#apparently i'm officially writing for this fandom now
born-to-lose · 1 year
According to 6 different serious health/psychology pages I have BPD, do you think that means I should see a therapist?
#i've been thinking about the possibility for a while but never looked up symptoms because i was scared#and now it's starting to get out of hand so i finally did even though i originally didn't want to be officially diagnosed#for various reasons like the stigma in society and my health insurance knowing so all my future doctors will go back to their#'it's only psychological stop being so dramatic you're not actually sick' shit and invalidating me and my health problems in the past#some of them straight up refused to write a sick note for school when i actually had the flu back in 8th grade#so that's one reason why i don't want any mental illnesses to appear in my medical record#plus the cost factor because i'm not sure if the insurance would even cover everything but i might end up paying for it myself#if it means the health insurance won't be informed even if it's probably a lot of money#but in order to get therapy i need to get diagnosed by a professional so once i read into it a bit more i'll figure out how to tell my mom#and see if i'll call this one therapist in my town who apparently treats psychosomatic disorders#i'm sincerely sorry to everybody i've talked to recently (aside from casual fandom chatting) who may have noticed me behaving kinda shitty#advice is greatly appreciated because this hit me like a train and i don't fucking want this. like at all#i thought my switching between depressed and anxious and angry and empty and hyper was just. idk something else but not That#mel talks
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arkhammaid · 3 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. it's pre-season testing time!
content warnings. smau & written parts, written in 3rd person & lowercase, not edited & proofread
word count. 1.1k
notes. we're dipping into the season, slowly but surely... this took me some time to finish, i literally didn't know what to write for testing ://
"we are here in bahrain, pre-season testing for all teams in 2025, welcome everyone!" croft greets the whole world, as live footage is shown across the devices. the camera spans over the whole track, to each individual paddock until stopping at the final one, in blinding white.
"the season is starting with a bang, for the first time in formula one, we will see a stark owned team on the track! in white and chrome they are, an iconic design and everyone is eager to see what the stark manufactured cars can do!"
"how right you are, david! welcome, i'm will buxton and i have someone of interest with me here. right here, in front of the stark racing garage- y/n stark, number 95, one of the drivers for stark racing. so, y/n, tell me, how are you feeling? are you ready for the first time in the car?"
"hello will, thank you for having me. well, it's not quite the first time in the car, we had a testing back in miami at the end of january, but it's something different to be officially here now. but i'm feeling confident- we have our data, the predicted numbers and we think we'll be able to achieve them."
"so, no major upgrades or changes planned?" y/n shakes her head with a grin.
"do you really think i'm going to answer that question? ask me again, when we're done." will laughs at that, nodding his head in understanding.
"understandable, but i will hold you onto that! gonna knock on the garage doors three days later." y/n laughs again, head thrown back. "but, y/n, how does it feel to be on the paddock? have you met the rest of the drivers yet? made any new friendships?"
"can you turn that off?", carlos gruffly asks his teammate, who just waves his hand at him as answer. with a groan, he stares at the tv, showing the first driver interview of the day, y/n stark. her voice washes over him, empty answers of being excited to properly meet everyone and maybe even bond with a few drivers.
"i don't know why you're so obsessed, perceval." charles immediatly splutters, waving his hands to deny the accusation.
"i'm not! but it's so interesting! tony stark is literally here, aren't you at least a bit excited? arthur said that y/n is like him!"
"what, arrogant? self-centered?"
"carlos! stop being so negative! i meant like- a genius! someone who raced with her back in f3 is friends with arthur, i forgot his name, but apparently y/n constantly does calculations while she drives. that's why she's so good overtaking." carlos just sighs and leaves charles to whatever he's doing right now. he has no interest in this circus.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
kevin watches the interviews from the sideline, completely satisfied with how everyone is hounding y/n and leaving him in peace. of course he had his fair amount of questions and interviews, but much less than his teammate.
it has been a whirlwind, ever since he joined the team. strange, for a while, everything seeming so futuristic, but now his glasses feel like a another part of his race suit he's putting on every day.
the team has been welcoming, open to his input, but it's very clear to him that y/n is their star driver and he's the support. and he's alright with it. of course, winning a championship would mean everything, but he knows he's not going to continue this forever. especially not when he has a kid, he's missing so much... something he dislikes, because family means everything to him.
this is why his contract is only for two years. if he wishes to continue and his results at the end of the season are steady, tony promised him a seat as long he wishes for. he is incredibly thankful for this offer, fully knowing that this kind of support doesn't exist in formula one.
"ready to go?", he asks, after y/n's press officer ushers her out of the mob called journalists.
"so ready to go", she grins. but they're not alone, the netflix camera's immediately surround them and capture their walk to the garage. people part from them, staring openly at the drivers. one of the most iconic footage later shown in the drive to survive documentary.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
"so, here he goes, kevin magnussen for stark racing, leaving his side of the garage. the car is looking incredible, i really like the color!", comments crofty and the other men immediately begin to chatter as well. throwing in rumors and hearsay about the team, they expertly fill the silence of kevin doing his first lap on the track.
"last to leave the garage and on the track, all eyes are on stark racing- oh and there he goes, picking up the speed!"
"his tyres seem to have warmed up- woah! look at the smoothness! kevin seems to be home in his car, his struggles from the last season are nowhere to be seen", adds jenson, while the cameras continue to follow the white car with the number 20.
"and there he goes! on medium tyres, setting the third fastest lap already, this looks definitely promising." will shares his own thoughts, reminding the viewers that there is definitely a possibility of stark racing going at least one or two seconds faster.
"by the looks of it, the stark racing team seems to be satisfied- honestly can't tell much, the glasses are hiding too much", jokes another man and all of them laugh. "bloody starks, am i right?"
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
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the testing days are filled with endless laps and data, followed by long hours of debrief. they've already proven that they're fast, slotting themselves on the upper half of the grid, sticking close to the more experienced teams.
speculations are thrown around, is stark racing sandbagging? of course they must be, while others think that this is the best they can do. neither of the drivers or the team principal lose a word on it, instead they repeat always the same statements.
"we delivered what we predicted."
"we tested our theories, confirmed or debunked them, so the past three days have been very productive."
"we're exactly there where we want to be and we know our next steps."
empty words and yet the journalists pounce on them as if they're the next headlines. the whole world watches with eagerness as stark racing finishes up their debut in formula one and they impatiently await the first race of the season.
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
(I don't know if you do smut and or poly ghostface and if you don't then just ignore this <3)
the reader and stu and billy have all been in a relationship together for a while but have yet to have sex (they've done just about everything else tho ;)) because the reader is a virgin and stu and billy have been respectful of that because they love her. Anyways, she tells them that she's ready to have sex and stu and billy are excited. When they have sex stu and billy are quite sweet with her but are still very much stu and billy.
(I'm so sorry if that made no sense and if you don't understand that's totally ok. I just wanna see stu and billy being a little nice during sex <33)
I do indeed write smut and for poly ghostface
❝movie night❞
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✭ pairing : billy loomis x reader x stu macher
✭ fandom : scream
✭ summary : (y/n) is secretly dating her two best friends Sidney and Tatum boyfriends behind their backs and after movie night, the night takes a turn in interesting way
✭ slashers masterlist
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You were in the living room with Sidney and Tatum for the weekly movie night at Stu's place, it had been something the small friendship group has included you on upon moving here a few months back but during those months of moving here interesting things have happened.
You ended up in a secret affair with boy boyfriends of Tatum and Sidney and though you felt wrong about being with them behind the two girls back but at the same time it was exciting.
Stu and Billy stood in the kitchen, they were getting some popcorn and drinks for not only themselves but for the girls as well. “How long is the popcorn gonna take?” Stu whined.
Billy as usual paid the tall boy any mind, “In a few more minutes,” he says for what felt like the hundredth time.
The boys could hear the giggles from rooms away, “What they laughing about?” Billy asks as Stu comes up behind him and plants his head on his shoulder. “Who knows? Maybe it’s stupid girl gossip,” stu mumbles. All he wanted was the fucking popcorn.
"Wait what!" Tatum almost shouted out if it hadn’t been for you shushing her to keep her volume low so no one else heard, but the boys were officially intrigued.
“What you think she told Tatum to make her react like that?” Stu silently questioned billy who didn’t reply instead seemed to be listening out for more information for they kept silent with their ears open.
"No way, there's no way at all! No offense." Tatum said slightly shocked at the news given to her.
"I just never got around to it, that's all.” You sounded embarrassed now, now they were really curious what could have caused you to feel that way.
"There's no fucking way that you are a virgin!”
Billy and Stu whip their heads towards one another, and now since they were looking at each other they could make out what the other was thinking. It was like they were having some weird bro conversation in their minds, talking with their expressions.
They had to have misheard her. You, the girl who wore skimpy pajamas to bed with them and short dresses, the same you, was apparently a virgin? No way.
But at the same time it would make sense on certain things. Like why you only every made out with them and let them touch your boobs but when things almost went further you would stop them with flushed cheeks telling them not tonight.
At first they thought you were just being a tease and they were all here for it, they could wait a little bit but upon now learning of this information. Oh the night just got a little better
"What's that supposed to mean?" You were a bit offended at what Tatum said.
"Well, to be honest, we all thought you had sex with Randy." Imagine the look on your face when she said that, “What?! No way, ew! Randy and me are just friends.”
“Yeah but like, he follows you around like a lost puppy." Sidney interjects with her arms crossed over her chest, cheeks flushed from the whole sex talking happening right now
"He does not!" You said, flustered. Sure Randy was a bit clinging but it was because you were the only one who really paid him any mind or gave him the time of day.
Sure he hung out with others, others being your friendship group when you all were together with one another but no one’s really hung out with him alone, you took time out of your day to do that. To make him feel included.
"Randy's got a massive crush on you, (y/n).” Tatum states. “How you let that go over your head, I’ll have no idea,” she laughs.
At that moment, Stu and Billy decide to enter the room, causing all three girls to immediately stop talking about the whole topic and start watching the movie.
“Thank you,” you say taking the bowl of popcorn from Billy’s hand, fingers crossing against one another’s briefly.
“Thanks babe,” Tatum said taking her drink from Stu’s hand.
Throughout the whole movie, it was the Thing playing by the way, a really good movie at that. Billy and Stu couldn’t focus though, their minds elsewhere.
Billy thinks of all the things he could do to you, to ruin you for any other man (or woman). He wasn’t sure if you were bisexual like Stu or experimental like some people.
Billy sits at the farthest part of the couch from the TV, Sidney leaned against his side and Stu is at the other end, with Tatum on his side. You lay between them, your back pressing up against Billy's side, with your feet draped across Stu. The only real people watching the movie intently at this point had to be everyone else but Billy.
Before long Billythe movie is over and Tatum and Sidney are grabbing their stuff and making their way towards the door. “It’s been fun but my stupid brother says I have to be home after the movie otherwise he’ll drop me off at school in the cop car for a whole week, like ew!” Tatum says.
“Yeah and my dad says he doesn’t want me out late with everything happening, you know.” Sidney says sheepishly.
"Bye Tatum, Bye Sid." You say getting up from your spot to walk both girls to the door. “I’d probably crash here like always,” you laugh, you had decided you would stay for just a bit longer to hang out with the boys. You could’ve went home but what was the point of going back to an empty house.
The boys bid their goodbyes to Sidney and Tatum, giving both girls a hug and a kiss - after all they were their “girlfriends” so had to keep up appearances as loving boyfriends to the pair. But once the door was closed, all bets were off they table and they were free to be who they truly were with you.
Stu is the one to close the door, and you had already walked back to the living room and plopped yourself up onto the couch, sprawling out across it.
“I’m bored now!” You groaned.
"You want some food?" Stu asks from by the doorway with Billy at his side. “I noticed you hadn’t really eaten much -“
"Yeah sure!" You yell back, staring at the tv. The end credits from the thing were still playing but you knew it would be off shortly so you didn’t really care all that much
Billy and Stu headed towards the big kitchen, as Billy looks through the cabinets searching for some form of food that you may want.
"So what are we gonna do about the elephant in the room?" Stu asks quietly, leaning against the counter next to Billy.
“If by elephant you mean finding out that (y/n) is a virgin then yeah, I’m working something out right now in my head.
“Well are we just going to ignore it or go with the original plan."
The original plan had been for them to take her as ghostface forcefully because man was it such a turn on seeing her eyes wide with fear and lower lip quivering as she tried to keep her voice silent.
"No way, this changes everything.” Billy replies pulling out a box of cereal from the pantry.
“It does?” Stu says grabbing a bowl and spoon from the dishwasher.
“Yeah, if anything we’ll make our move tonight and make it special in the process.”
Stu and Billy return to the living room with a bowl of your choice of cereal, and hand it to you. “I couldn’t really find you anything you might want right now,” billy says.
You nod in their direction as a thanks, whiles they were gone you had taken to putting on another horror movie and now you were way too engrossed in the movie to realize that they were now sitting on either side of you.
Trapping you like a fly in a spiders web.
But what you do notice is that Billy lays a hand on your soft thigh. Stu immediately takes notice of how your breath hitches at the unexpected touch and how you suddenly are clenching your thighs together.
Stu looks towards Billy from the corner of his eye and then puts his arm around your shoulders.
Billy takes this as a sign, and slowly creeps his hand up your thigh as you attempt to hide how your breathing picks up and your face grows red from his touch.
He had this effect on you, both boys did and they knew it. Bastards were toying with you now that both girls were gone
Billy’s hand come to a stop, but he is now dangerously close to your clothes vaginal area. He’s so close he can feel the warmth radiating off of it. God he wanted to take you right here and then.
At this point, you aren't paying any attention to the movie, anymore. No you’re far to occupied with your breaths that are coming out in deep pants. When Billy goes to move his hand even closer, your hand rests on top of his, stopping him.
"B-billy?” Your voice is scolding and shaking, this behavior isnt anything new from him.
"What- what are you doing?"
Stu stays cuddled into your side, his own hand - his much larger, longer fingered hand at that moves to your thigh as well.
"What's the matter, sweetheart? Uncomfortable?" Stu teases, and you can’t help but to squirm under their watchful gaze. It’s like they are enjoying how nervous you are right now.
"N-no, it's just that-" You swallow the lump in your throat. "We are watching a movie." You squeak out as he dips his head down to lay opened mouth kisses on your neck.
“No baby girl, you got it all wrong. You’re watching the movie, stu and I are watching you.”
"Yeah princess, you can continue to watch the movie whiles billy and I continue what we’re doing," Stu says it like it's the simplest thing in the world. And you gasp, when he slides his hand underneath your dress, and makes his way into your underwear.
You hadn’t thought much about putting on the shortest white dress you could find in your closet, after all you were going to be hanging out with your friends - minus Randy, he had work tonight and plus it was comfortable and freeing and cute.
You moan embarrassingly loud when stu’s pointer finger swipes across your wet cunt. Stu laughs against your neck, and pulls away to smile wide at Billy.
"Dude she's so wet." He says and watches as Billy is shivering with excitement.
“Oh is she, well I guess I’ll just need to have a look and feel for myself." Before you can even scold them for talking about you like you aren't there. Stu dips his fingers into your underwear once more as well and slides his fingers across your cunt once more. Again you find yourself moaning at his touch, again.
This time Billy joins in and moves to rubbing slow circles around your clit.
It all feels like too much and not enough at the same time. And you're so confused, why are they acting like this? Tonight of all nights too?
"Billy, Stu." You whimper. "Why are you doing this?”
"It's okay, beautiful." Billy starts, as Stu continues to gently rub his finger against your cunt.
"You're ours remember, and as ours we just want t9 touch you and make you feel good."
“Yeah princess, don’t you want us to make you feel good?”
"wha-" You begin to speak, but Stu is quick to shut you up by slipping his long finger into you. Billy pulls his hand away, and you unintentionally whine in protest.
“God your so tight,” Stu practically growls out.
Billy can’t help himself, and without much thought he pulls you up into his lap. He’s now grabbing at your hips and even pulls you down to rub against his confined cock.
“Fuck,” you cry out from the pleasure you were feeling.
"J-jesus." He stutters, the feeling of your warm clothed cunt against his clothed length is heavenly to him. "She's so warm, Stu."
Stu hums in approval, coming up to stand in front of you. His hands slide underneath your white dress, pushing it up and over your tits.
You're basically naked now, sitting on Billy's lap with his cock pressing against your virgin cunt. And you're shaking mostly from arousal but also from confusion and anticipation.
‘It feels so good’ you think to yourself.
"She's shaking like crazy." Billy laughs at you, taking pleasure in the way you are feeling and it’s all their fault.
"I can tell." Stu responds, his hands massaging your tits as he gives them his absolute focus.
One of his hands goes to play your nipple, pinching it harshly. Stiffening it up as you whimper at the feelin, but a few seconds later you’re moaning loudly with Billy's lips wrap around the opposite nipple.
You’re back in bent in a odd way for billy can have access to your tits but it’s not uncomfortable.
Billy sucks on one, grazing it with his sharp teeth, and Stu takes the other inbetween his fingers, pinching and pulling on it. “You have such pretty tits princess.”
“Yeah she does,” billy pulls away to speak before going back at it with sucking on them.
You're so distracted by the pleasure you don't even notice Billy has now found a way to take off his pants and underwear. You gasp loudly when he presses himself against you. God he was so hard and god he was also so fucking big.
"Billy." You pant. "I can't -“
"Why not, sweetheart?" Billy tilts his head at you, and pouts his fingers once more playing with your tits.
He looks at you waiting for an answer that he already knows, asshole just wanted to hear you say it."I'm a virgin." You wince when you say it, expecting him to push you off and tell you to get out, somewhere in your head you’ve always feared their reaction to learning that you were a virgin.
He laughs, and Stu giggles, laying wet kisses across your neck.
Billy pulls you into another kiss, it's open mouthed and down right dirty. It leaves you aching and wanting more. One hand grips the side of your neck, and squeezes and you can feel yourself choking back a moan into his mouth. His other hand is on his cock, gently rubbing the tip against your still clothed clit.
You're rocking your hips, rutting against his dick.
Stu’s no longer on your tits, no now he’s sucking dark hickeys along the sides of your neck that Billy's hand isn't on. Before you can comprehend what’s happening, you feel it.
And that causes you stop all together when he moves his dick to your hole, your panties are still on, blocking him from entering but will it really be enough to stop him?
"You can't.” You’re begging now and Billy think's it's absolutely adorable. Stu laughs, his hand going to your hips to hold you still.
"Shhh, it's okay." Billy attempts to confront you. "Just the tip? please baby."
"But we don't have condoms." You gasp, as he begins to push in.
“No you’re right, but your panties are in the way so it’s alright.”
"I'll pull out after a few minutes,” He promises, but he knows he won't. He's got you exactly where he wants you. He wants to see you round in the belly area with his and Stu’s baby. He wants to feel the swell of your cunt when him and stu return home every day from killing horny teens. He just wants you all to himself, stu too.
So if you think he's going to miss out on the opportunity to cum inside of you? Oh you have another thing coming.
You begin whining even more when he gets the tip in. "It hurts." You murmur, tears welling in your eyes.
"Oh babe. Stu says, mockingly sympathetic as he rubs his thumb across your cheeks feeling the wet substance.
Billy moans at the feeling of your pussy clenching at the intrusion. He groans when he notices the tears falling from your eyes too. “Fuck,” he breathlessly mumbles out.
"Fuck man, she's crying." Stu moans out watching as billy pushes just a little further inside of you.
Oh now you’re squealing, he's more inside you than just the tip as promised, and you're a little upset that he lied to you but are you truly?
"C'mon baby, just a little more. I won't go any further than that" Billy says, pushing in just a little bit with each word.
Your hands go to stu’s shoulder and you attempt to hide your face in his neck. But Stu grabs your own shoulders and leans you forward to pull you into a heated kiss. Suddenly, Bill grabs your hips and slams them down, pushing all the way into you. You cry out, pulling away from Stu.
"Damn, You're gonna break her," Stu laughs watching the scene with excitement, your panties are still on causing you to feel extra stuffed but they seem to be tearing at the sides now.
"If you could feel how tight she is you'd do the same thing." Billy groans, and you babble to yourself about something they can't seem to understand. He's hitting something so deep inside of you that you that you can't speak properly.
"Awww, look at her." Stu mocks. "She's so cock drunk she can't even speak."
You instinctually start rocking your hips, and Billy pulls out a bit, “Stu take her panties off quickly” he commands and Stu never one to displeasure billy listens, billy once more is shoving back inside of you and this time you moan, really loud at that.
Stu seems entranced, staring at where you and Billy are connected.
"You’re doing so damn well, sweetheart." Billy grunts, pressing into you and then pulling out, just to repeat the action all over again.
“You're so fucking beautiful." You moan at the praise.
There's a tightness in your stomach, and it seems to be getting tighter by the second.
"Look at, you’re so fucking dumb." Stu says, lips next to your ear now, “You thought that if you let Billy and me fuck you raw he wouldn't use the opportunity to cum inside you?" He laughs as if he’s just told them funniest joke, “Look at you now. So cock drunk, our sweet, dumb little whore."
"Huh?" You say, confused. "What?" You moan again, squeezing down on Billy's cock.
"Listen closely princess, Billy boy here is is going to cum inside you, and then i'm going to fuck you, then I'm gonna' cum inside your fucked out cunt. Me and him are just going to keep fucking this cunt until it’s all used up and sloppy from both of our cocks.”
You whine in protest, trying to pull away from Billy but when his dick starts twitching inside you and Stu reaches down and rubs at your clit, gently pinching every now and then before rubbing it again. That tightness in your stomach snaps, and you cry out, clenching around Billy’s dick as you shout out, “I’m cumming!”
You quiver in Billy's lap, waves of pleasure flowing through your body. You can now feel warmth flooding your cunt as he spills inside of you, filling you up with his every being.
You whine again, panting some more as Billy pulls from out of you, his cock softening but still twitching as it rests against your exposed cunt that drips with his cum.
"Yes, you are sweetheart." Stu says watching as you twitched slightly coming down from your high, “But now it’s my turn princess." Stu pulls you from off Billy's lap, slamming you down on the other end of the couch and positioning himself in between your legs.
“Don’t worry princess,” stu says noticing the look of fear in your eyes, “this is going to hurt some” - he says before slamming his way inside your used cunt.
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olderthannetfic · 9 days
Hi, OTNF & Co (and YoungerThanNetFic)! So, I have a question.
When I started out doing gift exchanges and the like, I thought the idea was to not force your own vision on the prompter, and that in return you would be left a modicum of, you know, leeway in your own endeavour.
So yes, you'd follow the prompt(s) given, respect the DNWs and the wants if given, of course! But I've always felt that expecting someone to write exactly what you want was a doomed thing--the only person who could hit your buttons just so was yourself, and chance might make it happen sometimes when you find you read THE fic, but you can't expect a mystery person whose skills you don't know to just do it. That seems... unfair, compared to letting them play to their own strengths?
If I'm expected to follow a very detailed plot already outlined for me, then I know that I will have absolutely no desire and worse, no ability to do it. All I'm left with is "Why don't you write it yourself if you already know everything that's going to happen?" (If you couldn't tell, I'm definitely not someone who likes detailed scenario prompts, lol. Best way to get me to dry up instantly).
I thought the idea of gift exchanges would be to accept a little bit of surprise, at least--sure, I prompted, idk, "Space Pirates AU," but I wasn't expecting the vampire twist! I've also always considered fandom events to be for the entire fandom, not just the participants; I thought the goal was to make your giftee happy with a story they'd like, sure, but that you put in effort to make it good for them AND everyone else who might enjoy it.
But then, I've seen and heard different things; that one should follow a list of very detailed wants (the... letter? for Yuletide? I've never participated so I'm a bit ??? about Yuletide) and that somehow everyone was apparently expected to be able to write stuff they don't vibe with or even dislike, if the needle falls on you. I'm assuming a modly human touch is supposed to help with that, but now this is all making gift exchanges look quite scary instead of an exhilarating perspective.
It depends very much on the exchange and the people.
I personally love outline-level prompts as long as the person gets that I might write something else.
For Yuletide, I do generally consider it a present only for that one person because it's quite possible that nobody else cares about slashfic of Medieval Spanish books of proverbs or whatever.
Letters in Yuletide are optional to write and optional to read. The writer isn't obligated to follow any of your details other than DNWs that are listed in the actual signup, and they aren't even obligated to click the letter link.
Since they can already do whatever they want, I generally write fairly specific ideas and don't offer a lot of "You don't have to write my ship" waffle.
IMO, the key is that the more detailed your requests, the more variety you should give for each ship/fandom/whatever.
But really, most exchange participants are pretty low key. It's just the absolute die-hards who circulate massive lists of "rules" that appear nowhere official and make the whole thing more stressful.
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maoam · 4 months
Ramblings stemming from frustration with this fandom sometimes. ( Naruto. )
I know Naruto fandom has always been a tad toxic ever since it started becoming popular and such, but something about these newer fans who are so comfortable with d3ath threats, body shaming, sa threats, and d0xxing other people for the sake of a character. Fandom discourse is truly never that serious and the fact that they’ve become so obsessed with “ratioing” or “owning” other people that they’re willing to say absolutely vile things all for what… some likes? Validation from other gross people?
And then for these people to still say they’re the “good part of the fandom” or “the sane part”. It’s almost narcissistic for lack of a better word at the moment. ( not diagnosing anyone or speaking as if I’m some sort of mental health expert. Just can’t think of another word right now because of the headache this phenomenon is causing me as it is becoming much too common. )
They have this obsession with demonizing “the other side.” To the point of making false claims, which is insane. Or maybe they actually believe them? I can’t tell. They just spread whatever makes them feel good about what they like and don’t care about the source.
This is mainly a lame annoyed rant about the Hinata fanbase which have become somehow even worse within the past few days with their weird obsession with trying to get the Boruto artist (I think he works for sp? Unsure as he says most of his art is fanart but he made a like two or three official pieces that were on the official boruto/naruto page.) fired and sending him death threats for I guess just not drawing Hinata as much as they want? Like to the point where they were literally saying she was being “oppressed and bullied” by this artists. It was insane to see in person because you really would like to believe people WOULDNT compare a character not being drawn in a way they approve of to the oppression the people of Palestine are facing but hey, I suppose it’s a competition now to see how much of a bad person you can be for the sake of a character.
Also I know this is not just an issue in the hinata fandom, although the recent need to fetishize how “Asian Hinata is compared to that white girl sakura.” Is irking me a lot more than what other fandoms have done as of recent that I’m aware of. The Sakus seem to be their usual level of delusion and crappy attitude. Which is easy to ignore for me.
Does it sound like I’m making stuff up at this point? Because as I’m writing this I’m seeing just how insane this really is. This *shouldn’t* be real. This *shouldn’t* be things people say without shame. And yet, people just throw their morals for… what, internet points? The self validation that they defended to their favorite character? Who knows.
You might not even read this, I wouldn’t blame you lol. Just me being annoyed with how comfortable people within the naruto fandom have become so comfortable with being bad people.
My only real question is have you noticed an increase of toxicity within the fandom? Do you think this behavior has gotten worse with the ending of Naruto and beginning of Boruto?
I kinda get what you mean. I remember even before the manga ended there was apparently aggressive fights between Narusaku/Naruhina shippers, like the body shaming towards the other ship's girl and so on. And SS also were aggressive. But nowadays it indeed seems worse. I'm not sure if it's because we have new big platforms? Twitter and Tiktok I mean, both have really cancerous fandom spaces.
SS/NH harass official staff all the time, as well as other parts of the fandom. And then they act like victims because some people think Sakura and Hinata are shitty characters lol. Meanwhile they treat real people like shit. I think it might be because everyone makes fun of their ships/girls all the time, because it's so easy, so they become even crazier in trying to compensate, they try to harass the staff for more content for their ship, to get back at the people who say their ships suck. Also because so many popular content creators keep making content on Naruto and Sasuke being gay and Sakura/Hinata being their beards it's also humiliating to them.
Of course, they also need to fight which girl is the best girl. Which girl is less of a single mother for example. XD
"Or maybe they actually believe them?" Considering how many SS have convinced themselves that some moments that happened between Naruto and Sasuke actually happened between Sasuke and Sakura, I can believe them being that delusional.
"Does it sound like I’m making stuff up at this point?" No because I have witnessed it myself, plenty Sakura and Hinata stans on twitter have that toxic "bad bitch" attitude that they think makes them queens or whatever, they harass people and are extremely aggressive and think female character doing the bare minimun = queen behaviour. It comes off as very childish and narcissistic. No wonder Sakura and Hinata as characters appeal to them.
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suavissimapenna · 28 days
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @andromeda4004 Thanks, friend!
How many works do you have on ao3?
Five at this point!
What's your total ao3 word count?
24,657 (though I'm currently writing a WIP that will probably double this for the Fairy Tale GO Bang).
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens, though technically I cross listed one of my fics to the Queen fandom.
Top five fics by kudos:
I feel like I'm cheating since this is all of them so far, lol.
Say the Word (T, 5k words) The aforementioned Queen fic where Aziraphale helps Brian May with his astrophysics research and Crowley makes a deal with Freddie Mercury.
Like an Angel (T, 1600 words) The classic "heard a Hozier song and wrote this in an hour" fic. A fluffy snippet Aziraphale and Crowley in the Garden ft. tender wing grooming.
Break Up, Break Through (T, 2k words) Post S2 reaction fic. The Bentley has enough of Crowley's moping, which it communicates in song and by kidnapping him back to Soho. Maggie and Nina have to deal with a maudlin demon.
Here I Am (G, 6k words) My first multi chapter fic AND my first AU. This is the first installment in a Church AU series with Priest!Crowley and Aziraphale as the music and liturgy director of the parish. Crowley arrives at the Church of All Angels, Tadfield as the new interim priest. Chaos ensues.
The Fellowship of Christian Minds (T, 10k words) The second installment in the Church AU. Crowley and Aziraphale learn how to work together amid church drama, parishioner gossip, and their own foibles.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love getting responses from authors, so I do my best to respond.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Break Up, Break Through is the closest to angsty I've got, though I tried to give it a hopeful vibe. I don't like to leave things on an angsty note, ha!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Say the Word has the happiest, fluffiest ending, with a reference to "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" as "their song."
Do you get hate on fics?
No, not so far! I hope it stays that way tbh.
Do you write smut?
I've been too scared to so far, though I can see myself working up to it in the future.
Craziest crossover:
Does the Queen fic count as a crossover? If so, that's all I've got in that arena. I suppose you could characterize the Church AU as influenced by The Vicar of Dibley in terms of vibes, though it's not an official crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, though I would love it if someone wanted to!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it's just been me so far. I think it would be fun to do at some point!
All time favorite ship?
The Ineffables are apparently my ride or die forever. I can't let them go!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any languishing WIPs because I don't really let myself start things I don't plan to finish, at least so far. I've only been writing fic for about a year now, though, so there's always a possibility.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm really pleased with my references and throwbacks to canon, generally, especially in AUs. I like to think I'm good at dialogue and getting character voices right, though that's so subjective. I know I can hear them saying it in my head when I'm writing, and I hope that translates!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm still figuring out how plot works, and making the transition from more argumentative writing to fiction has been a fun challenge! My beta reader has helped me edit out "thesis statements" from my fics, lol.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm here for it! I'm not verbally fluent in another language, but I have reading knowledge of several dead ones (see my Latin usernames). I love a bit of multilingualism, though I worry that Latin in particular will either come off as pretentious or like I'm summoning a demon on accident.
First fandom you wrote in?
I wrote some for Tamora Pierce's Immortals series back in the FF.net days. I'm such a sucker for a heroine who can both talk to animals and shapeshift into them.
Favorite fic you've written?
Why do I have to choose??? Say the Word will always have a place in my heart as the one that got me into writing for fun again, and for how well my research on it helped it come together! I'm also really enjoying writing the Church AU because it's such a self-indulgent one for me. I do love all the priest smut in the fandom (and there is A LOT of excellent priest smut), but as I was reading it I wanted more of a look into the day-to-day hilarity of church life, so I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world.
No pressure tagging: @noodlefrog-omens @sodiumazideandothertoxins @mirjam-writes and anyone else who wants to answer!
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rustyvanburace · 2 months
flynn for the ask game!! or if he's already been sent, then isabeau!!
favorite thing about them: While at first I found it a little jarring, going from a completely silent protagonist to one speaking, I'm really endeared to Flynn's gentleness and soft-spokenness. And actually it suits him really well, having once been a silent protagonist. Nor is it even out of left field -- NPCs in IV comment that Flynn is very reserved and quiet. So I'm really glad that IVA kept that even while giving (the real) Flynn a couple speaking lines. I also really, really like that he (the real one) stays humble and reserved in IVA despite his celebrity status. When I first played IVA, I had only done IV's chaos route, so I found everyone praising him to be really jarring. But now having done the neutral route, I can see why and it makes me appreciate Flynn's modesty all the more. Not to mention, it makes the distinction between him and Shesha Flynn's radical "personality shift" all the more apparent. That's good!!
least favorite thing about them: Having said all that… This is more an issue with IVA's writing and pacing, but I do wish that (the real) Flynn got more moments to express himself and really show his own character. Flynn suffers from the same problem that Toki does -- we don't get to see their actual character for the majority of the game and their potential and own development suffers for it. I'm very happy with Flynn's personality in IVA, but the rest of him only serves as a foil for the plot and especially in handing Nanashi the torch.
favorite line: My favorite line WOULD be his comment on Issachar's fishing hook in the bonds route, had I not permanently missed the fishing hook in my first playthrough 😭
However, I do really like his surprised, saddened reaction when he sees Jonathan's and Walter's spirits in YHVH's Universe. I was actually surprised that he even reacts to them in the massacre route even after becoming a semi-mindless puppet, especially when…he no longer has any attachment to the fishing hook in that route aaaauuughhhhh 😭😭
brOTP: EASILY Flynn and Issachar being the bros for life and eternity!!! And he's totes bros with the whole Samurai cast, for sure for sure!
OTP: I like a lot of Flynn ships (minus my NOtp), but Flynn x Isabeau are truly best for each other. I love that Isabeau cares for and is devoted to Flynn, but without sacrificing her own convictions. I do wish though that Flynn showed some attraction to her (again, an issue with IVA's writing).
nOTP: Yeah uh, I really hate seeing Flynn x Nanashi and I hate how popular it is in the Japanese fandom. Big reason why I don't engage a lot with the IVA fandom cause I'm just so tired of seeing that.
random headcanon: I too also lowkey fancy the headcanon of Flynn being a transwoman, based on dialogue demons can give in IV~ We support trans headcanons in this house!
unpopular opinion: Like aside from how certain sides of the fandom treats him with respect to other characters, and what I've already voiced about his writing in IVA, I don't really have an unpopular opinion on Flynn? Kinda hard to when he's mainly a player avatar. He's good that way.
song i associate with them: I'm so sorry, I'm just not good with song association questions. 🥹 I listen to a lot of music but if you asked me to pick one, I'll pull a blank lol.
favorite picture of them: Def the artwork Doi did for the Sound & Design extra! It's so so good to see BOTH Flynn and Isabeau dressed in different clothes! :) Plus, I actually really like that armor Flynn has so it's SO good to see official art of it.
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Thank you for the ask!
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Have you seen Mark Oshiro's AMA a few hours ago?? Apparently the preview is a draft they wrote as an audition of sorts for Rick. No one has guessed...at LEAST the second half of the book's plot yet. Also we're getting both Will & Nico's POV- and apparently Will was the harder character for Mark to write, because Rick seems to have a very specific idea of what he wanted to do with him. Much to think about
First, I'm so sorry for marinating your ask anon pls do know that it's nothing personal. actually it is. it's me and my goldfish memory. I'm the problem.
Anywayyyyyy----I'm aware of the fact that the preview is a draft now (which is... not quite a clever move btw, but eh). I hope it gets better in the official publication because otherwise, I'd be disheartened. I guess it can't be helped though. It's two authors instead of the usual Rick and try as he may, Mark shouldn't be faulted for their writing style. But again, it's not like I can control my feelings.
Regarding the last half of the book, I'm having huge expectations for it since, ya know, Uncle was being so bold about it. Again, I hope I wouldn't end up with a broken heart.
About Will, so far I have yet to form a coherent, completed image of him due to the lack of canon materials, so I'm pretty pleased to learn that Rick has specific ideas for him.
I'd hold nothing against him if Rick doesn't, btw, not every single character needs a detailed, fully filled-out background sheet for them to work well into the story. And if you ask me, I'm contented with Nico's boyfriend being a secondary character. It probably has something to do with me vs protagonists
With that being said, Will with his distinguished characterization is enthralling just the same. I'm quite curious as to how Rick's gonna build Will - considering the fandom has done an excellent job of it. The fanon Will is like a religion at this point. Many new canon materials turn out to be common in fanon. I'm a little concerned fr the official tbh lolol
It would be extremely disappointing in the unfortunate event that Rick fails, yet if he manages to surprise, I do believe it would be astounding to watch. Let us believe.
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kimberlyannharts · 5 months
Ranger Academy: The First Arc
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So! Ranger Academy has given us four issues, and as we're getting a break next month, these four issues are clearly meant to be seen as the first arc or chapter of the story. While I didn't really expect to give this series most of my attention, apparently I do have a lot to say about it, so let's discuss these four issues and my thoughts on the series so far.
Ranger Academy's kind of in a weird place, at least from my experience. As far as I'm aware, there's really not much discussion or hype for it in the fandom? Which, in some way, makes sense - the series is completely disconnected from the main series and from the beginning was stated to be skewed more towards younger readers; almost as an introduction to Power Rangers as a whole. And it does that job well......for the most part.
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Before I get to the writing though, I just want to take a minute to highlight the art, since I don't talk about it enough in my recaps/other discussions. It's great! Drawn by Jo Mi-Gyeong and colored by Fabiana Mascolo, the art for the PR comics in general continues to be a high point. Every character, even the background teachers, have a distinct memorable design with a lot of personality in their poses and gestures, and the numerous settings we've already gotten - Sage's moon home, Ranger Academy's different campuses, the planet Chromia - all look fantastic. My only nitpicks would be I wish we got more non-humanoid cadets, and sometimes the way faces are drawn in profile look a little odd - especially when they have their mouths open - but those are nitpicks.
When it comes to the writing, things get a little trickier. For the most part, I think the story is good. The basic premise to all this in case you're new: a young girl named Sage lives on a remote moon with only her adopted father Rhianth and a herd of weird goat-like creatures. One day two cadets from the titular Ranger Academy, Mathis and Tula, crash-land on the moon and tell her about the Academy. Sick of living alone under her father's rules and wanting adventure, Sage stows along with them on their return journey and becomes an official student. So now instead of herding goats, she's making new friends, discovering secrets of the Academy, how her father connects to all this, and becoming a Power Ranger.
As I said, I think this is a solid premise for Boom's first ever completely original Power Rangers book (I count Power Rangers Universe as a sort of test-run for original stories, but that was still pretty connected to the main series and using established canon concepts.) The mysteries they've introduced, such as the lost Green campus, the implication that certain Ranger colors were purposefully erased from history, Rhianth's past, and Tula's interest in these secrets, all help build on the somewhat basic premise and are slowly giving the book its own identity. Sage herself is a very likable and relatable protagonist; a kid wanting more out of her lonely, isolated life so she takes the first opportunity she can to escape, but is now realizing that it's not going to be some fun adventure. The supporting cast is a little underdeveloped, but everyone's perfectly likable and I'm interested in seeing how they grow. I think for me there are two main problems that drag the book down: the setting itself being underdeveloped and the Ranger alumni cameos.
Ranger Academy itself? Meh
A criticism that immediately came out following the book's release, that I agree with for the most part, is the book pretty much follows the structure of a "magic school" story to a T. A "normal" kid who wants more out of life gets thrust into this new world by some kind of outside force. The school has a category system where kids get put into select campuses based on personality or skills. The main character doesn't fit in with everyone else until they find some friends to take care of them. There are secrets about the school that are being kept from the students, and secrets of the main character's family being hidden from them. Also, there's a bully.
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During my first read of the issues, I agreed that this was a detriment to the book, but now rereading it again, I think the problem is less that the book follows these tropes and more that it speeds through these tropes REALLY QUICKLY. You can tell they want to move things along to the good stuff where Sage morphs, and I understand why - this is a Power Rangers book, and people want to see Power Rangers. But at the same time, you really don't get much of a chance to get to know the school outside of its basic layout of its campuses and that the headmaster is literally a giant floating head. You don't learn any of the non-cameo teachers' names, outside of the librarian, and that's mostly because he was part of Rhianth's old friend group. You see some of the classes Sage has to take, but there's no discussion on if each color campus focuses on a particular subject. We establish that first years are on a rotation schedule of attending classes in a different color campus each day, but what's the difference between classes in the Blue Campus and classes in the Pink?
Now this might seem trivial, and it kind of is. It does help the reader feel Sage's overwhelming new situation by not giving her, and therefore the reader, the full picture. And there's nothing saying that these concepts won't get developed down the road. Sage has three and a half years left of school, after all, assuming the book continues long enough to cover that length of time. But when it comes to these kinds of stories, the school's operation is a huge part of the charm - what makes THIS magic school stand out against all the others on the YA shelf? You basically have to turn the school itself into a character. Hogwarts is so iconic because that series does this perfectly. Ranger Academy simply doesn't have that yet - it still just feels like a generic school, really an army training camp more than anything due to the hostage negotiation and survival classes she takes, with nothing to make it stand out except for the promise that we'll get to actual Power Rangers stuff soon.
Oh, and.....the cameos.
The Cameos
So.....yeah. This is a big one for me. I think there's time for the series to fix my issue of the school itself feeling underdeveloped, but it's already too late for the cameos
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Back when Ranger Academy was first being advertised, they were quick to show off that the book could cameo any ranger at any point in the franchise - the book itself accomplishes this through the Rangers using tubes as a sort of interplanetary, interdimensional Zoom........or just kind of.....showing up, as is the case with Cruger, Yale, and Katie. (I don't really know what constitutes a cameo physically being there as opposed to a tube hologram. It's another thing the book hasn't explained the rules for yet.) And for the most part, this is a fine idea. It makes sense, and fun for the simple novelty of "look!! it's my blorbo!!!" that no one is immune to.
But they get more and more out of place as the story of Ranger Academy starts to pick up.
Like I said before, the book is starting to hint that the school only having five colors isn't COMPLETELY MMPR pandering - the school is, indeed, intentionally erasing certain Ranger colors from their students' awareness. As someone who would love for the big twist to be this school and its system is inherently corrupt, this is a good start.
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HOWEVER. In order to make this work, you have to assume that a) the Ranger histories that the students learn about just don't mention ANY rangers that aren't red, blue, black, pink, or yellow and b) the Ranger alumni who teach there don't mention them either. And that's just too much for me to believe, I'm sorry. For some colors like orange and white, maybe, but gold? Silver? GREEN???????? There are too many of those guys to believe they can get covered up. And I really don't see the ranger alumni being okay with erasing their teammates from history. Green is the third-highest ranking at SPD. Hello? SPD? I think these guys would have heard of SPD? Since Cruger teaches there? (And if not at school then certainly once they're out and traveling the galaxy.)
I've mentioned before that the cameos are starting to feel more like a higher-up mandate than something the author chose to do, and that'll only be supported by a lack of explanation as to how this works with the narrative they're weaving AND if none of the cameo rangers actually.......play a real part in all this. Not that I want the canon characters to overshadow the new characters, but it would feel like kind of a letdown to have access to ALL of these characters and not give them anything to do besides generic exposition (there's really nothing specific to their characters in.....ANY of the cameos' dialogue, besides the five hundredth "uh, is that a CAT???????" joke with Yale.) or not take the chance to develop some of them by, say, assigning them a mentorship role to a specific student. I LOVE seeing Katie, after BOOM kind of ignores her in favor of Jen, but is all she going to amount to is being their bus driver? I didn't even realize it was her until people pointed out that they called her Professor Walker. Nothing about her suggested that she was Katie. So I worry about the aforementioned "it's my blorbo" novelty to wear out pretty fast if the cameos start to feel more and more like just fanservice for people to post about online.
But overall.....it's fine. I'm going to keep reading, and we'll see where this goes. I don't think everyone will like this - as seen by how I barely see anyone talking about it lol. But I'm cautiously optimistic now that we're getting into the meat of things with Sage's new, FORBIDDEN!!!!!!!!! color.
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(Just don't bring in Dark Specter oh god please)
Misc Thoughts:
= For all the build-up that the First Trial would be this HORRIBLE LIFE-THREATENING OH GOD HELP ME event, it was actually pretty...lowkey. They literally had no trouble until someone broke their ankle, which....could happen anywhere, at any time. Fern did that, you ain't special. We didn't even see any of those cool monsters they kept bringing up
= So after all my confusion about when and where this series is set, going back in my reread helped me notice that there IS a clue towards setting in a scene where Sage is going through yearbooks: a shelf labeled "Class of [X]498" (the first number is obscured by one of Sage's narration boxes.) So it's.....tentatively set in the far future of the PR universe?
= I've said it before that I don't blame the author for apparently not knowing that previously the books established Xybrians like Kartyr follow a name pattern of a one-syllable word (Trip, Star, Ace, Trek, etc) but it is a little funny to imagine the possibilities. Jerk, Dick, Twerp
= I think a joke could have been done with Cruger, a dog, and Yale, a cat, being in the same room together
= I hate that the Academy was founded by Zordon. It's too low-hanging fruit for me. I'll say it again that I wish it could have just been founded by some OC team
= #Lindy4Orange2024 and FUCK the Bandorian Monks!
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mariana-oconnor · 11 months
The Empty House pt 1
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Now, in the hour of our greatest need, a hero rises to answer the call. Our dear friend John Watson provides food for our reading appetites and bravely returns to write the tales of his dearly departed* partner, Sherlock Holmes.
*all facts correct at time of writing
You may be forgiven for assuming that my silence indicated that ‘The Final Problem’ truly was the end of my association with Sherlock Holmes, and indeed of the man himself. The passage of time and many subsequent tellings of the tale has not diminished me joy in saying that it was not so.
No, seriously though, the fact that Letters from Watson is going with the conceit that Watson knew when he sent the email that Holmes wasn't dead and then just went radio silent for three weeks is fucking hilarious. It's what Holmes would have wanted. I mean, he's not dead, but even so. I love the dramatic bitch energy here.
It was in the spring of the year 1894
I feel like this is as definite and accurate a date as we're ever going to get in these stories.
Also, I have definitely read this one before, multiple times. Partially for my own enjoyment when I was younger, but also during my Sherlock fandom phase where I needed to verify some original canon so I could mutate it terribly for my own personal amusement.
I definitely remember whodunnit and how this time, but I'm not sure if that's actually going to be the mystery.
Only now, at the end of nearly ten years,
So this is a story set in 1894, written in 1903, read by us in 2023.
I should have considered it my first duty to have done so had I not been barred by a positive prohibition from his own lips, which was only withdrawn upon the third of last month.
So Holmes stayed 'dead' officially for 13 years? I mean, I guess this is also sort of ACD saying 'please stop sending me death threats. Here it is. He was never really dead. I surrender I surrender.'
As I read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful murder against some person or persons unknown
Totally read this wrong at first as though the murder was against the person or persons unknown. 'We know a murder has taken place, but we don't know who, or even if it was only one person or multiple. But it was definitely murder.' But no, it's the verdict that's against them, not the murder.
There were points about this strange business which would, I was sure, have specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have been supplemented, or more probably anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the first criminal agent in Europe.
It is pretty tragic to think of Watson reading the paper and sighing to himself as he thinks of how Holmes could have helped. But then also casually throwing shade at the police officers, also in tribute to Holmes' memory.
Adair's mother had returned from Australia to undergo the operation for cataract
Health tourism has a long and varied history. In a time before aeroplanes that's a long way to go and a long time to take for surgery. Did Australia really not have any opthalmologists worth their salt at this time? I mean, I don't know how good even the surgeons in London would have been with that sort of surgery, it's a little more finesse than amputations and they had enough difficulty with them. Got to assume that if you're going to take that long travelling for the surgery, there's got to be a reasonable improvement in your chances for survival.
OK, wow, the history of cataract surgery is long and I do not advise you to look it up if you are in any way squeamish about or squicked out by eye stuff. But apparently the earliest cataract surgeries known are in the 5th century BC, although modern surgery methods didn't seem to really get good until around the 1950s. Basically yes, infection was very possible and her vision would never be the same again.
That was very educational and quite unpleasant.
Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing continually, but never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish, and the Bagatelle card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the day of his death he had played a rubber of whist at the latter club.
I know it says that he never played for stakes that would hurt him, but I feel like being a member of three different clubs is a sign of something. Also, the fact that he recently broke up with his fiancee really needs to be relevant later because I cannot imagine why it would be included if not. At least as a red herring.
Mr. Murray, Sir John Hardy, and Colonel Moran
I wonder which of them is important? Clearly it must be Mr Murray. Absolutely could not be Colonel Moran, who is a colonel and therefore a respectable member of society who would never be associated with any crimes.
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I stg ACD had some sort of beef with a colonel at some point in time. That's the only possible explanation. OTHER RANKS ARE AVAILABLE.
She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked she had opened the window.
They need their chimneys checked. Where are the chimney sweeps? I was under the impression that Victorian London was full of chimney sweeps. Was I lied to? Shove a small child up that chimney at once!
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The door was locked on the inside, and no answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help was obtained and the door forced. The unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. His head had been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room.
Locked room mystery! Locked room mystery! Locked room mystery!
The window is open, but this is the second floor, and it's worth noting for any American readers, that in the UK the second floor is one higher than you think. We have ground floor, first floor, then second floor. So that's a pretty high window to reach.
(Unless there was already a small child lying in wait up the chimney...)
A minute examination of the circumstances served only to make the case more complex. In the first place, no reason could be given why the young man should have fastened the door upon the inside.
Sometimes people just lock doors. I automatically lock doors behind me sometimes. My brain is just like 'ooh, lock!' I made my flatmate at university think I hated her because I used to lock myself into my room, but I just... be like that.
There was the possibility that the murderer had done this and had afterwards escaped by the window. The drop was at least twenty feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full bloom lay beneath. Neither the flowers nor the earth showed any sign of having been disturbed, nor were there any marks upon the narrow strip of grass which separated the house from the road.
So I know how this goes, but I feel there is a very real alternative solution to this puzzle that involves a circus troupe, an archer and a tightrope walker. Not sure how they'd get the tightrope back, but that can be sorted out in editing.
Again, Park Lane is a frequented thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand within a hundred yards of the house.
Fine, people would probably notice the tightrope walking clown...
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^ This guy could do it, is all I'm saying. (Although he would definitely use more than one bullet...)
since, as I have said, young Adair was not known to have any enemy, and no attempt had been made to remove the money or valuables in the room.
No one who gambles that much and consistently wins can be entirely enemy-free, that seems unlikely.
As I did so I struck against an elderly deformed man, who had been behind me, and I knocked down several books which he was carrying. [...] With a snarl of contempt he turned upon his heel, and I saw his curved back and white side-whiskers disappear among the throng.
Oh hai, Holmes. I'm not 100% that this is Holmes but lbr, this is Holmes. The snarl of contempt and abrupt about turn is totally to conceal his identity. Also I want to read The Origins of Tree Worship is it a real book? I feel like it has the potential to be the basis for a decent fantasy book.
but the window was entirely inaccessible, since there was no water-pipe or anything which could help the most active man to climb it.
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I had not been in my study five minutes when the maid entered to say that a person desired to see me.
Drum roll please
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I moved my head to look at the cabinet behind me. When I turned again Sherlock Holmes was standing smiling at me across my study table.
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Certainly a grey mist swirled before my eyes, and when it cleared I found my collar-ends undone and the tingling after-taste of brandy upon my lips. Holmes was bending over my chair, his flask in his hand.
This surprise reveal brought to you by:
If Brandy doesn't save you, at least you'll die drunk!
“My dear Watson,” said the well-remembered voice, “I owe you a thousand apologies. I had no idea that you would be so affected.”
Yeah, totally unbelievable that your bff who has thought you were dead for two years and probably blames himself at least somewhat for falling for the obvious ruse and leaving you alone on the cliffside to face your demise, might POSSIBLY be A LITTLE BIT affected by YOU RISING FROM THE DEAD BEFORE HIS EYES.
You are such a dramatic little chaos gremlin and it's great, but a truly spectacular lack of forethought here.
"Now, my dear fellow, in the matter of these explanations we have, if I may ask for your co-operation, a hard and dangerous night's work in front of us. Perhaps it would be better if I gave you an account of the whole situation when that work is finished.”
Casually rolls back into town, greets bff. 'Like, I could tell you how come I'm not dead, but instead we could both risk our lives first... what do you think?'
"I had no serious difficulty in getting out of it, for the very simple reason that I never was in it.”
A cliffhanger - literally??
Disappointed we only got two synonyms for the falls though: "awful abyss" and "dreadful chasm" I was hoping for some other ones. "merciless maw", "terrible void", "cruel crevasse", "fell fall", "godawful gap". Hopefully some more can be shoehorned into the next bit.
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peppertaemint · 5 months
Dear Peppertaemint,
This unnecessary mess with Taemin and fan behavior has made me think about different levels of disclosure within the fandom community, the industry, if there are limits and who should be aware of them. I have some questions, more like openings to get some food for thought because I don't think there's some definitive answer to this.
Do you think an idol should be more careful when they disclose information regarding career management? I couldn't help but think of a similar situation with Jimin when he casually revealed in an interview with Japanese media that BH considered having a music video for the entire album an unreasonable request. That led to uproar and I admit I was surprised and angry myself. But then again, Jimin didn't elaborate more on that aspect and the matter hasn't been brought up again. I believe that the situation with Taemin is sort of similar, as in he made a statement on a live stream which was taken as an indication of mismanagement by SM. Do you take they should be more careful on how idols phrase their statements? Perhaps either elaborate more, knowing how the fandoms are behaving lately? Should they take that into consideration? Or perhaps they have no part in how fans are reacting?
Hi @reflections-in-a-critical-eye <3 I love that you sent an official Ask, lol.
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I've been thinking about this since the mess started, and although it is complicated, I think it's a mix of pervasive low EQ as well as the Western savior complex at play.
It would be a shame if artists felt they couldn't share what they already do with us. I appreciate Taemin's honesty, even if it creates chaos. I wouldn't want him to stop being himself because of fan behavior. Apparently, that's what happened with NCT Ten due to fan behavior, and now he barely comes to Bubble or anywhere to speak to fans. :( And we know Jimin really limits what he shares, too, so we wouldn't want that relationship damaged further.
What I think is required is EQ on behalf of the fans. This feels silly to write, but it's sort of EQ 101 that is helpful for everyday life. Emotions can be contagious and some people are more prone to catching them than others. Having healthy boundaries means not accepting everyone else's emotions. If an artist says "I'm upset" that doesn't mean you have to take on that upset.
Another part of EQ, complicated by social media, is how we interpret each other's emotions. In-person, someone can say, "I'm disappointed by this," and as the listener, we're using verbal and non-verbal cues to understand the full meaning of what is being said. How upset is the person, how much has it affected them, do they seem okay, are they sharing to unburden themselves, does the issue seem resolved? These are all questions that often go through a person's head when they're confronted with someone sharing their thoughts and feelings. When this happens in person, it's a natural process for most of us.
When we're encountering a piece of media, for some, it's much harder to engage in these EQ processes. When Taemin sends Bubble messages, unless he adds a specific marker of tone (like the Korean "haha" or "keke" or some other emoji or face), it's up to us to interpret the extra bits. We don't know if he was crying while sending these messages or playing Nintendo or something, totally fine (I don't think he was crying, btw; I am just using that as an example!).
I'm not sure what Jimin's non-verbal communication was when he dropped the bit about the label denying him music videos for all songs on his album. If he was smiling while saying it, that would be a signal that although a disappointment, what happened is okay. When Taemin said he was disappointed, he wasn't sad or distraught. Those non-verbal cues told me that, although it wasn't what he'd hoped for, things were okay and this wasn't something to dwell on. Instead, many people latched onto his disappointment and took an emotion that maybe seemed to be at like, an intensity of 3 (to me) and ratcheted it up to a 10. This isn't good for anyone, and especially not him.
The other side of this is fan as a Western savior (colonialist!). It's a constant issue when it comes to international fans of Kpop, many who are Western and perceive that Western ways are superior, and that success in the West is of greater value than success in any part of Asia. They also feel that they "know better" than industry people in SK (and often even their artist!), and that they must demonstrate activism on social media to "save" their artist.
A good example of this is that even when international SHINee fans were confronted with K fans asking them to stop engaging in online activism about Taemin's performances because it would be damaging to him to continue, they did not stop. Being confronted with cultural context (K fans were explaining that what they were doing wasn't good culturally and was reflecting poorly on him), they did no self-reflection but carried on, trying to "save" their artist.
There are a lot of nuances of Korean culture that feel counterintuitive to non-Koreans. I had a Korean friend tell me that I should use filters on my thoughts and opinions in writing so people understand clearly that I'm stating my thoughts and opinions, such as "I think that..." etc. At the time, I thought it was odd and a misunderstanding of rhetorical writing (LOL, me being an asshole), but later in my study of the Korean language, I learned that this is how people are expected to express thoughts and opinions in Korean and the language is set up to enable this. It's considered impolite or aggressive to use different constructions. So, in this way, I'm not surprised that international fans struggle to understand the Korean perspective. It's subtle and nuanced and might feel counterintuitive to them depending on their home culture.
There is one other facet to consider, and that's just plain bias. We are biased toward our favorites and want them to have everything. And how dare anyone not give them exactly what they want. Fans are like out-of-control parents at their worst, lol. So, even if a calm and perfectly fine Taemin says "I'm disappointed because of X", a swathe of people will go into crazy mommy mode. Give my baby boy everything!!!
Anyway, this is probably a too-long reply, but this is my take on what's happening here. I don't think idols need to change their behavior, even if part of me thought, Taemin, you've really done it now. LOL. There is a fundamental difference between sharing honest emotions and fans struggling to parse them versus situations where bullying and harassment are thanked or congratulated (RM), or someone saying they received death threats from fans is met with silence (BTS). Even though Taemin's words did spark the fan debacle, he still took responsibility for it all and spoke about Yeonjun when his junior was being slammed online. While it's true he made no mention of the girl group who covered Guilty, I think he mentioned Yeonjun specifically because of the fan's bad behavior.
Jimin may have deserved an infinite budget for his debut album, and I certainly would have loved to see more beautiful, dance-focused MVs from him, especially in a larger project a la Lemonade. But, that wasn't in the cards this time, for whatever reason. It's understandable to be disappointed by this. If I heard Taemin wanted a visual album and didn't get it, I'd be so sad. But I guess there is a final EQ point to be made. Just because we feel sad or angry, as you mentioned, that doesn't mean we have to act on it... Were you secretly emailing expletive-laden missives to Big Hit, hmm? Did you launch "akgae" campaigns online against other BTS members in hopes that they'd be sidelined so Jimin could get a bigger budget? Do you have a secret DC Gallery account?
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recreyo · 1 year
As of right now, "Recreyo Chan" has had three official appearances in videos, one possible season 2 design sketch, and two off-hand references.
Aaand, with promises from Curt that the SCP arc will have actual lore, and a VC that signified that Recreyo definitely knew about the fandom's thirst for lore... I think it's safe to say that RC may have more to do with it than what was initially planned from when she was first created. Especially when her recent appearances have been.. odd, and a specific event in the official Recreyo Discord had thrown us all for a loop.
This post is to showcase my thoughts and hopefully provide some clarity on who she actually is. (And if I'm sensible, then what she also could be.)
Warning: this may be a little long.
RC's debut was on Nov 16, 2021 for an Anime NYC announcement. You can find the video here.
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From this video alone, RC definitely appears more like a mascot than anything- a one-off character who would only be mentioned for two visual gags from then on, plus a drawing that Ivan did shortly after the second video.
It's important to note that one of these references were definitely coincidental, and I don't want that to be forgotten. However, I wanted to address it just in case. After all, an accidental reference could very well be spun into a lore tidbit.
( The picture below is from a video's ad I can't remember, so if you find it please lemme know )
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The video that that frame is from is old, that much I know. But recently, definitely after that video was up for months, Ivan dropped a possible season 2 design for RC. (3/23/23)
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And what do you know, on the 17th, only 6 days before that drawing was sent in the Discord, we saw RC again. Albiet, it was just by name, so we don't know if it was just another gag. It likely is, since the animator could've drawn it ages before we saw it uploaded, but...
Let's just keep it in mind.
( The picture below is from We Let an AI Write This Video )
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After these small bits, though, we got two actual appearances from RC. Ones that actually kept her design and so we know for a fact that they are the same character. INTENTIONALLY this time, I should add.
( Picture below is from Can You Survive Dr. Stone? )
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At 9:31, Curt says "Nah, I gotta progress the plot." and we see the screen glitch with this frame showing up. This is, without a doubt, RC. From the blue hair, the red tie, and even the spiral cheeks- this is the mark that she was becoming something more.
(Plot-relevant, if you will.)
Being deliberately consistent now, we can take this a little more seriously.
I wanna say that although I don't know the specific time, the video was uploaded at the latest: 2:48 PM. I know this since that was time of the earliest message about the video in the Discord.
You might think it's redundant, but I bring the time up because everyone who was in the Discord would know that something else had happened that day, and it's incredibly important that we're all aware of it.
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This person, who I'll call CA, had joined at 4:12. Two whole hours after the video was released, and so a lot of people had already watched it by then and had theorized about RC's surprising return.
Everyone's lore theories were public. And although framed as a hacker, CA was all obviously a plot by Recreyo to get us riled up for the lore. We know this, since Curt himself had showed up in the general chat prior to "play dumb" about everyone's collective breakdown.
Anyway, to summarize what had happened after CA showed up:
Everyone was pinging them, flirting, etc. Basically trolling, but also publicly theorizing that they were RC's account. By the way, "c̶" also was in the video's description, almost matching CA's name.
CA had a role (shown above) that put them at the top of the member-list. They were also apparently unbannable according to the mods.
Curt got "hacked" and if memory serves right, his PFP changed to the glitching RC picture. He sent the message "c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛" into the announcements channel.
Den banned Curt after confirming that he was "hacked."
Curt rejoined and got his Recreyo role back. However... CA is still online as I type this.
Again, everything was obviously a stunt, and I don't need to argue about that. However, I want to take all of this seriously in the sense that it's lore-related, because if we keep on going "it's just a joke" then everything in Recreyo's lore wouldn't matter. So SHUT THE FUCK UP IF YOU'RE TYPING "IT WAS AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE" (BECAUSE IT WASN'T EVEN APRIL FOOL'S FOR THEM!!!!)
Anyhow, I think it's obvious that CA is connected to RC. Whether they're the same person or not, the glitch theme mixed with the hacker idea is way too similar. And if you're not convinced that it's even a motif, then let's go into today's upload.
( Picture below is from Officially Announcing the New Recreyo Member )
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..Yeah, so this is happening. This is real.
An interesting detail is that RC was originally Den before glitching onto the frame. And if you continued watching, you'd notice that the screen pans over and Den shows up on the other side of the picture.
So... this is where we end with our sudden appearances, and we actually begin diving into what RC could be doing here, and what her place in the lore will be.
Let's run down the thoughts that I have:
A popular idea right now is that RC is an AI gone rogue. With the theme of glitching, it definitely fits.
As an explanation for her appearances, we can also assume that she hacks into the videos itself, and what we see on screen wasn't actually what was happening. So instead of her just appearing next to Christian like when they were recording, she instead corrupts the video as it "uploads." This is my current idea, since when questioned about the Dr. Stone video, Curt said:
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As for her place into the story, there's a few possible ways for her to be integrated with the current SCP arc. Maybe she's an SCP herself, maybe she's the mystery guide...
I personally believe that she's the one who caused the blackout in the sculpture scenario. In my own headcanon, I had stated that RC worked with the SCP foundation and was integrated with all of the technology. I might not fully believe that now, but I still agree with the latter half.
If she's a professional hacker due to her AI abilities, I don't think it's farfetched she'd be messing up the SCP foundation and trying to get Recreyo killed...
But why? What incentive would she have?
...Well, I've had an idea for a while. I've had RC in my own headcanon lore of Recreyo for quite a bit, and I even called the possibility of her being an AI. The malice I believe that she'd hold towards her creators involves the theme of freedom. Being a real person rather than a character. Vengeance.
I definitely doubt that The Bunker Trio would be brought back (as much as it pains me to say) but something I associate a lot with them is how much tragedy they went through.. solely because of Recreyo. Being original characters, all of their pain was directed by Curt and exploited for content, IN-UNIVERSE.
These themes I have with them are something that extends to RC. I believe that RC is intending to take over the Recreyo channel as payback for bringing her into a world just as a mascot. If she was given the blessing of intelligence, then why the hell was she only used as a mascot?
This is getting a little meta, but I want to emphasize how she was only a lifeless one-off character. I honestly believe she only has lore now because Recreyo realized how obsessed with it we are. So they dig up an old character who hasn't been touched in two years, and suddenly she's the star of the show?
RC is sick of being used as an "idol." She'll let her face haunt the videos for now, but she's going to take over one way or another.
....Or something like that. I can't tell if this even makes sense, but that's basically what I think about RC. I have other headcanons, like how I think she and Roberto work together as a duo, but those are far from what's actually happening.
But then again, I only have these stupid headcanons because I hadn't counted on her becoming a character again. I thought that she was honestly retired.
I might've originally dug a path far from the road of canon, but if it means Recreyo is finally exploring their potential of storytelling, then hell- you already know that I'll be running back.
(Also while I was typing this, CA changed their name to CAN. So.. yeah.)
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fallingforfandoms · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @all-my-worlds-a-stage (and sorry for only getting back to you so late, but, you know, ideas had to be dwelled upon, etc etc etc)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 - could have been less if I had been a a more responsible human being with more impulse control, could be more if I wasn't such a goddamn perfectionist, sigh.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
332,695 (because my projects usually escalate way too quickly, sorry not sorry)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Officially, Tatort - Tatort Ludwigshafen to be specific. Currently peering over the edge for Münster and Wien. And I had a huge obsession with the MCU and The Witcher and Sherlock before, and still have half a novel based on The Night Manager up on my drive somewhere. And then there was also that missing scene from House of Cards that started it all on AO3 (but it's buried beneath a bunch of Lena Odenthal content now, thankfully).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sonne, See und Sterne: The summer holiday fanfic that I wrote throughout December and January (... sounds pretty normal imo) for Lena Odenthal and Johanna Stern and that I still like to read from time to time to dive back into that vibe :')
A Scarred Sunrise: My debut fanfic on ao3, the infamous House of Cards oneshot that probably only got this many kudos because it's not part of a German niche fandom :'D
The Hand Is a Servant of the Heart: The very first Lena/Johanna fic that I published, yet another missing/adapted scene from canon (aka from one of the more traumatising Ludwigshafen episodes that needed some sort of ... band-aid to be fixed, lol).
Das Nest: My very first fluff & smut Lena/Johanna fic that didn't fall into the abyss of trauma and tragedy but instead escalated into a Love Actually rip-off by the end (and I still adore it for that).
Liens de cuir et mains de soie: A dom/sub/switching kinda character study/crossover between Lena Odenthal and Esther Baumann set mostly in France, inspired by the lovely but lowkey deranged idea by @disappointingsalad at the start and improved by her very own contribution at the end - thank you so much! :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, because I love each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart!!! <3 (Also, the only reason that it takes long-ish for me to reply to some of them is that I cannot stop grinning and jumping up and down out of pure joy every single time I re-read them to reply properly, so, sorry not sorry, but you people make my day with those and I save them in an extra outlook folder because of that <3)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Since I'm usually rather fond of happy endings, I tend to resolve most of the tension. "Zerrissene Fäden" would be a possible candidate though. Maybe also "I've Come To Burn Your Kingdom Down" or "A Scarred Sunrise". Because of the uncertainty that still simmers through towards the end, but idk.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, since I'm a sucker for happy endings, they're all quite happy so far. But the happiest ... huh. Maybe "Das Nest". Or "Sonne, See und Sterne". Or "Liens de cuir et mains de soie". I can't decide on this either, apparently, oops :'D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, no. But that's one of the few advantages of a small German fandom without great shipping wars, I suppose :'D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yes. Been there, done that, many kinds of that, in fact. Anything from the sweet vanilla kind (looking at all those 'found family' tropes) over the fast and messy ONS kind to the dom/sub-themed and/or throuple 'well that escalated quickly' kind. Each has its own perks. And its challenges (looking at the classic wlw problem of overusing "she" etc). But I still love delving into those headcanons on a regular (and mildly irresponsible) basis ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I wouldn't call it far-fetched since both fandoms are Tatort-related, but the sub/dom-themed Ludwigshafen/Saarbrücken crossover up on ao3 is definitely ... some kind of crazy. And then there are also all those Wien / Münster / Bremen ideas which haven't quite left the nest that @all-my-worlds-a-stage and I have so far built for them. Look forward to those ;) Also, in non-Tatort terms, there was this one Geralt/Loki fanfic I started years ago but I'm ... not even sure I'd find that cursed document again at present :'D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'd know of it (niche fandoms strikes again).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope (niche fandoms strikes again).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with @disappointingsalad. And I'm currently working on some other ideas that require more than my last two braincells, in this case with the help of @all-my-worlds-a-stage ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Given my ao3 history, the case seems pretty clear - definitely Lena Odenthal/Johanna Stern. Honorable mentions go out to Sherlock/John, Geralt/Jaskier and Jamie/Brienne. And to Wilhelmine Klemm as well, because whoever she ends up with is so goddamn lucky to have her (and I'm here for each and everyone of them).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh God. Most of them, I suppose, given the lethal combination of adhd and perfectionism that rule my brain? :'D But the first thing that came to mind was the band AU I started a couple of months ago. Because the movie playing in my mind just at the thought of it is already so perfect and I don't have any idea how to get all of those scenes written down in exactly that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue? The amount of raw dialogue I've written as a kick-off for some vague idea is ... quite telling. In many ways.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Introspection. Whenever it comes to the thoughts of characters, my own mind is just ... blank. No idea what they could be feeling or thinking in this very moment, or rather, no idea how to phrase it without putting it into dialogue. Yeah, I know, just what a non-TV writer needs to work properly :'D
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Been there, done that, probably wouldn't do it again, at least not in the way I did it then.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially, House of Cards. Unofficially, probably Sherlock? Or the MCU? That was ... ages ago though.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
You CANNOT ask a mother which of her children she- well. Wait a minute. I think I'll throw "Von Schwertglanz und Schattengewächsen" in there, the medieval Tatort Ludwigshafen AU I started this February. Because this is such a long-ass project that has accompanied me through some pretty ... interesting months and I worked so many inspirations and easter eggs into it. And I'm continuing to do that now, in this very moment, because I watched a very gruesome Tatort Wien episode (thx for the rec @carlomainzinger ;_;) that had just the right amount of protective & soft found family vibes and raw & unfiltered force to thwart me back into this setting (not as hard as Bibi was thwarted around her own flat though, uargh). So, yeah, uh, look forward to that, the wait might be over soon ;)
Well. That was fun. Throwing this over to @carlomainzinger @mordsfesch @krejong @rheingoldweg12a @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @disappointingsalad @karin-in-action @khalaris @cornchrunchie and literally anyone else who wants to join in, no pressure though!
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tklyhcs · 6 months
alright uhhh i saw some people requesting this on other blogs so i'm stealing those actually, taking those thanks (using this an excuse)!! this isn't the fandom i necessarily wanted to start with but the other ones i wanna write have insane amounts of characters so boy band men first i guess
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heartsteel hcs here we gooo
kayn 💜
ok fr he's so fun to write for, didn't expect this one to be so cute. easy ler and lee! he likes to be a little bully and use his dirty little grabbers, mostly at ez let's be real. he isn't confident he's gonna win any other matchup so ez is easy picking. and thanks to the blooper reel k'sante is another target because kayn is a scrapper and crawls all over him like a monkey. mostly spiders his fingers all over and laughs evilly like he's won a hard fought battle. he's slinky and quick so he mostly has his target begging for someone else's help, and when they do get said assistance he cries and whines that it's not fair. don't be fooled he enjoys the extra attention!
he just plays to win all the time so when someone else tags in he's sure make everyone know that HE WOULD HAVE WON!!!! HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR EVERYONE ELSE CHEATING!!!! and man that stupid leash why does he even wear it if someones gonna tie his wrists in a knot. and like a true lee he wears that crop top so when he's all tangled go for the abs! he laughs so much it becomes obvious how he got so cut, by laughing his lungs out apparently. when he laughs his fangs show too it's cute.
he's also painfully obvious about not minding since he neeeever calls mercy, never surrenders. he just deals with it! not something someone who DOESN'T enjoy it would do. he could easily call mercy and call it quits but hmmmm he doesn't seem to want to, odd.
for spots i wanna say the waist is really really bad. top of the ribs under the armpits, his abs, his sides, all have him kicking his legs with a shout. he also scream laughs, explodes into laughter at first touch. but his voice also cracks at the first yelp, sounds like a cute lil boy shriek. partial to being "attacked", as he calls it, on the couch. he likes getting to be able to flop down and pass out after, sorta like a little kid it's so fucking cute bro he tuckers himself out laughing and wriggling on his back. dude is exhausted n happy (he swears he is NOT happy abt this) he's just tired for no reason okay. now it's his post giggle episode nap!
k'sante 💛
hear me out ok when i saw his shirt being a turtleneck i was IMMEDIATELY LIKE 🫵 his spot is the neck. it's so the neck. suddenly for him there's more than a few perks of being like.. 6'7" and it's not just being able to get things from high shelves. kayn and ez are menaces to this man it's gotta be 2 on 1. and in the official art pieces, ez getting carried on his back? oof k'sante y'all shouldn't have done that. cause now there's legs locked around his chest and ez is like SURRENDER OR DIEEE and getting all up into that shirt collar. he SCREECHES and spins around trying to shake him off he's stuck on him now. hopping around doing a lil giggly dance with ez on his back. kayn jokes and teases about how instead of focusing on singing, he should work on his dancing instead!
thanks to the blooper reel i can die on the hill that k'sante is a whiny boy and calls yone for help all the time. yoneee helpppp they're bullying me m gonna tell yoneee aaaa. kayn saying OH YOU BIG BABY stop complaining!! no one to help you now! ez is this guy's worst nightmare his cold little fingers are like knives on his neck. k'sante tends to run hot so they're just so nicely sticking a cold can of soda to his nape to help obviously. yone will help sometimes but mainly just because he's trying to keep the team on track (he will also torture k'sante with cold soda cans).
necks are a good tickle bite's worst enemy. chomp. and when someone is up in there biting, he just has to laugh and wait til it's over ☺ and with both of his elbows bent up so he can use his hands to cover his neck. gasp.. who's to protect his armpits! 🤭 noooo one! his neck is his worst spot so he'll make sure to keep it covered! but that does mean he'll get some armpit tickles instead! pick your poison k'sante. they team up on him like this often and ngl he likes it when they're close on em! sweethearts. but he doesn't wanna LOSE so he brings his puppy eyes to yone he's like 👉👈 yone.. help.. what a cop out! but it's not that great of a cute beg it's more like k'sante scream laughing and attempting puppy eyes but yelling HELP AAAA YONE HELP awkwardly waggling his arms. i love making big men be tickly and look foolish. sorry i love embarrassing them uwu
ezreal 💚
wow what a lee he's textbook lee i bet he has a secret tumblr account for all his private tk blogging activities. there's a lot to say about him: MOST IMPORTANTLY though his cute smile alright look at his teeth they're so fucking cute i'm obsessed. probably his only weapon as a ler are his sharp teeth. pointed and dull at the very bottom makes for very ticklish bites, so beware if you're too confident in winning! he will wiggle his head between your head and shoulder and bite! exaggerated fake growls and all. he'll be a little too proud of winning, so don't let him.
he has a reaaaally cute snort laugh too. i think his fans would document it thoroughly and embarrass him by posting clips of it nonstop. he has a more controlled laugh for outings because he's serious about his fandom image, but sometimes he laughs at something and chokes on his breath a bit there. i think it would be a shame of someone (kayn) decided to squeeze his side and make him giggle and snort while he's doing some filmed social media trend. that would soooo bad amiright 🫶 lol he would scream, cover his mouth, and tell his followers that he's BUSY and MUST LEAVE immediately. he basically RUNS to his room to scream into his pillow. like how dare u embarrass him in front of his online friends.
the clip hits all platforms in record time and he maaaay read a few comments because it's people saying it's cute of him and he secretly fawns over those. like "omg you think i'm cute heehee" he's ridiculous. but phel and kain playfully tease him sending pig emojis 🐖🐖🐖 ez is like "DON'T SEND THOSE TO ME DON'T- HEY DON'T POST THAT ON SOCIAL NOOO DON'T COMMENT MY FANS WILL SEE" and they all affectionately change his name in their phones to 🐖 just to tease him.
for spots, he'd be ticklish up sides to his ribs, spidering fingers have him slumped into the couch, laughing hard and snorting, of course. his feet and knees are quite ticklish! only known because he tends to put his feet up and yone continuously tells him to knock it off. but he found that suddenly tickling his socked foot does the trick.
aphelios 💙
he's a difficult one, since he's not much of a talker! but not like he's spared from anyone's wrath. his laugh is what you'd expect and it's fantastic; breathy, wheezy, and full of obvious mirth.
he's prone to pranking the others and while he can be nonchalant and aloof, sometimes the sight of one of the others falling or making utter fools of themselves has him in stitches (and being forced to laugh via tickling is no different). and when he wears his mask it's especially endearing to see his eyes screwed shut as well as him holding his stomach and hunching over, shoulders shaking.
he can't help acting like a little troublemaker and they always pounce on him after he gets someone good with those pranks he pulls. seems like he's more playful than he looks. if anyone stretches, he's the first to poke. if someone gets stuck doing something, phel is there making sure he doesn't waste the opportunity, what a jerk! so do everyone a favor and give him a taste of his own medicine. he's his own worst enemy though, because once he starts wheezing in laughter you pounce on him with tickles and it's downhill from there. he's already laughing so he has no chance of fending off an attack.
and a secret: he's very weak to teasing too! he doesn't talk back he just hides his face in shyness. they fall for a trap he's so deviously placed and now he's under them, mumbling out giggles when they poke him all over saying "what's so funny huh??" he waves his hands at them and pushes em by the shoulders trying to curl up the best he can. pokes drive him nuts and then when you speed up it's even worse, him trying to catch the offending hands. "no timeouts allowed because you started it!"
but it seems like he just doesn't stop pranking the others, so he must like it more than he lets on. he's surprisingly a goofy lil boy. he laughs himself silly, voice hitching and gasping all the way. he laughs himself DIZZY it's cute. he's like kayn he needs a break after. and usually even after whoever is done bullying him, he spends his time giggling quietly his skin still feels electric. he sure is brave for someone who takes so much time to recover.
yone ❤
he's a fun one, the stoic characters always are. most likely to screw his mouth shut and try to deal with pesky fingers at his ribs until he can't any longer. prone to overworking so breaking his concentration is absolutely a necessary activity. and also breaking his concentration playing video games is also crucial, because according to sett he plays too well so he must suffer and be prodded at during playtime too. -i mean what sett would never stoop so low he says.
anyways- yone's usually the mediator but he can get caught up in the mess when someone points out that he's been getting off the hook when it comes to roughhousing. he typically prefers 1 on 1, so he won't lose kayn says. and maybe that's true no one knows. he's really REALLY good at pretending he isn't at all sensitive and keeps it together for, i dunno, 5 seconds. it doesn't seem like a lot BUT it deters most. not these motherfuckers they're in it to win it.
yone will hold back then the giggles bubble up in his throat and you can hear him hum a moment, then they spill out from his lips. he mumbles and whispers out giggles for a moment then it becomes very apparent he won't win this fight and he covers his mouth. that's when it's over. he really starts to laugh and realizes the sensations just won't stop and he's lost. he's most likely to swear actually lol he's like i can handle this. i can handle this..... Fuck.
once he's attempted to cover his mouth he has already lost. he has a very nice, boisterous laugh and his smile is also a 10/10. it's nice to not see his eyebrows furrowed so much. he's lucky he's good at catching people's offending wiggly fingers or else he'd fall apart way more often. so when they trail fingers up his back where he can't reach them or fend them off? it drives him nuts. index finger from the nape and down the spine has him arching and twisting away with a loud yelp.
and that leaves the stomach vulnerable and that's next. tickling at his stomach and he jumps back and grabs whoever's wrist and says to CUT THAT OUT. okay mr. grumpy, jeez. it works as a good attitude adjustment because if he's mad at one of em for fooling around, this can easily divert his attention. k'sante usually has the job of doing so but when he does, he doesn't get yone's support the next time he's on defense. in fact, yone might lead the charge.
sett 🧡
hahaaaa oh man last but not least. most ticklish easily what a mess. being 6 foot 10 is not gonna help him here. sure he can rough somebody up but this is way more difficult for him. the one to be on the floor first begging "pleeheheaasee-" and kicking his leg like a puppy.
he's OBVIOUSLY most sensitive in the midsection he's a tummy boy okay just trust me. and this man may lift, box, it doesn't matter because if you knead his midsection his strength goes right out the window. you can feel him paw at your prodding hands with the weakest grip you've ever seen. his worst enemy is when you do the claw hand on his belly he's in hysterics i'm telling you. wiggling on his back saying "i give! i give!" and flopping onto his side when he's released from their tickly clutches. now, make that two pairs of hands, or ten, he doesn't have a chaaaaance.
he's definitely a good tickle monster to the others but once they elect k'sante to hold him down (he can bench sett apparently so he's gotta be the bad guy on this one) he's like "NOO DON'T DO IT GUYS I'M SORRYEHHEEHE" he preemptivey starts laughing when he sees wiggling fingers creeping closer and closer to him, begging wildly for mercy before anything happens. he calls out to each one of them, praying that they'll help! he's not the one to take what he dishes out.
and also the ears! don't forget about those! they are oh so ticklish and they twitch when you touch them. roll the delicate ear between two of your fingers and it has him in a fit of giggles. any fighting techniques he might know mean nothing in the face of a laughing fit.
first to help someone relieve stress via giving attention and being a stress toy himself. though, he's prone to going after someone first even if he always loses. we appreciate his effort. he'll probably have someone fighting on his side simply because he's a lost cause. has a good relationship with physical affection! his favorite to give: ticklish kisses n raspberries, in combo with a hug of course. try not to get caught in his clutches. if those are his tactics.. maybe he does deserve to get got. he's not as embarrassed as his track record would suggest! takes his inevitable loss in stride.
haaa this long as fuck 👍 i don't think i've written anything at all since 2018 or smth really i tried to keep these diverse so lmk how i did! also like always i do not reread and check anything so. this is it
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey, Shaz! Hope you're doing well. This is the first time I'm showing myself around here. Love your posts.
I was thinking. Not only is yelling "BH ARE FORCING THEM TO DO FAN SERVICE/PR!" dismissing KM's relationship and Tae's free will to choose his own girlfriend, but it's also so disrespectful towards BTS as a whole and the other members individually. It's perpetuating the idea that idols are nothing but their company's toys and they're forced to do things they don't want to do, something BTS have been trying since pre-debut to prove wrong in their case. It's something Namjoon struggled with a lot back in the day because people loved shitting on his work, dismissing his status as a rapper and calling him an industry puppet. It was and apparently still is a problem. Saying that KM and Tae are forced to do fan service/PR stuff these days is no different than calling them tools, pawns, toys, liars. According to this logic, the BTS members are pretty fake because BH can totally force them to do anything and they're quietly following orders. They have no will of their own, they're being handled, even though they're unfireable millionaires and literally the breadwinners. (Now imagine Yoongi forced to do something. That man would probably set the company's building on fire before he allowed others use him for their benefit. I'm joking. I'm joking. Or am I?)
When we got into this Bangtan stuff, most of us stayed because of how genuine these men were. They were keeping it real, they were relatable, they were "just like us". People always talk about this in the community like it's their life motto. "BTS are genuine" left and right. It's something ARMYs are very proud of. But when it comes to KM the genuineness goes out the window. JM and JK are not genuine. They're feeding us lies. They're this and that. People claim they love them (or at least one of them if they're a hardcore TKer, although a lot of these individuals hate JK as well and it shows), but they're so quick to doubt and portray both JM and JK as awful people. Because if TK is real (which is not), KM are terrible friends to Tae and if I were a TKer and I saw JK in JM's business 24/7 I'd wish TK broke up to be honest. If they have other secret relationships (which they don't), they're being horrible boyfriends to their partners when they suck and bite each other's ear and neck, flirt in broad daylight, hold hands, go out and have fun just the two of them all the time, talk until morning, come together, leave together, joined at the hip and are overall extremely Romantic Couple™.
KM apart, I'm writing this for very specific people, but y'all don't deserve any of these men. Clearly, you don't respect them or their decisions. You don't trust them and you don't believe in their autonomy. You think they're just BH's marionettes. At this point I really don't understand why some of you are stanning them. You obviously don't like BTS.
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Idek what chapter 2 has become. People like me who became Armys last year it was literally such bad timing to join the fandom. I wouldn't be shocked if some people just turned around and left. Ever since solo projects were announced its been a fucking mess. And from what I gather while the vermin were many they never used to be as vile as they are now. Chapter 2 just seems to have made them worse.
When BTS were still doing ot7 stuff it was easy to think we were all ot7. (Well, apart from solos who make that pretty obvious) But these big, big accounts got away with pretending to be ot7 back then. But now with members doing shit one at a time people are showing their true colors and it has not been pretty.
I envy people who support BTS on the surface. People who are only subscribed to BTS official accounts and only listen to their music and watch their reality shows then go about their day. Those people know peace. 😂 Ignorance is bliss y'all.
Stay strong Jikookers. Stay strong. It's gonna be alright. I promise 😘
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inmaki · 4 months
zuma i am so pissed rn you have NO idea AUGH
idk if you remember but i mentioned that i have a jjk fic somewhere out there and i made the reader a third year, right?? and you know how up until the actual culling game arc we don't see the third years at all, so i think it was reasonable for me to assume that they were suspended since yuuta's admission cause even back then they were never brought up.
so i've been making [name] hang out with the second years (first years ig, since i started in jjk 0) only to find out through the wiki page that, apparently, according to the official jjk fanbook, hakari was present during the parade of a hundred demons, and then he beat up some higher up sometime during then and that's how he got suspended. like, WHY DOES GEGE NOT WRITE THIS IN THE ACTUAL MANGA??? i hate plotholes, moreso in my own writing, and now it makes it seem like my reader is actively avoiding their own classmates for no good reason 💀 but i also am not that familiar with either of them so i guess i'm just gonna pretend they ain't there. if gege isn't talking then neither am i.
ANYWAY. i also don't really like how hakari is written but i think i'll save that for a seperate ask,,, thanks for answering my previous question! i've watched pokemon on and off, though the others not so much. i have heard that assassination classroom is REALLY good, though. i'm currently watching solo leveling cause someone asked me to watch it and apparently the mc will get a glow up and i am a simple person. i see a pretty boy who can fight, i click,,, i like plot too ofc, but having attractive people in a fandom is always an asset me thinks.
- 🍉
WAIR WHAAATT first who tf is hakari is it that one guy with the brownish black hair or am i losing it UH. BUT YEA THATS SO WEIRD WHY TF WOULD GEGE NOT EBEN MENTION THAT? 😭 i think he js has so many side characters that he gave up n got lazy.. BUT OMG ARE U STILL WRITING THE FIC?? 👁️ hows it goinf??!
YES JEHEJWN U NEED TO WATCH ASSASINATION CLASSROM PLS. U WIL LNOT REGRET IT I PROMISEEEE <3 solo levellinf trailers keeps coming on my yt fyp so i should prob check it out.. IS IT GOOD SO FAR?
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