#aph rusger
twi-go · 8 months
I ain't sayin' that I'm remaking the Sims 4 'Zachem Ya'. I'm just saying I think about it too much sometimes, now that I have better mods and shit, and also a laptop that can truly handle it.
Literally, a 1% chance of it happening. ...but that's more than 0.
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tadea-gulliver · 2 months
Hello, I'm looking for beta reader for a Hetalia x The Hunger Games au in Spanish, I still don't have much finished, but a service like this would be awesome, if someone it's interested I would gladly appreciated, my message are open, and thank you so much
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hellonerf · 2 months
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my favorite loveless love triangle now in cardverse
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non nyo version here too 🤷‍♂️ also i gave ame a hairclip cz everyone else has head accessories?! felt like something was missing...
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vladislave-2000 · 15 days
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Кхм, так, перейдём от грустной ноте к более умиротворяющему аккорду. Народные росписи, господа! Не знаю, почему захотел сделать такое, но это неожиданно в голову пришло во время занятий с учениками по декоративке. По русским народным росписям я знаю много и могу перечислить, а вот с немецкими росписями было туговато, я знаю, что в мире, когда затрагивают нац. представление о Германии, то сразу представляют именно баварский стиль. Честно, это был ужас, когда пытаешься хоть по крупицам еле как собрать информацию по "Немеции" не зная местного языка. А ведь я прекрасно знаю, что Немецкие земли не однородны и нац. культура не заканчивается только на Баварии. Знатокам Германии прошу не кидаться гнилой картошкой, если нац. узоры не так представлены. (Да и если правду говорить, то тут больше представлено именно нац. вышивка (орнамент), чем роспись. Как правило, наиболее распространенным был именно счётный крест.) Я буду очень рад, если ��ы мне с этим поможете и расскажете все интересные аспекты про немецкую культуру! Россия - Гжелевская роспись.
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Германия - А йух его знает. Точно не Bauernmalerei.
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temnayajija · 8 months
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1918 - 1933
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umahumahumah · 3 months
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Found in my gallery. Dude ......
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deadandcheerful · 25 days
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Честно, девочки, я не подгадывала к 9 мая, просто вчера наткнулась в инстаграме на песню из детства и внезапно узнала, что это немецкая песня про жопу XDDDDD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQian1hYNaA В комментариях, разумеется, одни русские XDDD
@tryasoguzka за дезертирство из фанатов русгера вам грозит кусь, юная леди :3
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russiantapo4ek · 1 year
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ludwigbieshmidt · 1 year
If you pick other please reblog with your answer
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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shadowy-meadow · 1 year
Strawberry gashes
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spoati · 1 year
Consider my vision: Anya x Ludwig where they're both into bdsm but afraid to tell the other one and scare them off so they're only really gentle with each other,,,
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vladislave-2000 · 1 month
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"Хоть шуба овечья, Да душа человечья."
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belchka · 7 months
How DO people write an entire story without suddenly stopping midway. The amount of WIPs I have is embarrassing, I just wish I could post more often.
After roleplaying/writing my boi Gilbert for 5 long years i think i finally got a grip on him and his personality. I’m more of a 1800s/1900s fan but very recently I’ve been learning more about the Teutonic Order, so I think it’d be cool to write something about his time as a knight (and his relationship with the Baltics and the nordics, and everyone else in that area). In addition, i have plenty of ideas for 1800s Prussia, Holy Alliance and all that jazz. Perhaps with time i’ll manage to create a folder for his “character study” through the centuries.
ALSO i gaslighted myself into stanning rusger this past year, and now I can’t stop thinking of cute (and less cute) AUs with them. Are people interested in that ship, even?! Or is just me? 👀
This post makes no goddamn sense, I just wanted to complain on main
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twi-go · 2 years
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Fairytale wedding. Who cares if your castle is crumbling, as long as you’re happy!
 Live in your head, my dudes.
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zatdummesmadchen · 2 years
Hello, I saw you saying a while back in a reblog that you like the idea of nyo!russia x germany, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about them because it's such a rarepair ksmsmdjdj
Hello! Sure, I would love to share some of my thoughts about that pair, bear with me it will be a long post. I am very glad you asked as I am always willing to talk about my beloved rare pairs :3c I prefer the name Anastasia for NyoRussia (Anya for short). Feel free to ask more and sorry if this wasn’t what you are hoping for!
Anastasia is more of a reserved elegant lady than her male counterpart, albeit still socially awkward but a very loyal and a reliable figure to have once you break through her barrier. She mostly is calm around ladies and gets flustered// wary around men at first, although having a positive appearance she still gives off an intense aura when she gets in a bad mood.
With being emotionally unstable canonically, I feel as if someone more emotionally grounded would suit her. Someone who isn’t as unstable as her and being able to take care of her while also treating her as an independent lady. Let’s say that Anastasia has high standards when it comes to her men.
Of course, in comes Ludwig. A young man who has been through so much trauma as she has from such a young age, she would definitely prefer someone who can keep her grounded like he does, respecting her choices while also willing to take care of her breakdowns and maybe not ending up breaking her heart. She’s a sensitive woman and knowing that Ludwig is careful and protective of her.
As much as Ludwig is always in awe of her mental/ physical strength and everything else about her, it’s easy for her to be vulnerable in front of him because he understands her, as someone who appears to to be in charge and strong all the times, Ludwig has those vulnerable moments as well, knowing the feeling of not being able to trust anyone.
Okay so I will give some brief answers otherwise I will be ranting all day—
When did they first meet?
Probably when Gilbert had taken Ludwig as a young teenager over to Russia to discuss some business and political matters, being as protective as he was of his little boy, it was nothing short of a miracle that he had brought along his brother as well. To her country nonetheless, perhaps because her elder sister was there to handle any negative situation.
And it’s safe to say that Anya was a tall woman, similar to her elder sister, with thickness still building up in the right areas and with decent toned muscles. Her long hair was in a braid decorated with ornaments and her eyes looked similar to a frozen lake reflecting violet skies, she was amused at the much younger and shorter German boy, lanky and awkward, genuinely curious to know more about him.
Meanwhile Ludwig was stunned. absolutely floored. Because wow, he had heard and had been excited about exploring Russia and many of its cultural surroundings but he wouldn’t necessarily mind staying in the a same mansion with this beautiful and mesmerizing woman, with a powerful presence and an intense aura, voice smooth and firm in her words. intelligent and observant. And wow, she was tall, no doubt he has seen Erzsebeta (and admired her figure) but for now, he was crushing on her so bad, my guy was going through those hormonal feelings fr.
If Gilbert had noticed it, he would have left sooner, not taking any chances, swatting the boy on his head and dragging him back to Prussia. but as he didn’t notice Ludwig being shook by pretty ladies before, this time he was none the wiser. Same could not have been said to Kateryna who had a knowing look over both of them.
Would they have any other interaction? How?
Definitely. As relations between several European states became more intertwined, most of the nations would interact more with each other. Even though Gilbert, in his own right would be wary of literally everyone, Ludwig would be allowed to do what he wants to eventually within limits. Through his own means, he would secretly send messages to Anastasia, wishing to know more about her with a newfound thrill. Hiding everything from his brother and wanting to communicate with her further.
They would have conversations during his first visits and so, Anya accepts the letter, being intrigued and feeling rather thrilled herself with the boy. Perhaps they would exchange some books, letters or even meet each other during parties. behind closed doors and dark corners of a castle. Anya would be in her late teens while Ludwig is in his early teens, so they both are rebellious teenager dorks crushing hard af. But age for nations is a confusing concept so both of them don’t really care.
Keep in mind that, Ludwig is still in a developing stage, especially with everything he would be going through, he has several unreasonable expectations and would fuck up eventually. in the way of doing so, triggering Anastasia and making her upset. both of them would be at fault somewhat and take it out on each other, passive aggressively that is. keeping everything under wraps is tough, especially when you have an observant older brother who can see through you. and an emotionally intelligent older sister.
Perhaps they would stop communicating, their duties keeping them apart and emotionally distant. through bloody wars and mental trauma their relationship grows strained, perhaps they somehow meet up once again through their siblings or meetings. nonetheless they do.
How would their siblings react?
Kateryna would be very understandable of her sister’s emotions, despite their troubled relationship, she would give honest and blunt advice to her sister about what to do. Being an emotionally intelligent and understanding mental issues, her advices consider very good viewpoints. she is supportive and on alert if her sister gets another emotional breakdown or so. she would find Ludwig to be a gentleman and trust him to take care of her sister. would probably converse with Gilbert about some issues just in case, handling him if things go south.
Natalya is, to put it rather nicely, not pleased. Putting her feelings aside, almost anyone would raise their brow considering the very troubled history between Anya and Ludwig. She would be distrustful and be very protective over her elder sister, often being harsh and brash with her criticism of their relationship. it would take a lot of time for her to come around to such stuff. at least it isn’t Gilbert or Alfred. good god, probably threatens Gilbert.
Yikes, Gilbert would not be in a good place mentally and emotionally after he reunites with his brother, so it might take some time for Ludwig to even consider his feelings. His brother at the moment is a ticking time bomb and have always been intimidating tbh. After few years, when he does comes to know by the courtesy of Kateryna (thankfully and hopefully), she is careful enough with her words which Gilbert is smart enough to decipher, and next thing y’know, he just gives Ludwig an intense lecture and gives reliable advices. he isn’t happy and is distrustful about it, he has known Anya for far more longer and is aware of how mentally fucked up the both young nations are and keeps an eye on the pair just as Kateryna would do.
For how long are they secretly dating?
It’s Anastasia who comes clear with her feelings to Ludwig, it’s rather an awkward and an intense conversation, but clear to the point with no lies and hesitation. They both probably just talk for a while, about how things are going in the present then they meet up regularly. whether in disguise or no, eventually they hook up and grow more closer together, finally only coming out to their family members. Roderick won’t know a word tho. They both would be aware of the stigma that would surround their relationship and it’s a risk none of them are willing to take for the sake of their countries.
they both are avid readers, preferring more logical and scientific themes, such as thriller/crime novels and knowledgeable stories. Anya loves reading stuff about space and Ludwig often indulges her with dozen of books and visits to different scientific centers. also they both are history nerds. They love learning and discovering new things together, watching documentaries and all that. full on nerds.
Ludwig isn’t the best at fashion so Anya usually helps him to look his best, she is a fashionable lady and hella good at it. Both of them are considerably attractive. With Ludwig’s broad and muscly figure and her tall curvy toned figure, their good looks, straight posture, soft neutral expressions and their atmosphere in general makes people turn their heads towards them. His deep voice mixes well with her smooth one and it’s a plus in most situations.
Ludwig loves brushing her hair, long and soft blonde hair that slips through his fingers. usually ties it in a braid and gets nostalgic about the first time they met. Anya loves his hair messy and often messes it up before an occasion, it’s embarrassing for him but also… he actually quite likes how it makes him look more handsome and younger, a casual appearance. Would 10/10 let her do that again because it’s soothing during a stressful day.
They both are athletic, okay maybe Anya is not that athletic but she tries, she honestly prefers gymnastics. Though she isn’t going to miss a chance to see her boyfriend work out, she has a thing for well toned muscles especially if the guy is not arrogant about it. Ludwig would probably let her lay on him as he does push-ups. lifting her up because why not and overall being a flirt because this man KNOWS he’s attractive and Anya is proud of having a strong man.
Ludwig bakes fresh cakes and bread for her sweet tooth, giving her treats just before a meeting and in turn Anya loves sharing her food with him, a hearty meal which she forces down his throat because god forbid— he might grow skinny. and die. Ludwig honestly appreciates it although he is quite healthy tyvm. If he visits her family tho— he might eat enough food for a while family, which he doesn’t know yet. Both of them do domestic chores although Anya doesn’t mind doing most of it, she’s most likely to be a housewife for a while and probably have a small shop she looks after, not caring what anyone else thinks.
Unlike Gilbert, Ludwig actually likes the cold weather and visits Anya a lot- he loves going on walks with her beside a snowy park and simply have coffee with her as they pretend for a while that they have always been this way and that nothing else exists besides them. They both always have stuff to converse about.
Ludwig is terrible at ice-skating, Anya often gets a good laugh about it and drags him anyways. at the end of the day both of them laugh about it and fall over and over again. they could break their neck but it’s fine really. Somewhat drunk at this point.
They both own a garden, and take great attentive care of it. Blooming flowers everywhere and healthy trees. Also tons of dogs they take care of, Anya might adopt a bunny too and overall these both are huge animal lovers, adopting senior pets and feeding strays. Emotionally stunted and mentally troubled couple, but good with morals. trustworthy. also they both love children but they would have a long way to go.
Jealousy? Oh Anya gets jealous af at some moments, but usually she handles herself quite gracefully. She is somewhat possessive at times and Ludwig has to reassure her that he truly loves her. It’s Ludwig who you should be careful of, he isn’t unreasonable but he gets pissed off easily when it comes to a guy making her uncomfortable or crossing boundaries they shouldn’t cross.
Anya isn’t a frail lady, strong and determined, which Ludwig loves and appreciates. especially when he has a gruesome nightmare which they both know about. And Ludwig is gentle, patient when it comes to hers. Sometimes they talk about it, it’s still to soon to open up about it tho. usually one of them makes hot chocolate as they sit together on an armchair with a comedy show playing on the tv, their dogs around them, fireplace lit and the snow falling outside. it’s calming and often just being there with each other is enough to keep them going.
Overall it’s a good thing for them to stay low and be blessed with their mentally resilient, emotionally understanding and psychologically experienced older siblings ready to handle any negative outcomes because things can get messy when you are dealing with a lot of repressed trauma. Less drama too if no one knows about their relationship.
This is all I can think for now!! So glad that tumblr didn’t ate up this ask smh. I will check my inboxes often just in case :/ thank you for the ask again!!
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