
In November 2012 she was nominated for the reconstruction of the national Olympic stadium in Tokyo, but her project was highly criticized. Several Japanese architects disapprove of it, notably Arata Isozaki, who compares it to a "turtle waiting for Japan to sink to swim in the distance", possibly because of the disappointment of seeing a foreign woman win the contest.
 The project is also attacked for its aesthetics by intellectuals, but its cost, originally spent from 130 billion yen (963 million euros) to 252.5 billion yen (1,872 million euros) Finally the launch of a new call for tenders in 2015. Zaha Hadid defended herself by raising taxes on building materials and the difficulty to find labor in Japan.
Zaha Hadid Architects has approximately 430 employees in 2016. Its headquarters are in London, in the Clerkenwell district. Zaha Hadid is assisted by four associates: Patrik Schumacher, Gianluca Racana, Jim Heverin, Charles Walker. She died on March 31, 2016, in Miami, following a heart attack.
Website : http://ift.tt/rfDh1k
Main works
1993: the fire station of the industrial site of the German company Vitra, Weil am Rhein, Germany,
2000: the Hœnheim terminus, tramway station in Strasbourg (subject of a prize at the Prix Équerre d'argent and the Mies van der Rohe prize), project manager: Stéphane Hof,
2003: Rosenthal Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati,
2003: Innsbruck ski jump Bergisel ski jump
2005: the BMW factory in Leipzig
2005: Phaeno, a science museum in Wolfsburg,
2005: extension to the Museum of Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen
2007: Heydar-Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku,
2007: Salerno Maritime Terminal (2007-13), Salerno, Italy
2008: Chanel Mobile Art in Hong Kong
2008: the Pavilion-Bridge of the International Exhibition Zaragoza 2008.
2008: Mobile Art Museum (itinerant museum)
2009: The JS Bach Chamber Music Hall in Manchester
2010: Sheikh Zayed Bridge in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
2010: The Canton Opera in China,
2010: Evelyn Grace Academy in London
2010: MAXXI - National Museum of the 21st Century Arts in Rome,
2011: Museum of Transportation Riverside Museum in Glasgow, Scotland
2011: the CMA-CGM tower in Marseille, headquarters of the CMA-CGM company
2011: Capital Hill Residence in the Barvikha Forest, Moscow. This private residence was built for the Russian real estate developer Vladislav Doronin and is the only private residence that Hadid designed in his life.
2011: Olympic swimming pool in London on the occasion of the 2012 Summer Olympics
2012: The Galaxy Soho in Beijing. The building built for the Chinese promoter Zhang Xin, offers 330,000 m2 of offices and shops
2012: the "Pierresvives" building (regrouping the departmental archives of Hérault, the Médiathèque départementale, an enoteca and Hérault Sport) in Montpellier; Project manager: Stéphane Hof. According to two journalists, the initial project would have been 41,000 m2 for a budget of 40 million euros, reduced to delivery at 26,000 m2 for a price of 125 million euros.
2012: Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at the University of Michigan
2013: Campus of the University of Vienna
Napoli Afragola railway station, Afragola, Italy
2013: Innovation Tour of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2014: Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul (South Korea), a huge multifunctional complex in the heart of the most fashionable and touristic area of ​​the South Korean capital.
2016: Havenhuis, seat of the port authority of Antwerp.
And several ongoing projects
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skyrimgamer17 · 5 years
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Arata and the Big Three 
- In this story Arata aka “The Ninja Warrior” meets with others like him connected to his past. Leos is the head of the new Foot Clan who has a personal vendetta against Arata while Reaper is a special ops trained Mutant designed by the governments in case of alien threats. 
Maddie the Salamandrian (c) @bendy-and-madissonau  and @madisson-nova-fruity
3 notes · View notes
adesiggn-blog · 7 years
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid, born October 31, 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq, died on March 31, 2016 in Miami, United States. She is an Iraqi-British town planner and a figure of the deconstructivist movement. She received the Pritzker Prize in 2004 The most prestigious in architecture.
Zaha Hadid was born on 31 October 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq, of a Sunni family of the upper class. His father, Muhammad al-Hajj Husayn Hadid, was a wealthy industrialist from Mosul.
He was one of the founders of the political group of the liberal left al-Ahali, which was an important political organization between the years of 1930 and 1940. He was co-founder of the National Democratic Party in Iraq. His mother, Wajiha al-Sabunji, was an artist from Mosul. In the 1960s, her father sent her with her two brothers to Europe, where she was boarding school in England and Switzerland.
Subsequently, Zaha Hadid settled in Lebanon, where she studied mathematics at the American University of Beirut before moving to London to study architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.
On the spot, she meets Rem Koolhaas, Elia Zenghelis, and Bernard Tschumi. She works with her former professors, Koolhaas and Zenghelis at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in Rotterdam, becoming a partner in 1977, the year of her graduation. Through her association with Koolhaas, she meets Peter Rice, the engineer who helped her and encouraged her at a time when her works seem hard to build.
In 1980 she founded her own agency in London. During the 1980s, she also taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, and then in the most prestigious international institutions. She earned the Kenzō Tange Chair at the Graduate School of Design, HarvardUniversity, and the Sullivan Chair at the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
She has also been an associate professor at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg, at the Knowlton School of Architecture at Ohio State University, at the Masters Studio at ColumbiaUniversity in New York, and as a visiting professor "Eero Saarinen of Architectural Design" at Yale University in Connecticut.
 And in 2000 she is an honorary member of the Department of Architecture of the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Universität für angewandte Kunst, Austria). The American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Institute of Architects.
His style is characterized by a predilection for the intertwining of stretched lines and curves, sharp angles, superimposed planes, which give his creations complexity and lightness. In 2004, Zaha Hadid received the Pritzker Prize. She is the first woman to get this award. In 2006, a retrospective of his work was held at the Guggenheim in New York.
She is the second architect to have benefited from this honor after Frank Gehry. In the same year, she received an honorary title from the American University of Beirut. In 2008, she was ranked by Forbes magazine as the 69th most powerful woman in the world.
In November 2012 she was nominated for the reconstruction of the national Olympic stadium in Tokyo, but her project was highly criticized. Several Japanese architects disapprove of it, notably Arata Isozaki, who compares it to a "turtle waiting for Japan to sink to swim in the distance", possibly because of the disappointment of seeing a foreign woman win the contest.
 The project is also attacked for its aesthetics by intellectuals, but its cost, originally spent from 130 billion yen (963 million euros) to 252.5 billion yen (1,872 million euros) Finally the launch of a new call for tenders in 2015. Zaha Hadid defended herself by raising taxes on building materials and the difficulty to find labor in Japan.
Zaha Hadid Architects has approximately 430 employees in 2016. Its headquarters are in London, in the Clerkenwell district. Zaha Hadid is assisted by four associates: Patrik Schumacher, Gianluca Racana, Jim Heverin, Charles Walker. She died on March 31, 2016, in Miami, following a heart attack.
Website : http://ift.tt/rfDh1k
Main works
1993: the fire station of the industrial site of the German company Vitra, Weil am Rhein, Germany,
2000: the Hœnheim terminus, tramway station in Strasbourg (subject of a prize at the Prix Équerre d'argent and the Mies van der Rohe prize), project manager: Stéphane Hof,
2003: Rosenthal Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati,
2003: Innsbruck ski jump Bergisel ski jump
2005: the BMW factory in Leipzig
2005: Phaeno, a science museum in Wolfsburg,
2005: extension to the Museum of Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen
2007: Heydar-Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku,
2007: Salerno Maritime Terminal (2007-13), Salerno, Italy
2008: Chanel Mobile Art in Hong Kong
2008: the Pavilion-Bridge of the International Exhibition Zaragoza 2008.
2008: Mobile Art Museum (itinerant museum)
2009: The JS Bach Chamber Music Hall in Manchester
2010: Sheikh Zayed Bridge in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
2010: The Canton Opera in China,
2010: Evelyn Grace Academy in London
2010: MAXXI - National Museum of the 21st Century Arts in Rome,
2011: Museum of Transportation Riverside Museum in Glasgow, Scotland
2011: the CMA-CGM tower in Marseille, headquarters of the CMA-CGM company
2011: Capital Hill Residence in the Barvikha Forest, Moscow. This private residence was built for the Russian real estate developer Vladislav Doronin and is the only private residence that Hadid designed in his life.
2011: Olympic swimming pool in London on the occasion of the 2012 Summer Olympics
2012: The Galaxy Soho in Beijing. The building built for the Chinese promoter Zhang Xin, offers 330,000 m2 of offices and shops
2012: the "Pierresvives" building (regrouping the departmental archives of Hérault, the Médiathèque départementale, an enoteca and Hérault Sport) in Montpellier; Project manager: Stéphane Hof. According to two journalists, the initial project would have been 41,000 m2 for a budget of 40 million euros, reduced to delivery at 26,000 m2 for a price of 125 million euros.
2012: Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at the University of Michigan
2013: Campus of the University of Vienna
Napoli Afragola railway station, Afragola, Italy
2013: Innovation Tour of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2014: Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul (South Korea), a huge multifunctional complex in the heart of the most fashionable and touristic area of ​​the South Korean capital.
2016: Havenhuis, seat of the port authority of Antwerp.
And several ongoing projects
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