#aoi asahina headcanons
mrmillipede · 3 months
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sum of my fav DR girls w my hcs :3
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starry-crowie · 2 months
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So me and my sister have been playing Danganronpa recently 🐻
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0-rai · 8 months
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He's so fucking weird, I love him.
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You know that English teacher with that fat ass bending Infront of you, it's so fucking akward, that thing is ENORMOUS.
Anyways, those are my head canons.
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kiriashini · 2 months
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Aoi asahina sketch with my headcanons
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funishment-time · 5 months
random utdp/summer camp observations #4: alive siblings!! dead siblings!!
in Summer Camp, according to the cutscene "Monotaro's Hope," the following characters have siblings alive or dead in the Nice AU:
the Naegis, obviously
the Despair Twins, obviously (though people don't know that Mukuro exists)
if you think this means we have a Haiji-free existence, unfortunately, you are mistaken:
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relatedly, Baby Girl Kuzuryu is alive:
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as is Baby Boy Asahina:
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but not Big Man Owada, sadly:
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alas, Hifumi's sister is MIA, it seems. and for Kaede's twin truthers, well, it appears she doesn't exist in this universe. woe!!
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Danganronpa sexuality headcanons but instead of cooking I burned the whole house and got arrested for it and also got the death sentence 😭😭
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I was too lazy too put pronouns so I’ll drop them here lol
Sayaka: she/her
Junko: She/it
Leon: He/they
Chihiro: They/Them
Mondo: He/Him (sometimes they?)
Kiyotaka: He/Him
Hifumi: He/Him
Celeste (Taeko): She/it/they
Sakura: uses she/her a lot but doesn’t really care
Yasuhiro: They/it
Aoi: She/Her
Toko & (genocide syo): She/it
Byakuya: He/Him
Kyoko: She/her
Makoto: He/they
Mukuro: She/her
I honestly just went with simple headcanons and nothing crazy cause I’m a lazy bastard haha pls end me
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yawujin · 22 days
I liked your DRV3boys snoring post, may I request that with the THH girls?
request | trigger happy havoc girls x a reader who snores
type | imagine , react , light hearted , non killing game , gender neutral reader
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kyoko kirigiri ♡
kyoko doesn't sleep much, so it's always nice when she can finally get peace and quiet, relax and fall into deep sleep. on a night where it's particularily hard to sleep, she'll listen to your semi quiet snores, the rhythm of them making her more tired by the second. it's at least nice to see you able to sleep well
toko fukawa ♡
as an extremely light sleeper, toko often finds herself listening to you as you snore. whether it be while she's about to fall asleep herself, or she's working overtime and writing her novels, toko finds your snores comforting...unlike SOMEBODY'S *cough cough* genocider jack
aoi asahina ♡
takes it as a sign that you are sleeping well and that you are comfortable enough around her to completely fall asleep. she's happy to cuddle you while you are asleep and lets the sounds of your snores coax her into sleeping.
celestia ludenberg ♡
"oh my, asleep so soon?" she would be petting her cat, interrupted only by the sound of your snores. she figures it's time for her to get to bed. she would prefer it if you don't wake up before her so she has time to prepare to look her best while you're here.
sakura ogami ♡
doesn't allow you to feel self concious about your snoring if you are. "i'm sure most people do it." assures you that you deserve the best rest of your life after training the day away alongside her. "i'll be here when you wake up, goodnight now." and she keeps her word.
sayaka maizono ♡
although she thinks your snoring is quite loud, she cannot blame you. she's almost certain that she snores when sleeping after she spends the whole day practicing her routines for her next stage performance. she's not one to judge you for it, and won't say anything about it to anyone else. you can count on her!
junko enoshima ♡
junko on the other hand, would definitely tell everyone about how loud your snores are. you told her to keep it a secret, but she wants to see you all upset now that people know. she's definitely exaggerating about it, too. "if despair had a sound, it would be your snores." she smiles
mukuro ikusaba ♡
being a light sleeper came with the job of being a soldier. she wishes she could get even an hour of good sleep like you. she contemplates on firing a shot into the air to wake you and interrupt your deep sleep just for the fun of it. she watches your sleeping figure in the dark with admiration, and jealousy.
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unpopularshipperoboro · 8 months
Hope's Peak Academy AU: THH Headcannons
I'm willing to explain why when asked. Also, Syo and Komaru will be with the UDG group, just because Syo is much more relevant there.
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[All art belongs to the DanganRonpa artist and to whoever drew the pride flags]
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thelaughtercafe · 4 months
Aoi, Mikan, and non despair! Junko finding out you're ticklish
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Aoi/F! Reader, Mikan/F! Reader, Junko/F! Reader
Length: 608
Summary: N/A
Aoi Asahina:
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Hina definitely finds out after you guys swim together. 
She’s playful, and still fired up even after such an intense workout, well, for you anyway.
She isn’t called the Ultimate Swimming Pro for nothing.
“You’re not nearly out of breath enough yet!! If Sakura was here she’d say we should keep going but…”
She smiles brightly.
“I don’t wanna kill you or anything- swimming can be really tough, or so my brother tells me. So instead!”
She claps happily, eyes sparkling mischievously. 
“Are you ticklish? I can just tickle you instead so you get a bit more out of our workout!”
You try to stammer in rejection but Hina isn’t gonna have it, sorry lol. 
A quick tickler, she likes to jump between spots and you’re so worn out you can barely even keep up, let alone fight back or retaliate. 
All you can do is laugh and squirm a little, so you do. 
“Wow! This is definitely working! Listen to how loud you are~”
She means well, I swear! 
Her aftercare is godtier too, will totally give you a non-ticklish massage to make up for wrecking you so suddenly. 
“Sorry if I got carried away; kinda couldn’t help it when you looked all cute and blushy haha…”
Mikan Tsumiki:
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Mikan finds out when tending to a wound you have. This is pure self-indulgence for me but let’s say Nagito’s luck “backfired” and left you with a small cut on your stomach. Y'all were cooking and he was cutting the vegetables and when he swung his arm out- whoops. Thankfully, you backed up so it was surface level but Mikan is panicking anyway. You didn’t miss the twinkle in Nagito’s eyes as he sent you off and told you to “enjoy yourself”. 
You brushed it off as him being weird as usual but when you got to the hospital with Mikan, and she goes to touch the area around the wound it clicks. 
You curse him under your breath as you look away to hide the grin that breaks across your lips as her gentle touch tickles like Hell. She puts a bandaid over the wound after making sure it’s not in need of more severe treatment but when she pulls down your shirt you totally slip up and squeal before a laugh escapes. 
You were gonna strangle Nagito later. 
Mikan, for her part, smiles sweetly up at you as she stands. 
“I didn’t know you were ticklish! That’s so cute! Can I?”
She asks you flat out, all polite so you just nod in shock. 
She’s careful around your tummy even with how small the wound is and you find out Mikan, of everyone on the island, has a sadistic streak. 
She apologizes profusely after, getting you water and letting you catch your breath but damn. 
“Your laughter is just so pretty!! I’m sorry, please don’t hate me!”
She quickly runs out and you’re too tired to pursue. 
…Maybe you won’t kill Nagito after all. Maybe.
Junko Enoshima:
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Honestly, I think Junko would put it together before she does it- like Byakuya. 
She’s got the Ultimate Analyst talent after all; she notices the small reactions you have with others and herself. 
Thinks it’s fucking adorable 
Initiates it when she notices how sad you are one day, I think she’d bide her time, rather than striking as soon as she knows. 
When she does though? Oof she’s a mean ler. Her analyst talent ensures she already knows all your worst spots but she wants to hear you tell her anyway. 
“Aw come on, it can’t be that hard right? I’m not even really trying, you know? Maybe you should try being less ticklish!”
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I'm sorry for the late headcanons BUT
(non despair au)
Junko has freckles too but she hides it with make up
Naegi, Byakuya and Kirigiri are class council
Kirigiri does most of the paperwork and arguments management
Byakuya handles the class trips, decorating their classroom for different holidays. He even gives out money so that everyone can buy expensive gifts for the secret santa (the class refused at first but Hiro, Aoi and Mondo begged Kirigiri and Naegi to let him do that)
Sonia uses internet slang irl and no one has heart to tell her how she sounds. "Omg that joke was so poggers I am rofl!"
Gundham has a whole lot of lore behind his divas and other deities he apparently fought/worshipped. Hajime is into it and knows it inside and out. They have a ton of inside jokes about it
The Sonia one is SO ME LMAOO. I still catch myself saying 'poggers' after watching Luca Kaneshiro a whole buncha times. Anyways. I love these hcs. And the Junko one I see COMPLETELY!!! Because I always thought she'd have freckles like Mukuro. But she hides them.
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painedpen · 6 months
Hi, i wanted to ask about your Mondo Oowada headcanons and platonic pairings :) i want to hear a rant, so dont worry about rambling
Okay so I’ve already answered an ask about my Mondo hcs, so now we’re gonna talk about my Kiyotaka hcs because he’s my second specialest little guy.
- Taka only really relaxes when he’s at home. He lets himself slouch and put his feet up while he works on a project. His manner of speech is much more casual when talking to his father. All around it’s the only time he can truly be peaceful.
- Takaaki’s grandfather came to the country from Spain, and thus the whole family is fluent in Spanish. This, of course, includes Taka. He speaks so fast it’s almost impossible to understand him when he’s speaking Spanish.
- His dad read somewhere that ear piercings could help soothe migraines, and decided to take Taka to get a couple for his birthday. Taka refuses to wear his ear cuffs anywhere outside the house, but he likes them because they make for good tactile and audio stims.
- Obviously autistic. Like c’mon.
- He is Very Normal about martial arts and weaponry. He researches extensively, and practices extensively as well. Because of this, he has a bizarrely wide knowledge of how to kill or seriously maim people.
- He actually spars with Sakura quite a bit. While he definitely can’t beat her, she enjoys that Taka is a bit more of a challenge than other people.
- Because of poverty and such, he was never able to afford good ingredients, so he only knows how to cook very basic dishes. He’s the best at making those basic dishes, though.
- You want ramen but don’t have the energy to make it yourself? Go to Taka, cause his ramen will have you meeting God so you can spiritually high five Her.
- You do have to specify not to put a crazy amount of spices in it though. He and his dad have so much spice tolerance it’s honestly concerning.
- He tries so hard to be well behaved, but growing up with Takaaki has had its side effects. Taka’s startle response is to excessively swear in Spanish. He’s mortified with himself every time.
- Honestly he’s so much more chill when he’s not in a professional environment. If you’re not at school or work he doesn’t give a shit if you swear or whatever. Just don’t do it in front of kids and he’s fine.
- Protesting king. Oh, it’s against the rules for people to wear their pride pins? Guess who’s walking down the halls wearing a rainbow flag as a cape? It’s Kiyotaka Ishimaru, motherfucker.
- Has probably been detained before due to involvement in protests. He’s always peaceful, but if the attending officers get a bit too eager, he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.
- Can leap over an eight-foot-tall fence in a single bound, and will at the slightest hint of provocation.
- If he’s too focused on his work, the filter between his brain and mouth will forget to work. It’s honestly so entertaining because he’ll just say whatever comes to mind, no matter how insulting or rude it is.
Angst: (CW for Violence, Child Abuse, Scars, Eating Disorders)
- Okay here we fuckin go.
- Taka has more scars than anyone else in his class. Some are from his grandfather (more on that later), but most of them are from his grandfather’s enemies.
- As everyone has already guessed, Toranosuke wasn’t all that great to Taka. He would spend weekends babysitting sometimes, and would force Taka to study for days.
- He would lock Taka in his room and wouldn’t let him out until he decided that Taka had done enough. Sometimes Taka would go the whole weekend without any food.
- At one point, Taka tried to sneak out to get something to drink, but his grandfather caught him. Long story short, that’s how he got that huge scar on his shoulder.
- Taka dissociates while he studies now. He absorbs the information, but he’ll be mumbling to himself about “yes, sir… I’ll do better, sir… sorry sir…” even though no one else is in the room with him.
- This boy has had more pints of coffee than hours of sleep in his lifetime.
- He will mix black coffee and five hour energy and down the whole thing in under a minute. Everyone who knows him worries for his health.
- He obviously struggles with nightmares, so he’ll study or work out to avoid sleeping most nights. He normally stays awake until he collapses from exhaustion.
- Touch used to be a huge No for him. Even Takaaki could barely pat him on the shoulder for a long time. When Makoto first held his face, Taka started sobbing.
- Sometimes he’ll genuinely forget that people can be kind. When he sees someone doing something nice for him or others, it kinda knocks the breath out of him because “That’s so strange… I forgot people had the capacity for it…”
- Will straight up not eat for days. He got so used to being without food as a child that having three meals a day will actively make him sick.
- He does not trust teachers in the slightest. He’ll be respectful to them, but he’d rather bite off his own tongue than ask one for help.
- This is mainly because of his middle school days. Other students would beat him to a pulp, and the teachers would just stare at him, in a puddle of his own blood, and walk away.
- There was one teacher who did something worse than that, but I don’t feel comfortable going into details at this moment. Use your imagination, it’s probably as bad as you think.
Platonic Pairings:
Kiyotaka + Sayaka:
- I’m so smart for this just let me explain.
- Sayaka asked him to teach her how to do several Latin dances, and they’ve been best friends ever since.
- They really relate to each other in the sense that they both have had to work extremely hard in order to achieve their goals. They both believe that hard work can achieve anything.
- The entire idol group loves Taka, but Sayaka is the only one he sees everyday.
- He hangs out with the lot of them very often, and they help him loosen up a bit.
Kiyotaka + Aoi:
- This one is so obvious.
- Hina is Colombian, so she was ecstatic to find another Spanish speaker in her class. She constantly clowns on Kiyotaka’s accent though.
- They’re both so passionate about the things they care about it’s so cute to watch them interact.
- I think Taka is one of the only people that can keep up with Hina’s energy level consistently.
Kiyotaka + Kyoko:
- They are childhood friends.
- Think about it. Taka’s dad is a detective, so is Kyoko’s grandfather. Kyoko’s grandfather is too smart to fall for the whole “all Ishimaru’s are evil blegh!” thing.
- I’m saying they hung out when they were little. I’m right too.
- Taka helps Kyoko express her emotions more clearly while Kyoko helps Taka calm down and focus his mind.
Kiyotaka + Peko:
- Top tier sword bros.
- Taka saw Peko training one day and promptly decided that she was the coolest person to ever exist.
- Peko admires his true passion for the art of swordplay. He reminds her of herself when she was younger.
- I’m making Peko sound like an old woman here please excuse me.
- Taka admires her so much it’s so cute. He calls her Shishou until Peko asks him to stop. After that he sticks to Peko-Senpai.
Kiyotaka + Gonta:
- Sobbing crying throwing up punching the air.
- Gonta wants to be a gentleman and Taka is one of the best people to go to for lessons in etiquette.
- They are autistic together.
- Gonta calls Taka Senpai exactly one time. Taka starts crying cause he’s so honored. Gonta thinks he hurt Taka’s feelings. He never calls Taka Senpai again.
- Taka liked bugs as a kid, and still kinda does, so he and Gonta get along so well.
*Insert autism creature Yippee sound byte*
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mythgirlimagines · 2 months
Out of curiosity, how would the DR1 Girls react to Chihiro bursting onto the Cafeteria towards them asking: "Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?" and when clarification is asked he responds with: "Yeah. I thought for like five years that people just put it into hot water to speed up the 'tea-ification process' ," complete with airquotes. "I didn't realise there was a actual reason."
lol i love that meme
Sayaka Maizono:
She had to stifle a laugh of surprise.
Was he actually serious?
That was kind of funny coming from him of all people.
Mukuro Ikusaba:
She expected a bit more from Chihiro.
Though she did also help him make real tea.
She was going to have some herself, anyway.
Celeste Ludenberg:
Surely Chihiro was only kidding.
She had to hold onto that hope.
He was kind enough that she would feel bad losing her temper at him.
Sakura Ogami:
She sat Chihiro down to properly teach him.
He deserved to have well-made tea.
She did hope he appreciated real tea compared to what he had before.
Junko Enoshima:
Oh, that was hilarious!
Was there a way she could keep that going?
Or convince someone else about it.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
She supposed that there were multiple kinds of intelligence, after all.
Or Chihiro simply hadn’t been taught how to make tea correctly.
Regardless, she was a little surprised and amused.
Toko Fukawa:
Chihiro couldn’t actually be that stupid.
She left as soon as she was able.
Aoi Asahina:
He had to be joking, right?
Even she knew how tea was made!
Though she did like the term “tea-ification process.”
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northlight14 · 1 year
Danganronpa trans things✨🏳️‍⚧️
Just a series of headcanon’s based on the characters I’ve decided are trans from this game. All the characters I headcanon as some form of genderqueer and what the specific headcanon is, is listed here
Hina walked in on Byakuya trying on a skirt one time. Byakuya yelled at her to get out and threatened her to keep her mouth shut. To their surprise though, she was really chill about it and asked if they wanted to borrow any of her skirts or dresses and even asked if they wanted her to do their makeup or anything like that. Byakuya came out to her that day and while Hina didn’t fully understand due to a lack of knowledge on the non-binary community, she was still supportive and came out in turn as a trans girl
Gundham wears trans tape and Kazuichi wears brightly coloured neon binders. Fuyuhiko wears plain black binders and generally doesn’t bind safely, Peko having to talk him into being more careful
Peko and Fuyuhiko chose each others new names
On bad dysphoria days, Taka will do everything in his power to make Mondo feel better and affirmed in his gender identity. This usually involves him telling Mondo how strong he thinks he is or complimenting him on his muscles or jawline etc. At first, bad dysphoria days were hard to spot but the longer they are together for, the easier it becomes for Taka to spot the warning signs and he will go into full on supportive boyfriend mode
Sonia gets so excited when she finds out that Gundham is also trans or, as he put it, “like you, this vessel I inhabit is not reflective of my true character and soul.”
Kokichi loves wearing skirts because A, they’re fun and swishy. And B, it pisses transphobes off that he can be ftm and still dress femme and he thinks annoying bigots is funny. While Shuichi doesn’t fully understand as he’s also trans ftm and gets really dysphoric in traditionally femme clothes, he’s still super supportive of how Kokichi presents himself and they always stick up for each other if anyone tries to make any comments
When Kaede and Shuichi came out to each other as bi and trans, it was literally just the pointing Spider-Man meme
Byakuya: Kyoko, you should know I’m non-binary. Kyoko: yeah I know. Me too. What pronouns? Also, wanna watch that new serial killer documentary?
Gonta will call Celeste “lady Celeste” or “pretty lady” and her soul just lights up every time
Nagito realised he likes it/it’s pronouns because someone was trying to bully them by calling him an “it” and it realised right away that he vibed with that
Fuyuhiko will ask Peko or Chiaki to go and buy him pads when he’s on his period because buying them himself gives him a lot of dysphoria. However, it gives the two trans queens in his life a lot of gender euphoria to buy them so it’s a win-win scenario
Peko, trying to be a supportive girlfriend to genderfluid partner: so do I have a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner today? Ibuki: you ate the last of my animal crackers. You have an enemy😡
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Akane owari, Mikan tsumiki, Maki harukawa, Aoi asahina, Kirumi tojo, and Sonia nevermind with a Darling going through baby fever. I really like the baby fever prompt lol
Yandere Reactions: Their darling go through baby fever
Akane Owari: 
She’s all for having a baby with her darling. All they must do is tell her when they will start trying. She doesn't mind who carries the baby or how they get one. If she does end up carrying the child, her darling is going to have to remind her for the first few months that she cannot have some things. (Food wise.) She’s going to cry the first time she gets to hold them. 
Mikan Tsumiki: 
She already has everything set and ready to go whenever they are ready. This was one of her dream scenarios to happen with her darling so she’s more than prepared for this moment.  
Maki Harukawa: 
She is very hesitant with the idea. She understands how much of a big thing it is to have a child and so she isn’t too sure if she’s ready for one even if it is with her darling. She will wait until they have calmed down from the baby fever before having a deep discussion on it and then maybe think about having one. 
Aoi Asahina: 
At first, she is very excited but then after a few hours all the responsible thoughts start to come in. Don’t get her wrong she knows that having a baby is a big thing and not to be rushed but she’s also super excited to have the next step with her darling. 
Kirumi Tojo: 
If that is what her darling wants, then that is what they will have. She just needs a little time to get everything prepared. She won’t mind too much who carries the child or how they require one but she will make it happen one way or another. 
Sonia Nevermind: 
Yet another link in the chain that connects her and her darling. She is more than happy to have a baby with her darling. She just needs a little time to prepare everything which only takes a few days before they can start trying. 
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woodenchip · 7 months
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(You can kinda tell I love Kiyotaka alot)
ALSO if you like my headcanons you may request a character for me to make headcanons of or expand some headcanons‼️
🧭Kiyotaka Ishimaru🧭
•Saw a fic of Taka as a Trans Fem and my eyes have opened to a whole new world
•Could be Bigender???
•Bro is a man lover
•I love those silly little headcanon that give Taka a huge fucking family
•Like Celestia, Yasuhiro, Peko, Maki, and fucking Gundham??? Family<33
•I love Ishimaru big family headcanons
•will probably make a whole post about the family and how they ARE family
•I love Taka so much, please bear with me-
•He's also one of those friends who will take your clothes by accident
•They don't mind though because like, why not?
•Has glasses but to keep up his view of "perfect" for himself, he refuses to wear them (my man is struggling hard)
💎Mondo Owada💎
•My silly Bisexual (he's so me)
•I also like trans masc Mondo, but also Bigender Mondo‼️
•Is a Disney lover
•He will never tell anyone though
•Needs reading glasses
•The first book he's willing read was The Outsiders
•He was SOBBING.
•He loved the book so much he ends up saying "Stay gold" to people on accident (Chihiro, Taka, and his gang)
🎵Leon Kuwata🎵
•Kissing him rn.
•Listens to scene music
•Also likes Pop music
•Loves those really silly Christmas movies that have dumb plots
•My man doesn't untie his shoes
•He just slips them off and on
•Probably has ADHD
•Has a problem with popping his joints alot
🌟Makoto Naegi🌟
•My silly little Panromantic
•Not sex repulsed but he'd rather not
•Trans man or just Agender
•He gets dragged into EVERYTHING
•Like Junko will need someone to do something for her and the first thought is just "Naegi-"
•Even Celeste does it (whenever Hifumi isn't around that is)
•He's actually really fast (his sister would tackle him, so he's learned to run fast)
•He's found four-leaf clovers alot throughout his life but they always end up getting destroyed
💲Byakuya Togami💲
•I know what you are. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE
•He's so aroace gay
•Again isn't sex repulsed, but he doesn't care
•I hate him so much, I'm struggling for headcanons
•He can speak multiple languages
•He also (somewhat) respects Sonia because she (to him) is the only one that is superior than him
•Has a very small soft spot for some people, so unless you're the very few that he actually likes don't expect much
🍜Kyoko Kirigiri🍜
•Bi girl (Fem preference)
•Also Demi-girl
•She's so silly
•Has a special hair routine that she does everyday
•She started doing "girl nights" with most of the girls in the class
•Despite how reserved she is she tries really hard to make friends with the others
•I love her so much omg :(
🛸Yasuhiro Hagakure🛸
•Also Toko, Yasuhiro, and Taka sibling dynamic‼️
•i love them all sm omg
•Is like the big brother of the class??
•Like the type of brother that's like "You ok? Yeah? Bet"
•You know what I mean??!
•Fav food is hot ham and cheese (LET ME PROJECT)
•Like he's okay with other people smoking, but he can't smoke
🍩Aoi Asahina🍩
•She plays mermaids in the pool
•her tail is red, no one else is aloud to have a red tail when playing mermaids
•Piss her off and she gets really petty
•Once got mad at Makoto and got Nagito to bother him ALL day
💖Junko Enoshima💖
•She's there
•Her and Chihiro are actually really good friends
•She stims, HARD.
•Like, will grab Mukuro and SHAKE HER
•Forces people to wear a fashion like she likes
•She also does drag makeup with everyone (no one is safe)
💣Mukuro Ikusaba💣
•My girl is Aromantic bisexual
•She gets real shaky (unless she's holding a weapon)
•She is slightly non-verbil, like she'll talk, but she'd rather not
•Is basically Junko's mannequin (She has many scars from Junko stabbing her with a needle)
📖Toko Fukawa📖
•She is most definitely Omnisexual
•Insults Yasuhiro the most tbh
•Just normal sibling things
•She doesn't shower for days because she doesn't want to remove her clothes (comfort clothes!!)
•I also have lots of headcanons with her alters
•Yes alters. Plural.
•Toko is the Body and the Host
•Jack/Jill are the Co-host, they are also genderfluid (hint the two different names)
•Syo is a protector. Although she doesn't kill people because I hate it so much‼️
•I love her so much
🎙️Sayaka Maizono🎙️
•She also has slight anger issues
•She loves her parents so much
•Even if her dad can't make it to her shows he tries his best
•She actually likes teaching Leon about music
•She likes a lot of goth music too
•No one will know about that, she will make sure of that
🪷Sakura Ogami🪷
•MY GIRL‼️‼️♥️
•She's actually so sweet to everyone
•Her and Mondo actually hangout lots
•Her and Aoi paint each others nails and they even have a bunch of stamps for the nails
•She's a leader of the Martial arts club (for obvious reasons)
•She likes everyone in her class :((
•Even if they don't like her
•She lives by the "Treat people like you want to be treated" rule
•So unless someone is just THAT bad she will not hate them
📱Hifumi Yamada📱
•Only likes 2D characters still, but he doesn't care about the gender of the characters
•Has dyslexia
•He always asks Chihiro to double check his spelling
•He also has autism (I'm projecting)
•Hifumi and Tsumugi are actually really good friends
•They would talk on and on about whatever show or book they find interesting
•Tsumugi also got him some cosplays
•He's actually a really good cosplayer
💻Chihiro Fujisaki💻
•Is like on top of their grades
•Like all A's besides like, one C
•Chihiro and Gonta are definitely friends
•Honestly, has a gaming channel
♦️Celestia Ludenberg♦️
•Internalized homophobia :((
•Is Trans Fem, I love her so much
•Has soft spots for some of her classmates
•Like, Celeste LOVES Sonia (she's a princess, kinda looks up to her in lots of ways)
•Has a Love-Hate relationship with Byakuya
•Like, she likes the way he holds himself, how he looks, besides that she hates him
•(Going with the Taka is a trans man headcanon) Taka would help her with styling her (fake) twin drills
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leafeongirl23 · 10 days
I think I should show my Danganronpa THH LGBTQ Headcanons, sooo....
Aoi Asahina - Lesbian
Mukuro Ikusaba - Aroace
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Transmasc Gay
Junko Enoshima - Aroace
Sakura Ogami - Transfem Lesbian (Butch)
Mondo Owada - Bisexual (Male pref)
Kyoko Kirigiri - Demisexual Biromantic
Leon Kuwata - Bisexual (Fem pref)
Celestia Ludenberg - Demisexual
Byakuya Togami - Asexual
Makoto Naegi - Pansexual (Fem pref)
Yasuhiro Hagakure - Asexual
Toko Fukawa - Demisexual Biromantic
Chihiro Fujisaki - Transfem Pansexual (Male pref)
Sayaka Maizono - Pansexual (Fem pref)
Hifumi Yamada - Asexual
What are your headcanons? Would love to hear them :3
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