lifeafterlifeparks · 1 year
Sky Burial: Learning from Ancient Deathcare Practices
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The idea of giving one’s body back to the earth as a form of charity is an ancient idea. One form still practice in parts of the world even today is Sky burial, also known as celestial burial - a traditional funeral ritual practiced by Zorastrians and Tibetan Budists in parts of India, Buhtan, Mongolia, and China. This ancient ritual involves placing the deceased on a mountaintop or other elevated location where vultures and other scavenging birds can consume the body. The remains are believed to return to nature, and the act of feeding the birds is seen as a form of charity.
The practice of sky burial has a deep spiritual significance in Tibetan Buddhism and Zoroastrianism, where it is believed that the body is merely a vessel, and that the soul has moved on to the afterlife. The act of giving one's body back to nature is seen a gift, and a way of showing respect for the natural cycle of life and death. Additionally, the vultures are believed to carry the soul to the afterlife, which is seen as a sacred act.
Sky burial is also a practical solution for those living in remote areas where burial or cremation may not be possible due to lack of resources, such as wood for cremation or land for burial. In these cases, sky burial is seen as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional burial or cremation.
While sky burial may seem like a gruesome or macabre practice to outsiders, it is important to understand the cultural and spiritual significance it holds for those who practice it. It is a deeply meaningful and respectful way of honoring the dead and giving back to nature.
In India, following the rapid expansion of urban population and the near extinction (97%) of the indigenous vulture population due to agricultural pesticide use – sky burial practitioners have been forced to adapt. They have begun using solar cremation in leu of what the vultures used to provide for them. However, repopulation efforts for the endangered birds are being pushed by arbiters of the religion.
The link between deathcare and conservation has deep roots. At Life After Life, we find ourselves interestingly in parallel with the philosophy to deathcare that these ancient religions hold. At the intersection of many different religious philosophies is a similar vein of thought. One of giving back to the earth. For the past few centuries our culture here in the United States diverged into a deathcare tradition of taking and preserving. It is time to go back to a “circular economy” philosophy of funeral practice.
By choosing eco-friendly burial options such as natural burial, which involves burying the body in a biodegradable casket or shroud without embalming chemicals, the bodies stored nutrients are allowed to return to the earth naturally, without harming the environment. Through Life After Life, this practice allows patrons to remediate pollution and build new, critically-endangered habitat that would otherwise never be redeveloped.
The ancient principles of sky burial remind us of our interconnectedness with the natural world and the importance of respecting and caring for our planet. By giving back to nature in ways that each of us can, we can honor those who have come before us and ensure that future generations have a healthy and sustainable planet to call home.
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large-baja-blast · 1 year
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Aquamation, but instead of water it's pumped full of Baja Blast™
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allthequeensmenrgone · 9 months
Only a few more signatures are required for this to get some nice attention in Texas. Its about getting the option of aquamation, or alkaline hydrolysis, as an option for what to do with your body after death. It has a lot of pros, so if you're interested, click the link and read up about it! Its far better than cremation, and sounds far nicer too! If you live in TX or have friends there, get them to sign!
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elmasinthetree · 2 years
“aRcHeOlOgIsTs WiLl IdEnTiFy YoUr SkElEtOn As FeMaLe AfTeR yOu DiE” pal, you don’t know anything about my death plan. i’m going to become soup when i die, did you ever think about that?
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raleksd · 4 months
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(via T-shirt graphique for Sale avec l'œuvre «  AQUAMATION - TU ES EAU TU REDEVIENDRAS EAU - PROCÉSUS PLUS ÉCOLOGIQUE » de l'artiste Frantz CIALEC)
Hey you!! Just sold😂🎶🌿🦎 "AQUAMATION - TU ES EAU TU REDEVIENDRAS EAU - PROCÉSUS PLUS ÉCOLOGIQUE " Sold recently 🤣 at my redbubble online gallery. 🙏 Manny Thanks to the buyer from United States for the purchase of one product at my redbubble online gallery with around 5359🐬😜 designs available on so many products!! Every day new products are available. Have a wonderful 😎 Monday Happy New Year!!! Thanks for your visit,🌴 Stay tuned!!🙏🏾
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soummaison-blog · 1 year
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Quel est le fonctionnement de l’aquamation?
Un nouveau procédé funéraire gagne en popularité : l'aquamation, également connue sous le nom d'hydrolyse alcaline. Cette option écologique et abordable est apparue au Québec en 2012. Les frais d'inhumation varient de 6000 $ à 10 000 $, tandis que l'incinération coûte généralement entre 2500 $ et 6000 $. En plus de cela, il faut prévoir des dépenses pour la sépulture (3500 $) ou le columbarium (800 $ à 2900 $). L'aquamation, quant à elle, coûte environ de 2000 $ à 3000 $. Ce montant inclut les frais administratifs, le transport du corps et la procédure elle-même. Si vous souhaitez comparer les coûts des différents rituels funéraires pour préparer vos funérailles, veuillez remplir le formulaire disponible sur [https://www.soumissionsmaison.com/laquamation-fonctionnement-prix-forfaits/ ]. Prochainement, une entreprise funéraire partenaire de votre région (Montréal, Gatineau, Québec, Sherbrooke, Saguenay, Trois-Rivières...) vous contactera pour vous fournir une soumission gratuite correspondant à vos souhaits et besoins. Cette démarche est sans aucun engagement de votre part
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One day you will die. And the worms will make their homes in your flesh. Or the fire will kiss your skin with tongue. Or the water will wrap its arms around your bones and never let them go. Or a tree will grow and grow and live because it was born in your heart. Or time shall sleep in your blood and preserve your memory in its dreams. Or you will be honored by students and scientists and the sick as a martyr in every inch of the body you left behind.
And if that isn't love then I don't know what is.
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stevenmitchell · 2 years
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Aquamation is the process where the body is placed inside a watertight chambered and has almost 100 gallons of water added along with some alkaline chemicals. The chamber is then slightly heated, which results in all of the body’s soft tissue being in the water, leaving the bone fragments which remain pulverized into a white or a sand-like material. Whereas Cremation is a method of disposition of a dead body through burning. Here are the aquamation vs. cremation: differences you need to know
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tourneys-by-me · 4 months
Round 5 (Final) - Aquamancy (water)
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Propaganda under the cut (beware of potential spoilers!!)
Percy, being a son of Poseidon, gets a variety of demigod abilities related to water, which is used really well in combat scenes and the like. He can breathe underwater, manipulate it to his advantage for attacks and mobility, and even heal rapidly when he's in it. But he can't summon water from thin air, so a lot of battles end up with the win conditions being "Get into the water to get the advantage / Keep Percy away from the water". He can also swordfight really well, so his powers aren't usually his main form of offense, but I really like environment-dependant powers used well in fight choreography.
Taught herself water bending because there was no one to teach her. When she finally got to the northern water tribe and did find a teacher and he said he wouldn’t teach her, she challenged him to a fight! While he did end up teaching her, she taught herself 90% of it and became a master at 14. She also learned to blood bend!
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t-u-i-t-c · 8 months
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+ bonus
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lifeafterlifeparks · 1 year
Shark Burials in Polynesian Cultures
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For centuries, Polynesian peoples practiced a unique form of water burial practice under a similar philosophy of returning one’s to nature. In their culture, the bodies of the deceased were set out in coral reefs off their shores to be consumed by sharks. This practice, known as shark burial (or ocean burial), was seen as a way of achieving a higher status in the afterlife and joining the family gods who were believed to take the form of sharks. While the practice is no longer widely observed in Polynesia today, it remains an important part of Polynesian cultural history and serves as a reminder of the importance of giving back to the earth.
The shark burial practice was primarily associated with the Hawaiian islands, where it was known as 'kapu kai,' or 'forbidden ocean'. The practice involved laying the deceased to rest in the ocean, typically in coral reefs or other areas where sharks were known to congregate. The belief was that by offering their bodies to the sharks, the deceased would be able to join the 'aumakua', or 'family gods', who were believed to take the form of sharks. The body of the deceased was often wrapped in mats or cloth and weighted down with stones to ensure that it would sink to the bottom of the ocean, where the sharks could find it. In some cultures, the deceased were buried in a fetal position, as a way of returning to the earth in the same way that they came into it.
The practice of shark burial served as a way for the Polynesian people to give back to the earth - a way of returning to the natural world that sustained them and of recognizing one’s place within the larger ecosystem. With the loss of sharks and their habitat due to human externalities and the influence of industrial western influence - Polynesians have largely had to abandon the practice.
As we face complex environmental challenges and the threat of climate change today, history can remind us of an often-lost relationship that we used to have with the earth’s biodiversity. Cultural practices are a powerful tool for normalizing conservation, sustainable living practices, and protection of the environment. That’s why Life After Life is working to make conservation easier – blending the remediation of scarred spaces with existing norms across cultures.
For centuries, Polynesian peoples practiced a unique form of water burial practice under a similar philosophy of returning one’s to nature. In their culture, the bodies of the deceased were set out in coral reefs off their shores to be consumed by sharks. This practice, known as shark burial (or ocean burial), was seen as a way of achieving a higher status in the afterlife and joining the family gods who were believed to take the form of sharks. While the practice is no longer widely observed in Polynesia today, it remains an important part of Polynesian cultural history and serves as a reminder of the importance of giving back to the earth.
The shark burial practice was primarily associated with the Hawaiian islands, where it was known as 'kapu kai,' or 'forbidden ocean'. The practice involved laying the deceased to rest in the ocean, typically in coral reefs or other areas where sharks were known to congregate. The belief was that by offering their bodies to the sharks, the deceased would be able to join the 'aumakua', or 'family gods', who were believed to take the form of sharks. The body of the deceased was often wrapped in mats or cloth and weighted down with stones to ensure that it would sink to the bottom of the ocean, where the sharks could find it. In some cultures, the deceased were buried in a fetal position, as a way of returning to the earth in the same way that they came into it.
The practice of shark burial served as a way for the Polynesian people to give back to the earth - a way of returning to the natural world that sustained them and of recognizing one’s place within the larger ecosystem. With the loss of sharks and their habitat due to human externalities and the influence of industrial western influence - Polynesians have largely had to abandon the practice.
As we face complex environmental challenges and the threat of climate change today, history can remind us of an often-lost relationship that we used to have with the earth’s biodiversity. Cultural practices are a powerful tool for normalizing conservation, sustainable living practices, and protection of the environment. That’s why Life After Life is working to make conservation easier – blending the remediation of scarred spaces with existing norms across cultures.
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This entire movement really is just a scam run by clout chasers. They keep giving their marks false hope based on nothing so they can get clicks. They were peddling the same fantasies when Warner Bros. merged with Discovery, bootlicking Zaslav every chance they got, and that got them nowhere so they shifted to selling it to Netflix simply because Snyder had an exclusive deal with them (which has no expired) which seems to be mutating into Universal buying WBD so they can sell Netflix the Snyderverse, which is still just a fan name for his films, not an actually property you can buy the rights to.
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Universal isn't going to spend billions to buy a rival company just to help another rival company get hold of its IPs so one director can make a couple of streaming movies only a few loudmouths on twitter are glamouring for. Whole thing is just the fandom equivalent of a pyramid scheme.
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diaperalex · 9 months
🎥 Aquam life jacket with crotch strap, and SplashAbout pool pants (quick video)
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rock-byumblr · 1 year
Aquamarine in the Save the Light Art Style
i like i its cute
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hyrule-photos · 1 year
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central hyrule || aquame bridge
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cha0tician · 5 months
see the thing about me and the ocean is that when lightoller said not all boys who go to sea are destined to be drowned he was really saying that i was destined to be drowned.
during the storm all the bridges shook on our way out and i realized that id be trapped in the car if it went under. i still get nauseous if i look over the edge. i read a book growing up about a polar bear who at one point was trapped under the ice, dying in the life sustaining waters. my father worked offshore. he could never watch titanic, but the first movie he took me to was nemo.
the first time i saw the atlantic it was winter and i couldn't even go in but i waded out as far as i could anyway, without getting my pants completely soaked, and all i could say was "it's so big!"
and i've had lives in it and beside it and afraid of it, and she's taken lives in her and beside her and afraid of her. and ruined and saved and changed more lives than that.
the thing is, she's going to kill me. and i intend to let her.
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