#appreciate ya'll!!
meg-noel-art · 2 years
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Happy Holly Daze! - Steph feels like the type to carry strategic pocket mistletoe 😘
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gundawifey · 3 months
𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖! 𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥 ℙ𝕪𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕕 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕
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Pyramid Head x Gn! Reader !18+! !MDNI! Syn. Yandere Pyramid Head Headcanons. Tags. !dark content! yandere, non-con, dub-con, violence, kidnapping/captivity, size-difference, monsterfucking, rough sex, blood-mentions, death/murder, (sfw & smut) Inspired by these templates. click & clack
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✧ Affection How do they show affection, how intense would it get?
Physical affection, extremely physical. Since he doesn't communicate verbally and also is a monster rather than a man there isn't any intellectual thought that goes behind his way of displaying affection. He just grabs you, holding you against him when he's docile. And when he's horny moves you into whatever position he wants and just goes at it. Either way, man handles you with no thought, he just has an extreme and intense need to have you felt against him.
✧ Blood How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Oh he's so messy... Pyramid Head exists as one of the many demons of Silent Hill whose sole reason exists to punish, to cause tarnish and thus Pyramid Head gets very bloody. On his own his existence is to torture and cause bloodshed, it's wired into him. But when it comes to you? Think everything Pyramid Head has and can do, but tenfold. He'll have every inch of Silent Hill covered in the guts and blood of whichever unfortunate soul tried to come between you and him.
✧ Cruelty How cruel would they treat their darling once abducted?
He's unknowingly cruel. See, Pyramid Head knows nothing but cruelty, he causes dismay and bloodshed to anyone who enters Silent Hill that finds themselves near him. Which reflects on the way he treats you when he has you in his grasp.   But his infatuation and need for you are also very real, the cruelty is unintentional in a way. When you try and run, he'll throw you back where he left you. He'll cradle you to hug you and feel you close, but might end up snapping something due to his lack of conscience mind of your bones. Same goes for sex, he doesn't want to cause you pain, but he's huge and rough, it'll hurt.
✧ Delusion How delusional are they?
Everything in Silent Hill is a delusion, Pyramid Head himself, is partly a delusion. He doesn't have to be delusional, sane, or logical when it comes to you. He wants you, and you're stuck here in this town whether you like it or not, you're his. That much isn't a delusion. Once you're in his grasp you belong to him, and that's as simple as it is.
✧ Exposed How vulnerable are they with their darling?
In a sense, Pyramid Head is extremely exposed to you. He's a beast, primal in nature. He simply does, and so whatever he wants or feels you will see the entirety of it with no bars. This goes not just from his bloodlust but to the more sensitive needs.   Of course, he technically doesn't need anything like assurance or care. He isn't mortal. But similarly, he doesn't understand the concept of bottling emotions up or feelings. You know when he's down, and he never shies from showing it, even in less-than-savoury ways.
✧ Fight How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Fighting back doesn't bother Pyramid Head in the slightest, like at all. You can bite, scratch, punch, kick, none of it bothers him. He exists to cause that kind of reaction, to punish and push people into frantic fight or flight. Not like you can hurt him anyway, it's impossible to physically hurt him. And unlike any other poor soul trapped in Silent Hill whom he feels complete indifference to and only kills, he likes you, no loves you, wants you. So try and hurt him, beat him till your fists turn blue, he doesn't react nor care.
✧ Guilt Do they have a conscience, would they feel guilty for the things they do?
Nope. He feels nothing, no guilt at all. Pyramid Head's purpose is to slaughter, why would he feel guilt?   The same goes for your injuries or the damage he causes you. It's unintentional and ultimately he doesn't want you dead, but also he sees guts and torture on a daily so it doesn't hurt his mutated heart to see you suffer at his hands either.
✧ Hell What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Every day spent in Silent Hill is hell. Silent Hill itself is hell in a way, malevolent to anyone who enters. The fact you've caught Pyramid Head's desire doesn't thwart the misery you suffer stuck in there.  The worst of every equally hellish day though would be the day Pyramid Head found you. Stranded, horrified having barely survived the horrors of the other demons, then came one of the worst ones wielding a blade. Perhaps you had hoped to survive, to find an escape before. But after finding yourself in his clutches, all hope was lost, thus the day your spirit died.
✧ Ideals What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Pyramid Head doesn't have a mind. He's a creature, truly the only desire he has for you is to have you by his side, till Silent Hill perishes. But it never will, it'll always be an endless limbo, you are his and that'll never change.  He'll have the instinct that is similar to a predator, to take its prey. The other goers of Silent Hill whom he hunts and kills. All except you, another victim no difference, but you will be forced to stay trapped forever with him. 
✧ Jealousy Do they get jealous, how does their jealousy look like?
Pyramid Head doesn't get jealous, per se. He does get possessive though, because you are ultimately his possession. He is a being malevolent and high in power and you belong to him. As such, if something or someone, more specifically, gets in between you and him, he lashes out. Makes sure to make their death extra visceral and makes sure you watch the whole thing, to remind you that you are his. 
✧ Kinks What kind of kinks do they have, do they make their darling participate?
Not kinky at all, because he just wouldn't understand it. For Pyramid Head, he's a creature, when he fucks you it's instinctive. Always has you glued to his side either way so he fucks you wherever however as long as he's inside of you, he doesn't care. Now, he doesn't have any kinks specifically he indulges or desires. But he does a preferred way to fuck, and it's rough. He sticks it in ruthlessly and will cum over and over filling you up to the brim with relentless thrusts, he goes animalistic rearranging your guts. And you just have to lay there and take it, there is no control in him when he's rutting in you.
✧ Love letters How would they go about courting their darling?
Courting is non-existent. Pyramid Head takes, and you are left with little to no voice in it. He desires you, unfortunately, and thus you must accept that. He won't approach, he will not gingerly win you over, he nabs you and you're his. This doesn't mean he doesn't care for your affection either. It's just the fact that affection for Pyramid Head is physical in nature, and he can force you into that, just hold you flush against him 24/7 or fuck you silly whenever. That's how he shows love, whether you return it or not isn't important.
✧ Manipulate How manipulative are they and how do they do it?
He lacks the intelligence to make any genuine forms of manipulation, however, this isn't to say he doesn't attempt to coax you into acceptance. Though it's clumsy and mostly futile. Whilst he doesn't care at the end of the day if you accept him or not since he holds all power over you regardless, he still has an insatiable obsession for you. When he holds you and drags you around with him and keeps you pressed to him it's in hope you grow to reciprocate it. Generally though, not manipulative at all. 
✧ Naughty How would they punish their darling?
You'd never be the one getting punished, because there is no way you can attempt anything worth punishment. Pyramid Head has already deemed you free of his punishment and thus you will not be slaughtered.   This isn't to say he doesn't hurt you, he does. Again not intentionally but often, if he's been aggravated will squeeze you too hard or rampage, but it's never to punish you, it's just a visceral thing. In truth, you are the only thing Pyramid Head does not punish an exception to it. 
✧ Oppression How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The second you've entered the grasp of Pyramid Head, you've lost any will of your own. There is no such thing as having a right to anything under him. You exist solely as his, that is all you are meant for to Pyramid Head. The choice or right of freedom is gone. Pyramid Head will hold you as his captive same as Silent Hill holds you captive. When he tears your clothes off to ravish you, he doesn't care if you wish to cover again, if he wants to drag you with him as he roams, you have no choice but to cling to him as he holds you close.
✧ Patience How patient are they with their darling?
How patient Pyramid Head is entirely depends on what his patience is for. If it's patience for any kind of intellectual love or affection he can go centuries awaiting you to show any responsive form of it, that doesn't matter at all to him. But his patience for you to be there, with him, for him, physically? None. From the first encounter you'll have with Pyramid Head to every single following one under him he has no time to care for your reluctance to follow along. You're sat on his cock the minute he wants to put it in you and cuddled against him the second he finds you.
✧ Quit what happens if their darling dies or successfully escapes?
The only way to escape Pyramid Head successfully would include escaping the wrath of Silent Hill. And Pyramid Head is tethered to Silent Hill, for the fog to release you and you find a way out would mean Pyramid Head follows in your release. It isn't an escape because, like Silent Hill, Pyramid Head will simply accept it and accept your triumph. If you died in his clutches though? That's a whole other story, carnage doesn't even begin to cover the way Pyramid Head mourns. It's instinctive, he roars and destroys like a wolf whose mate has been taken. You were his, and now he'll never have what he carnally desired most ever again. Rage will seep into all his executions following your death.
✧ Risks How compliant are they with their darling?
No compliance, at all. There's also absolutely no risk in his treatment of you or any attempts you may use to utilize to escape. There's truly no winning with Pyramid Head if you want something that doesn't align with his needs. Now, it's a completely separate story if the compliance or risk you ask of him doesn't go outside of his desires for you. If you, for instance, beg him to let go of another victim, he will, there are other monsters who can implement their punishment. If you wish to see a specific area in Silent Hill, with him taking and holding you the whole time, he will without hesitation.
✧ Stigma What childhood event brought about this side of theirs?
(He didn't have a childhood there's nothing to add here sorry)
✧ Tears How does seeing their darling cry make them feel?
It bothers him. Whilst your feeble attempts to fight back or of defiance do nothing to him since ultimately you cannot hurt him, it's another thing to see you experience mental anguish as his. He desires you in a form of love, not in a form of punishment that he inflicts on others. When you cry out, he's seen it all too many times with his victims, but those were people he was sent to make suffer. You are his, not to suffer but to be his. And when you weep, it makes him flare uncomfortably, he'll hug you and hope it soothes you to understand his desires.
✧ Unique Do they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Everything, because Pyramid Head's form of yandere is also very different from the classic concept. For Pyramid Head, he isn't human, or sentient in a way, so his obsessive love for you is primal in nature. The feelings he has for you, are in the most basic way have no actual thoughts behind them. Pyramid Head doesn't dream about you or desire you as a lover to chat with or marry. You are literally like a mate to him, a thing he's found infatuation with and that he needs on him constantly.
✧ Vice What weakness can their darling exploit to escape?
The fact that Pyramid Head only exists within Silent Hill, for Silent Hill as an entity. He is tied to Silent Hill, so if you can break your way out of Silent Hill, through whatever means, you've also broken yourself free of Pyramid Head.  Though his fixation of you is entirely his own, his loyalty still lies in the fog that created him. If you've deemed yourself worthy by Silent Hill, able to escape the demons there, Pyramid Head won't follow you. And will simply hold you as a memory once you've left. 
✧ Wild card Random headcanon of the character.
He has an extremely high libido, it's endless also. He doesn't have a refractory period because his whole structure is impenetrable, he doesn't weaken and neither does his dick. So with you? It's absolutely rabid. Once you're in the picture he gets it ignited from you. You're the object of his every single urge, all of which he fucks out into you. Sometimes just takes you while roaming about, other mortals trapped in Silent Hill may see, but he doesn't care.
✧ Xoanon Would they worship their darling?
Absolutely, but you wouldn't understand it, neither does he really. There's nothing outright to showcase his sheer devotion to you, but it's there and with Pyramid Head it's heavy. With the many occultish things and benevolently malevolent spirits of Silent Hill, Pyramid Head is spiritual by nature.  And you, a soul he's found obsession to, truly you are god-like to him. You are the closest Pyramid Head can come to the feeling of salvation. A thing he leans on without realizing because he absolutely needs you with him at all costs. To cling to and worship by touch.
✧ Yearn How long do they pine for their darling before they snap?
He doesn't yearn for anything. The second he sees you and has been overtaken with the feelings he harbours for your existence, he'll take you. Brutally of course. As previously stated, how you feel or react to it doesn't matter the first time he takes you, and that's your first meeting with him as well, because Pyramid Head responds to his baser instincts. He sees, he likes, he wants? He's getting. And what he's getting is you.
✧ Zenith Would they ever break their darling?
Pyramid Head does not intend to break you. He's gotten you to be his and the specifics don't matter outside of that. However, you will break, regardless. Be it your bones or heart or mind. Pyramid Head will love you whole till you've accepted the fate you have, to be his. Melded with him at all times, left to live as his for eternity because Silent Hill is an eternity. There is no other choice truly, but to accept your life as Pyramid Head's darling, his possession. Forever deep in the Silent Hills, his...
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daily-odile · 3 months
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head pats...
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ckducky · 4 months
Good Girlfriend Grooming
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radiance1 · 8 months
Another Teddy Bear Danny and Dan post wohoo!
Dan carries Danny like, legit everywhere he feels like he can, except for a few certain things that he doesn't want Danny to see.
Like murder, and stuff.
He gets some weird looks about carrying a teddy bear everywhere, especially with how he looks, but he doesn't really care about any of that. Plus said Teddy Bear is literally his younger self and brother, so it doesn't matter.
Then he has to look for a job that he could do, which is hard, because the biggest achievement he's ever had in his portfolio was ending the world.
That's on his Supervillain portfolio, not his civilian one.
So what does he do? He gets a job with this one guy called Lex Luthor, who he doesn't really remember from his timeline, so he either died, hid himself away, or wasn't as memorable as those goddamn slippery Bats.
Anyways, a plus is that this Lex Luthor guy doesn't care at all about him carrying his little bro with him everywhere, so long as he did his job as a bodyguard.
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graytaloty · 5 months
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Dragon Party where we Appreciate Dragons and Play Video Games ft. @reallypheelingit, @neververy4, @dragonswordz, @fangypeach, @friendlyfangs, @vonkarn, and meee. Some of the dragons I like seeing on my dashboard :3
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patrickztump · 1 year
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patrick stump appreciation post – 7/∞
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allastoredeer · 4 days
Chaggie's Totally Legitimate Dating 101 Crash Course - Chapter 3 Snippet
“Vaggie has a point,” Charlie says, putting a hand on Vaggie’s shoulder and gently pushing her back on the couch when she rises, mimicking choking Alastor with her hands. Her tone is gentler than her girlfriend’s. Padded and careful, like she’s trying not to spook him.
Alastor glowers.
“I understand why you and dad are doing this,” she says. “Dad, he…I think it’ll be good for him to get out and see the city. And after what happened downstairs,” to Alastors surprise, her expression darkens, and her eyes dart briefly to his chest, “that shouldn’t have happened. My dad…I talked to him. It won’t happen again, I promise. I want you to have all the time you need to heal, Alastor. As much as you need. ”
Alastor glowers harder.
“But, if you still want to do this, well…” she sucks in a breath through her teeth, cringing, “you guys aren’t exactly giving off relationship vibes.”
“And what kind of relationship ‘vibes,’” Alastor finger-quotes, “were you expecting?”
“Something that isn’t antagonistic,” Vaggie offers dully.
“Well, seeing how you two are the experts here, how would we do that?” Even as he asks, he leans back, crossing his legs and flipping open his book. His eyes skim the paragraphs blindly, stuffing his rising agitation into the gaps between the words before it reaches his pulsing chest.
“I don’t know, like, holding hands occasionally. Sticking by each other. Showing a smidgen of affection. It’s not that hard.” Vaggie gestures between her and Charlie. “Do you think anyone has a hard time figuring out we’re together?”
Alastor’s eyes slide over to her and he snaps his book shut.
It's been a while since I've posted anything for "Just Kiss Already," so please enjoy this little snippet from chapter 3 of "Chaggie's Totally Legitimate Dating 101 Crash Course." Why did I give this fic such a long title T.T
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wikitpowers · 14 days
pls listen to hot & heavy by lucy dacus and tell me if it isn’t the most kitty coded song
UM HELLO???? ANOTHER PERSON MAKING ME CRY??? ARE YALL A GANG OR SOMETHIN????? (yes, the gang is called angsty kitty stans)
anyway lines which made me lose my mind ayo:
hot and heavy in the basement of your parents' place - BASEMENT OF YOUR PARENTS PLACE/??/???? OKAY KITTY FIRST MEETING???
couldn't look away even if i wanted - reminds me of their first meeting as well when emma is surprised that ty is looking back at kit. don’t touch me.
you were always stronger than people suspected - this relates to both of them; kit because he has no faith in himself and believes himself to be weak and unlovable but he never allows these thoughts to break him completely. and ty bc everybody always tells him he is strange and weak and can never be a strong shadowhunter but he is one, he is. god.
when i went away it was the only option - i think everyone knows what this references to and lets just say *cries in kitty separation*
it's bittersweet to see you again - this is so twp!kitty oh my gosh no no no no
basically my question is why are u torturing me?
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milekael · 22 days
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I am the Roystache N#1 defender
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k8katdoodles · 2 years
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The new event has me bawling.
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melittosphex · 8 months
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He literally had no right to serve as much cunt as he did
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simplykorra · 1 year
golden hour - chapter two
When Ava Silva was seven years old, fate decided to tab over to the options menu of her life and turn the difficulty up to hard.
Not one damn thing about Ava’s life has been easy since the day her mother’s car was sideswiped by a drunk driver.
But if there’s one thing about Ava that not one fucker on this Earth can deny? She’s damn good at playing the game.
So sure, Ava’s life is difficult, but she’s very good at it. Every situation that comes her way, she’ll find an avenue to work past it. Whether she has to go around, up and over, sneak underneath or barrel through it head first - the only thing that can stop Ava is herself.
Well, that and a flight of stairs - but she’s pretty sure with enough time and determination she could army crawl up a small flight of steps if she had to.
Still, today has already presented her with multiple challenges.
She had to sit in the car with that fake ass Diane for three hours and hear the speech again about how hard all the clammy skinned nuns worked to get her to this point. Like it was their accomplishment, like she should fucking thank them.
Not a chance. When that cunt Frances dies, Ava’s going to find her grave and pop a wheelie on her tombstone.
Then she made it to the ranch and the second obstacle of her day was presented to her, this one much bigger.
The girl that was there to greet her was the sexiest fucking thing she’s ever seen in her life.
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isobel-thorm · 4 months
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“ʜᴇʟʟᴏ. ʏᴏᴜ’ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜᴇᴅ ʟᴀᴋᴇꜱɪᴅᴇ ɪɴɴ. ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ, ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ, ᴡᴇ’ʟʟ ɢᴇᴛ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀꜱ ꜱᴏᴏɴ ᴀꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ. ɪꜰ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɪʟᴍᴏ ᴏʀ ᴊᴀᴀᴋᴋᴏ, ʜᴀɴɢ ᴜᴘ, ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴀɪʟɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴊᴀɪʟ. ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.”
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the-red-planet-mars · 1 month
I don't know you yet I know you're awesome.
Existence is like an orchestra, and you are all like a melody. A unique melody harmonising perfectly with the symphony of the universe. You're awesome! Each and every one of you are amazing! I appreciate ya'll even if I don't know you, because each one of you contribute your own unique notes to the grand composition of existence- and I find that beautiful I find you beautiful!
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fandomdumpsterfires · 3 months
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It's a family thing
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