#anyway this isn't as funny if you had seen it drawn
gay-impressionist · 11 months
i wish i knew how to draw efficiently bc i feel like my work (where i deal with the public) these past few months would have made funny anecdotes for a comic.
like this afternoon when i saw one our regulars (a sexist dickhead who thrives on conflict) trying to using our fountain.
it's a regular office fountain (see photo), with one button for lukewarm water and another for cold water. the machine is plugged to the wall and there's a few cables and a tap near the floor to cut the flow if needed.
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this dumbass was trying to turn on the tap.
when he saw me, he told me the fountain didn't work. i said it did. he then asked for a cup (we don't have many so we hide them). i gave him one. he took it, stared at the fountain and repeated it didn't work.
i pressed the button. water came out.
he then exclaimed something like "oh!"
i wish i could draw the look™ on my face at that moment but it was basically 🤨😑😮‍💨
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choke-me-joey · 1 year
Matching Tattoos
Eddie Munson x reader
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, DO NOT GIVE ANYONE OR YOURSELF TATTOOS AT HOME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO TO A PROFESSIONAL THIS IS FICTION AND A VERY UNHYGIENIC SITUATION FOR NEW TATTOOS, blowjobs, gagging, swallowing, friends to lovers, Eddie is so fucking sweet, porn with some plot followed by fluff.
Part 2
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"Isn't she pretty?" Eddie grins, producing the homemade tattoo gun from under his bed. Pretty was a very strong word. More like a clump of sketchy looking metal held together with even sketchier looking screws and rubber bands.
You scoff. "If you think she's pretty I'm seriously starting to question your taste, Munson. Going from Chrissy Cunningham to this? That's quite a decline."
Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You're never going to drop that are you? Chrissy was a 5 minute crush, besides, she's been dating that douchebag Jason Carver for ages now." Eddie waves his hand to signify his distate. "Anyway, nowadays my taste is more...refined, thank you very much. Hence why I am going through the world's longest dry spell at the moment. Now shut up, and get on the bed. We're doing this." He buzzes the tattoo gun for extra effect.
"Yessir." Giving him a cheeky salute, you lie down on Eddie's bed as he messes around with the ink, and something crinkles beneath you. Your brow furrows as you dig underneath you, and you pull out a dog eared magazine. You flick through the pages, your cheeks flushing. "Jesus, Eddie, resorting to porno mags? You really are suffering." You throw the crusty magazine at him, laughing. Eddie quickly kicks it under his bed.
"What? I got needs, Y/N, and its not exactly like there's a line of babes wanting to fuck the town freak."
"Not even with the whole struggling rockstar vibe you've got going on?" You cock your eyebrow, shooting him a smirk.
"Right? I should be drowning in pussy," he grins, and you roll your eyes. "Still want it on your hip, right?"
"As long as it can be covered by a bathing suit so my parents don't murder me, have at it."
Eddie gulps as you unbutton your jeans, shimmying your hips out of them and exposing your simple black panties to him. You then roll your shirt up your stomach and tie it in a knot to prevent it from getting in his way.
It wasn't like he hadn't seen you like this before, he'd seen you in a bathing suit hundreds of times but this....this was different. This was you, half naked, on his bed. You that Eddie had been harbouring a crush on for a good year or so now, hence the dry spell. He didn't want anyone else, he wanted you, his best friend, his partner in crime, his girl. Nobody in this deadbeat town even came close, not anymore.
He was ashamed to even admit that the magazine you'd fished out from his bed was merely a distraction tool. So many nights he'd fucked his fist thinking of you, the way your body glistened in the sun that time when you sunbathed out the back of his trailer in that black bikini, the way your breasts threatened to spill out of the cups and your ass peeked out from the bottoms that left very little to the imagination.
He had to get you out of his head. It was sick, it was wrong, you were his best friend. His beautiful, funny, smart, sexy as hell best friend. If he had to beat off to some random chick in a disgustingly cheap porno magazine just to stop him thinking about you, so be it.
But honestly, when you'd asked him to give you a tattoo on your hip, the magazines just weren't doing it anymore.
Eddie cleared his throat. "You sure about this Y/N?"
"Eddie, shut up and ink me already," you smile, playfully nudging him with your foot. "You drew it up, yeah?"
"One bat comin' at ya," Eddie grins, showing you the little stencil he'd drawn. It was an exact copy of the largest bat out of the swarm on his arm. "You know we can never not be friends after this right? Matching tattoos is a pretty big commitment."
"Until death do us part." You teased.
"I fuckin' do," Eddie kissed your hand, making you snort. Your friendship had always been like this, flirty to the point where people were always wondering if you were together or not. But that's all it ever was, all bark and no bite per say. "Can you move your, uh, your-"
"Panties, Eddie? For someone who used the phrase 'drowning in pussy' earlier I refuse to believe 'panties' gets you all flustered." You tease, pushing down your panties and exposing your skin to him.
Eddie can feel his palms sweating as your panties slip dangerously low, almost exposing that dip between your legs. His mouth is as dry as the fucking desert when he catches a glimpse of your smooth, soft skin. God, he wants to put his mouth there. He wants to put his mouth all over you actually. He coughs once more.
"Right, let's do this, pretty girl." He carefully cleans the area you want tattooed with some antiseptic liquid before laying the stencil down, carefully pulling it away to reveal the outline on your skin. "Looks metal, babe, you ready?"
You nod, clutching his comforter in one hand as he brings the needle to your skin and the buzzing starts. You bite your lip as you feel the needle meet your flesh, a searing burning pain but not too unbearable.
As he drags the needle across your soft skin, Eddie is sweating. He's so close to a part of you he desperately wants to explore, to kiss and lick and make you scream his name until you're sobbing in ecstasy. But he can't. Why would someone like you ever be interested in the town freak? The nerdy metalhead that spends his free time planning extensive D&D campaigns, or playing in shitty dive bars to a crowd of not even 10 people didn't compare to the jocks who went to endless parties, or did something better than spending their spring break in their trailer getting high and watching horror movies.
"Whatcha thinking about, handsome?" Your sweet, sweet voice breaks him out of his thoughts and he looks up at you. God, you look like a fucking angel right now, all draped across his bed with your hair over his pillow. He knows he'll be able to smell the shampoo you use on that later.
Eddie, always one to almost never lose his cool, shoots you a cheeky grin.
"Thinkin' about how I could tattoo my name on you, pretty Make sure everyone knows who's girl you are."
"Everyone already knows, I've only got eyes for you, dungeon master."
Fuck, he wishes you wouldn't call him that. Not like this anyway. Not with this amount clothes on. Or not on.
"Less of the dirty talk, you. I'm trying to concentrate here." He growls, wiping the residual ink off your skin, refilling and continuing his work. You try to ignore the throbbing in your panties and how good his hands feel on your bare skin.
35 minutes later, it's Eddie's turn. After cleaning and covering your new artwork, you get yourself dressed (much to Eddie's disappointment) and turn to him with a wicked grin.
"Pants off, Munson."
"Yes, ma'am." Copying your salute from earlier, he unbuckles his handcuff belt and undoes his jeans, shimmying out of them and tossing them somewhere in his room. He also pulls off his Hellfire shirt. You raise an eyebrow. "What? Can't risk anything happening to it, I gotta wait another week before I can get more!"
"Alright, nerd, lie down." You smile, rummaging around in your bag for the little design you'd drawn up for him. You pass the small design of the devil from the Hellfire logo to him and he grins.
"That's metal."
"So metal that nobody is gonna see it unless they're going down on you."
"Yeah, but we'll know it's there. It'll be like our dirty little secret, Y/N."
"Hot," you laugh as Eddie lies down, putting his arms behind his head. He tilts his head down towards his hips.
"Get to work, missy."
You'd been practising on that gross fake skin stuff in preparation for this, but nothing could have prepared you for touching Eddie...here. His skin was so soft and warm, and he smelled so good. A mix of his old cologne he'd gotten from you last Christmas, smoke and a hint of sweat. It was so Eddie, it made your heart flutter and somewhere else flutter too.
You think Eddie takes the needle like a champ, but when you look up at him about 20 minutes later, his eyes are screwed shut.
"Hurt that much?" You grin and he shakes his head, eyes still closed.
"Nah, babe, honestly, I'm...fine." He hesitates. You stop for a second, tilting your head to the side in question. You go to wipe off some of the excess ink and your arm brushes over his boxers accidentally.
"Eddie, are you-"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, don't talk about it." Eddie chokes out, his cheeks flushing. His loose plaid boxers had done a good job of hiding his semi, but when you'd brushed against it, it was game over.
Eddie was hard.
"I-is this like a normal reaction to getting tattooed, or...?" You stutter, your mouth feeling dryer than fucking Gandhi's flip flop.
Eddie sighs, throwing an arm over his face.
"No, it's a normal reaction to a very, very pretty girl hovering near my dick, babe." He says in a small voice. Your cheeks flush as you place the tattoo gun down on his bedside table.
"O-oh. Well, do you want me t-to stop? Or I could help with...I could help you with that?"
Eddie groans behind his arm.
"Babe, don't tease me like that, that's just cruel. 'Sides, wouldn't you feel...weird jerking me off?"
Your mind had not gone to jerking him off. In fact, it had gone a step further.
"Oh, I-I wasn't...I was gonna, um-"
"Blow me?!" Eddie throws his arm off of his face and stares at you, and you pretend you don't notice his cock jumping in his boxers. "You, my super hot best friend Y/N, are seriously offering to suck my dick right now?!"
"I-I’m sorry-"
"Sorry?! What the fuck are you sorry for?! Making all my wet dreams come true?!"
You giggle. "Eddie, shut up."
"No, I'm serious, Y/N, you've been in here-" he sits up and taps the side of his head "-doing some nasty shit for so fucking long. Why do you think I'm jacking off to shitty porno mags instead of chasing pussy?"
You're silent, a slow smile spreading across your face as your hand creeps over his crotch, gently palming at his cock which jumps in your hand.
"Well, lucky for you, dungeon master, you've also been the star of my wet dreams."
Eddie falls back onto his pillows with a groan. "Fuck, I can't believe this is actually fucking happening."
"Tell me what you want to do to me, Eds." Your voice is low and sultry as you give him a squeeze. He looks at you, tongue darting out to wet his chapped lips. You tug at his boxers, giving him a questioning look. He grabs your wrist.
"Are you sure about this, Y/N? Cos if it's a choice between getting off, or keeping you as my best friend, I'd rather keep you babe. Blue balls and all."
You smile softly; Eddie was too sweet for his own good. It was one of the things you loved most about him.
"What about if you get to get off and still keep me?" You say, pushing his hand away and slowly pulling his boxers down. His cock springs out, slapping against his lower stomach. He was long and thick, uncut with an upwards curve that the very sighmade your pussy clench. You huff out an exasperated laugh. "Holy shit, Eds."
"Good 'holy shit', or bad 'holy shit'?" Eddie's cheeks are flushed as he smirks.
"You know the answer to that." You wrap your hand around his cock, making him hiss as you stroke the silky skin. You pull the foreskin down to expose his angry looking, reddish purple mushroom head, and a drop of precum blurts out. You continue to stroke him, eyes fixed on his face.
"Fuck, stop looking at me like that," Eddie groans, his cock twitching in your hand. "'S too much."
"Like what?" You smirk, straddling his thighs. He can't answer you, any sort of answer immediately wiped from his brain as you lower your mouth to the head of his cock and lick, tasting him for the first time. His hips buck, forcing more of his cock into your mouth, making you gag out of surprise.
"Shit, sorry, sorry," Eddie gasps. "Fuck, your mouth feels so fucking good, don't be surprised if I come like, super quick, okay? Been thinking about this for so fucking long you have no idea. And you look....God, you looking so fucking beautiful right now."
You shoot him a soft smile, pressing a kiss to his cock before taking him into your mouth properly, swallowing as much of him down as you can.
Eddie's hand comes to your hair, gently stroking it as you bob your head up and down. The flavour of him blooms over your tongue and makes you hum in appreciation.
"Fuck, babe, your mouth...shit, it's so fucking good, taking my cock so well..."
You pull up and suckle the head, flicking your tongue over the slit. "Holy shit, you're gonna kill me, sweetheart."
You smirk, pulling back and pursing your lips, allowing a glob of spit to fall from your mouth onto the head, dribbling down the shaft. Eddie falls back onto the pillows. "That's it, you've killed me, you're blowing a dead man, baby."
"A dead man who's gonna come in my mouth, right?" You mumble, jerking him quickly, your spit allowing your hand to slide over his shaft with ease. Eddie keens, his teeth gritted.
"You can't say shit like that, angel, I'm about ready to blow as it is."
"Do it, I want it." You reply, taking his cock into the warmth of your mouth once more. You allow him to fuck your face, both hands now resting on the back of your head as you swallowed around him.
"Shit, fuck, oh my fucking god, baby, Y/N, I'm gonna come, fuck I'm gonna come so fucking hard in that pretty mouth of yours, yeah? God, you're such a good girl, so good f'me, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!"
Eddie comes with a broken moan, his hips thrusting upwards and his hands holding you in place as his cock pumps rope after rope of cum down your throat. You moan, relishing the taste of him, which makes Eddie shudder at the overstimulation. You swallow everything he gives you. "Fuck, sweetheart, can you show me?"
You begrudgingly take your mouth off of his cock and open your mouth, tilting your head back slightly and sticking your tongue out to show him that you had indeed swallowed his cum. "Holy shit. I'm gonna get hard again." He groans, his chest heaving and his cock twitching slightly. You giggle and place a kiss to it, and Eddie grabs you, pulling you on top of him, careful to avoid the new ink. "I can kiss you, right?"
"I think we're past that, Eddie" You smile and squeak in surprise as he pulls your face to his, capturing your lips in a hasty kiss. It's a chaste kiss, experimental and you break away briefly. His eyes lock with yours, as if he was trying to search them to see if this was okay. "It's okay, Eds" you whisper, nodding gently. His eyes dart to your mouth and back up to your eyes.
"Do I get to keep you?" He whispers, his fingers softly stroking your cheek. You brush your nose against his.
"You get to keep me."
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Dofus: The Production - reviewing the Xa and Tot interview
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pictured: 7yo Joris, 10yo Joris, 60yo Joris, and 584-585yo Joris.
Funnily enough, this interview will touch onto something already mentioned in the artbook I already reviewed.
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The origins of Joris as a character.
Sadly, it is machine translated, but I think we'll understand it well enough.
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Here we learn that Joris was inspired by Vivi from Final Fantasy. I am sad to report I had never played Final Fantasy, and all my knowledge of him comes from hearsay at best, but Id do find there to be some very funny and twisted parallels between Vivi and Joris, beyond their troubles with lifespans (Vivi's being extremely short, Joris's the opposite...)
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Like lol. Lmao even. (laughs fondly at the memory of having drawn fanart of Kerubim and Joris cannibalising one another as symbolism for Kerubim's selfish exploitation of Joris for his own emotional needs and regrets, — and Joris growing to derive pleasure from being exploited by Kerubim, and being a willing participant in the mixture of parentification and infantilization he experiences after the 600 years of living with his dad.)
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Joris's progression as a character being "joke character -> character Xa created to be cool and awesome in a moment of inspiration, despite Tot's brief -> he bewitches them both fully" is so funny to me.
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I always found it funny that Tot doesn't really see the forest (dofus aux tresors de kerubim) for the trees (child neglect and the psychological horror of Joris Jurgen's entire existence).
Not even going to comment on not knowing what the hell "epic-burlesque" is supposed to mean.
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Now we move onto my favourite part of this interview: Tot's thoughts on Joris as a character.
I'm glad he said that they've worked on his life story through multiple centuries. Gives me hope that Tot has given thought to Joris's experiences during Leorictus Sheran-Sharms silly, perhaps even whacky reign.
I want to note the word choice here, — Joris isn't mysterious, but jaded. All of his caginess and "mystique" is attributable in equal part to his distrust of others, cynicism, and exhaustion with the horrible things he has seen throughout his life.
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Which would very likely include being cagy even about his class, considering the whole "huppermage gencocide" thing that happened after Leorictus Sheran-Sharm.
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The thing about Joris is that it is hard to appraise him from our own point of view. I had always liked how this franchise treats immortal characters, — they are beings with feelings, who make mistakes, who have issues.
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But it does not make them any less incomprehensible.
In a way, he is so compelling to me, because I find his existence terrifying — Joris is someone who started out with all these ideas of kindness and justice, but can someone who is 600 years old really uphold them?
Judging from Waven, we know the answer to this question.
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I think that with Joris's character, as well as Kerubim and Atcham, one of the major themes is stagnation.
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While at times their immortality, and the freedom it provides, is referred to in a bit of an "optimistic nihilism" way,
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Especially with the themes and motifs referenced in Aux Tresors de Kerubim, (especially with the ending directly referencing Diane Ardant's monologue,)
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It's such a painful mixture of stagnation and endless freedom. There's a horror of never being able to escape, — not from having to experience the horrors of history, not from your own childhood house.
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And then there's the horror of moving on from everyone you ever loved. While Kerubim and Joris share this one, I associate it more with Kerubim simply because he is so obsessed with the stories of his youth. It feels as if what was two hundred years ago is just yesterday, to him...
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While with Atcham it's just speculation and my own headcanons, the sort of immortality, stagnation related horror I associate with him is dependency. He is not the same, strong person he used to be when he was alone. If he had to go back to Brakmar after all this time, he wouldn't be able to adjust. It's like all this time has declawed him.
Joris never really knew a life outside the all-consuming relationship he has with Kerubim and Atcham, but for Atcham it's different. And with every unchanging year that passes, he settles more and more into this peaceful existence, — and if he were torn away from it, just like Joris and Kerubim, he would not be able to function.
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I think that the theoretical endpoint of where Kerubim, Joris, and Atcham could end up is whatever is going between Qilby and Shinonome.
Being one another's only meaning, in a world devoid of meaning, for better or for worse. Probably for worse.
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lutawolf · 7 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 4
If you haven't seen my other commentary, you can find it here.
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This makes me sad because what was special for Tew was the fact that Guy wasn't afraid of him. But here he is, afraid. Which clearly is upsetting to Tew.
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As soon as Guy opens his eyes, they are drawn to the gun wound scar. The face that Tew gives him then...
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And Guy's concern, then confusion. So much emotion in one frame.
Now they are sitting and communicating. Tew tells Guy that he didn't tell him that he was scared that it would put Guy in danger. Which confuses me because not knowing, knowing, is there really a difference in danger level?
Tew starts to explain his past and his joy of playing video game. Then his home life. While not rich, he had a loving father. Who clearly raised him right because he is so well-mannered. Oh no! Cough with blood.  
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Damn... I was really hoping he would kick their asses, and get home to his dad.
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I mean, we knew it was coming, but the fact that he didn't get to say goodbye. Oh damn, that really explains the previous episode where he came to meet Guy to say goodbye before his trip.
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Ohhhh, Tew looks scary now.
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OH! Who called it?!?!
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And then he is shot!!! What!?!? I was not expecting that. Nor was I expecting the next part. I was kind of expecting him to have been forced into killing. Interesting. I wonder if Wish John Lennon was one of these kids???
So while bad boy is a rebel with a cause, he still a rebel. Then he just lays down to die.
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I think it's safe to say that home dude was not thinking that day.
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I think Guy gets it, but it will be interesting to see if he accepts it. He at least isn't scared of Tew anymore. Butt he more Tew explains, the more clearly you can see he is an anti-hero. Won't go so far as to call him a villain butttttt. He is no hero. Yay!!! This is my favorite type of character!
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I am not sure what to think of the mob boss. He is putting a lot of trust into a kid, but he also appears to be giving him the keys to revenge. He is an interesting character to say the least.
The rules seem simple enough. No lying and no betrayal.
"Once you touch a gun. There is no going back to a normal life"
Then, Tew gives a little smirk and says that he doesn't plan on going back to a normal life anyway.
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And Guy is seeing this. I think it's interesting because for some reason Tew really expected that Guy would absolutely understand. He is pretty spot on because Guy does understand.
Really Guy... You are going to be butt hurt over the restaurant lie??? I mean, I actually get where Guy is coming from. I'm just thinking it's funny to pick that after hearing Tew's story.
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It apparently was not what Tew was expecting Guy to be upset about either. His face says he is completely dumbfounded. Honestly, in my opinion, Guy is latching onto something to use so he can run scared. I don't think he is scared of Tew, but of his own feelings that are happening too fast. I could be completely off base, but that's what I see from how he is acting and reacting.
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Boy up in his feels getting sloppy drunk. Other boy is being emo in his bed. What a pair.
Oh, no! Boss man is not okay with the fake restaurant.
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Home dude is not right in the head, is he?
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I'll say it again. Mob boss daddy is interesting. He cares about Tew, but he isn't a push over.
I'm suspicious... How is a regular dude off the street not scared when goons show up???
Again, not a push over.
Now back to emo boy with his bed and his fish. Damn it Guy! That was a shit move to do to your guild!!! And his first thoughts when there is a knock at the door is Tew. That should tell you something, Guy! You're running from your feelings. Coward!
Nope. It's jackass Wahl, who I just know has something to do with stirring up shit. I know. He seems sweet, but how can he not tell that his bestie is upset??? Wahl is just too selfish for me to like him. I tried to like him, I really did, but I don't like selfish besties.
Discount Lennon out here trying to drown people.
See, I told you that Wahl was where this bullshit all started. He is being so condescending. Saying he is the most important person to him but then ditching him all the time. I really hope, at some point, Tew beats him up.
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Did he drown him???
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We're back to the guessing game of: Dead or Passed Out??? (If you said that in a game host voice, give yourself ten points.)
Oh! Not dead! Ohhhhh, another pissing contest in the wild!
I refuse to believe that Tew is that stupid... I hate Wahl because I feel like he is going to get a call from his gf and just leave Guy like he always does.
Ahhh... Nice. Tew planned ahead. Never mind, I take it back. Tew is stupid. Don't lie to the boss, especially not for Wish Lennon.
I don't like the fall troupe when it's Guy and Wahl.... Just saying.
Please, please, let Tew beat him up.
Yes, I agree. You need to put an end to your feelings. Oh, wow! Wahl didn't ditch Guy, but Guy ditched Wahl!!!
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Sadly, though, Guy isn't answering Tew's phone calls either.
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I really think that Tew should take this opportunity given to him and beat up Wahl.
The wrong person got punched! That did not go the way that I wanted.
Guy ran home. I can respect that. Except the fact that he is acting like a two-year-old. Awww, bless him. Well, at least now he is realizing that he is running away from everything.
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What does it say that Tew didn't stop till he found you Guy? LOVE, the communication going on. I love that Tew is calling out Guy, telling him that he feels this way and ran because he cares about him.
He called him little boy! And then gave him a real hug!!!
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Ahhh, Tew confessing. Hot damn! They are making up for that shitty ending last episode!
OH SHIT.... He is going to quit the gangster life... I'm scared.
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Never mind, we'll just shelve that concern for another day. Carry On. 💜💜💜
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 7
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Series Masterlist
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It had been a week since Roy had seen you with Goodman and he couldn't stop thinking about you; how you smiled at him, laughed with him...it caused a deep pain in Roy. One that didn't seem to ease.
The following week, Roy, Clara, and Phoebe were having breakfast. Clara's ladies maid brought in the letters as well as a new paper that's been circling around the city, specifically among many women's circles. The latest gossip about Richmond's own people was being publicized, causing a stir among the city's residents.
Clara, usually not into gossip, suddenly found it to be her guilty pleasure every morning. Setting the letters for Roy aside, she immediately opens up The Richmond Rag. Her eyes skim the page and she immediately gasps, tossing the paper at Roy, "Read this."
"Fucking hell," he mumbles, wiping his mouth and picking up the paper, "I don't care about gossip."
"You'll care about it today. Read it," Clara presses her brother, pointing at the paper.
Roy sighs and he reads the paper. Clara watches her brother in anticipation.
Dear Readers,
It seems we may be hearing wedding bells by the end of the season. My sources tell me that our recently arrived Mister Jeffrey Goodman is looking to court newly debuted Miss Y/N L/N. However, other sources have told me that another is interested in our young debutant. Who, you may ask? None other than our resident viscount, Lord Roy Kent. Now, in my honest opinion, I am not sure how much of a match Lord Kent and Miss L/N is compared to herself and Mister Goodman, but we shall sit in anticipation if Miss L/N will accept Mister Goodman's courtship.
Roy's jaw clenches and he sets the paper aside. Phoebe asks, "What does it say, Uncle Roy?"
"Shut up and eat your food," Roy grumbles.
Clara rolls her eyes, "Roy."
"I don't want to talk about it," he murmurs, going back to his food.
"Maybe you should talk to Y/N and see-"
Roy abruptly stands from his seat, "Fuck this," he says before walking out of the dining room.
Your mother was squealing in delight to see that you and Jeffrey were mentioned in The Richmond Rag, especially the fact that Jeffrey was thinking about officially courting you. You're not sure how you felt about it, honestly. Sure, he's funny and makes great company, but you don't know if you could see yourself falling in love with him, let alone if he'd be a good husband or not. But then again, you don't have many options. You're already much older than many debutants. Many men wanting a younger wife than yourself. You don't have much room to be picky now.
"Mama, isn't that just all gossip? I'm not even sure if Jeffrey is still interested in me. I saw him dancing with other women at the ball last night. He seemed to enjoy their company."
She waves off your skepticism, "It's best to be hopeful. Anyway, we need to pick up your new dress for the next ball." She stands with a sense of urgency, gesturing you to quickly follow her. She then calls for your father who emerges from the kitchen with Cece in tow.
"Yes, my love?"
"Y/N and I will be picking up her dress," your mother answers then she looks at Cece, "Would you like to come along darling?"
"Can I go to Phoebe's?"
"I'm not sure if they're busy today, but we can see," your mother replies and Cece excuses herself to grab one of her dolls.
You smile at your excited cousin, "She acts like she didn't see her two days ago."
"You know how hard it's been since your aunt and uncle's passing," your mother whispers and you nod.
"I'm ready!" Cece rushes back the stairs to you and your mother. Your father escorts the three of you out and to the carriage.
When you arrive to Lord Kent's estate you take a deep breath. You follow your mother and cousin to the door. One of the servants bows to you three and goes to announce your arrival.
A moment later, you hear squealing and Phoebe is rushing towards Cece. She takes Cece's hand and they're immediately off somewhere else in the house.
Clara emerges with a chuckle, "Mrs. L/N, Y/N, wonderful to see you again."
You curtsey, "Good afternoon, Clara. I hope we weren't disturbing any plans you had for the day. We're off to town and Cece asked to pass by."
"Nonsense, Cece is welcome here whenever. You should know that by now." Clara then asks your mother about the plans for the day and as they talk, you feel eyes on you. You look up to see Lord Kent staring down at you. There doesn't seem to be any emotion behind his eyes.
You give a small curtsey and he replies with a curt nod. You two continue to stare at each other until he turns and walks away. You let out deep breath.
"Well, we best be off. We will be back in two hours to pick up Cece."
"Would you like to have lunch with us when you do?"
"That would be delightful. Thank you so much, Clara." your mother says with a beaming smile.
Once back into the carriage you groan, "Why did you accept lunch with them?!"
Your mother scoffs, "Just because you have some animosity towards Lord Kent, doesn't mean we still can't socialize with them. Besides, you'll have to accept that Lord Kent will be in your life seeing how Cece and Phoebe may be attached to the hip forever."
"Lovely," you grumble, slumping against the bench in the carriage.
At the modiste, you're trying on your dress one last time to make sure it's to your liking. You give a little spin on the raised platform then look at yourself in the mirror, "I think this is my new favorite dress, Charlotte!"
The older woman clapped her hands together, "Thank you, miss! I'm honored that you love it as much as I do!"
Your mother nods, "Yes, I think this color suits-"
The bell above the door rings and you all turn to see Lord Kent standing there with a surprised expression on his face.
He cleared his throat and gives a nod, "Ladies, pardon me. I didn't mean to intrude."
Charlotte moves to stand before him, "Hello, Lord Kent! How may I help you?"
He doesn't answer because his eyes are on you. You know this, you can feel him looking at you, but you try not to give him any mind. Rather, you look at yourself in the mirror making sure the dress is flattering in all angles.
Your mother smirks and speaks up, "Lord Kent! Wonderful, I think a man's perspective would be helpful," she loops her arm around his and tugs him closer to you, "Tell me, do you think this dress is flattering for my daughter? I've heard that it's Mister Goodman's favorite color."
You're mentally cursing your mother at this moment.
"Yes, it suits her well, but not as well as pink, ma'am."
"Pink, my Lord?"
"It brings out the color of her eyes," he says this and it causes you to look at him through the reflection of the mirror. He's doing it again, staring at you, but this time, emotion in his eyes. Unlike before. There's something there you can't quite read.
"Hmm...I suppose that will be the color of the next dress we'll request. Anyway, dear, did you need Charlotte's help?"
He breaks his gaze away from you and turns to the dressmaker, "Yes, sorry. My sister would like the same style dress as she previously ordered, but in navy blue."
Charlotte is writing down Clara's request, "Yes, I have a few fabrics of that color. If you could please tell your sister to come by to pick out which fabric she prefers, that would be most helpful, my Lord."
"Of course," he nods to you three, "Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies."
With that, he exits the shop and you frown at your mother, "Stop it."
"I didn't do anything."
"You and I both know that's a lie. If he was interested, he would've done something by now. He hasn't. There's no chance of us being together, so, please, mother, let it go." you step down from the platform and move to the back of the room to change out of your dress.
Two days later, you're at a ball hosted by the Bartletts. Their own daughter, Eliza, had debuted as well and she's gotten many men interested for her hand already.
So far, you have two names on your dance card, Jamie and Jeffrey. Jamie's name once, and Jeffrey's twice. You're not too bothered by it. All of the attention is and should be on Eliza tonight.
"Jeff and I could always fill up your dance card," Jamie says as he sees you glance at your dance card.
You shake your head with a snort, "No, it's okay. It's best I stay in the shadows. If the author of The Richmond Rag sees me dancing with you two too much, I'm sure I'll end up being mentioned in their next publication."
Jeffrey smirks, "So you've read what they've said about us?"
"Not necessarily. I don't care for the gossip too much, but my mother does. She tells me about it."
"So what are your thoughts on our potential co-"
"Miss Y/N," Jeffrey is interrupted by Lord Kent.
"Lord Kent, good evening," you curtsey and Keeley follows. Jamie just nods, but Jeffrey bows.
"May I add my name to your card?" he gestures to the slip of paper on your wrist.
"O-Oh, um, if you'd like," you hand him the card and pencil. He scribbles his name and hands it back to you. He walks away without another word.
Before you can even look at the card, Keeley snatches it from your hand.
"Keeley!" you try to grab it from her but Jamie stands between you and her, "What is it, love?" Jamie asks.
Keeley smirks and hands him the card, "Lord Kent wrote his name down on the rest of the spots."
"What?!" you push Jamie to the side and grab the card, looking down at it, "Oh that bas-"
"So much for staying in the shadows. That'll guarantee your name in the Rag for sure," Jamie says with a snicker.
Jeffrey looks displeased and annoyed, "Are you really going to dance with him the entire time?"
"I-wouldn't it be rude if I didn't?"
Jeffrey frowns, "I thought you didn't like him."
"We're not very...amicable, but I'd say I...tolerate him?"
"Hm," Jeffrey doesn't seem to like your answer and excuses himself for a drink.
Jamie whistles, "He don't look too happy, darling."
For the first dance, Jeffrey doesn't appear to dance with you, so you just don't dance. The next dance, Jamie does his best to keep you cheerful. The next dance, Jeffrey still doesn't make his presence known to you. When it's time for the waltz, Lord Kent appears, his palm stretched out to you.
You take it as he leads you to the middle of the room. In your peripherals, you see Jeffrey bringing another woman to the floor. Your jaw clenches and you look away. Lord Kent, seeing this, scoffs and murmurs, "Prick."
You shake your head and look at Lord Kent, "It's your fault you know, putting yourself down on the remainder of my dance card."
"It didn't seem like anyone else was going to put their name down."
You scoff, "So what, you did it out of pity? I don't need your pity or sympathy from you, my Lord." You don't care that you were in the middle of a dance, you promptly turn your back and walk straight out of that ballroom, cursing Lord Kent's name.
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nitrateglow · 5 months
Favorite films discovered in 2023
2023 kind of sucked, but it was a fruitful year for me as a movie geek. I finally got around to seeing films that have been on my TBW pile for years now. I also gave myself a challenge that I actually completed: watch at least one film from every year between 1900 and 2023.
Anyway, I'll stop beating around the bush. Here are my top 20 favorite film discoveries in 2023. (The order is very, very loose from 5 on down. I genuinely had a hard time narrowing the list down to 20, let alone ranking everything.)
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (dir. Mikio Naruse, 1960)
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This well-regarded drama follows Keiko, a bar hostess who's just turned 30 years old. She has limited options as an unmarried woman in postwar Japan. Considered "old," she has to marry soon or scrape enough money to buy her own bar. With its jazzy score and first-person narration, When a Woman Ascends the Stairs has a noirish vibe but it certainly isn't noir at all. Though the film is tragic, what moved me so much was Keiko's character. She has a tough lot and her story is ultimately tragic, yet she is determined to keep going, even if life won't give her a break.
The Boy and the Heron (dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 2023)
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Miyazaki's current "last film" is certainly his most abstract and puzzling. I imagine it'll be one of his more divisive titles in the years to come, but count me among its fans. While being "in the know" regarding the current state of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki's 60+ year-long career in animation allows one to better appreciate the many allusions and themes within the film, it stands just fine on its own as a surrealistic adventure about grief and the power of art. Also, damn, I LOVE hand-drawn animation so much.
Black Cat (dir. Kaneto Shindo, 1968)
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Kaneto Shindo's Black Cat is yet another confirmation of my feeling that horror pairs best with humor or heartbreak. While there are some morbidly funny moments, Black Cat is largely a devastating supernatural horror story about a young samurai who encounters two mysterious women in the woods, not realizing they are the ghosts of his murdered wife and mother. Even worse, they've sworn to kill any and all samurai they encounter, since their deaths were the result of raping, pillaging samurai-- but they remain human enough to desire an exception. I was creeped out thoroughly by the chilly atmosphere and imagery of this film. I liked it even better than Shindo's Onibaba and that was one of my favorites from 2022!
Malcolm X (dir. Spike Lee, 1992)
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I usually dislike big movie biopics for being stuffy and formulaic. Malcolm X avoids both of these issues. Directed to the hilt by Spike Lee, this film is passionate and compelling, about as far from a stuffy Oscarbait biopic as you could imagine. Also, Denzel Washington is AMAZING in the titular role. Like, we're talking one of the best performances I have ever seen because not only is Washington convincing as Malcolm X, he also perfectly portrays his arc from zoot-suited young criminal to uncompromising activist leader. I was absolutely mesmerized the entire time-- it's a long movie that never feels its length and I'll definitely be revisiting it in the future.
The Kiss Before the Mirror (dir. James Whale, 1933)
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James Whale’s horror movies are listed among the finest 1930s cinema had to offer, but his other works remain woefully overlooked. The Kiss Before the Mirror is a strange marital drama set in a dreamlike interwar Vienna. A lawyer defending a murderer who shot down his cheating wife comes to discover his own wife in the midst of a casual affair. Will this discovery lead to another killing? Despite the lurid plot elements, Kiss is closer to Kubrick’s introspective Eyes Wide Shut than a typical 1930s melodrama. Both husband and wife are complex characters struggling with destroyed illusions, making the story a hell of a lot more complex than you'd expect.
Five Miles to Midnight (dir. Anatole Litvak, 1962)
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I am so glad I ignored the meh reviews on this one because I would have missed out on one of the best thrillers I've seen in years. Sophia Loren is a woman desperate to shake off her narcissistic, abusive husband played by Tony Perkins. When Perkins is wrongly believed dead in a plane crash, he hides out in Loren's apartment so they can collect the life insurance money, split the funds, then part amicably. This being a Hitchcock-style thriller, it doesn't work out that way. What sells the film is the psychological cat-and-mouse game between Loren and Perkins's miserable, mismatched married couple, and a noirish sense of doom lends a great deal of atmosphere.
Shoes (dir. Lois Weber, 1916)
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Shoes is the best Lois Weber film I have yet seen and it still packs a wallop a century-plus since its initial release. Mary MacLaren plays a young woman single-handedly supporting her family on a five dollar a week salary. She wears shoes that are falling apart but can never seem to save enough for a new pair-- that is, until an unsavory way of getting the cash presents itself, much to her horror and temptation. This is a heartbreaking little film that showcases a lot of what I love about 1910s American cinema. There's less glamor in the settings and nothing at all genteel or cleaned up about the poverty on display. MacLaren is wonderful in the lead too, her performance a quietly compelling portrait of quiet desperation.
Jeopardy (dir. John Sturges, 1953)
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Barbara Stanwyck was in such a wealth of films that I can forgive myself for not realizing this one even existed. After seeing it, it's easily in my top five favorite films of hers. On the surface, the plot sounds like fodder for sleazy sex fantasy: a housewife on vacation is kidnapped by a hot escaped convict. She's racing against time to save her husband from drowning after the tide comes in at the beach where he's trapped; the convict has a very specific price for any aid he's willing to offer. Stanwyck's characterization complicates the situation and the direction amps the tension to a breaking point. Great, great stuff!
Girlfriends (dir. Claudia Weill, 1978)
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This film came across my path in a weirdly personal way. One of my sisters got engaged this year. We've been close all of our lives and shared an apartment for years, so this is going to be a big change for both of us. Girlfriends is about a young woman whose best friend is getting married, meaning she'll be on her own for the first time. In addition to making this adjustment, she's a photographer currently hired for weddings and bar mitzvahs, but dreaming of entering the larger world of art galleries. I guess you could say it's a 70s version of a quarter-life crisis film (Noah Baumbach's Frances Ha takes A LOT from it). The performances and direction are exceptional, having that unglamorous, lived-in vibe I love about the films of this period. It also just happened to come into my life at the most resonant time, so there's that.
Ivan the Terrible, Parts One and Two (dir. Sergei Eisenstein, 1945 and 1958)
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As a person who hates the idea that realism is the only valid form for cinematic drama, Eisenstein's hyper-stylized Ivan the Terrible movies are a joy. The compositions are like something out of a painting, the acting is operatic, the writing mythic and sweeping. The dance number in Part II is one of my favorite scenes in any movie ever. Best of all, the films rise above their propagandist origins, becoming a fascinating study of institutional power set against individual charisma.
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times (dir. Emilio Miraglia, 1972)
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I've been getting more into giallo lately and The Red Queen Kills Seven Times is among the more memorable titles. You have the fashion world setting, a disguised murderer running around in a red cloak, over the top kills, a villainous junkie who looks like Bucky Barnes, a spooky castle with death traps, the works. It's a movie where I don't really care too much about the plot. It's the off-kilter, sinister atmosphere that draws me in, as with most giallo movies.
Little Miss Sunshine (dir. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, 2006)
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It took Alan Arkin dying for me to finally get around to seeing this much beloved 2000s gem. I expected to only be interested in Arkin as the drug-addled, foul-mouthed grandpa, but the entire movie is so warm-hearted and hilarious that I fell in love with it whole hog. The characters are all quirky without being Quriky (tm), if you know what I mean. And I love the final message about just living your life and not worrying about whether or not you're "successful" in the eyes of society. An old theme to be sure, but done so, so well here. (Also, the mercilessly satirical jab at child beauty pageants is pure gold.)
Pom Poko (dir. Isao Takahata, 1994)
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I feel like a lot of western anime fans only see Pom Poko as "lol that movie where the tanuki have comically oversized testicles." And yeah, that is indeed something in this movie but there's so much more. It's one of the boldest films I've ever seen, an "animated documentary" (to use Takahata's words) about a village of tanuki waging war against humankind's encroachment upon the natural world. It's such a genre grab-bag, critic Daniel Thomas' description fits it best: "The story weaves through slapstick comedy, social commentary, satire, surrealism, and tragedy. It changes moods much the way the tanuki change form, bending and molding into a new shape, and relentlessly moving forward." I still think Only Yesterday is Takahata's best film, but Pom Poko is strong competition and yet another film I can see myself rewatching many times to come.
Bullet Train (dir. David Leitch, 2022)
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I still kick myself for not seeing this in the theater when it came out. Bullet Train is a wonderful lark of an action film. On first watch, I recall thinking it was like a live-action anime shot in a very Tarantino-esque style. I've seen it a few times now and I enjoy the hell out of it every time. And if you don't like it, well, you just might be a Diesel.
That Cold Day in the Park (dir. Robert Altman, 1969)
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Another film with a so-so reputation that I really enjoyed. Sandy Dennis (who's gradually becoming one of my favorites with every performance I see from her) plays a virginal rich woman who takes in a handsome young guy one cold day. Her initial kindness quickly curdles into erotic obsession and her house guest has his own secrets. It's an early Robert Altman film and not his most polished work, but that makes it all the more fascinating to me. It's a creepy psychological thriller with a haunting ending, as well as an interesting time capsule of the late 1960s.
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (dir. Russ Meyer, 1965)
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Where has this movie been all my life?? It's a bizarre campfest about three criminally minded go-go dancers who romp across the California desert, strewing all kinds of havoc in their wake. It's such a strange movie that I don't know how to describe it properly: it's got a New Wave sensibility to it all the while indulging in exploitation B-movie nonsense. Definitely a fun film to watch with a group.
Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (dir. Chantal Akermann, 1975)
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I finally bit the bullet to watch this one after it topped the 2022 Sight & Sound list. Do I think it's the greatest film of all time? No, but I don't like singling out any work of art for such a designation. Putting aside all the drama that ensued when this was granted GOAT status, Jeanne Dielman is a striking film. It's definitely not something you just throw on casually-- you need to set aside the time to watch it and be in the right headspace. My initial mild interest morphed into a sense of anxious dread as the film ground along its three hour runtime, its protagonist struggling to retain her total sense of self-possession and control as she's thrown off her groove by unexpected events.
The Wicked Lady (dir. Leslie Arliss, 1945)
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This is not high art by any means. It's melodrama with a capital M, laying the cheese on thick. Margaret Lockwood plays a devious, scheming femme fatale in 18th century England who's a gold-digging noblewoman by day and a highwaywoman cavorting with bad boy James Mason by night. This is easily the most entertaining of the Gainsborough melodramas I've yet seen, dripping with soap opera antics, sumptuous costumes, and camp-a-plenty.
War and Peace (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk, 1966-1967)
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There is no substitute for reading Tolstoy's massive novel, but this 1966 Soviet version is definitely a fine work in its own right. Filmed in three parts, it's about nine hours long and it does a good job capturing the interior lives of the characters in the source material. Everything about it is just breathtaking: the costumes, the sets, the massive numbers of extras during those battle scenes. It's the kind of intellectually and emotionally stirring epic that makes all those hours fly by.
The Sweet Smell of Success (dir. Alexander Mackendrick, 1957)
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I often chafe when people act as though all 1950s American cinema were Leave it to Beaver wholesomeness and buttoned up repression. Some of the nastiest Hollywood movies I've ever seen came out of the 1950s and The Sweet Smell of Success is prime among them. Among the best of the late classic noir period, it follows Burt Lancaster as a popular but monstrous newspaper columnist who uses his power to control the lives of everyone around him, particularly his sister, to whom he has a borderline perverse attachment. The dialogue is as sharp ("You're dead, son. Get yourself buried." "I'd hate to take a bite out of you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.") and the cynicism as thick as the best of Billy Wilder. If you love noir, you can't miss out on this one.
What were your favorite film discoveries of 2023?
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
*evil laughs* What about Diasonmia with a Fyodor Mc? Imagine thinking you got the magic less human and then they kill someone with one touch. I would crawl in a hole ane never come out-
[Diasomnia with a S/o like Fyodor]
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-He is already used to the gloomy nature of Diasomnia and other fae but he has never gotten such a gloomy aura from child of man before.
-It just makes him feel even more drawn to you and he gets ecstatic when he realised that you won't run away.
-Even more so when you accept being friends with him.
-Malleus has strong powers to he isn't worried about your powers at all but he is worried if others run away from you due to it.
-He just doesn't want you to have the same issues that he does because he knows that human are social creatures so you have to depend on someone else, one way or another.
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-He already seen many people like you but never been friends with them so he is giving you a try.
-He isn't regretting it either because no matter how hard he tries, he can not startle you.
-It just makes life more interesting for him, especially when you make smart but crazy plans that seem to work.
-As for your ability, he already has many experiences with fae so the ability alone isn't really scary, it's more like the person who has it.
-In ancient times, there were many conflicts between human and fae so the fact that a human like you has this power is both relieving and confusing.
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-You two actually met coincidentally after he fell asleep in Ramshackle as if he was trying to do a reenactment of Goldilocks and the three bears.
-After you had to wake him up, he apologised and was surprised to see your evil smile instead.
-He decided to be friends with you right then and there because he thought it was a funny joke.
-Wait... it was a joke ,right??
-Anyways, once he found out about your ability, he gets a bit down and relieved at the same time.
-Sad because you aren't an average human like he is and wouldn't need to depend on him too much, since he likes to feel like he is strong.
-Relieved because you can protect yourself to threats when he is asleep or not around.
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-His initial thought was for you to not to spread that depressing aura to Malleus but as time went on, he just got used to you being around.
-So he seeked Lilia for help.
-And Lilia decided that Sebek could use another friend other than Silver.
-Sebek was against it at first but then he thought that if he made more friends, he can spread Knowledge to everyone about Malleus's greatness.
-Once, he talked to you, he found you interesting, you were pretty much gothic despite not being part of Diasomnia which raised a lot of questions and you were a bit sinister.
-But nonetheless, he still enjoyed your company and even started to talk about other things to you rather than trying to get you to join a Malleus fanclub.
-Once he found out about your ability,he was curious, were you trying to act stronger than the Malleus.
-Once you finally reassure him that you weren't, he asks questions and when he finally believes you, he says he would accept you for now.
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quibbs126 · 13 days
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So I’ve been drawing this today
It’s a redraw of this picture I made a good 3 or so years ago
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Funny enough, this isn't technically the origin of the picture either, as I made a pose base for it that I just ended up reusing with these two, which was originally taken from a Pokémon anime screenshot that featured Jesse and Steven in wedding outfits (I don't think I have a picture of that original)
Anyways, so I made this because I was drawing these guys again, as you already know, and I just wanted to redraw this piece, seeing as how I was already redesigning them. This also gave me a good time to figure out Rasmus' green design
Also note I ended up asking my friend for ideas with the trio's new names, and she suggested Cinder for Rasmus. The name fits his theme, but I don't know if I'm personally sold yet. Personally, I like Cedar but upon looking it up, cedar isn't really a dark brown color, if anything it's more red, so
I did end up changing his colors to a more yellowish hue, which made me think of olives. So I think I might make his birth name Olive
I feel like Olive is seen as a more feminine name, while Basil would be more masculine, when it's the opposite here. Ah well
I tried to give them more "western" style outfits, but I really did end up just making something up. I think it turned out fine though
The flower in Periwinkle's hair is supposed to be like a rose, but I don't actually know how to draw roses, and can only vaguely remember how a super cartoony rose I saw was drawn, so have a flower that's kind of just...something
Also, she doesn't normally wear a flower in her hair, but the depicted scene is supposed to be when they got married, so it's a special occasion. They eloped to be together, so their marriage wasn't really much of anything other than paperwork and a nice dinner, but it was still a very happy day for them
I was originally going to give them the normal colored outlines I give characters, but I got this dark blue and was like "screw it, make that the whole outline color" and so I did. Gives me a blue ballpoint feel and I like it. I did do Olive's horns a different color, but I usually draw those horns like that, it just doesn't look right with normal line colors
And I just realized I forgot their tails. They do have them, but I keep forgetting they exist when I draw them. I mean I suppose they aren't that important, but still
Also, while I wasn't able to portray it, Olive is supposed to be very fluffy. It didn't feel entirely right to have his chest fur be out so you can see it, and I was struggling with giving the characters chin fur prior, so I didn't put that. I do have to come up with a solution to that. Also, while Olive was fluffy and soft, after his transformation his fur basically singed off and he hasn't been able to grow any more than short, rough fur. It is something he mourns but isn't that pressing in the grand scheme of the disaster he found himself in
Also while we're here, I might as well explain some backstory between these two
So Periwinkle comes from a rich, aristocratic family while Olive came from a somewhat poor one, where he and his mother worked at the local tavern. Olive's parents had him young and on accident, and a few years in his dad dipped due to his rising music career (though he did regularly send them some of his earnings), and Basil's pretty bitter about the whole situation
Anyways, so Perri and Olive eventually met and fell in love. However, Perri's family disapproved of their romance due to Olive's status, and Basil disapproved because this was exactly how she got into her situation (it wasn't exact, the two couples had very different relationships, but it was close enough for Basil to see their relationship as rubbish). So they eventually decided to run away so they could be together, with some help coming from Perri's sisters, who thought that Olive's status also didn't matter and they knew he was a good guy
Things would end up going horribly for them, but at least for a couple years, they were happy together
And yeah, that's this. Legit, I'm really proud of how this redraw came out, and I like looking at the clear improvement
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dragongodryss · 15 days
Rogue headcanons (featuring Sabertooth) (Part 1)
Likes frogs (very normal about the frogs)
Can draw, but will only draw frogs, unless he's seen a really cool butterfly or something recently.
Can draw insanely detailed backgrounds for his frogs. He can draw anatomically correct frogs, if he really tries. He chooses not to. Because frogs are supposed to be fun. Either he scribbles a bunch of vaguely froglike creatures onto a sheet of paper or he scribbles a vaguely froglike creature and draws a comically detailed background. Sting thinks it's hilarious.
He gives Frosch the sheets with a bunch of frogs so she can make comics out of them. He insists that they are highly moving. They are nonsensical at best and incomprehensible at worst, in Minerva's unhumble opinion. Sting and Lector understand them fine. (50/50 chance, but they aren't going to tell Frosch that)
He chills on top of wardrobes and other hard to get places sometimes. Just because he can. Who's gonna stop him?
He has a house key, but doesn't use it when he's alone. He doesn't need to.
He is scarily quiet. Like, metal boots, can sneak up on anyone who isn't a dragonslayer quiet.
He can pick locks. He doesn't need to, ever. But he can do it.
He is simultaneously the best and worst on his team at reading social cues. Don't ask how. He doesn't know. He has the easiest time telling when someone is annoyed, but is the worst at telling when someone is joking.
He gets surlier around large groups of people because he can hear all the noise they make, but unlike Sting, he can't seem to tune it out.
He will not touch bitter food.
He wears his bangs the way he does in part because they take some of the glare off the sunlight. He's pretty sure they do, anyway.
He can see in the dark, but needs time to adjust to changes in light. That's the second reason he has the bangs. When the lights go out, he tucks them behind his ear and closes the normally visible eye until it adjusts. Until then, he can still see.
The third reason is that Sting and Frosch said his hair looked cool the first time he wore it that way and he hasn't looked back.
Rogue sometimes uses his Dragon Force when it's raining to avoid getting wet. 1) Because he wears a lot of clothes and they add a lot of weight when they are soaked. Also they cling to him and he hates it. 2) If his lacrima doesn't make him stronger than Gajeel or Natsu or Laxus, then he might as well find other uses for it. 3) Because fuck you, that's why!
He has autism. Not the science genius kind, the kind that makes you draw 100 frogs in one sitting. He doesn't actually know that much about frogs. He just thinks they're cool.
His record for frogs drawn in one sitting is 267. Sting keeps track. Rogue does not know that he keeps track. Sting insists that that would corrupt the database. Rufus calculates the average frogs per sitting.
He and Yukino are the only ones who can consistently get away with directly sassing Minerva. Yukino because Minnie likes her and Rogue because she either really really had it coming or more often because she's not sure he meant it that way (he does about 77% of the time.) Sting and Rufus are counting. He doesn't know about that either. If he did he'd suggest they get a hobby. Yukino knows and finds it funny. Minerva doesn't know because Sting likes Rogue's face where it is. Orga tries to corrupt the database by dropping veiled insults in casual conversation and hoping Rogue will repeat them. Dobengal knows he does this and annotates the instances where he uses those insults accordingly.
Rogue and Yukino drink ice tea (store bought) out of a teapot and teacups. Yukino does it because it makes Rufus squirm and Rogue did it the first time he drank ice tea (poured it from the bottle into the pot) and Sting thought it was funny and so did everyone who found out, so no one corrected him. He doesn't drink a lot of ice tea though, so Rufus hasn't corrected him yet.
Rogue speaks dravic/draconic/whatever you wanna call it and Fiori/Fiorean/whatever. He also understands several other languages that he can't really speak from before he joined Sabertooth.
He doesn't commit crimes if he can avoid it. That includes property damage. As a result, he has decent savings (not having your reward docked will do that for you, Sting!)
Rogue saw Orga give Yukino a piggyback ride once and totally doesn't want to try. That would be absurd. Why would he want Orga to give him a piggyback ride? Yeah, it would be fun, but- Good grief! He wants a piggyback ride. He'll never admit it, let alone ask for one.
Rogue considers Skiadram to have been a good parent. When Yukino asked him and Sting what kind of parents ask their five-year-olds to kill them, he stormed off. Not ready to unpack that today. When he found out that Skiadram altered his memories, he went to Yukino and treated it like a gotcha moment. Yukino told him that was worse. Sting, meanwhile, is a bit disillusioned with Weisslogia's parenting skills. He's not sure if it's better or worse than what Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy's parents did, just that it's not stellar. Rogue simultaneously supports Sting in his stance and fervently defends Skiadram by use of mental gymnastics that rival his physical capabilities.
Rogue is scarily flexible. He rarely uses it for anything, but occasionally he'll bend over the wrong way (backwards) to pick something up. He does it rarely enough that his guildmates largely forget he can do that and get heart attacks every time. One time Saber got five different property damage complaints in the same day and Sting dropped the papers so he did the thing (While all six were in the office) and was like 'I keep having to bend over backwards to pick up after you lot.' and Orga choked so hard Rogue had to do the Heimlich maneuver on him.
He has decent medical skills. Out of the dragonslayers, he's the second-most reliable medic after Wendy.
He likes chocolate a normal amount.
Will add more later
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themuse-if · 19 days
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Rina/Ren Fukushi
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have Rina/Ren Fukushi with us, our favorite future principal dancer. Rina/Ren, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue ballet?
Rina/Ren: *awkward smile* Uh hey...thanks for having me. Ballet is the epitome of grace and discipline. It's a form of art that allows me to express myself in a way that words cannot. From a young age, I was drawn to its beauty and complexity.
Interviewer: Describe your art, ballet, in your own words.
Rina/Ren: Ballet is about precision and control. Every movement is calculated and deliberate, conveying emotions and stories through the language of dance. It requires immense dedication and practice to perfect each step and technique.
Interviewer: How do you want to be seen by others?
Rina/Ren: I want to be seen as a dedicated and talented dancer. Someone who has worked hard to achieve excellence in their craft.
Interviewer: And how do you want your ballet to be seen by others?
Rina/Ren: I want my ballet to be seen as a form of art that evokes emotions and tells stories. I want the audience to be moved by my performances, to feel what I feel when I dance.
Interviewer: What trait do you value most in a friend?
Rina/Ren: Loyalty. I may not have many friends, but those I do have are incredibly important to me. I value their support and understanding.
Interviewer: You mentioned that you don't have many friends...would you say you have a best friend in your small circle?
Rina/Ren: Umm...my younger sister, Himari, she's a really good kid and no one understands me better than her. I'm honestly so proud to call her my sister. She's so smart and talented, incredibly funny and intuitive...wow...I'm really gonna miss her.
Interviewer: It sounds like you two are really close. When you go to NYU do you hope to make a new best friend?
Rina/Ren: I've never really been one to force friendships. I just feel like if it clicks then that's great and if not that's fine too. Respect and mutual understanding are really important to me. If someone is going to be my best friend they have to know and truly understand my priorities.
Interviewer: Would you describe your ideal partner the same way?
Rina/Ren: I haven't really thought about it. You may be right though. If I was going to date someone they would need to be able to understand my ambition and not resent me for it. Anyways, my focus is on ballet right now, not romantic relationships.
Interviewer: What is your latest obsession?
Rina/Ren: Perfecting my technique. I'm always striving to improve, to push myself further and become the best dancer I can be.
Interviewer: *sighs deeply* Do you have anything you're interested in that isn't ballet related?
Rina/Ren: I guess just general self care. If I'm not in good condition then I can't properly focus on my craft. With that in mind I focus on eating healthy, skincare, and an extensive workout routine. And yes, I do take days off. Burnout is very real and it can only hinder my process.
Interviewer: Sounds like you've got a super productive routine. Now on to something more personal. What was your first kiss like?
Rina/Ren: I haven't had my first kiss yet. *thoughtful pause* Well not technically...I've had one on stage...but nothing real. My senior year the ballet department was putting on Romeo and Juliet. I was cast as Romeo/Juliet. We never actually kissed during rehearsal so my first kiss was during the performance.
Interviewer: Was there any romantic tension between you and your fellow principal dancer?
Rina/Ren: No, obviously it was just for show. I wouldn't be a very good performer if I couldn't separate myself from the character I'm portraying.
Interviewer: Ok, ok understood. I think I already know the answer to this next question, but I still have to ask. When was your last relationship, and why did it end?
Rina/Ren: I've never been in a serious relationship. I've always been focused on ballet, and I haven't had time for anything else.
Interviewer: I thought so. What’s your ideal Friday night?
Rina/Ren: After I've finished practicing, I usually meet up with Himari at this indie movie theater Obscure Cinema. They have a year round Freaky Friday series where they show all kinds of horror, thriller and sci-fi movies. It's honestly pretty small so they don't have a concessions stand. Usually we'll stop and grab some food to take with us. It's definitely a little tradition that I'm gonna miss.
Interviewer: What’s the last song you listened to?
Rina/Ren: I don't really listen to music outside of ballet, but if I had to choose, it would probably be something classical.
Interviewer: How do you behave in a relationship?
Rina/Ren: I can't say for certain, as I haven't been in a relationship. I really don't know, I guess, I hope that my first relationship will be with someone that I'm really comfortable with. It would be nice to be able to be completely myself and feel seen and understood. I know that I'm extremely ambitious and that could make my future partner feel really lonely. Hopefully we could both be patient enough with each other to find the right balance.
Interviewer: Do you approach those you’re interested in or let them come to you?
Rina/Ren: I haven't really met anyone that I've felt drawn to enough. I think that I would really have to like someone, at least half as much as I like ballet. *silly grin* And that would be a lot, but I think that if I liked them that much then maybe I would try to make the effort.
Interviewer: What would someone have to do to grab you attention? to make you notice them in a romantic way?
Rina/Ren: I really admire people who put their entire selves into what they are passionate about. Someone who is driven, goal oriented, I think that someone who is exceedingly dedicated to their craft is probably the same in their relationships.
Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rina/Ren: I feel like this one is pretty obvious, but it's laziness. I can't stand people who half ass things. If you're going to do something then do it right.
Interviewer: What do you notice first about a person?
Rina/Ren: Their posture and body language. It can tell you a lot about a person. How someone tilts their head, the fall of their shoulders, if they speak with their hands, every little detail is very enlightening.
Interviewer: What did you dream about last night?
Rina/Ren: I don't really remember my dreams. I try to make sure that I always get the perfect restful 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Interviewer: Thank you so much for coming in today! It's been great to learn a bit more about you and how your mind works.
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xspeter · 1 year
𝟎𝟎𝟐: “the lucky one.”
reminder that this fic is written like the book, ‘daisy jones and the six’, so it is written in interview format.
m.list ⇦ previous chapter next chapter ⇨
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Y/N L/N (lead singer of, "Silver Springs"): Talent isn't always something that comes naturally. Lots of times there's years of hard work that's put into it- but not for me. I was born talented. Everyone knew it too.
This isn't just me having a big head, either. I could fucking sing. Why do you think I was as successful as I was?
Jessie Biles (biographer, author of "Y/N L/N: Wildflower"): You've got a rich, beautiful, teenage girl living in LA in the 70's. She's gorgeous- even as a child, and once you get to know her, you find out she's talented too.
She's born with all the money in the world and access to whatever she wants- artists, drugs, clubs- anything and everything at the tips of her fingers.
But she's alone. She's got no siblings, no extended family. Her parents are so focused on whatever bullshit they've got going on that they hardly notice she exists.
So, she acts out. She starts going to clubs, getting high with older men, starts doing some real illegal shit.
We love broken, beautiful people. And it doesn't get much more obviously broken and classically beautiful as Y/N L/N.
Y/N: I think the first time i went to a club I was thirteen. My parents were having some bullshit business party and locked me in my room.
I was done with their bullshit, so I opened up my window, pushed out the screen, and left.
I was barefoot, cold, and the only place I could think to go was downtown.
Johnny Marcum (owner of 'The Golden Fleece'): The first time that girl walked into my bar, I thought she was the most beautiful thing i'd ever seen.
Now, I didn't know she was thirteen when she walked in there! On my life, I thought she was at least 23. She just had this mature aura about her.
Y/N: The first thing I hear when I step into that dingy bar, is, "Hey, where are your shoes?" *laughs*, like, that's your biggest concern? Everyone can say that I looked so much older than i really was, but they knew.
Anyway, so I sit down at this booth with a couple older men. They're all strung out, and they're buying me drinks, and at some point, one of the men pulls out a baggy full of pills.
I don't remember which one of them offered, but i was in such a bad place that I- I took it, and it just exploded from there. I mean, that was just the start. I started going out at least six times a week after that, and if my parents noticed they sure as hell didn't care.
Johnny: Y/N was at The Golden Fleece pretty much from sunrise to sundown. She'd be singing, dancing, talking, hell some days she'd just come and sit in silence.
      A lot of the girls who came walking around town back then were always trying to be something they weren't. skinny, pretty, funny- you name it, they wanted to be it.
      Y/N was never like that though. She was never anything except for herself, and I imagine that's why people were drawn to her like they were.
Y/N: Being involved in that kind of life like I was, and at the age that I was, well it taught me about sex and love the hard way.
      I remember there was this one night, there was this older guy there. I don't even remember his name but... he took my virginity. We were at the golden fleece and he led me across the street to some random motel to do some lines. Said I was, "The girl of his dreams."
      I was drawn to him because he was interested in me. I wanted someone to actually look at me, y'know? I had just wanted someone to see me, and I thought he did.
      When he was done he got up, told me to get dressed, and did another line. Then he says, "If you wanna go back down to The Golden Fleece, that'd be fine." I knew he meant he wanted me to leave, and so I did.
      I never even saw him again.
Shyla Rode (R&B star): The first time me and Y/N met, we were at a party that some rich old guy was hosting at his house.
Y/N: These men, they'd invite me to these random parties they were having and of course i'd say yes. most the time I just went for the drugs.
Shyla: Y/N was just a baby. She's a baby at a grown up party, and she's got herself involved in some shit she shouldn't even know exists. The men that I saw her with when we met? They were pigs.
Y/N: When I met Shyla, she practically rescued me from this dude who was trying to get me in bed. He was practically dragging me away and I was so high I just let him.
Shyla: The guy had to be at least twenty years older than her. So I walk up to them and i'm like, "Hey, babes, you ready to go?" and she stares at me and her eyes... it was like they were staring through you. Like- like she couldn't even actually see you.
Y/N: I was confused, but I was high, so I shook my head and I said I wasn't ready to leave, but Shyla was having none of it.
Shyla: I grabbed her hand and I said, "I think you are." But she kept trying to push me off her while we were walking and she just kept saying, "No i'm fine! I don't wanna go!"
Y/N: I know I was being difficult.
Shyla: The guy she was with was following us, trying to get me to let her go, and get this- he says, "You can't make her do anything she doesn't wanna do!"
      Like, what!? He was literally about to have sex with a minor who was high out of her mind! What does he know about consent? Like, come on. It's laughable.
Y/N: Shyla forced me to leave, and once we got in her car she asked me for my address, but I refused. I said, "Why should I tell you?"
Shyla: When she said that, it took everything in me to not kick her out of my car. But, no matter how hot headed she made me, she needed help.
Y/N: Since I wouldn't tell her where I lived, she just took me back to her place.
Shyla: What else was i supposed to do? She was high, she was barefoot, and she was refusing to let me take her back to her house.
Y/N: The next morning when I woke up, I was sober. I hated being sober. So I get up off the couch and start looking around the apartment for... well anything I could get my hands on. Pills, alcohol, weed- anything.
Shyla: I woke up because someone kept slamming my cabinets, and I walk out and of my room, and there's Y/N, walking around my place like she owned it.
Y/N: I didn't even notice she was up until she yelled, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
      My first instinct was to run, but I didn't. I closed the cabinet, cleared my throat, and said, "I'm hungry."
Shyla: I knew she was lying, but I went with it anyway.
Y/N: She made me some of best pancakes i've ever had. After that I knew this woman was about to be my best friend.
Shyla: I think I became like, almost her mother. I was basically her guardian. She stayed the night at my house for like, weeks at a time.
Y/N: My parents never even noticed I was gone. I mean i'd come back to get some clothes or for whatever I needed, they'd glance at me, watch me leave, and never say anything.
Shyla: During the week, I would be at the studio working on my debut album, so I couldn't watch her, and a lot of the times when i'd get home she'd be higher than a kite.
Y/N: I don't know if I remember a time where I wasn't either high or thinking about getting high. Whenever shyla was gone, i'd go up to The Golden Fleece, do some pills, maybe do some weed or do some coke if anyone had any, and then i'd go back home.
Shyla: Honestly, it was starting to get... exhausting.
Y/N: So, one day shyla comes home and i'm obviously high out of my mind, and she'd obviously had enough of my bullshit.
Shyla: I said to her, "You need to get your fucking act together. If you wanna live here, you're gonna get your ass in school."
Y/N: I was never... good at school, and my parents never paid enough attention to me to know if I was going or not, so when shyla started making me go, I almost moved out.
Shyla: Her grades were always right on the cusp of failing and passing, but I did my best to help her out whenever i could.
      It wasn't like she didn't try, either. There were a lot of nights she would be sitting at the kitchen table until the late hours of the night, doing her homework or studying for exams.
Y/N: When I graduated, the only person who showed up was shyla. She was the only person who cheered for me, yet she was louder than all the other families.
Shyla: After Y/N graduated I released my first album and... it was a flop. The record label dropped me, and since that was our only source of income, Y/N was forced to get a job at some roundabout diner.
Y/N: The job at the diner didn't pay enough to keep paying for the apartment we were at though, so we were forced to downsize.
Shyla: Sometimes, when Y/N did the dishes or she was showering, she'd sing this little tune to herself. Sometimes they were songs i'd heard, but usually they were songs she'd made up
on her own.
Y/N: I started to really get into writing my own music. Usually it just a chorus or a bridge. I never really finished a song start to finish.
Shyla: I was determined to get Y/N to do something with that voice of hers, but one thing about Y/N, you can't force her to do something she doesn't wanna do.
      She'd really come into herself back then too. s
Stopped letting these men do whatever they wanted with her.
Y/N: I was seeing this guy named Aiden Bower. He was some upcoming solo singer or some shit. But, he definitely loved me more than I loved him.
      This one night we're lying in bed and he says, "I don't understand why you don't love me as much as I love you." And I just layed there in silence. I mean, what the fuck do you say to that?
      So, once he finally falls asleep, I get this idea for a song. I take out my journal and I write down some lyrics for a few hours, and then I finally fall asleep.
      When I wake up he's got the journal in front of him and his guitar in his lap, and he's reading over my songs. More specifically, the one I had written the night before.
      He says to me, "You know, you can go professional with a lot of this shit." But I just shrugged him off. 
      A couple weeks later, I hear my song on the radio. But get this, it's not me singing it.
Shyla: That bastard took her song and never even fucking credited her for it.
Aiden Bower: Look, that never fucking happened. this is why i cant stand Y/N L/N. She spreads all these lies about me. I wrote that song, end of story.
Y/N: It was starting to become a pattern. This one time, i'm having breakfast at this little rundown diner with this director guy. Now, back then I would always order a glass of champagne with my breakfast. But, I was also always tired because i didn't get enough sleep. So I needed coffee, but obviously I couldn't just order coffee cause I was already amped up from the pills I was taking. And drinking the champagne would put me to sleep- you see my problem? So I used to order champagne and coffee together, and at the places servers knew me, i'd just call it an 'Up and Down.' And this guy i was with thought it was hilarious. He says, "I'm gonna use that in something some day." and he wrote it down on a napkin and put it in his pocket.
      That's how it was back then. I was always gonna be the inspiration for some man's great idea. But you know what? Fuck that.
      That's why I decided to start putting my own shit out there.
Shyla: I was the only one who wanted her to do something with herself- do something with her talent. Everyone else would just make something of themselves with what she had.
Y/N: I had absolutely no interest in being anybody else's muse.
      I am not the muse.
      I am the somebody.
      End of fucking story.
Shyla: Next thing we know and it's 1982 and       Y/N's started wearing these big hoop earrings. She never wore shoes either.
      Y/N started seeing this guy, he was just like everyone else in LA- trying to make a name for himself, and he drags me and Y/N down to this karaoke bar.
Y/N: He practically begged me that entire night to get up on stage with him. Eventually, I gave in.
      It's pretty nerve-wracking. The first time you get on stage in front of all those people, and they're all looking at you like they're expecting you to amaze them.
      And it feels so good when you do.
Shyla: She was a fucking natural on that stage. took all the attention away from whatever shit head she was seeing at the time. Around the second chorus, she just let it rip.
Marcus Jennings (lead singer of Amor): When I went up there with Y/N, I had no idea that her voice was that powerful. I’d heard her in the shower before but- on that stage? she was fucking amazing.
She had this incredible voice. Gritty, but never scratchy. It made everything she sang complex and a little unpredictable. You know, i’ve never had much of a voice myself, but you don’t need a voice to be a singer if your songs are good enough- but Y/N? She had the whole fucking thing.
She had the talent of someone who had been practicing for years- decades even- and it was just natural. I was always trying to get her to sing with me, and that was the first night she actually agreed.
I told Y/N, “The biggest thing your songs have going for them is that you might sing them.” But she always hated when people tried to help her.
She yelled at me for a while, and then eventually, she asked me where she should try and play some gigs.
Y/N: I wanted- no I needed to get my songs heard. So I started going around to different karaoke bars, I even did some backup vocals on Shyla’s album that she was working on.
Suddenly, it was like there was so many people trying to convince me to do a demo. All these men wanted to be my manager but I knew what they really wanted. All they saw was this naïve girl that would believe anything they said- but I wasn’t that girl anymore.
There was this dude named Martin Brenner, and he was the only one I could tolerate. Mostly because he was the only one actually interested in my music.
Shyla: Something Martin hadn’t put into account though, was that Y/N couldn’t stand when people tried to tell her what to do.
Y/N: Brenner gave me this song by some song writer I had never even heard of, and he asked me to record a demo of it.
I show up to the studio, I read over the song, I sing it how I wanna sing it, Brenner asks me, “Can you sing it a little smoother?” I said, “Nope.” And I left.
Shyla: She got signed to Upside-Down Records right after that.
Y/N: I didn’t care about the singing. It was the songwriting that I loved. So when Brenner started to try and dictate what I sang and what I didn’t sing- it made me mad.
So, Brenner shows up to my house and he asks for a compromise. I say, “I either sing my own songs- or i’m not signing your contract.”
Shyla: I wish I could’ve seen Brenner face when she said that.
Y/N: He barely even argued with me. I told him what I wanted, and I wasn’t letting up. So eventually, he told me I needed to write some real songs. Not just the half-assed songs I was writing at the time.
So that’s what i did.
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ppl should honestly write more books in this format. it’s easy to write and easy to read.
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itspeanutlove · 1 year
So I'm just gonna scream at the void for a second about wicked phases in Mairimashita Iruma-Kun (and also We Are The Main Characters Of The Demon World). Spoilers BTW!
They're absolutely wild. I'm just gonna talk about the wicked phases of Iruma, Azz, Sabro, Goemon, Shaoron and Zom.
So, starting with Iruma. His wicked phase... isn't actually a wicked phase, it's artificial and caused by Ali-san. Irumean isn't evil but is more confident and we all know how cool both Irumean and Irumeani is. A thing to notice though is that in his 'wicked phase', Iruma's hair color is darker than usual. His eyes are also more slanty(?). Idk. Basically he looks different, so just remember this part cuz I'll go back to it later.
Azz and Sabro, I don't think they're super natural either(?). They were trained to go into the wicked phases and can be snapped out of it – also in Sabro's case he had pills and stuff to get into the wicked phase iirc. I don't think Azz has any changes in appearance during his wicked phase, but with Sabnock his hair turns black. Also remember this! :D
Goemon's case is really interesting too since he's the first one we see go into his wicked phase on screen. His true appearance can be seen when his silver coat flies up - maybe cuz it got all windy? Just a theory but maybe the wind got all out of control when it was his wicked phase, since it was mentioned that wind was his family's specialty.
Now, finally, for the fellas from the spinoff.
Shaoron's just kinda a troll in his wicked phase. It's pretty funny. Also, he has eyebags or something? Anyways, not much to note aside from how it's interesting that he kinda riles people up at that state and his bloodline ability is 'Hate Eater' (does exactly what you think it does).
For Zom, he's the most interesting one of the bunch. Why? Because of his tail!
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IIRC, he's the only one whose wicked phase can be stopped just like that (without training I assume). Since for Azz and presumably Sabro, they've got training and have a 'safe word' to snap them back to normal (Iruma is Azz's safeword 🥺) while all someone has to do to snap Zom back to normal is extinguish the fire on his tail. Which admittedly is easier said than done since he actively throws explosives at you.
This little feature makes for a nice 'chicken or the egg' paradox too. I think. Since it goes on fire if he's in his wicked phase... If he's normal and it gets lit on fire does he go into his wicked phase? Or does he just explode?
Also Zom's family has got to have amazing lawyers. From the last time Zom got a wicked phase (from one panel from the time Shaoron was in his phase) he apparently snapped out of it and saw everything around him burned to rubble someone either extinguished the fire or he caused a kilometers wide radius of destruction. Also he revives?? And when revived, is back to normal?? That's absolutely wild.
So, remember the thing I told you to remember?
Iruma, Sabro, Shaoron and Zom's appearance changes during their wicked phases!
Though, Shaoron's appearance change is more minor with his eyebags and teeth being drawn differently, Iruma and Sabro have a whole hair color change. Their wicked phases aren't natural, so maybe that's why their appearance changes so radically?
Zom's the real outlier though. Come on man whats with that??? Im concerned for him- either way aside from the lit tail-fuse thingy there isn't really much of an appearance change. From the comment Shaoron made about Zom having a weird constitution (pics above), that's probably unusual in the demon world.
I might update this when chapter 151 of the spinoff releases.
Anyways that was my pointless 'theorizing' since none of my friends are really that into iruma. The spinoff isn't 100% canon probably but Nishi does 'proofread' it i think, so still a bit canon. Just thought it was neat to point out the differences
Thanks for spending ur precious time reading this barely put together thought process!
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beevean · 9 months
Is it too soon to speak of the concept that Lanolin has wasted potential yet? Because I am so convinced she could have been a far more likeable, or at least tolerable character if:
We got an actual explanation for why she acts the way she acts, because right now we simply have no idea why she suddenly is so bitchy. I really do think that showing that she acts this way because it is how she thinks leaders act (stern, always right, always knowing what to do, always in control) and then learning that no, being leader means respecting those around you and knowing that you are not high and mighty above your subordinates, makes for a far more interesting character than... well, this.
It didn't constantly appear as if she hates her teammates and everyone else around her except for Duo. This isn't from recent issues either: she's been drawn odd, bored, tired, annoyed, etc etc more than a dozen issues ago already.
Like... give me a Lanolin who is such a control freak she starts stressing out and panicking the moment things go south because she knows she is not cut out for this yet. Someone who sees Silver and Duo arguing and knows she cannot intervene, thus she lashes out and stops the argument before it can, in her mind, go further south. Someone who sees Whisper accuse a new teammate and clumsily tries to calm her down, which does not work. Not that constant anger and irritation, especially aimed at Tangle, and her sheer contempt for Silver. Someone who is really doing her best and wants to do well, but who has the entirely wrong idea of what constitutes the role she has put herself into. No more disappointed kindergarten teacher who is never called out by anyone in the narrative.
I personally would wait until the end of this whole story arc before deciding how much of a waste she is. It's what I did for Surge and Kit... and even then the comic is bringing them back so who knows what's going to do with them 😂
Lanolin is more of an interesting case of writers clashing, because you just know that ABT had a completely different personality in mind when he designed her.
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You've seen anything like this so far? Lanolin being more of a stepford smiler? Yeah, exactly.
Lanolin's behavior would make sense if we had confirmation that she, like Whisper, has been left with trauma after everything she went through off screen. She would be a foil to her! Whisper became an introverted loner, Lanolin now insists on forming teams and having them hyper-organized. Whisper's personality is withdrawn, Lanolin forces her (fake) personality on others. Hell, even her overreaction over being grabbed could be passed as one stemming from trauma!
But I don't get that. Lanolin doesn't seem to be high-strung. She seems, as you say, like she can't stand a single person around them and only interacts with them out of polite courtesy. She's mean as a personality trait. And it's not even that she clashes naturally with certain kinds of people, like say Tangle who is scatterbrained so of course the control freak wouldn't stand her; the only person she has shown something resembling respect so far is Sonic, and even then not always. Around Tangle, Silver, Whisper, she has this constant disdainful look on her face.
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Who pissed in your cereal, ma'am? This isn't funny! She's mean! And Tangle has fallen far down in my list of liked characters, but ffs she hasn't done anything to deserve this glare!!
Anyway, to get at your point. Lanolin has shown one moment of vulnerability very early on, when her operation failed. That was the one time she admitted she didn't know what she was doing. That was a moment of relatability and sympathy for her, because the audience could see a hidden side of her and understand where she was coming from.
It hasn't happened so far in this arc. Again, I have no idea how much we're meant to understand Lanolin. I only know that so far she has only shown one emotion, and it's contempt against people who don't deserve it. This is not how you write a likeable character, not even as an antagonist. She's not fun to hate. She's just a bully.
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I think part of why most people I've talked to like Hazbin Hotel better then Helluva Boss, and why most of the writing problems in Helluva aren't as present in Hazbin, are because Hazbin is an ensemble show that treats all it's characters as EQUALLY IMPORTANT, while Helluva Boss is an ensemble show that just. Really wants to be the Blitzø and Stolas show.
Like oh my god that show wants to be about only Blitzø and Stolas so bad. It's why Moxxie gets more focus then Millie(he's closer to Blitzø), it's why the Stolitz drama gets dragged out the way it does, it's why Fizz has been getting more attention then the rest of the supposed main cast lately. Viv and Brandon(who doesn't get brought up very often when discussing the writing in Helluva Boss despite being the main cowriter?) CLEARLY just wanna focus on Blitzø and Stolas' backstories and relationship, despite marketing Helluva as an ensemble show. Moxxie gets some time as an individual, but I think that's more of a biproduct of him being around for longer then the other side characters tbh. Like they were initially concieved FOR Hazbin, and I'm not really sure where production went from there, but I believe they were originally just supposed to be an assassin duo that showed up in Hazbin a couple times? Idk details are fuzzy so if anybody knows more and feels like sharing feel free to rb/comment with your knowledge. Anyways Moxxie has more depth because he's been in development for longer, and as season 2 progresses it really feels like they're running out of shit to talk about with him. Everybody else is secondary to those two, which would be FINE if the show was PRESENTED as being about Stolitz, but it's kinda. Not. The show, especially if your going off of the pilot, is presented more like "the Office but in Hell". That is the concept most people are drawn in by. So when the people who signed up for a funny ensemble show in Hell start watching and end up with just a bunch of relationship drama and some occasional focus on like 1 or 2 other characters, they get confused and put off. It's like trying to watch the Office but getting Bojack Horseman(I think. I don't know much abt BJH-) instead.
Meanwhile Hazbin is advertised as an ensemble show and, so far, has fulfilled that promise. All 4 of the episodes we've gotten so far have focused on different characters and, between them, given an equal amount of focus to everyone except maybe Niffty. Episode 1 had Charlie and Vaggie leading the subplots, episode 2 had weirdly Vox and Sir Pentious as the focuses?, episode 3 was about. Pretty much everyone really but Velvette, Carmilla and Vaggie got especially highlighted because of their songs, and episode 4 was focused entirely on Angel and his relationships with the rest of the cast. Like. That's how ensemble shows are supposed to work. And while Charlie is still the main focus of the show, and I'm sure we'll see her get highlighted a whole lot more in coming episodes, Hazbin is still at it's core about EVERYBODY. Even characters that aren't even close to mains are getting attention! And aside from some uh. Very obvious pacing issues, the show handles the ensemble cast surprisingly well! And like, I think the main complaint I've seen(that isn't a straight up controversy) is that the Hotel isn't the main focus of the show? Which like. To be fair we're only like four episodes in? And also fits into my false advertising argument about Helluva but honestly this post is getting long and my brain is kinda melting and it's almost 2am and I have school tomorrow so I'm gonna cut this off here.
In conclusion Hazbin Hotel is generally more well liked than Helluva Boss because it's a true ensemble show, while Helluva is actually the Blitzø show PRETENDING to be an ensemble show. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk :)
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owlyflufff · 1 year
I was wondering what drew you to this ship specifically? Like it's an amazing ship and my personal favorite, but I wanted to know if you had a special reason for loving it so much! :)
Anyway be sure to have an AMAZING day! You 100% deserve it!!!
Hallo anon <33!
Oh! Interesting question and to be honest I'd have to pull up a 99+ slide because I love them so much- but to sorta squeeze in all my thoughts ><!
Interestingly enough, I didn't exactly ship anyone nor was I drawn to any of the pairs in Haikyu after watching Season 1 up to Season 4 Part 1 (second half with the Inarizaki match was not airing/ hadn't been announced yet even during this time). I acknowledged a lot that the ships existed like kagehina, iwaoi, etc but it was more of "yep I see them as a duo both romantically or platonically, and I'm okie with both or either" + liked fanart and bokuaka was given that same perspective from me before. They had a cute and funny dynamic but granted, I didn't perceive them to be a ship that I would make as my favorite and just casually acknowledge the ship's existence + appreciate the fanart.
However, that changed when I read the manga.
A good number of people loved and shipped bokuaka wholeheartedly from the start while some after reading the manga and I was one of the those people because WOW DID THE FUKURODANI VS. MUJINAZAKA CHANGE THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFE-
Much like some bokuaka shippers, this segment of the Nationals arc definitely either fueled their love for this dynamic or help them appreciate and be endeared even by this ship, most especially me.
On a more personal note, the one that really started it all, gave me a little push into loving them dearly when I was already at the tipping point was a certain piece of fanart.
Out of all the wholesome, genuinely lovely art I've seen, this has always been my favorite bokuaka art and the one that help started it all, made by the amazing @/pistachiolan <33.
Neither of them are speaking nor can you see the expression on their faces, but it's a beautiful summary of Bokuaka's dynamic.
And that's the thing, the reason why I was drawn so much to Bokuaka is because:
They're not childhood friends like Iwaizumi and Oikawa or Kenma and Kuroo.
They're not even in the same year level like Hinata and Kageyama or Ushiwaka and Tendou.
Yet, they have a bond that is built on so much trust, support and care for each other in such a short span of time. Almost like they've been there for each other for a lifetime.
It's not a one sided dynamic where one constantly gives and the other gets and doesn't return becase Akaashi gave Bokuto everything he needed so that his star could shine for the world to see (him and Fukurodani gave him the company Bokuto never particularly had) in the same sense that Bokuto didn't want to shine alone or be left in an empty galaxy, he wanted Akaashi to shine just as much whether they were or weren't teammates anymore and gave him words such as "giving 120%" and a generally more positive mindset that outbests any logic Akaashi could have put down ("It's not impossible, just very hard!"), that became something Akaashi carried with him and even became a driving force for his profession as Udai's manga editor.
And seeing them in the timeskip, those happy smiles Akaashi gives to Bokuto when he sees how brightly Bokuto shines on the court, the excitement Bokuto has when he sees Akaashi shining just as much in his own profession when he gets to talk to them after the Jackals Adlers match and how immediately he asks to spend time with him, their same silly odd language that no one can understand but them and how they've seemingly never changed.
To see that bond full of trust, support and care never once waver throughout the years, you can't help but ask: what isn't there to love about Bokuaka?
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jq37 · 1 year
The fact Gerard's vision of a better world is 'none of that 5am bullshit, we wake up at 8 to workout', just the best. I wonder if Ylfa's still got dawg in her, or if that's not a thing in her new reality. Anyway, another great finale for the books, wrapped more satisfyingly than I expected. There were so many threads, I didn't think they would have the time. I was expecting the Top Hat Fairy to do something to help like Turquina, but *shrug*. I suppose Ylfa having that hat for the rest battle was enough help and was definitely not a waste of precious resources. *sighs* So many 20's, so many stressful Box of Doom's, on the edge of my seat the whole time, satisfying conclusions to everyone's story arcs. You can't ask for better than that.
OK this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit for two reasons. The first is I've just been majorly busy with IRL stuff. The second is that I have...let's say mixed feelings about Neverafter as a whole having seen the finale. 
Like, as a vehicle for comedy (which Dimension 20 largely is--makes sense considering the cast is all comedians who are friends. A recipe for shenanigans if I've ever heard one) the season absolutely succeeded. There were very few moments of this season where I wasn't entertained. Thinking about Ylfa saying the phrase, "honking big" will break me every time. Watching the cast lose their mind during adventuring party every week as they descended further into madness was fantastic. And Ylfa going in for the kiss w/ Pinnochio at the end had me dying. 
But as a story? And specifically, as a story ABOUT stories? 
[To be clear, I am talking about MY opinions here. To everyone who really loved how this season wrapped up, that's fantastic! I'm just talking about me and my thoughts. Even when I'm making broad statements, I'm still just talking about me. Cool? Cool.]
Just to start with the broadest thing, it is *insane* to have a finale that is nigh incomprehensible without having watched some bonus content, and honestly, only slightly more comprehensible if you have watched that bonus content. Like, was it FUNNY to see the full cast practically melting as they went feral for the Orange Fairy? Yes, obviously. But it also undercut any sense of like real stakes or weight to the entire affair. 
I'm not the biggest fan of final fights in general because it often feels like just drawn-out math, but I feel like, even factoring that in, the fight didn't feel as engaging as it could because by the second part of the fight, we were fighting characters we hadn't spent a lot of time with. Like, sure, I have thoughts about how the princesses were handled but we did spend time with them. Enough time to at least have some sort of opinion when they were taken down. And enough time for characters to have relationships with them that paid off during their fights--Red taking down La Bete for instance, or Pinnochio reaching out to Mira. With the fairies, we only really met three of them (Turq, The Evil One, and the Godmother), and we really only got a half-decent read on Turq. So it really wasn't that emotionally satisfying (outside of whatever emotion they were CLEARLY getting from their Orange Fairy Acid Trip). 
And then the Authors we know the least about! There were all these meta elements that were introduced in this season that weren't really explored much at all. So that element felt really obligatory to me. It was like, the fighting of a vague concept. Which isn't to say that can't work. They fully fight the American Dream in Unsleeping City 1. But that worked for me because (1) they had the concrete villain of Robert Moses to fight as well and (2) there was a very clear thematic reason they were fighting the American Dream. Put a pin in that, I'm coming back to it. 
The last two big elements in the fight are the Gander who didn't really do anything but by all accounts, SHOULD have been a bigger player and the Stepmother who ABSOLUTELY should have felt more satisfying to defeat because I actually think she has one of the more interesting stories in the story. Unlike the princesses (who struck me as shortsighted and selfish at worst and majorly misguided at best) and the PCs (who felt very rebel without a cause and a bit aimless for large parts of the season), I fully understand why a character who is always written to be evil would want to be like OK, screw it. Burn it all down. But then, at the last second, we get this, "No, wait, I actually wanted to free us all from the authors" thing and it just feels like it comes out of nowhere. Like, maybe giving her her name back gave her back her humanity or something, Fine. But it gave me so much whiplash. We did not spend enough time with her story threads for that to work imo. 
Going back to the Authors thing now. I'm going to skip over a bunch of my logistical questions about them (Is that one ink hand speaking for all Authors? For only some? What even is an Author in the context of this world? Is the world that exists above the Never After even really our world? Fairy Tales don't even have set authors most of the time. They're oral tradition. What does killing an ink hand do mechanically in the actual world? Did they kill the entire concept of storytelling or just give one person bad writer's block? ) and go to my thematic question which is, what is the tone that was meant to be struck here? Or I guess rather, why was this the tone struck? The idea of Authors as a malevolent force and that never really being challenged is so bizarre to me. Because storytelling as a concept exists in their world. So why would they assume malevolence rather than people who just don't understand they're playing with the lives of sentient beings? Like, I get the concept of seeing something just beyond your meagre comprehension and cracking. I really do. But that really only happened when Tim saw the ink. Everyone seemed to just jump on the "Authors Evil" bandwagon and didn't examine that further. And I guess you're not obligated to look further into the people who are controlling your life against your will (though, I really don't understand to what degree the Authors were actually doing that--add that question to the pile) but that makes for a very unsatisfying story beat. 
But even outside of that, it's a weird take on storytelling from a storyteller in a medium where you're seeing the storyteller on screen at all times along with the other six storytellers who are telling the story. It's like, an insane level of dissonance, watching someone narrate about how Authors are so cruel and uncaring while watching seven people who are so passionate about what they do, clearly having a great time in the world they created. It made that thread ring hollow to me. And I'm not trying to do some kind of pedantic gotcha like, "Oh ho. You said storytelling is bad and yet you are a storyteller. Interesting." That's not what I'm saying. If you want to tell a story about control and lack of control and agency and all that, then I can see having your players play characters who are being controlled by authors. But it wasn't explored in a way that made any kind of point other than, "Free will is good." Which...yeah. And I initially thought it was very cool that they were telling a story about character feeling like they didn't have agency in a medium where we literally have to watch the "extraplanar beings" controlling the characters' agency because I thought they were going to do something interesting with it but they never really did. Frustrating. 
There were hella loose ends that were never tied (What actually caused the Neverafter to merge? What does the Auroratory actually do? What caused the times of shadow*? What was going on in the other worlds?) but lastly, I just want to touch on the loose ends that actually *were* tied. Specifically in the epilogue. 
So the idea here is everyone gets to write their own stories. That sounds good in theory. But, in reality, people are gonna have wishes that contradict. And people are gonna have wishes that are bad. And people are gonna have wishes that control other people. Like, in this new reality Tom Thumb wakes up at 8. But that's what Ger wants. Is that what Tom wants? In this new reality Elody and Ger are divorced. Did they both want that? What if one of them didn't want that? What if multiple people want to be married to the same person? What if multiple people want to be royalty of the same place? What if multiple people want to be despotic dictators or the same place?
I'm not going to go through every epilogue, but Roz's in particular gave me pause. Not because she decided to not give herself a true love and in fact specify a cruddy dating life for herself--wouldn't have been my move but do you girl. No, it made me go "huh?" because Siobhan said that in this rewritten version, instead of avoiding spindles, she gets really good at handling spindles, and then when the witch shows up with a spindle, she knows how to handle herself. But that's just like...not how Sleeping Beauty works? Like, it's not that Auora's curse takes hold because she was bad at spindles. It happens because she was cursed to die (softened to sleep) when pricked by a spindle on that day and time! Michael Jordan could have been cursed to die via basketball on his 25th birthday and no amount of talent would have saved him because it's not about life experience. It's about magic. And like, I get that she wanted to have more agency in her story but that's just like...not Sleeping Beauty at that point. If she had been like, "So I spend my whole childhood preparing to face the evil fairy and defeat her in a battle of wits/magic/sword fighting/Uno/etc before my curse takes hold instead of letting people solve the problem for me" then that would have tracked for me. But as is? That was just bizarre. 
And then also the fact that the Stepmother AND the Gander were just like, good in this world? The stepmother, I can maybe kinda sorta buy. Like, I have questions 100%. Was this what Cinderella wanted? For her abusive stepmother to just get a clean slate to be in her life again? We're not given any indication that the Stepmother is really a nice person who is being forced to play into the villain kayfabe by her puppet masters and really in her heart just wants to be good. But that COULD happen (and I wish it had) so sure. Fine. But the Gander? The Gander, this primal force, just wants to be good and wander? First off, not the main thing here, but if I was Tim and this dude made my son turn to bones I'd be like??? No??? But also, I thought the Gander was like, a force of the universe! The opposite of the Goose! Yin and Yang type stuff! He can just be good with no cosmological consequences???
(Also, as I said, it's really kind of jarring to watch these characters like struggle for control of their stories and then just, in real time, while 6 actors put words in their mouths about what their best life is. I know that's the nature of the game but it doesn't make it not weird to watch.)
In conclusion, I found this season exceptionally funny but also not very narratively cohesive. I really wish it had come together a bit better because I really love fairy tales. My thesis project right now (which I'll probably share on here when I'm done with it)  is a fairy tale retelling and the last major writing project I worked on had a lot of fairy tale inspiration as well. I think there were a lot of potentially interesting ideas in this season! Pinocchio asking why other kids get to mess up but he can't is a great beat. Pib as an incarnation of an archetypical trickster spirit is inspired. The effects of a True Love's Kiss spell wearing off as your marriage crumbles has interesting implications. But it didn't coalesce in what I felt was a satisfying way. I admire the effort that went into this season and would love to see Brennan's notes because I'm sure there's a lot we never got to (some of which might answer some of my questions) but as is, it felt a bit overstuffed and underbaked. 
*OK, we actually did get an answer to this question, but it was so tautological as to be basically meaningless and I would like a more in-depth answer. 
PS: Oh! I got kind of carried away and didn't answer everything in your message. Let me fix that! 
-I think Ylfa is just a normal girl now. I did think Roz taking her in once she was separated from the wolf was very sweet. I have some existential questions about the splitting situation but the moment was still sweet regardless. I do like that people still draw her with the wolf ears though. Wolf ears are always fun. 
-It *is* very funny that Ger had a page to write literally whatever he wanted and that made the list. 
-I am fascinated by what would have happened if they'd failed that roll. I know Brennan said they'd have time looped back to the start and ended on a bummer note, but I mean like, what would the table's energy have been like. They've never lost like that before. Still haven't. And I didn't really *want* them to but also...my fatal flaw is curiosity so you know...
-Them fighting fully corrupted Tim would have been interesting too. What a cool what could have been. I'm sure there are so many of those. 
-That damn Top Hat. Do you think they're actually gonna sell that with the rest of the minis or keep it?
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